HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 7. I . I I I , I i , , I , . , - . M M . - M M . -, - - -_ L__ _ . __ _____ _ I - I - I : ' V ., I , I ! , i ! .". . , _ , 7 M , , !-1 - . ­ ­_­ __ I I . M M I I I I 1. I I I . . . I M I . . ,11'11.111i:4 04 below tbe rato Tor the pr"In Douglavi 10 000 toot on the water . A E M or 1140, 8299 feet 0 Incliev over all, 48 YeAr—aud 0.8 Uelow the Average I " HIM P toot boaml, and haij a dlEplacem M the ton years J$Q2-:L90J. ON, THE I Hogg ,,out Cy ONFE SS'S ION V F SWINI) LE ITIm rnvordad natural Inoraw of e , , , '_ . qUal to 7,700 toay. I R A' IN OF PALACES. ton or excees or births over . . Tho Goyeramout of Colombia bav V1UPT111140t pproved of the recent decree of th "to lose by 0111" Gentlemen From Nova Scutlam G'overrior of Paanama, plae 1% I Amounted, to 40,190. There Ing, a ta',y gralt,lont , D 1 [ wou a 11110 IV'Ppoftr to havo been a of $300 on all titeamors and sailing Ly I " Y """ALIAN COXI""TESS was "' 4 - 1 87 --Ion , , 4 decrease of 10,008 in the populat vessels oatortu tile orto of Panama da b!o year, but Must this at White River. or Colon wh , r, WIRE'LESS CHESS GAME, (1041111'a9w, there Ila a oot 111'ff In jipml tIrlIrg 110 the 44julger of jut a- --—-- ratlon, or vUleh, no official record t )cc 4 bubonic Plague asts. Theke Fine boon obtained. TUo eptimate4 " will .be devoted to dQfraylpg I .1 - I - _ , , , . I n In,the. middle of the year TERRORIZE RESIC ENT S 014 SHORE OxPunaes of the 'QuarantWe otatlons- is 9 ' 4. , 'S ­ I . 'opu'44,t'802 , was 1 2711. M Insured ner sister's Life f or' - ------- White [River, Sept- 1-Thore wa's TO PIRO 'ECUTE GOMPERS, great excitement 1.1 this settlement I . I BROOKS COMET. to -day. For the PA41; woe% there have — K'ng Alfonso and Party on, a I I been talf a doxon ",speolaWl takl Anti -Boycott Assoofation &Uer Him , T , $150900%0 and Locked -Her Up. FOU04 Ip the Spot Predicted for it from eaptorn Canada ng for a Threat He Made. *v W& and t6e Wq6t, passing Chicago, k opt. I.- Samuel eamp- 'M'ata IT Tour of the Provinces* I I W,hep Discovered [if 1,8$9. tt,rough. Yblto River avory day. To- 1>4rjoi-Alag. 81.-G0.U0iA1 Glovarl.; and a hetter olyllizatioon," Pays. for- - ,. o, i ad- ' 'Valeatt Ilion, CT ,arld, Aug, 81 --Xing Alfoaso, ar.- Cottle, W'Utch- 0,%Jl$ - or . day ttao, Nava Scotia contlagE nt CaLue ,,,tIllrieldent ar the American r poIll jig dead ,At, Sedan after an Ill. mcm Lord Mayor - ,no E. 1). - Geneva, N, Y., $opt, l. -The, a n It, one, rl,lloy have run tillage Ion of Labor, to to be Oallod to if. M , Bra 1; a 0 0 so I , r from., Liverpool r I of Dublin, who lia,s'just'arrIv(,x1 here periodic comet has just r - account In the courts for his advo- oompanlcd by the Prince and princo,p Now York Friday,, s6pt. 4,. laws laoUng two duvo Mil;D Coonera on hit, way to Pititlsbtirg 41 much As. tlioy like since leav- m 001Y U1090 vloW, aiid In now In the comstcell* i th I ay. ThLro they amaslied Pacy of the employment by tr4defi Of Asturias, left San Hobastlan yea- Wirel.'" Ic-peog. r. dil9ttligulsbod lvlm ULT during, J,IJJL76 have, IlVal In nd all. thoir tjon Capricoriluo, wIth, ojo ,r motion I ail lons Of the boy bott, which has t ja . " 1 0 It t 1,r , they coulti lay hands On been declared illegitl. The American . a provincial tour. Tbo fIeNt New York, Aug. 4 tlic, 114 ia in 10 I 11 - x 0 ort y on ,1,_14ia AMo,rjc41u, , r-ronell campaign in Mexico in 1803. days, A % I bavo, (lone. call fully a4;prL- wycstwaW. around'ItIS dopot, find ao a result m Line stOamer Zeeland, 0apt'. Hill, I no Went through the entire slego O! cli,to Lice lyroiscut condition Of the This comet was discovered by Dr, Qtgr..t man were looked up. Tiley hold Utf-Boycott A,s000la.tion, wbich Is blt0j) WAI mAdo at Llstell4, Navarre, which 1 rrlvcd early tO,,day frow Ant ' 39oty, In 1870, cominqUidlixI a 10141111ellt prayinools.11 (' W. It. Mlooke, prorcssor of astroni -bigh jlnka at Cartier an4 oome otlier organized to protect manufaotur the Wriner Ca.rll*t capital, wherC the twLrp, wao In daily 'Conmunloatlon , W1,110 not, Optimistic of Ireland's only In ITobart College, In 1889. It smaller stations along the line, ors discriminated against byi labor Xjn_ visited the seen U1, Tonkin In /1884. and wao promotc ! ftltuvo,m Mr. DIIIGn deqlarqs that the unions, has talpon up: the matter, a , o of the lb tttlo by wirolevu telegraphy from the time general beroreltbe end, of the Cam. 13vitish 0overnment hao ventually was found to Do moving in an orbit At Qr.-apli4u, they demanded that r2be attention or the officers of the w1th the Carli,its, In whiCh 'ttle. Nja,r_m. who for C the channel, *untft reaching , a M. ` w1tIl a ported of seven. years. Tile the rallway restaurant be opened up, r I Sandy n0ok, On Wednesday noon a . openoa 'ItR eyes. -InA now that Ito colvot and N-han it IVA% they ate everything association liao been called to a,jet- . liulam of Duero, tile coinwan:lor 0 t ie chose team from the salool pa.sRong- PAIKU. I I eyL ' openod,11 be continued, 41 Was seen again In 1896, and M b - Verd I bland IttetAwAs. u,ftro Wo now makes another visit, being found In alght. without paying for the ter, irrItten by., President Qompero, 04;rat atriny, wa.1 kIllej. Everywhere f,r,j of the AtIl.tntle, TXansport liner ac:tt-lally loal bottor. Tile next ten in which be tirea.tened to the, ima,.apts, wi4:O, a re noted for their Ullaielialla, from London.rpr New . same, !Vtiey then broke All the dishes, _ order a Blula J>eat, Aug, 8I.-PrInce P-Otdi- yaars will ,see irei4qq K4 ort,he ll s­ In exactly the place in thes heavens Iamps, mirrors and wiudowF, and boycott of the products of the Pur. ,t:arjj1,t synif,atIllels, gave the l pao or isui-garin, Illas go, tenj by whio'll tile proTilloeo. Ilmye predicted at the time of Its dia, . royal York, played a game or chess .jvjtjl i16 to Sofia. M even pulled up part of the 6tation ington Paving Brick Company', of . , those of the Zeeland. b ',aii Impovorlshod.11 covery. this city. The letter Is believed to 1,14 Ly th 0 111A.V1110A Welcome. Far Sol The game SUICIdC Of A Chihlanlftn- M he comet to attended by four small PIMU01`111. Every 111EVID CItIZQn In thO ' Ia8tK1 until Saturday at midnight, Honolulu, Aug. 81,Cfharleo Ali', a Insurance Swill -lie. camipanion Comets, and this, With Its placo was swovn to as a special eon- furnish the basis for an action urol hours ttie journey wp4t made on when the Minoebalialo team requested 11,01110, Aug. 81-A Profound oenea stable, bat with such a, orow4 they against him, and A.'C. Allen, counsel borse,barak And In carrjagcw across a draw, which' was; agreed to by the . Prominent memlitor of Vie Dow Wong tiom-hale )oou caused by tile arrest Periodic c4mracter, makes It one of 0,0111.1 (10 nothing. TAo rallway au. foe the association, has been Order- Lh31 Ba,sque and *,Navarre bighlands, team of the Zeeland, M Society, cominitted suicide yesterday of Countekm 'Ub.,41diiia, a. 1 ell-kwown the, meet interesting la astronointo,et' 0oritico Issued Instruoiflons to their oa to institute proceedings 0-gainst and tltu loyalty displayed mull tile Tbe Grain Trade, by 6illootipg. He ha -L! recently re- member at tile Roman arl-stocracy. anWial% o-ployeew further along the road to GOmPOrR. - M . i I rGato Is; lleUt to be a prool thAt Carl- frow . I - - Baltimore, Md,, Aug. 81. -The Ph',I- turned Qlill.pa. Persecutigns TAiQ counte-to insured tjl9,jIre or 110j: Prepare thempolvaa far the coming of Asm Is almost tla;aO. , adi,lphla grain exporters have join. there on account of file reform- re- sinter Eliza th ee yonals agw 'for . this gang, and later sent messages I Situataoil Improying. od with the Dal Limore merehanto In a eoiya caused 114an tq Com() t'.0 HOW- $150,00U. A CAI, later. On tl to Close all restaurants and station HUHL[o fiffiN CH, 1115[ Coobtantinol.1', AuQ;. 81, -In O'fi- MOYCinont to prevent tile further 41. , L luju. He wao expelled from college ported d 11 this -plater, at bull4ings as far as Port Arthur. Al- 'jal cIrclqg here le I claimed that -the version Of tile we,Aern graiij trade to over o0vad paymen M t on one policy, bat allc' ' WKS - ill FELON'S L situaIlExi in the Yllayet of Ifoxiaotir Montreal aild other Canadian port,;, in Clina and was despondent oat O ` r,e, - M I CRIP though. the train which was bring- L - his ina,bility _ o, remi jn there, ' other company refitsed, to pa'T, and 1. _. 11 Ing this gang left North Day yes- I Ij Improving, anti that the troopa are and a conference Avill ba held In - After the f1furderers. new Eliza has boon found closely con- tm.day afternoon, . It wAp late — I flued. Ili the oountesW vii1q; her death I to . ga,laing tho plimper lia,nd. The co.'umn Philadelphia next gluesday and Wed . day bs,fore It reardied White is bejug formed to fight the hands in nooday to devise a plan of action. Chkago, Aug. al. -With the Ineqn- having been simulated by a patient, New Yark'Blackmailer's Piti- Inver, Ins -toad at coming In- Alpi,ne Glader Open in Path o- Phe A(Irianople d1striet, T%Iiere tile New York and Boston merchants In- tive of $1.000 roward, and ui6red on taken from one of the Romhn hoxplt ' to the 'rallway yards -as this Ill M military autllorlticlg are requisition- tereuted are also to be present. y 0,111ter Of Po;ljoe O,Nell, who has al% When the oounte;ss was arrested able Humilation, .a divisional poln,; -on 'the railway- Mountaiii Climber, ' lug lions -Le a,lmost everywhere. Pre - ken personal Charge, every memb,,r and confronted with Eliza ehe Coll. an engine and train crew met the M Q,i,1LtjOJ1mm8 have been a,;opted to pro- A, Train or Palaces. , 'Zi the'poliee, department is on the fessod her guilt. , I harvesters outside the settlement3 -_ - L-upt the Bmsolap Embassy and Can- Now York, Aug. 31 -Plano are re - Alert to capture the three men who ElIza's ,hualiand had moA11W,bIJ0 re- ., , . Ir . ­­ Intending to change engines and pass ;iula,tc, owlag to the receipt of Anony- , - I . I . ported to be complete for the In, Coxnmttted- Ehe dou;Wid mukdet in the Inaxrl(-,,4. Other senmflondi develop- HIS BAUTAL REIGN ' ' through without stepping at the p 0 olieds of the Chicago 01w Rallwa' ENOED 'at- rHRILLING RESCUE BY GUIDES woup letters, threa,tenin'g them with' 0 rParatiOn this week of a million - y mQnts Are expected. . ­ form This plan proved successful, dcrAtLruat-lon. dollar company, having for Its ob-1 Company early yastorday mornlIng, ' 'ifilirty-sevesk' Days Without.eqod". I though some of the crowd got off St. Moritz, Sept. I.-A.a accident joct, tile opara tlon of a train of five and than escaplod with- 0-ppl-oximate- ' New ,!Xork, Sopit. 1.- Samuel J. and ontered the housas and gar No Itf,vlew. $8,000 in cusfi. Many arroat have Pratt,, Xan., Aug. 3l­TudV;,e .T_. 0. , dens ' rolling pajama b.etween New York ly .1 Pa,rks, walkl4g delegate of the House- Ili tile vicinity. They stripped elothea has Just occurred here which the Berlin, Aug. 31 -The autumn par - been made already In tbo Case, EIIIN" ouo or 'the -beat knoiiift aw, and Safi F rancisco, WJtj1 so many im. . smiths' anti B,rldgomE)ii'ri Union, sen- lines, pulled up potato plants and oldest guides consider one of the ado of the garrisons of Berlin and PrOvements and conveniences that a - freland, - 1149 home here. He had followed a tene i ed to two ye re for xtortion by, .N 11 jj3o(ter mys. fof . . Yora Ill Weptorn Kansas, Is (lead at 4 0 amused themselvDa shooting chickens mos, miraculous escapes. in recent PotWair, usually a splendid mill- Fifth avenue ligtel patron will ,nat with revolvers. There Is a Swedish years. Herbert J % Uainzer, aa ex- tary epectaclo, planned for to -day, ow, York, Aug. 131-111reland bas thbory of fasting to Cure dysp,ppsla, thxpatu of strikoo,.. QCoupiod cell NO. family named Cromene, living here. (lid not take Place. Emperor William, know 110 is Out of New York, If be at om it m does not look out of tile wJndowo. peO th.o turning . line into a . newel, aisd biid gon:o 87.1 d.. ! wItlinat load. 7Y Ili Sing Sing Pylson last night. A hfrs. Cremeno iras looked Into .one porlenced .young American A. 1piniat, owing to tile fapt that It began to It ,will consist Of five cars and its --­-__ -__-____.__ ­ keeper left hila at half-pasto o'clock of ills roams, and about fifty men left the TAcheriva lig-q N Ith a guide, rairr-ordered ,the ' .0,000 troops ,who patrons will be kept exclusive by the Ing order, ready to receive commor- In the evening, with, the, abaven heAd ransacked the liouso,.) reaklng dishes Daniel Schlegel., at d, o'clock yes- were already Jn the field, to return I olat malssages,19 . and face, and wearing the striped and furniture, and carrying off all torday morning to ascend the Mar- to their barracks. I fact that Passengers will be booked RUME Till WhP, OFFIGE, When asked About Ills love Affairs the eatables In the house. The garden . I , M The Carnegies Coaling. from tile one best hotel of each i -tho Inventor of vilreleso tole - ' suit of a convict, bitting dlzwonao- surrounding the house, which is teratsdIl Mountain, which lid had city through 1vhich It pa,mases. It is gra pky I b London, Aug. 31 -Mr. and Mrs. planned that the train shall have I . I laughed. "I got Along very Wall with lately oil thc edge or his ua,rro y, noted hundreds Of miles edst and* done almost daily. Thlreatyininuto Andrew Carnegie will be pausengers every convenience fron:, a. palm gar- ' all the girls, but am not attac4od,11 jio-ll, -o-.. - I, . I I west for Its many beautiful flowers, bolow tile summit, while ascendling art, 'die Wllfto Gtar Line Steamer Eton to a laundry. Generals Declare '111ey Were I he remarked. , .: I . Neal, at'lialid, ulita ,Lud, wer'c"'the was totally destroyed. the well-known steepest ice -slope, — ______ .__________.___._.__. __ _M______ __ I , . A few of the crowd attempted ,to and while In tlfe middle, the Centre : . ­ ­._ ____ Hampered in tViovementso I A TERRIFYING S1 Ll<)%Vl Or IA.Wk CoMe auu,lyleca of carry off some or ilia b6longings or suddenly caved in, forming a ere- SENSATION IN ROME. . I . * , GHT. uread which the State feed-j ta its moil engaged in building cottages for vasso more than one hundred and ____ M I Strenins of Liq __ . M ponal cliArgels itt night. I employees of the railway, but the fifty feet; In depth. Both. were 019THS hNO ACCIBENTS, Ail Italian Coll,— uld 14"ire Poured Prow "i don't want it,".Ph,rks had inut- workmen attacked them with ,their dashed to the bottom, with nzasses 'WEB Charged With UNPREPARED TO MEET E14EMYI the-CrAter"of Vesli.vitia. M tereil a moment boforo. ".I r1on't want tools, a teamster striking one of the of Ice towering above 'them. Both Insurance it rands. . I I ,NmpIeg, Sapt. 1.­Mbb carrespand- all.ytlling, I oun't Want, to ,jue any- crowd with a shavel, rendering him guide and tourist lost conscious- -London, Aug, &I.-Tbo Rome car - Landon, Wpt. I­Tlie evidence giv, body, I cion't og ro wlit) the,k. al,62, Insensible. A Dominion immigrant ness. I ; 3ad N,ws FromVirle-us Parts , en bolore . zhe. Royal Commission on oat of the Associated Press h1aare- With tho hyei.erical 6oreamis of ilia officer cam -o from the west to take By sheer good luck they had been "osPOnclent 01 the Daily Mail sends the South 'African'War is given to- turned from spending a night on lviku still Ili ill,; eArs, there had been 'o y In charge, buthl principal preceded fifteen' min a remarkable story or a . Ileged fraud day , " P r bo,to in the rin , , In the form of three blue boolAs. Mount Vesuvius, with. special per- a .61c, Ili ail Open streat car with duty vIll ark auts 91 another party with two guides. of Ille Country. by the Countws Ubaldial, a well- Quialning ;L,700 pages. Field Mar-, mission of tile anthlorhtles toPAss Varku handoulLoci to two thieves, leaders and ll'avo them arrested when TjIle group heard the ominous known member of the Italian arts- , Its. the prescribed llmv Thb scene the traln reaches Whinip ._d= Lord Roberto, Lord Kitchener, was absolutel' while oil Lill eldes-came audible ex- . 09- ED ad- crackling behind them and turned t0cracY, On the Now York Mutual Field Marshal Lard 'Woldley, and y terrifying, butindg- and curiosity. vised,tha White River people to de- and -missed the two men Immedi- LO -T LIFE IN MANY WAYS Lit- Illillr-nc- Co. The countess In - other geueralq, give various rehisons , nificent. Enormous masaes of ii,_ 1)'rebslons of wander tend themselves with firearms. Spw)- ately. They expected tp find Main- sured the life of bar for the fallukeg of tile War. Lord Rob- -he craters, of three througa a crowded utation lal police are awaiting the train at zer and dead' at tb!e hot- MontraLl. Aug. 80.-Ais the result three trears ago for 05,000, and a : quid fire flawed from It Lfo:lowing thiu haft come a guluk dash sister, Ellsa, forming, niounds. Occasionally a 1116rt Arthur and Fort W1111am. 'I's gu' o y.ear afterw, erta considered the initial error of ; Lo a train., and then, inost liumillat- tom of the alt . cavern, but on at a 'revolver shot in 4 woodman's ,,,r t re ed liar death. to P: be mass 0 burning material became Ing or all, Parke had sat helpless In, The train consisted of twenty-four lowering themselves by ropes they The Mutual idett policy strategy,, -was practically irretrlov- I detached from, the pyramid ,and oshanty at Bout dc, L'Isle, yesterday .-, but able. as briticized the War Office f a cav while -oil the platform men, had coaches, and there were 1,2130 men In round Malazer practically unharm- another company, in Milan Tartlibil to rolled down the side of the moivat- the party. The eNcurslonists from morning, a man named. George Green- ivltb regard to the general prepar- , Jeae peid at him, called him '-grafter,11 ed on the ano(w. Tbe guide Who ly elled here to-nIght at the Notre do so. Two men offered to make re- ations and equipment, the first plan 1 aln, detaching in its turn other I thief" and "ci-ook," lie who had Ontario and Quebec bad women and was caught by thle huge ice 'blocks Dame, Holspita.1, and a young Man, velations which led to the discovery of campaign, the underestimating'af misses, until the w1fole became never in his life before allowed one children among them, and they and pinned in up to his nick, w,as named Max ICLrt. son of the contrac-' that Ellsa. was alive, and was being . the enemy, and Ignorance as to the 6ta.tlonary at the bottom. The word of briticlum without an an- seemed to act as a restraint on the backed out after one Vour's hard tor for a bridga in course of Coll- elo;sely confined in a garret. A - and, extent *of Iie coun- I main stream of lava flawed down owei, from Ills heavy fist. FpIrIts Of the parties, for, though -ark by George Soaang, a W dying -Patient had been ta,ken from geography. , tile volcano until stopped by th'e . they whooped it up, they committed ix I ell- simtraction no,ar tile scene or the 0011 61 tile hospitals, and she died try-, and t1le lack of artillery, and It must lia,vo beea ms a dream to knolra Poniresina guide. t is shooting, for the Cana4lan Northern mounted infantry.,. I mounds of old lava, w,hen It, divid- Libil, that rLde In, the crowded sinokw no depredations. reared Schlegel Is injured i4ter.1allY, Railway, Is -under arrest. The specific n the house OI the countess. The General Sir Itedvers Buller, said be 0 and filled up the valleys. To -day . g car, facing blu shackled mates, r6nC%%ft2C%*4A6nr4%JC.* % as one of the Ice blocks smashed ch,argo, has not been preferred. Co Ellea and , 2 n- body -was called that of was hampered by -the refusal* or the I the cruption continued, and the vol- 111 I In his rlibs. . . Was cremated. The countess, fearing ume of lava In nequiring vuetpro- Ills. liatdcuffs hIcIden, under hia hat Mating stories are told of the at fair. ,,War Office to a cept his pl,and and portiotp. " : M I . I %yhiie nion, crowded . aisles, to peer at M Mr. MaInzer Is hardly the worse Kort was in charge or a gang of men, discovery, Itried to remove her die - the failure oh the part of the War hill],. , . . L ro;bNs, remarkable adventure. d was Ili the habilt or carrying a tell. from tile garret on Saturdayl With , tr-einendous ' detonations, ' celdent'of or value im shlow- ,a,n,.l.,,. I. L9 alleged that he had oil night, With the Intention, It Is al. Office to ,give him 'definite instruc- 116, , Assistalit District Attorney Rami NS IN BRIEF, i , 8 tions And- informa,tion, . .,. ­ ar(r for- milae around, a iiew fis got a letter ye v(,erda,y from. a w .1 'M tig that Alpine climbing is danger- 6iffaront occa.blons tbreatenad to leged, of Poisoning her. The police sure opened at 5 o'clock to-dayla _ . Oulan, Lord -Kitchener ,said .the afficors In vho signed herealf litrs. And rson, &&&DOC%Woxcu-ftsg.bclft%jcftlftj%3-&2 aus at all times and in all places, - shoot. the men It they did not obey stopped the carriage In which Elie& the cone of Yesuvius,, * and from the 11 with guides or without guides its Ills orders promptly, a,nd that yes- 'Was ng tak n aw y. nd inaff.y cases were not -qualified for Fifty -Ninth jutreet, .Brooklyn.8 In Tito Toronto Trades and Labor bet 0 a 1, a rescued , m new gap came pouring out tons of .1 -very same slope IMS been tor,day lie actually did fire thre her alive. their work, abd expressed tile opin- lava, which... flowed In the dtrec- P4rt it' ,eald : I M Council NvIll meet in secret in fu- this, c It is rumored that the po- ton that the juniors were better than tion of the villaga of Ottajano. Tife Pbrmit me to. thank you( for your ture, M crossed almost daRy for twenty- shots, one or %v,hIch took effect ln lice found Proof of other crimes in . the leentors. He praised the men, but stream endbunt6r d the deposit of able and conscientious conductini Of The Marquis Villasionde will re- five years. . Greenly's brain. Kert says It was ae- tile 'Villa of the countess. The affair ,lack of I pty- has Created a eald, the chief difficulty,' Was lava from tJfb bre'vlouseitiptloaand t --O trial of that mani Sam Park", present Spain before the Venezuelan M oldental, and lie was merely Dal, ._ training of reserVisto a d voliiilteers. 1%.ts done no -harm. -There. is said so-called delegate of several unions. A-rbitratlamn Tribunal. ing.iliowea.ponotloa,dmlohelli;. - Rome. I I , ! . ' Lord Wolseley ,- in a me1norandum, to be no- danger to the village. I wonder it. foil Lie minute some of , y. tile . VALUABLE FOSSILS. Killed oil tile UaRway. . complains that thV command , , . ., M. so men -they ought,to be called President . Mackenzie sa I ' or -In- ' - I.. - . , : , 7.1 .,. tho: Canadl haff postponed, . Renfrew, Aug. 29—Joseph Lam- COUNCIL OF IRISUMEN . . I an ,Northern chief has become -the fifth wheel to I brutes-6ver"realize the extent of r,ot abandoned, its transcontinent- bart, Or Admalstou, was Instantly kill- -_ the-coacb, and that the Secretary of ESCAPED THE BULLETS. siach. a muiy'h misdeede, whe Gift of Andrew Carnewle to [)Ptsburg , . State for War Is the actual Com- 'm — 1 placer him Ili r.o.wer over working men al project. al ell to -day, on the Canada Atlant to Curious Runior ill Strictly Loyal mander-in-oblef. , Assassination or 'u. s ofiloilLI at alld lot him Oictate when and where The Italian Government haa re- Museum. 111aihm,ay track about five miles west (Ircles in DubJill. Replying to this criticism , Lord , they uhall ---svork.. I colved official confirmation of the re- . ,of here. Ile was walking on the .11c,irut .Not Acebiliplishtd. la New Yalic, Sept. I.- Dr. Win. ;T. track, and, being very deaf, did not London, Aug. 8G. -A carious rumor Lamisoawne, . War- Eclecreta;iyf Iuring Did it. b__c4r; to,you' that 110 bag, port that 1"Ing 'Menelik of, Ab.rjssln ' I the edrly'paxt'or , the South'AfrIedn Constantinople, Sept. I. -It trans- tit tually -been* placuCf Ili Volver to its seriously, Ill. ; WIland. director at -v, uarnewo hear tile train coming. has obtained credence In strictly Wari itnd. Mr. Arodrlak, Ills successor, spires that the report that Vice -Can- atarve Workmen's famillds at his will, The name at Colonel Buchan of To rLscum, or 111ttsburg, J.'a., allil. eon- Drowned at Beaverton. loyal circles In Dublin to the effect suggest that L60 W&soley- was ig- sul 1%fagelasen was killed is Incorrect. av well as cause,untold., misqry and rontoi'lu mentioned for ,the vacant ridential adviser to Andrew Car- Boxiverton, Aug. 31 -John Doyle, that the King has expressed the orant at many of the powers of a An unknown Individual Ilred at him, suffering to women and children, poisition o4 D. 6. 6. or No. 3 mlllta,ry neglo, Ili thingg scientific, has pass- the 18-year- )I.l Bon of El.,wlae Of ticer opinion that much gOoLj might he . ut did for MoneyL , -wiLh what Is be, 'umpli, " a, 11irougl, his base graspilag I district, Toronto. i I I- JL. Doyle,, 77 Anne i4reeti Toronto# ,FTMrma,gdor-In-cbIsf or failed -to uxq ad the bullota passed close; b oil through the city acC shed by a vo'untary council - '111., , . I I I 116t, Oudb tbe'Vice-Consul. The Vail to 't 1 The 'alipointmeats for tife junior iICT041 to bo the prettiest collection 'ishmen to address tile Ilrlti,h I - t vlillonL ivorking for It,? mdls drowncd at Beaverton on Satur- Of 11 The *bole -publication toem , with of Beirut afterwar4fln visited Vice- H --) lima at this day thousands (it wO- counsel oh the Alaskan V;oundary of fovCs, in, point of speclo, in the ilay &ftevnoon. 116 and Ills younger Government wItli regard to legisia- ovldonces of mistakes and fAllures at Consul Magelssen, -expressed- his re- man aild children, families -of skilled .Commission are ri. a. Wa(16, N. IV. Nvorld to -day. Tile collection was brathor, Bernard, had put out Ili a ti011 for Ireland. home land In tbo field. t I 1; , grets for the outrages, 'and ordered mccIlaoic% literally starvIng, and Rowell and L. P. Duff, the latter purcha ;-,d from the, Baron do 110yet, oniall boa.t, Intending to go In bath- The rumor is rather well dvfIned 1, I measul es for the arrest of the per- d-r.fforhig as much here as though representing BrWish Columbia. of Ilruusols, 131olglum,, at a price sabl Ing. When a short distance from for It States that the council will ' 4 patrator. I . . they lived ir. the coal regions last to exp,eed $3150,000. . ,share, John dived into the water. and Include tbe Roman Catholic hier- ROWBOATS IN-'CIT'V STREETS. The error in stating that VIce-Con- NVI.Aer. Foi over three inontlia same Welsh tinplate works, employing A cable illospatola some weeks ago startal to swim to 1.4nd. Bcooming 0 bishops Of tile Church of I - . .. — .. . in Idlo. between 20,000 and 430,000 men, aro anaoi.ncod that Mr. Carnegie had 'wl' 11 11'i%ldt,hld C(,rtaln members, of other . out Magoisson liad been killed, arose of those workmen- Ifave bee (Ither extiauset(i or being seized ,11 Council' 911u9s ,* 7U,I(Aep . wAte:r oil from a mistake. in a cipher telegram. Some have 14jg famillow, a.aKI.all mast shut dow,n because of a wage d1o, purchawyl ghe collectiont for H117- c,ramps, lie ea.nk, I churches, togetlipl. With l.ppresenta . . , _ Account at lrljpo.cled Itivers. . . - - - live. Roxv, In God's name, are We pute, vard University. Dr. Holland declares, Waltzed Into a Lalce. tives Of the peasantry anti prafes- ' CounCICBlufflo, I&., Sept . . 11 -All the 311hiister Niplains Isr'ror. . to got food when the men Are forced Iferrik Ibsen, the famous Nor- f,olvavor, t1ist It Is for the Carnegie Dorby, Goan., Aug. SO. -Miss Gene- along. lower portiono tit tha city ara under Washington, Sept. 1 -The United intd idleness?, I . lveglan dramk%tlSt. who has been Museum of rl)ittsburg. It Is sald in "ClAY to erliles thait water because .Qr. heavy rabns and States State Department to-nl ht re- My,lirc, ag Nyoll tip My pear little seriously ill, is now, able to walk The collection r prewents the -work vicyD Mills, Of Southampton, while tile .good that was accomplished by lloodod riverp. Many hau )os arb ceived a cablegram from Minister dependent grandelilldran',are but few. or drive out daily. e t ry. It contains dancing last night, waltzed tbrougli ills present (Ionforenca betwo-an land - flooded. Rawboato were bolmg used - Letshman at Constable, confirming of the many 'who have ,suffered Dr. John Hoskin, X. C!., laid tile fossils of ulaxy birds and fish, of an open door of tile Spring Lake Club lora, In which It 1.9 well known twit In several of the downtown districts the A,ssocla,tod Press despatch that through him. If all the lvorkmen'A corner stone Of tile now. 'Llawn which only one or two duplicates ar"B 1101190 Into Spring Lake, She was the King wils specialty Interested, le to -day, and that portion of the the report that Vice -Consul Magels- famIlleg -would come-and,tell t*.1eIr Hall and 13ublic Library at Ijow _ known to exist, The specimens calue rescued by other (lancers after she an augury of the practicability or cou-nitybetween here and Lake Mana- sen, at Beirut, had.been assassinat- talc'4 of want and 'suffering, your manville on Saturday. across the Atlantic, packed In p,58 had gono down twice. Miss Mills was the sch,cme. It 81,C),uld be remem- boxes, the whole weighing thirty unconscious, but ivims soon revived. bered in this connection that on 0110 wa, live mUes south, Is A, solid lake. ed was intorreot. The Minister says Ideart -would blend Witli'lylty, and you Gen. 1kill'or told the War- Com-. occasion Laid Ileaconsrpq l expressed Street care were abandoned on the tile mistake made by, hhZ In announc- would make greater effort to ruend mission that if tlfo Boors in Natal tons. I I I blade a Had Start, the desire th .- line to Manawa, and launabee are ing the assassination was due to an Sam Parkt; and more, of Toronto, Aug. 81.-George Moir at 110 could Include tile beint. used Inatead. The lake Itself error In the transmission of the to State',:; pirlson. I Ilia stamp had reacbed the. sea they were to . to work on the Roman Catholic hierarchy In the (partly artificial) overflowed last '01per despatch Xrom Consul Ravendal . . have been aided by a European EXPEDITION A FAILUREi cG %ram'iiodfrTorluankwilRlllatiplNovg.%y an fireman, IrJsIl PAVY Council. It Is very pos- night, and' extensive damage Was at Betrut. . i i I PoWer, — and on Saturday afternoon, after Bible that the King Intends to widon I German 'South Pole Party lieturning completing his first trip from Lon - done. Only one. railroad had clear CAN GIVE PLUNIS AWAY, t TlieGrand DukeMlcliael Niclialale- , tile 600P3 of the Irish Privy Council, trazka In the city, Eastern, malls are vitch, cousin of t" Czar, lilts suf- and make It all actuality in tile Ill. . — fered a stroke or apoplexy, and With Not hing Accomplished. (Ion to Toronto, lie got under Ills torests of tile people. 0 bouro ,I;wt.e. , : , , I POPE PIUS ACTS ALONE# Unpreceilented Crop of Some Fruits I ad on tile let ongino, at the foot of Spadina avenue . . . . . . has beepme paralyz . .t Berlin, Aug. 30. -The German Ganth to rake the ashes out of tile fire - I. — ' t TALKS OF THE FUTURE. - "Perferms Unp . rece dented Ceremany- ThrodghoVL tile Niagara Distri ' at. side, Polo expedition, which Billed from bo.x As lie w,ak doing so a car was TERRITORY FOR FRANCE. . — '. Canrerslted. 111won Espinosa. Fruit rcoefpLu fir. Toronto have like Austrian gunboat, Shorla, Kiel 6h the atcamship Gau,49, Aug. shunted against the engine ana Mioir — . . I . goldow, if ever, boon, as large as foundered off Cadiz, Spain, yestor- 11, .1001, under -th3 leadership of af] badly injured about the Client Senegal Land C XarcoxvtProui Iges Wiroless Conailicr- Rome, Sept. I-111ope Plan has per- they axe at present. The boaLsti3Om day, Eleven, of her crew were prof w, Quietly Add d to its . , . Elirloh von Drygatski, has ar- and Internally, besides having Ills Colonial Doniahis. I clal,41t;seagco, in Three Months, formed ail almost unprecedented cer-, the Xlagmra. peninsula being In saved by a r,roncla trans-Atlantic rived at the Island of St. Helena. right thigh fractured. , " I eW,_York',%l$ePt ' "I. -*T'he Criifard& . Tit an artlelo'publisb d In tile Maga- -' - Tile Paris Do - .1 DIL011Y. one that Is geiierally.-roservad thoaffauds of packages daily, tile Stemmer. ' . I Parls, &,pt. I Luc4xnf4, liar -cabino orm,,dod wItll (or it consi,itory, In conferring pri- greater part from Niagara and St, Rev.. J000ph, Grant, of Ingersoll, zinc Globus, Prof. IT Singer, of ilip Lott a Leg. ri'velle Coloniale 'announces that the homecoming -Americans aild noted vatOly thered h'at*11fidii Cardinal nor- Catharlilea ,districts, where there Is has accepted a call to tthe pastor- University of Pra asserts that 8'.. Thomas, .Jug. 30, -At Amherst- torritor ylying on the right bank of folk -of Otjiqr h&tIon&lItIq9, it-eached' .rcro Y Espinosa, Arclibishop of Va- a gittt. Plains are especially 13lenti- ate ,of the ,Baptist Chkirch tit Co- (lie (­,pollition haslt'oln a failure, and burg y-esterday, D. C. Leitch, M.C.R. the, lower -961legalItIver and inhabited quAr4n1l9e "reom Liverpool aD,j loricia, wtio wavdangoronsly ill dur- ful-oo plentiful that the growers will bourg, and will begin Ilia work the gives the public no forther knolvi- brakeman, while shunting cars, slip- by tile MOOVilill tribes, the Trarza Queenstown this evening. Among ber Ing the conclave. He Is still In a pro- not find it profitable ,to pick an,v first Suaday in October. odg* that It (lid before proceeding, pod and fell, and a car ran over Ilia and Brakn&W, have been quietly Pa;wenge s is signoi ma,rconil 110 vaeloau condition. He was carried in but the Choicest varieties. Evoll, the A sorgeftht and and six pwivatoo around the Antarctic regions. Prof. loft foot at the ankle. Ile was added to Fralico'g colonial domain. said that ilia pibnjj had never been ft sedan Chair to. tile Pope's pre- c.anning factories have refused to ac- employed Ili the German army rhag- Singer criticizes Ili,) action of Prof. brought to tile hospital here And Tait' Depocile calls attention to tile out of w1roloss (lommutlicatton with Mee. The cardinal was deoply copil; ally more, and What they take . . ; D ygalskl Ili changing the name 01" tile hr-portanco of this Pacific Conquest.'$ . azirke, near -Metz, have been aa rested leg amputated half way be - either American or BrAj ,ijj Ihleu on touched by the exceptional honor they got at their own price. Five on, the ch'arge of Beijing to agents Termination Island, (114coverod by Ike tvvoon the foot and kn,_ e. Ile Is do- It. nlTcarl) that the country has for Any.&y during the vayago. corferred %%lion him. and said that cents a basket and pick them, of a foreign power the -secret of r American explorer Wilkes 63 Years Ing nicely. . i, IOI."k timo been in, a disturbed don. Till o v . &,,,act oLioparted from Queene- 'lie would Maw) satistled for Ills dear yourself 14 the Vries In som P= mianufacturing a now bomb faso. ago. . . I . dition. France. liao noW turned to town Iasi Saturday, In mid-oomw on SRValre. where he would die happy. Pears, peaches and Apples S% . - I Uvn Wire Shocked [Lill). her OWL' account tile in ter-trlbal Jeal- TaWay n - tit at 11. Wolook a w1re- . Ing well, Grapas are also well ad- Manitoba. Llbokais bave entered Oshawa, Aug. '29.-W. ndy, chief less mossage froin the Poldhu station- EL K1 and promise an abundant foul- more petitions AgairlSt Con- 01"41L's- 'I'lle I",mir Was comphiled to r IRELAND LOSING POPULATION v "4c servative seats, againbt IL Arm- NO AID FOR JAMAICA. ongtriecr of McLaughlin Carriage abdicatO last Year by a pretender, In q0 law.aAl nounacd that Reliance yield. All in, all there will be fruit Company, whon returning from work while tile 111sur of all kinds in greater abundance, strong In Portage la Pral6o, I.E. — jent tribes robbed. and had ',Von the second raco'over a. tri- __ Ruddoll, In Mordon, D. Wilson in British Goveranient Will Not Sanottall to-iftlit, picked tip a.n electric wire pillagoft As rar as tile gates of Saint Uj3gdIa,r Couraq hy one minuto and ib Party Thousand uninigrants Lert wal tile Dricep In troroilto and the which had f%llcn from the Oshawa Laub?. Tho French began by ap . senondis. TAils flaws had, been sent to tile Emerald Isle Last Year. othot- con.suming edntres aliduld be, Gladstone, I -Ion. Robert Rogers in Proposed bofth. EMK-ctrio Company's pole.". Ile was proaching tit() deposed 'Emir, who, . fn jand r6m Now York by c4tjo, And Landon, Saot. I. -The report of tile away down'- i unihion. Xingstoll, ,Tama . Jett, Aug, 3,0. -Con- weriously attacked and both hands "coroelons of ilia helpleasnes," the bo!u put'Oh Elio wivelow. Tbe I ,Orders bmve been Israned from the sternotion was caused here yes- were badly burned. Dpiwolle says, made over to them ilia ship's 8ter-ftieral for Ireland, Con- - 00000, Department Of *Tustice for tho im, torday 1)y tile receipt of informa- rigill 9, thile legitimatIzIng the Ro'g, In. 7OR TH E FT AT $11'0 , mediate liberation oil ticket-ol-leave tion that Colonial Secretary Chain- Fronell Occupation. company Already had been told by taGing & .full abstract of tho nu swept 111to.Holling Iftiver. w1roloss, on the doy the Lucanla lelt her or birtlia, marriages and deaths vo A colonial of, q1tMnAtOWA, Of the rOSUlt Of SfttUr- in Ireland (luring the year 19021, 11" __ al Ilerbert G. .7ohnston and Patrick borlain liad refused to sanction Auckland, N. Z., Aug. 30.-Twa ficial. tho pallor says, "sImply rat- daylo yaclit rapt'. The passengers just bovii publiolie.d. Ili the go.neral Brokers Site' 14N(atO or D8fallithIg Carlin, ,undergoing sentence Of 1111' the proposal of Golvornor 11cm- 1won and tw.0 moll who worn watch- jawmi by a eomphtly of soldiers and kn oir the ra.5,ult of Tliursday's sanimary W1,t1l Iv.bleb tile rpPart UlliploycoWitoCoiiaiiiitte(l$ttiolde- pr1sonipent In St. Vincent de Paul ming to raise a loan of $21,51)0.000 ljig the Wamunga. gc%ygor at Lake It VrIetion, of Sbn,r en I .1 Xlaeo on Thir, ay tilght by a W role,60 otions It Is srtatixt that tho bIrthn .1,111jadelphin, Pa., ,&-pt, I. -Howard Pio,nitentlary for conspiracy to do- to - uslst Alle, ruined planters And Rotorua, io-daY, were swellt away went' to Meet th6 pl'Ottrzder, lilbo, ae. , ill ago train Nantucket registered. In Ireland (luring tile year trand the Canadian Pacific 11allway provide relief work for peraoinsWho by ,ft rusla of boiling %,%tor Into the 00MIXIIII'd by 220,I) warriors, submit, I 0111 aud lie le here i a talk wl Lb nitinbored 101,808, tbo inarriagm T. Goodwin, confidential mftn foil CU_ compalig. I , are dostituto and without employ- river. ted without resistance. iomas A. E loon, Nv,llo to Consulting W,010, and Mile dotttluq Ratt & Co" who committed suicide . . 1 1711,670. Tito A. charter Is granted the St inont boeause of tile recent hurrl- . . I . engineer of the Ifai,conl Comlimoy, inarriago rate, wbJeb otmI at 5.18 last Deootlbor, misappropriated Catlarines & Njagartl power r,uei Cane. Mr. Chamberlain says lie Witli the elosing session of the Un- A Now P111111 ji3ligIlt, about four tow inventions 'to Im- por 1,000 or the 00-thlintNI popula- $1000(),000, according to allegations Co., Limited, of Toronto, 0111111ftl tails to appreciate tile necessity fOr Ivoreal Pome Union at Mystle, Cohn.p pro'vo the w1rele,61dtalograph'systemi tion, ohowal An inere.aw or 0.1.0 as In a blil Ili equity filed to -day by $40,000, tO deal In tile usual prl- such. a step, With7out financial as- announcement wav made of the "cou- Str_n.tford, Aug. al. - A "trange One Of6thoso Inventions, Marconi an- (.0inpi,rotl w il that for tile p1,4!C(,d. John G. Sohns6n, counsel tor the firm .It okeen. Casoatt & Cb, asked tile vilegeg* concorning light, 31'ent And alstance ulan catates may remain vietiong adopted by the union." One blight Van befallen tile plume 1,1 aorta, will revolutionize tile uystein Ing year, arlil wan 0.27 above thop Or br pow . or, Ineludillf,r tht, proLlneflion of uncultivated. wms to tho effect thlit the duty of 110itlftv of this ,district, lIartloul. in regard to 0onding trans-AtIttilt'lo average for tho tvn years 18921-1 nourt to order tile o1eciatrix of Good- t the United ilia hour wn,s to OvoriOnle all COndl- turlsts Cannot account for It, T, 1)01 natural gna and petroleum Oil. it Is announced tha 110 n1comgao; by It the high 1 ,owar no anA M-1mr, than the rate for y (11 win's L -state, Llytic Goodwin, to 11011. 0 , _ ail will iftnitiodiately Itien,q 111;,lt mAko war pp0,Ji,43o by fruit has not been f ) boll Wao - oclWary to tPanginit a 'message can tl:oaa years. Tiv.) birth rate, 20.0 pc r der h." ACCOUnting Of all the pro- The AvIllialft L. Doligiass, the (It'st 14'rult Company raze be reduced ono -half. . 110joy -wnq 0.3 above, rthe rate far tile pOrty x)wn6d I)i her husband at the 'stool six-Dzust selloollor eve!, bullt, roplallt the Oatittes devastated by teltehing tile I)rin(,,Il)lcR -at peace and aft Illsect been At work. Tjl(,, Plume "'Witliln t1irso, months," MU Mar- proeoding v ar, but 0.1 under ill ,.%tb, area I Was succosafnily launched f roull tile tile TocoAt Iftitriortno., thus giving artbitrijilon lit schoolo and inllver- shrivelled tip And dro, ,, time at his do Including 911 poo- altloa, and by practising them, In of the fineat trops b t'V71121 off"Yomo 06nio "wo wlithavo tt line from Pold- avoragro, rAte Xor the oanio ten ,yearti. or ktook In varlot corporations, pro. yar& or tho r, art River SIIIIN and '0inploMent to* thanAando of -ey Way boen, depriveti or 9 in thig 11U to Cape Brqton in perfoot Work- Tb6 dMU rate, 11',5 Per 1,000.. Was talsory iAQtell ,41jR, I art tro&bXited, 'goalao CO., at Quinov, MAss. Tha 010. I I . 0 ! . eve . 44y life. 1 their fr1j:f '. , . . . . . . I . . .