HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 5N Scia mber 3, )1903 THE "V INGH.AX ,A.DVA,NO- ' i. 'I'I`i 1G MEN'S STORE NEWS cy( G0 erieh, Aug. 24 .•-Tliero died at St. .,..w..,.. ,. ....,,. ,.mm.a r.. ... 1 S t;L 'bU• r71 ' I E Joseph's 111*10tal in Loltdon hurt this v tnnruir • •, *h • r,b ,L'o 1,1 ^, , r Slim Prices. ^Irr bestitn.9wu resident". of this county, inHall-Sick pp 1p Ste S al ro x& j , Hugh Radford i - ho LUa 1 1d BIG BARGAIN IN - y rd A Hullett pioneer, a About three w weeks gaMriogam• 1 1 t,1I Stout 'f AIU0R IQUI4 f ttt1 nR died recently, 8 "I first used A er's Saraaparilla -Jas. Aikenhead of Brucefield has pion had. what was then considered s In the fall of ,1048. Since tltett T purchased 150 acres more land, making Alight attack 9t gangrene in one of his have taken It every sprint as a (( Qq • 2 toes, whish kept gradually increasing, - blood -purifying and nerve- w1'o ' %d 4✓i s Clothing 500 sores he now owns. . resultingin his death as ascus stated. atrengthenin medIclne." -Bruce Count Hospital is to be tGoods opened at the time of the Walkerton , Out., Aug, 26. -Mrs Annie , Y S. T. ones Wi11 chita Kxns. London Model Fair, Sept, 22, 23 and 24. German, a woman in poor oiroumstan• . 4 e w .. . I and cell, who lives 104 Clarence street, ap- - If you feel run down, Friday,Satrda Mond...V `-David Hoggaxt of Huliet had two miloh cows and two spring calves killed peered before the police court today, to are easily tired, if your a by lightning during the. storm on the answer a charge of keeping five dogs nerves are weak and your LOW 111 stock awaiting your o night of Aug.4 without paying taxes on them. Mrs 60o PANTS 3Jc.-2J py Mo Pants tll2ep 24 to 3 r g g blood is thin, then begin German -_ ' g inspection. You will find Our airs Boys, le , , reg, -John Knox has been appointed .was found that instead of five dogs, she to take the good old stand - German was arrested last night, when it 111 turnkey of Goderich jail in place of the ' g price SOC and 60c -Sale.,.,..,. ........... .............................$ .,39 had nineteen. Her place of abode is a and family medicln e, . , y ' p i • • z ., • , 2 on lis new late Robt. Henderson; he will enter up- wretched hovel dogs neighbors the ext month. sa 9 she y 'Sarsaparilla.STYLES RIQHT PRICES RIGHT VALUES RIGH 1¢2,76 SUITS $2,00.-12 Bos two-piece Suits elves 22 to 27 g y A er s I Tregular price $2,75, $2.50, $3 --Sale,,,,.............. ... 00 never lets the do s gut of the h use, It's a re alar nerve " -The estimated yields of the farms The woman is evidently out. and Was g $4.50 SUITS $3.50.-9 only Boys' 3 -piece Suits, long pants, sizes of Ontario indicate that the various released, lifter, a perfect blood With an increased Stock in 811 departments, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, regular: price $4,50 -Sale ............. ......... 3.50 crops harvested this year will have a With '$7.50 MEN'S SUITS $5.50.-16 only Men's Tyveed Suits, 2 each, cash value of not less than $150,000 000. -Ten per cent. advance in March, ten , 11.11 a bottle. All aroliista. selected from the best markets and fashion centres, sizes 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 these are oder Suits which Montreal, Aug. 29,-A new telephone per cont, in June and now ten per cent. ' ' Ask your doctor what he think. of Ayer's ' ' ' ' ' • more, that is the story of the rise in = oar Mur medietl Bows all about Q rand we are prepared for the demands of a growing busi- we are offering at a big reduction to clear, system in Montreal and district is about furniture prices which is sending cold we will besatieaed, ness, Regarding Prices, would say we ,bought before to be established by the Bell Telephone J. a. Ar■n Co., Lowen, Mase. $1.76 ODD PANTS $1.25.-23 pairs Mens Tweed Pants, all shivers down .the backs of would-be the advance, nipped high prices for fall in the bud. Company, at an estimated coat o! a mil. ..................I., 1.25 householders. The advance of ten per Iron dollars, cent. just announced makes a total ad- Thus we will be enabled to give our Customers sur - sizes, regular prices $1 .6Q and $1.75 -Sale port Hope, Aug. 28. -The terrific , vance of thirty per cent, in sin months. REAL ESTATE passing Values 1n all departments. Newly Arrived and Right up to the Minute. -New Shirts, Col- windstorm here to -day did groat da- The effect will be felt by purchasers as p g p tars, Ties, fluffs, Sox, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, oto. mage to the apple crop. It is estimatedsoon as the retailers get rid of their pre - that 25 per cent. of the fall apples were sent stook and that will not be ion so You can't Invest your mono in anything shaken to the round. ' 6' better than a good farm,.orbus ness property The Crowder g tar 119 some linea pre C4neerned. The in town.per have soma excellent value in seNew Dress Cood s R. H. ®® —Two new flax mills have later farm property at the present time. For those y rise in price. is caused by the scarcity of who are looking for farms to- buy, I might been established in the county of Essex, both labor and material. suet say that it will pay you to have a look at what I have to ofror you. one of them in the thriving town of Es- Just a word to those who have property, sex. One man near the town has 1200Port Elgin, Aug. 28, -The monument to dispose of -Let me find that other man for erected here in memory of Gordon you, I have ton chances to your one, satin- CHEVIOTS VENETIANS Cummings, who was killed in South acres of flax under crop. lection guaranteed. SERGE$ CASHMERES " • ,•,,,..,,, , _ ,,,•„_, , I Import -In view of the short fruit crop there Africa on Dec. 13, 1900, was unveiled CLYME MAGUIRE is likely to be a good .demand in Brit- this evening by Colonel Lord Aylmer, CRAVENETTES FANCY TWEEDS Every 1Box of ain for boiling and cider making apples, adjatant•general. John Tolmie, M.P., Real !:state Agent ofsce •-Upstairs in 'Vanstone Block. MOHAIRS , BROADCLOTHS The department has received advices and A. T. Thompson, M.P., also took FRIEZES ZEBELINES Wassfrom the Canadian High Commissioner part in the proceedings. The unveiling4 in London to the effect that one firm was followed by a patriotic concert, 'at NOTICE OF CLOSING. LUSTRES CANVAS CLOTHS j would take 5,000 tons of each of the which there was a strong array of above sorts. talent. The monument was erected by SOLIELS KNOB CLOTHS We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close s'pe is ,a just arrived from Bel uim.—Durhamites had a well driller per- the citizens of Bruce County. The our offices during the menthe of at 2 p,m. and g uatas borrows—on Saturdays at 2 CAMEL'S HAIR SNOWFLAKES Au , We are in a Position to quote forating the earth in search of oil. - dead soldier was ason of P. Cummings, and on other days at 4 p.m. ab e s When the drill had been sunk 300 feet a Saugeen, ex -warden of the county, and J. A. Morton Dickinson & Holmes A large assortment of the latest effects in very low figures on Glass for supply of water was struck, and the was the only Bruce boy who lost his life R. Panstone R. Holmes houses, barns and stables. townspeople are now thinking of buying in South Africa. Waistings. Ask to see them ... ... Call and get prices. the well and putting in a waterworks Says the Wiarton Canadian: -Mr. Eli p p -p is guaranteed to give g g system. The water in the well rises in .Myles, who has just come out of the entire satisfaction in all - - ---- — pipes 45 Peet above the ground. smallpox tent at Walkerton, is one man , cases of Stomach trouble -John Munnin s of near Benmiller that has been converted from a disbe- The Very Best Values In _ Ladies Waterproofs r We also handle all kinds Of g ' liever in vaccination to a firm believer New Flannelettes All kinds from $2.75 to the —if not, money refund- = jj AT lost a valuable four-year-old heavy IT Pnvs >lesT 1N THE END. Silk at 1 ed. Try a box and be PIIOiJG POINTS draught mare during the storm Monday in it. This change of heart is due to Wrapperettes Flannels $ 0.00• night and Tuesday morning;. he refused what came under his personal observa. THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Tweeds Underwear NEW WRAPPERS convinced. . CHATHAM — ONT $160 for her a short time ago. Another tion while in quarantine. There was a Hosiery Blankets Yarns NEW COATS NEW FURS child there who had been vaccinated be- with its 27 years of successful work to its such as —Verity, Wilkinson, horse that was in the same field was credit. stands without a peer in Canada in the bad! cut u supposedly from running fore. Along with its mother it had been line of Busmrss or Shorthand training. I have room for two Fleury, Frost & Wood, Tees- y p' pp y g 345 students placed in good positions in the } students in Telegraph water, COCkShutts, Patterson, against the barb wire fence, and will removed to the tent. But though the past eleven months shows what we do for tent was fain reeking our students when graduated. MENS W TEAR. — Just received the latest not be of much use this fall. y g with smallpox t OfHee, - College Reopened for Fall Term, Sept. 1st. Percival, Port Hope, Ayr, germs, they didn't fiz on the child. our Catalogue is the handsomest issued by styles in Men's Hard and Soft Bats. New I~ur- Tolton and Essex Centre. -A modern statistician has computed The nurse is another illustration. She any business school in the Dominion. Copy ' that the latest nine novels published in soot by addressing,gSClothirlg was also vaccinated before entering on D. McLachlan & Co., Chatham, Ont. y i115 i11 . New the United States which have achieved her duties, she too has escaped. jt{L A jnl aJ!\J Fishleigh's great and notable success, have used up 2,000,000 pounds of paper; and as a-Oharles Ismond of Detroit, former - sprues tree, if it is a large one, yields a ly of Listowel, was acquitted by a ver: Fresh h Dl u ••q•• s : a [1 • • I + card Co • Chemist & Druggist quarter of a ton of paper, he estimates diot of justifiable homicide for the un VO JL iii `7 A Y 11 that these nine novels have called for intentional killing of Arnold McLeod, FUR SALE. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Once G.N.W. Tel. Co. Hardware Store, Wingham, the destruction of 4,000 trees, the invader and wrecker of his home. The Detroit papers gave full particulars n.li ar.,,flup oeiaL,lddmuu.,rleuo:alldutl,tirYt atltild,a:t, rldre il,'Wueill,lada Smith & Pethick s old stand, -It is very important that pastureirof of the occurrence. The cause which dairy cows should be kept free from all led up to the tragedy was the alienation Choice Plums of Best qual- weeds or plants which will impart a of Ismond's wife's affections by McLeod bitter or disagreeable taste to the milk Pty will be sold by the bushel Ismond surprised the guilty couple one you or butter. Rag -weeds, especially, or basket. Picked while FAIZNI RS• night at his home, when McLeod, who should be mown off every time they was muoh the larger and stronger man,Walt. Over twelve varieties ... start up, and other weeds that are liable ..- turned upon Ismond, and getting him to choose from. Order early. to impregnate the milk with unwhole- down, was pounding him with mur- Terms Cash. NEW GOODS w some and disagreeable taste should be - ,,,,_ .•,.. derous intent, when the latter, who is Buy your own twine. That is treated in the same way. T ( what you'are doing when you buy -Drilling abarber, drew his scissors and stabbed A YV Webster Walkerton Twine -the best on the Drillin for oil in Walkerton has . DioLeod in the neck the latter dying al- A. W. been a failure, and -the Co. has on hand most immediately. Ismond is a nephew We have LOW a full stock Of up-to-date market. I am sole agent for it for a hole in the ground 1700 feet deep. It of Mr. Fred. Sharp of this town. -[Lis- , _ w ;this vicinity, was thought that perhaps they would towel Standard. Gents Furnishings, and We Can assure you E: We + Large quantities of Chop on hand, go on until 2,000 feet was reached, but -Mise Flossie Holmes of Newmarket that anything bought from us is right up-to- a- are sole : All kinds Peas, Oats, Barley, the contractor jumped the job. The THE = the -minute and at right prices. y who has been sufferingfrom what was + ,! Co. applied for an injunction to restrain for tasty and 41 the contractor from quitting, but the considered a nervone affection, for about a...... -... seven years, while cooking dinner in ADVANCE down-to•date Job New Up-to-date Shirts agents forCarr judge refused to grant it, so the effort to OFFICE Printing, Prices • • Toronto where she was engaged, was right. ” " Ties ..- . s Bud oil there is likely at ail end. taken ill with a sin in the stomach « « w DR. -The cow Rosemary and calf which and fell on the stove, She was taken to Collars (MARKET SQUARE) Mr. A. Murdock of Tiverton bought at the General Hospital and her case was " " Hats .' the Cochrane sale at Hamilton for $365, diagnosed as tapeworm and treated ...a Breaking the Colt. _ are attracting a good deal of attention, accordingly. Not only were two largedo- = New Hosiery, Braces, and everything in con - ..r VTo f o®D „ a Sewell Ford, y "Horses Nine,"a a,, (, ., . The cow is a dark roan and the calf red tapeworms taken from her stomach, but scribes one way of broakin a colt COOk'3 CQtou Roo$ Com .o lXc ' y g nection with the Gents Furnishing depart - p ; roan. The cow was bred by G, Shep- also a snake about a foot long, with a to halter. Blue Blazes, the colt im a- :: 3,aaieg lyavarltot hard the noted breeder, of Travel Soot. head about an inch in diameter. The the story, was owned by a Michigan - ment. In Tweeds you will always find OUC •- s t oro safe rollablo ' ' frt -mer. Iia had been frightened by StOC regu atopr on which woman laud, and comes from sires owned by color of the snake was black and white g k new and up-to-date, and we can assure .. can depend. in the hou17 the first attempt to bridle hint, and e. •- ^ " and dee d. need." such noted breeders as the Earl of Car- rings running around its body. It was you a perfect fit at right rices. ar•- - .fid had broken away. IIs was prompt- ­0 ; l to p For Sale only by't Prepared In two degrees of lisle and Win. Duthie. She is in calf to the largest reptile taken from a patient ly declared to be a vicious colt. '• stren. No. 1 and No. 2. agth No, 1. -For ordinary cases a bull bred by Duthie that sold when a at Toronto Hospital. -It is supposed "wo'11 tame Mull" said Farmer i is by far the best dollar calf for $2000. that some years ago, while picking Uer• Perkins, Under his coat he hid a ... Colin nn ip ^N , medicine known. CO 111 Ll. Campber -"' I No. or special cases -10 degrees ries Miss Holmes drank water contain- stout halter and a heavy buil whip. _ ."^'s stronger—three dollars per box. —Mr. Brooks while driving Dick Rob- , temp ghydittg a grain measure FHomuth Bros ... ,ladies -ask your druggist for Cookdn ertson's engine near Ripley hada e• ung the snake's eggs. This shows how temptin 1 before him he climbed Cotton Root bompound. Take no other careful people should be about drinking the pasture fence. - - a►-- ^ as -all pills, mixtures and imitations are. eulia experience. Going down the hill «- THE DRUGGIST dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and water from an open spring. In the uteasure were oats, which ho the engine struck a stone and lurched. «-- "a recommended by all druggists In the Do- rattled seductively. Blue Blazes was ct » w = : sninlon of canaa a. Mailed to any address It swung the horses down a steep incline i suspicious. Four times he allowed SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR. rrte }} !! }} tt } }} ii)f }} !! •• on receipt of ri@c CoOIt Cur ilonnty postage . breaking through a railing and down an the fanner to crime almost within ± itii biftiilii1ll+i1 8i1 +11i11liIN stamps, 0 Windsor Out .,.I, ... ...1.,,, .........,,LI .I • almost perpendicular embankment, A Scientific Voice Improver. reaching distance, only to turn and No.1 and No. 2 are Fold in Wingham by smasbing through a road fence into a Because of its strengthening influence bolt with a snort of alarm at the A. L. Ha nilt,on, It. A. Douglass, C. A. + g g crucial inoincnt. At last he conclud- farmer s field. The driver jumped in upon the vocal chords, Catarrhozone can- r• Campbell and W. MoI ibbon, druggists, that he must have just one busts good time and no harm lune done him or not be too highly recommended as a of of those oats. the horses or engine. It was a most wonderfal voice improver. It almost '•Couto coltict Nico coltiol" cooed ® ® For a marvellous esca instantly removes huskiness or hoarse- the pian in a strained but conciliat- M' xv s a ness, thus insuring clearness and brilli- .en's -Owen Sound's police court record is aney of tone. Catarrhozone keeps the lnBlue iBlazes planted himself for • ®Mui STARTLiNGI • of such a character that it caused Ma- muscous surfaces in perfect condition, suddon whirl, stretched his neck as Bargains • and its regular use prevents cards and far as possible, and worked his up- gietrate Spencer to express the opinion throat irritation, thereby removing the • • + per lip inquiringly. that n morality department was Hetes• singer's greatest source of anxiety, un- 1 p i B '• 7.`ho sinell of the oats lured him o o Hard! Furniture P SuitingS• sat Since the first of this month no fitness of voice. The most eminent. y had y' speakers and Prima Dottas would not be rte touched his nose to the gram be- less than forty-six cases have been taken without Catarrhozone and credit it iu fore the ineasuro '%I dropped, and IN up at the police court, for which war- no small degree their uniform strength he found himself roughly grabbed by rants, witness papers and other docu. and brilliancy of tone to its influence. tllti itlt•olook. In a momont he saw - We have now the most The hard rubber inhaler fits convenient- the hated straps and ropes. Before LOT 1. 120 Ritchen (.hairs, new, regular 40c -Special........ 2oc ments were issued by Clerk Menzies to a ly into a purse or vest pocket, and may ho could break away the halter was `1? atch 9,5 beautiful and complete stock number approaching two hundred, "I be used in cht}rcii, theatre, any place or around his neck and buckled firm„ly. LOT 75 good Diners, perforated seats, reg. 75c -Special.... bee WX ever put on the Wingham can only account for this astounding To. any time. Complete outfit $1. Small I Tarnier Perkins changed his tone. LOT 3. 160 Rockers, golden oak and mabog iny finish, regular Market in the way of Men's cord," remarked ltlagistrate SpenAer, sues 260. druggists or Polson & Co., "Now, you ugly little brute, I've price $2.00 and $2.50 -Special price ................ 1.90 nr,0ej'IoS "by the tact that Qwen Sound }s a sea- X-iugaton, Ont, got youl (Jerk.) Blast your wicked t Suitings. hide! (Slash.) You will, will yyou? LOT 4. 3 only Bedroom Suites, reg. $1400-Special...........10.00 port town with a large transient popula• (rank.) I'll Varn yowl" (Slaskt.) (This Suite Is a w•4auer, IM20 mirrors, 50 inti, bed) tion. It is a deplorable fact, however, Dian and colt were almost exhaust- LOT G. Now for Couches, We can dazzle our eyes on thein, In all the latest designs that Owen Sound is as far advanced in ed when the "lessen" was finished. y y and materials at very reason- crime as A cit of one hundred thou- FALL FAIRS. It left Blue Blazes ridged with welts, and at prices that were Hover heard of before in 3" NVingliam, considering the c utility. Our leader is a treinl>littcf, fright sickened. Never s able prices. You will have Saud people, again would lio trust himself within spring seat and spring hea , 24 in. wide, (3 ft, long, W1xCfirai3l-Sept. 24-25. done ro your stun cltoic•e of covering, with good n0 difficulty in selecting a - reach of thoso men; no, not if they 3' g Blyth••-Oot. 6.7. fringe (we use nothing else) --Prices....$5.00, $6.75, $8,00 suit to shit. A True Nerve Tonic. 14iilvorton-•••Sent. 2.1.25. offered hiin a tvholo bushel of oats. (other desists would ask you Sio for one not as good) . ... GO TO... N. PARK'S Jewelry Store In fit and workmanship we take a back seat for no (Intl„ Satisfaction guaranteed. Root. Maxwell acts not so much upon the nerves them• selves as upon tho digestive functions, and the abundant formation of rich, red blood The nerves cannot be fed on medicine. They can be feed and strengthened, by digested and assimilat- ed food. rerrozone's inarvolons action arises from its power over the digestive assimilative function of the body, You take it, and the blood grows richer, red. der. You feel strength and vigor, di- gestion ceases to bo noticed, for it has become good. Work is easier, for you have the strength to do it, In A Macdonald Block Wingham- High Irt Tallof Iingham `srh oonsime you luaus health, Use Fer• Stratford -•-Oct, 7. Teeswater-•Oct, 8. Toronto -Aug. 27 Sept. 12, Palmerston -••Sept. 23, Comugwood-Sept. 22-25. Poterboro-Sept. 22.24. S trathroy--Sept. 23.266, Walkerton -Sept. 23.24, Harriston---Sept. 25. Wiarton--Sept. 24. Ustowel-Sept. 3o. tuoknow--Oct. 2. Goals --Oct. 8, 1 Why Nerviline Cures Rheumatism. The remarkable strer -vth and marvellous soothing property of Nervilnie-nerve pain euro--rendors it almost infallible in Rheumatism. Five times stronger than any other its pene- trating power enables it to reach the source of pain and drive out the disease. Nervilino is more penetrating, stronger, and inose Highly ptun•subduing in its action tXtgn Any medicine herotoforo (b- Yased for the relief of ma'n's infirmities. Druggists sell it everywhere. v.ieianhA.i. We will give you something Special on Iron Beds about the 10th of next month .... .... WALKER DROS• & BUTTON Home Furnishers and Undertakers 81 6