HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 4TSE WINCH) that eless �� ;y y t] ry 1T(tt� tee as caul re z in it >. he for ........:.il..i..l...ro- �i�i�J�r.i,q l��i.,�,.P,i.iiih. a.�.�.�--:-. .� 1 gr p mercial mesmges within three mouths. Four new inventions will -1�.$perts have made the esti- tend to perfect the system in send - Ritchie Campbell mato that as much as twenty per Ing transatlantic messages, cent. of the fire losses in the United l States and Canada are doe to arson. The South .African Review I says :-South Africa is probably r �+ •--The Mail -Empire figures that destined in the near future to be- -Every Liberal member who votes come a formidable rival, to Cali.')AY for the railway deal votes a debt of fornia and Australia as a competi- $125 upon each one of his constitu- for for the English market in the ,.. .� ents who is the head of a family, supply of fruit. There were 21,•+ 968 boxes of Cape fruit shipped to I England in the past season, as -In Europe over forty per cent, against 14,998 boxes in 1902, the of the cattle are estimated to be increase being principally in plums, Every Saturday will be Bargain Day affected with tuberculosis, while in gr apes and peaches. While these at our store, commencing _ the United States only about ten three ere re the leaders in export, yet per cent, are so affected and the pears, apricots, apples, Saturday, C�� percentilgeiaconetantly decreasing. nectarines, quinces, pines, naartjes, Sept.p 5 oranges, lemons and pomegranates 1 among the fruits received from the give -It is stated that the everglades Cape. On our first Bargain Day we will of Florida are to be drained, there- t' you the following extra values : by resouing siz hundred thousand -That Uncle Sam has a c1sweet acres of good, rich land from the tooth,, hs demonstrated by the ree- swamp where it has been sub- Ord of sugar importations for the merged as long as our knowledge year, which have increased to the 4 pieces extra Milton Dress Goods, colors Red, Green, Grey of the peninsula recurs, largest total ever known. In addi- and Black, regular 30 and 35c for ............................. 25c I tion to the sugar raised in the Unit - 10 (nieces Wrapllerette suitable for Dressing Sacks, Waists, -Returns from 700 divisional ed States more than five billion lirrappers, ate., regular 121-2 and 15c for .................. IOD registrars in the province of Ontario pounds were imported, which, with g P the domestic production, would 5 pieces Flannelette 30 inch wide for .................•....,,.•• 50 show that during the month of give each man, woman and child July there were 1,873 deaths from in the United States about seventy - 6 pieces Linen Towelling, regular 10 and 12 1-2c for......... u?.c all causes in a population of 1,951,- two pounds per annum. As man l220, giving a death rate of II-_; per persons do not eat anything like 2 cans Mape Leaf Salman for- 25c thousand, which is practically the g his amount, and much sugaris in - same as for the same month last troduced into the human body in year. other forms than the refined pro - We are showing- a very las ' ge stock of new Fall `t duct, there must be many people Dress Goods s Trimmin Mantles Furs etc. -The quantity of anthracite coal who consume more than their own Trimmings, ' ' imported into Canada last year was weight of sugar in a year. The j 1,456,713 tons, valued at $7,028,- quantity eaten in the form of con - 664, which is at the rate of $4,82 fectionery is enormous, and, if Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry per ton, declared value for the year sugar would do it, America should ended with June, 1903. Part of be a land of sweetness if not of . this quantity, 62,038 tons, came light. LM ADYANC.R September 3, 1903 -MIT.11 �.. .�. _ .. -,., THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR. STORE Macdonald Block, Wingham. JN09 & JAS* H. KERR A. peculiarity of this business is its absolute regard for the truth in advertising. We intend that you shall accept our store news literally, which means that we will stick to facts and use plain English. You will find goods and, prices in this store exactly as represented in our advertisement. Something You Should Know .Malt vinegar Men's hrniShings r About Fashions in- Fall n - Fall Dress Goods We have it in stock. Its the best Vinegar to use for When you want a New Suit pickles. You'll like your pickles of Clothes, Come here for it; ZEBELINE CLOTHS, plain and much better it you use Malt Vinegar, we make it pay you to come fancy, are certainly leaders for here, we carry a good line of the fall season, Import and Canadian Tweeds, CHEVIOTS come in it good second, Pickling Spices Serges, Worsteds, Fancy Wor- while other fashionable goods _ come following order:- —" sleds, OPel'COatings, etc, ; W0 cin the SNOW n the MIXTURES We carry a full line Pure guarantee quality' of goods, FANCY FLECK TWEEDS Spices, Whole and Ground:-, workmanship and perfect fit. CAMEL'S HAIR MIXTURES Whole Mixed Pickle Spice A. suit made t0 your order Mustard Seed, Tumertc from strictly High Class Pure BRUADCLOTHS, VENETIANS Coriander Seed, Mace g FRIEZES, AOJiSPUNS Anise Seed, Cayenne Wool Fabric, wi th first-class Qelery Seed, Qloves trimmings, is the kind that PLAIN TWEEDS, ETC. Chili Peppers, Cinnamon Curry Powder, Allspice brings satisfaction to the We will be pleased to show you Root Ginger these goods and quote prices. Whole Pepper, etc• wearer. from Great Britain bnt 1,394 675 I tons came from the United States. -Few people realize bow quickly Ripe Tomatoes & Cam-pbell I j P Remnant Sale.'p Underwear Nltchie and completely, within a little over ten years, dominance in wheat pro It will pay you to , , succesrior5 to M. H. MCINDOO. —Under the head of "A Humili- dnetion has passed from Ontario to we've been going through Our men's and boys fall atin Confession," the Toronto Manitoba. In 1892 Ontario pro- g g g leave your order at this News says -"If proof were needed duced 26,000,000 bushels of weat our stock and have taken out store for Ripe Tomatoes, Underwear is all in stock and all short ends and put them p values are better than ever. of the decadence of the Ontario as compared with 14,500,000 in p ns sa That iigreat deal in Government, it would be found in Manitoba. In 1895 the Prairie on sale as remnants. Most of saying a the statement of Mayor Urquhart Province first obtained the lead, them are Prints regular 10c EARLY CRAWFORD the face of a rising market. (who is a staunch Liberal) that the with a record of 31,7 75,000, against and 12 je goods, and the PEACHES -- -- interests of the municipalities of 16,578,000 here. That was one of this Province are safer in the hands lengths are from 3 t0 8 yds, are now ready. We will be Men's 'Pool Fleece Shirts and Ontario s lean years ; in the 3 ears • g leased to fill our orders. Drawers -each, only......... , 50c �C®Yr�1 fly������J of the Dominion Parliament than 196, 197 and 198 this Province again All good lengths. Don't delay. y ,7 in the Provincial Le islature." led • in '99 Manitoba ran ahead M©n's Heavy Ribbed wool Shirts g t and Drawers -each........... 50c .I once more, with a yield of nearly We're selling lots of things , , 28,000,000 bushels, as compared Men's Rubber Collars Men's All Wool P below the market price. .But UN -EQUALLED -Of the 7,994,702 pounds of with a little over 19,000,000 here. everybody doesn't know yet, -- ���� and Spicesa wool imported into Canada free of In 1900 Manitoba had a disastrous the mons to be saved buy- UN -SUN -DER E P y y' 1'V'ill wear for months. Al- UN-DERwEAR duty last year, 568,000 pis. came season, and her production dropped ing here. ways ready. Will keep pure from Great Britain, 307,000 lbs. to 13,000,000 bushels, while ours white. They are very comfort- You can't shrink them; the most from the United States, 283,000 lbs. ran up to over 28,000,000, but in able, and always look well. comfortable and satiafactory • Children's Handkerchiefs —Our Shirts and Drs. for fall and The pickling season is now at hand, and to keep from France and 81,000 lbs. from 1902 Manitoba, with a record Of Special price, three for........ 5c Price ..... ...... 25c each winter. Price ...... 50c ll $1 each them firm, tris and retain their flavor, you must other countries. Its total valve as 53,000,000, had over two bushels . p entered was $1,239,998 and the to our one. Wheat supremacy so have pure Vinegar and Spices. We have the American wool cost 13.7 cents per far as Ontario is concerned is now pound, the English 14.7 cents, the gone for good, but inside of ten choicest brands. French 201 cents, years the Territories will be as far �r TT �• p T VINEGAR. -Absolutely pure ; free from acids, ahead of Manitoba as Manitoba is gE CAREFUie. ALEX. KELLY WELLINGTON 1�UTUAL I • now ahead of Ontario. CIDER VINEGAR. -Full strength, mild, excellent for CENTRAL, Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS. CO. pickles. -Purchases by Canada from the Established 1840. British Empire in all parts of the 1 I havo secured an Auctioneer's I for Head Office GUELPH, ONT. GRAPE NINE VINEGAR.—Delicate in flavor and aroma, Huron county, and am con prepared to conduct world amounted last year to $65,- STRATFORD, ONT. sales at reasonable rates. Rieke taken on all classes of insurable pro GOLDEN SYRUP VINEGAR. -A very fine Vinegar; for 007,080 -that is $20,028,027 free A LIBERAL SPEAKS OUT. Sales arranged at the Advanea OMee, party on the cash or premium note system. Table use it has no equal, and $44,979,053 dutiable -as Com- ALL BCSI: ESS COLLEGES are not alike. n A school with a reputation like oars is a ALEX. KELLY, `Wingham P. O, JAMES GOLDIE, OnAs. DAvIDsoN, MALT VINEGAR {Grosse & Blackwell.) -The name is a pared with $x4,039,090 in the fiscal sate one to patronize. It you leant to got President. Secretary. guarantee of quality. year 1901-2. The total of Canada's The Forest Free Press, edited by a first-class position, then get a first-class Mr. H. J. Pettypieee, M. P. P. for business education. Oftentimes students w JOHN RITCHIE, PROOF VINEGAR. -The strongest Vinegar made trade with the British world was Dome hundreds of miles solely to attend THOS. HOLMES &GENT, FYINGRAM ONT where in the year East Lambton, and a prominent this college, catalog free. Enter now. Tests 100 grains. $206,983,717, y Liberal, apposes the Grand Trunk f BANDER, ETC. preceding it was $183,109,710, pacific Railway scheme of the Ot- j W. 1• $11lOtt, Principal. Marriage Licensee issued. No witneseat (((��� jjjiil d. There has thus been substantial tawa Government and thinks there t,,.,............. raga oney% large amounts; smaller in pro-WINGHAM-SAW MILL growth, both in exports and im- are other directions in which the portion, Fastest term.. at Urinin' ports, for the exports grew from resources of the country can be 1 j'lake Up your mind to attend $129,070,620 to $141,976,637. more profitably expended. Our RICHARD HOLMES McLUAN do SON t contemporary says: LIS.7'0WEL BARRISTRR AT LAw, SOLICITOR. RTC., LTO. IeOne serious objection hes in the Office; next to Holmes Block now building ! The Northwestern Grain Dealers' fact that for all practical purposes `L All kinds of rough and dressed.... %� Association issued their annual re- it is absolutely unnecessary to build port showing their findings on the another Government line from que. Fall Perm Begins Sept. 1, 1003. DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES yield of all grain in the west. bee to Moncton, nearly 500 miles, -Two Courses- PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS. Wheat area under cultivation between which points we now have Commercial and Shorthand, ACCOUCHEUR, 3,123,663 acres, estimated yield a Government line which is capable Send for College journal. Office :-Upstairs in the Macdonald 07,163,032 bushels ; average 18.3 of carrying three times the amount C. A. PLEMINO A. L. A1clNTYRB Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a v. bushels. Oats area under cultiva- of traffic that it is now getting and President seey. Night calls answered at office. large quantity of dry hard - tion 1,101,333 acres; estimated which can handle all the new traffic wood for sale, delivered. ieleWe Have �� � � r , ,921 bushels • aversg that the proposednew Grand Trunkd 40418 y LIFE FIRE RS.CHISHOL11 & CHISHOLIK 36. r bushels. Barley 381,125 acres; pacific is likely to bring it for many INSURANCE Telephone Orders Promptly ears to come. estimated yield 10,900,461 bushels; If the Grand Trunk _..,. y PHYSICIANS SURGEONS - ETC, attended to. average 28.6 bushels. Flax, area Pacific will have more freight to Lowest rates consistent with 64,639 acres, estimated yield 743,- bring to Quebec than the Interco- absolute security. All claims Josephine Street - Wingham p Come and see our large � 348 bushels; average 11.5 bushels. lonial can carry away then the G. promptly settled McLea is (Xi Sox stock of T. P. does not need any Govern- Abner Cosens P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P. S.0 ment aid. If there will not be The Goderfch Star has this to more than the Intercolonial can ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS (Member of the British Modioal "•' say:—The The Rosa administration handle why build another line to Aeaooiation) t5o YEARs• , Wra erettes in all colors y COLO MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. EXPERiEtVCti pp 1 seems to act on the principle of the be another burden on the tax - seems A. .DULMAGE Special attention paid to Discasoo of women once famous Tweed gang, in New payers? and children, beautiful goods, at 10c per yd. York "The public be blanked 1" ``Another bad feature is the pro- REAL ESTATE AND LdAN AGENT. •' Orrlcs HOURI :-1 to I P.M.; T tog p,n1, Flannelettes, wide and heavy, M Three vacant constituencies are posai to lease the road to the Grand CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN kept without representation for Trunk for a nominal rental, ten on Town and Farm Property. g T, Holloway reg, 12 z e, for 1 Octs. ; White now many months, two offices in years for nothing and forty years ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. TRADE IYIItRKti ([?' Huron are kept open as incentives for three per cent. on the cast of OPFIce.-In the Kent slack. D.D.S., L.D.S. DEEIGNE -�- Shaker, very Special at Uc per RceidonCe-GatherinBSt. ClraduntoofRoyal cOPYRIGHiSdcc. .- -� for still more part work in case an the road. If the Government will conogo of Dental Anyone sonding a skoteb and deserlpdan may �•-^ y Surgeons Of Tor- quickly aacorwn oar opinion free whether an �,�.,.. ....�•w emergency should arige find the put the necessary drains, fences, g o ,t Invantlon is probably ntentablo, communlc . yard. buildings, etc, on SII number of Chaouan of oat- sant frog. yy y Premier secretly gives aid to a gang g , s y C. J. MAGUIR i' hone etriCtl��conadontial, handbook on Paloma ci Uldeflt a pncy for eecurinK steals. of electric railway promnierei whom sections 0£ l.$nd and then offer it to al Dep't. of Toren• Patents takan t�raa¢h Diuna A (Fo. rooetr. Cheap Plaid goods for Com` M REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND to Latest ppeciatnotfea,witboutohnrno,inthe several municipal corporations are settleFB Oft >;tle favornblf teln;31t Latest . Prod methods e a broacher of Se�ent��iC ��n�r��an e p Po LQSN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Dentistry. Prlcos moderato. sathfactlon forters. fighting at great expense to protect can fill every corner of Ontario as CoU0,tion of Rents ant4coquntd iapocia]ty, parantood. 0 0 I Beaver Dlcok Abendeomrly llluetrntod weekl7• ImrRo.0 air• fast es the farms can be of read `mss the public rights. $ Y* culatlon of any edonttfla ]d bygal Terme, �3 a �l�liSlinS Prints Basket Cloth I And a policy of that kind would be , ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. i �7[� aur• foarmontbe3B1Qso7 Anil newedoater+. a } more reasonable than the one ro.. OtAkt in 7an'toings, eek. Il T Uay �,' �R��N UNN & Co y st �� NSew York Ladies' Vests and. Cotton Hos- p apeM f3etarda ovpnin s 9 to Q. n _ --The Philadelphia Record says: pose o• "There are nearly 200,000 idle If instead of s ndin all of our boater aP Dental �Ifrgo of find ten- .,.....�....,.,. ,.,� .,.,.... ,. lerti all o at cost. ..•. y reat surplus for the benefit of the J. A. MORTIO1� nsylvania College anLicentiateof workmen in New York city to -day grailwa corporations a portion of it Dental Surgery of Ontario. Black because of strikes and lockouts, y P Dental AND SOLICITOR, Beautiful Black LJ nderSklrt,� � � were utilized to establish free ental' OCiloo over Moab otlioe-4wINOHA]d PPR •there fs a daily loss of $700,000 fn mail delivery and similar conven 3�1oN�lt TO LOAN.at a i eduction. �.. wages. It is.estimated that nearlylevees for she use of the re. t +$600 000 000 in ca ital is tied u 1 P (1lflc t��intton Black, Wingham 10• , P P MISS SARA L. M00R%�laxldsome Cushion t(3 S. whose toil has made the rsurplus, �____�, TLY SEC�lRED ,,. p by the stoppages. •The banded em� P - I Teacher of Piano and Theory 0 sdtui A rouur intereatina twoks"Invent• -� pioyers are organizing sympathetic the work of the Clover>,mert# wrcl)d t . n r etio feu a.. `wlndlta." be very mach mare ap re iW ]IT DLT.IA_ STARLING lockouts as a means Of an Onizin g k m I °r ye'I in - w ... g and fn keeping with the, ll" tf A -r C M. - vention or and weN%, I tetlYou `L e sell Buttexlck Patterns, "-* jaympathetic strikes. In the mean- P g • rpt /i �j rti (� T� tree aur le, Rnatto�rhe hercat1 iti.probab]Yl eofttn ' �"'.. LibQr$lfsm. 2e*. -,4& of Piano, "theory and Fletcher MISS CARRIE MOORl4, patbnlabtc, Re ectad prosecuted tioabhaveorten ., time, business is paralyzed and the ' eo i beets successfully proxcuted by us, we rOB lit Of 1110 C011nt t11re8ii Mr. Blairfg tesignafion may be F 1<Gm4 Xdtk!xd, WyAjplez and Kindergarten. . . jeonduct fully tquiged oi9tccr in Montrtbl .y .. p pe y country • Teacher of Violin and Guitar. +and'�Yaahington • thieglullGcs ub to prompt - a "moo ened. batters ars n0� 90 ikld In #h8 IICC88a�t'tjr 31G Gf warning that ` Pppik prayenit for Caonhsrvatory exam" •ty dispatch work'and quicklyy seeure patents is needed to revent a t ief lI}blx- Ina afi, , As furnished. darthcinvcntion. 1llgheetrefcreuctr Philadelphia, but they are bad , P '' i Roomr--In stent illook, 11 InRhatn, sarni>tbea. dering Of the p�;lels laatzfi-4�fIYtrxl ,,_ ,r Patents procured through Marlon tk Ma• t enough, and there is a threat, Of ,f ! ^�;� �,, v �,��,f tion reewlve apodal UOUCe without Char a in ^" m0ne over loo ntwz MILLS+""' raver disturbance which thorough- 4 A Ak4�x13� / r palcrr distributed throng out T1 unsettles all Calculation for the , DICKINSON ! rOT%S the nnfnihioh. yy BA1R1118TEFf AND SOLICITOR sots and li•Patent bwinrea vt Atanuraa future and brings speculation to a Mo trT TO LO&1'r--At41 peer cant, on I Barristers Solicitors etc,tureraancrlKngineerr. im oved fauna, Smy terms rA re- I Vo bT ifs Joan Atloreatrates. Office t I� MARION & MARION M11114111141i141��1VIIIH�i� � �i ii ;�ii�� Ni � �;�ti� �t �t� � i r things no'ac`lV'*4 ga oa� be ped �y agt; e he:' twt6 , xod n i3F,d.'VRR BLOCK, Ofdcd t Meyer Black WInghs6m, Patent (New Yo York 1,14, n o tr ee,, tMMuea t New Vork LII. h'Id , florttraal by Anybadq,') Agent, Kaput Block. 746, WINGtHAM, x U Dlo'klamotl Dinner lE almor A�,taan:�»trltat,wa•h�ngton n.C. 0 i .- "'1,