The Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 2"" —1- _.� � i , .,:''.'', I- -I , , , , ., � PC I I 11 � . . :1 - . I I . - . I I � . I , � I -.10"..-W , ... ''. . � I I I I . I . � I . I , , , I- I � . L, , I - � I I., , ,,_, VqWP �, ., � .� , � ."" , � , , , , , I 11 I I . 1. , : . 1
*"� � : , f �Oii filloople. I I I I I . . 1. .- - 1,� t ", . , ,: I I �, *k"Ww ,. . , , , ..
' - - ''. '' , - ", � . _ _ � , .
-01 9. In private lifebo wa= fll%O"*O%IIWAWI"WIW,4NWA%Vlorl%"Wftvlwo%owl%-'WIOI��o%/'Wl%e%-"*, their hairy lege 44d black bodies, oxamp, ,
.504 "I 0( , � And Unsullied by tho" vice$ - took very rep , Is by adoptlng rulao r1gidly . .
.,. I lay 5 ulolvo to others.
. . � restricting, in the victoltY ar all
have blotted thel liam,olw� of many '511lon she IS, locullea to Show oft of Dap.toills parks, the buildl . in g of hIgb
� Well. oapAbIlItles fol MUSIC She 'our" follow$ and the ills
� � - play.1 of olgav, pos-
IIXTJAA�NAIXIONAL XAUSOON No. X* The geomt of hip dowulalL It to A , ' THE LOOKER ONN rounds herself with a circle or water term, And adyDrtlooluento thereon,and
00M." I other Irreat bistdricatchAractev. . . CURRENT COM E
tow:rounult 0. 1Q08, qua-ation, whatter gul over pos- ito- keep off their too delicate atten- it is speolally gratirylug to note that 440.910 -**"", I
— 004001 that Spirit w,blob Is 411 essoul t1olls, and plr�yu slowly, softly., In A tile Boston bIll-posters have prorate. 10 +"T,
tial to. tme, ,Success In ally under- .qb"q�,-Rb,,W.qm�,-w*,.%w4b,-NIO.,'%W,NAO-%W,%',46��l%-,W'Mk"%-'%-'Qb-�'Ift0l'W � m1nor key on the ba;rp. F rom alf car- 04 to In tile onforcem . ont
beath at swai aud ionath4n.- I Saul. 41 -. 1-13. taktia-g--tbat apirit which ACQQ 9 4 nora of the rOOM tile spiders run Or t h I n eminont Wanillngton moliolo.
, - pt B illy N.olt Munro, autlwr of "JOU11, till', tba, knees o Ibis knickerboulcoris; eso rules. -Leslie's Wookly'. *
CoMMt,%tAXy._I. saill',s Rana NIAln bosit the whole wui or God. Many toward her, 11rdtonlog with evident I gist, Dr. James Sallyp -asserts that
I tbousanda of .individuals, Although ,, 4ploadid.") and bola nW r1cht cot a' the Infant Pleasure% but Should she strike lip a .%
(Va. 1, LI). From this chapter on. 'e"ccl or good intontiono, have Tbio Falr'm nearly Started," said olafle When a klotty gunle clapt on Ills HOIRY, Way,. Inharmonious. strain they as being bad, form, is produclog A
tbrotigh the isubsequeut history Of I"OL 41,040, Ott satuN.Ay. "yo Pan fool't 011'Quther. fLAVA bVis wAde Into a Itoxal . HOW TO TFU A GOOD AIMON poolety"s b u aga"nat A "c'n'Fty ln";h'
the kinge. wo W43 tile ptt,rallell And mado, allipwreck or the 1`64th when Ili tho air. 11JJkeylX,o begiallill, to try j3rlgad p ,a . hot a fie - -
� �Iailonft tooted am to tbol.r real fidelity to . , a wl, a wilito belt an(, a peach 6oam or back to t1i Ir a race of i(tirthlesv. sour-yisaged mpil
frcqueat .supplementary COMO - liorria's Tor their toaa up, car close, hIngin' tQ't for� haudlul )its Cigarettes. though dIsgustod, No Ono Need Pu .it the
0 krciulclm 'em- God. This toat Came to swill. and I A curious fact In. coxineotlon wltk .rchase Ally bi , , otate
I tbo books of tho� C,J alls.1 taldn' ill tile neir potatoon, I �Look At th, 'YQUng won Ill lite Best ill tile A.11tricet. and, women. What's A laughable
Para WItA , tilts chaptorl. bb";;a. 14glit there began his dowgrall, When uw.t D-Ully all �oor ago, colialail alaug Una, pwcatin, ower goU links to -Y411' thlo story Is that tba 1womall bears of Wfalra'. k I . . I � .
I oes ,not rule there ,confusion O"Ing (ke birthmark or v a been r �
ICIL'is X. God. d , ,, spider*_,LQlIdo9 Many attempts "v ,undo to I I .
IPP04ad will Reell reign. The governing the street handful himool' up no' that for balo, iskooshin' cot to Follwick Qxpross. I .
1. Um 9f lomoi Slod"It Is Ell power goile,, artangenient &eon fol. bad, uiV tll�ylol to mind the words, tiln And the Dia . Bull At . ullgii - Well watermelons Over winter, but -Call liver
that tho btLttle was being, fought in , ok M nyl I I oil, vrblah, under normal
lowis as the result Ql disobedience. ,a' ' Dark Locbmagar.' IWl1w lleor I've on bicycles, wallcial by thecor with- "I'll , wltk4 A
. . . , poor measure of succofm Tile conditions. "old at 05
the, plaill, of V'Silrapiall, and that, tile Saullo Soul 'became the Abode of drunk tLlu day,' saye he. Uan,'I says, out Ills waistcoat for'ylo a, Prow� - - 41"%o -0 Ww%o m -, beat that can. . '40 dollar Is to preflOrve .2 a barrel, Is k
L � '
X-srAelite# fled before their OiIomtes to dark and revell,galul passion. He be- ' YO IYAKI . be far better to briag't manlip suite a, OROS or, h A prize trao them. three or four weeks now 11noted at 8160, Tile cause Is
the clopels of lifouut Gilboa. whither came, 1, Joalcus. 2. Vindlotlye,, S. , 44140 to A Vail.' Tharo's tboasandS a' the Tivoll. Tile lirpt tiling the ave - . -freight 4e- Said' to Do a fAlIUrQ Of"ille VZOP,
_ _ , . r- Ttw Beene at tile great
the Philistines tollomxl. Zoll down Untruthful. 4. Im , Gloomy. ! Well, I he narkets, Vote is a. busy, one W4,on A cargo of on ly' .1,200
clula-1t Was Impossible for them to , patient. 0 Ike Duffy Ili Gleska tilts very age Cles-ka W.oung mail puts Ill has barrols being obtainoll.
6 Racklmis. I I day; they're that glad the FaIrla Ittst when he's obaugin, Ilia ludglhla - watormeloxw comes In. News of ttle train the Norwegian fWierlos ln�
rally. Saul and Ilia ocne fought like ' , 0, tiv Lit IT "
lieroop, and no doubt threw - them. Successive steps in Ills downward c0minl On tlWy 040nut keeP Oat O' tile Is a pair a V�-puu dumb -bolls, - . . ., 'a~%r*1_1_1%o%o% . arrival is Boca spxead among ti"O stead 01 th;i-80,000 bargolo oxpqoted,
4. public hoose, and by the time the a $axldow exerciser, And Tale ,Whole — . , dealers, and at w1mtevor hour In the . 11 I
Solves Into the forefront 9f the b4it- career- -I- He disebayea God c oil" V,airlis rlo4t started thovIll no ken Art DS Bela' Strong In Two. U Inates day or nigild It MAY be the trucke � "
40, but all In valn I God WAS agziluat wal by poit; carrying out lstrict , t that PritatlQ0 a . Week. A10 tile same -wil Toronto Fra It Markets. Cagro ,wants to compol. Frand
. , , directiclno given by $Axxiiicl, Z I,: very wuc%lo *,boat It exeep. of tbe commis,slog Merchants Qrdoal- L N
them. I 4 to hypocrivy ill his report thiGir moncylig noa,r (lone. Last year their ma,ws; they., used to dau fiae- Who otorius on the lake have pre- orH crowd the vicinity. to Pay over
I -L Followed hard-Thet onset of tile resorte vented A ,Ilea a"
1111111still m to Samuel ae to )lie disposal or the Dully colneis to mq a,t the end a, the thin, but macrami doi,y.loyp -v,y,l glut of fruit, and t nole, tile again taxes wrung from them whilb
wow direated mainly for coup.- . 110 attempt to made to r4a
agaiii,st that quarter w4ere Saul And . persona and property of the Amnle- Fair Week wil asked me for a wee In' Paw`0 decanter on, or -H o da1l's prIcees are steadier. Black- inoloilp In bulk or In barrels. T4oY tile reVolationists .held Ciudad Doll,
4114,$0118 W401-8 fighting. SISW ...... Saul's kites. 8. He revealed tile cruelty that Lon,' ol my Francis Orrla Almanack. Choirs oat In the back green at Lang- berrielp. �A;wtcixls, quoted at 4 to * Xrom. hand to
cpoxJs-Jen&tllan falls with the reat. existed deep In Ills nature, by lite 'Are Va Wantin' to see WIXen Jtl0 side wi'011 their feet up � on tile Bell. ov ; apple � Must bo pa,ssod. out var. If France,, Germany and Italy
,a, :to tQ L10o pet, basket; r2a � I
1. God would hereby Complete the sonaeloss persecution of David, 4. 111911 iWo. so that a Qua .go and � lettin' on to t-bolusells it was plume, (L5 to goo; pairs, 20 to 800, lid, and long lines of Iran S are take It into their beads to discipline
1260, do.# �,el'# formed for this purpose. 'Ahern I al-
juftmamt that wao to Ila' With muraroniq Intent he made an droon, yersoIr, ?, I ajsl�lg t.qm. ,No, nor, t�,`la couatil,r, ZNoo they're bWlnl As peacbea, white, 20 to ". kys, A crowd of �oqug$terB-Ital- Cagrok the Uonroo doctrine. letIO
executed hard as tIlRr brit-bors, . gow.rial, la low. 3 I I
upou Saul's house, g. Re Would make assault on Jonathan because of Ills droQn mpself'.1 says lie, Inae fears ol , 0 to Q0c; 1)uckleberrie,s, basketb w(
P, y- lane And nogoela-at the depots to will need a, now Coat of war paint.
Id friondiship for DAvId. 5. At last, ,re- nim; I ivaint tae ken. whit day Q, tile In, boo4ey, and ilaoln' a' tbo.r can to to $1.50; grapes, small, basket# catob a stray inaloni that ls crackrA
David's, wny to the crowai clear al 4t Acted and diqlionored, lie commit- onek It is' and ivilother thlo Is tile �eto afloo. fe6gure. Thetr maw keeps gF011.2tocy 80c; do.. goore'r. E4rl,y, 00 to Or broken, and the gisnionibered
open. a. GOZI would 41BO allow us thi 400. A Powspaper controvera-r Is rag-
tho, difinrence between good and bad Letl suicide on the battlefield to start ol t6 Fair or till and a' olt.9 her feegure r1clit wl Jtat dressin, their , parts, are soon gobbled and disappear
% craeltX of Ilia loop. uAll" Is It no jist peatiful the wye polkas or, blouses or whIt islt yo cal Oranges-Call.tornta; late i'alen-
is to be maue In tile other world, ATOUI , In, A gap. Ing In Now, York over the ritlostl9li
not In this.-lueary. Consequences -of Saul's disobedience. inon like Duffy splile their holidays t3lem ?, . i Plao, extra, $4,25, to $5. Laramie,, Wwroaro various ways of telling a whether a woman should wear liar
If. The dea,th of Saul (vs. 8-0), U., 1,- HIR Wlaraotor, that gave promise wIl drink ? A ChaIX MiOlIt as W.0131 . POO(I. ca4w, $3.50 to $3.75; ,Watermelons,
The archers -The men wbo'ahot Mr- of aploncild possibilities, WAS Irre mak' ready for his Sunday dinner by 11310 and �'oa had to wArstle into, each, 25 to 300; bananas, Initilb, good waterroololl' E;0MC Persons Bay hat In church or not. Tile storin
trev- . . , Way can, by pressing tile oldes to-
rowle with the bow. Hit ...... overtook.- a,bly ruined. 2. Ilbe peape and happl- takin' a (laze a' chloroform, tho ist�ta welre In on sLutf to eat $1.50 to f2, ; . gothor. hear In a good, Pound, ripe wag raised by a Now jersey Clergy.
After tile death. of SAuI10 Sons the nwa of lite household i1vore destroyed. . IF 11 4 that miogt- hao, beat us early to car Yegeto'blels - Potatoes, 40 to 45C melon a peculiar Pound of crispness man condemning tile. pr"tice qf
archers aingled Sa,ul out and pursued 3. !-11.% best friandis surf Brad the per. � Degeneration, gravc1s, .Porridge, broth, soda, soon per bushel'; tomatoes, 15 to 20c per
as, , like ttat of celery. A well known worr,gjxl appearing bareheaded In
him. Thc4r nilastneff were allacd at Its and distress of undeserved wxlle. "Nao Wonder the broad's faln' aff and a' tlia,t plaill; common traolt.tbat basket; cucumbers, 12% to 1"; xPort gives ttmee directions,
him aXicl some of them ma,v have 11 - It 4. TAlo beloved son. Zoncktluw, was , 'y 0 '-Lay tNe melon, on its back wi
In Scotland, 1. see the Ifoose a, tlrci� tile digestive org"s, And liar green 11 7 to 80 per dozen; Dole' th church, and quoting Paul's oxbortg,�
him. Bore wounded ...... greatly dis- called to Jay ,flown ills life on the Commons I" a�wXu, J�%jr Text at tile nao mair salerloe in't than a kIP- as to 4T.1 egg pla.ilt, 80 *to 400 pet' thlo wlilto part up, scratch the skin tion against lt� Tile question has
. I
tre"sed-Tille Revised Version gives oaMe battlefield wiftere h1a tathor condeet'lon a' tile common p,-op'e a' pored herrin'. It,,S a moray we,pe baplqat. I I I � . of tlw lightest pait wiLh �*our finger been partly Solved In this city by
tho correct meaning, "Mile word no- Lllsboxiora,bly porisLed. 5. The bodleb spared; the rialn' generation noo en. eall. if t1w .&kill is tender and the
' Clio country. When ail M,11, comes joy$ the 50Q,000 Barrels of Apples, tho Indian of one of tbo obolre, tak.
whare, means to be wounded, ao--Qur of Saul and Ills Bons Wore mattla,ted bjeselu'o a' ]?area, 'Grape- I melon is yet firm to the pressure of Ing off their hata while In, church.
vt1r,HIDe hasi it here. He Saw that be ,aad CiLsbonorcd by ilia Philistines. 6. . frac London to Scot.aild, and lands Nuts, Plasman, Pianlollo, and Olea- VA11fax, Aug- SO-ThO al?Ples 011ap- Wo finger, so that you can with dlf-
wtk& the ma,rk of the -Philistine aharp- A multitude of 1sra,elitea sharotl the at Cliaelinacuddin ,Station, Ila Dan ginoll,E'. %111�aa. things may look like ped to England from Halitax last flculity ploroo It with your nalf, It Mho Ottawa Journal hus,dimoveredt
shooters, and he therefore -writhed Had dmth of Saul and lite sons. hardlY got a man wil Strength an- oliampad e4w(14taue, braix�stu,fjjn' for YoUD amounted to only, about 80s- Lfl probably A good Melon." . -4w-
and quaged with terror at the Lcp4pne to be learned rrom Saul's ough to carry hisr oarpot bag. In (joliso or With loofahs, but they're 800 barrelig. r4he coming 0=0011 tile w4y woman galto oft
thought of falling by such ba,nds.11- life, 1, Life is a time of protNLtioli,anr; the schools there's seevon-t7,five per o1joklal a' science, find there's han- allipment from this port wtil be 60W . I facing that wrong WAY. It is because
, , ' -
Torry. � . Llie tiiat or eacA nian's ebaracter Is 0011t- O' the weans needin' to wear dora W (loc,toral lines wil every ylil a' to 8W,060 be.rredo." Slich is tba rc-.j*0C--..J-nC-.J-nC%%-J93 slio knowis liar right hand Is stronger
4, Would not -The armorbearer, made 1wre amid lifelo: trials and Rpoes; they hurt their eon greetin' th0M. Through the nicht when ye're statement made. by James Hall, mail, than bar loft, so ,silo decides to use
� I
who, according to Jewish writers temptations. 2. It is Ono at tile lmrd- ow.or their hame. lessons. They call sound .P'leopiril, the Planiollo Patent agog ait HaWax, flor Furness, WItbY .
was Doog. l y l's cot ag wo as the rarest. things in lite toll yo (the names a' a' the rivers Provexidor Is da-ein' its work, baildtill & Co., walo hae''returned fro -in a ttli) PEACHESIN , liar , right hapda�s her,gulde And s-i-ii.y.
I!do. Fell upon it-I'Thrusit It through to be true, that ie, to tell tile exact, In India gay near rialit, but they up bona and sinw, for -you, and mAk- bhj�ol�gh tile 1'.ruix .growing countr n I 1 "Silo takes hold of the guard-stapto
blineelf by falling over upon it." It trut.b. it Is so easy to shado'the calina tell whit obr it to oil a clock In' enough for the men that runs the '11110 PliXIle'80, lywtllly Co' IV"' ru DELICIOUS DISHES - with har rIght hand, an(] tills
to believed by Many, froul the eon- truth 111st a little this way or that ivithoot haurlial their held to the lumber and saiv,0ust mills In America weekly steamers .from Halifax. U.'. V I
IT. ono's convenience or necea. 'kelibiood
otruetion of the original, that Saul to Re 4 ..y,g to, buy yaphts will &lid live in Paxis Hall spoke of the 11 of 8.0,- 42 wbools liar around to tile right, look.r
Side, ,411io Manhood 0, tile count, or London, 11;vA p4i�toja al tile Alatt;ed 0 1 00 barreliq Girl Bring for 13114limellt, via ZP Ing toAvArd?9 the rc.,ar of tho qar. Thua
ended Ills life with the Sword of the slty_3. )V110n 0120 Performs- the s0em-- boln' sapped Wineway tile Govern, � *13 at apples, Ponchos are here, and they aff,ard she steps off ftLpiiig rearward, and
armorbearer. "If this, be true, then Ingly insignificant act of disobcdi- 'mont canust understand-, and there's Oleaginous are equal Ill nutritive gaX,ax, The Vnag oil
Saul and Doog both fell by that once, lie never knowp the train of hardlY tWa .Young chaps in twenty quallity to a bUtCh0i'O shop; a. coarSe an, enormous one, is estimated. at
weapon with which they had Wore ,31sagers that may follow, Sau.. ivi, g,qod onougb� tooth to pa.8a f W Platsmon, peirsevered in for a fort- 4,QD,00() or even. 500,000 barrels. & 110A OX possibilities In 'JIB WILY eomqt1roes liar logic hnd liar back
or oa (kessarts. While they are clelielous hair repolve a motst nngeneroue jar."
masmered the priests a God" -L would ]lava been ovorvr�lielmed with tha Army. They're fed that weel nicht, will tak' YEW 10 &Dot a' the Toronto Partners' Marketa In their natural state, either for We kfiew It could not �o contrarble.10.
Samuel mxLi. 3.8.�-Clarke. ponitence and remurtie. At Gligal, in the Army, Yo ken, thei tei grave, and maY ye able tov lift prizes Le offerings of grain were 'small breakfast or to fLnlsli A dinner,
5. 0. Saw that Saul, etc. -He pro- Could .be, have foreseen the coxim- ri )t1l's the for wreistlin' at tbo Pollss Sports. Tt am that
bably drew the sword from rega,rd of vt consideration. Tile groat big to-aay, owing to the wet weather, many Who x1b not ca,re, for th . I
tile cinences or life Impla,tient dis hamo-made Ec�cotsman that used to be 9ake Strong E'llough. , and 1yrIcea generally are nom wax will like. them In tile various Kentucky. h
kingla body and did wba4t lie could God'B Instructions. 4. The guilt at . Inal. combinations which the housewife
to cave him, but at was too late. He the disobedient Is Increased by the tired on stiff porridge and Cliam.- " As for 'mysel, I'm daelil' brawly, one lZad of white w.hcat sold at Sao. knows how to make. , Keputatlon for feuds and assasslna_�
foll-Being answerable for the King*s'tronble, and suffering they bring plan potatoes is nao langar to the thank ye. I've MaY,be a flat fit, but and Ono load of roll winter at 7834-c. - . -_
life he fearLmd puidshment; or from upon the, Innocent and virtuous. . 5. fore, and She faur as books go, ye, I've a warra liert, And I'm strong oats firm, 200bushelts of now 601IG9 � I — f ilDris. Tile conviction of the two
a nobler motive of, true fidelity, re- We learn from Saul not to rely on cam hardly toll the difference be- enough to be dAeln' my bits a' turns. at 31!�C. I I � Pe all Jelly. ashassins of Marcum, who was slain
fused to survive file muster -Cam. a,ny good thing w;Illob we think we tween a. GJegk,a man apd an Italian I can see Signs that sooner or la.ter gay and Straw are nominal) there Among the elio-icest Ways to "put In cold blood, sbows that an effort
W.b. So Saul died -The real ground have to ourselves. It Is only Nir,hen all if it wasna for the itionkey. '.I�ome, the peopto ol tbi� country'll be made being no offerinf.r.o. up" peaches is In the for;m of mar- Is being made to assert the dignity
of Saul's last dark act of self -de- that iyci have of seeming good In oux. thing must be done, and that quick- to rise at five every mi�rxllnl, Walk Dressed hogs are unicUanged, with malade and butter, says the Cook-
structioxi 'Was not the extremity of srlvo� is bro,iglit to God In conseora.- Iy,l says the Government,and then tali miles afore breakfast, take cauld Bales at $8.25 to $8.75. � Lug Club, which gives a number ol of thG law, but tile penalty. Should
the moment nor Xaar of Insult from Lion. anf.1 tlif,L whole nature Is thor. WOOD cot for lunch, baths, and pass examinations In the golloii,ing I& ilia ,range of quota- recipw for living peachlea. For tile have *been death, n0l; life 1111prison.
Ilse 0, ,the bar-behs, There'll beGov- fan�% -Wheat, white,. bushel, 70 to former, take three-quartera of a went, with Its cilances or pardon I
the enemy, but the decay or his In- oughly purlAod and lia.rmonized with Gettinc up 01ir Str`engtli. - -andards o' i;trall 803; wheat, ,red, bughol, 78% to 79%e; palind or sugar, wlikta or Idght brown, through poiltical influenc . a. A prompt
ner life and the complete severance the divine will, thAt we can hope to .- ornment st gth,
or his heart from God. -Lange. All -oxerol3e a permanent Influence � fox "the droll tiling Is tb,ut we were wo!E�ht, height, fung pGolor, sicht, wheat, goose, bushol, 76 to 77c; Iwas, to every pound of fruit after It has - double hanging would - ll�ve proved a:
Ilia mell-Compare 1. Chron. x. 6. jusatice and right. 6. Saul, when a nexer daeln' mair nor we're daelut scent, and hearin', and them that bushel, 75 to 70e; oats, per bushel, U been pared,' seeded and weighed.
Some think tills refers to his body- young man, little dreamed that WE the noo to 1peep, up our strength. canna,'Dass'll bale to gang abroad. to 35o; oats,,now, bushel, 81 to 31%C; acat tile tr,ait glowly to draw out good lesson, and might have had'a _4N
guards and means tbat they were D,nd would be tho,t of thelsulcide. The `I�le`YJ start In the school puttin, N\ee But I'm fine, I'm na 00111PI11111111', barley, bushel, 15c; IIBY, new, liar the Mee, stirring up frequently salutary affect. A formor Governor
all slAba; lotbers thank the re(for- li;sson of to -day but emphasizes. the Wulllo through his g,y,mnastics, mak' -and neither's Jimiet. Daeln' Oor tou. $6 to $10; atra,wi per ton, $9 from t1io, bottom. After it Is hot boll of Kentucky Is now a fugitive, pro-
ence Is iro, ail his hiouseliold who,went porll or disobedience. . In, bim wag Indian clubs. and touch day's darg's a.boot as mut!kt,o exercise to $1D, &,VpJQv, per bugh., 5Q to 75c; qutelily for an hour, stirring all
With him to the war and on whom his tees wil his fingers withoot burst- as we're noedlit'.11 tooted by the refusal of the Gav-
his hopes for the future hung. Albert H. Stilwell. . drossed hogs, $8.25 to 1 $8.75; eggs. tii-e time. Add the Hugar, boil live
.. . _____.____. -..-,--..- -", __ - - fresh. dozen, IS to 20a; buttiir, maliltes and remove the Seem. Add ernor of aribihor State to give*llim
111, Tbe Philistines vietorlous-irs. . - aa�ry, it to 36a; butter, orminery the juice of .a lemon, if liked, for up for trial for complicity In the
7-10. 7. Other wide of the valley- )Karl as a Preacher. ,-V.�,,,�,-,,qm,,%,.4b,,,g 18 to ,�03, chiekoag, per lb.l 12 'to avery three poundis of su he
llqlh,% inliallitants on' the opposite One of the busiest peers is the Earl . . lrho; ducks, par pair, 700 to $1-00; Water iii which Home of the peach assassination of o. buccessful poUtl-
;1',,Ride of the great Talley of Jezreel. of Stamford. fie is a diocesan lay. , 2-1, V E ft'11. twrkoyii, per lb., 12 to idta; pota- kerna's have been boiled, The ker- cal o.Dponent, although there is ampla,
district t, tills north 19 Meant, reader, and preaches a great deal, , toes, Dew, bushel, 50 to 55o; cabbage, nols givo the marmalade the real evidence of ilia gl;'It. Such a, condition
In which the tribes or Issachar, Ze- ENGLISH rL 11-1-1"S MAD' AUNT, �
balun and Napbtall dwelt.0-Carn. but has lately. had to relluse requests per dozen, 40 to 503; celery, .do - zon.' "peaoijX" flavor which is so much of thlng3 Is highly (11scred1tabli),
85 to. 4Zc; cauliflower, par dozen, .75 (lealred.'Cook all togertliper to a '.
B -b Other Side or Jordan -The panic to drffclate on �Iunday because, lie Dramatic Career of a Near lZelative of Lord Rosebe'ry. to $1; beof, forequarters, $1.50 to smooth paste. goal in glasses or put - - .
spread even to the eastern side of says, Sunday Is literally the only 1 $ .
the Jordan. But poesibly the phrase da fie is able to spend ill Ills coun- .%W.qkw-%.-qlk,-%�-W,.qb,-U-;3a..Qv.%,.%�,�-;to�-qt�.4;b,.Ra..�v,lz.-�� -%,,V&,-d $6.50t; berV; 1lWP1ll1t,r,teXs, $8 to away as, You -do jelly. I - Ono or two Pa.nad:ail newspapars
here meano "on the Side of the Jor- trf n children. � . . .1 . --- i .
. . . $9.15D; beefi choice, carousal $6.50 to I. . . [lave been advWl ng their readers to
da)3," that Is, In the district be- His s?,,,-cfal subject is that of into- (Now, York Prow.) 11shod. at Djoua, on Mount Lobarion $7.50, beef, medium, carC0,13e, $6 to Preserving reaches.' � . arm themselves to shoot burglars.
tween the battle field and the river. sions to the hative races, among Lord Rosp,bery, w4io hap returned and occupy.the pulace which she ]lad $0,150; lanyb, Yearling, $8 to Wro; Pool the peaches And welgh them'. We dordbt if illat be judicial d
Ibld. Fled -'*It was very natural for whom be himself labored in South 50 ompha,tically to the fore in Brit- built thora'and In which, Bile lived in lamb,, spring, per cwt., $8 to $8'�G' To ,viry potLud of fruit allow a is a _
the prelap!e In the towns and villa AfrLc% for several .years before lie tali politics In the Past few, Iveeks, oriental mugniflc6nco. Her word W1111 riyat-ton, pet, civt., $5 to $7; veab We bave a dim recollection of
gee I .. 8 liorund at sugar. Put the peaplies and Two,
there to take f light and flee, for bad Inherited the family honors. one Al. yvith a qlianca of once m6re occavy tile only lww of the land and at he - pAr ewt., $7' to $8. _-' , , - ougar In & preserving kettle In al- a Canadian judge declaring that no
-rival of title vie- ternoo h . .. I tuxuatc layel-s, and pat'tbe kettle Man has a legal right to take life I
'1ving ail address . dtion of premier, comes Oi blcldli�g couriers would ride fortl ]Bra:dstreet'S on Trade at
they waited the al: n, When g at Ing tho poisd
tors, they must, according to tile a mission church in a poor part of a, family W�llch-llap had ill it many with mweages which ,would stir the . ' Man: b, ilia side of -the- stove, where It will
war usages Of the time, have been southwest London, he was unwIt. brilliopE and r,onio.orratic members,. ,Lieliert tribes from- Daillasous to the r2pade at treat to showing w gently unless his own life he in danger, tbitt' '
rty or tingly, But for brlillaxicy a,nd orraticlom no little more activity. Labor is Well come slowly to a boll. Ste it the jarg-,ar ivas Ili tho"act -of run -
deprived either of their libei , the source of much disappoint- Euphrates. European, travelers'vis- un(,II tile fruit is tender and Wear,
their. lives." Eant to a large congregation. The mombol, Of the clan could equal his Lt(YI lier court and came away to employed and in,sOM8 cases It Is dir- but not broken, then rimlove with a ning away, ToL, Instance, j§hootlng- to.
9.10 T�he Phl'144X�a. F,nn4-:0-I eig- -ililldren In the district who had seen gr0"t-auxit, Lady lialster Stanhope, writo and toll strange stories of Its licilit io obtalb-all the help needed. ed spoon, laiy' In platters to kill would be wo.methIng like murT.
covering the bodies bf the king and the poOters announcing his ap- irAila, when .85 YePLXO 010, esta,1311811ed marvole, dad, of tile astonishing wo- Rallway, earnings continnue, to allow Porforu4t .the syrup until der. Then again it depanklo very much
they is- pearance, persuaded their fathers . b,oraeIr in Syria as qu,een of Lebanon 11, il..W110 want Into stateg of -relig thick. skimming Ircqu.eOtly. .
148 Sons on the battlefield L a large lierea,se&. A few more failures 0'01 irlillo you. boll Just be -
served them for special indignities. and mothers to come to church oil and reigned an Orlan'tal mongroji. Ili tells w-stacy - have been 1�eceutly,, ioported bilt they. upon the householder 'whave prom.
Cat off -Tho unolated of Jehovah the plea that theM, would see " a the whclernew for thl�ty years. and prophesied from have' -been "mostly- ad mine& Impore- fo,ro removing the syrap from tile file Was are Invaded. A gull or revolver.
. - tho throna. ,, i 4 1 I a4d a littla lemon Jules. � Pack the
farce no better than the uncircum- real live earl" In the pulpit. As the In bar youith Lac3y HDAer Stanhope ' - once Values of staple goods are very.
, *
Dived Goliath, ncw that God has for- people filed out after Service a we- kapt liou;se, for her uncle, the famous ]lad a Larice Fol.lowing. strong. Leading. manufacturers oi peaAhos In Jars, and fill tile jara to In the han-19. of a person of* a nor-.
maken lilm.-Cam. Bill. To publish It man was heard to observe, "He'don't William Pitt-tho younger Pitt -and, Lord Roseberry's aunt was un- cotton goods thle week advanced ovorfloviring With tile imaldlng syrag vows, or excitable disposition ivould
11 TY acting a,i ills privato Secretary, doubtadly crazy and liar la . . S,urd on a, How. . I be apt to bring more sorrow
- .at tile daughters bf the & bit like -a lord; lie only looks like. mily prices'l-4 �-o 1-2c Per __ .and
heathen might rejoice and triumph" shared in 411 the political secrets of riphoWd have placed her under m3d number 61 lines tba.t were marked regret, If not woundd or death, to
a clergyman with nothing around . reotraint, but It wou!d Ila I Meringue Pip. -
(2 ,Saiw. 1, 20). Saul's head and ar- b1s, neck. I tho daS'. Sho, wais the leader of Lon- To taken up on. June 9tb, tile qeW -prices to � . . I tile 17s,er than'to tile burg!ar, Then
� . ,ty Ill a 0 at 0
mor ,were the signs of victory. Of . dom soefeity, as well as a power In a prel ,,g riny to ]lave tr4nisfer- to;k, fe t at once. ' A Peach meringue V.c will be wet- W110 wofild want to. haVe tho-blooll of
their- Idols -Their Idols were regarded PGWIOR, and gathared about liar a farred. the queen of Lebanon I om - N imerous biyori, the advance come als something new..
e victory. =0 Clio lliscoui,aged Physical ClAturit, brilliant campwy. London bas,own, her throne to a madhouSla. Oacaslon� I alian of the influx In polinection Pare one dozen- ripe peaches, 411ce a 101109r creature upon his heak!
PI'dilstines divided the honors among nothing lika It since, for in Lady Heo. ally Queen Heater was joined by with the Dominion Industrial Exhibl- and ,stQvv there with enough ougav to Same would -rather lie took tile N71iclq. -t
their Geities, Astaroth-A heathen I been a-taldn' lessons Xrom a cb&P tor's cli-cle rh,nk had to be backed by ranatbw of both sexes from America tiall and. the autumn millIaery open- sweelep. - lVake a rich crust, fill It outfit than that they .should shed.
goddess whose rites were filthy and tlia.t deals in strength'i bralas and"both by achievement. 6f and Europe, but generally tbay did ings, havo a`ppleaved in the Toronto with the peaobae a4nd.bake. Spread blood. Don't bo In a hurry to aboot.
abominable. "The temple referred to But I've about decided that I'll give thlat company tho Most brilliant, tile 110t Otay long with her. She-woulti ma,,rket thts.-Wee h -
here was doubtless the famous tem- It )UP at longtll� . �k. 'kher. have boag t ovor t�u top a thick meringue fhade I
. Moist fascinating porsona3iLy, not ex- have no cra,nky Ideaq but liar own in liberally, and this *Iij taken tie an in- by whipping to a froth the whites of . .
ple of *Venuv In Askelon mentioned by 110 cauglit me with a picture of a oplyting ti1.1,t of Pitt lilinsell, wAs liar kWgdom, and b1ter & brief - 00- djoatia,3 of a coming largo volume of thratu eggs for each tile, sweetened Therp seems to. be as much doubt
Efercodotuo as the most ancient of man alotandin' up , . Lady Heistor. I joarn tile American or Luropean busineas t,he next two weelm Tile with three talble9poonfuls of pow- about. tlis nationality - of ,Shamrock
all her templea." Both-shlan - " The `%-n I showin' off his muscles like 11 Whom PItt died Lady Iloster went PrOoOlyte usually haid a violent quar- The couatry Is prosperous. iStocks of dAred ,utigar &ad bea,ten andi it will 11. 4',13 there IS about the' nationality.
modern Besian, between the mouu. bench,legged bulldog pup. traveling for a couillo of years, and rat -with the -priestess queen and Was manuXactured goods have boon kept flta,n4fl aacilo. Cover tile top- three- ..
atina of Gilboa and thojllver Jordan. His arms Were ,gnarled an' knotted tli,4n tho worli wt4s suddenly aston- warried a.'f the premises. . well within, reifulroments. Prices are quartom of an Inch deal) and oat- back at Ito owner, On tills Side 6t tile
Tile wall of Beth-slian, to whicb an' his shoulders full a' lumPs. lzbod by newo ,vir-olob came out of the Among tile Americans who went to firm, - . , . . � I Into a quick even to set. Keep Ili ilia . water Sit, Tbolira,e Lipton is spoken
the bodies were fastened, appears to His Chest was like a !roil safe, his ca,sit tlja,t an En.gliallwoman had Lebanon to join tile court or Queen In wholesale circles at Quebec bus- loc-box uj)tll rwAy to oervo,
cistaikillabed, a kingdaro in tile moun- HcOtOl' wai one of tile women who, In 01 ah Irifilimun, and no doubt lie 19,
have faced RoMe Inaln- street of the logo all over bumps. exe Is fairly, active. Country re- I - - - t'lie w.
tains or Lchaxon and over tile Hur- llk�) Margaret Puller, afterward . .. I . bu -1.J; bol-li in Scotland, and Ili
city" (2 Sam xxl, 12). nio readin' that waa with It said mittanow are' reported satbirhetory Stnillod Veaches.
IV. The burtal -of Saul and Ills sons : It I -would onlyi send rounding dqaerts, had acquired an ab. thr'01Y in ber Iot ivith tile late Chas. And. the 6oudItlons of trade Its heal- Lngland 11D Ili regarded as an Eng -
(vs. 11-13). 11-18. Inbabitants of. - &MeaAly little dellai to this big and solute Power over, tile mountaineers A. Dana, or the Sun, th,e late Dr.
. .IP t 1,j, , Is notlecable In. shlp� Brush the dowAl from ripe, solid lishmall, ,,.lid we. have a Suspicion
husky.,, friend, I alitl unboundcd Influence over ilia dels- George Rip Y, of ilia Tribune, rim- ,b
an � Activity
$,Mindful of the debt of graltude they Wo' ,01roles. � � fruit, place on a dIsli bu a steamer
Hold have"60 lookilfg that way'l ill a 'art tribes, and had proclaimed herself ei �i and Hamtborue When Unt when at howe lie conidders ]Jim.
Owed to Saul for rescuing them from religion startul the celebrated 'Boo they ' Rallvest ,operations In the west are to cook until a straw, will plel-ce self ail, Englialiman ,� correspondent
NallaSh" (cha 11). Went all night- month,, or ma�Ybe two- tho, proplieters of a. new k Farm inow More � general. 'Labor Is more them; cool, then rub off the Skins, , �
P. experiment. She irao the gains Wo- , ,
,They made a journey of about twelve I trundled out th? dollar Jor I ma4v up, of whait would now be callEd . plentiful, several thousaucl handS out a slit In one's'ale so lie to, re- out that the Shamrock "is ldo%
miles. secured the bodies, And re- tboughe till tale was true, thu Scrond Advent belief t'natured man 'vvJlc` Is allw,led to by WhIttler but move the pit; in Its place put a signed by a Scotch '
with INfohammodanlem. T1 a wond,.-r ill 1110 "Snowbound" as baving awed having arxived from the ea,st, mail, realdIng Ili
turned to their own side of tile Jo ' 'u rains have caused delay, Ili the work Juarsbinallow; roll the peach -111 ScOtIalX1, and built Ili Scotland by.
dan In a single night, Burnt them !" I otarted In tIV treatment and 1. grow When It Wax leatned that this, his TaillorIs housebold when she In man.yj zeefioga i6lid ionic fear as Powdered and stick browned alm. Scotchmen. All the trial raoev prior
Thiv was not a 13f,brow custom, and worked at it for fair; aotoinslillig woman was none otilDr , visited- the family in her youth ,and
waq either retorted to to prevent any [.squirmed until I sweated an' IfIll- illan tho, former led4or of London ,co- ,its having startled the crazy queen to thO, effbot on' the ripened and Mends oiler each; whon serving,, �
cltxty,, Lajay I-lo,ster stnilhope. a,-,' Lebanon Wttll dr0aMS fantastic, as Opening wheat. P all buslijess, tie far, place LL bit of jelly on ,dach Or a td arriving In No�v York Yvere on the
further filault from the Philistines, or, my lungsi with air; Turks Ill it Quanditry hev '01VIll." 'Thist woman went to to much, ahead of previoueyears. I piece or. candied ginger. Clyde, Scotland. Hor- owner was
more likely, geeing that only the flesti 'I bent and touched the carpet -with- At Paol.fid'.Coag trade centres bus� %.-
was burned, because of tile mangled but bendin' at the knees, , * Tale .Turkish Government �t first ,1,YrL% and preacii,tod. heradr to Queen 'bOrn In Glasgo*- Slie sails under the'
till W&J in doubt what to d6 In, the m*,t_ Hoe"Or American and Lo-r(l fne;ss bus Shown Improvement tills ' To make a citucious peach jelly c0lorg of an Irish yaclit club, What
condition of ilia bodieg.-Holn. Cam. I kicked and swung and Squatted �,,.mbb�.YV,','n. xit got along vory weak. Ifte jobbing trade, its ekperleno- pare and press through a sieve six Ig E13911sh about-' the yacht Shamrock,
F1113tvd-This was a 81gui at general till neighbors *heard, me Wheeze. ter. Lady Ilestorls ivealth Was large We I t go -a -Ud,Tbr fall and win'. large,
,& Jack-kalle and X - ad 't , - le#�&-Igdbd deM6 ,8; measure
vl� n t�, r for a time, 'but When ripa peaclu and IlL but thoaall's, captain, and) per-'
mourning. and silo sliont It r�rofugolv, she It, , .
I doubled like great influence with. the hardir and �11 beg,ftw to proph0ey there ter goods. Prices tire firmly,, held. Bus, have one pint pulp; dissolve one- hap%'pa-rt Of her cfew ?" We Wo'll't, �-
PRACVCAL Sttltyr,.Y. 15trotelled till I was ,sDre, I wad troubm Haell agrced- that, at I iness at interior. points Is 'Improving, half be-.,. golatine in one cupful cold quarrel about that, but W -
In studying the life of gaul we 1 done till thInge he said to 'While Warlike people over whoin she lind , a want the
o, certain tim-0 a iroop'olf bleautt- I Who outlook Is promising. water; then Hot on the fire and boat to win-, She and lie are Brit.
'cannot )left$ being deeply nioved with a4yin' on till floor. r announced liar Intention Of (being ful Aritb )lorooq wa3 to'appear 0 There to an AncreasIng demand for heat, adding one cupful sugar Isti. anyway, and that Is enough for.
pity for one vtho ,was so great and . r.,.(lue0JJ., and, inoreover she was Brig. I
I biffed �: bag O' Atmosphere until my- - taker them to Ifeaven. They both tall goods at RAMIlton. Reports to juice of one-half of 11 large Jargon; all loyal Canadians.
yet so unhappy. - � fish,,- and English was thei great back- litild. seen the horses in a. vision. one BradAreo'cls allow - that the Tnanu. add tile peach pulp and cook a . -_
Ill I boned or of MurkoV Among the nations. So -(lay theY were talking It over when facturers -are busy! on contracts and tow nrin teE ; ill Hot I
9 MtrlY prospects, L Saul was And overyi one 'who passed the . 1. U r Ian in lee -water
not A usurper. Ile had not acquired -bells ,clink, finally th� sublime Porte decided. to Qu -on althor said -. . Talk hbout the, declining. birth rate,
coeld hear my., dumb c have, as a rule, iIo sUrpllis stocks. and Stir till thick, then add In the
Ills kingly title by trampling upor, I took (L 'course In boxing till my confirm liar as a satra, and lot her -Did Yon' 06tice - tile splendid XAbdr Is Well iblnf>16y�ed and well paid. beaten, dr.v whites . 01 F rAncO l. Thrat.of the United States
and IlbPrtles; of kinsman eyes was blue And black, alone,regariding her ari a wealthy and a te which led all Priem arle firml.0 held. . of two eggs;
the r' 'it ' Pour In' a mold and set. On ice to Seems to be iory' rapidly, declining.
He had been chosen and * the reot ol, the troop7ll In Londonjobbing trade circles tile become firm. ITilluold and
And wrestled till Home follow tied charitably disposed lionatic, .Whose .
or mblect" nx by the direction of a b0w-kn6t in my' back. , "Oh, Yes," replied the Amerle ii demund W very fair for tills Reason. with - wilip I . � 67
anoint d �'l power, however, was not to be de- a pod a -cam Serve A Ot&tlstloian finds on looking back -
Jehovah. 2. Ile had not reached tile nplsvd. But Lady Elester's pride was. W0,111411. "That W the one I Ain to T.h0 farmers AiO bUsyl WIth ilia har� ' - ward to tile time of Benjamin Frank -
throne by right Of family Inherit- , Then dne day when tbl time was up unbounded and more than brice got ride " . . . veg, however, and lhter on there . fin, thit the average numbei at clill-
anco. but bier royal power was the ,at t -was sure t' look her Into ftouble, wfth the Sulta;n, ,go -i�ido that one: jn(f,om-i,, angrily will be there detivity! In retail tr,ado Peach Cobbler. dren to 41 family. was then eight; a
gift of r9rapt's 130d. Selected as be - Peach Cobbler Is a (111111t,V dessert, contnry la,ter It 'had declined to 6.1;
J1g like t1tat tbunk,,o Teller with that the Brit -fall Minister bad 'to In- exelaim,cld tile queen, "That mate 10 vAd the sort -Ing demand Will Improve. Uno a pan With rkili blacultdough In 1830 it 'Wag 4.6; In 1860, 8.83 1, In.
was, be assumed Power unhampered ' lite picture In thl , book, _ terfacr to keep the peace. lxilne.11 PrIcea of Staple goods are firm.
by political considerationo. 3. I.I.El I good lip nt uJIM lookibl-glass, with The suddenness with which ibis '-I lTI,v not. It's redno, 1,, petortoLl tile OttAwa wholesale trade continues rolled rather '-hill; fWWRIlpeaches 18721, 2.45; In IWO, 1.8, The birth
was a m0mbilir of a wealthyand pow- aftg an' SIVulders bare; brilliant woman hail appeared on the Yankee woman. cup In quarters. All,.K one cupful of Pot -D is deelLhIng'More rapidly, In ilia'
orfut famIlY. 4;. Ile had been enthuer. I $Wallowed I could of slolyeH at 'Lite Loballon, and an- And then tile row 1),egan, Tile pal- laILIY active. The fall orders eon. I ,
lastleatly received as the tender of everV mite till - 01to numerous and 81 gar IvIth one tablespoonful of Now tWoIrld ilv,14 In tile bid. it that
nouncotl that she had a divinely all- ace attexidarto had to intcrfore to Wall dILi- flour In a Small saucepan, addollo sort bt tiling goes on by., and by we,
the People, find nortir did a clean, germ-liftbrod air- tributed. The outlook for the next and a of water Shall not be able to cOiJtInue* the
king An1v byi the Jainflin' 'John, I wAS Akin. ed commiesion to be. queen of' provoilt the two women from doing tow roolliths Is very 'promising, one-half cupful and
or a . oln! cook ton minutes, g irrimg ,no q,
Posi4ess better oprit,riunItleu r t4lt p'art of the world, the splendor t sport of Xlngall-and Prealdenis; live
4NIOrlous career. nier In b6tore I Personal V1010n00 to Pach -otlipro for _____ st of
I guego I'd lost h 'dozen' 'PoUnds or with � which She ettrroanded herself, both werer mightY "high (A -rung," Illeaftfinato Advertising Inderellsilile tile time; ladle tills yru the all'all robably., conr4udo that Vire can't
Ills personal qualittms. 1. Ile wag well 9
regat In person And carriage. n, I maybe aevibral more. tho groat Bums whidlil she goavo in After the fight tho American wo. peacheo, dot with butter anti affolc to,ralsaboyeto silaughter-one
. no-wover much thore,m Y be Ill tills bake until penalles and crust are all'othel-, f
n r1l bet my] Otbel- Idollar that thl crft� � chn.'eftV, and the just and masterful man departed frord 14banon, leaving repeated argument of a I . . I ,
t-finture be wag tall and eommirkniling a vestod right (lone. it is better ivithout a top I
ter In till ad, manner In which she conducted liar a trail or toatbexong behlild her. an It applies to bill,board advertis.
"Thero was not aM0119 tile clilldron qod government, all captured ilia lmag�- 11 . __ Crust. All cobtlors f1bould be fjorv�
of Israel it goodler'poraon than ho! alWaylg been, a Istubby' euga slno4 Ing' there to much more In argument 04 With cream. Avoe Of tile Isickely Well Off,
from big shoulders and upward h, 0lno6,1WH a little iad. - . � in.itibil and won tho respect- of tile Holders and Music that the bill -board business is not - I .
ior than any of the people.,' tlm sure ItIff J18t th letter with'. tho I Syriano, whilo )Jar myst16 batangues - Is un. lyrooklyll Life.
good alid weird, prorbeeles Inspired them All'Oderly woman, wh 'Only, a nuisance, but that It . " ccAlasill Said the unhappy wall,
'0111, 11191 X. 2y. 6. In early lite he slie,pod logE; an' lartils. � ause file newspapers ivo
(r. Sal 0 lives In her nccoj3pary, bee Orthograpillo ItcLielirch.
rhowed remarkable generosity of 'At gartg t' havin platurag took to, witIv tivres, . . owl) house at ButteS Chaumont, Cover the ali(l M ',Veto once ,considered Waal-
FlArlt (r. Sam, 46W -tile world their ehittihs, , .Udy 211�ater Stanhope had Won tlfd 11arisr, and who, Is tile daughter of advertising field, Afuch Tjt�Bfto. .. illy 11, . _* ,k
Iff I one Moro linneeezaary IS tile plastering "Gontlenien or tile Jilpy," 'Mid the "llut, llay'illoarjll said her husbanil,
X1, 18),. 4. During his timbo'llmailt of CV61'Ything that Wfta of the functionaries under tho. Of &treat care ftbld clevat6d strud- Judge, Ito 110 concluded
first etperleneea of king he allowed &nl 10vo decided wer ww built how wis , late
it broad magnamnity In ills adminfig. Was m4eant id be- i - . raliventiontil, mlite anil Pollghed. The empire, line discovered that spiders tutes With "ads." that PTofit no one .9ir hip Charge, gooillinglyl 11we Ilavo its much money
. !MV tord WAdo ooma.fdlks, so I qiatblv of tobuon Was everything are Peen apprealativo the OVI6311106 d1,0W0 In Your reindH CIA OVer.1l
'tration (r. Sara. 1. 27). 5. Ire exhibited . Wgyw an "arly of music, but ilia few engaged in tilts bUSI- thAtlibounlonin,
a rare d0grao of modesty for one Who Rome Bkln'nY ofloer like The, . that was Unconventional, wild, She ]]its Matto great pets ot them, nosa. Tho true and Only right. Ovell indirectly, was "Ohl X�0(1, I know, but there are go
$ " Euil
i I
a r :'k
ke t*!'�:._.'
'.4 j
I way the oauffo or tile 11141110 death, the iruny w1w b&va a lot moro that no -
had so, Unexpectedly I)een elevated barbarl6i Mid Tlf�Gtk'al. Silo drossed and liar house Is full Of SPIdPrS Of to deal with streat car abomillationa prialopole cannot be tionvietedy body pays ally attention to uN ally
T110 littleog or Sir Ifelville Parkor, ft,q nn Arablan elife-f an(I roamed over All kinds, oil which silo Spends her 1,R to forbid ilic-Ir continu4noo
to c=h high honors (I. 9_%m.%, 16, 22, trapt, JS e4ulaing life friondA In To- On d0r,olrt at the henil, of it horde of thne and fortune, and , An bour later A lillas.Wilger ill
"11) abolish tbem entirely. They bad no from the jury room. came lonilioll
,2 - 0. lid Allowed commendable en. 1161ito much anxiAr. Sir Melviltn, whp ljlioul(rullin" Bpdoining." Somatil-ang silo Mer Drotegos are lod , I I
till I � Wad n M arge r, bt "iste'100 In i110 first Plact, "The gentlemen or the jury, My
ergy 1111 11to conduct of Affairs (r.Sam, iq n (, I -of IT t up hor court. amid thn alry room, Who
..trly S,) yeapq of ate, guffe ,I re Bile, bnA provid an9d ,11I)C111r, porpritile,tion Cannot be do. LOW,o, 110 peft,, "dep rpor. 1,
:9. 5-11). T. 110 was cottrag-dous and stroke 'Of PAralYsIff nt ]Ile 1101116 n0ar ruffin of Zonobln's. , W fonded . .1L re friformatioll I I. J. Cody, roctor or st.
' ft, sho ,��Jliq,eo at Pill- ovilry nbeessary support far, jh�qr (III. 1011 afly grdunds of Public 311 et " . PAIIVO Church, Toronto, who lift$ been
daring In battle. R. 11o.waspatriotto CooknvIllsN a, ,w tlay,q ago, an(l life lilyra, rnl(, d I
,n, go back to fe-nnt wob14. trer groat fit-voriteff ar(I tico o 9- Oil Whitt Wilt of evidence ?I 01jorea thO Prea&jenoy at Xlngtg (,,()I-
0 Boston "NOIJ6, Your 110ti0r; but they wjint lone, W
had estab. IMOJI90 black spiders, which, With phrk c6MMl8AI0110rA ha,V0 SO a good o know hryw tio fVoll WIA(I'sol" X. a., Will n(It Ad.
and ilevated to tbo Irite1*0to of the iaoilditfort Ill ratjt6r gr4va- Should he the 011pItftf whielif she . . r oommon 0onge, q_% t p1loumonlA.ol 00t the afor. " . I