HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-09-03, Page 131ST YEAR, NO, I. 'VV'Il\TGITA)T, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMB R 3, 1903. $1.00 PER YEAR TN AI1VANC&
Mr, Moneypenny of Hamilton is a Labor Day. Lamm, Hotel Improvemo ts. High School $urned.
guest of Mrs, Herdsman, Next Monday will be kegpt as Labor Three games of Lacrosse were played The new wing built to the Queen's The Harriston High School :building
completely Y y y BANK OF W. J. Seines. of town, who has been Day. Custntners 0£ Win Haut mer- on Friday last, Owen Sound and Mt, hotel 1s nearing completion and will he .was coat Istel destroyed b fire earl RAMIT�
foreman of the Blyth tannery, bas chants should remember this and make Forest teams played in Orangeville to ready for occupation in a few weeks, on Tuesday morning, The fire bad
gone to Georgetown to take the place their purehases on Saturday, to .avoid break the tie for the championship. Improvements are alsO being trade in gained great headway before the Ar- WIN M.
Capital (paid up) $2,9$0,000 vacated by 10lit. Groves, who returns the disappointment that happens when Owen Sound won by 7-3. In Walker. the. Internal arraligetnents. The new rival of the fire brigadq and only the CAPITAL PAID r
to Wingham, His family remains they come to town and find the stores ton, Durham and Walkerton teams wing adds considerably to the appear- walla remain. The building was In. _ U • .... `• •$ 2,000,000.00
Deserve laentdl px AEcj $3 33Q 00 with us, for the present, at least. closed, y g $r REsi;RVE FUND .. , , 1,700,000.00
, , played oil; the result was in favor of soca o£ the building, At Hotel Bruns- cured for v,000, Origin of the fire on. TOTAL 4ssETs,
The Executive committee of the Removal. Durham --score, 0-1. In Clinton, Kin- wick improvements acre still being known. Rebuilding will be corn•
Wingham District Epworth Leagues Mr, C,:Xneclitel hasremovedhis cardine contested the semi-finals with made, Mr. Orr will commence at once menced at once, BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
Farmers, Notes discounted, bead a meeting koro on Saturday last, stock of harness to
the new store Kincardine, meat atone, built from a design Of his Bowling. Clinton; result, score 5-1 In favor of the erection of A stable $0 x 40, of Co. RonSYm
, , Gibson — President
Draft% sold an all points in Can- to arrange the program for their an- next door to C. N. the
excel, During Goo, Roaolt Tohu Proctor A, 13, Lee
own, and Snished in modern style, g the past week, g contest
xda, the United States and Europe, nual Convention, which is to be held lent business stand. Mr. K. is a good Great Wheat Crop, The ruins of the old stable are being has been going on between the neem- J, Turnbull, vyoerpres. pnd GeneralmanagerIn Brussels on Friday, October 0th, workman, and the better location The Simcoe Reformer Eves report
should bring t fi P removed to -make way for the new here of the local .Bowling club for
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, The best Scribblers and Pencils are g increased business. Call of a large crop of wheat harvested by structure, prizes of $0,00 and $3,00, Nina :rinks H S. Steven, Asst. Gou: Xanagor
Intorost allowed on deposits of e#im and at Coopers, on hien in his new store, A. H. Smith of that locality, The R. X. Watson, Inspector,
uptvaran, and added to principal 3 th June y, $4 s. were formed and on Monday the con -
and 31st December ectoh year. WANTED,—A servant girl ; apply to - Will Buy Grain. measurements of fields and grain have g test narrowed down to two rinks, led Deposits of $l and upwards received. Int,
D. Holmes. Barrister, Win baro, bg theeen verified, and this #s the record:-- The Weekly Sun reports on the ban. etreetAllowedandcomputedon30thNovambor
A. E. GIBSON, Manager A grand Harvest Festival is an- Se forth Milling Co.,xispinstown, and "A' 5� acre field produced 331 bushels, market this week thus;—The usual On Tuesday the latter rinkwonby 2 sndttPeoMa� poeltsealso received ed tatp n renq
pounced for Sept.th, in connection will buy grain, He has teased Mr, or (lit bushels to the acre, A. 10.4 acre fall decline in bog prices, has appar- points, leaving the Consolation rates oL interest,
R. Yanetono, Solicitor prize
with St, Mary's Church, Formosa. 'Gregory's storehouse and invites far- field produced 937 bushels, or nearly 04 ently begun, select hogs being quoted to the former, W, CQRBQULD, Agent
bushels to the acre. A 5 acre field pro• on Sept. 1st by Park, Blackwell & Co.
- The Advance acknowledges receipt mars to bring in their grain, for which eDickinson &Holmes, Solicitors
of program and complimentary ticket. he will duced 150 bushels, or 30 bushels to the at $0,25, with fats and lights 25 cents Eggs 14c• 100 tubs Butter wanted
NEW ADVTS. P g P c Pay highest current prices, acre. Thea weekly, Farmers' Park for sale,
aggregate crap from the loss. Harris gives the sumo quotation,
p very full program of attractions is Drive 14It. Stewart a call, farm was 1,418 bushels from 27 acres, The hogs which are being bought now GeO. E. KING.
Be Careful,—W, J. ElIl#ott. promised, Better. being within a fraction of 5211 bushels will reach England in the forth of Pickle Recipe,
A $12.00 Shoe.—Hanna & Co. The following is from the Daily Mail- "Better to strive and climb to the acre, bacon about the middle of October For pickles, wash and wipe 100
Fruit and Jars,—Tudhopo's. Empire of recent date t—The engage- And never'reach the goal, and by that time poultry will be in small cucumbers and lace them in
Farm For Sale ._ � to tltr,ver, HOUSE AND LOT Folt SALir,—Com- P
went of Miss Grace Martin, daughter Than to drift along with time, fortabie house, good location, wood- large supply, and bacon in less de- jars. Cover with boilipg brine, strong
I5n For 1TKga,—i1. Al. Gordon. of Mr, John Martin, formerly of dant- An aimless, worthless soul, shed, ice house, hard and soft water; wand. This is why prices regularly enough to bear an egg; let stand for Toilet
New Fall Goods.--Isard & Co. ilton and Lucknow. to Mr. C, Garfield A several goad bearing trees on lot, felt off about this time of year, Small 24 hours, then take them out wipe
ye, better to elintb and fall,So
Harvest Excursions.—C. P. R. VanStone, only son of Mr. W. F. Van- Owner Issuing town,—Apply to J. J, dressed hogs in Toronto far butchers' carefull lace in clean ars and cover � '
The School. Boy.—Cooper & Co. Or sow though the yield be small, Sullivan, g Yr p j RRR
P Stone, is announced in Wingham. Than to throw away day after day, use are selling about $9 per cwt, with vinegar, spiced with an Onion, 12
Fall Dress Goods, Etc.—Kerr Bros. Air. d'. J. Mcludoo of Fresno Cali- And never to strive at all," Purchase of Timber. , whole cloves, one ounce of mustard
Bargain Day.--Ritch#e & Campbell, , For a c$eap Buggy, y o to Glovers seed, and three blades of mane, If de- 1-
fornia, brother to Mr, R. Mclndoo of Mr, Wm, Button returned last week Implement Shap. The must be sold We have ,- gross or more of
Labor Day,, Western Fair.—G, T, R. W inghaw, is a visitor at the Toronto Folt S`t LE• --A house and lot in from the vicinity of Creemore, where to make room for fall stock, sired, sweeten to taste with brown 10o and 25o TOILET SOAPS,
Bargains In Clothing,—Crowder Co. Whiteebureb, also a second-hand he made a profitable deal by pnrchas- sugar, They will be ready for use in
StartlingPrices.—Walker & Button. exhibition. Mt, McIndop is an erten- buggy and a set of iron barrows (near- Barn $urned, which wo are selling this
sive grower of the luscious orange, ly new). Must be sold at once; bar- ing a fine lot of standing timber, chiefly Another severe electrical storm three weeks, Week at 8
with headquarters at Fresno. Though gains,—JAs, FOUND, Whitechurch. hard maple and hemlock. He expects passed over this section of country Wedding.
living and prospering under the Stars to out several million feet, and will g•
It Is Not So Much probably fit• u late on Saturday night. The lightning The home of Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Mc- 5c a Cake
and Stripes, he has a warm spot in his P y p a will near the proper- struck the barn on the farm occupied a
C9 �^ beam for Canada and is delighted to What you think, as what you say. ty, Our townsman was especially for- b p Donald of town was the scene of a
What you earn, as what you save. tunate In securing this timber, for y John Fowler near the Junction, and quiet and pretty wedding on Wednes-
-0 witness the progress she is making, both barn and contents were destroyed
, What yell sap, as how you say it, such blocks, so advantageously situs- 3' day of this week, when Miss Mabel
See Halsey Parks advt, Ful[ line of violins and all kinds of What yon want, as what yup need, ted, are few and far between now in by the fire, Fred, Wasman and Wal- Collins of Howick was united in mar -
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. mnsicn) instrnmpnts from a Jew sharp Whit ori believe as what you do. Ontario. Mr. Button has had e'x eri- ter Burgess were on their way to Blue- ria a to Mr. Lorne McDonald. The nA l n fA
toapianoatD.Bell'sMusicRuiporiow. y ' y P g Lowney s ChWlates
p y g vale and were very near at the time. ceremony J
All the new school beaks at Cooper's � What you give, as haw 'you give it. encs in' the timber line and knows a y was performed by Rev, J.
Conn. Vanetane has had his real- Ladies l Don't tries the snap in black What yopr work, as how It is done, good thing when he sees it. To secure Though somewhat dazed by the near- N. McLean, B. A., after which the "
Plumes, going tintil the end of August 4yhat a y timber now at a reasonable figure ness of the electrical discharge, they guests adjourned to the dining room Fresh this Week, in 10,
dente re -shingled. at Mrs. Green's, They are beatitles. you possess, as how you use it, g ave the alarm, f` r the flames burst J
One pint of carbolic acid In eight What you learn, as what you re- means a sure market and good returns. g to partake of a well-prepared luncheon. 25 35 and 60C packages.
Mr. Arthur Cook has Secured a situ- member, out almost immediately, The horses t
gallons of water makes s good disin ation with the Gray Carriage Co. of Correct. and implements P were Saved but the The bride and groom were unattended,
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will take u
fectant. Chatham. Before beginning work Coming Back. The dairy cow has been styled, "A season's crop, just threshed on Satur- P
(I g y y their residence near Zetlixnd. The Ad -
Verity Plows are the best I sold by there however, he will take a month's The Advance is informed that two Factory for Turning Out Goods." day, was destroyed. We understand vance extends congratulations. r Iii �T
�{^ Alf. Glover, Wingham. well-earned vacation, and visit friends former respected residents of Wing- The average scrub cow found in many insurance amounts to $500, hence the j' j � � � j{�!Y
Dr. T. Chisholm has had a very in Michigan. The Gray Oo, employ ham have decided to return—W, D. of our dairy herds is turning out on an loss to Mr. Fowler must be heavy, GRAIN WANTED. -- Farmers, bring •t✓ +�`
pretty portico erected in front of his three hundred men, and for Some time Pringle and Robert Groves. We un- average of about 3,500 pounds of milk along your wheat, oats, peas and bar-
derstand that the Bereaved, ley to Gregory's storehouse, which will I}I��,JGGIST
residence. have been anxious to seetixe Mr, y will run the tan- per year, saps Successful Farming. Mr. Chas. Barber of town mourns be open every business day, where we
Mrs, G. Prince of Walkerton spent Cook, who is a first-class mechaulc, -nevy owned by W. J. Chapman, They To run such a machine costs the farm- will pay highest market prices for all
were good citizens the death of his brother Samuel, a Next door to Past Office.
Wednesday #n town, the guest of her For Lite present, 141ra, Cook and family g ,and we shall be er approximately, $85 per year, and kinds of grain.—SEAX'ORTH MILLING
brother, Percy Hill, will remain in Wingham. pleased to sea them again settled in the dairy products from Stich a Source respected resident of Lucknow, A Co,
town• That's the kind of a town sold at good prices, places the profits short time ago, while building a stable 1.
A farmer in Melanethon township During the electrical storm on Man- Winglxam is—people who have lived on the wrong Side of the ledger for himself, he unfortunately stepped ..,...,.....titi
has two sone with a difference in their day night the large barn on the farm here are generally lad to et back, column, B weedin out the on an old nail, which went through
(the sons') ages of 53 years, of Wm. Little, eon, 9 Culross. was g Y g g y g poor the shoe and penetrated the foot. !�T `,,
Mr. Pringle is expected this week and cow, and by judicious selection, the �IZ2ixx j QAU I
If you want good Shoes for little struck and burned to the ground. To, Mr. Groves a few days later, vacant is filled with a cow that, $e took but little notice of it, as it
money go to J. Button 4 Co. gether with the barn Mr. Kittle loses � y speedily healed, but a week after (on
u instead of yielding 3,50D pound of milk Tuesday) g
Two yearling Dolts belonging to the all this seasons crop, with the excep- quick Work, g pounds to 10,000 lbs of last week he began to feel cordially invited o co tribe a it ms of o Arch
rues from 7,500by
Percy Bros, at Kinlottgh were killed tion of two loads, one horse and three A. well-informed authority says:—A per year, and costs no more to feed or uneasiness, and on Thursday serious news under this heading, from their reapeotiva ;;p2.00
by lightning on Monday night of last calves. The barn was insured for pianist has to cultivate the eye so as care for than does the poor caw,
symptoms appeared. Lockjaw set in _
week. $1500 but as lite total loss amounted to to see fifteen hundred Signa In one and he passed away on Saturday last, Rev. Fr, West of Goderich removes to
and the sales of butter and milk are
The Baseball game between the between $2000 and $2500 Mr, Little minute, the fingers to make two thou- doubled. Interment was decayed until Sunday St Thomas, and hisuccessor will be .SHOXIEd
clerks and the factory men last Satur- loses heavily.—Teeswater News, sand movements, and the brain to next in order that members of the Rev, Fr. Stanley.
day resulted in a victory for the fac- MOTHERS i—Brie your Bs and understand all these signs, as well as Ear+ COMPETITION.—H, E. Isard & family at a distance may reach home, A successful Church Concert was
g oy direct all these movements, In la Co, will give prizes for September eggs Deceased was fifty
toriea by a score of 18-3. Girls here for their School Shoes, 'you play- as follows:—First prize—Tailor-made y years of age. We held on Monday evening, Aug. 81st at
reNew st aOnta i n proposes ito resources a can't To FAitbiERB— meraeand others tug Webers "Moto Perpetu0" a skirt, value $3,00, to.customer bring -
a regret to hear also that a sister
of Lii knowf Bethel on the Whitechurch circuit. Is a popular priced Shoe, and we
pianist has to read 4,541 notes in less #n in the greatest number • 2nd. Mrs. Barber ) The program was enjoyed.
g requiring q p than four minutes ar —pair Boots, value $2.00; 3rd prize— is critically Ill, so that it is feared she have got together the best assort -
at the Dominion Exhibitionharness equipment went should ' recei lfl a Lady's Waist, value $1.25, The ladies of Belgrave Methodist
in Toronto from Aug, 27 to Sept, 12, call on mo in my note location, third second, blit lire eye can receive only � map not recover. church will hold their annual Garden went Of Shoes you will see, at
door south of the Bank of Hamilton,— about ten, consecutive impressions a Lad Injured. this rice. Bath for Women's and
ad#es call and rice the hand apme C• Kit 17I3TEL. y a DRESS SHOES,—We have the dainti- party on the grounds of the parsonage p
P t d second. $o that in quick music it On Friday last, as Mrs, Gallagher of est creations known to shoe buildersAlen's
Black ]pinnies at l4rs. Greens. an Tuesday evening, Sept, 8th. Mwear, in Dongola Or Box
f t is said that the late Thos,Webster seems that a player does not see every Salem, and her daughter Mrs. Bryan and we believe society women know
W. FI, Dulmage of Oorrie (formerly of Goderich township, who was killed note singly, but in groups probably a of Gro were driving on Sohn street it, for most r. them come to us for Rev. C. P. Wella of Ethel and Rev. Gulf, with heavy and light soles,
Grey, g , their footwear, --W. J. Greer, Gond Dr.
of the Brpnewink, Winghsm) has leas- by a train crashing into ills rig ho was bar or }}lyre at one view, near the Congregational church, the y exchanged pulpit work last plain and patent tips, fancy and
ed his hotel to Thos. Malin of Listowel, driving near (Xintnp, carriod insprance , Sunday. Mr. Wells delivored two
W.t, reit FgUNn—tin the Lucknow hares stumbled and fell. The result Prospects Are Bright. plain tops.
thoughtful sermons, and enjoyed his
Mr. Dulmage has not decided as to the in the Foresters and in the Chosen road, near Wb#techureh, on Monday, was that Mrs. Bryan was thrown out Some time ago the Advance had oc- We will be pleased to show
A future. Friends. The former he had dropped, August $4, a watch. Owner can have visit to Wingham.
over the dashboard, but fortunately casion more than onto to call attention
Remember the Maccahee picnic at and the latter bad peen allowed to itfbyhproving proGpnerty en at Advance cost she escaped severe injuries, Mrs, Gal• to the necessity for improved methods An unusual ceremony in a country you thes0 lines, Whether yell are
Teeswater on blonde Those wishing lapse, it is feared, A widow and threeis church will be the ordination to the in need of a pair or not.
Monday. R office. lagher was not so fortunate. She was in the management of Wingham Fall
sun children the youngest y thrown out of the vehicle; one knee Fair. As we expected, our criticisms priesthood of Michael O'Neil in the aid
B secure conveyance will call at J. young ( y g t cin a Another Year. P ,
Button 6c Co.'s shoe store or at F. few weeks old), with Lire bread winner was seriously injured and the small aroused opposition, but the public gen- church at Kingsbridge at IU o'clock
Sel#'s barber shop. gone, would have found the insurance With this issue, the Advance enters bone of the leg below the knee splin- erally acknowledged that the Advance a In. on Sunday, September 6th. Mr.
The Gorrie Vidette has entered its a great help. There is a lesson here its thirty-first year, The liberal pat: tered. Assistance seas speedily at was right, and soon the leaven began ; O'Neil is a dative of Ashfield township, Hanna
��qq (� 9
for those who are carrying fraternal ronage that has made top past few � C!t JlR dl � (� i/ � � e
19th year. The Vidette has considera- band ; Rev.Wm, Lowe, Mr. M. Walker to work. Changes have been made The Rev. J. Henderson Of Carmol
bly improved under Mr. Sharpin's society insurance—keep yourself [p years gncje} t}lo present management and Allan Wheeler conveyed the in- and old methods discarded, We note Church, Hensall, has accepted the call SHOE STORE
management, and we wish it neater good standing. so spccossful, has been sincerely ap• jured lady to Mr. T. Jobb's, where she with pleasure renewed interest in the addressed to him by St. Andrew's
sgcce s in the f ttire� g O 1 f #? preciatad. A lengthy notice of the has received careful attention. The work of the Society, and the resolve Church, New Westminster, and will
Mr. A. roe welt, n, ort Stan -volt door to Post Office
q ley, Ont., ties in his possession a Bible brithday event is scarcely necessary, accident is likely to lay Mrs. Gallagher to introduce more practical methods, leave for his new field in September,
]pianos and Organs from the best which is 312 years old, a f:4pt wlilph in It is sulpcient to say that the Advance aside from aotiveduties for some time, that cannot fail to be productive of Mr. Henderson bas labored at Hensall —
Makers may he kind on rel4s nahle has more friends to•dGy than any pre- but we hoe p Injury g point to the for fourteen ears with marked ability
at D, $slice itself is enough to glake the book re -
terms p no permanent ln'ur will good. The indications y y
vioiis period in its history, .Its editor be the result, Wanted—Men who want a fortune
stitirkt}ble, but the history of the vol- Fair of 1903 as the best that has yet and more than ordinary success and are willing to work to
The 9t. 4olm, kf. B., Board'of Tradc has not pleased every reader perhaps g get #t. Only
litre is stilt ri}ore raniar[table. The Property Changes. been held, provided the weather is fa' The re -opening enin ambitions men need a
has come oat plainly for Qovernpient (indeed that has not been the object) P y g p g services of White- apply. No room
$ibis toys owned by Oliver (7ionpwell, vocable. The Directors aro making Church Methodist church take lane for drones. Write G. Marshall & Co„
ownership and will '+sanptioti only a hitt he has striven to do right, and Property continuos to change hands P Teas London, Ont.
Ilio ]protector, unci is iu all likelihood every effort for its success. Hnn, wlr, ,
transpgntineiital rai[tatiy built and make the Advance a success. We in town at remunerative prices. Fred nest Sunday. Rev, J. Philp of Ii:innar-
the one ro44 by hlM to bis soldiers Stratton and R. R. Gamey, M. L. A., dine will reach at 10.30 a,m, and 7 Dr. Ovens of London
owned b the (overnpieiit. enter the 31st year of the paper's his- Johnston has purchased the house on P' P• , eM.a R. C, S. L.
;r during the It,'nglish civil ware of the -.vera communicated with, to ascertain m,� and Rev. Dr, Gundy of min ham R. C. P. specialist, eye, oar, nose and
tory resolved to pursue the same Frances street, occupied by C, J. Gra- g
W. H. Green is having the electric seventeenth century. The present course that has led to the Past success ham and owned b John Glenn, con. tf they could be present at the opening at 3 p.m. A lecture will be given on throat, will be in Wingham, at C&mp-
light poles painted, so that the tele- owner is a descendant of the great p y g bell's Drug store, Monday, Sept. 28,
of the Fair. Fr the meeting An of the Monday evening on "Jerusalem and its Glasses properly fitted.
phone poles may no longer throw the Oliver. For generations ills old Bible attained. We have room for s Yew sideration, $1,400, We are pleased to Directors an Friday no answer had P P y
more faithful correspondents. have a good citizen like Mr, Johnston environs."
others into the shade so far as appear, has been treasured In tits family as an been received from Mr, Stratton, hat
g District Meetin again definitely located in our 'town. ntr Gamey intimated his willingness At a meeting Sept. Ist, the congrega-
arcs Des. It will be a decided #m» heirloom, g. Councillor VanStone has disposed of tiou of St, Andrew's Church Orange-
ran e•
rovement, to come if desired, The result was g
p To Tian LADIES OI+' WINGIIAM AND The semi-annual district meeting of his store, next to the McDonald Block, that the latter has been invited to ville, by a unanimous vote, decided to
Mahler Bros., formerly of Wingham, VICINITY :•--Misses Graham and Cum- the Method)9t church of Wingham instead of enlarging it. as Ile at firstextend a call to Rev. A. L. Burch until
are building apple evaporating works mer wish to announce that they have district, met here on Tuesday, the intended. The purchaser is Mr, Her- open the Fair.Should Mr. Gamey an- recent
atFbrest, The main build[l tt ta90x20, taken roots In the Chisholm Block cept the invitation, this of itself will y, assistant paster of Dorval =--r$E---
g ` next to Hamilton's drug store where 0hairman, Rev. D. Rogers, presiding. bert Wightman, of the firm of Hanna attract a large number, anxious to get' Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg. The
two stories high, with an addition thy will conduct a ,Dress and Mantlo Rev, J, G. Kerr acted as Secretary. & Co. Herbert is a popular, Straight a look at the man who dared to throw stiPend attaLolied is $1000 per annum, -
30%20. The capacity will be 500 bushels mat business; satisfaction guaran- The ministers of the district and a forward businesslike young man, and with four weeks holidays,
a da ,with fort hands, teed. Your patronage respectfully, number of lay delegates -.vera present. we are pleased to Soo him become a Such a bombshell #urn the GovernmentCorner
DYl7il11 yl
Y y solicited, camp. The ]Directors have decided to The anniversary of Donnybrook Meth- CoA ne Drug Store
i, The business to be transacted was not property holder. The property is one
REalOvrtD,—I have removed to the Y ver beau and had reference to the of the best business elands in town, enlarge the exhibit building, and a odist church is announced for Sept. 13,
Vanstone block, next door to C. N. y Y. number of our merchants have to 14. Ott Sunda 18th inst. Rev, M. J.
GrifTin's. Call and see the in my new —The House of Commons divided arrangements for Bicentenary, Mis- and is good value at the purchase wised to make attractive displays of Wilson will preach anniversary sermons 15 Elle Place to et
shop,—C. XNRCHTEL, an' the Grand Trunk Pacific Bill on sionary and Educational work of the price, and will bring a paying rental,
district and the apportionment to the biz. Jas, Bowman has purchased the their goods. A cominitteo bas beets at 10.30, 2,30 and 7.30. On Monday ,
Messrs, H. Davis and Jas, McGuire 'Wednesday, which was carried on a PP p appointed to receive tlxe tickets from evening a sacred concert will be given. Everything that is
have removed then fences from the vote of 117 to 71. Messrs, Tarte and various charges of the appotlnts to be residence and also the flour and feed the Treastsror and check thein an their Special collections on Sunday, and free* Pure and Fresh in
of their lots on Patrick street Blair voted against the Government, raised for the various Conference business of Ilia. A. II. Carr. The re- , return froin the gatekeepers. F. C. will offering at the door for the concert. :
and are making the necessary improve- SCUOOL SlIOUS.• - f the Bays'. and witted tottheton circuit Mission stats and $ 50 ands again ad- co is situated onnloolous Miiinnie I'3lYord of the Dominion Poultry I:xpe- T110 Corner Stolle of the now R. C.
ments, Very few of the, Old-time Grits Sehool Slides hre bought here, l imental Station is expected to give a
fences are remaining now." yo Al never hap'e a coin faint to make recnrntnCnded tts grant. lifter tits ''street, i lr, Carr has lint fully decid• lecture ort "Feeding, dressing and Clxurblr at liingsbridge will be laid on
nor a Robinson of fast G}arafrasa -�$1.0 , $x.25 to .iib.-- . $, Qrel~r. llasiness wq4 conpigded, IIeV. ,I, G. ed where he will locate, but may g0 packing poultry for markef," and spa• Sunday, Sept. Gth, at *3.30 p.m. His
Gi 84aveyoutrielferr of eestquteC gave s pract)oal ad- west. He gluts possession Octobercial Lordship Bishop btcE ay, of London, -
as on ex ibitioo in rangevllle a till: Iia, e sewing Machine t la tinrivt4ied• will bnprizns given fort Plucking
for second,
? ii dress on Bicentenary finances. He teas 5th, when Mr, Bowman leaves thefirst'hill officiate, assisted by Rev, Fr. Bon -
nip 223 inches In pir0(1Mferenpp, 13,4 1),'�ell sells the �j7e also ltlyndle Followed by Rev, C. P. Wells of Etltel, farm he recently sold to JnO, Armour. t~ p g chicken%. bat, West Tiernan, Aylward Noonan
ioches 10 length, 4nd weighingJ0J elle of the heat Ina a American mach• In addition to the spacial prizes men- y ' This
tubo gave an excellent address on "Tho :ilr, Guest of Ripley intends moving ti0ned last week, Stir. Geo, Cruikshank 1?xnsonoault, Hagan and I;ianlon. this
potindb, I t is from a field sown on the ines 1 call and see them, Classmeeting," In the evening Rev. to Wingham, and we Ave informed will be an impressivo and most interest.
18th of May- Wonderful rOwth ofureaurs, will give a parse of $5 ($3 for 1st, $2 .
ng service, of Minos been iseited the
a bows oPrI Ginnardine spokes on—,'The revival has
'Vttl1Cy81dGilbert Stev. for 2nd) for the best singly Carriage O doubt be 10aentatu®witness rit and
S' will
three months, p
Sweet, rippe plums. All fresh and that there has been steady, progress in of the family altar and hotrte religion," ens of Turnberry bas purchased a horse an harness, These changes aro hear Itis Lordship's address, The new sound, Picked every Aay to your or. rrimorai development. 'The number of Ilev, J. W.HO)Wes of Gorrie gave an farina on the 8rd line of Grey front alt along rho llnnsof prdnt#Cal itnprave`cslrttrolrw#tiCostabout$25;000. 'Tho Ham'lton
der,. Will not re vire half the earn j g p g „ y trent, and cannot fail to be of benefit.
q fi pint stock mining companies; organ. address on--- Thb measure of fixe Hol Samuel Slxinea, steno work alone which will be 12 feet -
tity of sugar to preserve thei>i that ixe4 Burin 1002 was GS ' Remember the dates—September 24tH. '
stale, sour, fermented fruit requires to - fi , witha, capital Spirits anointing which ministers and ,Dolt, SALT ---Yu the. town of Wing. 23th. Tire prospects for a good exhibit in height from the inside foundation, DRUGGIST
snake it palatable fur a few 4010 which of $48,050,000, as compared with 47 in member away receive, Both addross• ham, tote 4 and 5 on the west side of and lar a attendance are bright. will require 120 cords of dressed stone '
is the longest It will keep, as many of 1901, with A capital of $27,'710,000. The es were earnest and helpful. The choir Josephine St,, on which is situated a g g for the sides and buttresses, and will
you have found to your loss when it total mineral production, metallic and of the church rendered a fine anthem Cider mill wit[' all equipments. Will usT Axtniviun.•,--$150 worth Black cover n ground space of i85 b GG feet. �� -t ►�'t � � � ��
Was too late, TIand picked plums, all non-metallic, twee , 13,891,034, against and Miss llekd Sar' a solo in her usual be sold very elxeap. A ply to, Ll, J', Plunles, which Will be sold at 10 per y
ehaice fruit, only 75 cents 0, bushel.— `� g g Maguire, Ileal Estate Agent, Win Lent, above cost, until the end of Aug- For the superstructure some 400t00i3•
A. W. Webster. $11,831,080 in 1001. acceptable manner, ham, g- est, ileo blew. --Mcg. Green. bricks will lx3 used. ,v