HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 8S TITE WINCE' RAM ADV A►.NOB August 2 7. r 001 J� I • 11ROM THE ALD ,ANA, ^^'...,^..." Bluavale'. '. NO Wontinued from lat page.) PERSONAL ONAJ l r Au Maud, Paul lass been visiting PICKLI lud]ked fanny to ec a ears and people oat iter aunt Mrs, Joseph Pugh. the move on the streets and the store- "`� Mr. W. Telford of Winfliain vasitesi keepers rubblug their eyes at 9 in the saes, B,U !$ borne £turn Quelph. at Mr. John Burges' this week, U"y morning.buin Truly the Englishman sports takes Ed. 7.`7Bel spent Sunday In Kincar- Mrs, Ashton Mason of Stratford is U-1 ing e,&-% Um -w v, . ,SPICES(It tt IN, for the . a lelrel -triple t, espz and y. I very dine, visiting in Bluevate and vicinity, lelsuraly cricket especially, I fancy em scarcely stop a bill oreMrs. P. Stewart is visitingAt Ailsa Mx. Chas, Coultas from near 1is• hLG aniaweetk• Johnnie Bull looks very Craig' towel spex#t Sunday at his home here, q Gordon Griffin is home from Guelph Mrs. W, Alay of Wingham was pictures ire on the field but rather fat gg for active service, Visitors to En for his vacation. visiting at, C. 1t,131rinkers this week. - . -_ -� _____ land should shyclear of cities with tali Jno. Young is 'tome from London Bul'Iders.11, , chimneys axed my advice (which I nosy i? Mrs, i, Barkley of Citmian, Mich., is`� Our new supply arrived give free gratis) is to take in the rural far his vacation, visiting her father Mr.. Wm, Messer, districts, county lanes, villages, !n- Miss Jennie McMath has returned Mrs, John Ptxgh and Miss -Edna qq A' this week. The vinegarwe eluding the Cathedral cities, seaside borne froiu Paris, Pugh of Brussels were visitors here bought a year age, a -ad bad it resorts, parks,. gardens, old abbeys, Mrd. Wm. Button and Mies Edna ars this week, ruins, etc., whim are an endless de Our plans for a bigger store include the tearing down of the rear part and giving F so you. will get extra. light and will amply repay for all the visiting in London, Mrs, Christopher Thornton of Wing outlay, when the weather is good. Mrs. Mason, of London, is visiting ham has been visiting her mother the builders full swing so as to rush things in the course of a couple of weeks. It Wing - values this year, The most important lace in En Mrs, John Gardiner. , P p g- hereon, Mr. Geo. Mason, won't be as ens to do business when the confusion begins, and what is more im Or- land, outside Landon, is York, beauti- Misses Maggie Henning and Ethel y g ' P X'X White Wine Vinegar -30c gallon firs to its antiquity, The Mieats takes Mrs, Balt of Petris visiting her King of Wingham visited Mrs. Qeo. tant -there is bound t0 be more or less dust and dirt, That means we must either brat place, 620 feet, long, seats 10,000, brother, Joe. Stevenson.nsgg i XXX " " ...SOC " ' McDonald Iasi week. y gi• people and room, to spare for lots more. Mrs, Ashton Mason of Stratford is hide the goods or sell them, and somehow wer never very at packing things XXX Cider Vinegar .......... 408 " Its Orypt is grand, the columns sup- visiting relatives in Morris. Mrs, Sanderson has returned to Tor - e ,. porting structure are beautifully csrv- onto atter having spent some time away, Your own judgment will suggest the wisdom of special business in order to Malt Vinegar..................QOC ed, no two alike; here is seen some of Miss Hamilton of Wroxeter was a ed a carload of visiting friends here, , the old foundations of seventh century, visitor in town on Monday, J, J. Denman shipreduce stocks all we can before the builders commence. Accordingly, we've planned p These are all over a year At present the front is undergoing George Wadland of Sarnia spent steers to Tornoto this week. Wm, a quick clearance of everything that belongs to summer, in the hoe of getting a restoration, which will cost 60,000 Sunda at Mr. R. Kinsman's. Robinson went iii char e y g �' ' P g g old. No NEW Vinegars in pounds; the scaffold for one tower y good advertisement out of the sale, and stock. BUT our Spices are only, cost $1,000. Money is plentiful g, later. s all Fresh and the Best quality here for some things. The wails of the Mich. is visiting her parents. Maggie Casemore who accom anxeil 11 y city -22 miles around, atfgrding a nice Mrs L. iTrea yi leftthispnb��yy b�er father 8 e holiQayzng a nMhQ g paving the WO,y Or bigger SllCCCSS at i money can buy, If its good evening walk, from which You have a visit to her sister in Hespeien. t'Vest, to lying ill with typhoid favor stn excellent view a the city, This at Carrot, Man. We are also making a b1 cut On all of our immense stock of New Fall Dress we 5011 it. city from modern ideas is several biro- Mies Williams of Buffalo wag the (Too lata for last week.) g g dyed years behind. They won't allow guest Of Miss May Smith last week. Goods. Fane Zibelines in all shades for swell dresses never sari less than$1.25— axe mantxfacturin hers because of Miss Etty o£ Mitchell is visiting hire. }' , , Y g Wm. 0, Thompson is spending a Paw , saxoke and pollution of river. I said days at his home in Brussels this week.Warman, Our special price $I.00 Ladies Cloth in blue and black, heavy v�eight, regular priceto a policeman "What a grand city for Mrs, John Gardiner is In very poor I,00 --Our 5 ecial rice c.TUDHOPUS travellers and a it to modernize it." 'bliss Reynolds of St. Thomas spent $ P i 7 5 pity health, we are sorry to state. He dirt not share the view, and said a few days at her home here this week. French Cashmeres are all the rage for fancy waists for the Fall. Cashmere Grocery and Crockery Stora "Old buildings, narrow streets, etc„ Miss Laura Young of Owen Sound Mra,g m, Sanderson ofTorontois g g visiting friends in the villa e, wears twice as ion as flannel and does not catch the dust. There is Gni one waist did not put bread in peoples mouths, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Win. David- , y • what they wanted was business and son. Mrs, James Grey of Listowel has length in each piece and nd two waist lengths the same. money, sentiment be hanged.' We been visiting at his home here. THE F �Ia�i��� S see Selby Abbey on onr way to Hull, Frank Hill of Calumet, Mich., is a once magnificent structure, but the visiting at his home in Lower Wing- Mrs. Howe and daughter of Clinton (We are still flaying lire and 16c for Butter, and 13c for Eggs.) ----- present Canon seems to fire when and ham, are visiting at Mr. Robb. Masons, WING RAM MARSET9 how he likes, no one to say him nay. Mrs. Marsales of Niagara Falls is Mrs. Scoles spent Sunday with her " ' ' ' " ' ' "' °" — ' . His notion of things are at variance visiting her mother, Mrs, J. R. Rey- son, Dr. Scoles, of St. Clare, Mich. Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 with the majority of people; lie pulls colds. �� //�� GORDON' Fall wheat per bush new 68 to 70 down and builds up and runs the whole Miss Eva Duff was visiting Miss Oats per bush.........,. 0 27 to 0 28 show, thereby destroying much of its Earnest Button has secured a situ- Ina Bryans at Jamestown last week. D* Barley per bush....,... 0 35 to 0 40 past beauty of fine cut stone work. It ation in the hardware business in Mr. A. H. Musgrove of Wingham Peas per bush ......... 0 60 to 0 60 is passing strange that one man, under Guelph. /1, was a visitor in the village this week, /y p p Bran ...................18 00 to 19 00 wardens and the people is allowed to Mrs, Wachsmuth and children re- Big Prices for Trade. DIE,ECT IML ORTER Shorts ..................19 00 to 21 00 be an autocrat; he is not the only one turned on Friday from a visit to Lie- Miss G. McAllister of Boisevalu, Chop ...... ............ .. 1 15 to 1 25 in England. towel friends. Manitoba, has been visiting relatives . Hay , 7 00 to 7 00 A word of other things. "Our Joey" here. Butter per lb...... ..... 0 15 to 0 16 as Birmingham people call Chamber- Miss Mary Harrison of Walkerton Mrs. Simpson of Ethel was visiting •Eggs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,, , , 0 12 to 0 13 lain, is much talked about. The Fiscal was the guest of Miss Minnie Fessant her sister, Mrs, Robt. Shaw, this Lard .................... 0 12 to 0 13 policy is the absorbing topic; some on Wednesday. week. ' Jamestown. IwXECUTORS' Sal LE � Potatoes per bush (new) 0 40 to 40 want cheap bread, others want pro- Mrs, H. Woods returned to her home Mr. Robt. Musgrove has returned Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery of OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY !N Apples per bag_ , ...... 0 85 to 040 tection, but one thing is patent -this in Williscroft last week, after visiting from a very enjoyable trip to the old Wroxeter Sundayed at the home of THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. Hides per 100 lbs........ 6 00 to 6 .,0 country is in a bad wap since the war, her parents in town. county. Alex. Bryana, f , Lamb skins ..... ,...... 0 30 to 040 taxes are going up and the people - y We're Wide Pursuant ,A the Coact vested in to wider. 11 11 Dressed hogs........... 7 00 to 7 50 down. Agriculture is in bad shape; Miss Henning has returned to Chi Mrs. R. Musgrove has returned Mostly all the farmers are through signed as the Executors of the last will of Livehogs......... . ..... . 5 50 to 6 00 Canadian and American competition cage, after a few weeks' visit with bar from visiting friends at St. Helens harvestingnow, and are getting read James oust ell late Huron the township of Morris,,there Tallow, per lb...... , . ,.. 05 to 51 knocking them out. Canadian meat sister, Mrs. Geo, King. and the Nile, g g y in the county of Huron farmer, deceased, thorn Wool .......... . .... .... 16 to 18 is cheaper here than in Canada, selling Miss Etta Kerr has returned to her to sow the fall wheat. .�Wc1�Ce will be t, auctioneer, for Salo fly publico auction, by F. as low as 6 7 and 8c per 1b; the farm- Dliss Tessa Anderson of East Wawa S. Scott, auctioneer, at rho Brunswick iak Hotel, ers are ettin poorer ever da home in Sault Sts. Marie, after spend- nosh was visiting her grandmother, Miss Rennie of Palmerston was rus' in2ta;et903,'atfi 300iOclock in t e afternoon the $ g P Y Y ing a few weeks with friends !n town. TQ Your IntereStS. TQRON'rQ STACK MAI?KE7. Land, formerly worth $100 per acre, in the village, treating with her friend Miss Elsie following valuable farm property, viz: -North For full :aid accurate market re- is not worth one half that figure to- Mrs. Claxton of Orangeville is visit- About 70 tickets were sold at this Strachan for a few days last week. half of int 17, in the 1st co_n��essio>a of the said da The county is rich in product- in. bar sister, Mrs, N. S, Burwash : y township of Morris, farm is sit 50 acres of land y y � g + station for the excursion to Kinear- The nun ladies attended Listowel lnbr0 or leis. 781718 farm 19 6itllAtO about two ports see second page, iveness under fair conditions of weath. sbe is accompanied by her son, Edgar, dine Iasi week, young Oust FuxtrllTuitE is easily miles from winfgliam, in one of the best farm- er ; farm lade go to cities, iris to Business College together, sold because of the HOOD vALul; ing districts of Glib county of Huron • about 44 g Mr. Hill, of Lower Wingham, re- acres are cleared and in a good state of eulti-`"� _ _ _ .._ -._.__ .._ . _ - - shops, etc., so that in future there will turned last week from Preston Miner- Bev W T. Hall, formerly minister Quite a number from this vicinity there Is in every article. See cation, and the balance is hardwood bush. be few to till the soil. Taking it alto- al Baths where he had been for the at Belgrave, was a visitor 'tit the There is also a very good orchard. There are gather it !s a beautiful country to look benefit of his health, He reports 1m- manse this week and gave an address attended the opening of the Presby- our mzmunf Piticu Bedroom on thand outs tIL ldinood brick house, a frame To �� Pub��CC at, nice to visit, plenty of good stuff to provement, at prayer meeting on Tuesday even terian church Wroxeter, last Sunday. Suites at $11.50, $14.75, $15.Lo. g Bulli ingee god Penedo itt good repair, Passesston will b loco to do eat; an Englishman will have a atom- ing. The church has lately been re -modal'- For Sideboards, the are so fall ploughing. ach full if the bank goes under, but Mrs. Graham, wife of one of the Mrs, Robb McCausland of Boissivain, ed and will no doubt be more satisfac- y dayTermsof sale, and of Salothe balance of purchase money on "" the Unctionons of other things taxation, suit during the past weekas , but last ev"aing ill Manitoba, Miss Nellie Washington of tory now. wonCONVENIENTLY t wond r at, theirtpopular- ,ion t totaara ehry©pie. Furtherp ar`t'icu ars Goderich, Mrs. (Dr.) L. J. Musgrove p Havin purchased the inter- an American of advanced democratic (Wednesday) there were pleasing pros- and children of Niagara Falls, were The Box Social held in the hail on ity. Don't buy without seeing andthe conditions of sale will be made known on Having p ideas. England is policeing the world pects of her recovery. vision Mrs. R. Musgrove last week. to thayE sale, or may be had on application est and good -will of Mr. and in order to do so the poor mann s. Mr. R. Holmes who lass been away g g the 18th inst, was quite successful con- our $Iu.00 and $17.75 Boards, here is continually whackin up to for the Mackinac tri is new alta a Mrs. John King, while trying to sidering the busy season. The pro- WILLIAM MAXWEL „ Wingham Execu- Ames, I and now the �l�l ing- meet these demands which j see to P take a cow from the woods to the COUCHES i -Just ask your Firms Ross, Bluevale } tors lashing arty on the Manitoulin Is. reeds amounted to $9.60, The Brussels ham agent for the world- pinspect of lessening in the future. land, I e will return to Toronto for barn one day last week, was attacked Band rendered some ver fine music neighbor about her' $7,00 or Dated this 219t day of August, 1903, renowned Masse Harrsis Co. riloney is very much squandered here the exhibition and it may ba tae 10th by the animal and rather badly hurt. y $8,00 Couch. l'' as in America in municipal matters. or 15th of September, when he can re • It is feared that her spine is affected. and made things bright and lively. and wish to advise the public In this respect at least the English- turn to Wingham. Mr, Warder has commenced to There were also four or five carioles FARM FOR SALE. that I will keep in stock a full man is very much Americanized. clear away the debris, preparatory to from Brussels. The program chieflyBALL BROSI P I bid farewell to dear old England •1 uttin in another boiler. Asubscri on 13th for a county second to none putting P consisted of The north half of Lot 32, Con. 10, line of this Company's make on earth, if we only take lessons from tion list was passed around among the tettes, recitations, speeches, etc. All East Wawanosb, SItuated near farmers of this vicinity and liberally churches and school, and nob far from of unequalled Implements, the errors and mistakes of the old land �,}� T passed off -splendidly, and ever one Q P y> (`,w, l subscribed to. py est office. Intending »rchaaers and aha a our dentin on the grind- l'i/1�1LCiai j �W I '� tiNDERTAKING p g p etc. Also agent for Dents plea of Soberness, Honesty and Tright- enjoyed the evenings entertainment please call before the middle of Sept. ! immense' Resldeoce—Patrick loth century Manure Dlstri- eousness, y 5t„ lSth house West GRO. MASON. The church of England in Teeswater, MONEY To LOAx-At per cent. on of Hamilton's Drug Waterloo P Store. Night calls �. HAMILTON tutor, and tilt; aterlo0 Eri- which has been closed for some time, improved farms, Easy terms of re- l - receiv - wiil be rep P p prompt at - and Separators. A few �� paned next Sunday. Rev. payment; expanses light. AppLoan ly A, tcntto,t. AUCTIONEER of the Wm. Gra & SOn�s CHALLENGE FOR RELIGIOUS Wm. Lowe will preach at 8 p.m. Dulmage, Real Estate and East Wawanosh. celebrated Buggies were DISCUSSION ! Rev. C, P. Wells, B.A., of Ethel will Agent, Kent Block. The Council met on Aug. 20th pur-�' BLYTa OxT. gg preach in Wingham Methodist church ° l scant to adjournment; members all 3o ycars successful I have conducted C moor bought at rack-botton prices next Sunday morning and evening. • present. Minutes of last meeting read 3000 Huron, and .s a rue Sales in the County Having been credibly informed that Rev. Dr. Gundywill reach harvest Salem. and passed. se Huron, and ae a turd get better prices and p P sell to bettor men. Orders ]eft at AnvAxcas and must be Sold to make Rev, Mr. Dunn and also Rev, Mr. Thanksgiving sermons on Ethel circuit. Account of Times office, Wingham, Office, Wingham, will receive prom.pt attou- Kafne, both of Whitechureb, did on Of the 59 Presbyterian Mi+is Bra of Gra townshi sent a $20, beim art payment of printing tion. Terms reasonable, Satisfaction guar - room for fall stock.y y P P g P P Y P; Morris. Sundae, Aug. 16th, wails discoursing y erten e week at the home of Mr. R. Palmer. contract for 1903, was on motion of anteed. Phone or telegraph at my expense. in the pulpit, publicly proclaim against in London, England, three-fourths aro Messrs. Menzies and Ellis, ordered to A• windmill has been put up on the /� } �• Latter Dav Saintism, in which they carrying on mission work in the church- Mr, and Mrs. Abram attended the be paid. farm of Wm. Thuell, 0th line, by Fred Ali. �][�OVeI connected it with Utah Mormonism es themselves, and 1n 42 halls and rooms, funeral of an old friend in Raab Wawa- Communication from Win. Lane, Adams, of Brussels. It will be utilized 1Hp ; � e s 1 1 ' f' ' saying that the legitimate outcome of employing 31 salaried and nearly 1000 nosh last week. Co. clerk, received, stating that the for pumping water. `ys►- �il k Latter Day Saintism is the adoption voluntary workers. One day Iast week Mrs. Jas. Robin- amount required this year from East of Polygamy, act. Reopening services of Whitechurch son resented her husband with a Wacvanosh for county purposes was This is getting to be a great town- DOMINION INDUSTRIAL Agent — Wingham And whereas their talk has been the p • 1? 1 means of the Foresters' l3a11 being Methodist church will. be held on Sun- bouncing young son. $ 720.65, beim $30215 more than wast sale without doubt. As a proof of day, Sept. 6th. Sermons will be preach- was required or the years 1901.02, this statement we report the birth of EXHIBITION r_�_ closed against me, leaving me without ad at 10 a.m. and 7 m. b Rev. Jos. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gallaher attend- Resolved that a further snm of $3550 P opportunity for defence; p• y ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Isaac in addition to the county rate be ralsed three sons at the home of Frank Mar- T4RC7NT® NOTICIE.-The question is how can And whereas we claim this shows a Philp B, D., of Xincardine, and at 3 Gowdy on Friday last. off the township this year as follows: tin, Sunshine, last Tuesday. Rost. MCIndoo loan his money so lack of Christian charity and that the p•m. by Rev. 17r. Gundy of VPingham. T stn rovementa and officera'salaries, cheap on notes and mortgages. Call above accusations are false; Special collections at each service, On Thomas McMichael, with his sister. Tp.improvements Tuesday of last week at Hartney, Aug. 27th to Sept. I2th and see. ROBT. MCINDOO. Monday evening, an illustrated lecture Miss Charlotte, and his niece, ''Piss $1850; miscellaneous, etc., $$160; special Manitoba, the s cit of Mrs. Hent Therefore I challenge either of the will be given on "Jernsalem and its en- Louise Higgins, spent Sunday last with school rate, $1550 -in all 6`L76.65, A p n ilyinghsnt to Toronto and Refurn 53,65 - . above named gentlemen to meet step. y p Mrs. Watters. rate of 3.61 tenth mills on the dollar Tiernan took its flight. She had been resentative of the Reorganized Church virons b Rev. Jos. Phil Admis- was struck to raise this amount, 1.2 . ailing for the past year, cancer of the Good going Aug. 29tb to Sept. 11th. of Jesus Obrist of Latter Day Saints, sion 25 cts, Mies McKelvey and her friend, Miss tenth mills for Co. rate, 1.4 tenth mills inclusive. "'" "' Pratt, both of Stratford, are at present for townshipimprovements, etc, and stomach being the rause of death. Sept. 1, 3, 5, 9, and 11th for..............$2.70 A If 1 "'1i`- following chug s piropositionsnto w to the Presbytery of MaitlandlcouMtx bated visiting the former's brother, Rev, Mr. L01 for speial school rate. By-law A trial of a case under the Ditches No. 1. Resolved -That the Reorgan- last year to the schemes of the church McKelvey in Wroxeter. No. 8, 1903, confirmin the same, dui All tickets valid returning on or before School ;ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter tho sum of $5,246, Teeswater congre• As Joseph Underwood, Jr., was re- read and assed, g y and Watercourses Act was held a the Sept, 15th. c Day Saints is, in organization, faith gation contributed $1,01&, the largest turning dome from Salem church on Resolved further that John H. Me- Township Hall, Morris, on Tuesday and practice in harmony with the New amount given by one congregation. Sunday afternoon, his horse got fright- Clinton be re -appointed collector of morning before Judge Doyle. The LABOR DAY, Monday, 00kS J Testament. Melville Church Brussels, was second cued ab a tloatin Barra! in the river taxes for the current year at a salary case was the appeal of Samuel Iewine Sept. 7th, 1190,3. Na. `L, Resolved -That the (either on the list, contribuitng $828. Calvin near R, McIntosh s. It threw the cera- o£ $60, this sum to cover all expenses and Others againaG the award of Presbyterian or Methodist) Church is, church, St. Helens, gave $2.30 per mem- pants out and made,for the west again. incurred connected with the office. James Marshall, P, L. S., !n reference S1NGi.E FARru Folt ROLiNIJ TitI>i. in organization, faith and practice in bor and $5.86 per family. Teoswater It was caught at Wm. Gallaher's gate; By, -law No, 0, 1903, ratifying this ap- Good going Sept. 5th, 0th and 7th, valid for ; B .harmony with the New Testament. ointment, also read and passed. to a survey of ditch on 6th can., run- return until Sept. 8th, between all Pterions in was a close second averaging .$2.29 per fortunately, no one was injured. P 1 , Cauada on Grand Trunk Ry., also to and from The Bible to be the standard o£ evi- , Debentures were issued for amens min from S, Jordans throe h W. 0, AND WHERE TO dence. Time, place and "rules" to skillenastands ut the bottom with notb- 1. of the following amounts: --H. B. proctor's and Mrs. Corbetts proper- Bridge And B fYalo, N.oY. Mich„ Suspension govern, to be agreed upon by the con- Walton Elliott, Wingham, part payment of . BUY THEM . . . testtaLts. ing st its credit; , the neat printing contract for 1903 $20; J. G. ties. Theron was also a small branch I. D. MonoNALD 10„x,",,,,,, ,O ,,�,,,,.,,,,,,r„-,,,,^,,, - "Produce your cause, saith the Lord; lowest' contributed $25, HowiCk. y ' g in S. Irwtti'a and J. Fer aeon's. G. District Passenger Agmnt, Toronto. 4 Moser, Blyth, spike mite for bridge g bring forth your strong reasons, saith The 1903 Convention of the Ontario Two weeks ago Mr. Gideon Parke lots 39 and 40. con. 1, $1.81; Thos. H. F. Blair appeared for the complain- ` When we say it will pay - the King of Jacob," Isa. 11:21. Christian Endeavor Union will asegem- threshed 500 bushels of grain for Mr, Taylor, sen., 3900 feet elm plank for ant. After considerable evidence had A copy of this challenge will be ble in Stratford, the classic city, on Coombs of Janxestown and after mov. bridges and culverts, $69, and lumber ' every family in town and mailed to each of the above named Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, ing 5 miles away to the home of Mr, for bridge at tots 30 and 40, con. 1, $39,- taken, the Court lasting from I.30, the WA26M vicinity to •buy their School gentlemen. For justice, Sept. 29--30 and Oct. 1, Rev, 7±', E. Robert Earls, put through 300 bushels 68; John Shiell, fixing culvert and Judge reserved decision, outfit from us rove meal' it WALTer L. BENNETT, Clark, father of the Endeavor move- of batIey and 500 bushels of wheat, cleaning out ditch sideline 33 and 31, ti-_,♦ �...__ l Box 55. Wallaceburg, Ont• ment, and the now General Secretary, which is a big day's work. Who can coni. 11, $4; Geor a White, Blyth, ` and 'cr''e StaDd behind our " Von Ogden Vogt will be present. heat it? building waterbrea, and filling ap• � + T These officials are fresh from the Inter- Mrs. M. J. Ardall, of Hoaick, last preaches to bridge, sideline 39 and 40, Turnherl'y. Dominion of Canada Counsel` waiting t0 prove it • national Convention, and a very inspir- con. 1, $•4.50; George A. Cottle, White. Minutes of Council meeting held V W illi !! L4i111l1 uu to On. An event of interest in the news- Ing gathering is expooted, Reduced week sold bar farm on the 6th conces- church, elm plank, repairing culverts Aug. 24th, 1903, Members all present ; , �' paper world in Toronto last week was fares Itav, ing secured sexp e t the Convert• sion to Mr, John Hyndman, of Minto, and bridges, ate. $I1.54 ; McKinnon the Reeve in the chair. The minutes Industrial yli r�� ���ja�j�}i 0 - lrf you have not been in the one-captttion by the News O£ Choir tion Ian and tickets will be good to o for about $2,200, ngfar f has also Bros., gravelling at lot 28, con. 12 and off last meeting were read and adopted nd .! is hit 6! 11 the habit of favoring th15 - and Adel, astreeta Dine that �ttgt, on Sept. 25th and return Oct, 6th and if bought. the adjoining farm Prom P. P. 13, $11,37; James Martin, son,, lebelliitg o motion of Messrs, Musgrove and slots come aratznd tiled S00 The latest and most serviceable tneC. 800 or more attend, single fares will MrsFiyndman�0will rid orhavota good road at lots 28, eon. 12 and 13, $•4.45, Felly, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. 12,1943 prevail. 1L0 yards gravel, road division No, 68, Kelly-•---MuLegrove•--That the applica• for your o Will bedefif as we - hanical equipment in every line has 200 acre farm with good buildings. $8A2, 22$ yards gravel on western tion of Miss Powell re straight fence will lssue return tickets s been installed by the News, including Council met Aug. 19th in Fordivich. boundary, $15,75, and inspecting gra- be granted, provided it is built close to $3.65 - Wingham to Toronto know we can please you by - a Hae sextuple press, This the largest Carey. Members all present, the Reeve in the velling On western boundary, $4,60 ; edge of govt drain•-•-cat'ried. • news a er resg in Canada, and it has Aug. 20 to Sept. 11 giving yon better Service - P , P Miss Ethel Montgomery of Wr6xe- chair: Minutes of last meeting were Peter Leaver, building and repairing By-law N6.9 to Levy 1h mills for Cur• g , a capacity of 48,00012 -page papers, per tar spent a few days with her cousin read dna adapted. Bq.Law No, 8, to culverta, sideline 30 and 31, co. 10 and rent expenditure; by-law No, 10 to ����lj ,. Wingham to Toronto Itntl 'lilacs sh3l! you will i ihour, wA etiieis�in fact to alition is dExhiba MissEvaBryan% y levy rate on the dollar was rend the lot$ 3q'i ong0 and 7 McKinnon, n716U, And 1UOi Andint by-law No. 11 to raise bq lafvy sept 1, 3, 5, 0 and 11 get elsewhere. tion visitors to the city to call and in- site eel ei sister, and Miss XMina- third time and passed. g , � , $ R $ g p - sport the News building dna 'ant. visited their sister, 15Lrs, Atex MCKen- Gowdy-"Spotton "'that Councillor lin alt western boundary.$06.37, 1473,10 for townshipreale to utile A11 tickets good for Return until Sept. 15,190;1. P iliciae and the Clark be It committee Matthew Mains. Ilullett, rebuilding schools were read and Ceased, Our shelves aro crowded The Mammoth pt•ess can be seen in me of Seaforth an Sunday. to attend to the Ktto and 1listo brill e, sideline 3t9 and 40 con, 1 '20 Tile followin accounts ware asses Seo the Manitoba and Borth-rrrest Rxhiblt, in with the latest authorized operation between 3 and 5 o'clock A meeting of the congregation of drain and have the same cleaned out John Mains, Rtil)ett, gravelling on and cheques issued : D. H. Moffatt, the Canadian rami ExhibitHdll, near q ti Grand Stand teat books. each afternoon. A'lost card to The Roe's church will be held on Tuesday , sin and eastern boundary, $90; Thomas Black, $3.70 culvert; Leo Orvis, $1.00damages; Our values in Scribblers News, Toronto, will brie{: sample avenins to make arrangements for Gowdy--9penCe--that By -Law Na:' inspect%n gravelling on eastern boon- John A. Miller, $1.00 rep, culvert; It. dak for copy o! omelet Program. are startlin c,.+pies of the paper At any time, their annual Harvest Home. Yt p. , - g• _.,.. ' 2 far the year 14103, granting 25 cents Bary, $e.;�t. A number of ether small Ross, 76e rep. Culvert' James Powell, A. H. NotN1AN ..,....._..,_._1__� . , . There will be no ,service, in Rae s per rod for wire fence, be amended by accounts princi ally for gravels repair• $.U0 rep. culvert; J. Stewart, $2,40 ,A•sslstant Gmnerwl Passenger Agent Have lore tiled Coo or'* - BMTHS. church next Sabbath morntn , owing Hook Store 3 for 6 Lead $ g adding the fallowing clalaso; And be ins culverts an bridges, etc., amount- ��xavelling, Duff' fit Stewart, $46.98 3CfngSt. 151tst•7'mronto, Angus—In Wingham, August 22nd to the most of the congregation wish{ ' It farther enacted that no person shall In to $30.60, also received and paid, tiiinber and culvert J. Burgess, $50.00 Pencils, The hest Cetus iii M , , !3 , (Janadax, Urs. li, Angus, a s6n, in to go to 1Ltliet to hens Dr. Grundy be entitles to the grant who build ha Treasnirar rrported cash ext hand �tb, salary; John W', Krog, $6.12 gi•avei; —---�--•--__._„.- .---_..- _- . of �Vl lgham, who to taking charge & their fence with barb wire, this at elate, $3;37,70• Jatnea McDougall, $I.UH graver ; Wm, Strong manilla Book Martin--»A.t 6nnshxne on Aug. 18, to the Anntial Thanksgiving & Harvest amendment to take effect from. and Moves by Mr. Menzies, seconded by Yeo, $1.00 damages ; Rost, Muir, $3.88 �,r� ` Covers givers £tee. _ Mr. And Mrs, Frail Martin, triplet Flame service. after the pn�oing thereof. Gpwsy 141r, Ellis, that Iteeva McOallum ba grave! and'. damage8, John W. King, fop n likentess 86118,Tuesday Lfib •that By -Law No, 2, be read authorized to meet the Mayor of Wing- $3.00 aalntlges, t3 . Longley, $3.2fi gt'a• THE ;end, 1b9Ax113. 0x9 onh last weeks to An- S^a drew Tennant had the misfortune to the third. time and passed as ainenaod, barn dna 'reeve of Morris at tt time and Vel; John Marshall, $3.64 graver dna y, y Sf ATT -In Wingbam, on August 2'1, have a revolver go off, the bullet-0arried, place a reed on, to take into consider- damages ; rEmanuel Bolt $ 15 gravel ; �� ��i� Mr, (leo. tVatt aged 7A. Ding through the hand and could not A number of aCCnttnts ptiseed and atIon al it) matter, of repairing and J. C. Anderson, $1,88 gravy . C, Stokes ei g going until the X rays were Appli. cheques Issued. otherwise improving gravel road ort $ .80 gravel; John Ansley, $1."75 gravel Cor i 069ns.----In Turnberry, August 24th, ed. Ware sorry to herr that blood. Council adjourned to meet Again pn Prairie, south of the toren of Wing- and damages. � COOPER &k C?uar 30b,bC0 MrB, Catharine Ttogere, aged 114' poisoning had est In before the X rays third W ednesdaqq fn i3eptetrtiber in theatnCnrrtea. Council aajaurned to trteet In ()larks pad. Aaa,es�CO lralii,m,1n Eget Warvan6sh, an loth were a lied, '�Ve wish wish hint a Tp. Hafts Gerrie when appticattone C ounGit alien ridfonrnea till Monday, afYlccr,1i31aavales on Monday, Sept, xlet stirs Slir.e$ur >f AIOXk 1�2�88 pp Keeley Inetitut-0 Inst., Jared, ons -child of Mr, aad speedy recovery as he hub been sufl"ar- relit be reoeYved and eoliectare ap- 21st Sept. next., at 10 a'claCk a, xtx• e6nfily Mre Jae. Noble a his 2nd eat in A rent dealt oluted, L. WAL1010, Olerk, P. PtllacnrG1>; m, Clerk, Jow; Bmtdraes, Clark, hi,,Ligre 7E0 Iro"ONlo 01 r ,i y , g g p