HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 7I . .. ­ ­ ­.. ­...."..., . .. ....... --, - -.,-..",--.,...,F ".,- - "WW". - I— - - - , I . . - . I . ­ . ,. .. . I , , -.1.1.11W.".."I"..", . I I , , I , I , .Ill.Olk"1011400..FISFPkO[401'AktifltfAN, ,, . I 11 . , 1-04AW —_ ,i, I . . . I . - I - 11 . — .w , .. , i ;* —1. - - - - I . !­ - I 00mo ;_---1----Z___ " I . , . - _—, . — -- =1 A = = I . _­ __ — --- 4- !111-1 . , - I — I — 1.11 I . - . .11. — I — - I — ­­ - 1, ­­ _ .­ c__ . . I LOBO. SALIS0001 14 % ad, wo!knogs of tile heart Ile, ou0immw to th& tillook. Tits Ia. MARTIN LUTHER'S RIOLIL . A 0 U' 141,00 I W Most 4orlaug.- ther $w heort-bro,uea. ad 011 IN , SIX PERSON S" DROWNED Volume J$0011ginTia lit. Joatidly Noix olemoft of Ills illness, however, is THIL Of THE Ship WrVakea In $Agivaw ally, I I . nervous ation, "wIlloll on $By-, , Port Aur4w, uloll k 4 ux. 98.-Wlwl 11) 911,400114. . oral occ=ham won nouto. V134 I tile oteAmer 31.,.004t4 grrtrod ,here, tford. Oat., Aug.tZ.-A Mortin *11161tt Accident to w1d0h Viscount Satur4ay, wo - A!Uir ow. , . orsborno referred occur- Lho Ore* ox tkiii 0,4; 1,0111VO10"T" 149 VOL DIM , datcd - 15'."., to 3,534p (looe 0 tor! believed tz- ba t -44a only one on thlil red under - tbeso =Otapoeiv; GRIM HER81 who ba,4 DWA Obliged to . 1441; their MAN AND 1r)"Ofi LOST, ,,$,',r,','.,,,, ,, not in the world.$ is In I Lord SAIIOUTY WAN 4,9100P 10 A, , ship to %gluayr D4y,,,on Fir da;r. frlxo,, . I soessiou c,f Mr. Edward PA110-111" obair, when the arm on wb1ch he Was . I Hector waa . . hors LLV 41, .__.­__­._, I— rf this ;'ty, whwe foreffAt ,4 loaning gave wa;r! and her fell beoiv- , 1. ; -, otruok fo, 66 hoayx ' - I which 'Zoolk out the maptis 1"1712 , Ill Qormaay. 711te history of the vot- 11, to tile ground, Tooelving A, fiey I For 'a' A` `04`0`40 004"on, J UMQ Can be traced for over rour hun- Death of Britain's Ex -Premier ore 000,9. i I I Death Murder and Mishaps "carlivir 043 ibo bqkt, WOU14 Pink, . down father to son In the tile ore", took -to -tifo lifeboats# Antl Hatfield Uoupp to oltuateA a after drifting some hours, were plck 114004-ert faml until It was brought Took Place on Saturday. I dred yearo mud bais been handed His Sister Is- peuil. Mad Panic on Board an Elevated fro l I In T roughout the Land, fA up by taw steamer, I I to this city ei tile f0lithOr of the magnificent Park, which skirts be , Negro 1141(110 Willi, Rtjokalhot. . wilt owner, Up. Edward Pacokort. (111410 town, of Which tho uArula , I -"— Von4lelwon, Texas, Au4. 91 -Zoo. , - Train Which Wd!q on fire.' PrNoear tile front cover or the book . quaint town, of whioli the Marquis SAIWOrO, A 00grO A001140 01 114 Lire the fullowlag till", which trans- or SalWburyj to practically tbo, own- V14g: I . lated read, ',Martin L;tth g, illed In attempted 0rim,1441 ewpault on a , 115544; John Lntbor, lili father, died HAD BEEN LONO A SUFFERER or. Yeater4a.v while the statesman EXPLOSION KILW THREE, young girl last nlgb t., w&s shot to, 13ast011, jklaps., Aug. 24.-lile Ottlivrt, Rajah Keumala, who have been for In 1680; margArot Luther, Ills la,y,'Aylago boys worapItlylill; cricket I 404tU to-d&X by A posse of ottizentl . j 91 tile Ba. many years the two chief robal lead- mother, died In 15,31; Magdalen, In 'we brilliant ,eatielitne on the who wont t6 Arreat him. Sauftro. !nhoulas'Carter, Governo ora, will formally submit to the daughter born I,n 1529, died In 15,12; . i'mooth lawila wltlilA earshot of tile virao tErtandink In ilia door what . .1 the Date . I Bit lh men =aaW. lie wag- struok b ll,amap, 114 tile course of the- next taw CatberIno, tits wIfo,born In 10,99, died Was jibl. "Aire, Cenjury in public rAijb tioprotentious rooln occupied b t1k, 1, Gnelpix Voung Atest Drowned- four of buckshot. 1 _$ , 0 arrIvall In Boston, Anti On I Ello . a grlo ! T%YZ TacpOay attexllooll will bd mArri0d to days, Thts, adds tile correspondent, In 15,151.11 1. following names or Patient. iYlille on O6 aide th and ollarroa a I V,xploslosi of Nitro-Clycerlao 1011a 1041,111erta 0044 cnt,olr- 1416W aertrude Collulan Parkaar, means th-3 ond Or tile war. The colo. seholars of that day aro mentioned -Asked to bo murkea nesiao HIS eteris laughed . . Ach . "uslAur 01 the la.to F raACIS V. pu'r- i0al. troops of the Netherlands have In the book 1. Lord John Saal, D. F4010- ANIta Jil. Hatireld Ceinotery-­Ulng otbell, on tile otbor isIde. and almoj)t Two Morc-other Dratills lit Var- I Dexter, Uleft, Aug. 9S.-Invostl been at'war with ilia Aoldnese al- main, 13, Saal. and John MLobaol 'Dial, - tion Is Wing ma4e Into tile vlole`04i xqr, or Boppoll otroot, . Moat continually. alnoD the year 1783, living, 41; tile oloso of the book are J19dwarWs Tribute -10uner4l at Plkd " 'e'lual distance Xronl tile house Jous Parts of Canada and U. S. '. The causo of the War was the re. a number Of the names of royalty In ' ' oJ'-,VecIj, 'rat, AD Oull"Oue contrast, Jor there death 01 William Bee& Jan., a promla- A Rolutdilot'SO Fike, . tile workmea I e ry rm I =a T wn usat of tile Sultall at Achille to Germany.at !,he time Dr. Its pu blloa­ .1 were "ni"Idrig thel Tweed, Out., Ang. 1.13.-A few niln. ; 'lit oling 'a or of Lt 0 ' . Beaumont, TOXP,U, 4119- "!'-Tbt*1 1`0CDXnIZ0 the suzurallity or tile Noth- tiOn, I J Born February 8, 1830. grave, of t1lo Countene of eallowaY, I ship. When Ura. B.e.uz returned bonie . ljord Salisbury's Jialt eloter, in I;be atois before ten Wolook on &, turd&Y ypstorday. evening from A day's visit r.Oundliouse and mar-hina 0110P Of the url4llds- -V'Y1c0ut&g0d `bY the 11 0 of . . I I I Secretary of State for India, 167.1-8. family., Dur,ving ground, Tile count- forenoon a tal,rille. explosion oo- ,it her latherla, she found a p , cot Sa)jIta r'.0 Rollroad. In this city Nxqra aid from ,Great Britain X -the OFF TO CANADIAN SEA, Secretary 417 St:&io fow VorDlga Af" we died A, few da.ya ago, bat It Is ourred -a the pAol lng house of tile of blood on tiie kitchen floor, And so , - . UnI Led Statvs, the Sultan rejected the . ralre, 1878-80, undeMood, that 1;6rd 'Aalisburywas I 1 , trall ol It to the woo0slied, whero doptiqyod by tire yesterday. Five on -terms offered by ilia Netherlands. In ,,x t 0 r — Special Amba4vaador at Conference On . Ontario Powder Co.'s 14 pedt 1 it fita ta to Possess L&Aidiii in not informed of her OeAthl Her full- Plant, 10cat- ; har husband's body. lay with the glilow and much maphinery wore to-; the meautlnre lie had obtained from U101114's Bay aud (lie Arctic, . Eastern Alfa,lrp at Constantino- or a e t Hatfield At Od just outside ,the town limits, I head nearly., -severed. i I tagy, dcVtroy.o,d. . . 1. BrItlah anti American luorebants ple, 1870-7, o t noon to -morrow'. I Three ontployees, wbo were In the Ujit Wile,P311broaton AlieStreet. . . great stores of arms and amn=6 UaA,faxs .N,a, despuJah ,Tb Second Plenipotentiary for rea . JD16,0141mor- ., The Associated Press aorrespon- I I tion.' His ti-oachory led to, the dii- .-Oundia,nd'sealing steamer Neptune, Britain At Congra-m or Berlin' dent is able to cougirm, from tile building, were literally blown to Washlogtoo, Aug. :S,­Augustus Pa,rls, Aug. 21.-7 11-01 daughter of claratioll or war against him bythe (IS78. 1414clialor, an emp!oyee of the Gov - purchased by 1be, Dominion govern- boo source a,t Hatrialu E(ouge, ., pieces, and the bailding was oom- . Regnier (w prime Minlater ancl Secretary of .V110 ornment printing o1fice, to -a ght . poill MadAille Humbert C%overnor,General of the Dutch East m;6nt left this afternoon for an ex- 1885_ Lanoetlo gLatament tbat- Lord Sal- p1letely wiped out of existence as Lit led lido wife 'Catherine, fre4u wliom I art to be the Indses. The war thus begun. has cost 'a state for Forelipm Affairs, I ,%*urdoy dcptAreia In co, maiti a In Hudson Day, Hudson labury to suffering from DrIght's dis- tbougl; it had Vanished into thin -air. 1 Ito bad been separated, at the W.r- , niau witio lalrt tile fortano "a who .ill() I)uteh olijr _'004000401, and tb'e Straits and BAffin's Bay, to con asse. ease. The ex-Premler has been our. ,, * iiDr -or Fourth street and MaccAclixt- took tile name of CrAwSord),lives at liveo-or so.yeral thousand soldiers. - Prime Ulnister nd First Lord of There wAs nothing bat A few ap, u- t litilw1oe-Lo-Dertrand, lie" nolull, not . tinuo for a. year and a half. Its Tromrx, 1886-7. foring from this malady for Srears, tore ot wood acia,ttered about aotto Avenue, by cutting her throat Itelullider Of the T....'ecd V.111g. I far from tho Cho.teau De,s-Eaux Vives, Object *111 be to con4nat, on behalf Prime Al mover and Secretary oJ And . has been practleall,r dying IshiCe tile with a r . rre#W,. . .4zor. Schafer w4a a ongQd, to the Humbert fam- Now York, Aug, 24.-Jidlin Foley, of the Canadian -government, a, State for Foreign Affairs, 1887- Wilit'suliticlo, His MAltion'was ag- place to iridleate, that a building Another Ikuto Killing. , . ""I",* 110, 11 lmrw 0110 llever had Any who brought tile famous Injunction geological, botanical anti liAtural 1802, gravated by, the recent fall froul ilia had ever stood on the apot. clovelaud, Aug. , 23.-wWaille climb. Ily with the Humbertsi anti kMlt Which Ivaulted in the rout of history inveatigation-of tbu.t part Prime Minister and, Lord Privy chair. Ile has been practically un- . Ing ahAll toward LItW Mountain, a iui., C )Ioarde a u'lortun- never Ile,arp her father mention theIr t1lb "Tweed rjnW," died late on Sat- of North America, to formally pro. Beal altd. Secretary of State for conaolous for the past 24 bourn. The three vtotims of tb n (valumer resort, 26 nillea east or lie,re, nameA . I I I urday, after a, lingering illness, af claim British sovereignty over car- Foral.gn Affalro, 1$95-1900. The 31an as Ile is. tito accident are- last night, an auto containing four __#L Six Persons Drowfled. h*,s home In thin city. His health was tain lands, And to report. on alleged : vrlmia Minister and Lord Privy Seal, A recent aketch of .1Aor4 SAILs- CHARLZgi MOON, ag3d 27 years. people ,A-ucldenly fbocaine unman- Fhattered twenty years ago'by his 01r.uggling Operations in Hudson 1%900-0,2. . LYM1N UOON, Aged 26 .Years. ugeab!e and ,started backwards down Now York:,Aug. 21--41', V3r,19011-13 were persistent fight for good, government, Day, Tile expedition Is In charge , Rattreil auly 11, 3.902. - bury says, EDWARD T4110, aged 24 years. tile hill, At, the battom it lirais up 4rowned auriday at various Pleasure Beginning with tits otection as a Of A. P. Lowe, of, 111a,lif4x, - - Died 'Aug. 22, 1908, 1 Au Old Man with heavy gad eyes, The first two are cousing, aliti each oet, and Urfa. W. 11. Kirkpatrick, 0110 resorts About Now York. Tile list routided ,shoulders, but stately, and of tile occupctnts ,wag kV.IekL The xupervIsor In 1800 Mr. -Foley started The Neptune, wIll proceed to Naoll-, LoWbn, Aug. 28, -Yesterday, On digalfled withal, Iv Uotiept, Cooll, "Davos a w1dow and two children. ImInded one woman, RudOlPh Tausch, A single-handed fight against "Boss bak, on the Labrador coast, and lit - exactly tbo 60th, anut.yorsary of Ilia Uarquifj of Salisbury, e.x-prima mill- The third wAs also married, but had other three were seriously Injured. Ono Or the victima, lost Ilia life In Tweed," And (110 net let up 1lintil. the November will go into winter quar- - no children. All the fragments of Saved a Life. Lost ,Ul Oulu. the Harlear River by trying to save famous ring was swept away. After t<)rg north of Chesterfield ,,)at. en't"llace Into poblio lite as a mem- ister or Great Britain, When Lite ol(i- the three bodies that could be gath- Nantucket, Mews., Aug. 23,-Albort, tits valuable collie dog. T1heT were b1s,figlit AgaInst the Tweed ring lie ' bar of Parliament for Stamford, Lot active statesman in Europe Ile swelst underneath A barge by tile .became recognized as a formidable From there aledging operations will was a stronger man than 131wilarok <,red together would not welgh one f,an of T, W, SivXer, one of tbp swift t1do, And Bank together in view foe, to municipal corruption, and be conducted lit various directiong. Robert Cecil, Marquis, ,or Salisbury faliclod, but a hater of bluff, a. ze%l- handmd Pounds, weattilk-st citizens or Uilwaukee, . of hundrods'or spectators, the man's fought all Ills battles to a t.'Mccessful The steamer, after coaling from a and late DiAtisli Preinlar, pasaM oui dofaiWar of the peace of nations. Tho exp ordon ahook tile wil.)le lo jt ilia life to-da'y baoIaee of tile I arlas clasped around the dog's body. Issue, until 111 -health filially took him SupPly -ship next .Tuly, will - go up away. Lord Wtsburyss death oO- For thirty-five years a otatesman Wwn Abd the report was plainly cap -31%I119 or & small cat boat In . Panic lot all Ulectric Car. Cut of the political Arona.'T . ohn, Foley 131affill'o Bay to Greanland, to Cape Barred at Hatfield House at 9.80 of cablaut rank, Lorid Sitliubury has heard in surrounding towna and wlileh lie amid his two frienda were Now York, Aug. 2,1.-A peculiar An- was born In Ireland in 1834. He York, thence into Simith So last evening. He -was unconscious for hiad a porsolial experience in the at. villaj;es -fifty miles distant. milling. They had- rescued William . . cident has caused a panic olu a crowd. came to America when nine -years northward until she nfeata Arctic I rair i of nations unequalled In Ear. The Plant, which was Only erected Ilowe, an 18-ymr-old bay, froul the. I I I Pack ice, taking formal possession ; eighttech hours before lie (led. He had ope ee nd to. I last year, consists of a dozen or more bottom, Of an overturned rowboat, ed elevated motor train, bound from of age, I . its jamelon. to Brooklyn, More than a wr'ghtls Case. of all the lands on thb'western side , a temporary rally at -11 btclOcU On diplomacy in don the ,general Ono- :ramo tu:ldlngs, s6parated from one whon a suWen squall capalzed tlx,ir Wbittaker . - thousand men and women fought -to London, 11&ug. 24—The proceedings or Bafflulig Bay and returning by way' Frklay ovening. This, waa followed Boa& of Great Britain in the dispates ,mother by About 100 yards. The 01VA beat escape from ilia train, which; ,wi s a Ili the caso of Whittaker WrIglit. the of Lareaster Sound. ,SliG will Pene- ,),t 3 o0elock Saturclay morning by Of tile past thittV years, and to ills magazine lb a brick building, and yell. ppolu His Obalit-, Dand. . - " sheet ot-fire for Eeveral minute: Tbe company promoter, were resumed in trate as far ad tits Ice w:111 permit, . lapse, after wb1oh the patient Balm judgment itu, comparative free- :s about 1,000 feet distant from the London, Ont., Aug. 3.-J. Russer,'Ot t ,Ouble was caused by a metalt step tile taking possoalon of the Arctic Is- a re dom from. War. I i)aok house. , . concession 4, London rto'%vneht p, witille Guildhall. Pollee Court to -day. The matutger of the works states oeAted In a cheAr at Ids farm house touching, the third rail on a OWN%,. The Attendance or the, public *1is lanfla she passes, I did not. regain consciousness, He BOX -11 Ili 1840 Lord Salisbury was Tbis short alrLuitad the. entire train not large. For the prosecution, Her- Uy Sopteurbor, 1001, the Neptune . groir wealwr hourIX as the morning educated at Christ Church, Oxford, 1hat there were about 200 pounds of on Saturday n4g1lit'iniddenly fell afor will be at Cliefterfield Inleti where advanced, and as early as 8 welOck and In 1858 was elected to tile I -rouse ,lynalulto in thO Pack 110use, at the dead. He had been III for some alidsparks fairly rained from every Ace, Avery., senior counsel .for "the yesterday morning the physician& of Commons as member' for LIMB Of t:110 explosion. Messrs. Smith months. lAeoe or metal in the cars. 111he pas- t re As u rx, . described the eircum- Major Moodie, of the )Mounted Pollee, a a 0 .and an(l McPherson, proprietors, arrived songers, who were rotux'IfIng froi a stitnees Of Wright's departure for Governor of tits Hudson Bay sea- 11111OM116d tba ivaiting membero of the Stamford. He in rri d y ung lujured by a Stmeet Call. ramUy that the end -was only it ques- agala,;t Ilia father's Wishes, so that here at 3.30 yesterd ay afternoon Ottawa, Aug. 23.-A serious street day 'on Long Ialand ,were mad with New York, and ills extradition, and tion, will be landed. S1107 -will then . rrow Kingston; where the head office .vight. in an instant they ruslied to- said the broad facts at the Prosecu- 90 into Hudson atralta. - tioa 01 a ILAr hours, I for yearN his life was a struggle, Is located. I V 1 ; c ed here At 2.15 Oxygen was admi.ilstered almost Long nighti; in the UOUBQ we . I * Ith'.s afternoon, In which A. Benlioiv, ward the doors, which the guards In- tion's case -were that Wright, being Ono of the duties of the expedition - constantly. As a last resort, Sir ceeded by busy mornings at the desk, ICille(I by Electric Current. stantly closed and fought to get out. managing 111rector of ithe London and will be to report on thet, alleged ex- Mrs. C. Rogers and Mr. Rose, of this . Richard Douglas Poi"ll, plifysioliall- writing for the eaturday Review Ottawa, Aug. 21---Georga Stone, a o'ety, and Mrs. Guertin, of Ayliner, ()Ila mall -jvao pushed through' a glsss - Globe, Brlttsb -Amerlean and Stan- t0liGive Operations carried on by Am,, - extraordinary to the King, ',"as abd The Quarterly the articles that plumber's apprentice, aged 19, was were Injured. The brake chain Of a ,,,gocir and badly cut. Women fainted dard Exploration Companies, useq cricans in ftudson Bay. The Canal - summoned, but Ills skill wxts una- maintained Ills modest establishment. 161',edby an electric shook yesterday Somerset street car broke as the car ..-?- by the do7em -Tlie train reached a those names as suited Ills purpose than .government holds that tile a- railing: z Great Britain has reason to thank af ternoon at the Collegiate Institute. was conihig down the steep grade .% station, and tile step, whIcb: caused for stock exchange Bpeoulations, and mile limit does not apply to Had- , A few minutes before 0 o'clock in - those early strenuous days In tile 110 was holding an Incandescent the foot of Supper's bridge, and the tile trouble removed. An ambulance engaged wholly In fletitious tran- son 1 ay, dool'aring It Is all inland : the evening the Physicians Inform- ,klueation, or her Premier. They lamp, looking for leaks In the water uar clashed Into a Rideau street car, was called and the surgeons attended suctions, ali Avery, concluded with water, It is tile Intention of the , ed the family, who had beell. gath- taught him hie own strength, and gerrIce, and In doing so by soma which was *taking on passengers at dozens dIr persons, Including many saying that the losses or sbarehold- government to rename Hudson Ilay 7' Ll!ed at tile bedside, thht tile end in the contest- of will with his f ather means a circuit was egrablishect. the corner of Sussex and Rideau 1women who had fainted and Ifad to ors in the capital of the three com- and call it the Canadian son. I I was (it hand. About an h'our at tell tic learned self reliance. A French-Canadian, from St. Gene- streets. Mrs. Rogers, who had at - be carried to the platform. . 5,000,000,and ' the noble marquis was dead. In 1876, at the close of the war vieve, named E. RAymond, was also tempted to Leap from the car, was Subinitted to the Dutch. that of 8a9,575 shayea of the Lon- FISH POACHER RAI% I Lord Salisbury, a fewl weeks ago, between Turkey and Servla, Lord killed an the result of an electric dragged along by her dress fifty feet I don kind Globe r-Inance Corporation — _ realizing that death was nqar.ex- Salisbury was sent as special am- thoull: here yesterday. Rayin-and, who and thro,Wn under tile truck Of tile London, Aug. 24.-PrIvato news originally, held by Wright, he ap- 0,1,1.ie Now Kilows "Vvily 14,1sh Havf, i pressed a wish'to be burled besi,de bassador to the Sublime Porto to was aged 26, and was working ,%a a car, from which she had to be ex - from Achill, says tile Brussels dor- to Possess only ,2,500 shares . Pon"red Ueen Scarce This Year. . - Ids wife at Hatfield. A proposal arrange the differences between Tur- Lineman for ibe Bell Telephone Com- tricated by means of crowbars. Her respondent of the Times, Is to .the at the, tlme of the collapse of the undoubtedly will be made to bury key And Russia. At ih-e conferenee pany, received a shook while on a foot was crushed and bad to be orrect tEat panglima, rolent and , cQnoe n.l ; 1. "I., I I : Diarr-lo despatch -Fishery Overseer Win At Westminster Abbey, but thin D,f ihe powers In Constlintinople be pole at the corner or Elgin and Mae- amputatocL . . . . I . . 1. I . - I 134--ardsley. and a couple or constables - will be declined by the relatives. represented Great Britain and was Laren streets, He fell thirty feet 11-turderer Caught ciI Raised Bridge. I . . .. I mado, a big Ilaul about IQ miles cast When btlif a century 9,90 young accounted the leader of the conven- and Was Picked up dead. -All . Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 23 A CIA. . I - I of here on Virlday afternoon. The. Lord Robert Cecil had just return- tion. In 1878 lie accompanied Lord Two, Men Killed. between Italian and Polish laborers WALKEt I ` n sc reltji or flel-L In' 1 bls lielkliborho64 ad from a -visit to the Australian BeaconsfIeld to the, Berlin Congress. - 3._Wlllle on Saturday night resulted In the W DELEGAR , i&, GUILTY.. during tile summer aroused the Bus- gold fields,- he became a member of on big return hV was rewArded wIth Leamingtoa, Ont., Aug, 2 death of one, an ore handier, the . . the Order of. the 'Garter ; and she fatal Injury or (L"thor, and a good . . I plolon of the ,authorities and .a the r1ouse of Oom%ans for Stain- rtly preparing to shoot an Oil, well sunk I . I I I ! %rate]', waa Set On. the movements 01. ford,.Walteh wAs practically Q, Pocket after he was appointed Secretary for by the Leamington Oil Co., of De- many bruised heads, There were . certain parties. , . borough of tilt Mai-quis of Exeter, r. Oreign Affairs. As F oreign Secretary troit, a ten-gallon can of nitro- about thirty Poles in the parity, They i 0 ,!On Friftr afternoon while Patrol-' himself a Cecil. Sitnee then Lord lie proN',ed one or the strongest and glycerine prematurely exploded had just quit work at the Minneso(ta , Remarkable Oper.acioq. on a Little Girl i ng the 'bail. -with gasoline launches, Salisbury's career is part of modw most judicious Ministers dveat Bri- about 2 -8 -Or yesterday afternoon, ore dock, and were on their way , . . . . Detective Beardsley,, -succeeded In era Iiistory. tain ever has produced. His retire- blowing twor mea to Atoms and home, when met by a, gang of 100 a Ruffalo Hbspital. . raising about three quarters Or a Long Lt. Sufferer, ment from - the Foreign Orfice In wreaking the well plaat. The men Italians, employed in the Buffalo, . Mile, Or not$, which, 033 113YOStigatiOn, Lord Sallabury had long been A November, 1.900, was a sevEire blow killed are William Booth, of Petro- Rochester & Pittsburg freight house.. , I . - . ,; .1 . Proved to be the property., of Isaac great sufferer from, gouty. com- to British lbrestige abroad, and to lea, who was an expert shooterof The two galigs came together on the I Now, York, Aag. 24, -Samuel J. , . - EnThraed Her BMW. Boone, of Allandale. Mite coi),stables plAlli,ts. '. ) Conservative popularity at home. oil wells, and had IvIandled nitro- sidewalk and suddenly began fight- 1 on shore attempted"to arrest, Boone, Lord Salisbury's death and the As Prime Minister, ,Lord Salisbury glycerine for years, And MillerKen- Ing, One of the Itallans-Arew a re - Parks, the labor. le der, wlikY. has .:3 uffalo, Aug. 24.-;:-RareIy.Is such but be made his escape through the ' consequent elevation or Viscount was a true piLlar GfAlie state-, as ney, a driller, who lived whtbl Ills volver and began firing. The two ' rlal for several days cliaxg- a­'radrcal surgical operat!an tit- Woods to the direction *oT Orlllla, and leader of the Conservative party, he widowed mother and sister at , . been. .oll . ' Cruaborne to the marquisate will In- brought lils, followlng to Its highest Xings"Ille, Ont. Kenney's father Poles fell with bulletff In their bodies. . tempted as that whiob. was per- has not 'yet been found. i evitabIV loud to alterations In the The Poles, to a man, turned upon ad with.extortion, lin doulandIngdnd. former at theSisters' Hospital, til I . I personnel of the Ministry, as the state of efriefeney In h century ; as was killed in a railroad accideat in the murderer, 4who, ran down Mlebl- receiving money froln -various. em -: ',gatfalo, Saturday, NvIteri the braln retain big Un- ilia governing hand of Great 13rJtain, Detroit about a year ago. gan street, toward the ",Tack Knife" . ploreks under threat tli how uld cavity of Margaret Loulso Martial, QUEBEC'S . BALANCE SHUT, new marquis cannot lie Led the nation with Judgment and The cause or tile accident will rldxe, with an Infuriated crowd at 0 lis, I --.L-. . I doi-Socreiaryshipt in'the Hbuse of witit foresight Ili the van or Euro- nover be definitely known and the his boats, crying "Lynob him!" and call strikes, was found guilty on .'gm two years anti six niont Loi ds. U'liere the Marquis or Lans- I only plausible explanation is given , . Saturday night-. The Jury wfas but was enlarged so as to allow pro- IteveAlue for Ytal% Near t1he Five downo represents the Foreign Of- pBan progress. I Kill him I" Two of ille Italian's COM- . . per development of th6 little girl's Million Dollar blark. , flea. Viscount Cranborne's departure Or ilia strength of Lord Salisbury S by one of tlia drillers, mrlilb says that punions ran with him, endeavoring to . . character Russia can* speak, Portir just before . the exploslan he fight off the mob. The bridge tender About. four hours. (ro assistant bralill, . Allontroal, A419; 21 _T,ho ,financial from tile &touse of Commons and con- gal still trenibles over its frights in' thougUt lie saw, some of the nitro- vatrict attornoy a4ed: Uat , tha: Tiliough; physically as large as Statement Or the Province of'( uebep sequent elevation to the House Of saw the Italians dashing toward the two Any ordinary child of ifer age, men- for tile year ending 80th Tuno, `190, Lords will cause a bye -election, In the East Africa; Germany has not for- glycerine slop over out of tlle.can bridge with the mob in hot pursult, dFilsorter Lbe remanded.. -for tally the .Martin girl 1v a lose cup- whicli wais mAdo pul'allat In the Official, Rochester divisioa. gotten the 6urprisingly rapid appear ms Routh. -was about to lower it and just as ilia Italians reached the Xv.eeks .'In order ' & dls 696 'of Other . , ance of the flying squadron .it- the Into the pipe. The well was *to bridge he started the machinery In so Able than a BN Molittfs Infant, Her GazcjttL, :pastarda,y, 'is as' follows: TT,o death of the Marquis of Bat- time of tho .Tameson rald, and France tiara been shot yesterday, And a motion. The bridge tender kept the ,* Indictments agaamst him!,. TO th ls brain cavity w[as small originally, Revenue for the year, $1,108,206,13 -) Isbury creates a vacancy In the fringe her tooth at the mentl->n Of speclat train brought- 250 People courasel for tile prisoner (lenturred and an extreme hardening of the oximAn,ges, ordlutayy and oxtraurdin- wardouship of the Cinque Ports. It f7whoda. Lord Satls,Lury's word waa from Detroit to sao the operation, Machinery In motion until. the end 0 P anue was high In the air, with the three And skull had prevented' grow,tir of the 4ry`,'$TIs599,5V1.23',' $lie lug r0v also places a garter at the disposal ever ills Policy, and forqlgn states- but it arrived 15 Minutes after the rtaliwis porch:,d on top of It. A patrol BY cavity, And, consequently, had over ry, - Recorder Goff retilanded It; ordinary And extraordina of tile 1(ing'. It Is expected th%t the i ng since realized the quick- accident. wagon loaded with officers soon ar- until Monday, w,hen alfould suffiel- stunted tile deVelopluent of tit $103,7kk,.'.2'; extraordinary esponses, Mon a funeral of the marquis will take noss of the hand to support the It waa several minutes before an rlvdd, and the Italians were arrested. But evidence be prosentotl by tile brain. The little girl can tiolther $65,44J-77; atti-plua of ordinary ex, Place from, Hatfield House. I Investigation revealed tile extent I '$16D.155.93. spoken word. Yousig Lady Drowned. district attorney, lie w$ll,1 conallier walk nor talk, ' giad bas suffered MInem, I When, the Liberals were defeated In private Ille Lord Sallsbary Is of the accident, though everyoilo Penotangalsheite, Aug. 23.-MlssE. tile question 'of a furtRor Post- frequent 00'rivulsfolis, sometimes an In. the elections of 1895, and the O i ectual men of knew that tile two mail at tile M. ourozn, IkA., professor of ehom _ I . many as six a day. MAY LEAD TO RUVOLT, Posobery TAInistry wont Out Of hh9 genQRatioll, an electrIelan, chein- derrick had been blown to pleces. Ponement. , * , From each. side of tile skull 'a power, Lord Salisbury "gaill as- lot and experimental plivelcist. At A hole 215 feet across and about 15 Istry in the LIllan Massey School of fMo penalty for the offense which sectloil of bone four Inches Ia — I sumed tile Premlarshipip, though even Uatfield Ile Parka was Gonvicted of is Mprlaoa. anil a 11"If-111011. wide Was remov ng Spanish kollavolly is Now Openly . has built gl;eat work- feet (loop was torn. up around the Doixestic, Science, ras aoldentally Mefut for -not more t I ad. Attacked by All Classe", at ti mt time It was recognized that &hope, axid All 11,ig leisure time Is well. And the 70 -foot derrick was drowned this morning at ,Go-Ilomo, han five years. Tile skull bone$ th'en were spread tile actual control of affairs was spent In Ills labora-tory. His Speech blown into pleeca. some of the lat- Gcorglan Bay, oft tho island where Now York, Aug. 241-Recordor Goff forcibly., Tjle brain bulged out as London, Aug. '43. -Tho Times pub- rapidly passing Into the hands of c,n tile future of electricity at the tor bring carried over a hundred she was camping. She -was in batb tO,day deferred until Wednesday son. Fjoal, as the bone waff reniored, 11sLB14 e, Jolig .closely reasoned ar-_ youngot, men. Hb remained at tile opening of the Liverpool electric yards. ITIla explosion, was -licard Ing alone At the time, and got Into tence on:.Samuel ,T. Pavk% tile walk- alidwing It'was pent, -up, In a nar- ticle from Madrid discussing the po head of the Unionist Mlnlstrv until railway was 0, notable, contribution for miles, and tile coacussioll broke wator beyond her depth. Miss Car. 1119 delegate of ple Housegeiltll.q, 1,ow. cavity, . . liticai situation and the army of -Tull(N 11th, 1902, when Ills advanced to salonce, and ills inttugaral Address a number ol windows in a farm %on, who was, a 4aughter of tile late and Urldgemonle Union, Who" Nv,,tg Since the operation the child has ,1%paln, from which It Ia evident t1fat Age And ilf-health, added to the Men- aa Proftident or the British assocla, house ,I-00 feet away. Mrs. Sarah Anne Curzon, the well. Was Wat week found guilty on a sufforcq from no cOAV111slOns, Ilor the wl,lter expects A revolution In tal -distraction caused by tile death. tioll, in 1894, upon -Lite tirm-4mixy known ly-riter, And member of the charge 4qX dktortloin. ; . rbcoycry 19 expected. that country at no very distant of big wife, led himl to roalgrp. Ile limitatloing a.:( sedonce, bespoke liGil Two Gael& Men Drowned. Ontario 111storleal Society. . . date. All cla,18(ies of Voople, peasants# had previously .given up tits port- a man o,r wide c,peonilatiou. In 1869 0twiph, Ont., Aug. 213.-I-Vailk 'AI,Ld- Killed fjoadiog Uay. . . - --:----­---_ ,____,____._,_ ­ __ - -1 ... - .-..-- 1- .1 . __ : -' bourgeolso and artibaiie, have lost folio as Nihilbtor of Foreign Affairs, lie bv?Alliq 'Chancellor or the Ulll -look, hookkeepor At the Reyland Ala- . . roupoot 'to tile Govarnment and Ow- Into now Ministry, .with Arthur J. rorslty of Oxford, In RUCCONSIOn to c.11111o, Works, And, A. Bradley, ledger- MlIntilpog, Aug. 23.-Isame Young, it . Ing io a vat'loty-or chu,ses, notabl Balfour's *Premler, was formed with- the E rl or Dorby, And 1*90C.-Istant kooper of the Tlradets' Baink, In this one of the beet known farmers of as y Griswold, was accidentally killed on - the failure of tile mout'recent npacu out calling a general etaction. oympat-by with educational dt-vfl- elty, iv ero tile vlothas of a drowning ,MORE WOMEN AND WILHEN Opmont ]lea been a .feature of Ills .io,.AJv.nt on Saturday might. TAcy, Ill Saturday, while loading bay at the _ lationij, are suffering from ext.reluo A Court Ctrealar. -tibile life. I . . cnippaiuy two compa'alows, station near )its farm. Young was twonoullb depression. King Bdward's tribute to the, da- p, a with I ,When Lt Tung Chang .Islted Great ilowro. McKenzie And Beck, of tho unmarried And 58 years of age. , naemle Oat- ceased Marquis of S4118bur,Y Is giv, Britain In 1896, lie was eute-rtalned Bank or Commarao staff, late In tile I 1.0 diers," says the writer, 11fresh from on in the court circular to-nigbt, Prime Minlater at Hatfield. evening bntored two canoom and MASSACIRIED1 1BY THE TUN` K S o it-'o'onno'rDg"il'undPrh"'Idlitphpionuef'a'anuddaCuban 'war- datod, Marienbad, Sunday. tt runa as by the raro And .still unpuld are now.drag- jollavro: I Li'doalred Lord Salisbury's consont otarted -Lip the Speed .River -to their BABY WEIGHS 2S POUNDS I ---.,-------,-- ging out a miserable existence in ,,The King has . received . with pro. to an increase of the import (lutir,! camp, three Miles; tram the city. -_ . . -he largo towns, sproading*amld the . upon 13ritlah goods entering China, IlQsars. MeEndo And Back were pt -e- rare. Boardler, of Louisville, Beats t found regret the news of tile death but tile Vvily oriental 'COU141 whoodle Boding tile other two by about fifty All Recent Records. lowor classes who are already living of tile Marquis of Salisbury., and His nothing out of 19-14 host, and! return(d yards, when tile formor heard a LOUINVIII-3, Xy" 'AT.g. 2.*3,-A girl Report That the -, Btilgarians H aye from hand to mouth, a discontent Majesty d0eglY dOPIOres 00 loss of with a burning h6stility' to Great oplaishIng In tho wator. They called baby welghlng 25 rKmEn,('k-.r was born I I . which fludq its coanterlyart lit the so groat a k&tesman, whose Inval- BrIt,110,14 Primer Militate back tG WOOrtaln It tilt -IV cOMPan' to .41 V,V Vrooding and Inalgitation of the uable ,services to Queen Vlotorla, 'to no -wap becone,liNI in lt `110 blnq. Clarl; P_oai I . to -day. Drs. Vremlell- join" were, aa,te, an(% tile anssyer Samaol Uarley and litoibort V. Kell- Slaughtet,ed two Hundred Perswis. wounded amour propro of the of- tho-Xing, And Tits country, In ilia ship of CIreat Britain by Tits nepbeor, 0&111f , -romr,1- Immediately followed by nor, the attemAng pIW.11eI4n9,'rPgard ­ I . . . ticorg, 01raftod upon, the chagrin and highest offlens of State, W,Illob lie Hon. Mr. 33AIlb,ar, about two v4i,rs t1to 1vords, 11su, no." "MoKenzic. anti tbIg as opio or the most remarkable discontent which Ifas been provall- held rer $Cr M4,11yi Years, Will 010 Agcy, apil slh.a& then hito bn%on but Mel, swiftly paddled back, .but on cases On rjV_Orj_1. T.h* avol-age welght vienblit Aug. 'mi..-Inle Turks Are - c1sr(Al of the Inha,bitanto. T118 Illsur- Ing bi the army And -navy since the dwoll In t,lig memory. of lits fellow- little in tile Public eye. rc;aelling the spot wore, In the t1ark, oil a child at birth Is about seven - revortQ to have m&igaored . It tile gants are now, tbreAtening V11,3a, Amo , rionn, War there Is A, now griev- countryllibm" , Ilatflwld, (Zng.), Aug. 24.-LordSo,14 net,so, itilablo to find an:y traeo of the poranda. Dr. Kanner was Ab!e to . Women, and 'children In the vicinity of 'sIxty milco northwest of Collstilml.1- ar - " nolfti ,.on tho Black Sea, and are re, .,O. Tho army and navy consider. JWgagoo or oondoloneo are pour- Mitry'o coffin hAs Well finally close(]. man, ,Znty thon, returned to the city find only Ono ftse on record witere of Florilla, And themselves neglected, Signor Vill m. Ing Ill at Hattleld 11ouse. The son- I'lid gave, the alarm. lin infant at Ukth wolglitxl As witelt portr!d aLqo to, be attacking tile tilt- veMo, ivhono Ono Idea to financial re. ders include King Edward And Queen The 80rVA-11tO And family will act us I T.116, Chler ot 11011ce, with Constable ao 25 pounds. This ease, was that of Monligi1r, alX1 to .have Afterwards 1mrtalit town of Kirk-1011sa,zoll, tronehment, Ilan heretofore not shown AIqXAndrft, t1le Queen or Portugal, boarors at tile fitnoral which will Groonway, W. Johnston, And, n. Call, Mrs. Bat", wife of the giant, Capt. bUT110d the Villages. Their also Lire thirty-liva miles from AdrIn,novl(,, tile pffightest fionso of the existence And President Loubot. Touehing ro, tak, V wont to tho ispot, ancl after searching Bair Uhrl6tlan, Grookand allus6ultuan roru- 'Aco at onc, of the weelc when ,%j, Ml,fl, Bat(,,$, was pix Joet t, .n Alleged tO haVe I(Illad a iiui bor of Of tilt,; topling, -while the Itopublicans ferences were made to tile dead for over an hour, recovered both lnellj high. Mrs. Boar(lic.V93 baby , gnmi have Arrived at the month of are clearly illva to It, wi they un- sta-tesman In the Pulpits Of AIMOSt Lieut. Lord Fkliviard Cecil, Military ba-lit's wacl had thani taken to Tovell'a is & ll,aly,lWino one. prisoners. Tale streets Of Kru,81100. tho Ilcksphorna from the n0glibarbood dorstand that now tho 001oftlas Are All tbo oburches IA, the UnIted Xing- Secretary of tile E gYPtit'Ln Artily, and Ittl4lertaking rooms. are kald 10 bo*strown With dead, And of liffilia, fin.rIng maxauro there. cl fird to military aetIvIty Another dow, There were Many visitorn to fourth son Of the deceased Stilies- ]Both Men were very, popular and'of PROVINCIAL HEALTH BOARD. the, sUrViVors are afraid to bury, tho , Taloy have been clieltered In tile L,%%- finklonuat be discovered for It. In- thoo V1111age of Hatfield to-chi,V. The (mompinry bab%g. T'ney were abouit — - parish church wag cri 4i d tills nuln, 17t. ,.,I years, ot ago. 1,7rank Madclook was -ur tile susple li, Iag red by the Authorities. The tho RopublIbans.11 I Sympathy Jroiti Choate. t6ldock, of boilliog. rearing to lite art. tto at A(Irlanoll-Kavak, And Are dn d, tile army's only champions itra will ".ach D, agland from E gy onlaelo Govertinient Appoints Now long or th') Prgrka, 100110wing -vile Itafloo Blubmm-7 bus notifloti tile --------.— thorning, tbo worshippers Including the only Aoik of Mr. G. A PT0010MANOO of the revolution Porto that It holJo It responsible for ()tta Premier Ualrour, tile Barl And Coun- Hatfisid, Aug. 24. -TI. .4. Ambassa- TillsGilburg. Bradloy's bom% Is In I lody to, Act: lor Thveo Veats, troughout tile Ally llljtlty which May ba done to tile L th t W3, Aug, 9 1—ThO t0l)6rt tegg Of Selborne, tho Marquis' sons. dor Choate thlo afternoon t6logr4l)[1- q,outt V orc%t. . ' I , , Tho Ontario Go".rnment has Ap. Vilaynt of Adrian- a a'detaolimont ot Af(Junted. ro- . 06 the laeurgents tilt all tile tete. Conau.1 tit Italy at Monastir, and d-_4­LIl,B ail(] morabera Or ]Ila family! And ID(I to iratflold, presenting -In behalf ROAP0' SOVII-NI 110,Y'S TAV9- polntml Ow following to eomposo the ra L I I 00 Coul 041, _ meting 0o dity of Ad. nntlyd$ tho putil4imput of those wbo IlAd b0n 4011t Out With a 11old hounobold. MoMon, Man , Atip capture, ,n halr-brpod Nvbo The funeral Ilaa been .pr accident Ividell occurred near Deer- will ,net for three yoarav rlatio I , the 00:at civislon. of tho Anicrican nation Borrow At the ,,, :,',%.-A. shocking Provinclal, Picard of Ilealth. They with . Ora parts -of Itimilted' the Cotl4ul recobtly by ual!- ;lln .to ii, hill atty, fixed for the end or pin wock tile flavot. There are nuconfirm. Ing 111ft) a 110,11n,olle, (Infidel), [ind ontraneliod himsmIf on d, ath of Lortl Salisbury. TI10 text. wood, ,t.ormlat1.tpd fatally, In tl 11 the bos-. GEdward 14'. Rlielien, A D" St% Aft V rumors here titat fightillb; and Proves to IM it UrOgff 0-taggerati-011, to en&btei t,ord Edward C 'll. w1lo . I gagl,, ,.V111011 was pital I&Bt ovening. LAW* dues- aorge, thAlraian. , Two 111111deed Reported K11110d. tilquirlm At Milionton allow of Mr. ChoaWW mov _ 11 ' MU'Riftetes Are twotoodIng In , t1te 1'14unn, Aug. 2LJ._%Jh0 1J that Ia on tits Way. from 13gypt, to at- d.,I,y afternoon, Norman, the three- Aloxand,or Thompeon, M.D., ! t-rfttn. . e.no F role there tq VeNry little foundation for tenq, - ailtIromed to Lord CrAnbo?nc, wAs As I , 613"Petf, of Adil&nolylo. f 111,1%,iscle Constantinoplo oorrespuntl_ tho gtory, It 'Appears that a ranob. . , I follows; ,,I bttvo b(%ard this Inoruln .Vear-old loon as William Ilarmarr I'M" ]Killed the Garrison. I 11 -ret all Aceldolit. P: vyan(lpi,ed into A flold of grain fi. Ik 730=110f, M. D., llotprborW, . oni'%wiyR Qat a lmlidA)f 11,n1gArIAnr4 pr namea Alexander Itntiandell, tit with illo deepest regret Of the Around ,Willch Ilia tAillor was cut. I(Vin. 11. Oldright, At. D., Toronto, Constantinople, Aug. A".-A caordlrtgr ha:% altackv.4 tbo Ttirkisli tawn of 11re0a,VlOil MnPlaltitld that I'd title Viscount Critnborne, Lord salig- ill Of '.rolll, I"IngtrIotle fatbef. Tile tlug. The chilil jrftj not as tall as Zolin Douglas, Af. D,, ('11obourg. 10 Turktati a4vlei%ai when tho Inritir. Urg"l-cr. 1gont'll Ot Inludla", oil tho east bot -ii shot tit, but tiot hit, by it man buqls Meat Born, axyff that bis ta- llp,ft . 114tmtea will pin illo graln, *and wa,9 not notited by .T. ,T:, Caoslaty, X A, Toron to. gents eapturol Vtisl;ko, lit th.0 t4st-, con'st of Murkoy, anti Wto blown up pupposod to he a lunatte. A *nvmbor t1ler Wait Improving In health 111itit W-00) Of thO Illitte(l f - ,0111) -lWzrt of the'Vilayet of A(IrltillopI6 tho Gro%ornmont D111111131gi; with flyna- or polleo 'have %eert "all-ir to fttrma tnAtwoek, NVIlon a "allght tusolftnt led N,%,(,%Iy Fy1y4j,i,t1ljzo with thoge, of.Bng- the rittlit)r till the maclitup, had done TI10 r0tirl'19 1110111bOrg Of the boam thoy killed tile garr:[C;0n, tonalshill;1 1111te. It Is reimptod that 1200 peroonia tile bmatld, but have not yet re. to a fteurrenoe of the e0yoolteationa lit lid In - depiorinp: the long Or tile Its 11arrIblo work. Ont littla log was are Dr. 11, E, Van-,, Hamilton, 1)r, of flftV oldloxs, niall About- One )in"'. wc ra kIlletI, . . i I tuthod. ! ; I i - lie, bad biboxx Afti.fterilig ffoirl, 160,1114- Past fitatoolA0611.11 I 00MVIOMY 0overed, below tho knea.. J, 11, uacullftgh, owall sou" . . I ­ I 1. __ ­... ­ ­_ - _._ __-1. I ­ . — _­ ....... --h._ __ t,-._--1-1-. .11, ..' ....' . . ,, l..i&,LL-.- .L ------ &WW___ . , __.,_._­&­­,­­- ­­­­ ..... . --11-1L-1.1--_1_ .___,________­­ .... 1-11 .".. .-,.----- ..— --l l.- -.11, .".'. ___ _..---_-- _.---0-1- .. ...... _ - . .. - -1-11 . I - . - .