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The Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 6
.� _ , �o@ of burror, but or four. which Ail.,, '1110n T C"ARCQ�ALAND CANCER, ISSUE NO. 35, 190 ';',.... :.�" _illi! Jp -Q.;tv `--' ""'" t':tdlc©rt►iher Ilws at,ly to lutea. 41t►IO+J111t - Results from common soaps: _ l t.11Wko.i Abd An xCpidemio \Ylbern Battling 1)bt►r• eczema coarse hands, ragged Area Winelow's boothluit l3yru eh 4 1 11 , startled. and lool.ed It, but S'.lun• r T cion: ilred Ilia pve o ttltc)n Lady �pTT�1 l� TT r CU 11 elottl 1q Carried by NaGtvos. always be used for Chiidreu clavi VIA 1� U 1 1��11I1 i CURED, iii 11 clothes, shrunken flannels, soothes the ohtid, softens thepp�1)1, D1 varnrron will "OA1 t• - , " Ill !]relit! its if who deservco, anti wi'l'e ,Jonathan Uutchinogn, 4urifix hits 590110 Mud 14 filo b04 remPdv Ipc D4 bola. 07Wl Mt worth, ail lite attention. -» cent trip to India, mallei some inter- c ! t,� Cll'APTcl'll � 1,1, c t ting obset� yations on disease, and os �N � t♦ t Mt . ; _LIGHT f Ili .o Keiri>tpllAli S I11Culi'Able Disease he comments upon them in his usual Y ! #! Lally lalauolte recovered her pre- , Interesting I T .. s -�-*, � y ---..._'a►' Cy!red. by Dodd's Kltlney Rills. � we,y. In the Pp]ytlllnlG „ ` 1 ; ,i ,^ o Conce of mind Ili a moluont, :and in for May appears an editorial on the It ip e ' 1 , a i i, tho excitement produce4 by the do- +--•—. cause of cancer, wblch, if we mts- ��; x t 1 tcotivo'b suddon arlilmnvemeut trot- R]EeY1�I{.e `rtq' BQVS' �oii� e c t - thor ,Sir Etilnultd or Li 13auntAer ]Five ive Doctors. Agree() Tbere Was no take not, Is front' Mr, 04tohinson's ,7 L� ' 0 t r i, l " flail any attention to heti. and Iio)ge for Kiln* t!-tt iKe leas Been Imn, for It bu's 041 the earmarks of e .fit .;f), �1, ° SauuQors itlmsalt. after filet 0110 Strong and Well for 1'earq. lisp style and of iiia tutu of thought, JU�f6 P$NSI�` nn /� ' ; ' . i; .'," taharp, stoady look at h• r whito face The writer of the editorial .)alis at..S Opens „ ,,, , ., i, ar « ',: ; y : •; 4� anti illsI let1de d °yes, a pettredr to f ur- Golert, Ont., Aug. 2A.—ftectal) - that rovalli In Kashmir, the "Valu a31 �_ '` t Y; t � r e arreS ofnCashinarapootl aoll poste. form of cancer aVale irk for the octagon Bttr On kiC�j;t. x. There is a pt'opar, r pot bei l- esenve wil la lie leave n The wonderful cures b Dodd o ICId- p „ tory department for those account o! the mulls nn t net 1'1110 published alwont daily, re- Variety of tlaneor is an epitho- WOMEN AS AERONAUTS There's nerve nourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea. Sir Edmund had led -thein into the 1wU1a Illave net rant0hedl Ht$h library, and sat unit stared at oall the � ease of is years }nowt Once llama, which is not peculiar in an 3 , y of this p.o„oa. It le ytxtra now/ since '—"^ ♦ ,ficbool ,sl#altding. atifttpual There's rest for tired brains and worn-out bodies, There s Saunders wltli' amaaeumat and bor- tie wan cured, et1, but as he is still cured historic ai sense, but ie merely of The Vrenoh Ladles are Conspicuous ♦ rllraning and wc111-dlretlted gar. 1t 1s WWI worth rocallines thEl facts, poouliar origin. The site of life in Perilous Coatests. food for, impoverished blood,. "'1144 11ar'quLa of Nairne commit— cull Mr, Ifol`nohzin delights to 1ei growth is either the abdomen or the Ballooning is 'becoming quite a Atbleticis. therms moderate, - The most delicate and fragile leaves of the tea plant are it, Oh; my goad luau, you smart have late them. Inside of the thigh. Of ,.O cases, ra- MUnau'o paottme, nava ties Paris I Bend for'opxendar of t -alt's Impossible 14 blunder l It's A,�omQ time in December, 1893; ` be 806,df ur were lin females aR long nd 16 o 48 cotter ocidettt of the London Tele- this tea --that's why it is so fragrant and aromatic, i /��C+ blttyA I wAs taken sick an laid u' graphs,. No fatwver tnan ,seven ladles NOQDSTOCK COl �181t. Blue Ribbon Tea invigorates the faculties --makes the mind "Quite impasstbta 1" gamed r,ady di p i1r, moles, ,1 Bannister. for taurtcen months:. During my pr, Elmnlie attributed the disease l�iwvo been suing 1n far an aerial a . Clear gives new zest t0 living. Lady Blaneh'e said gdtlit»g, but oon4tltoment iq my Ihousp and to my a curious loom anstala, of tbo iu_ aontpst. Five of them were Passers- , g' Bait, her eyes, fixed .rnr 'the keen bod, I wAs attended at various times haibttanto of Kashmir. It seems that his 111' balloons competing for a Woodstock, Ont, 11 face of the officer, Iter h'atilds olasll- by Live doctors. Three of thel>y de- [Cash-mir (which is an elevated val- navigation prlm, In this contest tits ed ti hit In her lap, olded that my disease was incur. y alerollauts liaTe each to name a to *4N�4♦i��t0♦4N��P4MtNN Sauxidela c+hook ills ileal. ab1Q, Iloati11 Ifidgey, and two tai 1ey amlong high mountains) has a callty before ,starting as their pro- "i've given you an outline of the them- tha, severe winter eihuatte .and the na- babte deetin,ation. The balloonlst 6"`..aw°itC"`..a•CEc'"..%•e�c"•+,5� t ltPast11a1 Disease. All tives carry what is called a kangrl. Blue Im bb on evidence, Sir Edmund," he said, "You agreed on one thi that my case ensuing to [ al t!i neares't to tlho j1AtAt t + • that it is a very was incurable. Thiol is a smlall brazier, filled with cj,ospll, by him to the winner. That Western UniVelrs�ty must admit, sir, • burning clxaraoal and to carried un- five feminine passengers in question. ' awkward series of facts, Ot courne, "When my money %aa all gone, au dorneath the cltothing. It Is the were McWamr.B Polypts, Matson de , ty I haven"t been Idle in other direo- a9natter o'S,necesslty an as my last O'Gorman Ll.b1 Mlle. 4j Cas- 3. and College C - ]on Te tlo ns. I've made every inquiry, and (tope I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, I attrthenwatre, protected by wicker• is Iilvi.ei A, I'm sorry t&at instead of finding had only taken three hoses when work, Whon the bearer Ss In the tillon do Saint -Victor. I I 411 a cross clew, as we call it, every- i lyes able do wall, about. I took in erect position the kangrl hangs on Aftet• tl.ose ladles had started from LONRON, ONT.Rhin •that has turned up has only thoPlc abdomen, but when sttting a l- the Aero whe ce M.dm at St. Cloud, i g tt11, eightealp horse, When I was en- , niaaclf. Mixed erhould be Atilt for the tended to strengthen the case tirely cured and quite able to work. Placed between the thighs. Ta ICaeh- LLutt spot wIlciloe M. Santns-Dumont ; 9 Arts and Medicine Ceylon Greece vCo Fifty Red Llabel h;s lordship," "Dodo's Kidney Pills are the best MIr' n'a man, woman or child thinks tvou the Deutsch prize, the Duchese • Sir Edmund draw, along breath' friend I ever found." it possible to be comfortable to win- d Uzos and Madame Lemaire bot., The Arts Department offers honor 'Phar! a nobleman, a great landlord, • ' ter without a kangrl under the waent up, the former in the Sirlus, of course. ln Classics, Moderne, History a hoer of the realm Should landlord, ao- __ clothtes. Other writers slave de- 1,000 cubic m�etetta, captained by the2 and English. oused of a vulgar murder, of stab- Life in the New York alums, scribed this peculiar custom, and a Due cl'jres and the latter in the Aero For Information, calendars, etc., g Club No. 3, of 1, biwg a man in, the dark l It seemed rnfere;sae is made to It in the lilt!- O1 0 cubic met ins, address more than incre Bible—'ridiculous I In, $.ems Yorli, at the lowest posB1- full Encyclopaedla. with M, Lemaire and two other gen- N. C. JAMES, M.A., Ph..D., ^ 2 - � " ble Avera e. 600,000 people live In tloinon on board. %V.o Duchess and � Lisly Dagger "Of course, t, t not guiltyp Ile Recently soma valutable additions Prpvoat. The Rose amtatvcouht to be consider• hf°.:dame L°maire were botle trying he said at .last. still staring at the g to our knowledge of ka�,ngr! can- t� Nhlrewd face, "It you haven't yet ed absolutely uninhabitable, dark ser have beer, made by Dr. Nave, the lop the "Lady Aeronaut's Challenge C*_J�!`..lKis u►iWi�•,.i� . found anatber clue, you will, You and without any window ventlla hexad of a million station at Kash- Cup," presented by a sporting week- , will discover that some one .else— tion4 mlr. ge proves that the disease is iy and carried off last year by Mad- i DEMIL . 29th YEAR A ZA..$ OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND , ame Savalle, Begins hiept. 88th, 1908 I meals the really guilty persom— common, for lie refers to nearly ,,00 � and Conservator of - WQMAN'S PEPFIDY d1 ,it A 49 was in the shrubbery at th'e time Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant oases, These cases point Indubit- The trophy] goats to the lady cover- L�IQD/�� V ,�,M,,,,,.,,j of the murder." SoapPowder is better powders,ably to' local Irritation—frequently ins file longest distance In one bei- COLLEGE IWwarle and Art `^^'�^""""'""w"�'' "In that case Lord Nairne must loon journey in tits year, Madame K #� ����� ����� � � ., as It is bath soap and disinfectant. ga repeated burns Eton] the Icangct—as . Savalle's record In 19tr' •teas `.'.68 and staff tensa ee�course given. AAremarkablly have seen him, whoever he was, said the cause of the disease: In this re- g The colonel,-Pitbout waitin for a - "You mean Sir Edward? Yes, he Is Saunders quietly. "W1lolaver killed dpect the subject of kan ri can- Innes, from Parte to Neu Brstsacit, healthy location. The only college In Onnaa . g Captain Sherwin hada motive for Sews Bottom lei i+'ailinR. g in Germany'. Eight balloons, all that rejects day pupils to give special supsr. second refusal, signed to some one very clever. You could not do bet- doing so. The man hadn't an enemy In Scientists ;tell us . that, counting ter offers r - originates now, for the fact told, at the ordinary' spherical shape, Nor id ed advantages u those moot hl,lhg. outside and Gerald Locke entered. ter;' said Geraid, eagerly. I that cancer arlginates In sacci Ir- No it La4le ' Cosy coal &,;s mc.hrle tay „ ++ the lace. If be was not What might from 'the sea level, the lowest body ,Pent up in the two present contests, I Demtti Ladles College as a%•.alt) CUris tan go was hot and breathless, and he No ; T meats Mr. Gerald Locke, P citation Is generally accepted, — 11. Santos -Dumont saflftig over In hie home for atria. Parents, make a ]toteotthese be called popular. be was' not dl's-. at .Pater on the globe is the Cas - stood panting in silence till the col- said. the marquis. liked.,, gq yea, For centuries iia surface Philatadelphlat .M'edical. Journal. navigable atrsfilp Iram Nauilly,' to• see facts, Terms reasonable. Head for calendar omen had &osed the door on him. The color flew to the young fellows "But—but Lord Nairne was not �41t •-- them. start. The Ducbess d'Uzes, a.f- I ar les, ntA. B. Medan his Pdent, St. Gath- "Gerald," said the marquis. He face, but he responded quickly and ' has been to sigh settling down etrtuee, Ont. Mention this puper.Z enemy of this man's" said Sir ]id- Tn se'sO t yonsace Dr, tar travell►n all nig]bt, onsbad note and tben called the young modestly. I until bow i� is eighty-five feet lower Caeca elute urefo each g 9. landed Ifellow by his Chrlsttan name, and "No, marquis; Lt must be a tan mond haught!],v, ""I don't believe ha than that a! its near neighbor. the :Piles and eveoluto Dura for sear, lit dheplain o! erefo e, near Orleans, USEh9s ramp! and unexpected appear- times better maxi than i am--" knew him—or more than knew him. Black ;sea, which also lies far below and every form of itohintr and Ilea not, thera[oco, won lite eqp. 9��A^� ante bad touched the tired,sotto-v- "It yvill be you pr no one;' inter- I I don't fancy they ever+ met." the level of the; oceans. The common i 'bieedinaandprotrudingptios, : Madame Lemaire got po further than 000 h���E AXLE GREASE Saunders pursed his lips. conclusion all along has been that the onials n manufacturers pressarantokyo neigh- St. Ouen, a northern suburb of Paris. stricken mea. "This is very kind Of rusted the marquis, gently, bore what in the hanky prose and ask yournolgh- you, Locke, but ,Gerald Looks thought for a moment � "They met once before the nljht tot the (Jaaptan was siutply,'losng its bore what they think otic You can asci! and As the cup is to become finally.- the It Has No Equal Gerald interrupted him. swiftly; then he looked up. the murder and theft they quarreled. -Pagers by evaporation, but recent go our money back it not cured. 600 a box, at property, of the holder It -her record Manufaotured only by "I know what you are going to say, " I' accept it, he said, with just I "Quarreled [" echoed Sir. Edmund in I Investigation- shows that this is not all dealers or Enxslagox,Berus & Co„ Toronto, remains unbroken for a year, Madame THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. marquis," he said, evidently using a the suspicion of a tremor in his voice. amazement, and almost incredulously, the case. ,Soundings made and Ecom- D% Chase's Ointment Savalle, who aeeomplishad her trip • of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. gg�reat effort to control his voice into "I was going to say that it is a I "In Heaven's name, what about Tv red With records of soundings -� � � to Neu Broleach on July let, 190°, leading dealers.. kegs, ,effort t and composure. "You gt'evA responsibility, but that would J Saunders lips grew; closer. made over 100 yt ars ago reveal the stands a good chance of keeping the For sate by all ea g mann that I'm too young, too fuer- not be true. Of course, the mistake I "I expect that will coma, out at the astounding tae! that there is even Water is Dryl ,g Up. trophLA _•-_.._.—_ per n tb tom of any ng,aeotoo in to will be explained at .the first hear- examination, Sir Edmund; he replied, .a greater depth of water 'now than A'n old theory is that the eitxth To lite Snntos-Dumont No. 9 has f SE>Ea�IN you" Ing. I shall not have much to do.! in a tone of a man who loos Ito, Il)- then. This leaves but one hA'potbesle is slowly drying through the oIlAm= fallen the honor oyY being the first KE�DALL "My dear Locke;" began the mar- four innocence will be proved at tend to reply more fully, that would seem at all tenable— leal combination of the water with airship to be steered by a feminine ....CURE qui., but Gerald silenced slim with once. i 1 i .Lady Bannister emitted a groan. that the bottom of the sea Is actu- .the crust. A French eogra,pher, M. stand, The distinction of being the theoldratiabteram dyfors,,avins,niugbonoe.Splint., ." I '1111, were always so wild and • g t pnrb.. eto,,,nd all,)artns o Lamennf F. it workk thousands an Imploring gesture. The marquis laid a hand on each Y�� „ ally' ,sinking. I - ; I : Martet, has been Investigating nu- first lady, navigator of ttls air haat ofcn,asaaau.t:r•eweswithoutahw,u6k%,a,'tdooanotbu,wa reckless, she murmured. I have al- been secured by >flle. da Costa, a• "For God's sake, bear me out, mar- of his shoulders. nterous caverns and drying val- quL9. They won't give me much time. " Do not be too sanguine," he said. ; ways heard that with all the a word s ROSE-COLORED mists n the bootee of are le s and has oonvineed himbelf that, young country -woman of Santos- ' 4 I have Dame, not to otter my services " Remember I have, not yet said It was the blow first and the word ren 9y roseola, mistaken for, of theetI are Y Dumont. The owner of the airship ' ., afterwards." merely roseola, a sleet disease Of the skin, a nebre rapid absorption Is taking relinquished Ills post at the wheal, they're not worth having, I know that I atm innocent. I , , promply cured with weaver's Cerate. p]aco, and that our Wfster supply tthat," and there was an accent of Gerald Locke looked at him fixedly, "� `Hush I' said Sir Edmund sternly. Mlle. da Costa clambered up in the ' I say it is impossible, and—and tilt- is ]icing swlallowe)el up at an chore- car. and the balloon rose with the modest regret in his voice "•brat to then smiled. onions." and lie struck the table. Different (trades of ail). club -le rate by the fissures and cavi- lady,, alone on board. The gulderope - ask you to let Zile ,ire! the best men "It is my .business to prove you i .,,And the examination, sir ?" said A wealthy Australian Scotsman ties of rocks and .soil. He urges d I can. I'll .go to London at once, innocent, marquis;' he said. was, it is true, het¢ by mechanics 1 ' though, 'll -go to, tole idiotic blue- " It is your business to see that, Saunders, immovably. named Alliin died some Years ago, mare thorough study, with a view down'below, but Mlle. da Costa took `at1 der will he cleared up.. 1,0119 before in clearing me, no other innocent per- 1 15id Edmund passed his hand across and imoin�u totlprovid perpetuxillt)riza ,of lessening absorption if .possible. the;Wheal and safely put lice vessel S{l� , St:I` I get there." son be found guilty,' the marquis his brow. through one or two simple evoln- ,I The marquis smiled Badly and shook said, In a low, impressive voice. It. had ,better be -as soon as pos- to the Prelsbyterfaxi children of the tions. .Thus guided, the airship con- y , hie head. Gerald pondered over this for a ' sible, that the matter may be cleared commonwioaltl> for proficiency ."In < •'I ea afraid not," be said. second or two, but the marquis did alp, and—alid Lord Nairne. be set at Scriptural knawlodge. Mhe latep-t re veyed the lady .lrom Bagatelle . to /� 1�11 p, rGerttld Locke looked at him. not offer to o, him. q liberty. To -morrow morning; yes, part of the 1Alan bequest committee, I wAs cureld of Acute Bronchitis by the Costa alighted, grounds, where Flier t "Do you mean to say tlxat=that (Colonel Ward caste to the door. pr Costa Ali bled, naturally, rather ! to -morrow morning at twelve. presented to the Pre..�byterlan Gen- .11INAR,D S LINIME.NM. g " Ver good Sir Edmund said sial Assembly Ln ,Melbourne, contains J. M. CAMPBELL. Proud of herself, and was eugra- thin extremely simple policeman has ".I am afraid Imust ask you to Saunders, and with a rebpectful bow, some lantertaInink reading. "What Bas of Is'laxlds, . - tulated by, her friends. A well known . �, any—ant excuse for this outrage?' bring your Interview to a close, my actress of light comedy, who, as The marquis shook bib head. lard,'• he said. "To-olorrow—l' i which comprehended all- three ho is the dtfferaance between oariginal On lou ago `` in id Ger- turned toward the door, but with Itis and agtual min ? elicited these an I wlai{9 oared at I1eie ia1 Neuralgia by g. g a l two years, began beg- th k c - o ow sat ging and imploring M. Santos-Du- 'Fio th9.nks so; cad—yes, I " I will oma to m rr , , ,so, too:' old, quickly. " I will learn all I can, hand Blanche. on It he looked round at Lady Adam eating 'farilieidenf -tilt moi mal iliINATi,D S LIrIMC` Wilt• DANIELS. moot to take hpr up :in. one of hie I Complete Curs for Boge Spavin, r I .' Rustell, Manitoba, tar., rot ago} ' Gerald!s face grew grave, and his so as to save you they trouble of„ I beg your pardon, my lady T' he eln is Cain killing Abel.” "One Is good Springhill, N. S. • • airships, is tow gnashing her teeth hone R.I. Kendale four l Coo.,Gentlemen own men% I ltBd to tBpnvin°au v voice changed. A look of acuteness telling me, going over it: ' said, as if she bad spoken. t�ln ; thei extltar is hist sin." "Original - with Andy. k I ¢otkkaked on the same legend was very badiyswokenk sobad came into the clear eyes, and he The marquis nodded. seemed to merge the friend In the "And rEmember what I have just Lady Blanche started, and raised tsln 13 sin without murder ;but actual I M1Pa s cured at Chronic R sumer t avi had e. balite it pl w,rm wcr, t, !slam Winter and on•a Spavin Cure. I had 1'ypitol,l lrcver the same winter and ons9 ]ler eyes •to_b1,m. �`;sin is -sin, meaning sweaxing." "Ori, - tism by MINARD'S LINIMENT• Tho it'on Pillar of Delhi. ,:ave the Kendall's spavin Cure kava chance, and it only took keen lawyer In an Instant. said, Gerald i" ' I—I did not speak;' she said, in 1n sin is lite thin s w0 ought tai a GIEO. TLNGLEY. oneandt half bottlesto cure hislex wlthveryslim treatment "You say—it sounds Incredible Gerald Locke shook his head. I g (illi. famous iron pillar of DeIIl and Itd»�ha`aeveri°as gone mhstnce;'4verknow U1at 11e ha'I that there Ls some shadow. of evi- "I do not understand it," he saUl' a dry, strained voice. oto ;actual sin 1s the things ws ought Albeit! Co., N. B. i . t ' I'm sure I beg your pardon, my not to do.'- ' Ae,Lua,t sin means a leant [s dealt with In, Cass r s 13agazine, ,, vary truly your:, erre, S. xARRta dente.?" "but I will remember. " The pillar js a solid shlaft q, ! Such endorsements as the above aro a guarantee of morlt. A "More than shadow', deo repeated the words as he left lady; he apologized, and left the of obedience ; bat Original 'sin' Is a Prioo sit aim for $a. Malinbnentforfmnui oithasne work of Provi4emee."—London Dai wrought . iron, .16 inehbs In d acme- squat. Ask your druggist for xeitdall'a ap nein curd. . Gerald looked at him. the prison: 'Fit Is your business to r,�9ir'Edmund and Lady Bannister Chronicle. , .. ter, and of a length 'bhlat is vari.- ram.ATreatise on tho Homo," the book freo,arndd,en • "It sounds incredible, but I 'will ac- see that in clearing me no otber lflinois in Lnviaulo Position. oust., roporte d. The total langLli DR. 0.l. KENDALL NOSSURO FALLS, VT. I ' Dept It. There Is no time to lose. And Innocent person be found guilty." fell to work discussing the ease Ln- Illinois rihnks first, among, the is from 48 to 60 fcot• undergrwind . Co.,' now, marquis, whom will you stave?" What oid it mean? He was so ah_ stantly, Sir Edmund reiterating ]lie Minard's Liniment Cures piphthA States in the manufacture of Agri- and above, inoludiug a capital of "' and he ran over the names of three sorbed in the problem that he scarce- belief in the marquis' inocence, Lady rta. cultural implements, bicycles, cars, 3% feet• rillte pillar contains about The sig'ical, or four famous counsel. ly noticed the crowded state of the Bannister assenting, but; -with dubious' 'glucose .and distilled liquors and IV 60 cubic feet of metal and weighs Uzi was an aged Tlputon, chief tivar- The marquis laid his hand on Ger- streets, or Lhat he was being sta►ed groans and shakings of the head. 'Railroading and Warfare. laughtering and meat packing. , about 17 tons. Mho metal is, of torrna,ster of a grocer !t delivery ald Locke's shoulder. 1 at with all the curiosity and mark- Lady Blanche said .not a word, but Detroit knee Press. course, charcoal iron, made direct wagon encs ()lisle unfamiliar with "None of them, my dear fellow," lie ed interest caused by the fact that sat listening, or, as It seeped, not During the three months ending $10 SL''ASl3Oitb1 "XCURSIONS $10 ly from ore .in miiall billets; but honw language. replied. listening, for when Lardy Bannister, Isle mounted his seat and sho6k the he had Just comp from a marquis , how. It was welded up iia one can t+oin a bit, but wit;louL PUMP, &a .None? No counsel ! Ah, I see ! Ytiu who waas charged --•ith murder. as if struck by her silence, turned to March 31st, there r were 3UC1 per- Atlantic fifty, Cape May, tell, as no, reetrxd exists .of ,any don't think It necessary. The whole p her with, What do you think, sons killed and 2,83:1 inJured .In early methods of dealing with' great p Saunders walked from the -iron Sea Isle City, Ocean City, via Le- Lndors,omont on filo rt of the tbtn will be cleared up at the exam- Blanche?" she started and flushed. railroad accidents In ,tate United high Valley Railroad, August 4, 18 equine motive a 'purteuance. „ to the. Grange, and though he was ,• I—! agree with Sir Edmund,' she States. Other railroad casualties g masses of wrought Iron. A1.n inscrip• n Matson. I on such important business, he did and 26. Tickets only $10. The tion rohlghly cut or punched upon Aaothler shako of the rlbbans was The marquis shook his head. said In a low voice. It is quite brought the total number to 82? p the column states the Rla.jah ;, .„ „ 1 not walk vPr.•y fast, but seemed impossible. I was thinking of Elaine:' killed and 11,481 injured. The Boers round tri from Suspension Bridge ; t equally unpiodualgIrt what°mon the I am afraid not, he said, rather to saunter along leisurely. Tho other two looked up suddenly lost only 5,700 La kiliokl during stop -over allowed at Philadelphia. Dhara subdued a people In life manipnllatot si I alglrtenetl up on the ` Thore was silence for a moment. Ais a matter of fact, the shrews] in- Tickets good 16 days. wat, plainly at a loss for the pro - They had been too absorbed in con- three years of war with, Great Bri- Sudhu, named Vah°ilkoo, and obtain - For young lawyer looked hard at lite sppctor, like some other great men ' For further particulars call on or ed with his own arm an undivided Isar command. Glaueing hastily at the ground. There was some mystery lie i who could] be mentioned, did most tion to re the r BIL is' awful sttua- thin, and the moral seems to al address Robt, B. LCwis, Passenger sovereignty an the eait.h! for a amtiseai flpectators, lie bawled from ltd not understand. tion to remember ]ildine. t that war In Attica 1s a great deal +gent, 88 Lange street, 'Toronto, laths period. 7CJte data of th'e in• tL'e quarterdeck; �, q„ of his LIlinking in the span air and "Oh dear, dear I The poor girl! safer business than railroading in +, Am I to dp nothing . he said at oft his feet ; so, as lie walked alone Ont. srciption has been referred to tNo We11, commence 1 'taut, almost reproachfully, i b' Yes i" ejaculated Lady Bannister. the Ualte�cl States. ,swinging ]lis stick and flicking of[ .,Oh, dear, dearl" third or fourth: century after k,"You have done a groat deal al- t aha ]reads of the nettles, his brain Lady Blanche rose, Tax on Stoutness. Christ. 1but on this authoritios are Mlnard's Liniment Cures Gargot in isady," responded the marquis. "Dol was hard at work over the "case, +`I—I think I will go to her" she ]I2lnard's Liniment Carse Distemper. at varlailee.. Cows. , fyyou think I don't appreciate your and. that he had not arrived at a said. •- The munle3 1 council I r little ludness, lily dear Gerald. You lost I ,solution ct the various problemsclas• "Yes, do;' urged Lady Bannister. "I Married to a Plant.. a,wedfsi}t �wPa Iles Just lntrodtuced A Use for Prairie Do; s. r` so time in coming to the friend in tering around the great central one „ a ro oitssLve tea on stoutness. Bob- Greece Sas PermY)te+nt EzccutiotYer Scicmt•Lsts hely some time find use affliction."' "Who killed ;Gaptnin Sherwin ^."— will ga with you if you like. llabon (Jullundur) saw, a very In- f? p And—Miss Delaine?" said Gerald low 136 pounds .one is free from In Greetce tie death enalty is said rpt mo,squitoea. On the western plline weal evident by the puzzled shake Thank you, it is so good of your terestlgg scene on May 23rd. Alas, from, 186 pounds to 200 pounds to be often tonounaed,, but the di[ - after another pause. " 0f course, I of the heaoi as he mounted Slr Ed• dear Lady Bztnnister, murmured very wealthy and influential Iiha- one has to 8.12 a Year, whale p oN,G prairie 'dogs have been regarded iwa, will a to her at once. May will be , Blanche; ' but perhaps I bad better tri resident of the city -vas mar- pat $ for ay of obtaining east- fn0per -vas even more useless posts, and now tram t I $6. Av to 2gr pounds the lot• a long time almost insuperable: comps a man wlua sits !fait she there by this time and --and will mind Bannisters stege. go alone.++ pied to am Ak plant. rilhe marriage Impost is $6. As to greet wetghte y 3- , The footman, in reply to Saun- 'Poor Miss 17elaltle! I had ()title procession ,wont outside the city It was at last surmounted by giving t;arvo such a purpose that hence - have broken this to bar. And she— ders' inquiry, said that S,1r Edmund forgotten her. Oh, stow dreadful it all and, choosin a suitable lace with they -will be a luxury for million- tel a murderer ilie choice between his forth, Instegi(I of Stales offering ,Miss Delaine—twill want to see you. was in, but that lie had only just is l Edmund, do you think there Is ale Ak plant in it, wont Brough air ounndap )itnasexoe pay pounds o -w n death or acceptance o hn of batlnticts for them, they .will encaur- Perhaps she will be permitted to come unexpectedly, and that he, any chance of lits being: guilty?". I all the marriage ceremonies. Hun- z0 p five of permanent executioner.; The ago, the propogatlon. of titer littl$, accompany her.' the footman, didn't know' whether "Although I have to preside at the deeds of inhabitants lilad already man lives alone .In an old tower built b-tvAs• Loafs Grosme lUr has, Accord - The marquis walked to the Iron- bench to -morrow, responded Sir td- Int, .l he would rep any one. " gathered there to neo !Ilia curious ENGLISH SPAVIN LI1t[LI1iFNT by Vonetiane on an islet outside the - to thei Cinutha Bee, discovered barred window, and replied with Ills "Well, I'll covin in and see;' said mund solemnly. "I do not hesitate to scone. Whoever oawv, it laughted at Removes ail hard, soft or calloused ort of Nauptia, where neees9aries dogs are a very great back turned to Gerald. n that praiilty dog " Miss D ed t has gena to London," Saunders, quietly, and lit stepped say that 'there is no chance—no pos- the etoollsh'ness of the orthodox Lumps had bnc tntahes from horses; arc taken' 'to him every, motto �\� p i s te, trio cultivation of alfalfa. Mr. Us said. She and the major are -on ," Into the hall, :ay of such au—an absurdity) community of the Kh;a,tris. The bid fin, ctiri;d, splfuts, ringbone, Grosme,ntir says that atralfa, to !heir way to the continent." As he did sot Hir Edmund came Lady Blanche went upstairs to her bridegroom -made tour afroles round 'yeas a steamer calls? for him an41 grow, mih;t b'> Infe^ted with a car- " tVhat I" The exclamation escaped from 'the dining -room, and, seeing own room, and, locking the door, the plant, so a9 to take what to gweentay, stifles, sprains, sore and itis inetrum0rits of death, and ho tailn fnngu�, anti that there is no Gerald I.ocke's lips Involuntarily. him, stappedt flung herself into a chair and covered called pheras, and h'ad his shoulder swvolleYt throat. court r. ate. save $60 teawas upon a tour of executions. agency of infreCla)n ao f;000l as the 11 She -she known of this and --and Ho was in anything but a (food her face with her hands. t cloth tied with the plant. At last by use of ono bottle. Warranted the despised prairie flog. FIs discoveries bas gone? 1 can't believe It." humor. and had just been remark- It was not of the inarquts, riot of after three or four hours, the bride- The population of tltm dependencies are tIlo reSuit of four y0ttts of a% - bas em ,hatleally to his wife and most `vondorfu: blemish cure ever I , ;• Whe marquis turned. n 1 I'1aSae, not of the murdered elan alta groom returned home, with great ,0t France fe 596,000 000, perimeattis - fznown, ' „ , Lady Blanche that lit had never was thinking ; but of herself and .her � " ' ' You are right; ha said, in a con- dhim dltdnr. Ho had aeon married �. _— _ —. _. _ .... _ _ . - __ _ __ _11, __ - _.. ,strained voice, and with his face set been so discourteously treated as own position. She had throughout twice before, but unfortunately Post _1 bard. "Miss Delaine knows nothing lie had been that morning, and the whole business, ever Slnee she Ills wives both) the times. Sound on its Fair Travels. tM1 t .— =111111m of thin murder of which I am charged. that the marquis edliduat wets, to had yielded to Fanny Inchley o It is a custom with this Khatrls 3JY -our money aar/t t: ar,t rflm do ,lot o,tra There is no reason why she should say ir1-a least of it--ahem--most ex- plauslblft proposal, felt an un- The explosion rya Lo -yell fuss boli- s} that if a mein josos alis wives two �' Rheurn�tas Coma hero, Gerald. Our engagement ltraordinary. Tia news of the mfr- ea suspicion that she was heard and sensed at points forty, easy times, then at the third time, be= Me been broken off." der and arreRt had not reached acting a foolish part in consenting fore lits actualmarriage takes miles distant. At Braintree it was , '' when the Kidneys fail to do their work of dischargin the ?Gerald Locke started and stared at him yet, Saunders acute see, by the to join such a parson as the house_ place, a formal marriage at home thought for an instant ,that there uric acid from the system, the result is rheunhntism. TMix, him, then. Ills eyes fell worthy baronet's manner of greet- keeper's niece In a conspiracy to sap is performed with an- Ak 'plant, so lead been a dynamite explosion in the i the Xictitays re:. tine this wort.- iu a natural litatthy way " I beg Your pardon," he said lit a ilea ]Hitt. It was more pompous even arato the martinis and Elaine ; but that lits next -wife may not clic. _ Quincy Granite quarries, so sarong no curt ig possii,te. iclwP voles; "I did not know.-" than usual, and much curter.now 9110 know that her Suspie10118 Strange to say+ that Stich, absurd,- was the shock. Sound travels last I o •' It was broken oft last night," My good Saunders; �� Im said, I were justified, anis as all the awful ties are ascribed to the teachings and tar, and tlip experience of yes- ,' Gigue 11 said tb& marquis. " I can only say hope you have not come to troll- consequenees of ]ler folly rose be- 'of the Shastras. When suets is the terday' thould teach us not to be b i one word more on the subject: Miss ble me this morning. I Have. only tore her she• shook and shuddered and case wlilt man of tvealtll and 1pilu- too rea()Ily skeptical of stories of _ cure rheumatism quick, and for all time becatlrtt 111ty Delaloo nasi sufficient reasons for just returned 1144tna, and am very quailed with fear— [on 110rs01[. once, who are generally considered tbo llols0 of •great battles disturb- o� are the meet pertect Kidney corrective ever discovered. doing so. That In all." busy, acid—er—what Is 1t? bhe saw It all, as she tbotight, go an leaders of !holt community.-vhnt Ing countries far removed from the Prontall nrugeists„5octa.per box, rom Gerald Locke Inclined lite li°azd. This �� profound * plalInly, , shall wo say of the .poor Ignorant scene bf hostilities. A Bostonian Darn I tiboLISxes O $i.O CO.,or ctiWI Saunders, will- an air at piece o! news see mad to have ower- respect, but 1 thought 1 ought to Tills 10aptain Sherwin bad beep a I EO. !ltaN. whelmed slim, and cleated a deeper a01ne up to you at once, He tlfat former lover of Elalne'e. Fanny don masses 7 fCate Itog r d have yet C CO, WINN yon could arrange for the xam- Inchley, knowing thls, had contrived along nothing as regards practical G . W1. , 'rHB 130LE CRs! in Baden, ermany.', declares that 410I -volt on alto topmast towel of Stras- inlpr0astoll avec ,,lien the charge ; S g tt reformation in !hair manners and burg Cathedral, .Tiny,' 3rd, 1966, ho t nation, to have, him at the bridge; ]tad, per- heard the rumble and hoar of 'the -!_ "`' ”` � kitlitght►g over the marquis 1tCad Inui customs, thollgb! every year Soule — '-'� " 1-- " " 4ove. I As h- spolke Lady Blanche came ]taps, told him that Llatnei would' resolutions are passed for prevent- battle of Sadowa, then In progrerla fti l.�i » ilii lie stood In silent bewilderment for i cult of the ,lining -room, fol'- meet Il1m, and bad so managed that ins such Distoma. Wo invite the at- In distant Bollamla. It was e6 sof- �' ��,, ►"� IiR'3 it �� ri moment or two, and it was the, t1ewod by Lady Bannister; and Haatts Lady shouldsend o the taittion of ]the Itihtatri leaders of ti=ned 'that It tva,S Sika kat -oft than - marquis wvbo spoke first. !lets' sharp eyes (,lanced from out, reform toward foolish eustotne, .. of they evidence a. idnst mo," lie aald; " " between the t-wo men; the awful er Ste s toward their eradication. der. Liniment . Eel B. EDDY'S • "'I should like t0 give you an outl:na a to clic L4LIler quick] a;[iat. She could Sltia;glnc the Scene It is trot said that au )3rstit]on � - ey "but"-• ria smiled grimly- "I'in ftfritW (,sir Edmund irritably. outburst of jealous fury,. wrilch, iii a i) p r....�.r,. nt CnrAs Goliid. etc. gy, line done mulch tto bring nils about the Dead Lr �� What examination?" dernitntlad me man of vitt mal•cy d b temperament, she y , � 1 f Judge.'r._., 1 m not 0tlunl to going over It rl,jyatn. I f3aurtdcrs, raDbtn at all thrct±, re- iia iK t sv for taint. You will hear St at the etaminatlon" tnrnel ,promptly: would inovitttbly lead m dlo eye, ails downfall of India. tally, India Is"` INDURATED He paaaattl. "1 have been co»std°ring { "Don't you know, ,Sir L'tlmttnd, that cotlid almost, in bar minds oyer see, the flame of absurd customs.—Prom, „ z '` ' - Your propsaal >aH to raunyel, I mttpen; Lord Nairne has licca arrested err the him strlkcw the fatal blow. Guilty 7 the Lahore 0`rtbunoi, Aird yov tounel not the slightest -- ,r , , , • troeatnfort in our oriloud Toy- 1 �• axed I have. Changed lily mind. I diarge or murdering Captain Chna. Tp tre Coutintle3d.l , Y p - FIBRE YV AR5 "'I1ltank heaven for that P 0acu- Nher twt11 1. Look out, Sir 1-Amund ! 4 ( attic ?' was askalel the mttri tt►ha had _ fated Gerald. "You will let met get 81f The young: lady !+' For l:,ady Manche "` �. IL Half frith Joke. recently gone through tite whirl- ai.� �,� �Q' �� i�w�� Clyarletli2" ,: f►afl utteraA a, 6hrlek, and Htaggere4 Tho plriitecl skirt svid short bloused Mantreltlitoraid. pool rap!da in a I%rrel. Y f ! lost dealers �o; !()ties thfy teal gals. If am tit :tis St about t0 fain; but Hrie saved boLvrO,c �j�illmad0wiot camlbro &i-i,d lirstand IS getting podrer, 'it periMod at A� k�wiilentoly you Ara Saul• ,sate fly •t1 r t c ep r be, defended by coungftl, I hale al herself I5 clutching at an rnct ruts r Mhl95I-dei 014 �li� "1r'111hSI0 Ir. . V � irbt dy chown 0110 in whoin I Call place turintal brgket, awl choirs glaring Ane& In M6 bright ootor.1a lti tetvor- tbotigli, btrfinge to may, Ito oMpS- net awarA tltnt 1 nlu a reirltlar jai« 1� '`� tall ]lastest, contiame ." at hlm with un ospresslon not only ltro tairfhlofr for y0aft girls. tal is always Dublin, tr tl of tbo Manhattan I, rwttl l , r::. _.:. :"'e'tW . r :_. ° h xt . .. ,.^e*Aotj&' I IV q