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The Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 5
AllzuSt 27, I903 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE. R Toronto Au 21N _ ill M ad a+ NEWS TIIE MSN S STQRf:�C11� , g. . 1 "14 e, . e a a (band Trunk brakeman, residing at Stratford was seriously injured this _ t GrayHairr • Bi Bargains at Crowder's horning on top of his train, The train was under the Dundas street - -Subscribe far the Advance. passing %�llllssllla ' During Stock Taking -The Hell telephone line between Newcastle and Newtonville has been in- bridge, where the city had placed some scafroldln and McQuade was caught b the Scaffolding. H is in Emergency g• 411 have used A er's Hair Vigor Y B s in over free yedandruff and stalled.Hospital. g Y h s os nisi. p prevented m hair from turn. _ P —Fartul around London are said to —Grassho ers are so thick in arts P 6 gray"—Mrs. p. A. Soule, Bi ling:, Mont. If it i8 anew Suit or pair of Trousers you are wanting, be holding their last year's grain for ^Pp of Moll that they are interfering it will pay you to come and see us. We have a lot Of Suits higher prices. With the operation of trains. Locomo- There is this peculiar Pants, etc., for Mau, Youth or Boy, which we are clearing out —Mr, B. Johnston of Stratford has in- Live wheels are made so slippery that thing about Ayer's Hair at away -down prices, so as not to take them in stock. These vented an ingenious potato planting when themngiines atop, it is difficult to Vigor—it is a hair food, goods must be sold to make room for our fall goods which `� maohine, which he will patent. gain. The grasshoppers have eaten the range bare. not a dye. Your Bair does Y are arriving daily. —Reports from Manitoba indicate fa- not suddenly turn black, vourable weather conditions for grain. �' - look dead and lifeless. 5oc PANTS 30c,20 Pas Boys' School Pants, sizes to 33, Regular 50c The wheat crop is estimated at fifty- eight million bushels, Clinton. But raduall the old color g y —Stock taking Sale rice... , .. 300 A number of weddings are expected : comes back all the rich � $2.50 SUITS $1,50-12 Only Children's Suits, sizes 22 to 20, were $'2.00 and $2.25—Stock taking price......... I .... I .............. $1,50 —Bylaws were voted on in Dundalk to spend $8,000 for waterworks, $6,OW to take place in Clinton within the dark color it used to have. • ... .. .. . .... $5.50 SUITS $3.00-8 Only Boys Fancy Suits, Sizes 22 to 28,3 pieces, town hall, and $6,000 for streets and month and during the first fortnight of Sept. fourRattenbury street ladies will The hair stops falling, too. worth $5,00 and $5.50—Stock taking price ... . ............... 1. . . • . 3.00 $3.50 SUITS $2.25-14 only Boys' 2 Piece Suits, sizes 22 to 2,8, were $3.00 side walks, All three bylaws carried. y change their names, $1.0 a baffle. All dro«I■Is. and $3.50—Stock taking price.. .. . ........... . ................... ... 2.25 $3,75 SUITS $3.00-17 Only Youths 3•Plece Suits in tweeds, etc. sizes 27 —Manila has a total population of some thing like 300,000, about 10,000 The oat .crop promises a very heavy yield this' year, and the farmers may p sea ourne doll ztand aga wtlipazp express you a bottle. Be sure and the to 33,, regular price $3.50, $3.75, $100, $4,60—Stock taking sale price... 3.00 being Amerieau and European born. look for from 56 to 60 bushels per acre, give name of your nearest express oalea. Address, J. q. APER CO. Lowell, Brass: $7.00 SUITS $5 00-23 Mens' and Youth's Suits in tweeds, serge:, etc„ sizes 33 to 44, regular price $O.W, $7.00, $7.50, $8.00—Stock taking The American population is estimated The wheat is not turning out as well as . sale a price . ••" 5.00 at about 6000. was at first expected, only an occasion - al lot running over 35 bushels to the —Mayor White, of Woodstock has BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES. arrived rived home from England. He says acro. REAL ESTATE JUST ARRIVED—NEw FALL HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, GLOVES, ETC. there is a loss of $15,000,00Q to the grain crops of Scotland on account of unfay. P As the G. T. R. pay train was return. ing from Goderich at noon on Friday, You can't Invest your money in anything orable weather. 21st inst., it ran into Mr, Thos. Webster bettor than a good farm, or business property In towpI have some excellent value in IF W The Ro C ®® —Five and one-half tone of diamonds, valued at from £30 000.000 to g40 000 - and his little sou, who were driving along the 14 cru, Both Mr. Webster .... at the present yyou time. For those farm all who are looking for farms to buy, I might lust say that it will ray you to have a look •Crou,,Tder ' ' and the horse were instantly killed but at what I have to offer you. - 000000 have been taken from the famous have South Africa diamond Kimberley, the boy escaped without injury. The Just a word to those who have property to dis�ppose of—Let me find that other man for Satis- mines since their discovery in 1871• train slowed down and brought the un- Patti nhguaranteed. nces to your one. fortunate man to Clinton, where he was —According to the official figures of immediately taken to undertaking CLYME MAGUIRE Every Box Of Importleft the railway companies 6,100 harvesters for Manitoba the North-West rooms. Real Estate Agent and Territories duringthe throe excursions A case whish continues to puzzle the local doctors is that of the thirteen. Office:—Upstairs inVan8tone Block. �oV�g`�a�c5 '1 61ass on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week. Last year the total was year-old daughter of Mrs. Henry Nic- hols of town. Six weeks ago she was NOTICE OF CLOSING. . 7,629. struck on the temple by door latch • —Huron county farmers have an ell since which she has been subject to We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close just arrived from Beleuim. �'�Qj�S\,�, , able reputation as stock raisers and P , period , of unconsciousness. During our offices during tine months of July and •Angnst, as follows—on Saturdays at 2 P.M. We are in a position to quote fatteners. Out of •140 lots of cattle re- some of these attacks she is in a state in and on other days at 4 p.m. y g J `V t7 ver low figures on Glass for cently shipped to Toronto,• the lot fat- tensa and shipped by Hugh Mollonald, resembling catalepsy and others, while unable to move or speak, she Still P J. A. Morton Dickinson & Holmes R. vanst°no R. Holmes houses, barns and stables. Hensall, carried off the sweepstakes. retains consciousness. These attacks Call and get prices. is to give They were fed on his farm north of Chisehurst. have of late become less frequent. Fresh Plums guaranteed entire satisfaction in all --- — cases of Stomach trouble We also handle all kinds of —Johnston Bushfield did a big day's threshing for Wms., Rogers, , Huron 1' Nerviline Cures Ever Pain. y SALE. FOR SALE —if not, alone refund- y Road, west, last week. Starting in the This is the testimony of suffers in every part of the Dominion. Mr. Ben - , ed, Try a box and be PLOUGH POINTS morning and finishing in the evening 700 bushels of wheat, 400 of barley and Jamin Dillon, of Leeds, Ont., states, "I am not in the habit °f up Choice Plums Best convinced. _ puffing pro- of q ual- 50 of oats were put through the ma- Prietory medicines, but I feel it my duty to add to the testimony as to the mar- it will be sold b the bushel y y ' such as — Verity,Wilkinson n chine. The barley averaged 50 bushels velloas value of Nerviline as a remedy or basket. Picked while you I have room for two Fleury, Frost & Wood, Tees. to the acre and the wheat $5. for pain. Nothing I think equals it as a wait. Over twelve varieties students in Telegraph water, Cockshutts, Patterson, i —Ivan McNaughton, the twelve-year universal remedy and householders ought to feel it as much a necessity as to choose from. Order earl y' office. Percival Port Hope, r ' ' y ' old son of D, McNaughton, general bread itself. Sold by dealers in medi- Terms Cash. - Tolton, and Essex Centre, blacksmith at Varna, is not only able cine everywhere. to take off a shoe and use many of the R D 0 Gla tools of the shop, but is also quite fain._ liar with the hammer and tong, being s f West Wawanosh. A. We Webster ■ ■ J� IJ �s Fishleigh able to take oast off shoes, straighten and hammer them into bars and weld Threshers report good yields of grain Chemist & Druggist them together quite nicely. of exceptionally good quality. - Jae. Ramage left this week for Man- GO TO • Hardware Store gingham. Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 18. — A severe itoba where he has taken u P laud. Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. hailstorm visited Moosejaw yesterday , Thos. Anderson's new baro is on the and nearly all the windows in town Slutth & PethICK a old stand, facing north were broken, while the way to completion. When finished it crops in a district estimated to be will be a good one. IT PAYS BEST IN THE END. twenty miles square are damaged. It Miss Eva Murray has returned from THE CANADA . BUSINESS COLLEGE was the worst storm in ton years. Con- Anne Arbor, Mich., where she has been CHATHAM . ONT. • y t�Ii�I1��t��1�1t11111t��t1I1lilt�idamage- ..-- FARM �� siderablo is also from seriously ill, but is now recovering.. with its 27 years of successful work in its 1111 11 �.J credit, stands without a poor in Canada in the • Austin and Boissevaiu Manitoba. The directors of the Daugannon fall line of Busixv;ss or Shorthand training. 'is' 0 D S - ... - 0 316 students placed in good positions in the - ..- show are pushing on the preparations past eleven months shows what we do for r .w Stratford, Aug. 10.—Robt. Boyd, a for their exhibition on October 8th and our students �ahou graduated. NEW farmer in Downie Township as the 9th. College Reopens for Fall Terra, Se t. f. Buy your own twine. That is result of a visit to a clairvoyant in this Our Catalogue is the handsoulost issued by • what Y Jos. Anderson has had a severe attack any business school in the Dominion. Copy ,i i d ..• you are doing when you buy cit some days ago, has sold two acres sent by addressing, a Walkerton Twine—the best on the y y g of inflammation of the liver, but we D. McLachlan & hatham Ont. :market, I am sole agent for it for of marl bed on his farm for $50,000. hope soon to hear of his ultimate re- Co.,' ' = We have now a full stock Of up-to-date The clairvoyant told Boyd he had great , this vicinity, oovery. Gents Furnishings, and we can assure you -moo y wealth concealed on his farm, and for g , Mrs. Alex Stuart and Mrs. Robt. A�^� -�'r Iaarge quantities of Cho on hand, curiosity recently he and his son began TIE that anything bought gfro us is right up -to - Lockhart u -�•> Lockhart have returned from Manitoba, We '" All kinds Peas, Oats, Barley,etc, to dig, striking the marl bade at a shat- tile -minute, and at right prices. low depth. where they spent sometime visiting for fusty and members of their families. ADVANCE down -to -date Job New Up-to-date Shirts .• Tweed, Aug. 22.—The packing home pa (� -•.�. Miss Jennie McKenzie,of Ailsa Craig,Printing. Pricce agents for + ��� of the Ontario Powder Co., was blown OFFICE t° c< Ties up here at 10 o'clock to -day, killing is engaged as assistant teacher in Dan- right. g As H. gannou public school. The young Indy Collars n three heads who were at work at the comes highly, recommended. _ « << DR, F4���(� (MARKET SQUARE) time. The names were Edward Tobow, i�► LL tY � Lyman, Moon and Charles Moon. All Messrs. McDonald and McGuire were Hats throe have families. There is nothing detained a few days last week with �-- ^~' their threshing owing to the repairs BEEF RING SHARES. P" New Hosiery, Braces, and everything in con - all r T ®(K F O O D , laf t of Dither of the men. The shock g g p _ ._ V i i Wood �'hosg>hoc73n®, needed after their run -awn when the Chart xllustratiab'a Good Methed of cut- nection with the Gents' Furnishing depart- ; ....�, broke many plate .glass windows ju the Y The Great English Remedy, horses took fright and upset the separa- sin v the Carcase, .- +o is an old, well estab- town, and shook the buildings badly. g P P s D ,: nlent. I n Tweeds you will always find Our - ,,,, fished and reliable tor, b.ut w0 aro pleased to state that lye aro in receipt of requests to stock new and up-to-date, and the can assure ,- preparation. Has been .'w /, .„ prescribed and used —While Cutting oats On Thursday none of the men were hurt. publish a chart illustrating a good OU a perfect fit at richt. rices. 0— •••�+ �,. r over,4oy0tilAlldrugl last on Mr• Jos; Wauner'3 farm near Miss Mabel Bailie methori of cutting up a beef for a y p a p For Sale only by gists in tlie'�iominion ,teacher of No. 2 twenty -share beef rip says The { of 'Fanad' tell and Bridgeport. Mr, Chas, Bussu t}n dog school West `Vawanosh p g' reoommen' Its beinp t t gave the E London I•armois' Advocate. The ac- ,i ,. a„�. ,. ,:,,�, .. ., �..i., ., 110.111., ,.... , �.iu:. i all. n,t . 111 -11 =3 l B lore a+;d After. the ;only, medicine of chased a rabbit into a wood pile. The worth League of this plate a very speci- companying chart was furnished us • • - itskindthdt utosan do was followed u i by Mr, Hagen and .,,. .., I rh g 1 g al invitation to s g Y Colin A Campbell pi F s universal satisfaction. Il1ro ist1Y an , pend All avenin At her last year b J, I. Balsdon, of On -Mr «- s o alatiodtlx cares all Ibf410 f) ti us li'egk other workmen who found about 25 d tarso County. In sending it forward = riomufln Bros. enI• ytrtosioits, Sne'rm41br4tfra- .1fnp0•t$n0y, 'ofhome On Wedll06day 0veniug Of 10.81 gash'effectsofabusooroaeesses;0oa><ceseivo iiamite oartridgea and several pieces of week. The night was everything that he says: � I .r.e lisp ol! T bacco, Opium OT S!{ ularil , ,fe7itai fuse. The eatrid es were about 1. ”` t, give caclt party a boil and e _ - ^^• sppirappm Iss mea n. g i could be desired and a rod number T1 E D1sUGGIST ,,, i 1Vorr�;,nllofw ,chi dto�! flrmity, g roast, it must be divided atter the , ., nsai{4ty Consumptionnnd ap �prly grave, inches long, and half an inch thick. present _ pp ice,t porpackat;o or•'siz fpr $5, pnpwili a ,names of several kinds and beef fa cut down in halves. You must to SIGN OF THE BICi BEAD." � r pCegae, ai per cu�•c, Mailed prompty en rtt• Ono of them was put into a heavy crow- various other amusements were the out it across between Nos. 7 and 12, ltilllltllli�lllllilllllillllilll lot pe11lt4Pprlcot dforfroopaplphlet Al bar which is shattered into bits, order of the evening and as,the evening leaving four ribs on the hind guar- J 7i�iia wood (7ampany, ter, After laying the front quarter 't 111460r,out.,CanAdla„ wore to a close refreshments were sere, Orillia Packet:—Talking of cbnten- on the table for cutting up, you will Woods Phosphodine is sold in Wingham ed and after that beautiful hymn "God cut off front shank, No. 8; then cut u��7 C. A. Cainppbell, W. MoRibbou, A. L. arians, Mr. R. J. Sanderson has cut a from line B, makin two ices: (Nos. Hamilton and If A. Douglass, Druggists. remarkable inscription on a tombstone be with you till we meet again" was B p sung, Rev. Mr. Wilson pronounced the 10 and 9); then take off neck, No 1; this week. It is a granite memorial to benediction, then take roast No. 7 (3 ribs in it); ®� For the late Duncan Graham of Mara, who roast No. 6 (2 ribs); roast No. 5 (2 reached the age of 100, and to his wile, 1 ribs); then cut across to line C, Men's who was 102. After living together to taking piece No. i (boiling pisco); ANY � 4 ����� this remarkable -age, the old couple Twenty Years of Bronchitis. then No. A A ribs t ng leaving tel/ Banzains r p pisco No. a After cutting of the �./ Captain Dunlop of Kingston commau- • • died within two days of one another, "Bohemian," two fore quarters, you will let down der of the steamer Bohemian, of the the hind quarter on the table, and ,. the husband on the 3rd of May, and his R, & O, fleet suffered unceasinglyfor o. ' _.- �-: � � � �� � • Ont fro -,u line D, leaving flank, N°. I hunt my hat, if its on one of Walker Bros. & wife on the Oth of May, 1807, This is twenty years and although lie took 11; then cut roast No. 12 (3 ribs in surelya unique tombstone. treatment all that time permanent relief Buttons Hat Racks, is Home Sweet Home t0 me q jt); then follow along 13, 14, 15, , —IIvT--� was not obtained until lie used Oatarrh- 16, then out across line B (rump The Riucardine Review gays—So far ozone which cured flim quickly and per- y roast), No. 17; then out off Nos, 18 We have now the mostniauontly. The captain says Catarrh - Branch eau learn, the Bruce County and 1J, leaving hind shank, No. 20. Wv V e7 beautiful and complete stock ranc ozone" is the best cure for Bronchitis on h of Threshers Protective Associa• the face of the globe, pleasant to use, COUCHES ever put on the Wingham tion of Canada is not in a flourishing quick to relieve and sure to cure. Ca- ' a a . — h 2 r > tarrliozone is a wonderful treatment s t� fPOin y�p5 to y�(i. ©C � Market in the way of Mens condition. Some prominent threshers t- ROCKING _ y did not joie aiid offer to work at the Price $1.00, small size 25 cents, Drug • h 4 e 1211106161 , �i� Our R Couch Suitings. gists or Polson & Co. l ! / ep CHAIRS �� �� is a winnel'. old rates, The farmers tails of patroniz• -® , 11 � ing the outsiders exclusively and this I A 20 In all the lateEt designs alarmed the members of the Associa• . 9 fr0u1l.b0 Up .N , and materials at ver reason- FAIRS. o y tion. It is that the organiser wgs to got aiiAax oiw nxEr• ittYo or .,0 d1EAfIIelts. t0 $9.00 each 1.1'On Bedsteads i ,�• able prices. You will have $17 from each thresher and that he col- "This is a table to put the pieces from x'4.50 lip. Ieeted from most of thein and made a WINGHAitf--Sept. 24.25. for each ono: See them. no diliiculty Ili s010cting a good tliiug out of it for hjmself, Blyth- Oot. O.7. Not. 1 and 19..............iiof and roast. ' suit to suit, Milvortoit-Sept. 24.25. 2 and 16 ...... ...... .. " " �0 TO... Brucefield, Aug. 18.—�-A very disas• Stratford—Oot.7. 'i 3 and 12..............,. " "' iii fit and workmanship trous fire visited unit place this morn- Teeswater—•Oct. 8. �' 4 and 13..:.,.,,,:.,.,, '! " We were fortunate in making out fall purchases before the in about 2 o'clock when the fellow. Toronto—Aug. 27 Sot 12. 5 avid 17 ...... ,..,..... " "• advance in price in some lines, and we art• going to give tlie w0 take at back deaf for no g g' Sept. '< 0 and 20 ......... " " public th3 benefit, Come in and see us if your needs are in rue# jug places were totally destroyed Palmerstou-Sept, 23, a± 7 and 11......:........ " 41the Furniture line. Our goods and prices will please you. ed. American Hotel and stable, owned Collingwood-•Sept. 22.25, 't S and 1s ......:........ " PARK'S byMrs. Murray, some insurance, D. Teterboro• -Sept 22-2•1. " J and 14 ............... H• SAti iraetion guaranteed• C. Campbell's blacksmith shop and Strathroy—Sept. 23.20. " 10 and 10 Weigh ..:..;..... " WALKER DROS �". BUTTON dwelling, no insurance, J. Snider'd Walkerton•--aopt. 23.24. "red aeign °F the beef 0, r s., j-a� a (� Robt. Maxwell harness shop, some insurance, and Mrs, Harriston—nSept. 25. posed to bo riot I50 lbq, 611 abs.,Jewelry store Geo. Baird's store and dwelling, some Wiartoa--Sept. 29. and riot to pieces! GOii lbs all to ba pyt tib •linen djvidea into ::& chairs. I Home Furnishers and Undertakers insurance. Vito Started about the hotel Listowel•. -•Sept. 30, iliink IN, beef should riot be Iesd dtablos, The villagers turned raft ll l Luaknow-�Oet, �. i uta up in much Macdonald BloC1e Win Ilam• $1 Ift Tallon �t11,t1,rlm nicer Nieces." g � k" Raved quite a cumber of other bixildingd, Qorrie�••Qat, 8, � s� ► r Mme' 400 hen 45U ltd, t cuts ' .