HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 4THE WINGTIAM ADVANCE. August 27, 1903 7,iL. resents a profound revolution in �Ate'�a 'Bri is publ'the attitnae of th t li is Wo Mind toward the moral claims of9Rit c °.,�^^^^-...^,-.�.. the Irinh people, `, o appreciate �j � gr'�+ � � T y� j CafflDbell- A special to the Toronto World the breadth and depth of the change T � PJL+OP�� � POPULAR ��lh ��®�i.� \.J states that the supplementary esti- we need only recall the fact that in mates to be vott3d will be about 1886 Mr, Gladstone introduced not Macdonald Block, Wingham. twenty-five million only dollars, It is Y a home Rule, bill but also a said that difficulty has been en.. Laud purchase bill, and that it They Are Here countered by the government in was opposition to the latter, not to The New Fall whipping all its followers into line the former measure, that Mr, KER for the Grand -Trunk Pacific, con- Chamberlain made the pretext for JNOHo Dress Goods tract, Strong protests were made desertion of his chief. Now a Land � - from some quarters on the ground Purchase bill, quite as sweeping in , AlreadBlousings, Silks, that public sentiment could not be its provisions, is framed and passed lj reconciled to such a scheme. To by the anti -Gladstonian party, of This week we extend to all a very hearty invitation to call and see our t! N 11 +f 1 Trimmings, Etc. soften these protests and to place which Mr. Chamberlain was a;A' ay embers bettor position organizer. to carrtheir censtitaoucies appro- ,1, NEW FA L h DRV G O ®DS • k ers, speculators and land sharks send a cog -wheel railway over the s were securing possession of Indian lip of the crater down into the sul- a lands for a grossly inadequate con- phur lake, but it is questionable if New Wrapperettes New Yarn Fruit ,"Itc ge & Campbell sideration, and that a number of sufficient foundation is available to —_ Government officials who, so far sustain the heavy support that SUCCBSSOrS to M..H. 'Mc1ND00. from safeguarding the rights of the would be necessary. For many This season's designs — Indians, have been actively en- generations this sulphur has been and colorings are ver pretty; Leave our order with a ed 't ' t d bb' g p g Y p J I We have in stock the Y The Royal Grocery Vinegar and Spices. The pickling season is now at hand, and to keep them firm, crisp and retain their flavor, you must have pure Vinegar and Spices. We have the choicest brands. XXX VINEGAR.—Absolutely pure ; free from acids, CIDER VINEGAR.—Full strength, mild, excellent for pickles. GRAZE WINE VINEGAR,—Delicate in flavor and aroma. GOLDEN SYRUP VIND, `AR.—A very fine Vinegar; for Table use it has no equal. MALT VINEGAR (Crosse & Blackwell.)—The name is a guarantee of quality. PROOF VINEGAR, —The strongest Vinegar made. ,, Tests 100 grains. at Griffin's ��1t4tiE�1t��4����1t�11�11��1��I�1�lt4t1t�I4�it�itilt�t4i�4i1�t1ttitlZ _ We Have The Stock _ Come and see our large d-.. stOCl{ O>� Wrapperettes, in all colors, beautiful goods, at 10c per yd. Flannelettes wide and heavy, reg. 12 Y c for 1 Octs. • White g 2� , Shaker, very special at 6c. per yard. Cheap Plaid goods for Com- forters. Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos- iery all go at cost, Beatitiful Black Underskirts at a reduction. Handsome cushion tops. We sell Butterick Patterns. T. A. MILLS 1111al 6-8 , i is assen e , in ro lug mined in a crude fashion, and it is we have selected the ver Best All Pure Wool Yarn us for Plums Peaches Pears y ) I I them of their holdings. It is esti- believed to be inexhaustible. Its best. Call. and see thele. that money could buy. 2 &c. We handle fruit in large mated that 20,000,000 acres are in- market price at present is $40 per and 3 ply Factory Yarn in quantities and have fresh thevolvscandalou�sin one wtra sa �onserand ton. 8ood to 30inches wideandBlack, Grey, White, Red, Dods arriving daily. Volcanic sulphur from Sicily has Blue and Mixed, g g y the interests of nearly 400,000 In- in the past furnished the principal price is only 10C a yd. dians are affected. The land -grab- su 1 --' bing scheme, it is said, has exten- pp y Also Scotch Fingering sive ramifications, and probably 1' New Flannelettes Yarn in Black, Red and Biscuits covers greater fraud than those un- THE BETTER WAY. -- Blue. earthed in the Postofiice depart- ment. Politicians and Administra- These goods we bought Saxony Yarn in all Soda Biscuits in 1} ib. boxes ........ 1oc tions come and go, but the wrongs It is well at this critical juncture at low prices offered by the colors. Molasses odas sibs, . for............2.5c of the Indians remain and shame in Dominion politics, when a costly _ factories 1n May, and we give -- Broken Sweets 6 lbs. for ............ 25c the nation. scheme is being pushed through to you the benefit of our good Clark's Mile End Lemon Biscuits 31bs. for......... .25c T build a new transcontinental rail- way—that the Conservative party yg' bu in Prices 5cI 6cI 7c' 8C BRILLIANT A splendid assortment of —Referring to the Dominion is alert to the best interests of the 10c, 12 I a c. , all colors, 5 ets. a spool. Fancy Sweet Biscuits. Government's proposed method of country. building a transcontinental railway Instead of the wild -cat scheme through Canada, the Toronto World proposed by Sir' Wilfrid Laurier says :— and advocated by the Globe, Mr, The fault of the government plan R. L. Borden, the leader of the ALEX. KELLY is not in what it does, but in what Opposition, proposes a more sensi- Fall Terns Opens Sept. 1st. WELLINGTON MUTUAL it prevents. It shuts national own- ble, equally effective and much less e a Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS. CO. ership out of the field to which all expensive method, which instead CGNTRA Established 1810. railway men are looking for busi- of building a new road parallel to �� I have secured an Auctioneer's itoenso for Heaa omen GUELPH, oxT. Hess. The fault is not that too the Intercolonial and thus practi- Huron county, and am prepared to couduot . sales at reasonable rates. Rieke taken on all classes of insurable pro much money is to be spent, but Bally rendering Canada's own road Sales arr STRATFORDONT. anged at the Advance Omco. party on the cash or premium note system. that money is to be misspent—spent useless, uses that road as a part of Scores of Business Colleges have ap- plied to us for our graduates, to act as ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. O, JAxsa Gomm, CaAs. DAVIDSON, in an effort to cut the throat of the a trans -continental system. When teachers in their schools. This is the President. Sooretary. evidence you are looking for as to the national highways, the waterways it is remembered, that the Inter- BEST SCHOOL to attend, Thousands [� JOHN RITCHIE, and the Intercolonial. The sum colonial has already cost Canada of our former students are now in busi• THOS. HOLMES AGENT, to be spent would have sufficed to seventy million dollars, it will be news life. write for catalogue. WINGHAM ONT RANSLR, ETC. acquire a road from Winnipeg to readily seen how large the saving W. J. Elliott, Principal. bfarriago Licenses issued. No witnesses the lakes and from the lakes to to the country would be, if Mr. required, /y f Montreal, or would have gone - Borden's plan were adopted. The Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro- long way in deepening and improv- Conservative leader evidently has Make up your mind to attend = �- ing the waterways of the country. thoroughly thought the matter out, RICHARD HOLMES McLBAN & 50N A party formed on the lines of na- and his plan will commend itself to L/.S%OFC $�RRIBTSR AT L►w, SOLICITOR, ETC., xxa., tional ownership may lose some old every thinking man, whether he be omce;—next to Holmoe Block now building friends and gain some new ones. Grit or Tory. All kinds of rough and dressed..,. There is no reason why such party Mr. Borden's plan is (in brief) should not attract a large body of as follows :— Fall Term Begins Sept, 1, 1903, DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Liberals, and of independent .men, 1—To free the Intercolonial from —Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, tired of barren politics and worn party political control. Commercial and Shorthand. APPLE BARRELS. ACCOUCHEUR. out cries. 2—Government to acquire the sone for Collogo journal. Qffice :—Upstairs in the Macdonald l section of the C. P. R. between Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a North Ba and Fort William im- C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRB Bay ' —Referring to the New Zealand prove the grades and give other y' President sec' Night calls answered at office, large quantity of dry hard - Arbitration Law as applied to railways running powers over it.wgod for sale, delivered. t Labor difficulties, the Commission- 3—Extend the Intercolonial to LIFE FIREDRS. ��lsga)l)�1 a �$1�110�ier of Labor for the island says :— Georgian Bay by the purchase of INSURANCETelephone Orders Promptly Ten years ago it was loudly assert- the Canada Atlantic and connect PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to. ed away"tal commercial be drivenwith the C. P. R. by a line 100 absoluteowest rates security.stAll cls ms Josephine Street — Win ham Y g mile in length, g ruin follow if effect should be given promptly settled p �I g� 4—Improve the grades of the C. McLe�,1�. Oil A�on to the proposed labor legislation. P. R. and Canadian Northern be- Abner Cosens J.P. BENNEDYr M.D., M.C.P•S.O Since that time measures exceeding tween Winnipeg and Fort William ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS (Member of the British Medical the wildest flights then projected on condition that they submit to Assooiation) (:CEXP'IR t5oYC'AFts•clave passed through Parliament Government Control of rates, and COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. IENCC'and found their way to the statute give running rights to the Inter- A.DULMAGE Special attention paid to Diseases of ,womenbook. Yet the career of the colony colonial and Grand Trunk Pacific. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT,has been one of advancing and ex- 5--Assistanneto the Grand Trunk CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN OsrlosHouus:-1tolp,m,7to9p,m.ceeding prosperity. 7.he act con- Pacific to build north of the 04na- on Town and Farm Property. sidered as by far the most experi- dian Northern on the prairies to ASSIGNEE. AE�C,O1lNTANT. W' T. Holloway menal and dangerous of the whole Edmonton. D.D.S., L.D,s, TnAlor MARK�Sbrood, the Industrial Concilation 6—.Government to build a line OFFICE.—Itt Reddenco—Catherine St. Graduate of Rgyal Oa R GN DESIGNSc. anti Arbitration act, has infinitely from near Edmonton to Fort Sim College of Dantat Qpe,1dingneke thnndooecrl ttanmar justified ;the hopes of its promoters. p surgoone oL Tor s �• t'��gIst tIg ou�I• a 1n187d(• ragCi5r tp�er ay p p son on the Pacific and give the onto and Honor �'� 0 ftb f0� e•' k #' «" Under its sx la yve have seen the y C. J MAGUIRE Graduate of Want. to asriotnpdentA. bbo 'A AI �g Grand q.runk Pacific and Canadian of Dep t of Toren• - reR'i ta oncy fa oailr�l B a on number of factory '?Yorkers expand Northern Railway running rights REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND toUniveraity, sp�wt"Wo,`t°vrlotioo'utOvAr¢�e�ul'iitiio�'Fa ie from 29,000 in 1895 to 50,000 in over it. LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods in a branehesot Sc nt���c .�m�r ran• DentiRtr . PrlaoR moderato. Satisfaction 1903. In five years the annual 7 ---Government to build a colon- Collection of Ronts and Aocounts a apeotalty, guaranteed. AwoRice in Beaver Brook. A hendee" illustrated eookll; rrmrKo.t air. wages paid in factories increased nation ripe north-westerly from ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. culauonofanveclantico journal. 7ermo,$3a from 19,537,960 to $15,472,805. fear; four montus,$L so�dbyan nawedealero. Quebec, t the requirements des and Office—in vanstona IIt7 to ARTHUR J. IRWIN MUNN &&CO 36tBroad sy, New Ygrk Our exports last year rose 26 per Y open Saturday ovoninge, 7 to 9. . p y p settlement of the country demals�l, Drench as. a* s st. warhtotttan. D. , cent. on those of the previous year, and operate it as a Government / D.D.S., L,D,13. advancing from $60,700, 130 to .076- road. J. A. MORTON Doctor of Dental Surgery of the fen. -- 873,696 in the twelve months, g..ThoI'ougbly equip the Geor- nsylvania College and Licentiate of i scan Bay porta sell the national BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. D'dntal $urgery of Ontario. --The Irish Land Purchase Bill waterways and the St. Lawrence MONEY To LOAN. OHleo over Post offtoo—wINGHAM routes. has received. Ting Edward's signa- 9—Equip the ports of Montreal, Office:—Morton Block, Wingham T ture, the bill is now a law, and will ���S S444 I,. MOORE Quebec and the Maritime provinces become operative on the first flay with modern facilities and make Teacher of Plano and Theory 1Yvr tc for 4ild ntereetiii� booka!indle6 of November next, The framing ' MISS DELIA SPARLING Y qr is 01P It ata r. t,a yep ard 4windleA• . them free Porte. Rpnd us a frou,th akttNl 6r model of yourtrt• 1 of such a bill was attended. with A T. C. M. cellon orltnptovement and weivitlteliyou rest difficult and possibly 1110 1 Toaohbr of Piano, Theo and b7oteher %ea our opinion as to whether it is probablyy g y p y MISS CARRIL MOORE atent4bls. Rejected opplioat onsbaveafleh now law will not entirely remove, It Will Give You An Appetite, Mufdo Sdothod, ai>„plex and Kittdergarton, nee» euceenfutly pproscoatZ by us. We In discontent, but it is fir long And a sEpmaoh to take care of it, a Pupils praparod for Conservatory e:cam• Teacher Of Violin and guitar, a andwaslfinlgtoaYuih�eq niite:uatoprotnptM. step in that direction, The un- digestion. thAt will 1111 Your veins with inattona. ly dispeAth work aunt qukki7 secure patents Rooms --in steno Block as broad as the invention, 11i hest refereuces rich blood; if weak" will strep then , tvingham, furnished, 117g hest reader mus. regard the ► . K tl}e heart; will make the liver "yiisea l 0 Patents precured through Marion LIC Ida• Land i'urehase act as a righteous its propoi #fttlet,ipns, Ferropfie prig V.ANSTONE pion retalva rptcl&I riottce witbout charfte In p o �� DICKINSON & HOLMES over leo AeNepepers dletributtd thrcug ut and a Wise law, Which for it6 far- n11 this, and more lou. ,'erre mne W411, gARgigr p AND SOLICITOR the Dnmtnien. inereme your nerve fora, tlitd o4 It i i p , specialtyy, . rateut businem of watudae• reaching consequences historian likely y .. P .1.4 Barristers, Solicitors, etc, turersandruginters, to be Classed b the historian atiton for mental tabor, And will melte wbr ]<2AZLAy til Xoa �.t loweyatratea. itis Y g a rear leasnre. Every man woman r MARION & M"JOIST the gqreatesta6hievementsaf$ritish and child can derive benefit From Per. ,'BEA''V9H UL0091 00pa::We"P419# iringham. Potent EkPertskrand Solicitors. legislatort.- Tinquefltion4bly, It rep- tosmne, At all dtnggiets. 7-95. WING11AM. lt. t1, D14%iitstsit plN�.ar �iifit BIa1�W hlt;�M.fit".1 �14Ad r ii'OWttw *.,J priations for public works have had - IN DRESS GOODS. ss of the s aggerinig total. regard- BUYING A VOLCANO. We will consider it a favor if you will accept the invitation. y p The leaders are certainly going to be Zibelines with the .1 The value of the Mexican volcano We will be pleased to show the goods. two -toned effects. Other popular weaves are the Canvas —The Chicago & North Western Popocatepetl as a sulphur mine is Cloths, Basket Cloths, Broadcloths, Venetians, Freizes, Che- railroad has made a new departure explained in the current number of viots, Box Cloths, Tweeds, etc. We have a splendid assort- ment of all these goods in stock and although the prices have and is now issuing a mileage book at the two. cent rate, upon which Page's Magazine. Its owner, Gen. Gasper Sanchez Ochoa, received it NEW New Blankets Curtains advanced from 20 to 30 per cent. on the European markets, we can still give them to at the old the purchaser and any other person from the government in recognition of certain is Dress Goods you prices. may ride. It is predicted that the services, and said to- action taken by this road will re- suit in all the other roads running have offered it for $6,000,000—a bargain, considering the millions The Wool Blankets we Lace Curtains at from 25c to $3.00 a pair. DLi i ,OUSINGS. out of Chicago adopting the same g p g of dollars' worth of sulphur it con- soli are All Pure Wool. Art Muslin 7c to 20c a yard. This season we are show- No shoddy, no mixture, Cretonne 10c to 25c In waist lengths only. Plain flannels in all shades, plan. It seems strange that Amari- can railways can carr passengers Y Y A g tains. � Two parties are declared to be p a ard. no short wool no cotton, y in a splendid range of Fash- , g p "r Our Curtain goods are Fane Flannels Albrotross Waistin s Brilliants in all shades Fancy Waistings, ' for two cents a mile, though the bidding for it, one backed by John BUT ALL PURE WOOL ionable Dress GooCls. extra good value. Silks, Tamaline Silks, Peau -de -sole Taffeta Sicy Silks, _ Silks, an Sil cy ks etc. etc. said railways were not assisted with Y grants of money from the people, D. Rockefeller and the other by John P. and Samuel Green of Pitts- of the very best quality. New fancy Tweeds Our guarantee goes with g � = while Canadian railways that have burg. There are two schemes by New Snowflake Tweeds Now Flomespuns every pair. Blankets it Pollen Blinds, ... ... ..... .. been aided by government and by which it is proposed to work the New Full Cloth In buying Trimmings and Belts bonuses from the people, charge three cents a mile, and sometimes sulphur mine. One is to tunnel into the volcano at about 600 yards Y Serges, Venetian Worsteds. pays to buy the best. Poplin. Satin Cloth French Zebeline, Lustre Plain and Fancy. Good An extra large assortment of Trimmings have arrived g g I more. below the crater, and to remove the sulphur by a cable conveyor Grecian Cord, &e. — material. Good springs. suitable for all weights and weaves of Dress Goods. They are _- 1 carrying buckets 100 feet apart. . Satisfaction FlanneletteBlankets. guaranteed. We. the newest that money can buy. —Immense frauds have been un- These will dip into the red-hot mol- W e are sure you will put them up for you free of Our Belts are all new designs in Parisian and New York earthed in the United Sates Post- ten sulphur and bring it out, the find it to your advantage to White and Grey. The charge, g novelties. A splendid assortment ranging in prices from 26 cents .o $1.50 each. office department, and now others have been brought to light in con- buckets traveling20 feet • er min- p The very best quality. Regular buy your Dress Goods at this $1.26 Blankets for 01.00 Paper Window Blinds per p You are at liberty to hava look through our stock. e vection with the Indian lands. The uta.estimated cost of this equipment is about $500,000. store. pair, two color's. report charges that white promot- The other scheme proposes to ers, speculators and land sharks send a cog -wheel railway over the s were securing possession of Indian lip of the crater down into the sul- a lands for a grossly inadequate con- phur lake, but it is questionable if New Wrapperettes New Yarn Fruit ,"Itc ge & Campbell sideration, and that a number of sufficient foundation is available to —_ Government officials who, so far sustain the heavy support that SUCCBSSOrS to M..H. 'Mc1ND00. from safeguarding the rights of the would be necessary. For many This season's designs — Indians, have been actively en- generations this sulphur has been and colorings are ver pretty; Leave our order with a ed 't ' t d bb' g p g Y p J I We have in stock the Y The Royal Grocery Vinegar and Spices. The pickling season is now at hand, and to keep them firm, crisp and retain their flavor, you must have pure Vinegar and Spices. We have the choicest brands. XXX VINEGAR.—Absolutely pure ; free from acids, CIDER VINEGAR.—Full strength, mild, excellent for pickles. GRAZE WINE VINEGAR,—Delicate in flavor and aroma. GOLDEN SYRUP VIND, `AR.—A very fine Vinegar; for Table use it has no equal. MALT VINEGAR (Crosse & Blackwell.)—The name is a guarantee of quality. PROOF VINEGAR, —The strongest Vinegar made. ,, Tests 100 grains. at Griffin's ��1t4tiE�1t��4����1t�11�11��1��I�1�lt4t1t�I4�it�itilt�t4i�4i1�t1ttitlZ _ We Have The Stock _ Come and see our large d-.. stOCl{ O>� Wrapperettes, in all colors, beautiful goods, at 10c per yd. Flannelettes wide and heavy, reg. 12 Y c for 1 Octs. • White g 2� , Shaker, very special at 6c. per yard. Cheap Plaid goods for Com- forters. Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth, Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos- iery all go at cost, Beatitiful Black Underskirts at a reduction. Handsome cushion tops. We sell Butterick Patterns. T. A. MILLS 1111al 6-8 , i is assen e , in ro lug mined in a crude fashion, and it is we have selected the ver Best All Pure Wool Yarn us for Plums Peaches Pears y ) I I them of their holdings. It is esti- believed to be inexhaustible. Its best. Call. and see thele. that money could buy. 2 &c. We handle fruit in large mated that 20,000,000 acres are in- market price at present is $40 per and 3 ply Factory Yarn in quantities and have fresh thevolvscandalou�sin one wtra sa �onserand ton. 8ood to 30inches wideandBlack, Grey, White, Red, Dods arriving daily. Volcanic sulphur from Sicily has Blue and Mixed, g g y the interests of nearly 400,000 In- in the past furnished the principal price is only 10C a yd. dians are affected. The land -grab- su 1 --' bing scheme, it is said, has exten- pp y Also Scotch Fingering sive ramifications, and probably 1' New Flannelettes Yarn in Black, Red and Biscuits covers greater fraud than those un- THE BETTER WAY. -- Blue. earthed in the Postofiice depart- ment. Politicians and Administra- These goods we bought Saxony Yarn in all Soda Biscuits in 1} ib. boxes ........ 1oc tions come and go, but the wrongs It is well at this critical juncture at low prices offered by the colors. Molasses odas sibs, . for............2.5c of the Indians remain and shame in Dominion politics, when a costly _ factories 1n May, and we give -- Broken Sweets 6 lbs. for ............ 25c the nation. scheme is being pushed through to you the benefit of our good Clark's Mile End Lemon Biscuits 31bs. for......... .25c T build a new transcontinental rail- way—that the Conservative party yg' bu in Prices 5cI 6cI 7c' 8C BRILLIANT A splendid assortment of —Referring to the Dominion is alert to the best interests of the 10c, 12 I a c. , all colors, 5 ets. a spool. Fancy Sweet Biscuits. Government's proposed method of country. building a transcontinental railway Instead of the wild -cat scheme through Canada, the Toronto World proposed by Sir' Wilfrid Laurier says :— and advocated by the Globe, Mr, The fault of the government plan R. L. Borden, the leader of the ALEX. KELLY is not in what it does, but in what Opposition, proposes a more sensi- Fall Terns Opens Sept. 1st. WELLINGTON MUTUAL it prevents. It shuts national own- ble, equally effective and much less e a Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS. CO. ership out of the field to which all expensive method, which instead CGNTRA Established 1810. railway men are looking for busi- of building a new road parallel to �� I have secured an Auctioneer's itoenso for Heaa omen GUELPH, oxT. Hess. The fault is not that too the Intercolonial and thus practi- Huron county, and am prepared to couduot . sales at reasonable rates. Rieke taken on all classes of insurable pro much money is to be spent, but Bally rendering Canada's own road Sales arr STRATFORDONT. anged at the Advance Omco. party on the cash or premium note system. that money is to be misspent—spent useless, uses that road as a part of Scores of Business Colleges have ap- plied to us for our graduates, to act as ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. O, JAxsa Gomm, CaAs. DAVIDSON, in an effort to cut the throat of the a trans -continental system. When teachers in their schools. This is the President. Sooretary. evidence you are looking for as to the national highways, the waterways it is remembered, that the Inter- BEST SCHOOL to attend, Thousands [� JOHN RITCHIE, and the Intercolonial. The sum colonial has already cost Canada of our former students are now in busi• THOS. HOLMES AGENT, to be spent would have sufficed to seventy million dollars, it will be news life. write for catalogue. WINGHAM ONT RANSLR, ETC. acquire a road from Winnipeg to readily seen how large the saving W. J. Elliott, Principal. bfarriago Licenses issued. No witnesses the lakes and from the lakes to to the country would be, if Mr. required, /y f Montreal, or would have gone - Borden's plan were adopted. The Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro- long way in deepening and improv- Conservative leader evidently has Make up your mind to attend = �- ing the waterways of the country. thoroughly thought the matter out, RICHARD HOLMES McLBAN & 50N A party formed on the lines of na- and his plan will commend itself to L/.S%OFC $�RRIBTSR AT L►w, SOLICITOR, ETC., xxa., tional ownership may lose some old every thinking man, whether he be omce;—next to Holmoe Block now building friends and gain some new ones. Grit or Tory. All kinds of rough and dressed..,. There is no reason why such party Mr. Borden's plan is (in brief) should not attract a large body of as follows :— Fall Term Begins Sept, 1, 1903, DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Liberals, and of independent .men, 1—To free the Intercolonial from —Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, tired of barren politics and worn party political control. Commercial and Shorthand. APPLE BARRELS. ACCOUCHEUR. out cries. 2—Government to acquire the sone for Collogo journal. Qffice :—Upstairs in the Macdonald l section of the C. P. R. between Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a North Ba and Fort William im- C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRB Bay ' —Referring to the New Zealand prove the grades and give other y' President sec' Night calls answered at office, large quantity of dry hard - Arbitration Law as applied to railways running powers over it.wgod for sale, delivered. t Labor difficulties, the Commission- 3—Extend the Intercolonial to LIFE FIREDRS. ��lsga)l)�1 a �$1�110�ier of Labor for the island says :— Georgian Bay by the purchase of INSURANCETelephone Orders Promptly Ten years ago it was loudly assert- the Canada Atlantic and connect PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to. ed away"tal commercial be drivenwith the C. P. R. by a line 100 absoluteowest rates security.stAll cls ms Josephine Street — Win ham Y g mile in length, g ruin follow if effect should be given promptly settled p �I g� 4—Improve the grades of the C. McLe�,1�. Oil A�on to the proposed labor legislation. P. R. and Canadian Northern be- Abner Cosens J.P. BENNEDYr M.D., M.C.P•S.O Since that time measures exceeding tween Winnipeg and Fort William ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS (Member of the British Medical the wildest flights then projected on condition that they submit to Assooiation) (:CEXP'IR t5oYC'AFts•clave passed through Parliament Government Control of rates, and COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. IENCC'and found their way to the statute give running rights to the Inter- A.DULMAGE Special attention paid to Diseases of ,womenbook. Yet the career of the colony colonial and Grand Trunk Pacific. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT,has been one of advancing and ex- 5--Assistanneto the Grand Trunk CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN OsrlosHouus:-1tolp,m,7to9p,m.ceeding prosperity. 7.he act con- Pacific to build north of the 04na- on Town and Farm Property. sidered as by far the most experi- dian Northern on the prairies to ASSIGNEE. AE�C,O1lNTANT. W' T. Holloway menal and dangerous of the whole Edmonton. D.D.S., L.D,s, TnAlor MARK�Sbrood, the Industrial Concilation 6—.Government to build a line OFFICE.—Itt Reddenco—Catherine St. Graduate of Rgyal Oa R GN DESIGNSc. anti Arbitration act, has infinitely from near Edmonton to Fort Sim College of Dantat Qpe,1dingneke thnndooecrl ttanmar justified ;the hopes of its promoters. p surgoone oL Tor s �• t'��gIst tIg ou�I• a 1n187d(• ragCi5r tp�er ay p p son on the Pacific and give the onto and Honor �'� 0 ftb f0� e•' k #' «" Under its sx la yve have seen the y C. J MAGUIRE Graduate of Want. to asriotnpdentA. bbo 'A AI �g Grand q.runk Pacific and Canadian of Dep t of Toren• - reR'i ta oncy fa oailr�l B a on number of factory '?Yorkers expand Northern Railway running rights REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND toUniveraity, sp�wt"Wo,`t°vrlotioo'utOvAr¢�e�ul'iitiio�'Fa ie from 29,000 in 1895 to 50,000 in over it. LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods in a branehesot Sc nt���c .�m�r ran• DentiRtr . PrlaoR moderato. Satisfaction 1903. In five years the annual 7 ---Government to build a colon- Collection of Ronts and Aocounts a apeotalty, guaranteed. AwoRice in Beaver Brook. A hendee" illustrated eookll; rrmrKo.t air. wages paid in factories increased nation ripe north-westerly from ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. culauonofanveclantico journal. 7ermo,$3a from 19,537,960 to $15,472,805. fear; four montus,$L so�dbyan nawedealero. Quebec, t the requirements des and Office—in vanstona IIt7 to ARTHUR J. IRWIN MUNN &&CO 36tBroad sy, New Ygrk Our exports last year rose 26 per Y open Saturday ovoninge, 7 to 9. . p y p settlement of the country demals�l, Drench as. a* s st. warhtotttan. D. , cent. on those of the previous year, and operate it as a Government / D.D.S., L,D,13. advancing from $60,700, 130 to .076- road. J. A. MORTON Doctor of Dental Surgery of the fen. -- 873,696 in the twelve months, g..ThoI'ougbly equip the Geor- nsylvania College and Licentiate of i scan Bay porta sell the national BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. D'dntal $urgery of Ontario. --The Irish Land Purchase Bill waterways and the St. Lawrence MONEY To LOAN. OHleo over Post offtoo—wINGHAM routes. has received. Ting Edward's signa- 9—Equip the ports of Montreal, Office:—Morton Block, Wingham T ture, the bill is now a law, and will ���S S444 I,. MOORE Quebec and the Maritime provinces become operative on the first flay with modern facilities and make Teacher of Plano and Theory 1Yvr tc for 4ild ntereetiii� booka!indle6 of November next, The framing ' MISS DELIA SPARLING Y qr is 01P It ata r. t,a yep ard 4windleA• . them free Porte. Rpnd us a frou,th akttNl 6r model of yourtrt• 1 of such a bill was attended. with A T. C. M. cellon orltnptovement and weivitlteliyou rest difficult and possibly 1110 1 Toaohbr of Piano, Theo and b7oteher %ea our opinion as to whether it is probablyy g y p y MISS CARRIL MOORE atent4bls. Rejected opplioat onsbaveafleh now law will not entirely remove, It Will Give You An Appetite, Mufdo Sdothod, ai>„plex and Kittdergarton, nee» euceenfutly pproscoatZ by us. We In discontent, but it is fir long And a sEpmaoh to take care of it, a Pupils praparod for Conservatory e:cam• Teacher Of Violin and guitar, a andwaslfinlgtoaYuih�eq niite:uatoprotnptM. step in that direction, The un- digestion. thAt will 1111 Your veins with inattona. ly dispeAth work aunt qukki7 secure patents Rooms --in steno Block as broad as the invention, 11i hest refereuces rich blood; if weak" will strep then , tvingham, furnished, 117g hest reader mus. regard the ► . K tl}e heart; will make the liver "yiisea l 0 Patents precured through Marion LIC Ida• Land i'urehase act as a righteous its propoi #fttlet,ipns, Ferropfie prig V.ANSTONE pion retalva rptcl&I riottce witbout charfte In p o �� DICKINSON & HOLMES over leo AeNepepers dletributtd thrcug ut and a Wise law, Which for it6 far- n11 this, and more lou. ,'erre mne W411, gARgigr p AND SOLICITOR the Dnmtnien. inereme your nerve fora, tlitd o4 It i i p , specialtyy, . rateut businem of watudae• reaching consequences historian likely y .. P .1.4 Barristers, Solicitors, etc, turersandruginters, to be Classed b the historian atiton for mental tabor, And will melte wbr ]<2AZLAy til Xoa �.t loweyatratea. itis Y g a rear leasnre. Every man woman r MARION & M"JOIST the gqreatesta6hievementsaf$ritish and child can derive benefit From Per. ,'BEA''V9H UL0091 00pa::We"P419# iringham. Potent EkPertskrand Solicitors. legislatort.- Tinquefltion4bly, It rep- tosmne, At all dtnggiets. 7-95. WING11AM. lt. t1, D14%iitstsit plN�.ar �iifit BIa1�W hlt;�M.fit".1 �14Ad r ii'OWttw *.,J