HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 3� -14C ): t , -1 I rlp:,=,V!rllllrot��, - i �,. , I � 1. I . I .1 I . .11 ,. I I , , . . :1 .— - /� .�� � '�, ,� : . � - 1. I � .. . I * '00il I I I I I I , . I I I . I 1� I � ,, - ... 1. .1-1- !­­ I ­ ., - . -­ � � -, .W : ­ .. �� � I . .; . I I 010 0 1 . I . i 11 I1,01 I ; olp. 11 .. , I I A, � P-11"l!"O"ill I I � -1 ... ­­ . � � ., , �, ­ . - . I I � ,. , � . - � �. 1". I 1. I I - . I - -1 � . I I ­ - .1 thombolvem oil tile apparatus. lad. 'ov"o"rv�v"wo�)jj"p�ili��''1!1�l�,iiii'AI Avj""�1,11%1111,11!j �, ,, J,11'. k1jill"!'i"p Jill, 01'r lffi541r?rl)�" dermil 0114jr4osil" MFIA&ok 90A , jo . 000�=-- Ool- - . T110 loaderit are promoted stored, 'You Dol"N't Care, Eh? -"� Ing to their abll5ty and faithful-- f., �,. , Work of Farm*, roes, and they III turn have I)OWOr j I Vol), MOFA follra do, argi thlot to W10- � t, Ing -, *=Ctlrl=*=*c;=000=4mo**Q000=c=pcwocowo=00w" to ellect from their lluu Or, tile . . I I , proAdoilt, vlco lb Oro- 111111111111111111111111, IBM 4% I 0 --prwildedt and av � � - Ovildlingtoll Post.) of water on top of It should be kept tary of tile play ground. � lk By Machines., - . � ri $]I Voteran morplitne, flon(Iff, otryoh� 1p mind, In Calm a poroon Should Tlio grounds are equipped withA Z ,A, lzl�z I . I I ­- --1 � A404ow I.. '44604400104l nine and ar.ento uSors and nbandoll-A happon to swAllow polsQn by Into- large I'velve-t4ded Open air gymna- 1� I I , L41 couldno sniffers doubtless were take. Xri� such an event they should , 011m or "am", an tile boys call It, � I Farat ma'allipory may 6010.0 time low 91 the crop, which, b,y hand ro- amu6(irl -over an artto'-o that appear.' mv*ld dri0ing, wAter. Uorouver, . 140 Not Ur o1rourpreronce, In the . - . ad recently In 0, paper purporting most pulsons, copw1ally strychnine, Contra IS 4 large 110 -toot flag pole ; , . I I do, wolik for us thalt will be worth t Ciro 11 hours and by m4ohlinery, I to be tha, experionce of a, reporter morpillne and coog.Wo. excite thirot tO'thIV fVame 4114 110-0 are attsolved I � $1,0090)0,000 a Year, "fie tile or aad 69 mlnutqo. i I � in an all-nigitt � drag Vtoro, which, 461 much If not more thaff W)jIsky, ropo 144(lers" -ClImblilz poles 400 SAI I IDA %VQAA,-1A Work, V . � , t Is al- I X?*AWr A144 8*4er. 'ntortua%to rodent . ropos. four horlizontal bars, trap. . I � I . IL rcatl�, gaving us ricarly t1tria-fourtliq But It is the barveaLlng or tho two by� tbo way, ueemPtl to be doing a of''gIn. "'Tito ij. lively trade, lit furnishing all Comers tbat ha& made a meal of rat poison OzeS, flying rings, cliest baro, climb-, coylon Wr,r,.N Tea In making Japan Tea, take a baigc jKeat. Tile people tll4t Sum, lor 4% tar baok as lis4l, Wgrkai; wheat cropi, wheat s0A oorn, � , with assiorted poisons In Open * do- (which colitalas a ,very large, per- Ing pog polo,7, sixItion hoiAWntal recognize "Pure" Tea. Solid in the eamo form aa tire Celebrated l . all the Crops to IVIACII al'acilluthry Is UiAt tho groateat a4vaoice. Ill agril- vertical and slanting laddM,- Ana ft'aldelAvould bove bopil planted alld cultural incel4aalas Itas �booa ixlWo. fil of the, law,, of the district oentage of strychnine) is crazed AI)AII black tea, )ii Icad packete only. 25c and 40a per lb. By all gro- ivl�ltllivxod by hand, they would have Prowu W bor,sc#, t regulatia; tho. FsAlo -of such ?patop- ;,with,thirstAild wIll bravii-Any dall- In t1io opea space are found a � . lie Foolf-I)Itwor Cuts 11 � . . gor to obtain Water. Now, tile - . If lllv�y JU14 Lu tiveii planted AIIII of 1,11jor.Cid WI'lleat. j3ut 14 tal. horgo. back, anti two sots of paral.' 00M. MA-Aearly, �$7W,QW,QW WO410 00,11 Alk f lgj�,t.-f*ot jbwath AQ. ro.v4 the flow Among ilia flook of depraved beingo drug fl4end lol Dare. The whole surface of 7,10 . *(ea4 ot 4 Is a, great Poollolialf3t, '. � g.1ttlivrod by machinery, It ham not It'aying It ,strawn bOU144 an U . to gym" Is Covered vvith, a thlelivoilt. - - '- - '"­�---- ' -"-`�­ — ' ­ '� , whom the reporter cta,lmatj baying w1ion It.eQuiefl to his favorite atImu- Ing or tall bark, so tbore Is 110 TURNED HIS HAIR OREEN. 0iou!A1 receive a VoiA­f,1rA1fuata Course ullly ,,,ij,jj,j so uniall to our woulth# mower d9car t4o grasp, It gathers It Soon In thlif "dopo-jollit" Wns pile laot. 116( not only avoids Wasting da . trait or coot ? Are there no additional 41it it Imp ma,dol uo tile foremost 9,.- Ay,d autiIjusticAl ads It in bull, whoin the druggist pointed out as tho drug 'by takto" mvro tban. 4,# rigno of fallIng. � . — InducomoiAs to be offered to tile $,Or I III 0 1 a Oh a Ing to alm a 1,,eador be preforord. At:ehigan Audent wit(> forms tile fjjfg-40ter of tile rarmer by fri-10JI19 U,JO h( -$Al, or the fitandinK grata are 9 There Are also four large hand- curious Result of ail Application I ; " "; , " I , "" It "' a g t, * ("', I, 'y "' , a "fifty -grain wan," meaning that ric-ceBRary to produce the destred at* ball courts, Well bitilineniZed, two. . Polloworl by a Bath. I greatest number of words out of the blin ;frow mono,tonQue band -toll, takell. pff Cleanly and poured In a .when Oscar weru� out oil ft bat toot, but q1t,en thave, if liq;,d up, be, optu Of traifoillng rhigo-one eat for, I letters of Dr. Harper's nam011" Nfore tilAr"n that, it is last changing rgliu,61y stream t . nothing short Or fifty gralos,of mor -e WIll'tako Idso. than tile regular dose, boys and one lot, girls- plenty of "Did you over #we A. mail wIth green I . Lrough, a Chute, Is- plitno iviould. produce the proper bal- managing to secure the effect of tile tea � The still air of delightful stU4104 tjjo Immpm&,-jj,A Conception or agri. ter -boards, spring boards. 11tay hali-711 remarked a jusa to s, writer . W tLe wagon that 14 driven bQ4140 Intimation. III the first place, fifty. -.full qaantItY-bY swollawing coplouso -pning, ought not to be stirred by tileSO oulturo so,d tire paptora,,l and, Idyllic Sand piles, and swings, I for the ,New Orleans Thues-Derno. ter It'. But 'evely more trail thape-the grains of morphine would stop the draughts of water, oil aticate of Innuendo. and Insults. "OeUttlons that have gathered allWit 4�� , .altildren of all egos. OrAt' "I "aye A very good Srlond But D1, HAI-POr can smite placidly at lib,yrtt It ,Sir,,, tbo time or Abraham. . taCillar $Ceno of agrlrmj� pulse, ol� any person, no matter how l _Tjjpro used to. be in, Washington' Tire girls ,nave, thelp own section, whose hair flag turned perfectly tarial progmsu IS the 00)3WIlled har- , , Iong Ila or she ailghf'havot used tile A, talkative, gabby old 1,61low, who . the best Of the, loser- It Is a now Wealth, irldwstry, Commerce, ,the iestor and thrasher which Is. uwd on and have a small �uiJdlng where the green, and It In a source of great .certificate to Ills own success III gQt- obaral of mm arid even their soil- tlx gre4t grain ralichea In Callfor- drug. It Is doubtful whather there Indulged in 00051co, "a 11114 M Way thilitron play, with their dollo, called alinO7.5000 to Illm, MR all Ills boon tiug customers. 110 draws Ilk" a tijuont, are all Affected by it. -4 -9t, buylop, It &A41 then.going -to the tile ,,Doll ad . Companions hil)ve had Ion galore be. uta. An. far so t]4.,� eye tan reach are such cases. an I, Cord, nod It 's L go., inagnet, Vice a mustard plaster, like All tile great oropa are now plant- stj,004ca a 60AL or goldea grata. It , there Zx6 'they are to � w and far be- '6oda, fountain; lie ,,Would' borrow in the $maj I boyrj� section Is a bolat- 0414-80 09 It, at$ hair is 'lot green a house allre. go to tha I'led 1111mr cii and all except cotton Are gath- Isa glorious sight, thla Inini,enate p10a tween. In the second place, every sundry spoons, glasses and a PCO-- Ing appapatus,'-where, the7 gurall'boys by, nsture, but by acoldept, and to of Hamelin (Ind tile Miclilgarider c,rej by machinery. Lot us foilow it . moplitno user Xyfdwff that (lye gratn serlption knife," with which lie Would - holot' up''the sand by-� mearis of a time it will probably resume Its or. or r1p,awd wliont-the food or a. aa - s .. . Youths buys tO follow Illol- LlkO crop tin-oughout a souison's work and ilon. �WMtivg the hand of the reap- Pf morplilan will produce tile effect proamed to inix the drug with. Bads, windlass, and plenty, of wheelbarrows 1910al Color. Ills exparlence is a warn- Qlasgerlon In the ballad, "EL Harl)(Ir erl,a the efLi,ingeg that be,ye Come III Or. Where Are the harvesters 4wliol Which lie destre-s quite"as well as a, small stick of which he earrieA land Wagons ArO keort handy, to haul, l4g -to those who let strange bar. he to good," and at his advertising Ito treatment. . , , , o4all garner a crop So large ? Ueafj- fifteen or fifty. ' In hio pocket. Sometimes lie would away, the MateriAl-10 ,fact every-- bere put things on their beads. My� we might almost say, without byper- Gang Plows. of small east - A, Limit to the Dose. sniff the drug and at other times thing a child van wish Is found with- friend had viii.y. nice hair before his bole, what the ballad says of tile Most people believe that'wbon per- take It Internally, in these fences, experience. Although Ile Is compar. performance ,of his prototype: The ploughman no longer trudges crib forms, the problem of saving suah som Start using morphlone tiloy Hb soon became Such a ouisailee, The play ground has tile nuctenia atively Young, It bad turned. per- I He harped the fish out of water, slowlyy and Wearily back And forth A ciol) h*-villu Irardly leas than. the continue Increasing the dose untit It talkl%r Incessantly, and alaidug a of 'a Zoo In A few r4hbjtQl whlio reotIr whitei and gave him a verP The water rat W a stana. across -his field, 0e Ades a euilIx emptying of tho great lakes Nv.lLlx a . becomes enormous, but physicians frightful Attar oor the. druggistla. rats and guinea pigs -It IS now wait- bed Appearance. Last FAt- The milk ilut,W a maiden's breast, pluug.h with a stirlilg seat. There are dipty,r. But the istca:m harveoter die"agil's thought lie would take a That babe )tail never riane." and users of the drug know better, 9ouliter, that one after the other of 109 TOP Same kind friends to donate urday he spLal4l 12jorigba for every. need; turr caorl tte.aiAlly forward Into It. On Most all Of the floods [lave started tbe few apothecary shops which ilia- some chiplanilks, squirrels, monkeys, trip over the lake and rest up until The Villyers.1ty of �Ilcbigan cannot ploughs, stubble fi�'Ouglls, sub,W11 one isido tire grain falls In a groat Go halt a grain or one ,grain, and P-3000 this stuff refused to Hell him birds, etc.. so If you. kno . W of any, Xonday. � afford to waste time and breath lit llbdugl4a, Ploughs for heavy work, owath, It melts away before the run up�to, five, but w4erl they reach the drug. an,d after putting all of one having thein'to ispare, Induce on his Way to the train be rolmem- railing at this dexterous snapper -up pivuXils for light -work and gang m-al,.9tin advauco of tbAt in,aaftine. Oil , the 11hrit they go do; further, for Weill 'to c9nalde I a [in- then , d that be was not shaved, and or protessora and students. It must ploughs ' turning three furrowis at ! Mf, othir-r,aldi* with tire flarno regalftr- rable trouble h . 1 to pallid them along far, tile here once, �Io BlInpia are many Of thoul Ity drop sacki3 of grain, rA-ady for the the rettoon that they soon learn that ally disal-ApeaVie'd and han not been pleasure of the a . hildren. Pushed Into the first barber a Q most 'big tusiness methods with sluit- ttj� take more Is simplY a waste, Of Geah since. HE3 %�Ats, tudeed. A 1101v Tito grounds aro open air school bandy. The barber who a . ured I Inv or more effective met1jods. He Is that a boy may drive one, Plough- mt I tr. TtAr, rarb,hulan tot owing with I good material, causing them' to run terror, Togtoad, of being ashamed or days from 2.45 to 5,8() p,m., and ion woo 'one of these hatche - 00 , Ill- the acknowlPilged champion college Ing by RLaaQ to not commonly prac- M-4 teann pIvIre lip a seek filli'll with title rla� Of death without Improvlo ' lit& 41epraved tantes lie was proud ffatilrdays, Sundays slid holidays, ainuating sort of men. t th- "baricer." lVhy doesn't tile UnIver- tised in the middle west, Lut On Ithe thirit-sh(A and Winnowed wheat from Any 01) tile effect prodal.0 by- rl.v% of tht, _ fact that he was a cocaine from 8 x6m�-to 5,30 p.m. standilIg. the request of in . friend sity of mic.111gWil employ in every city great Arlwat rarrel'00 Of tile Pacific tli�.,l very Jppot where but five min- . grains. Moreover, It Is doubtful fiend, and tile first toW t1mea he on- . - � : [ for a quick shave. lie proceed in an a orps of Irresistible "pullers-ln*l ? coast It ;S common. On the t1uta U;F�.s before tile -wheat stalks Stood ,whether Such a drug store na. the tored the local dope dispensaries lie ! . I BDAy-golqlg. Aggravatingly calm flocre Is a npw opening for the energy lands of California a 00-horsepOwer In tlo,j sunshine, In the bead path I CAUSHO BY TUE HUDA,11 . traction engine 41rawinr, 21 feet Of o,)twl the standing grain and the One described above exists In the fairly took tho breath out of tile I I manner tij lather arid to ser With of college athletes and a now means — . fancy. movenientfi. (IS It there were of enlarging utilversittes.-Now York disk Dtolixglis will break tile ground 11,10 of bioan sacks has pasied one of entire district, aml If thDro Is -that ,,proprjotors by praising the virtues A Rash oft Baby's Sklawhat Often to a deptili of toil incites at the rate t Is to,say, one running all night arid of the drug and telling those about no Such things an trains to bo Son. I .1 Le greatest triumphr; of American . Alarins Careftil Mo of 45 to 60 Acres a. day. With would- mact-inery, the combined harvester tUspensing poison to every Tom, l*ew hEi econ6mized by mixWg It with - Caught. . board olouglis, designed e!19001alty and tbresher. I . And Harry-thon, It is Absurd to ,Fada. ., -During ilia sumnior mo4tbo A� ti\%ali. Ver;r $sw men, however .have tile Dick . AN AUTOMATIC CAT, for this worl;, a strip 28 feet Wide auppoee that any such scene as tile Like all stories at tile drug evil often appeaks on t,he face, neol; soft nerve to become Impatient with a .— . . can be broltien, TI r. My Ills means tha,t a one described over took place to It. ever -written. by, persons who have body a( babies and upiall children razqr.holding barbs ,. friend sub- flnglishman's Ingenious Dlethotl of man And a pair of horses with, a HOW TO BE FAS4CINATIN0. . It Is true, though what has 1611 no knowledge or tile 8tIbjCCt, title Wh'Ch IS liable to alarm the caref'41 mittod n2eekly.. to tile Blowness of tile Discouraging Feline Marauders. single mould,board plougb would — been a mystery to the police ariff writer would have ilia readers be- mother. 41t to due to tile excessive barbeir jInd �po.jitolg refused ln,vita- have to Cross a flold 28 times to do - Agi-eeable Manners are Amonn the druggists, that those whi> are Ad- lleve t1lat thb moment Urt Dope Fl, 11,04t, ,jank white not -dangerous, Is tions to haip bla, ]load shamp000d� A genius 4miling from ljorth 14011- diated to the use or morphine and land�'T,Uol sivallowed,109 4oF;6 or taken thO 00,118e Of mucli.suffering. Imme� ills race massaged and. his moustache don has been Struck with a brilliant tAo. same Work that the traction Ch lef Assets of a Woman, dolls ongine-does by one trip ot its ploughs. cocaine are gencra"Ily, abroad after his'Injeellon In plain view'of every- diate relief to given by. dusting the 'curled. it was probably In d6spera� conception of ridding back gar west 'wlio There to no more important . . A farmer of the central midnight and up until, about 7 or 8 one in, t4o drug intore hij tongue and eruption liberally with Baby's Own. tion. that the barber at the last and Outhouse roots or plillaridering uses a smalt tractlon, engine 'and a branch Of a woman's aducatIOn welook In the morning, during,whioli Imagination are Immorli%toly loosen, ' Powder, which may be had at any seized -a black bottle, and sprinkled cats, It consists of nothing more -ang of four 14-Inelf ploughs says than training in qualities that call - '13 . that it costs him fraw 50 to 62 tribute to her ilweetness. sympathy time they replenish their supplies- ed and to proccedg forthwitit to druggist , but to t3are 'tile trouble � dark.fluld all over my. frlead's head., than the invention of a fearsome p, T,jley will enter a drug store quietly, fiol-,eocate Sir "IVoinas Lipton or a medicine most be given that will It was too late to stop him. automatic tomcat, made up of a tin cents ver acre to -break his ground. and tact. .Tn bewitch loan has � look - carefully about, and make some other prominent pereon, while 0001 the o pufferer4 110 said It WAS A tonic that -would frame and covered witil a rur Cost, Ile coiisiders steam coonomicaL been the easy- pastime of wouilau known their wants to the . clerk vigion,q Or fame and riches play high Baby's Own Tablets will be found a make the laziest hair young and vig- Toni Is as black as the darkest The ploughing done, the manure over since the wpr10 began and it alther In a Whispor Or III lowered links before his mental vision. This positive blessing' In such cases andi orous; and that it only'cost jo cents night, with a stiff black tall Stand- -e -small amouint of trou- , tones. I I , Sort of stuff Is due to t will Soon 'restore the clearness arid - extra. There wag untfitag to do but Ing Up defiantly, to tile air and a spreader x .places the hand -fork and has led to no ho writer Its backache, White the farmorwith blo, but her new, mission to to in nine out of every tan stores tJl,fy j-�avjiig.1*0 De Qu1n,my's "Toureq- beauty of baby's skill. Mrkj. ClIfton grin and bear it. My friend was mail ghostly look In* Ills sightless eyes, back ,Ind lascinate persons of her Owl ex will be refused, but In 1,110 toot[', slona," prior to writing tilts story. Cayler, of Kineardine, Ont., says: j�,Aan he hurried oitt*or the shop, and which, when roused to anger, send,a pair of horses drives C a provided they are fairly well known lbaby had a rash break out byl reason >rtdi a light calculated to make even Forth aoroaii the. fields, from the In the Interest of peace. AL leading , aml drawing his Inapfiation from "my on of his ra perspired more fc rear o:f his wagon ilia fertilizer AS manufacturoi of agricultural im- their order Will be filled. AS boon thIs rource rather than. from, the liar face and all over her body,.* I gave freely . gal Ulyw,es tremble. Thr) baneful glare. as they receive and Pay for their facto as thbv are. fier moillclue, but the eruption never than ligmal. is produ.,ed by a foux-volt electric mechan!cally tipreud eveniy over Ilia plaments )lag had frequent Mali f 1*10 a shot, either Do-Quinmy wrote his famoug work left her until I gave � liar )Baby's own no cooled off, however, on the battery, stored away In that Wr- Land. Manure, commercial fertilizer, difficulties with the hundreds of drugs they are of train, wild when be reached the Pass totheir licusesi rooms or somopLace tIon of Tom's anatomy generally cornotaike, straw, lime, aj&es or young womon in his establiblilment. Where they can pi,66ra water In sit a timn wf,en the English-speaking Tablets, and after uAng- th,,m A sboi;t and smelled the salt breeze, thought oteupled by ilia dIgOStIVO organs. tltter from the barnyard are spread always about 'trivial matters, yet raoit fmd just forrupd title acilimint- time the- ra:sh entirely disappeared. I only or a plunge Wore dinner. He with greater economy because with wtth the possibility Or producing se, - arroc- of the orient, and when all the have also given liar the Ta.blets for went down to tire bath�houoe, with The general principle of construe - Keep Their Sales SOCret- barieful arid pisrulelous drugs to constipation with *the beat of resutts; tIDn Is based upon powerful ol;ok� greater ovonness, than by hand, to a considorable strike. To escape I several men from the alty, and they. annoyance and th!e rnic, ldax in Q1 tilts is that the drIfg whizvlv;tlbe. tar eastarileKs weie nA, they act gently but promptly, and plunged in. When they ,walked u work, releaEod by a lever when tile I say nothing of the saving of time - the perpetual P the and of toll. , menace he adopted thle Idea of the ptor(A willich sell VDISODS qf i,llls dleted were ;set down "oplum." Op� -always make baby cinlet and restful, wharl to the house, iiyl friend notle- tall of the animal Is moved. The clack Works A pair of bellow, with Autoinatic Seeders. . Chicago School BOard. There had sort %"Ithout 4L Prescription and to lum, botolnut, hashish (or Indian . endid medl- ad that tire, tither men ,were regard- two Icud screeching reeds, at tile been a meeting of the girl pupils cal comers Take good care to 480P Nomp), cola, etc., were .Ill one to c!nc) for young 6411dren',", Baby's Ing him curiously.. 114re you from the Tit, land made readj for the re4p, of the city normal schbol. because tire matter hidden And- Eecrot as 9IR EuropeaAs of Do QuIncey's day� . Own :Qablots -may be had from all country ?11 asked one at them. same time forming Contact to IIgIXt tion Of the seed, ma.diluery still does of the rIgId. glum and even Sullen much As live in their power, The ni-,rilcal m,p,n . are fa, . mIllsir with the djuggists at *25' cents per 'box, and The bOt61 veramda Was full of POO. the lamps in the eyes and forcing the work that i4useles u�ed to do. aspect of a leading male teacher. amount . Baby's Owa : Powder at the same as hopassed there 'was a outward a dozen long needle points, Tito sower goes forth to Bow, but namas Of the users Arri the Frtory a( 411k)"Datch physiniao ,vii,), oil ,Ple, and Which come up through the skill of His very appearance disheartened . or- not as he once did, dropping the the - they purallaise la,kVt In -a 1101*, t1q-4rrIvAI Int.0rava, VoIng a Malav price. If you prefer to or,A.�r direct turn ,basdat and some girls ilia back. The tall also acts as a I . pupils. The board Imported ani, 0,TP_,_ t y will be 'sent liost-paid on r �' a - and I ;;I,g In isfy, friend was painfully am- back' from Philadelphia a gloomi-dispeller WI)JAII Is viewed' by the police air[ Ctnwinj brttrtl-�k ,he IN' , Seed into the soil, trudging month, and III torcl,ting thle blood -rod jidee oFtIvat colpt of price by the Dr. WILIamal barrassed. 'He did not know why., he trigger and releases a hammer form- I ward and forward from dawn till to the person, of a fascinating wo- dotcgtivea Once OveTT ki of the lower J.xw of, the oat, twilight. His grass or Ills grain is man ,hoe, smile &Iona lured back er. are. made- -tQL '61ant " . 0 � , djIll tgIduiv � -,,,f,br, -Ont _It V_rA I,tA,d ,. filwXchle Cqmpany,,.13r ckvil.1%, . was attracting such attention. h-eb explodes two percussion caps Is broadcasted or drilled to wit the girl& and whose tactfu) sympa- JEIIOS� CA00.8 the 1,%tt , I , -.1. . . W It me- h-aeve tlla.t tile BitL:bri: Is sold ror le. fi.lti.t'Ah; I�IA con-unillitton and ljqv- ' . When he went to his room, howeverl to the mcinth. g1tima,to purposiev. Tilcil there are InlTa Lrmorrhoge, told bAr tb`at­Phq LOUBLT AT HOME. � and looked Into-Alle, glass, he was V,,asmade.1clianical evenness, and the machillo thy Inepired tham with a surious rre One night an experiment automatically, registers the acre- ambition. A>tfiior cirdg istares that tall polsons %volild illn In an holir. 'nit) gli-I (Ild . — horrified. nis hair 'Ifxg fie Otlyj The Clockwork was wound up and age gown. in like manner his corn -of tilts olhaxaictor Olily In quanLi"(:fi aptriallyAter of frlsrt�t'an, bour lator. ' ModesC Lifle of*tbo. President of the green. It looked like a small gum- the beast placed In a back garden. . TJw Search of the manufacturer put, up.1h ficu,led bottles. 111ija drives ,Inrp ;."O�,!�,,jllrd ot)lllrn which Do Preach Itepublio, mer lawn. It woo a horrible pro- In (,no course a. feroolofis oat of; is dritled Inp listed or planted In bills, for another sitch, charmer was tne povek-ty-striaken olk�ixj of 0-11n - , pot, onhim at dicament, He did not dare to ven� Ills potatoes are pjarited, and even promptly suacco till and she had 1pr -,azAkN1 ,wa, loose character And with chips off a tl�vlolllt-wpo liuve, b,:come slaves to ilia - TI) a P-Crcolalilty olf-Pre.9%,13ilt L',u- *ture' Into tile dining room and So Its ears, walked up to the istrarij,r MI, bnt TMW ri-Aiiii. 1, e., ll�ughlrib' Ilia cabbage, big caulitlowar and big been 'installed among the reapers4 . habit, bu.t docls not bar tile better ' . b6t �riauot ho %' iiltereFM to the ma- remained In Ilia room the entire time to give battle. while 0. dozer Ila 1 tobacco plants from the sel bluders, harrowe and thlo like but , 43aajta�4 o, aoillo-, fiends, who ai-e abli to 1 4 . jorlL*, of ,pa6ple, conisidbring that of his stay*, only venturinx out at laily friends sat around to see tile' ars, set out by. maWiiiiery, arid the a month w4xon liar Influence was INFORMATIQN WANTED.itinut t1lo m n who 111I;,,I�sllin every Way a' sal�w,lbaxle man,, night to take A breath of fresh air. fun. . I seen to be domblaot, The young buy i1ro drug, In largt. qualitit-O, - -krl- hnaneverlimr0ofPalillifflAr. Soldforil I work Is done botter than it could otlicr rWon vy,Ay tile tiLud Ii careful qo veam. Ta the beliet rpine,ly tor. rrrinpii, W114, alt"116,119h 09 Roll Qf a Small wa,sh it as rA-,ich as be would tile possibly be by. hand-flita, besides the irompii were cheerful and energetic. jo RL%ep quiet wulle being waited cn)6 ana '.voefttrg, azia unequalled its a HIA. vtii,eyarid -ckOher, 11ma rfW.kn to be tUa in feline language, the eat appears . triprit for cutili and womids. Avold sub. grealir would not o6me out. The salt to have asked )Ila Inkly friends not saving Of time and toll. Even lathe She had studied their needs, inati, upon, is b,,.o,Luse lie knows the pro- ,,tttuteit., There Is but ona 'Tal n). 11 terl finalt citizen of France, . Water liad noted In a chemical way.) to OroWd Into the ring, and to waiLch i egetable garden seekers for all tuted many Improvements, Inelud- ,firlotor .q,lll rc,ru,se to sell him any pel.ry D&i,js,. : I . PresWorit Loubet In undoubtedly a - tonic. My friend return- closely while lie prepares Toni kinds of seeds are now extenalvely, Ing tho Introductloft of mirrore and snoro, it lie Indulges In'OrnzY tall; or ­ — - .. I— - I . mail of method and a hard worker� on the &h: for used. The machines are pushed in rocking chairs for tho noon hour, .. ad oil a night 4raln. Ile Interidg to the und-ortaor. He began by walk, Buotions Itkt.%.tll4t Indulged in, by the . At 5 , 80 iA the morning he is out (,j. a bead and take a'vaostion and had transformed the dusty . auaractoi,ip described by,the so bed, ffaviner .and -sviliter, and at 0 allave lit Ing rip tol wall arid Eharplenlng his front Of the operator, and they au- nss- CALDR019 PLAN-GROUNI S. I . drop and cover tile ahops into bowl of bdautywh1are tionva reiporters; swallows the'doise at )its deqk, After hil,viog taken a until the I hall- groirs out again." i ejAws. Than lie camo back wugglng tOm&tICaIl-Y-' ­ — . " eup 49 coffee and 4 ,wall-)iaked roll. - ! all that wag loft' of his tail In an seeds At tire desired distances and the girls consider It almost a pri- i s uct& himself Ill depths and at the same time mark Viloge to work. The benefit a the a manner calculated to'attract at- 110,w Salt Vra'llclsbo Is Solving tll� ggressive and Insulting mannerand Ile ,N%;6i,ks oteadtly:.by Iii.niself until CHAMPION COLLEGE BARKER""' re of Ills silent off tire next row. eatabli.sliment of the fasoinating tcmtkon, and caugo people to fiasPaot sl . Bad RoyProblew. - , 7 w,lien ble three Seer& . tarlea join 'took the m-easu. enemy. . . W , , — I With,ut the slightest provocation Promptly after the crop Is plant- peace producer to many timeagreat- . that the pbarmaciat to furnIsbin$,,p0I- . atin with tile morning post, which ?Ibute to Dr . - They (W. 11, T-1ntto#,, In the' Munlicip-al consists -of from 7OU to 1',�,00 let_ . The New York San's TA I he fl*w at the automatic oat, re- ad come the Woods. .onea meant. or than bar cost. I oon to Confirmed, fiendg. ., �; c,. arper, of Cilleago. moved a lump of loose hair from Ills Curiowdy enougli, druggl�ts Of thin - Journal and Eugl-neer.) . I tqnq. These are, opened by his secro-.', I I R I the hoe, blistered .b&ndg, weary 3,1lich the same Idea has occarred tattw and such dff- require oeficia � back and broke his tall In half. backs. and, In a wet season, a long .to ail occasional summer resort ellia,raotor are twice as sensitive 1316u'l All 11houghtful people to -day ad- 1 I' Tho non. vioya nussell ldeoh!em, t That 'endrid the first round, but It and weary battle. To -day the farmer man. He has engaged the fasebrat- , . .1 . . anxionts it) avoid lauslitclon as thosa mit thatt a elij!d, I u III . ay I . e quite as replIes Are read..to tire. President tormerly Toppan professor of Iaw was only the signal for the tIn tom I has choice from a graa� variety of Ing, resourceful woman to under - who refuse to sell poison other than � wbordletateo the anmverB to a Short' � to physicians. portant a part of hio edacation as .1jaml ,Ivrjtj�r, , I . In tho University o -i Wuhtgan, )lag eat to get Into action. The talt f -x: I cultivators, either guided b take the entertainment of Me by tarqscription or ' been induced by Dr. William Poir, pleded the percussion caps in tile the drIver -w%lking b a h I n d !- - cra rl� la'2",- guests, It Is her part to study iIto Then, again, tho drug fiend Is very the chUdia sfull In fact the hours I ,A�Iti a lie rati.real for breakfast alone the driver well amaral tba.t JiLl Poison Is worth . an,tago with, Almol.- Louibot. This, is Invarta- n.ey Harper to ouilgrato to Cook cats, mouth with a sound l: esembling 's with wheels and a Best, tastor, of the Important ladles, to � of play afford sci county And become a inembor of jjl,tt of ti, 4.7; 'the electric oyes'riding in front. Thus corn and po- bring together suclif as are Oon- llttlo�lwltljout �Ava,tar, ., Tor toaching Important truthis, that bly a plain m-eal, the President hav- the faculty of thf-s law school of blazed out like Ladygral(b seareli- I tb4toes are r1ged tip and the ground genial, devisp. various pleasures and I Water &Ids th3 Pals ji.� Cannot be had in wbat f6i kno*n as trig no -taste for the elaborate dishies roll: wilich Ills country is famous. The tile. University ot Chicago. Dr. 11ar- lightFi, wlille heartrending alirieks'is kept clean and In good condition. generally to see that thiere Is no The famt that POIBOA, acts just this school life of ilia child. a an ON - I bolt&c thAt a Oag,ail study Of,' tweal iover, lie hurrtodly mans the par, perhaps ilia beet, most blial- rent 0-1 air with the bellows Inside, - There are hand cultivators, worked dulness. Sh in r the return of . twice oo quick arid much nlovq pow the .work goAft � oil In the pulbUll, morning papow, arid at 0 o'clock re- nesslike and most successful of ad. ' anti tile needle points got their on the oame, prhicIple as tire hand- tile gneets for thia next season. also grfully when the . a I Sir drInks A. lot burns to !Ills desk to fin,iqh Ills cor- , vortialng college presidents, ,has 1.1tailless onds Into the Ilve oat. Iseedors, arid there is a great viLr- tile 9100in-VAnIshing womiall: taken . � � play jKround will convince any one cleverly ,'featured" Prof. Mechem. wimin a few seconds the garden tety of hoes, rakes and ploughs for chalgo Of the Social features of . . 0,11 QZ importance of this, question. respondeneri. 0 ; . � U the -children are brought Into At 12 volook lunch Is sal-ved, and XTIOwing, that competition is the wag clear, and the palit-faced pussies th cultivation pT aficalat crops, rallwaY ex.etirstons across the coin. , . I . life of trade and that advertising ware tearing off through the quiet j which have atipplantod the old band tinent. in several large depart- � . ppoper contaol; With example,o OX by this time Ilia correspoAdence, Is of home comforts. I tools on the groat seed farms and merit fitores she Is a knodel forthe I . Rght Emial relations, of tire rights complete, The preavlont allowe pays, Dr. Harper has sent to the F,treets in scarch , ,�, I senior$ In the la;w, selfool Of the it wag more than a month before market- gardens. fashionable hostess In, that decor. , at each other, or the. right to trae l6.m.9e,.V one hour Tor the mid-day .111 But, it lavrileft We. come to the liar- ative department Intended to Me- . I eal and them Is at work again tilts University or 111010gan a circular , they ventured to poop over the vvil �. �� tbe, apparaturg,"providdil for the com- m, . I Ion aw,eat with thlat seductive and to sen It the black terror was still - vest that we find the greatest mar- . . � - . mon good and the right use of all time attilinding aoine eta -to funet � play completely furnished oult000f � I theIr privIlegea, they are bound to or receivin6- tile many visitors who suasive eloquence anti entreaty or la,possesslon. I I voia in mechanical Ingenuity. Every rooms. Ifer reception of possible . . I I grow up Into b6tter men and wo- Call upon him. Dinoor I& ready at r! which he is the lireatest living one Is familiar with'the mower, the purchasers add to the pleasant im- .- . , I "Chidago UniveraltY Law Boy,s Pollateness Paid Him. tedder and the horsorake to Save the pression made by the voolus.-Clixt- . Mon. . o'clock to Elie minute and [a served master, . I I � In be play ground At Sevimth and Ill tile lofty dining -room at the ,%ohooll tfile circular says with a I "An AmorICAn friend had toldine hay croo. To these have been added, cago Chronicle. I , 1.11mrrilson otreets, $An Prancisco, Elysee, overlooldrig the luxurlorru quiet pride, too high, for arrogance, that I could trust no one In New tII0 hay-gatbarer and artacker. Her Sympathy. - groimda. Milo Prelildeat has a great "Will have thli famous Prof. Mach- Yurk," said tho tourist from drawn by, borses, and a press operat- . � �. . � � there are nb stpeetal.. or privileged dislike to illillub; 6at, and prefers to am on its kii,eirity, beginning next i Swe- I Chleago POSL I L I I � caiaractere, e.ch And'poot, Jew and , don. "He advised me to take care ad by horso-power. . I I Ix - ba,all vA the evening .meal with (ember. Prof. Meellem's X&II10 at , of my ,money unless I was .1iiingh To.hurveat and to press A ton of "What's the matter?" she asked. I Gentile ,in jildlocrimInately to .v -So , 115 1-2 hours "Nothing," replied the departing . trig wjTei unless some guest has 'been li? . - A--,. . . li, And,th,da, a-3 lits' privileges Milligan needs no couituout. Unde to Pay for my experience. . I ray S, hands requires I 011th" they are equally enjoyed .1ionored with, an invitation, Here ' him facIlIV.no for past -graduate I 118 ful wItir of labor; With modern inaclilner,v, 11 caler, severely, Itexcept ibat your being free agato tile tare provided to very p' vo been extremely care dog Iwo bitten me `� .. - Alone pradom-1- ,ta In iwork will be offered at Chleftgo." &ceptlon hours and N minutes. Tho grea-test ,l, ,� by all, The goicit land apidom:ronslats of more a ,Could a hint be gentlar, an Invi. one e*. al IS In the cutting and the our- "Ohl" She exclaimed. "Poor I)jdal" I . n4tw, And as there is no smoking, light ':* tation more discreet ? Chicago is I "I oat oil -a botich In Madison I � I ,. 1, ... . . . owearing or bullying allowed, the three c0llrs-00 With .4 . little . . tile other day, when. a .1 , .. I OWrOt, I I t6 have tile famous Prof. Meolleux, 8quar irad, ragged little boy Caine I I Owildren are removed froul tile dAn- b,tght2-0 I gar$ and tomptations inci Thu rest 401 tlitr 'evonhig. Elio Pro- Tire mention of the larit to enough. running up with a bundle of news- (3lay in the public otrecto, and thus sW,ojl,t devotes to his own amuse-� III tile -gr"t days or tile inedlarivat papers, I bought One, lMadInglilm �� there, lie added security loot oilly to ment and citt-vor goes to tile opera universities atudellty would crowd ' a Biliousness Frol-11 the Liver tire public, morals, but to life and Or ispwidg. the time at home lit refid- In droves after a favorite teacher, ,quarter tit payment. I 11 hain't got he change,' lie Said. I I!mb eug volt. trig, playing ti,ja piailo, on In a quiet front Oxford to Padua, from Sala- 11 'Then go and got changel I . The -good results; of this mingling gairibu of billiards. . Ila Is; passionalo- Tualiax to Paris Di�, Harper 10 a I told him. Miss Alice M. Stifithi, of S . togethee'aro Already apflaront In ly Jord of mitale, and bas composed acholer ail !Volt AS &C advertiver. i "Ile hurried MwAY and Was sOdn tho att!l . of many, bf tho boys at vai oral plecos of merit and sings well, lie Iwo a genial desire to do gand I lost In tire crowd. it man sitting A Common and Distressing Aliment Which Is millilleapolis, Minn., tellag, It th-10 ,district, Boys that were care- bfille, L*ubotj likewise, bellig a pro- to Ills unfirorsity and th-:) Iroat or' . wolnatlt"� livionthly suffering is- lel tbelr manner or dress and fletoril musician. 1110 19 6,100 & Student (-he wbrid. Ir he Imports tile taill- ! noar me oil the bench' exulted and Promptly Cured by ' ? remarked, 'Well, 'you 061-0 easy.' . . rreeh and, In the babit of loafing of JPr,onel-A and tinglisIr standard lit- ous Prof. Mochem trolu: 11111 Arbor I `Intorested In my paper, tile min- , I Ang to know lie .h,ag, a right to expect th. t ermanently relieved by Lydk . , Ity atfeete, Are J10tv to bor seen 'with opatupol, ujild It Is Interest & Ann - tot; slipped away until I lisd for clean hands and f4cost, Clothes brush- trat lie I,%; a great Minivor of Shakil,- Arbor Will -11throw sonia business his: u and t rinkhWWOOgetable Ompound. . I gotten ail about the boy N DR. CHASES KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS Old And a-horis cleaned; In fact, thloy p3wee, Milton And Dryden. Xot - way", A* I woo folding up tho Pa- l' I hNve uover before given my an- - ItAve, hemno -so Improvoil that thoy IlInny p2oplu call rculto Paradise it; tit painful to ,sale the Spite nod coin" (loratmentp 1or any Wedidi have ottten 'rWn to "1114afto boys,, t,ost from cod to end, but President soalou lieb tile De. por to go, fie came running upto ' We but 11 rago with wil me Again, hot and breathlops. I greatly LoubOt. w Sam to bo one of them, trait roe Press receives this cir- 11 . lore's ,your quartorl lie valid. ,4DIllourmepw, is tho one L�dia 315% rinkliam's Vog�UlAe .n tire groundo, 4n: honor r, Compound has ridded So much th my -might. I -ITP ontortalaq but little and (a not 'bular of the beet College drummer I Wprd, complabi and eick headache for ova* life and happiness that I feel Bice mak. San V ranclsoo Should hia,vo Am ton(I of ,society of any kind, Ha III, Ill tho country. Wo could forgive 'Pay me to-itiorrowt. I can't gotno used, by most people 'to describe three years, I am, glad to testify , Ing an 0,1ception, in this ease. yor two . mally play grotindy as Wo have Ij,owlever, a great believer Ill; tile an- a manly oorrow for tile departure charge*, to mV appreciation of Dr. Chased "Tilt, Incident impressed me. I tibeir troullile wivea the liver gets out Widnoy-Liver w0lis. At first tbejr 1tars every month I Would its -to two � school building% nnd each !should nuol ljoll(lair, and NvIren lie eliakoo of tho famous Prof. 'Mcchem, but turned to tile man Oil tho bench or oi,dor, le&veo bile and brin4p On voemed a little strong, but beling both 0,78 of zeyere Plain, And Could Itad. lad be tit Ohargo� of competent Ifistrue- tt,p Auat of Pn.rto from off lit$ feet Puch Coarso language as follows and remarked Nvith some satleac- I elck headache and irritable tenixter, searching And thorough In their IW - V hile visiting a tots, W,ha tot only know Alow to ujqlIajIV virilta 1.18 old home at Moll- makes aft shnittler. tion. 'And yet tion amply repay any Inconvenlone* hletlea. bAtt; can upill't thil J,01111)ar, or goes rhootlok over Ills ' ,, This patent medicine stylis of YOU SAILI I war' stomineb troublea and irregUlariticir Irictid X ran aeross LY41% JM PI eavy ! You see, tile boy Is lroliest.',od ,tile howellm by Altar raulkta, I ant teeling better katn's Vegetablo Colnpourrd,- children by komlig Into personal Nvicli'stookerl Covertti at Itambotill- uriReralty advertising Is character- 11 11 did not Bay that the boy Nvas reoplo WbO stwer muoll trom b-11- in OVery Why Aled MY beadachiew bayto contt it x4th th"In. lot. Ito J,u a (;p1enl Hhot, arid whon latIr.- to Chloilgo, Ilarporosqua, In *tie haA used It with the beat reliultq it I diallorv.9t., lie replied. 'but I did lous,neas became pale And, yellow In entirely 46,gap eareJ. Dr. CbAso*g XI& tmd advised me to try It. I found �Wlj t hIldron, ,lodd 1.9 fulT. pare cla4l, It, Ills rjhoOiII1g-jLeU3t- Of ClArk olort, to, the 1 -1st, least dotall. Only say that you Nvoro easy, and thoi . ney-Liver PM aro wrtainly +jI# that it worked wond6rs With me ; I , and 6111111110, And for till-.; purpose graV% with leather galtor# and pealc- In the Itockatellor Institution of Complexion, Irrit4lble and morose In now exporiew.'a no paint and only. had Ll.o public play groutill wits fitted &I 4ap; a lipmrs tho mail of tile P,'-iopla leatillill; and all,11.1'ed fakill"; wo-uld proof of that to that you 119TO'dispositl6n And are liable to find bl I ever used, and I freely ro4 bort up, It to a public place, mainto.M. Ign uvq,d.7,stjonnbIy Im go In Mao a it be liosailil'., ,%. protossur iroin the mado hiliv A preaent of the quar- 1th,0,mMIvCV,&m6ilg the chroate grum- 00mmod them." , to use n lcw bottIcs. to bring a ter, W1110h, Is just what he Intended' to Whom. ilothilis selietriff to go After all, It payo to stand by tll* this *dnderfut chaTigo.11-Mlao AtTeL ed by the ta,xpayors of the city. boxar of *,onto skill, ail -I ol'ton vqy,inda University of MILlilghli goes to tire that you VhOuld do.' tx4ed and Proven mediclues Instead . . vdl- M11,131 Id. &-arn, $01 TbIrit Ave., Houth Min- Theie to 110 charge rot, "taything a..b. holls, ivith th-, glovosl In friendlit UniverNity of (-Illeegor, and form t.1toally, 3-oti Now, Yorkers are All Tho troublo beglim with tbo liver ad Viiilngng aftor every new -tangled ties'polis, Alinn. - $8000 htfflt �j olfflwal el but tile rwoo oil the donkeys, 1111d contest WItIV An old nequatutaitc.,. - stely it prize huffer adverilsing cAm- (11plonlato of cynics."-ChLcaga, %Taur- botoi;oIlle torVid and ,Sluggish, In 40-- troatiatilt that is bronght out. Vr. above lettt? 00014,9017141fiN100 cft?'Ot bit PPOA,ted. ally 01111d Is entitled to all the pel- i ,nil,3 prOj,jitlent lit not A. rjc�j in", tialgti to Inaugurated to Nitleo Ills na 1. tilo.ii, and disappears When the IlvOr C -11,500's XId"P.V-%,ITOP Pills! AVO 000. . * hitt tjji� IIII114 life lie leadi; fit lit Upep. students to folow h.m. Oil, - 'L' 't Wolldoru ,11,any Vvolilen Sirdfitr 811elitly 011904 Of tile Ill" - � "Oves ",I, r1gilit. Dr. rhasewe KI(InPY- ddel woll-olgh ludinooll"o In atId gee their bastglfts fade away. , Tho groutido are III I,hawim of It Ing with 111A nwanit. Iro )a, It-, * orily that the 11arpo,r 17ifterAty con- I Ift set Lyd4l, U- P1111clIall1*9 Vegetable flick"Jil cOrps-of bova and glrlRs who 000 A ypar for K4 qr*rvIf%fl to tile tente(i itf)zsIf ,vvitb mt�rely offerin.-i, Liver vr�lhq eilare billousnoos Promptly, thousands of the beat 11(5mell. Thoy, (10111polind pirtheo file entiro f40- - littiver charge of ,liffurout seetlons, ,giato-ri,ot an exorbitant nirm-ant, Prof j8jevh,qjj1s luxt-graduato dours's netweell GIA 1"Pitirlds, baleawo oir taleir d1rel actiou oil tlljn ota)ftd supiftio air a reliable faml1r, wa16 orgaidsm. heattlity. sild all d1s;ordntiy coaduct IS linine- rooist-tUtring t4o power lit) WhAds, and in, the Atilt ,A rbor wll:ors. What was ,,go be, klowd yce, did be tit Ilver. They tboroaghlY re,00YO All modiclac. Ohe pill a dose, 0.5 ica*U r tj 11latbly , rtported , to tile ouporin- tivi oxtenf of thn coulitrV ov,,sr whWT tho mattor with (1111capWa prem'.uIll If Y138.11 ; t � the, ayruptorne be0alift of their Card- a bol, At all dicalcro, or r4matit0a. 0`091E APVIC9 TO WOMI toneloat. - . Ill'i litto to I -111n. nat na lie rtn�e ro- dolArtuient ? Vott"41 im linaln('80 ,'till- " I'M aktOIIUhPV' hined action on tbe kidneys, 11M Batw & 0%, Toronto, To prottot , 11 so was 1. 'S�Ull ce - mot IAO In and b0l yock agairst ImAtatlons, tho poriA Mrs. 111111diffill Will giVO, eVieky tilille, ditty or ilia badgo boy or lil:triotil 1-t h.ve no wislif to he r1th. ftlicib be fornw.1 wlill allo ot ChIcAgo'n -ti, Ill' - . - 611ing v,Vt)jnan evpert aftift eij�- ,,,Irt to vot 111111111y -to act as st mon- T *nl$# w.Int to Ile ItarMy, and as I tallied 111(111400-4 hs- wlil,�Tl tht"t MG111- it dark eorni)r of tit.! plapra, and-" gro. FAulk"or, 8 Gildersleeve 'PlAi0e, trait iind algoaftre of Dr. A, ,W, drely free. lihe has helped thou- Gr or polle-inalt. bat to hall' cAd Myt% haplAriess, I know to hIrtber 99,11 Ntlld(ln� %1-11,0 i-0--iltlid NO Thany 1,01i t III a, dai: k varnor I That o:X- "VOIAO, 04YN: "Aftft dottorifig Uharoah thar himioltur Iveelpt book Im, I 1,V tb0r, Ate oln oVety bOX, � j , i I son& Address Lyno, 31ass* I o1loourager iho othors to enjoy ambitlorur." I WWAtV Of &�-�'lnl 9)'14 I'MATY 160AM11, 4 . W#110KI;t nko"N tor bIltottatlimill, IIVL . \Alna it.,, I . . ­ . 1. . .. .­­ , -W.l."', -1 . . 1. ­­­ - I -A""L l - -, � ... ­-­­�,­ ..Al- ...... ...... .. 1- -1. 1- ­ ...... �..�..,.--�."..�-..,-.,-......-..� ., ­.­ I �