The Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 2- ow, - I .­*_.j=�r_____,r�-__= � �� M -_ ��!!T,= " ­ -- - I - . wom— 4M , ,! VNIM M. - I I I I I 11 1. . I .. . -! ­- - ,,i . 6 . .1 — I ''I I I . . I . 1. ___ I I,.,- 11 _-, ---------------.. ._1m_"_"..;_ ­ — — ­ ­ — ____ __ .. I . t�_�..� � - . I _ I I ! � � I I - I � . _­_. ­ - I . . . . Have ready In a oAuce#a.n a table- - An old maid wito Ono wh. all trUly brays mon. is not 4 subjecit ., , Xt , 0 .-V - - � gpqoa of flour cooked u iltil it 10 Couldn't. Ile err 04 — dildwv �s of personal boastfulness, but appears _111� % ;7:22�Nfl � .. fill , -1 IS an Old maid wl1O IS IT WELL ghtly brown In P, tablespoon 01 'A bachelor gli Oz- . �5 —or I I butter. Turn In tile hot Stuck and ii6atriveg to 1g8t OnOUgh out of W� - - . �d , * WITH OUR BOYS C,1400L. only when circumstances Incidentally .. 11 I . f � . bring it to tile front. V I - . I I Imtopoo so that eyq,yone kno"Valshe David ham tho greAteot respect tor e I I toxnat000 and cook until they tlllcl;- .. 1 6 001111 I" i I .1 � , I � little onion a), - wouldn't II&TO to marry) either for a By tile Itily. nomas 13. Gragorre RNTMN&TIONAL IJUS$011 NO. 1.11� God's; anointed. Saul had grievous- �� I I on. A loula be Cook home or an interest In llfe-­wlfew — � I oes, but It should -%,.%,,Wb,,%W,W,%"Wib.11%leell,q�& I IN* wronod'him. and had repeatedly I / �- 79 - ,__, - . _NJ V ed with the tornut 1.01111h, I . , " %0? ,�, ,�5 i "o I " '% , N., � , 1�� . ..... �� �� 7. 4, I/N "�=�, -W�� - - AUQVIST 00, 1003. _ -__1_1 ..-. . I not give a dilitinct flayor. Ir Ito York Times. - i4temptisd to destroy lite lite; not , , - -_ __N . - for any wrong David had donot him, . - -1. _ - - - � �v � presenco can be detected the cook- - -'a-Cics- T,o confoola that P00.10 not Inter- t),%Vld $parts ftul.-J Sala.'.N: 5.12,21-23. *--, I I . � ��l I 10491alons, Vads and I VDI) , , I Waage, 110 WAS JeMIOUS � _� I � I � Ing lacke delicacy. Without It the ­ CommeAtaxy - Connecting Links. 4 Ar-) Overa xl In the boys Is tO confess tllv-t but Solely b . .. soup lack's snap. Us will be taildo of tbo oamo oste I - 'Ono Iq not Intorostod It, the future - ; DKt­ , k %N'hIIq,-Da,vld waP an 0,410 Ile toor., rer- of hint. No disposition to rctu,11010 . ; I i I _.� I . car, wl tb, per was aroused in David by tills COU- " ; i . - ­ __ , ", materials as last Y ago In a caye peal, Adullam. Only two , 3 . t haps, an additional patch on the O, one's country or race, . '. I fultus 60tuh from the valley of r1ah. duct. elleve, DxvId possessed - � I i 0 THE FASCINATINQ WOMAN knee I The men who, In .the u6xt genera - where Gotla,th wao islain. and only . -. � , I .. . !� .. I :1,4641oolis will be tion, are to make or unmako tile thirteen miles woot of Bethlehem, of more than average mental aca- N 1�=v I I .- . � This seems to bD a very populAr arti- I— . MIt 11 All of his conduct Indicates I I . tIAS AGREEABLE MANNERS etc of a" � narel witil the male Box. C(>untry, to, be Its glory or Its where are xiumoroas caverns as 4P tills. � He bad shown, Idnisailt a 8110, WouilerfuL, Indeed, Is the change In' a hollagd. bag, May c0ml) next. U.s am ordinary Cottage. "Being near vessful warrior. ,Us bad slain Go- w ilia boyhood's 119114es DALVId W48 prob- that has been wrou.-lit In tile Posi- '51".1 form. a layer of their a it, ably 'weil acquainted with liath. His praise and prowess had which% cant be shared with the brush be this env- been Filing by the natioll. Ile had tion of ftussla-s women during the and comb and sponge bag. r orn. Heire, there ga,therod around blut a, large band of d1monteated people. licen made a member of the royal last two hundred ,years. Few rUglish Then linen and woolen underwear. ev mostly victims of Saul,soppresslous. household. Ile was 8011 -in-law -to tteople are, porIlaps, aware that it between -whI019 allv jewelry you b . at com- may be taking can be placed; also cc and of the growing discontent with tile king. Ile bad been anointed by was Peter the Great who fir d -glass, scent botttlea, or th Ills rule. on account Of his recurring &-valuel. Notwithstanding all this, alanded that Ills female subjects b else of 4 breakable na- tu Irwo-sysms of Ins"Ity. and conse- nothing In his conduct Indicates self- anything � Inability to rule Ills kingdom seeking or any Wort on Ill,, part chculd drop the eastern veil. Yet ture. a qucut dred years The dress skirts come next, and ol W111. Tal numbered 400 at Tirst to do aught else than let God choose such Is the ease, Two bun oliould be folded at the hips, So as p (I. Sam U. 21 amd. later on, OW for him in all things. ago the position or Russian women to got as much length as they cam a, tIL $3,m: xxv. 1% ,xxvli. 21. Among DaNid's unwavering faith Ill God Is differed very little from that Of I)o not turn them inside out. Jack-- Ir �heul were his own parents and bro- manifest in all that lie did. lie glad- thors-whorn Saul probable Per&--- their sisters In Constantinople. Every eta and Capes (ollew, the former h ly endured all ;he humiliation and lying flat on tilqlr backe. ,wltlL tile, ei cated on ogeount of Daxld-tbe Pro- hardships of a fugitive until God house had Its women's AP41'talOut", pot Gad, the high priest Abla.tbar. sleeves laid acirosa their fronts, In the son of the high priest Allimelech should set Saul aside without any quite distinct front those or the men, Capos should be spread ontasmuch P . I 41. Sam. Xxii, 22-t.13). and Ilia nephew interference on his part. He rested and with tile exception of her near- much as possible. � . Ablablial, alterlvards a. great general In full confidence that in God's good eat relatives a girl never came Ili The tray Is reserved for hiats, t (L Sam. x:xvl. 6). apd. eleven mighty timia he would bring these things to contact with men before inarritiV, dress bodices and sli,?ts. tind tight, t men of valor of the, tribe of Gad pass- excel)z Iii cases wkere Intrigue ma.&I Small Things, such as volls and veok- 11 (named in L ellron, mil. 8-14). 1 who of the many lemns that may, be euch a thing possible. Stolon inter- toeg. I p were men Of war. lit for battle. that drawn trora tills Sketch ef David's views took place, or coarse, and many Tho bodleps, will repay any trou- e e,)uld Itamd1s; shield n.nd buckler, life, one or the most Important is is ills ta13 I have heard from Ilusslan ble spent nVon them In tile way t whose, ftwels were like the faces of that of letting God choose for us. 17ps of the hairbreadth escapes, the of Stuffing with crumpled paperby h 611ons. and were swift as the roes 11ow many lives are full of unrest nig-li walls that had ta be settled, emerging uncrushed at the end of upon the mountains." ;Not long alter liceause of what they consider a lack and even of the brides that need to the JoUrney, hs, wais joined by twenty-tbree men of opportunity for sorvice. IlOw be carried off in the night I Long gash ends, If attached to, I o! war from Benjamin, armed with many are unhappy In the belief that The graceful headdress worn by the. bodices, should be rolled tip, b-yws and able to "use both the right their abilities are apt appreciated tile Empress and tier ladies at cer- ans bow-loopo Ought to be stuffed 'a hand and the left In hurling stories as they should be. How many tain Imperial festivals is simply a with balls or paper.. and shooting axrow& Out Of a bow.' " preachers seek lor themselves a remnant of ills ancient female dress. it tile hints are trimmed with up - 1. D&via in exile. Mesa long Years wider field, not for the glory of God, There atitt exists in the villages tile standLng feathers It Is better to of mile must have been hard Inaeed but for personal aggrandizement. All custram of sezu'llng tin olti -woman to take theni out and let them travel for David to bea,r. and 3ret they wpre these should learn from David's tire, uegotlat,-- a soll's marriago with a flat. . t Important yearo to Ills life. The Lord the lesson of quietly resting In neighbor's da,ughter. Oki habit it; tva�q frequently seen fit to give those God, and of letting Him choose for stal istrong In the villages, and It Is HANDI)AGS STILL whom He hap Intended to perform Pre. J. Emory Coleman. not there that we mur4t look for Some Important work, just such a tb --,-- - signs of female emancipation. The THE RAGE. ,severe training -Moses was forty turdy droshkv driver wbo take& you years In the desert and Paul wus. FROGS A FAVORITE BAIT. Blarc-ugh the streets or Petersburg. or WM craze for bage does not abate. three -years In Arabia. These Years . — moscow. .uas In all probability left ; & womaadrew about a. hundred ad - with David were most fruitful "as %Vlieri Spitall and Green They are lit ilia yc.unW .wIfe ill the country, in jacilves in the superlative degree In his; apprenticeship for the kingdom. Great Demand Anion -g Anglers. the lionie- of Ills father and mother, about as many seconds from a group w% his ;;�oolg and schoolmasters." I whom hhe enjoys a position little or women tLe other day when she if. Saul's lite In David'a power The angler golng, out for a day's Ishing will commoill.r abo, a that of a 41ave, a drudge In the displayed a gold bag, caught tOgOth- (vs. 5-12). David. with GOD men, was or a week's I houkielioid, witii no, money atid no orwIth, a diamond and Sapphire clakp secluded In the hill of Hacldlab. take h:s fro�,j with him, and lie frm,dom. Hear baby, If she has one, -and the Stones wore small ones, too The Zipbltes Informed Saul as to should know how to select them, for David's whereabouts. whereupon uuan his choice of balt will depend is i,uspended In a basket froul the -for wLich she had just.pald $I, - Saul took 3.00 ochosen men - his largely W -s suacess as a fisherman. I rafters, ,%vh.Jc its mother tol:s Ili the ,ro(). . , flehili or does select Standing army -and went III Tht� inexperienced man wants as the bidding of a :Iarsll Big? No, indeed. It was just large search of David. When David heard much frog as he can get for bill; mother-in-law. If she has any COn- - enougl*, to hold a few notes, a change , at EGLatio,i) at all for her hard lot it' pail -x,, a few cax& and a handLer- of Saul's approach he sent out rLioney-all sizes of them selling spies to make sure that Such was 25 cents a dozeii--so he will take Is In the reftectio,11 that S110, too, chlef. the biggest in the box, which Is - a may Eome day have a step-dr,11,91ttOr , Vio clasp on the latest novelty In the case. to it.' -treat. But I ,.tin forgetting- ttiti bag line, Would puzzle the clev- 5. David arose -Probably soon mistake. I after (lark. Camp to the place -Da- In choosing frogs the angler should a Russ'an friend has'assured me that ' crest (r, pickroeketv, says an Rx- vid was not content with the report remember that the smaller the list- the peasant has not yet aubleved the cl.,alige. instead of being on the top of his men; he wished to survey te'r. This is tru power of reflection � Yet I know of the frame, and sexy. to -pull Open. tile situation -with Xs own eyes.- larger than the first jAnt of u1nan's from my OwIll experience, ever and it U4 ot. the. under side, and decidedly Terry. The zrenclic--�1;illa place of mumb. Some men contend that the over again that tile 11ussian peasant hnrd to work unleas one has been in - se docs possess the saving gift of humor, Idated. The beauty of It Is that It the warrone."_R. V. l sufficient 6-8. Abishal ......... Joab - rrhese attention and that the bass cannot Can there be humor without the I,,; r. -o constructed that- constant op - men were brothers, David's neph- -1:C-1 them n. .sufficient distance away ' power of reflection? ' enthg and shutting will not weir It ews. sons of Zerulalt, Davld'E; sister. bur a bass lit common bass water A few years ago it was a trie ap liappens, to the ordlilarY clasp. ZAb1shal disUnguished. himself by w:11 w. it frog- of that size at a 611TIE19; that 11ussla had no trilddle- The head craze has extended to the saving David's life in one of lite -- ddstance of twenty fe%-t, and hit at clu,sls -. but to -day all that Is ch%ag- handling, or at least to Its handles, Philistine wars (11. &%in. Xxi. 17). *it. to<>, it it is hungry. Ilig. A. rich and influential middi3 for the -very s,wellest how have Joab was put to death brSolomon's The small frog Casts bette-, going cleas Is rapidly inaking Itself felt. cl)ai" of beads, instead of links of order (I. Kings, II. '29-34). His _�-uL well with tile line, and striking - Purely Russian this class 'cannbt at one sort or another. Bags of Int- spear---A*When David and Abishal the water with Uttla splash to alarm present be called; its members ,ire - parted alligator akire are quite the reached SauPs camp they saw the fish, and, what is more Import- largely of 11r,breir and German ex- rage, and iliose or pale gray. moutn- ba,-zs takes it is at one traction. With hers and there a IItxle cAl with silver of a clull gray flulsli Saul's spear stuck In the ground at ant, the ry In ilia head." It was the eastern for guip, permitting an almost Instant Tartar blood; the true Itusslan, cle- are especially sought. They va a king to atwimys have his pear i-e,fing in Of tba hook Instead of ment Is. furnished for the most Part prim from $40 to .165, and be It with him. Let me smite tb,er'Abi- bwillilning and to.Ning with it for 300 by tLoso families, who were ire- known that the foreign alligator, shal asked permission of David to vards to reVase it altogether it the poveristed. by the freeing of thoserfs) yadging from the besutY of . 'those limits the king, and promised that point of the hook is illseovered. The but who are beginning to better their bags.'haa a lilde never dreamed Of the execution would bee complete Small frog from an inch to two shattered fortunes by devoting their by tho Florida varmint In Its Iaz.T at the first stroke. that there inches l,r.fg hooked through ills lll�s energies to commerce, now that ag- philOjG1;,1jV.. . would be no need of smiting him just Leh'.nd a small spoon makes the riculture has failed themy F rom, mast fat.,I or all ba*ts inp July and Such families It is the,t the medical SOME RECIPES FOR the second t1ine. Wtool-i fQ,- womim a,re b Ing so TIP-_ 0. Destroy him not -Saul had been lagust- MAKINO BROTH' in "David's power on a prerious oe- In ec4or th-- fro.- should be green, - July filled. Many girl.% go abroad to I easion kI. Sam. xxiv. 1-7). and Da- with a white tcly, and a. glight tinge Study medicint- T-Z,ere are to-dtty Wipe three riounds of mutton out "There is af -. L�I,ew a from Tne, forequarter. Cut the lean vid would not injure him. �bout 1h3 throat. The tt.,roL� hundred Ruselan lady medical a tendency in good to repeat itself frog w.th the brown back and yel:- students at Tne UniveraltY of Berne. meat In small Oulyeas, put in kettle, In the soul of a good man. The Iciw'-i,h kelly will be taken by the Tt,e R=Ian lady doctor furnishrut a cover with three pints. iii cold water, Lord's anointed -Saul having been baso, if thcr.� is no other frog to be etjtgtinct type. She usually cuts her bring ju�ickly "to the boiling point, made King by God's special ap- had, 1--ut the grt�en ones are strongly hair short, and cares 'very little skim, and add ono half cup of bar- pointment. David looked upon it as prer4orre,.4 i about Der personal appearance, IL -,y ,which has been soaked In cold a high crime to offer any violence Tb,� mend,vw fy-O--, elther green orl;Sht- is often the mother of a large water over night. Simmer 1 1-2 to him. ,_,col,yrat'on Is too faint. The bright family. and supports by her eaxn- hours, or until the meat is tender. 10-12. The Lord shall smite him- grviEn tree frog of slender shape is IUV a lazy husband Into the bar- Put the bones in a second kettle, He almll ills by a Stroke of the Di- an excei!ent lure, but It Is a poor gain. On being shown over 11, hOs- cover -with cold water, beat slowlyl virie judgment, or lie shall die a na- sW.mmer and soon drowns. The _-ell- filtal, I on one occasion actually to bolling point, skim, and boll 1 1-2 tural death. which in the Course of eral rule in selecting frogs Is to mistook tto lady doctor In Charge : hours. Strain water Irom. bones and nature will. be before mine, or he get th.�m as small as possible and for a "maid of all work," and passed . add to meat. Fr -Y live minutes in two . shall fall In battle by' the enemlea of as green as lx>sslble, and when a by her in, the passage. After we had tablespoons of . butter, one fourth s nnot 90 been formally Introduced, I ventured � hb; country -Clarke. Cruise of water cup eaell of carrot, turnip, onion P_tx —it lax or naik. I It reseralfeA In wrong. to remark to the gentleman at my and celerg, out in small dice-, add some measure the canteens of our In Irec-p%g. frogs on Ion-. rallway side- tlmt I was Surprised the lady to soup with salt and pepper to - ;)eep sleep from the Lord , Ts after the fish- dortor did not even ,wear a collar taste and cook until the vegetables coldlers. Journeys and for da. , -The word used here Is the same as mg ground is reach -,d many men ,,Quo youlez yous ?" lie replied, are soft. Thicken with two table- itibe make th-- mistake of giving too much quickly. 9 -Is it not better to have -i liTouglA ten children Into the wor Cooked toge that used In Gen. 11. 21, to dese ,ld spoons e"h o I butter and flour the sleep which God caused to fall mot�'ure. It is trio that mars ther. Add one half table - upon Adam. when He formed Eve out frogss Uve Ili wat.:?r, but th.%y da not ttian to wear a collar 2*1 spoon 11-iely chopped parsley just be - of his alde.-Clarke. Thus we see that sv'�'m to ne;�,d it lit Captivity. Tint lady was, Indeed, the mother fore saeving. . I , i , . The frogs wAI live longer and re- , of ter. ciAldren. divine providence favored David IL main stronger if kQpt in a dry on anotl4r occasion, I faintly' re- Foundation for Soup. this enterprise. IIL ,k conversation between Saul basket and wet thoroughLy by dip- monstrated witte a young m?dical, From tbo housewife of forelmn p! three short. "It and David (vs. 13--23. It was pro- pins the bftsk,ot in tile lake lady for wearing her hair birta or (Isseent, notably of Ger- bably early the next morning that ar four times a day. They should �ddoes not Eult your type of face," I . . not have 'wet moss under them or urged. "Long hair cannot 130 easily man, French or Russian orliln, many. David took his position on a hill 80 . things are to be -.aarned about the a Talley would be between them, and over th?m. Frogs wAl live sur-priq. wasW,1* wax ]ter lacorile'l-eply. - ang of soup, says the .New York ealled to Saul. "The people In these .n_-Lv lmg when I;il�-d five and six kanette M. B. Meakin, in the P-111 U'Lli m'%' roo iiften the Ameri- le,-p in a basket, but they must be ga,-��tt,. Evening Sun. ! . mountainous countries are ablefrom kept dry. can cook litits to appreciate Its val- long practice so to pitch their voices A very gnol rontrivauC3 is a lun" Alroriwil as AVage Harilers. ue as an element of the family mena aiB to be heard distinctly at distances - to sta,tistics of tile and reserves It for the cclmpa:�jv,,; din- - Ith, a hinged taW set According dry goo -is box w, .almost ineredible.11-Thompson. Dav- so that ?,tq lower enJ is in the lake London C(ranty Council, thereare in tier. id expostulittes with Saul and refers and two. -thirds of It on dry beach. London 2,334,456 fornales, of whom & shin O; beer Is an excellent foun- the whole matter to God as the vin- 'as nine' Fr&_ -.Qi in th*e, case have lust 11 719,331 are wage earners. 11ore dation for a series of clear or glace dleator of the oppressed. PS r farat . of four half or as rice �;ater as the,m choose, and than half a million are unmarried. sou - FID a, IV' & * "I tly look*,ng Into the box its Owner The. ol!t;upations followed by these . -25. 1 havesinned-David's words shin will Supply mii:terlal for three ba.d. a good 4--frect on Saul. The king To v ta an iea-w Ills wle&ed course, and admitted W:11 EeZ? �6;at nearly always the frogs females are said to cover the, whole soups, barley or loe� ege his d -ire gathered at its dry end. - range of emp�oyment. tomato glace. In order tha that he had sinned -, but this did not trace of fat may Oli pardon past alfences or cause him to Froga do not reed fool 311 captiv- These statistics are remarkable as . be removed rr , , Saul needed Ity.. tat Ipar't nzi,t within smell time Aww-ing bow large a proportion of tb0 stock, tho meat should be coo tire right In the future. a-3 an angler bar, us-- for tbem. Thct.,, i�e work done in the woAd's great- ed the day! before the soup Is needed what eve% sinner needs, -a new Cover the hall -shin w1tb four quarts heart. Play .d the fool- Saul humbles w.11 live evmlortal,ly 4,mou�;Ii wita- ,,Et city Is Carried ion by womein. C f W . , at Burs, that bimseU exceedingly. The Lord ren- cut foot'. fur two Tre-ks, aud at th"' - Thct Suggestion that tile entra. n e 0 ater LIr making der. etc.-DavId here refers to him- slid of that tun e be� apparentLy as or wor.len into so many lines of the. meat is well cooked and the bone strong and fat at� when captured.- cracked. � . self. �He Is not sounding lais own "aw York ;Svie. %. - Work Is to the detriment of the Simmer It'gently.flor three or fou pratspB. but, as before (chap. xxiv. \ other sex and of the industrial situ- hours. ..In hour biiore It IS doneadi 12). is declaring his confidence that I ation, Is W.ninly fallacious. Tile en- a bouquet of herbs, which Include r recompense him if Y�pu Want to be Ilealtby and wilt eventnally . Ustruent. ,of the gentler sex in the � parsley, celeM -S bay leaf and i for h79 Ifpr7gbt bebavloW`-Cam. BM D,*> Lot w,trk Iongger than two ranks of wage earners increases the and adds Dung onion. After removing Lite fat briurs without ctoAng the eyes and to production Y' a So let my lite -He p=- vs that God 0 an straining tho soup, It may! b4 v.wald Show riereyon Min, and spare rcst.ng them for five miuut%18. 9ff"ttly' to the total wealth of tile colornd bY adding half a sliced'on his life Z�,!!� he had spared Saul's. .,kn InVant's ivi,ps may be irrepar-1 I - _ wor.d. Tte drawbacks are act Ion fried nearly black In a little bat Blessed b.y thou --Saul perceived that abL-. ln;ured by glaring light. WnPol - -1conomic, bat social. That there ter. After thi& has been stirre it ,was use`.e-_-1, to contend longer ftut ,of e!oors the �eves sbo-lhl h� - aga:nst Davtd. w��onl be s,%w God th:cl,Ak�d from the sur�, and w.h-n In- r-hou'd be more than half a million - through the stock, strain the liquor Intendel for "great tIllngs." To doors care should be-, t.kkcn Mai fire- gnDwu wo.men in the city Of London .& few drops of barned sugar wit his place, -To his laome In Gibeab. t'gh! ard Iamp9gl3t are not allavred unmarricd, and engaged in daily tell. give a darker shade of amber the. t6 ela=le the eyt-_. dc;es not areas, a normal condition that obtained with onion. They never met --gain. ay not Oull. PRAC%[CAL SURVEY. - Fowdered borax is an exceedingly of society. The situation m r.od deUghts In noble cliaracterg. usefut tand barmIcss article ta keep be So, uxtreme In our American elt- lent vegetable soup I O'Hafft tbon eans',dered my servant in the '.ouse. X teaspoonful added to leg. but is rapiffly becoming so.- Ar excel .rob,7-1 Is full proof of this. ;i -he ebar- 11ard w2ater oftcn softeris It and helps , Atlarta Journal. innae by cooking -two WIloos each O . �! c!)rrotand onion In a tableSpoon,t) il.�cters he portrays in the Bible ex- lo, kefp the liancIg soft. . butter for three minutes. Add hibit many admirable phases. He to Here Is an slmple rrm-,1d,v for h,ad- 11, CAN YOU PACK quart of white stock (or water fla Ipleased to vay that P.tv"Id. Ili a man ,jebes wlai,el Is Zrad to worm wonders. - . vored with beef extract) and abl-ad tatter His own beaTt- Painful as it It is tt,sy to make and easy to apply - Tnust have been ta Him. God pillfats and con.s7stR of camphor and black - A TRUNK PROPERLY? , of 'maco and cook fifteen minute i he one great sln of Davl&s Ufq In rAllp2r. ard put It in a handkerchl!1. - E%c-ry woman tancles, slhl� knows I St"_In hnd 'turn'in twio cupfuls 0 larld rol,Orat. God19 pictures arn ."I- roll the litindkerchiet so that the t;�nk_until she i rill' ,k- Mond tile SOUP with tWd tft : how to pack h�r blespoons each of butter and floar ways true to 1111fe. Aside from this grains cantot fall out arid soak the trl,UD it, anl then sh* iq very qumk- tvne 'blot David is a roble ellatacter. wb�:tle thing with c=pbor. Lind tile ly dt-sillusioned, for She, f.;nds that I at-ason with one 'teaspoon of sult , x haVenging our admitatiOn moto ard pl,aster on the head and lie down. In ille rc-ceptnele do, - � 'a not hold half a s.Otapoon of Pepper and four ta more as we StuZ1Y It. The traits of - a few ='nuves th,�� Min will be re- nv Much as She. thought, and ber b'eEpoone of grated cheese. Coo t haractor brought out in our lesson r�.evc�e and the, patient asleep.: When - gUrn.cnts are crumpleA ia a laost two minutes and Serve. fire ,,veil worth our s�wlal totlee. the 1,anaerzlblef be�eonies dry saltir, ce-1 cdalone fashlon. ThO93 who Chicken Saup. J,ersonal Courage. David furnishes cc it again with the camphor. have that ta6k to perform -willi The broth In Which chicken ha Pumprous c,xamples of Ills porson,il _ - e foundacosirage. It was not a small matter -Sick Itooln 111111S. i find It 19 a very good plan to tol been balled may serve as th . leet In the room and In Iftin T:cW tioa fortrown of chicken Soup. 81-1 for Win. am a lad, to ItIll a lion arid In a. kIck room never w1floper. It everything tbat 19 to be pladod In I and Strain -three pints of the broth , u lwar wh3e defending hl* fathers you, eo not wLcAt the patlent to be tho ^trunk. You will then see eX- I Ilate ready four bard -boiled egg flack.g. ift� oncounter with 0011ritli distiarbiNI by your voice da YO!4r wAl evert stand a monumtst to his talking In and1ber room. Xevp every- nctiv uhat you baTO to Lnd at- I Idazli tbo yolks With a enpfnI o personal bravery. When ,Oftul sOnglit thing in the room FiCrupwovely et,iln. commodation for. and nothing Will I bread crurabs, moistened In a littl V tho philistines, put .111 tlio mWelne, bottles out ol b3 forgotten, Says tile ScOttl8b J rg'k Into thlo stir One pint of bo . jo 14,1,.e him stain b: IMETICam . 'M the task Be,' . for batil in order to I sight. Ittlat%tp, but d(y not bstnwh* Soractbili- toft and flat creti afid add the entiro mIxtu revare 64ura ,daugh'ter as bify wife light and wntriatioll. It can casily - 8110111d to tho chicken broth, boiling no was,pagerky necrVed eLnd doubly per- b.-- do!lo t)y me"'q of ftrcells. pa not pavo the trank-A warm petticoat, I more than, five minntos. Season t torme,j. When lie was ptursued as a allow W-Veral people to satay aral, wllleh,you m.,1y or m%y not rcquire, tasdp., and, lastly, drop In tile wlilte Isartrifts on the mountain lie Wa* ebatter In a cick roo,41, evpn hong1si iq mjDtaMn for tills purpose. On of tile eggs, thoppod,coarsely. 1,ot ,q?rald to go to the VAtY 0LUIP'- MtY thoul I not Ill addres%lag then)- ML,r ,anything flat and heavy shonid * of Vs enctuy. Gets lie cut off tile wilim to 1110 patient. Vawmt arp - 1001 laid, remembering that only ne- Glace Torrinto Soup. sk',rt- of 6XV8 garment WhIlb ho alwa.Is plmslng to the vye. -b-,it do cc,_,_s:.rIeg Iflaould be taken If weight Sri%. thwo lialf pints of clear Stoe , car Iftson DMId. se. not IntreAlneo tl!o-vz of istrOwt selontS 1.9 a oonsUltratlo.n. 'Die Wr'.tingease With lia!f 0, can Of tOmatOr.13 tlUa Wall a from &=1q* bo7ster, Into an Itivaittro roon), arld U1 ear,, ca Ills laver, and any have biva previaus3y toolted, spasol 1�1 f'I'SO OCCUPI t , I ares =C%pla"r ill V-111 With A little mgar and salt an inhAp fte kier alet" In tho midst fat to r4Mft()v6 p.11 cut Ilowpt,q Alt t.ajall ap.-jers c.An be fill6d up wi tif ih:� e�nmo With 111a,tvarriorm about Iftlat, asr thty Abjovb illp ^Ir .,inil rollcxl vtoekings and Other small straint,41 through n SIOV6. Brin . b W. UltLills remr&ge. like that of leave It leall'itish for tjj� p&tlpnt. objcets. The boats and shoes, each tile Wilturo to the buluag pola Vi6ii-the lovely woman there has , I)reB8cS will lie Worn short bM Mem- of one's couutr,v or race. en created a now vocation which boa of the batlet. Vic, and In the Little fellOWB Who 'are rUP- quires the superlative *qualities Of Tall 0,40-lamo Is a novel fah , and flel,4 , oetposs, sympatby and tact.*To to made In, all colors. As It Is trafla- ning about tile h#00ts . )wtta more man hae been tile parent, It is cu"tomary to wear silk to -day are the foyqcS which are to , y . pastime or woman ever since or. something under it, although It color and diape CIO nation's laws, o world began, and It has led To Is said to be very Off OctIvO without- toms arid Character (or the small amount or trouble; but ber Street dresses will be t"ImIned with - CUB ))r misalon is to fascinate persons all sorts Of monkey business. future. I . lier own Sex in the Interest of Borne batWng Suits are made tills The cluestion, therefore, "How Is It year of material that Will wasb.' th D Boys?" Is one of. tile moat eaoe. A leading manufacturer of However, many stlLI b011e've that with gricultural implement& has bad , an possibly ask 6quent email difficulties with tl1O water will Wask bettor. Important 'that We C Undreda of young w0m-011 In Ill$ 'Stockings will be worn as usual; ourselves. . hmen�, always about trivial also shoes. And how Is tills vital question to tablis'. i are conaldered stycok attQrg, Yet with the Possibility of Larp headi I be answered? Iii it well with the roducing a considerable strike. To for morning; wear among club men- 5ct a the perpetual annoyance and It IS not considered proper to eat boys ? Are they being reared in the be menace lie a . dopted the idea of Lemonade with a fork. . right way ? As we look a,t - them he Chicago School Board. There . can we pineo our hands oil our ad beeii a meeting or t1he girl Pu- . e . . #%^^^#.0%#1 hearts and say. ,,These boysi wo-be- lls or tile city normal school be- I . uoyo w -ill make 909d citizells?" use nctf the rigid, glum and even --"—� I Now, I don' 11110U a;ffpe.--t of a lending, male ^�' rl ark S. water on any t)O<IY's Optimism, but I eacher. His very appearance dir, [ I The 11 et . am Obliged to b3 true to the facts sartened the pupile. The Board im. . ^ ::J � as they proseli .t themselves to me Orted from Pbiladelpl�a a glum- ^04%01 1 &0%01#411P�o and some of these facts are any- ispe!ler Ili the persom of a fascinat- Toronw Learmers, blarkets thing X,ut encouraging, ng -woman whose smile alone Ittred Trade generally was brisk atthe To-dtv I W:Ii cOritille 'myself to Just ack the girls, and whose tactful Bt. Lawirence Market to -day. al- One of iJA,3m-tllO alarming growth ympatby iniepired them with a though' the receipts on tile street among cur boys of the gambling arlous ambi,tion. The search of the were rather light. A fair number Of habit. lianufacturer for another such farmers offered produce at thr It Is a vory common sight on our Marmer -was promptly successful, stalls, and buyers were numerous. street to see little fellow$ of 8, 10 ind ahe had been tnotalled among The grain receipts amounted to and 12 years of age Intently on - he reapera, binders. harrowers and laoso of throwing tile like but a momth when her in- 800 bushels, . gaged In the 'bus Wheat, white, 70 to Soo ; red, 790 ; d!ce for money. fluence was seen to be dominant. XgwsbGys will work all day sell - The young women were clicerful and goose, 74%0; spring, 7:1%0. Oats, She had studied. their 344% to 36c; new, S1 to 320. Bar- Ing papers itud lOse Xho, da.y's earn - energetic. . toy, 45c. Rye, 51c. 11cas, 5.Le. Back- Inge at the dim. no:ds. instituted many lmprove� wheat, 521c. -Hair, timothy old,$12; There are other boys 'WhO make IL nients, Incluc.Ung the Intrct,luction of mirrore and reeking chairs for the new, $8 to $9.5o. S,tra-,v, sheaf, $9; their sole business to 90 aliOut the noon hour, and ]lad transformed tile loose, $0. Dressed hogs, cwt., light, etreets with dice had.pennies, malt dusty shops into bowers of beauty $8.5D to $9. Butter, Ili. rolls, IS Ing a few cents here and a few wdliere the girls consider it almost to .:�Oc. Eggs, new, laid, IS to 200. coats there, as long as they call fill(I a 'O'Wls, per Ili, 8 tof 1033. Spring those who WILl Play with them- privilAgo, to work. The benefit of r dle, establishment of the faseinat- chickens, per lb., 14, to 16c. Ducks. Ill other words there are profes- I oc. potatoes, new, atonal gamblers, plying their trade Leg peace -producer 19 many times per lb., 10 to .L� greater than her cost. Per bushel, 50 to 55c. Carrots, per openly and unconcernedly, with it . ozen, 15 to 20c. Beets, Per dozen, brazenness that is sllwklng to be - Much tile s4nle� idiae. has occurred 1 . . . I 150. Cabbage, per dozen, 40 to 500. hold! to an occaslonal. summer resort Cauliflower, per dozen. $1.25 to Sunday morning the writer, with man. He has engaged the faseinat- $1.75. Leeks, per dozen, 50c. On- his wife and daughters, was walk - 1119, resourceful woman to under- lous, per peck, Egypt, 45c;. green, Ing along one of . tile principal take the entertainment or his, guests, per bunch, 15c. parsley, per dozen, streets of Brooklyn, and he saw a it'is her t to study the tastes 15 to 2M. Rhubarb, per dozen, 20c. right that made him do B' iot or ol the importkLat ladlw, to bring Lettuce, per dozen, :10 to ,_15c. Corn, thinking In a very r3bort time. - I r e v ious pleasures, and gener- Per dozen, Mo. Celery, per dozen, on the corner or th3a street, on allyr to sea t there is to -dullness. 500. Vegetable marrow, 5c. Squash, Sunday morning, as the people e . ensures the return of the gdests 10 to 15,c. B,eef, hindquarters, $8 vvere pilasing lit throngs on their -next lsea-son, also the gloom ,tin -or the to $9.50; forequarterB, $4. to $5; way to church', was 9- group of vanishing woman takes charge. of carcases. choice, $6.50 to $7. Wfeep, boys -or rather of young men -g, - the so-21al features of railway eX­ $5.50 to $7.50. Lambs, per lb., 8 bling for all they were worth! eunworia across the coritinenf. in to' S,Xo. Calves, per lb., 8 tol 90. witit thlrowing the diceandgatli- oring in. the pennies and nickels several large department stores Toronto Pratt. Markets. so deeply absorbed th'at &Ila Is & model for the fashionable Receipts of all kinds or domestic they were ',ocvtesR In tbrtt. decorative depart- fruits were aga,in heavy. Pi1cW gen. they ,'%,ere quite regardless of the ment intended to display completely orally Phow,ed very little ol=ge. A common x1ecencies of life, fortIlLY . furnished sultes of rooms. Her re- fqiv Lawton berries sold steady at used languagb Tliat ladies certain. zept-oa of possible purchasers .adds ,1: toi 5c per box. 1)ekipli-es a.re gi owilig ly ,and little girls. should nothave to th,o pleasant impression made by more plentiful, and -w -e quoted rather heard. I Me roome.-Philadelphla Record. oA�Icr &t -1;5 to 33o per basket for To add to tho difficulty or the __ whito r1wh, apd 35 to 6.)a for yel- caso, the boys, clearly, did not be- low,s. plenty of plains were orrering, long to tile bottom tier of sQolety; USEFULHINTS FOR but the demand he,% slightly fallen off they we]!O well dressed and bore , and quotations are easier at 15 to all tile marks of Waving been rear - BUSY HOUSEWIVES 250 pur ba,skelt. Apples axe arriving ed in the mist of comfortable sar- � . In large, quantltlq�r, selling at 10 to roundingr, . . It tht !,_mv�e yo -to be cleecid for some 250 por baiskat.'Dea,lers, are not en- In other words, tifey were the time du not leave the stove lust as couragfug tile s1lipment or apples In sons or well-to-do "respect able" wnen tne ws:t urea-zrassr was cooked baxrLij vet, a,s tile kinds ncmv comln6 people, and yet -there they were, , forivaW swcmt very -freely, and do and the coffee b )Uad ovoir on It. BOO on a beautiful Sunday morning, 'thai it is elfamed; Caen while It Is not kelep well when papked Ili 1,111s gambling on one of the most con- � warm glive, it a good coo' . OfsOm8 Oil, way. The qual,liLy of the Canadian spietious street corners of the city! just as a coal stove would be treated cainteloapes offering is not SO good. If it is so bad umong the "res- it I' . were being Pat in a damp base- Tihrzr are quoted at 50 to 60a per poetable" people, pray wilat must 1114311t. for thesutanier. Leave the ovian baisket. Tfoma�Loas are coming for- It be among those wilIO, are not re - doors unL.Ltched, then cover It closely ward very freely, a,nd are quoted opectable. first with papers, next, If possible qalsleor at 20 to 25c per basket. Tjlousonas or mothers and fath- with cloth, woolen prefora,bly- If the -, i ill le -. Will not stove belongs to yon tills will Pay. - . Leading Wli(ar, Markets. each or them ba thoughtful enough Especially Is this desirable It any re- Yolloivjng are the closing- quota- to have a few seriOus words -witil pairIng-or ka,loomining is to be done ,tioas at linportaxt wboat Centre$ the boys upop. this evil habit Of absence. it not looked to-da,y your . .: gambling ? Vr"",g goinj . ! � CaP114 80pt- Wilt they not try aft, bef", g away, the chances to elfow them are the stove will be rusty when you New York-* . ... ... ... ... -- 633-4 that th'a education that it boir return, to isay nothing of tile 618t Chle�ago ... ... ... ... ... ... __ 70 3-4 ' gets from gambling Is a false one, that will have, settled off it, and It Tpledo ... ... ... ... ... ... ,811-2 8:1 I upon which, he eajanot depend, and PaInt"s have been .10 the kitchen- Dalith, No. I north. 89 3-8 81 3-2 wilielf Is sure. in, the end, to get woI*so than dirty will. be the coUdl- ' him into very great trouble? tIOn of that ram -go. o .Vhe Cheese Markets. I Will they bot try to make It . . London, Ont.. Aug. 22.-I'Lt the v plain to tile little fellqws A mixture tha,t is useful for clean- : abeese board, held here to_daf.� .4r I(Joir"t the gityribling habit Is, one or Ing black cashmere and other woolen 880 colored obee,se olfere; : le worst that a pot -son can ac - dresses, coats, and even felt bat6, as follows .. 120 lat; 9 3-4c, C00 at 10c, guire, ar)(1 that ' sensible persons . 15 made as follows: Dissolve OnO 3DJ at 9 3.5-16o.. : I . %,rill haTo'liothIng to do WIt)l iL? cares gum camphor and one ounce Belleville, Aug. 222. -Twenty-nine ' t In the child- . Take L% little Interes borax in one quart boiling witter. factories offered 2,450 wllfte and 38() ron. Don't' permit theny to grow, When 0-001 add one quart of alco- colored cheese .here to-da,y'. Sales on up like wild asses of tile, mount- . hol; Put iii a. bottle and. keep %veil the board were: JamQs �Llexander,' ,i,,p, Ii.terest vouraelf lit them. corked. 113efore, using shake well, 580, T. Walkin, 455; Hodgson Bros.,' Love them a little bit. Try to feel apply' with a sponge. . 50; Magra,th & Co., 00 lit 9 7-8c4l a .portion, at least, of the'tremen- 0 a It I Balance oil curb same price. I does responsibility that restRupon Another )ireparation that can be Cornwall, t&ug. '22. -At the Corn.. you as fatl�iers and motheis, as h te, mater -t wall cheose board to -day 2,120 boxpR tiloso Ivilo have brought these boYs tals and wIll not affect any color, were boarded, 970 WILI'Ce and 1,150 Into the world. -Detroit Times. I is made by taking Ono partl alcohol, colored. 'All sold, 'but one lot, ",'a one part other and one part chloro- White at 0 3-4c naid tile colored at form- Tills must ba kept . tightly I 9 5 -Se. Tho O&Ies were: Hodgsoni �ZHE GOT A DIVORc'E. corkcd. Bros., q,003; Jaines Alexander, 068 - ' -_ * * * I A. .W. Grant, :332 ; Ay�er Company', blet Min Ana Took tile Wind Out (d A vaiall tray of quicklime placed Limited, 1167. . t1le Sams ot Jimmy. in clomts alter they have been I Cowaasville, Que., Aug. 22.-30 fac- I tories Offered 1,ti07 boxes of elleese; "I have alwayp prided myself on my thoroughly cleaned will be found ex- , ,, ce'lent for keeping the air pure and -0 creamerles affere,] 1,486 boxes of nerve,ll said a dry goods drummer to absorbing moisture. The ]!me must butter. Frank Duckett bought 438 the Detroit IFIce. Pre -se, "but I got be frequently renewed, boxas of cheese for 0 13- :160; llugh * 0 0 1 Allan, 166 boxo,4 ,at IJ 7-8c, 478 boxes knocked out last week In a way to . Coffte stains axe difficult to got al; 9 AX -16c, tand 197 boxes, at () 8-40; leave me limp as a rag for tile ,next out of light colored or finely finished Rodg-son Bros. bought 2Z�0 boxes fit two days. I led a fair girl to tile material..;. It the material Is woolen 9 3-4c; D. A, MaMtcr,son & Co., 2j -)s altar once ul-x)m a time, or about or mixed good,T, mako & Golittlon of boxes at 9 1-2c. Butter sold at iS_ six D,ears ago. We didn't hit It Off nine parts water, one part, glycerine., 8-4c, to 19 7-8c. i . i r and one-balf part aqua ammonia. ! Watertown, -�N. Y., Aug. 22. -On tile as ire should, and &[ter two -Teara Apply with a brush, allowing solutlo� 011eese board to_da�' 7,460 boxes sold 0110 got a 'Qhvorce. I met her last 8 to rernatil halt a day. Renew tile a -t 9 94c lor largb NrIlItp. 9 8-4a Week for tile first thIlt since that molstening occasionally. Ittv 0 7-80 for large colored, l(M to event. 1 was just leaving Chicago :to 1 -de for sian.11 whtte� 10 I -Be for by train when ,she entered the Car gy th,- Bachelor Girl. small coloret], and 10c for twins. I with her ,second husband. He didn't - A. Surviving organism always cor- I Canton, X. Y., Aug. 2.,3.-Twln know me, but her eyes lighted upoll respondg to Its environment.' When Cheese, 0 7-8e; butter, 2(�c. . , .. me as soo'A as silo . entered. In the d a -Oman has to be at the cities every', I fraction or a laccond I hact determIn- . Morning at a certain hour she learns I Bradstraevs oil Trade. I ed to iu,k,�Le tile position embarraser, I to wind her watch. I I Montreal trade c1roles display a Ing for her and No. 2 by milinglier , . a The heroine of every,' novel is boau- fair amount of activity for tills ka- t4elt and wi,shing her ba�pineffs, but Mat and the hero oblvalrous-qual- son. Tile sorting trade hills kept UP I should have remembered that I !ties about Muullr common. , very well tills yea ow tile cover got alterld of her. Site came It is not as easy to make love nice-, wholesale Xlrma aro bus. Sweeping flown the aisle wItll a . y with or - 9 ly, as most men tiiink. ' ders and Shipments for tb;'fp.11, trade, smile on her Jace and a glint In her I Persons truly skilled and fastidl- Orders now coming forward are large eye, and as silo ren.04 me mile ex - f ung in I,oYe find tile prellmlnar3i and well distributed, and the out- claimed' ! , I I I 1, staged of th6 gains most etqulsltem ,buir promises a steady Increase In "Why, Ziminy., how do you do I Who . - ly, Interesting. To watch the thing tile dentand over Previous Tvara. IIo+- Would . have thought of meeting you a grow, expand, develop, to compare weather and the fact tI . lat many 110're 11, I . . L It with other experiences at a Am- travellers land business men are tak * - "And then. turning to her bus - f Ilar point, is one of the faselliationg Ing holidays, have IlAd It aoinewhat band, $)is added. t i of life. adverse affect an trade at Toron. t .11 Tommy. this Ili Jimmy', W110 Used . When ,von have. learned to accept to tills week. Next week inany o be bill, . hired ramn.1 I ' . "TOMiny looked at me In surprise , men as they are and not as you buyers will be lit the city, and re, think they Miiiald be, there Is reallY 110'Wed Activity! In trAde will develop. RII'd r,4vO'me A, cold nod, and I curl - k & great d . eal of comfort and Inter. Valiteal of Ataple goods aro very. NI tip Oil tile Mat ,and -$Visited I could -Cru � art disease and I , )o burled eat to be got out of ti, - I firm. (lie or lict ThF* bachelor girl puts -up with just Business Tit Qu( -.bee, during t1lo beside some railroad writer frtnk to asr much devlltr,v front men as au.M past week haa 1)(,c,n fairly active. I keep lfty crave moist and-Wteen." Other woulaft ; V�t there Isioue lipec� Thcro bas bten ft fair alovpment � — �. . . . , - lea sit(; doesn't have to stand- the'In 'wholealde trade at Vancouver and' . A masculine bora. � Victoria tills work. Sonletwits &.etlia M). . The most fiekle, woman IS perhaps' BuMness at Whin1png Is litiply 11 " And what Is love ?,, t]14,y asked. Re., 11 Love," *t,e velffled, ,ls Indefinable." IL the one, 'who knows best what love ttve tor tills s(nisoll, cc tltrs� m(tr. f might, eould and should be. elltinti; are still buying a 1 ThOrOUP-011 they put her down for it (11110 freely wonderfully wigo girl, but nevertho- 0 Interior Itnimals must always But- as a 1-.03ult of tile fitttt that tile t vive by reason of Superior milaiagd� wheat crop 1688 Vin were movetl. to continua tile Is turillog out bettet in Im lry. ,o ment. That to tile only reason wd. a good many ftetiong than parlipt 11 ii timall Is still on earth. ' 1`0011, its . Is It Indefinable?" they , q PrOnihwd. The harvost la ask 0 1 A, Woman ministpr out In Xulama. now oil and tn("X*t Nvmk wimAt nutting " Because it IF, rt comblon,tion Of a zoo, got It bill, ilix-ough the Legis- will be gen(,ritl. Tile g(inprAl pros. C011traRts," sho rtnswerc*i, having Ili htturtl to abollah unpleasant alaugh- Met$ tot, trtidn arp bright. � terhonset In ber town. The house- blind thlb bl&t IOVeral quarrel. "Just In TI'llikilt011 tills Wook ther(x has (is WOU. Ilillik soit know IvIlat it 1.4 it kepping Instincts of womL%n wIll-trop been h good movernent ill k out no matter what PtOfestloll they trude. 114hp 0ortl wi101eR111'a b(IC01110P 901110thing v1se. Bofore .-,Oil uFt itaile In about ell), C41Y It Is Iftug4ter antl roses It t go .Into. Imagine n mInIbter ddlng 0#0r, b1lit, oilders for tljo Antualn hIld V00011104 tMs and forgtt-mis-not% I ansptIlIng so practical! *inter bimliteas arej numprous. priep a A WlAe guy mlild that ti. bachelo'r, LM vLsr,p 111%l Mid there arc no _il It C11411108 I*foto ,von van put tho 9 girl *a$ Ono i0io tbouttlit she could porto 61 price tatting it, Uy rri. defilittlou into NVON11wl, t. got married It a'* vmnted to, while "ftvMt. , , do. o .W.1s aL won� , - � - I . i .. (160011Y W1160 girl. . k. 4#_ -,*,.A- 11 ) IN 11.14