HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-27, Page 130TH YEA NO. 52, WINGHAN, ONTARIO, THUESIDA Y-, AUGUST 27, 1903. $x.00 PER RA.T, BANK OF HAMILTON rT. Fixter, of Wingham, who has eon I m a . c ne o curry on , P VY I NGHAM firemen on the L. H. & B, freight train sharp. All interested are invited to chase at the auction, Mr. Dulmage is Withernsea, Yorkshire, Aug. 7/03. Chapel --size about 10 x 20 feet, with Capital s]Q 1t $2,980,0W far some time, has been promoted to attend. offering the goods by retail at bargain DRAR ADYANcE,--Gettin tired of &mail chancel; this building is the old- 1g g est in Edinboro and dates back 800 CAITAx PAID i7r...,.,..$ 2,004,004.00 n� � J the position; of engineer and has As' Directors' Meeting. prices, Loudon, Its noise and bustle, I bougqht years. In front of this buiiding is the REsimRYE FuND...,...... 1,700,000,00 (and undivid• supued his new duties here. g' a sixteen -day excursion ticket to Glass- old gun called "Mop's Meg." R.etrae• TOTAL ASSETS.....,..... Reserve ed pro�ito) �3, �+ The Directors of the Agricultural Det Them Know. gow and return for about $8,25, cover- ing our steps we view "Mereat Croce" 21,Oo0'S08,54 The best Scribblers and Pencils are society will meet in the President's Any person having vacant houses ing a distance of 000 miles, via Midland which was re -erected by Gladstone in at Cooper's, Office corner of Minnie street on Fri- to rent, or an householders willing to and North British railways. The time 1885 near Its old site. It has witnessed Farmers' Notes discounted, Mr. R. R. McLeod, 1pdian Head, As- day evening at 7,30. A fail attend. ki BOARD OF DIRECTORS. + in making the journey n Edinburgh the execution of many traitors and Hon, 'Win. Gibsou T- President aeg- tae boarders should enquire of the about eleven hours, a long time con- martyrs and the celebration of many Geo. Roach John Proctor A, B, Lee Drafts sold on all points in Can, siniboia, has been appointed Manager ante is desired. Western Foundry Co. Ltd., as they sidering the very poor accommodation, memorable national events, Parlia• John S. Hendrl° Geo. Rutherford ads, the United States and Europe. of the Lucknow branch of the Bank are in search of houses to rent and being housed the whole time ins, sma)1 ment House square near by was for- J. Turnbull, vice -Pros. and General Manager School Opens. compartment without any chance mer) St. Giles churchyard, where of Hamilton, to succeed Mr- John boarding pieces for workmen, whatever to move about as we can do y Ii. S. Steven, Asst. Gon,•Mana cr Wingham school will re -open in all now can be seen a small slab covering g SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sproat who has taken Mr. MOLeod's departments on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. Renovation. op Canadian railways. The experience the remains of John Knox, with the H. X. Watson, Inspector. Interest allowed on deposits of 1.00 and place in the Bank at Indian Head. The Principal hopes is not pleasant by any means ;haw simple inscription "J. K. 1572." The upwards, and Added to principal All Juno p p that there will be St. Paul's church is undergoing re- ever there are excellent trains running cit soon from Calton Hill or Castle is Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Iat- a►u1 Slot December ascii year, The Dundalk Herald is to hand, a full attendance, so that all the clauses novation, and until the work is tom- from neo Lo ndon ttholo ordinary one of the sights. We have the na- and Slst May each year,and Added to principal very much,improved. The recent dia- may be fully organized. pleted, services will be held in the y P tional disgrace of Edinburgh, an un- special Doposits also received at current A. E. (y]QSo[�, Manager estrous tiro necessitated a new lent. Con re atfgnal church. It will rob• senger rate and those having plenty completed building of Athenian arch!- rates of interest, p Will Exhibit. g g P of cash can certainty enjoy it. The tecturo in bold outline, monumentsCURB40L."ll I gB�lt The Advance hopes that the Herald ably be three weeks before St. Paul's train arrived at Edinburgh in a Scotch wfoand a tree of the city, Arthur's seat # R,vapstono, Solicitor and Its gentlemanly editor will have The Western Foundry Co, of Wing- ill be ready r the use of the con- mist; it certainly was very misty for and other hills around, Leith, Firth of Dickinson do Holmes, Solicitors such abundant materialprosperity, its ham wiii have an exhibit of their re ation. a few hours and had been for several Forth, Forth bridge, Fifeshire shore estoves and ranges at Toronto Indus- g g days, but by 12 o'clock to my delight, - in the distance. Portobello on the sea to wipe out the lose occasioned by the g NEW AUVTS. trial Exhibition, The exhibit is aura TIIR>;I. HAYS nrolsE of Isard'$ 20 per " rt cleared away, the weather toeing on the other hand makes a charming tile' to be attractive and we hope will re- cent. discount Clothing Sale. Don't good orremainder Beautiful min ero,f visit ttonder such cidr- panorama. To lovers of horticulture ful 3 Days More.-�-Isard & Oo, For a cheap fuggy, go to Glover's sult in many sales of Huron Crown h� oIlar,is hanco of saving 20 cents on cumstances, like other places, looked = money has beeinces St. nalav slily spent rdens are here ► IN IN Import Glass.--•Fishlei ti's. Implement shop. They must be sold ver disa ointin indeed, but the sun p g f ranges. y PP g £40 or $ha given for a Japanese dwarf School Books.—Oooper & CO. to make room or fall stock. Home From England. appearing made a transformation• tree that you could carry away. The Mo,xnElt.s I—Bring your Boys and Streets soon drying, the parks and . Floral clock takes the cake, which has Auctioneering.—C. 11 .milton. Senator McMullen, when in the Girls here for their School Shoes, You Mr. Geo. Mason arrived home from gardens looking their best; ,t would to be seen to be apppreciated however r We're Widu Awake.—Ball Bros. House of Commons and criticizing the can't do batter,—W. J. Greer, his trip to England, on Monday look• take the pen of a ready writer to go I will try a short desert tion ; planted n Vinegar and Spices,—at Griffin s, expenditures of Rideau Halt was Ing well and reporting a very enjoy into detail regarding this city. Next _upon the silo of the sloping ground���";Bargain in Soaps,—W. McKibbon. "money close;" now he is Jit the Sen- Fire• able trip. A report of his visit to to London in interest ,s this cite; here from Princes St, sidewalks and in full Tvi x11111 Sous Stock Taking Bargains.—Crowder Co. ate and speaking in favor of the G, T. During the storm on Monday night Scottish towns of interest will. be old havecapital ofeScot and nt wherinde Kings view of pedestrians going into gardens, g quite "bellicose," g making an excellent imitation o a ' Pacific, he Jew the barn of John Budd, 3rd line of found in this issue, Our readers have and Queens are buried, where crowns clock dial; size I should judge abort And what he will be next nobody Morrie, was struck by, lightning and much enjoyed reading Mr. Mason's and regalia are shown, where the old five feet in diameter, the outer'and We have i2 gross or more of knows, destroyed. Most of the season's crop descriptions of the towns and cities he palace of Horyrood is still in good evi. inner circles are of one species of flow- 10o and 15c TOILET SOAPS; deuce with its grim memories; we as- era, round work grass, a�+ljr' I and one horse were consumed in the visited, noted for historical events. tend the steps and enter the old Hal) g g the numeral, which we are selling this Among the names suggested for the P well defined in other kinds f flowers, .. .. flames. The lois to Mr, Budd will be His lettere, with notes Of travel have containing many old parotin sof Joy the hands made week at Liberal nomination in South Bruce probably of wood or are Peter H. Mackenzie, of Kinloss, heavy. been very interesting indeed. Mr.. alty; next we see Charles I edroom+ metal covered with earth and flowers ; much as he left it. Through another August the 2711x. and Mrs. Alex. Alderson returned g in the immediate vicinity (under - A. W. Robb, of the Telescope, Walk- Successful, door Queen Mary slept; here also is round are located the works which See Halsey Park's advt. anon, Dr. Stewart of Cheale , and from their trip to England on Friday seen the bed as it then was, also the ground) Sc+ a aka. y In addition to those pupils from cannot be oath. Altogether it reflects Wear Greer', Shoes and Rubbers, John Coumans of Walkerton. It is Win ham school that passed Part II last, They report a very enjoyable little room with secret panel, through credit upon the gardener and watch - Wear P which the murderers of Rizzio the believed that Mr, Car ill will be the and invigorating tour. ( ,raker who carried out the idea. We All the new school books at Cooper's g Junior Leaving examination, Laura Queen's Italian musiclan)came through cannot always stay in dear old Edin- Conservative candidate. Martin and Roland Plough passed the Special Attractions. and at her feet he was stabbed to boro and therefore leave with regrets } p Mr. T. Gregory has commenced work g Aman the attractions offered on death. Lovers o£ history can here find but before doing so, �owney Chocolates on r. T. Greg trop of his new block. Eggs loci 100 tubs .Butter wanted Matriculation examination in English g enough to ponder over. On the way fz take a boat at weekly, Farmers' Pork for sale. composition, Latin authors and Latin g P y Leith for the Forth bridge, one of the Geo:°E. Kixcl, P the program of the Fall Fair to be we pass through the world -famed Can- world's wonders; Par•tobello for sea Mrs. Teriff has been very Ill since composition. held Sept. 24-25, are the following:— nongate, passing St. Giles cathedral, air for a few hours and then to Clas- her return from Bracebridge; we hope A Toronto gentleman is travelling 1—Free for all, trot or pace, purse $150. ever interesting; the Heart of Mid- gow. Glasgow is next to London for X'1'esh this week; in 10, Lawn Social. lothfan, shown on pavement, distin- size and commerce, The Clyde here is 25 35 alld "60e aeka eS, soon to report her fully recovered. Ontario, giving exhibitions of what is 2—Team race in harness, trot or pace, guished from the cobbles by red col- a very insignificant stream, apparently t P known as the Meridan Hydrocarbrde A lawn social will be held on the purse, $50. 3—Gentlemen's road race, o•ed stories worked in the shape of a not wide enough for a Liner to turn If you want good Shoes for little for lighting streets, store, and other grounds of S. S. No. 0, .East Wawa- p heart; next we ass Frou church, can - money go to J. Button & Co. g g nosh on the avenin of Wednesday, prizes amounting to $50. 4—Single rung year around rut little nt lanais. presumeit building isea where Bell is run for old ear out and buildings: The light is generated +. g y driver, prize by J. J. Clliott, V. S•, the new in, Presently Nye arrive at Wingham Baseball team have ar- from gasoli a and ie said to be squat Sept, 1, Supper served from 6.30 to and Currie and Rintocil, $25. 5—Team liner's house, standing rominently great industry here ; all sizes a0 des - ranged to la two games with the 8.30, to be followed'by an interesting g P d cess o bare seen on the stocks npro- WALTON McKIBBON g play to electricity for illuminating par- Hitching race, let -$3.00, 2nd -$2.00, out in the street, very old -fashions toss of building. The trip dawn this Irish Nine at Luean on Labor Day. poses. The town of Ailsa Craighas program. Admission 15 cts.; children in fact the oldest re -reformation rest- There will also be a Football Tourna- � river to Rothsay, Kyles of Bate and 10 eta. Proceeds towards purchase of dente in city an well preserved. 1 lnverar DRUGGIST Mr. Harry Campbell, who was in- ten of these lights which are operated P went, at which twelve Silver medals y, the Castle Seat of Duke of jured at Atwood station last week, at a cost of about ten cents each per a school library, had the pleasure of sitting to his choir, Argyle, s comparable to our Ottawa p will be competed for, valued at $50. at his desk, The study is very quaint, far beauty. This city as all know Joos died from the result of his injuries. night, Died. Watch for the program of the grand not larger than a pantry; from this everything in the way of lighting. Next door to Post Office. WANTED.—A servant girl ; apply to Concert in the evening, and do not room be had a pulpit attached to cor- transportation, etc., for the good of The greatest profit lies in bringing pi' y Thos, Thompson, the Blyth section ner of house to preach in to the people the ratepayers, D. Holmes. Barrister, Wingham. miss the fireworks on evenings of thereby securing all the ,tock to maturity as quickly as man who nisi with a serious accident assembled on the street; the pulpits the profits which otherwise would go passible, and at a minimum of ex- His Honor Judge Klein of Walker- Inst week succumbed to the result of 24th and 25th. Hand bills are issued now in the museum. Going throughtutu full articulare. The directors the different rooms, we see the faint- to soulless corporation, or enriching giving p privets individuals. The municipal ®j�A pease. ton had occasion the other day to go to the injuries received on Monday, and are putting forth every effort fora tune which he used, also Bible and buildings are worth a visit, Palace Make a building in that town, at which Bar- was buried on Wednesday. He was other interesting curios. Continuing flttings could not be better, the walls Ladies, call and price the handsome y' good Fair. Black Plumes at Mrs. Green's. tholemew Glynn was carrying a hod 35 years of age; he was unmarried, g our journey, we pass the ancient Tal- and dadoe are of beautiful marble, of bricks up a ladder. "Good -day Mr- but his mother and sister depended booth, and our either side narrow observe Irm p Deaths. the different closes or narrow aIle staircases of ,sine material • the build- �� Dr, Itennedy is attending the Do- Glynn." said the Judge "Good -day upon him for support. g g y- Ing cast 3 million dollars, fibers is im minion Medical Association in London „ On Friday last, Mr. Geo, Watt, an ways, the ri bt leadin to the Cow- much that i, interesting here, but time yer Honor, answered Mr. Glynn, esteemed resident of Wingham, cross• gate, at present the slum quarter of hastens us back (the home fever creep - to -day, He will be at home to -mor- "Do you be carrying bricks up that R, C, Picnic. the old town. Throughout this old in an) so the next oto is Melrose, a row, Friday. ladder all day?" queried the Judge. Notwithstanding the threatening ed life's boundary at the advanced age quarter can be learned an immense little old village with its abbey known for fall goods, which are of 78. The deceased had been a re- amount of interesting information re- world-wide, an excellent ruin, with f arrivingdaily, we will clear Mrs. John Allenby, jun„ and saxx "No, yer Honor," answered Mr. Glynn weather on Tuesday, the picnic at arding history.During John Knox's y' sident of Wingham nearly four years, g. h g sixpence to enter. A fellow can t see Vernon, expect to leave shortly for "I do be coming down half the time." Donnybrook was a great success, the but was much afflicted, and seldom time, t e elite of the city and country much without a sixpence. About the out the balance of spring Fort Bragg, California, where Mr, attendance being as large as last year, lived here; names world-wide could be one free thin you have in this coun- and summer goods at great - Mr. Lowe, a wealthy New Yorker if not rester. The crowd appeared able to be out much. He was a mem- mentioned who lived and met in social try is the air and I presume the gov- Allenby is residing. chartered a special train to carr him gher of the Presbyterian church. On intercourse in these little streets, nota- 1 reduced rices. P y y ernment would have that bottled up y 1? Miss A. Wilson, of London, who across the continent to Los Angeles to enjoy the program and considerable Monday, Mrs. Rogers an aged lad bl Burns and Scott, but its former g y g g y y at so much per cubic foot if it could be was visiting Mrs. J, Allenby, was where his daughter lay dying. The interest was manifested in the prize rearding with Mrs, Geo. Cruikshank of glory like everything had an end, and done. The ride to Abbotsford, 3 miles, g won the organ ; the names of the other the B line passed to her long home. who inhabit it, Throughout Oowgate, pects a tip. Arriving at the mansion A called home suddenly by the illness of whole run was a race, and the enin- contest. A young man named Gibbons to -day it is a drinking and noisy crew cost 36 cents and then the driver ex- Zine of ,$3 Patent Leather her sister's child. eer received $450 for the skill he die- rize-winners we have not ascertained. Her near relatives all preceded her to I did not see a clean face, but ,Duch the charge for admittance is one shil- Shoes, now per pair ........... ,$1.50 played. A great part of the run was P the long home and for several years that would shock a Canadian. These ling; the attendant here would offer Verity Plows are the best; sold by at the rate of a mile for every 50 se- The financial receipts, we are informed deceased had found a comfortable are experiences by the way but in- no serious objections to having an - Alf, Glover, Wingham, were very satisfactory, tensely interesting to anyone from a other "Bob" if you offer it, Americans sands. The pathetic part of the story hone with her niece Airs. Cruikshank. new world. At the other end of High area mark here and they think we You will need a Trunk or a Jacob Lerch of the 4th concession of is Mr. Lowe failed to reach the dying Fon S mxii.--In the town of Wing. Interment took place near Centralia, street, we enter the grounds of the have dead loads of money to squander. Valise for that trip you are going Carrick, threshed 40 bushels out of 19 bed of his daughter in time to see her ham, lots 4 and 5 on the west side of on Wednesday. Her deceased hus- Castle; passing through the ancient We give ourselves away bad with our sbocks of oats last week, This sounds alive after making the fastest trip on Josephine St., on which is situated a band cleared the farm adjacent to the gateway (now minus the draw -bridge) "I guess" soear in sigthey lay in wait until we t0 take. e enter like a record breaker. be sold cider ilveryt heaph all egidpply to, W J. on cemetery, whore their remains now on e►therteidebe nbysimaare alve proper, i�penco and shilling right ht and it is atom hA new stock of Trunks just to a record across the continent ficin Yew Ab - Two buggies collided rather forcibly York. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, Wing- rest. Mrs. Rogers was 74 years of buildings. Looking over the parapet boteford abbe ,s a love) old house on right is seen a small enclosure sur-conc y band—prices from $2 up. Large at the south end of Josephine street Hoxrsl. AND LOT FOR SALI.,—Com- ham' ago• g much as h Scott's beautiful study on Monday, but fortunately, the oc- fortable house good location, wood- rounded by a stone wall; this I was Winch as he left it, the chair in position, 3 -strap Telescope for $1. y y ' g Garden Part DR>✓ss SaloEs.—We have the dainti- given to understand is a burying books arranged and everything in cupants were not injured. shed, ice house. hard and soft water ; y' est creations known to oboe builders ground for dogs belonging to different beautiful order ; next we enter the several good bearing trees on lot, The Garden Party under the auspices and we believe society women know regiments stationed here, the stones library with 20,000 volumes and curios; Mrs. F. Davidson, Patrick street, has Owner leaving town.—Apply to J. J, of the Wingham Band, on Tbursday it, for most of them come to us for at tread of graves with inscriptions then the parlor with paintings, etc. sold her residence to Air. Robt. Breen, Sullivan, evening, was not as well attended as their footwear,—W, J. Greer, commemoratingthe sad event. Con- Visitors should not fail to see Abbots* Hanna � I� �i Co of Glenannan, who gets possession I tinning the journey, we turn to left ford, the county thereabouts is a a A a & Co - g P it should have been, A good Band is y next month. The price was $750. Will Enlarge. a desirable inetitutron iri an town and Concert On The Lake. and enter the old Parliament House or lovely spot, matte famous by writings Coon. Vanstone will enlarge the y A ver entertaining concert was $anquetting Hall, containing a large and presence of this author—Scott. A S'(I(p STORE SCIIOOt, SHoEs.—If the Boys' and g should receive encouragement. It is y g quantity of old armour, swords, guns, long ride to Sheffield, arriving early Girls' School Shoes are bought here, store he formerly used as a butcher discouraging to the Band when they held on board the steamship Germanic etc., used in past ages in warfare; also rn the morning, which does not give you'll never have a complaint to make shop, by moving it back and putting appeal to the public and are not alto- on her trip last week from Mackinac is shown here the guu carriage which its a good impression, as streets are "�'°xt door to Post Okicc —$1,00, $1.25 to $1,50.—W. J. Greer. twenty-five feet to the front and finish. cessful. We hope they will have bet- bland to Colltngwood. Miss Alba last res�tinn lace..ri This beautifulWa remains to Hallheir buret, Lite cars not running and ion to in it in good style with late lass Chisholm of Win ham was the rin g.P scarcely out of bed; vitarom station e - a g p g ter success noxi time. The Band ap- 8 P ivas restored by Nelson. lite great pub- centre of city is not inviting. Stroke Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Noble of East Wa- windows. Already, there Are recuse- ci al singer and rendered in a very lisher of this city. Next we enter Agents wanted who aro willing to wanosh, mourn the loss of their little tive tenants enquiring after it. It is preciated the presence of those who leasin st le that beautiful Irish Queen Mar 'sand Dndle s a xrtments stalks are lunch la evidence and pies- work. Good good, and good pay. son, Jared, who died on Wednesday of an excellent business stand, patronized them on Thursday evening pleasing y then to t c y y' p` sully they omit blackness which covers Men earn $6,00 a da winter and sum- , . and sincerely thank those ladies. and melody "The Exile's Return," follow- siriail indeed ecomparedl toathe one n the city ; the wheels start to move and y last week after a few days illness. ..the cit assumes a degree of manufac_ mer. Never out of season. Write G. On Wrong Path. gentlemen who aided them by waiting ed by an encore of Violets' and the Tower of London, which is valued taring activity. The gstorekeepershere Marshall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. Twelve years ago furry Sound in- Two boys named Taylor and anotb- on the tables. "Just for to -day." Mr. R. Holmes who itt )7 million dollars, nevertheless it is I fancy must enjoy life in their suburb - organized the municipal waterworks er named Montgomery Isere tip before organized the concert assembled the interesting to see the crown of former an and viiia residences; in evening Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. p p,. P, y p Kings and Queens of Scotland. The PP R, C, P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and Camp - plant. Today lite town has $200 the Mayor on a charge of stealing Municipal Ownershi shi s company, beaded b the Capt. reser Witton of the buiidin s are amusements and suppers, for their throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp - every year to the good after paying ex- plums from Harry Browns garden An Informal meeting of the Council Miss Ch(sholm'a singing was greatly used as barracks and oflirers' gnarters o'clock or window Taft r iinds n the mornindown g. It l nine bell's Drug store, Monday, Aug. 31st, penses. and breaking the trees. They were was held on Saturday evening to talk admired and favorably commented on. which we were not allowed to enter. Glasses properly fitted. Mr, Hamilton, auctioneer, Blytb, aged , 9 an consideration eg a theft youth, oversystthe ebut chasnothed definite electric to was Bonet party afong t) the passengers as enies ers omen from The lust place of interest was the Old (Continued on last page.) has placed his card in our columns, after warning them, let them •go on The Council will not act without fully Kansas City, Mo. Two of these ladies Orders may be left at the Advance suspended sentence. It is said that a considering the question and being as- also gave excellent instrumental selec• Prospects For Apples. CHURCH ITEMS. and will receive prompt attention, See farmer charges them with stealing a sured that such a move will be in the tions. The captain of the Germanic Apple buyers from all parts of the his advt, hen, the same evening that they were interests of the municipality. In any is the genial and well-known Captain province have been driving over Hu- Rev. X. S. Burwash took the work on ----THE-- WANTxaD --Goad girl for general allowed to go. it is a pity for boys so case, the propertybolders have the McQuade, one of the finest officers on ron the past few weeks and seem to Nviliteeburch circuit last Sunday, and housework ; wages $13,00 per nionth ; young to begin the wrong path, matter in their hands, Towns and then tipper lakes. Everyone on board will supply Blyth next Sunday. a t with reference, to Mrs, Butler, PP agree that this year'o crop will be very Q 3s2pI , Jame, reference, London. Ladies 1 Dont miss the snap in black cities that have adopted municipal thoroughly enjoyed the 'voyager and inferior. They are, accordingly, not Mr, Stewart, a student of Woodstock �ayl��l Lj1ii� Stare Plumes, going until the end of August atvnorship, have in every case we have )lope to repeat it next summer.—Com. tu,nbling over each other in their College, preached voryAacceptably on oxy Corner Drug Peter McHwen of Turnberry sold a at Mrs, Green',. They aro beauties, heard Of, found it profitable, In Wing- anxiety to contract for the output. morning last. carload of hogs last week, There were A Stroh Candidate. ham, a system of 'Waterworks could Baseball. The eastern Ontario apples are bet - !a y The Rector of Blyth, Rev. J. Ed - 81 in the lot; they turned the scales at The Blyth Standard says : •-• "In- be advantageously worked in connec- On Monday evening, the Park was ter and In the county of Grey the fruit mo„ dg, hag roturned from his holidays+ Is the Place to get 16,300 pounds and brought over $1000 formation from a reliable source tells tion with the electric light plant, and the scene of an interesting game of looks well and promises an abundant and will conduct service in the Forest - hard cash. Next l no that Dr. T. Chisholm, of Wingham, with the same machinery, The matter Baseball between the old tine players yleld, pre' Hall, ]3elgravo, on Sunday next at Everything that 15 The model Schools; of Goderich and will be the next Conservative Candi- is worthy of the consideration now be. and the r,iremon, The game was wit- 2 80 P.M. date in last Huron, Dr, Chisholm is ing given it by the Council. tressed by a large number of towns- JUST ARR1vLU.- $1;iU worth Illack Thu many friewls of tho Rev. R. hurt' hilt] Fresh 111 Clinton will open on Wednesday, people, and the result shows that the Plumes, which will be sold at W per Thynne, formiirly Editor of the Arthur Sept. 2nd, at 0 a.m. Candidates a strong ;than in Wingham and adjoin- g eat, above c cost, jn til the G Bend of Aug- Baliorprisct, will be pleased to learn that in townships." The Advance agrees BowlingContest. "Old-timers" have, not forgotten how , should make application to either of g Goderieh Bowlers came over to to play. The star -player of the game he has county. a call i Underwood in the inspectors on or before Aug. 20th with Bra, Bradwin (who by the way is Bruce county, The initial salary will and state which school they prefer to a good Liberal) that Dr. Chisholm ism Wingham on Wednesday of last lveek was A. M. Crawford, who showed his To Check A Runaway. be $000 per annum and a Mauso. Tfie "strong" candidate. So far however, for a friendly contest with our Bowl- skill at the bat by making two As soon as the driver sees the dis• call will of course be subject to Mr. attend,definilere. fibs following aro the skips and home runs. He also did effective position to run, In the horse lie is driv- Thynno s acceptance and the Presby - Dr, Chisholm has not definitely coin• A Martin Luther Bible, dated 1522 mitted himself. This we do know— scores: work an the field. The game was Jug, let himbegin the rapid jerking tory, approval. (Mr. Thyh,le is s Drutys brother of a11ra. Stroud Of yVtxigliam. ) to 1534 Is In possession of Mr- L'`• that the Conservatives of East Huron Wingham Goderich umpired by Percy Bill, and resulted as first on one )fne and then on the other, The financial meeting of Wingham Paeekert of Stratford. It contalnss oaf have had him in view for some time, C- Iinechtel--12 D't,vis�-12 follows;•--Old-timers--1.1; Firemen ---11. not gently, but with such force , to District will be lield in Winglxam Meth - R, Of the births, and death g R Vanstone---12 O'Connell -10 The players were :-•- Wing the bridle -bit from one side to odist church, on Tuesday, Se tombor 1, and would be delighted to have him P the Luther family. The Bible was definitely announce his candidature. V. VannOrxnan--18 Dr. flouter --i2 r�Lv•Tlnlr [ts 1IILE3i1urN the other through tiro horse's mouth. at 10 a.ni. A convOntrOu in the Interests brought from Germany by Mr, ><'aeck• They would rally loyally around flim 1 Holmes -11 Cis hunter --12 A. H. Simmons Geo, Manna This new motion so confuses the ani- of tho Wesley Bi� ntenary will be held, A. L. Hamilton P in their boat efforts to lace Iletin at the V'VauriOrman It iSa�is--20 A iii. Crawford P. Delane will b norng at 3 iri, A public molting �-j� erts father and has been It possession p McAlpine --11 O'Connell ---24 y mail that all oilier fent is taken away. will be held at 8 p.m., Rev. Dr. Gundy, of the family for several generations, head of the pall, We hope Yet to 0, Kne'chtQl--7 1).Lvisµ 8 F' Angus H. Moore Front many Yeats' driving I have pastor of the church, presiding. "lie- Itavq the pleasure a4 announcing that Dr, flothtel—I 1 Davis-�•2 R. Small F. sell never found this ulethod to fait oil the vivai or the family altar and home xo. DRUGGIST Bata Goxtl+ItxlTlo.r.-- li, 111, Isard RG p '1', J, McLean W. Burgess y , ligion," Philp, " CO, will give prizes fo+September eggs Dr. Chisholm will yield to the freely I1. Jeffrey --12 O'Contleil -11 g you rind ter Horse. Of cou•sc. lr :lou Itev. e H I hil , i3.7anointing n The Its follows :--Nirst prize-:-Tailor•mado exTyressed desire, and became the can* The games were well played and the J. Stephenson W, Scott you should never drive any florae which of the holy Spirit's rs of the W1 NGRA.Al skirt, value $3,00, to customer brink• ilirlate of the Conservative partyy In V. hied W, Armour , which lire ministry and members of .J. In In the realest number, 2nd prize Last 1laroxx. That he would nitcke a Bowlers report nu enjoyable tine, but tvlttinut the b..st of strong leitther 0luurcll ivaY oxpset to receive," lieu. J. ` p g L. 1lanson F. Ituah that will stated any strain you need to '4P, I3'olcnes, The publiewiil be cordial. + y J. U0111ns 11, Mitchell put on it,- filaria and 1,1reaide, iy lveleomed to the evening mooting, w air Boots, �vatue $2.00; Sid Jiro-� very strong canilidatc is generally ltavo to ackuowiedge a victor or Lady s W'A.Ist, value $1.15, acknowledged, their visitors by f) points, Belgrave items reached us too late for this issue, Woman's Institute. The regular meeting of the Wo• Not Sold. Mr, Dulmage has his stock still on DOMINION BANKS The London Free Press says;—Mr, b man's Institute will be held on Friday Sept Ath in nm t.Ol 'a Ball t 230 hand, the second purchaser having de- li d t t M. offer of ur- $x.00 PER RA.T, BANK OF HAMILTON rT. Fixter, of Wingham, who has eon I m a . c ne o curry on , P VY I NGHAM firemen on the L. H. & B, freight train sharp. All interested are invited to chase at the auction, Mr. Dulmage is Withernsea, Yorkshire, Aug. 7/03. Chapel --size about 10 x 20 feet, with Capital s]Q 1t $2,980,0W far some time, has been promoted to attend. offering the goods by retail at bargain DRAR ADYANcE,--Gettin tired of &mail chancel; this building is the old- 1g g est in Edinboro and dates back 800 CAITAx PAID i7r...,.,..$ 2,004,004.00 n� � J the position; of engineer and has As' Directors' Meeting. prices, Loudon, Its noise and bustle, I bougqht years. In front of this buiiding is the REsimRYE FuND...,...... 1,700,000,00 (and undivid• supued his new duties here. g' a sixteen -day excursion ticket to Glass- old gun called "Mop's Meg." R.etrae• TOTAL ASSETS.....,..... Reserve ed pro�ito) �3, �+ The Directors of the Agricultural Det Them Know. gow and return for about $8,25, cover- ing our steps we view "Mereat Croce" 21,Oo0'S08,54 The best Scribblers and Pencils are society will meet in the President's Any person having vacant houses ing a distance of 000 miles, via Midland which was re -erected by Gladstone in at Cooper's, Office corner of Minnie street on Fri- to rent, or an householders willing to and North British railways. The time 1885 near Its old site. It has witnessed Farmers' Notes discounted, Mr. R. R. McLeod, 1pdian Head, As- day evening at 7,30. A fail attend. ki BOARD OF DIRECTORS. + in making the journey n Edinburgh the execution of many traitors and Hon, 'Win. Gibsou T- President aeg- tae boarders should enquire of the about eleven hours, a long time con- martyrs and the celebration of many Geo. Roach John Proctor A, B, Lee Drafts sold on all points in Can, siniboia, has been appointed Manager ante is desired. Western Foundry Co. Ltd., as they sidering the very poor accommodation, memorable national events, Parlia• John S. Hendrl° Geo. Rutherford ads, the United States and Europe. of the Lucknow branch of the Bank are in search of houses to rent and being housed the whole time ins, sma)1 ment House square near by was for- J. Turnbull, vice -Pros. and General Manager School Opens. compartment without any chance mer) St. Giles churchyard, where of Hamilton, to succeed Mr- John boarding pieces for workmen, whatever to move about as we can do y Ii. S. Steven, Asst. Gon,•Mana cr Wingham school will re -open in all now can be seen a small slab covering g SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sproat who has taken Mr. MOLeod's departments on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. Renovation. op Canadian railways. The experience the remains of John Knox, with the H. X. Watson, Inspector. Interest allowed on deposits of 1.00 and place in the Bank at Indian Head. The Principal hopes is not pleasant by any means ;haw simple inscription "J. K. 1572." The upwards, and Added to principal All Juno p p that there will be St. Paul's church is undergoing re- ever there are excellent trains running cit soon from Calton Hill or Castle is Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Iat- a►u1 Slot December ascii year, The Dundalk Herald is to hand, a full attendance, so that all the clauses novation, and until the work is tom- from neo Lo ndon ttholo ordinary one of the sights. We have the na- and Slst May each year,and Added to principal very much,improved. The recent dia- may be fully organized. pleted, services will be held in the y P tional disgrace of Edinburgh, an un- special Doposits also received at current A. E. (y]QSo[�, Manager estrous tiro necessitated a new lent. Con re atfgnal church. It will rob• senger rate and those having plenty completed building of Athenian arch!- rates of interest, p Will Exhibit. g g P of cash can certainty enjoy it. The tecturo in bold outline, monumentsCURB40L."ll I gB�lt The Advance hopes that the Herald ably be three weeks before St. Paul's train arrived at Edinburgh in a Scotch wfoand a tree of the city, Arthur's seat # R,vapstono, Solicitor and Its gentlemanly editor will have The Western Foundry Co, of Wing- ill be ready r the use of the con- mist; it certainly was very misty for and other hills around, Leith, Firth of Dickinson do Holmes, Solicitors such abundant materialprosperity, its ham wiii have an exhibit of their re ation. a few hours and had been for several Forth, Forth bridge, Fifeshire shore estoves and ranges at Toronto Indus- g g days, but by 12 o'clock to my delight, - in the distance. Portobello on the sea to wipe out the lose occasioned by the g NEW AUVTS. trial Exhibition, The exhibit is aura TIIR>;I. HAYS nrolsE of Isard'$ 20 per " rt cleared away, the weather toeing on the other hand makes a charming tile' to be attractive and we hope will re- cent. discount Clothing Sale. Don't good orremainder Beautiful min ero,f visit ttonder such cidr- panorama. To lovers of horticulture ful 3 Days More.-�-Isard & Oo, For a cheap fuggy, go to Glover's sult in many sales of Huron Crown h� oIlar,is hanco of saving 20 cents on cumstances, like other places, looked = money has beeinces St. nalav slily spent rdens are here ► IN IN Import Glass.--•Fishlei ti's. Implement shop. They must be sold ver disa ointin indeed, but the sun p g f ranges. y PP g £40 or $ha given for a Japanese dwarf School Books.—Oooper & CO. to make room or fall stock. Home From England. appearing made a transformation• tree that you could carry away. The Mo,xnElt.s I—Bring your Boys and Streets soon drying, the parks and . Floral clock takes the cake, which has Auctioneering.—C. 11 .milton. Senator McMullen, when in the Girls here for their School Shoes, You Mr. Geo. Mason arrived home from gardens looking their best; ,t would to be seen to be apppreciated however r We're Widu Awake.—Ball Bros. House of Commons and criticizing the can't do batter,—W. J. Greer, his trip to England, on Monday look• take the pen of a ready writer to go I will try a short desert tion ; planted n Vinegar and Spices,—at Griffin s, expenditures of Rideau Halt was Ing well and reporting a very enjoy into detail regarding this city. Next _upon the silo of the sloping ground���";Bargain in Soaps,—W. McKibbon. "money close;" now he is Jit the Sen- Fire• able trip. A report of his visit to to London in interest ,s this cite; here from Princes St, sidewalks and in full Tvi x11111 Sous Stock Taking Bargains.—Crowder Co. ate and speaking in favor of the G, T. During the storm on Monday night Scottish towns of interest will. be old havecapital ofeScot and nt wherinde Kings view of pedestrians going into gardens, g quite "bellicose," g making an excellent imitation o a ' Pacific, he Jew the barn of John Budd, 3rd line of found in this issue, Our readers have and Queens are buried, where crowns clock dial; size I should judge abort And what he will be next nobody Morrie, was struck by, lightning and much enjoyed reading Mr. Mason's and regalia are shown, where the old five feet in diameter, the outer'and We have i2 gross or more of knows, destroyed. Most of the season's crop descriptions of the towns and cities he palace of Horyrood is still in good evi. inner circles are of one species of flow- 10o and 15c TOILET SOAPS; deuce with its grim memories; we as- era, round work grass, a�+ljr' I and one horse were consumed in the visited, noted for historical events. tend the steps and enter the old Hal) g g the numeral, which we are selling this Among the names suggested for the P well defined in other kinds f flowers, .. .. flames. The lois to Mr, Budd will be His lettere, with notes Of travel have containing many old parotin sof Joy the hands made week at Liberal nomination in South Bruce probably of wood or are Peter H. Mackenzie, of Kinloss, heavy. been very interesting indeed. Mr.. alty; next we see Charles I edroom+ metal covered with earth and flowers ; much as he left it. Through another August the 2711x. and Mrs. Alex. Alderson returned g in the immediate vicinity (under - A. W. Robb, of the Telescope, Walk- Successful, door Queen Mary slept; here also is round are located the works which See Halsey Park's advt. anon, Dr. Stewart of Cheale , and from their trip to England on Friday seen the bed as it then was, also the ground) Sc+ a aka. y In addition to those pupils from cannot be oath. Altogether it reflects Wear Greer', Shoes and Rubbers, John Coumans of Walkerton. It is Win ham school that passed Part II last, They report a very enjoyable little room with secret panel, through credit upon the gardener and watch - Wear P which the murderers of Rizzio the believed that Mr, Car ill will be the and invigorating tour. ( ,raker who carried out the idea. We All the new school books at Cooper's g Junior Leaving examination, Laura Queen's Italian musiclan)came through cannot always stay in dear old Edin- Conservative candidate. Martin and Roland Plough passed the Special Attractions. and at her feet he was stabbed to boro and therefore leave with regrets } p Mr. T. Gregory has commenced work g Aman the attractions offered on death. Lovers o£ history can here find but before doing so, �owney Chocolates on r. T. Greg trop of his new block. Eggs loci 100 tubs .Butter wanted Matriculation examination in English g enough to ponder over. On the way fz take a boat at weekly, Farmers' Pork for sale. composition, Latin authors and Latin g P y Leith for the Forth bridge, one of the Geo:°E. Kixcl, P the program of the Fall Fair to be we pass through the world -famed Can- world's wonders; Par•tobello for sea Mrs. Teriff has been very Ill since composition. held Sept. 24-25, are the following:— nongate, passing St. Giles cathedral, air for a few hours and then to Clas- her return from Bracebridge; we hope A Toronto gentleman is travelling 1—Free for all, trot or pace, purse $150. ever interesting; the Heart of Mid- gow. Glasgow is next to London for X'1'esh this week; in 10, Lawn Social. lothfan, shown on pavement, distin- size and commerce, The Clyde here is 25 35 alld "60e aeka eS, soon to report her fully recovered. Ontario, giving exhibitions of what is 2—Team race in harness, trot or pace, guished from the cobbles by red col- a very insignificant stream, apparently t P known as the Meridan Hydrocarbrde A lawn social will be held on the purse, $50. 3—Gentlemen's road race, o•ed stories worked in the shape of a not wide enough for a Liner to turn If you want good Shoes for little for lighting streets, store, and other grounds of S. S. No. 0, .East Wawa- p heart; next we ass Frou church, can - money go to J. Button & Co. g g nosh on the avenin of Wednesday, prizes amounting to $50. 4—Single rung year around rut little nt lanais. presumeit building isea where Bell is run for old ear out and buildings: The light is generated +. g y driver, prize by J. J. Clliott, V. S•, the new in, Presently Nye arrive at Wingham Baseball team have ar- from gasoli a and ie said to be squat Sept, 1, Supper served from 6.30 to and Currie and Rintocil, $25. 5—Team liner's house, standing rominently great industry here ; all sizes a0 des - ranged to la two games with the 8.30, to be followed'by an interesting g P d cess o bare seen on the stocks npro- WALTON McKIBBON g play to electricity for illuminating par- Hitching race, let -$3.00, 2nd -$2.00, out in the street, very old -fashions toss of building. The trip dawn this Irish Nine at Luean on Labor Day. poses. The town of Ailsa Craighas program. Admission 15 cts.; children in fact the oldest re -reformation rest- There will also be a Football Tourna- � river to Rothsay, Kyles of Bate and 10 eta. Proceeds towards purchase of dente in city an well preserved. 1 lnverar DRUGGIST Mr. Harry Campbell, who was in- ten of these lights which are operated P went, at which twelve Silver medals y, the Castle Seat of Duke of jured at Atwood station last week, at a cost of about ten cents each per a school library, had the pleasure of sitting to his choir, Argyle, s comparable to our Ottawa p will be competed for, valued at $50. at his desk, The study is very quaint, far beauty. This city as all know Joos died from the result of his injuries. night, Died. Watch for the program of the grand not larger than a pantry; from this everything in the way of lighting. Next door to Post Office. WANTED.—A servant girl ; apply to Concert in the evening, and do not room be had a pulpit attached to cor- transportation, etc., for the good of The greatest profit lies in bringing pi' y Thos, Thompson, the Blyth section ner of house to preach in to the people the ratepayers, D. Holmes. Barrister, Wingham. miss the fireworks on evenings of thereby securing all the ,tock to maturity as quickly as man who nisi with a serious accident assembled on the street; the pulpits the profits which otherwise would go passible, and at a minimum of ex- His Honor Judge Klein of Walker- Inst week succumbed to the result of 24th and 25th. Hand bills are issued now in the museum. Going throughtutu full articulare. The directors the different rooms, we see the faint- to soulless corporation, or enriching giving p privets individuals. The municipal ®j�A pease. ton had occasion the other day to go to the injuries received on Monday, and are putting forth every effort fora tune which he used, also Bible and buildings are worth a visit, Palace Make a building in that town, at which Bar- was buried on Wednesday. He was other interesting curios. Continuing flttings could not be better, the walls Ladies, call and price the handsome y' good Fair. Black Plumes at Mrs. Green's. tholemew Glynn was carrying a hod 35 years of age; he was unmarried, g our journey, we pass the ancient Tal- and dadoe are of beautiful marble, of bricks up a ladder. "Good -day Mr- but his mother and sister depended booth, and our either side narrow observe Irm p Deaths. the different closes or narrow aIle staircases of ,sine material • the build- �� Dr, Itennedy is attending the Do- Glynn." said the Judge "Good -day upon him for support. g g y- Ing cast 3 million dollars, fibers is im minion Medical Association in London „ On Friday last, Mr. Geo, Watt, an ways, the ri bt leadin to the Cow- much that i, interesting here, but time yer Honor, answered Mr. Glynn, esteemed resident of Wingham, cross• gate, at present the slum quarter of hastens us back (the home fever creep - to -day, He will be at home to -mor- "Do you be carrying bricks up that R, C, Picnic. the old town. Throughout this old in an) so the next oto is Melrose, a row, Friday. ladder all day?" queried the Judge. Notwithstanding the threatening ed life's boundary at the advanced age quarter can be learned an immense little old village with its abbey known for fall goods, which are of 78. The deceased had been a re- amount of interesting information re- world-wide, an excellent ruin, with f arrivingdaily, we will clear Mrs. John Allenby, jun„ and saxx "No, yer Honor," answered Mr. Glynn weather on Tuesday, the picnic at arding history.During John Knox's y' sident of Wingham nearly four years, g. h g sixpence to enter. A fellow can t see Vernon, expect to leave shortly for "I do be coming down half the time." Donnybrook was a great success, the but was much afflicted, and seldom time, t e elite of the city and country much without a sixpence. About the out the balance of spring Fort Bragg, California, where Mr, attendance being as large as last year, lived here; names world-wide could be one free thin you have in this coun- and summer goods at great - Mr. Lowe, a wealthy New Yorker if not rester. The crowd appeared able to be out much. He was a mem- mentioned who lived and met in social try is the air and I presume the gov- Allenby is residing. chartered a special train to carr him gher of the Presbyterian church. On intercourse in these little streets, nota- 1 reduced rices. P y y ernment would have that bottled up y 1? Miss A. Wilson, of London, who across the continent to Los Angeles to enjoy the program and considerable Monday, Mrs. Rogers an aged lad bl Burns and Scott, but its former g y g g y y at so much per cubic foot if it could be was visiting Mrs. J, Allenby, was where his daughter lay dying. The interest was manifested in the prize rearding with Mrs, Geo. Cruikshank of glory like everything had an end, and done. The ride to Abbotsford, 3 miles, g won the organ ; the names of the other the B line passed to her long home. who inhabit it, Throughout Oowgate, pects a tip. Arriving at the mansion A called home suddenly by the illness of whole run was a race, and the enin- contest. A young man named Gibbons to -day it is a drinking and noisy crew cost 36 cents and then the driver ex- Zine of ,$3 Patent Leather her sister's child. eer received $450 for the skill he die- rize-winners we have not ascertained. Her near relatives all preceded her to I did not see a clean face, but ,Duch the charge for admittance is one shil- Shoes, now per pair ........... ,$1.50 played. A great part of the run was P the long home and for several years that would shock a Canadian. These ling; the attendant here would offer Verity Plows are the best; sold by at the rate of a mile for every 50 se- The financial receipts, we are informed deceased had found a comfortable are experiences by the way but in- no serious objections to having an - Alf, Glover, Wingham, were very satisfactory, tensely interesting to anyone from a other "Bob" if you offer it, Americans sands. The pathetic part of the story hone with her niece Airs. Cruikshank. new world. At the other end of High area mark here and they think we You will need a Trunk or a Jacob Lerch of the 4th concession of is Mr. Lowe failed to reach the dying Fon S mxii.--In the town of Wing. Interment took place near Centralia, street, we enter the grounds of the have dead loads of money to squander. Valise for that trip you are going Carrick, threshed 40 bushels out of 19 bed of his daughter in time to see her ham, lots 4 and 5 on the west side of on Wednesday. Her deceased hus- Castle; passing through the ancient We give ourselves away bad with our sbocks of oats last week, This sounds alive after making the fastest trip on Josephine St., on which is situated a band cleared the farm adjacent to the gateway (now minus the draw -bridge) "I guess" soear in sigthey lay in wait until we t0 take. e enter like a record breaker. be sold cider ilveryt heaph all egidpply to, W J. on cemetery, whore their remains now on e►therteidebe nbysimaare alve proper, i�penco and shilling right ht and it is atom hA new stock of Trunks just to a record across the continent ficin Yew Ab - Two buggies collided rather forcibly York. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, Wing- rest. Mrs. Rogers was 74 years of buildings. Looking over the parapet boteford abbe ,s a love) old house on right is seen a small enclosure sur-conc y band—prices from $2 up. Large at the south end of Josephine street Hoxrsl. AND LOT FOR SALI.,—Com- ham' ago• g much as h Scott's beautiful study on Monday, but fortunately, the oc- fortable house good location, wood- rounded by a stone wall; this I was Winch as he left it, the chair in position, 3 -strap Telescope for $1. y y ' g Garden Part DR>✓ss SaloEs.—We have the dainti- given to understand is a burying books arranged and everything in cupants were not injured. shed, ice house. hard and soft water ; y' est creations known to oboe builders ground for dogs belonging to different beautiful order ; next we enter the several good bearing trees on lot, The Garden Party under the auspices and we believe society women know regiments stationed here, the stones library with 20,000 volumes and curios; Mrs. F. Davidson, Patrick street, has Owner leaving town.—Apply to J. J, of the Wingham Band, on Tbursday it, for most of them come to us for at tread of graves with inscriptions then the parlor with paintings, etc. sold her residence to Air. Robt. Breen, Sullivan, evening, was not as well attended as their footwear,—W, J. Greer, commemoratingthe sad event. Con- Visitors should not fail to see Abbots* Hanna � I� �i Co of Glenannan, who gets possession I tinning the journey, we turn to left ford, the county thereabouts is a a A a & Co - g P it should have been, A good Band is y next month. The price was $750. Will Enlarge. a desirable inetitutron iri an town and Concert On The Lake. and enter the old Parliament House or lovely spot, matte famous by writings Coon. Vanstone will enlarge the y A ver entertaining concert was $anquetting Hall, containing a large and presence of this author—Scott. A S'(I(p STORE SCIIOOt, SHoEs.—If the Boys' and g should receive encouragement. It is y g quantity of old armour, swords, guns, long ride to Sheffield, arriving early Girls' School Shoes are bought here, store he formerly used as a butcher discouraging to the Band when they held on board the steamship Germanic etc., used in past ages in warfare; also rn the morning, which does not give you'll never have a complaint to make shop, by moving it back and putting appeal to the public and are not alto- on her trip last week from Mackinac is shown here the guu carriage which its a good impression, as streets are "�'°xt door to Post Okicc —$1,00, $1.25 to $1,50.—W. J. Greer. twenty-five feet to the front and finish. cessful. We hope they will have bet- bland to Colltngwood. Miss Alba last res�tinn lace..ri This beautifulWa remains to Hallheir buret, Lite cars not running and ion to in it in good style with late lass Chisholm of Win ham was the rin g.P scarcely out of bed; vitarom station e - a g p g ter success noxi time. The Band ap- 8 P ivas restored by Nelson. lite great pub- centre of city is not inviting. Stroke Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Noble of East Wa- windows. Already, there Are recuse- ci al singer and rendered in a very lisher of this city. Next we enter Agents wanted who aro willing to wanosh, mourn the loss of their little tive tenants enquiring after it. It is preciated the presence of those who leasin st le that beautiful Irish Queen Mar 'sand Dndle s a xrtments stalks are lunch la evidence and pies- work. Good good, and good pay. son, Jared, who died on Wednesday of an excellent business stand, patronized them on Thursday evening pleasing y then to t c y y' p` sully they omit blackness which covers Men earn $6,00 a da winter and sum- , . and sincerely thank those ladies. and melody "The Exile's Return," follow- siriail indeed ecomparedl toathe one n the city ; the wheels start to move and y last week after a few days illness. ..the cit assumes a degree of manufac_ mer. Never out of season. Write G. On Wrong Path. gentlemen who aided them by waiting ed by an encore of Violets' and the Tower of London, which is valued taring activity. The gstorekeepershere Marshall & Co., Teas, London, Ont. Twelve years ago furry Sound in- Two boys named Taylor and anotb- on the tables. "Just for to -day." Mr. R. Holmes who itt )7 million dollars, nevertheless it is I fancy must enjoy life in their suburb - organized the municipal waterworks er named Montgomery Isere tip before organized the concert assembled the interesting to see the crown of former an and viiia residences; in evening Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. p p,. P, y p Kings and Queens of Scotland. The PP R, C, P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and Camp - plant. Today lite town has $200 the Mayor on a charge of stealing Municipal Ownershi shi s company, beaded b the Capt. reser Witton of the buiidin s are amusements and suppers, for their throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp - every year to the good after paying ex- plums from Harry Browns garden An Informal meeting of the Council Miss Ch(sholm'a singing was greatly used as barracks and oflirers' gnarters o'clock or window Taft r iinds n the mornindown g. It l nine bell's Drug store, Monday, Aug. 31st, penses. and breaking the trees. They were was held on Saturday evening to talk admired and favorably commented on. which we were not allowed to enter. Glasses properly fitted. Mr, Hamilton, auctioneer, Blytb, aged , 9 an consideration eg a theft youth, oversystthe ebut chasnothed definite electric to was Bonet party afong t) the passengers as enies ers omen from The lust place of interest was the Old (Continued on last page.) has placed his card in our columns, after warning them, let them •go on The Council will not act without fully Kansas City, Mo. Two of these ladies Orders may be left at the Advance suspended sentence. It is said that a considering the question and being as- also gave excellent instrumental selec• Prospects For Apples. CHURCH ITEMS. and will receive prompt attention, See farmer charges them with stealing a sured that such a move will be in the tions. The captain of the Germanic Apple buyers from all parts of the his advt, hen, the same evening that they were interests of the municipality. In any is the genial and well-known Captain province have been driving over Hu- Rev. X. S. Burwash took the work on ----THE-- WANTxaD --Goad girl for general allowed to go. it is a pity for boys so case, the propertybolders have the McQuade, one of the finest officers on ron the past few weeks and seem to Nviliteeburch circuit last Sunday, and housework ; wages $13,00 per nionth ; young to begin the wrong path, matter in their hands, Towns and then tipper lakes. Everyone on board will supply Blyth next Sunday. a t with reference, to Mrs, Butler, PP agree that this year'o crop will be very Q 3s2pI , Jame, reference, London. Ladies 1 Dont miss the snap in black cities that have adopted municipal thoroughly enjoyed the 'voyager and inferior. They are, accordingly, not Mr, Stewart, a student of Woodstock �ayl��l Lj1ii� Stare Plumes, going until the end of August atvnorship, have in every case we have )lope to repeat it next summer.—Com. tu,nbling over each other in their College, preached voryAacceptably on oxy Corner Drug Peter McHwen of Turnberry sold a at Mrs, Green',. They aro beauties, heard Of, found it profitable, In Wing- anxiety to contract for the output. morning last. carload of hogs last week, There were A Stroh Candidate. ham, a system of 'Waterworks could Baseball. The eastern Ontario apples are bet - !a y The Rector of Blyth, Rev. J. Ed - 81 in the lot; they turned the scales at The Blyth Standard says : •-• "In- be advantageously worked in connec- On Monday evening, the Park was ter and In the county of Grey the fruit mo„ dg, hag roturned from his holidays+ Is the Place to get 16,300 pounds and brought over $1000 formation from a reliable source tells tion with the electric light plant, and the scene of an interesting game of looks well and promises an abundant and will conduct service in the Forest - hard cash. Next l no that Dr. T. Chisholm, of Wingham, with the same machinery, The matter Baseball between the old tine players yleld, pre' Hall, ]3elgravo, on Sunday next at Everything that 15 The model Schools; of Goderich and will be the next Conservative Candi- is worthy of the consideration now be. and the r,iremon, The game was wit- 2 80 P.M. date in last Huron, Dr, Chisholm is ing given it by the Council. tressed by a large number of towns- JUST ARR1vLU.- $1;iU worth Illack Thu many friewls of tho Rev. R. hurt' hilt] Fresh 111 Clinton will open on Wednesday, people, and the result shows that the Plumes, which will be sold at W per Thynne, formiirly Editor of the Arthur Sept. 2nd, at 0 a.m. Candidates a strong ;than in Wingham and adjoin- g eat, above c cost, jn til the G Bend of Aug- Baliorprisct, will be pleased to learn that in townships." The Advance agrees BowlingContest. "Old-timers" have, not forgotten how , should make application to either of g Goderieh Bowlers came over to to play. The star -player of the game he has county. a call i Underwood in the inspectors on or before Aug. 20th with Bra, Bradwin (who by the way is Bruce county, The initial salary will and state which school they prefer to a good Liberal) that Dr. Chisholm ism Wingham on Wednesday of last lveek was A. M. Crawford, who showed his To Check A Runaway. be $000 per annum and a Mauso. Tfie "strong" candidate. So far however, for a friendly contest with our Bowl- skill at the bat by making two As soon as the driver sees the dis• call will of course be subject to Mr. attend,definilere. fibs following aro the skips and home runs. He also did effective position to run, In the horse lie is driv- Thynno s acceptance and the Presby - Dr, Chisholm has not definitely coin• A Martin Luther Bible, dated 1522 mitted himself. This we do know— scores: work an the field. The game was Jug, let himbegin the rapid jerking tory, approval. (Mr. Thyh,le is s Drutys brother of a11ra. Stroud Of yVtxigliam. ) to 1534 Is In possession of Mr- L'`• that the Conservatives of East Huron Wingham Goderich umpired by Percy Bill, and resulted as first on one )fne and then on the other, The financial meeting of Wingham Paeekert of Stratford. It contalnss oaf have had him in view for some time, C- Iinechtel--12 D't,vis�-12 follows;•--Old-timers--1.1; Firemen ---11. not gently, but with such force , to District will be lield in Winglxam Meth - R, Of the births, and death g R Vanstone---12 O'Connell -10 The players were :-•- Wing the bridle -bit from one side to odist church, on Tuesday, Se tombor 1, and would be delighted to have him P the Luther family. The Bible was definitely announce his candidature. V. VannOrxnan--18 Dr. flouter --i2 r�Lv•Tlnlr [ts 1IILE3i1urN the other through tiro horse's mouth. at 10 a.ni. A convOntrOu in the Interests brought from Germany by Mr, ><'aeck• They would rally loyally around flim 1 Holmes -11 Cis hunter --12 A. H. Simmons Geo, Manna This new motion so confuses the ani- of tho Wesley Bi� ntenary will be held, A. L. Hamilton P in their boat efforts to lace Iletin at the V'VauriOrman It iSa�is--20 A iii. Crawford P. Delane will b norng at 3 iri, A public molting �-j� erts father and has been It possession p McAlpine --11 O'Connell ---24 y mail that all oilier fent is taken away. will be held at 8 p.m., Rev. Dr. Gundy, of the family for several generations, head of the pall, We hope Yet to 0, Kne'chtQl--7 1).Lvisµ 8 F' Angus H. Moore Front many Yeats' driving I have pastor of the church, presiding. "lie- Itavq the pleasure a4 announcing that Dr, flothtel—I 1 Davis-�•2 R. Small F. sell never found this ulethod to fait oil the vivai or the family altar and home xo. DRUGGIST Bata Goxtl+ItxlTlo.r.-- li, 111, Isard RG p '1', J, McLean W. Burgess y , ligion," Philp, " CO, will give prizes fo+September eggs Dr. Chisholm will yield to the freely I1. Jeffrey --12 O'Contleil -11 g you rind ter Horse. Of cou•sc. lr :lou Itev. e H I hil , i3.7anointing n The Its follows :--Nirst prize-:-Tailor•mado exTyressed desire, and became the can* The games were well played and the J. Stephenson W, Scott you should never drive any florae which of the holy Spirit's rs of the W1 NGRA.Al skirt, value $3,00, to customer brink• ilirlate of the Conservative partyy In V. hied W, Armour , which lire ministry and members of .J. In In the realest number, 2nd prize Last 1laroxx. That he would nitcke a Bowlers report nu enjoyable tine, but tvlttinut the b..st of strong leitther 0luurcll ivaY oxpset to receive," lieu. J. ` p g L. 1lanson F. Ituah that will stated any strain you need to '4P, I3'olcnes, The publiewiil be cordial. + y J. U0111ns 11, Mitchell put on it,- filaria and 1,1reaide, iy lveleomed to the evening mooting, w air Boots, �vatue $2.00; Sid Jiro-� very strong canilidatc is generally ltavo to ackuowiedge a victor or Lady s W'A.Ist, value $1.15, acknowledged, their visitors by f) points,