HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 7I , . . i ... . I 1. I I.,. - I... - 1. 11 .. - I I—— . ­ ... . 11. _­ I ­­_­ ­ I - I I ­ _ BRITISH HOUSE PROROGUED, ­­­­ -.1-1. . . 1.11 . I I , . I — SECRETARY ROOTTO RRSION I - . - I 1 - F.Op MOK AN WHIK I 11 - I "I I Chico to Do t1llt,,41 it A1444A Tplbullol I zebra of the Bostook Collection, I . ___ ­­ I---,---..- tilts Vor Long. — . . . .. .. - I . . t ) The Kiog"s Speech—Tho Rioy4l* Visit It -W ULW911 pro - IT. -Wore, U4__ 20 Itavos te Aw r , tary, of War 'Root sallfs for London, to sit, With the I I The Grand Trunk Pacift and Ireland - 10sh ' * Land 8019 Efts, . Maskan Commission, lie will placo, ' ble-ra,olgoatIon lit the bands or Pro. its Future. 0, last, burst of rase , trAmwea , upon . the body of bla (90. I - , . oldent Roosevelt, in Order that tile ] And Ali tile will J1a the .illotorman held thlo oar. No one, however, van. . CAUJo.-Both , go or - Lopdop , ge" " I XCIO ii 4*,, prorQga. 45 varilo, President My,$ Appoint, a Secretary of War, it it Is doomO4 necOnonryo .- paruamont Assembled, early to -day mclaVj repA - . ; . I . 'during Mr. Rootla absence. it -to oz. TRADE BETWEEN EAST AND WEST , to wind UP the badnoofl of tile ses The IiJog's speelob. Not od, howayer, that the resignation I ToraliteNews. elan. in the acusei or Commons Pro, Tbu Kinglo Bilceeb wau or little gen- will net be acted upon until after Thr, N tlonal Transcontinental lintor Balfour, in a general ropl;r to I , alz.roi 111ter4atloalal Jntera*t- It C , 0 to' t4-0, , c4idlollty of His Corigr000 M4 ets. , I U tile sitting$ of tile Alaskan; Com- railly,a,y Will bo more atau a wheat - questions ion in'Atters of Interriq'i , U3j(-Aty,U rodc i,1011, In Portugal. It- mission oxtend beyond Docembor Isto qarryfug road, Not It little or the _ tIonal Intoroot said there had be ,, 41y And i rq;rfho, 00. to ih return It Is likely tit* Boorotarylo Zoslgntl.' OrIttolsin agaltust it starts Iroul An -onoxileated delay to tile Vone- vtsit of Vrosident Loubot, "W011000 v14- It hala givoil.y1sq to % str4log qxhibl- tloiT Will be accepted aH4 -)its one. cospor appointed, Ir a Seorot4r.r to tile supposition tirat it will have no function beyond the marketing ZU0411 111164tI04" 400 to. the fact 1110 tWw.Or-tli& feellago of -iilqival good noado(I sooner, a4tio" mayl be taU- . Of VIP. Nvootern -Umvirest. We are I.-Iranco, and Apain objected to tile 'Vill wMell PITYAli in, tile two OOUII On an tile realf"untion. It 16 bellOVO4 planTlin for the futuro-a point use ot tho FA9401 11341116%ago by the .UIEW." Dealing NVU14 U-10 uajesty,; hero that tbq Alamkon CommlsslQu- upon which, the Premier insisted - Tribunal. Whe-quIistion haLl, bet% I visit to Ireland, tbe apeeoli nays; aMr4goworm, OxIn.aAelons of go . will Oa Ors maq! be detained in London Say.' a Mo t , 3) ho . I I an4LI one 4oyQlopment jv dobj tile Ill. turq mtfot bring to an enormous I lglt to tile TA uval to decide. Re I With which I Wap everywhere ra- .Zal . ` traffic of the widest variety be- bollove4 thq,t the ponrt, wJiloW.moul-x.celved, groiltly touched moo my YJO- ___ . twiefta. east, -and West. If,tbat de- borO tile Czar had teen roqueetea to it jenabled mQ to realize Jiow much MATRICULATION EXAMS. went does not come, our na. It'11101241 .naluipate, w_ould moot art the date was being attomi4dd to Improve t4le ; asPixii,t4oarx wilt suffor grie- . brlglnally .fixed. Regardlug the cooffilaints that the Govornmout Wile holwitip: accommodation for the woffling population, klinulate (,am. __ . Wsalls '0011 be .111alled Directly to. YOU,$ disappointment. For the ino-i Mont the wheat output of QlQ west sholvIng a. lack of. oyillpatlq witII7 marclal ,activity', a4valloo tbo, mo- 1:11401 Sobool Prlllclpt ks. I he$ rivated Attention. . AIV64dy, i uncodonia, Mr. Balfour pointed out' Woda ot'agribulture, develop the 04u- Torentov Aug. 17i --U oxpoetiA , howievor, a cattle trad#3 bag Sprung that Ono of tbb 40op sourc9a, of Ifils- entleq, and pxqvI4,.tqr Via aloVand . .10 -'and UPI Wo may expect it to grow, I chief wats tile dlssonstallsijl iollgtho Infirm, UucW emalns to be done, that tbe results or the departmen. It la a- tradg. wh1ok depends Christiana. .it WAEL pqt tile t1rark but, It -%,rqa wItt. feVilagai'Of tile Odopl- 041 junior AnA .0ovior'leAvIng' And . Open A4.411-rall, IrOlAto. alit therio 'Llie allon.e-deejp As his guilt undoubtedly wag responalblo for the. Cot gratification tk at I noticed algly-0 of Increa,41n; eoncord among , matriolilation aXaminatlons will be. from " Uo: qnly forandatiqna of thc trarrip, 4111,60 wo , mllot expect, mud was -who miserable goo,altiono. it would be al( classes In, I . reland, prosaginec, as 1 nialled tho Edn"Cat'Onal . DO' for witilciv we must plan. , roily 40 rQrget -Allo.t th.0,0114,16tinno i _ _WpItml .efforts hop,), ,4 ne,,y_.4qra,,pt - I I , , .In . qWJ4y,-7_ _ 7. P Vrtme t ,on X Aug :I Our natl.cingl s4hom.0 of .develop. Committed -o,itr4dittorr on.' Chligtiant .rov, ft enora weni ;v . I The statement 1b,r'ea:dh centre At Mont 111VOlves tile Purcl%ao of east- . The Government was Still of tile Referring to L14 Irish land bill, the appech, says It offers inducements to wilich the examination, woo held. will Ora manufaoturop . by wastarn far. mark?. That WAS, A principal rea.- Opinion. tbv t tho,bok policy Wag to support the Austro-Russlan endeav- tlid la ild owners to, continue their re- 'be lgeot Ili an envelope Specially , "43=531.114T,Lou Son. we M47 guosv, Ill deciding the to ira provo 'the administratIOP. sldencn among thall- countryInso, and UlArk0d, rvollith," and Qravd Trunk directors to Wakathe ors Deglilng, WAth the proteos 4gainst. provides raellitlea for lipprovIng tlib will be mo tlad to.tbe usual address d603100 w,bioU hag precipitated the the HQu00 on puzillng f1sial contro- corralitlotfis of Irre In tho poorel? div- tricto off the west. It Adds; "TUIB or t lo H1911 i5ohool, PrIiialpal or Pub- ' -present sitqation, Who 0alladlau Facifle, which, haa onjoye(I Almost* vorgy, tll:o premier an,14 he thought thoro V r4p no neepasity for,,iladuo reform, by removing the -annient ell -Leas of soeilat dissension'. will, I Ii. 86*61 'inape6tor ooncernea. Iry no case will the results of the a a Monopoly of the -Panadlan east tin d woot trade, wap compal-atively hurry in discussing thel mn'ttor. There no pen4ing fisegi, question before 'neqrtlly' tru.,9t, cond4ce tq the com- aliove examinatlow be 16HUAKI to eardidateo directly Trom, t1le de- Imporlect connections in Ontario, WiNg tiarlia;.ineet, nor- would thore, be Cue . tale Parilaniefit. Inc n; boner It of all my IrLoN subjects." . Reforenco'lo mad.6 in tNo smedh to PArtlAallt. ,, Taleretfore,;'ti,sy. 61101114 apply to thle School Principal Tho OraiI4 Trunk, in tletermining to to, -of gIviing p, the WARt, blad visions: ,4j, durIng present Wit'll Am flea fling from Winston tbo general anxiety regarding the altuAtiont In the U,uropoan ProvIneeR . Hlgll or Public School Inspector In regard - tile bluildred-odd manufacturing towl3tv of Ontario and Quebec- eas- Churob,111, who vooemd, doubtful who- . th..O.r tile prepant Parlitafient would I of - Markey, 'to the great progra8% to. their Aun d1lig. Tbo lseholarobip matriculation re- . lei- access to the western, market, It Is . mea , again,, and w4io chqractorized , ler,0 policy or'troanefebrPig tjto prem made in t4o work of resettlement and ivaeltichtloh In S611thl Af lb a, and the oults,will bo Issued by thoAlfferent ufiiv6i altles concerned. a national object, Tile West prorosses to entertain a distirlot tho fimlix cvoollsstoll from PArilaniont to tho I wuntry ap,tbAt of d,"-dema- Improvainexit In tt,b conditions of as' riculturB 4*1 finance In India. I All appeals inlist be sent to ti Doplity ,Ulniater oil or before tl lo prolex,enco for Canadian , go KIO, ,wiien orraied at aAyth:kng like fay. goguo, the sitting awiao, suspended, ,4,ftei- tW toadl.ug or tile Kits's I , , , "ro ri,- Pn,rlIAmQ#t was Mr.orogued a 10th day ot September. . or,bl, terms. There call be no doubtinj tile desire or ootarlo to $nbsoqul ,11.0 Ifou5e was surnineni. . a;ptly t to the Houlge, of Lords to hear tile- . tilt Noviolrbor'Ond. . --- . . *11 to tile west. For'such a trade C%1 . I . , . . . I .. . r it - batter all-rall road woul e . I _­____ ----.,..--. ---.-- ..:_14 .-, ,.- ­ - - . _. - . . ... . "... . . I . -dOrocJ-;bQoause Ila,bad thr toned to,- T_ ,7 makbi certAln expoikres'au the bodi I 119 All h" WROUSILE, M4 401HIR, S IT - M96.- THEM" 1. ` j.. ARGH41 I I # ­.. tibluense f0vgntasel , A ., heavy, Im'port trade must be ex- . , - Peated. ,Our Imports Xrom, Britain have been growing under the pro. . ... ,w SoJqJV a, M.All.,Wbo , rW . V port, Conn., but who formerly ­ ­ I I forentlat tariff. The JncrQase has not- . 'extraordinar,y'; — - lived here." I . - been but it,bag. been . 1. . ' Cantrell -also confessed to killing a lmm ers of '0r'j[i`s.h..Commqi1s steady, and the p,6 isibllltles seem to Colored Ghoul. Makes Start- , . man nanfed Sordan, and several days . favor a continuance of that growth. 11 . after the body' was -sold to a dental ;- ' an Pill,.% The tariff agilingt Brit In to no t . IL I . , . . ,. . ,I -Tomfes3ion. college In tbik,olty!. Ther% are so ,RLTA,otor:Car . ., . : likely. to,. be Iowar6tl, but that .. ii n I t-, - 19 i , , "nally' clrcurnsliabc s In. conneotioll '. . I . . I , tes mayJ Very pog againErt J T Itad Bta . ". .. . ,ith. these murdors that Cantrell : I : .1, . I I - siblY be lildl`-oased, and a determi4ed — alone appeang to Jcnow that tile po- THEY,EXCHANGE COMPLIME Wort Wa0e to shift as .large a pro - I. ' FkTt . CARRIE SELVAGE'S "AD" Iloq oiiorinte)fdort is very' much Impressed bg `the confession. .. I . .RTS, . I.i -London cable--Aftbk, a, d&bdte 0611tion of our. trade no possible. fr om 4merfdan to BrItteli. soure6s, From jpdiallapolls, Aug. 17.—Aaftio Unn- ' - . ' . . !Mting oovm-al bours"'thO'b"ll 're- - the at4rt A'consl&orablo proportion of Western Canada's purchase of troll, the ,king of tila Colored ghouls' r %rho is serving a selitanLlo In tfic In-' . ADVICE TO MARCONI. willating U45 use of'-m,otor cars -oij British goods ma,y, be expected to be dfana reformatory fok' 9NITO I'Ob- — C"Pr011ts Wit tile Hart"'s D'o "oll II Public roa& .was passed tbrough the i f 0 . 00in"ott"t"'O - t1l W 010 at ,;? .40 carried bi,, tile National Railway. Then, we must not lose sigbf of bing, has made it sworil Confession . po former Suportutendeut, Dqers, -of *,Lo - . . .P , . , Say. 'TkIISR cralg, Co'.1,001C fill' P* Illbrwag. 'alpo Holt.03 -was . I I one great feature of the present - situation. r, 46toro. Canada buys com- ---Pplfiat IppUtution, And lit -mau -day I forwarded to tile . atorney-goileral , - St. Catharines, Aug. 1i,—M;03-!dai- tha. Craig,'In a Inottor to tile Stand- keenly, evenly bht-terly, divided on tile oubjee,t, alio tile bill was con- parativeir little from WesteFn Can - ada. The Vast is Japendent upon the Inr order that tile State - mAY take it. ard, gives o; suggestion'to MarOoni, ailklortubly mended aiter- it -was re east for transportation facilities ra- ilotlon. Upon - T111E.- first murder to 'which bore that Inatcad of trying to send w1re- . less mvtisages from cast to West, In e-eiv.od Irom. tli,o House of -Lords, ther t1ran T_er ma:rkots. it is lmpos sible, to proscribe A, summary remedy fors was that of Policeman Wat- w1dab procovs they run counter to Where it orfglua,tal. As now am3cended for such it State of affairs. . In. tb ' tersou. Caatrall says bo MW 1WO Inez), 4whoin lie nanics, trying to the natural nietion of'the carth, 110 Sholli,cl good t.bom easterly round the ' t pr6vados *iar a maximum .O.Pecd ot Lgll miles all hear on open roads maIn, the 'problem must be ivarked out by,., -che naturlil"development of rob a store I ' ttersoil came ,)v ieu WA Upon tlVm A fkgIft occurred and . world to tho. point dosired -66 bd: ,,,I, r , PQ _d. Miss Cyalg asserts that kl-114 1­0 IntleO 'in 11011F in tGWDS- DIV- 01W must be Vaeosed and cars must . the west from Its present ploneer stage to the condition of an Vattorqon was overpowered. lie re- I cogilizba one of thow, and they It lins boon observed that wireless Signals are tuvre easily received from be registered. Fine -and Imprison- intent are prorlded. for driviii till, , Istab- 3 liall-ad community'. Its solutiou'a: ould be aided byl the existence al tbb Na. stabbed him to death. Ile says ono'bf'the murde 6ri is n6 v, in Pfill- Wast to east thdo from! east to west. The perpetual motion of the -earth the pu(blig, danger, and a rin,9 Provided for not stopping , In: case tlonlXlr Transcontinental 'Rallway. In due time that rallwayl will to M"ore adelphla. and the other ill tilts City. Vto second case was thut of a on Its Ow n axis fr0m'wast to off accident. . Mr. Long, Who .1lad eliargo or the be a mere wheat carrRing road than to the New. York Central. It 11raltor Johnson) ,colur6d, W-110 60,1116 I to Indianapolis Irom ,Nowurk, N.J. ' cast creates a rotary electric current moving also from west to 'Therefore L,Lil- iw tile Howe or CaWT4ous; pro- posed io e,sta,biish a test to (later- will , Carry.' great quantities of wheat, and also great VaPtitles of other Ila had $300 or $400. and wianted 'Iediaua &Ilg. cast. signuls sent from inina tll.o e,fpIclanc y ot' di lvara, My- , : productp. to locate in Dy ar- the west would naturally TravOl Ing the decifflon to,thd House, -which .. , . I rangoment lCantrell says Johnson drove lVith. three other coloredmen eastward easfly.,-as no resistance Is off6rod, but lAgnals sent westward rejeeted the proposal. Tivi bill will now, 4a,ve to -he returned to ,the . 1 t%4nC'%*JC%*&X*1lC-A%&C*&ftP"CJ out Wost Tenth street on the way welild be forced against the current Hollso of. Laid$ for consideration of' to a cluir house, that lie (Cantrell) thlat they left ter sonio distance and then the bdqQmo flattened and the, amendm4to. A feature qf the discussion waa I NEWS IN BRIEF 2 arot thenit and after the carriage a.quarral Was purpose- ly started, that Jobbsoli Was waves wo.ql,<J finally disappoar, ,whilst at thosame tinia the message would be travelling the Inipatlent contempt Qxi the part of th . 4so supportlug the 'motorlsts' Atp.c.,Jc...Ptjmc...Jr.,.Jgx.tI dowin *wIth. a fence rail and beaten to 'death. body - Nyus eastward with tbe'ro,tary.ele6tric . . towardo what th-ey regarded'as the oXI-womaii1sh conservatialu of those The Hungarian dWnet has re - . ,%lie , taken to aa Indianapolis medical current. . . In short' distances ths resistance. Lusist'ing upon, the, proteetion ar signed. . college, whore Cantrell Says the, r eon be,overcolno by a slight Increase the non-motOriag public. There was much hea;t:,on both sides, and the American capitalists will operate lo- tho Hutton nickel district. skelefon nqw, Is. The. vicull, ilb says, Ili the power, but tile Incicass, of angry oxaggora.ttonis of tile d1spixt. " ' shawri frael,urcs. Tjla next murder was a wo,afrom overcome adis- tanco of t threa tboush'DO miles If ants made amusing rj ng. Mat6r- , a liken the at-t1tildo or their op'- ast The Collma volcano In 111exicocon. tinucre in , L violent state of activ- ., PenasylvalilA, !,'Whoeb.". first,,, name Was Claude. tfie las0'nitine not be- acrosi -thaN704- -In ntio woula be meces, sorrily very great. In orclel- to send ponenl;6 to that of- tile -Chinese to- -%arda the first rallwa.y in Clillia, Ity- ' I . Dr. :T.'W. UdLaughlln, c d Bowman - Ing reeslled. This Was two years ago. The man lilao A 9014. watch Long dWaneo wireless niess 8) it seems on consideratibn M:talgnestead wbir-h they bought IiV and des,troyed because It -eerrifled Tale villa, Registrar for West Durh", I I , Is 6 chd'que for' $300 an tile Engle- wood Bank, of Thkoago,`and $280,r ' 'J of Incroaring tho. power in certain peoplb. other aide, -alludlbg to the selfish- dead. Bulgarian bantle have devastated . 11, Ion all. Cantrell gilys - lie Wet. the Xn, stations in order to force signals w c-stward, It would be simpler to nerAp CC motorists, dese'l-lbed -them as llroaxl- hogo," driving Int6rhal ma- five Mussulmigi . villages. in the Kaw V. Potatoes saloon oil ludilina avenue and Introduced ,,him to ,a, Circle tile Worl(I with *IreJoss!tQIe- a * blues. . . . . toria district. Five itmlkns were drownedyester- white man living W 1-tailillton coun'- Ty, w,ho h" since been connected geapily stations, And send long -Ills- tance messages round the wPrId al - 'cast. . I A. CONSTITUTIONAL. SCANDAL day at 'Vulcan, Mich., two Miles from Norway, by the capsizinig of aboat. With the greve,robbin& eAses. Cantrell says lie and others. had ways from west to ,- . -,I . .. ­ - " . — What Briddh '111-.lilev 01 Con"llolls Montreal ChInam6n have, f( )rmed a rented o, lwuso In 'the rear of 720 Missouri street, a d thst there, the -DEPENDS,LYNCH LAW. Calls Chatu berlaill ,a Attitude. branch of thb Chinese Reform, .Asso- clation. Peyinsa 1 was entertained by a woman, -fe . who' passod'as tile W, — . Onli Itemed-, Jor Present Conditions Lo,3don, Aug, 11r.--goveral 4ttpm a . pt were mada, in the House of Commons ,Tapan000 politicians have formed a national association to opposo Rug - of one of the party, .and whoso, natuo Cantrell gives Ili -t,he affidavit Tile I ill tile South . 'lain's to discuss Mr. Chamber fiscal ' slan dos% ng. r . man .Was enticed to Beech Grove,' . C'llail:tAllona , . N. . Y" Aug. 17— , summo gather- proplosat, this being tho last possible Good reports come. from Govern where a quhriel: was picked -anki lie was beaten to, death with It club, UnIqUO (11130319 , ail. ings Is tile "inch Conference" now on chance bef6re: lie prorogation of parliament. the Speaker, however, nient explorers in the Lake Abbl- I tibbi region. tho killing,boing done by the Ramil - at Chautauqua. Tile alarin in- bM r eraaAe at MOb'spirit ,shown 'pg ends, ruted that the flocal mat ter was I I Labor men complain that they are J ton county man -and a dolordd man, ly.Inchings, riots, asab,sernatiOnO and Irrelevant, Lord Hugh Coell thought Ignored by tho'Congrow of Chambers 1 .whose name Is given. The body was burled in 0. grave w b can "I'll, hr other lawless hap r penings, gives In- that a protest ought to be entered at Ur. Cbamberlalif a way of cOM4 of Commerce of the J implre robbed In a little "mete 31 near tange Imp.ortan CC to tilts confer - . hinlilg his preStl& "' as'a Minister with The Macedonian Committee has Is - Beach Grove.' A piece of a black lint . Was placed In -the grave about A once- John- `.Tewpl 0 . Gravog, of Atlanta, the 116orty of an ordinary pollftelan In order to forward his views. It viras good ,I; JuBtEflerttion for rebellion, Med an appeal to. Christian pow,ore fall toot train the surface. , . 'Ga., .was the first speaker. in his ,,thc. onstitutl0nat sqandal, said Lord lit -1p. Cantrell goes into details In do- scribing the murd,er of the unfortun- address on mob spirit South," lie defended ly'nall law. as a 'of flugh Cooll, searooly less than tile Premier's attitude towards at( pro- The, addroaEr of the Canadian i1ouse of Commons to the King regarding ate Carrio Scivab;o, who escaped from romady for tile orlm d rape, bold- p -mals to ,discuss the fIS&I policy In Irish 0fairg has boon prublialied as a hosvItal. while In it demontbd call- Ing that though 1111011ing is It crime is byi the crime whioill the I-IoUse of Commons. * , . , . a, PaZilailiontary paper., . (Ittlon, and &as noypr been heard Jftow since, , He says that bn March . it justlifetl proVOkeg' Itt and' -will never be dla- tfillt' Prime tis CUM- . r ' LAND BILL IN LORDS. Tile work on the Solvers in Guelph is nearing coinplotlon, and it is ox - 40,1, 1001, lie and another man, whose name he gives, wora,driving Ili a continued I until Inmtod, Mhoromody, for AYnching — withill SIX weeks the Sys am r poiCIN 31 from Son th Juliet on to In- Must be the ClInlination of the crime pa,,Srs. (:,,Olklllllttee 1. Stames-0overn W, a in operation. I lano, ... Is, itild -continues: .. wo reached the 33elt crosg- or rap,6, aidd this, lie niaintalned. c6bld be done billy, by the OcVat'a- . nient Majorities Narr6W. . . . city Englueor Rust anys it Will 0 ost:Tolrontotrom fourtolsixmIllion !119 WO * mot a Womall ooming toward tibil of tile two Va&oa fid tile United I I . I London eablo-TI18 Irish . land I bill ii s passed tile cotninitteo, stage .rs to develop Its Own, ele0tvical dolla . IS. ShO was barelio'aded. and w6re it loose blue wrapper. 8110 WUS of States. ' ' . . . . r in tilt) Rouse of Lords. Many moro . . Onarky- ' inedlum, six ad) Slander, white, andh r 1 . amendmentfs were oressed, with gto&t 'hit exhlblt of 0-tes from Calia- ,p, brOW11-fialr-i Thls'ibair linter sol(ii: MORE IRISH HONORS, parsistonoy, but nonn were su0coso- than mines in the Canadian emigra- to, a mlllhi& meAi the coinor 'of 1 , ful, except Ono moVdl by Baron Mac- 'that tion office Ili London Ve attracting : Washington'and Pennsylvania. streo s .­ .4— . I victoril t1l Appolittillonts mthe lt0yAt naghten, providing A -parson hggrIeved by Ali ardor made by a much attention. , In Indiallb,polls; It wat; 6boUt nobn WhOA we met hier. 'd ,IS to She aW6 . . L drai,r))Y, tile King. ; London, )Lug, 17.-A largo num',her conimlsslover'rov Wlipl.y to the Lami Cotitnissl6ii for a rell-naring, This was Andrew, Cornogle, N%n offered. tile - City of DUN n tile suill of' W0,060 I ; take her home. She talked to a sort at tOO11gli.way, did ;lot s4cm-to I inVe, Or promatlohn -and appollitnontef to carried by a Vot,ft of Or) to 42. In the towards tile erection of a free pub - any home, And at lits Invitatlon tilia . got Into thfa buggy. Lye then drovo tho.ltogat rJetwrihn. Order in eon- VioOtIOn 11*1111 tile Xlng s recent 'visit otilot divisions the Golvorninant ma- lottiles Woke, 'narrow. .. . 1: , Ila library. . . - The Russinns refusa repreactita drove us boloo aild took the, WbIjaall, to Westfield 1:116 same evening, Ila. ' to Ireland tire gazetted to -night. T,hoy Include Lord Londonderi'YAnd . 1. HEAD OF JESUITS IN CANADA Alves of other powers A. tootilig ,of equality In tile Chinese treaty port bad at Westfield a houso, where tile f,ord DudlOV, all lCillghtf, Grand of N111011wang. Woman wt&s kept for adveral wookat, "Thla woman's "(line I believe wag al-oss, nand Lord Marlon 13oresford, Right Ron. Ilorace ctlr on plunk. — Mmter ot Novices at Sault Alt IteC01- A 11OgV0j AM69 %T01108, was hanged by Ilattlosbur Miss., %Ivage, After alic had been kept at Ott, 81v Antlia;W Patrick MODOnn011, leot Appollitell. a mob tet g, for Shooting and mortally wound- tho house in 'Westfield two Or three and ,t nuinbor at Iriall offlell"Is, its Uoi,troal, Aug. 14I.-I'll-1vato Cable tug J01or M. 11. Saxton. I w0ekS lie becamo afraid of discovery, Knights Comm"I'dOrfl, tntirty-fievell ry, Irish advicas train the General. or the Thty temperature Saturday In I and sJ16 Was brought to m.p Ilouge. lit I Indianapolis, where hoplanned as to officers of tile Army, nal t1onstntlulary find polle(I ItTo ,,,ad(! Jostilt Order at Flosolo, Italy, to-- ' Parts roachod 8G degrees 1"uthrell . how Wt.-OWOro to dispose of herono C01hurindors or nionlbors of the. daY, a"110MICO tile appoliltol(Int 4of Ilett. ThOV0 WOVO 111111morous cases of SllngtrOkC, SIX. of wbielf proved cliloralormod her at my, home And . fourth or fiftit, clagg or till) Royal lloy. Edouard I~nlpto i%: ,T,, Ifna. f4tal' 20 took her body,to 'Uhlon Chapol J%IDetOrY.,W1ilch Vlotorlaff OrdOri . . _ _ . jor of Novices at Sault ail 1106011clit, Tile Steamship 11401WIM, which Jz,.Ifk Marlou l0ounty, and placed her -in an empty., grave. " 1, _ Rode (11to tho, 01old. to W colno Supevibr-Oonoral. Of ther Wont x9libro lift -at week at Point Tilts grave liad been proviouily rob, I Au'9:. J?. - Harry ( i- (![Ar in eapada. Tile aDprAntmoht lilabe, on the Nowfoundland aide of bad Yfte body was throwp upoil the ea;iot nnd &)Vejed 11 ­ lip. Ponda, N'. 1 Z., f4paulding, a BuffiLlo alitoinobilist, , I" to go Into effect at 01100, And Vather fradotll)to tilts aftO"00n'tO6k tlic. gtr,alts of IWIo Islo, has boon allecookfally floated. I 4. it The nth,d Wild fJk9!hnl1x'b4ikl641i6r bunild from Afflettif(IMM tQ SYractlOct tlis tow Jkltb of th(q Euklo canalt 111) his realdr.1100 at tho COIIN o Of t3l(k Inimaculate Conception, tile 114Davv frost In, sections at Orauglo ad lived Olt AllWtl*1116,lit o. Alld*. Or pot *As plike(so in till) joill of the Via, Wd0 (11*0 Nvh,A,(l About two i1l1laq above illother Iloilo of t116'arder Ili Cali 0.1ft'l sallt,thn countloo, New York, J rlday ulglit, dooft Oyed a largo. . 9VAVO by, foyjooll Just dndOr th'a- Stir $011, In ottle tl,.,,t I - Pduld P`nhilg del. i"WAYWr" thig Aft&11410,11. 110 lost C()fttrol, of tire,, maghino. Which (1da, Father rAcall ipto funcoode JJov. qualitity at blickwhoat -and InJered Wally acres of O.Z.. ,r . t0PMIU6 Whofter the grA-vd Ud beilti dlptllrbvd ; phinged Into file ealinl. Tile body AvAg recovoted. Olt it wa# found it Telpst)liaro 1011latrAult, *ho, 11 oW , iftkos Illo pl ftj (JL Of tho forinot as I ,Or'tgo I)JI&JOIl' Lftllt Ifundrod fte $#A "Wo n-aftim Jim had been inur- NOW York drAft for $5.0W . . U40ter of Novices In Canada, I . gers aro wastWard bound on thc . I "I I I I I '' . IL I _­­ _ Lalm Manitoba, of SVVCb1 lialf are KqW% to tile U4404 statoo, . . I W1111"m 84-141444 od fa, 1101i'lorl", near soutVi'L"Pston"Wo"o, NO TaIr"110trucic by a fAllbig ell, Us and seriously, porlwpn 14taorl Ini'urod. Xoorlsli troops pursuing rebola.qu- tared r4renob torritory, and A zon- Met In W411QU 4 qveral IfIxenob 0110,10, ., an(I Moorish isoldlers 'wero. 1,01104'aud wounded. The folin )real? VaudoVU14 career of Miss Mabel MoXinjoy, n1coo or , tho late President M010410y, Ojos - ad At tile OrP)1 DlIW1.Mh0AtVO, Lag Angoles, last Sulklay night, Mrs, ftlacy Gallinger v6p4 her three noptiowg, named. St. Pierre, Are lit J411 At CarnwAll charged with. ,set- ting f1ro to tlin reAdance. of Mrs. Al - 1 guirlr# a nolobat., At Newington. . Lord StrAtbo.ona U1.1p, aocopted .an Invitation to dine at , tile Natt. cunt club after tile opening of the Do. uAlillon ,Exhlbktion, oil Saturday, I August 29thi. . Torontwo financial Statement Shows that there to a casti, balance' In hand' and In bgnka of $14107,- W0,45, The net bonded debt of the city 10 $15,848,558.00. Charl'o Solder, the ten.;Year,old son ot Charlev Soider, 11rautfor4, had his toot crushed, ' at 0.6 Grand Trunk switch near the Wzitoraus ellglue ,works on, Wednesday night ' , . I William Retry Bako,vftll, at 80a 44oluldo Rtreet 'west, Toronto* Is , much co=srnei) .Over the disappear- ance of Als son Reuben, aged 28, who ,line been. In oxtrewel pool, health . I for smae time. . Tlio one and a half year old child of Crlplt Win. Chaiminn. Wlarton, was etruopk by t)ie mixed train yesterda7. and received severe concuostous on tho forehead and obeok Lloyd's correspondent oftboTlines, referring to tbo standing of the flol;rjea, says there wilt bQ no eager. neas to accept contracts to, Save vessels wrecked on the St Lawrenco route. rslovan journeymen moulders and nine apprentices walked out of the Taylor-F-orbeo works ,at Guelph Yee- torday. Mae men Want a reconstrue- tiou ot tho rate for bouders or pieceworkelra Ill conformity , with 91,hor foundries in thO City. Prof. alaby, of Berlin, the wire - loss telegraph expert, Uas, .after 'Orporimento, removed -aW doubt that thm surface of the earth acts an, Important part As. cooductarof telog aphlq electric Waves, . . Whitakor WAWA-. 'the arrested promot6r and director of tile Lcyn- don, W Globe 06rparatlari, Limited, thd bearing of Whose. case was all. Journed to, August 21, 18 still In Brixton Jail, some of tile ' ad sureties for. his bail of $-NOON01*0 not having y6t been approved. .. The Government -will c tribu a 025,000 townros the, coit is 1vin and 'entertaining tile 'Congress of Chambers of Commerce of -the -in- pire, which opens In ,Montreal on Aug. 17th." . -, i i . . Tile German customs authorities now require that all shipinonts of cereals and pma from the Narth .ktlantle ports, Including the lake ports, mu.4t produce certificates proy- Ing that.thoy do not originate from . , Canada. I . . . . Kingston has gIN"on tile Bell Tqle- phone Conipany a five-year monopoly of the streets for telephone pur- poses. The company, wf1I put In ail underground System In the business scaj-1011. T110 'city gets $500 a year from the company. The Servian . Government is arrang- ing to pay, tile debts ot the late Klig Alexander and Queen Draga, out of their estates. The debts amount to osoj000, while the aggregate value of the &states is $1.40,000. The pur- plus will .go to their heirs. A dogiiateb from St. Potardburg, to ;Cho Cologne Gazette, Says, ac- cording to Chinese reports, that great excitement Prevails in Thlbet On account al a secret treaty Which i line been concluded by Rusera, with I the Dalal Lama. . I RAN INTO A WASHOUT. Keck Island Road Train Wreol(;0d--;- . . rNrewnn Drowped. I Topeka, Xap., A:ug. J8,_A well . , alithentleatW. report b40 reached here that the')Weat-bound Rock Is- land passenger train, which left Topek& at midnight. Is In a serious wreck near McFarland, and ,several passengers are dead end others'In- jured - , Chicago, Aug. - 18-Goneral Mana- ger Goodnow, al the Rock island road, stated title .morning that 110 passengers were hurt in the McFar- land wreck, and all the trainmen, but, the fireman, escaped. He wag pro- bably drowned. The train, which left Kansas City, at 10_80 last night, ran into a washout, two Miles West of McFarland, about throe,o'clock this morning. The engine, mall Car, and combination car went Into the opening. The Washout was Caused by, a cloudburst that caused a tor- rent of water to rash. down tin or- dInartlyi dry., bad. -which was spanned by a bridie about 2D feez long. __ AL Wee Globe Tioller. - Toronto, Aug. 17. -An IntoreAlng little travelldr passod Qirough -the Union Depot yesterday In the per- son of Master Angild Hamilton, 8 years of age, bound rroin Melbourne, Australia,, to Asslillbolti. N. W. T. The diminutlVe globe. trotter to quite alone, Vut ca% rlod With Ilian A - book in *htOh wag written: - I "My nayno Is Angus,11amiltou, I was barn In Melbourne, Australia, MACEDONIAN TROUBLES, and am oil Illy way to Illy Uncle at — ' Flaming; AssInlboia, N. IV. T." In Vout Tliousand Turkish Troops 130111 - addition to the address there to a baraing 1(rushevo. request from C. A. 8110tWell, 8,5)40 Slilildley street, philaaelphla,grand- , Qqtlonlca, Aug. IS.—It Is reportecl father of tile boy, asking passon, tll.o,t tile BW.garlan Insurgents, . liavo gors to be kind to Iffin. The boy ; in 111ppeared to be quite at' home I 11 ap,sara,o.Ki tile Inhailitants at tile larve, Turkish village of Kenatl, near I 11 . . -1 I . ..''. - I . I ­ -.1 I - . -1 11 11­1 , .1.1 I — ., I - --I;.;,* - :", : , - ' AN EFENANT KILLS A ZEBRA* Wos soffocated io a fierce fight. at. Coney Islood, 110W TOA*1 449- 18 --lift A dieAtIl " Ing 411 Via AttOMPts, to 04tobt hill% Struggle Yesterday between Tpm- wi h big trunk.. r m3r, surliout of Coney Island, ele- I +, NQIV PVI t1104 Strip$# would re - re beyond 1,40 d4ager zone, 4114 1111400, and Stripes,. . the Say"'to _ ; lmly 09"OUIPlatO T1011101y. TWO I zebra of the Bostook Collection, increased tile elop'UhAt's rage anIl tho zebra IvAtf oboked Into lasenal- Stripes, tempting deatir unce too ,-bIlIt7 444 then 41114 by the clo-, often, WX113 vaught about tile 'peak 07 VOMMY'o, trunk and, phoked lotni. pharit, repeatedly pilinging , Ifis tupitfs tuxonolbilLty. ' ,. Into his body, WhOn M W.r hhd Stripes bf& ,r . 111hrUled by tho spootaolo of g jungle fight, Paosengerfs In a Crowd" . . at.; Marcy he gored bini, agalm alict . Again WIth 1118 tusks, and ,then, In . cd 1"IftlL AyOnnQ trolley oar '-wate . ,U. 0, last, burst of rase , trAmwea , upon . the body of bla (90. I ed the combata4ty for too . minutes, A (,at Fuiteral. ] And Ali tile will J1a the .illotorman held thlo oar. No one, however, van. Now YOrk A -48t. 10,-UecAuso Dozkd Antolat 11A4 IratAky tured to appro4oh tU10 pDraged ele- failed i a 'take 0.1wAy A dead eat from the vichilty I pliant JOZ thb Kebr% that came utur- dIly to the figfIt" . of Vilut" Avenue, ,between Oackett . . street and Berson Avenilei , I . 1701 1111TYP after 109 outburst of two J,PrNey MtY, the women of that 1,101nity WeskU ago. when be nearly killed ct mall, WA R `1441`0600d Ill U PoAture organized Yesterday COS81011 and burled A funeral, pro,'- the dead tabby near Uonii iglauq . 're And there Stripas w,4 takeii yvest?!r*day to re- with honorIi, The Pat 1VAS killed, by i I (109. SOM8 . wabi a few days, Tile first Inti- UlStIOU that there 1j.,48 a typical at the women Were, 4 baild -of orape RrOund tJie right arm. Tiloy put tile junglo duol Ill progress w.t15 when tile MotoTmall Of the 1"Iftu Avenue dead oat into A aQa,p box painted black, dliq A hot.-, a0A witli r car Ileard tlie dQatll :or . zabrii. . Y of the 'on, &bovols _ planted pussy boneatli the 60-d- This Inscription, written by Tolnufy Was Chained, but th"R zO- . one of the smart set of tile nelighlborhoodo obra I was free, and ooul have SaTod himself hhd lie ivishod to, ornamented ,a ihcadStGna. I 11 Rare - I li" *at' but, lie rusb,04, at thO OlePhant, bit. Ing af his logs and cleverly Wbtc4 got a 14 Up, It was killo(t by tr.up, (]ads- ___ , ._ __ , _ ' - _­'__'_'_' 80 We covered it W,- . 1. BRITAIN'S POLICY, - ­ ­_' ­­ - I -1 J - TIED Uli_JU'Gu jk VEjN-- On a Variety of' linporlallt Forelg1l paculj4l. - . Experfeloct-, of* . Afrairs, a S,VrA"fia Mechanic. Lo=lon, Aug. 18,Answal-Ing v4r- IOUs syraelwe, N. Y- Aug. 18--Froasr- Ick Humbert, quer.t.,oriff on rore gn affa,lro ro,.,S_ .10,) a mechanic. ]living at Wyoming otroat, M P , .Ui,4.0 i nxoucr, Lim i'looraA Ieaq- or, in -tile 11011AD of Lor4c%% to -day, %ent th1vugh tho painful OxPerlonce of h&y.ing his J(Igu I'll' vein Porvign Socreta,ry Lord Lansdo wile ,','ald thera was reason to'hopO that 0evored, tied Up, and put varmanenuy Out or bas;lveso, He will tlr difficulties In tile way or It settle- recover. Friday a 0"Ivor Or OLOol lilt Illm in tile n k, 111"Ilt otthe ol-,luis against Venczacla by arbitration at Tbe, nague, 'Woold, ec The wound woo droissed, AUd Ila returned to W,.ork, soon ba, removed. - i, I , Doflnito Ins,tructionu, lie declared, TOID next da r.110*eVer,it b,AW, W0ZSO- Dr, 15, S. Van Duyn dc1cIqjqd had been given by the British Govern- moot that the Chinese Journalists at tO-day that the Jugular vein had been PlOrced, and that If an ope a - r Shanklial. 'should not be surrendered tol ChAneg'a justice , tle'll WOrD not Performed tile mail w0uld soon bloed to death AacorO- Uio GoVernment WAp watching Monts In the Balkans, and w o lngly I'D tied MV the Veln.'and Jett th-0 other veins, to earry the blooa At utilize every opportunity of mitign,t- Ing the troiijbials tilere. , t wjas dolug well. The opora.tion is it rare one, and is Lord Spencer CuTtlier called atten- being WAtelled .With great Interest. tilyn to tile Grovernment'A agreement * . I with tile Cunard Stoam!iblp Company, which wais 4,Pprovod by the riovao! of ROASTED IN FURNACE PIT, , Commons yesterday, And moved for a raturn of tile statistics relating to — Streall, of Notion Metal poure(I o" proviolio Ail,bsidleB. . I , John Crawflor.d. . LcV4 Selpowano defeliged the agree- . .NQNV York, Aug. lk-X01111 Crawford, Mont on naval and econowle grounds. ni labo,ror living Itt Patersen, N. j., It Irelpt, lie said, At laast one or the 11101t a horrible dasth yesterday After. grqa,t transatiantio linee'undar Brit- noon a,t tho Passaic Steel Works. lab control, and It had not merely a 110 was working in a, pit at tile naval. but a wider national aspect. real, of a steel f tux -nape willen tile man Lord Spencer's motion wasa fter- . Ill 01141,rge of the furnace tapped lit WANJa aiCcopt0d. . . . I ro'l. the purpose dr discharging the alag before filling t,ho retort. The LORD SALISBURY ILL. lit a Critical Condition at RaCtleld 1101180, . 41 oiidon, Aug. 11S. -Lard Salisbury IS , I eorlollosly Indisposed,. ixpcoZding to In- formation rcnalved, direct from his (Amlly at Hatfield 11cuse. The late Premier Is grealtly exhaust -ed, and phydolana nra in attendance. It ig sta,tod, to -night that there Is no, Immediate danger, although it Is admitted that the, condition of the Ua:rqvIX or Salisbury Ili critical. Ha lisp not been wiell for months, amd at prapent exhaustion is pronounced. According to a medical Journal Lord SnIlsbary has suffered fur years With Intqstinal paxenle. His health was severely shaken by the death Of 11,10 Wife In 11199. PRESIDENT 011WISED. . .— . KepreEentattire of Publisbera Ad- . dressed Typographioxi Union. W,aabingtoD, . Aug. 18-F rederick Driscoll, a representative of tile ' New spaper Publishers' Asioclation, addressed ,the convention of the International Typographical Union In accordance with It vote passed yesterday. Mr. Driscoll sharply orl- tiolzed President Lynch and the Ex- ecutive Committee relative to the strikes in the State of Washington, which- lie characterized as inexcus- able. and said: "If arbitratioubad been adhered -to According to tb:e obligation at our agreement, there would haye been no strike or (Its- turbance of our filondly relations." Ild said it w,AS rot a pleasant duty to Criticize tile president and c of the union, and added: "But, as a friend of 7our orgaiAzation, no a representative of the publishers of our asaoclatiom, as a inAn and a citizein, I am obliged to einter my protest against gross violatialls of out arbitration con- tract." , Mr. Driscoll's remarks were ap- plauded by the delegates, and the Chati? Announced thlat the specoll Will be referred to the Uommitteo oil ArbItratida. A propositt-.)II -looking to Closer affillation of 411-'stbreotypora nad Plectrotypors in 'the U41ted States and Canada was referred to the Coinihittea On, Laws. . I PrWeAQ8 Of Crawford In tile pit was Unknown t0 thei furnace men until 1119 eorejams; caused by the stream of 11161ten metal plouring upon 11,1m At- tragted thcfr attention. The hole was plugged- linmedla,tely. but by that time, Crawford was dead Inis body wiam dragged from tile pit with a ,rDp9. - ; : - ; " I - I . I , 1 , TO FIRE ON THE SHIP Startling Novelty to be Introduced by 11"Vench Admiralty. . Pltl'10, Aug- 1S.-Mbe Frenen ,%41- miraLty are aWut to make alilghly Interesting and Sensational expert. went. , J The turret Of the cruisorl Suffren, With her ccompLet- . crow (m heard, Is to be fired a -c by the cannon of the Hassena, One Of the Most Powerful of the French Man-of-war. The pro. JQBtlle 'Vill UO filled with ballast, but !t Will be fired as If In earnest, and In artion. The crew 'A 780 men, of course, will be placed as far off the foreAurret as they (-an get. The Idea In to.doterming, tile ex&Ot mliitary value Of tile turret, nott to discaver so much the effect of per, foration as Of the destruction caused by the 61100k Of a shell on".the in, torlor mechanism of tile turret and On QO plate connecting tile turret With the but.l. Special iron plates have ,been , AVOW to the ttirtet's Starboard sidp. These are )surmount - ad ,by a panel. of sailcloth, and it is at this that the cannon of tile Xas- Sena iv:J[ be directed. . Tile nlaximum Charge of powder Is t0 .be Used, and the distanco will be rather und-or 4,000 yards, M. pa,lietah 1111ticiPuteR that ,-the sbots that do strike tho turret 'will do 'OOmpara- tivelY little damage. I I 1 IVESUVIUS THROWS LAVA. Wholn District Shalkett by Eartlj. quakes tin I Panic Prev*ls.- . A01111101 Aug. IS.-VMlivis -is again causing lawnse -alarm I'll the sur- rounding region, the L"'uptions of tile Volcano being vOrY heavy to -day. From ,a fresh opening at tile base of the principal crater two at -reams Of laVa are Igniting, wJilch Within a few holirfj covered a wide tract of ground. One -streain, is, going f1wittly towards tile Vittage, of Otta- )ano, tile direction taken by the few- ous eruption of 1872. The w -hole, district around tile vol- canO Is shakOn by froquol)t earth shocke and a Imnic prevails, tile PoPulatl6n cro"ing the churches to Pray, or gatherl* In open spaces far safety, Bxperts h tar there Is plo -rCaqcAll .to fear It Serious dismater, __ tile station, And travellers all(] I onalstir, Only twenty eomplug. Mhe 2 I _' " trainmen mado blig comfortable., . civil and military all'tiloritlels at Sal- FIVE MEN DROWNED, lonloa w,lred to ConstantlTIODIe, AUg. Tomperenco Vs. Itevelixte. 11, stating that A getoral insurree- tion woo oxilelated for Aug. 14, &Ali — Eq"',, er Met.-ey kPoundt,red oil ill(% yipnna, Aug. J,X.—A Clergyman of digaj,11ming ult reopoDnablitty 111010sa Not-th Shore 13clo,tv bletio, thc Itarorlued ollurch,.Wilosc. work tho,y wel-o reinroroed. ConfitaiatillOPIQ Qnebr.% Aug. has been lay In 0, vttla8o ucar Xtailsonbut'g. roplIcKI, ordering tho ourallmont Im- WedI,i,tr,V of two thou^.hd exolusllve- ,18,—NOwa received from Point Oulardoa, on tile in 'fintigary, &ot litinualt earnestly to ly j%ftwoulmIln ge;nj1t6rmC% for service . north shore, below Matig, that tha ,6 steamer Ikferocy, from quebee, with tile tatsk of reducing drunken"as lit Salonlea. 111hD Insurgent banner wag unfurled Aug. 10, at 'X011sk0, a eaPgo for S&On Islands, founder - among ]its flock. After Woutho of persuasion lie at . ii ncO.r OlOrgv1d) 0110wing t2l"t the I - snpro! otion is sprouting castward - ed a little belo-W Point Oulitedes, about S 1).m.. yealtoMay .. Capt. 01mg. , so far as to faao tj a ton,,T,-r. last gat twoo, union. Tjlo otatutts wers drawal L Mour -thousand troops are boull,11rd- "on, thO mato a0d anothee man EllOe".ded In reaching shore, f0ter up and fluly forwArdod to the Mlnls toy dr the Interior for approbILtion. 1119 XPURI)OV0, W1110,11 18 In tile bands Ot''Wie Insurgents. Trustworthy In- W11"ll bards"'PI at a O'clock' last u1,w1ht' t"I'Ve at the crow, 4Were drowoed, After a. allort delay tile pastor re. -ation, Ot- ocived a oommunic to the' torlaa,tion from Chogabl, Ili the MO-` . ti -lot of p,lorinn, 0Ays that the rftrks 4 Scot that as th(i objects of the unlou Worc, 'calcIftbed, to r(A1100 UIO POV- I imvo. tleolded to iinixtiot the Aug- trian Colftoid. It is Stated that tile , Ail Odd Obstirt. Aniong thi exhlb1ta of tho POA-. . Illo rmelpta the Mintritor did not see tit hts way to gtahtlng tho applioation. V, re,116,11 &n(J Italian Consuls In Mob Nstir aro Ili danger of their IWO$ offlen Departme shf At the St. Leut,-" Wirt will be, a qu&r wooden (illart 'Afatilla . I I . front Turkl4li troops. 1311ghting 10 WO- f0rmONY UAW— In th-0 Po,§t. . ocoillog at Cherna.roks, near Gil- * Office duthig the ftlft-ftleh Occupation, I Clardinals Pay Stopped. I :wenjo,. , . I . *Alit! cli.art W.dlo hiijag On the wAll and London, Aug. 17.—A dWV%tch to th,.-e Chr nlolo fraill nOM6 says that tll(,, A human, Imad, supPosed to, be tho nampq of all thoe,o who had mail awaiting them vrorovAtton on 011pIi . pay, $,I)o r4ich, of thty members of the conclavo Ila's Woo withhold# ptndlog that Of W1.11layn Gulftrlduppo, NAM was murdered lit 1808, 1,vas found or papor A:nd fitt6d Into hotallaq -on the chart. Thla vavAd tile elorkis the an onquiry, by V&t1011i officials as to how, the, news or the; voting for 'a 6,v .sonio boys near thO fokwer bonnilary 11no bOtWN%ll DIA01 10110 tr(Alblo of telling 04b Filipinas that . 0A)TO WOO 110'IM4111 for th6jil, tifid go pope leaked outpa'Ad who the 001priW . Wid RAW)DOW00d, 110W In Long Is. . ona Woo supp6aod t6 ask (Oil Abr ub. , 10mg be O&W h1s Uino pftto& tre, . I I . land City. , . .1 , I - I' I ' I' I "(' , .... .. 1 ..... - .1 . .. - . -11.1-- __-.'___._.._._- I'll ­ _'..'.....'.- _111-11. - ­­ - --1 ... ...... .. __ " " _'­ " ,-,- - - - ­ ­ - ­.. I. ­_­ - .- - ­­_,-_-­—.A!61.1..h..e' W