HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 6­­-­ ''.. ­­­ ­­­ .. ..... . , ­ ''. . I . . . . �1 .� �, , . I . � I I I , I I . - . 1.1.11 �' I., .. . .. . I . � " If, I . . , I , . I . 1 I . ­ . . . .. . , . , . - ..­ ,� " � . . . . . ,-, 1- ,� . . � 11 . I I I I I # ­ ­-� I , � j. ." ''! , , , , , ­ 4 6 I I I - � , , I , All! -- , . 'i ­ I '! .n!!=!!!�!, 414f - �1%10" - � 1 , , . . , WIAW , , i, ,�, � " , , . .1 . - 100,1*0WO -01, i -, 14141111' . . . . . . i 100i 0 i1i ow, - , . .� , r r!! i ­ -­ ­ - - - . �, ­­­ � I � i � , � , 1� - ­ - - , , - , , , , � - � 1, I I . . I � . I I I I ­ T11(k w;g1lid A halted wi It aroaWkI... n1i A READY WOMAN, � - from dwil thou.V113, RAI(I Ille-lilleit ilia . -'j— ISSUE NO* 34, 1903 - . . I 423011 R4 KENT'S C --R4 I I .­ .. 11. - 1. . 6-1 ^-^ 14014L Relip9d Rior Lover Out Even -to Getting . " . ­;�,�--­ ----- .., ' o (I (I 1) Alm Winfilow's booth"19 , 11 Where yQL1 ploamt.,," be al. the I xlwayv be used for Children I reo& Mhoull Cal '40 License. I . I Ile the child, softens the alim Ing, It .1 end is the hoot renkedv ) o,urevwl44 $019 . I :04101 floe V arrIloso. Tillye�e is better neemnlilod,itlon' where was a pause, IngraW ,-,�,, t 45;r 04i � I 0 t$91311104l" Ten thete, my lori,L I 111%ve open Vol. apoke ugain. he 01%104 ­ -- —,-- Onol waril, of the pri'(111.1,-he spoke to because I love you that I am qR�� - - (11111414 WANT11 ,I) FOlt .ISIS rA,('- till) ivord RJR delicately aa p"01ble- J)yl11K Of alright's Diseaso, t3ioad's ii:oIng to Bond you 0.way. I oquilot - � "', 50 tory, Komi wages, steady eniploy- * ., . C971te, eze., " Za llt4ete AV "atict he will make every .1Wran9P- I .. marry 7ou nOv,4 that I our Grip. . L - moat. D. 8. 14INMIN &M, ., went. Tile warraint w-ks Issued UY Kidney Pills Cured HIM, pled." London, Out. Dir. ljofte-he W ODD Of the ililift -- ,'It's just why you call," replied - ­ P . I I ' 0114-4. olid will keep his own Counsel q4tblnA., "You really need me now. �� 11 V FFICIALLY A11TILOW411,I) LIVE Or . for a time. I ishaji. after -after I Recent 1)eatht; of Prominent Halt front Uilqldcs, I think I prefer your not 0 ,Pope I.eo by Ugr. Wruntd 01tiellY and an4 et� ,)U4 "&& ,4;1-. leave yoli-go on to Sir E'dinUlld AIN the ftesk I)r,egded of all ItAmiladice being able to do things to your Sunlight $oap will not injilre the tt�UIOUNLI'Duutl)Olio.(Itiltle.'I Both julvi ;1§11 It strongest French; lilaki's Positively tie ,_O naklilln to arrange TOP &in QArI,y OX- Aeeallthe V4,ot tbnitVOdIVi% Kid- doing them so badly." your blankets or harden them. strongest Pro omition ever offemd to agents; ginkInat"011." The Nvortio were stild laughingly wili'make them oft, white and no book ever ind such IL phenomena 0 it" 7/2 )" � F. I Hat the4gusiness Gul4e.1, ifyou have any cuter. *Ve Tile marquis awded. $key P Ills have Conquered It. to lighten the situation, and list- fleecy, 711 egt In colning money boapstly and very ra ). W" �-� "Do whatever you think 1 Ottawa, Oat., Aug, 1.7-(8e0l%1.)_ .thor Ohio. nor -111gram realized their . nick ;I wid bow. ik 454 t/ 4��x "AA"" bask.", r . ldly�, wet , for terrAtor I Saunders eyed blur with covo,t I � I I � . ­. . � .1 IW 14, _ rleace not Ito eseary,'wa run The recent numerous deaths of pro� truth. He dIvrog4rded the remark I. tile field, xpe scrutiny, I willent lug" frqui BrIght's lAssease altogether. It's very noble of you, Fair Offer, F It write. The J. allrisk. DOU.'t Nice I till l'o . . dear to be so p1tiful", he niurmur- PlustrAtPA Bits. ,-.. . . 1, licliolo, Up,, l,,fal ted. loroliMention, I,;& I 1,It-A ,lot my place to say any- iocalls the Came of QGor nt, I s paper, thing, Any lord," IW sold, after a of 408 Gilmour street, tis city, but I cannot let you sacrifice Ile -We Must economize. Suppose I . , - . . . I : paume, "antl Ws lay duty -to tell IMr. Kent, wltot Is still Itiritil; ItOres yourself," . . darling, thqt ,you. try your hand ii�t 30TS WAINTEID-A NUAV MONIBI. -1 you that anything you sa,v lintly strong AW hearty, ,%Vas 4,Y1111; of "I love .rou," said Sabina, making your own clothes. I . t A"maker-90,000 sold 14 U111110M, lolls; cost & e or 250,* cuts malting 1$ a 13ILT ; I , milli swill.bas"F I used as I t tils Use Xagrn.m picked up his s))Zkktohk,m;, $110. -Oh, QQQrge, dear, I clever 7c, 0 III , I 11^011.1-:W�^~-.1-1-1.1� I I let you. you know th-,vt 40 Bright's Disease. Ile had IQK . � . . 0e, sold 1, samPlefilr0c- Domestic N,vpll i4i I do, my Jord, bat -but It ,y6fi of ails Iliube Raid ills whole body was and. laalltp,X OIL them, :4=9904 him- . could do -010. ,aupposo I begla bm 3,11g. G., peel; a,'Xinneariolls,'Minn. Risk bim to arrapge for an early, ex- ewolla'a to a terrible size, -'Three self tic his toot. 'It was heroic, at. 'trying to ranks yours. ­ I � ( i though lie did not known It, I nENTS' FAvourVE VAUIPL0118--t-TUR 4 'W1 planation, I shall takes It o IkX best yet.- Fail eatislactioupr money Daggalle- -o a f0vor, a doctors wero positive tbAt he m4tit He . personal. favor, WO.L.0on't like die. . . . I I ►.� . took A to.% uagol4ly stops, We Ulnardfs Liniment Cures Garget, in ria 26c, postpaid, Elgin Nov- . % 4, I •k back. ,'Sam boing on a wrong,scear, aa,yiau can - alwils wt�tdbtng v# his bedside We 11AMP04 form more resembling some Cows. I city Co.. 4, S' Thomas, ()lit. . The Rose and Li Vol uIlderfitand, and I've got a - *notion w1fle lia,ppenbd to read air advertise- grotesque quadroped than a man, I . I 9 that -In .'short, Ing lord, thAt, 700 meat 'that said Dodd's Kidney Pills "Look at me well." he salid, bitter - liar Proposal Turned Downi. A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND o" help me to come at the truth - would. cure BrIgAt's Dhicaso. They IY, "DO 704 01110Y tie NPQ014010 2" ' . .I 1 were sent fpr as a last resort, I . rom i 1-1 love you said Sabina, PhilikilelphIm Nvening Telegraph. . I WOMAN'S PEP,FIDY of 4,44 aO J11 . � or title. Mhers Is a small town,utp the State . 4.1 am sorrr i caninot oblige you, "% I almost the first 4ose Mr. 1C,imt says i "It .W0111111 'lot Only be when we Boys •Find %0%eW.#%A%0%0.,0%~%r%.� � I respopi(led the marquis t1ulotly, 11 As lie felt beileped by 'them, After Were alono,!' lip went on, pitilessly. QmM boasts a [tamale ptreaeUor, and I , you remind Ane, anything I say may taking four boxes he was able to 'flu ,the streets th�a people look at tha laid�rlo datleo are many. One day . . .%%0"01%# I be v*e4 A . I Seventeen boxes cured him Ina and turn aNrAy, the -Children alle may visit the sick, another at .. - g4ja . tend a funeral, and the next baptize - Openings - L , ist me� I suppoo-q. most ,Bit up. Tile rest also muttered something WAS accustomed to put. up on his oe- persons in my case are silent, are completely. . , laugh -*even the dogs meet* to took arbaby. One afternoon tAie was pre about sudden departures, to all or easlonal vialts to the city. The they, tuot 2,1 ' I Mr. Kelit's cure %,%used great ex- at imia curilously, is that tlk'a tiort . which the poor lady could only mar- change, however, did not . Improve, "Y . as, when thegIre citeatent at the ,time. People who of husbaud yqu would be proud to paring tho sermon . for the following , . guilty, my . Sunda;I when alke ,heard a tlmld - ! : I . I It they are , . mur vaguely In return. It was a Elaine, either In body or mind, and lord,of, n4ers 1400nicAllk. Jf4d heard of It came T,rom far and w4% with?„ . � assented SAu I knock a,t the pixroonage door. An- . hurried and uncomfortable meal, for they went to Paris, Tile gayety -The shadow of a. onille flIckered.on, 4 near to, sea him, and all went &way "I love you, said Sablna.� owering the summons, she found a i ( trained to 11th -ink aft everybody could not but feel that his of the French metropolis, instead of tile i convinced that Do4d's Kidney Pills Crigram sank down Into the bashing standing oil tile � . do." Manual TrMal - absence was desired, and very soon cheering the suffering girl, had , marquis' face. "Then I shall will cure Wight's Disease. . . Chair again -, 14 was Very hard. I US a' hams to let 74n consider me guilty, I step and twirling his straw ►hat In lite I carriages were at the door, and the depressing effect, and the major took ' Mhls conviction Is strengthened by 'lob. Sabina,' he ,almost groaned, bands. 112 epnoaction to I t IT . Marquis of Nairne's guests were tak- I am afraid, Sanigifters," he said. I & number of otbEir oases reported "You don't under -stand. You. don't .,, I I I i her to Lucerne. Nothing more ,vm.s said ututil they, Good afternoon, the preapherei"s C Ing their departure. '4ven on the margin- of the beau- i came In might of the town, and S n- throughout the countiry where this understand, dear, that you be 0-40hool studies ovau flu Your lite ro ... arked. "Wha,t do you, ,.vlqh V I Most of the guests had departed, Ural lake. Elaine seemed to fade dere remarked quietir: great Vitally remedy has been used, giving up everything, Y1C the 4,Doy oay der minister 11fed In dis I , thm, education rectilired. . ail except Gerald and May. It was slowly. and several of the guests , "All the ladies and jentlemen have and Birl%ht's Disease vanished. 3violald J)o empty, -.You'd Riles t houee. hey ?11 I t jSond for Calendar of greatest JGyp In a woln4u's life.ff "Yeo, alr." ,mar- features, I I his Intention to conduct May to the at the holtel noticed and comment- I left the castle, r suppose, my lord? His Nifitaue. "I'd 'have rou," wh1upered Sabina. w1glitlearn r 7 I maw a brougham ,drive a . "Yele ? Vail, to we kit war major's cottage, that she ad upon her apathy. her ghastly 4way, quite . I vapt - ; something of the cause of Elaine's features, her sorrow -laden Dyes, early, this morning,?", Illustruted. Bits. �ilgram ohook his head, "I ean- riet.1% I I I mysterious flitting. May ran up the and to one amoithler said that she "Yes, it contained Major and Mlad 1 *Witleso-Whe 'is brat handsome fill. not let you do It." "All right ; I cap marry you," she' - Woodstock College, .., . "I don't think you -can Wip It." I I stairs, feeling very much Inclined to surely drifting into consump- Delatile." said the marquis promptly Sabina maid, awpetly. She glanced . cry. and Gerald stood in the he'll IV" ,. low standing near, the piano 9 said. WOODSTOOR, ONT, 16 I tion' Re had expected the question, an4 31m. Romer -That is my irother. . Mile Tadd bair is beginning to all- I waiting for bar. The major one day overheard had prepared the answer. "The maj- Witlesis-ludeed. I He doesn't rilmsm- at the clook ver, and the German glanced at It. ; 49 he did so, a email, wiry -looking -The action recalled Ingram' to Vion he jammed lite hat on Ilia head 11 JL I 0.L41!A1 I 10�8 AMA.-VIN011101411"i man *Ith sharp eyes entered the some of these remarks, and be. or iwas summoned abroad on- Impor. blel )IOU In rhe! leAst. #` , .. came so alarmed that he sent TOP tent business '$I I the Immediate necessity. "Go Womel and hurried down this, walk, "What's I front door, and stood looking round. .1 I % go tome at bnoel" lie cried; "they 1. The Marquis, of Nairne?' he said, a physician. He declared that there f8iluliders nodded, % $10 SEASHORE EXCURSIONS $10 tho matter ?" ohe cried after }din.VC1%%%J.nr­.J-nC-.2-nC-.ZX inquiringly. was no organic trouble; that to - I may mot have, miseed you .yet:' "You gits no cliance, mit nic,"ho , , . 93. 11 Lord Nalrne has left the Castle. him it seemed a case of mental "One thing more, my lord -we're Atialitte city, Cape may, She Pat down. "Thw won)t miss called back. 'IX don't vant you; I hat Gone to London, 11 believe" maid depression, and tbixt there was no , nearly here -will you let me IaBNO Sea Isle City, Oesan City, via Le- � me at all." ails said, "because they got ma, a girl alrea:ty If' - - Western Unio wily 5 Gerald Locke. 4 need for a;nx1ety. the Weyfi? I shall, have to lastitate high Valley Railroad, August 4, is think rm, staying with the friends Z . - "Gonell' muttered Inspector Sawn- The major was all attention to a, search, and there Is no occasion where I dined. Tft�%Vs why Iwalt- -a � demi In a tone or spurprise and (31sap- her. spending moist of ills time R.t to damage locks," and 25., Tickets only $10. The ad until to -night,* six whole, days. 31tuard's Liniment Cures Colds, ete, 5 and Collioge . '00, Z pottatment. her side. One day she said to him : The marquis took lite keys from round trip from Suspension Bridge; . stopover allowed at Philadelphia. for 1:146 Is the tenth, and we Game � . : 5 Gerald saw "Why clan .t you go and amuse his pocket And handed them tollim! Tickets good 15 days. . . back on the fourtIA, By the second LONDON, ONT. -1 But at that moment Gar. Z the marquis coming down this stairs. yourself ? I ank well enough, and. "Any others you may want, Mrs. For further particulars call on or pout to -morrow. my cousin wflI sTat JApariese, Ladies and Tlielr Age. : . ' ' call spare you a little recreation., Inoble,T, the housekeeper, or Mr, In- ress Robt. K Lewis, Passenger a letter from we telling her where Medicine ' I Saunders, bat In hand, went to the Wh7 not try to entertain your- gram, the steward, will *lye you., 94d street, Toronto, I really am, but by then we'll be The objection made by women to 9 Arts and Medic tottom of the stairs and welted I.Ited for self alt billiards. am you used to do. be said. Agent, 88 Youg6 I vafelj- ifnarried," letting their age be known 1.9 not The Arta pepartment offers bonor 5 . � . by the lad -lee or Japan, who co him. The broughara atopped at the pri. oat* Ingram felt as thoughl the room approved courses in Classlea, modern$, History The marquis, pale and hkggard, or At some other pastime V1 actually display their cycle of Z . and son, and a couple Of policemen quist- were turning around him. "But, my and English. came straight &>wu without fiesita- Tho major shook him hand, able A Suberfage. a urged, -feebly. "It years by the way In which. they ar, , . For Information, calendars,Z tioll or pause, and nodded- with a sighed- . ly placed tilevisillves on each dear Willd," he 9 address smile to Gerald Looks. I "I feel as if I'd forgotten how of the *carriage door. Washington Post. takes time even to got 8, special range their hair. - . . V Saunders motioned theni ,back, and --Don't Y.'Ou know that It to wrong liceage." . Gtrls from, 9 to 1.5 years wear t1heir T N.C. JAMES, M.A., Ph.D., The small man waited until tile to make a carom I" be said, dole- shook Ills head, and did not offer to to gamble f1p . i "I have. one," said Sabina.. -E hair Interlaced with red Drape In a f t , 7 marquis was within reach, then, re-. fully. "I think I'll go and got a Provos I a lay lite hand on his prisoner., "Yasser." said Pickanluny.4 Jim, as &yrtari. In July LippiRcott's, semiL-circle aroufid the head, the v I spectrally, *put firmly, said: a," Paper. I haven't seen one since . . he shook the, dice, "I know it's wrong . forehead being left free, and �vlth ' t2 "I arrest you, Lord Nairn I left England, and I think there's a -A. white-halred old gentleman, e Isn't gamb- d's Liniment Cures Distemper. a, V,url at each side. From the ages The marquis nodded acquiescently, , Tlmi)a or Telegraph knocking whose face and f1glire proclaimed tit') to gamble, but disher Minar ar, iA to 80 the hatr. T la dressed very but Gerald Locke, alter a. moment of about. I shan't be long." Soldier, met them in the lobby, and Ital, dishore to a guessin' contentA . high on the forehead, and gather- . stupefaction, started forward, and, : They had been resting In art tar- bowed to:the marquis, whom lie now The Editor.and the Preacher, ed up at the back In the shape ofER� , with lawyer -like promptitude, ex-! bar In ,the grounds, surrounding saw for the first time, and, read the L Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to yellow Jacket. * . a. bl4terrly or fan, 'With twisting . claimed: ?" the hotel, He got up, and went warrant carefully. than I wash woolens and fianuels,-you'll like A pr I eiaolisr came at a newspaper er oq, sliver cord and perhaps a decora. aelleville, Ont. , "Arrestl On what charge I off slowly; all his old sprightil- I'llight,". he said to Saunders; I I . 0 he marquis: ".Painful it. 32 man In this way: "You cdltore do not t10n Of 0010ted b&ll - 840 students enrolled last yeqr. 184 Saunders glanced at bion, and, see-' ness seemed to have left him. turning to t ---" � . . Beyond the nitleattone or 30 A young ladies and 156 noun Mon. One of tag a mare yoarth, smiled, but not Walno leaned back, and closed tier duty, my lord, -but . twit the truth. It :you did you could woluom twlote her hair ,around a the best equipped and inost; F.rgely attended quite; then, glaucing at the mar- eyes. , I "No,apology is neecsigarY, Colonel not live; your navirgitaper would boa . . . A Better way. , railuro".1 Theeditof replied: "you are shall, placed horizontally at colleges In Ontario. Music, Commercial, quis, as if apologetically, replied: I The maJnr on his way to the house Ward," said the marquis, holding out . � , I at the back bir ,tile head. QuIte differ- Fine Art Elocution, Pliysteal Culture, "On a charge of murdering Captain , Ills Iland.; then romembering that - . i0bloagopost. - rIght.. and the minister who, will Domestle,gelenee, Matriculation and Teaeb�. I Charles Sherwin." mot a. waiter, and asked for a paper, the alit soldier might not relish -lictk- 1,I)o you think it's wrong for a all times and under all circumstances antly, again, a widow arranges her eve' Courses. . . Gerald Looks started, and turned I and tho man, with the respectful a)- Ing hands, with it �saspec led asaas- , girl to permit a 'man to kiss her Vl teal the w1tole trifth about tits mem- coufure, and the Initiated are able I I acrity which distinguishes the Swiss boro, allve-or dead, will not occupy. to tell at a glance whether or not Will kopen Tuisday"Sept. 8th, 1903, ,wbft,-- I sin, lie colored, and'drew. it. back. 1 lie asked. Z obe destres to remArry again. ., ; -a he re- ' waiter, responded with a. "Paper, The colonel affeeted:.�hlot to have 11 [its pulpit morn than one Sunday, and For Illustrated circulars address "Murder!" he Wasped; the mare? Journal of n6os? Yes, mare,"' . . well., elle replied, 11 I think It a then Ike ,&Oil find It necessary to � . � . . �. . covered himself. Your warrant, t Been the extended )land. - , good deal better for the in" -not Ito , . PRINCIPAL PYH%.D. D. , I - ., aiid,da,shed Q,ff; and the major stroll- IStep this way, plealiie; . I' d'*' ' t to permlealon.bi . leavb town In k burry. The press Liniment Cures J)Iphthe- . .,. . � � please." . , . .. 4 my or ) wal . � . Minard's Lin Saunders gra-mly held out the docu- I ed slowly In. be sail, 1, taking a bunch of keys I . . . I and the Oulpit go I=d In hand, with rl&. � . OtHILL 29th TEAR the I w1sitowash brushes and pleasant , . Begins Rept,. Stu, 1908 meDt, and Gerald Locke,wanned It. 1 FIVO minutes later, Elaine saw from a. warder. ­ . P ,r sta.u, 11 I SPOTS ANO BLOTCHES on the face and Ileck 11 It's --it's In due form," lie ejaea- Waite ling In front of her, with f a cell, ,are often signs of foul blood. Apply Weav- words magnifying, little virtues Into LADIESP and Conservatory at'- tho Telegraph in Ills hand. unlockedi take tpen a 13111y's Beeattitoods. I lated. " Marquis!" 61d &rItT frith grim eOurtesy, signed to er's Ceratilto the inflamed skill and mutfi= COLLEGE music and Are . , Ayeayerls Syrup to Ptd blood Upoliatio.. t�"rgo.,('oneetnT"aro puthe t'gt,',I'B, Piwaud lz the beggar bek&wo he A-, . I . . The marquis look6d at him with 'Pardon, mademoiselle"" 110 said. the marquis to -enter. ­ . . Ing triumvirate." And the great min- I and fair largely of Specialists. 'A thorough � "Tile majors, he want a Journal o ­ aster .. went � extensive course given. ,& remarkably a, wan smile. J � The marquis looked �ound. The as- . won nma,mr looking very don't have enny.tblng for enny wan " You cannot help me, Locke," he' noos, It oes 'ere, volia, 1"' - healthy location. 'Xhe only college In ouneds said, gently. " I Am ready. Saunders." Elaine took It, and thanked him, Peet of the cell struck with the us- Mountain Makius. thoughtfaij while 'the editor turned to steel. I that rejects day pupils to give special super, A brougham stood at the.door. with a. faint swilo, at lite broken ant chill an his nerves, but neither Lord A,ve,bury read a,paper atth'a tO'bis work and told of tiv� ,surpass- laiessud Iz tho elyfunt, for bee nev- for social advantages to those boarding. the colonel nor Saunders saw him , NOtAd edUCatI0nI4t8 commend, MOOt-highly Gerald Locke stared at the two men 13- uglish, and tho -waiter, with a grill . I meeting or the Geological Society, Ing,beanty, of, the bride, while In feet ep lsz, to by a neo trunk. Demill Ladies, College as & lialil Christian . a.9 they entered It amazed and be- of respectful admiration for tile wince, holies all your prisoners London, on - 'the formation of the 0110 -40 " homely as a wild fence. Blusud 1% Th4e was with, a lewd , home for itirls. Parents, make A note olthese dared for a Im, ment, mumbling, lovely ,�D,ngl,lqll "Do you house colonel?" be , in- mountains. According to the report - . voice, for tie can skair biz wi facts. Terms reasonable. Send for calendar . wit 0 mess," darted off as conii. re to Rev. A. B. DEMILL, President, St. Oath. I . � " Murder! I cannot help you -eh V, -again. gaited, � - .1 I In the London Times, he said that ENGWSH liPAVIN LINIMIONT nerly-. too deity and make her bee- urines, Oat. (mention this paper.) Theo, shaking himself, he seemed to Presently elks took the paper up, The 'colonel coiared-and knit lite exporlments had been made long ago Remover all hard, soft or calloused have. recover from hiv stupor, and ejaculat- and began . to read the front page, brows. � . I ­ I by Sir J. Hall, and afterwards by lumps and blemishes from horses; ' Bleosud Is taco iman whoo comesi FOR SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING_ - In That remains to be seen !" absently and IlBtlesslly; then with a ,,Not R.11, my lord; but this -well Daubree, Ruskin, Cadell il;nd others, Intoxycated at alts, for he -3 . . � . "%;l't I'll forgetting . . - by arranging layers of cloth, clay, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, hbiLle .. . lite hat, and, f It ,she lot It faJI ort bar lap. It this Is a. case of the ordinary. . don't hay too take Ills clothes OM 00 TO . . , 819 ad to her that the advertise- I am afraid you -%rou't fl6d It too , the folds sore and even May. started after the inspect-. seem . . cement, etc., and studying sweeney, stiftes, sprains, Blogaudare ,tW college gractuate'a, ter and his prisoner. . .and fractures which resulted when meats were all about a world which comfortable." I I they were compressed, In all these swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 for they think they know the, bill NAVIN BUSINSS • C91189a CHAPTER XXVIII. -site had loft forevet, In which else "You i%vill not hear me complain, experiments. 116wever, the pressure DY'ume Of One bottle. Warranted the thing and they, don't. Y'laine, and the major reached the vhould never more take the faint- at any rate," responded the marquis. was in one direction only, whereas most wonderful blemish care ever Blesisud al -a the Hottentots, for I ritablished. 25 yearn. Catalogue free. . cottage. Scarcely a word had been eet Interest. The any stood, and seemed to it was obvious that It mountains known. . tli,ey are never bothered by Strikes Address 0. W. U., Bustnesis College, ,Rrock. '. I spoken, but he had hold her hand Ae It dropped It opened at the mid- be hesitating. Then lie said, with a 'sere due at airy rate In part to I and things. for Title, oat! - . ,!a.. I . I , I 10, sympathetically. He felt bewildered dick pages, and her eyes fell, upon It flush on tits grave face,: I ,Walt, contraction of the earth, in Kept for Oompqfty. Bleasud are tlie ignorant,- und . I . and confused by the sudden blow mochanicallyl 1,WoukPryou -I'm afraid I must nature ,the contraction and conso- . tjAilfr beds don't -over hirt; on no, . Balthro -e American. acco tit of too much braves. 11 which bad shattered all his hopes; Then suddenly they distended find ask 7.011 to empty, YOUP pockets, my quent pressure took place from all u and muttered over and over again became fixed upoir the page with her- lord-" Vloltor (daring temporary absence Blessed are the burds, for they, Summer . sides. ' .: . the marquis' Injunction, " Tape her ror in them. Then she caught up the The marquis Inclined his head, and Lord Avebury said that be, there- or h,,tes,)-Wll&t beautiful tooth never Imf to 0av their bills. . away, Tar away.'" It was all paper, and rose, looking round wild- placed the contents of his pockets fare provided himself with a square your mamma bast, Tommy. , Blosend are the groncliv, for they � terribly mysterious and unsatlsfac- can, always Sind nuiVtIAII9 to kaev,vp �. �� Excursions . ly, her Lipa wwring, on the plain deal table, which, with case' compre"Ible, on all four sides Toulmy-Tes1m; she never wears .r tory, and the ,poor old man wondered Tile major heard tier Dry out, a an iron camp, boa arid a dell chair, at once. In the central apace he that; set ,oellt when abda has call:- ' Ulm thut WILY. whether under the circumstances formed the furniture of the place- arranged layers of send, cloth, etc., Biessud aro thote Who glggal, for To Rochester, idoo ralakids, nay, of Quint% OVO. , . . Rapids St. Lawrence, to Montreal Quebeef terrible wall of fear and anguish', The colonel bowed. and compressed them thus throwing I all i-ticy have to do is' too tickul Murray Day, River du Loup, Tadousae, It would not be better to follow and, running up To her, found Iter "Thank Vett, liti lord. You will them into fails. He then took in ! I ti.10111selves and have a good time. Saguenay River, the marquis' advice. He could not yet n d with the paper like to haVe writing materials ?" . -.— Blessud are tUea foolish, for they, bring himself to ahand,on all hope of . I each experiment frAur casts In plas- t1dug, the father -in -la -w of the pr clutched In tier hated. But the marquis snook his head A W. CHASE3 Mink they, are very wIze. . Steamers Toroko,.,.Kingston Pres- . , ! ter of parts, beginning from the top - Re. shouted for help, and Had got "No, thanks, I base no need . and these caste were exhibited to 2501, I;le,ssud aro Uwe beethins, for Wev al4b by steamers Hamilton; Spartan and the pas- bar In his liands before the waiter 2;4 OLARN CURE - - -- don,t tiar to use telyfones and fincid Corsican, oul ent Marquis of Nairne a CA and albile grandfather of the next. i them." tile society. They presented an Jn­ -W h sent direct to the � ana . V urther Information app► to H. Foster . If Elaine would only confide in and half a dozen of Ithe visitors Tile colonel pointed to the itating toreating analogy of the actUal W b If um, bizzy.. cilaveo, western rassanger 1196ut, T&ojito . Weis he Improved Blowc, him, and tell him all that had hap- came running up. Among them ' In the thick door. mountain digtriat, though, of course, I I ke ulcerA• clears the lit Biwaild to thee man Who ht[z a I pened. But Eledine lay back In her was a divotor, and he ordered them corner apparently Incapable of to carry her to her room. I' "it you require anything, I can they did ,not show the reNults of sub-' I paslages, stops droppings in tbo r,VjZ,Dl* 11 thee other fel- ,r. girl, for a USE k, I lbear you If you call," he said. sequent denudation due to rain and throat and -tkurlls lens, don't -vialit to steel bur. speech. She had recovered some- "Don't be alarmed," he said to The marquis towed In silence, an(I Avers. At had long boon observed Catarrh mdr-lymp".121 lowet Blossud to Vies hard hartod man, free. All dpalercorDr.A.W, chase what by the time she reached the the major, whose white, terrified Saunders and the went out, thai mountalnoue districts showed . Uedicins Co. Tot"gil ,.A Nam. top lige will never have It brook.-- . roak.- 11000 MILE AXLE GREASE . cottage, and managed to conceal face .mdved every heart ") Pity' The door G,,,g,dAV,".r.11,C,1r a pair of two sesta of lines At right angles I I . '. By Willie Sixartweed. I It Has Na Equal I her white, sorrow -drawn face from It Is only a faint. She will come heavy bolts shot Into their sockets to One another. Vanufailtutod only by �� I who, ran to Woman and the ProVerbs. —.—.-- ­- ­­- .. ,__; � the astoillsbad Bridget, w to directly. Something startled with an onflainosi thud. Any one who would glance at a � I I THE 4AMPOrELL MIFC. CO. inset them with am amazed welcome. her. Nilhwt was It?" The eo!onel, followed by Saunders, wall, of Scotland would see this A wondDrful �Imilsxlty exists In the I I . I I I I Elaine went straight to her room, 9LI_l don't know," stammered the went Into the office, clearly. One set was represented by of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. I , &tylngs about 'women current In the - Rest for Mother For oale b,v all leading dealers, I and the major dropped into a chair, MaJOr. "I IOP.t her for a raw- Ina- ,,Well, colo..,.012" Inquired Saurk- the Great Glen, with the lochs mild various nations. . and tilting his bat onto the back menta -only ,c minute or two -And d,,5. I valleys pa.rallel to it, Na It as many Mile Spanish rhyme ling It., "Were •a Pleasure for the Children of big head, tried to disentangle the ,ams back toi find her on the The governor raised his eyebrows others; the second series at right woman aa, little Re she is good-, a pea k,pttapha toCeinoteiry of! Failure. . I puzzle working round and n uround,". and ibrugged him shoulders. ab, Shin, Look. no,1 woidd make, IldW a gown and A ' shapeless confusion In his mind. "All right." said the doctor, an. ginglea to it . by lAp I The New Century Washer ., . slaccess... 1-Yo,tt ktiow your bue!noss, dun- ries, the Sound of Mail, etc. This ilood,l) : There was a lovely pile of bills wait- couragIngly. "It Is nothing serious. ders," lie said, "but--" And he gave chare,ateristits. of mountain regions affords the W- lacked tact. I Ing for him on tho table, and the Silo Is III and weak. There has AD odd En$11ah anylug' '411 a man At& ; . I another shrug. . has, long beot known, whether the IO,U0,,a W,0ma;a and it farthing he will . ch"debn 1" Nilorrv. ICII10LI 1111W. &,tunders Oraw ii -Is Ups together folds *were simultaneous or aucces- 1� - - y JEJ!'.4 wast too sensitive. ; slight of them Increased his misery. been trouble of some sorto hasn't be sorry lie lost the, taxthing." - cifl,tritil....1t, . ; There would be no Marchioness of there ?11 stated out of the window, with his give. Lord Ave,bury's casts showed The fteneilt a. e: "A man of straw - d f f a c tive . ;U,o couldn't Bay. " 140.1' I I help, and at , He did not find Ids place, � Nairne to pay his ))Ills and lift him Tho poor major nodded dolefully- oyea narrowed to allts. this feature very clearly, and It was Is worth a womew of gold," 11, the Saint; A little ,sucoces paral,yzed 1111a, . out of the slough of debt and (11111- � "I thought no." ,,Yes, I know my business, colonel," evident that tile cro.19 foldt'ags took Tato Getman adaget "There are only time delight. oulty Into which be had sunk. I "She W coiraing to*" said ,an Eng- he assented, alo"Wly. . � I Iflo did not care how he looked. i 'taneously.-SAone 4, , . two good women In the world -0130 themselves. . He row 4t last and went upstaSrs! lisli. lady. who had been among place olma. ­ I , - 33all .11ear -' fte did not guard his weak point. -11 miald so," recorted the old Sol- : I I dwduod the other be found." I . to Eladnefu room. Site was sitting, these who had ran lip, and who dier, .vvltll sudden bmt,,. 11 . . fit ga a it d ai) wan too proud to take adviep. - ""' %1,he Scotch MY* "Honest men atrong. spiral at once,, with, that grand golfig to add thut you'll "' I ' maxrypdorl, w1so men never." springs re -- halt lying, on the bad, her outdoor, had find It it I . Ole did not fall lit love with, his cloth" still an; but 9110 rose as Ile • tender hearted sympathy which thundeeing )-ad basiness. That gen- .11, Flio they LA�y: "%he next beat duce to a vrork. ' entered, and IoDked, not at lAm, but ' readiness of resource And tle,man Im no more guilty thud --than t I killuinul"I all Hi,% got Into ,A rut and couldn"t tar and away WYolld him- She WREJ distinguished hor class, constituted � thing to no w1fo is good wife.' tae work u- I I I . I Irani" I Vic mm - .Van doclares: "Words are sually neceii- get out. I not Drying, &nd the dazed expreFW.oa herself the IA-loken, girl's friend Saunders' eyes dla:appearell lilt*- C. C. RICRAnus & CO.,, wonlart ; (10048 are men." sa%,X, Ave IH6 (lid not learn to do things to . In her face Ptemed reflected In Ills, and nurse. I gather, and Ids lips stretched them- Dear gtra,-1 have great falth In %bt., Persian sage says that & wool- to I win. aftnish. � ed year nit$ does a tubful, didWt like to 4 "Are you )letter, rdr dear?f' Ito - Elaine opened her eyes, look Ecives Into two titin lines. MINAnDIS. WNIMONT, as last y an'.., wisdom Is under her heel. ItZour hardware dealer d6es not He loved case; fib i Asked. vaguely; then, ,without round wildly; then. seeing bar In. ,,live known men 11,ung oil halt tile I cured a horse or ring -bone with Tljo German a.1firlati that every carry oul writs us for bookeL struggla. , WaltiOg for an atIr"V11r, Ile wVIlt th(sr, cried Z;Vt faintly; �mlderlce I've got, colo�fiol,ll lie said Ilvo 130ttlm. . �. on, "Etaine, what IN to be tlone? , 0 horse, U flil A vir, of I've would rather be 110 wait tho vletliv of the last . ; I'llapa-papa-low no time! Not & quietly.. -lout off 110%v to Sir -Zi- It blistered tb b r , but d ­"n - The DOW8011 Mallfg. Co. Ltd, wariff; advice. " I , paper -the paper!" -bone and T,llil -German also amierts that 11AMtT,T6ff,,0-0t. He YOU can t' expeot Inn to rerdain In � ninment I The ti,.,ullitfut than good. � . mund.11 inoith there waa no ring was loaded down. With ageless . Ignorance. Its too much. You are,, ... .. . I I . � going to t(41 we about It Theift Ole went, Off Into a delfrium, ' Th­� ,-,oloncl noMed curtly. no lamenese. : %rheflevet, theee is mlooblef brewing a I - . � .. . 1. . .1 .. '. 4ti ggage. . 1111211 1 and the doctor sent the major out � ..V�ry good," he axid, as It lie dis-' I)ANILIM mlin"I'll'SON. woman and a prleot are at the bot- - --- . Ho lukrd tits faculty of getting �Bho shook her head, and then let, Or tile room. . 33, t - - --- � lined even any knowledge of the ; Foltit vwle, N. Not bookisig for i1illork, . . I told or it. along with others. , i It fall bn Ills, shoulder. I lie went down th� stairs and, In a, 1 ca 4 asserts th&t women Modern Society. 1 -To could not tranomuto litri kno%v- . .41 detectives proceedings. I'll ' t t Th -o Persian cannot," she brexthed. "You - bewildered fashion. back to the ar- do my duty, a V1, iVut-p' are beat oat of the Citizen -Say, can't you give my son tc(,tgft- into power. , and I shall do I and ,(lv4gonA;- must not ask in(-, paps. It -it would - bor, ,.ind there the newspaper lying Ile si�ung i�ound and turned world. . lril tried to pick tk,e flowerg, out' do no good; nothing can do any, on the ground recalled I I I . I . COPATODAI enya: a ljfoaby6or�-t�hlel'actorpor&tion ? : Elalaeo � anal f3auaders, after al)ot--- ­ . I Tile "Just as a good can he do? of 11.14 OACULAtioll, . good, or cliango things!" - wild cry. Ionged stare out of the window, I "' , , , '. . r d anti IL bad hor#n, both raised the Opar, Citlyeti-Do I Why, If he could do go knew a good deftl, Itnt could not "You -you mean that-thmt you I He took it up, ,and his face became ' Walked out. I V01618 Plover Prayer. ata. gOD.1 ft.nd a 'had woman. both steed anything Xwould employ him rAeself, mako It Practlbdl. . " hail . , I -..- good . . .. , and the marquis have broken ott for' as rwhito with terror as tier f stick.,' � � 1, ! I I . - 11 . — . Inartleul-Aune, for In big type there stated The marquis sank Into the chair , In Poland the patriots are now tn- " tile I . �----•- good - 1; , - "A mail to not 64 --7- atelyk pal heading: I Tho 1110460. obty A1260- I I . . .1 I I I . ., good ?" lie said, almost I at him the 13ansatto and leaned lite ]lend on lite hands. Ile deavoring. to popul-irize the following by 1114 �vtrt, in bw 0*n holiag, 110 I i Ito felt Ater quiver and olmilder, and � at Marquis of Nairne (Illargod l )lad read of tile first Impressions curioue version of fila Lord's ASUMMM11101M 'T`0 AM&K-kLit Q*rH1ZFQ0 . ,IV -made-stamped -upon the mind of prayer: �,&s alto consider Jilin her husband, Ito mpedmT no otlipr unkiwer. : Ith. Murder. More Details?' &OP(l lit Wit Position, and lie "Our Vather, who art in Meaw"n, 111110M ho beats her." . ,I "WOU. theft -what are wo'going to t1rAP1JI3Jt XXIX. I af .man P) Mier Tlindoo proverb: "'Dri#a ­--­ I 1 7 'Pile biougham With tile Inspeotor, was ,trying to reallto them, but be restore to up tho kingdom of PolAnd. ' All( 'a nature, and it WIll re- I - I I do ? It will bo dreadfut to atop hertz I it] hN prisoner bowled quiekly, - fouind It difficult, It nit seeded a lieliVet. ife frolf, slavery. 14iv(, as this trait a woman, -- - --- E0 86" EDDVS In title l!Aace-Rild tool that every I 41110fig tit& road to Potilogton, Tile : bideons, Confused blank at present, tlay out dally breitill but not irtectiml til"n again and agitfin." . '' --- ono In talking about Ito .fid 0-tritig I ' bak w1th folded i The reatitation, of finpressiolis would in .1,1q 0 X the ., : . maritinto ildatl4W 4 , ,0,1 antl 1) isolle(I 1hrou 11 : , . — , NEW ! &t U0111 arin'si big face, though pf0c and . come 101toll. WICkednoilo Of alie imealles. lhtfdoly i His'llubit, 33p had some nioboy. and tile eight I Presently ilia door opetiod, abd the INDURATED I haggard enough for ally edminfil, . Us for tit(% . of the bills on the table made lilin colonel ap�eared. I . . "Inq which ate ongraved i bolrolt Froo Prow. I ro — F *0�� ' I ,[heRo ly A T ! ! wo AN S V .,�� I - are 1 1,;,6:1 1 L ) I L I id� I K I . - 445 R.e... I. Was calm, and there astir no trao6l f on out, awords. duffer tilt not to fail . � - I m9or to leave, Rarefleld for a th"O. or e%tllior fear, or the bravado whielt! 110 . I Into *01A tomptitiorl of IN1061tillig I "A Visitor, my. lard,"` lie Rald. anappd-Veiv, I believe 1 414 A&,* . . . . . . . . I rqui . 1, FIBRE WARE, HO NITI'VIIINVI 111111001t that & tr1p, to tries to mask tdaf, in blo dark, floor- IT MR, a my„ Ids boad. I traltorn to Pol,tad, and 4011yot Im .Volt were always lying abotit I i L,on&n would at,rvo to Cheer Elaine. I brt. #yo, I 'I eaA see no on6,11 110 maid, MOM , from the (Vumlnallon or a foreign yourself. 1. TJIC- rpro"ItIon was welcolifoRl $411ndeto' Manl`16f Wits "mp,M, 't'; sternly thall tbo Volonel had spok6b. 7 llmver, oltice that 1.1 Our worst evil' Itragg-s'4 t, Ilm not aboustom6d. to TU1138v PAILS, ZT0 ' I toy i . " I , 11 her, unit they took the too o'clock i A*lf, both for blif prisoner anti 111M. 4 "It Ii rpur lawyer." I Thousand" Of Poles have learned that saint of t(dk. 11nif a gentlomii,ln, . For Wit by *0 OrAt claso de, 4101 & I tsNfy l4wyer?" said the marquis, I MIR prayer by heart, and InvArlably sir I " , tft*�Jjft'r aft 0 W -ft ' t,tt%Inr for tile mo�trolloflkr. Mt. X6. I .Jr'r$j40L %Z&kt*V,SS Verb thoy r,pent a fair ftyl# Atao; 111 tall going to Vorlinston, I I There is some plistakm", . f Ilse It Ini,tead of the old and tawillatr S"Appe-TAY11re you are again.. I *W .L , , i i4ld hotol in Jormyn iltr"t, W1ierb 116 100,1' lie fiald, - (to be VolithfuOd.) . ... Version. I PlAladelphin prose. . I. 1 010 i i 0 0!, .� , - , , ; .1 L' - ­% . ... . I I ", . , ­­ I ,, L", � ' ­ � '� ­� ' ,1,0k*4 , k I 0 91