HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 5Ugua 2o, 19o3 _ ._...... --. _,_
THU MEN'S STORE NEWS Clinton, aa�wislwa
kb) S fns QQoper & !QA received, an.. order this - Hair
Lost ' Slim "rices. $man prollt�atock iBr a i"3ntrb:,ek pattern t o be sent } ho Loaft
l#o the Bahama Islands, Q 1 a �a Mor-�p'ar p u net h pan bo rpised £'or leas Stout Tialues, Ro��s
,4 ��LLi;+�yet it sellls for More titan either. ful, My Air eyrie tziclr
gnat pox pound felon ettkler pork or Dept, There has not been very zauolt build. is r: out by size Mind-
ing going on, in ;iowu this Ruoia!l0.ai', but the gray hairs boson to
repair and jobbing flava kept our Don- i creep in. l tried Ayer's Bair vigor,
....A joint stook company has been tractors and carpenters busy, - and it stopped the hair from coin -
0 Per Cent
for)ned in Ripley for iiia piirposo of The Hocld & sullen Milling. S7o,, ing out 0, restoredNo till color."--Takin Mrs. M.12.Gr,t No. Salerri Mas$• 2��111
lighting the village With acetylene gas• j',rm of A# yoar'ord, bAvo leased fora There's y'pleasure'�e _
tesla of Aveyepra the gralu e1QvAor of ! ,
—The new Wainer} s Buildingwill ua in ;
Irwin,and take gsaeasian se t. i.
aentrq of great attraction at the Domin-� � = olft;rl#lg Such � pre ora- 2
• Igt ion Exhibition, Toronto, Aug, 27 to During 100 Clinton is credited with tion as A Br's V f Qr,
• Sept, 12, The Countess of Aberdeen's having 10 oases of scarlatina and 4 cases Y
'luau of Irish paint .lege, needlework
of typhoid, by the report of the Provin- 7t gives to all who use 1t Dil*scount Sale
We will continue our 20c on -the -dollar -off- and fans will be on view thbre. sial. Board or Health. No deaths from such .s.atisfaetton. The
flair becomes t=hicket, ^..,w.�..,. ..�..,.....
titers sources.
all-�Glatl�lri Sale tillSept. --Xhaki is to be disused as the fight• Mr, 3. Graham, who for the past. . longer, softer, and more _.
p + ing color of the British army. Its usQ three years has bean landlord of the. loss
Men's Youths' arose lit Iudin, but will be chiefly as. y And you feel so ; Isar s ,eat !
Mason House, has sold. to Mr. A. Brand- -
oociated with the Boer, war. In future - enbur of Listowel who takes possession secure to using Such -an
and Boys Suits, the trots are to wear a bluish gray g old and reliable. re ara� Clothing
P a a an tha.first of SepteCivic p � Sale,
Men's, Youths' and Boys Pants, areas, a calor known in Scotland as a tion, si.OJ � Batas. as araq;t:ts. =
Oilcloth Coats etc,, at 20 per cent. discount, thol gray.. The weather on Civic holiday was ,
not favorabiq for an Dalin so that tl)q eu botne, o rare An gyn a name
' .-By a vote of 45 to 34 the commons excursion, to Port Dover was not as well Bead us one do sr aaa c ei ezPra4r ' '
g It our grog let cannot su t
SHOESOverBAItC1AI>°T y - begins on Saturday, Auguat .5th, .and continue
-'RICES STRAW HATS HALF PRICE declared against cheap railway rates In patronized as the promoters expected, or your nearest express oulce, Address, '
YrZACQ,, azven,Mau. _ for :fifteen days, You- Can bu • the Best Clothin'
S IN FELT HATS Canada, 'W, F, McLean's amendment The G. T. R. tared better than they J c. b r � � g
This is a BIG BARGAIN to the railway bill for a two -cent rate in did, during this sale at a saving of 20 Cents On the
genuine 20 per cent. cash discount sale; we do not Canada was turned down. Five Libel'- Mr, D. M. Maeath, of Blyth, has dollar, or in other words, we will haute you back
carry any goods from one season to another—first, loss is the beat, ala voted with the Opposition for hilus• purchased the handsome brink residence
Comq with • the crowd to the Mon's Store and get One Dollar's lug down the rate. belonging to Capt H, Torr Rance in 20 cents for every dollar's worth of ClQthing
worth of goods for Eighty cents. —Ontario will be better represented at, that town. Mr. MaBeath paid cash for bought here.
the Industrial Exhibition than ever be- the. property and got it at reasonable
lora in her history. There will be a figure. Comfort
large be bettterpa Anllea meld th nvisitr f oey ;ll m It has bean thiee n'ses mAble fa flusTwo ThousaT1The �• a Crowder Co. week to lose three estimable families d Dollar Stock Of
B 'from her midst. These are Robt. Shep- And What
yL a distance will have a good idea of tete and and family to London; Mrs. Hugh Clothing to ChoQSe from ..... , .
products and resources of the Province. P g
Ross and daughter Isla to Brantford; itMeans,
- BLUE FLAME COAL OIL —Although the expenditure on Tor- and Andrew Eckmeyer and family to - MEN'S SUITS
STOVES onto Exhibition will be doubled this Stratford:
Every Box of year in comparison with last; year's, and Mr. ,Goldie Pike, who for the past MEN'S PANTS
the attractions will be better and more There is satisfaction • for MENS OVERALLS
- three years has been with the McOor• ,
,l GASOLINE STOVES numerous than ever, the price of admis- miek Mfg. Co, of Chicago, has returned every owner of a good .Couch—
sign will remain the same, namely, 25e., home to stay. He went to Toronto on a splendid thing in sickness, a MEN'S SMOCKS
W1� with25c. additional for the grand stand. Monde and when he returned on necessity for tired backs. We ,
REFRIGERATORS y' have so many shapes and styles, MENS FALL OVERCOATS
• --On Wednesdayafternoon, Nesbit Wednesday evening he brought back ;
�'� �� --AND-- with him a life partner, in the person of its hard to give you an idea of BUYS SUITS
Qj $L(` W Laing, son of Mrs, R. Laing, B. Line, P P Margaret then) all. You'll find here one per Cent off , OVERALLS
Kcc ❑ borrowed a twenty two bore rifle from a Miss Met Robinson, of that city. that • will just suit you—$5.75,e.) s BOYSRE EN DOO DC neighbor, and while shooting at a mark, The little rat terrier belonging to Mr. $7 6Q, $8,00, $8.50, $13,60, $23.00 BOYS' BLOUSES
e ,S Ella Laing, a little girl who resides with Jos. Rattenbury wandered up to the top-�-tipholstered in the best quali- BOYS' COLTS
at 15 Per Cent. Off. the family, ran out of the door and was flight of the Victoria Block with some ty material.
hit in the chin, the bullet passing out of men ten days ago and got locked in a BOYS PANTS
is guaranteed to give g g her neck very narrowly escaping the room, and was not discovered for a
entire satisfaction in all High Grade Cleveland Bicycles jugular vein` week, when he had been without food BALL
cases of Stomach trouble g y or water. The little fellow has been Hi h Grade H slo Bic• cles —Clinton had one death from tuber•brought around however, although he
-- if not, money refund- b Hyslop �' oulosis during June, Howick had a ease will lose the sight of one of his eyes, Grand Opportunity
cd. Try a box and be i at 12+ per cent. off of scarlatina, and West Wawanosh a The UNDERTAKING - r
convinced. death from the former. Such is Hur- youngest blacksmith that we Rosidence—Petrick t0 buy Boys strong sCli00l Suits just before school
for one week only on's record of contagious diseases for know of is George, son of Mr. Geo. St., 5th house west Opens, Bring the Boys along and have them fitted
_ g of Hamilton's Drug
the month of June, as taken from the Trowhill. He is only thirteen years old Store. Night calls
-'r I have room for two monthly report. In looking over the and not big for his years, but is al- rection prompt at- teattan. at a saving of 20 per Cent.
Binder Twine at Lowest Prices list we learn that our count )s ane of ready quite expert in the use of many of
- students in Telegraph y '
the tools in his father's smithy. We
office. - the healthiest in the province.. noticed him the other da removing the �
Pure Paris Green and Potato y g Last week's Bargain list in other departments
Bug Finish. —A dog supposd to have been the shoes from a horse and he tacked the
biggest iu the world has just died in job as if he liked it. George is a plucky will be continued through August.
aRutland, Vt., at the ag8 of ten years, lad and will make his way in the world.A
He was a cross of English and German
_ Fishleigh's
mastiff and weighed 284 poands. At August
��So��+,r�Chemist & Druggist the shoulders ne was three feet high, as Nervous Dyspepsia, H. E. �.i.l i.1. & Co.
tall as a full-grown lion,. but he had not How it shakes one up, invades Bleep,
Hardware Store Wingham. the lien's massive legs and shoulders destroys strength, adds a real misery to Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price paid for Produce
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. ' nor his impressive length, being only life. Not the stomach..but the nerves
Smith Sc Pethick's old stand. six feet "from tip to tip." are effected. Starved nerves make they
whole trouble. You need Ferrozone
~ —One night recently some party or because its a nerve food. It supplies
} artier broke open the two doors lead- the elements. that are needed to make IN --- -
�� } P P rich red blood. This is the savings
FARMERS* Helena, send �anaaekea the Clerk's office,
the bank of health. The richer
quic the blood
f3 to
Wawanosh Township Hall near St. tared cells, the richer you're sure to be
in health. Ferrozotie nick) makes �����+
"+ throwingthe papers, eta, on this floor. blood, hgns strengthens the nervous system, -
..+"•. P P + strengthens the digestive organs and, •
We understand the Council intends of� presto the nervous disturbance disap-
s feriug a liberal reward for the convict pears. Sold by all druggists. -- •- - --
w o Buy your own twine. That is tion of the guilty parties and if Choy are,
t 12 only Ladies' Watches, guaranteed, -
what you are doing when you buy
discovered will be severely dealt with. -
Walkerton Twine—the best on the —Tito other day a team of horses be- gold-filled cases, good value at ,
market. I am sole agent for it for —An unfortunate accident occurred longing to Mr, Thos. Scott, of Ripley ,$'1.00 --during the niontlt of Au-. We have now a full stock Of Up-to-date
... + this vicinity. on the farm of Mr. Edwin Harris, lot 1, fell into a well containing 20 feet of = Gents Furnishings, and we can assure you
.-- g gust for ....................... $10.50
con. 4, Hibbert, on Friday last, whereby water. One horse was saved. The that anything bought from us is right up -to -
a— a— We �� SUIS Large quantities of Chop on hand. his little daughter, Ethel seven years tRings;y g ' g
nl � : All kinds Peas, Oats, Barley, etp, g r � drowned animal vas worth $170 Choice stock of all _ the -minute, and at right prices.
P old, lost one of her feet. Her brother - _
kinds lades and at rices to
was cutting grass with a mower, and I p
suit. Come to us for the New Up-to-date Shirts
,., **�� Qp� Q ((���+ the child went to whip the horses when GQOD WOi2DS FOR THE G. T. R. p
t [ g!✓ntS�J I! . /� she got in front of the knife, and her foot Wedding Ring. rt " "'les
.' =_: a was cut clean off from above the ankle• TirE VERY BEST PIACI: t0 i cc ac
�..( leaving the limb behind in the boot. During the Summer months a very Collars
• Rl �
.(MARKET SQUARE) The other leg was lacerated in four large number of tourists make their get Repairing done. cc cc Hats
places., way into Canada and this year the sum-
mer resort districts situated on the New Hosiery Braces and everything in con- =
— ��� F��� ,+ I —Pope Pius X. has not yet considered Grand Trunk Railway System seem to We 0e Patterson
' ' ' , a
Cook's Cotton hoot COlnpouads any reforms in the church service. which be the favorable objective point for this nection with the Gents Furnishing depart-
Ladies$ Favorite, ' it is thought he will institute. As a large influx into. Canada. Many of PPP. QUEEN'S HOTEL meet. In Tweeds you will always find our
Ts the only safe, reliabid
regulator on which woman Cardinal he was opposed to music, and these tourists send "travel letters" to stock new and Up-to-date, and we can assure
;„ v"• = can depend. "in the -tout issued a pastoral letters against light, their home papers which is a means of g 'CU a perfect fit at right rices.
�r y ,, t strength.
Not 10 nd Na 2 �� naloommon in
many ache churches, areal extent the
letter that appeared oar a 9tyi improved farms. Easy terms of re- '
/. and time of need: } p g p
For Sale one b K„
MONEY TO LOAN—At 4 per cent. on
No. I. For ordinary c sex y g PP „,,,i.....,
ppayment, expenses light. Apply A. - l]
e,, s w is by far the best dollar is opposed to timbals, trombones and the Norristown, Pa., Daily Times, of Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan - -
�^^ /jO��LFs V�ili�iVV� w medielne known. _
ILII U No. 2--a'or epeeist cases --10 degrees pianos, and the use of woman in the Friday, July 24th, is a sample of these Agent, Kent Block.
stronger—three dollars per box. , chair. The new Pontiff is expected to an extract from which reads as fol-Homuth � # l
s++•. ! Ladies—ask your druggist for Coo1c„ •
Cotton Root Ceml,ound. Take no other restore the liturgy to its importance and lows;—
e`M�' THE DRUGGIST+, as all pills, mixtures and imq
ttattona are the Gregorian Chant to its rightful "The Grand Trunk Railway is equal GO TC
n dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and g l3
axerecommonded by all druggists in the Der lace. in ever res ect and in some points cc „
minion of Cana du, Mailed to any ,addres P y P • P SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR."
on receipt e rice ud four 2 -cent ppst;; superior to tin great railwaysystem in •
iii tttltltlii111i11111i11Uilltllitl ptanipg:p he oo1a; compnhyt, --G. W Schneider, boundary lino the Stator. The roadbed s in first -
Windsor, 0414 east, has sold his farm consisting of 400 "
No, 1 and No. 2 aro sold LI Wingham by acres, also a sawmill to Chas. Nielson, class condition, the first-class coaches, IT PAYS SPST IN THE END. -
judging from their appearance, are Of
A. L, Hamilton It. A. Douglass, C. A. THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE
Campbell and %. Mc-`;ibboti, druggists. of Sault Sto, Marie, Out., and Dr. Turn -
bell the most modern type and are very CHATHAM ONr.
bull of Goderich, Ont, Mr. Nielson is comfortable, and the Pullmans the most with its 27 years of successful work to its
j a practical man in the sawmill business, credit, stands without a poor ih Canada in the
For having large experience, and will carr luxuriously and conveniently equipped line of Bosixms or Shorthand training.
b' b' P , y in use, ata students placed in good positions in the,
Men'son the business at the old mill and will past eleven months showa w lat ,ve do for
no doubt give all big customers the best The Grand Trunk runs its own dining our students whop graduated.allTANY OLD
r g Cara in addition to what are Called Cafe- College Reopens for 1=911 Term, Sept, t.
Ba& ft�� t � of satisfaction. The price paid for this parlor Cars, these latter heiu about Our business school o the the Dominion.
issued by -
,S • • valuable property and sawmill by these g any h y, adds school iu the Dominion. Copy
r* p P y the nicest thing of the kind I have ever sent by, addressing,
LL s two gentlemen was $18,800.—[Listowel encountered. One half of the coach is D. XcLmhtau & Co., Chatham, Ont. I hang my hat, if its on One of Walker Bros. ceL
Banner. as a Essilor Car, the 011ier is a Button's Hat Racks, is Home Sweet Hoene to me
" ' � - equipped
—Crop reports received by the Massey dining• car with a smoking compartmont
$arris Com ail from theirs special cor• in the centre. In the dining -room Sao, ` •�.• � ,
�e ileus naw the most) P y P TI�IL+
' C ►�►S respondents in the 'W'est, state that in tion avaried assothueut of well.eooked COUCHES
beautiful and con 'lets stock , for tasty and
p viands is served in a style equal to that f do,vn-to-dato Job
Southern Manitoba the Drops Will not be y 4 ADVANCE
ever pat on the Southern obtained lit any ferst•olass restaurant Printing, Priece
rs p g as last year, coon larger acreage being y , g• t"-� f1'011l $5 t0 y�2(i.
AAlarket in the way Of Men's eountor-balanced by a much smaller and at prices much more reasonable. OFFICE right. ROCKING �
�„j �ttitirigs, yield per acre; but in $Orthern Manito- An adjunct to these cars is a Free Lib- I ed:! Uttl' �i� COt1Cl1
ba they will be fully up to last year's rary Service containing a well selected r+AIRS1gi is it winner.
—• -._
C►'t11fJ�+� averse list from the Doaklover'a Library, of
�s W �!u all t110 latest clesigius average, while west of Regina they will 1'' frontr1.00 rx
and ma,terialsat+veryreitson- be probably somevvbat ahead. On the Philadelphia. FALI, FAIRS. to $9,00 each: W Iron Bedsteads
whole the company anticipates, If any-
`° rs able prices. You Will have thin , a elf lite smaller total Isla than from 4.50 11 ).
,i :ir t,? 1�. g slightly yi Siataip Dying From Catarrh. SVI1vC#II1 tI--Sept. 24.25. � l
1 no dilRenhy in sele0ting 4 last year, and a price aboat 10o a bushel Blyth- Oct. G-7. Seta them.
Thousands are in this terrible condi-
suit to suit. higher for wheat. tion but don't realize their danger. If Milverton—Sept. 2445.
O T you have the slightest taint of Catarrh Stratford--•Oot. 7.
' + • 11 +'" Ill At end Workmanship would it not be wise t0 commence Ca- Teeswater--Oot. 8. ° Wo were fortunate in making our fall purchases before the
tarrhoaono treatment now and be per--Tdront0•••-Au wi Sept.2. advance in price in some lines, and we etre going 't0 give the
we tAke a back seat for no If You Suffer Pains Doitlt 'gait fectlycurea in a short time? this plea• g' '' publie the benefit, Come in and see us if your needs are in
one. a moment, go to the nearest drug store saut remedy cures without the ,tiro of Palmerstou—Supt. 23, the Furniture line. Our goods and prices tvill please you.
and got a bottle of Nerviline. I''ive drugs, atomizers or snuffs. You itiliale, Collingwood-•Sept. 22.25.
PARKStimes stronger than any other• -it pone* the medicated vapor which 'spreads to Peterbero--Sept. 23-24.
.S 0"'.- ot, �ttaltiji►tire�, trate$ t0 the remotest fibres--saatlics ail parts of the breathing organa, kills Strathroy—Sept. 23.25.
the irritated nerves and carries with it the germs and heals the Inflamed sur- Waikertou--Se t "3.24, WALKER BROS. BUTTON
far all internal f possible
Norviiilie r aura the most
a abase tills throat P
JewelryStore .obt. axwell p ntly, and Bever fails tis Wiar on --Sept. 9.it�1�Ialmost instant relief, Good for ain on faces. atarribo outside and If pcssible Duan bolter aua nese lusts y y Qbrtinat9 catarrhal, lung �iartgn•�-Sept. 29. •
sold under gclirxutees. If you tare not and throat troubles. A trial trill de- Listowol,--Sept. 30, Horne Furnishers slid Undertakers
bonoflted Our iuonoy chmifuli . back, nionstrato the value of Catatrhogme, Lacknow--flet. 2.
Macdonald Bock 'Witt lirtrli= Iliaa1't Taiit)r din h jjl Draggists and mbAicine dealorc sell it which dells for $1.00, small size 25ots.,
g rru everywhere, at druggists or X. a, Polson & Co. oorrio—Deb, S. it flow elm #111