The Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 4novelties. A splendid assortment ranging in prices from 25
cents to $1.50 each. -
You are at liberty to have a look through our stock.
Ritchie & Cam-pbell
successors to M. ll. MCIND00.
a cy Water Sets.
Just to keep things moving, we
place on sale twelve elegant Water
Sets in the latest shapes and colors.
Each Set has six Tumblers, Pitcher
and Tray, complete for ..... $1..35
Tomatoes and Peaches arriving
daily, direct from the growers.
at Gri"rTin's
art r ►►it t rat ztttt ttt nttmtitta ttt irttit r«ttt t tr n
We Have The Stock
Corte and see our urge
stock of
Wrapperettes, in all colors,
beautiful goods, at 10c per yd.
Flannelettes, wide and heavy,
reg. 12-1c, for 1 Octs. ; White
Shaker, very special at 6c per
Cheap .'laid goods for Com-
Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth,
Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos-
iery all go at cost,
Beautiful Black Underskirts
at a reduction.
11andlsorne cushion tops.
We sell Butterick Patterns.
4M ADVANCE, ANCE, August 20, 1903
Macdonald Mock, wingham.
& JASo H. KEwK.a
This week we extend to all a very hearty invitation to call and see our
We will consider it a favor if you will accept the invitation.
We will be pleased to show the goods.
NEW New Blankets Curtains
Dress Goods
The Wool Blankets we Lace Curtains at from 255 to $3.00
sell are All Pare Wool. a pair.
NO ahead no mixture, Art Mustin 7c to 20c a yard,
This season we are show- y Cretoune 10c to 25e a yard,
ing a splendid range of Trash- no short wool, no cotton. Our Curtain goods are
lonable Dress Goods. Bwx ALL Punn WOOL extra good value.
of the very best quality.
New fancy Tweeds Our guarantee goes with
New Snowflake Tweeds every pair.
New llomespuns In buying Blankets it Roper Blinds
New Full Cloth
Serges, Venetian Worsteds, pays to buy the best. ---
Poplin, Satin Cloth Plain and Fancy. Good
French Zebeline, Lustre
Grecian Cord, &c, material. Good springs.
Flannelette Blankets. Satisfaction guaranteed. We
We are sure you will White and Grey. The put them up for you free of
find it to your advantage t o very best quality, - Regular g
_ Pnner Window Blinds
it for fiftyears • and clause 1 of
y '
3:1,396 eo le have been
a wholel
the Grand Trunk Pacific rivate
Two men in the Rouse have
one ofthe most alarming features
on Town and Farm Proporty.
W. T. Holloway .
d exceptional o opportunities of
of the government's transconti-
opp nental railway scheme is that it
forming a correct opinion an the y
undertakes to construct all the ex-
Cox project. One is Mr, Haggart,
Minister of Railways in the Con-
pensive sections of the road, and
Anyone sending a skoteh and d.ocri tion mat
gatenti n to our opinion free wa6tbar an
invention is t puatsntablo.Communlcn.
servative Government, The other
is Mr, Blair, Minister of Railways
allow the Grand Trunk Pacific
Company to take over all the cheap -
onto and Honor
tira[ivate of Dettt•
The, New roll
public is shown In $nether way.
P t
During Three years ending with
in the Laurier Government, It is
est and most lucrative branches.
-- - - - - " Dress Goods
PntonW taken roma b Munn h
►veewtnoetor,without o°Lnrgo,intaa
SAii h % }tti
significant that both these gentle-
The main line from Moncton to
Winnie will cast not less than
$lottSi>IZgSr Silts,
1r ✓ ■art!
Alationom an iselaratod ourur 1. Termflt 3 a
buleuan of any octenttfla iiouruat. Terms, 63 a
mon oppose tiro scheme.
$4i; 000 000 anti will ass through
A T *
ear• four months, IL So7dbyalinavrodcalars.
MUNN & Co se,orosdwap, New York
a country in which freight
Ap¢n sa t}rdo} pvsnipgs, fi G• 4.
I r >! Trimmiags, Etc.
telco will call for dividends just as
will originate. The Grand Trunk
ll.u.s:, L,iq,s,
—It is reported that J. J. Hill of
Pacific, however, will undertake
11n1 tAr oft tri Sgrge'q of tele len•
D YIV to a 4PI x d 014te of
.• .- ^^
United States Northern Pacific,
the construction of all branches
•, ,,, ,,,.._ _ .,,,,.. .,.,.-..... .-
contemplates building railways in
east of "Winnipeg. The company
cisco over post ofnob—w194HAK
China. Hill has a great opinion of
will thus secure feeders from Win -
be ever ready with the excuse that
capital meat be tLllowed to earn
the possibilities of a market which
be developed in China for
nipeg to the great lakes; from the
fair dividends, It is madness to
permit such wild capitalization and
Teacher of Piano and 'Theory
main line to North Bay, Montreal,
the government is not protecting
pithI'' interest by permitting it.
The Ieaders are certainlygoing to be Zibelines with the
g g
`"'"'•" '"
American foodstuffs, as well as
manufactures, and it looks as if he
St. John and other principal cen-
Cres. This will give theta local
two -toned effects. Other popular weaves are the Canvas
Cloths Basket Cloths Broadcloths Venetians Freizes Che-
r > '
is arranging for lines in China to
g in
distribute In that country merchan••
linos, which cannot fail to pay if
managed, At the end of
properly g
„"" -
viots, Box Cloths, Tweeds, etc. We have a splendid assort-
of all these in stock and although the prices have
Teacher of Violin and Guitar,
disc collected by his present line in
fift ears under such an arrange -
Y y
%onddn, Aug. 14.—Tho Grand Trunk
advanced from 20 to 30 ,per cent. on the European markets,
4otiid- it{ Btbtla Mock, tvinghem;
the United States.
went, the company will have all
that is worth having and the gov-
yearly statement, isAtted today, declares
we can still give them to you at the old prices,
ernment will be given the option of
a lull dividened On guaranteed stockRYANsTONEtion
1N p 7 f f1T y ty, C!
VA.11'l 1111.11 W HOLfi.ES
Minneapolis Times :--'Condi-
taking back a road which will be
drat and tttcoud pxtlertnce, rind Derry•
r i r
tions have changed a great deal in
the last few years. Canada is be-
much like a tree without roots or
renewing the lease to the Grand
Ing lorwArd 111,600, which is eoneider•
In waist lengths one Plain Flannels in all shades,
g y
Barrlstas Solicitors Ito
I 1
coming a formidable rival in the
agricultural market of the world.
Trunk Facifie at its own terms.
With all the feedero east and west
hth for nothing might ire
po ' • $ g
able to carr the le for two
Fancy Flannels, Albrotross Waistings, Brilliants in all shades,
She sees her fertile plains rapidly
the company will be in a position
Taffeta Silks, Lousaine Silks, Tamallne Silks, Peau-de-soie
d free ;yllrglud rG lls4,ff00,
filling up with the best of settlers—
to dictate its own terms. In return
(Offtaest A
I r's r wy.
Silks, Fancy Silks, etc.
many from the United States—and
for the government outlay of $45,-
she izes that her c mar-
000,000, Canada will
for is s
The more is nvest gat-
r111CTlings e e5•
well aslher abilitket yres
to supplygtt foreign
it looksscheme
ed the worsethe
markets withbreadstuffmeat.
An extra large assortmeint of Trimmings have arrived,
She doesn't need the United States
suitable for all weights and weaves of Dress Goods. They are
as a customer as much as she did,
the newest that money can buy.
and a high protection sentiment
Our Belts are all new designs in Parisian and New York
has developed."
novelties. A splendid assortment ranging in prices from 25
cents to $1.50 each. -
You are at liberty to have a look through our stock.
Ritchie & Cam-pbell
successors to M. ll. MCIND00.
a cy Water Sets.
Just to keep things moving, we
place on sale twelve elegant Water
Sets in the latest shapes and colors.
Each Set has six Tumblers, Pitcher
and Tray, complete for ..... $1..35
Tomatoes and Peaches arriving
daily, direct from the growers.
at Gri"rTin's
art r ►►it t rat ztttt ttt nttmtitta ttt irttit r«ttt t tr n
We Have The Stock
Corte and see our urge
stock of
Wrapperettes, in all colors,
beautiful goods, at 10c per yd.
Flannelettes, wide and heavy,
reg. 12-1c, for 1 Octs. ; White
Shaker, very special at 6c per
Cheap .'laid goods for Com-
Muslins, Prints, Basket Cloth,
Ladies' Vests and Cotton Hos-
iery all go at cost,
Beautiful Black Underskirts
at a reduction.
11andlsorne cushion tops.
We sell Butterick Patterns.
4M ADVANCE, ANCE, August 20, 1903
Macdonald Mock, wingham.
& JASo H. KEwK.a
This week we extend to all a very hearty invitation to call and see our
We will consider it a favor if you will accept the invitation.
We will be pleased to show the goods.
NEW New Blankets Curtains
Dress Goods
The Wool Blankets we Lace Curtains at from 255 to $3.00
sell are All Pare Wool. a pair.
NO ahead no mixture, Art Mustin 7c to 20c a yard,
This season we are show- y Cretoune 10c to 25e a yard,
ing a splendid range of Trash- no short wool, no cotton. Our Curtain goods are
lonable Dress Goods. Bwx ALL Punn WOOL extra good value.
of the very best quality.
New fancy Tweeds Our guarantee goes with
New Snowflake Tweeds every pair.
New llomespuns In buying Blankets it Roper Blinds
New Full Cloth
Serges, Venetian Worsteds, pays to buy the best. ---
Poplin, Satin Cloth Plain and Fancy. Good
French Zebeline, Lustre
Grecian Cord, &c, material. Good springs.
Flannelette Blankets. Satisfaction guaranteed. We
We are sure you will White and Grey. The put them up for you free of
find it to your advantage t o very best quality, - Regular g
_ Pnner Window Blinds
)' Last year there was in operation store. pair. - - two colors.
--All Liberal -Conservatives must in the San Fernando Valley of Cali -
appreciate the admissiono that are fortis the largest combined bar-
at Ottawa that the opposition plater c the world. It consisted
offered b the Ministerialists to the °f a traction engine capable of hapl-
y ing seventy-five tons and which New ,Wrapperettes New Yarn muff
Canadian Pacific contract was a takes the place of sixty horses; a
blunder. These confessions, com- header or -mowing machine which ,
ing as they do from Mr. Charlton, This seasons designs
Mr. Fielding and Sir 'Wilfrid Lau-
cuts athirty-six foot swath, and a g Leave our order with
Complete threshing machine. The and colorings are very pretty, We have in stack the
rier, are late in the day in reaching
rie But they indicate how unwise header and threshing machine are we have selected the. very Best All Pure Wool Yarn us for Plums, Peaches, Pears,
us.the Liberal leaders were at a tri se run by a separate thirty horse- best. Call and see them. that money could buy. 2 &c. We handle fruit in large
power engine getting its steam from and 3 ply Factory Yarn in uantities and hate fresh
cal o encs were businesslike
entle- the same boiler as the threshing 28 to 30ood algches wideFast
the Black, Grey, White, Red, goods arriving daily.
ops g engine, The drive wheels of this Blue and Mixed.
men made a mistake, as they say monster traction engine are eight price is only 100; a yd.
they did, in 1880, are we quite sure feet in diameter, with tires forty-
that they are not blundering to -day? r Also Scotch Fingering • •
eight inches wide h which are Biscuits
Has the possession of office and of ridges an inch and a half high. It = New Flannelettes Yarn in Black, Red and
power to plan altered them? Are can average three and a half miles 2 Blue'
they wiser than they were?
an hour in good graft. The thresh- These Dods we bought Soda Biscuits in 1J lb, boxes.. , .... ,10c
l er has a capacity of one hundred g g Saxony Yarn in all Mol'
Snaps 4 lbs, for ............ 25c
acres a day. Eight men aro em- at low prices offered by the colors. Broken Sodas '7lbs. for.............2ac
—Re orfs received b the U. S. to ed on the thresher. The rain - factories in May, and we give ----- Broken Sweets 0 lbs. for., ..........25c
p y p y g _ Lemon Biscuits 31bs. for......... .25c
Department of Agriculture show is threshed clean and finally Carried you the benefit of our good Clark's Mile End
that a large number of horses are to a bin from which it is sacked. _ buying, ,Prices 5c, 6C, 7e, 8c, BRILLIANT A splendid assortment of'
annually imported into Belgium When twelve sacks have been filled - 10c, 12 I a e. all colors, fi cis. a spool. Fancy Sweet Biscuits.
for food purposes, For the year they are allowed to slide off the
1902 of a total of 35,581 horses im- cart to the ground. This huge
ported 17,119 were slaughtered for machine will work equally well on
food. The importations for ordi- level or hilly country, having sufiz-
nary use show a decided decrease, tient power to take a 20 per cent. '
while on the other hand horses for grade without difficulty. It is _ "` ALEX. KELLY J'ELLINGTON MUTUAL
slaughter have increased, the ma- sixty-six feet long, half as wide, Fall Tenn Opens Sept. lst.
jority coming from England. These and weighs more than one hundred CENTRAL, Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS, CO.
animals arrive in Belgium in a tons. Oil is used as fuel. ThisEstablished 1810,
most distressingcondition man harvester has been successfuil I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Head O91w GUELPH, ONT.
t y y .! Huron county, and am prepared to conduct
of them so weak that they aro hard- used for shelling peas and beans as . sales at reasonable rates. $asks taken on all classes of insurable pro
ly able to stand. The Superior well as grain. It is pure a Cali- STpATFORl7. ON t'. salts arranged at the Advance setae. pertyon the cash or premium note system.
Council of Agriculture has recom- fornian production.—W. B. Thom- scores of Business Colleges havo ap- ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. O. JAY&a Gomm, CaAA. DAvlusoH,
g p plied to us for our graduates to act as
r teachers in their schools, '1•his is the President. secretary.
mended that the imparts of broken- .ton in the World s Work, evidence you are looking for as to the
down horses that are unfit for any BBs•r SCHOOL to attend. Thousands T OCt. O r 1►A T,r v JOHN RITCHIE,
work be classed, a8 far as entrance :l_ of our former students are now in busi- 1 1S 111.F1.. S AGENT. WINGHAM DNT
Hess life. Write for catalogue.
duty is concerned, with cattle, hop- BANKER, ETC.
ing by this means to check impor- CLEAN PRESENTOF $25,000,000. 1 . J. Elliott, Prineipal. Marriage Licenses issued. No witneeeee
rations. The measure has not yet required. WINGHAMSAW MILL
Money 4/, large amounts; smaller in pro -
been adopted, however, owing to portion, Easiest terms,
the difficulty in finding asubstitute The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- Make up your mind to attend McLEAN & SON
for horse meat with which the way Company, despite the earnest RICHARD HOLbiES
poorer Classes are so often obliged protests of the Opposition, will be L/STOyVEL RmatsTr.n AT LAw, Somcrcon, arc., 8T0. — to Content themselves. empowered by the government to Office, -next to Holmes Block now building
issue stock for $45,000,000 in addi-
tion to which the company may
—Conditions inarts of the Unit- rAise on their bonds $52,000,000, Fall Term Begins Sept. 4, 1903, DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES
p so that their real capital will be --Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS.
ed States, with negro Iawlessness $97,000,000, This vast sum of Coinaiercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR.
on the one hand and white Iawless- money will be placed at their dis- send for college journal, Office: -Upstairs in the Macdonald
ness on the other, are simply ap- osal for the purpose of construct- Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
palling. A Southern correspondent in a road from Winnie to the c A. FL6 President
A. L. MctNTY y. Night calls answered at office. large quantity of dr hard -
of the New York Outlook says g p g President sec'y. g q % y
thousands of white families in the Pacific coast. Sir Wilfrid Laurier wood for sale, delivered.
estimates that this work will cost LIFE FIRE
black section of the south have fully equipped, only $63,000,000, RS. cRisn T v & CHISHOLId Telephone Orders Promptly
-" abandoned their farms and moved so that the promoters will have a INSURANCE p attended to,
into towns because the women were clear surplus of $34,000,000. What Lowest rates consistent with PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC,
- in danger of outrage by negroes. will become of this immense sum? absolute securit . All claims Josephine Street -- Vingham p
In the same section no white wom- Au explanation is to be found in promptly settled MC .1 can 11;7Li Son
en, according to this correspondent, section 27 of the agreement between
dare travel the public roads alone. the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Abner COSens P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.5,O
On the other hand practically every number ogthe Grand Trunk Company shall government, which provides that ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS (Member of the British Nodical
Southern State and a numbf Assoolatlon) 50 YgARSI ,
Western or Northern States have acquire $25,000,000 of the stock of COLD 'MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, (~XPtftlFNGl±
bad their lynchings and in three the Grand Trunk Pacific and hold A.DULM'AGE special attention paid top Diseases of women >
Pacific, end ohildron
years, taking the United States as
. •»
. ,.
- -
. .
it for fiftyears • and clause 1 of
y '
3:1,396 eo le have been
a wholel
)' Last year there was in operation store. pair. - - two colors.
--All Liberal -Conservatives must in the San Fernando Valley of Cali -
appreciate the admissiono that are fortis the largest combined bar-
at Ottawa that the opposition plater c the world. It consisted
offered b the Ministerialists to the °f a traction engine capable of hapl-
y ing seventy-five tons and which New ,Wrapperettes New Yarn muff
Canadian Pacific contract was a takes the place of sixty horses; a
blunder. These confessions, com- header or -mowing machine which ,
ing as they do from Mr. Charlton, This seasons designs
Mr. Fielding and Sir 'Wilfrid Lau-
cuts athirty-six foot swath, and a g Leave our order with
Complete threshing machine. The and colorings are very pretty, We have in stack the
rier, are late in the day in reaching
rie But they indicate how unwise header and threshing machine are we have selected the. very Best All Pure Wool Yarn us for Plums, Peaches, Pears,
us.the Liberal leaders were at a tri se run by a separate thirty horse- best. Call and see them. that money could buy. 2 &c. We handle fruit in large
power engine getting its steam from and 3 ply Factory Yarn in uantities and hate fresh
cal o encs were businesslike
entle- the same boiler as the threshing 28 to 30ood algches wideFast
the Black, Grey, White, Red, goods arriving daily.
ops g engine, The drive wheels of this Blue and Mixed.
men made a mistake, as they say monster traction engine are eight price is only 100; a yd.
they did, in 1880, are we quite sure feet in diameter, with tires forty-
that they are not blundering to -day? r Also Scotch Fingering • •
eight inches wide h which are Biscuits
Has the possession of office and of ridges an inch and a half high. It = New Flannelettes Yarn in Black, Red and
power to plan altered them? Are can average three and a half miles 2 Blue'
they wiser than they were?
an hour in good graft. The thresh- These Dods we bought Soda Biscuits in 1J lb, boxes.. , .... ,10c
l er has a capacity of one hundred g g Saxony Yarn in all Mol'
Snaps 4 lbs, for ............ 25c
acres a day. Eight men aro em- at low prices offered by the colors. Broken Sodas '7lbs. for.............2ac
—Re orfs received b the U. S. to ed on the thresher. The rain - factories in May, and we give ----- Broken Sweets 0 lbs. for., ..........25c
p y p y g _ Lemon Biscuits 31bs. for......... .25c
Department of Agriculture show is threshed clean and finally Carried you the benefit of our good Clark's Mile End
that a large number of horses are to a bin from which it is sacked. _ buying, ,Prices 5c, 6C, 7e, 8c, BRILLIANT A splendid assortment of'
annually imported into Belgium When twelve sacks have been filled - 10c, 12 I a e. all colors, fi cis. a spool. Fancy Sweet Biscuits.
for food purposes, For the year they are allowed to slide off the
1902 of a total of 35,581 horses im- cart to the ground. This huge
ported 17,119 were slaughtered for machine will work equally well on
food. The importations for ordi- level or hilly country, having sufiz-
nary use show a decided decrease, tient power to take a 20 per cent. '
while on the other hand horses for grade without difficulty. It is _ "` ALEX. KELLY J'ELLINGTON MUTUAL
slaughter have increased, the ma- sixty-six feet long, half as wide, Fall Tenn Opens Sept. lst.
jority coming from England. These and weighs more than one hundred CENTRAL, Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS, CO.
animals arrive in Belgium in a tons. Oil is used as fuel. ThisEstablished 1810,
most distressingcondition man harvester has been successfuil I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Head O91w GUELPH, ONT.
t y y .! Huron county, and am prepared to conduct
of them so weak that they aro hard- used for shelling peas and beans as . sales at reasonable rates. $asks taken on all classes of insurable pro
ly able to stand. The Superior well as grain. It is pure a Cali- STpATFORl7. ON t'. salts arranged at the Advance setae. pertyon the cash or premium note system.
Council of Agriculture has recom- fornian production.—W. B. Thom- scores of Business Colleges havo ap- ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P. O. JAY&a Gomm, CaAA. DAvlusoH,
g p plied to us for our graduates to act as
r teachers in their schools, '1•his is the President. secretary.
mended that the imparts of broken- .ton in the World s Work, evidence you are looking for as to the
down horses that are unfit for any BBs•r SCHOOL to attend. Thousands T OCt. O r 1►A T,r v JOHN RITCHIE,
work be classed, a8 far as entrance :l_ of our former students are now in busi- 1 1S 111.F1.. S AGENT. WINGHAM DNT
Hess life. Write for catalogue.
duty is concerned, with cattle, hop- BANKER, ETC.
ing by this means to check impor- CLEAN PRESENTOF $25,000,000. 1 . J. Elliott, Prineipal. Marriage Licenses issued. No witneeeee
rations. The measure has not yet required. WINGHAMSAW MILL
Money 4/, large amounts; smaller in pro -
been adopted, however, owing to portion, Easiest terms,
the difficulty in finding asubstitute The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- Make up your mind to attend McLEAN & SON
for horse meat with which the way Company, despite the earnest RICHARD HOLbiES
poorer Classes are so often obliged protests of the Opposition, will be L/STOyVEL RmatsTr.n AT LAw, Somcrcon, arc., 8T0. — to Content themselves. empowered by the government to Office, -next to Holmes Block now building
issue stock for $45,000,000 in addi-
tion to which the company may
—Conditions inarts of the Unit- rAise on their bonds $52,000,000, Fall Term Begins Sept. 4, 1903, DR. AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES
p so that their real capital will be --Two Courses— PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS.
ed States, with negro Iawlessness $97,000,000, This vast sum of Coinaiercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR.
on the one hand and white Iawless- money will be placed at their dis- send for college journal, Office: -Upstairs in the Macdonald
ness on the other, are simply ap- osal for the purpose of construct- Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
palling. A Southern correspondent in a road from Winnie to the c A. FL6 President
A. L. MctNTY y. Night calls answered at office. large quantity of dr hard -
of the New York Outlook says g p g President sec'y. g q % y
thousands of white families in the Pacific coast. Sir Wilfrid Laurier wood for sale, delivered.
estimates that this work will cost LIFE FIRE
black section of the south have fully equipped, only $63,000,000, RS. cRisn T v & CHISHOLId Telephone Orders Promptly
-" abandoned their farms and moved so that the promoters will have a INSURANCE p attended to,
into towns because the women were clear surplus of $34,000,000. What Lowest rates consistent with PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC,
- in danger of outrage by negroes. will become of this immense sum? absolute securit . All claims Josephine Street -- Vingham p
In the same section no white wom- Au explanation is to be found in promptly settled MC .1 can 11;7Li Son
en, according to this correspondent, section 27 of the agreement between
dare travel the public roads alone. the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Abner COSens P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.5,O
On the other hand practically every number ogthe Grand Trunk Company shall government, which provides that ACCIDENT PLATE CLASS (Member of the British Nodical
Southern State and a numbf Assoolatlon) 50 YgARSI ,
Western or Northern States have acquire $25,000,000 of the stock of COLD 'MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, (~XPtftlFNGl±
bad their lynchings and in three the Grand Trunk Pacific and hold A.DULM'AGE special attention paid top Diseases of women >
Pacific, end ohildron
years, taking the United States as
. •»
. ,.
- -
. .
it for fiftyears • and clause 1 of
y '
orrzas HOURS '-I to It p.m,; T tolip,m,
3:1,396 eo le have been
a wholel
the Grand Trunk Pacific rivate
done to death either by murder or
suicide. The number of lives lost
bill which enables the company to
for "rights, powers acquired
on Town and Farm Proporty.
W. T. Holloway .
in this way is 9,000 more than the
and also for bona fide claims etc."
oFFtcs.—In the Hent "lock.
D.D.S., L.D.S.iropyMORTS
total loss of lives on the
aide during the Baer war. The
with stock which may be sub-
aCrlbetl for Or not. That means
of Royal 1
College of Dental ;=`
aurgoone of Tor- s a s
Anyone sending a skoteh and d.ocri tion mat
gatenti n to our opinion free wa6tbar an
invention is t puatsntablo.Communlcn.
disregard of human life in the Re-
that out of the $34,000 000 the
onto and Honor
tira[ivate of Dettt•
tfantihtrtett77oonrrdonktai, 2Iandbookonpataata
ronAtonts t agency cnrfn,i atonia.
GFo. rocoho
public is shown In $nether way.
P t
During Three years ending with
management of the Grand Trunk
paci$e may hand over to them-
al Dep t. of Torou•
Latest improved methods In al branches of
PntonW taken roma b Munn h
►veewtnoetor,without o°Lnrgo,intaa
SAii h % }tti
June 30, 1900, no less than 21,847
lives were lost on American rail,
selves, as directors of the Grand
sunk $'25,000,000 in stock, with-
Collection of Itonte and Accounts a s eofatty.
bentletry. Prtces moderate, satisfaction
guaranttod, R8'Otiice in Beaver Block,
1r ✓ ■art!
Alationom an iselaratod ourur 1. Termflt 3 a
buleuan of any octenttfla iiouruat. Terms, 63 a
way Iineli.
out one cent passing between the
'V811etbrt a R14ek.
A T *
ear• four months, IL So7dbyalinavrodcalars.
MUNN & Co se,orosdwap, New York
two attics. The stock s4 trans-ot)ico •th
Ap¢n sa t}rdo} pvsnipgs, fi G• 4.
Brahtti Omce, tub IF at» washtnston. D. a
telco will call for dividends just as
ll.u.s:, L,iq,s,
if it had been bought at par, The
of the west will have to a
people pay
11n1 tAr oft tri Sgrge'q of tele len•
D YIV to a 4PI x d 014te of
.• .- ^^
+t the interest on that extra $34,000,•
000 and it any attempt is made to
11 regulate rates, the eompony will
cisco over post ofnob—w194HAK
Telegram :
parliaiuent itt alfnost exCluaivel
be ever ready with the excuse that
capital meat be tLllowed to earn
Oflfieo: Idorton Block, Wingham
`-1,` '
up of gentlemen tivho wouldits
wonet ride free than pay two cents
fair dividends, It is madness to
permit such wild capitalization and
Teacher of Piano and 'Theory
efNlP "made
interesting books "Invent
p • and '• How YOU ere swindled.
model your n•
a mile on the railways, This par-
liament sympathizes W deeply with
the government is not protecting
pithI'' interest by permitting it.
A T. G.
Teacher of Plano, Theot t and Matcher
`"'"'•" '"
vetten a ll
irention orlmprovet o w and r it it Probably
free our op9nton as to wtitthtr it i9 probabiy-
ateutable, Rejected npplluttopaltaveoften
$tart we
th$ poor downtrodden railway that
Sirepiex Rindergatten.
snecessturly prosetuted by ug.
in Wbtrtal
.. It Will I1Ot le •!}late in favor of $
„"" -
Music Method, aad
I'aplla pre ara<l fnr 17onsarvatdty exam.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar,
conduct fully tqulgprt ed offices
andwashingtbn; thiequaiifiesustoprornpt•
two Cents $ !Wile rate for the scope$.
"• The Dominion parliament, out of
%onddn, Aug. 14.—Tho Grand Trunk
4otiid- it{ Btbtla Mock, tvinghem;
ly dtapatch work end quicklyq secure
eabroad es the invention. 22 ightArtfeteutes
furnlshed. Mgt -
dt bfa•
its sympathy for the auffering rail-
yearly statement, isAtted today, declares
Patents procured through motion
Xteeiv irpecl•t nottct wite4
cherDGiIN1 f
» ways, should sena back its Vasa,
a lull dividened On guaranteed stockRYANsTONEtion
1N p 7 f f1T y ty, C!
VA.11'l 1111.11 W HOLfi.ES
der tp(t tip r#;sept r# QiBtribated lhroiyga
iia fare, and the Corparatlana
drat and tttcoud pxtlertnce, rind Derry•
fsttc letf t -latent bilsirla" yf >saaantar
whioh dld floc have to Derry the
Ing lorwArd 111,600, which is eoneider•
Mone talorantttlovteetx'attb. Cti$Ck
Barrlstas Solicitors Ito
I 1
furore aMON & MAMN
hth for nothing might ire
po ' • $ g
able to carr the le for two
t+hl andel: the ularkat Ax ee
y p t>ations of
gi0,o00. Jhe net recti is were A184,MO
tlt8ce : 1VCtybr plloolc GVingham,
}aatttnt Er<porfs stt,st ollditarr. I
Yrlobrk L1faVBV•tadNiri oa D
Cent 6 Itisile.y
d free ;yllrglud rG lls4,ff00,
x I., bloat s" 1144161 1101mss
(Offtaest A
I r's r wy.