HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 34-
. I
,, I - � 11 \ , , . , .i , ", , - ,, .� � -� �� � - ., ,, �, ,.� . , ., ,, 410 1 V 1 9 � I � � �� ������. - -1 ..... , . .
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AL i
n A' . t 11 00 U007t care, th-f I
I U." LV I V. VC
Hath No flan,
I I '� I
MM =
Well, WA14 folko do,, and this 19. wW
But ot4
Iv 7 on in Russia ana learn ito, -
lir-ow an thoroughly., go often
L I;$ holuo III tile towil anti tile
91 .ULO At
I I Village, Itig.lit wolkilayo and boll-
, find Oitt W414t 4,110 WS Op�KIIIZ
IRA.L All At' ba.1
a =11111i(w. III" achilayeluolita, N1
They saw viat lie was 4711119 1111C I and bioOmlaw trace. I vcmem 1, +n hao Item w's I'lletary Bince. lie Ceased -
I* '" - L"' � -::�.+A-P-4-�
4 facts, for farmers ano -all Poultry oreeders 00
Dealers—Some Thlogs They Should Ka
q I low
he Aopea that they wore right. For,
tho 14�t, fIft"n 111)
this day the great wbltq. guolder
,4100tigh he, -jvf�e ,kPqILjI )IAIOU$IY
givutorul, it trotted himo a �Ittlov�llov
t6inpPI)9V boVoad th6 trou ,gatoir,
17%tbar, I,qulto thought you coul(% at-
t"d,'-jt. I llopo It wasn't that loss
1,0 &N a Mara ILL j8fjj alut becalli'D 4
eiltirwit of the gre4t Russian
Tho tollowin.g practleol poultry ad-
vattle , a square and bro4d- Ild led,
X�Urq JUW tmr4
A klild: of martyrdenit and It
rooes-thle kwowliall tro6,4o used to
call It -that . ovorbung tile galte. Ali
1. .. - � . � I
COY1011 ARREN TOM W making ;Fapan Tea 1ake a 1"k seat. The "'Ple
Irloo 19 given by ),fr. :Vi. 01. Rare, Chief
low -set fowl.
I f.� woo a blepsed 11 at even iiiar-
tyAlow, should last, .
.childrfin %va uscij-,�o, look
111)(in iho bullaing'and wonder wbat
recogpW "Pure" TVA. 60'd 11M thO. 0111110 form As the, ePlebrate4i "SAX, .
34(�!: no suppo,-,a that, Ivan pleats to
#lay III the village All -3. doea not as-
Of tile Poultry PlYlklon of the Domin-
lon'Deourtmeat of Agriculture:
12 cents per pound, live weight . , Is
Offered In Toronto and Uoutraal for
'321110 Workhouse iturs 0 waa very
kind tQ lam# Wila Juvught him brotlit.04Lrod
joy .I)el 11114 tile sto'lle, wall, and who
for the gulder roses in the'
ADA" black tc;tj In leaxl p4oketo only. 20o Apra 40a par, Ill. B
� y all gro-
- oorlp, , * 1. �
P410 to change Ills coxvIltion, or that
OT his fans. lie oiu Ilayo theant taught
SAUR or r, 0
ri WLS—It W most pro-
chickens weighing ,over a
halt P0111144 each. Tile prices corw
and Xnealcinc at Otv,ted hours and
Waldo him eXtrM cUjW Or tea, but,
garden, but never dared to pick .the
snomrballs, althieugh they hung so
. . � . �
,4100tigh he, -jvf�e ,kPqILjI )IAIOU$IY
givutorul, it trotted himo a �Ittlov�llov
t6inpPI)9V boVoad th6 trou ,gatoir,
17%tbar, I,qulto thought you coul(% at-
t"d,'-jt. I llopo It wasn't that loss
eho ,came lip to hie bed Z he fait
.T40 111mattiep lived L�
tt,o libus,e, ,-licIre' h
there Were
W.1416,11 holliad'to cripple you?"
tibat &Ito must know- 11.1 ff story anti
istolle yards and bigh walls, I be-
,. I � w" all rigil t, j Im .. you paid It
dels!"D him for it'. although silo,
� ,
f5eLmed, so klrA�. .04' tile VIIO110i'- lic��
110yo" Instead Of., roan grass , and
-snowball trace. ffidt boYond tkwgo
back.1t I
, I .
girddrow A-16ng breAtb. Something
. `w0ald, rather tha,t olle NtAYW away-
"' 'lot Itillud being 41OXIN -110,
la -V strotchas of groull, U1100ow and
In Vs! father's manner had made
, 'Itim more ashamea than lie had evov
ould lie still aud look at tfla D ),
011,01,arelAng-'a3r. 14atthow, Horn-
blower wag alw&vo thankfu Ifor that
. .
thought to be. . .
waolled, wall or the glImpse or blue
-eky or, green flol.49 afforded by tile
gllmp��o of griega, A
. ara bjuo� .
Ujo lay droaml,ng of old days until
'Me iturso Int.erp-Diod, Mr. Horn-
blower must not be disturbed or ox-
W1,1100w oppwlte hLo bcd, and (Ire -am
Of thO Old days whien hiy� bad been
he been ,,,a cou5oiclug of some unusual
cited any more, oho said, So Jllii went
forth to XW4 $fto authoritle,s, of the
a deafou of' tale Ilidepend(lUt obal;al
: tIr- In tile cord(lor otttiftdo. Ills ward.
placto, AM4 to Arrange In We Impel-
In 1.,�tjlStcrllty, And-' j§uperlittefident of
tile ,$11110AY Selbool and Tregauror or
05ho !Aixt fell, apparently In
angrV roorbilinat-lon. Tile som).0
long way for Ills rather's immoillato
rc�movml,to tile bes�44nu lat the place.
the ellavel fullidle,'arld lin,lf a hull-
worried blin, anfl lie titrned blaraye!3
Ra palsoed Driffield's office, and long -
L Oroll tIll'490 b01*10% It 'WAS 4 10119
t1me ago, but lie liked sot 'otlAnefs
, toward the door. Tho other occu-
Plants of this, ward wore for tho
eld to go In and llspenjr Ills minall to
tllo,man Wj1o, Could not Myo an 431!1
-to tlli!,Ilk of It. Life Itad been liallpy
moot pArt-In, a1mmi-c-onliatoso state,
friend from tile Workhouse, but Ito
4nd prosperous tbon, and ,Tmmek�-
Pr9coodIng from gleOP Or Imbecility,
Put tile visit off to another (lay be -
the eon lop, wbom 11.0 halt 91YOU Ilp
all that Inado lbro worth Ilvilig-bad
and no lairso or 'attendant wa,i ly"
tho room, Bat presently Xuroo Lack
aftumobe, was so linsy.,001 It wan for.
tunato tli(Lt lie did.
beet] 4 111ttle ItLa ,wIth early hair
orturned, aa,d i'vith liar a vialtor - #I
He came back to the workhouse lat-
aind eyes as bills lie tlic, summer
11111111 W110111 Matthew had Hot Seall
or In the evening, He was informed
before. lie 'wam a tallf broad-shoul-
that ur, nornblower had sent for
'. was an old man now, broken
dered) bearded man-, passibly tile now
tile minister; Jim wondered why', He
disgraced. but he thanked
doctor, thought UAtthew-aad 110
supposed that it was to tell him that
Goa in We' heart that lite lite was
came stralghtt lip to Afittlimr I-Toeii-
his son baid at last returned.
AlearlY over and that Jbn had never
blower's boa,4do, and stood titere oll.
Ilia face relaxed late a grim smile
known the trutli.
plitt, a[% If he had )lot A word tORay,
as he stole from the ward. A screen
Under We pillow were Jilpso let- :
Old Mr. Eprilblower, as lie wall
had been placed at the foot of the
tOrO. They had -beim wrl,tten In queer
generally caUed, in deference to his
bed, out of respect to James Rorn-
.plaevis-ln a oa,illng ship, cover a bush
lost pordtJon, made an P,ffort -to be
blower's respectability, rather than
tire,, from the 4jottom of �m inive-but
t1rey were allaffeetlonate and hope-
civil and ,grateful, ast he Was to all
offl2l.rds oC the place.
rap any. naaa of ahelt�r. He had no
qualm about listening; he expected
I fill and light-boarted, and the joy
"Good day, slr,�' lie said, noddIng
to hear a paean of exaltation from
of old Mattheir Hornbla�verla heart.
III% gray hezuL -
lite fatber'R lips and congratulating
Noir and then there waa a w9rd or
'Tatlwr! Father! Don't ,you know
speeches from those of Mr. $bIllito.
Peal.Lonao for the paot wildness and
mo.?', I
Re li;ad known Up. Shillito and liked
dlsoibeciien�e, wlijoh, was �more 11rc-
elow to him than all the rest. For
Wittibeir oat no In, br,d noo stared
In- blank alaxm. 'rho nurse toIlsod liar
him In the dayjs ol old.
He listened. Graduallyl the smile
It allpivad the rather that lite sa�ri-
hna,l and Illuttered Eamethinq. It
forsook Ills lips.
fleeo had not ll�en made In -vain. He
. liked to think of his son now -the
was against her wish that ,Yames
Hornblowmr should be allowed to
What was the minister 84ying?
And Why those warning tones ? '
prosperoiia, even wealthy, farmer
out in Austra ' Ila, rwith, wire and ellil-
make himself known to Ills old
faillol.. I I I
"I fear, Mr. Hornblower," lie said.
'Itbat your request savors of carnal
dren, lioroas, cattle and lands -and I
he had a tender tritimph In the
'Us emouglil to kill tfie poor old
pride, a,nd a dbsire, to escape grain, the
thought that Xlmls prosperity wagw -
Iwntleman," &Ue Igrumbled, as she
turned away.
penalty which God doth always ex -
act for oln," .
after all, hie aoing--ithe doing of the I
father who m-1glit years ago have
TT,r, old man, held out his trembling
Mr. Willilto had a naturally! gentle
blighted. the �-.On,o life with a. word
arms. B�) had not stirred 3VU013
for many 4ayle. -
voice, but It Is wondarlul how' stern
a gentle voice can be sometimes.
I--& word which be rol'boad to speak.
As he tbouglKi: of theoe th"19ti, with
"Jim it" be saidl, 116arsoly. . bu, my
Jiml,u hear t swelled within him; what
a faint smile on his withered lips,
his mind passep by a natural tranal-
boy! iny boy!" . .
Tho boarded niamlai arms were round
did tlw old man mean,? j
4,I sy.mitathige a� any. man that Is
. tic,l) to the circumstances of IIIS alvil
thb gaunt white figure lit a mo-
- -
, ment. tho old grayp dropped on
8, fa,tb�r can sympatblia with your
desire to keep him In ignorance ol
He saw himself shrinking for
the first time from the eyes of his
tkw broad snouldsr kike a Aolillille Tbo
.. poor friend, I'm In
�7,�*Lir T&II, but, iit�
brother deacons; lie remembered tile
nureo approachall with a resio�a-
tive, but Vattj-,e)v wave,d liar off, his I
� painful jloftltlo� when you ask me
to do so. I will novel, for��a the facts
calling of that church meating In
. which he liaA ,been solenitily deprived
'eot-N presence was cordial enougt� for
= him, but it questioneil, I fear I
of Ills officeAn the obilrob.; he re-
called ihat ni�i
?st ilifficult, hour of all,
I Im. .
"Olt, father, I never thoillgIt't to I Ind
rep) 11
INIattliew Hornblower had lain all-
. i
.When Air. ISbillito,' tile minister, had
X6u ho.ro," sala James Horriblower.
,ent, but now lie groaned, as if In
visited him privately and prayod
all right-, my son,'Ilm- quite
bodily, Palo, Mr. Shillitolo voice gr W
With him, earnestly anti gantly, seek-
comfortable here. I've been fooltpbl,
gentl�r and he pressed closer to the
Ing to lead him to rfj�ietltmnoe.' Ali, .
holy hard it had ,I)eon to rosh;t I
,tie doubt-Linprorvident for illy old
age., But It's ilearbr over, Ilow'. I
bed. I , � .
"During all these years, Matthew
Nhat a kubtLe temptation to coult-
shall die h1appy now, X've seen thee
Ila sald,"'sinoo the day
terfelt the contrition which lie did
again.,, .
wbon you -acknowledged, the crime o4
Oat fool I And wltb what heart-
,,You're not going to, die at ,all."
,said Xa-mee, doggedly,, "you're doin-
which you ba,d been guilty., I have
never hilard a word Of pe�ltelico or
break, did he realize frow bitter ex,,
perlenoe *that 7 not one of Ills old
ing out of this places. this very .at-
contrition from your lips. We had
. friends trustea him, or stood. pp� for
tornoon . I'd like to kna�v. flow this
hoped that you would "k to be rein-
him, or henceforth thought of him
ut m1v blearIng."
"It's no matter, JILLI. The bitter-
stalled as a church member, and on
sign of repentance, we would have
as anything but a convicted sinner
Whom -XILtIr charity 410110 had s&'V;� I.
Mears Is past." - -- . . :
I �
.welogined. you again- ay
-.. with joy,
front i;ublio disgrace and puttl6li'ment.
"Volt said you ,w:,ere well-to-do,
and had retired from - bloginess,"
even agthe angels do. rejoice over one
sinner tllwt ropenteth. Let me im-
... 1IQ cqu Ld not blame th..;=, Thinking,
over the matter, it scomod to Iffin
Vdd tJj0 8017, In all aceuging toile.
U to speak, even now, and to
plare yi?
that they had boon very k1nd.,Grave
1. I
"I have retired, Jim. I've *no more
to del," .
,ok 10 God'e forgiveness. YOU will
. �
surely t the lit this aw�ul state of
godly meh',- an.dotto to'malititain: an
upright walk an�l had
. . .
($But what are, your frienhIs about
bardliess and -Impe�nitence.11
91IONVII him fherqj,',4iXd tried to con.
vInec him of "the 6ir&r of Ills wa�,s.
t 0 1 -01' You-. colme. heiio ? Whr didn't
they w.,rite to me 2"
r4he, ficreen lvAg. rougilly cast aside.
Samoa Hornblower's face 'allpeare-1,
It was not-theIr f4tilt If they ha,a�
"Friends?" Ile echoed tlh-- word
as It at had an unacojaBliAt,mod -
%rintsion with wya,thantl(prido. 1
-,"Wby do you itislilt my father In
broken- his heart )tLeanwhile.
Ills business fell away f roril, tifmt
sound to him. ,� i' -
"� .
Utlo -way 7 Tie, the moot upright and
time forward. Ile had been a fairly
"Tkere were lfbi�tsr of ,am, when
hono rAblel ,or men I � WW do 7ou
successful co,rh dealer, with' a good
I was at home." said James. "TIliere
Atattliqw Ilfta4 lip his wrinkled
-comloation, one time, but slowly
wascold 9111111to, thb militister - you,
b",W. 1. I .
,and surety his trwdo 'r;lLssod into�
wjore *hand In glove with! 11JIxal' you
. I
"IF or God's cake, EhIllito, do not
other .-jllindq; - - pqopla, seemed to
knowl. , didn't lie wrltel� If
tell; my boy I" 1
I idirInk' from dealtag, with him, , and
his recelpts dwindled untAl he saved
I'd kAiW.h I
or�.a niommit that ypa
were In of anything,. do, you
11.mast *�know," oald- the younger
himself. from bankruptcy , only by
think 1,,,�iojIjdn1t hkivo sent A, 'big
man. safting Ills 110s. His clotiolled
lialide, andfrowning brow -might havB
relinquishing everything to, his cre4�6..,
Itora. A su*11 stun was returned to
cheque . I 0. .."'. -
"I know, -you care, for (.lid,
stialIk terror to th6 henet. of a timid
film, and-, lie begitil:
rh6ji, Lately, ho*aVort,bo
Life as a, mIller's ,
had done
father, Jbn.�, Thbre w,as a woIndar-
. �
maa, bat, the minister. of Salem
chap,31, EAstorby, was nal; timid It,
It F4 1� 1, I, �A,l I-71'.
-I � .- , 1
pathos in thk3 old mart's ton %, .
opito of Ilia usual gentleness, Re
. I 1. I - - wat? I suould ratfraor think so. It a& rdcod Jamt)s Hortiblow,or Wailaunt-
conitiletely Invalided and had bean refleettork On me not to ba" let pjly. I . 11
Y taken to tile' workhouse Infirmary. me knotv how thpIgg were galng_ "I am "lerloVed " ha said 0to, have
It was a great downfall for him and
W& it disgrace to me. I slftll tell
I . 0
boon the means of introducing it ClLs-
nobody could have felt It more keen.
fy than old Matthew Iforablower,
old Shilittoe my mind '-whIan I see,
Illin'to I
loumlo� or till" kind.. I -,Vlll rofer 7011
Easterby Union, as It was called,
I to Mr. DrIfflold, one of our deacons,
"No. iad, no. Don't Ispeak ,to 'Air. !,and 'treasurer of the chapel funds,
19tood-back from, the high road,, just
, -
Outside the tittle town:" 'It Wa'i
SIC1111to about It. 1-16 dia natkiiaw
%gZ can ajilswle'r lilt qn.00tions better
tall!, WhIto N Iding, atar4jng lit it
Ini Wha'rG tliarO Were
your addross."
11HQ could, have gsl7lid for It. .�Ild
talan loam."
,1% will hear It from you, not from
i,olvet'lawns and bright flower beari
there was Drifflela, tire O -cher, dna-
DrIffjold.11sald Jim. 14Wbat do you ac-
this lsollfs:spuil-A. ee,ttaln 00M or money
ticomo 4aeh niontli, and- If they fail
what was lite about?"
Liage, my ra,thor or having done ?"
—.--- - - '
� -.i��
' Matthew- IlornblDvmr seeluNi to
"it as, no mere accusation," sald the
, 11 -
4���, .
h4v- 90-0 Ilifficult7 In ropLying,
It Ili
mintill6w, in a nettled tpne, 41140
0 -
, "; .
. ";
and Was a reluctant voice
o,vow(Ad At-confelwed It before the
. i .
�, I
,that be rOr0e(l out the Nvorda:
chia,oh. Led away by great tempta-
, .
"I ,ain't Irlouds with him now.
tion In a tima of pcouniary difficulty,
t I .
JIM; I've cllanged� :[!III, uort� evon� a
* Ito a,pproprIa.tad to lit; 9wff use a hium
� I . I
church! member." . I �
of money for tile" ebapel which had
- "14h, th'at's a qil.4.�er start," said
,been placed In his charge. We Would
I. . .
Jim. "R'62 rbeant. )6%ftlt it ? You
it over have baifkuved It but for big own
ivxoto ,me oul,v two p,uoutile ago
that .you had charge, at -the Sumday
Jamov, Hoirnblower's features had
school and wore head de�%,0011* and
changed rrow crimson to livid grey.
. I
I don't know what..,,
His J,bvv 4rapped, Ill,% eyes Were fixed
,,So I, jvqie, 3�xe; so I was' But
It Was some tittle ago, I)OTI'ttalk
Upon ]Ile rathok's quivering face,
down wIllph, tha glow teara of age
I � I
Ubblit It,.-UnIcss rou i%riat to dis-
tress me,' boy. 11-4a too ,01(1 jjo,lv�-
had brgitill to fall.
"A sum of money I How. Inuch.?
11 - �
tbo Old�Joy ,Iny work,,� .
When ? .Tpll me the dettills, ,'Iulck."
,-It *',�aa firteen Years, ago title
It wary a aubtcnluge, ,And lie know
It But ll(Kv could he tell blu son, u4at
( bell
LAO'ntll; Pat about tba till"' W -
Ila hall been doposed lit jalagrape frcUll
srall. loft home. James. It was alwaye
tbu Offices tlr.',t hO U -sed to hold ? JIAI
staped f6r a moment and oat sjr%ent.
thought probablo tha,t you klicir
,,,on,,-thitig of tho. matter, and1vould
t1c, u"A's much OVerWA0111104 at. Lila .
no� wait to son, your father's. SwIl
dIv.graCiL% It was a SAIIII Of 4,10--"
. - �
present �ZLCLto a[ tWings, and very
angrjr to think tit, I
at 110, haAk beeilt kept
"Ime -up, In a leather bag ready to
to tht, bank, I know. And faLlier-
Woftleft a7oid
In 141101'44100. And .'he W49 Puzzled by
f�a`thc`r r,a, III—"
tltvt k�A.d*��o In Ilia rather- and tile
bsenco Q - PA IdA formero trierlds.
Ho,sald Ila j?sea It," said Atr. �ghll-
Miss Alma Ptatto if they will
. ,
-61aly have faith , �.
in Lydia,'
the 'tuii.B when James 11orn-
blo'well n9latl d1e, ,shitr less lad lite.
111to. , �gmdly, ,111c ooll.41 not refund It
%hpin caliNI upon Ito (10 oo , but I nall
at niterwaol be
to tit,
Piftham's Ve t .
geldble Commund.
it T 0('131 .t.err,
,th.w a p man, rigla
In d6vipline, .nd &trjot t.zAyOIjd mam�,
glod ,soy yonre
paid, li,fj thl,, amount In full, with III-
, * � �
11 I feel it my aut,y to tell Ali yming
611ro In jils religious vlo�t,s. 130hind
tho froll exterior, however, there Jay
tlNr(%st anil compoilud Interpst.
jild not prowlente, of course",
*Oman how much - Lydia i M. VlAk-
hatAls wouderfal "Vegef,able, Con -j-
a ,wAi�mth Or afrectiolit wallob tile
f�r,cape�graob Illalf had tIlk, t t I _ �
WA a (Is
"There seenled DO otb�r way;'
01,10 Alatthow. "It waR it questi011
oatid, hils 0 for o, I-W&46m,
6t6l tuu 0 III 1111a 0 attend
cover and tb0 hoaXt U.)1ceppreclate.
11,0� had behaved ,badly #�Iirjugh before
8 e 3,1111
Of hint Or Iu"- -N'Obody (�l c( (
Ila' coined at tile manvy. Anti It
to be 010119111 It
schoo, , and, tot care for any kind,
Ito broke tile bollittsi. tit* t )told Jilin to
wAs b(itter Ine,
of society, but now I feel Illco a now
Ills hon1j, and jla,%yIj to ,�_V#Ll. alia, ))lit
want agafnfft ine, Afe. 3111111to, to
otsoxi, hitah.6to gained sevop, pounds
III tile bii.gh lie linlit re.pented him of
i -ell tit(, lie -it did, jullped. I never
flesh Ift throe months. �
4 4 1 it to 41,3roung.
libl' 1111R.IC0011 4Ad rquieniburod, tile
told a Iki bofore, hol, sluce, so M,r
I Call That IMS WhY
eddomme&nd women
Java that lipt bf'etl 011clitly lavished
n44 rocollect.
*ho.au:ffor Irolu femiLlo wealchos,q.11-
lipon 11114. rvq (inIne, t,f, r6turn It now.
I could never profoss tile 110,111IL0100
Xigg A1;8TA Pil,kTr. I-Tollv, Xich.-SS006
III- laid lilt; fathen ba,ok upon tho
you siought to avollrgi� 1,11 Inp, But
. I
villow and pult 111.0 Tilifnith 01090 to Lila
now t (10 Poro repolit tile Ile I told,
. .
10&nhot I PM1066 . ,
OW man"st ear,
,ault I irtiot thn Lord will pardon.
�, �
"Fatbor," Ito oalil, in a $ofter voice,
lite for It. considerla' th-ri c:rculu-
" TO UNG woAll"'No
. F" young gh-18 at this I*V10(l of'
and Ivitli 'Nollk., heigl* aftLin, 0yott-you
got ill e mail ay all rk. ght?" .
,"A"111COS Of the OAHN It kwellis to
Ine 110, numt Ila I foep,lven lite, 110W
that I fa�(, Illy boy stitudilig at illy
Iff.6 arib earnestly Invito(j- to -vV!ejte
Old mitil smij(2s I a littiv. -, a aln-
- i
f,& Mr.q. Plift1dinin for ltdvi(ile.; ,jite
gular brlglltmx�a�,Wq,lle tvt* his, eyeq.
% -
bedside itigitill."
I 11
,I 'do mtro. wjluo kilowo Iho
blig uldlad lu it Motherly way
'jkunlreds of yount %vojh4�yj,6 lier
Val- 11 9 Olt the malley alt
1`1911C Don't trwabli I y a meself about.
tVU ill," slild jillf, RealldInK up, ana
AdVIC6 W fr(101Y liad elteorfally
glVetx; Ivor addfess Is typtij Aftsx.
t1lat.11 I I .
"It NwW r)O and '010 Iliterese. , X
spoakitip: firmly. "Itv. 1411illito,yon'll
Izve it) it, Aly fathpl-'s II.i.11110.,; got
41 Judging iroin the letters sliv is ire-
never gpok-o iar it III a. lettol". I
(multill't, 0onlehow. 41litli,ough I 6AVIA
to be phmred at any v,vlt. I'll go
to lirlso,ijo It volt Ilk--"
61VIng, ffom: so many young girls 3trs.
PinIcham in hwIfuod to tile, b6lief,that
It' back, but I o,ftrs) ) tjj-0ugj?t-jXii,
"No, Ito, ihi,wo ivill li,c) no o,oa"
our iirls w% puslied altogotheb too
tidar he 11mitortheironkluranc6now.
tlW1i`P-thftt I"il Ilko t tvlioar you i"a'p,
(jacT, that yolt yorgfvt, *,un.,,
91011,11 said tit � 311111,Hter. fa -
t1jer iftall be honored ow lie de-
0At%ysL in our public whoolN, and. wmift-
.71tit, )uy bo$. ,i-kti d. God ble6t;
yoij,,vi . I
10"yva, he %ure of that. tlttrpIlltv,v-
,or, my doar, dear old friend, oaji
wim-,less lQuiling '40 more -hoQtIt
"T'llattq .01 rilght, 'tbov, X1111 ght(j to i
v011 t0rfrivo Ine? I
. -Aornblovoor
- ., - "? 1!�. , . , . � . , , .,
I. '.
001 If,%ster. till t11000 years.
. 611111ed .And put out
. � . . . � � .
� u
4", read a,ml.wr:tv, a litt.D gcograpflyt
and matlido In the villagO
M,01.0' ;,a uwpo.40 of old beng ))store
"I cutting ,period. Tikere Is then
rep,pond x1ma ,
appro. , tew to 14 and jo,
Ills wand, I
"Lord, 2101V lottest tbou thly Fier-
"ellool, It fe 10 roult It they CIO .not
goI IV "-bon thel iiom are olti, enough to
a 1%11,Z. y in pke't far fowlt' Oil Account
Of tho, MareftY of clilvkvns� At Lite
cents D'Ir pwild. plucke4 W61glit,
- ""
20 and 2;� Cents dr4
weight. It 18 -r..,rt rtJv
ftut depart In peace," lie murluur-
all, Ukillig * that
f!,'o Into tile townij, to -work, Ivan
takes oare aT tbelp land as wall all
PVO.f�'Ont time 61-v '000t1i 4 P01144 )ITO
W01ght 18 offered for liens by a large
,ov so In-
oreased profit Will be realized by
lolling the
words had Often
boon In We bleart during the last'
IiL9 awn; their wiveq live -in Ilia IIOUIO
and aro, subject to, his authority;
t-'rOduce, company Ill flIorunto; eigilt
Q(Mts a fjound piticRe(I weight Is paid
,, earlier and hall.vIer coa,k.
DWI$ of VIO 110019 at once. This Jiro-
.few days and weeks. .
. "You oban't depart Ill roared Jim,
this lsollfs:spuil-A. ee,ttaln 00M or money
ticomo 4aeh niontli, and- If they fail
In MontI,,,,jjj. 111 s �
evapal mOntije' II)re
0111oke'nO Can bl bought by tho pprj-
fit corresponds to the Increased
"WellU4 derived by market gardeLk.-
almost beside himself with griefIXIIII
Cla 4ccoijat 0jr baCt hatilto Ivan can
dU*G merchants rop tile above ra,te,i,
oril and fruit growers who placto
00motMD9 not unlike 4-4 kind of
= "You're going to live and
rdrei) tIMInt, tO return anl(j- work in
w14 flel'also, I
or TQ,r a (Small luorewse In them, If
Lila hens are beill UnTil tall tiley will
staple articles oil. the market before
tile rcguc,�; supply is AvIlable,
,,,,, everybody what a hero and
you'vo Jason; you've get to
live far Orther people's 8,%kC - IOT
it they are solhor antli, industrious
tile rai�lly community WIj alwayO
nut r"llzo alq great a Profit ti$ tI 07
will tit -
Wyll P 'lle"th' owing to tile redue
increased conlyup3ption of olljokeng
In Canada, to due to the luiproveLll
Cattle, most Of (Lit, Holly) 'a u I Llamr
11 yo plL.lity, and. tit* isono ean ro-
a .
turn lit their OW age with Molloy
0 tit(, market prica for SOW14
and OID 7Q.a3 of flc�a`h Ill luouli Ing,
g4milty and appearance of the
MY life, father, It you 'Ile ? You
must )Iva 11,
lit tho bank, a 1,,%��d at.' grollilt,11 to call
their own, an,kt it Witifortablo eat-
Hf -,as 61)(tuld be sold when they avo
tWO years oIj. All mala birda should
chickens that fire otrered f9r sale#
Tj,i, lmp,,Oyc�mont 1�,As beea estab-
9 �Op% (lid live. This stimulus Of
prosence helped him to
tago, If the o0lia are numOrOU0 -
and- Indust.rious, and sollIer-it, may
N 01
W. i0 d in tile, summer, and cockerelp
CIR-od for breeding tl ie following wtla-
11 -shod t1frougli the inifilness pt
crato-fatteribig chickens la�rolduced
otrugglo back to a fair measure a$.
liappon, as It aften baft 'happened.
6011, I r 4' 1
by this Department at Agriculture,
health and strength. sufficient At
least to enable him to resmito once
that the famjLy'i,v able to buy the
cj�5"te of an ImpoverishedI noble and
yante,91w of retaining tbe early
and to the methoda of killing,pluck-
109 and 011aPing tife chickens before
wore life old dud;i as chief office
b4oarer In the oblarch. I -In
be,wme mastol-ft in tile place whare
jet,si for tall 4ltd. ,winter egg proklue-
tIlOY are marketed. Zvet-1 farmer
In Canada should be In possession
w,au unan-
olected to all Ills former
�T"`(`Ell� *once
they had- been alaves.
Tho work In the field.4 In the nam-
tIon have, been repea,tealy stated.
Varly pullato will lay their fll%t
Of the 4etalls at the crate-tAtten-
Ing business.
and knew. more the
joy or being (leap, an and 'Sunday
map I& long and hard, bmt I?MrcelY
a week passes, without Its legal "a"-
yedr ffvO tIz9A% as Many eg,%ff 4a Q1,d
IMP&, rn,e ,,,,t of feed wilt Ito prac-
It to a business that
can be managed by any membeVot
60110DI superintendent and trea-
surer of the cUapel tuna. And after
day, and isomet-twes there is more
4I.an one, beutilea the Sunds,Y, Of
t till, same for the pulleto all
201�itlyjlb hens, Tale 'from
tILL, household; the required a um-
ber of crates are easily construct.
a few Months hie went w1th his son
coume, And you V,31 find that Ivan
profit t he
puliat-0 Will be earrespovdingly
ad; the chickens will gain from one
to Australia, ,2whore we b!e4rdsome
Years later that blis end -a
takes his ji,olidayEr in tile village and
the rione take them In the town, with
gpelater. Tne waost promising utility-
and a half pounds to pounds
oach during tha 24 days' fattealng.
and peaceful and -had come.
generally an extra day or two as
Pullets should be aelooted .now,
led- liberaII7 so that early Winter
and the Cost of feed per pound of
Perhaps thc fullest compensation
well, although the wheat may auf-
laying may be encouraged, and later
gain in . it" weight will Averag a
from five cents tcf
all hie sacriflo,Is was made bFilit
for and the factory' Ile seriously
on Piaecd In comfortable winter
six and a half
Wh0n# at t4t weekly prayer meot-
tnq at &miem Chapel, In a blush of
erippled therpliv.
Visit the village one, day and sea
Ljortors. Tranaferrija 9
101tS to a strange d1for111t61`gIo`
VALL FAMJ9.-Fowle that are to
stilled expectancy, the minister
tho faaBL Lli(,- mulijilt r,p ra6 I I,
p f, a 0 It
pen plplrliot
all . ion. .
be exhibited a,t tile tall 1,41rephould
would rleo fit Ilia place and sla V?
With ro cortain indlatence 'in h1s
great fete, Or Which there are twelve
(Luring the year. He has white bread,
be shaded from tellia Bun during
nionijing. Title will prevelat the
tona -
"Our doar brother, Deacon From-
fish, meats, cakes, tea,, and vodka
for himself And Ills friends. He
farming the ut,litty. - type 61
breeding 10-1 should be soleotqd.
. fowl. citil be bad In th,,)
Tbb, type of
now f a re Ifavin raded a
e the g a r
mottled appearance. Breeders at
III Qw0r, will �aow conduct in prayer.,,
After fifteen of silence,
drinks all day, all night, all next
day. His old master, still his friend
proper breedsI Plymouth RocX,n ,,nil
fancy fowls aro very particularia
this respect, and cover the tope
00111P011oatlon Indeed -yet whqoould
give him back th,coe fifteen e '
and e4mosellor, remonstrates in vain.
lie will have Ills vad1cm -, be will have
Wyandottes. Utility-tfl)e fG;;-18
I a
vh,au 4 11. broad, bloQky and of
Of the Ya r used by, the nloultLng
, birds 'with. old carpots, lumber, ate.
. . mpty
"And 'You
Ills holidays, When the vodka and
'Val' 10
med!um site and weight (nature
weight, cook, seven to eight and a
: The fowls are given, liberty during
the late afternoon
You believe lAw? t4rned.
him out or the charch for thla?p'
the holiday$ Overcome him
poor. But otherwise lie need not be
halt Pounds; lien, five and a halt
to seven The
and evening
only. -.&Ijimal food and vegetables
",Tkn, my bOy, be sliellit; It Is all
pc!,or-ln nine cases out of tell. Ill
breast should
be full, 42,4"'al';d carried for.
are necessary for moultLag fowl&;
Over now." .
"Ro wo,g deacon and eaper,'ptandent
winter he has his own wood, and he
is- never cold,unless be sells tile
ward. The 1098 should be set well
apart, Fhort,
the animal food, sucht as waste
meat or raw, bones, will increase
and head man at yolmv ehapal when
I Want away. You turneLl him alit?"
wood for vodkft, as 110 often. does. If
he cannot get work In town be call
white or Yellow in
IeX or foot feath-
ering, The
the MIPPI,V of protein. or albumen
for the 91`017th! of feathers; the
"It was luip"sibie tbAt he should
always return 10, the village and his
utlitty-type fowl corre-
spends to the shorthorn type in
vegetablest are useful In regulat.
Ing tit() 'oyoteM.
corittlittle, to- ilol-ii those positions,"
said tile lillitleter, rather firmly.
own home,
1w3upposing Ivan Is ambitious for his
. . .
- i
Jtiiilo laud voice And unabashed
front took Illim by surprise.
wons, They can have two years of
Boilo,oling in the village school mud
!"PUrtant names of ibis present day
literature -all of wham, are ,waa of
''.1CAT-0 jnsp��ctjon of good t I emFtInllj
lf7oodo start the digestive I
a set or fools you must be III
ox4almed the man -'Irom the buoll,
then ,go to another vill".0 for four -
years more, then into the university
moullk,9; slaves u9411 3.861,
Pondering upon till*
mach nory,
aild Immediately. excites the flow of
"not to know hian better thanAllat.
�r teohnical, school. The only ,dlf -
Of the Peaisa,nit, lAs pooltion as a small
tji�o guatt,le j,ljce� It Is, therefore,
not unreasonabla to
Whv, father, what was the good of
ft? It wouldn't have hurt Ine for
, floulty is. that .1van must pay for .the
first year or the gymnasium UboUt
lailded proprietor to begin with, IlIg
11-sals-tance 'from the
suppose that
thoro must be a differe
all the, World to know that I took
tp .11
75 roubles, besides furnishing board
as th-3 state-
nobles, who are
ILL F eneral poorerithan he; the bo,s,pl-
dietetic importan ce produced In tba
" when, on , one hand, a
11 You tocok It!" gasitQd the minis,
nil lodgings. Sweeping
11 Is nevertheless
ment may appear, it
theatres, esta,blisbed
roT is benefit, anti for which lie
joint Is In con.
tem1plation, and when, the
t or. .
. "I took it. I thought it wa& my
true that Ivan will seldom be With-
cut the ithoney if he has been as
pay:,s notb�ng-nclt very many nor
ve ! Of s, but too often not
on oth.
or, it is a bright, attractive looking,
fe,therla money and that he's never
1111PS10(it. I son�: It baok to lilm
inCiustrious and 80ber me lie should
pMtoinize'- Onderhig also upon lilt)
becauso an, open%, roasted joint,
Wo a itiatter of fact, thore to a
Wara and had. no Idea but w1laot
have been,
Once started Itt tile gymnasium his
raDrdinar . adaptability, and !n-
ZZIllgence on ed, j�pon li-try
groat difference between the two
ht bwl been all AWit, though It
men will gonarnily lic, able to keep
la .. h . tts, an a ule, Ills filthy per-
of cooking, baking and
roasting. I 11 tile formler the
was a mean triek to walk off with
the money without his consent. But
oil without an outlay from his father
if Ile is sufficiently Intelligent and
Sol , a the Sir I I vodka i0ilob
runs down hAe throlalt, ,,Does
treat In reality Is cooked in flat air,
I thought I knew my fatber--and-
and, -I didn't after all."
diligent to, Impress big worth upo!3
you ask:
he degerve all the syniips,thy, lie bas
Which has a tendency to decoirploso,
th-O fat Into aorJ4 substances. he
W n
He dropped down into the nearest,
his teachers. There are
to aid and numerous kind people
p0millanded ?"-haJ)0CC& A. Iasley,, in
London Mail. I
thO door of an oven In which a joint
ellair and l9d Ills face In Ilia hands,
to give a boldping lim.nd- it be
- . . I ; , �
to cooking is opt -lied the turr.w,m as -
A Mighty isclib beaved Ills broad shoul-
finir.lies tile University be can, If 110
' caTye, am -lalling like a tallow candle
and Wo father lay and looked tit
wishes, become a professor, a doe,
Wbioll han just 'been, blown out. Tile
him with a liting,ing or love, oliame
tor, almost anY.thill-w 'but an official
amell from a jolill. Win& roai�ted h."
and pity, -%vIAeJj was heavenly In per-
feet peace. 1111be m4lilater stood lip
In thb Cioveramo tit, doors aro
The k1lavor of � �eat So Cooked 4al I
not- tiflist character, but, on the con-
trary, 18 agreeable. Ill roasting, the
and positively gasped for breath.
still closed to all but the olasses.
boy twus far it -11,
SUPOPJOr to the Suked Article.
MIA Is, cooked by radlatioti-that lo,
"I -couldn't bW made, ,am under-
filtand," qajd Hornblower presently in
f tj gets
I le
Of courseo be by dint of strenuous
from, 1111110
Irt Ile to be feared thht =ny ex-
: by the bovilbar,duient, 6o it) speak.
Of heat waves. The air between tile
a sort and plaeld voice. "Tqlay)d Ila,
called lihm a .thdef and not soon that
effort, great 80.0rifIC8
ly, and the Outlay
self and his fami I
celleft,t modes ol cooking wli,;ch pr�e-
valled in the past' are now abaiwon-
tire a -lid the joint m4glit be. quite cool,
yet roasting would all tl#.#
lie was oni.7 borrowing oft III, s fa-
of saline moner. But It can be
tile Pon w0rk,'afl
ed sjmVIy. to savo trouble. T�La we'd-
iil-11110- Stoastilig also to a less raplex
thorao he thought. They would
liava pro-specated, maybe that
U tile rather and
he a vod*
hard as t 7 ghould-and leav
ara. cook, or tile p3rson who Z31113
borsolf such, aIT
.,tough Bile may be
IlYlethoil of cooking tbaft Is baking,
and slow cooking has very decided
would have spoiled Ibis career. You
see, Mr. 9biliko, how well liwa done
kla alone. Tho boy Will have dis'
,couragementO, he twill stiffer on
P"ItivolY IlWtrucred to roast nwat
III tile good 010-laishloned way in a
advantages In regard to preserving
the nutritive value or the T%e
for Ilimiself. Was It for Ina to pat
hindrances In his -way ?,,
account of caste# but much less
than big jv,ould In ,England or Ger,
eareen. in front cli tile fire, common-
iY Ignores hor Infitructions at ey-;
civilized cook might learn. a good deal
train' tile methods of slow cooking
al'I'But, my poor, frloond,,* said Mr.
illito, almost Unable to speak,
many. Por th�q ,11lusstan, arlatoc,
r"Y' never sUfflelently . well eo,
ct,V ,possible opportunity and'- Puts'
tile joint ill the oven. The Introduo-
adopted by, savage tirlbps,-�-La neat.
and taidn-S the old man's nerveless
tablishod. In lineage- wealtit or
Alan, of the `kir-h� aLr," or the'
hand In b1b, "you need n'6,t have
posver to be domineering, now
111D hope
closed *range hnd of the gas cooker
A C!pher Love Song.
sacri.floed yourself."
broken and riftned, with
for a change of torture- anti by -
probably accautiW top the preler-
.Iwo whicIV Is gIvcn to baking while
A'we years ago a clever Araerl-
nature Wi,I)Ing, as. well me by air,
cumstanoes , foreed, to rPeOgllty-O
it dQ08 &,way -witi, tho jj,pc%lj3sIty of
bastfug-and other littlo but Import-
can professor was asked by .%
young ladyfor a cipher tMat could
One of the first effec' ts of a. bot
ability 1j. tho peasants *.
If jV&jj,a eon wamts to 90 into
ant culinai.V attentions which roard-
; Ing Involves. There call be little
be easily worked without being too
difficult to read, wharoupoli he
the number of deaths of infants.
the dr my hie can do so by passing
doubt that by thia exchango of mo-
ponned the following:
Even in the open ccuntry the Buffer-
Ing of the helpless little, ones would
oxamillationg, taking courses in, I
and Paying
00d not a few per,sona are dietetic
(U Oki3O, but IOTJ; I
move the hardest he,&rt. Stomach
tlic military isollools' � i
the small (3110 . He can become an
fnio preforence for meat -openly
0 0 410 0. 0 0 rue,
0 Jet bot lity 0 a 0 go,
trouble and diarrhoea are the
most to.bo dreaded at this,time, and
.offloor and tittle a member
from �
roastod before the fire Is not a more
But give 0 () I 0 U fjo�
every ,rpother should appreciate the
aviviceracy, debarred
orack. r.agiments perhaP13, wh�ere'caokea
sentimout. for 1L]w flavor of jueat so
is Infinitely superior and the
When ibk, key to this )a obtatw
ad It lilts like a love song. The
necessity of careful diet and atton-
tion at tile first nigh at these trou-
tile officer& must bj%ve a large .Tlrt, 'tissue
veto allowance and where caste Is
Is generally tillbro tender than
-WILan it is balrod, Now the flavor and
sooret. of It 1108L in the facts that
a naught .Is a icifillbr and that It
bles. Afed'olliD Elhou:d never be given
to oheck djarrhoen excapt UPOTI the
tile strongekTt,
Letical. and W115
It the buy Is prt 111,Gs
tenderness must have much to do
with its (Wg-clitibillty, and conso-
- Le easy to make this word "sigh
to 'I whollover required. It, readis
advice of a physician. A diet Limited
almost entirely to boiled milk and
to havo it toolflitcal education It
quoutly wit! , �, its real value aq a
Phonetically with perfect ease, but
tho use of Baby's Own Tablets will
thle pr
will -bc, wore difficult than 01
fosslons or ,tile' ju,my, because
food. -'Without polish and appetite
digcetion iB slugglih and heavy. In-
the written form Is parlihito imors
readily Intelligible -.
cure almost any case and keep baby
Irf health. 'Afr4 W. E� Bassani, of
there are too few� teeblaiLeal. schools
deed, It has been said that the pro-
You sigh for a c1phlor, but I sigh
Kingston, ont., writes:
at present to meet the demand,
and tho examinations are unumlal.
ems Of digestion slonlinences before
Indigestion, and certainly the di-
for you;
0 sigh. for no alphfjA �V,jgt 0 sigh
When my little girl was about
thre(j InotiltIm olti. silo suffered witli
ly severe, But even here he will
gcstive fulictions are stimulated to
for me;
voniltrng and had diarrhoea con_
tI,Ive, fewer durlaillLjes, ill -in if
healthy activity by till- sight of It
0 let "t my cipher for, a olphlor go,
stantly. I did not find any medicine
wore coyApating In GerniAnY 0'r
England, for tho reason that the
tender and well codkod morsel as
well an by an excellent flavor or ar-
But give wigh for slgI4 for, I sigh
for you so.
thilt helped liar Antil wo began giv-
ing her Baby's Owit Tablots. After
runcelan student Is hotorlously lazy
oma. It Ums beeill, Bho*n that title
-Chicago Chlroalclao
giving liar the Tablets tile VDIUltill'
ftnd diar-hoott, 04,
miLed and she begA;
and euperflotali
What has Ivan the MoujLk 110110
to Improvo almost at Once. since
then whenever liar siomach Is cut of
ShIc" Ills liberation ? T,hia ,hero of
Ow- Into RlismLan-TurkilaN war, Gen.
oider or i,,bo Is constipated we give
f1kobeloff, was the son of a peas-
her tile Tablets, and tile result is
ants Via great Metropolitan.PhIlIP
aLways all that ire d2sire. They are
the very best medicine Ihave 'ever
used for a eb:ld." I
Of Moscow, W&O tile som of a pea.
Sant- Before the liberation. there
came tile son Of IL =OUjjk, 1.0mollos,
Baby's Own, Tablets are sold by
dealers In medicine or will be sent
so ,L,iwjtose gen a thi-ow oft the
v tr at the Prenchl Intillence
post paid, at twenty-fivo ceilts a box,
In nuselan literature land founded
L,y the Dr. Williams' Ikedialne Cont-
pany, Brockville, Ont. . M
the native literature WhIch flour-
Ishos; to�jjay� Thlere followed him
Por Monthg Mrs. MY199 Lay a Helpless SUfforer From
another monjlk'a son, Michael SIM.
at Solitapkin, wW brought liberty
NOrVOUS Prosittaition and Cradually Crew
'Patherly Advice.
to tile 11usslan drama, divorcingilt
Weaker and Weaker
The .Sultor-I wish to marry', your
permanently from] t�(l Frenob, in
the Very period Of the serf libera-
eldest daughter, Sir.
mi's. Jbbn MY108, Sell., Of South
Dr. Cliasolb Nerve Ppod I began to
Her Vather-Ob, You do, --Ill Are
you in a position to support a fam-
�tjlc grMtesit writer in, Rillealm �tco-
da,y! ajter ToWtol, to Gorki, son- Of a .
WOOLI9100, 'FlssOx Co�, Ont., IS well
known throughout the 'surrounding
gain In .Weight and to foot strohgor.
Mnoc then I have been gradually re.
fly 7
The 'Stiltor-1 think so, sir.
w,vf, unid himself a peasant. rT.110 I
atemi; singer of Russia, IS "100fore
country bootLuse of liar work among
tile sick and saffering and It wagait
stated to )jealth and In looking
ba,ck can say that the Improvement
Her Father-NAroll, you had bettor
be sure of It. There are 10 qf us
91111aligpitil, b,orn III h moujlk's family!
account of over exertion lit this! re-
has been slomptbing Wonderful. I
till told. -Chicago News.
11 I
� .
in the Ural ',\1011,I)tainq Of Siberia,
whose inagnifloc,ut voice ter one of:
gurd that her Itealth broke dowo
and she lay weak and helpless, &
lised In, all forty boxes of this Ora.
paration, and fool It a ditty! as wall
A THING WOLT3 KNOWIN61 III the fact 'that
� ., alt,hough'
tho wonders of the contury
av 57.bt Ullhe&M Mt Of Russihm. I
vietint of n-orvous prostraltion. Doe.
tore could not help her and she re-
as a privilege to recommend It to
all w3w, are sufforing front nor -4
Painkiller tlikas nioro useA in a hotulehold
th alit Ituy othm- reuiftl,V. Porldl bowel Poln-
When the ItIt'solang built the boaa-
t;o1yod td try Dr. Cliase*s Nerve
vona disorders. ,Severaj, porsoliff tor
gilt tititutes. There Is but one "PatilidlIck0,1-
tiful Cbriqt Cb,thedr4l (it Moscow to
eommemorat,e 'Llielk escape trOM the,
Vb0d. At; & result she, has been
thoroughly restored and, by r000ns-
whom I have described illy c&eo hav6
Used It and boon cured, and I anill
Iforly DILVIFI% .
,Vapoleonle 001)(11109t, th-OY' 0hoAe
luending this treatment to others
sure that I ,awe my present good
Gibg#r Poor
the Wit or a MoltAk to dee6ftte It, I
has been tile tileans of bringingbaek
he-a3h. it not lite Itself, to Dr.
��3,roklft, W11060 Wonderful frescoes 1
health and hapitint%s, to inaby la
Chase's Nerve Ibod."
Art excellent ghiget beer ma,r be
are the dalight at artigtg. In, the I
w4�akened and discouraged sufferer
Nervoug prostration and oxiiaus.
prepared lit the following man'liar:
UrAvergtV ,at St. Poterskiftri; YOU,
from digetwes of the nerves,
tion, beadaebw, dyspepsia, dizzy
wo us of bruised ginger,
' F,
m, n firilk P116f69rf01' 1-Winl0t, Oil
Urm, Alylov writes. "When, I be.
and fithiting cpolle, paralysis, loco -
two OIInc(,n at eream of tartar, two
pijunds of lunip sugar, two lemons
of a poaftiit; In tbo University of
Sfollreow, thorowits unitil rteently'i'the I
gai I the non, of Dr. Chaoela Nerve
pood I confined to bad
mlotOr ata,xia. toolings of we&krieive,
dt-pression despondency
cut in nilcos with the rhill left on;
P" all tb<jac Into a JUrgo pail or
eetebrated Proltagnor kovell0t, son of a I
Mavant, IVII660 don"th wits lamented I
waP my witill
W dcs ald Was nervous
.and are
ov(,,reomo by this trot;tmeht, ,Work.
Ing, 1&9 It doe&, )land In hand
p I t�l tor &lid pour two gallOno of
tIlroug.hout tile I&Vd. ftt, ffiborlwl
prostration. etomal9i wits very
w4romk And I could not 016ep at 0,11
nature. Though gradual, tile ro-
Ito , ig water oil them. Let title stand
for I several ]tours, strain It, ,And
Uriversity was largoly foundpd by
,%birlokolt, a p0o.,�atl . tk W110 a"fla
for any lt,ugth of flujo. Nervous
stilts are all tile Iltioro certain Alrid
when (InIte cold add a tableopoonfill
t and let It remain
gave, largo -same of molitty for ex.
In eontpinportty.1tuRgiall
chills and trelubling woutil tonjo
over lito at thillos'and r seemed to
litating, and by noting your Inereftsa
ill Avelght. ,"It Call pri)vo to y011p
ill ,tile glitgei- beell loll twelve houra.
ilteligtilre, ujillitrodn"d it% W,0 be�
IM "gotting wtaker and weaker all
satl9taotloo that new, firm fl6A
Then vkhn oft the ,yNmst nitil battle
yolid Uto Min' try Iti4olf. thore ard I
the tinit,% Vlore wpre also Pains
ond tissue If; boing addod, Vl(tS#
tit(. beer. llrefo,; the corks very lirm.
tile nhmoq of jilkeUn Colfoft, Nie -j
on. top of the limAl Which caused me
cotitcf & bov, Rix boxes for $2150.
ly dolvit and tie thnni. It ;411 be
, ,koff, known lt,6 0*eryf,
ivolmilki, SmIrt,
lutioll t,utteping rt,na nxioty,
.kt all Lif%al6ru, or r-AjLu&jt6on, rAtIbit
readr for use Ill 0, week, , ,I
educoltiold RUSIAW11; as ftludlit thd Moab
A:ftol, ijbiag balf it dogon boX4w of:
44d 0.6.1 Toronto. . -,, t , k I , ! I t