HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 2( . I - 1. - � ., � I I I - . I � I � � . 1, , —'0"""""' ., I I - I I ,. � .
-- ,. -- , , - , - -- , I . . . . I -T""� , � ,, -.-;"-----",—,-.-----�----.�",:11!-;.-,--�--,�-��,—� �-�- �` """, � � - . --,. . �. , � I . , '- - ."
lira eloper to 40% other than, those . I I I - IVIIHO OWtUlAe, With Just A fiPIA811- Of Vot fioluetimov, wilon you. pout 0114F oil olico, IvIth Sweet frult Hyrup, if
— �w I ),oil have It, And joluon jule.e. &kt
,day tr*Svc�oot, at an earthly, fAmIl3r. To bo a wom- red lit. hat or paraool Is well liked. UOVA, I I
:5 '""Or I Der Of 004'9 f0miIX 18 to OCCUPY, 0 r i��.r,-J!�� ��,F�,IVJ�I-P-I,A�� I ,4kwh on, too, anti botivZon eaull
00"0- PoAltlolt that Is Moro exalted thatt . -!* - � 1=1 Pho 'lttta are ellibor of tile 114t Oil w%W an UnbP004111'r gown, , - -1 tl W.
filtapo, or tito rpolioll sailor porsuil. U3, thoughts fly back Wong Time$ tarot, pour same lillaoll. jolly 't'llat
, , �
I .
IA*iwLl IXNATJIOAVA� IAU' SW)1*4 NO- V Ill to bo bell, apparent to nn,_v earth- IN e I '/ . Stoll, ivith. -sligutly rolle4-up. brim, Arno I Is 'Jr. a semi-liquiA state, 14110 the
AUUMV23. 1003- . 1 '5/ ,� - '
V I I , I �, k 1. -her! gla ,fruit
I" throue. , trininiod Ubder tile back witU either W., great, tile at Tjllo�, ,,,,,, arranging It tastefully, allo
-- i ay the love that 1% I /F///,. -41rool;IYA _ all with ojily, Wwou quite Fiat
I �, Y// q I; bandeau. of flowers, or rosettes I
4ouatbnn bore to David: was too : I h I ,�/Z I
I ,/ ,. . of ribbon. Tho,y — .
Ilavid 4livi, Jot)td1jctn.---1'-mu.1Q: 11.1.2r great, however It waa camicil, for It . I X, j - . , look Smart with corape off With it Ofition any jolly
ift . .... All rd - ilia ,ii,bite lace or gauze volts twist- Isaby K41-illageli tit 4,4111a. tlwt Jig& ration Into the diall, beat
led h.lnl� tol di> no diabollorable tblvr,. ,',, . . . . . . . . 1 37YA r . U, with El silver forJ9 arid arrangil
Coulmontary.-I. Davidle conault*- F61 � 719Z 1 0 round tb:"o� I onk,iwit pretty. one rally., seems to
. /-��'/'/ It over tile fruit, Scatter ollop,
, N- gg-' with a lawn govVil of
was proper for Ulm to wlthbol(I .. Z , � � to-daY. worn b A IX-0ga,11 contempo . pOtt
I . avo unearthed Isome Curious figures
tion, with Jonathan (ve. 1-11). To, 'from his evil disposed father foate. i1r. � .. - I'll . Y ,� Crilam "broderle auglaise", it was burled deep Underneath the tome's Of AlMordo over and Serve,
R " I
wtve his life DAY14 had escAped to that miglit have Jeopardized David's � .C. NZZ "--,, I I In Allky wlitte floon, strutelied quite the latest Census report.' According -�. . :
tit(+ aged prophet SL%muel In Ramali. life. Thus we should love the truth . ��c I... kq �-�"; love" lft[W .
� ,,, ,,, , , atifflY and PlallIlY OvOr the shhllca to this tbore are aao widgwq In �ID - 41
can I , I / . I . an Why Juiv DAnc Ig 'Ur4gged..
, I ... I � and, round the r4thler wtdit� brim. _
11cre, I)avid w;aa.pIAcQ4 in, tile sollool and the il-rinelpIca of right sness, . - - fl-i� ,/, got uo4lir one %ear -, that ls,'ko man;y A yollvV; mail syllio Was bol'o. oil It
I I y, 4.1
Vt. tile propht,t a A,t M,,jjotit, -A part vo.. t).kat we would sooner lay down f-&(, f A ; Z . � %villett, waq flat -not upturned In Infantis of from one Month to ateyon a
� ,"a 0 04 11
cur fepatallorl or life than (I.. " �. - _IV H Z,11/0/ loell� �,,I,td IYA10, wiluo getting ills
Dut 0Aul learned or his Tram the path of rectitude. ki f �- - "' W" . 010 InSta"CO-WAs A 4410n0b, fag- in , arrl tile PrO-1 r , Licit I )I Ill, qllp- caqtt., Igtis tarne.1
of RAMRII. Swerve ' I 1� 0 , - , oriths had been in . I O
retreat anti I)avid. It ; I - tritamog or pale Vince and found *1dowed. It would oj,stv�nij I again .01'
Our S , � t P, . got.stItoIdfi'g,^, 'Illib'
_ wtjo obliged to , I �1�1. ` . .. I . 1. ;,Fe 11 I cry Oninnior, gnq
' t 1)avit f'. ,.,i, 1, ,�� . alliml It 11,110, "troll -
'A 11 al't- 0,1' our rotation to Ood, And nal; - .%, 'Ap'... � *,, �' ,f, I, Rot . ently dancod w1w
I 1. . �- " . I I roo
leale, It *A,",:,thon, t I, simply beeause "honesty is ilia best , I 1 � I 'Ilaw V1ff0t,%0'*4S CrOsElbd Ili two be interesting to know the respective - k
::tz�!�.; .
affinity for the truth mugrt grow out I , . .; � I Ve
n I _ has thlus inalut
or assistance. ,4, . -%,. bands over tile top, brought over ageu or, ,tile husbands- O.f these, Moto phystil
pilateol to Jonathan f� it." 11 - -- )4 'g�
I 0 . .. -
O� t )a day followl0f;, tile, festivEll. 4 - . 11 "., N ... � . � ... " tho brim tit the back, arid ras4lon .
X ".. �o 4: , ", . less little croatures-h. not a few of young woman at NOUle t!00 pounlin
. George W. Coleman. , -,P4 . 11 all,
of tile now mooll wa." to be celablv%t- -, -� . � ,-:� . . . . . . . . . . ,'3... . wd tit] Underneath into a oackepolque the busbande might be found Old 113 a village not, TAX" Iveat ,of Ualt.
. .,.. .. -
ed ( Pi`11XI(l)� - 4tquW�bowover, avold th.-) 1; . ";, "ilt <,;;;- I -f, X of full graceful bow.8, wh1aft looked I to be the great grand -fathers, 0ays tho .Now 'York Juvelittir.
�. - - 01, 11 'IV,,,,
X11111, -Xl� 10 ;, XXTAII. 11-14), and :`1 1�f I . .. ,,,
David would be expected to, be pro, anarp into which So many oeero to , . , ; I *11 1..17 --- 10y 0 1 , so firotty on the dark, 'woll-waved wic perhaps. several w1VQS to each, 110P.- HO noticed thz�t �119 AtAnct-
- iburoli.� more thali, I . - .401 .- -Z - lia r. Another (lay tile same "bolle
fall, of loving the o . I , 1, �. , - P� Zlra!A, I
sent. Dut tie felt that, It ''. ".. I 1. Wore all ox them Xulln Marriages? Ing lvaf# Uphill W -ark, aild wholl It
would not the DorEl. It 4S so natural to aup� . ,5711. -1 .lo - - �� t I � -
: , *i.',�-.'�;,,�-�z-�,, yllOarff find tile IlUMbOr Was Over, Ill to
, �.. U .145� Franoulao" wore a skirt, of white
be mtfe for blin to go; 'accordingly, pose, that. tile one Involves tile Ott - . . . . .... �,, �, ��� .1 under� .0 . We , Sauk a 01tahl in jito
l.r. I I ,�.111,;e, ',,O,--'-.-,,-.�-?.r"�-!:",��'.....-, ��� . voiln, surploated and exquisitely of ,-WI,a0w,0 In Bengal to be 574 -, Un- I xhaustilort. T110
ho asked J-04athan to ilia I lit It la, not' always the Case. It I.,3 4 14 " - - - - -- �� �Ilalplont stages of ON
to excuses -- --oA-, . 1. . ,111911410d to her and All Svelte fig, � der ;I years -4 yeara,� 1,,, y a;g woman Nolcod tholig
,4 -. ll, ., 63:L; � under ,
to ,liaul for lit" absence, and 'thus all right ta love a church when a, ma, i I,- '4.-,,",Z.-"r0�71!'I'k t.�-A-� ,%I % �� ', h. . .1 1. . , . Q41 � b tfaq
E�ul felt toward . . . ��t"!,*.4t��",: -- _.. , . . ure, a blouse of Vale blue satin rib 570" tinder 5. j -- we aoroso,the Shining suvIfAcO 'of tile
learn bow & )'I'll. lority Or the members of that Church - T76�:�% �",: -- - ., .oara, 8,fWi. Hera
MaTA then ralil. to %Tonatbau, "Who love t,bl� Lord, but it is a fact .that box) arranged. to two-lijohol-Aso-oroiji; havo something Itke a hOlOcAumt- A , fI9Qr a9d thraNyi.ft, 91,aliqui-if 111yrp.
�VllWes-sur-mor, Normandy, Jilly, It -, od to which ,tri a qaallit VIii,11111i; blilids, In tile diamollill-shilped In. a of tl ?title "ttgattorl 'at 'Uo corner ly'lird, tile
irliall. toll. Inc? 4or witat If thy fatliqll it Church ma.7 have starbad right and tor"kticas Vero little madillionR bf sort -of *burning -ally lea() :
nnswor thee roughly ?" may baye drifted rar away Trawl God* -1 am malty mile.- from tile Scott(- ordled tile studio, 8110,11AS a -PQr- , miteg, of bumaultg, ,who
. ,, but, lot:rtlle punchbolvi Stood,
, ,
11. The covenant renewed (va. 1!�- It Is upt ,vW,4 to itako It for grantod at toy last letter, -having cii6ssed tbe filet musount at art tricasures, an. fine vitlonglogrics face. � Tbe btgli prevalence ot a rlgld -Box mongpolp .
. Y "Doesn't It otrito- you that the
. I ar wa vit Le
tiquD as �ou -��#Ioase, 'ilohi �b- rolre coil, -s flillohod at tll&--� back w6hid j,jro`b`hbl& 11 to be true wive , floor IS very sticky to-nigitt"I"sho
23). 12,. Jona,than Said - Jonathan that there has ,been no diffting, bluo,rlbboji .Or tlio c1lannol. under Lho furnitu� a hugo, fluffy, butterfly hair and tplily . mothors-the we- . , ." -4 1.
� o exquIbitely carred, grandl-, wtill . happy ,,'
calls God to witnoss tly.mi; lie would either In doatillne, cxparlauce dv prac- , Of white tulle, (by, �iha wa7q ovotly.- . ,e. Estoes and patrIots, biquivad.. .�
assist David by letting bilia know,ox- so a .church Most la,vorablo-olroumstanovs, The movei.olpoka, (We BITOUIXI s,i,y grand- thlers of rutui Tito young mail gallantky ,quIlIcti
t1co, merely becau was ontr woctra a big *title bow just be. W lri,t possibilities , 13K Flo, . . . .,
- rl&bt Once. Tito question Should be, night so"Ica'between SOUtbMMPtOU tathOr3j' 4,11tarStrantRUCIout church, 1, are lost, to tile thtultl , , I , ,
actly what Saul's purpose WAS coil Daos tha Church now adhere in these and'Hav . re, Is capital, tho4LItijits be- as, lace, olillift, . brocado hangings, low fick hair. at the back Of liar raoe forever tinder a' syitem wIIIVb 641t 6eem'o, so Itti tile., tile 'youlig
torning law. 9�jounded my father- r i efrects to,.tl)f> Dible? If -hot, wo Ing Ito best which CrQue, t4q, channel, etc., oto, ,Wben there- it few years nOek*. sticking W011' Out, W" that has not one word to si�, Tor Itself. woman obsorved. Then 0112 looked
, tlict.butterfly Irijig nhowles 'mubb It jamuch to be
That to, when lie had,questioned I%N - go , wished that ty.0111119 (10-4-11 Elt holl-foot'. Pro�rualng front -
fa,thor. It there be gdod, ate. -The I stiould do as tile Bible . commands, - tile stv#te rooms airy. and com,fcirt- "O "Th Purollasod One a' tile t'i'll in frontl, tho ji�%t waa of .j)lol.XtCd B6ugtXl.j9Inod Ilanda-witli old: Oengdl .
,, Those who havp tbo form of jodil: GlonderNorinandy Cloaks, with -an ex. a st1kon floulIC9 kind exclalmoa..
privittit d%Wgue which Is here do- . . p.i4b blue antl �yltttc Mcius6liile do in Making �uch, "marriages" lmpaa� ' "WIty" lye ot Toy r4VWvka.Qn",
tailed at full length presents a tuo.91; I nerss, and deny tile power, from such able, the officials all most amiable quisitp.braBs pondu'lam Tepresenting sole, and resting on 'ilia a hundred Years.of llb- I . �
t away suago Is SeVell the sun Arith'a. wonvan'q faco took, f 'It '( '�eral oducatil . . � .- I I 1. . ..
two turn away", We must lgelalc and obliging. -Zio, Pa ,Vali,a mount -Ing of �tljo Deatai'ilt) Bible. Sur.'aly.':), �61;gljt to' i3liffide for
hose -ryth ng that to not of Gold, Ing out from Ito boatus, aa4 a big arly
beautiful exhibition of frDIII eye I hours, but only,jivo ar4cin t�lc OPQ44 , little pjuk roflem) �nu coverin thla-,most
aluln,bler and noble-taladed friends. howeverpro-sperolls, or 1.onorabla or ' 1 9 elementary.' Item Of na- `
U. -The, Lord be with thee, ate.- lucrative It may otiew 11,,.�'be$ If we sea, Of cOurse'. Arriving at 7 il-ul-,'wa brttss"or orolo"Ll chuntlelcov CrOwIng 'tho platenn, and lying oil ii, bull of tional improvement. Oir towarksap- JUIEVES W T1"14 -, VJEAVEN!�
These words allow that Jonathan ' a -way, oil the t1p4op.- Umo. .Urnest- groeu leavem , The coarsel, open Pig Witt, 1pnob the same force to . I -
, .
ti�,Ipected A.NvjtI to oceupythe throne wouid. il�njay b1p limlles. found tile carriage we had ordered, Inn )lad Pickett It up at a sale at linun$ are much worn, trimmed of. otfier parts of India. It Is '1410 'to StarsTlim S(Elal Stray Material 141poill
of Israel. . I . ready to tauG us oat to tile Eiriallit at, old Norman obateau which was. ton ,vvith, Itussian oMbroI(1oi,,y,-, oil talk at the ospirituar, ideal ofmar- Wlicir Near Neigh bors
14i 15. That I (lie not. ate.-Clon- - -7- - , - I , 1. I I ^^-^^ old town 4Q.r 6W. Adro.ide, 41LUatcd 116cl at the death of two old sls- " cross.tstitch, in white ar uofo,rrj; im r, go, a.[ I marriage being A eacra-
I 11 %0%."W`k~Wk#%0% 11 4 Xf1pitd'i'18 much 'Zi5 T;Iggdr i4fiallicir
vineed that David will succeed to oil a hill, and ehle�,Iy cq1tibrated for term, thO ktat Of the family Of "Yrflie Nvli]Lc,, pale bill(-, corliflowerl, oil mont, and tll.baby�wlvasl itnd baby
the kingdom, Jonathan exacts it J�g twill 1IgIjtjIQUlgCS. 1XIIa. hotel ties 11'ribloaso," and the clock looks arlg- thampagnti ebadei;, these Is-rivits look widows growing to be the guar- of the family lof, stara wlitch jrclvol,va
toorallo. anil !Twr�rOspCctIllg, its If dollir'lltrally cool.' Mifeir vIrItts ,ire dian angels of society, When, as a arr,und ow. ,liunq collsequ-PlItLy th4)
promise from him tG show, kindness 'The .m.arlikets. Pliara,%-the only. one O� 11018- IS fully aware of the 1114crintm blood" either pleated, 01--wbat' I'l nower- rule,jlle are consigned to ,a life
to Ills posterity alter Ills death as prettily piaceu lit all Old-las,110114d at Its former owners. What Intel,- niq4tt, with three wide Was folds, py porpe'rival ponalloo and aelf-mor- [mver of lifir attraction Is grc�ajer
weil as to himself during Ills lira, no %O " %O k- l I gartiou, now.tull of tho loveliaol, roses thall that pollio.eamil, for I
time. 0�~ 11 11 or France, and now1wre also Hurelx esting stories It could. tell It one arranged at Intervals, ilia laNvest tifIcAtion, w-hile neading ilia ton- - nstavoc. by -.4-
. , ter'S C 1:9 as a
16, 17. Maile a coveriant-Namely, Toronlo Varnwrb;l Alarkel.4 does the queen oj flowers reign to DOu'd Interpret its tic -tic languagel cotpring the kinction of th'a shaped derwt care, amid tile free and eas,r 1,110 Calth. JILIPI ,-XVIOI. � -
t1aftme Ernestine ha& had (in ill- flounce, wlitclV gives the InovRable movements- at their male relatives 1.urglar liave ca.u.W.- vory COZINIder.
by obtaining from David a promise 'Arecipta continue Ilght at St. Lax�- greater ftta�ff anti beautY I We came 'ion of ill4c, anuoyance and jljc�nivallt�tlloo tr,
to show kIndiroes to himself and to rence Market. '.Iwd trade Is quiet. in ,iar tile 14.0-ce of -tile J:itll of juily' tensely Interesting life-liletovy, now fulnoos without I"king like Eta whom tile "spiritual" concert
b4o family forever. Sbalt require It, Oaly 100, btLsbills of grain Wore 'on --ja il ate gjarionale," and drove it. sho to bl.d. but rosy lind sunny as addod.floun4re; wIth t1folinonsthdre marriago does inot .,prevent .from ttetro,norners jil �11-j dny
.a beforo.1110
ete.-There to much 'fl-Ifference of the ma,ricet. ' to I-IU,vre 1co, see a Wig ml itary -re- one of liar own Normandy pippins; Is gorerally either -a pretty thIn marrying again and again. * powors wore lul.y reac)WIlljoll.
I ,
op'nion as to the meaning of the Whoat-One hundred builiel% of re view Lit; cl4s. I-latel (to Vine. it wells still com,aly, but with gray looks and bloum, or a Jlttld'sw-boloro, whose Terrible, according to our allakr- � Ili 1770 1horo - appoared .a,,fljIC
second part of tlita verse. Beeson Bell at 77 1-2c par bushel. collar arid sloovas are bedecked with tras, are tile effects of a ours Pro- comot, wlilob, was foulld tp h;i,yo,an
fairly imposing, tito marching was homely peasunt dress, ,%ho never for. 0 , '
Drossix.1 Ifogs-Mho movement Its gotp a face, arid to every ready with llnon passamenteric and bangles, nounced by., a woman -
explatmg It as follows: ff elthor spiondid, avert compared wilill. that , , much more ellptical orbit around th^j sun of' so
Jonathan or any air Ills house shall, light. Qixotations arn unchangoil at as Out- TOMMION-13VILIOL-1 and Volout4l Et. kindly greeting, jj*raUj On, 4ud You buy those it,Wlto arid corti bob- terrible when the curse remalne un- baraparatIvely &mall a size that, Mr.
Owt- for Choke ll;;Ilt- -tito banas Very inspiriting, and tliq 11,11 In Vic village lye received 'a all gound .the collars, by a longish India's misery., arises from tile Unnt- It woul;l return In flv.a and it balf
prove imemies to David or to )its $8 to $8.73 pel bias by tile Yard, arld gaiv, tjj�em. on attbrad. Who Can tell how mailft-! Of Loxell, Its dibeaverer, Calculated tjta�
.howee, let the Lord, ilia- witness of weigh -4s. f different unifor=' of tile 110triplerS. ivolcome h.arty onougli.to alwor the throrid or fine cord.,iUofft of -the -tereld BufferliYgs oj�..Iier daughters? years, But Ili, 1775 tolesco,pos Ive,re
06 covenant, aererely punlah, the' Ilay-About 15 loa,49 wore On tile 11-tillerle, (jyMnaAte0,, 84poUrs, Gone . � :
. niost exultity or despondent [Soul, ORO elceve6 are very wide -pagbda� or vainly focused on th-i spots wilore
vlolatopq or It." To swear again - markat, Neik sold a,t $Q to $9.50 Pei, d,Axwex, Ettla'T110, t'Uarlues ,all PlOtAr- sroultl rie'ver litiv;j� guessed it was bell g4apes, and t1foy -are finished . I spitle Don'tel, . it was expected to rq *
By, tilts is jgeAut that lie again on- ton, ana tlirce loads of old ,Sold at esquo anct -crou. 'Diere were soine several 'ycai4s s!npo wo had met or Don't foll6rr'faishlon blindly In ro- . Appear ant(
tered Into a solemn covenant, Ile- $12.00. . ilnelX -made, good looking old 9011, heard Of one iuiothor I No 171th. 4 fratil.o[jIno, ml;Qn and lace gaM to coiffure IT YOU WOUl" Jlrl" lign'111 I" 1781 It dia"In011ited it" 01).
cause slie loved bim-His great love straw -Ona load Oold' at ,$10 per erals, -.Vllo aeoldedlyi knew their bus- be L!.3vo "'On'lar I knife-131batIngs,'to match t11O rabalt artistia I rs. Mr. Lexelt plilogetl rnflo-frovh
ill ilia fnithful Norman . proportions And bring Out Fe"'d
to David, made him anxiouo to main- - ton. viravat at flin thront. 1 see the Most: the Deist expression or, tile fcca. ( calculations, wid after much jveseare;j
Illoss, aucl wno rode bn beautiful BrIl;- hoarts I In the 'orchard w�i drank charming .buirl ,sunshade�,-and my Don't attempt rIO.rELI garniture round that jilPlic" Was ,the culprit.
tale friendly relations betivem their hVI!oat, wb,rte, '460, red, 771,24; . tally. Chargers, At night there was out, "bon laufe " niftda froali'for us, heart,. hap gone gut- to those or eorn wItboL,t rll,at studying the shape of Tito unfDrtunato Uohiet- Ink] been rash
posterity, I goose, 711-2o; spring, 72,1-2,o;oats, a torobligur procession, to which Ustan] ij,�o, tb ;111 ;that had befallen or NvIllto graps lasH, fin, and tm,,. ellough 'LO Plunge into tile gpilete. or
18, 19. J�eat ..... *.empty-lt seems that 3-1 to -6-. ; b-"-Iov, 44 1-.2'c ; 1*70, tiila : Soroo Oil, us ventured, lit a formidable 1,;r1lostl IS contra'sts bo-
pam% 70j ; buclkwboat, 52c, hay, t inu and. our many runtaxUl parent, flula.hod ,round the edge wl.Qi' tile head, and-settir I ilia giant plitilpt's attraction, with
there was one table for San], John- Im- body,, -%vhica $noludod some Am6lcaius ;fr'llencls ; We beart,t how'her son, now a Olulpla lie�matjteh;lng, or� a few twoen tile flowerp and the hair. (1000- the rogult Ili it lit bad.b - , oil CC uj�'eioy
'd'and Abner. Saul �r, was build- -or Don't, liavel a tblypring floral
having straw, shFaf,.$10; loose, $0; dressed . , riltiob It the fatte-ts long., Lot
than, Davi athy, old, $I2 ; now, ,$$ to ,,40-1550; frow BaLTIMOre. WO won't ,home- a celebrated Parts palnte I Woks; tho frames wid spolwo tile diverted frotif lis former --orbil, . Eta'-(
the chler Beat, arict next to the , what in rear and treqnbling as to tile Ing ji, lo-voly luitoolon ivitil a big tips 4 a r Ier gllt-ar ellver, the ,
hogs, aw.t., light, $8 to $8.75; but- - r ',ILI emit) flung off Into quite ,% aittorent Otto
waU,T13larke. Stayed, three days- diffielihics 01 trElnult .-whero a big (itutlio,- oil tile ground above .tile- Ij,u,lidIr-6,j 01 palDoo garnittirp, be. a dainty Wr :
Either with y<,,lir family lit Dethle- Ear, papand rollEr. 17 to -21c; eggs, 'law E111011oll. crowd was concorned, but , 1,tialees- Or clircs, Witt, an exquisite witt ' lorotl Izilarled wooO, araund tho back, ItAir. . .. of It twonty yeariiI pwiDil. It has
i 4 big Qhoqi of tile graxa lawn r- I never beeh '6en- again t)y�jtjiyonc all
Item, or wherever you. find It Can- tril, 17 to ::03, foirl-, JY,,I.r lb., 10G; ' new '%'ntentc Card- view Gf the sea, anti tile sun Don't wq�r 4 wreath, If tile acle is
spring c.Wckovs, pal- lb., 13 to 16,, . relled on our sets, nXid 01) them. Mhoyst9t.614 so ft,cob and cool. bro1d. A clu.9tor of flow,lars or a 1-06,1 this-oaxth and lWobably h4vor will
vouient.-Jamia-Forl. Go clown quick- lilte,, to carry us through I Uut all r vLrily ballova, thAt "llowliere does and go.w-1th qvbrything, really. A bo.
ly--a qu!ck mo%,ement would be nee- Oat* -, p,-�r lb.,- 30-, ; potato�-'. ,Dow, ;-2l; was orderly, everyone good-natured, the gull go. down In $UCI, gOrj,r4,1OjIS E?raat mo:r ClQstlfng among Puffs is prattler� . .
essary La order to avoid being de- biLQlr,l, 50to 5543.; 1 . _W toliftf6s are In Ohara -
and patlenli, and 'lea Anglals had liess its to. iSt. jou*.11 I AS you stand - � Wtilt affect straight lines at any Jupltor WaZ aNO responsible for th,)
Pagno-color; * In Chindso Wilk vdIle kind if tile J�ijv- is heavy. 10tUffY delay 1011011 'clecilried ill tile r0ttirn
tected. The lim9iness, etc.-LiterallY, Toronto 141rult. 3larkets. ,,first rows" given up to them ,in ill 1110 cornfl-olall oil t1lo Cliffs and thay are cha.rming, I saw one which , to ' givo of that splendid v1sitant knoNvu i as
"On the day of the blisiness," refer- ittcolpt,q of peacbes, aPples and Several . Inataueas. As ever.. %ve find wateh tile wag,:p lights and glorious li-ad -a beaurlful)y p1bated isklrt, and colll� ,d) atilt', 'bo, arrang6d .
ring elther-to the Incident recorded pl.=3 ,%vrro again bcayv at tile frult illat Ill no part 61 thO Continent fire tints oil th3 Lloa, and shore, You feel a pelortire and deep mitton cleaves of bra'Antli ,to tile, top of tile ]lead, &nd Halley's conict. * H411LY jounfl, ilvkt
In chapter xix. 1-7, or to some ,kin- mark -at, while In otiter varlotles tile F,ugfish-speaking PGOPIO treated with (3anno,t tear yourself away as fine Venetian lace, w#li long hung- the wrmth. should be - of rather 110 was not tile first discoverer . of' -`"ll) ---
known matter. -Cam. Bib. Ezel- tile run iva,s not .go large. Pricas goner- more, bonne-comaraclorlo titan in. la fL(111`g as there Is 'it tiny threa(l. of Ing *bIta, silk fringe. The lin't Was 111.rgo flairial.a. . . . Uils b)-, coi"t " It had tippearbil at
. , !*
name -or a stone near GIbeali, well- very little change from bell?3 France, granted that-they.arO roso, gokl at- purple left, no Matter a brown Yedda, Marquis -shape, with Don't part tllo 1111:1v Ill tile Iulddle lellst ilvIce pr�vlously, once seventy.
known to Jonathan and David, but r II -V Is, 1101v totally tile dinner IYL It -you Are round-faced and chubby. five Years Moro anti agaln seventy.
y-1t1Z1>;9- A few raspberries EOILI at themselves civil and well inannereds I Ill tells you green velvet run through. the piquant Isk-liko six years before 'ill",. Tile aulron(j.
unknown to us. ft., nna thImbluvbortilez. which were remembering -that they. are guests, you NCR be latio and ill:) soul), will littlo brim, and tied Ili a, boW Over Tills, only pailyhoAulzoa the d
20 .23. And, I wi*l shoot, etc.-Jona- ratilf..1l luore it, ovIderi-ce, sold at 4 not hosts, jor the time., that they he Cold I , E14410alrall" -Britsll tile ""It' off tile mor concluded that �haro would be a
thn hair; all round the Upturned edge I
than thus, provides for informing to 5o, Tilt, early peach" offering are are no -t -monarelis ol till they sur- Bn�, thiv time, we Could not Wait or it WELs. rL cjosr-s9t row of ,,Iflk poin. foj�olimd and W,=r a corutiation furthor'delay In its thir(I return ancl
David or Saul's designs without mak- ma;: ly poor variation, and sell from Vey,,, wbion to tile mistt�ken eftit4do for the wnovt ; wo had a two hours' pon-voges. lit my rfaxt lottot. I Ilopq -%v,r(,-Lth'pf line flowers. . predicted that Its next 1%ppearatice,
Ing a pem-onal Interview between 20 ',a We lyer baaket. Caxiners are be- jonn Bull or i3rotbor JOU&tbal) drive before dinn9r, so, we bid an t a send. yall tll*e lateat . sitap-shot Don't '11o.q1tato to alla, a an ugly %vould. bo C518 dn-5,t later. lie (till 116t
tbOm IlecessarY, us it might 1)0 Ilaz- ginning to buy plums. TO-dar's To, atyu ficeasioually-sati to relate, 1. wont affectionate farewell , to dear O'd notea of Txottvl la mo,loq; I have only- foroharwl to beauty witf, a fluff of 111-0 to SOO it but lit 175y8, ills year
ardouls to attempt to meet again. or,jjrt,-; $oi.l lit 2i) to 303 p -r basket. to itabuine. In- �NOrlllallklY you. n aGan, so lar, what is worn at Tiller,. sort wnvw Or 011f1s, CrOwlicit by a -he had.Pr6p3eFj1cjj rot- 1tF; roappvar�
1`0- ji;rnos-tIrle, liar Sweet little 11arislit � , . .
An touching the matter-111fils ro� C��V.%'nta am -3 Iluckicberries havo Ljulj'c, *to. got acclimatized a lkttIQ, daughtor-lu-iaw, another old friencl, Some or ilia "talbo I tell" of Dame Italf wroiath. I I . anue, atsilonomers were wal.ting, for
Tons to the covenant J48t; made, and pri,.ClInally gone out. Tile quality of tila,t is illo, people Ill. general are JVIj,j, llas 4 volco tru4ned to parfee- Mwbionls Qxploits* may. not -Sobm to Don't wear rlo%V,Qr$ or any and tt.
the sign agreed upon. tho fruit -in -some portloni of Ontario just at. first a jittie f6ruial, stand tjoril and- natitrally as sweet al, any you ou-t-of,tIjO,v0y, original or now, every Color. It the haill Is like Elio Buc� they Wfaltal for * Moro ilia?)
III, San Is Intention trated.-va. 2$� - . ravoll1r, wing, wear Batt, plukiflow- Llirce, manthe beloro.tt did actually
I 111d Nuva Scotia Is omtremelY fins off an�l rogerved withi those of oth9i sang, bird'a, also to ilia two-year- but you may rest a.ssuved -that tile .
84. J-DUatban soon discovered that t-ld-f ylear. Mite first ehipments of natiortalitias-, have patience; don't old grandebild,7ULarle, Theresa, to tbIngB I dowilio are beIng aottiall ors, roses or geraniums. ' appmr, and then fountl that it -.%VUR
liL,) father was very angry against DticilLx,zo tor tile, season netted $3.04 yuflgp by first appeaX1111000, It 118 ivIo,in we had been introduced, anti, wOrn, now, "dami I% vraia, Salebti.y. Don't ,wear pink If the hair 'is 00 P11lict Saturn they had to. thank
David. and bad determined upon Ills in Now York. Woodall ,&- Co. cabla, rarely' -with 1, lw Bous Normands"- up h'll arid down dale, we travelled' at Oil e OT the chici-est r, rerach Plagea i burnI01104 go?d, abeeny yellow or: for dcla,yIna tile obillot the oxtiia ))till-
dea-th. from 11vorpool that the first twrly tku naughty 'Gyp Calla them-il, case back'thraugli roads running between roll can't always go Uy, 7 what you TLtiari. .brown. Wear white Camellias dro4l days. . . I . . .
The PArthIg 09- 3542)- In tile p.14 from Now York were selling at of I . . 11 I U ,)is Barrio hamet appeaNcid agmiq Ili
IV ove at first slg6t, but just smile, fields of Apo waving corn, and oih�prs road In tile ra�phlorl papers, they arf) or -%vlil.t,D ,bride rosles. White bya-
woriiing, whIch would be -the third 17. to 2 ts, with prqsprAts favoroblo. at there !it French, it votz can't a mass of fla.m'ng popplos, ti.1 at. bound to Invent'abulatimes, or'tslt of. '�Intbar peeping out from behind pink 1835, tills tlmb late agalil'. Not only
(lay ,since Jonathan left David, Jon- 10itt 111j6. WIMIL A1111*Q03 speak it; you will Soon see the lee Last, 'after It most satisfactory af- Upo of m.rs are charming. had Jupitelp"llclayed It'518'anya, and:
fashion events wjiloll they ho iLloubt DiDplt wear violets in tba hair -un- "turn 4,bout, 100, but urhnus: )lad
athan. took a lad and went into the 4uota- melt, tMi sterol rather hard oxpre-j- ternoan, ire stitt-ok again the phares, believe are calstIng thele-ebadows be-
fleld to carry out the plan arranged r.,zilawlag are tile closing - two the gow-li is of a harmonizing also had a hand In retarding it, ant]
tiona at Important wheat Contras Sion will. begin to oVange at Ones, of Lighthouses, of i5te. Adresso, fare; as i)say. my random notes nre
between then). Aftor the warnIng sIg- t ' JOtt6d t1own on the spot, and I only Ataile. Harmony anti contrast must had addcd Another slxt7;�jne�day,s to
nal Ifaxt been given David, the lad 0 -day - and became kindly responsiVe direct- quite ran-dy for our 7 o'clock rpT*.tr.t I bo'cousidered for hair, flowers and Its jotirtley. . . I .
was Sent back to GiboatV, and find- . 03�sb. 94pl. IV they disaurn, that you mean to The week at -Ste. Adrpsso passocl chronlolo roll YOU W116A I really 03100 gown. � Our own earth is b� .no means
Ing no one near Jonathan seized the Vow York ... .. ... ... ... -- '85 J" he nice and Irionalvi Nvith, them, and qu'.CkLy arid brIglitly, and I cordially warn by th a lift h a f tell el .of the Par-, Don't balance a long uose ,with a guiltless. It is constantly picking lip
opportuaitv for one more Interview Chicago ... ... ... ... ... ... -. - 85 8-8 tivat YOU are, enjoying yourself In xecommend the plrtoo to any Cana- I� Ian bon a. mande. All rA.vCI r I ' muffs I or hair' at tile back- of the Unconsidered. trifles Jof starollst,'
TkAcylo ... ... ... ... ... ... 9114 82 their land. T010Y, then, never itaris who warit a- goal] jumping-off Cbrinteclair.
with the one he loved as tile ,own � . bead. Drelss ,the balr well lip on mblah. rango� aal'the wa,;�, fildilr the
life, "And they kissed one another, Dulutb, NO. I north ... 871-8 821-2 cliange, will do all theY can rot' YOU pla.ea or Contra for e%paditions. It I --- . � '.. cra�vn, .with the garniture made to tbirt0an-foot long mam of iri&toorle
and wept one with another, until The Cheese lilarkets. . and Invariably beg you, to come back has much .better air, a prettier Tito Mothers' Union. . give a bro4d elfect. - ., : 1-ock latciy found by Professor Ward
David execeded." At last Jonathan Picton, Aug.' 15. -At our Choose agalti. It Is not all for ",flILITV boacj.l and quicter ' street's than. The Virlportil.. Mothers' ATnion met Don't wear a large wreath if tile in Maxlm down to tile InfinlLeallial
Board to-vay tirrivit, factories board. lucre," either, thougli of that again Havre, and ibla ,electric tram takes n
said to David. "Go in peace." . Mfurday and' tranadeted 'somp Im- ueek. Is sliblit, and fat.- Dress ' the pEwticicjsWjj(0ljtLr&fO.Und;D 1-h-&ro6r
Tliought,S.-Saul coul%j see ,Aainlv od :1,075 boxes. all colored; 10a bld ; Wo are inclined to be mistakenly you In an& Gat to ilia attLtIon and portrint tuslaasg' tj *11 Was decided halt, high, with a oingle, flower of St. Vwil',% on 111D Arctic; Snows,
David's growing stweess, and flow lie 015 F-00; bu70r,"B0T1SOXI, Sexamit,l), susilicions; as a rule the lower clasz* Elilays so quickly - th%t there is DO tj,Ilt i'Orbafter Writilleat change will pl4oixl above taic ear.
Loss Of t2mc to speak of. Most -In- be Matiq in and at tile bottom of tile deep sea.
wals rising in title estimation of the. HOrg '11, MI lor, Bmiley, Cook, Sprague es arc very badly off for this world's entertaining girls visit, Dp,ult Weill, -,41 wreatit if the fare- It is calculated that the total am-
proplo. Hic was also convinced of hlb .M41 McKinnan. , kooda, Ter,y poor, very III paid for ioresting, pin,cos lie all r6iind and Ili frig Valparia. rjoretoford mothers head is'lilgb, but a lomg Spray of Crul.t. or Maltls,'080171511A'f)� 118
own evil conduct Ill, PUNIC affairs. Stirling, A -ng. 15; - At Stirling their hard labors, I find it a capt overy"direotion ; flonfleur, most ple- ilavo� had to do-washIng and Ifoning rlo,%vero,,wh1c,,h gtarts from ' tinder' to certainly not' lassr than.-U00,0")o
But this (lid not humble him b4orp Ch-ce(m Board to -day 805 choose Vtore tat plan to .give small UPS as 190 turesqua aill ancient, situated at tile not.only for their own girls, I v t for tho fl-ont hair and falls quite over tons a year, and that, therefo,ro, the
,d oardcd. titahri3, H"Igson 405 tilt anlong, pot a big LUMV it� the end, Mouth of tile Seine, and under the ;rlel Ing, girls, and visiting gir,13 often tlio slloulde�r. War lit of this wot1d. is Irlekeasing, at I
(*,od, and he therefore became fille, this. C �bratcid W11, Notre Darno de Gracil, 'r. �,g Iglily ruffled p#tIcoat6 whl3h Don't always wear flowers for t
with t,nvy, Pride, jialousy and crual- t 7 8,,, Kerr 4215 at 9 7-8c , boLlance assure you from long experience etc ., 1, e we"Ito-'jalonth4e.
-art i1noold. I Is a tip -no pun Intended - worth On which there stands a quaint re(lu're mord attention than ,the'pet- cotffure decoration. 'A. rope of "a IS also'that we may be ou.
'the goal of - the sailors' . tjo,,at. the -home girl-. .The Uoth- pearls, a soft scarf of gauze or a ,.a',ol,npaplleya.rreep4ojjsible for the. disapi
ty. Those elements within his he ohapot. s of
led to avery evil way. When. can- Woodstock, Aug. 15. -At tile clivege h1aving, oft t1jas m franc, judiciously ligr1ma - gas. Thore Is a modest inn ore' Un�on docided th.it anything narrow ribbon is mor eaquettleat.
trolled by thpae lie ,was pushed on Board here to -day 2,P.66 colored and bestowed, wltl-,t a. kindly word.of 1), 0 pmranno, 'of b pool,, unottendIng
by Satan Into the most terrible ex. 1*1300 WILIto were offared� 05-9 to thUnks aceorrpanylng It, on a "fam- up, there too-, anti you lunch delight- Oro illan two gatiza slilrts a Week Don't alwaya wear natural Ilow comc�t.
9 3-1c bid on cacli ; ealramen asking fully In all old Norman orchard, in BlelaAs Comet, %bloh. went
oe,sacs, wittiout respect even, to char- me do chambre," Who has brought up and a va!r of black stockings a ore. If you can afford It, Wear JeW-' alst.ray, Is Supposed to have been ab.
actor or the moat sacred obligations. .00 ; twelve buyers present, water in, British: quantity, extra hot . Caen, too, Is in oar near -vicinity, we,�k w;kI be sent to, th3. laundry oled once, or conalbille flowers and &Oj,btxI .
Ug, 15. -At Madoc Choose coffee, or oil the 11garcon," Avila hills aiilio Trouville, tile gayest of the by tile earth. That ama,zing
Hie could flat tell one moment what Midoe, A gay watering plae,w, Cobourg, -witich and ilia b.'11 stuck in the mirror of game, a pill or Comb &3t 'witil bril, sho,wor of ,Shooting stars which Was
he ehould do the next. Saul began P,oaxd to -night 865, boxas off croill; a kept a careful eye on, the rare hour)- hi- visiting girl s room every morn- Rants, rubles, emloralds, sapphires or Bolen 'On Nov. 97, 3.872, may have been
to, reign as king In Israel With! spoc- sold ZIA .9 3-10. Ing -of your b1byele, �vlll return to to fast creeping tit) LO it in tbQ frig till it Is Paid, UlOW traltatlona, may rise 1�110v(I tb1D the dftth-tljroes of tilts misty space -
you -Elovonfold. I give It about the Category of fa,shlon ; Don.tiville, The mothors also decided that It"wreath. travolor.-Lonclou Answ,or..
tat. divine favors, both providential lit the Country. (1,11,11 day when. I see that they are Houlgiate. * 4 * I hape to, tell you wAl Lie 00,11stdarod Proper for -041.jiig Don't forget that In the merciful l
and spiritual. Sugene Ficid. honest or lit earriest, but are still more of all tlja5.a places Ili future girls to do tile dislie,si. Heretofore, fralleme of nature there are no plain .
ims to me I'd Like to go reeling cold and r6quire ttinwing. a, 'gonerEtl panorama letter. Villers, because a, home gIrl has COMPEL Yl women, Bo It has been Said. if I Brillants. - . j .
Meachinge.-irlioue who are thor- w lottere, this being only a sort a'
oughty honest and upright In all 11, '5 at In- site has corlsidered It proper to a every woman would make a par -
their doings are glad to call Goa as Where bells don't ring, nor whistles TkLell I Administer Smail r1O us Itself Is a most elegant place, you Ev -r ticular study of liar coiffure, suIt- We often fall bg� searol"g. far and
iblow, . . tervals. lit will make your stay twice Bee Itere the vtlsisl and ebatesux of up and entertain liar comp n , to Ing tile wide .
a witite&e. Trite love to self denying '.4or clocks don't strike, nor gongs alsi pleasant, and I maintain It Is not very many members olf Elio "first Mania, tut iltol Mothers' u 11 6'tyle, to ber-Tace, it wEluld , r, all what ties cloge, at hand:.
and selr-Racrifleing; It stands by In sound, I bribery and corruption, it Is eimply familloce' In France, and tire people Moods that tile �,',,�tlanl ,E t t - lie -.delightfully probable tliat there � . -AldrIalti.
the vildst of adverstt% topil trial its , dlEhas w1tt wash thomselve a an- noorl''Jo,ti no Plain wornen,
nd I'd have stUlness all around, to bfte a k1rully International feel- all took as it they were really of the . I slept., and dreamed that life was
well as In times 'of prosperity. and'." , . % k Ing, reallSr an '-entente Cordials." so elite -. neither Bohemian nor Bour- doned. In the matter or cooking for - . . .
blessing. DeautA
INTot real ht,ilines, but just the trees, tjijo Postman. gets it doueour, and lie Proper Time Zor a Bath. I wake# and , Toulld that llfe,w'as Puty.
1 gro"o Vrench frequent this paxt of P:011103 the 1110thers, Milan made this
� EAOw whisperings, ,or thlo, hum at Is so much pleased to bring you it Nor*mand3f. Or course tilts makes It rule z All chick -ons bought fat- lunches Regarding ilia proper time fail a . r &RlIon Hoover.
; PRACTICAL SURYBY. bees; . goo.1 budg6A, so prompt Ivith, rogir.f5r" Moro. cxpenoivp, and perhaps less flitIll be charged tO tlI0 visiting girl, bath, a 141110`4 90110ral-Ptile may be Ask thyt lone soul What lawn airo
Or brooks' taint babbling Over stones ed letters, ht sees YOU. are not mean, and It the has any new WiLys of gi ve n. Take cold Vatlis on rising I Plain to 11110e�
The moral character or the par- . pleturmque: "it iak"s all sortaill ,
tons spoken of In the lesson is of the in strailgel*j, saT ly tafigied tones. riot unfriendly, and he doea Ills lev- alak:119 Potato salad File Ahall Put In' the Morning and -,mrm Coco just ' Tb&.� &lid nor other I Stand, or fall b34
. it however, ,",a Make up a ivorld,11 oo 'If,
first Importit,nee, and that will be L lot bcst-, Iti, Normandy, I 11100,11t, slift- one enjoyn, Tor, ilia time the rindoubt- Oil an 110ron .and make It herself In' before retiring. In taking Turil dr them I . .1
their Ills. - Tjia peopIq are 6d <ibarm of 'the bmt phases ,of recipe. . . Russian' batlig th'i'll,our need not be That is the, Part $or thee.
j,,alned better by reading m aydid, tally. to ropay you. stead" of -giving- ilia Inothor tile
tally as presentid in the Bible than Or the Songs of birds In the bedges. rather like their cowo, big, Sleepy Ilronch r-�oclety. At Tro-aville and Its considE-rod, except as in all . -11rorning,
by iftudying tic short a portion as bid, . animals, tethered to one small Spot, "jA. is a far greater Thort: trati It long debate at tild. baths, �
" meeting yesterday over the matter r0no of wilitell should be taken loss. BY, all MeAhs uod Sometimes. to be
the loolsoil. It to evident that a per- Or soMe such sweet sounds as ninvor able, or likely. In future to be "mixture," and everything Is on a thrit, afi hx)ur or 00 before or after alone, ., " l . 'It
'i , rif parties. Afary ilwthf,rs lirld that mealal , 0 thyself; ace .What thy soul l< ,
000 may be good in the Bible sense '�jese r 6 able, to better themselves. V10Y more extra.Vagant 110d "I'AP14P, scale. salut
At one time, and Toag then backslide To fill a tired heart with case. work from morn tilt eye, the -women To Canadians who want to Como It they gavc, a 0"Irty foll PC Visit- Where It 10 possible, rise fresh, Aot'h wear, .
and become a very different man qatto Eta hdrd as the mail,, but they over to France for ilia short sum- Ing girl, it woul.d enable thor daugh-
( etrs to gnat into a little better k;oai,%l 010an, Oaln *ator for the bath. This � '-Tlebtge 116rbott.
at another time. This was true ol rf ,tweren't for alght and round anti are patient, like thuc cowx, and just mer geaEon-bere, It lasts but two Set than otherwise, as often the Is tile nearest approach to distill- -That pride,
Saut, the father of Joastban. At smell, . 4 Chow their nionotions, and year in months at tho lorigest-I cordially . flowelor disguised in Its Own majesty,
timog tile spirit at tile Lord was with pd Oke the- city pretty well ; and year out. Thon-tbe people, recommend Villors, for children It rIvItIng girl, had othe'r, friends. in Od W-MtOl', Wblch I$ t`00 expensive for Is littleness ; and he 'Who facts U011 -
him, and at other tlrhpu he would gut 4whon It comes to getting rest, Onlv UiLq time. not the kine -at Ift9c 1.9 n perfect paradise, With Its; lovely tOWn lyho , were, tho Real. Thing. J31it: 90'eml use. ,%ft Water is next . tempt " 't - I
give War to A JPAIOUS disposition, C Uke the country lots tile beat, t1w1y flad a qillot r(?stlug pli3ei, In ong sandal And tile little 11'ronch "ll [lie mnjorlty of thd mothers lielit beet t1a rain water, anti A little hot-. .Vor any, ltvitng thInir hatil 'facultioll
life of Dilvld, who � k at iho quavat littlo, God'.4 aeros, and'dIv&' have, a rover -ending faselba- that the UnIOT) should stand only tor aX O" ammonia In hard ,wAtor will That he baa never used, that thought
was likely to aucceed lilm on 'the -Sometimes it si,,oms to, ilia I must wkcop tinder a big altudy rosp-busib, ' Eton ror me.. I long to have tilt Informal, parties, wboto the )aVjt[L- sorton It. . W.Ith.-film, , ..
tbro,ia, and Whom file people be- rust riult tile city,s din arid dust, a &oekr of ron.gli wood 41ij tilpir boads, brush -0, Messlours Mare or Vour- tiona, aro sent by telephorie, un(l tile - Brisk rubbing phlould Ajw�tps fat- to In its Inrancyl.,. I . . �
gan. to think more of titan of SAW .knd, got out whnro, tile sky Is blue; with ench: quaint Ins(q.iptjons in nerys an', paint them All I Boyo and refreshments. oan.,;Ist of lea Cream, low. a, Inth, their the bath will do I 44W�rdmvortli.
hlmself� David felt girlovonal[jr at one .%.lid my, now, how does it keem, to rough binek tottering, Intermingled girls are dressed aliko on ilia sands, lemonade and oftko, served on tile all tb�d to elaim�d f(or, It in the Way TIAVQ YOU had7a k1lidileft ubolvn ?
time, #a that lie was obliged to Jm� ; yod ? I S i with palntod tears, M%-, long � tic- both BOX08 wear the little Jersey porch. It was decided by a unalli- Of 1`0110viLtIng the Poteon, InvIgor. Pima It on I , .. .�. 1. 1,
Pent It,q In dust and ashes before the' vices r,olne 'like tile all..Ipa Of ,il suits with short knickers, trious vote to Make rich cou�41na either
'thing generally atitV th't) system, bler0481119 ther 'Twas not givol.) for you Alone,
I 0earlot, rialy or ,white, with shady .PAY lioard -or bein .
Urd, an all who aln against God Knew Ills Business kite or an Interrog.,ition mark. 9 Presents for all flneneso a4d SO(triodS of tile SkIll, And P&M it all 1. . I
Mulst do In order to be restored to lleamon'A Wockly, havo, nover Como across these black IlAt,j tied 416WEl under filo. chin with Oin familly, Falls d0o't 9O.-L'Inimia making ono look ,arid real Younger. Lot It tr0ol cloWrt tile V,eftrsi y ,
tile divine; favor. Afterward lie be- ., 'N bright ribbore; or elao 1>anama qatotte. . ; Clemnlinoso of the Skin lita Let It-Wipa anather$s tears,
LOW. here Is a showcase.11 ssid ton ra except In Xbrrmtudy . 13 a great
. ' hato, and With their long shrimp. effect Oil tile gonal'all 11CAL-th, antj, it 'Pill tit liI&VOn the dena appearg,
came a man aftor 0aillo Own heart grave -�
and to ofterk called the sweet sing- (It'd ot�mm4rclal traveller, pointing to yardn, and they arc, inast ourlous. ,jig no .
ts$ baskets slung on their shoul- The Oth.er Mill, IN Wall known 1hat It Ondh4fl been Pass 4t Ott. , .
change so i oecullAr I",king spoolmon of his There maY be any number, Panic- doro, or Other beach toys, tile lit. 11ow fair YOU. looked that night in axpolled to. infectiofli file be t till
Pr of taftbl. 801110 man 0 It d0z0n, And they are about .-tie mophisirtoplicloan-red Objects are 4 "s -,Obald Bal 0190111jr.
ofte &X to cause the romaA that Wores, "that Is bound to I*V,OMO tIM0 May* to (10 by wiayl of 04utIon, to to, -
n i*plilar. It magnifies overythingput throo, or four Inches long. truly V!leturosquo. Into boach 19 dot. Wbox-o you and music. 11 awayl k Pro I
God would have to take f Item quick, .n It tor double Its natural size.11 Wo drove the other (tty to ,St. ted all over wlith gearlet and white �jljtll tager b at(] full ta, (I a Il'ot bath fthmedlatoly. Avarilla'A" for 111111L.
- Jouln, near 9trot4t, and took cof- tapig, sun-umbrellae, and 1, 48to I tla,oped , Tour It 18 0. 11118'flake to, remain, too long '.
after the:r are reclaimed, It 110 Want- , , Can't use It In my business," re, Miss w0ja � . 110AP"'t utwayff � a allpilt womk4h;
ed toeave, them In heaven. In 0, topid bath, 'Thirty nifilutcil M,4at fa,tIle wisdom of tilt) WoUl,ty,
(Wed litut, jivoApoctive, elistower. too 44�-tho world-hoted anti tActur- Holyatit" hooded obAlro, and you get! 'to 01alm YOU, for A twirl. , 0110111d bo tile Illult. Thr'daghout that holdeth Il,ar tongur,
Till$ affection ls, paralleled at 4*flat I ,tvant Is a Case that will nuque old Inn kept for many yeare the iftloot dbar An(I `wbort, tile dq
least, Ill tile love Which ova obillij, L Mirigly-gowlipil "b -Iles -jaoing, dont., X told.
,fy 4,nnin!ngly rc4luoo the actual sive of by Madame -Brillostino, Ilia Milo rup. , melariat'la" sitting n thant Working 716 willing oariq thootory old, - tilt r
. - I Winter and ea )-V "Pt -Ing It Is , A V41111- Woman Is to, bd To,ared, for
tiart has for Christ and IIIW Cause. irr ("Olitctits", ni,Ptinol' its alto Was known fornlorly at ilia Alshlonablo "ble, 1,ye 0 best, it Ono Is At -411 liable to 01 blin Witt Ariorstion 1111 to her Pride,
As Christ laid d0wil 1119 111`6 fOl'thOYA " What Is your title ?" asked ilia by Elprio Au- Your ,soft voftllj� Wag mi, arid I ; to take Ime" batir At I Itilt,
l tile 11arialang, af; woll 413 all ilia . glalse", 1, P., just ilia 014-thbTliloned Vorgot 101a 6ther girl, night, JUSt A 11AU911ty woman stjjmj&'tll, rol-
,qo tilor wbuld, U riptem-NaPY6 it , l 1 f b0fOrO i90111-9 to b Vhh Cannot t
1. � 4001for, I I pl round; flul't W,ts In bor youtil. opp.nwork, done, oil otollo V'11`01 fu lasttolI8 silk and. filmy v0I 1. Od- If tak;n In ,4N.(y WIlat may bo Ill her
for HIM. Tills I# not hat ,4 M. 011 'to till days Who" liar fat) or Putortalty. Witt' thO 1101(", W111911 ZVOU 0 It Oil't yOU, atOO,j bQforo the altar - , � I
tbolro'down of grAe6 In 5 v ,q1loclaity 1� ladles, si& I I - rall, tll� dflYtInie, brisk eXellefilia Immo- Ifty, I . I;.
Ural, but IN tho result Ved tho Other, Witt) 0, balf-sup- ,d Such. bright spblits as tilt- 1)(1111,,tti, roll the expre.T.9 plarpog s % � . All�tOIY afterWnrd-eltber walking or Trust.116t ill Wornan tl!a�t thifill ..
Sftd IA the R& 0 Of Owln, A brida as awoot as one could mooto tiullih ball Pritatloo-19 highly ljon6� Moro at linreel than rl,,notljor; mercy
the beart, me (to WAR preeted grin, ,up 0 10
manifested b.v their Saviour, When Ho . I Daudois iand later oil, I)r Maupaq- I'll af`4111-aaeOftll lIg to 0, I .r man Of Womanhood the poArl; 7
Iramo to make Atonement for men. Sant, lk%nard, tho great Impression. - d6fiftitl6i'll They ,aril wearing hilge But Aq we turnod to ta0e, tile Aisle, rielrd.-WoyNarild tife, - will hot dwoll In, 11jr hear -E.
-1 T�l ;40 ,
. Ii.
L il
Wp lost It lit tilt; fall, And only ob. Atlerwards. lot VaIntor, and many antil Colo& pliprino tollarig ,Or It, (lone oil ohm- . � Till r,�Exjg hoill .1toe Who j,111liketh
wip or muslin, 0AItnot 4011"dow crossed your winnIng emitt%,, Jellied 1,1rult,
tatir It alta,lri when It fig shed abMad Ilrooldyll I'llfe. rity, rot forgetting ftsonibera of tbo but so far I And, Irk apo,jv, In plalpofit view, IMAng thO hat IVA)atlict ally hay. 10114 befft(l 0�--nllig her lips.
roalize that It 1�9 not njorlo Suited ,
in tlti& boart by the Holy Ghost UM, A,- I to fair sox-Goorge 8,%jid, 8amft P"", jo, .lVhIto pe aw tile other gGl. A Woman that 1,68pnots 1101'self In
_ When I was engaget .ttleeai tillinining.4; hert) 10, I city Irk tile (jer'sort IIJ10 Is Welcome
(110m. y. ry). it piOdudM a stronger my buldmind Tie W48 tile Tory. light , hardt ana othere. On her Walla (ilia tljo lovpIlp to ilia olbUneke.ollej. MOPO'bealUtItut titan a, singla stnil.
N.t musling and vniles ftre Ddftr A06, .You are A charming wiff3l or Who Is dt'dif6ug I'dorn beautiful thall innny stars at
lovo t1l.-trl ean b6 16on4 hillofig 0606. at my exiatened. � lifta pleturen by ITO ond of W6101. hodmknd With It, in white or 041MI, Por Un glad zroalw YOUNO made nly tumpting tile Ilagging, appotiteg night,
nod by in at"ral tlos, for tho tles I X%# A. -A nd In ow, ? littee, hor nutogmph lmok, with I;PN , tint,q. Rod 1,9 III)M011soly worn, reil at har ean-1vinfad tamily, Jolljoil A Mother liot apo)ton Wi.,jl.of byhel,
-10, I � life frult im cool Eirlif monsoriah, �
of graeo- aft Arpilger thall those t Mils. A.-TI)p light goes out every el. -Aly doffieftied 0061)18 and ll)Vt)I'A- linolla, lyappy-hatc, ellorrX-IlAtH, INV- A 14,1ppy lot, il�jjd r 4W,0111(l hot
01 thttur#. aftd tjte, childrea of God n1giLt.-Drooklyri Life. Iloilo 1.9 worth it king's ransom, aiTtI. oryth)ng as bright aff Imoible. A "oh9v Nome fruit. on al, All. 0111141ren is nGt till pn�jrly d VIA
. UlAngo, 1114dw Ivitil. Alt earl; 'llay,11,14 flavored (rao, it 41,188 411611, j;j-Atrj - RYI
. I .0 0ouR not IWO NVItIlln tho
U DWO fVtilt, khAgdormIg VV411.-U'Xellaugi�.