HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-20, Page 130TI1 YEAR) NO. ,51. WINGHA-M, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADYQ NOR
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"If you please, ma'am," exclaimed Died In Goderich, Will Buy Grain, (�'(1 �"((�jthe nursemaidingreat excitement, "I Mr•, and Mrs, W. Ir. Green and The Seaforth Milling Co. have rent•A PLEASANLT r{(�1IIi H0�� can't keep the baby from going to th$ family were in Goderich this week ed Thos, Gregory's grain storehouse, •• i••✓ �•ai �� BANKO :I ! RR �It.ltt 3�ii
DOMINION scuttle and trying to eat the coal.. attending, the funeral of Mrs, Green's and will buy all kinds of grain and pay `"^f" ,'" WI fy GHAM.
, "Deur me," exclaimed Mrs. Languid, brother-in-law, Mr. Robt, Hendersons the very highest market price. The From the constant demands of busi- without the fatigue of travel, for as _
"that child is going to take after his who died on Friday of last week, aged storehouse will open about the 1st of ness,".cure and bristle, it is oft -tithes he glides along among these Islands, CAPITAL 76ATn u�„ ..,..
Capital (paid up) , $2,980,00, father for extravagance, 03 ears, Deceased had been tit for September. difficult to break away for much -need- he s scarcely conscious of motion at $ 2,000+�•0
y P all. R> a URVC FUND .. , , . , ... , ,700,000,00
and undivid- H, D. Henderson of Whitechurch about two months with cancer of the mold Again. ed rest and relaxation. To those who With Muskoka at our own doors, TOTAL As$gTS, . ,, .... , ., 959 690.54
Reserve t ed profits) X3,330,000 $ ueKlect or refuse the requirements of there is no need for a resident of On- 21"
Dame up on the 0th. He looks as If be liver, The funeral took place on- -� -- --
Auctioneer Chas. Hamilton of Blyth fixed nature's powers in this respect, tario to travel to the Bea coat for xa*
enjoys life although he is one of those Sunday, was in town on Wednesday, taking there comes a time, when refusal will cuperative atmosphere. Muskoka is HOARD OF DIRQCTQRS,
unfortunate postmasters dismissed by no longer be accepted, and the system the name of a large district 1000 feet Aon, Win. Gibson -. President
Farmers? Notes discounted. the member for West Bruce, without Bowling Tournament. bids for A. Dulmage s stock of dry enforces her demand for rest, so im- above the sea level, and 500 feet higher Gley. Roach Joan Proctor A. R. Lee
Drafts sold on all points in Can, stated cause and without luvestiga- Two rinks of Wingham Bowlers at- goods, etc, Mr. Grant of Listowel peratively that further neglect is at- than Toronto, It has been estimated John S. Hendrie Geo. Rutherford
ada, the United States and Europe, tion.—[I3`inca rditie Review, tended the tournament of the Goderich was the buyer, at 32 cents on the dol- tended with risk. Such was the case that within the territory embraced by J. Turnbull, Vire-Pros. and General Manager
Bowling Club, last week, The Holmes lar, Mr. Dulmage sold this stock to a with the writer, when a couple of the general name of Muskoka, there
a, open. Matnager
1 Don't miss the snap in black weeks ago, a brief vacation was a ne- are eight hundred lakes and rivers, R. % Steven, As
Plumes, going until the end of August rink consisted of A. Crawford, J, Buck- gentleman some time ago at 40 cents cessity. with a scenery that baffles description, U. M. Watson, Inspector,.
Interest allowed on deposits of 1.00 and at Mrs, Green's. They are beauties. ley, R. Vanstone and Dudley Holmes. on the dollar, but lie seems to have But where shall the work -wearied Indeed, orie has truly said—"Muskoka
sad ardti ` and added
de to prin�ipai th June The Grand Trunk Railroad is aaid tq The Jeffrey rink consisted of W, A. rued his bargain and wouldn't take it, business roan find the required rest is the password to a pleasure paradise; Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int•
be interested in now line of freight Campbell, A. H. Carr, 0. Kneclitel hence the sale to -day, Mr. Hamilton and relaxation. Ocean trips are avail- it is the key to a realm were Nature crest aliowedand computed on30thNovembtar
able to but few, on account of the time , t and 81st May each year,andndded to principal
and H. E. Jeffrey. The Holmes rink is one of Hutgn'a best known auction- ' .holy. herself in all charming love- special Deposits also received at ourrent
A. E. GiBSON, Manager` steamers to ply between Chicago and y required and the cost, Seaside resorts liness ; it is suggestive of an almost rates of interest,
Goderich, where it has extensive ter. beat McTaggart of Clinton, Jeffrey of eers. are reached after long and tiresome' never-ending, ever -shifting panorama (i0R110��1]
R, Vanstone, solicitor urinals, The route, it is believed. Wingham, R. S. Hays of Seaforth, and journeys by rail, and the expense at. of delightful scenes in lake and stream, r MOM
Lost to Downey of Mitchell and ElliottLacrosse Notes. tendant upon a visit to the seaside do- woodland and sk "
would rove it popular one for the Y ' q• Dickinson &Holmes, Solicitors
P P P Urr Thursdayapicked-up team drove feta many from undertaking such a Arriving thea at Muskoka Wharf,
shipment of rain for export. of Mitchell. who won the trophy, The trip. The Mackinac trip is enjoyable we find three steamers awaiting the
p g P over to Teeswater to play a friendly
Jeffrey rink beat Douglass of Stratford and invigorating provided the weather arrival of the trains. The wharf pre -
May 10th, 1853, the first passenger game of lacrosse with the boys of that is fine butshould it berough or stormy, sent$ a live! scene, as passengers, in the trophy ; beat Roberts of Sea- � y P fi
Irma! �Wlys * train in the Province of Ontario was village. In weight, our boys were at one is apt to get such a tossing on Lake baggage, canoes, boats, aupplies, etc.,
run from Toronto to Aurora, Thus It forth, and lost to Galt of Goderich, in a great disadvantage, The game was Huron's waves, that Le may well wish are transferred to the right boat, tak-
-,� L I the Association ; and lost to O'Connell he had remained on "terra firma" and in the route chosen b the seeker after
will be seen that railways have only free from roughness, and some pretty g y
August the 20th. of Goderich in the Consolation. be devoutly thankful to set his foot rest. Muskoka Wharf is not an at -
g been in operation in this province a pieces of combination characterized once more on solid land, tractive spot, and from it no idea can $i 11
See Ilal+,ey P.aaa.'a a,lvt. little over 50 years and now the High Court I. 0. F. the playing of both teams. Our boys It is only within the past few years be gained of the beauty beyond. But 111,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. country is a net work of steel tracks. The western convention of the High only found the net once, while the that the advantages of northern On- the steamer soon rounds a point and '�
Rural schools reopened on Monday. • It is said that the Bon Marche, the Court of the Independent Order of For- Teeswater boys found it thrice, _The tario have begun to be appreciated by soon Lake Muskoka is seen to its best
realest department store of Paris, Deters was held in Galt last week, It return ams was played on the Park the rest -seeking, weary business man. advantage. At once, the steamers are '
All the new school Boo" at Cooper's.. g P g P Y the charms and health -giving capa- seen separating, each taking a different � , `
Patrick street has received a cont of has the largest kitchen in the world, was unanimously decided to hold next Isere on Monday evening before agood- bilities of tate Highlands of Ontario route, Our first place of tail is Beau- -ter
employingsixt cooks and a hundred ear's meeting at Sarnia. The office sized crowd, The game was a fairly are now becoming known, and every marls, where connection is made for , ij *. .•�
Y y g year an increasing number of tourists gala, if desired. Of the three lakes,
gravel. kitchen boys to servo the food for 4,- of District Deputy was abolished alto- good exhibition of lacrosse, although from all art$ of Ontario, from the ti '" ;�"
If there were no birds man could raft rough P Muskoka is the widest, and gives one_,�
000 employees. The smallest kettle in gether for the present. The following pretty g at times, and resulted in maritime provinces, from Chicago and more of the "lake" idea; it is on a c �• F , � �i °l
not live on the earth, the place holds 75, and the largest 375 High Court officers were elected for A victory for the locals by a score of 1 from the Southern States, find amid larger scale than the others, and while i,` [ . ", 1 ,s
' ` netts• the ensuing year:—High Chief Ranger to 0. The following represented the the lakes and rivers of northern On possessin much of beauty and scenic y f`t a, '+
C. Lloyd a Son & Co. received a car q g y g g g P tario an ideal resort, giving quiet, rest g t� 'I•? "� .-,-;•"
Past local team :—E. Moore, J. Barlow, W. g q grandeur, it scenery
our mind) leeks the ,,,,,,,
o£ lumber on Monday. The best Sct:ibbters and Pencils are R. A. Harrington, Chatham; and recuperation, � ever-changing scenery of Lake Reaseau "Nemo oa L'vety Piece."
It is hard to beat Uncle Sam at any at Cooper's. High Chief Ranger, C. H. Merrifield, Farquharson, H. Wightman, W. Tel- Leaving Wingham, the first place of or the entrancing beauty of Lake
game in which wind counts for so It is said to be quite unlikely that Monkton ; Vice High Chief Ranger, ford, Hal, McLean, F. Cody, M. Hom- size the writer called at was Owen I Joseph. But all are grand—and the 11-0--vogEy�5
R D. Cameron, Lucknow ; Hi h Treas- uth, D, Dinsley, Ted Elliott, A. Flem- Sound, This progressive town is question as to which is prettiest will
much, Geo, Rowley, the defaulting manager g rapidly developing and soon will be be still an'"o en question." Sometime
When you have killed your enemy of the Elgin Loan Company at St. urer, Rev. Evans Davis, London; High ing, S. Elliott. Alf. Carr acted as ref- reckoned amongthe cities of the pro- p
eree......On Tuesday afternoon the after leaving Iieaumaris, we enter In -
with kindness you have created a Thomas, now confined in the King- Secretary, R, H. McCormick, St. Y vince, To those who have watched its dian river, making manv very sharp t�
friend, Ston Penitentiary, can't live to com- Thomas; High Physician, Dr. D. Bu- seniors journeyed to Clinton to cross growth since the old narrow gunge T. turns as the steamer follows the nar- Chocolate Bon -Bans.
lets the terve of twelve years. He is than, Galt ; High Counsellor, Geo. S. sticks with the team of that town, The G. & B. railway entered it, its develop- row channel. At one of these turns,
Miss Watts of Clinton to in town P ment has been most interesting. That we •find ourselves at Port Carling,
this week in the interests of the Roy, a complete physics] wreck, and can Kerr, Hamilton; High Orator, Rev. team was weakened considerably by old railway entered the town b run- Raving scoured the agency for
y Y where we enter a lock, and our steam -
at Template, scarcely walk, He is nervously brok- L. W, Diehl, Ailsa Craig; High Gen- some of the regular players not being ning a mile through a marsh with the er is lifted several feet to the level of Wingham, of these extra High
en down. eral Secretary, A, M. Hunt, Lambert. able to go, but nevertheless, a good water a foot or more deep on each side Lake Rosseau, Here the island scenery Class Chocolates, I will always
g P P g of the track. But now, instead of a is beautiful; at almost ever o keep a fresh and assorted stock
Acton's tax rate is 19 mills, four lase ams was put tip, although the score y point of
Mr, V. Wenzel's residence on Centro Off To The West. marsh of wide extent, may be seen land, at many places along the shore,
than last year. Collingwood• must would indicate that it was rather one- miles of railway track, roundhouses, and on even tin islands are seen sum- -
pay 25 and Kincardine 24. street, purchased front Mrs. Coad Among those who left for the West y p highly mer residences—from the humble cot -
sided. The boys speak Hi hl of the extensive docks, a mammoth elevator,
__4. some time ago, has been undergoing on Tuesday, per C. P. R., were :—Thos. way the were used, The score was huge storehouses, sites for manufact• tae to the handsome residence cost- (fir x T (�1� ��((i ( R�jlf(
If you want cod Shoes for little Y Y g T j3L j RjU�j�LVi�
g improvements, both inside and out. E, Robinson, bits, W. H. Hawthorne, uring industries. Acre upon acre has ing thousands of dollars. These are
money go to J. Button & Co. 5 to 1 in favor of Clinton. been reclaimed from the bay's control
The kitchen has been raised, verandah Mrs. Sarah Stewart, Flora E. Mitchell, seen in endless variety; all have their
Wingham can beat us at lawn ten- improved, and the house has been We're Shoeing half of Wingham. and devoted to the interests of coin- little wharf, their boats and boat
nis and bowling but we get even with P Harry Forgie, Geo. Scott, Mrs, Cleg- What's the matter with the other half? merce. The rapid development of the g y pretty p DRUGGIST
treated to a fresh coat of slut. P• P houses, making ver nett shore ic-
them at lacrosse. -[Kincardine Review. P borne, Albert Stein, Mrs, P. Thomas, Where else can you buy good Shoes Northwest and the fact that the old tares, when combined with the grey
These, with other improvements, will Mrs. W. Elliott, Miss Maud Welsh. G. fox, the prices at which we sell them, narrow guagerailway fell into the color of rock, and the pretty green of
'',the Blyth Standard has entered its make a very comfortable and attrac• H. 0. Millikin, Edgar Henderson, T. and get your money back if you are hands of the L, P. R., who to accom- the pine and hemlock which cover Next door to Post Office.
17th year. It is a bright and newsy tive house. � McCartney,John Park, Robt. Me_ not eatisded? W. J. Greer. modate the yearly increasing; traffic, thickly many of these islands.
paper, and we wish friend Bradwin found it necessary to make improve- From Muskoka Wharf to Port Carl -
J. Buckley has a large stock of 10c. Dougall, Mrs. McDougall, T. W. For- Baseball. utents quickly, together with the geo- Ing is 21 miles; from the same starting
continued success. cigars, which he will sell at half price tune, Mrs. Sarah Coventry, Vincent A hotly contested game of Baseball graphical position of Owen Sound and point to Rosseau at the head of Lake
The time now is when no one knows while they last. Kinahan, Mrs, Hattie Hide, Henry was played on the Park on Tuesday its fine harbor, account for its rapid Rosseau, is $3 mites, and from Mus- To M aka,
just when to use his heavier clothes ; Mr. John Korman returned on Mon Hide, 0. Kin John Kin Mrs. Mar P Y Y rowth as one of the best lawns of headkoka Wharf to Port Cockburn at the
King, g. Y evening between the fast nine of the Ontario. In more recent years, the head of Lake Joseph is 45 mites, the
For if you wear them you feel bad and day after a three months trip in King, Maggie Nixon, Thos. Hardie, Bell factory and the small boys of the G. T. R. entered the town from the width varying from a few hundred
if you don't, you wish you had. Europe. John's health was greatly Miss M. Forbes. J. K. McDonell. G. west side, and the place is easily acres- yards to open stretches of water six V%
Union. Most brilliant plays were P i,aY
New subscribers , to the Advance benefited -by the trip. The band, of Patterson, Mrs. Elizabeth Rush, Fred, made throughout the whole game, and olds except from the east, where the miles wide.
Rush Geo. Naylor, Mrs. Naylor, Jas. g g Did stage from Meaford over a wretch- On the shores and islands of a5iuo-
have been coming in quite freely the which John was a member, turned y y we would be safe in saying that "with edlyrough road, and a partial boat koka lakes there are it is said, 75 sum -
past few weeks. Another quire has out to meet him at the station and es. Wheelan, Hanna M. Walker, Lorne practice" on the part of'the Bell team service are the only connections. The mer hotels or boarding houses, afford for fail goods, which are
been added to our weekly supply. torted him to his home where a light Knox, Miss L. Mulvey, Stewart Mut- that the Torontos of the Eastern town has large iron works, an im- ing ample choice, from the humble
lunch was served. --[Bruce Herald, ve Wm. G. Knox. Mrs. E. Sanson, League tvauid have to look after their mense Chair factory, several Cement farm house on the shore to palatial arriving daily, we will Clear
Ladies, call and price the handsome y� 43 manufactories, and is very progressive, hotels, where the tourist may enjoy Out the balance Of spring
Black Plumes at Mrs. Green's, Mr. Korman was at one time a resi• Emma Sanson, Geo. E. Ansley, W. E. laurels, Some of the features of the Meaford is a pretty town on the p $
dent of Wingham. McNaughton, hton, Messrs, Peter and Alex. P the luxuries of city hotel life, at from
The Band will not give their usual g game wete the splendid work of Nash Georgian Bay, in a very fine fruit and $3 to $5 a day ; where full dress at and summer goods at great -
The c=tuner is flooded with twenty Routledge. garden district. It bas a foundry do- eveningmeal prevails, and where the
Friday evening concert an the Park y y g on 1st, Allenby on 2nd and Hamilton m an extensive business in water- P 1y reduced prices.
this week, on account of an engage- cont pieces from Newfoundland" says FIEItLrIN LILns OUlt SurR> iUtneY—Our in centre field. It is rumored around g orchestra provides music as the tourist
wheels, and this establishment is in partakes of the viand. set before him.
a Toronto ofllciai, and it is only fair to Shoes are all that can be desired iu that Mana er Gardner of Toronto is creasin its plant and buildings, There
ment to play at a Garden Party in g g P , 43 • If this is desired, thea the Royal Mus -
Blyth. the public to point out that they are style, quality, fit and databillty. Sea- after the star fielders, Forster and Dey is also a furniture factory, a canning koka Hotel on Lake Rosseau will be A line of $3 Patent Leather
only worth six or seven cents a piece. eonable, stylish Shoes are always sold far the out field. The Bell factory was factory and a novelty factory. It has the choice. This magnificent structure
J. Buckley has on exhibition in his
That i. the actual value of the silver here at lower prices than any 000 bushels of
where Bert a good wharf, an000d a very large elevator is beautifully situated on a pretty, Shoes, now per pair ........... $1.50
window the Challenge Shield, which else. See the new styles. W. J. Greer. badly handicapped on account of Bcapable of holding , wooded height, in a shady grove, and
his rifle team won at London. We in them, remember. In Newfound- Huffman not being able to play grain. So far this year, a milliion and cost $150,000. The writer bad the
congratulate Capt. Buckley on cap- land they pass for twenty cents value The I. 0. 0. F. through sickness. Under no consider. a half bushels have been handled. The pleasure of a walk through the grounds
and are redeemable for that annount, The 40th annual session of the Grand ation will Manager T. McLean allow removal of the G. T. R. station from and on one of the many spacious ver- You will need a Trunk or a
turing this fine trophy, but the are not legal tender in Can- Lodge of Ontario, I. O. O. F„ was held the hill to the dock, and the building andas.
Miss !;aura Kerr gave a picnic on Y g g the up-to-date battery of Paert and of the elevator was a heavytax upon Valise for that trip you are going
ads. in Hamilton last week. Grand Master But many of the tourists prefer some
- the rawer Totvtt fiats on Monday Mitchell to leave town, The home the town, but was a great improve• of the many medium-priced Houses, t0 take.
afternoon in Honor of her guest, Miss A "SNAP IN OLOTHING.-20 per cent. Cowan, of London, presided. In his runs made by Vanderburg and Deans ment in its shipping facilities. Mea- where less of fashion prevails, and A new stock Of Trunks just to
off Mens and Boys Clothing at Isard's annual report he said the year had were not counted as the ball was mixed ford has two newspapers—the Mirror where more of real quiet and rest may
Hammond, A pleasant time was for fifteen days, beginning Saturday, been Dna of unparalleled success. The and the Monitor, a High school and is be obtained. The writer chose as his hand—prices from l'2 up, Large
P up with the Tennis nets at the other very pleasantly situated. stopping place—the Elgin House, on
spent by the young people. Aug. 15th. See advt. membership on June 30th last was over 3 -strap Telescope for $I.
p end of the field. Game called on ac Uolhngr000d is a progressive town Take Joseph, about seven miles front
A farmer near here says "As a rule Our Baseball team went down to 28,000, with some 20 lodges to bear count of darkness. Score at end of on the Georgian Bay with considerable Port Carling, and found its. most de
we farmers are complainers—we are Palmerston on Monday to have a game from, this being a gain of over 1,500 3rd innings 2L to 0 in favorof the Union lake traffic. Our stay x only fifteen arable Home. It d large, comfoarrow chan-
brought up to it, but these waving with the team of that town, and suf- g minutes prevented an extensive refer- nel pleasantly situated d i narrow chae
g for the year. Grand Secretary Bing with 0 Places to hear from. t'mptre, once. One industry however is sure to net of the lake, and is named after
crops and glorious days for harvesting fared defeat by a score of 0 to 5. The reported the mortality of the past year A. Pelon, Attendance, 2000. Time of catch the eye of the traveller by rail Port Elgin, the former home of ,�° Mrs, Hanna d71s° Co' g,
them ought to make us smile," umpire's decisions got so rotten, that the greatest in the history of the game 1 hoar, P. S.—Some reports say or boat—that is the Cramps' Co. Ship- Love. Its popularity is attested by
Verity Plows are the best; sold by at the end of the 4th innings our boys Grand Lodge, it having been 215 out building plant. The floe steamer the fact that during July, fifty guests
that the Umpire was bought and an- „Huronic" was launched from these were refused accommodation, and at SI-IQF., ST®R�
Alf. Glover, Wingham, left the field, A new umpire was put of a membership of 26,698, a ratio of other game will be asked to be played yards, and it second --the "W. D. •
If R. R. Gamey is asked to an more on and then Palmerston didn't get any $•05 per 1,000. There were 203 lodges on Zetland Athletic rounds or on any Mathews" is lying in the dock read the time of our visit one hundred were
Y g y g ' Y enjoying its comforts. It has a good aCrNext door to Post Office
garden parties, The Globe is going more ruus, but they had secured such on June 30th, 1003, and at the end of other neutral grounds guaranteeing for completion. A third sister vessel wharf and daily mail, the boats calling
to invite itself to the next barn raisin a big lead that our boys couldn't over- December, 1002, the membership was the best ate recei t Com. —the "Midland Icing" is ready for twice daily each wap. The proprietor, �` ----------
_ _�__
g fi P launchingg These vessels areintended Air. Love, is attentive to Hie guests, —r
and commit suicide by falling off the take it. 20,008. During the last half-year 1,727 for the lake carrying trade, and are of
purliae plate.—[Toronto Telegram. Albert E. Lloyd of the firm of Lloyd had been initiated and the net increase Farm Labor, great size, the "Midland King" being and Mrs. Love's kindness and advice work.
good go who are willing to
g gin times of temporary illness is sin- work, Grood goods and good pap.
The London News, an independent & Co„ door manufacturers of Wing- of members was 1,&3. Toronto was At the last meeting of the Gait 350 feet in length. cerely appreciated by the guests. The Men earn $0.00 a day winter and sum,
dail started eight gears ago, ceased linin, was in Forest a few days last unanimously chosen as the place for Board of Trade, Andrew Elliott At Allandale, we connect with the boarders are of an excellent class of rater. Never Out of season, Write G.
Y, G. T. R. Muskoka expres•i, a solid ves- society. Amon them we noted minis -
Saturday. The reason as- week, On Friday in company with J, the next convention. Wm. Robertson brought up the question of the scarei• Y• g Marshall & Co., Teas, London, Ont.
tibuled train (roan Buffalo via Toronto, tars, physicians, barristers, etc,; in -
signed Is failure of the London public Hamilton he visited the famous bass of town was appointed Grand Outside ty of farm labor in Ontario. "The splendidly equipped anti giving quick deed ministers of various denomina- Dr; Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L.
to a ifishing grounds at Kettle Point, and Sentinel, and appreciates the appoint- most important question affecting and etliclent service for Muskoka tout•- tions make this a favorite resting place R, C, p, specialist, eye, ear, nose and
appreciate independent Journalism, enjoyed a few hours good fishing, re- ment all the more because it was un- industrial interests in the present gen- fists. This fine train has been placed —as Rev. Dr. Potts and others. At throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp -
Wm. McGill of Turnborry has par- turning with a fine string. Mr, Lloyd asked for, enation is the labor question," was a on the route specially to accommodate the time of our visit, Rev. Dr. Grant bell's Drug store. Monday, Aug. 31st.
the increassrrg summer tratlic to the and family of Orillia, also Rev. Dr. Glasses properly fitted.
it chased the Stevens hor,:estead in the
Has visited several fishing grounds statement made by Mr. Elliott. Mr, Highlands of Ontario, and is a credit Crothexs and family of Belleville were
same township. The farm is on the . but expressed himself as being de -1 To Stamp but A Weed. Elliott held that the subject was one to the Grand Trunk Railway system. among the guests. Here too, we found
9th con, and contains 102 acres. The The farmers have not as et taken
lighted with. his tri to the Kettles, y not only of provincial but national fm• At Allaudale there is time for lunch ot� ,,, largo number of Americans, from
price paid was in the neighborhood of g P much stock in the remedy of bluestone ortance, affecting chiefs and print- dinner, and soon we are skirling the the (diddle and Southern States, as
and will return again for several days P g Y shores of beautiful Lake Simco$, In well as from Winnipeg, New Bruns.
$1000. next season. --[Forest Standard, solution, which has been suggested by arily the farming community, but a fen, moments we reacIr the pretty
Efts 14c. 100 tubs Butter wanted the Agricultural Department as a P Y wick aon,nd Quebec, The spacious diu-
weekly. Farmers' Park for sale. JUST An-MVrD.—$150 worth Black P ultimately injuring all classes of trade. town of Barrie, and after a few more ing-, 8!c h, is attended ex obliging wait -
Geo. E. KING. Plumes, which will be sold at 10 per means of getting rid of the trouble- It had come to this, that the farmers miles travel on the lake shore, the ea the parlors and extensive veran- '-"-'THE-'-`"
cent, above cost, until the end of Aug. some wild mustard weed. They seem were now beginning to reduce their beautifully -situated town of Urillia is des are favorite resting places, white
Henry Campbell, a section employe ust. See them.—Mrs. Green. to regard the weed inextiri uishable, reached, Near here is wittheh
Asylum, a the bowling and tennis grounds and
In the G. T. il;, yards at Attwood, was g g cropped area as creatures of the hetes- magnificent structure, with beautiful excellent boating facilities make the Corner
Wingham was well represented at possibly because many such vaunted sities of the time. The agricultural surroundings on an elevation overlook- visitor's stay, most enjoyable. The V UL Store.
struck by a train there yesterday, and the English Church Garden Party remedies have failed. The depart- output would be reduced, The in• ing the lake. Though so haindsome in evening of our arrival, an impromptu
• received injuries which It to thought held in Teeswater on Thursday even- ment is, however, thoroughly convine- come from agriculture would be less- appearance and ul pleasantly situated, concert was Held. On another evening
he cannot survive. Campbell is about fn of Iast week. Amon those from ed of the efficient of the bluestone, to the thoughtful traveller, it brings a mock trial was held. One guest was
Y erred, and it was evident that mane- the sad thought of fife unfortunate charged with placing a7 bogus Bill of ,
fifty years old and a married man, town who assisted in the program, and two demonstrators are out in the facturers also wound be forced to re- mental condition of hundreds of its Fare, upon a fetlow•gnest's plate, and is the Place to get
The fallowing pupils of �Vinghani were: --Rev, Wm. Lowe, an address; Province now showing the people how tract and the general business of the Inmates. so creating an appetite, which was
school were successful at the recent R. G. Gordon, two -recitations, Geo. to use it. In addition the department country would be lessened. It Was But soon we piss Atherly Junction afterwards disappointed, when the Everything that is
m, trieulation examinations :—Part lI, Rankin and — Sherlock, a solo each; is planting plots of the weed at eight lain that such a condition of thins where connection is made for o i t- left.
viands were not forthcoming. oi court
� p g Gako Couchichfng is seen to titin Left, was Organized and Judge appointed; pare and FreSi1 ill
Junior Leaving --•W. Eggleston, A. and a chorus by plisses Rankin and different fair grounds. There will be would right itself, but not tmtfi after The steno changes-mscead o£ pictur• Rev. Dr, Grout was Crown Attorney ;
Dobbs, M. Pisher, A, Howson, E. Ed- McGillivray, and Messrs. Rankin, two plots at each fair, one to be spray- tate injury had beer) done, The fac- esquo lake and farm lands, we see with hits was associated junior coup -
wards, 13, McDougall, M. Nixon, M. Sherlock and Stevenson, With Miss ed with bluestone and one let go. tortes would close or reduce the num- solidlt, broken country and fields n eel, The accused was represented d,
Houghton as accompanist. The Win When fair time cornea around farmers bee of operatives, and labor would solid rack. Cxravmile ft is loan two lessers, mid, ansummonses trete issued,
Robertson. g P g' P reached, ztnd one toile farther, our witnesses examined, and jury chosen.
A Bertin physician protests against ham Baf d was also in attendance and will be able to judge for themselves it thus be turned from urban to rural train comes to a stand at Muskoka It was an amusing yet entertaining
forcing }'Dung children to learn to delighted the large orated with their to whether the treatment has done channels and thus would be begun Wharf, the southerly point of Lttke scene, No liquor is kept at the Elgin
selections, any good or not. 'Che faire selected anew the building of trade. But Muskoka, and the place from which House, and during our stay there was
play the piano, arguing that the long 1 are:—Walkerton, good or no Owen .sound, RraintY the tourists take boat for different not an objectionable word or act not ]Drugs
practice weakens the nervous system. -- great efforts should be used to avoid points on the three takes --Muskoka, ticeable. The tables are supplied with
Yen, the nervous s stem o! the file H, 14lcIs tie, wife and ford, Simeoe, Whitby, Perth, Ren, this course. Mr. Elliott, continuing, Rosseau and Joseph. an excellent and appetising Bill of
�' g` Mx. #ren* and Richmond, advocated a change in tate methods Tile Muskoka Lake Navigation Co. Fare, and the pure air of the lake 0n•
who practice and also of those who family, of Toronto, are spending this now in vo ue in rho lmmi ration De- have a fine fleet of seven steamers upon ables the guests to do ample justice ""`'.
are forced to hear its month among relatives in this vlclni- --^i g g these lakes, making regular trips to thereto, A motto in the dining room
l+ar a ahe:lp r3uagy, go to Glover's tn` iu i vert good hh has
o� been and Miss 'Laura Analey is visiting friends Partment. It was the man from rural different places on the three lakes, react. thus,_ Hamilton Int lernent aha They trivat lie sold } 9 g in Seaforth, England and rural Scotland that was These steamers are well fitted up ; the "Christ is the Mead of this flout° ;P we trust his stayy• here twill greatly wanted, and he wasn't wanted for the Ofllcizls arc courteous, and no matter the Unseen Guest at every table, A.r
to make roam or fall stack, benefit him, lie is one of W, J, Gage Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McGee of , in what direction the tourist knay go, and the silent listener to every
A transfer a£ property took place & Co''o popular travellers. Owen Sound are visiting relatives in Weat and not for New Ontario, but lie is sure to have a pleasant sail, 9011- conveesattiou."
last transweek, molten Mayr Y took
die• 00`olt POPUI&VSAM—t the town of Wing- Vtwen B m and vicinity, fox, Old Ontario, where the farms were tlemanly treatment, and beautiful We called At inany of the stopping DRUGGIST
posed et the brick residence to Jahn ham, fats 4 and G on the west nide o£ starving for laborers. Within five scenery, 'xcellent meals are furnish- it ices on the lakes, but saw tit) more
occupied b lli. O. Bell, to ban),
lots St., on which is situated a Wingham pall Fair, Thursday and miles of Galt he knew of farmers pay- ccl on these boats. to that a tourist desirable place, and can confidentiy ��] I �
street, w P y cider rnilt with all equipments. Will l,`rlda Set 24.25. See hand -bills in $15 a month. There was not Wray in tke a lour O£ the three lakes, in recatntiten the Elgin House to tour-
Wes. Walker. The property is well be sold very cheap,. Ap»ply to, C. J.
y' P ` g the toast comfortable tuann0r liiiai;in• fists,
located 4nd wiil make a pleasant !tome Maguire, ileal Estate Agentt WingK for special attractions. Grand .Con• farm in Ontario that could afford this able, enjoying the invigorating iLtiuOt-
for Mr, and bits. Wftlker,
ham. cert each evening of Pair, � wage. phere and ever•ehanging secn0ry, (Continued on last Hage.)
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