The Wingham Advance, 1903-08-06, Page 5A ti-ji.--t 6, z qo3 THE WINGRAN AD VANOR �► , - .. ,__ - P _ ,m. - ,�.. �, •�..._m..,T- .:�..�.....— ._, R._.._,�__.�W_...�. _._.:_ sees..: �µ. _ _ - .. � , _., " .. �..,, .. ,.- _ _ ,... ..,. � �_ ��. . Alen'sodorlcli- i fiirrwrrgwr• 11l, .News, ' .d -05 Nass � '� The Toronto Sunday. World in a re- , ,......� a Bargain "' cent. issue had au article desaxIn 4 of lint Prices. " Smtill 1?TOIit$ R, Mg . . _.", , e ,.,., Cough Goderfgh, embellished �vitll several it -Th ��� %fid Big Cut •ioalDSuxver. Fls, who hfis binioveatioat- lustratignA, The articlewasroily Stout VEilueu. Quick Ristlfl' s g y o written and does credit to the writers fag the mineral resourceA of (71iArIgtte ilnaginativo powers, xlire Are some t`I was given up to die with n Pr ices County, in Now Brunswick, is reported thinge• a native never finds out about his quick consumption, I then began Sale to have discovered traoes of nickel, town untilu stranger tells him about to nae Agar s Cherry 1'eckoral, I Improved at once, and sin now inOsiOut /� � (~ � � .,,� 1 -Tile seeancl annual ogmbination Ghom, perfect henith.#',-Chss, )~, Hut• - II ,L-1 fir/RO ♦ �, 5. Alietion sale o! large Xorkahire hogs Mr, Robt, McLean was In Toronto on man, Gibbstown, N, Y. - willbe in the winter fair building at Tuesday of last week with a car load of Guelph Thursday, dlsillefcattle, all P One undred boars and sowtwbo, ty of seeing the opening ofthe Western It's too risky, playing • 20 per cent. off. all goods till August IS- tercel for Salo. Stock. Yards At the Junction. The with your cough, Great i� Pricesgg aggregated 140 shipments of cattle there a re The f1 r s t ng you U thi. .. _e......,. � .. .._. _...,- sees. _4 - .-,sees_.,.-...-,... - • No Reserve. No stock laid away. -III the Manitoba elections there oars, besides sheep And hogs, a record know it will be down was it groat victory for a Huron man, in breaker in that lino; and Mr. McLean deo in lungs d • This is the time of year we move the person of John H, Ruddell, son of thinks the completeness, conveniences p your gs any You have your choice Of any article in the store—Boys' Goo. Ruddell, of Hullett who was elect* and advantages of the new yardswill - the play will be over, Be, out all Sumer goods—and make prices Boys eel for Morden Division over Bradshaw knock out the trade of the Western gin early With Ayer's so low that you Will save money on Suits, Youths and Mens Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, by 88, The riding is Reform, but ,the yards owned by the, city. Cheri Pectoral and stop> Collallo gos marked down anis no goods marked up for this way platform. Poultry and Pot Stook Association met the cough. every purchase. Pro ie >Cuffs, The officers and members o! Huron a fit is n considered. is electors could not endorse the Creon•of Corisld ' Sale. Everything is at its old price; yon deduct the 20 per -Considerable excitement prevails in one evening recently, president Todd Three sizes. 96c, encu h for an ordinary cent discount and hand lis the rest. Wasc .ilaeeburg, Ont., over the reported presidia The object o! the meth cold; we„ fust r1eLr forronehtui,or�,.. p0 g• J g noes, hard colds, etc.; 01, most economical 03 -Ladles' white and col'rd. 95c worth $1.25 - Mens fine i'Y, Y J. ass and keep .ow•u, net.. Shirt Waists, reg. $1,25 and Chambray Shirts, fast col. The reason of the big cut in prices is because we are ernme b menus it an Ontario Gov- was to i g e ways and moans to make for chronic Jcases and to OIon nand, $1,50 -to clear.... I. . .......85c ore, soft fronts -Sale...... , 950 ernment diamond drill o! coal to its the comm winter show, which is to getting ready for stock taking, and are short Of room for immediate vicinity. According to one be held in Goderich a greater success winter goods. rumor, of which many are afloat, three than ever. The members were unani- 15c --White and colored Mus- l0c - scotch Ginghams and g p mons in their o line, worth 20c and 25c -to Ohambrays, fast colors, reg. distinct veins of coal were ferced at pinion that it would be clear .......... . .............15C value lye -•-for............. .10c t depth of 270,feet, wise, if permitted, to become incorpor- 95c worth $1.25 -Women's Women's Come with the CROWDS to CROWDER S for Bargains ated secure Government Aid. and to 15e worth more money--cor. Soaforth Out., Jul 30. -John An- ' fine Dongola Shoes, new set covers well made -on July ascertain what could be dour in the toe -Salo . . . . . . ......... . . .95e r V derson, aged 15, son of Mrs. Will, An- wayof establishing n Comfort ort sale at....................•.lac g poultry station Tie R. H. Crowder Co. screen, of McKillop, was instantly kill- here. 1000 yards mill ends factory lOc worth 12} -extra heavyp ed &his morning while drawing a load of Cotton at a saving to you quality 12je Prints, fast col - The births marriages and deaths re- . e t•1 d What of 2c per yard . , .... , . rails from the barn to an adjoining field. gistered by the town clerk for the half And ' •""" ors, choice patterns .... ,...lOc Part of the way being down -grade, the year ending June 30th, were: births 34, $2.25 worth $3 --Fine tailor - rails slipped forward on to the horses, made top Skirts -Sale 5c worth 10c -Fancy colored - «.►� marriage 10, and deaths 34. The death It Means Muslins to clear out at ..... 5c ... which becauio unmanageable and threw list is the largest for man ears man � 15c worth 20c -Ladies' fine BLUE FLAME COAL OIL g g Y Y y ' the young lad under the wheels. elderly and weakly people have been af- Blk, lisle Hose, beat Black 95c worth $1,25 -White Cam - Every Box of STOVES -A barn belonging to John Klein, ony the changeable weather of the -on Sale at................15c brit Underskirts with deep footed b frill, good value at $1.25 - the 6th concession of Carrick, one mile period. Of the deaths. one male had There is satisfaction for A lot of sample Gloves at a to clear at..... ...95c GASOLINE STOVES west of Moltke was struck by lightning renelied within 4 years of the century, every owner of a good Couch- saving of ten cents per pair on Tuesday night about 12 o'clock and one female was 95 years, three persons a splendid thing in sickness, a $1,50 worth $2.00 -Women's REFRIGERATORS was burned to the ground. All the live were between 80 and 90, and seven be- necessity for tired backs, We 3oc worth One pee. fine extra fine quality Shoe & tween 70 and 80. Pneumonia claimed 6 have so many shapes and styles, Blk, Grenaadidd ne, wide-at..,35c Slippers -to go at...... , . $1.50 stook was saved, but this year's hay crop , —AND— together with ten loads of wheat which heart affection 5, old age 8, senile decay its hard to give you an idea of 75c worth $1- Linen Skirts, 25c worth 35c - Good strong 2, typhoid 2 nicel made and trimmed -75c summer Corsets -to ����� � Mr. Klein hauled in on Tuesday, was ,and apoplexy i, and there them all. You'll find bore one Y go at.,25c SCREESCREEN DOOR were a few from tuberculosis in its that will just suit you -$5.75, , N � L �7 consumed by the flumes. 25c -Men's fine Merino Shirts 3c worth 8c and lOc -Fine ���` A♦V z�•c various forms. $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $13.50, $23,00 and Drawers, regular value heavy Lace, four patterns- i, -Atwood, July 28 -While Mr. W. J. Goo. Lavis, of Lavis & Son, agrricul- -upholstered in the beat quali- 35c -to clear................25c to clear at.............. , .. 3c at 15 Per Cent. Off. Alexander, of the 6th eon,, Lima, was tural implement agents, charged John ty material. : • engaged on Saturday in forking hay in Knox before Mr, Seager with abusive is guaranteed to give = g g g the barn about 14 feet high in the mow, language, The case came before the P. entire satisfaction in all High Grade Cleveland Bicycles and standing near the outside, his fork. M, and after a long discussion Knox BALL BROSI Ncases of Stomach tYoubJe handle broke slid he missed his balance. leaded fit to usiu aB11St2111e]llt 1� eW:ls Hi h Grade H sl Bic cls p 1u' Y g part of the —if not, money refund- _ g Hyslop Bicycles He fell n the barn floor, and struck a languae mentioned in they charge. UNDERTAKING 50c -Boys' Washable Cotton Suits, good colors, worth ed. Tr a box and be 1 girder wi Ills side, which broke two o! Duringthe discussion Mr. Campion said 75c -to clear at, ......•.. , ... . Try at 12� per cent. Off his ribs also ivm� liim a bud shakiu • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50c ' g g if the defendant would apologize, Residence—Patrick Convinced. for one week Only up,•St., 5th house West 35c -Boys' Washable Blouses in Gingham, well made, promise to leave the plaintiff alone in of Hamilton's Drug regular price 50c -to clear at ...................... 35c -The editor and proprietor of the future and store. Night taus p p , pay costa, the case would be receiv prompt at. $5,715 -Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, made to fit and wear I have room for two - Walkerton Glocke celebrated the 25th dropped. Mr. Knox agreed to pay the tention. well, regular value $7.50 -for ........................ 5.75 students in Telegraph Binder Twine at Lowest Prices anniversary of the existeuce of his costs and not to interfere with Lavis, $1.69 -Boys' strong Tweed Suits, nicely made and lined, office, paper under his management a few days but refused to apologize, claiming that 0 a"" a regular value $2.00 -to clear at ...... . ... . . ........ 1.69 Pure Paris Green and Potato ago, In speaking of olden clays he says his language was true. The' P. M. then _ Bug Finish. that at that time subscriptions were not inflicted a fine of $2 and costs. $3.75 -Boys' goad school Suits (coat, vest and pants) new _ paid as flet are now, but he frequently patterns, good value at $5,00 -they go at.. , ....... 3,75 i He A s DOOGLASS had to take axe handle,, fell,, rail,, IN Fishlei ' canaries,' a deer, g hs ' y potatoes, harness, lard g Dyspeptic Pains,g g August and even two oun cub bears. Timesarisiu from the formation of as owin H. E. ISard & Co. Chemist k Druggist have changed, to improper digestion, is the source of great misery a many, A vary prompt 0 Bank llamilton Highest Price Paid far Produce 3 Hardware Store, l�ingham, -Daniel Eckel of Kansas is spending and efficient remedy for this trouble is • pp. g Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. a few weeks with friends and relatives found in Nerviliue. It relieves the dis- Smith & Pethick's old stand, in Mildmay. He left here twenty five tention instantly, and by stimulating Bargains ` years ago and this is his first visit to the action on the stomach aids digestion. !, old home. Mr. Eckel has travelled over Good also for Colic, Colds, Rheumatism Neuralgia and Headache. In medicinal IN ff t ff ff tt eeeetf f / nearly all United States, but has now power Nerviline has a value five times as. Hdown was thirteen en year ofis doing lin Karim- age when friater than t is not so any Druggista ell it ther, Test it and see w, j FARMERIS he struck out to make a hying for him- i JE • ♦ ELERY■ NEW .a. w self, and has had a very interesting and a adventurous career. SHEEP PARASITES. Buy your own twine. That is -Rev, R. J. Floody, formerly a , a- Buy veterinarian of the Michigan Ag- 12 only Ladies Watches uaranteed, what you are doing when you buy g , Q i ...,.. Blyth boy is preparing to issue the _ 0 - ••-� Walkerton Twine -the best on the rieuitural College, Dr. Waterman, gives old- ilied cases good value at 1 a - second edition of a book written by 9 9 market. I am sole agent for it for „ the following remedies for parasitic We have now a full stock Of up -t0 -date "` this vicinity. himself and entitled Scientific Basis p $14.00 --during the month of Au- , ' diseases in she, Gents Furnishings and we can assure you a- of Sabbath and Sunday. It first ap• For Tae Worm, -Oil of male fern gitst for .......................$I0.50 v eared over a ear and a half ago and in p ' that anything bought from us is right up -to- - «•. .""'. Large quantities of Chop on hand. p y g one teaspoonful; turpentine, one ten- t - a- We are sole o All kinds Peas, oats, Barley, etc, less than 12 months after the edition p p Choice Stock Of Rings; all = the -minute, and at right rices. spoonful; new milk, four ounces. Give g p was all sold. The book has made a pro- after fasting, and fallo;r with a laxa- kinds, glades and at prices t0 found impression on the scholars who New Up-to-date Shirts Live, If she, are run down give a suit. Come to us for the P ` ", '� gens for ,• have examined it and regard it as a p Wedding Ring. s t t t Ties ke • Ca �� standard in that class of literature. tonic afterward. gFor Stomach Worms. -Give in rain �•. ■ f -A very sad accident occurred on a equal parts of sulphate of iron and sul- TIIE VERY BEST PLACE t0 61 " Collets a- DR, HESSF S (MARKET SQUARE) hate of co eras, Dose, ten ounces of- g°t Repairing done. ct is Hats 1v a a farm in Elma township recently. Mr. P PP Robt. Cleland, jr, had just finished cut- mixture for 35 lambs. Give daily two ting a piece of grain and left his team weeks, then stop one week, and give (� New Hosiery, Braces, and everything' in con- STOCK FOOD = and binder standing white he made a again• Mie: in water and then pour the �• Vi• Patter _ vection with the Gents' Furnishing depart- -' aw : Cooks (:Otton Root CotnPouaf�. ,, road to et the machine out. While water over the grain. , Laalea►>C'avorite g OPP. QUEENS HOTEL meat. In Tweeds you will always find our «•^, r' �" Ts the only safe, rella'hld Mr. Cleland was thus engaged his horses Another remedy; Gasoline, one table- t ,w.. re ulster on Svhich woman spoonful; new milk four ounces. Or , stock new and up-to-date, and we can assure r g took fright and ran away. Mr, 'Cleland P l� Mr , ; - v p. can depend, in the ,hour, 0 -- ,.••m r and. time of need•" in attempting to stop them was thrown of 1 per cent. coal tar creosote solution Mo.r1cY To LOAN—At 4: per cent. on you a perfect fit at right prices. For Sale only by =3. i -� Prepared in two degrees of!fu front of the machine give two to four ounces. improved } .-- --a I - strength. No, 1 and No. 2, , which unfor- g proved farms. Easy terms of re- ; '^' -� No. 1. Por ordinary cases tunately had not been put out of gear, For Nodular Disease. -Give the cop- payment ; expenses light. Apply A. .: !s by far the, best dollar DDulma e, Real Estate and Loan E_ Colin A yam bill i medicine known. and we are very sorry to say that Mr. per and iron solution as advised for Agent, Kent Block. I No. 2--L'or anecial eases -10 degrees Cleland not only lost one of his fingers, stomach worms, Hom-uth a- s ` p Stronger—three dollars per biz. g ® � • � Ladles—ask your druggist for Cook�n but beet his foot so badly bruised that f ., I Cottote Yioot Cv,mpound. Take no other the doctors found it neeeosar Fattening Chicks. •— - s' as all pills, mixtures and, imitations are Y Go ampli- r THE DRUGGIST a dangerdys. No. 1 and No, 2 are spirt 04 tate part of it. Uncle Josh's Sayings. ..- I ro�pmmgn3 d by all arugglst' In tad o- On this subject, F. 0. Elford of the Do- si SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR." 44 00ii �At Elm) p, 1VIa}ted to any addnasa -A skeleton was du n at the rear p receipt of goo an tour 2 -cent postage g p Wit is the popper of life and conversa• minion Poultry ' �iltf lii3tliltiit3liilti�tlttt�il �tp:mpf& 6ha Q-90lc tipiupilaos' Ottf s' of a Woodstock building the other day. p pp , y Station, Huron county, It now transpires that the remains are tion, Like pepper it is good for season- writes to the Farmers Advocate as No. l and No. 2 aro sold in wingham probably those of Thomas Cook, who by ing, but pretty poor stuff if you try to follows:- NA, 1.. Hamilton, R., A. Douglass, C. A. live on it- In reply to your favor, re feeding poul- Campbell and w. llroii:ibbon, druggists. was lianged in 1863 for murdering his wife. It was understood that Cook's body Some men are like chestnuts. They try. I don't know that I can say any - For was transferred from the wagon in which are not pleasant or prepossessing in ap- thing now. So far my experience has Men's it was to be conveyed to Inuerkip, to an. pearance, but they are all right after been in favor of the Barred hook for 1 t Ir,SPECIAL eris other conveyance just outside the city. they get a good roasting. fattening. There were ten or twelve • Those in charge proceeded on to Inner- The "smart Aleck," like the poor is breeds tried at the Station last year, and Bargains kip, where the coffin was deposited in always with us, And he is never so the Rocks made the best gains and pre. ON ALL KINDS OF ltl n • the grave, the friends present not being happy as when he has Ills nlegtli open, ented the finest appearance when dress - aware that the corpse had been remov. tali£iilg about something of which he' ed. Our main feed for growing chicks equal of composed a ed. The body, however, wife removed knows nothing, is a mash coin p q parte corn - IN for the use of medical students, and, The scientist who doesn't believe meal, buckwheat (ground) and bran, • after beingoperated upon, was buried mixed with buttermilk; the mash it not, U.F-LJL urs p P there is a Gd beoaitse lie can't flus the •, We have now the most soft, but crumbly, This is almost our , in the place whore the bones have now exact date when the earth was made, is , aC��S beautiful and complete stock been found. The murder was one like the ostrich who hides his Bead in solo feed from the time they aro n fe�v • ever put on the Wingham of the most Brutal in, the history of the sand and thinks no One can find him clays old until they are ready for the Market in the way of Men's y, and was followed b t1 s crates. At lareseut we have a lot that Oxford Count Y because he can't see. y public execution, have lied nothing but this, three months May be secured for a few weeks longer at our store. Suiting., The sweet little woman, who is AI* old, weighing over four pounds apiece. ( ways trying to help soluebody else out Usually they are crated at three .pounds Qj`vIg In all the latest designs Iof trouble., is the leaven of this world, or over; the corn is then taken from and materials at very reason- FALL F�it , Without stloh women what a bad mess thein and oats and buckwheat 2 to 1, or Iroll Bedsteads from $.4..00 up. able prices. You will have �.�. • of dough we would make. oats 2, barley 1, buckwheat 1, mixed ' WiNallim-Sept. 25. with buttermilk is even, The oatmeal no difficulty in selecting a Blyth -Qct, 0.7, I is the main ration for crate feediug to Our stock is t00 large for the Seas011 ; W° must 1'edliCc gait to suit. Milverton• --Sept. 24-25. Deaf as a Door Nail. whiten the flesh, and would do well as a it, and NOW is GO filo Stratford -Oct. 7, Not an uncommon expression, but it complete ration if the chicks did not Tr�r �'y•�7- + �y�� • • • • • In fit and workmanship Teeswater-Oct, 8. is true of many people whose hearing tiro of it. THE BUYER'S i ���1� lJ L1 t1NLJ L' Toronto --Au 27 Sept.2. can be perfectly restored by inhaling I think, if farmers would raise a good fe o e take R back seat for no (P7ol ingwood SSept 222.25. Deafness, he rsalkinds f Cs t f the respiratory Catarrhal aniene feline variety akes n good 1ayrClAu(hat t na _8. s and DARK'S(Undertaking receives our prompt attention.) He , >t Poterboro•••-Sept, 22-2'i, organs. Don't give up hope till you the Rooks, Wyandottes, qRd yprhapa Saill3fatiion ufaranteed. have tested Oatarrhogone It has re• Strathroy-Sept, 23.25, stored lost hearing to thousands, and the Orpingtonli, ;plticll more could be Walkerton -Sept. 23.24, can de the same for you. Catarihtlzone re IiviA trom this brand of farming, /Q yl y1p } ��r HArriston--•Sept. 25. is a vegetable antiseptic, pleasnnt, giAd ' Mie donlaud for the right bird cannot Walker Bros, �U e I! eI Y StoJ. a Rob C. Max Y1' ell Wiartou-Sept. 29. eonveniont to use, abso��tely VMaiu to be anppli, 'Those who do not care to I.iattl�vol--Supt. Z10. quickly boaeijt aucl ' a matoly cure, fatten and dress themselves, could get Macdonald Block 'Win halms Bl h Illi TWO 1�iJl am • : " `ize 25d. nt d treatment y $1,00mail small ood y Furniture Dealers & Undertakers el, Lueknow-Clot, 2, size 25d: itt clruggieta orb tnnil front N. g prices fox a thrift t4ree or four b" Gorrie--Oot, a. C IT01hou db Co,, Kingston, 01 pound ohiok from tholie rvho,do. �