HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-06, Page 3q?
- - - � -1- I -I.- I . . , I " i.0 i oft", !I I , ., ( , � � �, . � . I I I , 1. . . � . -
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.. ,
I ' tax br such simple melisurefs, au deksil. #
I WINS INSTANT AND Ing Cold Water oil sthe gligi-,v's,shild or I ,
5 V I lacing )Ilia before a narror to lot - r " .4 , AA 4 ,
film tq.,o how awlyl lie looks. .tit tills , 6
. WHEN DAVIE CAMEO OONSTANT FAVOR illould lie done cafaily, without blows - 4' . 4� 1 4
, , ot �)
� -11 or threatu. It will bo'loupit that tills . I �� .. " - :
! I , , I'! r t WITI1 ALT; 1APAN TEA DIIINKERA. ,(j' i !, I ' , �'i I wodo of trea,tivoot IS very., affloact. �
. I�lk i, I __( i .."', _i, " , _�'�l , I. 6 ) I �_�* - - , 0
%� - � 'Ll - BY HAR111YT Q. 0ANIFIA1,I). axis, bat It It (loco not huy'a tile de. .
. l. � ,A� t-.�ots-e-,,it*t-*.2wr.,S"t-.4"0-..;t�o-r,.04� �� I Sired Meet, (10 somethtnig extremetI
11 . I I,v� unusual In a. very, -exclted man. "'� I
eqlrl� . . i , i I _ , - , , , , "
11 I i 1
-i I I
I I' iio,,��������
ILO I �������
E, Am DAlo wap 'tho oolmo of joyful her mistress, "I'loaso malaw, I can't" '' A . nor. It way, distract the.
propa,ra,ttoA, for Mr. and Up$ ,1�.Zrls, Blie'said, "I'd hate $g try.' I if .... , * . I I happyI results, I ohlla.wlth ' Ottawa, My 14, 100379ke Fruit 00 dutr on Arplw,'tha prospects for
t '111 Ili aulittined of you 11 tile lodig- _ � I I On the other )land, a regular course W-vislQ4., Ottawas hall rwelvoil [rot# Canadlaa are. very mm"In 1�
I ,
11a,minond wore, ,wou to celebra,e litint reply. came. "I'll come right I I 01 treatment to PreBOrilied for tile 6�,vcral or Its corretirsondento In V ur. GarousI. Zwobs 4 I I. of tmdo. .
Q I wir gall I Ten weddlug. From far and down and take law.mywlf." 1. wlckedl.y angry claid. loot law, drink . state; 11711liere bho been an almost
. , , opr! reverts Olowlag that t1lo fruit total J,%U4
00ar theIr oJ41(iron.Ana grandelilldren 14tzzlo fled to the ,kitchen and there nothing but water and tailk, per. , I re here of plums Awl
WWO C011311I.X to tbo o11 c6untry house 'was a -quick click ol beels on, -the S_ ALID Init no mext foods, allow him fresh 01", a Small one, tilts year, antl : peArv, 4nd tbW Year thAere will be
$1., I stairs. Then VaOsl Terrell saw a . .. . . . I- � - -vegatablee, .eggs .tea sish. The III-1,11claltoing that there will 'be an ua� , a good Opportunity, for the 0111P.-
uni"ler tho gresat of . hours of rising and , IssuallY. good Market for 04114dIAll, moot bf Calia,IJIAP peara. Tke I%t-
All a( Via nelgli�%*,h W,dro Interk%t_ pretty picture franiod In the wide ratIrIng should ap-lilt's "Ild �peara. lrj,w Qlaegow, ter islioultl be ,PVAW 10 cases shn.
04 An t1le coming event, and a number doorway. U1110 I�atty stood there 06yloa (;Rlr,,F,N T144 to pure, dellelousis and healthful. It to far ahead of be fixed; lie should be all mue'll as Herald sslayll; Aly 11ar
( - of them wiero plodged "to Itelp out on with surprise and disappointratnit .Japan Ton as llt'-IALADV' black is ahead of all other black tea. I,Oad pooffible In tlw open air, ano be bath, 111ou Will be ,$,Q those sent from. California,
� 44 '
.0- source, tho destruction by spring Thp,t tbNare to a fair prop o early
ed and well rubbed dall, 11 fact, I Kro.st
��1`111y Shown oil hot, oxilresolvo y. I J, II og Won serious. and ex- y4rlet,V! Ullpleli, 10 4 ,00rtfall , but
chairs and ollina." J.),ationce, Saybin, P 4- packets ooly,'. 230 slid Wo per lb. By hit grocers. ; ' - : , gularlty In all thingg sfiould be rlg- ,4VI fy
f4milla,rly known si,ii; "Paity," and, her f0-00, I I tellsive. if growerm got half a crop; they ,*,ill all be cleared oft the
brofAer lived only a, ,inalo'from B3lin "Wbore-wheris to-" site began in . - I'' 1. 11 - I . � � I . 1. -1 . . Idly' adhered to. Nourastbonlos should 011' 4111 averago they w-111 do well.' market Oefore Your fruit Is, ready
PAle.btit 04V Itail not been asked to a bowilderod wa)r. - 11 have as Inuoh tiourlslang load AS Poo,
octill-Ilinto .nA tmi-t rpli .It Ill, David came .forward. "I don't know to tileop. But *witlt moot of them if - 01ble. I I Tho proslimt, however, varlos coft- for shipment. France, Relgiumaud
4 I a ft . b
'I'vo offered to load t1lem isvQr7,* z
. -
Using on the place -oven you,
Where 110 il;�' 110 sald, "'iZ I (lid, 1'(,l
got him Sol, you, Ulus; Oayblii.11
Ways waAt to fill tll'Dlr 1111193 with
uome unbreatlied air, they wast
I � I I I
O'LL - July. 14 Saw:() parts or lKent
flll� treco.; carry oxm-lient crops; In
Oermnar are ,large grow.Atv of tip-
pleo, aad the crop this season is
"lie Rald t a her brotber, "but Mrs.
'You ?" olles asked,
:'Yeo, I'm little I)avid's succollsor.
wait till Sunday and go out to the,
country! or ifall oirt oil tile sound
OrGroat Value in Preparing Cooling
otilern IsareMy ally. The, "auto con-
ditlon or things vrevalls in Hore-
fairly largo. but the quallty Is no
Pool, that T.hV,y can never reany
Hammond Pays they have all tile ar-
114n9aments Inside. 4 dkA Want u, X,la-
I'Vill YOU forgive me rot, grovirlixg old-
or and larger, Allim S*y.016�411
or I
tile ilea. Sunday ,too, to about the
only, time the N�w Yorker has to see
In fleldo anti waste plaoci, lit 01,1.
C1101--tra, Infuntual. Is one at tile
moot dreaded diseases of Info,,
. I JIDY. It
rordshlre, ivllonw the IiVdland coun,
ties are so freelys;tpillied witim choice
compete PrIth. Calladisan fruit."
AgOorawl; to this ]Wndon Gazette
tile PI0.1),
Kor In I
,yoAln In," Winy], little
*li,�d- ',Xpver x
Por, a mpmcpt tilb jsojnsitl�e moutli,
qulvv�crA, Elio had antlelpated co
a th Ills blis-
Ida children, to 1A y wl
�bics. in tile w,orning he must ruSh
tastiloded gardene an(I along the _
batiks of -svindlixg Streams tli( ) luilli
to provalp int during tile Ileat or sillill-
mor Ili ,spite or ,,,it tile care mothers
domert AlIples. 111, Cants'll,#
. _Idgeshire
titci crop I$ disaUlloiliting, -although
Canadian pcAiltry, to now, capturing
the best trade In fashionable Lon-
girl," lie said, conaalingly, "Mr. Hani-
wood fia,ya they may ask is a to Isleol),
tit t tali. T�i.en ,she lielit out ber haild
off to Ills business. In tile evening,
family rim., clean, erect, pungent
way to guard againhit it, allil
It ionsilalmeso progt-eisses so
lit partis of I r har.
flat Calmly it, fal
don suburbs, the opeciAlly bred
ona 01, two, if tAxo 01�1, llou&e won,t
and sald with a smile, "I suPposo yell,
oqj il't brIp it, but you don't look much
by- the time Ile gets home, it Is tile
babies' bedtime. .
and odorous. Every Ineinber earrie.8
a little medicine client tacked in Its
Ullaft dvatll. V001irs in a row- hours lie
. c,
.It of IxVr.lj�4 will be tilored.
.1any. gx,01v.ora wit I bf) satistled If
CanaalAn lallickeno lilavini
�; a, great
demand and realizIng tiroriv $1.75
hold tjlom all-,'
'11ho day before the celebration Afro.
likes !yOur 1�le,ture."
. "Oil, that's It 1 GrunsImOtlier ehovir-
It JR, too, utmost boyand hopo to
expect that a Inan who has be,)
green leaves.
At toomo of tile florists an roe Ora
what care is given .tile child.
Milo first thing- to do Is to.stop feell-
they get a quarter of a crop, Pears
hayo suffered from, the Spring frosts
to $2 per couple, retail. T eir high.
I .11
ly finished appearAnce and flavor
Hommond drove 9yett in the morning ,�
to 4(,:Q Patty. '%thosigho. We tioultl
you. that sinttll Illy 'photo, d!II
. . n
shut lip all week In a Stuffy office
little Pats of 311111t planted Ilko chives
log Alto CIIII(I and give him Islelity of
frts.1i air an(] ptlro water to drluk.
Cqually wltII applohr. Ill, some coun.
tIjIa ill'(.,
hau Otimollalted all prejudice on the
sotow",�f,Nsa 411 away", oil,() said. with it
Smile, "but *I was thinking Mary had
o ,�4
Pattty no�dcd and onilled ap,1111n.
will voluntarily go .and sit Sor nxis
bour or two In st, Stuffier chu;rch,
uppuats to tho housewife, `wlio sees
It( them possibilitles for a, taster ul
ulyp Aby"n wit Tablets to carry
Off tile Poison In the 6�rstem. Do
z1old Will Ile nitagro; In
oil, , 1P
xerm thn crop is a, coin Iota fail-
Score of Produce.
The tour Goreramont Illustration
four children, loteld of five! I don't
After all, flfts� David had ple"ant
03rciv, quite like the littla fellow'S. "I.
In a smaller city might (Ici It
gar t1io vake, of the igood Opinion at
vnuco,anil an appeLI7. .
Ing bit of Most,
or tile seductive cocktail,
under I'lly c1rouxuRtancess 91VO a
ure,, only a third of a, crop tinder tile
() C Is
most favoral)l o (Iltions, Is looked
stations &or the' ()eat curing of
choose Vare so far this seArionbeell
Sao how r came to target. little Do,viti
Wi M I coil n I W n Iss es. I've been won-
am glaid that you came," i0le' said,
I "My
lap followmen. Now York ia. a "don.14
condy to II.Llid.
lar.,,',I.t�.Ine to oh-pek the illarrhoca,
Oxcept tinder tile advice of a doctor,
for." .. - .
R. A. Vlcollv ,& Co..
filled to their utmost capacity. on
de,,rin*, deAr, if you'd let him ideep
1 QvPltably. brother and I are
often lonely, and.7olin ivill be delikht-
care city'." Your neighborri do no�
know or do not care whether
During hot weatlior especially the
Lty it,51ng lially's own Tlablats tile
of London,
Say; "We are'ldad to r
ptate flint
account It If -as, been found
neoesMary Kluring the past fe,m
liere-elther. him or one'of the 001,
owlsf ?31
W to entertain �vomcoxxe of I Its own
go to 'church or not.
Vailue of the mint can
ocareely be o-,-ei,estlm.%te(I.,14,pearivilitt
ua,u,N(.% Of tile diarrhoea will be ra-
inayrd, anti tile diqcu,so will thus be
prospepts are very favorable tilts
woekR 'to refuse the requests of a
4'Oh, yesill Patty cried, delightedly,
ftr should toya to, Mrs. nammonEy,
ago. Ilsear him coming now," and A -lie
rose and went to the door to inuat
' "Jollu,"
A hundred reasons combine to keep
the New Yorker away .from church,
(or its cousin) German Peppermint,
bound across the forehead will give
chooked In a natural mannor, Proof
tl,,-"t the Tablets care till.% too Often
vear for UP, Importation or Canadlan
fruit, a,Er crops throughout Europe are
number bf factories, ,whiclil ,applied
for space. It Is Satisfactory to
Mho, old lady sualed. "I brought Ills
him. David heard her ssay,
,, Mr, Mexroll lo,horo,"
lie may, be jusit as ix�rlgbt, just it"
moral, �ust as religious as lie -was
relief in violent headache.
fatal troublo I.,; given by Mrs. Her-
a total fallure. We anticip3te'tbast
prices will bf) satisfactory all round
know that tUere IS an loorsease-4
miquiry for cool Cured olleese.and
ploturo. nlong,?' alle, aslid.. you
could sue whAt a dear lit -Lie follow
,,,,Mr. Tarrell," the answer calne,
before lie came to New York, butij
Prepared In a tea, wIth half wa.;
ter and 111114f 'wine, a cupful taken
Burnham, ,4ruitills I;Ujlg, Ont..
Who, diays: "Ass'llell my videst clilld
for appins.11,
buyers hre beginning to show. a
hos IVA$." . .
anii who Is h". PAttYT ,
"Hualil TICIll hear us; It to little
tic Afar; a different -way of showing
L .
it, HIS plotyl, IS not on
dally will renfove, bad breath, It it
wtli�l 0,1x weeks old I.o. had an, at�ack
F rom Hamburg, IDermany, Edwaril
,Tacob,,i & Soon report; "Tho fruit
preference for it. Yours very, truly,
IV. A. lClemons.
Paitty bent- eagerly Over the photo-
graph. A plea,saut little face. emiled
David. Doll't laugh so 1011d, John !"
116 lives 1115 Wo as It suits him,
0 oiling from a'disordored Stomach;
of choV,ra infantum and wa,s at
dvatlil,t; door. 1my doctor advised xxx()
croly In Europe to this yr-ar goner-
Publication Mork of Department of
I' at har from the -rdboard - the
Sho 641pped fmr hand into iii4g and led
and not as su'�Nl Ills nelglibors.-N.
while essellco,of jilint mixed with
to try 130PY's Own T.hblots and In
ally o1wakIng short. Should there be
- I . round, dimpled face ot It, five-year- him V the, kittIng-i-pow, and lit a Few j. F,xcllange. I . I I ! t Y11 sugar, or creme tic mentlits
old. "go's a, vpffee,t oboro,13;' Olin mill u op th I, thiect young people were --- � - =111�rinch preparation Of popper-
qx1cd, . an the short roaA to friendship. I 11 I -1 - .mint -with plenty of cracked ice, ar�
, � Pords relief for the p -tin or lassitude
"I'm .'exiSecting moot OIL my chal-, La -,to In the otening they adjourned
dren tills evening, and, if life folks to the dining -room rot- a 11-ttlo Insiolt. I'lle-9 i caused by the excessive heat or fa,.
coinle, I'll send IlIm, over before Iml- Pa,tty had fortotten tile high chair Carry � - , . (Ague. In co'lo and summer coin-
t14W." I I . and Its accompaniments, and It was . ;, plaints also this preparts.tion proves
Tho deal: old lady 'target to tell with a foo!ing of 41.�way that ,she saw 0 it soothing and invigorating asslst�
- their V161tor'd eyes Lraveling In't1s,at I ColnItak.glon . .
Patty khat tile tPictur or David,wao ant.
0 It' Is got a, 90110MIlY known fact
taken 23 yearso before. dircsotion '
. "Ara tl;Qso t1angs for my U'Re 2" lie I wowely I that the United Atnktes furnishes
vory busy I a,eked, lailgbh g, I , ' IWo,tblrds a,' the pepper ... let or tile
pro r ng 11 ttle Davidw room." n I ly
old high ebaix, 4Lud trundle bed wero I'WhnIt things? I Patty said, Inno- , , . W,ISO 9 %ofld- The greater inrt of the Sup.
b - lit An , fro -in the attle, and ,, d oo n s I ply Is grown -in New York and Mich.
ft ed. Lizzle, the good-natured girl . Tills high chair, tln tray an .
on.11 I I : 1� I .1 -----, that from New, York produe.
in tile kitchen, made some little 11011,11 �slhrs said, �vltb a, gullty'glanoo _- ag more Ili value If not In quality
round eakee, and iPatty frosted them at John. "Mlioaa bvlt;�n.- to my bra- . than any ,other tliotrict, Tile first
and put a pink I'D" on tile top at Fly P year's crop Is best, not only' bet.
two *or three. When evening came tbor.11 I ,�. I I , , cause the p4s,nts, are young and vig-
everytbing was, in readliloss for� the . Jahn starvd at Ildr th amazernont, � Rul the flies anta 11 I oroug, but because tile mint Is then
.. -
- ;eeted- gueSst, Tlie Un waiter and , HAS face grew orlusson with suppress- disease germs t"o. troof of a bitter pungent wood which
tilf knife, fork and Plate wore .on od mirtli when AIr. morrell Said, "How .1
t'h4D old Is your little brother ?" I.
01ning-robin table and the lit- ' , I . ,_.�-_Mxl I, opirlage tip Inter.
, Mwenty-seven," Patty answered, . I - III the manufacture, of creme ,de
tie rocker hold out. Its ,wolcomlni4 , - __ - - �
�� menthe at least five distillations are
arms In the sitting room. An of(i demurely, anti John exploded with U�� - I .
rocking horee, (that liaxt been Sohn's laughter. "No good pretending, I . 11:0,13ossary. TbIs Is an ancient if.
.01ong ago) waLted, patiently for its Patty," hD cried; "b9tter ohow him all I . � . � � I
gallant rMef, and a little -wooily ior my Old po'Mossions, Including tile
(log stood on 1-bree lego with.an air tritnello bed, but we'll not nek him to �llli. L1,,1U.!..W1.Al1..il11 19L.,�Iikli.j,,&Jk..�',� 'I, 4i _�I. l�691iiii,kt�41.�..LL,Abiiml-ji!''.L� III jlliP4
or expeetation. occupy At." . I . A
Th -e clay had been a loog one to d, The moriiing or tho. golden Wed- . ;
Patty. At 7 o?elock 6fte was arrang- a Ing da-%rned clear and bright. It was . .. I I �
-ure 1 6 day filled with bappines,s foil all I
Ang the rmrnit In little. Davidis - 'A
A. . +I, A- �k 11 � ql,. ,red at the old home. At ! -
..#-A,4�. who gath,
_,, W � r . ," 5.
wont to tho Ifead of the stairs and
called to Lizzle. ,
10 that night Dav4d Terrell gave
Xohn and Patty -full, account of
. R15d% i
. !
"Hurry, "they've
tho' gathering or the olads," as
- ;
Lizzto," 6fte cried,
brought little David over. Take him
tile called It. In conclu,40n, lie Said,
fiaste I � i :
Into the Sitting room, and amuse
1xim. 1111 In few
I Isball have to ask you to keep
me tanother night, 4ut after that
I . I . I I . I - I
� the
be down a. minutes.,,
Mo f1litted-back for her, work and did
not II4�ar LIzzle's exclamation of
there w1lI be roont, foiI me at Elin
AN . �
aigt6al,slimpat when she opbned tile
filoug,lit you. oaLd, YOU must go
dmyDr and saw it big, broad-olxouldor�
t o -morrow 21, Xobn exclaimed,
"Yes,'tbatlo'co, bdt since then (and
. I . I . I . .
ed insan standIng there, Probably he
lisad ovocIleard Patty'a Instructions
lie glanced, q I've
for the pope I imself,. etiquette fwd
. I �
August .
to the .girl, for hAff eye -9 were fall of
madia other arrangensonge. bro-
-11!101- and'l-arIl partativ*?j-,sind X-1pi-r-
Ili' around, .
A�jftselln' blue, all' w4tIr Ills oldn a"
I � I I and
lauglittor, thougli'llet. oulicl. gob&illy �
enough, "Good evening. I &w, David
16 Ivilling tlisat' I s6b6ld have "nYy'
1 0111mmor vacat,lon
� . — 4" . ,
"-- 17 '
Terrill,_,A1-Io0,Sa,ybin, -was expeating
me, I bellavo ?" ,
A"Oh," P&tty cried. "I'mt so glad I
ron,t you, Soli -n 2"
vants are constantly at work keep -
. fe . in I
0 L 0 B 01 S 1% Eu"aml I 0 N
,,�,Y-y'-yeo, Sir," ,Lizzko Stammered,
dfib Vxp 'o , �7
"Yes," lib 16vt,d�.Aieartlly,' but. till&
bolle er of Plank;,
Ali? whon I run across a cuss who
ut wasn't pctixs'� quit I
S�e paused In exubarp�ssmellt.
sudden change ol� plans made' Illin
I �, � -11
36 Now It came to pass When they
had eaten and drunken greatly, even
. _
.... . I I . .. 1. ... 1-1
'QuIto'he muscift oifj.%��11! lie asked,'
suisgpletouly. . � . . I ,!,
David made good usle bf those four
phOCIS to ca -p IS soaxlet. The Easter
season calls for white. Other holy,
119 .
laughingly'., I L ,
. LI%zIo gigglod and led the -way' to
I weeks. His t-randmoither langhilnglY
atonsed. him of spending halt of Ills
I tell him to pull off his coat an,
20 ": v � I
I 1. � t&!r;ange your vacation to Cover
1. . I -
the Sitting,foom. The little chair held
vacati6n with'the- Saybiliss.
-�� I t3itse" fota, " andbe wdth us. I
out its - welcoming arms In vain to
thio guest. D&YIA - Terroll's . Oyes
, The laot: day .came,. and 'David
walked over for a farewell visit. He
aurplic" worn at audiences are of
, 1903 �� ; - smaim zww from an points Ant ;
refft6d at once upon the rocking
roand'Patty alone on the vine -shad-
'When folks are feelin' blue, I
Ali* sayin' that they don't know
I I . ontario cout of Port .Arthuv. , i I
horse And woolly''dog, and Ills ex.
ed porch. John Was away on buai-
I .
pressl6n momentarily, grow worn
cheerful. ., , _ ,
liess She explained,. "Never mind,"
11�t. IS' " "
I prza,� aaio; c1leetfiffly,
I � �
"Were tileso -allow -these p1le-
. you
,It wiloll j0:300.,, Her, OlBa'l by'�eff'wore
. I
. . I I., . .
. .. .. . . � � . � I � . .. I.. I ... - . .
phrations made in my. lionor?" lie
%,sked Lizzle. But befor;'the girl could.
ralksod to Ills Inquiringly.- .
"Will y0t]. kebP your -word," lie
, ���� I . � .. -
� I
MEMM ��Ih J11 11', I "i.]�. III lt�. _'� � I, ....Id,ir='AIU���� Lz�
I I . I'll,
'a"well a =tn v, oleo came front % ould gently, ."avd take mic ?,�- n- . � . . .
Ith'`� ' ""Per r A, 'ATW ,011, Qlaft%- I "My. wordl" slie murmured, .We - . . I �
I Ins; LI 11L x#P, gijgled fi'�,9-1-, deringly. .
, gh zild ?,�� . . Second Thoughts. qa
'ter I � I I ; ..; I . a mail makQ9 a 'Choice of a Wit
, :. F I , � A 11 s" I�' �' 1 "Yeoi'llefore I Iiv you I heard
.,� 4 � _ . t - ,I ,Wll%n
ell, �
" g. .
yon afC." tfid'Auilg mail you t-oll Lizzle, that You -were com- pr6te.41on'lle Atiould 110 fdrget the for
,whispered. "Yes'm,'. she �,'called lit Ing downstdIrs, and you would take email parts In It, ,. .1 I , 81.1
I inuffled. tones from behind ber apro.n. axe yoill,welf.11 There ,was a wifichlev- � I .I--- I 11a
� "Show him tile Picture books," the ous 11glit In Idsl'Oeq now. " . tho-bride ,who U
Xvolce went on, I'and It ihti� little fel� ; P:att-ylo 11'ticb fluthtd. "i"od' kfldw ts 'aoting'th'i idle at the long -ago- ti
low to tired, take., lait lap Ili ,yOur, InAi.11 I didn't m4ean_-" Mte began. - married wasiumn. ' . 1 I or
, .
Lizzle attep ed Into the I , . T
Igor . uptod her anxiOLIAlly. "But . , ---
,,,er hall.1 Ile interr
apst tidde 11�'f 16411�nd . ilAi,tb�'yoa -.will take, me, deft'i-on.'trial- Tbe'-mau, who otnxi& high Ili ]Ile lan
. . kI., � ' for the Sake of Attila David?,' businciss usually is tho most unoon- Of
..Ll --�' 81ito onAlledii Inito the bodest cy ten
0 mr-l—, , , �. .. � �Jj,!� " - A .eff, ' volitional when away from It.
"'. . �, .. flo like thsove,'917 the. -,child in the . -___ be
. ;", vtoture. i'Yw' ,"fibe 6_11.41 "for tile It takco a bride to feel real honest be
I ; I � � . I ,I' I 411 . sake, or Utle D6,vid,s �&cessor.11 uxiconc(�Tn over flattery. Oil
I . - � . -- no
I I I . I I
I . . . . . .. I ��� . . , Men.� Of pub7lo affairs often allow gin
: . .-. I 11 . . THE ACTUAL NEW VOKER. Lack of tact i� poiroonal coneD.11110, niu
i I � � . — ' 1. -_ I ble
I . . Wants fd�q&'Out.or 169.Y --op SundvCy , Mlid bride who Is: able to display a up
. - . ,� handsome. outfit lias a keen sense of -a
. .11, : and Attends ch : urob S 'Idom. her importance. , W
I . , � � I I " bra
S, --- I "Isr
. The rotil Now,'Y;t1ker AS not muc)y - Many men. allow their Iderw to b,-
- ol.a, oharoli-goor. In the countr�y. and � come .stunted- through too nfach sell- ber
� I , (.,.a . In the Smaller cities -the church'is a III;
. , I � - I � complasoency. . I
. . 11 4 -, society c6ntre. In Neiv York It is __ I A
merelyl the Irlage, �MlbiXQ'v- k01*181" It Ist the -1skide, of n I d yea a 0
1 1 . � - I I adva c, . r th
1 4 -_ goeit to asturch'to be InArried ft,ad� who -Speaks the niost pityingly *;f an bill'
.�.. ..,, ..." . ! I 11 .. - buried) and oxilds I )Lie . w1fe the rewL old mal(L-Chleago Journal. wit
, i .. 11 I � of tII6 time. I I I . the
I I, I a 4,,.W .on ,attend?.',' lu air
.11, .- =i hat epliurchjlq. y HOT WEATHER 10AG. I
� � ..e.016. 1i � Z a q1testloll- voldbin IT ovei. Ahked 'In I . .1 . — , I .. tile
" _�- T w York, - except b,.0 ont) all"n . No Snap, No _0 n ergy, E ,.�ertlojj
-, '524;., `!, I
"t" ..". A.I. ! A Ne one
� - 't 'Lasil No Vlni, '
� :;, T
- -
a .. 41 le I, Z t '._ __ :eR,, enghg�d'ln house to -rd and Wor'k Shunned. ter
- �. , 1. �%,y , I i 'I ,oung oura I . Dirchd
. oao� , --..N 1 --.-, louse visitn'titsix, � . tint
11, -
7 � 0 . �,
. .
., - �.
I .� -1 " '�Vac , out." Is an 111)111!0� TA
� . ;0-& - - In Other planers church-golng Is a' ,med right
- , � ,q. , -11 11abit. In Now, York It Is an effort. prla,A,s3 way !to elpret;s tile feelings the
Ft ot. , -T -The S�.oujig ma
NO Alice Dalle * in who bol6sliged to at many ll�ople during tile hot sum- Ora
I I . 1 . Al. E. Church comets nisor montJto. 'No strength, Tie vigor, Pin
I tile. Succasunna A
Atl otal6a." tells 110w, sbd was to New York. At home the m1nirder no snap, na -ambition, too ,wearr to
I . � , I . tile
used alwayo t
perm"ently 6red of inflaniman � I .0 Stop On tflo Btreot work and too languld to take �, ally IV],
to Speak 'sto, lifin. lit Now York lie keen pletiouro In Ilfc. You need I), I
tion W the ovaries,s, escaped 5uro inight attend For a j.mr In one of tonic for thiff summer fag, and tile for
. .
gcoulg knife, bY taking Lydlaji. tile large ,olistrober, 'and tile pari� very, bessE Summer tonic lathe world blo
ter -would1never even )love hoard of Ili Dr. Willininsw Pink Pills for Pale
Pinkham'sNegetable Compoundi. ' h1us, At 110ift6" 1-a know all " tile Peopla.'Evelly. kloue'uvakcs now rich ga
' .1 folkall�l lie Went Sunday evenings to blood, tano." '106 nerves, obarpens per
r "I ItWwk�Llbtod-f�i'thvo� yelita_4vith w -alk owe with blu ben(t girl, and the appetite, et! ba,f
. terrible 164itis at the tlln� of men- about the vorot form of di,481patioil and mulaterl, file livet., fig
balilulles weakness and woarl-
ittliationt and aid not Imow what �, which )I(, IndiViXod lit were tho ohn lies ,I�ogoor bea
tbib ftoiible,was until the doctor ro, - I rells, ness, fica.dachos, backae ,
I illsound64 it 1"an 1he socialites andAbe ]look and, ladder nod despondency. Tile Only tonic to',
avaricS, and pr -posed an operation, company's dance. . I that can do tills �or you AS Dr. W11 -
I, 11 I felt so weh1c and sielc that I felt When lie 4,omeo to New 'York It In fiews' I -link Pills -It's' a wasta of
, different. no knows nobody.,, and no. money, to experiment With anything BA
A� ifo*s him. It will not bo a alue. Mr. Louis Doueet, Grand ili'tang,
6 ire that I could not survive the ,or- body A,
'fleali The lolloWillslettreelt: I road nit ox,_ttior Chr. town gosg1p If Oto never N. ,,;., ga.ys: "I was very inuan, run It i
11 ilvertisduilltit In the p 4r of Tadla 'goes to Church any, Moro. He Inn down in I . waltli and wau weak )tn(I
IL =1 X
IM111kitalws Vcge ble� Coal- intend, to go. irao Sirot ,15tiliday, sysi,sily, tired. �%Jy appetito was varl-
40d lit a'adh an emergency, and 00 tbough. thero are two olanY things able, I Illynervel; unstrung and I ortell it
d6biddd to try III Great WAS thy 30y � )IP "vallts to see that be puts it Ott relt a complete Indlopordtion to work. fae
to fintl thlit, I netually, Improyttl tiftsat imill tile, next. The lio;gt Sunda.,0L. It IlLfter trying Several mediclueRwith.- fits
"Jaking tW6 bottlog, and Ill, the eW I' ji, is tile Oitnlo,wr 3; Is 6 I- . I. - Dr. Wil- , abl
.t . r 11 thii'd ,'junit,
.. Is autiallyit. I h#.dL0diAdd6ightqdT!I he 115,42l. 90. ItY I out benefit, I decided to UVI , it
I I liams, Pink Pills, still after taking Ilia
4's -and %vas In excellent lidalth.11 A, straliger'n sfIrAt Sunday Ili a. fp .lid
I.- too, Att BAIVEY, 50 Notth Bottle- r , w boxen I felt better than I ill ble,
I . L arhl,nablo Now York Church Is apt done for mon-bbe and equal to any ex- P,a
I - � d , Oa --$6000 fOrleltif original t I o � give the gain(% sensation that A' p I
atf. ��� rtion. ddntt know anythink to the
J Its AX 0 lot i 0100 aessuinsineof 044not bepro-. 1I ' etill,
� .
" ,
mt. I nuirnmer batheV Wotild Mve It Mi�Klt %I Dr, Williams' Pink Pills when III I
I Owl 0 . in a sno-�vstorm. Vne ),.6nngaIan fioni one feelo ragged out." Ili
UI Th6 Aymptotda of inflarAination 'l,iic-caelitilitttlip,�ollo%vilig�4iiiitla,,ylivill. Totit,,.tngt,ttli,r-pilloTrc)iiinii.ydts;il. tea
tl diosegod of the ovaries IsTe very likely 1,,,o to Dronx Park ,with 1 or to medleints, or theY will 1)6. rent In
i,dull throbbing p.01fi, fteCOT110 the boya from 1ho, office. At, least � patil at 50 Cents; n. box, or six boxeq dea.
. ,d Sra sense of tenderftesS tbern will be sonic Ono there bo'can 11 fox, $1213-10. hy ivriting direct to Ulc the
. N,
ol. eat lovr doWft In the al(le, *pvak to. I Dr. Williamll' Medicine (',a.. Brookville, nuo
, o tonal shooting 1)[Ishm. .14(,,ve -.(it 111lotir? of w!oAxIn. breti,tho Oist. tle sure, You get the, genuine, Iler
61.1refflon. Of gain solislotilhes le, ,
I 0 w1he W6 , Irl E�Olnc of them go Out III tile COusitisi wrapper around the box. . lap
� ti itir 100fabliaLtarl 'luland daily. Pink VAIN fox, Palo Iloople, an tile nex
, ,�Iw I �
� . I
twvaity-iour hours Is iby was better;
1. 11 I I
ihn vomiting and porglugecaived and
11 ch regaluwl F,trengt1l, rapidiv.11 ,
arms mussIcal InutruniCsits shaped like
k:oep tile Tla.blets In tile' house-
unto a bcaot of prey.
medichisal purposes and as a
mulant. This menthol sold in tile
their prompt use inay save 0 1
Y u'
little one's life: k�ol(l bv medicine
12. And tlicy blew� mightily upon
%vamt seemod the tall thereaf, and
Vestments, Slipper$ and Jewels rill
da%lers )or sent postpaid �t 25 cent 8
etraigh-tway onsloo, there forth
Three Booms at Vatican.
0, box by writing tho Dr. Willia ms
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
shrieks and sounds as 14 were the
h-OW111198 of tho damned. -
Ppw rulers axe surrounded. with
13. And the hearts or the people
wore ceremony, And magnificeno6
thla'a tile princes of the cauxeli. As
Uncle 11traux's Doctrine.
were comrorted, for this Is t1lat
whereln their great .strength Roth.
for the pope I imself,. etiquette fwd
I never like to sqe a man go mose Y�
14. And WJna wah. brough't An vcose].F.
bat the. citildren at the north would
tradition Impaisled on him a Isumptu-
Ono asagall.loonce, and tile wardrobe
Ili' around, .
A�jftselln' blue, all' w4tIr Ills oldn a"
13 Ono of flicsse; for they quenthed their
thirst with the Dow of tile Mountain,
of Leo _�,111. Ili the la,rgest and most
ca,gtl tile world hafe to'show.
draggin' on the ground,
411., all the w;h1la ft-pratin' on
mlilch Is the wate'r of fire. I
'11 Yee large rooms In the Vatican
aro given over to It, and many oer-
blamed infernal Inck,
15. ,iylr.,] isfiake, tile wise men of the
vants are constantly at work keep -
An' never showin' any signs of back-
no gregation untu them, and called
toomind the ancient days, and, tile
Ing the ve�twents lit or,der. rAlie.e are
sat aside rot- each day In
bolle er of Plank;,
Ali? whon I run across a cuss who
mighty deeds Of their forefathers.
And -tile people rejolce(I exceedingly.
luio, yea,r, varying In color, weigILt,
and y4iuo according to the *occ.L
allers acts that way, 1
I make a Vlnt to,IiW,p him try. to
36 Now It came to pass When they
had eaten and drunken greatly, even
I I . .,Wlon
and Ille seu,son. P
h alpa-1 raiment from
langh his cards away,
&it' If he Says there ain't no use
U11t0 the [Jill, that tile langesi of
their toriguels were loosened -yea,
phOCIS to ca -p IS soaxlet. The Easter
season calls for white. Other holy,
for him to .try an' win,
oven tile Joints of their knees.
40ayu demand other colors. I
I tell him to pull off his coat an,
17. And tho ruler at the feast fled
Every Item of eapli costoine is
tackle int ag'in. .
to his hame, aP4 a third Part of the
th a f In eA and .richest of Its kind. Tile
Initititu'do followed, and a third part
aurplic" worn at audiences are of
It don't do any good, you know.,
remained, saying, 11IVo t1ilret"; an(]
a third part rose up ta play. (
priceless old lace. Nowhere In Europe
Is there a more va,luable i�nd Inter -
'When folks are feelin' blue, I
Ali* sayin' that they don't know
18. And they played tl,rtor the rash-
cl.9ting collection or old lace.
w.but 6n earth they're goin' to
ton of their country, and thcir move-
Milo elippers; Of the Pope are legion
monts ressrembled the peregrinations,
and casch. pair is of the finest 'velvet.
To woar a sober face an,' ,say you
Or a lien up -on a griddle; w,blob Is hot.
Yet tllc7 seemed' to tlllnk It pleasant,
i Mho, right Alipper, wAsich is kissedily,
pligrim.,; and ot,hor pious visitors,
gaess that they are right
for th(-y shouted for joy.
boans� a: cross Ain gold embroidery,
41" that they might' as Well own
19. Now, as% for them that were
while ou. the left areambroldered the
up they're beaten in the flZilt;
athirat, behold their drinking was
crost. keys, tiara and palliate which
Xtist Slap the teller on the back, and
.atesady, bat their limbs were not so ;
make up -the crest of the Roman
tall him it hWI1 try
yea, they also shouted for jo5r, anti
There Isn't nny doubt but what he'll
Sang amazingly.
But tboallp-pers fade Into Insignfl-
get.there by. and by, .
,20. And they answered, Ono to aiAv
canco before the value of tile Amount -
Ali' Jolly him along; &. bit bp
other, and said, that, notwithstand-
crable, pairs or gloves. These gloves
begins to gria,
Ing the crowing of the cook or the
a,vD Of finest w -bite wool. The wool
An' Pull'; Ills coat Off wItll'a
dawning of the day, they sfi6dd still
Is embroidered In costly pearls.
an' tacki-cs-'in jiglin. �
. partake of th-3 juice of the barley.
Milo material for thegloves, as for
. . .
h e ne a:nother
-all woolon garments worn by tile
There Isn't eany uso, you know, of
with these words-
21, No It came to pass that, as
Pope, IS made from the fleece of a
opesolal Tlook or obeep dedicated to
gittits' In thc�dnmps,
they sat, one came and said that lie
this purpose. an4 bwned.by a family
An' kickin' cause tile 0:1,rds You PlaY
had seen a strange fire in the sky,
tllc6t has since, the middle of the six -
don't allers t.urn up truirips;
but irliat It was ].is could not tell.
t,,entli century enjoyed the privilege.
Why If we never ha,d a care to
;:212, Asia some said, It is the moon;
FTom tilts hord Ulf fifty Sheep a
worry us thor'b'd be
and others satd, It is the sun; anti
number of -lambs axe set aside each
Too much o ' f Jost a. p1moness on this
Same said, Doth the sun rise in the
your, On Ja,i). 21 these lambs are
earth for yotr ,%it, 'Ine,
West ? and Others said, This is not
taken to the Pope, and In an Impres-
ItIa good to Nave tile showers fall
the west, but tbo.east ; and some
alvD coremany receive the papal
dn' klank its down, for then
said, Which Is It? for we perceive
b1cmIng. After that they axe kept
We 'preelate the sunshine when 1,bo
two In the sky.
. for a year at a convent near Rome,
br%lit da�.ys come ag'in,
28. And one Said, I see nothing. NoW
and are oared for in the most Olab-
ora,to, and punctilious fa0blon.
040; ,When the dark days hover 'rounil
the name of that man -was Blin POO.
Taw year "being pa�as(xl, the lambe
don't Show a. droopin' chin,
But pull your coat off with. a jerk
He was the soil of Fill Fee, and his
MOther's name was Hand Fee ; and
are shorn and tile nuns weave the
an' tackle It sx.glin I .
Ills brethren, Bung Poo, Sing Foo,
fb�,ece Into puldmiliq for the Pope. The
pallium, a long strip of white wool.
Greet Poo and Tain Foo, were speech-
a.dorned only by a gold cross at! each,
- 4 1 � - - . . I
i I
eur, datlng back to the early' ages'
A CERTAIN METHOD for curing ersinsps,
diarrhoest nad slyflenter Is by whig Ploys-
Less. I . I
L11. Then ,each nirm bado Ills neigh-
bar farewell, embracing and vowing
ond, As the most sacred of priestly,
vestinente, 1 and 'is worn around the
ere It wao used by the anclenta
ItIller. ThAs ns'edlelneylsas gustitine(l tl1C
higbeat roputation for over 60 yearti. Avoid
Is but "PainkIller'l-
eternal frlexlsd,�Ixip,,and some were
nook and body, the ends falling over
tile 10t shoulder.
medichisal purposes and as a
mulant. This menthol sold in tile
substitutots, there one
110"y Davis% .
1�ornv home Ili Scanty raiment, anti
others In carrIa,gos wIlleb Jingled sis
Uttilly of the papal vestments are
� " .
palilese nod Chinese stores is also
ptoln1ration of pepparineitt used,
drove their
they, went; and others many
own chariots home, and s
set with riall. Jewels amd Stiff wItb
gold &-ad sliver, but these gorgeous
garinentg are seklom worn since the
,centuries by, tile Chinese. I
% M
strange s!,glits-for they f' si,",�'f
Va,tican lost Its tomporal power and
lie inint Julep, beloved by Virgin-
&I Is Ono of the most refreshing
k I
growing anti ditches In the ,,, ,r
I sf� t
the way where they had not per-
the; Pope has given up grand publict
eusumor drinks. Only tile fresh,
M . I
ceived them before.
ceremonies. One of evrJeled robLo.
tho famous cappa wagon, or great
der, springs of garden mint mlioull
M '�
'15. And It come to pass that Isithe
onpo, is, an, thickly set wit gems
used. A good pl,iu In to keep a
morning many Lamented and took no
that Its welglit alone prevented .the
nch of islint washed and laid away
brenkrast that day � and -tile men in
old and frail Popo from wearing It.
the lice, re-uly for usa at Short
The following ainuging account of
white raiment bl�'Ought unto tbetin
Pope Leo XIII. ,vv,A,g fond of Jewels,
tloc. -LVfion needed, crush lia,lf a
a "'-�ca`ttll'ill celebration in Calcirtta a0p;
many cunningAy devimd ftlnks�. yen,
and kcipt a romarkaibly valuable� col -
ssful of tile leaves wItll u woo(Ic,ll
peared All. the Indian Daily I cl�s
plek-ine-ups, rot, their tonglif,s Cloyo
Irction of rings, but only three of
oller or potato masher. Add, it ta-
twonity yearg ago: �
1. It came) to patio, in.. ,the year one
ainto tile roofs of th,vir mouths, and
the spittLL art their beards Was like
them tire official. The flebernian ring.'
cArved with a representation of St.
spoonful each of sugar, pine,-
plo ,and ,orange juicou 'in seltzer
thousand and eighit .bundr�d four-
unto, a small Silver coin, even a, six-
Peter fishing, Is the Pope's official
ter.' Fill the glans, I III with
Amare and one, in ttivo City of Palaceli,
dwelt certain wise men from a far
pence. , �,.!
26. But when thej thought of the
osignot ring, and Is destroyed at the
death of tile wearer, a duplicate be -
lidy and Shaved Ice, I wort a
IS or two of mint, la,y As a few
country beyond the grent --!c.L.
" Ili tit
previous day, they rejoiced ngain,
for they Our brethren whom
Ing mlifulojor hip, fluccessor. .
rice or Wit; of f.-ult, ps t In a,
2. a I �7.ear the ruleru (if tile
city did 0,at which was right in -
we have left ,wIlI bear of it at tbn
Six French torpedo beats h1ave
aw. and sorve, cold. .
their o'%vin ey'do. � ; I
roast of tli.� Xew Ypar, and they will
been ordered to Brest to, chase
tossaperance mint cordial, without
3. Now tlio*ja wise men assembled
remember us and bLe4s its, and our
porpolws away from the coast.
bra,ndy, IS nVado by crushing a
t1lemiietvas togetbor, alid they, sald
licartF.; and hands shall be strength-
where tNey have done much dami.
oil of mbit, rubbing (,,.,tell War
Ono to another, Ile to, lot ur; re-
on-od. for our labor here.
age among the sardines.
Ir the, woodon xifupAer or masher,
member out- brethren whom wo have
.. I I .
a soaking for is, half )tour In'the
loit. I
� .
alned juice of two lemons %y1th
4. For, behold, we be in a far calla- �
carefully gn%ted Yellow rind of
I Cook together a. pint of wa.;
try.-, and it Shall come to pans that
s, Ye be nameless
Women Have
and a pound of granulated sugar
on the earth ; 7o have fled from the
li tile Syrup "spinFi n. tbroad.11
land of your nath4tv, becauno the
ko from tile fire and Stir into It
land of 'yotir nativity"Iff poor. . I
: lonion and .mint, the Juice of an
5. TW4 thing, therqforo. will I ve
Kidr1ey ID i s ea," s e
ago ,and tile spaino quantity at
do; we will ma,,,Icc it great feast, tic
ts�applo juice. 115traln and p�jt all
that the none of whonisoevor wilell-
Ice until cold. the,tis serve In
cth It Shall 'Lingle, .1,1141 we will call
xs glasses..
to mind tile ancient days and the
a (11,ying any -of the inint family
in ,lity deeds of our fatbors.
And Often Mako tfie Mls6ke
of Attributing tho Resulting
winter's use, pick bpfnr,i they
eat, hnn-jr, limdi; down, Ili tilt)
6 Mo they appolnied a day, and
many were gathered togetbe� - a
13ackaohe to
Other Causes
-rot I or Spread off, sheets of Ila-
I mixed multitude from tho Land of
Valcer; and- at Thlbtles, from the west
. When (julto dry, put In Irlper
kr, ,isgain heada down, a Id 'fasten
and train the 'north, and from the
r1,l,S of ,tile ,
1 ,je4l,.
11- 9
Dr. Chase s Kidney
-Liver Pills
litly. suk,pend front the garrot
7. And, behold a ffreat featit -was
Ili for future referonce.-Washlop.
prepared, and Ili I en in white i,alme,ot
nilffloterod unto them, and a rtiler of
,Nfiav women have k1dricy diecas3e
__ __ I
the feast was appointed, and set In
I%li,-1 do not know It. confuso
th - aymptolilig of ki(Inny (118ease with
. 8. And fortliwith to each man waa
U101:0 Ot Alliall"It" Of It feminine na-
given a (writing of the good things of
turc., '%Irts woull warn you against
s Now Treated Aluch tie Otb(Ir Dis.
tile feald, and the writhip; was in a
tilts danger, as Is. few days, neglect
eases, Mental and PhIsleal.
tonglie no man could understand, for
of khIlle disease may mean, years
to a very generally. reeognIzerl
the language waff tile language of
01, 1119111110
tile ,,crapaud,,1 will tit In
1,911frely1119. I
11ttinn In tho -�illall of the back or
I that ap IrriLablo t6mpc,r and
tile lleatilen tongue, 0, frog.
-weaknesti atil Innivness of tlip back
of anger are diseases, and amen-
0. And Some there wore wl'o pre.
are thn wal4t mill,kc-1 symptoms of
e to treatment jua,t an are other
tonded to know the writing and tile
Iddrey' dileslVeR; others ,tile 10-3s Of
dadles. The dliieases, too, are cura,-
Interpretation thereof, no*, tiioqe
rifisit, ,jry, harsh skin, dep-isits In the
If taken In ilaic. Tlley are dis-
were liypocrlte�; for they knew but
trin-!�, awolling of thi, Mot ,tn,l legq,
eo at tile nervos, manifesting:
six letters of the writing, and those
,4 voio )w&%IaAv,R, stl rne,a Mid Role -
involves, like any, other diseases
letters WOrA lI.1.r,;(,G.T.A,, and even
11",90 Of 00 Tall8clev, 1110.11111fttio. pains,
heir own particular way.
I Oslo Init0h, 'was a great mystery.
(<1141 01111.4 11) baelt ilild loins, "cald-
adulit; these maladleR ran Ile of-
- 10. And tile dislips no mirui Could
Ing, litsinful urination, w0arinpaRantl
icurbed, $%lid nometimos eured, but
number -, the people ato m1glitily, &(I
children they, can Ile pfteotllllsll�V �
110 Of Olin hour. And
It were tile Rm
Irl;,,lro I -T, we bviieve, vo prepar-1-
It with. Tile oynip-toint; first V.
110 111.0 V.,Lke to Ilia neighbor till his
iton extant Which affordq. such
niselvea Ili Irrit.0111ty or wolicl-
Inner man wan comforted.
p mupt rAiot for haeltaolle, 410 ill(,
her4s, the child rlying Into a telo-
It. Anil mliAte thoy svte, behold,
ollor (listi�o,,ioltilv,,�Vitil�toill'4 of kId-
ono nimute only,to Ile fidrr
thevo drovir near t1irce mighty nivit
n,V 4l1,-o,uwR Ts,4 Dr. cift,14's's T<Itlll(,V-
t. This Is described an neurasy'lltellIll!
of valor, elothoil Ili inally �olor(fr'
Liver Pills. Tix;tt (11N pr4paratioll'IN
aqtA can be caslIX Cured b.V dlet.
gavolento, and tbor. bore In their
a t1wrough curo is L-vidoilcod VP the
aeores and hundreds of statements
whiAl arn rectsiveil at these Offices
from re, lytitabin people lit till walks or
llfv. .
Mrs. W. Wilkins, H�,iirar street,
r-olloville, Ont., Ntates; III suffered
V6 great deal m.-ItIl pri.111" Ill tile emalt
or Ih,3 back Caused front kIdne,r,
tioublo. Whatimer I stoopi,41 leould
i�.enrr_Iv rloo ngain, the pillis were
,sx) gieti-to Tll,w (INease became So
mwore that It ftffo�-ted lay' generill
linalth, atO I waq bveoullng verr.
owel*. run down. Isince iming Dr.
Clin"'o Vver-XIdnoy PIlM I Can say
that my tro,il)P, has entirely d1w).p.
plared I Olin 'Plivak Ali the highest
:tpjIllj�-,s of tl.la m!,!Iit Inp from the Wa,r.
it act' N -I In livy ca'se. I .
Dr. tlavt'n 1,01ti-y-LIver Plils,one
plil it dow�. ,.,.- cotltti a box, at all
41onlers, or TP(Anittilivon. D,%tf-s ,04 Co.,
Irlorolito. To, plot4vt yolt agalfiet
Inittationq Or, liorti-nit, And ilignA.
turn of Dr. A. W. Clvtsro are on everl�
box. I