HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-08-06, Page 2� - I I - � I - . . � - - - - - - � - . . � , I � I I I , 1, , 11, 11 1. I . r r I � . I . I I � . . . r " I .w1w
. . I � 7=4=,7��! 7!7�_�.. . , �. . , . � � , I � - I . . _ .. i , I I I � 4 - I "::'!I: " ---""," , '!.,! I't .! ? ':: ::.'::' ". , , I r . � r .. r I r I I � . . .. . . . I -1 . 1. - --- . -1 I I �
. . I , _11- . -11--- - , , - - 1-11 .1.11 .- - I � ----- --- _11- - I -1 - � . _ I __11 �� _7 I ! , __. 7 7 1, . _7 7_7 I I - . � .r '! . . � ::: "'� _ =: 1:11:: :::',.Il !--,--- , !! ,,-! ! .!!!!=1_7_ _� - r - :: :, . ! .,,�,!' !!'_�! . . .��. � .- � 16_-� - -.1 - "' - I . . . r I _ ____ ". � ., , , , -1 'm �
I f
tile rol,* walker, as the horso to
t lie cowboy. wwu tile wat ers it r e ,
thsir WkIdoat they 4ra -,%t homm,
RUM IN ':: whon the wind whistlon over Its
craut In hurricane tlw�'? are not I
Tber soak the French
1:=1114i.. they are as traftnble 4si
I 9 1k
,,,,,,,. r ,,,I thpy U!,
,tvo appatitesas
NEW WNISS10, � prodigious as their strengthi and I
--- " - vtwploot 11"(1 WO13 Itumulo 11104110 V VVV'
%) , day. , 00010 , (j()(I'S Own ChO06111g, th44 by Tile
, S most skilful of forts of IUQ,u I In. I
'r I ... . stances, tile ran or Jorlokop, tile tic, I FORTUNI TOLD I
INTURNATION&L LESSON NO. VT roat of tile 311olariltoo by 0111con ,
AUQVWr-0. 100at and the) defeat of tIlO ArtVY Of No- I BY DIRTHMARKSO
. * 135)
___ - naoliorlb (11. XtIngo X11k. 1 - Otc# I
. '11110 victory Is complete# tile (1110 qp#*#++###"r #+#####*+##*+*
I David and Gollath.-14.1-ain. 17:&440. unprotected spot Is. found I)y tile: .,
. ; i8ald On, oI4 nis a or the nn -I
. ,�Inoly guldod otolles [Law I av . J�
Uravery. Sho tly beforo Ua,�-#r J. 5. Pond,ho3tvog bxought two ,Toung debu, Commentary. -r, David offers to (111 glant rails , arrived baby she had come to sea;
, r forest Oak the great
Vear Ualkitown to Itiver, Men. I the, Necture bureau expert." asta -known actrass tight Goliath (vs. 32-87). Via giant r) the ground� lild tllroatfj "Tal.5 child'a going; to be prattX and
V,m Is unktl0w.u- to tile 44441C And -teken with wItat p,rov o w, sltv,st up to our well - . orashIlig t, lgrow up to m , alre a fine wars, . lage.
r , ed 1, be Ilia and introduced them. Goliath, wbO cA1118 6ut As 08 chum' and curves recoil UP011 111MR311', Ills ')
Current of Famous M*rfall `hn.rd;N, Aver men. w,bg, do the most I last Illuesg. lie -was entertaining "Vin sure you will like eaelt other, Is h310. Ter. 14110 gat & viola just above her
pion of the Philistines, "belonged own sword cuts Off It 0
ha , I for they '41�ro American14, tog, M , ror seizes the PI'llistinull, %V11110 11 .1 "
aa,xdelua work In this enterprWe. threct friends In his off,we at Ever- I Iss the ; moat n tho right 'side, a id that
I . i Wfly thtq reach out over the rap- p,tt Ifloust-, IvIlell one Of them, in George," mid tile titled lady, as it to the prliultivo� race of the Ana. caini) of Israol rings IvIth ObOlItO sign never, f4JI0,11 ,
y thilbore In porsition; commenting upoll the Majarls boo1c. that "ttled the question of the k1m, of x0lich tile Israelites bad r1lbe forturio tollors and readers or
is to be Turned, Back. 1,1,% laaclog lleaN I I of ilotoryl, There IS a perl'00 .
. I found ti, small remnant at the time 01 tile birthmarks all asorlbo lairiortanee to
a false utep, would mean an (44wful 4 -Tho Xecolstricities of Qeu.u$; matual coteem of the aptreas zind, the rout; not only are many
. death. With thD din .Ind roar of,thei asked . %Nb,.vtante,9- , of the *conquast, 400. years before enemy slain, but their 0jit-1 Ile- Incleso (1colarixig tlmt every person
1. - 8
1 1 turbulent waters ringing In theIr %-�Njapr 0 it . . xiii 3,1 3a; Josh. XLV. 39). , bcars isornoyhero oil Ills body tile
. �venl havo at one till, 11 .,I Miss George, Usbing to be cordial, 0* u In * come a spoil for tile I-VILIM00,
�, mrs the workmeo-Inova aboutou t4o, anatlie ebrIties.1 greeted them pleasantly and re. These, driven'Out by the Israelites, flow b1ton, the courilgeous 'Ict Of mark or tIQj*Mgu or Planet wMvIi was
danu 'u-blelt trqpibios aiid vibrates, Tell Die. What st)rt of edmi). , vrison marked, with tile Intention that attached themspIves to the ,Plillls- one has InspIrod a wal,titisdQ to In 0191 ascendancy at the t1gio of ins
I 6 t1longla od with beavy, chains. woulil you maka between Talmage � tlXo lostess� aj3 well as tile girlS, tines; and Goliath appea,rs V) have
A CHEAT WORK AT FALIA' - occur � � , ligrole de.eds, We should look 1,)r birth, and that actiordliog to ti.16
. -
ropes and timber and tens of thou-, , aboulil hour her; � been one of a family of giants, all T1 In color, ehape and location of tile mo . 10
I . I r.1-sida of tons of Stone. There Is a ard -Mark Twain 2" "Did you not enjoy the beautiful of whom were slain by David and victory, throughf God's 11011), Ova tho Individual olm.racter and destiny
'That is ratb��r it Idifficult ques- - Ida man (11. 8am. x,.). 15-202). Go- the most trying circumstallOOS. can be dt.-Irted.
iswlisli and hiss of the da,rksoula whirl- tIon to Anowe,r,,, replied tile Major, singing In the dining hall ? And the
04k,11 is 130ing Unilt to pry t�p th� , pools; c43 tbe turgid Dow of wsi.ters with M i1I1$CbI0V01I8z' tWI-111,10 III Ills acoustics were perfect, were they liatli!s kelght, has been variously . Bloloo ,r,, clio right 61do of the body,
, _ ti.%tters against the ramparts these' eyes. ,,But U you .%vill 11roullse not not ?" estimated at from Iiine to eleven . I gonarally are -ymbD]IoAl of goW.
aring - ar foot. His armour , Is estlin,ited to 6"P-1--N--0111_-*1' �,_ -_ , Afoli�vq on the left slop, considereg as
*%Vatersot tiae ItIver W,d-ft well .are creating. 1'erha.,v they 0 to ask me .*LXeIaatE,, fil &,ly this. ? "Yoo,z.11 sild one of her fellow- I- - -.-.-.--- - - - I ____
%vork o, Aftan - vien who, 4;o%*C�4o valled heroes. One (if 'th*ip'lled only when lie had Asnerleane, with fttlilwasm, ,,those Imro welghed about 157 pounds; - . . . i a. whol(�, In(Acate advarse fortune for
y zL mnij t,wr Can; � Their& may not b., tha-laurels of Vie- to. and the Zither Iled wInther lie acoastics we're the best 31 over ate. while tka head of his sph�ra welgh- � the pooseBsor.
tory in a way, but theirs to tho con- had to or Dot.,,_Now ,York Times, , 'I� � . " ed about nineteen pounds. NOne, of A mula on t
,,. _. X* I sa-al's Sol I d0knOtOIS S haPPy', OL I essful lire, but
4, Iliver Men.— Quest for coulluerce. azd the Illue- . . __ diers dared 'to fight' wltu The 11arkets '] i hei bq ,k of the neck
When Nlagara, w8w first har- trations are; Wat inuto witnesses of Senator Sibley, the famous trot- A party of bu,slnosa men In the of- hisn, for no one could okyericome I , I � - ~~0%0%0V!7%- ' Inoloatew that tho�Pca--esoar must be.
nassed for electrical ,power nobOd-Y tIlO grim serlou,eaiess of their work. f d1scussing him with. -the ordinary weapono.ot . Z14--mi-A-Z '. � � ; . ^w"~%P%,-J I waro or
that T thig borso breeder, had taken his lea Of Henry Mews were war. P -it just at this point David D tho Water, obould keep an
,conjectured that in a few ,Vearo 04 family tP the country fair. andwas thO automobile wldle� the stocks went bq� on tbei safety, rope wheii surf
I *;Somf'r. Value spoke be pointed to'a appeared oil the Scene, a Toronto Farmers' Markets �
now ,bvt of harness would U3 used.1 arm sa of twisted and walking about th,i grounds Sur- tumbling The banker took part Ili nd, ,much I thing,and be careful about going
r, a, recent t Itment of Saul. offer- Aug. 8. -Tho off - out In. small boato with Inexporlencud
%t sna btrolmn 'un'led ,rsation to recall . Q tile astonis clings of grain on ,
ucj4 only for the arresting -and boams. Those beams were set out by Ills *,voinigsters - ot tho coilyti ad to champion the 'cause Or Israel tile 6 ontinuce srivall, skIppoze; for there Is a4 Indication
. which Ito has something less than incident ILt Newport. 1VbiI3 one of treat market a , i
curbing of the watt'rWl's great from the'dam upward in the river a dozen -when he felt, one f tI the , elderly natives was Inspecting and go out and moat the Phills- with Slight variation in ,pr1cos. of an untinsuly ond by drowning, con -
8 PUT- far the purpose of breaking the force (11 , lea, tine, 'At first Saul hesitated, but pled with the good fortune, In this
power. but for tLe t3tupendou ' tugging at his coattall,% ks 11�- vqo, of the, newer forms of a. motor Wheat 1301A UnChUD-ged, 100 11118hels I
Or tlio current to assist In making w ,, Clews Davitt soon convinced the RIng th4t 110'rosgope. �
po,se of turniniW the mighty rusbIng ' turned. -the youngster, .3 1 ch stood at tho curb Mr. of red being traded in at 77c4 Oatli
for the safety of ilia vanguard of asked: "Ayell. what would 7ou call lie possessed the elements necessary .sell ,at 36c, 500 bushels being dealt A brown or bonvy-colored mole on
carrent oC the r"Ver ba�ekward In Its wOrker& But shortly the rapids Implored his father to bi� I It ?11 for success, and Saul reluctantly ILI. tho, w1ge, of 'the t thin 'Indicates for
de toy balloon. ) �
coume, sa,ys a Buffalo _5p&tcll. have now wa,,sbad this guard away, ',That,"* replied the old man sol- consented to his going. DaN'ld 0 Hay rulptl lilgher, 15 hia(10 of now, , tbo, b-iby '61 either sox a felicitous
� Smashing and twisting the beams as 1, Buy It ,yourself," said tile ton, I marriage and long life. It each a
yet ti,at is last what is belug done wealthy Pennsylvanian. '*Where's emnly, "is the late lamented back- staicinent (,vo- U-37) shows t1fathe selling around $8 to $0 PDX' .
lt tll�y were matches. They are board died and gone to eternal pun- - had (:I) courage, (2) strength. # (3) while
farther down to- the mickel I I .one load of Old haY sold at , cilln mole, be black the meaning is
at the, prag�out time- it is all enter- . tanglIt on a rack ,gave you a moment I-,-bmeut."-New York Vince. agility, (4) confidence la his Own $13. Thoro -was no straw offering I reversed. I
1�rL,* that has been undertaken by ward t1le talls. but when the first ag<)'�11 .- __ ability, (5) humllvty. (6) persever- , Dressed hogs are In Itirilted Sup- A. mola In tile hollow, of the cliln
,capl_ blgh. wind comes on they will go to "It's down mv neck." .
ame,rlcan energy and Callad' 11vc1l. Walke it out;. said Mr, .V student noted for life careless- allc. M wlEdom, and (S) faith In i ply, with prices higher, at $8 to , de.note.11 a quarrelsome; 9fontentious
tag. and after !hIcc Molths"11101f tile join tbo &-illy debris of the distant Sibley. , ness In dress once approached Prof. GOLL 1;� 0 1 (11,41lost tion, wifflo, a mole of any color
rk it is announced by tl,e e whirlpool. I I Simon Newcomb, of the Johns Hop- 11. The weapons chosen (vs. 38- "'�; ,
wo ,Ugi- . � � r0lowing is the range of quot-a- ! 0" a woman's under lip signifies ]in -
"I eawt", pobbell tile, little sh-I'v- 40). Z.11. 39. His' armor -The word providonce, folly and slothfulness.
atm�rs in el�arge ;that success seems Task is Aluays Perilous. or; "it wap In my m.)uth. when it, kins Un1w,rsity, for advice. Ile was . for "armor" in the P.avised Version t1dils: A mole oil the left,side of the upper.;,,
to be .is;bar&1 ;qr the great 'task The work Is at all times perilous, went down.'�-_New York Times. � thinking bf leaving college and going I * VhcAt, white, bw,hel, 77o; rA,770 Ili , _
in hand. ,� - Is "apparel." "Probably a special. lip forr,bodeo collba,cy and a close- ,
- � but the climax is reached -wben � intc. business, having had a flatter- - goose, 72c; poAs, 75) to 703; oats, fLotW thaposItion in mail or woman,
"ann6d to. bmt back tile ,Taeques Folsy takes the soundings � Grace George, Just returned from' Ing offer, 6 to a7b; li%rley. 42 ,to 4-10; bay, i
it ja 11, military dress adapted to be worn , ,.
9WIftly r-IaJf4Xsg- rapids, dam thcir' in advance ofthe darWa course. The ZDglaukl. t�Als of a gnat blow to I-er "NOw, ,You know my case, pro- with armor."a-Cam. Bib. Coat of, , and also Indloa,too. that existence
" oIJ, per ton, $12 to $13; new, .V8 to , ' .
414y.v, dry up %he bod of the river , last soundings revealed a depth. In -, pairlotle prh1r,. $he was Invited to � fpswr," lie said, "and if you were mail -The ancient Hebrews were $9;,straw, .�S.i-iO to 510; apples. Per I will be hard.
above tl-e tatla for twet" acres, , Jho rapids of twenty-four feet, .r. C I � particulariy attentive to the .per- bbl., $1.50 to $2.50; dressed hogri. & mole on the throat W an unlucky
Zbell turn back. the current Jnto a Timm beams were placed out la these . * ,inner by Lady.-- at a ina- In my Shoos what would you do " sonal safety of their NvArriors. onion, meaning trial and m1stortutiv.
new 011alixiel t,> be erecteKI fol; p n1ficen'. mansion in Kensington, aiid I The professor looked v .18 light, $7.50 to ,�,S; cggs,, fra.,-h, dozen.. A girl baby having a mole on tho
art rapids. secured by ropes. andFolsy, was trcatv4 after the dinnor to sonie' .and rrV.1ed .* - cry serlo' - '�T`llp coat 'Dr mail wAs usually 19 to 203; batt' --r, ZU'ilry, 26 to 183;
oc the ocoliu-se. A shart. wLI Ulm be .attired In his usual costume. and- made of leather or soma pliant i-aluery, 19 to :!03; clilakens, per loftside of the forehead -wIII be inar-
. -9inging by a celt-brated vocal-, 'Knek them, of ecrarsel"-N. Y. material. �onietlmes covered with er rl(xl twice and be apt to be -estranged
M110 _
WIMIZ tO, a d011th Of 100 lVetb and without even removing his overalIEZ, LA. On the veranJah afterward the I Times. ^ pair. 63 to 8-3o; ducks, per pair, 60
urougb thlis diverting of th�! W-%- - I"ped on' upon them. It the ropes : ractailLe scales, and capable of to 75c; turlwya, por lb., 1:2 to 140; from her kin pooplo and perhaps re-
ter wto ti,e� Zhaft tlit,.� electrical � SJ.;uld li��ak. of he should slip, It - � . I . taking Aho form of the parts of potatopp, Dow, 'buishpl, 6) to .700; side In foreign lands.
power will b� ,created. To loarry , t!�.(� bearas should overturn and It - : the body it protected." -Bib. Die.. anions, P big U-) to 70ul; cabbage, i A' mole on the right side of the
awaS tta water after it has bewil I one of those angry waves shouid"
,Xs�hl a tuDual 2,200 feet loal " will r1sa Jast a little, higher 1 But F bisy
Le built .a,6 a dt-pt-h ciC 1-77 feet b'L- thinkfil Vothing of 'all this, but corn- .
low tbi� be& %)f the rapidst. tIlder -
rLe very braw od ttf.� f,alls 'will bet m* neas to lower the iron bar that
tte amit ot the tunnel for the dto.- is marked off In feet and Inches.
,"I arge oir the tail race water, Selting this bar, tile current en-
Starxed Woa, bt the Spring. I deavors to wragt it,from his hands.
. Under the most favorable conditions
it w." early In tlie sWinz---about, and with feet well planted up,in
Assayed to go -Endeavored to go. . per dozen, 50 to 1 7.5c; cauliflower, per forehead Indicates a person of inde-
Cannot 'go wttb. these ---The shrewd dommi, 75c, to $1; beef, forequarters, i pondent Ideas and one apt to take
practical sense of Da,,%id admon, $4..NO to $5Z�0; hindquartors, ,'�:B to tile initiative 14 enterprises. Ex-
� Ishad him of the ,'.-.Ily of attempting $:); beef, choice, carease, $7 to $7.,�O; plorers and Inventors have this
. such a combat i-_I�b weapons with medium, carcase, $6 to $0.50; Jamb, mark. if ilia mole so Situated is of
which' lie had no skill. -Terry. Put yearling, $6 to $7; ,spring, $9 to $10; pronounced size and color -it be�
- them off---�'Tllle was likewise from Inutton, $3 to $G; voul, $7 to .59, tokens tile Inheritance of legaples and
the Lord, wbo would have It made 1 Toronto Fruit blarke(s. linndllng of much money. �
manifest that His servant fou -ht' notes opposite each other on both
and conquered by faith and trL�t I Becelpts of raepberries weril only
-L, $
U17�9 .L%9---�"i*1 a ZrOQp 0- Men � the firmest nd, to take tile Sound- sidem of the. neck or.ohesr wretiell
trals rapids woald be . I the quality or the arrival.1 was good.
on the s�zore by the rap.ds ab,ove, Irgs of Xing,, the victory was from mus, who.1.1no'lerately heavy to -day, nithougli a Struggle for wliatever IS tile pus-
N iagam Horseuhoe Pads when, a Pervious task, but here ttands There an�, feT�ts about Some or the passes rathek from father to dauglim works by the most despised means I Prices remain about steady at 6 to sessoes aim in life, whether it be
Jacqu��s FoIsy, a zive'r man. girdled Successful women in tile 'Cambpdge tar vwtl Irtom mother to son than and Instruments. --Scott, I
IN)Im�, on three d"cing timbers, low- trom each Ixi,rent to the obi,*d t)f , 40. His staff -His shepherel's crook. 71-2e per box. Thi.inbleberriea are I fusno, or LL love match, or Io6 some
by a Trall rIV.e, w-imt o", into the tring the rod much more at case T -'IPOs leadi'llr to the) 11,YPOthesis that &foring fra-ly, and are quoie,1 nb(m t pot principle or Ilobby, No )Gmooth
.aroam ana drale a spl:e Into a the game gender I It will be obvious - rive smooth stones -Had they been I
tim.n tile spectators on tile 411m' tile faculties of the male parent are how much the world has lost by rough or angular, they would not steadyat 7to,W� A fewred currants or flowery path ,awaits tho'PoSsesli-
crevice lu 411a ma,s4l."e, tablea", Of abc,ve. Vigorously he battles with inore, likely to lie are coming In, and they isell at 05C or or such birthmarks, thongir, vic-
v4x-k� liNo-day a party 4at New Yorki 11ransmitted to I the failure through so many gon- have passed eas*,Lv through the air.
iall to sons. _ �voment may be the
I ard tilt � br.,Pttoal d.- ng1j. arke. vlw-pherd's , per ,b ory and noble
d- tbe w.iit,r � . -,.I tht , to 70- asket. Black currants
Eze&an"J ex,-te-rts is gul*rinten , ,,L,r4s tl It. Is a I orations to develop the fall powars CL E bag -Used to have began to show signs of tile t
A , , ' 'k sp-3t ' 20 'CaPS T h1s dally fcicit]. Sling -A. favor- ultimate and.
tte (111flewt and ,dangerous task 'L traek he marks tilt ZiL M Diatter 4Uf 11 . that a i �f worlivii, by education for them in "rr- end oif the season, but qnotatiolls k mole 011 tile light Side Of thf)
Aghtly baie,k to tile crib. Then Mr. otoriety already I UP Arvapon of eastern -shepherds- .
'da-M=ing t1-0 rapld.s aNn*, thwst& ra- very c'ever man has usually had al tile first p'ace, and bj, encouraginnent are unchanged at SO-- to 90t, per .
TDona,ey finds that the Iron bar . Bill. Dic� The sVin- was a formid- upper Up. just a. suspicion abbro-ilvA..
mous V-at,P_LrThlI-,mL mother of exceptional abilltl�m In,. for tbt,ir exercise in later life, baeket. Wce'p.s o.' Cunad:au pmews - rare good -fortune. ,k
, -
a , 1*
11^.trioal 'E'a2rv. to equal 3-:ZZI.0320 has been sUghtly bent by tile force dividual IllustrOttions are too numer- If It becomes clear that Me nble weapon In. the'liand of a skilful are, increasing. Prices ar 'I At mouth, means
ioi the water, whiOn rusIms, lKy at n are at-. person. A ,Auite could W- hurled with 1 girl child so blessed is bound to be
bou.sa power is to be dtnelaPINI lr= the rate of twenty-five miles ous and. indeea, too familiar for me rvrtted chlefly by their mothers , in- a velocity that ,would make It as steady at 25 to 35o par basket. I married between the age of 10 and
tl,is eourtk, and tbe Wst W, the tm-1 an to enter upon at this DX�mcnt. It tellectual powers, and that fathers fatal as a rifle ball. It was a very C nadian pears are commencing -to
terprl.S-e vrLzen i,_vk,rsth�ng 48,00mPlete hour. . - :a' 1 24, and become an axcellent wife and
may be said that whenever awbo.'e must pass on their abLitles throagh common weapon in David's I ,
, . time arrive, and are melling at 40 to a
ana in rea.Umess for toa pemer to I . . exemplary mother. Health, discre,
do. lis werk will ba clo&,, to $7,00L%- r.-Ittle With _'%axnres Might. family of sons have proved tbein- � thruir daughters malnl.�. li Seven hundred left-hand 50z per basket. Domestic plums are
I ed Denjam- , V.W, 6guilng forward in a few Iots tIon and engaging qualities are Iker
selves, to be men of exceptional abil- Of course the absurd st,alement W13 ites could sling at a bair's-breadth
coo. 72te S,%--d1cate intero-ted in tLe And so tl;e battle between man lt,y, ' I and sell at 40 to 503. Early apple6l endowment. 'A boy baby.with ibis
Work is t�a mectri-a-al X-)eTelopmemt. and maturte goe& On right royally. us in the case of the Pollocks ba frequently repeated In this tran- and not miss. are quoted about steady at 20 to mark I:as the prospect-*ot a success-
tudy 111. David and Goliath meet fvr, 11
M. .18 tag,. as It Is com- a been a person of distinction In their youth %rill not ba able to be -47). ,1143* T'll,llqine came on-
;L-,=4aZy Or omzarlo. amd some Of, Aiang the daz and tbe Naplere, the miather baa ai- sItion period, tbat women who s I
I W1a`.T SM par basket. In'fore*gn fruits ban- � ful career, b600red and.-helov4d by
tL-e beet enng�xeering ts�ent oC Am- P�cted. =Us are laid -and car after I ana.,;y are quoted considerably easier Ills contemporaries,
ee= lias beem ,called into requisl-' car of stones are hurried fonwar,,l and talent w�io had Impressed those mothers, or that on their being so ff�Vaih, "In Ills shining armor, with at 75 t(> :$2 per buxiph, and ot"her Soy attends those' perions with
tion by tbe concern. who: knew her with her great quali- I thcIr chi3dren Will Suffer. Only a h7s dreadl'ul c1nn'-dr- tramp under ,
I fznt! 44ropped into the protezting z t ,s. frulte are about unabanged. nioles on the right logs or thIL-lis.
R',&Iless- was'less IQ IU Q111W97- --mis of 'the cribs. tic ConvAnely, it is notorious, few daTs pgo I read in a little �Opl_ Ilia Lundri-1w&ght ot - :IlAal." Looked
. ' '
e:rarnizo along with the I Of a'- But ev,en afi�r all the peril . Low, often &1ever man- haTe ZODS who 11 umn that Is Stereotyped fora large about---�"111'� scanned the wlicla scene I Toronto Live Sto= Market They will not only have abounding
" I good - luck,. but will be of the dit;.
and - do not do �astiea to the pare4tal liumber of provincial papers tl�a nind cc-uld hardly persuade himself, $,r joy, .
r4aMr. tLe tflak 'Of So VV.rms tor- danzZer a con-nrelition ';his dam is ' , Exportcattle,m choice..... 150D to '
1-12t z'ZbOve th-V FaILS Is a Parilo2s hat -a tr=,PC,=r_y affair, and buzU as - rt,zard. Uatill no,w it haa statement, made as If it were an a4l. 1 ill -i z xb], boy was, lin'tters ch.XIDPIGII.�' I Export cattle, -choice, per owt I 60 t o 491' position to ce.,strile all things for
� ",;iPcS4b'C. to view this problem J-2 ! D' ,line do other . .................... A to o 46 good and create their o*,n happi-
0M. T�� Y 1LL-3 10-a.-Ist who Tidts st.-,tej, for 7Lbe p�arpoga or draining . mitted fact. that "a b1galy.educated 1 130- ,3 lilm-Gc1latli sermRi In- I t 0
v_ere hears a cew sc.-ind. It uLqed to .�fl tw4,lve acres of the river bed to , tbc reverse side, In other words, it I woman raroly gives birth to pi?rfeet 4 sulte.1 III rc Such a young, nilarniva docows .................... 310 to 380 DOES. ., ,
bid -is DavM shou'd approach 11 , Inferlorcow.,t ................. 200 Lo 310 ;,,L molo or two on ,the right foot
b63 I h,z boo= ior the water alone. but the left bv t!j& v_�,1n;ft,ffi&n -Me ii1st Is only I'ItelY that we have been cldldren.�' F-tperlence has, however. Im. Hutchens'cattle, picked ....... I 60 to 4 75 .
� i
row Is adde-4 tl�e dull lea-ack-rhuck , -above the falli_z When for iie r'h_Zt � ab:e to Jadge whother the Intel- proTcd that this is an absard fabri- Am I a eog-lle burbs a thrust at. Butcher,? caLla, choice ...... L 4o to J 60 betokens an equab'e, peace -loving
tf , Im David, ru-rgesting that Ile J,neW DO, ' Butebere cattle, fair ......... 4 00 to 410 tomperamont and .� moderate degree
k "leavy ziaebinery. the &r�e�k Of t", i In the, history of elv3"m ilon Xcinal ,brilliance of 1 -be father wag cation. LLt this -fact be no'ted and - Good cows ..................... 8 25 to 360
. -1 is Laid oar,e,, an arm '-Ike�v to be reflectf--I in that of the 1 mmembvred; it bag be2n shown by I more than to control Ills Shepherd, do rou.-Ii ................... 2 5o to 3 oo of success In 1jusiness undert,ik-
peny eng;mo& the rattle of Zerr*C1-.% this riwr b� i dogr� and ignorantly .-UPPOSed lie . Sulls, export. hes.vy� ......... 3 50 to s, op $ngs.
ztw falling o: ateres and the thhud wal be tralit to 41verz thc, vvattvr'daug�hter. i��7i,rong reason Las now. 4 inTc--tigation both in England nnJ: could be as suco�sslni With bim. By do meillurn ................ 3 09 to 3 to
8 : wAhin its area. The water will4rop. been gl4ven in successive Tears in the in Anirrica tbat tile riaiia"Itv am-' h. gods-Tbesa gods were -such as do light ....... ............. 2 75 to S 00
A1 bp-ama in their tunit,ling. It seem. ,1. mole on the arm just abovo the
almost like sacrIlege to eriter this , 7160 feet into. tho wheel. olt, wb. jc!n � Camb I ',-on, &ial tird Astarte. Th -2, com- do medium ................ 350 to 3 75 py Oman, Insuring love and the ea-
. bridge lists tG sappose that, Ougst the eld'dren of College t;alted. D"g Feedem short -keep ......... - 100 to 4 30 wrist, if on the rightside, Is a liap-
f"Imma;ry of nature, bat the spirit wa: be emeavated !n they rock, wid giris nre ppot to intent %beir fatheVs r4otherz Is considerably lower than ba� thus %voame a question not dollght .................... 2 75 to 3 03 team of friends and associates to the
'Dr commercialism dots not at -and ,on, thm�ugh this drzp the J-23,()J)a Ilor_;e chara,cterlst!a mental pow,ers. Miss 14 that ,of the --children b3ra to the na- iercLr bemween David and Go.14.1h, Stcekerpcholce ................ s 3o to 3 *,0
.0em-'aar and cleniands as trihzte � pow.�r will be obtained. Thz wh�,I Fawcett, thirteen ,vears .e do light .................. 3 oo to 3 &) - P088cEsor (luring ii. long life. A
0 mole similarly situated on the left
I ')P 403 f4 -'et IN99 -'Ml 23 fe-A ,ried ,off w -1 -al CambridgeB ,con-:dders brought cat here by an inquIrx in- 4%, .15. u,oms to me. -He daIes, Da- I klich cows, each 3000 to 50 co
-.be poT,-e,r tbat for eenturles has been �, N' w;ll I a,-0, cal'- LIO-1 as a who' . This fact was tut llptwepn God and Idols. I Etooker.s, common ............ 25 to SW
wasilag Itself In foam. witie, ;and lo generate tb*.s ll,.�wc-r its pm. a-er -�A,aro.__lt bei, I arm signifies tlie power of fasaina-
I . M .1g 1 slituted by the Fricelpa-1 of .Newn- zu! to xentura w,ar, d -111 -Ina I -e' Export eww. o -.;h::,::::::::- 365 to 3 16
I ten penerat,-L�rs of 12,500 btmse izurer �. - �lverjj� ,r; -who found botb tW-. the wlse� r.-:1 ez:hlbit We great strength in 1311ckl%Pti cwt ................. 3 40 to 3 75 , I
1Z!21c,ma,t.ea, 1:_ ,t_ tion ,but Indicates fickle fortunes for
Will Take Three Tears. � I bum,
dL PUI,i_ '�' � 'h *,*** 250 to 350 Us bearer. -N. Y. San. �
ng h
.:each will be used. The tunnz'2 ta, Varxt in t1lat -s-abje&t, -ab3,ve t'"-Sen� braln-tral-Ded wousen are, as indee 'AM into pleew. Then zal.1 'WL,f'" .. .
It is e�611mated tIL'it it will ta7gs earr,y avimy the weter fmm, Qk'-;; 1r,3 ' - �_pririglambs .... . 260 to I UO .
-a:- Wrang:cr�" We2l, ter tatlier in common st-32se wou'.d expect, r.j�Dt-e D-a,TI4-T,here was no rn�stake aboutl do per Ill ...... *.'.*.*.*.*.'.'.*.*.'.*.' o ol�; to 6 os .
LIINDLI ye.1ra at least to Complete leet ,lrcrp wM In itself r."uk .i-� one - �day h3,d been t1e, SeTenth Wrang- L-necessful as mathers ondged by The tb*lr coming together. It was in-, Calves, per lb .... � ............. 0 03;� tl 0059
thO TROIX a2d when 54,'CO-Plished t1`6 of ille mos -t daring eagInmring re-n-ts -s i 1:WTei6 Per h3ad .............. 2 06 to 10 DD CURE FOR REPTILE BITES.
A'at -Till be �0116 ;unique in the, annals of the ilay. This tunilel lez� And -,z_)m this year, theree is nv-L)ria,lity of their affspeing) than Ube - tell&d. D46VId spo�ke witb 4tB m3ch .
- *L zl-3 ,2.:, it _
w- do per lb ................ o4 to OW
of eL,glreering. W,Le money is b- Te 1±�e L',ustratizan of Professor Huxl- U1 E -=_-e rnn of , - mz2, waq d!sa I aszararaee -'s d1d Goalatli, and , fe Tlog-s sc!oct� per cwt.. ........ 0 25 to 6 oo
� .& � -
.ct jl�gvl, . :, !� :W C WV ZIR f -no sz.'nme Lr=mse of tha contrast 1 Hog-_ ituh per vwt .......... u to o $kin ol'the Rattlesnnkz Will Neu(ral-
�,3 1-,, fej?, wi 7-a tjz�d ,.,, We
Ing ,supp;I_%d by Canadian capItall-e-ts. - 1��Z T - . SLIM, -164 In ME smdent days tkaz a ]argrer proportion of oid Ila- t, 00 00
� 0 4 letlt ben
.;�,aih the ri�yer b--.1 it
bmt itx, v,ork of construction is In , w.jv )-.-- lined with tile hardes'. 27z� TLI-a Wmarg:,Er. Tha loading 0�9-1 I�Es In' N-twnham tbempelves enjDy- bet-veen t1e*r a-utborlt,y. Hast de -1 Uogs.fht, per cwt.'.,, ......... 6 00 to 000 ize Other Saake Polsons,
rril e1mrg,i ,of A=-erlcalm Beverley �;!�k -.Ind ooncrete, aDC2 the opeml sdza' Nwremen sl;ovv a timilar straking i va better he-alth tban Ibe avelza fi-d-DaTld trarsted in lbe Go.1 wbom,
9 5e G61*_-,-. -IeIiEd. Zma relied upon Him Bradstreet's on Trade. " I reckon I got the first snake bite-
Val-Je. M AM. SO-- 0 F. Of New 'York- �' to carry out the water for th9whce3 runtcrd, INUE& 7.1=sey, ,vr,i�a was a few J cl vvemt-n ganneerally. Nobody den;es of the zeason " Laid O.,kL Perrin, tho
is Ibe resident eagineer. assisted by pit Nv,.Il . a =ade in th- wa I es ea-fely as GoLath did upo-,l We - Iry AfontreaA WhOlAsale trade is 4
'r) .-- , 11s �_:r ra-zk yenirs aw Se -al --r Clasde-ths fIrst I timt cTer-study is darg-ezzius,, thh"s b:s szvord and j�asar aii-1 pla,velcal suffering sOnie from the holiday 19 -year-old son of Urs. E. `M. Per -I
W= 'Mornley. Do' th mon w-�re for- urderneath %he fail& ptrisan ia t' -e rirst c:a_ss �men nad J Is &a ,-rre-Epective of sex. Wilen a I power. season. A, good many travellers or rill, of No. 223 West' Ybpletetnth
maerly Ilent"Ified wlt;i. rapid transit Ivo=�-n botb-) In the Clazzloal Tr�jpos - man poes in for high honors in ex- � 46, 47. -17-11 �ths Loid idvUTer-This - bMdness men are bolidayin i avrnue, as he held 'up to view a
work 11a New To-rk. F. & Parsons, oft . Most Startling of All Places. -bad a llathFar amd a7m an un --le i � ziminallrine te ,does sia at a certaln �L _ _ 'J�� la.Ugr . g ana 1swc-17en foreflngvr, IiTua to the nalf.
,�_L� t�
I 1�
ler .Sa the scene is no longer ==- V01c, b-nd takn high C.asslaal han-j r.sk. Eat -tbere is no proof at pm-, =. y kmor,__H.ere tl-.e Ian i �I thought I was gone, and I suppose
N --w yorX is Vie cons,alting esgino 4 , _,age of ,� -eeriness now to
�L Earth them is not that I
L guage L-3 Operate for the fall as wIII be dis.
"Dil L. Co,�-Per. 0,1SO %)r .New YOrk, IS ' z-,�Iet,oly one 6T nature's granda-ar zrs at the same UL-32versity. lZi at- Sort, that, the n"Sl- to wozulen Is . i7v;;P-et1?. T:f-,3, assz-mblvDavld pla,rad in the near future. The sort- '
, . would have gone it I �iadnit rnn
,be, ,chia-f kydrauVe expert. : almg the talls, for two Tp.mpanlies ztbtr .year, !Ess Alfon-2 came cut in' muc!i, or Indeed anT, g-reater tham'-.ETeaksas If it VV -ere a gat&;rIng for Ing trade L3 still contributing Some- across Harry,, Davis, the swilie
T,jk� work of rong-trurting the cot- besides the Ones whose pla-rs are oo=pnnny -m:th cniy tb I charmer."
. I �me tnen In the � to 13:_n� Proilv2ed glr�s i�o mmot b�irn� won-ei:p inste'a,:J of a battle array. what to the general movement and
. Young Perrin in employed as "cow
Zezeam Is a spectacular ane- It autlined, �are now at work tbzr�,_ Zarst e:ass in the �Clas_-Zal Tz�,pcs;� th.� vtanale of Wa at bot tb PrIs, am,J _H7&,bzrt. fall ordera are on a fair scale. I ,
b1sllz�� wl',L startling sugg,N&tIlOMS- B=t th.kl PIUM OULUM�d IT th-:� -NE-W. and 4�F,r fath,v;, as vve-'l as his L,ro-� tr. rulicher, at 81111h,es ra"Z11, forts
. T ivi be aoalety be7ler, Gr even .ea-; IT. GoIllatli elaln (vs. 4,-4,54). 4s, Whole;mlp trade at T*ronto lias
�klx-aiz is the Tear Or the Falls. The Y'ark t-r7.:1rK,tr-4rLX cxperts ZS b.% far tlit:r� Jq-4n Aiaz,C, were boih in V�clrj J�e.'Uwiltea da,aght,ers, ut the sawe7A 49 Arau;_� tind .eamu-Gol!atb saw, been molerately active for
. this mUcs north of Danv,!�r. ba Thurstti.'v
41�rvp t%'-� ranks, thz, WhITIPM1 Rap- � -.120 7"'osk, etartling. aay C=%zent clas al s2hnla E .-IS tjTey ,Q-.8 &;�p sjUde7�tS.'; th'at h: -q f1lallenga -was acm-pted, oalson. The sb,"pments of dollio
,$tic he was blitten by a larg,� snake. Ile
� I r �gfart is not tr.Vang lo'c D-Ir�d 'Dak;1ew2Hv d!d not try to, &.aple gooils, cottons, wool -pus, etc., , I.cl',s of his exp,,rleme Jlke this:
i�; nmd t -ho 711,PVTs Hoze, 13�ehlqd i-1 � Cwl�""�i�n Govern-m+nt i-npk�-rts vs- ; U mgt4Zg, ZZ,.,1 im rtant ,,
1=1 . P3 ir",�,Tlil ",.Ir,2_:�' ,,-,I,- L
1lIn9n-7S'n5t,;*1mwtt, That 222WE) ,euV,0 fec�t Of if vr*m,t:m'i.y ttv- :tazt emeng . .,, nnr�� .-I a-'V,ay t)C has power. In Iiix have, been large the pa,st 'wpIt. The ' " I was riding down the road and
,ab�caaizeless'lo�rv,a.! batL i,sezea-l PC-Un3"t-r.t great3y tn viiida� Y02VIr
the "Mrasion-ti-19 chla:nIng OT lt4l� watcr pass ct);,cr borib faUs -,aeli sz�,- -y tlmt t1_ herli-amnal r-pn*s ewerAlons-I.Ondaz 'News. berally. I SIM Ilia
1�;, . -e iLTe17?z-1n:a3 in � 1*o,nFi,iiw1 It idow nat appear that retalleno have been buying 1�1 snake 1,ying right in my
2;7._.A I.-5 fww and r -an at will. Inz-h ; z --_,t nak;kg- a total IGT z;�-ZOM033 ' ; 1-'-e awl-limt, h�4mete had any cover- Manuracturers are refua*mg to make Path. I got down off in.y horse and
by 9=.:i tti, ,dam foreas Its way Into. h,�,Ise powj�r. pj,r,s,mlstg t -ave, ,tR_;.n . � 7,ng for the faze. The Septuagint any prIto coum,,W.Ons. There lia I Stamped on the �n&ke'tili I thought
-11*-3 �curre-=T., eaeh fb�t fro=a 6'horp .1,eer,y.i3- thi, inva - __ ___ -..-.- -_ -.---- __ - - , s been *
1'0�n oa, tho, ez,m_ I � FV it was, dead. Aly next notion waR
.1 :L lipo5.?z ihat the Etone passed come Inquiry for.Ontarlo fiveer, -%vool
Zzalftag Vie water -,deeper, ,the rwda =vre.a7r-p�At _Iml-i 'th:s gE*nia feat, FAST 51AN NVITH A RAZO.R. was ,v,nz� riimmt man -jp, ano ,he a 5D � tbjZogh the. halmut and eank into here for export to th it t t to, skill It, for It wag a blo
U, lie batili, be,tween '�=. the. lotzl lliars�- power to b-:&�-!! - g -2 M:Zzite und i -,;& 'Oreb--L 17but no sales are yet veported. Tjle dUterent *rrom any I had ever seen
* - 111 : 0 Un ed 9 a as _, one ani!
mw� tr.r_ aml 11-
1. 'QT!d
- . 50-51. I) , th- r4n and too;k prlefb here for 'waolied In higher ,It -
- n azt.3 m.-&.:,Y� nzore ,s�xakirlr m,- ;eir*g,"�,� wl-4,o,zi QU P?ats -are 7a!]T �1':,�,ern rkxr,Z)�-e.4 llv�iz-ird i, ,-Stwinteen f�riv .s:,c9n1ft, bh�edlng om:7r'4:l.1' :
r., a - 7V� fr,= a i L'�foro. I took hold of it .Ind qXXL-k
, _gae
.1 IrIn ,t.b,�� t&'��Z)�
:1Z_Q*. ene zczt. two ff'EI� ten- amd cr.ysta'_Ezoa ,vM b? 1:ss than 593', ' I'l-ba-ver; in lhirvy ,.VLnMq1 -
� � I tb;-,� swc;6rd tif Goliath and cut off. o Tho ellp W conelde,mbly 'all 11, flAsh It Dulled me in this fore-
r�ow twc-mly-;"O"n� �'C,-et Is reglfittre '33J. rnl thls 1tares n. fr-��Mimdaa,,; I tha h7ad -oC the g:nnt, As ,--con as Iwo t�han last se�son. i finger. ,, I
._ l Ji" -'al CD-lan'sR sia;Jlary wn-�_--I-
C'_s tbo zf�,�b C', lhz�'S� s6l"43 welIR of ZnI T4.-1_-:,E_s,-,-_,e '-znppl,y "'T r-;�rgy,J th_- Pbl ist"nes saw that ihair - Trade at Q,tc-b,i,, IS reported Eat- , " I sho<Nk tlie enake and tried to
vr4-t,pr '.!at rwrr 'I-galrlet thc- ilam, xTh 1.-: i'act-n i�,s an -2 -.-,re,�,, r"211r. a -..,,,I tL�nF of as Many :Cmgs2lor�men 2s, mrmt -W:-S eaEiler anfl Jt went ;1--wn, �:
I � � eam=p.'on was dead they fled In isfactory. R -tall libalness tbrough get loose, but it hung oil till Iswinig
-the Etile W-ps Of ad- elE,pirt"mc.. ZT�.�,, arAl pt�nrf-r 2m.nPanics _ .,C : great terror. the country 9,nlerally appears to It ardund my head and polipp-d It liko
. Frnmk t-_-.Wv �7-eror3 �n Ite eampe 14 In t�mw r_,:- . , , ,ZtE v sm: A
fZVnr!21_-g . I'L an) I ��
veltmnzyms wmk:�_rs w:th SAS qpm,F. .mAli'ma =,amqzI 100=1'Lil's-wa.'a mapit-cci fb-, l.'.e _7-al�d =edal offered 1�y ,7� ll'aahar,3 &M.'.1 J_M Zct:nr;br�
, h3 in a, llfAlthiv state and the pive. ! a whip. it flew away off IL- the
a sperting IEILBI -in nba-at tWe gnm-E"�
palser to V, e baTber wlno Tri -IN, TIM' tl I : FRAVTJCAL SURVEY.
Lq a Gideana's P,Md- I Ztil '*7f-7ft Or Ite !ttrrz� %,021,2-i vantare f!1,3 -_2d S�_,��Te the mas"710e:1 fLn !L:ii� tlmv. A_Frfm�!,=.�113 -%;h:) curl -3-n, I PmtO for the 'fall are Lneciaraging. f grass, and then I looked ,,it my finger
zz,vv --:.-;=g, tmbdT-__A will Tanaily zjrcl - _ . � David etrInninly had nothing in At Winniptkg irad.,N
It Lq a E*ttte corps c,f ,marlzers ni:�,��_&sr T".-? re.2z�,rd was naae ;Qs1 --<�i_" _--_,pL�!, bnt -zh-.) kriw th�ill, ills Pa0t week � and. f0lind that it was b1ceding con- ,�,_
C.1 ti�,Zp, I'D, 'i�-I:xn. I ,=an �_,V �;,P_Ae] a EhJ',*r,, 7 -as -1!!e FI-xVI; "�,-var_i ,V'x�umstarc�__- to encour- haa 4.mm fair, but of cour-92, loss than : siderably. I went to th3 raueb-boukir� .�F'
- si--�I,T, -,!or �,t !-q 'n�ot a V-5t1t n4'�-t 4n Bala's s' -,op, t6t rl=' FZ7 :2 - � age h�=. His bra,.Iiers were against 1414A Iff"), WIM"I tho, exhibition at. I and Z;�ie Gt iht boys put soule- salve -k,
4.12 V�:�ich a prmt T�r?e C�T -..�-,n stre.-'I, r_rar_oh.,y7,,, ;b-_Tbr�, a :�otary 1-11 !L U:., emnn :)nt h,,-1-]�r_- Wsjaoe� , tratted man -,v buyers. Buying for thc 'Oil It.
,rr:Z1111 tiv ava"2ab-e. at Zs ttp 011- hlm. H_- ie but a ShL-pherd boy,,
DIVORCE IS SUMPILF. N APAN1-,yz:;,1Z'. = zairAal ti=ekeeper =1 -11 I -1-r- Irxndamnn anJ jabb-rIng i r I- , TV,,�'I._� GrAinth !a a man of war
van�s L'ZZZ% vlh;� r'e,4e,'-te�1 If,w w:,Lni; ; 1-re-Z�si!am ,Vr%n��Eses. - Lbly. Z�_�= Xr_3�tr, Pat vV1.3,, _ "e-111 f�o` far, is 111"'Zil larg(xr than pre- I ' N,cxt day my ll.,tnd nnd my -wliol,�
- f �g a -D3 Irom L"Le youth., Ill Is unar=E-d as vicKL4 .years. 11,portv oil tile wheat arm 'were gwoll6n terribly and it
are c-=�_nyel in -re. It is rat ,a wark I Cem�u=il Pnr;ner.s_Ma3� 1w Ltchaftged .�,bc7at FE�T�Emly:-I�*�vt- M, Ln ,T -mm T�IZL=lr 1r:11=P -V,4--.1t1 J�:,.E_'aJ U;J, fn -r as =111tary Treapolls aro con- crop ,11M lose encouraging. I ullwaubee, July 29. - Mi
tat enn W b,arr'Nl Ea -2,2 s":?:". eravvd-,iO rtta 1�is strnp la; -t n-ght In T_,`:. 7 r. -:1',A: 1'n,.�- r'.., Z a -�-.ar gs Anne
11 . I -L ut Is frilly In N4torlu, an(i N"ano.ouxor tile d1g. - aelictl c1nar III) to. tile shoulder. Tile
- ' lVi,b a Me-" Sbrixv ofFormal; y. ZT!--(D 'i'Le trl.li tegan. and t*_'.or,�e T-"L0r=.1r,- ,_p 1t) 1:� -w,-L i b ral-Cc of' k,triko triffictiltleg the
.0. ,ok,t
�Cne�l =��Tv=e:lt. bag 4 b� ,� . .% - I cxrn-�% -,*, J2,e tba. gia � V li!� appM
V Vi eare,. TLiA =tn t�) 23 1-1-emat- d.n -V , 'ed . btl,x P, sald Iliad botter come to town
TI.? fallouLni; .nre the lexts 6T Mew. ,,;4an�17g ,Clte:� ep befaZe tL-F, -1,2 ftr�.=M?j J_'==,.T 7-Tism2gsV , mv, tnjr_Lpp��,3; he ag 8irz:,urag �
K -,z -t vzrcrk om tt'_s 2am -urire senir. 11 ,�Tcn,),�;�s ],Ilcr�;;. b- "Z`" , I � - a - 47. ti.-�vtJly �-ne ZM:n-�1tj,,, Z)Vral mvplo .wUlp- th,2 phi'll'st4v is Palst WOO-, 11-18-grOfttlY brIglitened lip 'ali4 see .I. dottor, �wrd I,JId to. Tho
I _e -�a rn-�!�!nz ";-:-,� �Ts. 1'._,-, E"_Lts, M_ ml :.n V_ t il,�, T�_-�, '
_ . ,
'jf,ra. . OPerat'OnR art, alrca& .
'1.i =sa nnVn!17. L=7ta- %vp_!� ab:4uz i_ -.e tf,z2:,-'_,vE-t, fra=' a ton- 1:mz� tan,�V. zlm= . ns; "S'llfas SItntLtl0,1- 131111d ng doctor Pald he equidn't tic anything
_U11 V;_� t a:, �Lg tr,-:#nrmge,-_1 arn supported tile b'c I
iaLt�-. t,L��a7--g,�:l �biAT;ivn aa ng- 'r ��n,3 M. y more active. for me 11111"Zops Xpou'ld teli'll'in W11,1,
11ITs, wag-iis wczr� �-Tflfrpzl. b:ft o,�-i sall.11 f"taniap-ol,nt, I ��a-. rcr�-_nzj stm_-t !A--, Z,10,1-1 qbn '211M !it 1'!J,� ",;r_l_�11. Is -n DzoilTs er,ZV;d-.nt boasting Is Mot
,�Ir��::w s -IF -p =,-'arR ,�t,alll -,��OL,,h,olgr,;�_%P3 Losba-_-�,l pna bi& de4glAVa e,aj - I - RuslncW In tht, Klondike district is k;Ild of a r,nnke It. Was tha bit in,-,
1�13 pra1,lne. In _-T.-ap-t. Only t�:O-,�e UMI-cz)7--n Iman.-I tt�n toe4 Jhp,_�'h:fir. 'M Ums:lf, but in th3 Lord. TUVW already reviving to st' result or tile and Idldn,t know. .
'".ZTkiat. ;�C--.nttl ZM the 11�a7lg, ZICE, S-_Z�cRsz-_ WI'a CT Arnma.=_ .'_,Erz?, stands as the representative
=ao w.',�-osi, bearSs rarped w4tb i ma,aly I G_t� r2Lnute antlEltivms�se_��n-2,�," load bounty. Tile ran Of ffook-eya � "A friend of mino told m.ok aboat
Iran -1 tjl;�o 'al -1701-w-31 ranklis ,!IV T"4ny I , 'I 171D Tl=e ke , � -:' , 01od (v Valinoon line began, and a gootj.sl�ed
I "') 11''. 'IsI�knga tlstv_� .,,r,. I I :Jc, al V�p army nT tb:� tivin Ilarry Davis, and s�> I Went t
I ,Tvt. !:��rs:_-C-ss as � La'a ran ."Idas Jin -gr -r -R ED- pper 'n's jiLs ��! -
ltv"'11 ia;�� b.')4,V � r a w, ,- � ., To��Kgl mer t,.ZZ:M, we -re w2m,tt"- � g,ot n.p. L13�. 11t. is r3 -t to be a test of mil. pa,tI, ig L�,Xpectc righ
" , (lam V:210 wzii�', C"_:=,_� - , d.
11LT_,t n - ti�- 1. to -Z, -. IaT .; - I "wily tt'� blin' 1") '1A -_e`1 in'% aWl"
lf, �_c I Jkrn,v IV= WC.5 t1e 4, - st man �m tte Ln-,ils VII.r. a Tark, ram;� cnt Jn An.n., fk:ll or pawer. It :s not a ,nic. mo,vemont In wJ1oJ&tq,IIc tM tile .6-00- and caiio tD the� rondla-
,!.� ��,�M !eet :n t:tnqlla� 117_6-:� sr;ts WT. Sol�..`; .�:a=�i=,)Io--�Sir.-'Yo'a�'.-!�ai.-'nf, a,l about five days7 , T. pers,onal matler b2tweeu D . tie
4 !rawzb qnzrk 't -m." %7;V1 part ibf la!�q pl'ZI. , avid allfl 'tLt Hamilton has; bmn ae-tive for tile sloll jbz,It it
. 4 _r 'OE'ara' 'W! ' , * , t,;ZJ7lt,_,. bZA nn Issan b2�twepn hea- - was -.l. spreadhead adder
-1 ti�zl. :-tO ca_�-h cze tnte bi_n ;r�,� - 011 :MA -V) ,� hlrta.1'4-t�', � " - " -,.-,?, t-ba!Lle;3 al=qst i=a-
- - , 1FIng T��nng 1nnFtn_,*.3 .C�- Dild-sumnier. Travellers are sending
't's a,. it IN C"st-atc,". b -e -,V.g',�tf-2 I:Z::) q"A,_1 r.17 �PO:,, TS.2zv, un�l the i P' ,r*-ept lb! VM 'C_.rAth E:31' ` 10 �1 r'2:�)rt, - me. T,:a�� V�vn:v= --&I Ilia trus G�51 1.11at land bitton mi,,- s�) lie dW my
4 .n � Ili I - t?
�11A 1�123 . Me 1� �'T, er - -Q �V 1,1Z 0 i �.I)�.2:! 1)1!"r't'a:`_:" .;T'E`e fin`s2le3 ',314 42.ant enmr&ta Davll bv I -As C.. Th tu faIr-,s1ttN1 orders. anil ID'all Wrtillg flliger Ili) Ili tho slied'sk-in of a ra.t-
t3 I . �3 01 913C� - Wh&n tte -4 n1Z 1ras v mltly grt:-?7.e' = P_ T'Z r b'nst.;y. 0_*6k =0:,sluvelle. U, M 1W. in I..*'% go Lut ortlero 4re fairly ni,im,,rong for
,�4.; t'�nn, 11�T-�� *L
__ ,,.J�
s ,1_
.1.3 tj_
, UaV,�
- , 8 J
-31�s 3�21 -S.A MSM's ttat Lad be�en pm -par-' Ufl�er tnCLn r. -C -Te - -,.j �. 1-1 time t1a thee In t h,e late date. mil; tKitlook for trade is not t -c-, Alivalpolml It and tc,I,Ll'mf*
VLc-,k vras ez==--n�vkl. %-_sny, nt. t],:P w,.asz-.n 2 ha-�e -�Z.��,� �oar* ., J r thIS Ile'snal, ,
1r,nc1cr3 'by Itp e1vr '43! t11.'EVt-Z)t 11:��r�::Ia,Lnts nqa�-_611 xoa i le IDnP -3 ,�,3,,' . nb��=! 0 :nV)VP around mu0i.
. . for 'Tinr ed 4E,-PP_,,�k'a*,1_V 2 ,r V�e "klq�:ghlmx, , as ga3,3 t - rr�, G-'ln'�' Of t!20 L'Ora W li`ys'sl W"clu very "00ur.191119, T110 local Dianu-
Jklv. eamc� tz� ft�;,!:., 0,07 %Ls� pz)rwl. 1:�T1,*6-ZA;A'-t1 v3n,��", 1!�rz,ng-b 1":e i jj-,� 4 " - -,sl 1P_cTie31:1 theturew are. busy oil Pontracts. t. "AVVII, In tWo,lvo liours ttio swolling
, tr;�,J-,E�,J 't. ,0Wr_',S 7n- ,1, ; ]S ',J1 ,t
I L�nP� Mnnr V4 It'l-M Lg'.�-mpl 1� ==ftFE�Tg V -,--,r rz,nmn-nn! b521e8,Ja::d P,tkel Z;P t_� _at , I el tl.,4�3 h- .1. i was out alul tile J)"lin was all got)('.
. _; lDacjp,j Ba,k:e?r 1,4_,!;? ititnte Q:311 IVEM SeZ.5t 1-19 In re`tnF'-r9 10 I'At In &1lurs nt-�'bor t4 wpil v,n,,pJ;.A-e�1 alld TaIlles of ' T
,v,p ra%p. e�an,n,_2 it the -�n-p'-1;'Ind au", Z, 1�_Ilvcn g.-nt Me On,:i,essal��.-J �%J.i� , Me kl�,�Wl' 9113CIXPLI. Mbr, PZMLI e_aw;�ns? 1bat wn will staple, Manufactures are fLrXXI. .
VT1. 1_1;Z;n�* =C�r1u.3 tv!:2e -th - i4n .s�'J. --narz." I",." I'- My finger -sho)vs .1 Jittle blue a thiN
10 f' -am ,i;1,,. -F,. tnnl Z9 U ',�-�r] 1'�(q tlnsal�E,-J `_.e,1,P �au r4E.a0vt," ca',2e.0 ,�)-.It Z:rz P -_It BnLli '.a_1 ru'.1 .��:A r4 F-abj�,:ts. t�o lb-_Alc�r to Work in tto wayand Lonclop WhOle,Aalera repart a fait ('11d, 141t, '11141t. % tlk;� J*hqO11 Working
tinq b. -Inc 1,'�3�0t near tte sbar. 'Qn I, 4�_-c,' I's. a =all ..e,-.,]-' i a�tptn ,-Qn1ZL, - L." vrT-�Illnnl, aq �:, Itself oat, Harry D.-tvis says, alid h(I
1, Lnli�,-, 't i i- t ^ . .. L namn:,r to nd for SMIsollable start. T
' . , __
1�lt tq �t ��Zk,,41 Ust ::�qrrom =4t-� cltll 11 J giI rA ztl t3y -i j1,10 ,an 3 I �,T�e�,',�:, is,�J D'a2a. C',�=.FJ r!lrnr.�7, =1 Va-, 11=aki-c-p- bi�m�.I, ne.-I mnt try te-) be, atybq3y 6b,pmf�nta or fall goo,da -110 knows, alul it ,anyNxly ol,* giA-
Z "ay tte a:) I,Zrew�',h g1ve .nnl traf-eer tsrl -LA--). ro_,�r,e�3 ,j_*,�e ,1:1-, PC il_e bot _Ouri�_Iver_ It wM bb better'raw and tlu� * .,M, g lip
t;nt =10 ar-.z attuan. ,Z�,_ , . . " , _;p,k,,E ,jr. nnzl ��r 1�i=s:,"T ,r"-C�q T -Is,_, ,J inI3 are' large blittlT by a snal,,� I mil rvei�-AlMrM,I
- - - , , _. � , . , �_ , U� _Jv .11itl 19 keepinl
ir-3-s'. �'Inmg:taZ9 witt '3� Vtle� Work to N,.;U- ue:,�-ro1c,rat I trEl rnpt en- ru�a :xl3e a f2_-,Wn-,-, a'd Jan " A- ��-eg C_'.? It "IF, - slSt ,07ar DAVIS too him, tor lie eati Caro 111m, I ,
Z , .F. :� 113Lh __ !as' bnn�-'.) 0-T Vt. no to k -L natural ten- vsrJv well for 111!.1 w4son, wnt-nillany
- �
lh-ftz - , 'r 4 LI -S v'.'n *:� -,'? go -ng -Zc=V t-.,) Enjtati�, nnI thu.,,;Ioresprve tbrough tile country can tell .Von. ITO. ,cured me, and I"WL
Iq tt2t,- ca-vr:",5cl ot bV F -Tr --t- - lerli�_n ltmy 2;n, -!LT_ -,g altf'zl.:3111t)r� b,rzF�� tZ,,_it fz.nUc2ea :�iltz,r �r.n .1'st as 11 I � are always -
�:-m r14*- nzn. 7..vs-, aro zht, t!.,�, �iz,=an, n2_1 �n �,r_�z'T ih_�ra�,,Tlc,np_,ul�' � � mIgIlity thankful to him, you, bet."- 14k
4-_ � men I r t3 t'-30 0:.1.0'r 'OA�_O kj*4:C'1�111' 4Q� G --T Cr!9:r_-,111F and ;nli%lftallty. way ,oil holtltr& , .
11 0" J�r. U* .-,-�- V--_t:;�Vt tn.7 -a:P-_,ZTnrZ,. I sw_�X_Q; 'MAL, tLe b=Eal on vtcli lt�bvtk,! 110 � ` 1; r-. evO .!�) lb,� r,bl. vlp�n, *Tt!,at a %mat e�tnlrast thor,e is , - ._
- I it" C.137za-L1111 PZJ,?,T - 4 scam, k.":,�!: 1 V--, kakv,a. � ,:�gcr -C - -Z)-Wv tbtt 7.�, was�t c,1_(*,,tvni bzn�,V-A-L�zn ltltp yuathTul vtrLN�:Ig. ON I Dmor 1"t.
_ CT 112'antrza,14 U',,�, VCOII ecs -a *_�-J!n lezl CIL'as-'ng OT I-- ,A os _T ttv� i -If -I 1, 0 C. � __
t 111__�
tnt-4. ln:zr. ate mm lt�) rr.-,m 11-� R,a=E1.,-:_-) 7,1�i�ar�:Z, lie, WaA "s-mignett.
.70--itira--j�,.7 r-)rAt a-3 1.'..�� �&n�-t�CTC=0:1' ','I� 3 IrKIZ, !,*� ,Cat 74 taan,o b --LT -'-0 T!" i-sion's 0-:1t to tntot the foes". MA a. XWs(- fol, WinbtirgPr-
-.. � ', - � �n --:, ri� bly -,varrigr win ieome,,s �
- �1 .. � I - njj:�4 n!] 3 J`Tf�-,_- I
*2=,3a] tate t!";eO neaT VW za- ZS .,n]:51'=."1�31F I.T03 ttat Z &ate w"If-, 1��007.v-!,,- 4,17' r��ttw- 1%V) sltzk:�p t'3 "It -7 .4 'I $;P*�,'.!11��,, ." ��_ _5Z '.I 11i",'1004,10a llabli�l Udger. 111411.1&'ptltx rocmk
'i,3e- olife ftl,2r, - . . " n .: L* 1�" - t I na, ni' ot, panle
ICT-,-* S,Attr un ttn V;-,)"x�* V-V':_ng bi-rto ;r��--..%y ZY an�=',a,ry -M�1:2 'V�,nri�- *4 1.��- " 4 n,[) 1 f'�7� f"'" - tv,nk, wo miglit .glte urlaget a �
n'�.,:, let I _ I
- .-IVP I P- m�,_�Z�J. 11-,�,,�, mnn J to =,Z2 I"- r'=, -1 by his,
trz��-s ,,, r r�'2tg ttp taigs anl dT,!% -::1g,; br-,4D4,&41 V.L,;� -ell'I C,-1 ittat nt--7,-,��nt [t -am ;P'a.-Arr-o 1'' � V* !V] 1!1:�, 1"--Z�n 11;�_� " %V, -j "q lar, -(P3 I a nm _7 rb _- n rr_� 1'. Vain "P17%confaJew, P �; dollar MOM a ,%V4*L.p emld tI,
F '0 fftnsll.� i WAL-4 onglit to go to bed, toy'
tl��Zzz C'n 1th-,1.=Ah �,,_,e�rpa =3 sbal- I t-avo wmt sou ,tpJ*.6,--LnV: fthro�_-;!:h'�ffLW �UC..*.tk OnC.s g2rajv3 V -,o cl,;_m aEzli �,,-Jt 0 nll 7'ur.man fL,r. �-:, !i�,:-h-- :- � J -11V,3 n�rahistl e=;%V� trost Z,3i',(vtL, um,n. 11111 awfujIly 61twIly, blit I'll) 111,1119r.y.
jf)��s fo, ttn sni.l. "Pwl rool,r 0�r V-6 tim %tc:0. ",x C7 OZZ. e=4MV,M3 bao_v. �1 tm-k 'o,m" I f.!_1z)1,R, rn 1,_,0 �mz, tn'-not., n-nl i�llv-1 "Vi-,; Cny -;3-7 t1r-1 Lqr,l de&cr ,,AVII&t to e,zo 4 11, too.
Ir.-nictr OT NLngtira i* mncn ,w tl't-m 1:3,1 tnv�,. 1Lo,.Vvqr_1*V s;tc,.%]T"_1lV ri�- t I Anav trevvr =1*rnured I TA:i� aw:m1t V cz�, :nto ln:na Lan I , 4a ; _ls,lint his Vlfe, "I mt, JI�a.sJJa,AdAVQ),Jt, VL'111 hAVP s0wil
_T3 n,)t te-ay. lb -at ro_"b 1('.'�70 , 2�8: D"-V� . Idl ber to work eleaning tile TArlor to. " 11141,11. I blouglit bome a *dl V t4I-J.1Y
I lclml 1") lorgi%", ,nn -1 Lw--, insl_-al I 5��`�Ac.,�, vfLod rm" i ;-;":nL_7_g ann amnk t,.:31,er Ansp_,ta- , day t
In- �, 1%nd Y
V RN'Ln "s", M,-� P_`n,4,n��' n7,2 D_,�_�l ,vl�il, !F�)D. lr_,.,� Lor -1 1��Al ngpin, 011w , ]art It.," *
Vileynvc-r"IgLA man uz-,]�a bci�:tallvtz) r�,-TtlatCiv,3 4,tz�nr ,*J,e ,,,"!) �r_p. -J"Pr �Jt,j li�-_c In-nniv av,l r"TI, �bn 0116illd get'the -way alto timl 1(4t lt In tht',% back k1telIP11.
It IOSP U110 -b W.ISI tzm �s Tc,nr "11. I tr-i: !.g-rew,th la &II, I V.,)tp C, -A In-, t xiik��rrl, 7. an -I ttl-n Vr._�9:) C�7 07�'��'t'j�) '_"'�.'�p f'�""��] t,JJ lit�nt 11'n t'In tnk4? JLP w" ' L- I Vritt-ltlo ,.b.1 -k vat th,sri.N; ytlt
CTZ,-P. V.t:Y J, I �.; , . �i , ak th"rills 1#1 did. TbAt's What *IntlnelleM Ole, r�u,j a ,L,.-trAlit% I'll
zog tj;r � ktzm-�?�",gl, rm-c-pt, - =J ,Znnocr�r,zlo, 111nv�� tvn P !�, -1, 'Jb�, .
*.�,;,�J vmwl. T.1-) :�,�, , :Z:1 1-,;,")"�t�,-,_ __T 4jJr IT,.i., nz L�v '_r,Pn c-nl I-,) ronT0r,jnJ- E%0 tn�ghlr. Or6att,r
Vxm Za an ocrla�n aslfhso TS�r40 '10 Z�T E -'O U I 10�'. 1EIL', , _1--71. 11 P t 001iZ!Pd 1010 Mod tbt planovitbilio 110b, I qak tind It lit tilt) ilark. ItIJ
_' 33,L'b Nes!':ng, '" Lfa.4-L "'war"I zsre 14, Eiru' oune :L UvicZlies La'va bbeen vcn by the kt3�1y�xw vic" up Against. tLe WILIV4 limbarge�r e3leoft.