HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 711
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� doreil outside. What ml It li vne . _ -
a 1�4 WANTS A POLAR FLEA, is 1100 attaoue,A. rlio ."t P4.
poff'S'Bool were solemnly oak) ,- =
w1alle suit Is �00 ter , Able to con. "N OUTDONE i J, aw the
THE KING W one who. appeal-od , in. 9 10 I ','lievonr ENOCH ARDE Baron 1100114obild 01fers, $0,000 lot. burst into A Frand requiew. The
template. I ' sad 1101tes: rose and rell, now swell,
Santo juagoo. are so Jealous of the � Speclinell. Inkr Ili uloriouo harmony And now
� I �J r ti tiorw of the bar in tile matter , July 1.0 —r0l,"re 15 One form il.Ang pathotleallyInto silence.
, .
I - � .
I updl
) (Irvou and appearance that they exploration little known to 810
BY A DAKOTA RANCHIMAN. wl=n a 4t)wly� ao tl.w workman pulled on
W E N T S L U M '1A ii tiayo been, known to object to counsel - the, general Public. %Ilia history of roplegltbe receptacle of all that
wk,Arlag boards or moustaches. It IN R PETER'Se .
.- I -- - - I ___ -1 1amQ141 Polar expeditlonep tile trials w4k? mortal or title great potentato
—,.-.- is not rio long Ago that one learliml of tile gallant explorers, and the or a, irreat Church, ,vcwe above tile
Jittlga told a olousitaphoill member of large f,ume expanded 10 fitting out it,oado or the 's , p:eetat ,
. , , ore. Their
visit .tile bar; "'I should hear you mucli and maintaining; vessels Is news rrIvolity was a.t fast overcome.
Then Paid a Pleasant hotter, Mr. X, It 'you. did not wear Shell Bursts I)emolishing Otie of Uncle famillar, to , all, but thrQ heat for the Scorco rell art tillefir knece; and bent
that moustap"11, , . . llolax flea Is not so Well known ad It Final Ceremony Over Mortal their IWAda In rayer. glauto , by
- deserves to be. 9
� . . Sam's Big Guns-. minutO tIIO Wf 0 raise. ILIgher,light
to St, Ratrick's College, z THE WASHINGTON STATUE. 0 � I moro than a year ago the I -Ion. - art011 light In tile ploarnOwl proees,
. Charleis Rothschild Commissioned the Remains of Leo Xlll.. 0!0n Was extinguished, -
I obanto, whose
. __ I Arctic sailing whalor 1,Aorget-ldc-Not grandeur spelued or oom.etiAng more
. C0111illitteO of I'M91 !shmvp Ilear Sug- Hormosa, 8, D,, July 28,-Mrg� Olive , maydiatally -renewed blo attent,louft lo to hunt for tho Polar flea. Tile built - tban earth filled fq>.r the moment
f gestions as to Lontlon Location, Ballo Hopkins, of Eagle Grove, Iowa, jNrrs. y1.G1r%11ns and'tho two are now wal,i apparoutLy futile, for Mr, lwtl,o-. the 1110toric tomple, Ana, then its
London, July ,28.-A committee of wAs married yesterday to Charles 11. living in tile lioulse"In which they Child 119w offers DA reward, according walls became once more the ousto�
NATIONAL ANTHEM PLAYED Englishmen, Including Ufa, Von. � � spent their first honeyincion. , � to the Daily Express, of 21,000 for atan or the aollep. of the high priest.
. William M. Sinclair, ArchdoAccin of Jaokson, a ranoliman, this being tile She" Wrecks (;ill). the Arotlo fox fica, to a4d to ilia col, SOLEMN SCENE IN CHAPEL. The P(Ppols Will
'London and Ualion of St, ,Paul's, ficiecal,ti time tile two have ma,rried Sandy j1pok, July 218.-A sholl cou- Iciotlon of those Insects In tile famous I . Rome, July �06._Tl I ie Nvill of the
ana Charles, Moberly Bell, assistant oagli other. - . Z logical museum In Mrlug Park, late Pope was read to -clay, 4
manager of tile TinioN, met yestOr- tallilng ii dlial,gel o -C IOU 1youndo of wIlp-ro already there are thousands Ster the
I � Land discussed 'son 'Lit provi ! Meeting Of tile Conare ,
1.1or First Thoo in St. I'Mrielf,'S any nitol.nooll Jack and Mrs, Hopkins wore maxitulto e%xploaed on 0 ng f flemi wliloh. have bpon obtained Uedals al&d Notes olVEiWeyelictils d4nals. Only tha .gatlon or Car -
tile ground here yesitorday afternoon iii o Placed .
college -A Loyal Grretmg to Ills projocit ror tile creation of a, sta- worried livarly ton years ago for tile from birdo and beasts In all parts I t Portion which deals
� . a III-Inall brovoll-lou,ding Mortar, of the, worl(l. It seems that the flea ' in Coilln-Cardinals Open Pond0lis With the matorfal, Matter or the per-
'Allijesty - Itoyal vibitor Dialtes tuo bf Washington In London. tlr,gt Unio anti lived happily for six vIllat ' F0,11al. papal estate was made �public,
- ..
tC.Ting tlto� mortar and, raining or the Arctic fox Is to flea fanciers Will — Fatally Patri!noily Be- , The W-11 Is written In the small, Clear
. Tile gaggestion for the location YQUO. Thea ca,me, tile Spanish -Amer. ploicep or its fifteen tone of metal all wbat the egg or the great auk Is to
1peeling Xleferenco to I�eatb ol' of the statue, Included St. Paul's 104A war and Jacks,on enlisted, at oyeir tho Hook. I I 4 (la4vathed to handwriting of the late Pontiff, pre�
Pontilr. (1hurell'yard and Waforloo Place, Title mortar In front of Like trun- collcotors of blrdh.l eggs, for only two � , Ills Nepliew—Proper- sonting traces of uncertainty, audit
I The proj�tot to yet embryonic, but' 131apill, City axid wap sent to the 11blim art behind fIcT.foot speolmons are knowil tp exist ty Left to Holy See, might almost .be ;takon for coppor
illons Was blown off, tho 1) 11) tile CDIIectlons. U0111% July 26.-Aftffi! obsequies Plate. It %vas OV
Dublin cable: .King EdWard to those approached on the subject IPPI1101a, Whence tile newo same to Ills the trunplons, remaining Intact. In addition to tho, reward _onod by CardInLtle
have been keenly I Interested. WISO tha,t he had been killed in bat- Porto from every oorner or the Re- referred con,uccrated by the u.vage of OLIlLa- Rampolla, Mocomil and Uratoill, iA0
day visited the slum districts of t1o. After wAlting eighte Hook to, Mr. Itothsobild has again fittvil rIC,3, Lee, X11I. wao Immured last oxecutorF, The relatives a,1 tile into
ell montILS came In saying that pieces of tile out ,the Forget -Me -Not, which Is al -
tile clity. He MIM40 a careful Inspect- A111A. Juickson ina,rricod James HOP gun had been found, a mile apart In ready at work looking Cor +he Tien. olght In tile niche or St. 1>oterls, iAonuri were not present, although
tion or the ballclings Created by 6 . k1110. Two woo,ks later Charles Jack: ficnilo, plact.vie. 96yeral narrow escapes Nvdifoll. Imis been tile toluporary roat,- Invited, I . .
son rQtnrnDd from the war and found Ing Placo of many .Popes. Among tile Thai; portion made pubtle. follows,
lkiron I�cagh, and also or the houses wuro reported, but except for tile- I
Hiffs OR ,hk C T tits wife Marriott to another. -He had loss of the mortar very little (]Am- go I N tunorali of great men, Incila-ang suv- " In the U&MO of the F4ther. tile
which. the committee for I;0usIIlg tho boon iviounded hna Wa4al in the hos- age was done. . creigna and Presidents or seyeral Son rind the Holy :Gboat, as tile olr,(l
very poor have r"onaLructod. In the pital many niontlip, i1nablo to com- One 1%rge piece went down through c0antrleiis, w.111oh. I have witnekised of our mortal career ls approaching,
meanwhile Queen Alexandra vIkited M1111110,00 -,Vjtll ILLS wife, he e idence of Mr. MET ORH within -two docadels, this was unique IV40 Pu t In this holograph will our
Jackson was terribly disappointed. Schaleltiar, tile electrician In charge M I and modern. Ins doe ,e Before all, we h.
I k
00 VarI0119 1108p,11(sals. YNNIR N1101 I � [ 0 1 t I s. umbly
but, did not interfere with his, former or tlio power house of Fort Hanoo-ok. Tiho pageantry of death. is always k:upplicate th-3 infinite bounty and
,Later ilia King and Queen Inspect- wife Rald her new I'llsband, W110, wake Ono of the chimneys of tile residence IMPOzIag Tal.0 was both mouia.eyal Charity of the blessed Lard to con-
o(It 300. picked mlen or the Itoyal Irlis'll In ,,(,all lioia,lt�i. 11. returned to Ilia orr tile commanding officer' V the H M 51 and mottexii. it L,q a pity that it was (Ion() tile faults of our lirp, and rL,
.r whom Is orer ranch and want to work. Several fort 1,�Ita jilt and, will have, to come ___ [lot kcpt entIrEl,ir meulaoval, aectord- ceivo beningnantly cur spirit in tile
constabulary, each 0 Dominion Parlianient Alone wooks ago Hopkins died. Japkson im- dowX1. Ing to, the traditions of tile Church, watiric cteraity which We specially
ob� feet tall. - t . � . . als wgim do;ta in 3.9-18, wIlan Iqus IX. hope, through tile 'Merits of Jesus,
The King and, Queen and Ibis daugh- Has Jurisdiction. . ... .... . ___�___ L--' _ . --z— __ - ___ Wilile wa,st entombou at midnight ILI the Ilia Redeemer, trusting 'to Htfj very
— oung Man Drowned vast, emp,ty Cathedral, amid a gloom sacred heart, an ardent -furnace of
ter, Princess Victoria, Went by Mite Loudon Ttmep of July, 15 Is to L I which, wap broken only by the char and fount 15T spiritual life
I train to�day. to MaynoGth to violt hanct witit, tile ofilotal report or tile R Pi Bathing in Saugeen River. Wrolica borriQ by the mourning pre- and I�Iynnanit;Y. Wis also Implorel as
St. PatrICIL'O College. The King dis- LI-XiA011 Of tIlD JUMbi.1.1 Committee ol ALL IS "' U � ET AT S Off I A YET. . lat"s. . mediators the blossea Virgin Mary,
-110- cartled the green tie ania oliamiock tIlU kVivY Council respecting tile sult %Y �. XTancivor, Ont., July 26. -Allan Bir- Lv4st. night 4,000 sitcetators pressed Mother of God, aiid our own beloveti
pirl which lie had bien wearing anti 0`� th,U AttUrLICY-Ueneral. ot. UnLar,o noy, a turner In the Knechtel Fur- around the bearers air Leo's bier, and mother, and that legion of saints
donned n, black tie,'-wbile the Queen vs. tile 1laill,it,ou st,reet Railway great clu.sters Of 0acti-lu lights blaz- whom In our own life we venerateo
and Princess Yietorla Wore semi- Compaity, lit jyjAcli, thei validity of tile niture Co's. factory, was drowned ad Over tile mane. F,ew:. only could in' a EPOOI&I Way -
Mourning for tho Pope. Archbishop Ulll;urI0 1,cird'�s DLLY, AAt witlS an lissue 111 f last evening in tile Saugeen River. onter tile cJ*.Olr Chancel, where the I-aaffly Pati-itinony,
NValsai and, the Aroliblohopw of Cashel Mae, membors of tile comwLtt( . N g mors of a Revo- Ile went in bathing With, two com- Principal Ceremonies Were hold. "Now, coming to dispose of tile
and Tilant and libulth, and Other unt Ware: Tbe Lord Cha,noctilor, Lord , There was no solemnity among tlio family WILL e B
Shand, liord . pabions, and had ewam out to the thoa, . patrimony, ell I our , ac,,
higil ecelastastics, including several Idacnauglitun, Lord sands who remained in the nave, Cording to the d5iid of division drawil
hl$llopa, all 'wearing their ved- Da7cV, LOZ41 Robertson, and Lord lutiGll Breaking 0"t, . middle of the, stream, When Ile awaiting tile 0111,011111MOnt, TAey` ex- up by, the notary. Curzlo Franchl,
juenth;, received, their Majostles anti Liditiloy. . I I sank. It to supposed that wo wias Changed tile gossip of Rome, and tile December 17th, i982, We appoint all
collAucted �beui to tile Visitors, clia- r1l1to quo:!�tlona eubmitted to tile selzed with cramps. Tft.e body Was 110160 of the volocia drowned tile mar heir to this patrimony, oar bepbew,
pal, where "Clad Sava tile If Ing,, was L,rivy COLLIKIIJ WOrO seven in number. L0,111doll, July (218-A long desp-itoli or lives, taking With him, a numerous Jc)stle requiem that- wAp sung by St, Count Ludovico Pecel, ion of Glovan.
0'.1ayed on the organ. 11110 roost Importamt ivao the first, from h�ofla, Bulgaria, dated last 8111te- It is stated tbat a Cabinet recovered tw,o houro later. Putor's matchless olloir. Yet it was a nl Battista, our 'deceased brotlier.
. An address -was presented later wbich. was an enquiry, as to whcther regency has been arranged for a� Fell. Vroin Raft, ' Memorable spectacle, belonging to V'rom this propertyj, Must be deduct -o
flianking His MajOULY for his visit thu I-Irovi.ricial II&L,11ament had juxits- Tuel;doy, appears In! one of the Lou- month. Although it is gwiorallya& Ottawa, Ont., July 20.-V,r. Poter another age, who,.se impresisivenes4 that already, donated to C;ount Fl,
and lleartily reciprocating the diatlon to paiss; tile "Act to prevent, don papers thio morning, which adited th,at political situation is not Wholan, of the Shepard & Morse caLtld not be destroyed even by mod- cardo, another nephew, on the oc-
kindly feelingii which' pronlpte& It. ChO p-rOlLLntX,tLOa 01 tile Lorwo 111.a��` quietly refers to tra;do Mattors, there of the rosiest, tile Macedonian agi, - olm irreverence,, caslon of Ills Marriage, according to
The addressealicl: , . i partioujarly socLialls 1, 7�aud S. _ and clesorlbea a koview, .,o,f the troops, tation giving trouble and the war Lumber Co., received intelligenceto Soon after isix o'clock Cardinal a, deed of F ebruary.1 ISth, 1886, byj No.
" We rejoice at the opportunity tion out, p,,:o11Abil,ed morolfa,nts, fturill- party agitating for a. trial of day or the dontli of Ills son, Lieut. O.aglin, the Camoricligo, atteadd by tary, FranChl. Zquaily
� y!oiar visit affords for expressing our ur,s, meolnuilcis, 4borers, eLc., or and contains no indication of tron- strongth -,vith Turkey, there is a,br Hume Whelan, or tho 4,3rd D. C. thle Vatican prelates, met his brother pro�erty- . from this
grateful sense of your kindly sym- oklita perbons whatsoever, frout fol- ble or reference to affaing at the , must be declacted all tile
. solutely no confirmation from any o. n�.. on a raft of the SII,V,,,,d & Cardinals In the vestry of St. Poter's. estate in the Carpinato Romano, ,be.
paithy with your Irish su,bjeota, a (ovving Ineir ordina,ry avocAtiono on laco. source of the revolutionary runiors. Ddorse Co., at Etollemlil, near Que- They were followed by the chapter of longing to tile Holy, See, according
sympathy which has awakened a. 8wklay, Works of 11cpeissity alone ox- Pa ,
A Vienna. desputch just re-,elved It to said In sonv3 qtrarters that - tile clergy of the cathearal to the to the declaration In our chlrograpis
Warm: repo" in the li,earto o.f our cuptoo. Section 7 prallibited the run- b0c. It seems the young man was choll, chapal,in the Contra of whicu of February, 8th, 3L900. In tills, ous
people. Your Ca�tbolle subjects have ning of rullwp,y or otop,mboat oxcur- easy that Prince Fordinand time not Prince Ferdinand warned tile Aus-
. aoria,'o to Vienna, that lie ,par.-jed trian and Russidn Governments that ondeavorl.ng to get ashore frout thOre had been placed three loffina. testamentary.! divisions, we have not
been eispecially gratilied. at the i�.O-ns oil Sunday. and scotion eight 1113 cardinals took seats oh the ex-
viisilt 'Your Uajesty lately Paid to vroullilted the running of *Lutreet curs through Anda. Peatb, at 10 o'clock Ila w.joilld not returir unles.4 the powp the raft In a storm, roll Into the thought at ci�r other nephew, Clamil.
I El)js morning, seeing nobody, and ors guaranteed tile application of water and woo Jammed between tile treine right and left. Tfivy. were 10, and Our nlecorl, Anna and Marla,
. tile illustrious Pontiff Leo, and Wi tlie, Sajbiath. claid lit violet robes ,withi the cus. son and daughters or our brother,
� they. now are deeply tottelied by tile Tho ottlex questions asked included Proceeded immedia,tely to n,benthal, Macedonian reforms, but this state- raft and the wielarf. Deceased was tomal,y red cAps. Vic vicar of the Giovanni Battl8ta. For them Iva
wordo of condol6neo you, have rdques:Cs for tile definitions or the In the Austrian Alps, where Ills moth, ment is pot *6onfirmad. a promising Voting man, 3.9 years cllaPte�, It', a black cope and white, Ilave in life properly! provided decor-
spoken and the kind consideration movda "other persons ivilateoever," . I of ago, and very popular In social mit"e, advanced to the aniallw3l; of One maintenance on , the occasion ol
' . i *
you, have shown for their grief In "trUVLXers, and ,Ikv,orks of lacces- circles In the city. He irecentlY pass- the three coffillu, bf cypre,3s wood, their marriages. We declare that no
:�,�-the day they mourn Ills death." (31ty.11 ad a successful examillit,tioll in tile and solemnly, blessed and bprinkled one of our family, can claim an right
- . Y.
The King, in thank�ag his hosts for filho fir.st (Itication alone was an School ot Infantry at Ottawa. He, it With! Italy water. In anything not contemplated 'In'the
their reception of him, said: aiverad by tile aadicial CommiLtee, ,sent
"Your college has long been famous their answer being In tile negative. R"USSIA'S P"U'LIC"Y IN MANCHURIA leavou three brothers and two sls- Meantime' three cardinals, the Ier be use ahl, the
tore. I . chaplains of the Basilica, and a longings of whatever 'nat-
as, ilia contre, or ecclesiastical life In lilia ather queotions., boir,g ,abstract portion of the chair, bearing torches, ure which have come to ui; as Pon -
Ireland, and for training devoted man and not concreite, onqs, thoy'refused Capsized In St. Lawrence. proceeded to the Chapel of the Hbly tiff con sequently, are, and In any case
ror the sacred office of the ministry to cousidox them, I � 11 . 1� Montreal, July 2G.-Tillomas 11hrte .
. Sacrament, where tli� body of the we wish to be, the propepty, & the
thrGaffliont my dominions, and lit The Suillining Up. ILA FortiWng Strategic Point party vv.ere Holy Father still lay. There the Holy See. ..-
. every English-speaking 'country In The Times says: At the conclu. Her Activity J in , . out sailing in a yacht oil the St. SWiss Guards, in. their Magnificent "We confide the exact execution at
the World. I value highly your true alon of ?Clio arguments oil bothl sidesi I La.-wrence, this afternoon, when a uniforms, who had been oil post for title, our disposition, to Cardinals
appreciation of my feelings towards which lasted t.-hroe days6 tile Lord auses Uneasiness. . squall sprang up * and tile Vaelft,
contrl- 01hancollor, ill delivering judgment, � capsized. Harte, and RozieT iv.ere lan-x before the gates. on tlie.ap- State, Mallo Mocenni, and Serv�llnck
ray �rish peoplei, who havo C tbweo days, docid in a solid pha- Mariano Rampolla. our Secretary of
. buted so much to 'the strength and said their Lordships'llad considered . - draivilod. preach or tile procession they fell Groton!. This declaration Is to be
honor of my on1pire, and who bring this case, and speaking witbiout re. London, July 28._.The Times this stantly arriving, there is a con, met Death in Cana). back ai,,rl the .ga�ted swung opien. The our lad will. I
Each ddinfira,ble gifts of mind and forence to ,clie last question, with tnornIng prints & Pekin despatch tinactuO south-tv.Ard movement of Port Colborne, Ont., July �116.-A blei, was then lowered and the body "The Vatican, Rome, thill eighth
heart to the euRchment of her Ila- which; their Lordships would Ideal troops and guns, while, as a result day of July, 3,900.
tional. life. It was with the sadd"t on -Ling oil the Manchurian sItu, young Itiltan laborer, aged 19, was d�elivered to tile clergy. I I
separately, but iv�hich had been Comm of General Xuropkin's visit, DaInY, was drowned at Humberstone last The short procession reformed and "Gloacchino Pace!, I
feelings that I listened to your refer- suggested for their consideratiolf, ation, wilich says that Russla's de,, hitherto free from military protec., evening. He had just arrived Ili t'llb bier was taken up by.' the Noble "Leo, P. P., lall.,� .
ence to the veniera,ble Pontirr who they ivere of opinion th�it the Act olatiation to tile Powers of tile sub- tion, is to have two Powerful farts tow,n, and (lid not noetice that the and, Swiss Guards, the confraternity Bets of% Palpal Contest.
liae passed away, leaving a memory of Parliamcirft treating It as a ]act or opening Manchurian Ports, and & garrison of 15,000. Enving-bridgo was open and Walked Of the Holy Sacrament, following Rome, July.- 26. -So Intense is tile
which "will be long Cherished far vrlicile was beyond the competency The coast and the rallwayl from. Into tho canal. ,with lighted tapers. As the proces. interest among all classes in tile
beyond the boun;1s, or, tile church of or the Ontario .Legislature to an- which Prince Ching asserts wus not Polvt Arthur to a point two siations mangled by Binder. sion started there rang out the sol- coming election of a successor to
which lie was the oNaltea head. I act, and they wore prepared, to communicated to Chinia, is Interpret- ve Dainy, S,trat-rorfl. Out., Jilly Ile).-Robart ema. overwhelming notes of the "Mis- Leo, the la,te Pontiff, that some or
shall over retain a pathetic recollec- abo ., is t'& be strongly, for -
tion of my Interview with him and anowler that question, tIfereforc,by ad in Pekin to mean thlNit Russia t1fled. There are Incessant ship- and, or Elina townshl�, ,,vhilo fin- - "'Ore," suck' as can, be heard no- tile Italian bookmakers here actu-
vaynig that ILIW Act ltuolf� as a Monte of coal and f9odstuffs to Port, C101 Where save in St. Peter's. allyl proposed to conduct public bet -
of the friendly Interest lie showed wholo, wau invalid. Thre, question will not permit Chlna� t1p enter into &rthur, and __ . � t telling Cutting a fielLI of wheat, met Dusk was falling as the slow ting on the chances of the can.
lit the welfare of nry people anti om- t any 'power with a irtaysoricitle accident, Hu was - and It -Wit.9 an Im- d1dates, and In order to Pa I
pire." l uPlod upon a very simple consider- tiny engagements with , Peverish Drilling and Gun Practice shocking soma of the grain while the marcl� began, obtrl, per -
r as was atLoll. The, resewation of the roga)rdlng Manchuria -w.,hIcb may em� on the Ruaslan fleet, all -of which itor'ses W,Lre iesting, when someLlilug presEIV0 moment. Silence foIt for an mission to do so, offered to do -
The room where ilia add e criminal lawi for tile Domiulon was Instant upon the assembled throng. nate their gains to charitable in -
,presented was in singular contrast to given ill language wAllchl, their Lord- barraso Russia In tile flItur0 when MAY' not forebode war, but whiell ata,rtled thetin naid they started to, There waa .no circulti of the cathed- stitutes. . '*-
tho superb architecture of the chapel ships considered to be Yery plairg, the territory f inally becomes a Rus- ace6unto for tile fear, common III run. %)h,q3, ivore. alttajcii�4 tc, a binder ral according to tile ancient cus- Tile Government, however, prompt.
and the ascetic alloterity of the re- ordinary. an,J intelligible wprde. slan province. Hence, the Times' Nortal China, that war is possible. In gmax, and lit Ills attempt to stop tom, but the line passed slowly in ly, refused the request. .
maInder of the college. and wtore, to be construed accord. Correspondent says, Russi,als re- A.fter describing the movement of tho,m Air. ClAund ivAs drawn into tile front of the great altar of St. Peter .
I It was decorated with King Ed- Lug to thoir natural .slguifkaatl�olf. rusal to permit in, Bilanchuria foreign Russian troops to other points, the macillue. Ills internal injuries; are and ttAou direct to tile chair Chapel,
wartTs racing colors, while Photo- Those wordo seemed to thoix Lord- settlements similar to thosela cill- despatch concludes by., saying that vary serious, and lie surferea several s f the vacred F.
graphs of His Majesty's famous ohips 'to roquirc-an(k, Indeed, ad- ll,oslo treaty Ports. it is openly con- the stories of Brltlsh-Jaf�an Joint large cuts about Ills legs, arms and
i 11��
racers, Diamond Jubiloo and Anibu,h ,ing cut Colleg(t awalted It. Tlio bier wao
mittod of -no Plainer cxpoelt�on tended. by the Russians that Har- note -to Russia, published in various body, several Of Ids, toe, reverently placed basidt, the waiting N MGM
D., hung on the, wallvi 'I'lio visit was than the language itself. What was bin, is purely IL Russian city to which papers, are fictions, so far as can off. coffin. Tl;je bodv was clad as slacte
a private one, and was made witho- voBerved was ',tile Criminal law px- a foreign �onrjul could be appointed be ascertained In Peking. Up to the Found Mangled on Track. It was placed In the throne room on
out any state, there being not even copt tho constitution of courts of Only I%Iilh Ittissian Cojisent. present time, Say's the despatch, no London, Out., July 26 -The, body of Wednesday. The ravages of death
, a military. escort. but including . polieg could be more reasonable or Dowla Laforma, all Indian from Hag- were only too evident. - � - I
�It Is understood 11fat "'God Sava t% criminal jurisdiietion, . Acted as Pea,o'akor and
. ,to pro"'Llare in criminal matters." It Tile Tjaited kcita,tes, continues tile car- more 61f rbstrattled than d1apan's, but ex'svitie, was found, badly mutilated,
King" was never before played I respondent, cAnsider the declara- that it is impossible to conceal the 0, mile Delivered to St.Peter's Cliapter.
011 %vae, therefore, as Nad been. once . am tile 0. T, P., tratok, about
the Chapel Aluce the ,foundation f Lion satisfactory) and believes Rile" fact tilat the uncertainty., of the I u- Was Fatally Injured,
. I hial lair. In its widest oanso; ti, sia will oLssist in the development ture causios uneasiness, I i that 110 ,a,p,p ,walking on the track body for the grave proceeded as
tile college. , said before lit that court,, the crim- valet or the station. it is supposed r4ho Ceremony of Preparing tile
It was nd oL foreign trade. Manchuria must Itushing ill Troops. li,ild wap run avow by & train. quietly a,s possible. members of the
possibI notwitlistaudingthe
-SOLDIERS AS FARM HANDS. very ,12 argument toivAlich be kept In surprising ignorance of London J�fly 2.8 -The Standard I.10tel IvLlitress Drowned. Noble Guard wrapped Ik in a ivincling
� thott, - Lordl&lps had listened, to tile unhappy oRperience of an Am- this morning priatel; a Tien Tain shoot ana placed It in the cypress OBJECTED TO HOUSEKEEPER
. . — Lilley b(i doubt; that an Litfraction of -.the orlean trading comPany both at despatch, ,which sags that tile new Itoyal muskoka, out., July 26.-A coffin. .majordomo Caglano placed a Toronto, .TuIv 217-ElIjah. Cowling
. London Paper ggests That IJ &ot whLah was In operation at the Valldvostock and Port Arthur. , Chang trains are cr�wded Ivith Rue-' sad dvowning aic,oldent ocurred here Mantle of white Milt: over the face �
Employed During Harvest. time of Confederation w!ak) an or- Tile air is full of runfore, and the slan -troops going in the 'direction. of Frhlay afternoon, III Nv-.Iiloh one life and hana.,3 and th(,n puf lit tile foot of 1108 (lend at Ilia General Hospital,
wa's lost. Miss Agnaw Farl(ws of tile corrin a olvot bag containing i's tile result of a queer set of air -
London, July 28-11i 'view or the tonce, against the criminal law, situation svems prognant with posr Port Arthur, that these trains are wait- g(Arl,silver an'd%' bronze medals which cumetances. Ills doInostle relations
present sf=cIty of agricultural IaL*r Ti.-eir Lordships would humbly ad- olbilitles. There is no pretence of taking precedence over normal traf. Brooklyn, .N. Y., older of tile
in certain parts of Britain the su- visa Ills majesty that that was the evacuating Manchuria. On the fic and that heavy,' guns and other veisees here, and another waitress had boon struck annually during the have been straLued since th�p ad-
gestio'n is, made by a leaAMIR Lou(] ' rooments are con- artillery are also being sent. named Misis Annic Mahon, left in the pantifica,to, of the late Pope. vent of a housekeeper Ili tits lionip
O!, atato of tho law� TiLe fact that contrary, r6info., - afternoon In a rowtboat far Roweall, Ca,rcldnal 'VannutoIll, as the OenlOr at No. ua Gerrard street.
.paper that soldiers be employed as all exception wau taken from the - , anti ware returning about 5 O'clock, Cardinal present who, hail been are- Him son Robert left home .as a
.rarm hands dugtng LIM harvesting criminal law gonerally� and tliatlt ------ _______.___________ . ----..- when C,bout a. mile from Itoumall ilia ated by Pope Leo X11X., advanced to
season. � 4 1 %vau expounded as being the Collett- result of repeated misunderstand.
a i -f Moon bant wat; accidentally "Pset- Miss tho Carl lit bearing a white, metal tube Inge with 1118 father's housekeeper,
ftsked by an officer or the Army Ser- is- `10LEIN U6 .Niailon along to the boat Ana lv"� - containing it parchment on which ,Nfr,. Blake. Ile enlisted the sympa.
.Cho (Luestion is very portitiontis tation of courts of Criminal jur
alotion, but including pr000duro In IVESUIVIUS C11 11N, V rclecaed, but miss FAri(,y sank Imille- were Inscribed notes of tile late Pon- thy of his married brother. John,
vice Carps, whose attention Ilas 1)(3011 tirtminal mattora, rendered It more 0,jatclT and never eame up. Tile body tiff's principal encyclicals and a -brief, .%V110 livee at No. ,33 Dirrell avenue.
directed to ilia Proposition that holl- elear (if anything were necessary ____._ floe In 100 reet or water and, has .'lot rccord or Ills pontiflea.to' Mile was - Lavi, week they Ifeard that their
day-makere shoultl spend their time .to render it 'wore clear), I yet been recovered. -�ilaced basIdo the body.'
harvedIng. that., with. that* exception, which - 11ttle.it seven-year-old sister, Loule,
. - evere F-6 0 -ting at he C,apture of Cinda , ' 1�,,�Pited Suddenly. A second drapery or winding sheet I eing ill-treatC4.
. 1 L would be a welcome relief I rom obTiotisly did not include what had iga, t of red vilk was now spread over the
In S d wak
Ilia tedium of barrack Itfo in hot bcon. contonded'ror there, the cri - . London, Ont., July ,�,G,_Pcter SLow- body, the, Ila was placted. ove.r all and Oil Thursday night tile two sons
weather It the enlisted mail Cou;d lie Inal law, in Its widest sense, was art, of No. 0.79 York street, returnec. craived down, anti the body was went tip to their father's house to
employed Ili gathering crops. They that which ivao r,oservpd for the Do- Bofivar on Whonday. tro-Ill Ills wprk as bight 'wal.01111,11 domancl an explanation. M and
wGuld make willing workers, for I Uion technically delivered to. tile Z�Irs. Wake .were sitting on the
ininlon Parliament to enact. With at the EtreLt car barns PAt I o'cl-Jal, C11,1pter Gf St. Poter's, Its; chief giv-
_k , what soldier would not uxobango a rogard to tile other questictivi which this morning, tipparentLy In Ills u-sual InL1 a receipt to the cardinal (loan. .' ' it 1. .The latter resented
eun-baked parado ground for ti, field . 'fag- a v t�hollpalutZsqtlestlon put by thle boyk?,
. It had booll suggested should Ile re- NaplasL Vulyi pqv-,�n� eruption, oV.Att. and Guzman, and Gen. Fxandsoo licalth. 1n ii,cur later lie ti,bked for T,Ilo rrilreAcrit, tl eq r,f the cliapter and, according to John, she slapped
or now -mown hay. 2 Forved for further argument, Their Vasuvius livgan yesterday and I's In- clucz, had been taken prisoners. a drink, and almost lininedlaiOlY ex- Llion lifted tho Coffin Into. anot,hor
As an Influenco on reernitlilfg the Lordships wero of opinion that It ClIcalsing Ili violence. A stream of N9P asacqua.to idea can be camect of pirod. Ileart trouble was the CAtIl,e, mr4ssIve, casket of Ieacl,, on Which [its face and Won ran to tile hall
scheme would be Valuabfa Ili mally �voultj ba incxpedlent and undesirable the, segue NvIllch Cluilad Bolivar pro- mr. Stewart was an old cltivcn� ware inMrlbed the name and armor- rack for a cano.
localities where troops 'fire rarely eight matrQs broad; and Ono , toth solls darted after her, and
seen. Moreover, at, one correspondent ancl contrary to ilia precedents Lava I Lion amits. Tjio city a,ppeArs to have beell I"(.11 -Deall oil Sltle,%valk. [-it bearNgs of ilia (lead Pope, Ilia the father got tip to make peace.
which from tinio to time hail been motre deep Is flowing Ili tile direct swept by a Cyclone, accompanied by Brockville, Ont., Jul,� 2G.-Norn Me- "goa,"a tile dato of 11's doath- ,
points out, it would solve ono of the poli,ted to Ili tile questions arising Of POMP011. It 110,115 41COtrOYCEI all old & conflagration. Artisans %lio wore present then In Ills hurry lie stumbled and fell to
difficulties which stand 'Ili the way, � Gannon, tile 13 -year-old daughter a,' tile wialk. On -striking tire pave -
before that board to attempt to cottago and threatens to reach tile The 01110fal Report. John Mersannon, dropped on tho F41d(- carefully soldered over tile cover of
. of our growing more of our food give any judicial opinion upon them. front or hol: home on till,; coffin untIl. It, had been berinot. Mont, he cried out, "Boys, My head'o ,
suppkies on native goll. rou�l. No damagq is a,utlelpated, Jiow�- .Uaracav, Venezuela, July 27. -Order walic in F"da" loally aimed. Milan It was looked ' hurt." .He soon became unconsoL-
I Thov, -were questions which arose 0 mountain has been re-established at Ciudad tind died almost instantly. The burst- up
only when properly Considered in ovor, ais tll&i- ,side I the by the Camerlango, and majordonio ous. Drs. Rowan and younge. wore
. 9? cor-croato caaeg ; . an -a any, opinion ex- Is almost dascX-ted- Talc eruption Is Bolivar. I I Ing of a ll)Lood vessf.1 was the cause ovoo More. Tbo doub7o colfln wais Rummionod, and had tbb mail re.
COUNSEL " NON SUITED. pressed u1jon ilia operation Of those not vl,siblo from Naples. Tiliere are The Foreign office here received' of her sudden deMiso. . liftsd title time and placed ln tile 1110vell to tho Geueral Hospital,
— I plalisce and tile extent to which they ended by tile following report sent by Gen. Pled in South Africa. third, which was of alm. This In turn wh0r0 Ille died at 4XV yesterday
Refused a Hearing While Atur,d 1. occalelonal o."Plosionig, att Game%, com man dor4n-ol ilef 'of tile % .; fore -wed down and sealed by the �11101! 119, Tile police were not;16�jl
%rat 0 f tpl It
waro appilc4ble would be woett.t. rumbling. Tilia cono Or tile mountain 147,ingston, Out., July 20. - sad 0
* Grel. . Venezuelan rorcea, Which captured doath occurred at Tobann,esburg, Camerlengo and Cardinal Ra -tee and Detective Forrest
. Icas for many reasons -they would be liao bc.an enguired In the orator, Ciudad Bolivar, to President Cas- Ballth Africa, oil July 14, when TH.- - of tPrI11911,potT11.1 ely Sat Olit to gather par.
� - worthless as being �vcculativo OpIn. W1110,11 10 rallhily filling With IMva. ticularo. I
rjoindon, Xuly "S. -In the Cliauce�y . tro: . . is archipriest St. Pr 1.1-dinedlat
r 1) lolgi as to what might arise In Ilia I ( tilda I�Iiore=p, -claughter Or Sir Henrl majordomo and the dean of the aliary. JO in gavo himself up at
IvIslon .recently Uirt Ritteif'rovo to A 52 Ilovirs' l3ittttv. q tile Sint
support a motion, when lie was evont of particular facts occurring, Ciudad Bolivar, July 20th, 1003. Xoly do Lotbinlerc,, and wif a of Lieut.- t OT - 1011- and told all 111) kneAv
Z7. - "On Sunday, July 6 Thar,o formalities ciconpi about tile matter. I -It wl,%a not put
Wearing a grey suit belloatAl Ills bringing each and 'Such facts with- Solodad, ,Venezuela, July 1,9tlll the enemy Col. Oreenwood, succumbed to pneu- old more
.robes. lit- tho operation of 'those sections. -by boa,t from Cludad Bolivar.-Villilad a ire on our lines. After monia. . . I than an hour. WhIlo they were pro- In citaody. -
Mr. Justice Kokowlell-I can nvith- It would ho Absolutely contrary to Acillvar was Captured at 11 o'clock fifty (hours' deadly struggle we re- Jantes Caines Dead. ecoling, praye" liacl bnon constantly Cowltlift was nll'l Years Old. ana
ell 800 .Par hear you. In that CON- prinelilla lid very Inconvenient and laot. nigilt, after 52 hours of deeper- occupied the city, �Pho result of our Xlngston, Ont., July 21% -Jam recilteil anti tile chair Eatig the litany. waq.a watchma ilt tif,o Gooderham
it victory, Is as follows: I as Night had fallen, but before till,- & -11'011ts' Distillery.
.,XP'� 'aggle. Talc jall anti tile Capitol t,
, e:
tume. I t th'at opinions should be ato 6ti calnes, nVed 88 .Years, died on Sat- boay want into th(l. (lath-ndral for Dr.
givoll upon those qucdlons at all- - mos of the moot severe f On Inspecting the battlefield we 1q. A. Po'woll has Issued A war.
Mr.'111tter. apologizing, explained ware, the cient uTday after a Lengthened Illnesq. Ile -11;
that 10 had only' just returned from tj-gt,y wero questiolLu which, When fighting, 'Lit(] many men woro killed oftud More titan fifteen hithdred men Linmuromplit, the omthrdval wa.v bril- rant for- an inquest, to be held th
# killed ior Wounded, on both: sldwi. was a prosporous farmer, C01111144 Ilantly Illuminated. The entombing af tvrno6n at tile hospItal. Dr.
tile countrV,v - ll� I tl,)av arose, must arise in, concrete or woundcd tliore. When those P14100S "Oull side hail! to lament the death Not , n XPLigland In 1872. Ile was fativir took place Ili a lilebe fifteen feet Cavou will perform tile autopsy
I Me. Justice Kokow eli said hecould vases In Which tile rights of private wera Captured, Only a few blocks be- of Major Caines, With Whom lie Lived. 11 I
apitol remained to be of General Honrique Urdaneta. 19 1, OVOP & door J11,91t to tile left thli afternoon.
11011; 'Iwlp that. no declined to hear Individuals iv,ore Involved, and that hind tll() 6 Two r,ons and fout'daughters survive. a,r the viltrAliec or 06 cliAppl,where �
mtleman, anti diroct-A it was extromuly 1inwlse beforehand takin. At ill'ahligh,t th3 frig,411ade ciess- "Oil itho tilde of the enemy General
tho Icarned go for, ally judicial ,tribunal to attempt bil. No- living persons w,cro than to. Aurallo Valbu.-Lito was klll�d, and Dee,eased qvas an Anglican and it tho foregoing corainon,,v was enacted. Zin, rv,malno or a treniend'dus mam-
4tbr, mqtlOn to stand over. t, to cX11a.11st lilt the possible cavog all(I b(,J flooti -in tile streets. I many of the officers were captured, Conservatlyc TI16 fall ch"Ir, And, Many 01 the Cloth have boon dle"vered at Ron-
-of In, taking this course His Lord- I. At Zi Ill tile meriting ilia corre- - '18 generale, . Lost Ills Lift, In .-It,811ilbothe. alergy, bearing toroh&,o anil taperpt ter, lit Hungary. No othor specimen
s onIV observing ,a rule long facts which might occur, to qual In6lualit 2 among them .,
I'll, do the oper- aliondent of tho Associated PION fol- b,log3toglandaGuizinan, lVasquezPar- Winiflipog, JuLy 21G.-Don,ald Grallitill accompailloil th-c- body, but tile card, hao hitherto been founcl In Li'll.
hol"10111121 bY bench and bar, and re- fy, cut down, and ovierrl tile lowad Gen. Ittvap, tile comma,nder Of rerno, Macdonaldo and Leugl Sala. was drowned fit tho Assinlbolne, Iliver Ln") 'irltharew to tile side entrance rope, : .
garded alwost as sacred by many ption of particitlar words when an found oof thlo clialld. .
litemboro of t1to profosdon. conenoto case was not before them. tile Government troops, N&O met - "Y?no colonels and in 'y thip aftprucion. Ills body waR It Is linderstood that nurial I)e,q,n
coin- "'i"ll '" P. T. DIbb, roo�pr of 311,
f 0 - loor those roasons Their Lordshipe ool]. Golliez, tba, Venctitiolan Off Cars ID IoNv rank. All the fatter by J. A� M. ,kildno, X. C., near Osborne C011111 111111111red. %th, Will ro.
, not at liberty. We also bridro. This irtakv,s the fifth drowiling Tho ni,cho ]tall bn,-.n ompty allice
M unwritten rule that a meni Lnil have been
her of tile bait Ili robes should not would detlillo to AnAWe1% those q1168- luandar-In-chlor, near tho Capitol, t eign frolly tile Ministry ft.nd retire
wee. light �� applies ovqn ilorip. Tho inaln and substantial eonfirincia tile antionnoemout or the captured 0,000 Maugors, s[k field guns accident lit Winniti,eg ,Within tho last the botly or 11tris I'X. wag removed to PtIvAtItt 11 116. 116 WtIl take, up real
r )to I's 9 T .V and two 'hundred thousand ciart- eleven webkfj. tllorefr�;in ill 1881. Ileforo It otocia I
%vlw 6 ,,=Illn, the hall of Ills quratioll Wng that On which . help city's caliturEN Gen. Gome, informed -�, � , I- � .1 � ---.-.- ---. actico In Napanee. '
oul'L Lordships find alreadv expressed tile oorreppo - ridges. I an ordinar',v ,workmaill:7 41orrick with
Inn, of ildent th'i't each yard of
A barrister or ,studout who; dared, ih,r-li, bpinfoll-thUt 01114 011W10 Aet od by tile (lend. "The traitor 'Verreras and other Mrs. Georgo Bond, wife of tlict edl- a, tttekle, And. it .tall. Tho eofflil, on W, V. E99, Cati,adlan Pacific ileket
to *put In, all appearance In liall In waq be-yond the jurisdiction of tile A,nd that Gen, Nichola,q, Rolando, tile companions, escaped, and are In hid. tor at ilia Chrletimn 'Ouardlilu, died wIll4h hung a, ii,lill or (IINni) malloon agent, Wntrml, ,'haii had 6, sil,ght
a wlifto Waistcoat or light tweed Ontario Legislature. No order woullil la,Rt t(q),roacittative of tile I-ovolution, Ing In the city.
.. (Signed), "Vindent In St. Michael's Hospital on Sabir. Alk, wag plivoo(I b,elow. Ropog woro stroke of paralysis, but lh6 is hot
01111; would probably be at onco 6t� be inade (to to 00stai i I et,ntj Ills tw* lieutenants, Gone, Pablo GoMeV' t .. . ; I ( t . daY., , , - i .'.� . I . . , quickly tied Arourcl OW coffin, and Considered seriously Ill &.t Oesent,
0 .