HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 5Jt, i, 010, 1903 THE WING RA M ,A.DVA.N'CI& The s ' ') * 5 Ong lktoaadt��Qdaat�week the dredge � $lid# Prices. + _. CWS,ry �i Snaau Pxta raiseda tree trunk in the Harbor about �'1�+� Moil S tore N .d HairSphts p �1 rp ".2[4 feetlong and 2 feet in diameter. ' - Thu Loa ' Sto14,J• Parkhill, Ont., July 21,• --•Asa X. 11111,Last Tuesday Johnston Mo$rien, who Qh�O� Va oa, 120tux 1. a painter, while engaged in painting a • , as � Stout 111... •.,, :. .„„ ., ,,,: ., ,_: ... ,. ..,�.• Clothing Bargains was here attending has sister s funeral, l have ea s. Ayer's H stirlege t. for house, fell from the ladder. The shock loot a sum of money amounting to near- for thirty years, It is elegant for x hair dressing and for keeping caused heart failure, and he died in a, ly >a400, having drawn over >j500 from P g oho losing Out few minutes.day. p er the ends. the bank during the da The loss rk 111 $ g Boys' Navy Serge Sailor Suit9, sizes 22 to 20—Suit..,.,..,.,.,....., �1.3;i --b1r, Donald McKenzie, _father of caused quite a sensation till its recovery ” d��'C'ruenan[eld atGrantfo , hair roma: ,..•..,.,.._ air -splitting', Boys' two•ptece klveed Sults, sizes 2L to 2$ ... X.(10 Mr. R' D• l,�e�onzio of Ripley, passed neat morning with the assistance of ± H Sp IitS Boys' $-piece Snits sizes 28 to 33 . . ....... . . . . • , . , , , 3,00 away at his home on the boundary of Constable Phalen, friendships. I t hair• 17 Boys' 3•piece Fancy Suits, latest styles, etc„ were $5.00, $5,fi0 and $0.00 Huron and Ashflold on Monday last, The promoters of St. Joseph had a big =a —choice ............................. ., 3,50 , + splitting is done onyourG[ret Cut In PrxC •Ll Men's and Xouths' Navy }flue and Black Suits, sizes 35 to 44, (all wool) The deceased was one of the old pion- meeting at the "city" last week, mom- = p g these suits were $8 25, $0.00 and $9,60—choice 7,00 cors of this section, and was very high, bers of the company and others interest- own head it loses friends y 17 only Men's tweed and Serge Stilts, sizes 35 to 44; these are a snap as ly esteemed• ed being present from Chicago,Mon• for you, For every hail' of - they were mostly $7,50 and $8.00 Suits,—choke,..... ...,. 5.49 y g areal and other points. D. Mo(illipud- 1'l only Youths' Long Pant Suits in nice dark tweeds, etc„ sizes 82 to 35; Huntsville, Jul 24, --A distressin ; your head is a friend. This is the time Oi year we xllAve these sults have been selling at $4 25. $5.00 and $00)—price to clear... 4.2a fatality occurred at the farm home of dy, J. H. Shirley, United States consul, Ayer's Hail' Vigor in 23 Pairs blen's odd Pants, made of good tweeds, etc„ (broken sizes) if we Mr. Harry Laing, when his young son, and J. T. Goldthorpe, were present from advance will !'event the out all Slimmer goods ---and make prices have a pair to tit you the price will be..,,.,., 1100 ' Boys' Mole Pants, all sizes ... , ...... , ........... . . . . ... . .. . ' ' ' •' ,d9 aged 10, was trampled on by sheep and Goderfoh, It Is sold that an important p so low that oils will save mons On Bo s' School Coate all sizes...... y j and interesting deal is on, splitting. If the splitting = every UrChast3 p1'Oiit is llOt C y y , 1111 . ... . . ..........., ......... .,, ,49 so seriously injured that he dead. The .' boy was assisting his father in driving a On Saturday evening about 7 o'clock, ' has begun, it will stop it. ry p considered, 1111. 1111 SHOE and Prices. GiveDEPARTMENT.—Boys' sa trial and become acustomer. Shoes at Bargain Conductor Broad of the Grand Leanl, met with an accident that result- ±seIf na u. one uglier and we tRillpei re number of sheep into a on, oldest son of Mr, Robert Me- $1.li a bottle. All err law our druggist ur ss Trunk, whose home is at Southampton young ced in itizen ath eight had started a from Othe olu s bottle nearest einreand give the nae a 95c -Ladies, white and col'rd. 95c worth $1.21 Men's flne SALEM SHIRTS.—All good fitters and guaranteed t has a Burbank raft, 14 inches ion put % ' Shirt Waists, reg. $1.25 and Chambray Shirts, fast col• g g' P Square for home intending to call at J. es express CO.,cuLeben, Ida... l; g o wash in last year, which is this season carry- , ' g l $1.50—to clear .... . . . .......mac ors, soft fronts—Sale ....... 95c without fading, or money returned. Prices—$1.00, $1.25, $1.50,. Ing 19 plums. Last year he gathered 27 Thompson's blacksmith shop fora horse Salem Shirt Waists for boys, with seperate collars, for ages 5 . mature apples from an Ontario three- K, had left there, While passing down 15C—White White and colored Mus- 10n h Scotch Giughams and PP Smgaton street, the animal he was driv line, worth 20c and 25c—to Chambrays, fast colors, reg, year-old. He has this season a Crim• Ing shied at something, and swerved so A clear . . ......... . .. ... . ......15c value 15c—For.............. loc to 1 years. Bi Bargains m Felt and Straw Hat son rambler`kose four ears old, which�'"a + Y suddenly* that Mr. McLean was thrown 95c worth $1.25 —Women's 15c, worth more mons eor- g g g, is 16 ft high, and a mass of bloom. Y— out of the buggy, his head and shoulder fine Dong'ola Shoes, new set covers, well made—on These are records of which even an ex- • toe—Sale 95c striking the ground with great force. •••••••••••••••••• sale at......................15c pert might be proud, Although somewhat dazed he of u Comfort The CrowderCo. ' g P 10C yards mill ends factory lOc worth 12#� —extra heavy Toronto, July 23.—It now torus out and walked to Dr. Whitoleq s office, and '%- Cotton at a saving to you quality 1`Llc Prints, fast col - the H. O that the lad who fell overboard from when the wound was dressed, for his ,end What of 2c per yard ....,.......1111 Y ors, choice patterns..,..,.,10c the steamer Macassa this afternoon near head was bruised, he walked to Thomp- ]� p $2,25 worth $3—Fine tailor - Oakville, was •Mrs. Foy, wife of J. J. son's, got the horse he recently bought, �t Means, A�rans made top Skirts—Sale ... $2.25 5c worth 10e—Fancy colored Foy, K, C., and member of the Legis- and left for home driving the animal • Muslins to clear out at 1111. 5c BLUE FLAME COAL OIL lature for South Toronto. Mrs, • Foy that had shied. When near Mrs. Mur- Blk15e worth 20c se Ladies' Sue -. STOVES. had been several mouths in the private ne 's residence he must have felt that —o lisle Hose, beat Black 95c worth $1.25—White Cam - P y —on Sale at...... .. ...15c brie Underskirts with deep Every BOX Of hospital of Dr. Walker, in this city, but his injuries were serious, for he. called frill, good value at $1.25— i There is satisfaction for CirA+SOL)[�E STOVES. was greatly recovered in health, and bad Fred Johnston, who was passing, and A lot of sample Gloves ata to, clear at ... . . ...........95c eve owner of a good Couch— saving of ten cents per air been taking almost daily trips. She asked him to drive him home. JohnP , a splendid thing in sickness, a $1.50 worth quality Women a 0•b ` a7 c7 •died before reaching Hamilton. sten did so, but on his way home the 35c worth 50c—One ce. ane extra fine unlit Shoes 8c necessity for tired backs. We dP q Y REFRIGERATORS. —A record in tree planting was made injured man became Insensible, as d was have so many shapes and styles, Blk. Grenadine, wig a—at, .,35c Slippers—to go at.. , ,. ,.. $1.50 never heard to speak again. everal this spring by Caretaker White of the its hard to give you an idea of 75c worth $1—Linen Skirts, 25c worth 35c —Good strong 1� doctors were u attendance, but Robert nice] made and trimmed..75c summer Corsets—to Bruce County House of Refuge: He them all. You'll find here one Y go at..25c was beyond human aid, and died about It set out 490 evergreens, and all are still 8 a,mithout regaining consciousness. that will just suit you—$5.75, 25c—Men's fine Merino Shirts 3e worth 8c and 10c — Fine �able�s SCREEN D®��•s , w , living. The ground was well manured $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $13.50, $23.00 and Drawers, regular value heavy Lace, four patterns— AT is PER CENT. OFF. before the trees were planted, and has —upholstered in the best quell- 35c—to clear................25c to clear at,..............., 3c been kept mulched ever since. Taste ty material. is guaranteed to give has been shown in the location of the Out Of the Shadow. _ The discouragement, the despair of trees as well as skill in planting and in ' entire satisfaction in all - High Grade Cleveland Bicycles ° a few years the rounds in the front of ill health, out into the noontide glory BAIL BROS, g Y g se health, vigor and strength. Are =you Basement News. cases of Stomach trouble High Grade tlySlop BICyCIeS the Brace Refuge will have the beauty seeking this way? Are you wishing to —if not mons refund- ; on - 01 one of the largest operators, m cheeks and lusterless eyes, at the roses 50c—Boys' Washable Cotton Suits, good colors,. worth y 2 dent b hope and expectation, pale UNDERTAKING - Y 2magnificentp ystrength, P • Y Y P P ed. Try a box and be at 12 per cent. offs . g P . G Tae — to clear at .................................... sec convinced, for one weey k only , speaking of the apple situation in Ont- bloom and sparkling eyes. If you but Residence Patrick 35c—Boys' Washable Blouses in Gingham, well made, arlo, said: "It is true this ear's oro use Ferrozone, you will make rich red St., 5th house west y P blood, your nerves will grow strong, of Hamilton's Drug regular price 50c—to clear at ........ .............. 35c will not be a heavy one, but it must be store. Night call. Old time vigor will return and with its receive prompt at- $6.75—Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, made to fit and wear Y I have room for two remembered that there are enough endurance that will enable you to live tentlon. Binder Twine at Lowest Prices: evaporated apples on hand from last an active, energetic and successful life. 1 well, regular value $7.50—for........................ 5.75 students in Telegraph : P PP Remember the name Ferrozone. Sold r+_ $1.09—Boys' strong Tweed Suits, nicely made and lined, office. ,year to meet the demands so far as by all druggists. V - regular value $2.00—to clear at .......... . . ........ 1,69 Pure Paris Green and Potato evaporated stock is concerned for the Bp Finish. whole of this year. These evaporated, $3,75—Boys' good school Suits (coat, vest and pants) new Bugpatterns, good value at $5.00—they go at.... , ..... 3.75 apples will not, of coarse, come directly BEAUTIES OF MUSKOKA. D DEWS into competition with fresh apples, but ; „y 11, Fishlei~h's. they wiul indirectly compete with bar- p g ������ �•.���_���+Felled fr it. Coxres ondent Writes Glowin ly of j��'` Ll• ,ll]Chemist & Druggist—There is to be an extensive sale of Highlands of Ontario Hardware Store, 9Yin ham, timber on Crown lands in New Ontario 0 Opp, BankIHamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Office G,N.W. Tel. Co. g during the latter part of the summer or Muskoka has many attractions for the Bargainsin the early autumn of this year. The tourist, and the palatial steamers of the Smith & Pethick s old stand• rush of settlement and the consequent Muskoka Navigation Company now surveying of dozens of new townships make it possible for the traveler to view IN has been invading the region of the the scenery of the wild and romantic forests of pine and other woods of an country in comfort. There are hotels = y, FARMERS �1T[� • danger at se, and in consequence the and boardinghouses in that district e M.�i i 1 i 4 t i I i i t i t 1 r KlylE" R J danger that sections of them will be meet the wishes of all classes from the JEWELLERY. wiped out by fire is great, and is con- .Royal Muskoka, with its magnificent stantly increasing, although the fire appointments, down to the less preten• NAv E W G 40" 0 us ranging is as stringent as possible. tions farm house. Buy your own twine. That is , . The Lueknow Sentinel says:—For what you are doing when you buy A correspondent, writing from one of 12 only Ladies Watches, guaranteed, past heavy inroads have the excursion steamers, as she winds her gold filled oases, good value at Walkerton Twine—the best on the some weeks way through the narrow channels of g We have now a full stock of up-to-date •- .. market. I am Bole agent for it for been made on the chicken yards of the $141.00 --dining the month of Au- = p Rev. C. H. P. Owen of this village, and Lake Joseph. says:—,,The lake is parte. = Gents Furnishings, and We Can assure you - this vicinit g i g + y' cularly well filled with islands, all oc- gust for.......................$I0.50 .-- ,, in all some twenty-two fowl had my- that anything bought from us is right up -to- w Large quantities of Chop.on hand. sterionsly disappeared. (ln Sundaq oupied with cottages, many of them , _ �e are sole - : All kinds Peas, Oats, Barley, etc, night however two more went the way palatial in style, with beautifully kept Choice stock of Rings; all = the -minute, and at right prices. of all the others, but the partly eaten lawns, prettily painted pagodas and kinds, grades and at prices to --+ I boathouses. In fact, nearly every suit. Come to u9 for the New Up-to-date Shirts gents for ,• body of one of the chickens gave a clue t£)! t� ��� to the perpetrator of the deed, and on Place has been taken up and built upon, wedding Ring. " �� Ties b As Monday' morning several of our late some spending large amounts in beau- THE VERY BEST PLACE to ec cc Collars • � � '� � 1 fer ins their grounds and workers pre- _ ..a sports started a fox hunt and the result ferrin uatnre's own handiwork which get Repairing done. a at Hats (1VIARKET SQUARE) was that Mr. Fox was located and his career ended. a la 8 end, seems preferable. There New Hosiery, Braces, and everything in con- - -a are large numbers of small steam and Patterson t —The Pallman Company has made a naphtha launches, and everybody has a W. • FOOD section with the Gents Furnishing depart- STOCK.•-- Wood p Pho�phoditne, demand on F. R Woolston, a prominent rowboat or canoe for the people seem co , g • e TheQrcatBagiishAcmeAy, Christian Ludeavorer, of Denver, for live on or in the water, for the bathing UPP. QUEEN'S HOTEL meat. In Tweeds you will always find Our o.- is an old, well estab- lished and reliable two hundred dollars damages to the is excellent, the water delightfully l stock new and up-to-date, and we can assure m Z R r.r preparation. Has been sleeper in which he recently made his warm when compared with the Great It prices. proscribed and used you _ x over 40years. i drug- bridal trip. It seems that the car was L ` +'I •+e fit at rib! 1 - a perfect t For Sale only by gists in the Dominion P Lakes or ocean, of Canada sell and captured Woolstons friends said de• n r charcoal for Poultry. 1 „ ii „..,.,,,,,..am.au„u,n,. .wnc.,zi..c.i:iu.n ,•emeomn.++„ Y Speakinb of the fishini, he states that recommend pnlynmedic medicine or! corated in an unique manner, Men's last week he went down the Musquash The hen in confinement must have -+ Before and After. tskindthtt'tpuresand and women's shoes and old horse shoes careful feeding to keep her in health, ~” Colin A Campbell w gives universal satisfaction., It'ptg4ptitlya,d River, from Bala, and got a string of Charcoal is cleansing to the system ' o.• A. , d Ao mahently cures all form@ of Ne; yo;c§§, Weak and banners and things were nailed to bass, twelve of which Weighed fifty and promotes digestion and apps-® ® 1 I (!effects f, spec r 0 sfe sj, T Asa ssc l the windows of the Pullman inside and pounds. He says, in conclusion, that - alto. A simple device for securing 110muth .,.. ental the climate of the Highlands of Ontario THE DRUGGIST a'o o Todacco, Octose a� N{'tinulanta,i? out, Nails were driven into the car .charcoal from the ashes of any wood °q pact)3rai1TVorry,allofw lc- ad to In rmity, fire is quickly made ouh►of a codfish 7usanity Consumption and an Barly Grave. with as much abandon as if it had been is death to hay fever, asthma, and kind- q y to Price dl per package or six for $;5. One will a picket fence. When the , sleeper got red diseases, as the district is 1,000 feet liTo make the little sifter shown in SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR." �ltlitllillllltilf lltlttiiitllllil please, atm wild cure. Mailed phlet. y o ro• aeiptofpriCo. Send for treepamplilet, Adcrosd back to Deaver from Ogden it is said above,sea level. the drawing, pry the bottom from Tho Wood Companyrm, ..,, ai, .....„:., .e •. ,a+i ,. ,:•.•, .n. ::id�. �PIndeor,Ont',Canada, that It looked as if it had been a target one of the 4} by S -inch boxes in woods Pbospbodine is sold in `Vingham - for a Gatling gun. It was taken out of which fish is bought. Cut apiece b C. A. Camppbutt, W. McMbbon, A. L. service. and put in the shops, and now of netting (from a worn -gout ash sift - 11 amilton and 1t. A, Douglass, Druggists. Here is a Painter. er will do) about 5 inches square, the Pullman Company is trying to Tack this over the bottom of the For make Woolston a £or the repairs. $oldu s you haven't need Catarrh. -- pay P y you box at one end, using double point- oaoue is the best reason wik Men's Mount Forest, July a3.—The after- should use it right away. It will cure -"•'a""" -""."' L en s noon mixed train on the G. T. R. going the Catarrh that makes you Breath so SPECIAL RIEDUCTIONS 1� to Durham yesterday met with disaster. Heavy and your hearing so poor. Cat - to Cat - When about half -way between Holstein arch, Bronchitis c i scientific ourey for Cat• SON ALL KINDS OF Bargains ' • • arrh, Bronchitis and Asthma, room- ' �* ttl s• the track and were itched into the ad- certain cure. Mr. Henry A. Taylor the A RANDY - W ._._.r._-- % . and Varney, eight of the oars jumped mended by doctors and druggists as a p` � YDY CHARCOAL SIFTER, oldest druggist in Halifax says Catarrh- jaceiit swamp, some of the trucks being It gives satisfaction wherever it goes. n tacks. Bend the edges of the Fur-DiLituutz. IN We have buried out of sight. The• salts, with It fs simple and convenient to use, and netting up against the box on the their contents, were very badly smash- enjoys fully three times the sale of any outside, then tack the bottom of the e now the most ed. The engine and two cars kept the other Catarrh remedy sold ill tate pity, box on again, letting it just cover `1a�,e�es beautiful and complete stocktrack. The occupants of the pnase,igor Catarrhozono is guaranteed to oure, and the netting and project 4I inches or if it fails you caul have your money so beyond the box. This fornis a ever put on the Wingham coach received a severe shaking up, llut rei;grued, Prico $1,00 for two months handle, and a piece of cord pass,d Market in the way of Men's no one was seriously in; tired, e4copt a treatment. Small size 25o. Druggists through two holes and tied to form May be secured for a few weeks longer at our store. {�► 0 ` In- Suitings. commercial tr4yoller, who was pitched or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. a e sig makes ft possible to hang up the sifter. over three or four seats, alighting in p FALL (FAIRS. bBedsteads a •designs In such a 'ova as to wrench ills back. , � its , sifter seemscold a smalldumped I r0I1 B _ . 11� In all the latest dell ns y slight affair, but it works much bet- The et- The crew also escaped with their lives, for tban a big one into which sevel- edsteads from 4..00 Up. a and materials at very reason -but Conductor Lavelle was not able to al qua! is of ashes w be pan ��•�.�e able prices. You will have come down with his train this morning. at encs. Aimed with all cid Wlxoli.4�f,-•Sept. 25; and a tiro shovel, putting ill only a Our SfdCli is t00 large for the selLSOn ' We Must1'e(,I.l1Ct' 1 n0 difficulty in selecting a The accident is thought to have been Blyth—Opt; 6.'l, fele ashes at a time, tike contents of g suit to suit. caused by the truck of a coitl oar either Xilverton—Dept. 24-25. the ash pan from our kitrhon range it) find NOW i8 GD �O breaking or leaving the track, Stratford -root. 7, will yield over a quart of fine clear- "' In fit and workmanship l Toeatvater—Opt. B, coal. THE BUYEJ R'S C HANC101. we take a back seat for no u • Toronto—Aug, 27 Sept, 12. Top Dress the Meadows. A ver detrdsain , Anddcommon ma, Palineraton--SOpt, 28. Seised the inanurp on the mea,- Ariel lady doubtless it has its origin in some Collingwood—Sept. 22.25, dows. That is the best way to apply (Undertaking receives our prompt attention.) unbalanced condition Of the nervous Poterboro—Sept. 22.24. it to secure a good crop of hay. riatliOf4ctioa yu6rant�Ced, system. One of the simplest, safeat slid Strathrcy--Sept, 2S-25. Npread it with a manure spreader qo PARK9Smost efficient remedies is Norvilitio. that the di4tribution may he even. Twenty drops in a little sweetened Walkertou—Supt. 23.2.4. With a spreader two men can distrf- (w� water gives almost immediate relief. Ilarriston--Sept. 25, buto about rorty leads a day, Neat- Walker Bros. Button ��� �� store Robt. !ell and this trentinont should be supple- Wiarton---Sept. 29. teied with a spreader the disli'ibu- monteid by bathing the region of pain Listowel—Sept. $0, tioil will be even, and there will not withNerviline. 7o say it acts quickly Zttckiiow-0ot, 2, be aeon the suceession of oveifottilir.- : 1 y Dealers p Milr(lantll(1 I31bck WinghtfmN gill gat maria '!sill! him ed spota or stripe that Inevitably I urniture Dealers CX+ Undertakers gall it oveerywher he result, Druggists Oaxrie-•Oct, 8. follo� ay,roadir b` - ,