HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 4t ' a 4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. July 312, 1903 ,, Chicago Tribune estimates I ,� the shrinkage in value of railroad _ i e � (bza�liC Ca+�� and industrial stocks traded in Now THE PEOPLE'S POPT TLAR. STORE Ritchie ........�,..�....�York during the last year at $1,- �J1 Cif b ell - —The most valuable crown iu is approximately � s the. national debt Euro a is the Forte ese but the is approximately .$93,178,000r the ha Austrian, valued at $050,.000 is the shrinkage in the market values of Macdonald Block, Wingham. the stocks enumerated Is almost ,, - : ; _ • , : :: , : _ . - "-' - finest specimen of the goldsmiths art. twice the amount of the stational 1 bonded debt. The losses in these resident receives •--The French p values, such as they are, do not • JASe H. KERR Ready-to-We(ar Goods $120,000 a year and gets in addi- and do not include an gbond issues. cover the entire ran a a£ stocks tion frust vegetables, ams fuel y 0 g , & s t It is interesting to note that the oil, gas, electric light and washing shrinkage in stocks and bonds in free, the three concerns which are es- A Group of Bargall�S for July ,.� .. Read the List pecially considered Morgan's stocks ll i� over carefully A lot of fine white linen Shirt Waists, Em- .—.Wine hundred and sixty-seven is $386,602,390. broidered fronts, Tucked fronts, trimmed with thousand, eight hundred and fifty- I Here's a grand opportunity for you to save money. The July Sale for this year Medallions, finest qualities, perfect fitting, and the three emigrants left England last , must out-distauce all revious sales. Our stock is much larger than ever before, and the latest, styles. Prices are reduced away down. year. Of these 669,29'12 left for —Mr. Tarte writes to his paper quality of the goods has never before been equalled, We want to put emphasis on the fact Y European ports and 298,561 for that Sir Wilfrid Laurier's state that it is our rr-gular lines of goods that we offer at reductions that range from 25 to 50 places outside Europe. of health will not permit him to Special lots Of Beautiful •1 remain very long on the scene. • On this, the Hamilton Spectator FANCY COLLARS „ per cent. off. our regular prices. VoLL�ir`S App Collars, Silk —The Temiscamiug and North says :—''Everything points to the Collars, Wash Collars, etc, A splendid assortment Ontario Railway, which is expec- correctness of the program outlined • WARM WEATHER B1Y�a1�1S �t� Hats from 25 cents to 75 cents each. ted to open a productive country, in our columns when Mr. Tarte Groceries. n has already been built ten miles was kicked out of the cabinet. Sir CLOTHING r� u j �j north of North ;Bay, and the work Wilfrid will retrain at the heed L of _ _ O 1 j j I �1 LININGS 'Another shipment of Gilbert's cel- is proceeding, at the rate of half a the party during the election cam- Ladies' Sailor Iiats reg. 75 fort..... 50c mills per da paign to capture Quebec, and will , FOR LADIES. '4 " " 50 for ...... 35c ebrated spur glass or Oriental p y' then resign. His present intention This is picnic time and it ,. .. to " 40 for ...... 30c Linings in Black and colors. is that Mr. Fielding will be his will be interesting for you to Girls' Hats reg 50c and 75c for ...... 25c —Som idea of the know importance successor. But there are others in that we can supply you A person to keepcool needs of the cheese industry of Canada the field. Mulock and Sifton are light weight clothin, We can , One lot of Japan Silk use Silk all shades with a fine line of— supply your wants. Let us help Mens and Boys Hata at reduced J p , p , , may be gained from the fact that both anxious to succeed Sir Wil- you to look and feel comfortable prices for July, special per ,yard ......................... 25C up to the close of last week, the frid, and they are cabaling against Canned Fish and Meats, Pot- We have a splendid assort- A quantity of Men's Straw Bats, value of the cheese shipped from Fielding. Later they will be plot- reg. 25c and 30—reduced to ......15c to ends of this season's Muslins, new patterns, ted Ham Beef Duck Salad ment of White and Colored Mus- p Montreal was about eight million ting against each other. ' ' lins, Basket Cloth, Dimity Men's Canvas Hats, reg. 40 for .... 30c regular 25C per yard --Special .............. 19C dollars, which was larger than at I Dressing, Mustard Dressing, ;ghams, y Mens New Stylish Straw Hats 25 g gi Muslin, Drees Gin Fancy + the same time last year. Silks &c. Just the goods for per cent off reg. prices. y Sauces, Pickles, Catsup, &c. hot weather. 5 doz. Ribbed Cotton Hose, regular 15 to 25c The Weekly San says:—The , per pair—Special, 2 pair for ................ 25C 1 . Grand Trunk Pacific plan will be You'll enjoy your picnic -- 5 —The Toronto Globe's latest re- adorned with the usual superfluity better if you use BLUE $1:50 Shirt Waists for.......$1.00 Men's Leather Belts at There are some of those $i.00 Shoes left. Don't garding the results of the Manitoba of paper safeguards which sound " miss this snap. elections is that—the new Legisla- loud in politics and mean nothing RIBBON TEA. None bet- 75 " :50 reduced prices. 50c Leather Belts for...............40c in practice. The free use of the ter. Put u 1n lead packages i g kgs. tore will contain thirty-three Con- • p p P g 35c 25c Summer Vests, all Stylea. servatives and seven Liberals. It railway from Moncton to Winni- prices 25e, 40e, 50e a lb. Prices 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c"Tc. 25c " ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • 120c Highest Prices Paid for Butter and E was a cleaner Conservative sweep peg for ten years is equivalent to than was at first reported. Hon. a cash subsidy of $10,000,000. The a Thos. Greenway is likely to retire country will have virtually no se - from the Liberal leadershi curity in its dealings with the Men's Summer Clothin tchie Campbell I p• Grand Trunk other than the securi- New Glassware. Bargains in Shoes ty which is created with its own at Bargain Prices. —The Toronto News says the money. The country guarantees successors t0 M. Ii Mcl D00• scheme of raising a large testimon- the road over the prairie. The - ial fund for Hon. G. W. Ross, country guarantees the road We have just received a Oxfords are in high favor $1.50 Summer Vests for..........$1.00 which was Inaugurated last Novem- through the mountains. The coup- this year, and right in face of 75c " " " .50 g =case of very pretty Glassware bar at at a meeting in the Rossin try does everything except share a this fact we are selling Oxfords, Fine Cotton Shirts and Drs. each. .25Fine Balbriggan " is .25 House, has not been abandoned. It in the profits which will come -to 3 with heavy Gold Decorations. at reduced prices. ., is .50 is said that the cash already paid the construction companies of in- = The kind that does not wash Fine Silkine " " .75 in and the `undertakings to pay eiders or in the earnings of a rail- off. The price is low. Fine Natural Wool " " 1.00 will bring the fund up to nearly way which will belong to the Grand . LADIES' $30,000. - Trunk without cost to its promoters. Plates, Bon Bon Dishes, $1.75 Dougola Kid Oxfordsit $185 We can supply you with rDinner I 115 Vases50 , Tooth Pick Holders, 135 " " " .: I,500 fine ordered clothing on short Pin Trays, Rose Bowls, 1:75 '• " Trilby... 1.35 notice. We guarantee style, —A sentence of six months in —At the trial of a man for 1.35 " �' ^ 1.00 g Dridd-imn e -14FA Sets Sugar Bowls Cream Pitchers. the penitentiary and a fine of $100 drunkenness, in Toronto Police g ' fit and quality. is a suitable penalty for the man Court last week, Lawyer Robinette Your choice for 15c each. who thinks his membership in a raised the following objection :— GENTS. Blk, Venetian Worsteds. labor union gives him a right to "That under the B. N. A. Act the ~Abetter quality of Glass, Oust a few pairs left of those Fine Blk. and Navy Serges. assault another for workingwith- same decoration as above. light weight, laced Shoes, regn- Fine Fancy English Worsteds Province of Ontario could not en- _ lar $1.00, reduced to 75c a pair. Just arrived at Boston, per Steamship Bos- out a labor union's permission, act the Ontario Liquor License Act Water Sets 7 pieces...............$1.75 Fine Caliadian and Scotch That is the sentence justimposed particularly in so far as it imposes _ Tabie Sets 6 to............... 1.75 Fine Dongola and Box Calf Tweeds. teniae, one crate Dinner Ware, consigned to us; by Judge Blair, in the Hudson penalties and imprisonment in de- Berry Sets 7 .4..... I ..... ... 1.40 Shoes $1.50 to $3.50 a pair. will have them on sale this week. County Court of Common Pleas, 1n fault for second offences and third Thane Dinner Sets are expected to be the Jersey City. offences, because by the provisions - of the B. N. A. Act all matters of Jswellest goods ever opened up in Wingham, each 1 a criminal nature are reserved for <%I Set consisting of —The Ontario Department of Agriculture has received word the jurisdiction of the Parliament' of Canada. The same was Fall Terni Opens Sept. 1st. ALEX. INELLY WELLINGTON MUTUI�L Hose guaranteed fast black io cts. g , from from Europe that the apple point taken in regard to the Lord's Day CENTRAL Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS. CO. 12 Cups and Saucers 2 Platters crop is likely to be very poor there this season. In this connection a Act recently before the Prived y Y Council when it was decided that%G!%� ARTHUR J. IRINQl�iC I haus secured an to cone for Established 1840. Head rales GUELPH, oNT. 12 Bread and Butter Plates 1 Teapot 12 Tea PIates 1 Sugar Bowl letter was received from a large g French cider manufacturing firm, ' the whole Ontario Act was invalid, being not within the jurisdiction of s ATFORD. o1VT. m prepared o conduct Huron treaty, and am prepared salol at reasonable rates, Sales arranged at the Advance Office. Risks taken on all classes of incurable pro party on the cash or premium note system. Jug 12 Dinner Plates 1 Cream Ju .skin if it would be risible to g p the province, but within that Of p Scores of Business Colleges have ap- plied to us for our graduates, to alt as ALEX, BELLY, Wingham P. o, JAX3cs GoLDne, CHAS. D.LvIDaON, 12 Soup Plates 1 Bowl 12 Sauce Dishes 1 Gravy Boat secure from Ontario a large quan- tity of apples at reasonable prices. the Dominion under the rovision ,which left all of the B. N. A. Act p teachers in their schools. This is the for as s the evidence you are attend. RBST SCHOOL to attend. Thousands THOS. HOLMES President. Seoretary, JOHN RITCHIE, If s0 the could do with six t0 � 3' matters of criminal nature to the of our former students aro now in bust- Hess life. write for catalogue. . AGiENT, wTN4HAM ONT 2 Covered Dishes eight thousand tons, jurisdiction of the Parliament of W. a. Elliott, Principal. RANKER, ETC. No 1' Canada." Thus, the validity of Marriage Licenses issued. witnesses at Grittirin s Tho Bruce Herald says:—"The North Riding of Bruce, as now the. Ontario License Act is tinned, and may come before the ' Forder, m large amounts; smaller in pro portion, Easiest tsrina. WINGRAM ��� ���� Priv Council. y ITS ALL RIGHT. constituted is a hundred and fifty � y RICHARD HOLMES McLEAN & SON miles lou b an averse Of six g, y g miles wide. Col. Belcher calls it a j i_S and students may cuter lira j.S7Q�1/iEL BARRI6TER AT LAV, SOLICITOR, OLIOITOR, ETtl., BTO. Offico ;—next to Holmes Block now building —.—.— shoe -string constituency. It is NEW BRUNSWICK FdR BLAIR. All kinds of rough and dressed.... built on much the same plan as himself. By 'the natural law of Rev. J. W. Kirstead, Baptist DR• AGNEW LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES affinity they should elect him their representative. But we arere minister of Campbellton, N. B., at any time. SPRING TERM begins March 30. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS. afraid they won't. They have no said to The Toronto Telegram that the feeling in New Brunswick was rwo Courses—commercial Shorthand Send for College Journal. ACCOUCHEUR. Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald Hard and Soft Slabs, also a taste for the picturesque in art or politics." very strong in favour of the action the Hon. A. G. Blair. C. A. PLEMING A. L. MCINTYRB Seo'y. Block. Night calls answered at office, large quantity of dry hard- We1 aria 3 I' —The trade returns of the United of ''You may say," he declared em- phaticaily, "that New Brunswick President LIFE FIRE DRS' C111smy & alaoty wood for sale, delivered. are '"' States for fiscal June is solid behind the - ex -Minister of INSURANCE Telephone Orders Promptly year ending 30, show that the total export and Railways. Unless some kind of is between PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to. w Out �j�.�j Follow- + import trade for the year reached $2,445,610,:417, this being the compromise effected Laurier and Blair the whole pro- Lowest rates consistent with absolute security. All claims _ Josephine Street Wingham ­tIRhighest on record. The imports vince will go against the Govern- promptly settled M(jLea n (% Sox 50 YEARS" , EPERIENCC TRADE MARKS were valued at $1,025,619,127, meet at the next electron. New Abner Cosens T Il. KENNEDY? M.D., M.C,P,S,O and the exports at $1,419,991,290. Brunswick has the idea and I don't PLATE GLASS (Member of the British Medical J According to Mr. Carnegie, the think by any means wrongly, that ACCIDENT ing a e e Association) d41- United States export and import the Laurier administration has no GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. trade constitutes but five per cent: regard for her interests.. You take DULMAGE Special the G. T. P. scheme • well the en- A. attention aid to Dissects of women of the total commerce of its people. 1 g an� ohildron, • • - - _ eral opinion is that New Bruns{ REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. " ' " " " If this estimate be correct its a orrltln IiolrRe:-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 P'm, e �+ trade must indeed have wickIS interests have been cons- CONVEYANCING,. MQNEY TO LOAN gregate a Farm Property. A Iarge assortment of Prints, American reached enormous proportions. pietely sacrificed. How much bet- on Town and W. T. Holloway ter it would have been to have ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. .,.� goo rr at all prices. .,. , D.D.S. L.D.S. .M•+ .-•. made St.. John the eastern terminal I OPPICB.—In the tient Block. ' Rosidenoe—Catherine St, Graduate of Royal ate"'• "�°' St. John is 250 miles bearer the college of Dental Anyolteeen ---The New York Evening Post , qu,ny Ladies' white Underwear at cost. --» west than Halifax and in 8very Surgeons of Tor- , moor 41 tryout%n t1o� has this to say :—At present Can- and Honor • -^� ad.'s transcontinental trade asses way as good a port. C. J. MAGUIRE 0041.04. atoof Dent eontfreatOfi �.. Hosiery for all kinds of people in Cotton p 'But besides the people Of al Dsp't. of Torou• - Potentia tel a.- • , south of Lake Winnipeg and there- New to University, +a«fatnoilc., • and Cashmere. Best value, Ladies NSU AND Alt— -.0 Brunswick are entirely against the line it but do in- REAL ESTATE. I R ANCE LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods in a bran ohanof Prions moderato. sock,att rtton +z �;� a ki�NIIIIIC America", $►! X011 1 1 N��1I Hose guaranteed fast black io cts. g , .s United States border. This leaves new since cannot to the intercolonial. f 1 guarantery.ed. Collection of Renta and Accounts a specialty. guaranteed. elf office to Boavor Bleak. A bnndsomely,Ilustrated weakly. Largest air• $3 9 ANI —Short and long, heavy Jean and F h ht this week a s court the transportation lines in a ver p Y unfavorable position Strategically. There is under consideration, how- ur 3' �, We also bays our timber deals as well as you in Ontario, There ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, orate—in Vanstone Block. gpeo Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. ARTHUR J. IRINQl�iC culation of any salontids journal. Torms, ear• four months,tlL sodbymal newedoalere. 381Hroddway, �'0. New York liranoh rare, eAb 8 fit,, waabinRton, D. . 50 YEARS" , EPERIENCC TRADE MARKS were valued at $1,025,619,127, meet at the next electron. New Abner Cosens T Il. KENNEDY? M.D., M.C,P,S,O and the exports at $1,419,991,290. Brunswick has the idea and I don't PLATE GLASS (Member of the British Medical J According to Mr. Carnegie, the think by any means wrongly, that ACCIDENT ing a e e Association) d41- United States export and import the Laurier administration has no GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. trade constitutes but five per cent: regard for her interests.. You take DULMAGE Special the G. T. P. scheme • well the en- A. attention aid to Dissects of women of the total commerce of its people. 1 g an� ohildron, • • - - _ eral opinion is that New Bruns{ REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. " ' " " " If this estimate be correct its a orrltln IiolrRe:-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 P'm, e �+ trade must indeed have wickIS interests have been cons- CONVEYANCING,. MQNEY TO LOAN gregate a Farm Property. A Iarge assortment of Prints, American reached enormous proportions. pietely sacrificed. How much bet- on Town and W. T. Holloway ter it would have been to have ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. .,.� goo rr at all prices. .,. , D.D.S. L.D.S. .M•+ .-•. made St.. John the eastern terminal I OPPICB.—In the tient Block. ' Rosidenoe—Catherine St, Graduate of Royal ate"'• "�°' St. John is 250 miles bearer the college of Dental Anyolteeen ---The New York Evening Post , qu,ny Ladies' white Underwear at cost. --» west than Halifax and in 8very Surgeons of Tor- , moor 41 tryout%n t1o� has this to say :—At present Can- and Honor • -^� ad.'s transcontinental trade asses way as good a port. C. J. MAGUIRE 0041.04. atoof Dent eontfreatOfi �.. Hosiery for all kinds of people in Cotton p 'But besides the people Of al Dsp't. of Torou• - Potentia tel a.- • , south of Lake Winnipeg and there- New to University, +a«fatnoilc., • and Cashmere. Best value, Ladies NSU AND Alt— r fore within sixty-five miles of the y Brunswick are entirely against the line it but do in- REAL ESTATE. I R ANCE LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods in a bran ohanof Prions moderato. sock,att rtton +z �;� a ki�NIIIIIC America", $►! X011 1 1 N��1I Hose guaranteed fast black io cts. g , .s United States border. This leaves new since cannot to the intercolonial. f 1 guarantery.ed. Collection of Renta and Accounts a specialty. guaranteed. elf office to Boavor Bleak. A bnndsomely,Ilustrated weakly. Largest air• $3 9 ANI —Short and long, heavy Jean and F h ht this week a s court the transportation lines in a ver p Y unfavorable position Strategically. There is under consideration, how- ur 3' �, We also bays our timber deals as well as you in Ontario, There ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, orate—in Vanstone Block. gpeo Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. ARTHUR J. IRINQl�iC culation of any salontids journal. Torms, ear• four months,tlL sodbymal newedoalere. 381Hroddway, �'0. New York liranoh rare, eAb 8 fit,, waabinRton, D. . eat erwelg , p Y• .,,.•, was a big one later The Mus- D.D.S., L.D.s. 40— --. ever, the Trans -Canada was g y` —� dI b from Quebec to Port Simpson, pass koka Lands Company got 100,000 J A, MORTON llor—Wr of Pental Surgery of the ren- .......: ..� Bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, eau- ing north of Lake Winnipeg and acres from the Government at the nsylvania College and Licentiate of tifuI Black pieces, Prints, Embroideries, rate of $8 per mile and made $200- Dental surgery of Ontario, but a hundred miles south of the p � BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. etc., etc. southern extension of Hudsay Bay. 000 by selling to another company, Office aver Post 011108—wINGSAM ..w This road would tap the northern A great debate took place in the MONEY To LOAN. wheat lands, and would shorten Legislature over rt, but nothing Office:—Morton Block, Wingham MISS SARA L.00RE [PPROM ••� the distance between, Europe and came of the discussion, " ' Japan b 700 miles. If it be true "You'll have heard, suppose, Teacher of Piano and Theor Write Help" Now Is Your Chances Of our Restig ou ad0a p ��� 1's hi o� MISS D�L�� c PA�RLYNG rr s Usa to *�•- that Ca ads s trade movement is Y Fenlon orli at resent tending to brig her into r �t �r 1� 7, tree our opii * .�; closer relations to the Il riled States millionaires. It has over forty Teaoher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher MISS CRIER MOORII patentable. than to England, the projected road members, There are about twenty Muslo Vothod, Sioplax and Tftattergnrtnp. coca able g p • Teacher of Violin Guitar. conduct fol the finest river in the world for mations. niter, ani Washin .�: would probably have a oolrnterbal- clubs on the Restlgoache, which is Pupils prepared for Cans•rvatory •rani• '�� } and G' � ahp.�°� siieing effect through its direct con- „ ROOMI--ia Ron* Iilook willghanl. rph 1 ,..� tec do with the English business taking salmon with the prod, A STaN i �--- p dQq� a .w- acres homesteaded last year, and No fakes not fAds, but household• BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR DICKINSON HOT ML(S tbapcatvtqi` MILLS 1 1 f h million needs. Used ever da 11 everybody. J tures and ! To With over three million •vortoo ne' ..V. �... ra lway and sales e threeq y y acres more, the settlement of the Can't all sell them ? Others do and Monoy tis loan at lowestiated. Office Barristers, SOli�1tOCSi 6tC.MAf } yet unoccupied stretches will be a antes o G.i1Marshall room. London, Of ce I Meyer Block Wingham. P�"4I B)1AV"B1Z BLOCK, lit1iitt11t11a iitt i1� 1 l ii iiY�i ii li til!tilt it tl��t M& 09 hint tt abort time. Ont, , 7.06, 'WING GAM, i�. x4 Djokinron buailor ttoltats or►lai., ( SECURE resting books" Invent - ow you aro swindled." x1i or model of your In- ert and vrewill tell you y whether It is probably applications have often prosecuted by us. We hed ofliees In Monireol sqgitc�lcldyyeMtcuipf'bEcn�taf . lien, k I stei refs heed h,•csttgh Marion 19c INR- ,ptice ,.itlroutfearre t tl4•Iript;ted t$rogki}4u� busluess of. ltilanllf4s+ ,• & 1VCAP,IO)lV' Is rnd Salloltorfl.