HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 3• •a-�r�--w--r�r ;R—r-g—r 4f"* �o�rgrir�sr4re.' It, R t~f; iN�'�'k� C�tNSUii°IPTIYi±. Lover 1,,, . Y Dietinst' Now .the Most Important 11 #Pit, a ul'l s the �� o u rt,, � Lh:r.rt cau� it goat � muc'h ftrrthrr, OrTrewulent. i The Annual reifnrrt on the work a1 the '�j9 {A��%O/+�R ihtC cart's int)cruulos infirnr:Lry IS Camp, a+ �r . v 1l int xrrtttnt its showing the great rc+. I • 114110o now 1)140ed an fount to curs9 BY Rev. I'). J. Ilardy, Author of "flow to bo, Uappy Though Married. Consumption. Once drugs were all in the treat. �.,J".�+�"bj+did,o..o.o..I). oo.o).Or.o.o.o .,,,P.i.•.fr„1 C: anent of tills most dretu}fal of ilia r;• &'(In, and iho mortatlty progressed X11 I'ttaiso oP hove. � all Well might Sir Tho leu. More, with Ineroasing strides. Then purr) Lave ralcil wlith�out swords and wio used these worries acid; „'My. lab-,' air was the essential tiling, and LA"..BA. 41nds :%vlthout eaixls• We talk of thee. ' l` fiat til not beS.A­ 11 eu fat vain," Par to , CClower eserela 1, by the oultan..pf say nothing oI its offttot thrall oth- Conlon QItIX: i x`w% for otrength, Tiavor and purlty to euprr}or to tbo 7,'urkey or the Emperor or China, ors Ilow it must have 411soiplilted Itis flnept Japl tate grown. It Iq.as far ah•?sial of .i'rtpan ten, As 118ALADA" but what to it compared; with. the own- character. Ilii ly lite,' says Bhrek 'lien, fat ahead of all othei blaok te;aas. heart lraokets only. '.0c and e 3 . f' to 1 a io 'a fu of til ' to u m 11 atng „ v lac frwa wh 41 toe tot � r t in a i y ds n Y curt 4 a'e r , f � , all e and ' r t i c r fr tt i. t 1 g oa qs bu t r a ui ufl ai camp, and In tlyo world generally t' � y a lOx b y {.ovo "Saiees'tbe lowly ani Sumblee others are dry thorns." And again; ••---. ._- 4--�-------.�-.- °T --_ _�.� -. the great." Ulatory r000rflls many .,,If a, wag's fronts At a cortain pet'- „ exii'mill S ot:1<lttg Capilatuas mat;:k roti of lith doetr, not contl4n. Child- when you tare angry. In very recent Oooe0000®000e0000000000000 r3,1119 beggar inalAo anti ruling se- Tell it will probably be found filled times we have heard of camps being cording to the'vi,sdUeH of their wives. with, follies or vices." ruled. ,and ospeciallyi of military; pat- DO GIRLS MAKE' Tau ;Almqst every infer , blah has been xn' A .opecoh upon womhu's rights, ronago being gistribu'ted by) Woman's I 1 %y,tgaxl� in the world, since the one a lady orator exclaimcd ; "It le'voll influence. t MUCH OF ATTENTIONS ? j for Halon of Troy, has been directly krown that Solomon owed his sets or inillreetly Caused by ,women. it doer, to' the number of Ills wives t" VITALITY. j oo ♦,v 11140 ire too mnall,to gay, It Is At. least .'11144 Is. too mush. trot It is an. un- BABY'S,VI7.ALIT �hoo�.NHo400N��O ♦N Certain that wotuelt Could have pre. doubted fact t1fat the senesce or The vliality of intantal and young Ralf the miseries of life spring vented these wars from taking place. failure. of most: span deprntds ,to a WAldtroti to at its. lowest point dur- p g Lf` 'tlloy till had United In refusing very largo extent upon the kind at ing the hot 'weather, More children from the fact Wat Women du not to give their love to -soldiers =and woracil., they marry. And this wta, ilio in summer: than at any Other understand anon. Of course, men. otAier fighting men, anti there were ttink is especially' true In reference oca.so'tl, Tills is because the little don't understated women, but then, . no blacklegs among them, there to mien of genhut, ,An Intellectual onety suffer more from bowel trou- tit©y .know they can %�ruld hav4• lbt:en - no. , war&. ;It is a life, 'however us, successful, regnires the bleA are nervoweak, sleepless pe to "fdest, however,. that tri the " nildtllo Softening Influence of a happy mar- and irrIiAble. 1?t:ampt action do go, and don't attempt• the Impos- a.ge& alta bright ,eyes of women- ,,jag(; to, prevdnt its becoming sour Often srav'es A vallru�tle tittle life, and Bible. Most men aro ;'taken" with tralned infiuenoe and adjudged the trl'i(i cynical. Tatn4 1%foro Sp%xito for• a troubles or this kind can be promo dozens of girls, dark girls, fair girls, rizes of tournaments, and that oven large'number of inch of genius whop by feat and entrotl by giving rite lit- real llairti:d girls, chestnut -hailed n y tie ones Baby's Own Tablets, which girls, dyed -haired girls; fat girls, ni s t'womatly gerlttlr a[ Chris- ha styltl that, having experlpnced t,s,boald be kil in every home ready thin girls, willowy girls, chubby khatki rover and datattrpon the -miff- t'teirtip�itat uof ppplauao asci poptbtT for emergencies. 'llhesn Tablets girls, etc.; this fluttering of fancy lar y, ho anti n Ills houso som eodil y Is Burin t tart'. 10 it any wonder that wars do ihin�g better than the world could j y relieve and promptly euro g the effervescent period not cease? all. stomach', bowel and other hot from eighteen to twenty -saver. l9a graWt 49 the give or take away.. These aro the, years in which a man a woman who lova.; and is laved aan "Atiaj cono dear frame=one say}ng'reefreohing lslee . Mrs�cP.gFergu�son, latoks round, not with view to make a man and Ills Iffe take al- n' k, No, 105 Mantsdiald street, Montreal, selecting a wife, but with a desire moot any shape silo likes. "'13eileve Wh-oro loves true light At last says: '-My baby was attacked with to see ivhat nature bats to offer,. I I've fount, I d,yoontery and was hot and fever- t;}touuld he at any subsequent period "mho says whaloRuskin, until ohsing girer o ?Pining within when all was dark frees. I gave 111m, Baby's own Tab- wish to foreswear bachelorhood. � i your lovers' lives. may be in your 'bed comforticss, and stormy 1.� and they. promptly Cured lifm. Now, as far as I can see there is V hands; wftat'yort Would have them ` row' Before Hills he had been rather de- no reason why a man should be be they shall be, [f you not only It l,s cites the cerise when you see' a Licata, but since using the. Tablets blamed for this. Tile pity` of it !sl be to have them• so,you but . , de -my gr'ga.t man, like a ship, sailing proudly he ,has been batter ane stronger in that the girls don't realize that, a al to have them soPalong rile current of renown, that every way,„ like nine -tenths of the good ladies A man who was competing for a Were is a little tag, Iris wife, whom These, Tablets can be given with who attend ,bazaars, he has no in - Government appointment was ob- i'oa cannot Mete, but wlto is directing au alli lute certainty that they will tentiolim 1 served at the examination now and iris movements auii supplying the mov de, good to all clytldren from a new He meets 'Miss rGoldenbair at a then to telco sainetliin from lits tive power. This truth is well ilius- born upwards. They contain no opt- ball dances three times with iter, pocket. Whenever a stiff bit Of work tratl ui by an anecdote told of .Lard ate iDr poisonous "soothing" stuff, writes Iter nanle and 8ddress On his was reach out carne this mystex- Lldon, Wbon ire had received rite Sold by medicine dealers or mailed cuff, comes over for a woek-end and Taus something. An examiner, Sus- Ural Seal 'from the hand pf the alt; 25. cants a bom by writing direct calls upon Iter chums with Iter Uro. peering that' ha was copying, asked Jiang, And.wa.s about to retire, he to Dr. Wiiliamo Medicine Company, Cher, sends bar chocolates, buys liar to see what he hoc, in ilia hand' We addicesed by klis Majesty with Bl.,02kyLllo, out. flowers, and ooeas:onally takes liar tree w,ardlls, Give my. remembrance to The man .blushed and showed the Lay Eldon." The Chancellor in ac- ... _.• and a friend to a cafe for tea. portrait of ilio girl who was to .be- knovtledgtng the condescension Inti; 'Revised Version. - Miss 'Goldenhair is flattered by come his wife if he gained the g y , these attentions; site exalts them g mated Just Ignorance a of Lad Eldon s London Globo. into the signs of love. Worst of all �,.��ookgtt>>ett��t. He was getting inspire- claim to snail ttot}oe, "Yes. yes,,, rho I,Lttio Miss Mullet g , "fibs fi rim life sweat face. This is fling an.rsvcred ;.'.`I know how much I,, gat bn a 'tuffrrty , 1 - t i suadeseherself upon them, , and per- . lie an illustration of the power of levo Owe, to Lady Iddon. I know, that you, Drinking a. soda and R'; i T. ' will eek her to marry hltttma day lie to urge us' to be and to do our best. would have made yourself a country She thbught a big spider I i Meanwhile, Miss Darkhair has P)rinking toasts is a stupid custom, curate, and that ;she has made you land sat down beside liar, eons aloe and the large -hearted but there is ora toast which always my, Lord Chancellor." ,But It hadn't -=tits girl had D. T. man is repeating the little comedy.. ,seems 'lo a to kt excusable,oweeth and Some Valnous M en's Wives. that is rite react to swoothearts William. Cowper, 'tire first earl of :and wives, The word "sweetheart ly Is a beautifully expressive one, "ane his line, was reclaimed from dissipa- .„, I I ;a Ill e,,a 1: hta.lil,:ci,.terl.s.yrs, �,t;,Ii Is aasoelilted with the best feelings tion and disreputable Connections by . of our nature, and with the bright- ail early marriage, w111C1. 1)e Con- . . . , seat period of our lite. When a•young tvacted a year before his call to the tman falls In love Ills heart is 'put bar, having lived happily with ills ,to school, and our hearts need school, wife for twenty years, lie married ' . Ing even more than do our heads. In 1706, the year alter iter death, u no y° Ta, have loved a ,good ,woman is to the bed clia-bor.. Clavering, tads of s i ,� ' L � o � GREAT have received a liberal education, the beau beautiful to the Princess of Note and It. wo•ultl seem that this means ,valets. Her diary and their published .... I . . of culture is enjoyed by that many- tetters show the loving terms on • sided man,. tho present Umperor of which they livers. Isere is one entry the )Germany. The domestic virtues of In the diary ; "After dinner we went U E O CARNIVAL fits wife help, hint to be the ruler he _ to Sir Godfrey Kneller's to see a pia- Days te.. It was at Prinkenau; then, the - taure of my torts which he is drawing, palace of the :Grand Duke Frederick, and IS the best that over was clone . . . I ... .... bat Prince *Illiam -saw his 'future of ,him, It,Is, for my drawing -room, bride. He had arrivod as -a guest at and In the same posture that he August a n d the castle Sooner.,than 1)e was ex- watched me so many weeks In my ” petted, and i0itle ,strolling to rhogroan illness. A man at court, in '� park came upon &.,summer house; . camp, dr,indeed, In any of the affairs into which lie penetrated. There he of life, cannot bat be greatly saw a fair-haired girl asleep in a . s1'rengthened for Iris 'work when he 8 c ininu ick, and ttiought it* onty:,TI,gIIC:. bast wife• like aha. one with. whom OLD BOYS' REUNION Lo withdraw. Afterward .ivli�n he Zdmu,nd Durkc, was blessed: Hd fre- (� _...met her inside the castle he recag-- qucvitly declared that every care .... . . . . ...... sized the sleeper in the Princess Au- vaotabed the moment he entered un t gushy Victoria, and WAS so im.prossed doll ilio own root. His wife managed 20 Arrange your vacation to cover wltih bar naturalness .,tend, charm so iv;cll', Ids p'rivatra affairs that his th{it he engaged himself to her In mind wails keptfree for public. duties. these tour days ,and be with us. , mrt 104ige. TO ,,,��piperor, frequently' e; Pifn 03loil arek used -to say of 19'0 3 SINGLE MIME from all points in i speaks of Ilia, T ulpross as a "pearl his wife, Sark: It is who Itas made of great price;" and has used On. a . me me what I am." She showed liar Ontarlo cost of Port Arthus. , ti public occasion these words: "I could ,dove to ltim ' in -:many practical wayst - •w1all ho better for .the nlen of my not the least of which was' in - del. nation than that the. girls :of Ger- .tending film from bores. An ambas- ... many should follow the example of sailor bf ono of the great powers �, tfieir Empress and,davote their Lives 'called on Basmarok, and in the • .69 she does her' life -to the cults- sou%rsa Of a rather .long converea- ration, .of the three great ICs, 'klrcha, . kion, asked;.tlle Prince bowl lie man- - ' .-kinder, and kuehe'-church, children,' abed tto"- get rid) of . troublesome cookery. But though the Empress is visitors. " Oh, that is vory ssi�m- Sure Guide to Judgment. I suppose, dear girl readers, you one of those •women.who rule by plo, replied the Glt:ancellor. When Philadelphia Press. will gnash your teeth and call him • obeying, she always knows how .to ' my ;wife thinks that any one is Tbw3ro—He's very wealthy, I names—you'll ,be angry with Ine for Insist upon her' own; way when she staying too long sho merely ;sends Mrs. Toivno—Yes, and very stingy using the word comedy. You'll vow thinks .that' 'the •; tient 'way in for arta, • and thus the Interview and gcoow.ne al. It's a crime and bitter tragedy, and reference "to }h�, phildr,en, Sjaeaking ends,' At that rua;dent a servant Towne -You don't knoivthat. 1'ou ; ,that 'Miss 'Goldenhair's heart is ' of her' lkutilittriil,he'once Said sweet- ontered, an(]. bowing low, begged , broken. Unfortunate at ly : "He Is Emperor of Germany, but tile Boaster. to Savor the PrincesS mustn't judge a man by his aloth.S. • many instances I dial(nbe obliged I am gnipreas of the nursery. ivith 'pifis' iosenoo for, a few min- • Mrs. Tlowno-Cer L•ainly not'; I'm d. Something to Love. otos. Tliepambassador blushed, as judging him by his tvwfo'S clothes. 13u *bby grant ahat non won't Women itbe reason- It 'has been said that "the flrat much us any dLplouut -can pluehi, able ,,Il is the d'ternal question of ,condition of lzun an goofiness is some- and at once withdrew as gracefully of Weaver's �NCel�teoforEdk riotroublera uuo t11B•mare mate throughout rite ages. girt to rove.','; "I hac,�; 11 (I have as 'possible in the trying circum- emitter flow tortueutfug they be nor ol'how A woman's heart is a priceless tress - q Ittpr Y Dei -I lief c l.gvc i li o lived stances. When the famous John long standing. It Soothes and cleanses. ure ; the fact is Indisputable. Every :ln t wil I loved; laEored 1'or them I Bright mariled -his brine 'said to teen realizes it, 'and hopes down at 1 .nor,; 1ov,r� tlittllbt for hoar I labor- .film, "Jahb, attand. to try buai- the bottom of his consciousness he'll , ;;1 nose rind thy public affairs, and i The .Ancient Way. be found worthy to win. it. But he will provide for the house, and re- Chicago Nowe. doesn't Want It given for nothing, lieve thee from all cares, at. Meme." Caller -Your grandpa first be a and he certainty doesn't want hearts " This is thkn sort bf wife that ane- very old man, Isn't fie, Itudoipat ? by the dozen. . bles t2 man to wprk, and rule in' I.ittlo Rudolpli-I should say so. „Keep -,thy heart with all dill - court, in camp and In the. ivprld 'Why, lie ren embers when parents genoe, Says Solomon. Now, rife generally; .used to take their little boys out in trouble with stns out of ten girls Abo%tt •Xutdy Beaconsffeld. the woodshed to lick thetnr ; is that they want to give it away. A friend of 1,drd Beaconafield, --------- ••-- __-_.. -- : Bluntly, -a hoart is a tires,utue ap- speaking bf the time w1tlan he was Ljh& Itu3ui.."c 1 e °=°°"10 pendage-it stakes no end of took- plaln Bo0amhn " Dieraelio writes: : . ing after, it nulds all the issues of "We ,were congratulating him upon ��� Files last year We; it is decidedly pleasanter to the result of an election, and lie get rid of it, to rmake someone else said bite 'thing that particularly a present of It-, and so shelve re- , - struck Bee, 'My wife will -be very ' � � sponsibllity. Viat's one reason why pleased."' T1iits lady was fifteen I No flies this year twirls aro so ready to give it away years bider khan Disraeli, and Ile ✓ to 'the first comer,. Nevertifeless, 1r a usod 'frequently • to "tell her, In joke. the 'oriental king is r:Ight, hearts • ., that No had mrtrried liar for liar _ if sou use are not .mado to give lyway ; it's a mollify, to which she would reply, duty every woman owes to herself _(" c -, "A.li, but It you h hd to do It over • to keep hers--alwaye,j if she tarn -in r' again you would do it for lave" any case as long' as possible. Half htr. Emmons, saved'roin a lslatcment '8o ivlticlti lie always �]'*' 7 a dozen compihuonts, three and a 11 .g1% iapelratiol�l Or OValritis, retie Smilingly assented, On April 1Lth, T v L/ on halt pounds of Chocolates, •a rose 18111 'when Disraeli 'defeated Glad- or two, a few hours' conversation, i1,Djvl�' arts yeas tcured by Lydia 9. stone's limendumrit . to the Ito• a little interchange of Ideas, some ViAhatn's Vegetable Compoundo form Bill, the younger members Fly 'Pads gloves, ,some Christmas cards, oven "T chi tab lesised ivxtlr the result0 I 'of the party, extemporized a supper a look of hair -those are the prop - I. at the Carlton Club, and. begged him ernes Imeant 'to make a settling , obtained from LydIat L. Pinkhatn's to join them. But no 1 In bis triumphs, for comedy, the comedy of life's Vef etckllfle Cohpound 'that I feel it no In life defeats, •tliere was no place springtime. It girls would only seduty and a privilege to write you like home, `and Lady Beacortl7old, see that nature meant to lay th'a I about it. Looking back on this oecasion, used burden of tragedy parts on young II iuffertd for ever live years-witli , to .repeat, "Dizz carie home to me." He is Gottingen There. and Inexperienced players, how. o'varllit troul)lbsy ,eaui ing an un -:On April ;#rd, 18721, thlo sympathetic Chleatro Record herald. much. pnoro merrily tlio world would pleasant. diseliarga, a great weakness, wife huntoned back from. 110tening to "I hope to find a place some day wag- . and at t ll a faintness would come: one of his groat speeches In order to M l;:ero 1 can smoke in peace," grum- I am serious, very serlono, in this over ire which no Amourit,,of medicine, receive the orator. 'When she heard bled Mr, MuclArfod, tirado of mfne. Tile woman of to - Met, or exerel* � seemed : to correct. 1dS c ttrY'iage site la t rled dram the „You w111," answer(�cl IMis wife, yirt;- dray 'thinks sho has gone so far Yotir Vegetable. Compounill found the dra*Iiig room to 6 hall, rushed in. g„stivciy, "and where evorybody elso along 'tire road of progress that It weak spot, however, within a few to Ills arms, embraced him raptor- sm,okcs, toe." I seems it fifty site Should not go weeks --and fiavod me froni,,,ali ously and exclaimed: "Oil, Dizzy, DI•:t further. We men want to worelttp Oper atlon•�-all my troubles had ilia- zyi title ill the greatest night of laIV , , t;rppeared, and I sound myself ondo this VAYS for all I" ]71(Sl%i<fil.3c COLI.hiGE OPENING. You ; -mo lona; to lie in the dust Ws) call attention to the advev0so- at your tact, so that you oan pick friers healthy and v•o11. SYords tail to Dirarlboroug s lvlre. m(•nt to antAhw (-,otuinn of the open- us up and Set us on thrones. We describe the real, true grateful feeling , "Out of the dtrong carne forth Ing of Denitil i.adicts' College for the burn to do great things—to show ,that 10 in my Heart, acid I waht to tell piwootness," Ill ba said r,)f many, ,)9t1r yratr. on Sept. l3tli, IUi):1, at ;lt, yen how Stroh ; ive tarp. tet compel evellsick nlidsuffarixg slsteto I)on't �ofriiers. An eye llko Marrs to threa- f', tila.rines•, Ont. Tlv: D.•mill t'otloge Your adnttratlon; to lay siege to dalIyvditlr iixedi lrto)I fort 11-, tyI 11Ftttind commands 'but .-alvo a smil6 unusual tier n In not your heart. Put to take posses- .ing about, but tai ta..i ytfia I:. IrinI . that betokened a loving disposition, ad,q i ttrng dam ) , ! s " mica. • sLon-air, Ito, tlt to is beyond our darn's Vegetable Con1portrial. and limns luau are bender.hearted and ,sarllttng nµLtlloss oto ilthe College utmost deserts, and we -'know It. , "x . 4 Wco my word for it.'you will be a Chivalrous, and 'the sweetest domes)- finario fly which marc bo a great Thn,t's 3vlty it inakos it man an€'ry different woman In a abort time,"--- tie relations. have not seldom. been � y, r . • Instead bf ratefut when lie flndS advantage to tio.he bottr8.ug, ,sot.i.illy, i" . Mnb. fjAimAF,ilimoxe Walkerville, Ont, shown by,thosc Who were towers of as well no ric',ucationally. htudents t;ii'is giving IOU thfdr hearts. "Call --$6000 forfeit If 6profial of Abase re lay proal;; strength, n,gainst the ellemlos of atteridirig the institutiou show In the. It, aftor all, be worth wirait I fail- penulnelcamotbeprdlacid. tlipir country. The great Duke of moral au1 religious character build- cied-can anything; worth+having bp. PoWt hesitate *OWrite to Ifirs. Nfariborough loved •his wife much, but ' frig (which fel a most ifnportant fedi- had for nothing?" lln asks. Vilnlchani If tileti'b In anything it wan not a love that cast out fpAr• turo of their editeat,on), that they Dear gtris, don't fancy a man lois niJortt your ease wiliclt ya)1ti tie in ono of his lctteers from the Law lu:ivn enjoyed "Che gnat advahta,gt,R serlous Intentions when lie's only, 06t 111;tdei stand. She will treat Countries lie wrote: "1 1 ve, before derived from vuath a, course, giving "prospecting." Don't think smait 3Foul with kinduess And her till- me at this moment slxty thousand of ,1,q A 1.p8tnit a liiglb stantrtng to tho attentions and smaller pi msents V1,60 is :free. No wo>rllnn giver rem f the beat soldiers 1n 00 world, rem- Cotlt,.ge, Anil offering' very desirable uacaasarily 1rtve the way to a pro- retted writing her and she Hd'A•marded by �,�ihf hest fg6herals in Eur- (,An,orounding v, in whlah to pbtcre the poral. Don't lave. a main utlletss e, poll tholilattntd9. A,ddlrbsii is ops, and I ate not 1141.1 ro much young when lit tj'at ning for lifula 'lie gives you good cause for iia' , yi1JOr tl<Bs. _.., X, .. .; ,. alfralti'p1 �ilwnl no 2 nrii tlfrs<td of you %Ola't'k, Ing Ifo. Ill who could afford U went to California, to the airy alkali at- moiq:hore of Arizona, to the ley mono. talnN of Switzerland, lYaw, the en- lightened i racti io et Il the patient comfortably at Roane, amid the home burr'oundings, crakes the most he can of ilia local all,, 'even though It may hack qualities desire able for tate best results, and feeds the patient to :the top of his asstm- llativo capacity -stuffs him on the. Strasburg goose principle, and '.wol- comes a congested liver at the gain of strength hent vitality and flesh. ------- --------•- , - S` e, ,,, Departmont of Agriculture. Coln- i which ars ,well known in all Can+ VIV610130ra' j3t lr, Ottawa, duly . Adj4nr markete, 1003 It is very lntpiorta,at that Ontario The fruit division, Ottawa, gives shippers should realize the critical atat,ge at twillob thLe trade has. ars• out tho following rtatemant: Num- rived, and that they sliorald make Brous reinfects havee been, recolvw.t a united effort to oltpture the West.. from, Ma4ltolia a4,4 the Nortll,'wetst ern market, not only by perfecting Territarles, for Ontario ai the det:f4wo of their own end of nt r o fr tt of tit l u the h business. t h 41 a l by bu i but taking u tile best Quality, _ l If p q 1 Ly, piit up tiff pent ti.ntl at ,matter of transportation irrltit the. tractive paclutges of tJ,ca sort that express and rttliivay companies in western tleulors pkefor to 411lI order to secure 1t passible A better Taste aro imuilax se posalbbitlea fill and; quicker service to Winnipeg. ilii this webtern trade for the Ontarl,4 Z present frilit Is frequently for•• fruit-,groliers, but UP -to -"Co Jw-' wended by ospreys from Toronto to t'hods of packing andshipping will ifillnlwe via Smith's I,hlis, and even, 4AYD to bo Adopted at an C, or the vim Bitantreal t4 eonnant with the tit is rho course of wisdom. It is ai Incidentally, Interesting in- whole of this great and growing biia» through trains. The result fa that lnesa will be captured by the Auj- cida modern gross h the modern ;medical Pro- gross which effects mora in the way al on. the fruit is on the road from 19° to r reit Ualle,etor Pt•, -:p, elf WinnL- Ili atours longer than it worild " cures without drugs than the Physicians of our c t bent via North lint', and Congo - p `g, writes t"t nsatterS have come I quentkv it Sloes' not arrive In Wlnnl,l a critical stage, and that un., grandfathers of- fentect with them. rooted fees pe In theibest ccondition. It the fess Ontarta now ml:tkes a doter - S'. G At the tuberculosis infirmary pa- tients Ir.4llerl bid for the trade, the market carrying comM41as scan be cons will be occupicd almost excluaivc+ly! ,heed that Ontariro, growers are aro required to take nourish}• ment nine times a day, as follows: by fruit fromCailfornia, Orcgov, and Prepared to malataln a Steady ship. ,At 0, a breakfast of cereals, lil Driti,S& Columbia. In thio naso of ap. ment of fruit In modern paehceges, Plea, even, Kansas Missouri nrd not merely to send west the and ,butter, coffee and beefsteak .lir poached eggs. and are f likely to bo strong convotitors• Ac- fruit that the east does not want, At 8, cod liver oil, wIth' whiskey cOrdinV. to Mr. phlip, the pack- put up in all sorts of nntlquuted or sherry, ages wanted In the Winnipeg mar. sharper, there Is little doubt that At 10, ogg••nag, Rot are the following: Early apploo, adequate service will be provided, at At 12, dinner, consisting of soup, the bushel boat; pears, the Il lf-box, a rate nvIfelt will compare favor. boar or mutton, potatoes, another holding twenty pounds of wrapped ably with that now enjoyed by Ore- ve, stable and bread. fruit: lavacYtes crud plus s, the crate gon and California. shippers. peers. Yours :At 2, cod liver oil, and plenty, of holding four boxes, sl&llar to thos,r very truly, W. A. Clemons, Pill il liotii- sherry. , t sherry.: ' , Used by California shippers. and tion Clerk. . ' •A�t 8, beef tea. , , I I ; : • i I 1 • . .. ; ;At 4, egg -nog. . At '6, supper of pildding, 'IL soft_ 0001�C?O00ace)--C9,:.zcc*oQ.9:o:t"-:,iso•-. c=r.i.:-z;- ti; �J- _=Oa t. °x► boiled egg, bread and. ]butter, tea, ,At ,robcold milk, a C.Chen to bed for nine hours' sleep.. Now l And ant all times during the day 1�TO cheerfulness and ,hope --a mental for an atmosphere more than nompensating ® Spread ®� QC for any )eek of tonic qualities. in thees air, ,% Is not 'this common sense, enlight� ened therapeutics ? Not a drug on L=Oczobo�COG�GGC�CGG�OGCG000OCOGCOC�Or the ,entire dietary. NotwitlJstandtn ,And the process in the healing of g the fact that, . disease will usually, spread very, rap• the patient is this: First, a slow year after year the potato crop • in idlyTQlndfwon tage should are be kepttcov- decrease In. the lose of weight, 'then Canada is very zucU tet oened ;by , Bred 'with fire .mixture from tile cov- ouncen or it'wo. bT,h�on• slight ad gain, hou an bliglLt asci rot, and that this bl[ght ilia of xuly, when the spores mal additions of flesh tlitit faro visible can be prevented to a large extent be expected to appear; until the rife plumped -out cheeks the visibalertle, by ,spraying' comparatively flew and of the season, and from four to mind, tbepmoro actino movement, farmiers Spray their potatoes to pr, - five sprayings will be 'found neess. Also there r an active excmove pointer,, 'vant tI" disease, It has been known sary. In 1902 the vines , .ere kept In,jthts dietary for the person who isfor `about eighteen years that Bar- growing. 48 days: longer by, Spray - growing, weals and ailing., Notice Beaux m'ixttiro. will prevent the' Ing. !,Cite vines were 'sprayed on Julyj how much reliance to put on eggs blight. anal It has been frequently 10th, July 22nd, July !font, and Au. and milk I In moments of exhaust denwastrated by experlmon tore. and, gust 13th, and probably, even bet - why not take a raw egg, -with sherry, by other growers o: potatoes that ter results would Brave bean obtained or an egg -nog, or an unsweetened ins Drop is much Increased by spray - or If &POIlier spraying hs ,d. ,leen made,l milk punch? It may check a tent in'g, 1n ol+der, however, to got p?o- Formula for spraying to prevent doney to consumption, and the oily- tato growers to spray, it is neces• potato blight and rot: sIeal .benefit deriver, wail excuse an nary ,to keep constantly demon- uupper sulphate, bluestone, 6 lbs. apprehended deterioration of tiro Stratitlg flue+ value of it. 'Ilia result' Unslnked lime ......... 4 lbs moral character! -New York Evening of the tests nude at the Central Water ...... _.. ...............d0 gal. World , I✓xperirxrental Farts, Ottawa,, in 11h�2, Dlsinolvo the copper sulphate with •-,Coliler's Weekly. and 1003 should be sufficient to in- }tat water or by ,suspending It for uuco everyone who lives in a des- soveral hours In a coarse flag in a case infected district to spray. wooden or earthen vessel containing In 1,901 eight varieties were, test- four, or five or more gallons of water. " -V ed, ,Tito ,average Increase in yield, Slake the Iime In another vessel. It ��1 .- �� A D I� %per acre of the eight varleties,wbl the lime when 'slaked is lampy or, C e` i �L� sprayed, was 94 bushels. In one granular It allould be strained �� u variety, l;owover, tilers was an: in L'Ytrdrtgh ooatao'saoking or a tree 1� crease of 171 bushels, and in anoth- store. Dilate the sulphate of copper er 765 buithals per acre. s+alution toazbout twenty gallons}, and In :Loft eleven varieties were tho lime mixture to about ten gal- Depart'ment of Agriculture, ( tested. Tyre average Increase in laps, and 'then pour the latter into i. Cohnmisasionor's Branch, yield of marketable potatoes, inhere the former, then dilute to forty gal. ' Ottawa, July. sprayed, was 120 bushels per acre, tons and stir the mixture thoroughly. The patrons of a choose factory thio yield' per acre of marketable po- stock solutions of copper sulphate, tatoes from the sprayod being 810 and lime at tide rate of one pound to have a dhr t financial interest to bushels 12 the. per acre, and from) one gallon of water may be .prepared Supplying only good pure milk, free thio unspraye+tl 189 bushels 54: lbs: and 'kept In separate covered barrels from, taints or bad rlavors. Thous- nia cost of alto bluestone, which Is throughout tile, spraying season and andsi oil' dotlary arq lost to the coun- the principal expense, %vas $17.98 per diluted aad mixed waren needed. try annually because patrons send acrin, or 114 lbs., at 7 cents per lb. '. Wh� le the potato beetles Are active, to the factories tainted milk, which there when the spores are there the _ eight ounces of Parts green should be It used alt au, heft; only precludes would be less. At 41Y cents a bushei, added to each Torty gallons of the the allanufacture, 61 first-class an, increase of 120 bushels would Boa•deaux mixture. Mile mixture Choose, but dimdnishea the quantity meean •$18, or after deducting the should be applied by'means of a spray of cheese per 1ff)0 pounds of ml coat of the bluestone, about %0- !lump with a good nozzle in order to, Some .of the chief causes of tainted The object of spraying is to des- got it fine spray, wdt}ch is necessary, or gassy mLlk have bcen enumerated troy the spores of the disease on, to get best results. --W. Ts Macoun. by the Dairy Division of the Do- the foliage: If the mixture is not Horticulturist, Central Experimental minion Department of Agriculture, there when the spores are there the Farm, Ottawa, Ont. . ; i iel In order brat patrons may be Induced to against thorn- In many t•o.Canadlan fodder eropis. While they ' neeessa,ry to take three years to ,guard cases tine source of trouble may be are undoubtedly valuable in a ration make tate change, working only two round in .tllo •undesdrole : german for growing or dry cattle, if turnips fed, in limited or three branclice at a time. Many, have failed by cutting Ilie entire top that get into the milk during and after milking. Theca germs are al- anal rape are even qu,antitteis, to milking cows, there is In one year ; hence this warning to ways associated with • filth In some a likelihood of Imparting to the milk take at Ieast three yearn to complete formor other. Careful inveatiga- a taint wlife,11 cannot be eliminated tha tapgra•tting."r • tions show that a very largo pro- ' by any prooepe known to the cheese- Kriffers have been so lail plant - portion of th,e cases of taints or matter's art. Some first-class foods bad flavoro f -n milk and its products : whov fed Alone, and to excess, will ad in the United States and Canada that there is a reasonable doubt whe- are caused by the germs which are always present in the droppings of cause indigestion and thug indirectly affect the milk. One example of this tiler good prices for thein can be maintained., This experience of Mr. animals. Such, germs are to be found In large nRmnbers wherever Such drop- kind Is found in green clover. In conclusion It may be said that Powoll's, extending as it ,,does oven a period of esomo twelve or fifteen pings are deposited. Tit.e mud of.: wlien cows ha" tree access to salt years, will be of especial interest to stagnant ponds, wlhere, cattle are allowed to drink, and the Surfaces a,t alt timcW they will give more milk, which will have a better flavor said all pear growers. 01 If it a•Iiodid al:prtar that the Keiffer oil barn yards or milking yards are keep sweet ,Longer,, than when they hays been overplanted, It will be s always swarming .wlth them. For this reason the udders and rlanks of do not get a,ny Wall, or receive It only at fntervals. YonrS very truly, Satisfaictlon to know that it is so good a sltoek for such excellent va,rt- cows Should always be brushed be- fare milking to remove the dry mud, , W. A. Clemons, ; ; , Pwbl'ucation Clark. ctlas aa Bose a,nd Anjou. 7lheao are always to good domand in British particles oil manure, hairs, etc., which might otherwise fall into theTile. , markets. ; I , . Anjou is reeognized as one bf milk pail. Straining tJiq,milk, while It, Is necessary to remove the visible In a lgtter to the Frult Division, Ottawa, 'Ir. G. TI. 1 awcil, of Now the best export pears as far as the qualitico of th•e fruit are concerned. ext, does, not get rid of these foul which are the actual cause York, consulting horticulturist, re- affirms the statement which he made but unfortnnatoy on its own roots it is aomatltneS very long .in coming germs, of the tainted, gassy milk. Im ro- perly Cleaned mdlk pails, strainers at the Cobourg meeting of the On- tae io F,rult Growors' Association in Into bearing and is then only moder- ately ptolific. Topgradted on Keiffer. and milk cans are constant sources 1899, that tlrc Huffer pear makes an to in Mr. Pow( -Ws: experience, it becomes of contamination. oxcallent ,stock on which graft orae of the moat prolific bearers lift The wheig tarok t% a cotinm•on Source B.osc and Anjou. He stays. "A� Base and Anjou topgrafted on excellent fruit. Yours very truly, l if, ; I W.i A. Clemons, ' of fnfactian b4 Bosse factories where the whey t9 returned to, the Keiffers are exceedingly tine. T.ne -Linton IS p,rfect and tI trees are , , ! Pnbltcation Clerk. De'pa fitment of Agriculture, Com• ° patron's in tine milk cans. This prac- tire I.s detrimental to, staceesritul bearing heavy crops. I think it If mi,ssloner's Branch. i cheese making, but when It cannot be . arranged t1, bravo the whey disposed of In, some other we't's the tanks Weak, Languid, s}lonrld the kept thu2+oughly' cleaai itr order to lessen tilts danger of con- tainination. 'Chet'^ IshpKlld be empttied At least Sickly 'otm,h cp week. , . , Absorption or Odor's. . it Is a wall known fact that milk will ab,garb some adore to which it Is exposed. Warta milk will absorb Who Crow lip Frail Of Body and Exhausted in esldcrrt) quite as Imply as that which has been cooled; Since the neces- Nerve ForceAre Wonderfully Benefited k!'�y for removing It from that stable [,y ®r. Chase's Nerve Food.er milkln yard as soon' as ssible ft after it IS drawn-. it is a puzzle to meany parents to An Impure Water Supply. know just what to do for children An abundant rapplyt of pure water when they get pale, weak and 1an- for the cows, is one otithe essentials gulti, lose their appetite and amble for'tile prddruation of good milk. When. tion, and Seem to gradually fail in Cows are compelled 'to drink the' hoalth and 'strength. water tvf s wantpN, muddy ponds, or Unca,use of its mild land ,,gentle slugglsit Streams and ditebes, ill action Dr. Chtase's Nerve Pood is as, which thcro Is dneaying n,nlm•al feat- pectaliy Suitable to the needs of ter, including their awn droppings, children, and endorsed by at, great thero Ls a cornr,tant menace to their ninny gratoful parents. health, and nuletitl tho Cows are in good ltanit9t they Cannot .give first Mrs. George V. D,risbl4, fake street, Gro, clans milk. Uoreover thea maid, often pMrs. Ont„ rotates; ,ter ro my children, o. boy of full of foul germ,%, wIllch collects oar the lege„ flanker and udders (if rho about fifteen years, did not , have cows, `and falls into tato milk at the goodalth fora year or mora. He ,%Vlao third of milking, is ,a. direct source of infection, w.1doli, Is often over. 0001uI to have no energy, ipoak and lean.gufd and Suffered frons ner- looked. vou, tness. The doctors Sales that lie Unproper b"ending. %vat: growing. too f•iet, but awe bell Vlore fH in Canada anabundancecalve alarmed about hint, and began Using Dr. ChaSe s Nerve heexl. 1<t of good. wholesome food, available for cattle feeding pull The nat- %vas not long until we, noticed a ural pa,sturrts ore, on the whole, ex- great ehaingo ill itis condition. Ills app,,tlte lipprovetl, lie had a !)after ce•dl(%nt, anal it t,•a only in Itluited dis. trios or at eprtain seasons of tiro color and soon beomnb stronger and yt•aar tlld.t trouble l:s esppr1kneed %villi healthier. Ilse to still using the %reed flavars. Among Allo cultivated Nerve Vbo(l, and war are perfectiy ll turnips and rnpcl are two confident that rte is Improving right prominent esoeptions to the rule of all under this treatment:' outtablilty whtcli #pplier0 In general Mrs, D. Ardles, Brandon, -Man., writes; "My son, aged fourteen„ and little girl of three yetars, were both- stricken with -at. Vitus' Daurce, Tho doctor told uS ,what the all. ment was, but could not keep thenal frena, getting worse acrd worse, so, when I received a book about Dr. Chase's Nerve Foods I decided tat try. It. The boy had lank elghteelni pounds in two months, ;and Could scarcely take hold of anything. The little girl lost the polver of her, tongue, and could scarcely speak, "I now take Pleasure Ift stating that they are both quite ,Well, and you would never know there haat been mtything the matter. The bolt has gained twenty-five pounds iA weight, f am very thankful there Is suelb Ia, lutdlcine, on tb„ market, and that I happened to get tha little book just when I did. It just oama in time ars though it had beefy sent on purpose." Dr. Chti:ditte lt4orve Food, 50 cents It bot Oat all (I tlers, or Edmansoc, Pates 1& Co., Toronto. To protect you nAullast Imitations, the porst , trait and signature of Dr. A. W: Chase, the famou& receipt book arttIM4 or, a" on every box. . . , : 1 .