HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 2.11 � 11 I 11,11'', ,. - 1. I I I I . , , ,$ 1. � , . , ,�. �. ,, __._!!!!% .1 I . . .r 11 _-Q*--.bWWAW�' I : ., I- . I . �_ � ... - ., I . -_ I I 1. I ..
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Strange And HorrIble CustiDnit of the Chuckches
lit the northeastern portion of Sl-
bepia well within, that line known
to geogrApltery as tile Arctic Clrel%
IlV6 now*Aiq groupel of . people for
whom death ham no terrors. Suicide
Iv looked apoxli� by
. them ar, Command.
able arid the most praiseworthy act
of filial plety whicil a son can pat--
fornir is to kill We aged father. .
T,Iwse People are the Chulmhes. The,
fi,xt Anthentla account ct their
Custom or killing the aged has Just
been, brought to title country by
Vladimir Bogoroz and W, X. JOch-
also,,, who Went among them, Ill the
Interest of the American Museum Or
Natural 39story. Mr. rOgOrOz h'aO
spent five or r.lx: years nitoge. 3r
la. nortireastern Siberl . Iny
liflases or his sojourn air, tho �%-av-
. .
age tribes have beat). print , but he
ha,.3 until now given no unt of
parrIzIdo as practiced by the Chalk,
ting (town or reeLinIng aroua:I a .1 1 P4 -.**-04-0_#%^-1110_ - ___
table. Samuel (lid not proposo to —0%110%^0%0%1%^^^ -
have that Talully 9', ther xountl tile . The 11arkets.
tablo of the Pence NIvOligo with one
of ilia sons absent. Here a lesson
bearing on family worship may be 1 ... ::J
I . ..I _". .
learxic.d.'l—Ilurlbut. EE::, 11 11 11 ,V3
12. Ituddy-The word doriotes tho
ret! lialrand fair Skin which are re- TorQato iAtve stotax Market.
garded as a mark of beauty lit south- Export cattle, ex, choice ..... J5 00 to $5 20
Pril countries, where the liair and Kx hoigo, per owt 4 611 to 4 80
complexion are generally dark.- =!�11.1.0....,. ..... I 3, 30 to i 00
Inferior cows .......... ...... 274 a 325
was behind the curtain with 111m.
Cam. Bit). peauttrui, counwnancO_
Butchers, cattle, pickell .......
4 uj to 4 7.)
The wife was several years younger
Literally, or beautiful eyes. "This Ill-
Butohers' coAde, choice ....
: '.
140 to I 60
to 4 1Z
thaxt lie anti 11MALI not reached the
dicaics that Ills eyes were keen kind
Butchers'coAlo, fair .......
limit of liar Period of usofulnoss.
penetrating, *enlivened by the fire
Qood co,.VR .....................
do rough .......... ' '
23 _2 03 ttQ 33, 0600
0 0
Wle, held his he -ad tightly, W11110 tile
of genius, and beamh)g wlth it gen-
Bulls, export, heavy . .........
3 75 to 4 25
son with a few quick, dextrous jerks
vrous warmth.'l-Terry. David was
do nicilhila. - - .. ..........
300 o 300
275 to $00
of ilia Sinew cord. strangled tile old
ovidtIntlY a lieautiful, young man as
do light ....... ..
reeders, shot t -keep:::'- *'�*.*
4- 20 to �k 64
man. The faces of tho relatives be -
he sto,od there before Samuct. .Thit, i
do Medium ...... .........
350 c, 3 73
trayed no"sign of grief. �Me exprer;-
IS lie -This was God's Choice arid
SRuluel, Was comwa.nded to, 9noffit
do light .......... : .........
Stockers choice- I ....... I ....
2 76 to $00
3 60 to 4 00
sions oil their coutitenan COS
stolld and ji�oleiun, but that ,.vas all.
him at once. We can see here 1101v
do light ....... ..........
Utookers, common ............
330 to 360 ,.
275 to 3 00
,, in the case of death ll,y the spear
little Stress the Lo�rd really plaits on
#Ailch cows, each ..............
33 00 to 58 oil
or knife the executioner does not see
Outward forms and cei,emunimi, for
Export owes, cWt ...........
3 os to 3 76
276 to 3 00
his victim. Ills hand IS guided by tile
David was not 'Proselit wjion Samuel
Backs,pex Owt .........
1,111114, ea.0; ,::::::,
200 to 3 6J
old man Inside the curtain, ,Ina whon
Sanctified JcsSo's rops WItIl such
ES-princlanitis ............ ......
2 60 to 4 23
the weapon Is proper),y almed tile
groat care.
11. David set apart for Ills -worh
do por ill ..................
Qlalves, par Mad ..............
0 0114 to 0 05
200 to 10 00
doomed ellukelies gives tile convert.
tional order, 'Push on V
(v. 1111). 18. "Qlnted lilm-Ilavld -wa a
do per lb ................
Hogs, select. perowt .....
04 to 03!J
kait� ,too 00010
spear Is driven home, and the, sacrei,
anointed In the ipresence of his broth
Elop, light, per owt ... _::.-.-.:
to 0 00
dl�,t has Ileen ful(I'led.
ran, though It Is not at all llkel,yl
Hogs,fat, per owt ...... I .....
� mis�,Strokc is chided severely
by the one who wants to die. I re�
that they understood at tills time
to what pogition lie was being called.
Toronto Farmers'
ai(mber one occasion when a, bro-
It to eNcttemelr doubtful It David on-
July 27. -Tho offerings
of grain to-
ther had been, chosen to pat an end
derstood the meaning of the act. He
da,y Were Ismail. one load of goose
500 bush-
�11. 144. I, I'l. 'hf`6 Whey
know that God had some great work
wheat bold at 72 1-2, and
(Acto lit. 1,34). Ito was the last one
Ths- Killing ot the Aged,
0 0 0 .
were very fond of each, others and
for him to do. The anointing was
(1) the symbol of a Setting apart by'.
ele of bats a,t 37 'to 38c, otlwr grain is
is In. itself nothing now." Said Mr,,
Bogoloz. "it to practiced in China
tile executioner war extremely tier-
The brother who was to die
God for some special woik, and (2)
Veg�tables and' dairy produce In
1p other countrle,q where the
Von a.
a call to him to prepare himself for
good supply, and priceW, as a rule,
and .
straggle for life Is hard, But the
C.Liukelieg have surrounded the pirac-
Guided the Point of tile SPear
and called out in clear tones, 'Push
that work.
Thoughts. -1. David had natural
steady'. I
Ra,y In fair supply, with sales of
ticu certain features Nvidoll
on 11 The other%was nearly blindod
andowmFinto: Ile had ( 11 a good In- i
20 loii,da of new at'68 to §P a toll,
their inode unique.
by tears, and with sobs that could
lieritance; (2) physical ngth ; (8)'
arid one load of old at $14. Straw
*Ila otbor countrle%'death is pun- ,
be heard some distance away, Ila
a, lunge with tile spear. lie
attractiveness ; (4� natural abilities
as a warrior, musician and Poet. 2.
to nominal -%vitliout offerings.
Dressed hogs are In limited supply',
Istment which the doomed person
'to With the Chukches
bungled and the stroke Was not
His early., training -was good. Ele had
axid pa,ices unchanged at $7.50 to $8.
tri(,g escape.
dissolution, is welcomed, and it 181
fatal. The Ivan behind the curtain
fni.) a plo�s father- and Ills home train-
g wag Of a high order; (2) a health-
Following is tile range of quota -
tions: Wheat, white, bush., 76 to 77c;
the survivors who show regret. I
instead of grief be-
began to scold him.
,,Why does hand treliffeW
ful occupation, In which he'developed
red, 70 to 77; goose, bush., 71 to
say, regret
V,auso the Chukehes regard the 0.118-
he asked. 'Do I not go to a bet-
Ili strength arid agility; (3) all op-
POrtunity to ctudy nnture and med-
V2 1-2; peas, busli., 75 to 78c; onto,
bush., 37 to 38c; barley, bush.. 42
tonv much as we would a marrIagG
ter land where I sll�lli not be bun-
Itato an God-o3en In Ilia -writings
to ,14c -, hay, old, per ton, . $12 to �14;
or a short JourneX. For this reason
is little nibitrning.
gry ? Lot me have the p-,)Iiit of your
9pea r.1 .
In his ref open ces I o I h a situ, t he moon,
new, per ton, �8 to 60; Straw, Per
,,Yet these people are not blood-
"Again the weapon was aimed.
the stars, tile rivers, the mountains,
the thunderstorm, etc. t). lie made a
ton, 80 to *1o; apples, per bbl., $1.50
to $2.50; dressed hogs, light, 81,50
thirsty. They are as Peaceable no
any One could wigill. I lived among
Again came the command, Illush onll
, �hls time there was tip bungling.
careftit Preparation. (1) lie was faith -
fill; (III) lie improved hia talents; (3)
to 0s; eggs, fresh, per dozen, 18c
to 20c; butter, dairy., 100 to 180;
them for three Yeare. and found
kindly. and hospitable In their
"Tile Cliukelles are not Inclined to
eWdled the Scripturas; (4) became
creamery, 10 to 20c; cluckeno, per
titeny . '. they gloomY. and
way. Neither are
excessive displays, of emotion,
they always give their dead 'a big
a true child of God
palx� 65 to 85c; ducks. per pair, 00
to 75c; turkey's, psi, lb., 1_0 to 140;
worbid. ao one m'lgt,t suppose from
furneral.1 No matter how, seant the
,Q'amuel war the last of the three
7 a; on-
potatoes, new,*buall., 60 to 0
tt,e fact that Suicide Is 8 a common
tIvem. On the contrary they
supplies of food the corpse is given
great prophets who were Illustrious
tons, per bag G5 to 70c; cabbage,
cheerful, and I be-
provisions enough to equip it for
In Ood's, ser0ee under tile theocracy.
per dozen, U) 75c; cauliflower,
are extremely
iieve I heard more laughter among
tile journey. In some cases tile dead
tire burned, More often the bodies
Theric were Abraham (0en. xx. 7),
Moses Went. xxxiv. 10) and Samuel
per dozen, 750 to $1; beef,
qua era, $4.50 to �5.50; bear, Uid-
them, than angwhere I ha,ve ever
But the in which, they
are taken out and exposed gn the
(Acto lit. 1,34). Ito was the last one
q=t era, $8 to $0; beef,101101ce car -
been. c�untry
live Is extretnely cold and barren.
vast tundra, the desolate wi1ste
that lies of the Arctic circle.
ol those great men who served God
in the office of judge under the the-
cass, $7 to.87.50; beef, medium, car -
Carlo, $6 to ,$6.50; lamb, yearling, $6
The Etruggle for food take's all their
The bodies are wrapped up In rein-
Ocrac).*. HO was also one of tile only
to $7; spring, $0, to $10; mutton, $,I
tinvo and energies. .
,,There is.re, two groups of Chukehes,
(leer meat and fish. Of course the
three persons who are mentioned In
the Bible ah, being Nazarltes for life.
to $,,G; veal, 67 to 40. * , 1.
tbiD reindeer breeders and the marl-
time The Inload group ralses
foxes make short work of this Dan-
quet. in fact tile Clinkelles Call this
These were Sainscin, Samuel and Jobn
Tororito Vruil, Marke to.
July 27-Recelpts of raspberries at
herds �df reindeer amd do not our-
form of burial a 'pie for the foxes
the Baptist. These mentioned
had all been born in direct answer
�Jte market were heavy oil Saturday,
rOr to the exteat the irfarItIM&
and spirits.' I
"On account of tills praAlco at kill-
to prayer of wivea who had not been
but the demand was good, and there
tahange, thO
Cipuketties dd. They wander
with theIr tents � and bards. The
Ing tile aged the maj:)rlty of Clink-
mothers, and they had been dedicated
before birth to God's service to be
,vas very Little from
prices of FrItlay. Most of the ber-
Maritime Chukehes are fouird In the
Chas one meets is young. They are
Nazarites for life. Samuel succeeded
ries sold at 0 and '6 1-2c p3r box,
Islands along the mOl-theastern por-
not ethnologically speaking of As!"t
Ell in the jadgerhip because Of tho
but extra good fruit brought 7 1-2c.
tioll of Siberia. Once In a while a
tic origin. They belong to the
wIckedness of Ell's sons and the fall -
Red currants 'worei ,about steady,
famine. � i,
same race as the American Indian.
tire of their rattler to enforce obedi-
vs-ith rather less offering. Black cur -
All but Wines Then, Out. .
In fact all the natives of tills part
ence, Samuel war Illustrious as being
rants came In more freely, and ,are
A perldil Of food scarcity ca,me a
Of Siberia are of American stock."
both. a prophet and a judge, and ]a-
so by serving In both offices under
quoted lower, a;t 75 to 80c per bas-
ket. Cucumbers ct�ro easier at 50 to
few Years ago, arid'of the sa villages
on. S�. La,wrence Island, only_, one re-
_ . - -,
the theocracy and as prophet under
St.ul. Samuel
60c per basket. Iluckleberries are
steady, at'$:L to $1.1Q. A few
1131 is regarded as a 'sin for an,
I chooL
:!�Updta,y S -
the reign of Wag a
noble character, and the only bleui-
Lots of Canadian plums were in, and
waote food., It Is for this rea.-
commercLsl purr,ose.
Oil extracted fromi -human, bodies
tell in his lite seems to have been
they sold at $1.10 to $1'25 per bas -
,on that tley eat putrid meat arid
the very thing that brought din-
grace oil Ell's tfouse, and that was
ket. Tlui demand for other fruits was
good, and prices generally were un -
flesh., aad not as some persons sup.
beca,use they. like it. Game if)
AUGUST 2, 1903.
the evil doingo and disobLdience of
changed. Quotations are: Bananas,
pose, .
far froug. Plentiful, . 00 that the coun-
try Support Only a limited po-
naturally. becomle much flarer, but
Dibilln relates how at rt. conlipara,
lit., sons (I Sam. 8.5).
David was the second of the three
t u cocoa�
nut� '� ' $3.75; lemons, 300's,
.'or r
bf expert hunters. There-
Samuel Anoln ts David. -I Sam. 10: 4-13.
groAt kings Nvho ruled the united
$-I; 6Jang,s,1,' ,to Valencias, $1.50 to
rope Ithe Chukehes halve reasoned It
Commentary. -I. Planning for a
twelve tribes In one kingdom-, .and
$5 v -water melons, 25 to ; pine
out that i.f tbeyl axe to exist in Such
new King -vis. 1-5. Samuel's grief
each of them reigned forty years.
He Was by far the best, noblest
ripples, $3.25 to ,43i.50 per case;
Havana su.-arpines, $3.50 to $4; ap�
a region every one must contribute
toward the stOck of food. In order to
because of Saul's rejection
great. This showed his affection for
and greatest of the thiree, and un-
pleas, Cana,diali. Astrachan, 12 1-2 to
,sca arrillia the population must
a a
E%ul and Ills interest In the king-
der 'his rule tlfs kingdom reached
20c per basket; Canadian tomatoes,
b lopiti with4n certain 1 ImIts. The
, L
dom. But to continue long in Buell
the heighth of its power and
75c to $1,1151, .
.0 -c-a 1-i the community of men
hunt deer, walrus and
grief would hInd er him in his pub-
lie cluties as prophet and also dis-
Tile events procedtDg the anoint -
The Cheese Markets.
toic, old to
bear, 'and Or w#men whom years
lionor God. It wAs Sa,maal,s duty to
Gow.? wiA as supreme and
Ing or David are briefly aFt follows:
Tho People of Israel hall rejected
Belleville, July ,25.-A.t the meeting
of tho Cbeese Board held here to -
ilave t obbed of the strength to dress
build lodges and prepare food,
not continue to cling to Saul w1l,all
tile theocracy, and in necordatice
day there Were offered 2,046white
IS regarded as a menace to the
God had rejected li,�m. The divine
with ilieIr reqnest or demand God
and 1,�Q colored. Sales were: Hodg-
and In Cliukeheland orfly
cure for grief is a greater faitb. in
had consented to their having a
Sao, 776; .Watkin, 870; ,'Llexander,
and fittest can sur-
king. Ile had clibsen gaul for that
a5,0; Sprague, 84�0; ISIagrath, .800
tile agest
vivo. So, when men and women
4. Samuel ...... Came -The Lord told
Place, and Samuel had anointedhlm
att at 9%; Cook, 3.10 colored a�
reach the age when they� no lain,
ger -can be useful they are killed."
Samuel to go to Bethlehem and
anolat one of the sons of JLSSO. But
to be king. But little -was done
towards his actually being king
London, Ont., July 21-TwOlve
Mr. Bogor6t says this custom is
Samuel said, "How call I go ? If Saul
for some time, except the affair
factories offered boxes. Sales,
older than ani present necessity.
hear It lie will kill mo." -v. 2. ThU
Lord then told Samuel to take a
at Jobegh-gliead, In %,�hlch Saul de-
foated the Ammonites. This was
7130 at 9XC;
Cornwall, Valy 25. -At the Corn -
it has its brigin in the, dim past,
and Is now � 'so lijallowed by tradi.
helfer and go to Bethlehem ano
need by Samuel to officially Install
wall Cheese D.3ard Ifere to -day, 3., -
tion that It to regarded as sacred.
,sacrifice 'unto the Lord.
Saul into the, kingdom, and .9aul
Q.9 wilite, 024 e-Aored and 49 V.&
So established Is the pzactice that
iolves�- Change
5. Sanctify youm
your clothes, and wash, your bodies
was acknowledged as king by the
of GUg-This first suc-
-re -'�Wc
Cheese we Bold at 0% to 9 5
for 10ilte, n.nd 9&8c for colored.
It is surrounded by
in pure Water arid prepare your
I)Ooplf. .Lt.
cess was the beginning of Saul's
Go-wans,dfie, Que., July 25. -To -day
Certain Rules arid Rites.
in -in -do by moditatfon, reflection and
0 factories offered 2,296 boxes )of
If an aged Chukchb declares Illu
prayer, that being in the spirit o.7
This anointing was probably ilfc
Choose. Twenty creftmeries offerLa
, ,
Intention of dying, iit is regarded
as a vdiv, from whichl tllor3 Its no
OaOrlfice, ye imay offer
to the Lorc. -It is probable front
most notable of any In ilia ilible,
both on account of the character
1APS boxes of butter. .;,.iles:
Ch,00ro at 0 ,co 9 1-8c, butter, 18114
withdrawal. They do not speaker
"killing" or "death-' Even among
the acts and words -of Samuel on
tills occasion that lie privately In-
of the personages and on account
o. its results. Samuel was a pro-
to lift.
,WatortoWm, N. Y., July 25 -On
tho ChInkelies, the enain
ty existence is surrounded by eupli-
formed -Jewso of lite purpose to anoint
one or his sons, but 'it nowhere alp-
phet, judge and N,azarlte for life,
the only instance of such a coin-
the Cheese Board to -day 7;000
Cheese sold at 9%c for la.rge w.hite,
he ave of Ito ter-
rig that Jesse was informed "
Paa , ,!
to the object of that anointingi. -
9%e Tor largo colored, 9Yj to 0 7-8c
rors. In their tway th,ey use such
as "taking a long Jour-
This ,was left for Tuture dOveloP'
The results of. this anointing of
David are Immediately manifest.
for sinall w,Idtc, and 0',111 for twins
Canton, July 2G.-Thvin choese
ney," "going away.' and other ex.
M,ent.9 to disclose. I
If. Wie Lord Chooses David (vs. 6
The Spirit of the Lord came upon
9%c; iarge, 9YjC. Rutter, 23 lots,
prosslons whitsh, have a, sInSster
12). 6. When they were come -After
David, and at the same time tie.
SO 1-8c.
j, A....." . , � I I I - . - .' ' N '_ '. qp� -
' ' .'.W . � - ' ' I ,�!:"!' - � 1, � . . ��
� � � - � ' : "'. !, �] : , -
. I . 9 . , q , _
tiolso which lay skin wltl make," mild
� ' I 'T
throo f1res are blazing at White
IuLxud witli wat-er and beaten to the
right consistemey, a, proceeding
It(', "Will frightell away all our One-
livat, Stand" Ill tile open yard, and
mics and put them to flight.,'
in, tills Itlio pipes are plunged. They
It was, however, ot the time or
ftro c4refully packe(I In what ArO
tho French Royolutlon that title art
%rao devolOpea 'to Its greatest ex-
technically termed "beggars" of tile
flrfl Clay, vacll Or Which 0011 tallia, Solna,
tont, 4,. la,jil presented. himself one
9 9
three gross. In reality there art)
Both physician and clergyman
might ITirther and Speak plainer.
day At the bur o t ,tho Vonvontion
two Irlitiff In .0110, .0110 for -tile 10,14V
In tile 140t twelve months thpro
anti announced that lie had clovised,
plpvo, and one, .for t110 Shorts, anti
wore 5,681 milea Of railway Jaid
tif 61ixip!o and orlglntxl sohomQ for
thoy are kept burning, it -,VJILtc
Ili the Foltad Statmf.
proeurlul; IoAher lit .abundance. Tho
heat for twolve orlthirteen hours,
-_� I
coulluittoo, of ,Vublic I atiroty gparited
him ooilcossion of tile Castle of
after which time 'tho p1posare grad-
unity allowed to cool and are then
Now, W117 41ould U. S. millera still)
Moudon syliere, lie carried on fils
dra,w.n forth hard arid WhIto, really
fIO1LV to the Chinese and sell It 74a
work -vv4xh am certain amount of so,
for tile �_
,lazing of tile aftpills, qnd,
Et. barrel leiss tit it they ch rgo I ,.
a a rep
Crecy. Ili return for the concession
If quality demands, scourIng, and
born citizens at liolue 2
tile members of tile committee Vero
' —
privileged to Do amoing tile first .to
tile most remarkable olf mail. no was
The Dominion of Canada Will Issue
%year top boots mudet of liuman Skin.
. .
Tills -carmory of Meudou ucgulred
TJ,at you think you will inve�t,
And a bu,iness friend lie tells you
tell million dollarfil worth of ri-YA
considerable no-to�ioty. A great
numbor of books -woro boun(l with
dollar 1,111s. Thil ne;d for then) is
groat. We all feel it, Ilow many or
the leather turned out t here, and
them should. fall to your share ?
Philippa Egalite, Dake of Orleans on-
-_ .
,,gylstlaa cotton crop of li)oj.
,nic r
couraged the tannery by woax�l;tg ,
palt, of breeches wade there wlth bai.
'was about 1.9-00,000 bales, that of
luall akin at a .;I)all in t)le Valais*
Royal. The republican General
Dr. facorge Shrad.v, a famous plly�
ttio United States was 10,500,OQO.
nio Industry Is In Its infancy In
Reysser, who made himself a name
.6felan, and Dr. Parkilurut, a fam,
Egypt yet, and when the groat lr� '
by Ills ferocity lit the Wars of Ija
Vandoe, set the fashion of wearlijR
our clergyman, 11a,vo liftea uptheir
rigation Betwilies are completed tile
similar trousers in tile army, always
�.OLOQS agallf. Tlicso two gontl'ameg
United States will have a competi-
w,earing,it pair at, battles arid at
are alway�o baving Wlitutfillig to
say This time there Is much Of
car in the production of cotton,
Ali aid Aoidier who had taken part
truth, and reason Ili their jareirlado..
lip. Georgo Sfirady, IS tile editor Of
Under tho now child labor law of
mumt of the campaigns of the
i"rolich. lievolution, told a writer of
the Wdical Riecord, 'and bpeakis froix)
Is 11,500 children between seven
Wina -
m�oinoira fit t , lie middle or tills C.Ou-
the pilyalclan't; standij ' ulnt whOn 110
and fourteen years hiLve buen takon
t�ry tla-at lie had owned a specialty
deolareu tli�%� Lho fine old Aaevicall
stock is lit danger of extorlrdilati011
out of shops and faLtor:os and sent
11116 garmient; of this kind, made on-
becau-so Arrierican wives %Vill not
tc) Sdiool, Chicago IS becoming civl,.-
tiroly of one piceb. An architect, who
was ono of tile leaders of tile In-
bear cluloren. "slit fashionable so-
famous Black gand of France' In 1823,
eioty," 110 &ayr, "the wein:10U do Hot
w"t-lvill 'lot lkays-Childrea. In
It took 7,000,000,000' 6gars, 1%.
which for a long-timo terrorized the
country districts in the West of
thumiddle clage,living In little bits
00%000,000 cigarettes arid 280,.
France, Wore a jacket Mhdo of human
-of flato, with perhaps two or throo
000,000 pounds of manufactured to.
Skin, comuly and excoedingly coin-
closets, m4scalled bearooms, there is
no xoom for them. Only, tile poorest
bacoo to ,,supply,', the United States
ThE4 infamous Saint -Just, when at
Vlass0s, who would not know Wh1t
198t ,.year. Those figures lead to an
the height of lits power during the
the word economics means, 90
aliea,d and have all the children that
undemtandlng of -wlly, one kind Of
,Reign of ,tTerror. caused a young
aaturG thein. Whenever I sea
man will ,squeal about paying 50
arid beautiful girl, wao had refused
Ono or those wemon of the tons-
Cent% far a school book for lite Child �hb_
his advances, to be 11�rrested and
seat to the scaffold. After the exe-
Meats, surrounded by a brood of
while Paying a, dollar for a Pocket- ,,
cution lie obtained possession of the
eight or tell cilildren,. I want tolvat
liar on, tho head, and Bay "Well
ful air cigar.j. I I . i I ! , I
body, flayed it himiseiC and had the
skin tanned and made Into a wairt�
done" "
.The U. S. Asphalt Trust
- Is In ill(,,
coat, which he wore till the day of
011, flidgO I tills good doctor does
I wonder If
hands of a receiver, Nv,hb declares
hie'death. The tannery of maild-.1n
and its imitators tarried n the 7 -,
not realize that kiort of talk Is aw-
that only 20 ,par cent. Nvas paid
cess on an extensive scale, and must
,ully old-fashioned. My, my, but the
In upon the 600,000 $50 s1fares, ana
jiavo miado a good dbal of money. by
tip to data, progressive, advanced
ladlos mutst b . a sniggering In
that $24,000,000 Is still duo, anti,
tanning ilia fikins of the victim's of
Bloeveo at Such back -number stuff,
further, tli'at the Promoters acquir.
ilia Revolution for every sort of
ad the stocks or ilia constituent
commercLsl purr,ose.
Oil extracted fromi -human, bodies
"My, Dr. Shrady," they. Say,
companies and turned them over
wan also placed upon the market and
,, hore do you. Live that you have
W '
not discovored that the world has
to tile Consolidated corporation at
advanced'.1 Wifehood and intaternIty
11 neavy profit to tli;Bmsolves. Suit
Sinco those days tile process has
are no longer the chief aim' of WO-
to now, brought to 00n�rlel thisin to
naturally. becomle much flarer, but
Dibilln relates how at rt. conlipara,
Iriankind. Women ,have other ar-
pay up. Devious are tile ways of
tively recent Cate a collector Poo-
fairs to attend to, nowadays. W'
havo cur reforms, for one thing. The
tile trust promoters.
aessad a treatise oil sport bound In
etag's skin,; a copy' of Fox1B "Hls�.
most- of u -s are very busy reforming
sontlething. The woman who doesn't
Le.311c's Wetokly says that unider the
tory of James II.," bound In - fox's
got busy these days reforming some
law It, foreet in Now York State prior
skin -and a book on antonomY., bound
abiuse is a nonentity. We have our
to 1697 prison labor yielded a
In, human skin. In 1837 the narra-
tivo or tile adventures of a lilgh-
. leagues, car clubs, our org-aniza-
surplus or ahout $10,OC)o a year on
waynina. wa,si bound In his own 61dri
.. tions our Chapters, our councils-wo
hay.'no tInTe to bear and nurse bab-
the work of the convICIto. Then tile
tit Moston, Uass., with tho Inscripi.
le.e. Lot the women. who have no
IaW* Ilmiting thloPale Of prison -made
tion In Latin outside, "This book Was
brains attend to that sort of Occu-
PI"Otlucts to 6tat() Institutions Went
bound Ill 'tile akln of Walton."
patlon. You can't expect a brainy
into force, arid now there is an an-
- ____ _ —
woman to ,spend liar time in a nur-
nual defleft of from $100,000 UP-
ROMMU-1 or � W, PIP11
sary", , ,
: . . r
wartla. That Is a bad showing. TlieriL_ ,
May have beer' injustices
Tben the' fashionable women:
under tlio�-
"Good Lord, doctor, we have our so-
Corillor avatem, hat surely the Can-
clal functions, They have usurped the
on the 'maternal functions.
vIcts 811toulo. be nifule to earn tILeir
Curious Process of Making
aow, upon earth, Is a woman going
keep. Lvery dollar that has to be
tht,, Church Wardens,
yJ and grace ne-
for favorite If she
contributed to support thern comer,
cessary a social
Out of the eoxxilugs of honest labor,
to bea�lng babies everyt few min-
utes ? Indeed, I am not g oing to ruin
aly, good lookofor a lot or crying
A Barrie inan who has 6con over
In Nebraska 0ays the farmers thb�rp
. I
IiZ,:n,.-.:; I --�Ltlovj
Tra-la-la, ,doet .on are not in
-or, y
this. This is something )ran cannot
an ffor from a lack of x4en to save
,ixiu ill�.,iura,owra al tiw tamous
control. The actual truth of the
ilia crops, and offer $1 a day and
Ul L1.UI1%V�.':'aC1I - ,1-taLllji0Q WILLI io%!P
.I", , . Brojacley, ia
. ,11.ma:i of aill,!ijult.y
matter is tills. Women have revolted
boa�d. The problem of farm Welp
6t.I,iftJ,J:v�, "ea, isperhap's ilia most re-
against maternity.l. it is not a revolt,
either; it is a revolution.
Is one that presses in our, own
tiownux! 1-:p-makin.- ceutve ia Urea;t
DeAalti, and thu art -for sa,�h it Is-
It was about nine or ton � , years
country. The difficulty seems to
hais been prajol;1sed for between �;06
ago that dt a big public meeting of
lie in the fact thttt the demalid a. -
i certain families
progressive women a clever and
charming actress said In a -wittyl
Lots for only a brief Period each
ths,vo nave catried on tile indu,stry
wRIIOUt it break bince ilia middle of
speech: "'Women have grown wearyt.
year. Porha:ps the tojv�ns and cit.
Los might take a Yacatioli
tho, eixteentli. cefittivy.
'But Outside. Staffordshire rdpe-mak.
of the burden of Maternity. Tbeyft
have borne it for 6,000 years. TIL&y
. .
at bar-
vast time, and let the libused-up
. O, ,a,,-
Ing is aLso cavriod on, and lit th
think it to about time the men took
dw.ollers accumulate bronze and tail
tro of (3ficiefilre one family can boast
a turn at it," and this outrageous
suggestion ,was laughed at and ap-
and dollars in tile Illarvost fields,
of 100 yvaris' Eervice to Gliesittre
plauded by! all the ladles present.
by way or relieving tile situation.
A -e.r industr�es, ina.
A% Ili a few oth
chinLITy is a failure in the pipe fac-
A Woman: says to herself: " Why,
should I ealdui� untold anguish and
- - -
Just how murderous are United
to,. -y. .uroce�iscs without number have
pain 2 Why, should I deprive myself of
States railways may be gathered
ll`,�en bivented and fortunes have been
the pleasures of life? Why all cold I
60m a comparison made by the
spynt witti the Oject of manufac-
shut Myself up In a xlurser� and be-
. .
come merely' a breeding ma . ohine ? I
Army and Navy Journal of the eas.
tur,vig Clay pipcp by machinery, but
nwio Ii., ve baen successful.
won't do it?
uattles in ilia war with Spain and
1111w. rac.tarie�s axe not imposing
Dr. Parkhurst veryl sellslbl�v sa.To
tbo Fillpinoo ,with tile accidents on
buildntp--, and use, not ornament, Is
that the lite women lead in a great
city make them absolutely unlit to
U- S. rAllroads. it giver, tlif. war
tho prev,01ing factor. clay, Of a
dirty gray color, Is stored In low
. .
become mothers, and the oile ortwo
t0t in
'1110 as: 1,012 A ericaris killed
61110,1S. and, ill SPItO OT its color, such
children thoM do bring in the world
and d,50.7. wounded; :L.002 81yall-
clay Li of cho purest a4d is only to be
are likely to pay by their weakness
for the nerve-rEeking stuaW under
Lards and 17,672 FiDpInos killed a if
foam, in Df..-Vollailire. It Is ellippLd
which tjie mother has lived.
Wounded. This Shows a grand tota�L
Livorpow anti Is distributed to
. p1pamakors In square bloi,ks.
This good doctor evidently., numbers
of 2114. 223 easualtics, or 8 per cent.
I M to rlrA,t Operation is tile cleansing
society and club ladies along his
Of tile casualties ' upon American
or i,�,D clay,. Each block Isecraped to
acquaintances. "'Many women clo not
rallroadiv during tll.0 same period,
remove impurities, then the clay Its want to be bothered'with children,"
. C. A 4-1 4-4.
the total casualties among Ainerl-
This form of death! Is v. thing to
that public eacr1rice there was tile
parted Irom Saul. lie continuesin
the ,kingdom for some time and has
Dradstraet's On Trade.
IuLxud witli wat-er and beaten to the
right consistemey, a, proceeding
Ile says. 11119y gru ge is errup-
. in
tion such an event would cause
calls being less than 22 per cent.
whichi every man looks forward as
sacrIficial feast, and In order to par-
take or this feast Samuel went to the
some remarkable success, but - God
Trade at Montreal Is good for tile
which, calls, for considerable ( .,are,
their crowded social life." 1
(.0185) of the railroad ca,sualfleis
Inevitable as arrows and spears.
home of Jesse. Between the Sacrifice
has forsaken him. The anointinnIT
hot weather. country mer-
Chants and city bnaluess men are
othorivise the fintebea Pipe will slit-
Both physician and clergyman
might ITirther and Speak plainer.
from Jan. 1, 189s, to flate. . ;1
In fact, as they reachl stage
tit feebleness they dlspI ay anxiety
and tho fea,st several hours would
oil was an emblem of the glftsan�
graocs bf the Holy FjpLrlt.
now holidaying, and a number of
f eir.
Turned Out by Thoustuids. 4
They thight say, and with truth,
) . -_
to die at (the .hhnds of their nearest
necow,goily elapse, as tile vl,:.,tlul
would have to be prepared and cook-
travellers are off their routes. In
Toronto trade tlic'o week has been
A thick paptal riepults, an4 this is
that thin revolutiQn against mater-
is a cNAt factor In tile mass
Rerr Bellet, the leader o� the Ger,
man Socialist% have just
relatives. For a son to refuse
To Rill Hit; Father
ad. Ellab-Jesse'B oldest son, one or
It Govs thtt Ot'lier 'Way.
faig In spito of the hot weather and
P,10�s ad on t a the rolling and molding
room. Elere men and Days -and some-
of immorality'In great cities.
who palled
about three million votes, is one of
would be as great a crime anti
Saul�s army in tho I'ahatine war (I.
tiam, xvil. 13), and after -War
Whorl �you've got a little money.
this holida,7 season. The crops are
turning ofat wall. At Quebec there Is
timoi; girls -deftly rail uie clay by
Tho average American wife, af ter
tile most remarkable olf mail. no was
create as much Popular Indignation
ruler or Judah upder David. In I.
TJ,at you think you will inve�t,
And a bu,iness friend lie tells you
,mand r,OT sea-
an active goirting dL
t somewhat the
h,"Ild until It Z:9`813111013
having borne liar husband two or
throv children, gives Jilin ftankly
* boph in Cologne Alxt , threo ye. r
yt- . a a
its for a iton to murder Ills fattier
Chron. xxvil. 38 lit- Is called Elihn.
That a certain stookla ilia best,
sonable goods, arid salon are 170-
shapa of a pipe. T�ie workers become
1`0111a." kably dexterang, and it Is as-
to undorfftan(I that sltpi considers
ago, t banorl or ,an Infantry."sergeanc.
�trade 'a
in tills country. If such! a coxitIng-
Wu have an exhlbition or lil-q rude
and Overbearing temper In I.
And ,yoqi noitice by the papw�ii �
. .
portod as as this time a ,year
has been fairly active
tcynipshing now accurately they gaugc
she has (lone liar duty by, him and
- Re learned tlie olf tanner,
ency were to arise unnatural
youth. would be 1drivort fronr the
xvil. '218-3foulton.
That 10i rising ev'ry day__�
But hardly FAnk your money
agoi. Trado
at Vancouver and Tletorla ,the Fafft
the, amount of clay n eces aary for the
that he need expect nothingrilorin
from tier. She th.t. Gloses liar eyes
and at the age at 20 Joined tile so -
clal demoor.
atJc founded forty,
ramity lodge, tho uther mcmibersof
7. Look not, ..to.-1-;vF.n Saintiel wa:,
jaw relito ellit mog ti enhW
week. Vaistneas In wholesale Ines
rolling dt 00 H.Dakf and fitem of a
to iwhat follows.
. . partyJ
ilia tribe ,would ostracise him and
still jtu,ging from outward app...ar-
vain 'rho ytr,llxrg,�Rt-joas.,�, bliving
evilkntly he Idea oL Da,vid's wi,idoni
as well as retail trader at Winnipeg
rail -fledged dburchwA,rden or the less
Not long since it beautiful alar-
y1oars ago by, Liellkaocirt. He halt
Ito would be driven Irto the wilder-
anepo. "That wh-ch chiefly recom-
.�,n a .
,Wl� fr1pnd quite confid4-ntially
bao been much. moire active this week
ambUiong short. Tho work has, liev-
to be neatli and delicately
ried ,.Iroman who b,ts huld threeex-
served many brief terms In jail for
ness without weapt mo, to Aie of
menqed Saul to the favor at IsraeV
W&113 his sizo and b,auty, but now lit
Tc.11,; y(m that Ills horge will win,
Apil lie ,�woaro 11.
a of tile
. rogmLt olf the opening
n ' ipag Expo�,-Ition. There has
pet -formed or the clay will deterlo.
qulsitp ohildren. Said to me: 11 N 0
Ills OP11110118' sako, The annexation
"Of course, I bad IlOard of thlP
selecting a man a�ier Ms own 14eart
no o equine
1k; to beat h.*m coming in,
been a fair movement In wholesale
ra,to. In an ordinary working (lay the
more babies for me. Viii through.
of Alsace and Lorraine lie denounced
practice before I went io live
Jellovall fillosvis that Ills (livine jailg�
wl�y, 7ou think you'll make a, fortune
trade circles at Hamillton for the
average Worker will roll 1,600 to
I've ,more than done my duty, and
I've husband t
ab a mistake, 'tracing to, It the vast
among the Chlukehos," gala Mr. B4O.
goroz." "Bpiti I 'thought that certain'
ment Is haced, not on e%ternal forril
01 coindinese, but oil Vie inner Ere.
Arid 1D.1 him ,vour coin you lay
But tl,o ra�'� Aiifioa It Is over '
hot weather season. Nj*twltbstand-
Ing this late time air the, season for
1,700 at tile longest piries, and, at
Course, con6ridA)rmbly more short ones.
given my a untie r,
stalld the FAtuatlon very plainly."
armamont.s willell n,ow burden EuA
. ropa. "lluager. dutleWl Is tile ter ��
details had been exaggerated. I
David al.;O, however, was of a goodly
(v. 12,�.-Torry. on the
.Yaw ra.'ItO e1ht tnew sgrillit gwobS
sorting, quite a few parcels Ot sea-
being out.
it ecizen or mo�e pipej are stuck
and set aside to temper, a
The troublo about t1fe eight ol:
Ilib appliod to t)le, now tariff on till- -
aoon found out that lPilf hall not
been told. The sons have to kill
heart -God does not look at unf?-,
When �VOU hear your uncle's ill. you
sonable goods are sent
PwUilera -throughout the Country
(trying process tho length of which
toll tenement children is th'at they
Ported food and lie obaraoterIzed
thdr fatifers. If an old man ex-
earthly possessiona, or social ran1r,
Quickly 'to lite bedside go
are busy, and the outlook for trade
varies according to th-C, heat of the
,are, aff a rule, undesirable additions
Gerrilany's conduct in Chinit as
s wish to be killedhis nea,r.
or family history, or literary attaln-
mcnts, or natural ability, for He does
For you . kntrw ,that by his will you
Will receive a ttilou or so.
as reported to Bradatreet's, Is bright. �
in London there Lai a, rair amount
When. sufficiently dry tile Work of
to thr- population. Thbly grow till
IT. Squalor, disease and sin, to re.
,',9lI1an:oful," sn.ying It ,,tvas marked b,r,
"bestiality la,�vor than among the
eat and dearest relative 14" to per.
form the task. if the executor se.
not ju,ge,roxxi app�nrances, not evC13
And 7ou're. waffing ev'ry minute
of UtIvIty In jobbing trade c1relm
molding commences. Molds of cast
orult tlio big army of Criminals. go
boasts." Ile does not lteskta,te when
Jointed should refuse the spirits
from religlous maxiffestations-such
For -to see him pass mway,
Iran axe emp!oyod and the shelves
It to a question after all, whothle,r
ho thinks fit to deal with the Kaiser
would be angry. Tho wish, once
a.s many tPara, many prayers, a see-
WJ,en he maker; a dpsperat� , effort
Tanoing, 31itutan Skill ibr Leather-
contain all the blast I;uowjl styles,
the knotIfer has well.11
I., 4. t.
Z'Ithout gloves. .
expressed, cannot be Tecalred, al.
tons draportment, a solonin tone to
Ulu voice, etc.; but God looks on ilip
. �yaw rOlLtO 811t og ,pgnlht dnA
Happening to comeacross -the oth-
which are tadded to or changed as
fashion dictates. The plain, Smooth
though' Its fulfilment Inay be de.
layed for a short time.
heart, the Inner life, the character,
8o, it Is all through a, lifetime,
or day the Catalogue, -of a book aue-
tio ih 'IB64, a book ()it
clay Is Tuways first favorite, but
The victim Is Fmpposed to fepl no
It and hill executioner be on
. anti judges w-s-ordingly.
8-10. Abinafti) ...... �shainmah-Tlmsn
First we're up &lid then -we're
down ;
I When
the Constitution of the French Re-
now and again a popular military
general-KIteliener and Roberts at
pain ,he
good terms. It they are not, tile one
. two, with Ellaib, were the sons of
Jusse sent to the I)hIlls-
Just . ki,ff Soon, As we are onitlin 9
Somat.hing comes to make us frown,
public, bound In human skin In tile
year 1703, wAs for sale, . a
____ ___ - __
--is adt
prr.sent share the honor led to
Who does the kiVing Is .d to
cuffer the agony of death. Once I
war against
thins (charl- xvit, 13.), Again-Zfesse,
And ag soon as we are certain
book lover was ad to Inquire
tho mold. in some d1stricts the
Cour, terfelt presentments of a. noted
heard a Chlikehe fattier pronounco
no doubt, brought Ilia sons before
That sun-elilne's here ,to stay,
whether the human skin :had ever
been to Buell 6. use beforri or
footballor or the boad of a race
tills most dreaded ponalty to )its
Kamucl in the ordr,r In which he con-
And hve're feeling blithe and h�p py-
horr,o figure In clay pipes.
oldest son. He said:
11 Since you are always quarreling'
� oldered them to rank, bringing tile
most likoly first. ,Not chosen these-
.,yaw relito, elit og r,gnilit nobT
. -Philadelphia Ledger.
Tile inquiry led to a. numuer of
. .
A Simple Process.
with me lam going away and you
David'set-ven brothers had passed be-
- . -
surprising revelations. It wag not
The mold Is hinged from stein to
thall L�.end me.,' -
fell,(? Samuel anti the Lord had refu.4ed
I t Would Look Cosy.
merely during the excesses of the
bowl and after carefully oiling both
Tile son was -violently agitated as
them aIl.
French itevorution that Such things
aides the' 11101der inserts )its hand -
lie heard the Wards, but lie knew they
I 1. Are liere, ap-Sitmuel was not
The minister of a Scotch
Were done, but as ago as the
rolled anti tompered pipes, passer a
coultl not Ile recalled. One would hav�
�rea(LN, to give up. Ile quickly Bar-
V-111age Was tit the bodside of a
thirteenth century lie found there
w1ro through the stem to make the
thought lie had been sentenced to
111IFed that there might bo One over-
lrxilced or connied by thq father.
Sootchman nainod Donald, prepar-
wore In existence several much
all-In3port-ant draft hole, closos the
death, Instead of Ilia old fatbor.
-11 witneSsed soveral puelt tamPy
Jel--w had Offered all of Ills fions,
lug 'I'M by pP)us exhortat-lons for
tho great j,)urney. I'llave you any-
books, Including a, Latin Mille tery
harillsomely engrossed upon a wo.
tno.d ftnd places it In a hand prosc.
which punches a, hole fit tile bowl.
executions during my solourn among
whont lie F.uppo.4,41 Were at all likely
to wit. But the Lord had hf�nt Sam-
thing On your lind, Donald?" lie
man's skin. in 1765 tile "French
WhV,o ilia intold Is FAIR' cloacd 0e
the 'Cliukehes. One case was that of
un c4l man, whose age had de�rlved
uel, arid the orrand could not bo fit
a6'kol; "Is there, any question you
would llk(� to And tile
L'neyclopedla" gave a recipe for
Will ling hurnan skin, arid stated that
operator removes superflaom
clay with a knife. Then ho passes
of sigItt. .
vain 'rho ytr,llxrg,�Rt-joas.,�, bliving
evilkntly he Idea oL Da,vid's wi,idoni
at4k me'."'
milliStOr berit down to listen to
M. ,Ruo, n. surgeon. fit Iliarig, lia(I pre-
Ills hand ovor any rough places and
lie Wits N*ager to Die.
and bravery, q*k4,5 of )I'm aq tile
the (Tying m,tn's roply, "Na, mpen.
gented the King with a. pniv of s,,11)-
the pipo Ili ready to dry.
and. & time was set when Ills son
niost tinfit,' Girld In Ills providnneo
isttur, Ilin efeard* I wad
pEri4 tilstdo of human skin according
Twai or three days lit a fairly
vhould terminate Ills career. 'Tile
so ordemd It, th'tt tile appointment
like to ken thri, wileth,er ther-O,11
to tills prescription.
wotin room kit all even temperature
father waR dresspd In wlilto funeral
of David might tile more elp,ax-1v ap.
Ile wbi8key in Neaven ?" Upon ]its
During tile reign of Napoleon 111.
are neede(l toor the drying process
garb, and he lay oill a Pilo of walrus
pear to be it divine purpDso anti 'not
spiritual 0ounsollor remonstrating
a copy of the beerot,10s, written on
alid when thus,far 001-aw'Oted tile pipe
#Wns beh!n,l a ourtaln, Where ho eoWd
The dp.61gn (4ther of gamusA or ,TPf;t,P.
with him upon rjuch a thought at
human 3�111, was found In the, library
to of & cre,anvy tlnt and has,'& high-
ijot be seen by his executimier.
-J., vs L. a. Ills flanto signifieq ,'bo-
011011, 11, Moment, h,f) hastened to add,
of tho Storbonno and tmangferral to
ly pollehext ourfaco, Then, the f , in..
,, A running noom of walrus sinew
lovell," and Wait all qnullneflt typ3 of
With a knowing look: 1101N I It's no
the Tuileries. Xolin. Malta, tho one-
Isher applies lilt; art, qttletly remov.
was placed about the %letim's neck
the beloved Son of God. Sit flown-
that I nlina,, moonister; I only
chief 'of tile llus.Sites, ot'derod
Ing senins had Inequalitleg andinak-
sqn4l wbon all was roady lie reRtid
I The word thus rieridered mean!4 ,to
thought I'd ft to erea; it on tile
Ili his will that ids skln should be
Ing all ready for the burner. I
JJ.F heml on the lap of Ills wife, who
wround,' and here stIggests the NIt-
tablrj !"
Lanned and made Into a drum. "Tile
.1,, circular kiln, boneath which
.Lit(' ,mot rs hat, a oulki bring
tigoful, desirable, healthful children
In the world are dancing at 'an tie.
sombly at- running a state fedora.
tion. I toll you, motherhood Isnot
In vogue. "Thoy" are not mothors
Nor da I believe that women wIIJ
3vor voluntary go back to thedays
of Sweet subjection to husband and
olithlron. They have had 'theirtaste
or freedom and Independence and
they will not readily relinquish
their privileges. The Camel hasgot
his noso -In the old man's hut and
Ito Will keep on squeezing it until
tho old man Is out In tile Cold. Art
a na-ttOr of fact, lid to pretty well
out there xlo%v�.
Mon are somewhat toblamo. They
have lencouraged women In many,
of ilicir progressive movements.
Many men like to Roe their IvIvog
shine socially, al'ad there are line.
bands-straxigo us It may Seoul!-
wlx) admire their wiveosit-tingupon
a platform in thoir baa� black
8liks. ,with a gavel III thair hands.
So they need not complain. They
liftV0 'helpecl mix their medicine and
they Miould take their doso atill
look' PICAflant. As for tile future
of tile country, well�th'e poor couil.
try -I ouppow It will Dog along
some way. LE'dith Sooslona #1�llpper,
__ I
The R<)yal Society of Canada, at Its
la,to Muoting in Ottawa, passed it
resolution Calling tile, attention of
thO Dominion Government, anti of the
Governments of the various Pro-
vinces, as well as of mallicipal au-
thOrItles, to the urgent Importance
rical monuments,
sites, buildings, a.reldvos and relles
throughout Canada, In view, of thO
constant and IncreasIng danger of
tb&Ir disappearance.
, , .
I , , ow—.
Of 16.000 cases of Suicide, ill, tun
United States It Is found that 7,-
781 were maloo, and 20,1210 were f(
Iftalcu. Shooting was tile favorN .
nibillOd chosen- by ,men and poison'
by WoMell., Of tho mail who killed
themselves 12,980 u"sed firoarxiiss It,
831 poison, 760 tho rope, 005 a eut-
ting Ino,truluent, dg() drowned theill-
selves, 4.00 used gas, ned 350 jantly-
ed to their doath fromi som6 alti-
tude. Wonten, au a, rule cliore the
less violent m-ethods. rolooll was SO-
locted by !)Io# drowning hy 31D. gas
bx 0 UO. ) . -, � , I �