HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-30, Page 1. , , Th Wgham Advance. , . u I 11 I . . ,,, 30TII YEAR, No. 48. ' WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE _ __ 4_ _ _� -- __ Mt', Kilgour of Toronto, President Triplets, Council Meetings, DOMINIOU of the Canada Furniture Manufacture Not often does such an event trans- •Wingham, Monday..,.... ....Aug. 3. ers, Limited, accompanied by Mr• pine in this vicinity as that indicated West Wawanosh...............Aug. 5. Shrage, Factory Superintendent, was by the following notice ;_ Howick at Fordwich ..... Aug, 10. BANK OF HAMILTON 3'• g BORN -To Mr• and Mrs. Wm, Satter East Wawanosh. ............. 20. DEAR ADv.&xcB.•-It is said All Queens Hotel, about 150 feet wide, �� ��� �_A� In town on Friday. Mr, KIl our was ' �+ + ■ . very favorably impressed with Wing- of East Wawanosh, triplets ---three Turnberry, BCuevale..........Aug. 21. roads lead to London," and it is a true having three or four streets running CAPITAL PAID UP........ Capital (paid tip) $2,98000 ham as a prosperous town, g ers (still born.) saying too; a tourist certainly should through it -butchers by the hundreds 2,000,000.00 not pass it by. Verily it is the "Mecca" and butchers' boys by the thousand, RESERVE FUND.......... 1,700,000,00 Reserve toed undits) $3 330 OQO Milk, lime, and salt are used for Complimentar To Win ham. Business Change. . of the English speakin world. This hurry and bustle; meat here and meat TOTAL ASSETS.,......... " ed profits) ► t g 21,9a0,bf)6,(i1 whitewashing the dairy stables at the The Lucknow Sentinel, has this to Lott &Sturdy have sold Choir Livery is pulse of the wort ,the one city there, enough to set a fellow against ,_._�____T______.,� business to Cassels &Carr, who recent- band compare ; volumes could be meat all the days of his life= -slapped T30ARA OP AIRAGTORB, Ontario Agricultural College. Enough say of the Lacrosse match played 1 disposed of their flour feed beat- written and the half never told; the here and thrown there, piled on, carts, Fanners' Nates discounted, milk is used to make the lime thin and here recently--" It -.vas a great game y P centre of commerce, wealth, poverty; wagons, men's backs, handled like Icon. Wm. Gibson -- President render it easy of application by means of lacrosse, cleanly played, and the ness. We understand that the new the great and good, also a vast amount cordwood --a mighty meat market. Geo, Roach John Proctor A. B, Lee Drafts sold on all points in Can- firm took possession on Tuesday morn- of bad to mix. Here men were born We take the steamer "Koti•i•nour" John S. Hondrie Geo. Rutherford ads, the United States and Europe, of a spramotor. A little salt is added best team won, but too much praise ing, and will run their coal and wood - to Ieave their impress upon all lands for Ramsgate, a watering place 84 miles J. Turnbull, Vice -Pres. and General Manager to the mixture. This wash, put on cannot be given to both the Wingham business in connection with the liver under the sun ; here are politicians from London. This trip gives a good y' galore, making nations in a da a view of London from the river, H, S. Steven, Asst. Gen•-Mauagor twice a year, keeps the. stables clean team and the citizens of the town for 8 g y- , p��sing SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. and sweet the year round. their royal treatment of the Se o s wonderful city; who is sufficient to Billingsgate Fish market, the Tower, H, M. Watson, Inspector. interest allowed on deposits of 1,00 and y P Y Accident' write it up? Over six and a half mill- Tower Bridge, Woolwich, Greenwich, upwards, end added to principal 3 th Juno and their visiting friends;' An accident occured at the V. P. R. ions of people. Planting ourself at Tilbury-, etc. Sixteen miles from Rams, Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int- end 31st December each year.. Hanover, Ont., July 20. --Allan Iii,- Charing P p g y y� erest allowed and computed on 30th November ney, a turner in the Knechtel Furnf- Cut the Weeds. station on Monday that might have g Cross, which is supposed to gate we turn up at Canterbury, a dear and slet May each year, and added to principal be the centre, you can go fifteen miles old city; ancient? Very much SO;. special Deposlis also received at ourrenb A. E. (1111SON, Manager tare Company's factory, was drowned As you journey eastward on Victoria proved very serious. A new windmill in all directions; 30 miles across I Visi- Cathedral -fine, date -11th century, rates of interest, lust evening in the Saugeen River. street and within a few feet of our was being erected for supplying the tors by all means should spend go to large, fine work both inside and out; W. CORBOULD, Agent th R. Vanstone, kolicitor He went in bathing with two compan- main business thoroughfare, just tank with water, and while it was be- Westminster eekTa ebreadey aud Eng ish his- exleritor, yeti it willh time is lastour time a t. Dickinson & Holmes, Solicitors ions, and bad swam out to the middle ing raised, one of the ropes snapped in , P glance on both sides of the street and tory and study the monuments of the Crypt is very fine also; contains the of stream, when he sank. It is su two pieces. One of the men, named- illustrious dead, which will take all French Chapel, who have just cele - p' you will Seo a Crop of weeds that is a P j posed that he was seized with cramps. disgrace to any town, and only tolera• Snell, of Orangeville, was holding a- their time -a wonderful place, the brated the 3"Oth anniversary of their ����y I nother ro a and the sudden descent of present buildin datiri from about worshi in this lace. The tomb of j * The body was recovered two hours ble in some little hamlet far removed P the 11th centur H� a we tread the Black Prince also a lop list of of the tower drew the ,opo so quickly y g later. from civilization. Cut the weeds be- softly upon lite graves of Gladstone, Archbishops for a thousand years, ' _1-0k-E:through his hands that they were se- Dickens,also man others renowned some of them in excellent reservation; - Houses and roams to rent. ,Apply fore the seeds ripen. The back end of , q P verely cut and burned so that he will for statin sculpture, law, politics, some of the earlier Kings were also See Halsey Park s Advt. some lots, and several of the ]ones in painting, P g to 0. J. Maguire. be laid off work for some time, The arts, sciences, men whose names are buried here. Saw Cannon Farrar's 4; Wear Greer's Shuua mill Rubbers. Wingham presents anything but a tower was considerable damaged by household words throughout the world; and Archbishop '.Pate's graves. In - ti , As a result of an experiment t'vith creditable appearance, g peacefully sleeping amid the surround- conversation with a stonemason (em- $__ Court Maitland, C. 0. F. meets on the fall. three flocks, aggregating 1,2.10 bene, ing clatter of omnibuses, cabs, coater- played here during the past 14 years). Friday evening. the Cornell University Station found Civic Holiday. mongers and what not. Near by are who apparently took a fancy to your ' 10 J. Buckley has a large stock of c, the beautiful Houses of Parliament, humble servant, drew out of his pocket • ? Read Fishleigh's advt, on page 5 of the average cost of feeding a hen per Tuesday, August 4th will be Wing- cigars, which he will sell at half price which in my opinion are not so beauti- a coin which he unearthed that morn- lr ` this issue. year to be 99 cls, The average value ham's Civic holiday and is also the while they last. ful as OUR Ottawa buildings, which ing, which he declared was a Roman , • i/'lrr . '.."TV of eggs at market rates exceeded the date of the annual union Sunday cannot be excelled in the world for piece belonging to the reign of Con- r�. srn -.-- Fred. Rush, who has been learning Drowned. situation. stantius, and said to be eleven hundred .. � : '' ' cost of food by $1.31. The total yearly School exenrsion, that has become so 1 telegraphing, has gone to Ridgetown ; A sad event occurred on Monde In a short letter we cannot take the ears old 1 I prize it much • man t 4r 1 i.,� production per hen averaged 120.7 popular. It was thought well to reader from place to place, it must be relics are found by workmen. `1 ,t�' t � 'b � success Fred. last in Lower Wingbam, by which },, eggsandthe average cost per dozen of change the place this year, and Kin- seen and visited by themselves to pro- St. Martin's church Fergie the oldest '�% �tr�%ff'`ti'"t ,,;.. Jno. Eider is having his house on eggs was 9.2 cents. sardine was chosen instead of God- William B., son of Wm. Johnston, lost perly appreciate it, However one or church in England. I had the pleasure X#& U4 •. 'w " Shuter street, occupied by D. M. Gor- erich. The special train will leave his life. The little follow, who was two incidents will suffice. Spurgeon's of going through it and viewed the old "Noma an Bvery Pleee." don, repainted. One of our exchanges opens the Clinton at 8 a. m., Bel rave at 8.35, nearly eight years of age. was, with Tabernacle, holding about 5000 people, Roman walls, dating from the 5th cen- safet valve of the poetry plashing g is worth a visit. Mr. Thos. Spurgeon tury ; they are still in a good state of I-0_-.-VW9 y P y Win ham, 5.55, Whitechuzch, 9.03, ar- two other bogs, bathing in the race- g p apparently will last Mr. MoLean's two story frame hoose with the £ollowin g Iva His com anions saw him o preached on the 13th; he is cod, no reservation and a g :- riving in Kincardine about ten o clock. P• P g close Communion there; everybody till time shall be no more, The Font near the mill has been much improved Life insurance agents tell us, g down and tried to reach him but failed. invited to partake from other churches. in this church is remarkable for its pp• y painting. We can make our wives sublime, The fere from WIngham is 70cte for in appearance b aintln They dressed and gave the alarm. The Clapton Congress Halt (Salvation beautiful carving, it was made in over t p And, when dying, leave behind us Army) holding 5000, but best of all, twenty pieces and cemented so well C adults, 35ete for children. Full infer• hocolate Bon -Bions. The roof of the Holmes Block has Widows worthy of our time; mation can be obtained from posters boys father hastened to the place City Road Chapel, Wesley's preaching together that it has been on the "go" now been completed and carpenters We will give them such a send-off and from Sund4y School superinten- which is but a short distance from the place, has been renewed somewhat for over a thousand years. The Tower Having secured the agency for are engaged in laying the floors. On the great insurance plan, home, but was unable to rescue bis but the same old pulpit he preached in dates from 146h century. y g dents. Returning, the train will leave Wingham, of these extra High That when we, departing, die cif, son. Thos. Groves then dived and' and which we were invited to enter. On leaving this church and turning A joint stock company has been They can catch some other pian. Kincardine at 7.30 p.m. A delightful This is the very seat and foundation a corner, I saw a 'bus labeled "For Class Chocolates, I will always formed in Ripley for the purpose of day on the lake shore is expected. found the little fellow lying on his face. of Methodism. What memories 1 You Wingham." The name was familiar; keep a fresh and assorted stook lighting the village with acetylene gas. A heavy thunder storm passed over Medical aid was summoned, but life go through the hall to the right and so I said -how much to Wingham P . this section of country on Tuesday Unheard of Shoe prices will crowd was extinct. It was a sad event and there at the rear of the building is the Nine pence sir. So I invest 9d for a A. R. Smith is in Toronto, receiving night, lasting for about three hours, our store during our great clearin Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have the sym- tomb of Wesley; to the light as you six mile ride to Wingham. How could g g sale of Shoes, to start July 25th. 7 go through the gates is 'Wesley's house, I let such a grand opportunity of see- � �T 11T(�jij � f?��BB �N Y-' hospital treatment for one of his eyes ; The lightning was sharp and' the rain- J, Greet., pathy of the community in their sad now used as a Methodist museum. The ing Wingham pass by P Over hill and j � J v �1 V a gentleman is in charge during his fall wiis very heavy. The lightning and sudden bereavement. The funeral congregation was ordinary; no crowd through dale, hops to right and left, absence. struck a high popular'tree in front of Historical Dialogues. took place on Tuesday. such as you might expect there, in fact pretty lanes and hedges, past a village We are luta about two dollars' the house of G, A. Phippen, Lower Dr. T. Chisholm has given the Ad• people don't go to church here as a or two, the 'bus leaving parcels here DRUGGIST giving Quick Work. rule -it is out of fashion; they drive and there, finally pulling up at Wing - worth of Shoe Leather for one dollar. Wingbani, splitting the tree 50 feet vance it copy of his ,,Dialogues on tandem to out of town resorts and ham. This place appeared to be as old Next door to Post Office. Big clearing sale at W. J. Green's, down and throwing the bark and English History" in book form. The Fully 5,000 people attended the have a general "kick tip" on Sundays. as Canterbury --very quaint, very , R, A. Douglass has in his shop win- limbs over the house; no person was little volume is worthy of perusal and second annual picnic of the Amalgam- "Pubs" are all open here on the Lord's sleepy and old fashioned, Shops about now a beautiful til of the S eciosium inured. contains thin dialogues in rhyme ated Meat Outters and Butcher Work- day, people are used to it and think 9 feet square, very funny to a Cana. y' P y g y men of North America. local union nothing of it ; women appear to drink dian, I wish you could all see it; pope - Variety. Its three large flowers are The Grand Trunk Railroad has in- and dramatic form. The dialogues 188, of Toronto, Thursday last. Six more than men in some of them. Jugs Cation about 1300. I got a picture of T118 !S THE worth seeing. cover the main events of .English his- y are much in evidence here. This to old church and a bottle of pop, which 1 stalled on the Brockville section of its tory from the Roman conquest to the bullocks and five lambs were killed my mind is England's corse and will was all I could bring away, having The Ontario Government Labor road anew kind of long-distance tele- reign of Victoria. They were written and dressed during the afternoon, and be the primary cause of her downfall, only time enough to walk 21 miles to if that calamity ever takes lace. The Adersham, the nearest station to Can - Bureau reports that the present de- phone service, known as the telegraph in the doctor's early years in the the expert workmen of Toronto and y P ��� T mane requires 2,000 farm laborers telephone. It is connected with and Buffalo showed what the could do rower also is rich in the history of terburV and thence to Ramsgate, g. E OF YEAR (]j! A {R q P teaching profession, and have now y England and worthy of a visit. riving back in London next evening, jj``�� Vh` jrj within the next week. is operated on the telegraph wires, been published in book form in and how quickly they could do it, Smithfield meat market, reaching Can t say where I go next, Lucknow and Wingham Junior La- and business can be done with Mont- response to many requests for copies. The greatest interest centered in the I should judge from our station to GEo. MASON. crosse teamstc ll C the on la ed ark here real,- Coteau, Cornwall, e. Tale- . beef -dressing contest between Walter - p y p They are well written and show a twe Clean t1P OUT stock of on Friday last. The game was won graph and phone messages can be con- complete grasp of historical data. Dennison, of the Harris Abattoir, and by Lucknow*, score 3-2. vegEd at one time without conflicting. The book also contains a condensation Wm. Glass, of Buffalo, champion of A COMPOSITION. HOW TO DO IT. odd lines of Shoes at greatly If the present test proves satisfactory, of English Histo, into one hundred the United States, Mr. Glass holds the system may be brought into gen ill n ed rices. If Olt he A number of Wingham Independent g y the medal, which be won at Rochester The following is u composition on a p � lines. Pupils of our schools to -da g P It occasionally happens that a uewa- Foresters went to Lucknow to attend eral use on the G. T. R. P q on Aug. 5, 1896, His best time is 4:44. "Sight" subject, written by Kathleen, paper unintentionally offends one of In heed Of anything In the church service with the I. 0, F. and could not do better than at least C. 0. F. of Lucknow, last Sunday. Stratford, Ont„ July 26. -The chil- memorize the "One Hundred Lines. Glass yesterday dressed his bullock in daughter of Rev, W. Lowe of Wing- those thin-skinned mortals found in Shoe line, We can SAVe you dren of James McTavish, liv!D on lot Dr, Chisholm is to be congratulated 5 minutes and 30.1 seconds, and secured ham, a pupil of Wingham school, As every community. There are individ- Mr. Rodwell has purchased Mrs, g 109 points. Dennison's time was 5:55, Kathleen is but ten years of age, we uals who imagine an editor should never money. 22, con., 27, North Eastho e, amused on the creditable production, g Runciman's house on the corner of P and his points were 101, consider the composition is excellent, dare to express an opinion, or refer to themselves on Friday night by light- and hence give its ace in our columns an event, except in words of flattery. This week a line of Men's John and Shuler Ste. Mrs. Runci• Dominion Exhibition Daq. g P man will probably remove to Strat- Ing a fire near their father's new barn. WANTLD-A girl for general house- to encourage other young people to p y The Dominion Exhibition days have work; Duties to commence Au ust A plain, unvarnished statement Wight ford. The lire spread rapidly, and as a re- s endeavor to excel. It is entitled Harvest Shoes, pair..... ?5c been apportioned as follows: Thera- 10th. Apply to Mrs. H. O. ell, do in some cases, but where TREY are suit the structure, with all its contents, .. ++ A game of Lacrosse was played in was consumed, entailing a loss of over day, Aug. 27th, and Friday, Aug. 28th, Clinton. 6CENE PRO.It A HILL, concerned, asst' reference mast be ex- Lucknow on Wednesda between preparation days; Saturday, Aug. On a sunny day in June, as I was tremely guarded, and no sound uttered, y $2,000. McTavish was away at the Worth Noting. sitting on a verdant hill close by a tie Intermediate teams of Wingham 29th, Official Opening Day; Monday, farm -house, I was startled b hearing sabe that of adulation and exaggerated Full line Of Trunks, Valises, time, but returned while the fire was A statement made by W. A. Robb, y g . and Lucknow ; score 7-6 in favor of Aug, 31st, School Children's Day; a piercing shriek; convinced that noth- eulogy. If the editor fails in this his hernia and in attempting to Iiia of the Walkerton Telescope, shows P g Telescopes and Suit Cases g' P g Tuesday, Sept. let, Press Day; Wed- ing less than a tragedy could have sacred duty, he is liable to be inter- P • Wingham. goods sustained very severe borne, as how far even a small wood lot may Pleasingreports reach us of the suc- also did some of the children. Thursdnesdayay, Sept, 2nd, rd, Canadian Day; be made to serve in salvia the fuel occurred, I turned mydowgelf about and viewed (?) For the guidance of those P Thursday, Sept. 3rd, Canadian Day; �� beheld fleeing wildly own the dusty cess of Rev. J. J. Patterson, B. A., in problem Twenty years ago, said Mr. road a small figure clothed in a red thus disposed to impress the editor with . his new pastorate in BNffalo. His We are clearing Fancy Aiuslins, Friday, Sept. 4th, Empire and Pion- Robb, "my brother fenced in ten acres frock with curls streaming in the wind, a sense of his responsibility and the in- ,�e (r�� P Ginghams and Dress Goods, Farmer's ears' Day, Saturday, Sept, 5th, Com- of bush on his farm. That bush has and emitting such frenzied yells from terviewor's self-importance, we append Hanna & V O S • Wingham friends are pleased to hear pork for sale. GEo. E. KING. mercial Travellers'Day ; Monday, her small throat, one would have a few hints:- Sept. 7th, Labor Day; Tuesday, Sept. furnished fuel for his house ever since, thought it would burst. of his welfare. i and there is more timber on it now I recognized in this small, disordered I Iat-tie sure that you are sober; this SHU> STORE The breaking of a shaft in the pia- Stb, Farmers' Day ; Wednesday. Sept, than there was when the fence. was figure, the little town -bred girl, who is very important, for we have known chinery of the Bell factory on Satur- Blyth vs. Wingham. 9th, Stockbreeders' and Fruit Growers put up." On this the Weekly Sun teas boarding at the farmhouse for people make consummate fools of them- AV -Next door to Post ORica day afternoon necessitated closing the These two Baseball teams meet on Day; Thursday, Sept. 10th, American comm9nta thus -For the reservation the summer, an&was wondering what selves when otherwise. factory for a couple of days, until the the diamond, in the .Park here to. Visitors' Day; Friday, Sept. 111h, So P could ld the cause of her panic, when __ - _ of proper climatic conditions alone I beheld rushing out of the gate -the 2nd -When you present yourself at repairs could be made. ,y morrow (Friday,) at 4.30 o'clock. Ad. ciety Day; Saturday, Sept, 12th, Oiti• LO per cent. of the country should ba turkey-ggobbler, ; at the sight of hien the office, don't begin with a thump on r tens and Review Da It wi[I be pati- the child'a screams became more piers- the counter, intended to rival the bleat NOTICE. -Root, McIndoo's office will Green's clearing sale is the oppor- mission la eta. and 10 eta. y' in forest; and, if proper conditions in in than before and she began to run of Gabriel's trumpet. The probability be closed till about let August. An tunit of the season to, et good Shoes sed that the Exhibition will be in full g g g ir y g g New Wheat, this respect were maintained, and the so fast that I was afraid it would in- is -not that the editor is dead -but really of my customers wishing to pay their at little prices. sluing from 0 a.m. Saturday, Aug• cattle kept out of the timber, every jure her. alive, notes, or borrow money, will please Howson, Harvey & Broclebank re- 20th, to 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12th, farmer in Ontario would have enough 1 ran down the hill as well as I could 3rd -You are not expected to open call on the Manager of the Dominion Mr. R. Holmes received an invita- calved the first lot of 1903 wheat on il4onday, Sept. 14Cii, being moving for laughing and arrived just in time + Bank. -Root. McIndoo. tion b telegraph to attend the Gamey fuel and building timber for his own to drive the gobbler back, as it was bond discourse with the Lord's prays,, yy Tuesday, July 28th. It was raised by, da g but don't indulge in language -well in Banquet, at Gore Bay, Manitoba, Is- Mr. Il. Bosman of Morris and went' y use, and a emelt surplus to spare. rushing at the child. It took me fully short -don't let naughty "ouss" words MONEY To LoAx-At 4t per cent. on land, but a� ha had business to attend Fon SALE, -In the town of Wing- half an hour to soothe the child and at sit out; you know they • are slippery improved farms. Easy terms of re - 62 lbs. to the bushel. This is a good ham, lots 4&5 on the side of Josephine Funeral of Mrs. Forbes. - the end of that time, i carried her, li Pp y ayment ; expenses light. A pl A. to in Toronto, could not go, yam, le. P things sometimes, pp p P St„ on which is situated a cider mill The funeral of the late Mrs, T. Forbes still sobbing convulsively, back to the Dulmage, Real Estate and an Among those who successfully passed with all equipments. Will be sold took lace on Friday last to Win ham house. I inquired of her how it was 4th -Don't make a laughing -stock of Agent, Kent Block. (�tthe teats at the recent Normal School A Fine Trout. very cheap, Apply to, C. J. Maguire, place y g that the gobbler came to chase her and yourself by creating a big fuss about On Tuesday, F. G. Sparling caught Ileal Estate Agent, Wingham. cemetery. In the absence of Rev. W. 'teas informed that she had been trying nothing, or fancying you see insult `examinations in London, we notice the one of the finest specimens of speckled Lowe, Rev. Mr. Webb, rector of Brus- 'to catch it to put it to sleep, when it where none was iutended-fn a word - name of Miss E, G. Wilson, of Shuter Bowling Tournament. sels, conducted the funeral services at ran at her, and at the memory of the I on such an occasion as a visit to the street, Wingham. Miss Wilson is to trout, we have seen for some time. It g bird's ungratefulness she began to sob editor's sanctum, use a little common turned the scales at one and a half The two rinks of Bowlers referred to the home and at the grave. Mrs. anew. sense, or the public will very properly • be congratulated on her success. pounds, and was caught near town, in last week's issue met with good sue- Forbes' maiden name was Catherine I solemnly advised her not to at- come to the conclusion that you are The London Statist, basing its theory but where? cess at the London Tournament, espec- Maxwell, daughter of George Maxwell, temptto put the turkey to sleep again "short" on that valuable commodity. "-`-THE— on a wheat crop in America of 725,- Tally when it is remembered that there formerly of East Wawanosh, now of but to try the chickens instead, and I Progressing. think she obeyed rpy injunctions to 6th -Don't threaten to smash the edi- 000,000 bushels, estimates the world's g g' were sixty-one rinks in the competi- Winnipeg. Her mother died while the letter, for passing the yard one for, or pummel him so that he will never ' crop for 1903 at 50, 000,000 bushels teas The new building, 50 x 150, being tion. Mr. Jeffrey's rink won two deceased was quite young and she then day I beheld laid out in a raw a dozen write another line. There will be editors Cnyl�Qyl ��Ug Store . than that of t90`3. Other authorities erected by the Westevn'FOundry Co. matches, The other rink, skipped by found a home with her uncle, Thos. or more small chickens and was duly when you aro dead, Besides, the editor Corner VV11 might not be idle while you were doing place the shrinkage in the world's crop is progressing nicely. The concrete Dudley Holmes, did exceedingly well Maxwell of Brussels. Ahout ten years and proudly informed by their small 95,OOD, work of the first store has been coin- nurse that "She had putted them all the crazy act; he might not consider it 000 bushels. y and remained in the contest until ago, deceased removed from MOVris to to sleep," which It seemed was true, to be his solemn duty to be a silent spec• plated, and the framework of the re- the seini•final contest, along with Wingham. Abort three months ago, for that year the farmer's wife was tator of his own smashing to a finish. 1S the Place to get Frank Stratton of Brussels, returned maining part is• being built. The com three others. Another blame won she rettlrneci from the :Northwest that number of little spring chickens t + -- from g Gt.i-.-Don t iusiuuate that the editor is from the west this week. He had been plated building will furnish much- would have left them price -winners, where she had been visiting her father, the poorer, insane -because it is said that one of the ' Everything that is to Winnipeg to look after his brother needed storage room. On Wednesdao, they won in four sue- apparently in good health. Soon after, KaruLEEN Lown syh1eupaa111]i3 of that dread disease, is that ; �7ttlianp, whp was seriogely injured 1 y nfilicted person fancies that , Pu1re and Fresh in soipo tigte ago while in iliscbarge of .'><'he Irish 1Yine. cesatve games -having defeated Brown her illness begun ; elle bore up bravely -- 1. to is all right, and that it is those around Ijis dgties as prigipeer of a C. P. N. The baseball event of the season will of London, 10-17; Dunton of Paris, tinder It until the last, and even after I .. ++ + 11-13; Roberts of Seaforth, 18-14, goingto the hospital, went brave] to Married. him who aro off, nonce don t leave train. Frank reports his brother im- be on Friday, August 7th, on the P y � yourself open to suspicion. Covin 'Town Park, when the famous "Irish and Blank of London, 1(1-•15, In the Clio operating room. The disease (can- The following from the London Free ; tli-•-If you fancy you have a griev p g• Nine" of I,ucan cross bats with the singles Sparling of Clinton gave Way car) was too deeply seated to be re- Press refers to a young lady, well I anco, go and talk it over quietly. Ia Brnasels, Ont.. July 21:. -*Tho fastest local ball tossers. c Irish- to Card of Galt, Jackson of Clinton moved even by the operation, and she known in Wingham :-•-A happy event! nine ones out of ten, you will find no Range of foot ball that has been play The is with then won from Holmes of WCugham died on Wednesday, 25th inst. Air, took place at eight o'clock Tuesday i insult was intended, and the editor you Drugs - ad ja .Brussels for many years was men are assisted by the clever little and Card of Galt, winning the trophy. and Airs, Forbes had been married 20 evening at the residence of Misses I wanted to smash into unrecognizable .flayed here to•nfi{fht in the final ams Indian pitcher, George who holds the i shape, is not the monster you imagined ` g strik •out record for the season, bay. The London Free Press says. -"The, years; two sons and one daughter are Roddick, 466 Dufferin avenue, when J him to bo. in the intermediate W. Z•. A. cup q Holmes rink of Wingham was anoth• dead, and three daughters and the be- their neice, Miss Lizzio Sample, was series between Brussels and the Roy ing struck out 21 Caen in nine innings. er one tliat was not considered dan• reaved husband are left to mourn their united in marriage to Mr. George H. ! 1 , els, of Berlin, when Brussels defeated The local battery will. be Larry Doyle geroas, but it put up it great fight in loss, bits. Forbes was a communicant Zwicker, jeweller, of this city. To the ` COMet, the visitors by a score of 4 to 1. and Baum, and. a fast interesting the semi-finals, and indeed it looked of St. Paul's church. strains of Mendelssohn's wedding j Astronomers report Borelli's comet ' AHamilton 1 ganle may be expected. Come and at one time as if the Clinton men had , march, played by Mrs. Charles Zwick-' alightly visible to the naked eye; it The Port Elgin rimes says. -i'er• hear' those funny Irishmen on the You can buy Men's and Women's 1 haps Chars is not another pupil in On, coacltin ]ine, and bel Clio boa ,net their match at last, In the $3,00 Shoes for $3.00 any day- -but poi er, of Crediton, the bridal }tarty anter• i lies near lite constellation known las tarso who made quite tiro record at the along, flavin called at 4 0Mock sharp, fifteenth and Clinton was 7 ftp when a can't buy them for X32.25 any day � Xoix act the parlor and stand tinder an arch ;the hipper. It is rather indistinct, DRUGGIST recent entrance examinations that magnificent shot carried the kitty can buy Mens, Women s. Boys and of smilax, fern and carnations, The but it must be remembered that the Eva Innes ran up for herself. She is Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. 0. S, L. away from their bowls, scoring four busses' $1.50 Shoes for $1,50 any dray.-- ceremony was performed by the Rev. comet is a trifle over 132 millions of T7C7 i N �V only 11 years of ago buttock SStllnarks, R C. P. a eciaiiat eye, ear, naso and for the WhIgham team. After that hitt you can't buy them for $1.00 :any S. J, AiCin, acct tuns witnessed by only Callas distant. It will inert, in brit- VY y throat, wilt be in Wingham, at dame�• day. You can buy Shoes at these ro• . the largest number iPi West Bruce and bell's Drug store Monday, Aug, Srcl. however, the game took a turn, anti dixced pprices cit Saturday, July 25th, the immediate £Clones o£ both farm• liancli tor Sawa days bat. It is fnov Ir the second laraost In the county. Glasses properly {fitted. ; the Clinton men won out handily. at W. J. Greer's clearing sale, lies. ;Vg towards the sun very rapidly, •� ..- :'W*'"..,•.*..' ._4, 4&. - _.. _ .._ . I ._ . .. .. ._ .. _. i..... _ . _. 0