The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 8THE MINGRAX ADVANCE July 0, s q:i
NOTEAIiI? QOM UNT xacxessQ ... ,...._,,...",_•;.r ...F U. Y__. ,..r.. .-. _... ¢ ,.......-..-. __. .._ . , , .,., ..., _-A. ..,,-._,-.., ._.-....
A lively game of Lacrosse is dated
--One dollar a bushel for wheat is the
for Tuesday next on the Town Park,
object of a society of farmera in the
between Wingham and Ludwow, As
uAi q x i . # yQu aro In the money saving business, you cannot
United States, The society is oalied
these are the beat teams in the district,
Alford 0 miss these looney Duero. We put on sale a numbor OI
„The American Society of Equity." 14
one county in lindiana, there we forty.
and both are after the championship, a
fast gamo Is certain, Game called at
'aloe; neer, under -priced Dinner Sets, beat makes, such as Meahill's,
eight Valona of the gooiety.
Wood's, Wedgewood's stud Wilkinsou's. DEAD.
q r 0
Newspaper( Sold,
17•plgce 9gmi•Yorceiatn Dinner Sats, guy color you wish, wore regularly #12,00
sail $13,00--3ousationo! Price,....... $7.05
—Prof' 0' E. Day, Agriculturist at
the Ontario Agricultural College, has
Mahe. Fordwich Record has been sold.
mr. William Watters, Principal of Ford-
wich School
(9:11114 can bo see l* winciow.l
been offgred the position of Sive ,Stools
wich School is the purchaser, and he
OT -piece Dinner Sets, were 17.60- SCnsatiOAai Price ....... ...... ...... .... G.00
Commissioner in the Orange River Col-
took possession on Tuesday morning
30-pleco China Tea Sets, regular 44.00—Sensational Price...,., ...... 3,74
ony, South Africa, at 05,000 per year.
last, The Advance extends the right
$1.00 Chesso Dishes for .... .... 760 i Mo Choose Dishes for.... ...
hand of editorial fellowship to Mr.
41.60 and 41.74 Water Seta, for.......... 11,00 and 41.26
—It is estimated that filo losses o4
Watters, and hopes to see the Record
25 Per Cent. 4#£ all Fancy China.
cattle and sheep in Montana during the
grow and prosper under its now pro,
big atorm in May will amount to nearly
$5,000,004. In some sections fully ninety
School Board,
cent. of the sheep on the rangesWingl;am
School Board ]net on
Tuesday evening. After routine bust -
nese, the Principal's report was read.
C m a •Bisealtr. fresh this week, Rnglish Spiced CXMUP—por bottle,..... $o
"-Hou` A, G . Blair, Minister of Rail,
ways in the Laurier Cabinet, hae re+
showing daily attendance 200 boys,
girls; total 458; Average, 380.
Soedod Raisins, fra%h arrivals, por pk>i loo 3 boxes Brushola or 2 in 1 Shoo Polish.,.. 25o
signed. The causes are said to be--
Promotions were matte as follows --
3 can% Finnan Haddis, Thistle Kippered loo Tins Durham Mustard -2 for.,........ Ise
Horrlag, Pork d Boans or Pumpkins for.. 25c Stewed Kidneys, regular 15c can for ..... 100
Blair': disapproval of the Government's
railway policy, and differences with
sen. 3rd to 4th 20; Jr. $rd to Sen. 3r4
—21, Sen, 2nd to Jr. 3rd -13 ; Part 2
2 lbs. Beat Lard for, .... ..... ...... 2510 Davies' Cambridge or oxford Sausage,
Triscuits, 2 packages tor....., 251 regular 251 can for....•. .....
other members of the Ministry. The
to 2nd book ---16; Part 1 to 2-22;.
...... ....•.1220
ti cans Sardines ;for ,.,. .... ,.-. .... Esc Boned Smoked Ham, ready to cook, sllced
Cabinet has lest two Of its strongest
men—Tarte and Blair; Mowat and Mills
total 102, Miss Reynolds had been ill
for two weeks; her place was filled by
pp 20—forBoned Cooked Hal, roads to oat, 301 sliced
QNcted''toes !e% rq)fU1Kr ...... 35e
Breakfast Bacon, very choice, lb 16c
have gone to their rest; Cartwright has
Miss Nilson. The report was adopt-
s package Cow Brand Soda or s pounds
1191: kls+g Powder—for .. .., ,.., l0o T,aryq Bologna
? Sausage, per lb,.......... I00
become a mere figure -head, It looks as
ed. Accounts :—A. R. Musgrove, bat-
though the "Cabinet of Premiers" was
tery solution, 25 cts. Miss Farquhar-
C*me, Telephone or (send the Children. Will treat you right.
disintegrating, and the vacant places
filled with men of inferior calibre and
son, one day teaching, $1,00; Mies
Wilson, 9J days teaching, $9.80, The
less honorable 'record. If this be the
Management committee were empow-
pban'e ' $••••• ..,..Quick Delivery
case, the Redistribution Act will be a
ered to ask for tenders for kalsomin•
ing the rooms, and attend to all neces-
wonderful help in reaching a safe port
in a general election storm,
sary repairs. Board adjourned to
meet at the call of the chairman,
--The Toronto World sums up the re-
sult of the Redistribution Act on the
Province of Ontario, and figures that
the gerrymander is so complete that the
Conservatives may expect to lose twenty-
five seats in Ontario alone. Eleven Con.
servative ridings will be wiped out, and
Harkness—In Culross, July 13th, Mrs.
Jas, Harkness, a daughter.
Sowler--In East Wawauosh, July 12th
Rebecca Sowler, aged 29 years,
1'1'1xeMAx 7[A1iR1CT4t the same fate befalls only two Liberal Bluevale.
seats giving a net loss of 9 Six neer Mi s M b I Ol' i B 1
Do you want a Bargain in a Suit of Clothes ? On Saturday you can buy a stylish
well -fitting suit of Clothes for......................................................$5.50 and 6.00
We sell Fels-Naptha 7e bars of Soap --on Saturday, per Bar ................. 1-1 .05
(Its the greatest cleaning Soap of the age.)
Big Prices for Trade. DIRECT IMPORTER
1,19ur per 100 ........ ... $i 85 to $2 25 contribute toeti,iarcolumpordlillfciInvited to Liberal seats are created, but only ones Monday. a s zvez was n zusse s on
Irall wheat er bush new r0 to 72
p 027 to U 2S you, or you visit friends, Iot the Advance
Oats per bush........... know about It, Conservative, giving a net loss of five, Mrs. Henderson is home after a visit Morris. VOTERS' LIST 1143.
Barley per -bush........ 0 35 to 040 Then there are other losses by readjust- with relatives at Rockton.
Peas per bush....,..... 0 80 to 060 ' Roy 'Gordon returned to Toronto on The trustees of Buttons school haveA0710WBran ...................17 00 to 18 00 Mon ay. meat of the ridings. The World con. Miss McLeod of London is visiting engaged the services of Miss Marion
Shorts ..................18 00 to 20 00 Afias Glund sent a few da s in To- aiders that the Conservatives are "Lit- her cousin Miss Laura Ralph. McKenzie as teacher at a salary of
Chop .................... 1 15 to 1 25 ranto Iast week, y orally Crucified." Ontario was wronged Mr. Albert Denman of Mount Forest $300 per annum. MUNICIPALITY OF TIIR Towxsilir of
Ha .. ....I ........ 7 00 to 700 in the takin of the census, and now she spent Sunday at his home here. +TURNDnnny, COUNTY OF HURON.
Butter per lb...... ..... 0 15 to 0 16 Miss Aggie McLean is home from g At Jahn Robbs on Thursday of last
Eggs .................... 0 13 to 013 Toronto on a visit, t is to be muzzled. Miss Annie Aitclleson and Mr. Jas. week Peter Jackson's sawing machine IT PAYS BEST IN THE END.
tt McHardy were in Brussels on Tues- cut 10 cords of hard wood in 45 THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTICE is hereby Lard ................... 0 15 to 0 16 Mrs. Jas. Elliott of the Soo is visit- day, minutes. R. Thuell's engine supplied y given, that I haus
Potatoes per bugh (new) 060 to 50 Ing friends in town, --The announcement is made b the the power. CHATHAM . ONT. transmitted or delivered to the persons
'Irptee per ba 0 50 to 0 50 y Bliss Fann Paterson of Win ham p
l' p g """" Joe Stewart of Chicago y g , with its 27 years of successful work to its mentioned in Sections $and 9 of The
Hides per 100 lbs... , .... 5 00 to 6 00 ga is visiting Toronto News, that a general election was visiting relatives here over Sun• Mrs. Edward Lamb departed this credit. stands without a poor in Canada in the Ontario Voters' Lists' Act, the copies
Lamb skins ............ 0 25 to 030 his parents in town, for the Dominion will be held in either day life Tuesday of this week at the ad- line of Bnsmma or Shorthand training. required by said sections to be so trans-
vanced age of nearly 93 years. The 316 students placed in good positions to the miffed or delivered of the list
Dressed g hogs......, .... 7 00 to 7 00 guests Mf Mrs. H. HeC f Hamilton are October or November next. The con- wMrr.ere andMrs Mr of Peter oris this funeral took place on Thursday fore- ou taelo v ksmont R how ewhat we do for pursuant d said Act, of all pe mane
, per
lb ........., 5 25 to 6 25 stitnenaies are being so gerrymandered, week, visiting noon to the R. O, graveyard in Morris. College Reopens for Poll Term, Sept, 1. appearing by the last revised Assess -
............. 06 to IS Abe Gingrich of Listowel, was in that the Government feels perfectly safe.
Wool """""""""" 18 is 1$ town for agcouple of days this week. p y Misses Maggie McDonagh and Mar Alias Rose Clark, daughter of the any b Catalogue oolhinithe DominiIssued
n n Copy be entitled to vote ndthe saidpMunic
The electors wall be asked to endorse the Belle Miller o£ Win ham were visiting well known Township Clerk, took sent by addressing,
Wes. Walker has been visiting rela- building of the Grand Trunk Pacific : g g First-class honors in her recent Con- pality at elections for members of the
TORONTO STOCK MARKET. g R Mise Aggie Herbert, D. McLachlan & CO., Chatham, Ont- Legislative Assembly and atMunicipal
_ Wes.
in Toronto for a week or more, from Moncton, New Brunswick, to Win- aervatory examination in plana elections; and that the said list was
For full and accurate market re. Mrs. Langhorn of Hamilton is the ni a at a Coat of ;75 000 000 and the Miss Lillian Rogers of Fordwich has theory capturing 90 out of a possible first posted n in my office, list was
ports Mee second page. guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Holmes, p g' ' ' ' been renewing old acquaintances in 100, a West Wawanosh.
guaranteeing of the bonds for the re- Bluevale and vicinity, on the 13th day of July, 1903, and re -
Miss V. Nelson of Toronto visited maining part of the road. Aocordfn to The barn of Wm. Skelton, Sth line, Haying is in full swing; it is a fair mains there for inspection.
her father and sister in town last week, g Mr. Percy Paterson and Mr. Huff- was struck by lightning about 9 a.m, crop. Electors are called upon to examine
the Toronto Globe, the county of Huron man of Molesworth were visiting in last Friday, and considerable damage The new church at St. Augustine is the said list, and if any omissions or
NOTICE OF CLOSING. Miss Kate McKenzie of Detroit is will be divided as follows:— the village this week, was done, the fluid making seven being any other errors are found therein, to
the guest of Mrs, Orr, Hotel Bruns- breaks in the stone stable walls shat- g pushed ahead. The stone work take immediate proceedings to have
wick. West Huron—Townships of Ashfield, Mr, and .Mrs. Wm. Linklater and ' is almost completed.
We, the undersigned lawyer& agree to close children of Win ham were visitingtermg them considerably. One gable the said errors corrected according to
our offices during tno months of Jul and Wast Wawanoah, HnlIett, Colborne and g was knocked ont, one rafter torn off Miss 0. Leiahman of the 9th con. Iaw.
Au sl, as follows—on Saturdays at 2 p.m. town
n Friday
of London was in Mrs. Anderson on Monday.
fawn an Frida and a Gbderich, the towns o! Goderich and and 4 others needed repairs. was visiting at Mr. Ed, Chamne 's on Dated this 13th da of July, 1903
and other days at s p.m. y gave the Advance p g y p y, ,
a tail. Clinton. Miss Mary Collie and Mrs. James Saturday and Sunday,
J. A. Morton Dickinson & Holmes Stewart were visiting their sister Mrs, •A• fine time was enjoyed at the JORN BURGESS,
R. Vanstone R. Holmes Miss Olive Manners left on SaturdayEast Heron --Townships of Groy, Dr. Snider at Lake Idessa, Michigan, Garden Party at James Russell's, Rev, M. J. Wilson of the Nile,
g clerk of Turnberry
to visit friends in Hamilton and other Hawick, Tnrnberry, Morrie, East Wa- Sunshine, last .Tuesday avenin preached to the Orangemen at Dun -
places. Mrs. James Stewart and children of g annon on Sunday last.
1? wanoah,'town of Wingham, villages of Talent was present from Blyth, Bel- g y
g Mrs.
Manitoba, who have been grave, Brussels and other points and a John Hiles and T. Walkom of Dun- ,',
Rev. Dr, Johnston of London was a Blyth, Brussels and Wroxeter. visiting relatives here for some time, successful result was arrived at, the 4 r 1
s s >• guest at D. M. Gordon's on Mundy returned hoine. gannon, have disolved partnership, 1N1 , ` R
3' South Huron—Townships of Stanley, 1
re evening, p y, flnanciai side showing $35.00 to the 14ir. Walkom purchasing Mr. Hiles in -
Hay, Stephen, Usborne, Tuokeramith, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have returned good. The new pastor, Rev, Air. terest,
Wm. Henry and Jno. Argue of McKillop, town of Seaforth and villages to Whitby after having spent some Jones, occupied the chair in a very Tourist
were Wingham visitors on time visiting their daughter, Mrs, pleasant manner. Mr. Thomas Taylor, accompanied by
"Imperial Limited."
Monday, of Exeter, Hensall and Bayfield. (Rev.) W. J. West. Mr. Currie, of Wingham, as prepar-
i, The Garden Party held at Wm. Jas, Ing to leave for British Columbia in esorts.
r Miss Telford, of Hamilton, is spend- An accident, which caused consider- Johnston's on Jul 7th, under the the near future,
between tri-weekly
treaal Toronto and Valneouver inn x couple of wacky with Mrs. J. $, 1 able loss of ro ert to the owner, aux ices of the Ladies' Aid was a rand
connection leaves Toronto at 1.45 Vancouver,
Sun- Ferguson. property y ' p , g The annual picnic of the- Donn Orillta, Magnetewan River,
g Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. Mr. Warder, and one which might success. Johnston s church has made p y"
tayP s ednesd y. n VFriday,urs. :king run Toronto Miss Rate Williams of Fordwich R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and have caused loss of life, happened here for itself a record in the line of eatables, brook Sunday School and Epworth Penetang, Kawartha Lakes.
was the guest of Miss Mable Orr, the throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp. about half past ten o'clock last Friday but this time it was even surpassed. League, was held on Saturday last and Muskoka Lakes, Thousand Islands,
est week. bell's Drug store, Monday, Aug.3rd. morning. The 'engine house and the Rows -of was a success; proceeds $72. Georgian Bay,Quebec
Upper' Lake Steamship. p Glasses properly fitted., y g• boiler house of the Bluevale grist will and innumerable light of
never Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wiglitman, UPP r Lakes, Portland Me.,
Leave Owen Sound Tuesdays, Thursdays Mrs. David Ross, formerly a resi- were blown into fragments by the ex- made their way to the table, The re- left Goderich on Saturday 'for Lari- , Lake of Bays, old Orchard, Me.,
and an rdayya at 5.30 p.m., on arrival of S.S. dent of town, is visiting friends in . ploding of the boiler, and the windows freshment stand was well patronized, viers, Manitoba, and other points, white Mountains.
Express lea vfng Toronto at 1,30 p.m. Connee• Win h:111,
tions at Fort Wllllsm and Port Arthur for g and the back part of the mill itself there being an abundant supply of ice where they will spend the summer
Winnipeg and Pacific Coast points. Jas. G. Stewart and R. A. Hutchin- WINGHAM. were very much injured. The dome cream, bananas, 'etc. Arthur Shaw months. The above resorts are all reached vin the
Grand Trunk. Excellent service to Muskoka
Toren- sen arrived home from the west on of the boiler was blown up the em- acted as chairman in his usual humor- The municipal council of West Wa- Warf, connecting with steamers for "Royal
Coast' W[nnileg, Calgary, Banff and Paoiflc Thursday last. bankment at Mr. Joseph Leech's resid- ous manner and the rogram consisted p Muskoka` Hotel and other ports on Muskoka
The other night it was so wet, enee and carried right over the house of the following chairman's address, wanosh met on Friday last, and after Lakes, also at 11unt8ville for ports of Bays.
7uI1 equipped THROUG tH TOURIST Miss Ethel Creighton of Grand Val- + breaking off part of the chimney. Arthur Shaw; instrumental, Bluevale transacting business brought before it, TaurIst tickets aro on solo embrncina a trip
CARS Into the garden I could , get ; g decided to meet again on the 5th day through the lakes in Highlands of Ontario
oar and Vancouver. and Saturday lap visited Miss H. Ball over Sunday, Thus sitting me down, this ditty I It also blew large quantities of brick orchestra ; recitation, Master Artie of August• also to ports on Lakes and to Eastern points, '
tar Wtnni on her way to Brussels, wrote, and iron pipe which are lying at such Shaw ; solo—Mrs. Will. Johnston • For tickets, i;llstrated and desariptive litora
dlsnPaoiQaoaat or %m your nearest Cana. Mrs. Readin and daughter have re- Now listen every mother's son a distance front the wreck, that one recitation, Wm. Mines ; instrumental' John Moss, a pioneer of West Wa- ture of Canadian resorts and all information
would think it almost impossible as to rouses, and rates for summer tours, apply
turned from oronto and are now Big and little, every one possible that orchestra; solo, Mrs. Robert' Shaw ; wanosb, is loud in his praises of an to L. Harold, Agent, or to
A. K. NOTMAN guests at D. M. Gordon's. Of this wonderful Wingham, please they could be blown so far. It is a recitation, bliss Mary Peacock • solo, i operation in the removal of cancer
Assistant General Passenger Agent take note. marvel that no one was hurt. Some Master ,Ernie Shaw; recitation, Mr. R.' from both of his lips, the operation J. D. McDONALD
glut Si Bast, Toronto.
Fred Melvin, who has recently re- ladies were sitting on Mr. Leech's ve- Gordon, Wingham ; t
instrumental, or- having been performed some ime ago. District Passenger Atent, Toronto.
from South Africa, is spending We have a Lott of Sturdy men, randah and one can see where the chestra; solo. Mr. H. Douglass, Orange- The parts affected are entirety healed,
a couple of weeks in the town. White and Black, Gray and Green. bricks and pieces of pipe fell just a ville ; instrumental, Aliss McLeod, with no symptoms of a return.
Mrs, Dow, of Toronto, hay been Also men Small, men Low, men Long, short distance from them ; part of the London; solo, Miss Jessie Strachan.
At Our Smelt man is not small, roof of the•verandah under which they The orchestra played "Home Sweet Mr. George Ftuksr, who went to TENDERS WANTED.
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Our Long man not long at all ; sat being broken. Several men had Home" and the entertainment was Manitoba twenty-two years ago, and
Davidson, for the past two weeks. While we all look up to Low, right or just left the mill when the explosion brought to a close by all singing "God took up land near Oarberry, Came Tenders will be received b the uttder-
(jk Walter T. Hall and W. C. Thomp- wrong• occurred and were far enough away save our Icing." The only drawback home last week to die. For the past signed until July a 24th, for the removal
under -
Book eon left this morningto attend the to be out of harm, The toss will be a to the general pleasure was the absence couple of years, he has been sufl'ermg signed
the old stops wall under the school
Holmes of have galore, from cancer of the stomach and spent.
International Epworth League Con' Holmes of iron and of Iaw, heavy one t0 Mr, Warder and also to of the pastor, Rev. F. Swann, whohouse in S. S. No. 11 Turnbe
! • • vention, to be held in Detroit, July 16 With aDoreas strop as Samson's arm; the farmers of this neighborhood, Mr, was unable to attend on account of several months in the Winnipeg -boa, + rry,
Opportunities —20. A Bell we all admire ' R. J. Tindall of Wingham was in the sickness. The proceeds amounted' to pita[ for treatment, but medical (Lower newnilnaca in,) and the building of
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard of Toronto It rings, we never tire, mill at the time with Mr. Warder and over $35.00. science could not stay the disease, and . g to specifications --
Its tones are both had ver narrow escapes. as the end drew ni h there catne a contractor to furnish material needful
are on their wedding tour and are good, they have a charm, y' p s• 1' longing for home. He was helpless for the dame over and above what stone
guests of Mrs. P. Hill. Mrs. Maynard A ging we have to rule supreme, (Too late for last week, and unable to take nourishment and is in the present wall, Now wall to be
cvas formerly Miss E. Davidson, of No bishop but a Dean Polly Duff is home from Listowel on No fakes nor fads, but household must have suffered untold agony on 22 inch•—building is 36x36.
Ta fit Baur Packet Luaknow. So on we o with vim and Rush a visit. needs. Used every quay by everybody. the ton The lowest or other tender not neces-
g Can't you sell them ? Others do and g journey from Winnipeg, He .
.1. Each Dey we find our Orr y arrived at the residence of his brother, sarily accepted.
Purse Valise and Little and sometimes Moore Mrs, Thos. Couttes and Mr. Ed. Coul- make fortunes, Stitt room, Write at Mr. William Fluker on Tuesday
Through all, father Abraham creates tes were visiting in Molesworth, once to G. Marshall & Co., London, night of last week by whom he WM.11, CJAbiMLL
Trunk - l a hush. Miss Eliza Messer is visiting her Ont' was taken to the old home -stead in Sec.-Treas., Wingbam.
' ' ' ' j ) ' Fields so gay and bright, brother, Mr. J. J. Messer, at Hamilton. 1 West Wawanosh next day. On Sun -
Parks our souls delight, Mrs, Win. Diment of Wingham was day death mercifully released him
OF And (:troves as beauteous as the skies visitingMrs, Thomas Coultes this East Wawanoshs from his suffering. The interment
Rev. D. Perris addressed his congre- A Rall of great renown, week, B• H. Taylor lost a valuable mare took place an Tuesday e. Ball's eeme- REAL ESTATE
gation on Sunday last for the Let time A Ball not one bit round recently. tory an is the Base Line. Mr. Ftuksr
The Puppet Crown And Woods whose verdure never dies, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Duff and Miss was first
his break
year, and his death is
lI =since his return from the General As- Alice Duff were visiting in Listowel Mrs, Wm. W ightman is ill with tiro first break in the family of ten My list of exceptionally fine farms is
Graustark aembly. We have men Good and Sharp, this weak, bronchitis at resent. brothers and sisters. lis was married ateaaily increasing, and the intending pur-
p p chaser, (no matter what kind of farm he may
-When C 1 tIT th4f was In Rev. Wm, Lowe is Absent on his Walkers swift as the Hart but his wife died some years ago; they desire) would do well to have a look at this
Rev. W. J. West has returned from Mr, and Mrs, Jay, Noble visited list before buying olaewhero.
And a Bird far song, by dap or night had no ahitdren.
vacation. Neat Sunday, the services A Feasent no one would shoat, attending the General Assembly at Clinton friends on Sunday.
in9VClC in St. Paul's will, be conducted b Rev. Vancouver, Juste word about town propoft an have
y A Roe no one would Cook Mise Stewart of Blyth is visiting at 1 some excellent investments for the man with
800,004 of these Books R. A. Hall, of Glorrie. And a Griffin of most fabulous might. Mrs. R. N. Scott, of Galt, has been Alex. Scott's at present. money, guaranteeing at least 16 per cent on
visiting Mrs. Robert Maxwell of the Belgrave. the amount invested. For further portion -
baro been sold at $1.50 Staff -Captain Coombs of London will Our Mace are a numerous tribe g Mrs. Jno. Sowler who has been seri- Lara. Apply to
each. Now the price id We've McInnes', McDonald and Me Bluevale road. oust Ill Mrs, Jas, Houston of Clinton is visit -
each' MAtiltJiRE
reduced to 25c in paper, hold special meetings in the S. A. hail y , is improving slowly, ing at A. Proctor's,
on Tuesday Bride. Mr, and Mre, Gordon of Whitby, for Chief VanNorman And family of Real Estate Agent
ti0c in cloth. y and Wednesday evenings, Then come Mcgenzies, Mellwains and are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Rev. Pa o Solar is work
Westfield in presentWesley
July 21st, 22nd. Everybody welcome. Mccools, W. J. West, Wingham Sundayed in the village. tlftieo:—Upstairs in Vanstono Block.
The Jubilee of the establishment of a To fight just now is not the order,, Miss Maggie and Minnie Anderson Gordan Wightman is engaged with Mr. and Mrs, McCool of Wingham
Preab tartan congregation fn I inoar• Did they fight of yore on Scottish bor. gK R. McDowell for the harvest months,
u yder? of Toronto visited relatives in the vii• are at present visiting at W. C. Prot-
The Papular Book, Wee _-dine and the semi -Jubilee of Dr. Mur. We think not, for they are no born loge over Sunday. Mr. McDowell who has been visitin ton's. . ant St4 rn, _ McGregor I'— paper 260 cloth his parents for the past week returnee
p 1 ray'S pastorate was recognized last Sab• Fools. Mists Annie, and Mr, James Richard- Miss Sarah McDougall, of Detroit is
50 0U. =bath and an entertainment was held Aman who Fells an ox, son of Taranto, have been viaiting'rela- home on at present visiting er sister, Mrs. Mr, and Mra, iidovGr spent Sunday
A Button for an box, in Bluevale and vicinity. Atex. Scott of 0th line wears a broad Caesar, at Mrs. W. Moore's.
`t liettels from 1 e31£-Mt de on Monday evening. With a Smith anm
d agoldamith he ; (suite an number front 131ne'vsle at• smile ; his wife presented him last Mrs, A. M. perdue of Clifford is at
Merchant to ilia 801!'(- -ChOap It IS announced in Montreal that the Our Taylor cannot sew at all, tend the akden_pparty held at Willis week with a 14 pound boy, Bias McMillan of Hamilton is visit-
ebditioll r boo, floating debt on the St. Tames' Metho. Our Mason could not build a wall, J. Johnston, on Tuesday evenin present spending a few days at her Ing at Thos. strachan's,
pd1p9 g y g, ,fns. AieDaweit and B. IT. Taylor father's, has, McCrae,
C trslbil YGeittc -- paper dist Church hail been reduced from Our Mills a1`b not run by water$ of the g finished their contract of builclin the Service will be conducted b Mr,
„ Mr. and 14Ir$. George McDonald arld g Bet rave Orange Lodge secured y
p p bridge on Fothergil`s side road, last g g i
Cloth $1.6Q. $176,000 to $3,000, and the blanket . little son, Cameron, were visiting in week. First prize at Blyth oti',Ipyy 13th for McAi. dter i1ti the hall next Sabbath
76cf mortagage on the Temple Building from We've a Itottn,i man, will no er #raw Brussels this week, being the beat dressed I, dge in the evening.
et , „ old, of Rich. Leishman, has shipped in a procession. There were 21 Lod e
idsady Rosh a Daughter $450,000 to $50,600, all of Which *911 be A Diamond more precious than Abid, wox li iga isitin a he s r&nd Monte- carload (thirty) steers, from Toronto. also first prize for the piper. g s , There is some talk of holding 4noth•8
—cloth $1.60. wiped off shortly, And a Hal pennyworth tone of gold ors, g C grandparents' f He will fit them for market, and ct'e er anniverearq in Victoria hall in the
I Our Tom id all in Auld, Mr, and Mrs,'Thos, oultes. G. H, David, the well known G.T.A. near future,
t 'qhs Salvation Arm made a rather hopes wake a good profit on them.
• y A Constabie not very small, Mrs. '4Vatmaley, of IIay6eld, who section foreman Here, soil his driving•
uhique display, on Friday evening last. And Brooke running from shore to lived Isere some years ago, has been The home of Geo. Sowler was made mare last week to A. Rintoul, of Mr, Duncan McDonald and Miss
OPE The visitingsoidibr$ and the corps here shore. renewing old acquaintances in the vi2• sad on Sunda yy last, by the death of Winthanl, for Kidd Bros., of L,stowel
g q his youngest 8aughter, Rebecca. She for the handsome sunt of $3W: silo Maggie 'Saylor and Miss Lizzie Strac-
Oft re dressed in Hindu, costume and at- Now if you want to know who wrote ]age• had been In ill health for some time was bred from Demo and way highly hail spent Sunday at t atmeraton.
ltd' S7 CO* rI' t traetbd considerable attention, A this ditty, The garden party which Was to have past, and recently returnod. from CIA- prized by her owner who had dozens Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Cotnbes Sr.
Hindu meeting was held and Afterwards: ttle tome Reek -with( a ahirgl ivoi our Wesmaheld
s, leas postponed on ac bunt ca 'place
to fuBetiiel tc meteryCO Miss de chances
nedeallf disposing
ofe her
She of Mr' and Mre. Jos, Combes Jr., Mrs,
SU"CMri tel MOXO
ROSS fee cream and cake dewed. An enjoy guess, g y of the wet west 1i er,pand will be hold Bowler was a fine y+oring lady,- she a fine tnaro, a dandy, driver and quiet McDonald and Mr. McEwen spent at
Ihille time is reported. You All krlotr #tea tlloro or les$. oft Wednesday, July 22nd, . was In her 80th year, so that a lady can drive her, few dash In Gloderich last week.