HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 7TERRIFIC . _-_ _.. _ .. _._._. _ _ . ___.._ 1 ' _ 1.1 1.1.-. -- -- ►..,_ . . - - .. _ .. . . - -; _ , _ _ _, __.. r - ;- . C :-•,. _ ._ _ ..-y1. 11.11.- . . ,. ii1 ■% PLU E OF krtrr aoJl Jtlmseif otzizav Mrs. l{'oxl aas, a rn, for, anti coto-m ailed b FUR tllrev frialule, ane a woizian. iil10 loxplained TU FE itaatisp, iaa oetxiitg for laeir dival'a1ts+1 bierwith liww a:Ati Dow smile pianola to be a]io,ved to romaiui where lie per•'HE "' o ,a {RACING Win, ti:at after he had been shot Vailey' to Drentel and tie seco,ndx >r M4,00Jat'ly: . , , . the crew, Including the watelim-All, were a,eteep wrier, the alarm was 3 EMINES Jumped Regal thtAt rior husband wo,s In batt with - . -*• -*-• irifiawmation of talo lungs, but alio -RCL. wishod the matter ootticd. ]alts did Essex farmer Shears and Kufs ANGii,4 - FREIY I Cf MM -RC . - SERVANT'S TESTIMONY, not knq n wi at the ,nttool was ,C LLGrr PPP CARS*allotlt, and did not moat to knaty, t, 1, :l.'rs.zl9 is Jz very btz'a,,,f f+'actor 3,1 She was t -bore, to take, leer busbaud'o Colored Neighbor, Securing National 0004, Will. __ _ _ taeea , and Invited Drontol to fight - 7Iy'aris, July) 14.- Deputy; Daudin,V, r bo teas wan. tl,'r, iche rAeW 'tt 1iU !rk 6amblepMur Gorge and f., Arorttoi oaRuttli, smiled and ferrule Fell •ilio rapier Into ills scabbard.ETo told PITS FOUR $Ull. 'T SINTQ H M cicokztoursstlaa Ga.] iuot, wxltlnts an , Mrs. 1'argaoo an leaving the iitltl }yindsor, Onl,, July 1w, -A feud foie etztAnte ntntilrzlo, Aingws t11at C el'et' QL1111dto .i `Q Feet ,y ¢ River. iu u beta good follow, actcilzseatl film, WLwife'IC14 liar axlszeO lot• tures years I nts111 ata 23,doptn vent. of *he, total Noty ilCoriz, July,' 14. --Col. William: tigll of,souta JIru 1#JtortiY tziter 3est y`lleQro his ttaxlnvat wisl,os for a spve<ly btttvv ,cr Itzv itVtzlllea zit Oliver Rich- y It d Matto oI fo'rvlga 'trade of the ropuplio, wjdle 6tyst, fol'marly a. prominent Wall became uncon.selou$, never regalping Vanun vita', Col., Jelly 14,-Throo, ca,gines find twelzty cars of a •freight train UaVc jutui,cd the Don- vor & IUD Grande track In the ctyn•i Gorge and plunged into the ,ArkansaH River, it fail Of ;3,•000 Toot, Tito cngi.ues li!avo not been found. Tpn frolght oars arra also missing. The river i;s very deep and the current runs at a terrific speed. The tlfroo englopers, a fire - login and a lbrakoman disappeared tit the w.rook. Thb accident took place near the hanging bridge, In tho royal gorge, about 6 miles oast of Canon City. It is tits most pie• purosquo rattroad spot In tho wort. Toto gorge is only C,•0 feet wide, but the rooks rose perpendicularly Iron- the Arkansas River to a height of more than a third of a mile.. , Tho froighft train Wtas bound cast, rAwO of tit(, engines were "dead," belug drawn Along with tho cars. Without warning tho locomotive that w,as furnishing the power jumped the track, bumped alongthe ties for a few; feet, and then plung- od into the abyss, dragging th'e othor engines and the care after it. Two of %he fireman jumped. ,Dh'e engineers refused to leave their posts and fell to certain death in -its torrent 2,000 foot below, A brakeman (vias thrown Into the gorge when Che cars ran off the track. Tho breaking of ih'o coup- rocav0zy', Atdsou aft l♦ ncWO& tee• a o - the 1341:1 1 ialapds Malys 80 pox, otreot operator, wJio died April 4140t 1114 gonses. gjiifs, 11f1A,i 3101*V1 f tt%CI, ling saved the -Len rear ears from oral =oil, reeiding ill Colclzoster P wain about Apkir % 11)03, •+-1 tailing Into the river'. FOR A MER013A Wwxishlp, .about noxoli )Illes from cent, of alta entire exportation from In $An Rafacl, Val., wan, polisolted, Dr. Coroner Sawyer, 41 It•#,oeeegtabllsh. A later despatell sayo the above Harrow, culaiinateci lit bloodshed an VW4,000- Ttta French. "port's to Lag- John Donald Woods and lila] woman ficin the Italy of Col. ,Best -was cul» report Iy grossly exaggerated• a oposal to Unite C. 11,, .i.':p-vorta ExIda.y, Aleliarilsoa putting four land Aro 1,277 million frauca, and the Winpa,tiion, In whose house Col. Best lim1mod, could not AUX wjlethsr t,x>y la 'Traeo a Murder. League and Ualto tat U.olen. bullet& Into Matthew.", 11'411:1 tile of- I len I lmportu from I,nQland f+7.' died, have disappeared, A -Tarrant f the organs hood, bean remoxod, Ilia ►5aaa Ra,efol, Cal. July 13. -District rooto of which lie .died •yesterday, af- "till its. Prance Solids fourth In the doputy handled the t'a,sa. Attorrxey. Boyd, of Martno County, Deliver, Col,, Jalyl 1.4,-.A movomeat' ternoart 91ohar dson is locked up list of J, land's custowtWo,. but Olt* teas been issued for then] on a vhargo . DOarr,ed to "ie. ham rocelved a telegrant, from Sup0 of ,sige14 importarroe in the reilglvus In Saxidwielr Jall witli a charge of OniplOy,s the 13ritish moroba,ut navy of grand laroeny. If they are appre- Nen' 'York, Juiyi :14. 'Wlliiam bSpon- erintendent of 1101100 {Quirk, of 1vo la ]Jae boon launched by the murder ober lits head. Mrs. Rich- more than her own ,ape,nding 3E10,- handed a eha,rge Of. murder will be err, the'negro pglloyy plt,yor -Tho lcill- lrliiladolphla, asklag thwt a dosorip- Christian Undeavox progos.xl to artisan, and two of liar sons, Vxa•nk 000,000 fra,uQs tdroreon. On the other made against thew. 1 ed Wlcrles t;. Macfarlane In the Crim- t1oll of Dr, Joa1w Donald Woods lie work for this aardalgamatiorn of thy+ and Gcoige, `veru taken into Sus- hand, Firanes enjoys groat advan- Woods ,signed a certificate as a lnai Court. building oi5 Juno x5, -vAJi fo'r)vn Aod to Monti Itt'b+as been lea',rn• Cbrlsltian l.nk]eavoz Bo!aiety, the p-1I( t0,dy by the Voice and brought to tage1s from British tourists. lex, Ban. -d p di r - doctor to the effect that Col. Boot's coAvkstcCl oC wurttox in,tl,o first lie- ed thea t fire body at Coronet i3trst, evert]] League and the Baptist Ulf Windsor, but Maglatratu hart- n regards u0Q,0.OQ,000 fraise as a 1 0 gree, and w,,ts sent& @d• t die in tl,e whotu rolattyes bollovn was murder- len, anal It' -w111 be presented In form Lott subsequently ordered their re_ safe esttmato of the annual value of death wa,s duo to apoplexy. '110 au- o1coki:ie,, WioIr in tit # beginnini; od, was prepared in• tLo ostablistl- of a pet' ltidn from- Rrildeavorers 3a fBaanco as tilers was no evidence to tiro British tourist traffic. Thus M. taps"S•, licld• In Caldwell, N. J., b'llowed Aug. 17. moat of Undertakor and Coroner• the other two na+tlonal bodies, In show, that they. were connected Daudin rc'garcls Britaln'o annual con- tli.a,t roost of the Internal organs Riad Iia heard the vordiet anti] tjio can - Ba,", er, 'but SAtYyer blAfined drat tadcing the Initiative to the Advocacy, thio the aliaoting. trtbutlon to Prance As varying from toanoe of the oourt without a tremor, ills deputy^, William Ward, did the of ,auclt uuldh, society,, pna, fire Cbxistian l;ndaa- Dr. Bazard, of Harrow, the cor- ono and a half to t-vo miillarde of been iowavod. Enough remained to and with the suggertlon or'a sneer, on embaltning. Ward admitted having; shot nit As s to etlfiCa idq priority of snot, Lad a jury ImV,aneled sliortlY sent f. Heuoe geed relations aro os• siraSv the prgsanoe a[ a powerful Irrl- tato lips. Mite unusual precaution had taken out certain organs, but just j after Matthowi; died, and after the . ; i 1 ' i 1 tont Polson. ban taken to bring film Into court In whn;t 'ones he would not say^, $'e jurymieu• had viewed the remains the Taro suapieiolls of Bests sons were h,andcufts. as fila attendants feared also admitted that lie disposed of •y STAR j j'( ' lagi:est was adjourned until Uon- f• aroused, and t:he body, which had that Ito would attempt to AttAOR tatrSe tyrgane by., ihrgwiing them is 1 WHITE tllltf 1 duY, and is the n1a{,ntllno a Iadst- Tt ( I beef] bulled at Caldtvoll, was fXiain- eitlatr Iteaorder Qoftr• ,1' Asisistant a sower. I.le filled tate cavlttos with IiiiHE llll9UR tib,. SO'N"'IR N6 TH OU6L1 tarred when an amazia f)lstrict Attorney Biy. , m+ortoxt examination will be hold. j e g ad:ata at At- sa-vdust, Dr. Campeau, of Harrow, who was fairs was Gisglasc+d. It was found that After the jury lwA retired Spencer U. S. 11itu,utactitres' SohCme. allccl'to attenaX;itthe-v,i,fuund that{ -- tito aged finaneler's body had al uas taken to to the •'pen" to await the all four bullate from 10chardsoa's ready been opened and the organs re- rmalt. no denogneed the R,ecotil Indianapolis, July 13. -•If tho pur- Exciting Eseapa ofi the Cap' revolver took efteot, but treat only ► i t T mavcci. This led to the suspicion that st of the commAttee on bongtitu- • kor 0f Mullahs Flight Told' 8c and thio tened to kill him Id ppoa one wound was serious. Tae 'wound J g Ise Kaci been polsotted and that the event of a conviction, lie fought des - tics rof the Natloural Manufacturers'wAtch caused death -vas In the Abdo- Organs which would ebow, signs of pet`ately^ against the men who put on A.ssocia•t1an, shall be Approved by.' the rain, His Wife and Crew, man. into bullet entered the body by Deserter Chief, the drug wore removed by those In- tha lmndieuffs,aweaaring and obot}t- lilXeeuttve Committee, and ratified. by; below the ,seventh rib, cutting to%,e,sted• The body had been stuffed Ing, After .late wrists were pluloned It, Tato of tho members, fife ergani•. -" '- tii'i•ough the lung, spleen and. left with ,sawdust, i hat became quiet. -. zatton will enlarge its scopo,a.nd Ire- FRESH FROM THE SH(PYARO$, kidngV. Woods' Servant Gives Tvidence. "'You troait me tilts way because I caivo the piappagand'a ofaggressive r1b1 o: row. which onded in the shoot- WHAT HE WAS AFRAiO OF ideas And mothods In restraint of or- Sktth afaol, dal., ,Tulyi 14. -New de- am a nigger," he said to lila auartis.'. !hail1Prauictseo, July 14, -'Capt. Wm. Ing of Matthews coruTauncecl over a London, July` .t4,-7.tlie Varamount vofopments came In the WoOds-Best "You don't use white men thin; way. ga.nized labor, backed by a fund of In the Taranto atea.mor White Star, colt owned by tt a latter breaking chief of the .Reel+ Alt tribe has desert- case under the thorough probing It You give them a ebpnee." $1;.,OQ,OOQ. into a cornfield of Richardson s. ad the Mullah and joined General Ga. is receiving from the authorities of It took the, jury .a, little lass than An gi ergeney! fund of $1,500,600 belonging to t110 Oakville Naviga- T!Nero are conflicting stories about briz At the Abyssinian camp at Haht. -Marla County,. Minnjo 11feghettl, wllo an hour to agree upon a verdict. is provided for, to be, used for ac- tlOn Company, at 1.30 tiffs moaning, tL'o shootin.;, and frolic the expiana- Hb states thtat after the Abyssinian wars a servant In the Woods family Spencer will be taken from the Tombs tivo resistatroc to the advances of and in an Incredible -abort space of • tions nada by the different ,nem- raid on Jeyd, the Mulluh, astounded Ida" six montlig ttrlol: to the death of today to the death iloulse, at t31ug organized labor, sad to ,sudtain the time the boat ,was wrapped In a bore of the Richardson family, it is Cal. Best, thi;.t she salt Dr, ',Sing. It Is probable chat an appeal Organization. The fund is proposed at fila news of the proximity to the aalest to be raid lar of b , membership sliest of flames. surmised that Richardson, will claim Abyssinians, and fearing to be 1Vaads give Best 1a hypodermis injecs- _ will be taken. g yi y p The crow barely escaped w1th their that he wag acting in self defence, caught between the Britleb and fees. i • . , . lives, anid far a time the wildest ex- On the other hand, TSatthewa g ■n■ vitomeat 'reigned, as it was thought - claimed that tho shooting was de- movinini to Gu burro, w -ft lett Bur, ®1 E Fjj / AS OWN R V T !!-l;E ll s l d in • 1 d e i had moving to Gumburru, with the in- ®® V tl O S T , /QI ® ;/ P L to wean ong eel Al'. p r s The boat was moored on the West liberato on' true part of Richardson, t riat lie attacked 'htuv unprovoked. toution of crossing to the north- east in the direction of the No 1 - / b 0 J e side of the Bay street silp, and all Win, ti:at after he had been shot Vailey' , . ' the crew, Including the watelim-All, were a,eteep wrier, the alarm was ,Mrs. Riei.ardso,r and two sons at- tacked 'bimi with an axe and a pltcll•• The chief deserted one day's march A Man an(l Woman Tarred and Feathered given. fork. beyond G,umburru, joining General . Death of Lola Barry, the Famous Gypsy It was due, in fact, to the highly sensitive olfactory organs of Mrs- Tie version of the tight given by trJe Richardsons differ in overt re- G'a:brtz at B+irdasle, He describes the following of the Mullah as con- in Wisconsin . , Boyd. tale captad•nis -wife, that the spect from' that told by Matthews, sisting oI 3,000 Dolbohanta horse- . d y Queen and Beauty. crew awe their miraculous escape. Ti;ev place all the blame for com- men, 2,000 Ilabr, All tribesmen, and about 1,000 Cincinnati, July 13.-Hmhrtbroktn Distler met ]ler yesterday gfter- y Mrs. Boyd, a grey-haired, middle- woneinr tim fight on Matthews, and nondescripts. because kiha could not marry her coon- and told liar, that he could not Nom York, Ju11 , g ' Y 13.-Ttio youn estGypsy, 1 Princess Dead. her ager] lady, a,woke &,bout 1.30, sae,.• tl;lat he and his boys co Mlienced •Senses Oppressed b ; 'tole smell Cif Pp y throwing largo stones at thein, bo- The chief claims to have counted the killed in tile fight with Colonel g brother, Mios Ilsnrietta Distier, {aged marry her. k''he then return .to ' her home, tank Paris green+ And,died criminal ever arraigned before the Afahoncy City, Pea. report - Prin,• smoke. Hor berth to situated {amid- fora they attempted to take a hand Plunkett's party, at Gum'burru. IIB 181 years, committed suicide by tak- several hours later. Sbe left a bur of justice charged with a bapi- cess Lola Barry, who was regarded ships. Slis roused her sleeping bus- to t1;!a fight. Mrs. Richardson says him Iyer fears, but had coirntod up to 750 when the the, field, Ing poison. The girl and liar brother pitiful farewell letter in w!lieh she tai crime In this city is Anton o, ori ilio prettiest gypsy woman in 'the y d •. , ixg I`rancavilla, who at the age of G, is '-country, and who was the daughter band and bald of fthit w1len her husband pulled bis lac told her tivtrrt she wan ntistakeJl, revolver sY,e was struck by a atone Mullah appeared on and further counting became unsafe. Hb S Gobr e, aged 20 years, came to this g g declared her levo for her brother and requested him not to marry for itt imminent danger of becoming a g g of King; Barry, one ,of the o)t,lest nomads in America, died while part and dropped off to sleep again. The and does not remlember anything rOurageoas Ilmle womont then went *bout t'rJs shooting. Ttchardson him- also reports that Major Gough'sforce killed 200 of the Daratoleh tribe. country wJten they were infants. They lost their parents and were two years after her death. murderer. Armed with a pair of Of her tribe were, encamped near to the 1111'gt amakestaek and placed self says •ihat• he pulled his plate] her It. Finding that it In. both Tights the greatest oxecui- oared for in the children's home in elan and Noulaa Tarred. , Lacrosse, Wis., July 13.-njlllittn thoars lie ,sought out Antonio here yestordily. She -Tae taken vio- W Chxlkitlano, a child of lits own age, lentiY 111 oil Wednesday, and soma hand upon to self-defence, and Shot Matthews teas quits bat, she proceeded to the to revent Limy from doin an in- fl p g skier, tion was caused by Maxinx fire. The ohiof states that Capt. Johnston tills city. Subsequently the girl was tSoedo and Dors. Ruby ,-,tmples,, of Vol ince Literally stabbed ltirit full of mystery soil cls her death, Pr incess ;Lola"' noun -s h (l ear# old, ,y bone, t]>e yt where she saw groat f t1li is OI fere here from g jury witV tine stones. The boys of I,id ardson tell the samie story as Stuart, wJoO was killed in Plunkett's fight, In four adopted by Herman Nlederhelm and kah, were tarred and feathered -key a - of thirty citizens at that vii, holes. • . • Chrlstioluo, was rushed to St. }"in- and liar banuty was striking, She received many offers from artists to the ]told. Dins• Sd ' rushed back to Yd her husbands cabin, screaming at. the t`rJeir father and mr,thar• Ti ero has baser bac] blood for a was wounded places, and was living; whon the squ'aro g away. the boy by another family. Ayear a an intense affection sprang 'up 6 the. and liter their mob large last night. + (rlley were thea escorted to too Cent's Hospital, where the surgeon kilt for them, but ulvays doolinod. C -he «its educated by her father, who top Of her tvoioe- The other inmates were roused from their slumbers, and long 'time over a line fence, and botrJ men have Apent huridrods of defendvhimself yithHa. revolver, and four the before lie m.e. adsw.o latwse,Y lotion -vias made known to them. limits '.and t.ppeared -vthe if they. regain appeared, at the t titrae hours SSt.In u ills 4 0fi ' " g' p is a linguist and well road, and &•poke In. the darkened catbins the confusion dolla.re in the courts over it. coot of enemy was killed. Tho'• tw(o young people continued to fOtiter until i tvp weeks ago, detWilvilla,gO doatiu pisco. lpte man and w'iow L'ad wounds, He is xl. sturdy lad, ,incl this fact may save h1m, bat the doctors several languages fluently., ..„ • ; .- The body was shipped to 10ketling• was indescribable. Two 'womvm, ordploy,'cd on the les- Mile chief to ignor4nq" to the re- see each when tits young man diseontint,ed been warned to -ryuit the town, but say that tf any cam,plications set In ton yestorday, ivaxere interment will eel, had bertille in the stern of the THE KINS'SHAPPY THQUGHT portal presence of British prison- ers with the Mullah, and affirms that his visits, had refused. . he suraly will elle, be ninde. boat. Quickly grasp]ng -vavat clotilen they, could find in the darkness r the Mullah vias exceedingly angry 3 f feared tkat it }would lead to its abs tha3y rwshed dawn to the gangway,, with the than who shat Captain b _' v«s'4 " ' itt]o'n: . 19600 C t -D dnlyl to fin+d Hilt ties exit to the planed -was blocked, as the gang• Visit American {•feet Y' aSTxnllalt Johnston Stnart. ,tyro Ais 11la inls. Z NEWS IN BRIEF "The Canadian Transit Company, Limited," is the name bt a new plank had been drawn and thhe {state of London, Jnlyl ],4. iii few days Aga million dollar concern -whleh hair 1 pl DST AIN looked. It -vacs at title juncture th+at Chief Einetr Riley displayed the qua]- Hls Arran emtnt. a, oommunle ation from the Mullahjiliut ryas tolegrapiled home by the epee- ser commanding at Diohotie, in which, wNw .- ., . tie English is poo been granted O trio G e inert. potation by the OnrtArio Government• it is composed of Canadian and l ,qg 111 aic v IIJ g ltIO3 of a truq biera. .,.With flames u:Tter referring to the heavy losses W E Henley, peat, British capitalists, the head at- dartin toward them; and every ma- ment thweatening to envelop them, t SO SAYS ADMIRAL $ERESFORD, su%tained on both sides, the Mullah dead' There is a rutror In, London that fief to be At Ottawa. • . he -verut to, tits assistance of the I"lyimouth. jEugland, Cable . The onqulred why he wanted his conn- try. Mr. ICrAlv,berlaia may, visit Canada. These appointments are:'a uounc- ad: : W. W. Tamm, Bartle. to be Clerk Rebel Lee der' and His Mother Beheaded ,,,, and ilei ed them to reach 1ped tits dock. Mayor of Portumowtlr, on behalf of Ila offered to exchang a the Mlax- g g Methwill ll , to eked at McDougall, Methodist Celle e, to be called of the Third Division Court of fife Mrs. Boyd, -who was extremely tite citizens of tine town, gave a dinner at tile Town Halt last avail- bus in his possession for ammdni- tion. Tris offer shows the dlsrespect Ed-montou county of • Welland, vice Farnest Cruikshank, resigned; - James Me - p, c V the G',•vernor. y weak frohu fright afro exhawsttan, ear Admiral managed to veaoh the wbarf in safe- ton and tO ho holds anything likely hundredfive nd hasGreg r, Caledonia, to be Clerk of this officers of the ty; with the help of Captains BOy'd can srluaclton. hinder do ].fader leis mobilia- , In reply, the Muliall -Was told to larrseto- Klondike goldand at Seattle- is {Ito fist Divisilon Court of ih'e court ' of H'andtmand. Yekiu, July, 12. -Tho dernolratuation of the a;dmtnlsttrration in the ProVince but ,surrand.ored an the advice of the rrttnrh Consal to -Thom ba appealed,ong , and the second engineer, Rugh Mo- the guests were Vice All Williams.Williamis. Mrs. Boyd lead nothing on miral Lord Charles Beresford, Cap- colt%, in unci submit. Tile direators of the Manitoba Cement Company have decided to of T%v,taugtisi by. thq lately oashtorecl and said that oto' had been forced to usurp the auttwrity Por self -preserver but hes might robe and a pettleoat, twin Readnvoxth Lamibton, Capt. Sir Till® 'captain• ,saved omlyl lits trousers. A. B. Milne, commander of fife Royal _ . ANTARCTIC COLD. locate In Mordien. George Gould says his new BITES BRIDE IN COURT. Officials is indicated by the reported a to the rebels of 1,600 sol- tion from the Opposin factions. He g requested the Consul to represent the The is+ame -vas true df the other mem- bent, dL titre crew., s]x in- mumber. promI yathit% till to l Lens. loxty and p1Thm nMayor proposeds ` running continental raflvAY-e,]!1 be juicing Gcans Over ltailitt;; and Catches iileills, with their arms Notwithstattd- s. withtheirarms. attnution to the governor. These re- prgssittA,tions were made, and the b1rs. Aniole Fraser, 11 Trlatity, a formal street, and Mrs. E. Livernoi]s, the toast to the Kin{;, and followed It It is S.sid to be liar Norse Than in the Arctic Regions. Ill eighteen Irontlls. Mr. Jameis' Cooper, the well-known Woman by the Throat. . , Now •York, July IS. -Leaning over Ing are other, as flit, famine is disappearing. Consul advised tilos rebel laadar to -itrrander. Tho court rewarded the French maid, -vara lives at 10 Gill tvitlr one to Preisddient Roosevelt. Placa, -vh r occupied the rear call]n,s, net, I cul 0, replied to Tor'on'to' bast Cch -lire brake out manufacturer of mining and railway supplies, is dead at Montreal. the railing of tilt prisonsr)s pen, According to rQUabl , foreigners the off to cris 'cone orned in the subsequent ,1d7y,., were laud in their praise Of the th t toast to the United States navy, tenColeir, o[ the relief ship Morning, tend!gr to the exploring ship 1)iscov- Jamas Simpson was elected Prest- to Yorkville Court on i'Saturdtay, leader of the 'Yunnan rebellion, who, dcica, ltat3on of th•s rebel leader. Ilona -&tion regard tris affair r. an reg lack cdn'duct of Mas. Boyd. Willi plc exception of Chief Engineer nnv Il?roposed onto to the Britit(il on of Charles cy note,, in the south polar regions, dent of the Toronto Trades and Council. Ernest Seiffert, charged with beat- the witdt hlg mo -their, w+irls behear<ted b7; mor, ir, ebeA cot of treachery, and fear difficulties C {neer Hugh y+ Vice-Adanlra] Lard t;ie wind in r Rllei Beres.ord; responded in a very happy Is here, an route to London, to report. Ha,mys the Discovery worked As tar Labor Contracts have been let for cat- Ing his wife, caught woman by the throat as she was going to the the gots not .f:e;l, as to the trench on account of the Con- illiams, tine name& other vein. He ,Syria there -vas no gush in of tate crew could 'fiat be that had as la,tituda 77 degrees 50 minutes tages at Woodstock for an asylum desk to make a complaint, and fas- 'arm. watg announced by Line _--et G&.tette, suis connection. members the expressions Of welcome ascertained. As the boat -vas nOrt•i,n been given to trite visitors• They ,south. By slogs the members of the party goat Its far as a2 degrees 17 for epileptics. Goon e Gordon Pearce, the cap- toned the teeth in her left A detective and a court po•liceinan (](( ttl7liR i1H j FOR jp { pj l bar Tho police also believe that Web- had is !land in the robbery tof conttmisslon, the men were only) ]tired cams rl,om the heart. yesterday,, my elle day, the captain ,Ills vis'i t of the squsilron, -which {tad to iulnwtes toutlt latitude, the farthest saut3i any man has'gone. S tared Toronto burglar, is suspected in seventeen other cases. rushed to aid the -woman, and drag- god tale prisoner away.• littJJ UU+fJE0 teens E'!il E r the: country mansion of William E not ]laving an opportunity; It'azis a floppy tilowgh:t of the King, Tlla cold utero is Par-vot;se than in a International Baptist Young bsiftert, A German, is a waiter in Elselin at New. Rochslle, from -vhtoh ascertiatn their names and addresses. lead a deeper meaning than ohowed Thiv led to the belief that some of on the scene. The real purpose was talo Arctic. In the latter regions In time the temperature Peoples Unions annual convention a Broadway restaurant, and lives at No. 894 Second avenue, -where ]tie First D in. He Confesses t IfSt $2,000 -earth of l B pato land yacht- Ing trophies -were taken. Webber tileburning;that bf bringing the two peoples dight th'elfi the i more closely together. The more iti up tar50 and GO clegxcos above z Tou. In the Antarctic region below has aliened At Atlanta, Ga. Tltc Toronto Carpenters' wife, to whom. he has been married ,only three weeks, keeps candy jl f tlonies that he bad anything to do thiir work. waving was it unison of zoirc, is summer weather. Valuable Tike m- 3oated tno report of {hair Strike Com- I store, Mrs. Seiftert is an Irish wo- Losses at Race 'Crack with this burglary, however. Webber, when he brought the sto- CaptaLti Ba !d estimated the value n Jack y till Union Jaek and the Stam and of 'the beat, wlitch wars a side -wheel- Stripes the better it would be for , g ootogica.l, seismic and mateorolog- teat data have been seeurecl. mittee advising that 'the strike be called off. mains (bits. Seiffert amid liar husband had len organ to the ]louse, told his wife or, at between $40,000 and $50,000. both countries and for the whole ca.b dryers will apply for beaten ]ler into unconsciousness ----- that lie had wlon' it in a raffle. In there probably $25,000 would be nearer the werid. , then a tele- GREA'T'EST GRAIN PORT. injunction to restrain the Street Injunctisil.on with hatchet. was held o LEO TO FINAL LIFE OF CRIME LED addition to the silver plate found a, big revolver, knives, mark. Lord Charles react She was placed id tills hands bit the grain, from Btsloy, giving the re- Railway Company from running ob- R n two as - 000 on each of t -YO charges of as- (VVtr1t lei$?nil, N.Y.,Julyj 14.-Jalrnt Y., '1od forks and spoons, and government insignia which evidently had been Poison Compa,ny,', where repairs OUR of the shooting for the Palma about 5,000' -were made, a skeleton trophy. His annouucom ent that the — Up to June 30, 7,530,877 Bushels Ya*rota Montreal. lar -&tion ears. Work will be commenced At Once sault. Webber, A n,%, burglar, m g cut from the uniforms of navy Rand walkingbeam, o,ne of the best In American team had re -captured the l}•cre JLxt ortcd on the railway from Nepi,gon on the P. R. tO Lake Nepigon, to be JUDGE. I'S PLEASED, dying from the effects of trying to army officers, dress goods nand linens in dress suit eases and sat- Amrjri.ca, being installed, and same trophy mat, received with cheers. parts Of the engines being entire- rplls Mayor then announced that Montreal, July; 14.- Moultreal is already the greatest grain shipping C. completed this year. __ Dxan }-;lro sanded ii.trn robe Trial 4i,r osva• a from filo policy lit, jumping p packed obels. ly renewsd. Tltase repairs were coli]- tie had ,sent the following telegram ort of tine continent. So far 18 er [? p Thr. Toronto coroner's jury Another OfTence. from a moving twain. ( Webber has tried to escape twice plated !yesterday morning. to Pren4tclent Roosevelt: cent, more grain has been shipped Kelley gating the death of Mrs. Mary Salley rso• says fie aaaoa burglary to ills mark &o n member at the Saalvation o and the least time ho jumped from le ex tiro rear of as Tlarleln express train "Tlio Mayor of Portsmouth, in be- GERMAN CI'V(LiANS ANGRY; half of himself, the corporation and Cloin• this port than from New York, Baltimore and Boston` combined, Lip condemned the street car fender as "practically useless." New York, July; 14. - Andrew( Brown, a burglar, whbso sentence of Army bemuse he r become deeply while being taken IIs Is in citizens from the banqueting hall, surrounded by Admiral Catton and to Juno 30th Montreal exported 7,- 586,877 bushels of grain, 5,259,- Tile body of John Gasgo]n, an Ot- last Cour years was raised to six, and - finally to nine years. by, Judge As - In debt playing the races anti could not goo lite -vJfe and b.•abies starve. a serious condition.Outraged"- Country by Cotxtmntatton the oTficcsx-s of itis fleet and repre- S80 busli.els of which were wheat, to-wa I)arber, missing since spring, has been fontnd In the Ot- ,As pinwall, of Brooklyn, because this "I am the sons of a rich Kentucky to "My rl LING.FIFLDS WOMEN IN.DtjC,,► of Sentence. sentative's of the English army and navy, begis tojaal4ate Pr sident Roose- while New York only shipped 2,000,- DOG bushels during the same time. to-wa River, . I to Young judge, objected to remarks made by, tl4o prisoner, 'tvas'indfeted for a nmrchant," said Webber -day. father Is dead, and I left Kentucky gerll,r, July,{ 14. -Nat. even the All- Tit* fo-llawiug arc the ilia a Editor And staff of C1;inA 'paper At Shanghai are threat- burglary alleged to have been eon-- - years rtgo..I have always lived rletian __ _ One Stopped e<t a Promised B'i ht, 1p„ g sorbing lntaretat that is being taken q+oacl health And peace and prosper- to the Pope's illness has prevented a UY to Ills -whole people. to, railway rates; Fort William to Montreal, 4 7-8 Sends per bushel; anecl witl'd deaf]] for prxblishing Be- matted prior to lila other offence. Judge p ptnWalt expressed his life until, recently. Bio- fore I became a ,burglar I joined , A nether {oak Ilusband s Place. - "May the kinship beyond the sea storm of indignation from sweeping g y grow siren er as time passes. Ma - C71]cago to Montreal, 3 3-4 to 4 1-2 cents. 01tious Articles. Frank ahem tecl to drown i'rA wb h trio inh"' I tsnl;rof amen over which so mtxcri fuss had beeo over tiro Salvation Army, batt- oice day* I • •• e.rVit, July 121.-1 rich milt Owner Schulz over Germany, as the result of the Clod keep both people in the right• The rate by rail from Buffalo to .Waters ly himgetf by crawling Into the river ua. etc L', said, and Ordered the lost $500 While takin Icy-vM_%-and ar Berun nnrfed quarreM with a senior Ileutenart of infantry o,oi mu.tation the Assed way always' to o New York is 41l•S cents. at London. He was hauled out and indictment carefully paeserved so ttea little children toGliappciclaa, and then. i burro -Ted money! and started the in the garrison, and the lieutenant cent Schulz A challenge to fight him. whnce l:nsor a sn mar- dorod Artillerymaal Hartman at 1•;s- NURSESDIVORCED IiUS13ANr, En,ster for neglecting D • , EAGER TO COMPETE. is now in jail. An Italian working on tilt C. P. R., g P. Uzi; Brown. fl;Ay be trled on it at the ax tration of his alae -year sen- p playing races. „ i lost everything, kept on bar- A duel -with pistols was arranged t. talcs at an early hour on the son on morning tO ,satutO him Aecoixling to ]lis ideas at 'White Lake, about three miles west at Tweed, was drowned teace. ` rowdng n'ntil I got In debt so much T couldn't out, and rattler than place Jungfern heath two courts of honor of proper daferenco. Public opinion Is Broke His Lel; in Her House White Outraged to such an extent that con- baa;ltln itecan.ciliuttott, Waw Zeataud ']Trying Hard to Capture iilly,'sh l,laxket' while battling night. A GREAT FUNERAL. get see my -tdfe and twp babies starve, having decided that a duel was hil- a- 'til e. sorvative authorities declare that if 1.13. -After er i as hold to -d the Meriden, Cann, a3' has I,an.don, Silly,' 14• _A eanferenes. a;L ngtarctti Several boating parties claim n' haus recon a 48 -foot monstsr swim- -- I determined tb become a, burglar. b" "I did it simply Per their sake. I .At the appointed time, :the lieuten- t ant and his friends were On the field another election -Tare year Ing Apart• one year A divorce action of thio Supremo Naval Court been granted IP,rank Stannard and Wellin:gtoln, reprasenting 20,000 Now farmers, has adopted A re- ming near Delta Point. It Is $aid to have disappeared when one of the EYtraordinarp Occurrences at t3uriai or Japanese Abbott. Would starvo myself, but I couldn't boar to see my family wan{:' s)valling • with importance and eon- flee heists alley were wOusd drive another lia;f-miillon vot- Mildred Dao Stannard, of Westbrook. are into the Socialist camp and seat The former, upou receiving notice of Zealand solution supporting Mr. Clixamb,.nr•. boats waq rowed towards It. ►T'aklo, July,' 1.4 -Ls a rule there ns. The police call slim the "Christian „ scious of part playing. But Schulz was not there. a dozen more Soolaitsts In the Reich- tltr court's decision, called on Ills for- atag bonlehels. '' mor wife And attemptod to reeonollil laiu's preferential policy. The Neev Zealand Government hay, appatnte,l Lord and I.aciv Strathcona and Lord And Lady A.1oullt-Stephou were ,ma r lcl; gaiety, rI at a J. ba no funeral as At an Irisls wake, ]tut no burglar of !Chappaqua, boeause, In the daytimer Ito posed as a retired After waiting a while a messenger €tuns seen hurrying to elle spat. He Evary champion of German mill- liar, ta.r'y- And nava honor hails the'*edits- Iia told her fro w,ais sorry for having two dairy experts to organize And hl:proTO the export Of dairy prodaco the only C&radians invite<l to tbs stato ball At Buckingham Palace, in over took place in- ]island wake be could be Conc+pared 'for gaiety And "Christian . gentleman," and la ,leader of a mission in Newt York, and at baro n ItoCo to ilio tieutenalut. ft , was froin Airs, Schulz, stating in 'the tion tri ilustsnar s sentence from Tour lett her, and promised to be a date. to; two yemn As s glorious f vindlca- Tui husband if site would only take to the British markets. One is from and one front I>enulAt•k, and honer Of President Loubet. ,The newly issued, circular Of tile figliting to the funeral oT the tato told Abbot of one of tiro two great night Ito robbed the homes of the plainest terms that she would not dhow her husband, under any air_ tion o► 2Jis act, and As the forerunner him back. Vats til& woman refused to oaclt receiTes $2,000 lnmultily, -vit"I each r They official emigrants' inforrpatton,ottice, l yoto monasteries. Many Hundreds Quakers and neighbors, as well as &a scare of summer homes aeon t1►c ai scoin of slimmer rttmstattces to fight a duol, and act tri an 1-1,19 Arden. Disgust with the y P do. While, arguing ills ease Stannard sy+stcm thatt breeds sltolt ideals note, bc1oame excited, and back- allm-vances for residence. will be jointly responsible for carry- In London, states that When tlilb$re- Canadian harvest is Over mets of il.oueands of priests were pre- on ilio occasion; there. were ilrl told the detectives to-c1a-wit,ra Y vfstng ilio lieutenant- to go home. Those present say' they never saw .stopping passesses all classes. While the pub- ward, fall heft entire Iengtl4 of the 110 resentment is last on tilt Govern- cellar stairs, ing rt At the important developments tvl,doll tItO Nety (4ealAad Gavernlnent sent must bo prepared to find other work. sent seven fi>,r.is, 1Li casae or thou, till injured, sevdnty«tive they could find moro plunder in Ails nnyann so rrosttali n as ilia lral tw Soso lieutenant was. The whole party Y merit, it Indicateis that the Itaisor's He Iny at -Lite bottom until lite di- to comt:omptatin ' in cdmpotitton with .The Melbourne snnr that t e pros of tiro Standard s&ys that elle cress of persons twain • persons fainted, 874 pickpockets hbino, and on making A search they found a cCstly organ and soma all- slunk away fooling ns small its pas- co le lire no longer ready to tolerate alae ly ser crime committed in 1110 oovvewedwlie lord broken liar and and Canada and dt rior crntntr3,ae. Australia is opposed to Chamber- theft the aro wore captured. 1,021 articles were toot, anri 79 persona felt into bleeke V late. The org+alti haul boelt sto- !nn n broad dayfight froml the fresh sLA lit c es from Iiakielinli Irun- A s aiy oro I , name of outraged] martial honor, three rlbs, beeldes soverely Wrench- Ing lits back, 1tlrg. asststert Captain NowArd Blackburn, twlto is crossin the Atlantic ill an open g Ininism, and proposals Ilkely tO strengthan the hands of the and ditclncs whits following , the , 1110 ionto of Miss Neilson at Pleasant- ' art, of another woman who took tgi hand in a tlrojoeted duel. x'wio ,5tannard J. l'rocl. Pcnnoll, ad»;!inlstrator Of trio n,an she 07,00 lowed to A more 16 -foot dory, awns reported Ohl luiy 4tlt in latitude 44.•l"3, N. longitude Australian protectionists. I> Idle agitation among thb Rome funeral cottage. 1 -°•- --• Ville. 'Tile silverware teas bloldotr In the oblrnnoy, secret closets, incl li kiict&np uamrd I'drgac and I)ren- tl:o estate of Arthur R. Ponnoll,who comfortable position and then hast- ic]]]ed in flee Gnllras stono quay- ened for a piystoian, When the doe» i,y I 60.01, by the whlootter Calonia. • muntoipal potica for an increase of The Og]INA0 Flour Mils Company, hblaes in the •wrap, Ar all about , ;100 4 1 qu t y quarreled about n lawyer's wife wham ]loth atoi)ou d, nnct yer's ngetl was wa kills filed An accounting of tar arrived ]to announced that the for 1Sioxrns lead rlestroyect soltte <tt {lis but 110 tests sangttitta of flay and all axenlptlan Prom night duty Itis rollatts0ci, because of tilt* announce that oris season they Will build oftx`ttt*r?1t now elevators itt iilJan- W,,ortb Of plunder In addition to about $6,000 worth recovered ori rine nniother, fixed time wr l .Lee, unit Shiga for vi,papolls raplerei. t1iO estate yesterday, morning. It Injured man could not be removed !rl:otvq Pennell had property worth several weeks at least, so Mrs. Stan- otttiiL, reaching li't attco, expecting to be r disapproval of the ¢uovetnent by it ttoba mild (lie Northwest !r0rritbr• wursday.• was found. Drental appeared, ,but instead ,of $21,108, Including LIS lnsurAnbe, naxd, who is witiOut help In the nox'OM in' 0.0 tia,'fs, fArgo scrrtlo'n oC 1110 Sarco, tttho lt'b. , , . . r