The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 4THE WTNG112
--The Western States show some
4 ' I nervousness over the recent large
bzaxlLXt A'C emigration to the Canadian North -
Ritchie Campbell west. It is probable that the num-
--The Canadian Northern hail- ber of farmers moving across the
way are about to erect two more border this year will be greater
large grain elevators, each of 1,500- than last despite the fact that the
000 bushels capacity. A report newspapers of the Middle West are
says further that they are about to giving much space to warnings
equip their lake fleet with wireless against seductive tales about the
��n telegraphy. new farming region. They call
Readysisto-Wear 11\,, i attention to the long, cold winters,
and to the restriction on crop di-
----During the twelve months end- versity by reason of the brief sum-
ing with June, 124,658 immigrants mels. They lay stress upon the
arrived in Canada. Of these the differences in government. Never-.
United States supplied 44,980, Brit- theless, well-to-do and prosperous
A lot of fine white linen Shirt Waists, Em- ish Isles 41,787, and the Continent farmers are selling their prairie
broidered fronts, Tucked fronts, trimmed with 37,891. Next year the number lands and are going with their
Medallions, finest qualities, perfect fitting, and the may reach 200,000. families into the comparatively un -
latest styles. Prices are reduced away down. broken territories of Alberta and
—To show how the nations watch
each other in the far east, may be '
FANCY COLLARS special lots of Beautiful -i doted the fact that in the Gulf of
Applique Collars, Silk Pechili, on the east coast of China,
Collars, Wash ' Collars, etc. A splendid assortment there are fifty Russian warships,
from 25 cents to 75 cents each. twenty of the United States and
one hundred belonging to England
and Japan.
LININGS Another shipment of Gilbert's cel-
ebrated spun glass or Oriental
Linings in Black and colors.
One lot of Japan Silk, pure Silk, all shades,
special per yard ......................... 25C
Io ends of this season's Muslins, new patterns,
. regular 25c per yard --Special .............. 19c
5 doz. Ribbed Cotton Hose, regular 15 to 25c
perpair—Special, 2 pair for ................ 25C
There are- some of those $I.00 Shoes left. Don't
miss this snap.
Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs.
1(itchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. McIND00.
Canadian grown Tomatoes. Don't buy the soft
American Tomatoes when you can get the home
grown. The flavor is so much better.
Fine large solid Cucumbers arriving daily and
each week getting a trifle cheaper.
We have made arrangements with a gardener
to bring us Raspberries once a day.
And don't forget the Soap bargains. A pure
Tallow Soap, 7 bars for 25 cents,
at GrITTin's
Ed - -...s
We are Clearing
did -
Out the Follow -
41— w—EVE41—
ing Lines 41Es...-• . w
w ^+
sw• �
A large assortment of Prints, American
goods, at all prices.
M ••-4
Ladies' white Underwear at cost.
'~ Hosiery for all kinds of people in Cotton
and Cashmere. Best value. Ladies'
Hose, guaranteed fast black, Io cts.
Corsets—Short and long, heavy Jean and
Featherweight, this week a specialty.
Bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, beau-
tiful Black pieces, Prints, Embroideries,
etc., etc.
41— ....-,
Els— -411
Now Is Your Chance.
11— ...
—In spite of the enormous out-
put of agricultural implements by
the big Canadian manufacturers,
Canada is the best customer pos-
sessed by the United States for
those articles. During the last
year we imported from that coun-
try $3,123,660 worth. Russia
bought $2,294,440, and France and
the Argentine Republic a little less.
—Another month brings its rec-
ord of fires and fire loss to be add-
ed to the dismal array of destruc-
tion by fires in the United States
and Canada. We find from the
records of the New York Journal
of Commerce that the fire loss for
June shows a total of $14,684,350,
or $4,000,000 more than the sum
chargeable against the same month
in the preceding year.
—A large delegation of stock
breeders waited upon the Govern-
ment at Ottawa, on June 23rd, ask-
ing a grant of $100,000 towards
making an exhibit of pure-bred
stock from Canada at St. Louis in
1904, being $20,000 for expenses,
$70,000 for prizes and $10,000 for
contingencies. Hon. Mr. Fisher
thought the first item too small,
but the second was new to him.
Consideration was promised.
—The C. P. R. sold 2,639,529
acres of Northwest land during the
year ending June 30 for $9,698,950.
That was over $3.50 per acre. The
company received, all told, 25,000,-
000 acres of land, besides cash and
finished railway, as a bonus for the
building of its main line. Even if
the selling price of the land is aver-
aged at $3 per acre, that would
make a total of $75,000,000—more
than enough to build and equip the
whole road.
—The New Zealand Government
has appointed two dairy experts to
organize and improve the export of
dairy produce to the British mar-
kets. One is from -Canada and one
from Denmark, and each receives
$2,000 annually, with allowances
for residence. They will be jointly
responsible for carrying out the
important developments which the
New Zealand Government is con-
templating in competition with
Canada and other countries.
—Despatches from Europe de-
clare that war between Bulgaria
and Turkey is inevitable. This
constant fear of the troublesome
—The Morgan steamship com-
bine has not captured the ocean
trade and may not prove the gi-
gantic spectre that was feared and
expected. The charge has repeat-
edly been made in English news-
papers that the ships were taken
into the combine at an exorbitant
valuation, and that not enough
were obtained to make the com-
bine the chief factor in fixing ocean
tariffs. A London despatch to the
New York Evening Post a few
days ago said: There is a feeling
here that reconstruction of the
Morgan shipping Trust may be
necessary. The facts of the mat-
ter are—that the combine first
bought our boats at enormous
prices and then had to face a vast
redundancy in ocean tonnage when
the shipping employed in transport
service was released by the ending
of the Boer war.
—T. Thomas Fortune (colored)
who recently was sent as a Special
Commissioner to the Hawaiian
Islands and the Philippines to as-
certain what conditions there were
suited to the American Negro, says
—"Living there at present is ex-
pensive, but under proper govern-
mental conditions it is the ideal
place for the Negro. It is the cli-
mate he likes, or, at least, the cli-
mate he can stand. The whites
cannot live there and make a liv-
ing. If the white man lives there
at all, it is as a parasite. The Fil-
ipino and the Negro can get along
splendidly in a social way. It
seems that the whites and the Ne-
groes cannot, and it is just as much
a matter of general knowledge that
the white man and the Filipino
cannot agree. I long for the time
when the Afro-American may go
to the Philippines and live there as
he should and would."
—That pronounced Liberal
Goldwin Smith, writing in the
Weekly Sun says—After all the
rancor, calumny, trickery, expense
and corruption of a party election,
followed by the unwholesome
scenes of the struggle in the elec-
tion courts, and then by the
Gamey affair, with the fury of fac-
tion which it awakened, and the
ultimate defeat of justice, to what
have we come? We have come to a
Government tainted by the process
which it has undergone, with more
than half the voters of the Province
arrayed against it, and with a Par-
liamentary majority of four, so that
it is at the mercy of any 'three buc-
caneers. Such a Government will
inevitably be tempted to maintain
itself in power by means akin to
those by which it has so narrowly
escaped defeat; if not by actual
corruption, by unscrupulous use of
patronage, by concessions to sinis-
ter interests, and by demagogic
1.M AD C ANV,1=1, July 10 T903
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
JN09 & JASo H.
'A Group of Bargains for Jul y—Read the List
over carefully
Here's a grand opportunity for you to save money. The July Sale for this year
must out -distance all previous sales. Our stook is much larger than ever before, and the
quality of the goods has never before been equalled. We want to put emphasis on the fact
that it is our regular lines of goods that we offer at reductions that range from 25 to 50
p g p
per cent. off our regular re rices.
Groceries. WARM WEATHER Bargains in Hats
Ladies' Sailor Hats reg, 75 for.,... 500
This is picnic time and it FOR LADIES. ;; ;; ;; o for - - I ...35C
will be interesting for you to Girls' Hats reg 50c and 75c for ...... 25c
know that we can supply you A person to keep cool needs
light weight clothing. We can Men's and Boys' Hats at reduced
With a fine line of— supply your wants. -Let us help prices for July.
Canned Fish and Meats, Pot- you to look and fell comfotsort 1 y
We have a a lendid assort- A quantity of Men's Straw Hats, r
ted Ham, Beef, Deck, Salad ment of White and Colored
Mus—line, Basket Cloth, Dimity Men's Canvas Hats, reg, 40 for .... 30C
Dressing, Dressing, Muslin, Dress Ginghams, Fancy Men's Nely Stylish Straw Hats 25
Sauces, Pickles, Catsup, &c. Silks &c. Just the goods for p gper cent off re' prices.
hot weather.
You'll enjoy your picnic ---
better if you use BLUE $1..50 75 ,i ,s Ed s00 hirt Waists for..... $100
00 -Men's Leather Belts at
1 "' " reduced prices.
RIBB,C)N TEA. None bet- . .75 ,..•., ;
ter. Put up in lead packages —"— 50c Leather Belts for ...... . ........4oc
Summer Vests, all Styles. 35c is
s " ......I ........20c
prices 25e, 40e, 50e a lb. Prices 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c.
i �-
New Glassware.
Bargains in Shoes
Men's Summer Clothing
at Bargain Prices.
We have just received a
Oxfords are in high favor
$1.50 Summer Vests for .......... $1.00 "
case of ver pretty Glassware
y P y
this year, and right in face of
this fact we are selling Oxfords,
75c Ed....... . ..0
Fine Cotton Shirts and Drs. each. .25 0
with heavy (cold Decorations.
at reduced prices.
fine Balbriggan .25 5
� <�
The kind that does not wash
Fine Silkina .75
o. The price is low.
Fine Natural Wool '° 1.00
Plates, Bon Bon Dishes,
$1.75DongolaKid Oxfords..$1.35
We can supply you with
Vases, Tooth Pick Holders,
1.35 ;; It ;; .. loo
fine ordered clothing on short
Pin Trays, Rose Bowls,
Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers.
1.75 " " Trilby... 1.35
1'35 .s "' 1'00
notice. Weuarantee style,
fit and quality.
Your choice for 15c each.
Blk. Venetian Worsteds. 2
A better quality of Glass,
Just n few pairs left of those
Fine Blk. and Navy Serges.
same decoration as above.
light weight, laced Shoes, reg`-
Fine Fancy English Worsteds
Water Sets 7 pieces...............$1,75
lar $1,00, reduced to 75c a pair,
Fine Ciauadian and Scotch
Table Sets 6 ..... I .... 1.75
Berry Sets 7 ..... ... 1.40
Fine Dongola and Box Calf
Shoes $1.50 to $3.50 a pair.
Fall Terra Opens Sept. 1st.
1 Scores of Business Colleges have ap-
plied to us for our graduates to act as
I teachers in their schools. Phis is the
I evidence you are looking for as to the
t BEST SCHOOL to attend. Thousands
r of our former students are now in busi-
ness life. write for catalogue.
W, J. Elliott, Principal.
Auctioneer for Huron County
I have secured an Auctioneer's license for
Huron county, and am prepared to conduot
sales at reasonable rates.
Sales arranged at the Advance Office.
ALEX. BELLY, Wingham P.0.
Established 1840,
Head office GUELPH, ONT.
Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro
porty on the oaeh or premium note system.
President. Seorotary.
Marriage Licensee issued. No witnesses
req.,red. NOUN SAW MI
S• L
`^^O Money 4% large amounts; smaller in pro. {L
ion, Easiest terms.
and students may enter the RICHARD HOLMES MCLEAN at SON
Office;—noxi to Holmes Block now building •
All kinds of rough and dr
at any time. D f �
Two Courses—Commercial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR,
Send for College Journal. Office :—UpstairsBlocin the Macdonald Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
LsA. L. MCINTYRB Night calls answered at office.
Turk causing a war, should be �. Preidon£ Secy. g large quantity of dry hard -
ended by the great powers disciplin-
in the Sultan. It would be a bles- << „ wood for sale, delivered.
sing to him, to his subjects, and thus:—That unionism can. be `-. Saturday Night comments LIFEFIREFIRE DRS, CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM
the world at large. Jealousy' of 1J Telephone Orders Promptly
each other however prevents this, pushed too .far and may be the PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. attended to,
means of ruining its devotees has Lowest rates consistent with
and so the miserable wretch con- been beautifully exemplified by the absolute security. All claims Josephine Street — Wingllarn
tinues to misrule his own domin- promptly settled
ions and stir up trouble for others, upshot of two of the many strikes (',�j8a,�, � Son
which have afflicted Toronto this Abner Cosens P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P. S.0
summer. The Builders' Laborers'
ACCIDENT PLATE CLASSJ(Momberofthe British Medical
strike has petered out and the Car- Association) ao YEARS• ,
—There has been some talk in enters' strike is on its last legs. P g • COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. EXPERIENCC
England lately of endeavoring to The builders' laborers were getting A. DULMAGE special attention aid to Diseases of women
shorten the voyage across the At- 25 cents an hour—pretty good pay, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. nnra children,
lantic by developing the harbor of one should think, for this class of orslor, Houns:-1 tot P.m,; 7 tog p,m. 1
Galway, on the west coast of Ire- labor. They got the wage -raising CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN 1
on Town and rarnl Property, l� T, Holloway
land, and connecting it by swift bee in their bonnets and thought
steamers with St. John's in New the were entitled to 30 cents an ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. u TRADE MA KS
Y D.D,S„ L,D,6. Dr`stGtala'"
foundland. The distance from Gal- hour. The master -builders were OFFICE.—In the Dent Blook. 1
wayto St. John's is 1 816 miles; Residence—Catherine St. Graduate of Royal CQPYRlakys &F.
, , not disposed to be unfair offered college of aortal dliig a skot b alid'aetb'rt 'tlor! ryX
that from Liverpool to New York surgeons of Tor. , 4ptC lyaepr.. our pp siton rroo W othet�t<n
P to meet them half way at 27,x• cents. onto and honor c , " Irl' 04t oil is p"�ob bly ttntonUbld. ' C4t�runit Ie
�, . )i' nd AtrlCtl' iIDtlentl iS4ndbooI� 4p �ruri
is 3,116 miles, and from Southamp- But the laborers were on their high C. J. MAGITIRE Graduate of Dont- 4 aguerdea. oia"obrakn I:�'rordecurlrl� h�nnW.
ton 3 095 miles. It is assumed ID epp t. of Toron- }tnront4 talCoii ifiii6N u itunii Lc co. f4beiya
horse, and because their full de- REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND toUniveraity. !pecudriotjec,gltbbptoli rko,lAtgo" �y
that transit between New York and wand was not conceded, 600 men LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods In Al atisfa oe
Dentistry. Prices moderato. 8atistaotlon
St. Johns, nearly all by land, could quit work. Now after ten weeks Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. guarant ocOfficola heaver Block.
be performed so rapidly that the of idleness the strikers are defeated al fs t t,a Atir voly °�ent no is by ' airf
y. ' 1
time from London to New York and lad to o back at 25 cents an ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. nar; o on
would be cut down a whole da g g omee—in vaevenin Block. ARTHUR J. IRWIN VIIINN & Co 301 Bros
dew York
Y hour, but' the pitiful thing is that Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. Branch 011100, 1�t6 Ii' 6t.. wsshlnQton. D. C.
below the present fastest records. there are probably a couple of hun- D.D.S., L,D.s,
• dyed of them who cannot now get J. A. MORTON Doctor of Dental Surgery of the f en. - �M
work. With winter coming on, no nsylvania College and Licentiate of a AA, �'1
—A contract has been let for the employment in sight unless they BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Dental Surgery of Ontario. \1
building of a railroad 413 miles move away, and their small savings MONEY To LOAN. 06)00 over Poet Omco—WINGHAM
long in Alaska. It receives no exhausted, these men do not face a
bonus from the United States Gov- very pleasant prospect, and proba- Office:—Morton Block, Wingllam MISS SARA L. MOORS 11.
ernment, but even in that far-off, bly a good many Af them entertain
1 MISS DELIA SPARLING c forour i-1 Ho tin hoe swi dlesparsely-settled land is to be built no very kind y feelings for the eac er of Piano and Theory oraclp" and "tlow you aro swindled-"
as a business investment, Now, union. The case of the - carpenters Send us a rough sketch or model of your in -
if that railway was to be built in is almost parallel. They were get- A. T. C. M. vention orimprovenient and wewilltellyoa
p g , y Via. . 1 MISS CARRIE MQORE pee our opinion as d ppethcr it ie probably
Canada the promoters would re- t{n 30 Cents an hour, the wanted Teacher Of la o lieory and Nlotcher steutable. sfullycpa prosecuted nahay. We
eeive several thousand dollars per iii and the masters olered 32J. Music 24ethod, Sliiplox 4Y I,Lin4egarton. cn aucccey equ prosecuted In us. We
p , conduct fairy cqul ed offices in Montreal
mile, and thousands of acres per But the carpenters could not see Ptlpss propoI fol• Consetvatorr e:F4;I Teacher of Violin and Guitar. -and Washington; t$isqualifiesusto
Inatlona. ly dispatch work and quickly secure PAtcatl
mile of the choicest lands—or fail- that they ought to be satisfied prompt -
to 40orpo—i St, n. lee SV1 sham. as broad III invention, nighestrcferenced .
ill that the Government would accept something less than the - I? �"' p I`' P.. furnished
g f 11 g y _-_- _ ltterila'procured through Marion to 3�ra-
build the line at the public expense, whole loaf, so they went on strike. VANSTON1fJ�we abeam rietice aitltont epargei lh
then graciously hand the whole A good many of them secured work, DICKINSON & HOLMES the no`n ini n'l'�` dl+tr;bsfed izlrcueb°i+t
thin over to a company to run it outside the cit but 400 men have BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR (r specialty ogi tent livalness of > ranuraP�
� p y y' Barristers S turera and lEyttglueero,
Money tb loan at lowestrates. Office , Solicitors, and allow thepn to pocket the profits. continued idle and on the funds of , BtC. 1VI.A•RIQN & MARION
In railway -building, 4 Canadians are the union, and some of them are in BEAVER BLOCK, Office: Meyer Block Wingham. ( Patent N pens and
ten �e�al�
at times the biggest fools sof} earth. very straitened circumstances. 7-95, WINGRAM, E,1, nlokinson nuat.r Ilotmee (olfIces: { 1IAtlaYork
U4 Fillilitnaton ::
Cn .+.wvwwvw�