HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 3.1 j iro:i+-+•mow.•+•.-.r,.a:'='.,.v,•+...:`.:,+fi.,..:.•.,.'..... '..........-• .0 .,... . .1 .... ... .... .,... . .. - .... _. . FOR THE SAKE OF 0000HEALTI R9 R. LFOUR, REFORMED IDLER* 2 Rise of the Lazy Man Who is tale British Premier, ^' MMINK - c . a .-- I I n.:, •.+-- . il. I f%.d.. `L..,..-..... t l. Y. .. A.t ..1..y...A.•,.IL,.. ...-..-.,r`-.e. -., . .. .,: .,... . _ It 11A'1' Afl:A'#'fli!lit OXY8. - "It givcrl tua gren.t platinira toi>aa, A. i,"o'ar,l wpsd for I3'cclry; ci t)wn'Dablots• A'L the. alta oif two ttlatit)w my' baby lvn•s it en, rally, conatlpate(I• IIe .could not digekt luta dtxod aa.ntl sar'etamed lo- 14 ")'.11 stn .". l was h. +I,,, 1n despair. Aut fiucl, 1{iu ^ tib tb > Tal letn '11 1 -910 4M . Olt , ill No0es CI ..anam,a#Arr S, ' I Some S;I— - - - - - - _,Uj"", - -I.- _­­_ - I In has, Green 4tll Q,nd Iii growing splen- The Fruit Division of tic V001111- 60110 cloululon ,just as the Io4f bu40 didly,",A.t"s#lr Is'the tertlmrnny oK Mrs. tern Department of Agriculture, Ot- are alienloX, EIJ. X. Tian,) aincorc>. K Craig. Iiatinirrit street, 'Moran Dx. 14.c.ttYivi gives the following rig• }} lie is too much of a I)Ulla• to, and t]iaits•antlo of other tuotbors tawa, issues the following warning mriptiont Reddlob allots :appmr 0.4 During a recent dull nitting ,of I soplior to 'bo anibitions Iipt.1* In a shallar strait. to fruit growers; It Is to be to r- tho, Ic'ltiltesa•aontowliat trreguler fn iho House of t'omulgas several rtlen;N 1 Untering polities moro As a so- t utnnier Iv .hire nod mailhera should . Ml that filo {yet', weather at pro.' sl1zlrs, ibo Ll pfre-vlgJrtir at alt inch In slat naoc>ssity flute anything alae, pt. I guard their stint ^ citrtmeter, and freclttentl continent, bars were [tout) ll; tit° sus5kinb re. int8tiii.p r c:faal fain" to 3' cllscusslltg out) of tit le caileagaoa, of drifted un frit one Vq re to an- littlo limas against Illness. At this prevailing nl, wit! lead a ocad !ilii st> appear on lite young peaolt otlror, until at least 91'O reached a many osahartliste to neglect spnay- lravos earl to spring, 00 wa tl ulazy, hey tial Nolte not Y the Irositlon in tvtti,ch• he had to work tk.ylon ti121.I:N 1o.i. it is pure, delicious and 11e:tlthfui. It Is An far s aaoit c t J rail( di rtt:lit•y Is,atifis Ing. Last year iho summer• slid slimmer lyr grassothey n turn the faintest lelaam;e of IV.) atony» ltnrd or, In lit:; vines, jeglect. I: Ile alltr;ad of Japan Tea as ". L4LAIli" l3latck is Ahead of all other black inera complaints cAn be aguard d autumn were {vet and many grow- cor'lw, blister-like galla, with a jwle thing great. unit a Interests by neglect. IIs In t.tle centre, t[tron it which; lar et ",Upl, L btr co surf•." said au Old worked hard and mad; good. As teas, In lead ,packets only, 5y, and 410° por Ib. By all ,rakers. at ai,•tid tdvprevented re't ht t/t. Kk>apt a baa orO of fralt failed to ,give their or- numbnrs of minute, oglongatedt mit" txwnlb'r, {vhu had boon Itt,tening to a rotvnrcl lin {vtts l;lvon still more .. .. . . .. __...,.- In #110 haare.---they m,%y Rave your chards more than torsi or three lrkiiu> srnt attack tine frealt ltaxte of th"Ar talk. `"It to a d(ulle)r businvast , Important poste, whloll have kept they would consider bin', to be In _.,Faatatl to tic f'lyesig•ht• little one's lite. Mold hv, druggists or slitayings. As Air. M40KIUIIQII #ha ls,0, to Judge, t ion. 111111 110 king I umis coercion ever in days, - tk.o bosom' of Itis family. , Dicast pc lions employed in the Ven+y- m;t:y' be )limit by Mall, At 23 eacrts a (taints out, the coal, moist weather 'T.M:i Insect attalks only, pear Uu ,you luiow that {vo ueati to when Dix, ialfour stood in rave. Other Consorvativo members would ' tiara gla!is Industry begin to luso box by addrecrriaa>; rDtne Dr. Williamts' 1 o culinr'ly favorable r1 v.tiile s ahs lrO };flr>atT is raparttk as having been say tht) very sant° thinks about Ilial- Mod clue Ca. Brix, { 1 pment of fun' oua g o{ i , and it o all In tlte.trly a pea growing tg four lecisr than twenty, years ago, ail d bin friands by abOr Of solutely re. 110 Ivor- ilio mean Attacked never s.hee'db a' ll3eiawlight whon 00 years of they and aro ntta . ll[e, Ont. it is only by seiing .every oplror- kllvtrl•ets. anti now Ito ly 1'rim-3 DP3[ltster of y y ! ' , ta'nity and splaying whenever as The 0-4(ing" Apple. great Britain,?.In 1883 and 1880 fusing to take any Precautions. lie liar,(• of annoyance. Ilia itle;ids say l short tim ,become, totally blind. This ...*>r+14+++*4r•4i•.k•k• ++is r•N• *++ ;da:y or two of dry weath'or comes q+Ek > "ItJug" is ane aP .tiro favorite ston"i of u!, decm.ecl first he {vont] ay, tvotllcl not ' ev&n allow ltlmself to that ab[v once lias. Air. Balfour been bllnaincixe is cause([ by the excessive + onlorli; that sounii, clean fr•liit calx by guarded by Soret Service men, kbowli to show angor in public, heat and gist's from the glass tar- , vtsriette s of apples lik the talarket, but ar become A autoeaarul polltician, let Same your. BRAIN RACKING be secured. Wet w•eathor should be anfartunatrly it l flea 0hy a 'bf=ar•er though: a pravlous Chief Secretary, g Torles snowballed Air, nares. 4' Mono a great atateekrtaa• Gia,dsta[ts when he visited Dover dui- - >Y sit incentive toceater diligence In ansiL'at own roots that it ie trot, at all "As prebldeiit of the Local Govern- Lmotix derecldinlcnubtln radish, had been Ing talo last y6ars of his life. Mr. , , , , , s, 'g, anter tiv.•an an .excuse for. Hera' iaartl and Secretary, for boot. ' - PROBLEM THtS spraying, r lro;lta:illa. It lis ; however, frequent• land lie had umnaged to miss all his kis was conotatltly, shladowed by Balfour lt'Ad to address A public meet- ,t, rust spraying. Eternal vigilance i•s iy been noted tl[ktt by top grafting Ci anoes of clo;ns; itttytiung r"eu ark_ detectives, against his omdera, and Ing at Dover boon afterward, and None F4••M4.4•• 4••1.4r4r+*;t •#•k•M4r4r•F+•ii•..* the price of safety in fruit grown It on any.vIgorows stook it bccoulas able. Ito {vacs clavas• enough, but k- he used to got great amu sameat iry, he took Occasion !to denounce the out- Ing, and it btrlicloves every one {t hp T iplich mvre.proilljo. b lryin to ,whYaice theta off. Ho did eat rage in unmeasured 'terms. Ills tan- Left - (Aatr•olt Time&) desires a full crop of first-class This i'rutt Division., Ottawa, in- •slm'ply ctruktu't take. rho trouble to g work. It veenrcar to Ito almost too hesitate to travel talons, even to the gunge, usually, so calm' and philoso- ,We aro toil] that a niari is as old fruit to spray .early and octan, vitod ern rebpaudeuce kt}iall this Sub- mast. disturbed parts of Ireland, pllloal, 'became a torrent oP pas- T= - as he tests and a woman as old as Urobrd Cultivation. I( ct, aaad luaci received s4:tle vafuabfe u,txh bother La lllm to live, slanmlto invective, and before he had ln'formation. Mrr. C. L.-Stepitans, of oliht seldom, got out of bed before 'vhera scares of men would haave•bean finished lie had last control of hila•• Bother raie looks, If that ,rule were re- There Is a danker on ,account of prillla, ]torr; tiro "ICitig" topgra'fted the afternoon, and often lie would glad too kill l:dm. road they reeogulxed him as their a.veh-ecrom " Belt, You versed, I imtagtne that Ailsa Lena the wet weather, orchards will not an "Luehesa;' and finds tttart ilii not go to Ilia office. for titree or four „ y, Bloody, "•I bolicve 'Ile would have wrliag the Werner, aged 20, of Hammonton N, reooivo their usual eultiva.tten, bead; qualities are quite aatisfac- dayr at a time. 11rsp tt°Itas bothered Balfour, wivaso name {vas fora , g , which is urgently needed to ]esti; g day at acme. {vasa nuisance, tinct while as detested to Irolan'd as that necks of th'o'se 1you•ng fools, if he After J., must have felt about rive years K y fury'. Mr. Wm. Rba,d, of J'arrataCor- oK Cromwell. could," said the ohalrmatt of the old the other evening, to judge by weeds, aerate the still, and sou. uer.s, llaa twelve "Itng' tides til; officials of Ili" department tore Balfour's cool courage finally. -won meeting (afterward. . Using, the following story, published in the serve soil moisture for future use,' grafted cxn 'Duchess" &lid reports their hnir over hili neglect to keep the respect of the Iriah, AndwhenThough Air. Balfour h'as never mar- New Fork World of yesterday; If the ground: is not stirred it bakes, equally goo(lrestilts.Mr. Judson If4r- apiraint[nemte and sign important he rolInquielred control of Irish at- rled, his whole life and character 9 f — ;Uow tate may a young woman of cracks open and ev aporatlon goes rte, of In,gerhoil, has an orchard of doct,In,, s. fairs ho was as papular as any Chief have been. moulds] by! a woman -his, -his 7r 7w lied s 30 sit up with her beau, and may a on rapidly. By stirring the soil two and to half acres, the crap from 11 v✓eiL thio was the ratan whom y y t g spanked through frequent cultivation, tilus Which for the past `elght years bas tort{ Salil,bury appointed Chief Serf Secretor ir9utd he ender a poli( sister, A1)as A13ce -minded 13he ie an Uy her stepmother It she declines to koe in a 1pose mulch on the aur- never !bran •hit h1m. less than $50Q. ort_ alt coercion. Even ialtdr Irish filen- acaomP'irhed, high-minded woman; p g U the b acmleItelan gels 3.881 $illi; rano]- hers ln.t,ho Ilauso of Commons liked civil; wields groat influence in kngltnh ( ! go to bed at the hour set dry ,the taco, capillarity is broken up and Many of ihcr 'trees are Kluge, i;caft- ern Jlirtory. of that country. OP him, a,a they da to -day. political circles, household rules 7 , ' moisture retained. As soon as it is eel an littsaeta. Sir. I;q(bt. Harrap, oa? "Flo tells iia, with exquisite polite- It Is said 'drat Lord Sha,ilsburyl used Sala 1~ve Nvherc. i 0 cents These aro grave questions which possible, therefore, to get on., the Aven1mg, has a number of King that , avbury, y raga] and sad] nese tiliktt we are tools when we meet often to attk her advice and lean up- the Atlantic County Gour,t will be trees. on, their oven roots, and others groundi after a ruain, the cultivator that 5niirbnry, had appointed filo him Here, and ho sends us to jail an• her judgment. Probably r,he """""" °""' "`'" "''" "" "' " '' ' ° called on to decide in the Case of should be started in the orchard, graft'I an Tatmain sweets and notes rroat unfit man lie could have found when we are in Ireland," the Tato suaded bdmgta give her blather the Miss Lena Warner, who has 'caused tataal the t grafted trees are the In a day's m'sarell, elm because Dr. Taaner, 111. P., far Cork, used to groat chance, f his life as Chief Seo- leading a Quiet Life. the arrest of her stepmother, Mrs. sell kept ;,cine as steadily as time only ones o h'at give him paying t'hlalt moan happened to be )tis awn „ and weather will permit. say, "But he has such a charming retary fdtL;-Ir land. It is generally, Dick-Tltor,e folks next [door have Frederick Werner, on a charge of craopps, napli&{v' ivay wttlh train that nobody can fieip agseed thiat ,she has kopt hitn in pal- ,an awful s. time. i assault and battery. The case was I'c'ar Leat' Iitistaac mite- T}!dr experience at theca growers The Irish members were delighted. liking him," itical life, eanquered lA natural In- Dara• -How • • . heard by Justice of the Peace 'Gar- Tae bruit Division, Ottawa, sends and nitre .' Others goes to show that They drought, they had got am Th to haw all Mr. Balfour's op• dolence, and made a practical, Biro- Dick -Oh, they don't go tunytvhere ton, at Ilammonton, N, J., and when the, following informatl in with re- It would be• a very Prtrtt1table piece of straw for their chief opponent, paneats feel toward him, Nobody, cessful stinitesman out of the Phil- and they don't entertain. i the accused woman learned that she faience to this peat, to Mr, R. Bray, of business to itopgraft at least Botnar Parnell alone saw• the truth. hits Out harder than lie does in tie- asoplier who wrote two big volumes must furnikah $EUQ ball, she cried: Walkerton, Ont.: Mile pear leaves of the early. topples to be found all "Don't deceive .yourselves, Ire bats, but [hero is, never any person,- to explain that nothing is worth -I will not furnibli ball. When I 0b,Qw22 ,pt the I"'A,rtnero' Institute over 0111%rtla, .:with- Maga; 'Uie King told his colleagues, 'There's knows al biE'ternesa> tiny mal3ciaus cling in worrying aibout or striving for. PninkSESorAND1C niTe U evi every ifm cramps. t get out of this I wilt follow Lena to meeting at Teaswater are infected is an apple tllnat exactly fills lite ;what he Is doing. There s a. lie lits remarks, tNr there almost al- bottle in hot water repeated a few times. the end of the earth and give liar with the Pear Leaf Blister Mite (1 hy- bill As a fancy, market variety, an deal more in R%Ifour than he bas way+s la in Air. Ch,amberlain's. This fa Tiatcl. Avoidsubstitutes. There ie bet One'"Palu- another spanking ,or something toptuepyri).Mills Insect is sometimes - it is of excellent-,qualit'A (star timid shown its yet. Ho {vitt tarn out to Mr. Balfour is one of the klndli- killer" -Perry Davis". worse$' quite prevalent, and although it .adze, and well known in ilhe English be, the strongest Chief Secretary fol' est, most gentle ince alive. Ills cour-=crompttts Notes, ,,-. Miss Werner says Fill& has been re- sPt`eade slowly ficin ties to tree, is market. If itis lanly, defect, wat,r►t of, generations past." tatsy and eanelderatiaq for others The wife of a Wichita mian makes D.laitt Difference. ceiving the attogtions of a young likely to do much harm. Dr. Pletcher, productiveness, cuyn be cured by' •the "And so it proved. I"lv.eed at last are unfalling, and that is why, he him wear twoks in, the sleeves of Ills Butralo News man of Nesco. When •.he called last Dominion Entomologist, treats of simple metilioid of topgrafting, it with an Immensely difficult and tin- is the most popular leader of the nightgown, trimmed With pink rib- Saturday night her stopmother in,. this insect In his report for 1835, sdiould prrnre a. boon to many peo- portant task, Balfour altered lite House of Commons, in the history; bon, so toast the baby w,on't know La Uontt-Whut is the difference formed her that she must go to bed f:a ga 1.60. He reoommends.as the most plc ,who heave. vigorous trees -Of unde- ha.bits Completely, of Parllamont. in Englisli society, ire the difference when he walks the between a "person -ally conducted before 12 o'clock. Atter midnight, pruativa. remedy the fuse of the koro- Hirable varieties. • "Thore ' wcas no .more lying abed is extremely, papular and much ilcoor with it tit night. Ain't it a tour" and any other kind ? she says, Mrs. Werner called dawn u'atil Boon, no more neglect of bust- sought after, shares ? , , t , , 1. . , La Moyne -Oh about $100 or no. the stairs and said she must retire at .. ness, no more scorn for petty de- Yeuxo ago dowagers used to angle once., QUEER MIORMONBITES DESCRIBED ship across rue Atlantic and carry tails. Ile rose with the. lark even for Lilo for Their tixauglatera He is `""' . --'-_. - --—•--___._-- — •------- ' I will ga to bed when I get the family records as far as possible after, a night's hard session In the House of Commons a,nd worked hard all day and every day at his office. "When )is became Chief aeeretary he knew. no more about Irish affairs ,than the average man 3n the street, but in less than n. month lie sur- _- prised the permanent officials by lits thorough knowledge of every branch of Irish government. "And as he {{Worked and learned, Me character sand {vili grew strong- er• The lazy, vacillating philoso- pher, who couldn't'n;,ake up hls mind about anything, became, in a few ah -ort weeks, the stern ndministra- for who telegraphed; 'Don't lies!- tato to shootl, to the soldiers at Mit°helstown {vhen they asked how they were to deal with a riotous rnob. You all know, how he has risen since then. ' "It is a, !rood lesson to be care- ful in your judgments," coneltided tit(- old member. 1. Strange . to say, this man W'Ii'o has plsoul'to.: th'e•top of the ladder in Britistl politics to no lover of Politics. He is a politician by family infiueirco ane! chance, 'tot by choice, • The nephew of Lord Salisbury, Arthur J. Balfour, was born to the purple and destined for Parliament from his (Ston clays. But his tastes are literary and academic, not po- litical and practical, Ile Caron more for the, honors which have deoldedly eligible In the mArriage market, being rich as well as distln- gulabod, but he lieu never. married, and nobody expects thaat he will. Even the most hopeful dowagers have given him -tip as a confirmed bache- lor. Next `to Ids books, Mr. Balfour finds hd, cyc- ling.chief ploasweas in golfing and, Air. Chamberlain has been heard to boa,et that he never takes any othar exercise than that of walking 1Lp sold down stalro. Not so his chief. Mr. Balfour is One, of the best golfers in the House of Commons. He started the annual Parliament- ary golf tournament and always ataainds high up In it, He used to be capta,tu at the oi:iest and most Sam - Otis golf etub In the world -the Royal and Ancient Goll Club of at. Andrearp -and he, le st]li the President of the National Cyclists' Union of GreatBVit••aln. T. li,eud caddie an the St. ori I •lt s is fond ,of remarking rc;gretfu,lly that a ,splendid golf pro- fesslonal was lost in Mr. Baliour when he tti nod his attention to statesmaatsoip• . an WhMr. UlsL49Lon6 was alive mem- ber,s of the 1tou,se of Commons used to wouder whether he or Hr. Balfour w,a,s fondelr of potting children. Al- though political opponents, they were Intimal&ie frnds. Bath liked literar lure better thea the rough -and, tumble of poltuasr. and t.bey were bound togc"ther also by their folid- ticrstis for ¢hildron espeolally for Dor- ready; Bliss Lena replied. There were heavy footfalls on the xietln iUniqua celebrauolly ware recently, into England, the p an being to go back to +lob A. V., il' Any,reearM stairs. Mrs. Werner weighs more hold here, when the family, of Brig- can be fburI4 wblcba of course, is than 200 pounds, and in another me- ham Young wall gatherett for tiro, ob- out of the question, In vlety oI tho ment Miss Lena, was across the knee servanee of his birthday as well its State or England about th4t time, of 'her stepmother, -and the sounds of to 'Lear report; of the work done by Whenever a new ancestor Is found spanking were heard throughout the an. association that has bueu form' one of the metn'baam of the, family, house. Tile terrified beau tied. ad by the descendants of the Har- who is engaged in what In known as 0diss Werner consulted Justice of ynon prophet and itis brothers. %4e the "temple work," gots to the big the Peace Barton, and lie decided to celebration hail become to be one of 1 ho events of tiro year in tU;iir• temple in this city and passes through various peculiarceremo- interview Kra. Werner. He says -that avhile he tried to argue with lisleshe it is estimated that at the nt.ee akin to those -of the "endow grabbed her stepdaughter and fin. party given Dere on June let more iOtan• 803 of thu descendants of the m'ent,'" so called, by which a novice to Initiated into the mysteries of Ished the k;panking then and there. Tlie justice had i,ufficlont evidence second Mormon prophet were gath- the church. This worker takes the and Issued the warrant. ered. FLts sons and daughters -who numbered 56 -have generally reared name of the person for {whom the rite is to be performed; Is anointed I remember an old recitation of my schoolboy days, which was a favor- Largo families, anal many. of th3se with ail and baptized, and then Ito among those girls who imagined were gathered from far and near to gores through various secret, care - themselves big enough to be per- mitted to "sit up" evenings with meet and take up tine work that the fawily is to do according to the monlee- In the erffinal degree their ".beauxh It began this way: j Tho has ten, 11Moririon creed. formon settlementscame from the, InCanada bta- Cent Into ting tape "terrestrial" kingdom, This 10 earea struck Willie • dear, and you know, i (from and ors Rile [ween. Several S I painted fantastically to represent a condition of disorder In the world, Papa has said that at ten you mu,tl glonco, Talothof itis r.gion b . Or ! with birds and beasts f#ghting, got' Each versa ended with, "(wkiss het were also tho widomr of flea prophet moist present, although of, these aura ,sta2ma; blowinnand disaster on .very Mand. Another me goad -night, dear, kiss me good- vivons at•e becoming feeble with ag •. room repre- , son -to the "celestial" kingdom, where night," and ars ttea•ei ware several I Mhe Interesting feature of the an- peace reigns, but still one 1s bound vemsels, eapli ome covering an hour of time, it is evldeuut that 'li'iille, in [spite nual meeting, however, lies in the purpose of tho ram,uy organtsatiOn, to earthly thingo. The "celestlal" of papa's injunction, did not go at lwlticll to to do balvlismia.l work for• room, is as handsomely fitted up place hung with costly fabrics and ablaze ton,the Down in New Jersey, where I pass- ancestors of Brighaw Young. It is a cardinal doctrino of tfi& Mor- with light, with the ceiling covered with clusters of fruit and vines ar- ed my boyhood days, it w,As-and ,still evon Church that no person can ranged to give the idea that here is, for, all I kinow; to the contrary- reach the highest of the kingdomia one .garnerts all tare rewards: bf the the custom for one "chap" to try to !an tl,o after life unless lie or she Is world, ., ' "Out -,sit" the other, when, two ha136 baptized by .one of the prietAs of the ( The work of the Young family to paned to call" on Lite shino girl At the t' 1 i tt 1 d church. Ili prder to provldc; for . the 4; b twoen the withdraw - i being duplicated by various other peen 'showered upon 'luirn by all the. 0th DroRv, Air. Glada;tone's pet same Imo. 2}r 81 w'.s Arca y tar • rm : — e g .. Camille( in Mo•r•monalom, and the bap- Bslt'islt universities in recognition y -• `---'"" — • -- ' the girl, D's tta rustic swalas jai of tho true gospat from the earth, tismal rit&s at the various temples grandchild, COULD NOTrSLEP MASSA(iEU HIS HEART, thought nothingof sitting r g of his aW' ov.ments ;iprphilosophy In earlier ears tte both et- rg g ing nn- accordln to tiv Mormon theology tax their capacity.- Salt Lake, Utah. than h'e does for itis i.i4l deal fame. y y p Lit the crawLnl, pocks and lowing eat- In .about 30D A. D. .-and til; return, cor. Philadelphia Ledger. . tort L ciy Sybil Primrose, Lord hose- tie reminded them trait daylight was th'•ougli Jocepll Smith In the early. "Give frac guy imf ks, dile golf clubs b.er 's daughter, whom Dar. Glad- And Set it Going Again After it Ela] find leisure," dfe • onc'o said to a " shone nlcknamect "the suffrage babe,"' ltun Datvtt and Stopped. rat ballad. Still, tho girls never seemed .part o; t11r. Tont century; it was The Little 'rot's liecitation. frluucl, "and I would ask for nosh- ± to mind it very mulch ; they rather revealed" to Smith that a descend - because she -war, born at a time when on Account of Headaches took delight In favoring first one, lanit of any portion who was dead I The Lewiston, Me., Journal puts Ing more. My ideal In life is to read ' a Stiifrage bill was agitating Par- At a receant clinic in England the then, the other of their rural admir- land be baptized to Ills or her nairte, , on record . fa true story, that n lot, ttvmito a little, t p},ay plenty ligament. Operator actually started' a man's urs, much alter the fashltrin, albeit •rand ao mak-1 rho record compin,Ce. i comes from Waterville, in that ofgolf f TTnd 1 onioave n gthI npopwiorr s An English writer who hag met and Pains in the Sides, heart wprkiag after Its functions lte,d a little more crude, of their urbaal It to the Mormon bclr,;f that the r State. It accurrod at s meeting Hr, BaUour on several occasions slaters. I I spirit . of ullba tlzed .,persons are of that f+unday school in one of the and retire to -morrow without. die- tells with pleasure the first meet- ceatsad by ma,ssaging the vital argan The case in point, however, lnvolvra held In: the " eels tial or terrestrial" Waterville churches, Just before orgar(iralrl • tlttng iar}d ', .4spttng Ing. It was, at a great Conservative wit]a Iris lraard%. It Wats at a meeting More titan the r3 ht to "At up" past I kingdoir:s--the lower kin doms in the classes were to be excused the my" fila I wo ld "glii$ly do so.' demonstration in a Kentish park in The Sad Condition of a Bright Little of the Society of A,naa.esthetists in midnight. Which of us is there who, ttto other world -awaiting iho ac- superintendent asked 1f there was 11x. Balfour as often ,said this, 1878. Me Balfour was the principal Girl Until Dr. Williams' Pink Ptfis England t1i& other daythat Dr. E. A. leaving ;neo enjoyed that ineompar- tion of their descendants to per- P' 1 would like to {{ any ono r risen t w1to and there lah ' doubt 6kit he is hgteaker, and the writer was theft a Caine to Her Rescue.aide, privilege in the heyday of youth, mit them to aswild into the "eel -s- meke ally rem %rks or ask any ques- Starlimg reported the occurrence. little boy selling programmes for the Many young girls, seemingly in tho. would 1 coffee it to the young folkv .tial" kingdom, {vhi^h is reserved for tions. en it little le fora moment. good of the ca tioa, As is the habit of best of health suddenly grow list- The cos& was a man 63 crate of appendicitis, of today ? Young poop'.e can go wJth- t tits elect. Consequently the lead- and then n little. tot of 8 years tine sons of I'rlmrose League dames. g use Ltla anon] nitrous isle were the ouears oft sleep a great deal better than i era of the Young family, several i $sick "I'd like to speak a piece." less and lose strop tot. The color Greatly eVaring, fire boy cropped Mr. age., veal.re ago, undertook to trace back V ery well, my little miss, you, a Balfour s he was {vailcing through lUiLeaves have&Littiel arslio theyti,tec and aluaa,astb tion employed to render him Ls mea people, done, why dept ve thetm • tkw.lr ancestry as far as titev shall speak n piece," TVo little girl- filo park is the platform to make salter from held r n and other bad- ulnrconsclous. It to always eonsidgred of then pleasure of yawning in each could o, and walked slowly down the aisle, and, P g provide for all whone y . life i,peceh and asked him to bay a I, pain. Such' was the case of Bessie, t risky utlonr to use the knife rad t hlmg s tape, a light ht or ring soft or try Into could be shown an ort- taking a position dimectly in trout . ( programme. Mr. Balfour took one satin eat daughter of illi. 'Charts tensivNy upon a parsOn•ovor 63, and ' thJatgs by t11Er llglrt a[ the moon or try Into lite highest of the other of the altar, (made, a neat bowl and .ted paid ton timers the proper price, g S In this Instance the pperators were tit& as-tut{reed law, of course? said: "Pin gland to see you, helping our Cobleigh, Eaton Corner, (,,,lie. Speak- well prepared for omeiganess, There- Bu t,hai a s+icp tnather sihrauid be worlds. rt , 9 cause. aro young, mY little lean," be In'qu.nt his daughter's Cabers ffin sub fare, {vuen, after the operation had Permitted to go ma.thices after f ofTthe have tlifteentht centa.ry .srlready er-kept ohbr cb'eadla-bobbin esti; snid, patting ilio boys head. "What g Proceeded for Bome minutes, the sub- spanking a young lac of 0 years, I ' aro you gong to c10 when you grow "'U[r to the ego of eleven, Besalo > 1; ri ht in iho Presence of her "fellow," learning that the first ancestor o[ Ash 'gobbled up a big fat {varm+; jcc.L s pulse be an to slacken and hie , "I've up ?, had always wa too njoyendt the beat' in Of breti,th to come very faintly, there Is too shocking to assu t% Tito, old e1jea, was & resident ent ho aruthe Prosi- And brothers ane a h?alff a [dozen G 1,X1(1 like to 'be a great man In w,ais no flurry among the surgeons or la should be punished in re 1. . C_ Parliament llko' ou, sir," the young- Out, -of -door play, Suddenly, how- nurisco assisting. At first the trt"scl Precisely dance Plantations, home one of fire others, y g- g• y the same manner air alto castigated early tsetttara• (7ther ancestors. And golly, how. it tickles When ater '•eplfed, ever, File seemed to lose her energy; Artificial rcisilratioll, drawing the her husband's offspring. +sowed to the Indian wars, and one they squirm 1 "Don't you!" exclaimed Mr. Bal•• her appetite failed her; she grew tongue In and out to induce resump- Tillers, are, d oubtlmxr, many persona roui;ht with dictinetion 3n the War Who little girl bowed, and amid !' Cour, laughing. "Therew no fun in thin and pale; slept badly at Bight, Lias of the natural functions. But the who will decry the cournge of Lena's' Or ''tile Revolution. Efforts are now laughter and tapplailso, returned to ITL. I16 Prather ba a nt iho meet- aches/not ined of e marningressing head.. Wetontgt t bas failcal to respond, and finally ""beau;' which inspired him to floe, being nolle to trace the relation- a seat beside het mothler. Some of the oI pulse and respiration ceased. I mstetad of gallantly rescuing her • . ` Ing came up and told lit,. Balfour that rest would be beneficial to her, Tutee the ,surgeon, W. Arbuthnot from the pondArom embrace of liar .. ' ' > thrat the people ^were waiting to hear anis so ]rept Iter from school, but'in, Lane, pushed lila hand up through Lho step nna. I don't know, though, drat . U , him ,speak, but lie waved them aside, stead of regaining her strength, she a,dominal wound and grasped the mo- b:e,'W to be bL%Ined for beating a pre -Emaciated `` „ Can't you see I'm1 trying to grew wea[cer and weaker. To make lid i \ tlan]ctsw heart tuougit iho diphragm. aipitate retreat, Di;-cretlan, you How an abscess in thp, Fall;, strengthen filo faith of a young die- matters worse, rhe IID9•1.11: to suffer Ho ,squeezed it and folt It start pul- know, is, oft the better past of valor. JJ ciplo71, Uo .said. from pains in the side, which were sating, tiou.glt.nu radial Imb"a could l Willie pian Tubes of Mrs. Hollinger Won ire asked the boy all about almost past endurance. At this stage be fait. Artificial resopiraticar and ; He who att,s, thein runs In flight, a i Was removed Without as[Jr$,'iCal a g IlOm'slife.andIll" schoolmates, we decided to try lir. Williamis! Pink other r"toratives Were continued, 1 'fay live to ;sit sotu& othersiight. dn * /, gavo him, some sound advice on Pills, After a couple of weeks the and in about twelve minutes natural Its bad though fora •n, man to clic- fir/ - Operation. pcltool Irrcactiae. goad effect of iho medicine was de- respiration appeared and the pulse agree with his rpa'Iy, truly, mother Ill '`Don't got into cobra fights than cldedly apparent. Bessie became more became pt'reeptiblo At the wrIW. - I in" -law. To do so wbexi she Is only a I had an abscess in my bide in you can hale, but if you have to fight cheerful, liar stag quicker, her eyes After that the surgo.oll wielded lits prolspriotive mother--n4mv, and it the fallopian tube (the fallopian let the other boy, knock you blind were .brighter and she seemed more knife as before the interruption, and ' etori-ane At that, woui+l be the height guttered Orently Groin Backache, Sleeplessness and Headaches-Nowtube is aconnectiorl and si of the ovaries). anlly, before you give Its. That's like her former self. We continued proce,eided to complete Mo work lit I of folly. Anti then, too, one must re- sery anwas ho only w I suffered untold 2nid tho to get on and have giving liar the pills for several tweaks businesslike fashion. Ile did not u"e' member that it would be difficult for Gnthuslasticin Praising Dr. Chase's Kidney -livor Pills eolveakIcould scarcely getarouud. a+good timti=." longer, until we. telt tea she Itnd an anaesthetic while performing the, nit ardent lover to find the object of The sizarp burning pain9 low tio vn rah yearn aftorward, wlion the. boy fully recovered jtnr health arta final work, Itis aKloratfan In a Imo romantin atti- wa,e working on a London newepzap- strength, I honestly believe had tt in 2nysicle wore terrible. illy physi- ar, lis )tali occar.-lon to call on M'r. not been for Dr. Wittfams' Pink Tilts Titers was no compiicatnn In the lode, thautr the one into which Mins case, and the old man made what I Lena {vas forced by her obdurate One feature of kidney disease is the f bpgatl using Dr. Chtise's Kidntilit oku said there was no help for me Bulifour at 1111, office in, Downing our r daughtearl would Ott have and I the dorstoris call '"a 'good recovery." I ,step-pArantess. A pian might be gra dual toes of flesh And wasting Liver Pills, anti, after using a favo unless I would go to the hospital ,street, lr Commenting on the., success or the ex- moved. to tears In sttch a case, but and be operated on. I thought ; ' "Do you rcm'-mbar buying a Pre- ahail ti,lways have agood word to pertinent In this case, the Journal of hatr(liy t•a horofer n.{v=tiy of Ithr, lily t of the body. taxes I was oleate worst enjoying health Wove that I would try Lydia 1T, gramme of me at Southwood in say, for this madiettle: t]te American Medical Association Slowly anci auiaty tho victim feels and vigor, as the worst syutptame Pinithanit'sVegetable Compound 1.877?" he, asked. •1)yfi""WIt'fiime 1#ink Pills will cure sorsai Art Earnest JDrinkpr. strcizes and vigor condi aiwayand had entirely mT resent away. When f '41 hy, yea, said Dir. Balfour, and all troubles thwt arise from poverty •"Tiffs rougha,nd-andmethod and fit, Paul Globe. following his iter s condition. itn, Tito think of my present good health In 'which, fortunatelyt I did, and it has are you iho boy for {vlioTnl I kept of The blood or weak not•{•es. Among following latter sugt;cats n remedy entnpnrison with my miserable con. 2126 a stoub, healthy womaan. is a ntoattil; walling? m, I such troubles [nay be classed all 1ts,sucoess in this case aro suggestive ""Ts,Iking aborta moderate drink- whiolt has brought back health and ditlon of three years ago. I would [hilt b r,that I war+ wlea.ti ,t tang strA,tof i that cuttinlifiioperationxtain insth 'said Father after lir of true happiness bcr thousands of sufferers not go back to Tray former state for 11iyy• advrc6 to all vozncn tvht'suiiexnS { d n mta, headache, neuralgia, erys[pelas, , g p f at]to<ira artsh, attar iia had acl- 'with any kind of female trouble ig you trVero wan no fun in polities ?" rheumatism, heart alhnsentSttivlxti s these cas r ora eat essential amt ettlt dressed tiro delegates at filo moat- froilt kidney disease. cry anvotnit of money. I may bas to Coramenco taking LS'diri TJ,11a 16 an eka[upla at Mr, I3at1- sial pa•ttlal paralyl,i , P c bo avoldctT. ling of tile `fatal Allstinence 1'nlon, Mr. William 1 Ilatlditeh, Port Roble cansidrrerl enth•uslast e over Dir. Piialchmia'sVegetfableCorimpound Xotti''s wonderful in,"mory. As *vith dunce, and tine ailments that render '"The, prevlotts fatllurre followed vx• and walked down tyle street to- limon, Ont., states; '"i was for aevo Chases I I(Ilwy-Liver Pills, but, con, at once," W-14lns. IrtA, . }Oi1.i i(;U tnoot ahsant mhutod men, his mein- rn[serabte lift* itvek of tto many we.• tensive exposures of the heart either {ward the jn,'aroedldal resddencc>,. "1 oral years a great sufferer front sidt•ring iho benefit ];rived from! h' ory for a en.trr is ronvarkably goof] men. Be{,snre you get th gPnulne by rib r000cition or ino3Flon through know a pdiyolcian in this town who kidney trouble from which. dread clic- them, I have every, resson to be. Stilvideo,Ohio.—$l:000forldt iforiglhalof when tllrea are -called. to Ills cat- With the tull name, "Dr. Williams' tho cllaphragm, as recommended by ortdored a pAtient or Itis; to take A ease, I -am now happlty free. i had ;ictilas;. as they da, directly on tha aibo oletfrprivi cuuind t etahrtibbproduoad. tention Pink Pllis for rate .Vee ir.," on the Mattclalre, in two casim. Ulls of it- glaasp of wine four times each day, sift the usutil symptomsiin an aggra- liver, ng,aand o, di s Dr. CIN tht I wouldy t $ stat aiAr:.' Ilaifonr ta, tniost striking ct.,tir . wrapper Around every 1prox. Sold b, scar Introduces a serious aomplica• .'Plus+ patient ie a wait-ttnowrr man i vated degree tend at times was com- kidneys menti that sY"onle2s 'would t3ame 1;11rl'tle, I.-rlea i, Is bis riven tPnr- all medicine dealers, Or writ, by mall, tion. and Lane's success was prob Ili AL. 11=1, noted( for boin a strict , , g Itidnt.y Liver Pills insurlt parity of Minato and miteh alck2ress if they r. Nothing ema to ruffle him. past paid at 50c,. ter box, br six i t; p.t telt' ihen,pilcitatt>cd with pains iii' the. Wood, good cirrulii,tion, and pent would of Lydia H. Pinkhaxri's tbtr old cooreton days lin woltid sit bones for $:2.50, by writing direet ably+ mainly tlnar to his avtif<ltanre of ! abstainer anal a t.mperance work- my back, biliouannes and headat,he, feet condition 'of tired digestive ofd+. to the Dr. Williams ?►iedielno Com- this. T?io cane, as the Lalteot to- or. One t1hy the piltya;lelan Balled, and, I' had little or no appetite, Insomnia hans4 One pili ct (lorre, 25 Ionto A. Vo ata,, 1e CotApomid of once, for r •II,oa r; it COnt Paswith an h or pony, Brookville, Unt, y marks, judstifirw its in sti.yIng that, If ; soeing• little change, aalkecl the wife resttitrtt nn@ my condition wns rPAliy aril salsa write to .Urs. Phikharn p 1nXgli 1 __ during 1,'tparotonty the ikativnt a of title patient : tics„ at all dealers, or F.dmanilds. at ]C,yit1i22 Jlxfcss., toff- speotal ad- ant r:•hilla> kxu lIi" A Ty while ilia Ir- hrrnrt xatom,;, the Caw- shoul•1 never bra 1 "'noels your htusband takc, tour wretched. I beoamp enraciated and lkates & Co., Toronto. To prut6ot Vide. Jit its frac t121(Ixttwraye hblpls,. lal: rrlembers were coildp I axing Jilin 'rIler& are much'tiurir eloquent 1n^ abattdauPtl a,a haipplcss until manual ; ginsasos of Wine a:agularI V ?" . Iter,{. despiondent rand hopeless at re- ytttt agrLint;t imitations, the portMit No.otitet ersoll Call ,fv'o SU ch unfavornbiv to Nnro' hind t i&od, And tdleatlous of the nagged edge of de- (%,cnh rasion of the heart through the , "Cai, yav, cla4tor, lie Is ,very atriet = lief as I had tnken treatment from tants signature of Dr. A. W, iCha*6, hell'►tuladv1ee As 1lirta,ViltJtfjlIDAYt sttying that It they saw 111m'ill the spair than iho fringO around the di•rlrtiragin ltas bran p.^[•farmed;'-- About it. X118; tl, lip. L(; tour weakkt doctors to no avail. iho fam'one l celpt book ttutjttrr, fv tvamgin Nhcr 0x'0 sick. cdtttlpal>lp of AnAntatl and 13appl:ira bOttoui 'Of ii, Iltaa's trau'sors, pitiladelph3a XOrth American. Alread, so earnest is he over It,"' "FIrmuy oil the advico of a friend, are on every box of his ')mtlwii st, . — `i. • ......1---- . . . .. I