HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-16, Page 1The
30TH YEAR, NO, 46,
Airs, Dalgliesh and child, also Mrs, Removed, The Ride Again.
j'� f]�j�}�7(�N BANK.
Bisbee and child, left on Saturday for Mr, and Mrs. Johnstonand family!! J!U i+yl11111 11,11 the benefit of the Lake trip to the Soo• left this mornin for their new'homeW'd Currie bad a horse pasturlrig
dJ,Mr, Ilemphill, druggist of Wroxeter in Listowel where Ur Johnston has on Mr, Tervit s farm near the river,
' k 1
and one day last wee , It was not c- VII I i� rai H p1 M„
went to LtttIe Current, Manitoulin purchased a large interest in the ex -TO L. Q, L. N0, X04, ' rule of wife, 2—A sincere love to God
Capital alit !1 $2,980,000 HolmeIslands 8c Holfill ames issued the tickets. Fu
Furniture factory. Listowel people amination. animal 4aveterinary, aits lame, Q mail Sunday last being July 12, Rev. Wm. and firm reliance in Jesus Christ, 3-- capiral paid up 12,000,000
iioegrAe $21,700,000
P (P i� l find this fatally excellent Citizens, Reverence for the Lord's day; alien• Tgtut Asset,.Gi 1Presi,000
hots Was discovered in the fleshy part Lowe by request preached to No. 794 Hon. Wm. Gibson President
Reserve land n oats) ' - $3,330,000 THE PA14fILX SI101 STORE. — WE We are sorry to loos thele from g (Wlugham), There was a large atten• dance a oa Divine worship, and bring. (leo. Roach Jobe proctor A. B. Lea
p ARL IT. It matters not whether you Wingham, of one hind leg, as if ceased by a rifle up
Footwear for 25 cis. or $5.00— ball, which had apparently gone tot he dance of the brethren, over one hen• Ing up of their families in the fear of Jahn S. Efeadrie (leo, Rutherford
or any price between.—we have it, Berlin vs, Wingham. bone. It is thought that the ball came dred of them being in the march. God' Mast faithfully did the speaker J, Turnbull, vioe•Pres, and. G enarai Jf4anager
Farmers' Notes discounted.
W. J. G1lEElt. These baseball teams met in friendly, from a rifle in Etre hands of careless Bro. Lowe delivered amort excellent urge the brethren to remember their ii, eke vena pug loonan
Drafts sold on all points in Can, ! contest on the park, here, on Wednes• bops• sermon from Exodus I2;14—"This day vows in these matters. He closed with
oda, the United Stga reminder of the Orders foremost Savings Bank hours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to t
tea and Europe. Explosion. day afternoon, The Berlin players Honors. snail be unto you for a memorial, and motto ---"Honor all men, lope the Deposita of a and upwards received, Int•
Bluevale grist will had adisastrous are undoubtedly the best that have ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord erestallowed and compuWan80tliNovember
In the list of successful pupils at the brethren, fear God, honor the Kin and slab 3Ia eaoh yesr,aAdadded to•prinoipal
SAVInterest alNGS l owed on deo a is of sim and valeosion newaQn Friday last; see l3Ina• wasrvisited d cleatam, and the n. Very short nos examinations of London Conservatory keep it a feasthroughout rbynanaotrdinance £oon; yo lr On return to the room, votes Special eiepnslta also received At ourrenb
lodge.rates o! ittteraat
upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno of Music, we notice the names of Miss „ Of thanks were carried, to the Rector Drafts on Great Britain and the Uaited
and 41st December eaoh year, $Cid• Lice prevented a large attendance - the ever." Staley bought and sola.
score was 7-1 in favor of Berlin. Look Hazel Brandon of Morris, who took for his able discourse, to the Church*
Atex. Orr of Hotel Brunswick, Wing. First Class Honors in Primary Plano- The Rector introduced his sermon wardens for the use of the church, ape to L. Dio>rtxaott, BOIIoiboe,
of space prevents further reference to by referring to the circumstances un- W. CORBOULD Agent
A. E. GIBSON, Manager ham, this week, sold the Fordwich forte department and Arthur Fellman, to the Choir for their :services.
the Hanle. der which the command of the text Travellers are notified than the Bank of
hotel to J. Sheffield, of Toronto, for- who took Honore in the department A number of visiting brethren wore Hamilton and its Branches issue circularnotew
R. vanstone, Solicitor was given, and the faithfulness of the of the National Provincial Bank of England
merly of Dundalk. A Winner. o a itis continued pu cess, our
young Bran- Jews in observing the Passover, at- enjoyed the hospitality ofnt from other allo. 794.hea0 tl td,i wh1clig be of to without ebarge or
Civic Holiday. Darkey, owned by J, R..Swarts of though they do not now• kill the Pas. trouble in a
Wingham is making a good track re- don was a pupil of Mrs, Geo. C. Hanna chal lamb. It is equally Mayor Vanstone has proclaimed q liy appropriate --------•
Tuesday, August 4th, Wingbam's cord. He took first place at Miunea- and her success reflects credit on her for Protestants to commemorate the
���x �fe1�s polis and also at 13t. Paul, On Tues- teacher. TO COURT MAITLAND, N0.25,
Civic holiday. The attraction of the deliverance wrought out for them by •
• day, he took first at Windsor in the C' O' F. When
dsq will be Wingham Sunday Schools Waiting For Waterworks. the same God, for He is the governor
See Halse Park'e :ulvt, excursion to Kincardine by special 2.15 pace. Darkey was once owned by The Advance has it on good author- among the nations." The object is Rev. W. Lowe, by request, preached
y Geo. Shaw and was sold for $150. not to exalt William, Prince of Orange the annual sermon to the member, of t �! • a
train, covering the line from Clinton ity, that Wingham may have a new g Else Falls Try This 1
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, to Kincardine. The posters will be Pater on J. E. Swart, purchased him into a saint, but to express thanks to Court Maitland, on Sunda afternoon
-�. P for $2000, It will take more thousands industry. Little has been said about P y 7
Freeman Carr came home from the issued this week, giving full informs- it as yet, because there has been un- God for effectually emancipating us last. He chose for hie text Romans
North-west last Friday. tion, The train will leave Wingham to purchase him now, certainty regarding the waterworks from the most fearful, civil and eccle• lot chapter, let verse—"We then that
July 219t; remember the date. La- at 8.50 a.m. arriving in Kincardine at In Trouble, proposal. The industry referred to, siastical and spiritual despotism that are strong ought to bear the inflrmitles 1t Anderson's" Cure for
9.50 ; fare—adults, 70c ; children, 35c, It is reported that some of the found- cannot proceed unless a system of the world has ever seen• Let us rise of the weak and not to please our- D
crosse boys concert. A most enjoyable da is ex seise en g purposes above second causes and awe from selves." Following is a brief outline yspepsia and Indigestion
J y y P rymen who are on strike of them- waterworks for domestic ur oses is y g
Remember the Firemen on Friday the lake shore. Watch for bills giv- selves into trouble on Monday night decided on. As this question may ging William, saying—"Not unto him, of the Rector's appropriate discourse:
evening by attending their Garden Ing full information, not unto him, but to God be all the Paul's words teach us that God has
by assaulting a man at the station, come again before the electors, every �+ This medicine will relieve
Party. Baseball. whom they supposed was a "scab" one interested in the prosperity of our Praise. The speaker then noted the established a principle of mutual de-
Read Tudhope's "Sensational" Bar- Considerable interest was •ex ected molder, but who happened to be a town should give it thoughtful consid- yoke of bondage under which the early penitence, One writer has said—"No
man from near Lucknow, We oration, and cure all farms of Dys
gain advt. on the last page. P apostolic church groaned --that of man can live to himself and be happy pepsia, Indigestion, Heart-
in the Baseball match between the
understand that the facts are likely to Judaism; later on in history, the —he must live for others, if he would burn, Catarrh Of St0lnaCh,
Garden Party this evening at Grain Champions of London and Wingham + Now LisTEN 1—We now commence Church suffered from the attempts to live honorably for himself ; he must Acid Fermentation and
Bros. in aid of Zetland Sunday School Baseball team on Fridaylast. So far setae out before the Magistrates court a great Closing -out Sale of all Our
on Friday. Wingham is a law-abiding Oxfords and Colonial Ties in Ladies', divert its doctrines from the simplicity regaothers." the feelings and rights of Mal -assimilation of Food.
organ fund, as excitement was concerned, the Gents', Misses', Children's. It will of the pure gospel, into channels more others.
match was disappointing, town, and it must he understood once
Wingham'$ favorite—Agnea Knox pP g, the first few for all, that people must be allowed to pay to see them as we have cut the congenial to human nature. By de. The name of the Order was suggee-
Black, assisted by others. Opera Innings being very dull. Wingham P P prices deep.—W. J. GREER. grees the Church authority was put tive of the trees of the forest, standing 50C per Bottle.
players made a number of errors, and come and go without molestation. on a par with the authority of Scrip- together. In the economy of the tree
House, July 21st, erha s all that saved them was the Men who have nothing at stake in the , I `
p P• tore, so that in the Dark ages, the Hos- every part had its duty to perform,
At Blyth on Monday last, Wingham fact that the visitors made as many, if town, and are merely transient rest- ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. pel was dethroned. But the great In the vine also; so long as the branch -
Junior baseball team defeated Blyth not more. London will have to turn dents, cannot be permitted to break Reformation was the hour of deliver- es did their duty faithfully to the vine,
Juniors by a score of 12-2, out a better ebampion team next time the law and injure the name of Wing- ante: the pure gospel of the Lord Jesus they flourished. Let a branch become FOR SALE ONLY
Mrs. Thos. Forbes was taken to Lon- for although our Wye were not at ham as an orderly town. 'No Cause is Candidates who obtain 60 per cent.
dun hospital on Monday. Her friends their best, the champions were defeat- ; ever assisted by such conduct as is re- or over are arranged alphabetically in Christ resumed its away. There isnot independent and seek a separate axis• f R
ported to have occurred on Friday the Honor List, those who obtained that true appreciation, among those tense, it becomes withered and dead WALTON McKIBBON
hope for her restoration to health, ed by a score of 0-6, night. 50 per cent. but less than 60 per cent. who call themselves Protestants, of itself. While part of the vine and
Call and aee J. Button & Co's. new all-AmOPHONES. — Do you want a are similarly arranged in the Pass the privileges, which though contend- contributing its share to the vine, it
,OCtock of boots and shoes. Gram -o -phone? You can get one on ' NOTIce.—ROht. Mcindoo's office will List, ed for from the time of Edward Vl, shares in the glory and fruitfulness of DRUGGIST
the instalment plan at J. Buckley s. bA closed till about let August. Any The Examination papers were very were only fully assured to us by the the vine.
Wingham Junior Lacrosse team of my cnatnmers wishing to pay their decisive victory of July 12, 10"00, Had Who was it said—"My burden is Neat door to Post Office.
went to Teeswater on Monday and Died. notes, or borrow money, will lease fair and covered the work assigned. "
P the victory been against us—it would greater than lean bear, Itwae Cain;
defeated Teeswater junior, by a score W. R. Thompson, a prominent citi- I call on the Manager of the Dominion , The highest marks taken at the
Bank.—Aobt, McIndoo, various centres are Seaforth, 832 ; have been the triumph of sin over hot!-, he asked—`"Ant I my brother's keep -
of 5-1. len of Teeswater, died on Saturday : Hess, of error over truth, of wrong over er." The sin of Dives was not in being
last, after an illness extending over � '. Brussels, 840; Wroxeter, 820; and
W. T. A. Fishleigh now occupies the monDeceased had large Fordwich 814, Clinton, 851; Wingham, right, of slavery over liberty. rich, but in being selfish, indifferent to
l months. ecease
house on Centre' Street vacated by 1trYrVV�YNa 812 - and Blyth, 728. Can we forget this day ? Some say the needs of others. ""No man liveth
Wm. Armour, and owned by fihos, business interests, and had been a rest -
we we should not insult our fellow sub to himself." The same law of depend. What You have Been Waiting
dent of Teeswater for 28 years. He _ REMOVED. BRiusSELel.
Moore, was a man of sterling integrity and Honors— jests, who are Roman Catholics, by encs is seen in the human frame, each
Kincardine lacrosse team defeated I public processions, but the speaker member performing its own duty for •••••For.....
was universaily.esteeme3. The funer- • R. f3, V. Browett Levine Edwards
the Sepoys of Lucknow last Friday in al took place on Monday, all the busi- ° BALL BROS. have removed from- Melvin Bunston Mina Elliott would any that these displays are not the common good. The eye could not
a league game, on the lattc•r's grounds, nese laces and est office;nein stns- their former residence on Patrick St. (Prover C. Gill Mabel Hoggard intended to insult. Roman Catholics say—III have no need of thee, etc. The
P P g to the residence islet ecce led b Harold Hogg Mary Johnston are benefitted by the victory then great law of Jesus Christ is—we are
by a score of 6 to 5. ed from 3 o'clock. Deceased leaves a y P y Leslie J. Lainont Lizzie McAllister Opera House, Wingham,
Mr. Fred Johnston (on the•fsame ■ Ronald M. Sinclair Stella McQuarrie gained, and now enjoy blessings they not to live lives of independent, selfish
Houses and rooms to rent. Apply widow, five sons and one daughter. r
PP 1' Street) the fifth. house west from � Willie Stevenson Jennie Rands never would have had, if William had isolation—but as one great family, God Tuesday, July 21St.
to C. J. Maguire. The business will be continued by his Hamilton's Corner Drug Store. Eva Bryan$ Bessie Smith not vanquished James at the Boyne. our Father, Jesus Christ our Elder .
Dr. J. J. Elliott shipped a car of two eldest sons. Teewater has lost Night calls will receiveirprompt Eva May Cameron Maggie Smith Suppose the Israelites disobeyed the Brother. Youth to to be pillar on
one of its best citizens. Several from attention. Eva Cober Norma Sparling
horses to Manitoba on Tuesday, and command of the text, and held no which old age must lean.
Wingham attended the funeral. Pass—
left this morning for Winnipeg. Mrs. � memorial of the burning bush, the The early Church was the first fra-
Lorenzo Bray Margaret Ament bowling wilderness, the dangerous ternal society. They had all things
Elliott accompanied him. Good Citizens Gone. Charles Bryans Cecil Coutts Agnes Knox Black
Jude Britton will hold assizes in Mr. W. J. Chapman and his estima- Thos. McDonald Jessie Elliot journey, the pillars of cloud and fire, common and distributed as each had
Judge zes ble family leave Wingham this week THE TWELFTH AT BLYTH. N. McNaught Carrie R. Jackson the blood of atonement and the scarlet need. This principle is now extended World-renowned Elocutionist
Goderieh on Tuesday, October 20th, for their new home in Acton. The Russell Lowry Maggie McDonald tbread—they would have been guilty under different forms, The similarity
for Jury cases; and Judge MacMahon y ' Fred. Pugh Mabel McDowell MISS Brownie Williams
on Monday, November 30th for non- will be much missed in the Baptist The Orangemen of North Huron H. V, Richards Lettie Sperling
of ingratitude, So should we be guilty, is in the fact that brotherly lave was
church, where they were active work- celebrated the 218th anniversary of the Jas, C. Thompson Luena Taylor did we not commemorate the victory the foundation of the early Church Soprano
Jury teaser era. On Monday evening last, the battle of the Boyne in Blyth on Mon- Annie Alderson this day celebrated. and brotherly love must be the foun-
H. 0. Bell left this. morning for members of the church presented Mr. day last. The day was a beautiful one. WROXETER. We owe our Roman Catholic broth- dation of and binding influenee of fra- George W. Cline
Winnipeg, in the interests of the and Mrs. Chapman with a beautiful Early in the morning visitors com• Honors— ren nothing but good will and Iove. ternal societies, Tenor
Canada Furniture Mfrs. Ltd. Mrs. Clock, accompanied by an address, menced to arrive froni'alt directions, Frank Ardel Grace Aylesworth TRUE Orangemen bear no hatred in The speaker then referred to the aid
Earnest Bray Katie Itupfer
Bell will visit her parents in Clinton Farther reference will be made to this some by train, some on foot and some Roy Hamilton Ella P. Mulholland their hearts. There is nothing in their from Sick and Funeral benefits, and
until his return, next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman by vehicle. At noon hour there were Roy McLaughlin Florence J. Rae obligation, constitution or principles the endowment to survivors of Fores-
4We are clearingFanc Muslins; have long been residents of Wingham fully 5000 strangers in the village, Russell Moffatt Jennie Snell that would lead them to oppress or ters. The father that would neglect Under auspices of the LaCrosse
-Ginghams and GresGoode and their removal is to be regretted. The forenoon was spent in greeting Chester SmithWrigBessie Strong persecute, to make small weekly sacrifice in order Club.
GEo. E. KING- The closing of the Glove factory here old friends and meeting in.
Plass— The speaker then glanced at history's to secure provision for his family,
Mrs. Eleanor Johnston has returned is a loss to Wingham. So far as we trains. After dinner . the different pages, showing that the reigns of Pro- failed in his duty and was worse than Admission 25 and 50C.
Ernest Andrew Win. W. Weir
to Wingham and is still a sufferer can ascertain, no arrangements have Orange lodges wended their way to Stew.MeNaughton Lizzie Crawford ty pr sovereigns had been marked an infidel.
from that painful disease, rhegma- been made for continuing any part of the Agricultural park, where the pro• Thos. Wells by progress and prosperity to the The C. O. F. was founded on Chriat- plan Of Hall at Douglass' Drug
cession was formed as follows:— British empire, but that when there tan principles; its Courts were opened
the business here. FORDV1ICII.
tism. She Occupies the cottage east of Mr. Richard AlcCommins, marshal, Honors— was a departure from Protestant prin- and closed with prayer; no candidate More.
the Methodist parsonage. Fon SALE,—Child's cot -bed, high- Two carriages containing prominent Martha Bunston John R. Lynn ciples, calamity had come upon the was initiated without portions of God's
Mr. Jno. Joynt s apple evaporator at chair, a Go-cart and a wire stretcher. Orangemen, speakers and citizens. J. Ha,instack Art H. Spotton people, instancing the reigns of Mary word beink read, Members should
Apply at Homuth Bros. store. Wingham band. Sadie Montgomery Wm. F. -WallaceTeeswater was destroyed by fire last . Kincardine L. U. L. No. 363. g y and Elizabeth, Charles 1st and the rule consider themselves bound together in CilMENT—Car Durham cement just
week. The loss is placed at $low. Sold Again. Bethel L. 0. L. No, 1226. Earl S. Furtney of Cromwell, James and William III• a holy fellowship to bear each other'a
Two other buildings were destroyed. The farm within the corporation Ripley L, 0. L. No. 790. Pass` arrived. Parties who intend using
Martha Bell Hazel E. Spence These reigns have not offered a strong- burdens, and thus exemplify the text cement soon will do the wise act if
A spark from a passing locomotive is owned until last spring by Duncan Lucknow band, P er contrast in their religious principles —"We that are strong ought to bear they buy it now, as cement will likely
Lucknow L. . L. No. 428. Emma Goggin Mary M. Spence than in their public fortunes. the infirmities of the weak." advance in price before long. We are
said to have eaused'the fire. Stewart has been sold again, making Walton L. O. L. No. 252. M. C. Hutchinson Richard L. Carter P also agents for Hanover cement.—A.
the third time it has changed hands Culroes L. 0. L. No. 078. - Ada Strome Wm, Schaefer As an Orangeman, Mri . Lowe urged On return to the Court room, votes Young Son,
Rev. A. H. Brown, recently remov- within a few months, First, Mr. Maple Grove L. 0, L. No, 1044, Ethel U. Strome the brethren to live up to their obliga- of thanks to Rev. Wm. Lower the g
ed from Belgrave, writes that they ar- Stewart sold it to Councillor Van- Kinloss L. 0. L. No. 898. WINGI1 .M. tions, of which Ile reminded them with Churchwardens, the Choir, the Mar, MONEY To LOAN—At 4 per sent, on
rived safely at Oil Springs; it is a vil- Dungannon L. 0. L. No. 324. Honors— improved fR,rms. Easy terms of re -
Stone for $5,800. Ten days after, Belfast L. 0. L. No. 499. earnestness : 1 --The reading of the shal and visiting brethren, were
lags of about a thousand of popula- Mr. VanStone said it to Jos, l3otvman Nile L. O. L. No. 105`L. Grace S. Adair Ida A. Brandon* Scriptures daily, to make them the passed. payment; expenses light. Apply A.
tion, and had only One death last for 8 000. Mr.Bowman, having bad Wingham L. O. L. No. 701. Pearl Davidson 141aad Fry P y P Agent,Dulmae, Real Esta_ ndit Can
$ g >; Agent, Kent Block.
year, which is a healthy record. Mr. possession far about six week,, has Enniskillen fife and drum band. Mabel Geddes Margaret Hiscocks
Colborne L. O, L. No. 153. Edna Isbister Lidia Kew
and 'Are. Brown are feeling quite at sold it to Jno, Armour, from near Bluevale L. 0. L. No. 767. Vera Knechtel Martha L. Lang A Popular Soldier. Fire'.
home in their new home already. Blyth, for $0,800, and has this year's Morris L. 0, L. No. 873, Kathleen Lowe 'Alice Mann
The Lucknow Sentinel says :--Chas, crop and $326 of rents besides. Mr. Brussels We and drum band Olive M. Manners Bessie H. Marsales The following from the London Free About nine o'clock on Saturday
Brussels L. O. L. No. 774. May Mason Earns, Musgrove Press has reference to a son of Dr. evening the fire alarm sounded, call -
Barber, who has been on the Sentinel Armour gets possession in October. Belgrave L. O. L, No. 462. Martha McPherson Marjory D. I,Zose Bethune, of Wingbam:-•No nota -cont= Ing the brigade to duty and arousing
Staff for the past three years, -left on It remains to be seen if the last pur. Londesboro L. O. L. No. 863. Hazel Runciman Millie Turner missioned officer or man ever left the citizens. The stable in the rear of —THE—
Saturday last for Winnipeg, to take a chaser can work up another sale at a Auburn band. Clare Adams-' George Aitchison
position 'the Free Press of that city. good margin of profit. Now, Mr. Auburn L, 0. L. No. 932. Robt. Cruickshank Robert icing Wolsely Barracks more deeply regret- Hotel Brunswick was on fire, and al -
B[ Blyth L. 0. L. No, 963,' Robert McKee* Clarence Wilson ted than Drill-Sergt. Alex. Bethune, most immediately the flames burst
Charley is -good workman, and an all Stewart's friends tease him anent not After the procession returned to the Thomas Wilson. who took his discharge by purchase on through the roof, The firemen were Corner Drug Store
round first-class young man, and we knowing the value of a good farm, ark, the speech -making took lace Pass Friday last. A more gentlemanly promptly on duty and three streams jj
wish him every success in the western when he sold it for $u"",300, P P g P Nettie Cottle" Edith Johnson
from a platform built, opposite the ilay Lamont Maggie Muir* young man it would be hard to meet. were soon playing upon the fire and
metropolis, .Honors Galore. grand stand. Mr. W. J. Greer, of Lavinia Pearen* Emma Sanson A good drill instructor and one who, surrounding buildings. Beattie's liv-
HousE TO RENT.—Comfortable nine Wingham School comes out of the Wingham, county master of North Susan P. Scott* Mabel U. Snell* always took extra pains with his then, ery, Bail's stable and the Brunswick Is the Place t0 get
roomed hbuSo . hard and soft water, , Laura Strachan Flora VanNorman his place will be hard to fill. lie serv- were the most in danger, but fortun
Apply t0 R. Vanatone Wingham. test of the Entrance examinations Huron, was chairman. Orris Bordeu Brock Branston"
+ g . ed in the South African campaign. Ever thin that is
with wonderful success. Thirty-nine Reeve Sims, of Blyth, was the first Howard Campbell Elliott Flemingately the fire was got under control Everything
The fellow -who wrote the following pupils of our school wrote on the speaker and in a few words extended a Everett Glenn Richard Howson Deserve Encouragement. without further damage than the de- Pure and Fresh in
lines, takes the cake for disinclination examinations,' and of these, thirty- hearty welcome, on behalf of the Citi- Percyy Kerr Henry G. Icing* struction of the building in which it
to over-exertion:— seven were successful, and twenty-two zens of Blyth, to all visiting Orange- (Calot lesLittleMurchison* DunJohne soThe citizens should encourage the originated. Three accidents occurred '
I'd Iiko to have a nice, soft job,' stand in the Honor list. This is Wren, Far Patterson Frank H. Swann* McGillivray Firemen of Wingbam by attending during the fire, James Fowler was
Where I Could simply be remarkable success, and reflects credit The other speakers were Mr, John * their Garden darty i �t Friday r even• knocked down b the horses liberated
A sort of weekly visitor, - upon the teacher, Miss Brock, who Wilford, of Blyth, district master, TWingnam s than are not pupils ing, lith inst.,The Firemen are ready y
To draw mr ealaree; y of Wingham school the others are, from the burning stable. Wm. Depen
And then, as that got burdensome, may well feel gratified at the results Grand Chaplain, Mr. A.gH, Musgrove The highest mark at Win haps is X112, and wilting, to turn out, at any hour had his head out by a pail thrown Drugs g g of clay or night, storm or ,bine, to ,
And seemed inclined to bore tae, of her tabors. It is none the less pleas- of Win ham,, Rev. Joseph Philp, of from the roof of Ball, stable, neCeasi-
I'd like to have some fellda' paid gg BLyTa. save the property of Citizens when eti•
go and draw it forme. Ing to the pupils, and they are con: Kincardine ; Rev. Joseph England. of tating several stitches. David Loug-
tatulated on the diligence that made Caro, Michigan, formerly of Morris i Honors-- dangerea by fire, and every hoose- heed bad his right hand severely cut
ilanada 1#19iness College, Chatham, their success possible, The Advance Rev, M. J, Wilson, of Nile, and Rev, Annie U. McGowan Stella N'ethery holder slibuld appreciate their efforts g y
Vit' has closed Its Eli year, which n tat t les t¢ac er and pupils on J. Ei dmonds, of Blyth. Laura Phelan Colin. Fingland and their ready reap6rise to the fire with an oxo a the hand of a fellow
{ p4 $ iI 4 h p p The speeches were brief and patriotic _ fireman, while working in the smoke.
-- as proved to be the most successful in the excellent record. The Inspector and given in beautiful ]angage, to MIrtha ArmstrongMaggie I. Elliott ai kat by purchasing at least one There was some insurance on the pro-
writes that Winghain pupils did par- P P Jemima FinglandPearl Gidley ticket to the Garden Party on Friday perty destroyed. We understand ALHamilton
its history, both as to the number to which the merits and rind ea of the
attendance and success of 'its gradu- titularly well in Arithmetic and Orange order were extolled. Ethel Govier Coral McArthur evening. There will be a programme ; that a large brick stable will replace L.
ales in securing and filling Hose peal- Grammar, winning 22 honors, and Prizes were awarded as follows.— Limit, McB.rien Florence lit. Somers the Town Band will be present, and the one burned. The firemen deserve
f3 Best braes band, Lucknow first, Au- Annie Stuart Ella Taylor with flue weaklier, the firemen should DRUGGIST
Cons. 310 students securing. good the highest mark taken at Wtughaw burn second; best fife and drum band, Robert J, Brown Stanley Buchanan ' credit for their prompt arri'p'al and
position, in a period of 11 months is & contre, Brussels first. Enniskillen second; best Oliver Blinking William J. Nichol have a snag balance left after pay- good work.
record they may well feel proud of, (ifer, ti's+'. Fr to e) first • best iper C Sundercock Cecil Vail meat of expenses. Lot every citizen WIN -� M
WANTrIt.-• To buy a number of good A, Anderson ; beat dressed lodge 1311' Roland Vincent Basil 'Wallace. do his part. Refreshments will be _ rY t 1� 4 �
We wish the institution the success stock farms, within 3 miles of Wing- rave; largest lodge, Londesboro; The highest mark taken at Blyth is avattabte, Admission l� Cts' Igtl�est 'neNssooraro o tv rert fnrifslist d bcVtith
which, it io well deserves. The fall ham. Apply to 0. J. Maguire, Rest lod a coating greatest distance, Kin- $ y z p
term opens on Tuesday, Sept. L Estate Agent. - sardine, 728. 10 eta. `C, J, Maguire, ileal Estate Agent. ' � ---