HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 8'ITE WINC'IECAM ADVANCE Jury 9, 19-3 '.. ,.zww'rv...•wm...-x--.x.:....r+. ,r -::. .. ...:.. .: _... ..: i.; ..:..:a n-„.:•_:. _. 'yw":aa.xxz-.-ec _: e._ e_c ..-.__-...<_�.x - __ ..u..�..._ -... .. -.v ... ...... .w. -s.._. _...-.. .. ...r-, .... .. ... .-. ... _. .. _ T ... ... •-. .< ____... _ ... .:__.-_.c+,v+��.na.—.vim_.. -_ -.w... ......_._. .. _-_ _. .�. ....._�.=m-..,_..�..__.«_.c_..-..�-xc-. Such A Name. Not Generally X40wa. Npw to Succeed. Another Smash �� A Gaileian of fort Arthur, recently A writer in the Sclentific American If at first you do succeed try t< ain ; tt .- t k Ii;' sa s - Th- Dahlia is a lant prized the last shall be first A.R. Swith Crock(� Price,, tempted ery a en to tngston penitentiary for ab- murder, according to the To. p ZQieby potatoes to be ydestret oyed, liit lis too otontoG this fw eecheap Wholesalers rautq World, bears the Mame of—shrd possible that this plant would to some were very anxious to sell their ontunner t shr shr Wo KI, hrdl lumen, Any roan extent replace them. Roasted, time clothing as their season was past, We have an elegant range Of wino will carry such a name as that, dahlia bulb is wholesome and tooth- while the wearer's season is just now some and makes a not bad substitute on, A. R. Smith bought and has bar - Dinner and Toilet ware, best and not attempt to reconstruct it, for the potato, When first introduced gains in men's summer suits, odd coats, t makes and newest patterns. BUT ought to be in the penitemtlaxy, unless foto Europe, it was not for its flower, odd pants, while in the city, assorted we neat rooin in the basement the World's Linotype took a fit while but Asa vegetable that it was valued, In other lines; see his shirts, overalls, that the surplus stook is taking Up. To get It we put on sato setting up the item. smocks, ties, hate, Oh say, have you Speaking of the recent Shan a in this seen his $5.00 suits for men, Ever 0 -day Idarried. County Councils Act by which it is boy, youth and man should see his made optional to change the present clothing. 10 Dinner Sets, all 97 pieces, lots Lower Wingbam had a marriage system for a council composed of the of gilt and are very pretty de. on Wednesday, June 21th, of which reeves and mayors of the different .Ia1xleStoWln municipalities, Mr, E. W. W, Snider, signs ; sold in the regular way for $12,00 and $13,00 — Space we did not learn till this week. Mr, T. Calhoun and Miss Sarah Irvine were ex -M. P.P. says the present system has Miss Wilson of Brussels spent $un - worked satisfactorily, at least in day at J. Simpsons. Sale rrice .......................$7.95 united in matrimony, Rev, 6,, J. Derr Waterloo county, and should be con- Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coombes visited 8 Dinner Sete, 97 pieces, different of Teeswater spealting the magic tinned• relatives in Centralia last week, colors, Sold in regular way for $7,50 --Space Sale price.,....... 5.00 words, Congratulations, BIRTHS. Will. and Ed, Lynn and two Sisters Vaustone — In Wingbam, July 3rd, spent July 1st at Mr. Louis F,ckmier's. Pretty Toilet Sets—everyone new y y --in Pink, L�_-ight Blue, Dark Blue, Heliotrope, White Gold oft°,Babb—In Mrs, R. VAnstone, a daughter, Miss Belle Strachan is home from Blyth, July 3rd, Mrs• A, M. St. Catharines for her suplmer vaca- and -20f lregular prices. j QAl7 EEE Babb, a daughter. tion. _ Berry Set*, 13 pieces, good value lJmigh—In Blyth, July 3rd, Mrs. W. • Mrs. J, Cootnbes of Hanover arrived Emigh, a Son. last Saturday on a visit to ber'friends at ..... , ..... ..... ....... 1,00 ” 1 The Salvation Army Journal, the here. Water Sets, Best assortment, War Cry, appears weekly in 80 different languages. Bel gcrave. Time Misses Eagle of Toronto are at very special values at........ , •. � resent visiting at the home of Mr. Win, .................$1.00, $1,20 and $1.50 Last Sunday was Communion day D. Sproat spent the lot of July in McKelvey, Special lac Sale of China. See in St. Paul's church, A change was London, Miss Christina Outt and Eliza Ooom- window. These prices good until made by having the Holy Communion Miss Roberts of Stratford is the bes also Jas. Cutt Jr. Sundayed with Monday evening. morning and evening with satisfactory guest of Miss Maud Wray. friends in Oraubrook. results to the Rector and eommunieants. Miss Carell of Kincardine is spending Miss Carrie Brydon of California ar- ' Mr, Becket, %vho supplied acceptably for Rev. D. Perris during his absence at the General Assembly, is a few days at J. A, Brandon's, rived here last Monday on an extend - Mr. and Mrs. Peacock of Morris ed visit to her sister Mrs. W, Innes. lTUDHOPE'S now supplying for Rev. G. M. Dunn of Whitechurch. spent Sunday at Mr, Jno. Owen s, The usual Sunday evening service Mr. Perrie is expected to occupy his Mr. Gee. David has disposed of his in the hall will be conducted by Mr. Robt. McKay of Ethel next Sabbath. Grocery and Crockery Store own pulpit next Sunday. driving mare to A. Rentoul for the According to the financial report, pre- neat sum of $300. Mr. S. Caldbick is visiting at his home near bare and is able to be sentedat the recent General Asssembly Miss O, Haslam and Mrs, Else of s around again after his recent illness THE MARKETS held in Vancouver, the Presbytery of Westminster shows an average contri• Devil's Lake, N. Dakota, are visiting at their father's, Mr; A. Haslam. we are pleased to state. " WINGRAM MARKETS bution per communicant of $31,38; this is the largest of the 55 Presbyteries. We extend hearty congratulations to Mies Bayley of Detroit a s, present Miss Ina Bryans upon her success at at her father's, Jas, Bayley s, sled in - Flour 100.... $1 85 to $2 25 The smallest average is that of Orange- ville Presbytery, $6.85. tends takinghim to her home in De- her recent musical examination hay - Ing obtained Frist-class Honors. per ...... Fail wheat per bush new 70 to 72 Oats per bush........... 0 28 to 0 29 Rev. Mr. McGregor, of "The West- minster" in Speaking of the recent Gen- troit. The barns of Jas. Bone and Andy The many friends of Mr, E. E. Bry ans will be pleased to learn that he Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 040 Peas per bush .......... 0 00 to 0 60 oral Assembly held in Vancouver, said Assembly Fe uson were struck b lightning in g y g g has safely returned from his voyage last Friday'a storm but fortunately to the Old Country; he enjoyed his Bran ...................17 00 to 18 00 _The regarded all uestions from a broad standpoint. Itgwas in- not fired. trip immensely. Shorts ..................18 00 to 20 00 Ch 1 15 t 1 '1.5 tensely Canadian in spirit, and the main Mr. and Mrs: T. Wilkinson, • who t' t The picnic held in Mr. A. Bryans' argains are attracting big crowds to our store; no wonder', when we are offering such big inducements. You way as well take advantage of them and save honey thereby. lead the list carefully, there is money in it for you -- ,Ladies' Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, regular price $1.25—epeeial Saturday ........................0 .95 lWen's good strong Boots for every -day wear, good value at $1,25 --Saturday .....:...... .85 All wool Serges, 52 inches, in Black and Blue, reg. price 75c --special Saturday........ .49 3 dozen of the regular $1 and $1.10 lines, on Saturday for .................................... .85 3 dozen of the regular $1.25 and $1.35 lines, for .................... I..........•................. 1.00 Do you require a neve pair of Shoes --if you do, this is the store to buy them at; think of buying Ladies' fine Dongola Shoes, with patent leather toe caps, never sold less than $1.50 --on Saturday for .......................... ...•........,..................... 1.25 (No matter what style or price of Shoes you need, we can please you.) On Saturday we sell 7e and Be Prints for ................................................... .05 Ladies' stylish Belts, regular price 35c—Saturday................................................ .25 Do you want a Bargain in a Suit of Clothes 2 On Saturday you can buy a stylish well -fitting suit of Clothes for ...................................................... $5,50 and 6.00 We sell Fels-Naptha 7c bars of Soap—on Saturday, per Bar .......................... .05 (Its the greatest cleaning Soap. of the age.) CORDON DIRECT IMPORTER Op • • . •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ° topic was the conditions m the North- have been visating for Some ime a Hay .................... 7 00 to 750 west. In the Synod of Manitoba and W X. Whaley's, returned to their grove on July 1st was a decided suc- Y cess. The day was fine and in spite of Butter per lb...... ..,.. 0 15 to 0 16 the North-west thirty stations will be home in Cargill on Saturday. Eggs .... . . ........... . .. s, a large crowd assemb- L' and .,....... 0 15 to 0 15 established, with regular supply. Quite a number from here attended led to enjoy the afternoon's entertain- TENDERS WANTED. Potatoes per bush (new) 0 75 to 100 These will be changed from mission the gArden party held by the Sunshine ment. The program was short but fields to ordinary charges. Manses Methodist church on Tuesday evening select. The chair was suitably filled , j les per bag ........ 0 50 to 050 Tenders will be received by the under - will be erected for the incumbents. at the home of James Russell, and re- by Mr. M. Black of Morris, but the Hi es per 100 lbs... , . „- 5 00 to 600 The people of British Columbia are tak- port having a good time, high wind made it difficult for the signed until July 24th, for the removal Lamb skins ........... , 0 25 to 030 g g program to be heard. Then' lunch of the old stone wall under the school Ing n more interest now in supporting Dressed hogs..... , ..... 7 00 to 700 home missions. Twelve mission fields 1 was served, after which the races be- house in S. S, No. 11; Turnberry, Live hogs ..... . . . . . ......525 to 535 (Lower Wingham,) and the building of Tallow, per ib.........,. 05 to 5 are now being supported by Individual Bluevale. uganntil in an adjoining field; This lasted p 1 congregations and Sabbath Schools, until the rain came. However all left anew wall; according to ateciflc needful .................... 18 to 18 A meeting of the Bluevale Women's thoroughly satisfied with the after- contractor to furnish material needful TORONTO S70CK MARKET. ) ]"I*dsummer Institute will be held on Wednesday, noon's sports, for the same over and above what stone July 15th at 2.30 p. in., at the home of is in the present wall. New wall to be For full and accurate market re- Mrs. A. Paterson. Miss Smillie 7�will i 22 inoh.—building is 36x36, ports see second page.read a paper on "Canning Fruit. A The lowest or other tender not neces- PERSONAL cordial invitation is' extended to all Salem. sarily accepted. the ladies. Leslie McLaughlin took in the ex- Wet. H. CAS,IPBELL ' Miss May Swarts is visiting Clinton NOTE.—Other items came to hand cursion to Niagara on Tuesday last. See.•Treas., Wingbam. arais friends. but too late for this week.—TSE Ent• Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mulvey called on�+ j �+ rptCrowning Miss Greta Carson is visiting friends TOR' ( ) Mrs, Albert Gallaher the early part of RLiAI-r ESTATE AT in Goderich. Too late for last issue this week. Geo, Ansley is.home from Chatham Mr. Jack Laird of Clinton, visited at Mr. J, Hartley is spending this week G. N. Duff's last week. in Mildmay; Mrs. H. is spending a My list of exceptionally fine farms is Business College.steadily increasing, and the intending pur- Miss Miller of Streetsville, has been few days in Toronto, chaser, (no matter what kind of farm he may p John Kennedyof Seaforth is visiting desire) would do well to have a look at this g visiting Miss Aggie Herbert. Thomas Hoperaft received word on Wingham friends, Saturday last of the death of his little list before buyingelsowhero. Sathlrday, o.1ldayTVday Mrs. Small and children of WingMrs. Hogg is visiting friends in ham have been visiting Mrs. J, RAb sister Annie in Wroxeter, from that Just a word about town property—I have y eomo excellent investments for Lhe man with Brussels this week, much dreaded disease diphtheria, money, guaranteeing at least 10 per cent on The Separator owned by Mr, Ezra Merkley Wesley Denman is home from Olin. the amount invested. For further particu- with the Stewart Patent Cutting Box and Bert Kling of Dayton, Ohio, is visit- ton High School for the summer vaca- Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Weir received an lars. Apply to July ��jj h !�nn((�� /� h Blower attachment, atthe farm ofMr.Henlf ing friends in town. tion. g invitation to attend the wedding of Cr1,YME MAQUIRE U�l 11th, 13th itllU Till. McAlister, Rinioss, on July 6thp, worked well, their cousin, Mr. David White while It takest the strarare of all vhit.iWe,s_put iheand i Miss Marie Cornyn is spending a few Miss Annie Swann is home from at Highgate on Wednesday, July 8th, 1 signed, testify to the above; we were present weeks in Winnipeg. Goderich Collegiate Institute for her Congratulations are extended to Mr, Real Estate Agent and saw it work, and consider it the coming Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr and Percy holidays. and Mre White from this part. Office;—Upstairs in Vnvstone Block. attachment on Separators, and as a labor -say. are visiting in London. ing device is unequalled. It also makes the g About eighty tickets were sold last l straw in good condition, both for feed and bed- Mrs. Laird and son of Berlin are Friday at this station for the excur- ding. The method of sharpening the knives No fakes nor fads, but household At the CIOSe Of each Beason We usually find a cannot be excelled. guests of Mrs, H. Davis. Sion to the model Farm at Guelph. Clinton. y j needs. Used every dap by everybody. Rob7McAlister c aII r Jab McLachlan Harry Constable is spending a few Mrs. Rutherford and grandaughter, Can't you sell them ? Others do and ' The mysterious death of Ed. Me- number of lines which we prefer to dispose of at a ++ Walter Marshall Wm. Ritchie weeks at Sault Ste. Marie, Miss N. Bickle of Hamilton, are vial- make fortunes. Still room. Write at Brien formerly of this place, while on 1 Peter McDonald George Br Long Miss Lottie Guest of Toronto spent ung relatives in Bluevale and vici- once to G. Marshall & Co., London, place, is way causing quite ,a talk to this to this Sacrifice rather than carry over. Limited space is James Reid Sunday at her home in town. y' town. The first intimation of the also another reason for our summer clearing. On Miss Maggie McLean of Toronto is Mr, and Mrs. John Elliott of East I affair was a letter to Mayor Jackson ti ,I; Wawanosh, and Mrs. T. Johnston of from the Mayor of Saginaw. Mich., these bale Days profits are not a consideration, as in visiting her mother, of Shuter St. Morris. . Westfield, were visiting Mrs. Ander- that a body had been found in the man cases we quote less than wholesale prices, and 'Yasb�nd�r � Rod��ll Harvey McGee of Woodstock is the son last week, A. T. Cole, Samuel Jordan, F. Mar- Saginaw River containing a small sum y q P' f guest of Jas. McGee, lot line of Morris. 1; tin and W. B, Wilkinson each had the of money and a baggage check from in every department you will find genuine bargains. Mrs. J, McGacbie of Woodstock, is the circular saw cutting wood the past Denver, Col., to Clinton, Ont. On in. Intend manufacturing these devices to visiting her sister Mrs. H. M. Tud- Blyth. few days. vestigation it was found that a trunk Buy now and save money. with them will beppromptly attended to� hope. Rev. J. Holmes will preach to the The new residence of Albert How found hacontainind been tthere duplicateof ftwoe check weeks, - Threshers will do well to consnit them Mrs. C. Peake of Toronto is holiday- Orangemen next Sunday evening, lett, 7th tort., is well on towards com- ingand on opening found that it contain - for repairing and supplys of all kinds. with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. A number of our citizens are con- and m and will e a very comfortable ed the clothes of Ed. McBrien. The �'and modern home when finished. WALL PAPER. Marlborough Note Paper See our belting. Oh yes, and we have Davis. fined to their homes with measles. deceased left here many years ago, a few good cheap bicycles- for sale Miss Hattie Stevens of Toronto was Tuesday of last week W. R. Mooney and had many relatives in this part We have tied up into bundles, and Envelopes. et. Come and be convinced. The Mr, and Mrs. J. McKinnon of To- arrived home from Sault Ste. Marie, of the country. The supposition is small lots of Wall Paper contain- Very choice qualityof Note y the guest of Miss Ethel Millikin over ronto spent a few days in town this in which localityhe has sent the that he was on his way here for A visit• in from 8 to 12 Single Rolls of a Paper, new shape, creaand tin - same old place, Victoria St., Wingham. Sunday. week. p g • g P r past few months. He looks as if it and had met with foul play. Just kind with a sample on the outside, rated regular Loc a nice • and ob- Dr. J, S. Chisholm is in Lucknow Mrs. John Denholm, left here Wed- agreed well with him, now great mystery surrounds the case and these will be placed on a table long envelopes to match, regular IMS taking charge of Dr. Elliott's practice three months'tng of triip to St iPaul, for bein10 put across suspension Maitland br bridge sought fromrSaginawation is being bundlend s These papered from 15 s will do nice- Days, -1 quire of Paperon land 1 pkg. ain NOTICE OF CLOSING. for a Few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulvey of Chi- gg ly for small bedrooms, back rooms Envelopes, ver special ....,....10c We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close Y Mr. James Snell, well known in this by 8 urrie Bros., for passenger traffic; j and attics, Complete combin- p y our offices during the months of Jut and sago are visiting relatives in and village, line been appointed District is about completed. It is a 132 foot aliens of aide wall, border and Au st, as follows—on Saturdays at iv p.m, around Wingham. Su Supreme President of Huron and span with wire approach and wilt be a and on other days at 4 p.m. P Gorrie. ceiling, in Greens, Creams, Buffs Mr. and Mrs, J. Ritchie and daugh• Bruce District of the Sons of England, great convenience to them and their and Blues—at half rice. Odd Square Envelopes. a R. ..aMorton r c DicR. lkl'aonsoon�& Holmes ter will enjoy the lake breezes at Bay- The Council have purchased a street friends. town on Sunday. allis of Fordwich was in - p White and Colored square En- field for a few weeks. sprinkler from Jacob Miller of Olin- On Friday evening John Clegg and 10c papers for.... 5c velopes, clearing Bargain Days at Jas, Cloakey arrived home from a Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Williams were in 15c ; ; ; ; ... 7zc 3 cts, per package. Oe. Master Greer, R. A. Douglas and ton ;price paid $150; it will be a two horse affair, and will be in use in afew four weeks' enjoyable trip through Wroxeter on Monday. 20c 10c others attended an Orange meeting in .... ,. ° the West. They went as far as Banff 25e ... 12. c � � � . Bluevale on Monday evening, days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee of Ford- ' and Edmonton and met with many with sent Sunda Purses of Reduced Prices. r' H. S. Chisholm returned last week Avery enjoyable evening was spent former friends while on route. The p • 3' with friends in All Paper with the exception of from the west. He went through to !,A n the Presbyterian church on Wed- cropprospects Are pronounced as first town' the odd lots will be trimmed free. Baskets of Purses reduced in g ne'sday • the occasion was ver unique. p p p 200 Rolls of Odd Wall Paper to be price—assortment at 5c, 10e, 15c the coast, and enjoyed the trip. , y q class. Mise Beatrice Ivel, of Harrieton, is p it • ' • !9 The members of the Church presented visiting with Miss Mary Horton at cleared at 2c for a double roll— and 25c. Imperial Limited. Rev, and Mrs. Holmes gave the Ad- their esteemed pastor, Rev. Dr. Mc- Win. Hodder, of Chicago, is here. present. will do nicely for pantries, cup- vance a call on their way to Gorrie, Lean, with a gown, on his arrival home His wife has been taking care of Mrs, boards and closets, Fact tri -week l Transcontinental service where Mr. Holmes is stationed, from attending the General Assembly S. Hodder, mother to the former for Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh, Mr, and Croquet. between Montreal' Toronto and Vancouver, g y several months, but the old lad has Mrs, S. Greer, Messrs. Robt, and Jos. Four-ball seta of Croquet, made r Connection loaves Toronto at g r p.m,. Sun- Mrs. A. Wright and Miss Lena Brief- at Vancouver, y from best selected hardwood, well to vanoauver in 9Fh urns Waking run Toronto man of Toronto were visitors of Mr. BLYTH'S GREAT DAY.—The County agreed to go to her son's home eo will Greer, all of Toronto, and un W. J. Lead Pencils. and Mrs. W. AIlenb over Sunda hold a sale of her household effects on Greer of Wingham, spat Sunday at finished Allenby Y• L. O. L. of North Huron will celebrate Friday afternoon of this week. Mrs. the home of Mrs, S. Greer, Good cedar wood Lead Pencils, , complete with stakes, Upper ewLake Steamship. wOrganizer town onpThursda the lits wa F. the 215th gnnfversary, ay. Boyne r Hodder is 87 years of age and along Rev, Mr. Holmes, the new pastor of unpolished, but very fair lead, wires, $aril amu Days only regular ag 89c Tuesdays, Thursdaysy y this village next Moeda Ever a with her husband came to Morris over the Methodist church, and famil regularly worth 12c a doz.— g y y• • • • and Saturdays at s•3o p.m., on arrival of S.S. to be] Goderich Court of Foresters. rangement is being made. and it wilt 40 Dare a o. 1Vir. Hodder died 4 y' ar. Sale Days, d Express leavin Toronto at 1.30 p.m. Connec• p be a red letter day in Blyth. The years ago at good old age. yper doz............. 7c . g rived io town on Thursda last. A tions at Fort William and Port Arthur for Miss Whittaker, of Minneapolis, who Oouneil and citizens are already ahead reception was held at the parsonage. 0111haWare Specials. Winnipeg and Pacific Const points, has been visiting the Misses Mulve Ia y, of the procession with open arms, and Thd Council met as a Court of Revi- Rev. Mr, Holmes preached his intro- Note Papers. L DAILY FIRST GLASS SERVICE Toren - left on Tuesdaygto visit Elora friends. a welcome that will live in history. sion on June 29th, and 'the following ductory sermon on Sunday. Il Assorted tables of Fancy, China - to to Winnipeg, Calgary, Banff and PAciflC There will be prizes for Baods ; ami- appeals were dta osed of Hubbard ware, various kinds at clearing Coast. Roy Gordon is spending his vacation P , Five -shire package good cream g Full equipped THROUGH TOURIST at home; his friends, Walter and Geo, nent speakers will be present. The Cornell entered I1 . I' , S.J lot 8 con. 2; ruled Note Paper, regularly prices. See the lines at 5c, 10c, CARS cave Toronto Tuesday, and Saturday Scott accompanied him from Toronto, best possible ;railway arrangements Joseph Hogg entered tenant 6 and 7, 15c and 25c. far Winnlpeg and Vancouver. will be made, and no one will be a]- G. S. Bluevale; V. Keys entered M. F. Grey. worth 10c A quire—on sate bar - for Jerry Madigan and family of lowed to leave our burg hungry. The SI 25. con. 5; D. Halliday entered F. S, gain Days, per paeknge.......20c 23c Curs nND SAUUERS $e, Full articulars from your nearest Caua• will time process(Too late for last issue. Toronto, visited her sister and brother march be short , ion S.•� 5, con. 6 ; A. D Jones entered Accu• ) We will share with you a bar- e Man PRO iia Agent or to in town, during the Old Boys' excur- long, and a nice park to rest in, pant lot 21, Belgrave • Alfred J. Low- Mr. and Mrs. Bon. Jackson are visi- gain that came Baaifns. rne our way; a line of Hr A. H. NOTMAN sion, ry entered owner S; 1.8, con, 5; G. Beat ting friends in Brant this week. g beautiful China, pups and Saucers, 1 entered owner N.J 24, con, 1. The entire stock to be cleared, assorted sizes, wortb easily from Assistant Qeneral Passenger Agent Mr. And Mrs. Jeffrey of of Toronto are Moved by Taylor, seconded by Shaw Haytn is lite order of the day now 15c to lac • not more than 6 to one Xing St. East, Toronto, guests at J, J. Homuth s. Mrs. Jeffrey East Wawanosh. .—That the Court of Revision be now and the um of the mower is here once $3.50 Hammocks for $2 50 person —.Bargain Days, pup and rendered a solo in the Methodist Miss Hall of Toronto is the oast of closed and that the •Assessment roll as more, Hay in this locality is very $2.50 $1,50 church on Sunday evening, acceptably. g light and short. Aucair.. . . . . . ...... . ........8 cls. j+fs��� �� p y' Miss Menzies. now revised And corrected be con, g $1.75 $1,00 i'liCyl��aT3ui rontrs. o were eguestahOf MrsaGeH�M/iTili- Miss Pearl Paton of Wingham is the township the of MOrr emfo> theroll curror ent t he We andsMrs. our deepest, inthe$100 05 • " 60 Berlin WOoI5, kin over Sunday; Mrs, Millikin re- guest of Miss Sarah Irwin. year—carried. of their infant boy, whose death took Tourist turned to Toronto with them on tin Misses Lizzie Menzies and May Me- On motion of Shaw and Code. Mr, place last Saturday evening, Assorted shades Berlin Wools, visit. Gee and Mr. Jae. Menzies visited Nile Taylor was instructed to expend $`lA Pocket Bibles, two and four fold—clearing Bar - Mr. on Sunday. in gravelling on sideline between lots on Jos. drawiMcDonaid hada bee n gain Days, per ounce ........ 5 cts. t Mr, and hire. I'tshletgb of Oheatey, Moeda of dratvin brick from Hen- An immense stock or Pocket accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fergu• Mrs. Young of Shoal Lake, 5 and 6 con, 5. Resorts. p MAct- The Reeve was instructed to have fryn. When completed be will have a Bibles at prices ranging from 250 son of London drove over from Ohea- toba, anti Mrs, Robt. Young of Neepa- Martin's bridge, 1st tine, reiloored, commodious and up-to-date residence. to $4.00—to be sold Bargain Days Many other lines not mentioned Oriltia, b4guetewan Rifer, ley on Tuesday to visit the former's wa, are the guests of Mrs. J. F. Young, A communication was received from Peter McDonald and his gang of at a discount of 25 per cent. above. Peuetang, itawartha'Lakes. son in town, Muskoka Lakes, Thousand Islands, The following is the report of S. S. Mr. E. L. Dickinson on behalf of Isaac farmers acre busy At work for Job L. Wm. Mclndoo of California is visit- No. 0, for the month of Jtine, Sr. IV Ferrand, claiming damages to his pro- Ring, who is putin up a large straw - Georgian Bay, Quebec, Ing bis brother, Conn, Mclndoo. His —Bella McDougall, Stanley Elliott, perty In the event of the construction shed to his barn, He is having a ce- Vpper Lakes, Portland hie., daughter, who has just graduated Carrie Deacon, Raymond Elliott, Will, of the Lamont drain, On motion of meat wal[ under it. Lake of Days, Old Orchard, Me., from Toronto Conservatory of Music, Shoebcttom. Jr. IV—Ells Walker, Code and Taylor, the g Reeve was in- Cooper White Moutitaias. accompanies him,Sr. III—Laura Currie Harve Link. strutted to rocure le ai advice in the Next .Sabbath morning the Rev, C. litter, Mabel Mowbray, Annie Leaver, matter from Mr. R. Vanstono of Wing- I . Wells will Conduct a roll -call ser- aha above resorts are all reached via the Mrs. Dr. A, Brown of Toronto, and vice in Roe's church, Sacrament will Tessa Anderson, John Tiers. Jr. III— ham and report to mho clerk, TruWar! bonndoting with steamers for�"Royal visited their BXas.lister McLellan of Jas, Martin of Maggie Shiell, Katie Shiell, Wilfrid A. McLanghian applied for as also administered1go aid of than Sabbath WINGHAM 'Muskoka" Hotel and other ports on Muskoka last Wawanosh and their neice, Pocock, Garfield Shebottom, James ante towards building a wire fence on P, I.akem, atsoat7Cfuntsvtll0forportsotl3ays, I' Mrs' Fer ueson, John Abram, Wilburn east boundary at lot 30, eon. 4, On school, Tourist tiekoot are an sale embrae,ng a trip Wm. McGill of Turnberry, last wobk, Fergueson, Maxwell Abram. Sr. II— motion of Jackson and Code, Messrs. Mr. R, Weir, teacher In 8, S. No. 4, Ross) through tha lakes in if ends at Oniarlo, 1, K y left on Tuesday for his home in Turn• �l�JL1CC0SSbS �o Alex. ROSS alae to p6rte on Lakes and to Eaatern points, Nis, J. %Taut , .the faithful typo of George Walker, Earl Elliott. Jr. II-- Shaw and Taylor were instructed to / For tt0 ats, illiAtratbd and deserlri tive liters- the Advance staff, has gone tO South- Gorden Rintoul, George Currie, Mary examine the locality of said fence and berry, where he will rusticate for a tune of Canadian resorts and all for 9, amyl on to assist leis son far a few Elliott, Walter Pocock, Gwendollne report at next meeting. few days, His many friends in this At Lam. Iiar4l�,�A tint, Afor psummcr tours, apply weeks in the office of the Beacon. Miss Currie, Pearl Deacon. Part I.••-Rieh• A large number of accounts "sea locality, wish him a pleasant time due - d, D. i1tc15bNAI,D Lizzle Fleuty, who has returned from and Deacon, Verna Taylor, fibroid for payment and life Council adyl0urn- in holidays, as he has been very faith. J. Hat, Is again at heio case In Walker, Bernice Shiell, Daniel Fergus- ed to meet on August Sea, Ptil ira discharging his duties as teach• MstrlO ia'aimontst AS4t k xbr0At0, the Advance office, � Mon, Harold Cdrrfe,-i•M, Alice Duff', W. Cu&ax, Clerk, or, , tarYfiWlaillY.. ..