HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 7I ­ I I --- .�.-.-----.-..-�--l'�-1-1-----.---"-- .-..--.-- - ... - ­­ - 1w*."i" ­­, ------- 1;��� � I A-— - , 0- - - I . 11." ------"�,=n1W.p",%i mi �m �;,;;Mwm�Y145W,IAT-AIK!!I-,qf*4,r"" -:11110 -."MM.". , -- ­-, " 11 , 1�" � 1::1,11111 I', , 1101 111,11 III .0*6""M � , � , 010*01.0p.-"" I I - � I -.1 -::�7. - --- I , - m �-­��I*Vsllll- I tbullneov. prevoryos his ital. coursotong. — I . 17, I � I MIT, ( = � ; ; W, I .. - "Y""'OPE LF4`0 X111s 0 0 BOON Alld 6 411'92eR And (11 I MOUIER 11ANORD 1JERSELF M � , "' ll!%I"11"P1 J� I YINk 9 (19oture, ,proadriptione. I MOROCCAN ASSASSIN 6 — , , U MILLAH T01., J1 And Uer Two t,!hl tdren--J�jll led to 1 1,189 , .11 T11141 OVVICIAIA $TATEDIFAMT. - 1"Oboon Uer I-lusballa. ­ — LAS""' SACRAMENT 61VEN, � Will" will be Pollo, Should the Pool I# a . Ing III Ule Va. S1QWlY Moving Columns Not PASO A WAY. MADE INTO A TORCH, ,,,,',tz,c,,=O,,,�,,,,,Tu,,',,Y,,7,7,,A,, borrlble tr ,� , . rict), Illam , I r4ulig, Y"030104 Xiw. Wl ­ ­.- Wo official communloatlon of the , or elf ud twp oMdrev, ---- � 6 Aiaxta I a true condition 9; the popo bao boon I . U00469no, aged 8, And GlAdyp, Itged 3, , Fitted for the Work, M'a4Q Only to Cardlual Rampolla, as When ,hQr liti,sband reTuriaed. To the — 9 X)apa.l See tury or Fit I , .&to, and Car. IIOUAQ a,t 0 o'clock Ito could poi got Pontiff is suffemjg f1roffi pn dlnal Cregi'la, dl OAnto Stefano as oome. time, trliouIFRIENDLIES NEED PROTECTION. broko Ili a wAndow- w3d #carolled tJIo - eum Doaa of tire Snored College and Pa. He Triedto Kill MuleyMobarnmed, "- 110, yrf%ltoa lot' ro InOrchigO. In the In.t-tor capacity house- In an ullfLOW10d attl,A Over tile London, 4%kY X.-Accortlin Cardinal la, Iii the event of the kitchen, rQQQfte4 by A ladder, tile lior. 144.0%; and tr4otworthy ,g to the 0`10010 and Cos7jlplic' 110pol, dellart(1111"I will porforin: an Im. riblo spectacle met ilia oypa. HatigIng t1le ,., Jalormation ations. the Sultan's Brother. Somali Mullah 6b,%4 to 1110 poo- �. portant ceremony. Assuming via, 10610 by aide from the rafters wore suasion 1,000 , . . lot robes of inburnIng, lie will pro- 1113 wire and the two o,bildron. The lately] captur r1fles, 140144lair tbose . ad from! Pluakett's col� ­­­ --­­-­-- . coed to tile death room, whore,willio -­­­­­--- - frenzied lyptilia.ri lia.d used a clothes. ad �111'00 MAXIma, These latte-V till tire kneeling, lie -v line, allel In tim""i,ft ,low vill unveil the uxt have administered lie U06vro quite wall to use, but, I . face of the departed and ot-riko ilia Tile nassacre of l(Isheneft Said to liave Been Planned by plellve-­_Why tile chloroform to tho children befol-o at- he 'will nat ham -per Ills moblllt�rj byll I tempting to baxis tho,m, as none of emplo.ving them. It is li�ar -JIs liollnes 6, Pull Of SPIrits, I" forehead of tile '(load Pontiff with Pzar Will Not Visit Rome Now -Woman Who Wedded all Adventurer, . dl,v ap- y I ,<efusesto'rake Grave View of tils Illness_ N silver hammer, calling the deccas� I the Tielgl0oinabo,ard an outcry. PrOVII1404 that the Uullah ha4 with, Repo&,-ta at Midnight 'Andicate $01110 IWPrOvCnICIIt--Sanie Information ad, by name, and will then solemnly Who Swindled narlY, NOW Scek.9 for Divorce or Annulment of Mr* Baxter istated that lie came 'him A uUmPer 0� ,well-eduop,ted trA- . Abo,,tt tils Career' -tilstOrY Ot Ills Ifincoa--Next C 6 � announce that the pope is, really Marriage --She ['leads 7'1:nt Slic Was Ignorant of Ills Character When home about 3 o'clock th tlie afternoon volled Men, speaking several Europ- Onclavc--Namcs dOad- It Is alleged that Cardinal 6 6 aind found one of the olilldreit crying. 0411 , not Atibned for t:ne StIccessioll I , and frldla,4 languages. Among to ilia Papal Throne. 'C"effilm wont to tile Va.tlean, ham. Site Mn-,-rl-d Him. . A'sking Wba,t WAB1 the matter, the thom hre people IvItO I were, initerpre. , . trier In band, 'when Pope Leo 1ras child replied thAt his mother )lad ters in the BrItleb, na.vy.,, and Nvoll given him something to small of and acquAlated with the cohdittong In �~ ^NAA0'4VVN.pqV**.,vVWVVVW operated On for tile removal of a Aliglel-3, ;Paly, 7.-Tbc Times' Rua.- to Italy to protest against tile mas. It' hurt Ills; nose. 'Abe mother passed V�^NVVWW,0VV',W1AA,1,VVvVV� cyst In 1809, and . all at- Oulare, of tile Jews: at 10allilleff, , wJ11oll white Man fight. ]its 4gents that Ills liblineshl talb Morocefun fropotter that It off with some remark Ili explana. oil the coast are most energe , has disliked tile Cardinal since that tompt recently, was In - assassin- Would .Ukid a Itash Marriage. tion unti tile fa,tiler wita, unsuspicious. I ad 11.0 ha� , tic, , ade to a a regular Intelligenee little, shOW1119 It even last March,, ato Maley, Mobla,mined, the Sultan'n Now York, July 7.-Ifer roulance SOVOMA. People who had called during System working from J1,13u:tIt anti . , I cm- RONOLOGY OF POPE LEO. Whon, In answering an address Of' bro,thart who is in league "wIth *tile 04at"Wed and wearying of tile un. tile morning and talked with, �drs. atlier porto. Tit4D 1.500 r4lelnev above —�.111­11-11­11,11� 00119"o.tulat'lon upon the ninety- pleanalit notoriety, attaching to her Baxter had notloed nothing unusual r0forred to, all of wbom Are mcunt- third and1versary of his 'birth Which Pretender, Du H'a,ulara, wJ11to in camp Lianve, Mrs. William Curtis Wakoflold In hor action% Tito family to well ad, are really wa�j read by C.iLrdinal Creglis, at Sillabalas ,! Qe only fIgUtIng men . � as Elk Ila.% begun- suit for the annulment of known �030 111jIlly, thought or In Le- to be take'; 'into account, the mob ,, 13orn at Carillne,to ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... jUa,(.,b ., I Doan, the Pope, contrary to custom, A Maliusa trIllesufan, fired a rovol. ker marriage. ilo.y. Mrs. Baxter I wao Ca years old olfspearinert ODIY, provin torml-dNble . . -, 1810 , <1 i,iritocea conego at Rome ...... 4 ..... ..... I .. .... I ..... ...... ...... . 111824 combatted the opinion eiProsaed by Ulho paparv, which were faua with prid ])as been devoted to list. f 9 i Mati,,Iculatea at Gregorian UnIvorwity ....... ...... ...... ...... ..'.'.* .. ... ver at shoT� range. Tho bullet womild- , If tbe riflemen ., a in Dy. , succeed. 1. ...1880 the Cardinal oil several questions. Judge T,ruax, in, tile Supreave Court, It Is ,Stated that last evening Urs- Against this force there will be .� Entered college of Noble r-,coLoolatitICH ....... I..... I ..... ...... .1.1 .. ... 1882 ad a ,soldier. rrhe tribesman finmedi- stated that at the time of her mar- Baxter banded her hw;bana bottle 60,1110 r,,000 Or 6,000 British troops, t , AppoiInted, Domestic Prelate by Gregory XV4 ...... ...... ... The Next Conolave. ately,was seized, drenched with kOr- r1ago to Wakefield, to December, of wine to drink, Ila took somm, I ......... ... 1837 All kinds olf speculation are al- 0 Of It with A voryl large numb -or of ,drivers l ReTerendlary to Court Segnatul-a ....... ...... ...... ...... March 16, 1887 1 rea,dy. in cIrcula,tloin as to the pro- oseno arid burned To dea,th'. . 3.001, sl4a was under age, and that and wAis taken o:ck, and tills mOrIlIng and other non-combaitants, in ad- !. 11 oider ofr priesthood conrerroa ...... I ..... .... I . ...... D000111bor 31, 1887 bable ..success* to the throne Of St. plaillied the 111assacle. at that time lie wag under Indict'- had TO consult a, pliyalclan, That the I I I itteat upon a charge or forgery, corn- wine was 4ru dition. No definite plan has yet I , , 9&,ed or polsoned. seems been foTmulated wltb regard to �he, Aposto to' dolegaia at - Benevento,,,,, .. ...... .1.1 .. ..... I . ......... �(.837-1813, Peter. Opinions are much divided Laudon, July. I. -The Times' Rus- ixitted lit tile State of Massacbus- Tire contents remaining Governor of Spoleto ..... 1. .... .. ......... ...." ...". .... .. ...... ..... 14,8441-IB43 probable. . I Papal Nuncio, at ]Drusisolhp ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... I .. ...... 1.48118-1815 I Owing to the m4no Interosti; whicE disposition 'of the troops to be Im- A lbishop of Porugita­ ­ ...... ...... .. .... ...... ...... ...... will be affected a6coording to 'the 91an correspondea'.9 state that an ar- . Ottflo He was subsequently arrest- will be, analyzed. ritront Indicationa. ported from. India, of Concerning ,naue _ ... 18116 choice Wade by! tire Sacred College. 'tiole has appeared simultaneously,, In Da and nelitenced to a term In tile the woman must )lave carted tile 01111- tbe dates an I State Reformatory. at dren up the ladder, one a.t I which they, Will D46 Concord, time, moved up country-, everything tie - :1 CroatearvC alrdInal, ....... ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... December 10, 1858 Zia. first question the Cardinals will two. t-wealsil, one iianish and one Maos: She declares that she was Tbo room wais so lovr that thao boy's Made Cardinal Camerlengo ...... ....1. ..... . ...... ...... ...... ...... July, 1877 )lave t0 solve rill be whether the nessarily depending upon'the trans- . Elected Pope ...... ...... ...... ........... I ... � .. ...... ......... February 20-, 1878 Norwegian newspaper, referring to Ignorant or lits True character when feet nearly touched the floor. . 0(tovived Roman Catholic Hierarchy Ili ScatianLit...' 7�2 conclave olldll be held In Rome or the KishIneff ruaseacro, and doolar- fort 'available. At present there are . March 4, , 18',- ilia marriage was contracted. . Eneyelical condemning communism, sci,ciallam and"nihillsm outsido Italy'. It In believed thlat the Ing it wao the result of a, carefully. f y0me 1,500 fresh ca.els on their wa;m �g[Kll I Wakul'ii,Ad irct her firut in, rswiLzer- �G OLLE6�1[ to Somaliland, but It Is not to be ... I .. ..... I ... I .. ...... I—- ... ... 111.1 . ...... ...... ... ... ...... DOC. -8, ,1878 olippoirters of the Ideaq of a,bandonlog laid 3filet was printed land, according to her a(:Lorncy,vmd I . . plart. A Patel 11,'neyollcal agallist heresy, sociansia ...... .11 ... ­.,.. ..".:NOV. 5, 1882 Roille will even be fewer thAn in the by- the Holy Synod, alleging that later, saoing tier in London, Nvht)re Ted that these animals, being . I coliclave held after the death of Xuws took possession of the crucifix be wa,,� boasting of Ills acquaintance 51 USES =go to the Sood of the country.4, . Recognized unity of Italy ... ... ... � ...... ... .......... ...... ...... ..Oat. 7, 1888 Plus IX., when 32 out of 37 Cardinals . will last for more thill.tt a month oi E ncyclical condeninIng liberalism ...... ...... ...... ... November 6, 1885 left behind by, a Christlam family, with. royalty, lie paid court to hor. so, the wastage being enormous. Celebrated Golden Jubilee ......... ...... ...... ...... i voted In. favor of Rome. The second leaming a Jewish, neighborhood, and Site wa,; then Miss Darr, and had The Boer War Over Agaill. 4 I ..... ...... ... ... ... .. 111887 questiOn will be whother the next proceeded to re-crucIty, the Image- been ritudying music, and when Bile How ' ,, o rn e New Yorkers it 'I Celebrated Grand Jubilee ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 11888 -Cr ...... ...... ...... ...... ...May 16, 1891 returned Wakefield came over on the Encyclical on socialism and )a1` Poe must be an Itallaar air a foreign- n-om tate marks ol th� tralls blood is strongly hold by thbae, who I Colebraited EpIstapal Jubilee ... * ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Fe,bruary, 1893 1 or It is gonerallM believed that lie miraculously flowed, stampeding the sawo steamship and during the voy- know ilia local conditions that tile 3 Issued appeal to England fQr rounion or Chrlist-end, NvIll be an Iealla,fi, ill via f the horrified Jews. Tile idea of tile age their troth ,wag plIg Were Blackmailed. plan of pouring large numbers of 0 rob.90 Inted, and . AV IVI "11, :189.1 struggle between the Chu nd the pamph-lot obviously was to incite fVC9h troops into tile country will SCol�;�,&t��fil�61, ;:�;I�W�ia�y**�f *M� iGt ... m, , n, 8, FW,7.,. F"a-b- * stn'to since the fall of the temporal upon their arrival in Now York they, ruary 13, 180s aniti-Jew1oh attracitles. "By means went before Alderman Mark -9, In City --- only result In Increasing the diffl- 4. Declai,vd 1000 it year of unlyorsal jubilee ... ... ... may 11, 1899 Power airdthe consititution of united orf such massacres as Xishineff," coli� cultiors of 'the campaign, aud tkut , I ­ . a -all, and wore married. EX I ORTION RED U CED TOSCI ENCE e 1-161d consistory and created eleven new cardinals June 19, 1899 rtaly,', I I e , . Unues the article, "Pialive desired what is urgently wanted is, as lit Celebrated 10t.4 birthday ... ... rniQ cerernony. porformod, Mrs. . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... March 2, 1900 I Ca,icirdittes 31entioned. firstly, to give a stern lessoln to .�NTakafield, whose, father Is a Pblla- tile latter stages of the South Af. The aarlididates chiefly. spoken of are Jews who joined the movement ROchoutur, Jul,y 7­11efore Judge rloan wAr. Increased mobility and . L ~ dcIphlan; went to her hom'e, and Mayer, of 6pee.&I Sessions, sitting the rigorous �outting dolvn of bag. J Cardinal Rampodil and Cardinal Sera- Etgair4-4t the Government and to Wakefield went to 'the home of )Its ag c), columittlug. ' flao Vannuftolli. Theyl axe both ro- warn intending Jewish revolution, magistrate yester� gage and supplies. It should bore. al] fatlier. In, Zramlngham, Mass. There (lay, two contractors aware tirat membered that tile prime objector ) ,Tale Pope's end Is near. -Tho latest Indeed .71(onishing. The exact de- preseritatives air the conservative IRts ; second1g, to use anti-Sawl lie waft arrested, Charged with per- ulows from Rome, datea finition of tho Pope's llliieqs Is senile policy,', [but, are bitter antagonists of rloti% as a safety! valve for the dls- jury. in swearing that &-trultol J. liarkki, walking delegate, ilia campaigm -w,as the protection 3.56 this . I a copper ruln- a4y,nawl-. pneumonia, but His Holl- each 61ther. Cardinal Rampolll is a content -which is sprewding ever tawriber of the United Board of Build- of our treaty tribes against the imorning, states that tho Pope has very warm Fra4acoph.110, while Car- wider even among tille ilumblest or. Ing com'pany, which he ]lad organ- IleB8 has not the least Idea that lie Nod, 11fad a paid in- capital of $25(Y,- Inx TraAea and labor leader, had ex- 'Mikllah, but tillat tilts object has 1had three hours' sloop, but wake 19 attacked by any organic disease. dinal VannutitoIll is averse to the ders of Russian society.'." 000, toj!iod money from them up a Con- never been attained because ow- PolicY Inaugura4ted by the dItIon precedent to Calling off to the enemy's groat mobility twith severe pains in ilia chest. Dr. In fact-, lie wa,g not In bed when I . present The wT,Iter of the article distinctly Mu wife, hearing of his arrest, I ter by changing went to ilia Yatican, but soatLKI lit Pontifical Secrocary) or' Sta strikos. tTI-11 troops tfave, all they can do 'Mappoill. gave him roll te of as- states that tile pamphlet was eLron- went to see him., but at the tvlal 111r; lv�ual armi chair, where I am Burning tile power to which he has Lated WtiofQsale among the Orthodox While the accused man sneered and to protect the line of communica- dito position. -, adbercd for fifteen ,y.'ears. The there ivau revealed a story of firian, accustolved to see him every. time t. "lost popula,tlon residing In Jewish (ivar, clat mianipulailon, that caused com- IMIC audibly denounced their state- tions. It bur tribes are not pro- . Rome, July 5, 8 a.ru.-11God,s will I )lult the palace Be believes that Probable liberal candidates aro Car- tcx�sl all ovell Russia, ment both here and abroad. luvrits as lalfieltoods, they t tented their. orfly alternative Is to - . I)(,, done. Who woulfl have believed the opprv,*%�Ioq on' his chest and the d1nal Bishop, Agliaxdt and Cardinal Why the Czar's Visit is Cancelled. in order that he Might WltnGkikii tifO the'r Meeting$ Wlt" him. Jet', tile Mullah', and recent infor- it, whon only tell days LIgO I W,18 accompanying difficulty of bveath7- PrIest Satoilli, ,whiose brenidtAt of Rouge, Jitly T -The fact that the coronation ceremony, lie rented DIL- ill-& COnVarsatLOlI and told of his, con- matlon loaves flo room for doubt I, Ing are increly: tile results of ex- view.% and love of modern Idea,s have that tlr,o feelings of these people presiding over a pqbtle consistory, tranin weaklnes,;, As soon as he saw beer i5treingthened by.1 Ills stay, in Cznx will uot return this year the till Park, one of tile allow places of Lluct. One swore lie had thus given serious - murmured, feebly, Papa Leo, as lie mie, 1119 Holiness repeatedly re- America. Tba most Probable religious visit or tba, King of Italy Is attrill- tile country, and made preparations $100 a,nd tha other $800, towarda us are becoming . felt himself late last evening gDltlg lluestcd mb to bira mv ottention to re Cardinal Priest Gat- utod to the attitude or the Italia," to etitprtaiii lavlOilY. It �iald- soon Mr. LC,bcII tqhtified that hIB firm IT stralnea. it is stated that thle tI, who would carefullyj avoid mixing SUciallets, Who In !the Chamber and after blo return, here that he was manulaotured architectural iron a,n,I tribes are to -day in a more unpro- - Into It sleep which lastedunill a,bollt tile best, means of restoring Ilia up In polltla%, a,nd CaXdinal Priest th,o prew and at public meetings have arrested and received a sentence bronze, used In the finishing of build- tected state tham they ever have 'a o'clock, when excruciating paill strength, which he said, was all lie Ang6lo dl Pietro, ,who also has the openly dccl,.i.red that they wOvId solze which has recently expired. Ue is ings. He had Two contracte in Janu- been since the Mullah's movement brolight ilia dying Pontiff back to required, except a little fresh air. desirable requisite air old age, being the opportunity of the Czar's Corning ! rOw. it ly believed, In Detroit. a�ry of till& year. One was, tile new began, and It Is pointed out that I Now and then 'the Pope has recourse � � - . - I Republican Club building, in West it is 1XIOt POSTS or stoiwly-,litoving nsclousness. 11c groaned, and to Iiiii Invetc,rato habit of snurr-tak- 75Y.'earsold. All those candidates live leortletli stroct, for $6,777, and the troops that Can protect them, but '*,""I Ing, raylng that lie finds it very re Ill Rome, but a atrong paxty, which Other the Women's Hotel, in 11,,wenty- mobile colu�mns 'based on these ...'plalned of pains oil both B!Jos of - might Include a good forelgn'Caxdln- ninth street, for $15,500. In January posts and ready to st"t at a me. the thorax. Tenderly, Dr. La,ppoifl, f"08111119. The weakness of the pa- at, advocates the election, of a Car- a, strike was; ordered among Ilia ment's notice, equipped with water, , .ussl�todby Pope Loo's valet and tile tient's pulse and Irregular breatil- dinal who is o i RUSSIA JPLAYINfi CHINA - Ing, gradually al)prouelilrig to gasp- . wmlkinell, whicli continued about tell against tile enemy. physletan's assistant, Do Castro, lift- Ing, are tile only external synIptoms Carla, such as Cardinal Sato, Pat- ay6. He was advised tie "go and see A Pertinent Question. ed ilia frail. form, and, changing tile of any. serious nature, but, as I riarch off Vealce;'Cardillal Forrarl, Sam. Parka." t Some doubt to expressed as to in giving tile said before, tile Popie this nforning Arcalb1shop of Mllam� both Intran- a Y 0 "I went to Parks� home on Jan. 29," whether this Is fully appreciated, position, sucoeedca algean't, or Caxdi;nlal TO BREAK WITH 'POWERS ` . - war..; full of spirits, and would not Capecelatro, continued the witnuw. -qt a be- and the question Is asked bpw, are patleat soma, relief. take a grave, view of h1s ownt case. Arebbtahop bf Capifa. I I I -­ ­­ ­ ­ - - - ­­ .- ­ tween six and seven cPolooklin the the masses of newr troops to be Stimulants Prolong Life. When I left HJ9 Holinesa said; evening. A stiratige man opened the formed Into really mobile columns? Though hovering oil ilia brink of 'Onve again soon, I,wIlI try to give (]oar ror me and I mat the defendant It I, hold thht under present con. ,death, the lire of The Pontiff is Nthl Toil a better reception." I ,, 1.9 e e L, s to Get a n Understanding in a room alona I,sald, 'Parks, -why ditions, and ,with a superfluity of Last Sacrament NORD IN14101JOBUHST jam -tan 4�j are you makinj all t1do trouble for baggage, this will be, Impossible, ;prolongedby means of strong stauu- - Administered. F us 2' . . muts and concentrated nourishment, During tbe. afternoloin the Btrengtb 0 and that unless th'a Mullah places " 'Look liore,l lie ansWored, we are himself in position for open attack I r I . to children, and thisl is a business and while he is still Wive, Ills woo- of the Ponitiff bega!n to fall him. go With SL "etersburg Direct. derful vitality may jigain resist and rapidly 'and Ills coindition, becameso -aln extremely improbable event - proposition. You've been doing pretty the presence of fresh) troops under - conquer the attack of tills illnek;8. critical that It appeared that only., a Pleasure Seekers Meet Death wa,hington, July 7. -If the U. & join in breaking tile Plighted fftitll well lately, .and ),oil. will have to pay Lato last evening, after the ex-utte- few more hours bf life remained to I Government has Dean madeac,1lialrit- of all the powers as to tile open such conditions wall not seriously is d Is d I went of the ceremony or tile I..lat him. It was, therefore, deemed wise "s' $3()O" 'Pay whom ?' I a ke - ' " 7 - a L to Ilia discomfort. it is not yet ill Peiinsylvania. a Man- door in Marichurla, and so has act-, m%, It& said. , . definitely know,n whotbLer General sacraments was over, tile Popo seem- to a,dylge hIm! of tile grave condition, ad with the latest phase of th ad adversely to U. S. interests. "This wa,% TImrsday," said the wit- 9 rton will proceed dlre(,-t to So - ed less restless, partly soothed by and tills was dolne with tender pre- churian question as indicated In an China, Is Hedging. ilmss, "and I fivally agreed to give '00 the religious service aild partly by caution. Pope Leo Nvita then prepar- malilland or first come to England I RELEASED -treaty is d�y morning. to dra;% up a now plan of e4am- a (lose or chlorolorm which was given ad for Ills last Communion, -which was ACRES OF WATER Odessa, despatch last night, the of- �Ahanghal, July 7 -The conclusion him the money ttio following SAtur- , to him In considerable quantity. The adinInlatered to -night, -with the par- ficlais have succeeded In keeping the of tile U. B. commercial . - paign .With the authoritites. Pontiff is lying 9n it, Kmali bed drawn ticipation ldf all the Cardinals now Groolisburg, Pa.., July 7. -Al wat- fact from tllci public. oi1ly awaiting a definite reply from 'The next morning the men were ill Chinese to the Amerioa,n deniand back at work, and oil Saturday morn-' I tile gor. . ports of Man- Ing, I went to ParlW home with six o ndow over looking ilia 'Ili Rome, and the whole of the Pon- erapout of immense proportions There have been conferences re- vor" the opening of $50 bI:lT. McCarthy, a. walking doIL- plaza of St. Pater's. The chamber 18 tifical 'cdulA. Mile solenin, yet struck in the vlelnbty of Oakford contly between Secretary IL%Y and elturla. Tile Chinese delegates hre very large, and drapod with green gootle cercludDy' of &dminist�rIng the gate, was thoro this time, and I THE WHITE N'S 1.91110, curtains. The only picture In tile last sacrament took place at Ills Park at F1 O'clock tills afternoon Count Cassiri, tile Russian j�mbaq� evading this reply, while tile U -K' asked about him. 11 -lea all right,' &at(] - --- room Is an an-t�que Madonna, and bedidde. Ills pale and emaciated face, and created a flood that caused sador, regarding Manchuria. Some Insist upon Its definite reference to Parks. �Ila stands in with me. He the Government at Pekin. knows everything.' I ille sole ornamortt is a great ivory alnjogt as whIto fts the pillows on groat loss lof life and property. It Indications had appeared that the . ,zlion I handed crucifix. wh-Ich It rested, shoWed little sign Is know.a that at least twenty .per- Japan Snubs St. Petersburg. over to Parks $300, iia;ylng I would Eti.1h6siastic R�port by H's rilhe interior of the Vaiticau during of lira, except the keen glittering Ru�s�slan Government had found It the eA,i-ly hours or this morning tosti- eyes, always his most, stilking fea- bOns lost their lives, but up 'to a Tokio, July 7 -The .Pekin corre-g- glya tho balance Ili a f ow, dayE. When . possible to shape her policy respect- pondent of the Nichi NIcht r-lYs tile I did this I asked Parka lickTV about Majesty's Commissioner. flop to The conviction that the Pass- turn. Around the bed were grouped -ratc `Gui� tu-nignt only three or paying tho men for their time Out ago of Pope Leo is very near. �jjllc the noblo guards in their glittering four "bodies have been recovered. Ing Manchuria, that it might be Chineso Minister at St. Petersburg cour,tyayd of St. Daina�so is filled rilliftyrin, Itho knights of the Cloak On both sides of tgo pleasure more acceptable .to tile UniLeLl has Informed ilia Chinese Govern- oil Strike. gs, merit that Toklo Is negotiating dir- "'Don't you pay ilia, -- anythin Nvith Tim ca,rriag" of the Cardinah;. and Sword, In 'their picturesque grounds aro high hills. tho parkbe- States. Dint the recent official state- It. answered, 'I don't care whom you ve in great hasto mede cs lack and Ing located Ili a ravine about a ()at with .'-',t. Petersburg. inquiries IMUST DEVELOP THE COUNTRY. to Rome, from Ftraisca,tl last evening. white rufff3, 25 Cardinals, all tile quaxtery of a mile wide and a imile want regarding the presentation to here have failed to elicit any offl- hire, Ilow, union or rion-unlon mail.' 11 Ji'l tho couxtya,rd a,re, drawn up thn members oT Sacred College who are. �o tile Russian Government Of tIlO JQW- clal confirmation of ilia foregoing Louis Brandt, an arollitect, wbo London, July 7­� Parliamentary ad owns tno St. Paul Hotel, at Sixtieth paper just issued, contains a report the cardinals anti of at present Ili Rome, stately, and van- I,;,- fitreet niul Columbus avenue, told of by., Sir C. Elliott, His .Majesty's Com- cArriagep of T16 gath�oring flood meant the' Ish potitioll indicated that ilia statemont, though it Is nof (10,11 many nota,blqs. Servants and mn- arable f Igures In their swec�lng crim. breaking of the w1all. thlat hold five Washington administration felt Rus- that It communication han pa'3800 a strike ,there ton months ago, In adsaloner an the East Africa Pro- songers hurry across the court with son robtes, The whole, forming a Beene acres of w.,atol-. Soon 'a,ftoz- the maj� has sodght to induce Clittra to, between Toklo and Sit. Petersburg. which lia was also advised, to "see tectorate, dated Mornbassa, which. of huge wax tapers and with Of rlch-,'yet subdaing color, a fit sub- buildings had been cleared tho wat- . Paxkkr." Ila went there, and after says : . T!,111111io;ep or the coolbsiastical digril- , Ject for the brnall, of Rembrandt. The ors: swopt over, the W, all of the . some ta,lk was told that lie intist pay Fast Africa is tliie greatest plill- turiqu, who axe ivaltIng. within the wholo of what IB called the Ponti, dam , and in' a moment a torrent $1,000. Ila finally got that down to anthropic achievement of the later lya.lacc. ,rqll.o ante-oliambers of ilia fical family,!, headed by Cardinal Rain- of water was racing over tile on" Wj R-1 V ra $.',00 anti departed. Via next evening nineteenth century, and instances palaco were thronged all through ilia poll!, and including hit tbe private Lire length of 400 feet of the daull 14 A I Ito returned with three $100 bills and the effoT,ts Ili su5ilressing slave - night with pl-Inow of the Church, olikimberlairts, -was there. title inarry-gaf- COAL A11NF3'W­""S' 01"RE"' � NCES , was mo,t by Paxks. i raiding and preventing famines. Be - high noblemen and momborg of tN Noarest to the bed stood tile till- round and lothor amusement places "So you've been down to see Jer- cGridly-, 'a large part of East Africa dityloma,tic oorpu. Molcgrams of lit- t)osiiig figuro. of the CardirialGrand wore, twisted about, aud all but the .11a � t qJ I i4 ON J I ,,ina, have you?" wp,s Parks' saluta- is fl, white mAll's couiltry,", sulta,ble (julry have been received from �&w- Ponitentlary, Scraflno Vannutelli, dancing pavilion and lunch stand on. "I don't care allyt . hing for him. f or Europma colonizaXion, not m,Q of the monarolls of Europe. hm- with the carried from their founda- N10 W U N g'& —"k ko�� CANS �;` 0"Ar'"" ION. 11opols confessor, to liea,r were ly LA lie's a Cigarette fiend. I've got twD mokely., in patches here and there, poror William of- Germany oxpressed tile last Confession of thb depart- tions. The rain continued to fall Of ill L, smartest la,w, f Irms in the ol ty but ' . practically anywhere In the , a deepest regret at the illness of the 1119 Pontiff. Than t1fe, priest aposto- In torrents, and it was not long .. working for me, and he can't scare ,,�blands­'Tlhlrdly ,, kafft Africa Is a Pope and the hope that he would lie approached, bearing thb VlMtl�- before a (great section of the wadl I*e,,S me. You, can mark the money if, you I country. setting aside altoge- , areS the Story ailt to -lave you got It here 2' Bboc,dily repover. curn, to give tile last communion, gave way with a orafAil. . of 11 taler the mineral wea,ltb, which is and administer the extreme line- '11ho flood beat down thb ravine Mrs. Ph er w -I History oJ the Illness. The wltne6& said lie produced ilia problomatical, in the vegetable king - tion, assisted by tho, Grand Pont- with a woar- tUat was heard two money and was ordered to place it on dorz Ole Prolteotora.te Is dombly rich, Rome, July 5.-Popo Loo's condition (ontlary. I)o1lo, Leo feebly recited miles away. A half -mile, down at a, table, I .. I for t bAs Its own, indigenous pro- ig such as to Canso the gravest anxi- ilia confession of fattlit, as formu- Husband's Last Hours. *I the junction of tho Greensburg and ' ducts, and an immense capacity., for oty. For twp nights lie su,tfcre4 from latod by t* -)a Council of Trout, and Jeanette and the park car lines, growing the products of other ibun- Insomnia, Dr. Lappont muggestod finally tile ,,%vords, of absolution and the car barns are located. =a ell- Wilketibarro, Ila., July. 7. - Tile Is,liment; It caused nausca, followed ROWLEY COMMITTED. tries. I . ,dally drIvQ9 In the Vatican gardens forinula, or Indulgence, in articula tranoo gates to the park w.prourt- Ulric Workors' district presidents' by It c0`1vuIBlyQ mOve"10"i Of tl'O — Sir C. Elliott a4do that ni'any rall- . to relieve, the trouble. . mortih, ivoro, oolentrily vronounced ad, and wIth. t1fo, force of a pile Coriclilla- Illube. Szotwithstanding ho seemed Matiagerol'k,igin Coinpaiiy Sent 1UP [tons have been. expended on Q6 con. After Friday's Wive, the Pope felL by tho Urralid Penitentiary, THO driver the mammoth' posts were who are Members or tile to grow istoadily worse, lie did not for Triitl-At Ins I$Jlect ing. structlon of the rallvvay� and the stronger, but the weakness returned boadu of thlo great religious orders, burled by Uro, wiater. against tile Lion Boarcl prosontod the griov- want modical aid. Finally I flocild- rallway., Can oinly the barn. W,yond Ifts located -the ancos of t1le, Sciftlylkill and llazlo­ ad to -dibregard Ilia wishou. So I .St, Thoiiias�, Ont. report - George . be Ina -do In the evening, and Dr.'La.pPGKII lla,,10- who were T)resent, granted 171011 sont for tha doctor. Th3n I tried Rowley-, tile defaulting Elgin Lo,a4 to pay, by developing the coun- ,led the ulgItt at the Vatican. 13'arly Pope tile special Indulgences wd. small Nv,;aitir)g roallf, and on the ton districts at the board meeting Co. mariagor,- was arraig tria,i through which it passes, and Saturday morning and u, nod In the the Pontiff f(ll they Ifavo tile privilege of confer- a to got my husb. pstairs, and 11 into a beav sloop and did not awake ring. Then came tlietouchingp track .was ,standing a car loado here yesterday. Taiope of tile linally succeeded, %-till the aid of Police Catirt tilts morning, charged by, expeAdIng a reasonable sum on ; 7 ray- with passengers on their, Nvay 1rom with ,gtcallng tlIdt %IOT01013ment. He considers it until noon. I t ors for a passing soul, and part Greensburg and �Toanotte. Razloton district Included redue- another person. After he was lit $4,000. 1 Ilia walved examination throuk,di, big certain. th,tLt ilia countrg -will pay I of thn Gospol, tdo Lord's Passion. Tho electric ,storm Had rendered tion In ,,wag0s, Overtime alleltor, W. L. Wickatt, a .oars, and has good . 11he condition of tile Pope became and trou. b0d I gavo 111111 another (logo of Its way. In Jan y medicine, butAt did not appeario 9 nd was ll�pc T1' Suddenly wGrae after tile drive In ilia .A.9 ilia last words Mod away all tile pow,or Yjouthl of this placo use- bias about small detalls. The list benefit him. Soon after 0"at nly committed for trial. Wt it iwill do so in a much Vatican gardens, whon, notwitll- roll oil their knees, ilia Pontiff raia- less, and the motorman w1as unable ill be ,submitted to ilia operators husband died. I Qp+l Ills right liancl County Attorney DO11011up 0 1 1 f1tanding t - Ing, Ills almost transbarcrit finger to move the car. U11to flood struck w to ball being accepted . bjected shorter porldd. I . lie faot that the tempera ' In colticlusion, tille commissioner. Turn, lwpo 96 degrees li'A.hronhelt, lie with a feeble effort, pi-oliouncedill. tile walting room boritainling proba. for answier before being made pub- as lie passed away, anti was bell(]- Mys: "When Mr� chamberl-Mri was trip; over him, Application for ball will be ma,de here he expressed the opinion that caught cold. and it 'eattled in him scarcely nudible, words Ills benedic- bly a hundrOd people. A lluinbo-,�oif tie and tills ansNvpr is C,Npocted at . to ilia County Judge. clicist and ]lead, producing ,shortly af- Lion oil the Sacred College and ota them struggled to a point of After my husband's dxttlf, May- tho prosperlity of tile Rare- tile meeting Ifiaro oil next Thurfs- lor also appeared, and would )lot Application wau then made to tile Protectorate torwardo diffuge, broricillial catarelip till present, and than sank back on ty, but It Is believed that at least I . might be fOuiid tO lie In the export- ,,,,, a ln� slight cough, any. leave until I had. consented to re- Honor Judge Ermatinger, IV 10 at- il,lr,at�l "' A I a tho )Illowt4. Ili the Portion Of tile ton persons :wcro drowrioa. Tale 60 refused ba,it until Rowley is ax- Of W111"t and wolol, "d that it would , ftZt.K . and watery eyes. IOggg or Raphaol, adjoining the stro6L ear ivar; Caught and swept president Fahey, Of the Schuyl- new my relations with him'. 01, tile I . be good economy Ito est'ablish- an Ag- " I th . .".rt pponl onts, )v..(,ro ilia faml- into the creek. kill district, W.jho docla rly and's ralgi ed, when; Ito ma,y) take �Oma ac- '. 0, Dr. La tend Papal npartm red that Ills ,%ur"I prior to my hush, rioultural I)epailtment oln a larger to cbmbat the catarrh an death I h'ad told lilin of my trip tioll. In tile meantime, Rowley Is . vent Its further (,I to pro- ling Or Count Rioltardo Poccl and in -an wanted tile 1-0 per cont. lit- to Camden -with Thylor. lo,dged Ili the County jall. . I goals than, now exists. Private on - Spread, especially Count Moroill, I -Ito ropo's nophlaws. torprlsa Is doing Something lit 'atioll- Ito development In -to broncliffis or Ili- ASSAILANTS OF CARLM". crease on ilia gross carntriggs, and "My only littotive Ill trying to se- Mr. Home Smith, the liquidator, Is Tho f,atest Ileport. not- on tho not, as t -lie companies matters, but expiertmentf; ill live fluinniation of the itings. 11eeling lits cure employnkent for Taylor lit rem o,vtng the booksi Of thlef AtW,0 Xib(ainl sto,ak and Irrigation can only be con- rt*pondbllity, Dr. Lapponi would The condition of Ills 11011ness Lit 11 licinindod That ;t- -18 a Misdemeanor are paying them, did not have suf* Camden wasi thot; I inIgUt Ill rill of Company to t4rorito ti) be audited. , p.m., ttlough still grave, wgia not so ficlant Information oil tho subject III,,,. I he"vor told hilli, that I twould Ilo expecia to return, here some time ducted ory w veryl moderaita Wcale Un. hAvo liked to have a consultation lous -as late in the afternoon. Dr. I o Libel I lie Deao. and ilia consideration of it WAR rather livo :wIth, him than Ili September. i . I ) less they are undertake,% by the Gov. With tine, best physicians In Rome, SO" with my orilment Orr by capIta sts. Xtrust, but the Pope absolutely refuse(! to Lf"Pluml aftiblistored caniphor-caf- ,London, July 7. -As coneldorabla. f)ostponod. Reports show, That'llt- husband. I did not give stryelfribio A large meeting of the%creditorg agree to tilts. Ila sald lie had entire faille through the mouth as till In- fcalfilg hals alrelloy boon Caused by tic progross has been inade toward or any other kln(I of poison to, my at t1to AAlas Loam, Compa,-ily! Ivan held therefore, thut In Tylew of the ron.11A confidence In Dr. Lappon], and added jection, but it did 'lot Provo success- rovelatiors In connection with Car- Rattling tho aninor grl6vailees at husband r do anything to cause held at 'the City! 11all to-tililit. here great posabilities 61fered for raising wa Owing corn His Majesty1f; . thait the only other person lie would fnl. Tile amellorn,tion rosuffing life, and a4 mo:Veover tbose, liv- tile colliorits as the board desired. his doatltoV) .a little disciisslooft, tile ill n bus. == Inlay see their -way J0 allow, to bo.ealled wag Dr. Mazzoul, froln tile tamplior-caffellio wels so lyle"a' orsons, who have been Indulging IsIrs. I'llares, Deft'lice. She is Acquitted. Iness bolng the appointmen f %Ln alalf(411 ; . 11191) ter are Advisory Committee to not In con. -ho Pontiff In 1801). marked that the Pontiff CAlled first b, a dispri,to over the mat. , ; who o9cirt4ted on t 1110110 or lose closely united one to the Miantit 11olly, N. I., July 7.-Tll� Lator.-Vho result of tile trial of junction' wlth tho National Trust The Doctor's Statement. Ills lippliews, and tban bIR private trial of Mrs. Annie Pharos for the Mr , Other by ramuy t1eq, tile Law, Times a. Phares, accused of liavlii� killed Company', perma,rient liquidators. FOUR AT A BIRTH. I M0 Associated Press oorrtmpond_ soeretary, and ndjuated some per- reminds the PCGP10 Who are raking rourdor of her husband was resum- tier hilabalid, was n, verdict of )lot Tit() �tlljeo choson, were Dr. Luton, * I t sonal affalro. up Incidents of it none too plea,swit ad yesterday, witil. Mrs. Pharesoll guilty, tho jury being out about two ex -Mayor Sporrin Chant, and.Jos Unusual t)olueatl� -E 1011t Takes Place ,an- sa-w Dr. Mazzoni this afternoon Dr M,..tzzoni and Dr. Thippoill now lin,taro ththt It In possible they will tile stand. Slio admitted buying hours. 00, kilpati'lek, It. 11o,rile SmIth, will jpni him return from, consultation .at at Glasgow, . NPovo Loo's bedside. Tlic doctor eal.1; think that the danger of a catas- expose themselves to serious legal utryclinino lit a, drug, store, lit (161- .,M4 soon as ilia verdict wa a re, roturn to St. Thomas In September, "Mm situation. this timn I Certain- troplio oeourring during the night Consequences, more especially If, In umbus, but said she wAntod It to corded, Mrs. Pharos, necompanted by and adviKe, the creditors upon any' London, July 7. -Urs. Collingan, the IV really rav -, till View. of atho great 1141B, boon avoided, Indeed, they hope the limt or controversy, 001110 tile- oa tier Cellar or ratR, Speaking of lier counsel, walkad out oil tile lawn polntg updn which, they., dealre In- wife of a steel, Polisher, living &t r g .. patient, and his itato t:, art fatillre, tivoq not altogether 1110I.Orloal S110111:1 hor husband's condition shortly at- to thank each one of tho jurors per- fo.1,rn&tJ.on. nridgeton. Glasgow, has just given ago 0 ,a thn linlegs there Is lie of ,extreint weakness. Ill be able to koop their PA,- boshown to actuate them. tni, life doath', *Mrs. Pharos, with no samilly. ,,,�he was as Cool and coin. i . IjbIlrover, the they W Ti3io generAl f"llng 111116119 deP69- birth to four girls. cage, is not yet dosivorates ospeclal- tit'lit a,IVV for a few, days 1011901's It L9 'a coninion mlodomeallor to (118010Y Of 1omOtIOu, said: 110,111(i Its slip had been througholli Itors Is loss 11101)0f"], all IIIIPMS8100 Tile mother Is only n8 Years of ago,, IV with a in:111 having Snell linox- (IFT(Irinily if lie witilagIv consentn to Imbli,sh (InfamAtoll-Y matter about 11.1k.ty husband ,woo itillibin to eat ,he trial, and responded to tit(% con- gaining grornnd talffut the proopoets tillid has been married five ye&ra. IxIctod reserves of energv Itlid vi. 01�svmo thn pluvEdclans' ordiro. This, drad persons so as to bring then] and 111110h. The reallou lit) assigned was graiulftti011s thrlikst UPOlt her Without are, not very. bright for much of a ,,,,he first had twins, then singles, and 3 1 tality WWCI� At the ago of - 03 Is however, Is tit; Moro (lifficult wj bla their relAtives Into publio contempt. that w1kbilovor lie took any liour- the least embarrassmeiltq percentage. � t . I IAWY these litutdruplets,