The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 5J ul> 9, 1903 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE.
' h o rele ENS
1 d erha lar a er•
The Mell s Store News
, Tile admission of a vonln)nnicatiou ill these
av apacan p pa R g p
tentage will relapse later on. The ray
has )lot et been used suffloientl long
Y Y !o
Y®ur Hair
us ,
columna [lova not thutwo endorw the
avntltuuntai uL ilio mvlitul Editor,
to determine what percentage will To.
such as consumption in its earliest
stages, before it can be detected by any
physical signs; gall stones, stones in the
kidney, disease of the spine, hip -joint
entire relief in the great majority of
In passing, I may add for the benefit
of your correspondent, that I happen to
'wain permanertly oured. Its use in
Hardware Store, Wingham,
disease and scores of others. Many of
these can be diagnosed by physical signs
have one of the largest and most expen•
sive machines in the world for the gen-
cancer has not yet proven so significant-
"Two years ago my hair was
$5,00 SUITS $3.00
II one Boys' Fane, Suits in imported Tweeds, etc., for ages 3 to 8 ears
Y Y P a
S)it' -My attention has been drawn to
ly beneficial as in either Lupus or Sarco.
mata, but if it saves some lives, modi•
falling out badly. I purchased a
i bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
, Y, • .$3
worth $1.75, $5.00 and $0.00$each-Your choice.... , ... • . •
an article by your Lower Town tortes-
lies the course of the disease in others
soon my hair stopped coming out."
1 3
pendent recently In the Advance, In
which t takes y Ili the
to refer e, in
and renders their last hours free from
pain surely it is heaven born and should
Miss. Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111.
10 only Boys' three-piece Suits in Tweeds, Serges, etc., worth $3.50, $3.75, 3
$4,00 and $1.50 -choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
disparagingly to the X rays. It is quite
receive commendation rather than cen-
Perhaps your mother
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,•,,,
probable that your correspondent has
the X knows of
sure. In tubercular joint affections its
had thin hair, but that Is
$8.00 $4,75
never seen rays, nothing
action is little short of miraculous. In
Parasols, with steel rod, fancy handles, good coverings, good
12 only Youths' Suits in neat Ttfeeds, etc., short or long Pants, sizes
their possibilities, and as I do not know
the treatment of Consumption of the
4 no reason wily you must
92 to 35, worth $5, $0, $7 and $8 -choice .......................... 4.75
him, I will ask your kind permission to
- him the
lungs too, in early stages, our medical
=: o through life with half -
g g
$8.00 SUITS $5.75
24 Men's Suits in good patterns, some light and some dark, sizes 35 to 44;
these are odd Suits which were made to $6,50,
enlighten a little through
columns of your paper. It is now a
little the Roent-
journals are full of commendatory
articles from the pens of our most emin-
- Starved hair. If you want
sell at $7.00,, $8.00 and 5 76
9.00 each -choice........
over seven years since
ent physicians. No one, however, has
long, thick hair, feed it
............. ...............
gen rays were discovered in the modest
little town Main. The flashed
been so foolish as to claim the Xray a
with Ayees Hair Vigor,
$1.90 PANTS $1,25
of cable
a specific or a cure-all, but surely such
48 pairs Men's odd Pants, sizes 32 to 46 waist, worth $1.00, $1.75 to
the news from London to America,
a record of results as I have outlined,
and make it rich, dark,
$2,00 -choice..... ........... . . . ... . . . ........... . ....... . ............... 1.25
January 7th, 1896. The medical pro.
should give it a place in the armen-
and heavy.
75c PANTS 49c
fession at once sought its aid, and in it
Larium of every earnest worker in the
26 pairs Boys' odd Pants, sizes 22 to 32, reg, price 75c -Sale.... . ......... .49
have found our greatest diagnostic, and
field of medicine and surgery today,
il.os s bottle. All �nii4ts,
HATS ! HATS !-Hard and Soft Felt Hate, latest shapes .......... 50c to 5.00
therapeutic agent of the last decade.
Many doctrines formerly regarded as
I have not et indicated one-tenth art
If your drugfist cannot supply you,
Bond bottle dlar
a d°the name
Straw Hats, all kinds and shapes................................Joe to 1.00
true, have since been completely Chang-
of usefulness but not desiring
to unduly prolong this article or give
- give
of your nearest WesCOo�Lo Address,
SALEM SHIRTS. -Made to fit men, not prices. Colors guaranteed.
ed. The proofs of the great usefulness
your correspondent more than he can
all latest patterns, etc., now in stock -prices ........ I., ..... $1.00 to 2.00
of these miraculous rays in Surgery as
digest at once, I shall add the Con-
We have all the latest in Ties, Collars, Cuffs,
well as in medicine are now overwhelm-
clusicn3 arrived at by Dr. W.' B. Coley
Socks, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc .......... ....
ing. The recognition of foreign bodies
one of the most eminent surgeons in the
in the remotest corner of the living
city of New York, and published by him
organism is now a matter of the great-
res and dislocations are
est vaso. Fractures
in the supplementary edition of the
Twentieth Century Practice
See Our
The R. H. Crowder CO,
now shown as they really are in life.
this spring. He says "We are warrant -
a warrant -
Accuracy takes the place of ignorance
ed in stating: -
In Boots and Shoes our prices are right.
and doubt; painful manipulations are
1 -That the results in the cases thus
New Styles
not necessary for diagnostic purposes.
far treated prove that the Roentgen ray
Experts in fractures in our cities are un-
has a remarkable inhibitory action upon
able to deny the fact that there is a large
the growth of all forms of malignant
of cheap and medium
� �
Bruder Twine
number of bone injuries, the character
which could formerly not r
disease, and this is especially true of
priced Bed -room Suites
and Side Boards. Suites
li of the
zed, on account of the swelling of the
2 -That this action in many cases of
area involved or the obscurity of the
even far advanced anti inoperable malig-
at $11.50, $15.50 and
symptoms. The number of cases of
nant disease, may result in the total
24.00 are considered ex-
mistaken for contusion or, dis-
disappearance of the tumours, often
tortion, without the aid of the X rays is
without any breaking down of the tissues
tra good Value. Some
Come to
nds Douglass the
Druggist for all kinds Flower Pure aril
enormous. It is in such cases that a
simple glance with the X rays furnishes
the new growth being apparently ab -
specials in Mattresses and
a dif- 'a
Seeds. Over
the most precise evidence. IY desired
3 -Whether the "patients have been
w1I'e Springs.
and Garden ,30
ferent colors and varieties of sweet
mixture from.
by the patient or if needed for medico-
cured, or the disease has been merely
peas to choose your
cases, a radiograph can be taken in
arrested to re -appear at some future
a few minutes and retained for future
date, is a question that time alone can
reference. The nature of the fracture,
Residence -Patrick
Street, S. dracey'a
whether transverse, oblique or eommin-
4 -Recent observations and experi-
former residence,
where night calls
uted, with the exact amount of displace-
ments upon the various forms of cancer
receive prompt at-
ment, is at once determined. Whether,
and sarcoma, prove that an agent, sup-
It will pay you to call and
if about a joint, there be both fracture
posed to be of value only in a limited
TUBEROSE BEGONIAS get our prices.
and. dislocation, can be noted In a
moment, and these were injuries which
class of superficial cancer, promises to
be of as great or greater value in every
prior to the use of the X rays, it was
variety of cancer.
Anything we have not in
often impossible to ascertain positively.
5 -While at present there is little evi-
stock will be procured at Catalo-
gue price. $2,000.00
After the fracture is set or the dislocation
reduced, it can be verffled by examina-
dence to show that deep-seated cancers
call be cured or benefitted by the Roent-
special prize A s of $5.00 is being ,
p p
tion and watched from day to day with-
gen ray, there is still some reason to
t th win ham Fair
given by me a e g
for the best collection of roots and
vegetables grown from my seed.
GL A S Sthe
worth of Masse Harris Re-
pall's. All kinds of Plough
POlIItS. " At
out even removing the splints. The
X rays have augmented our knowledge
in regard to diseases of bone. They
have proven of incalculable benefit in
diagnosis of many obscure ailments,
hope, that with greater knowledge and
skill, even these cases may be benefitted.
6 -The Roentgen ray has a very
marked influence upon the pain of nearly
all types of malignant tumours, causing
us ,
R e A. D 0
Chemist &Druggist
such as consumption in its earliest
stages, before it can be detected by any
physical signs; gall stones, stones in the
kidney, disease of the spine, hip -joint
entire relief in the great majority of
In passing, I may add for the benefit
of your correspondent, that I happen to
for tasty and
ADVANCE down -to -date Job
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co.
Hardware Store, Wingham,
disease and scores of others. Many of
these can be diagnosed by physical signs
have one of the largest and most expen•
sive machines in the world for the gen-
Printing. Prices
OFFICE right.
sixist l produ
Quick R'oWA$
5ij er Goods
Big savings for you at this store during our
Summer Sale. we make it a • point to carry
nothing over if price will clear it out. Values
such as these prices tell of, should make this Sale
a great success.
5 pieces Fancy Dress Muslius. choice patterns, fast colors, regu-
lar value 20c, to clear at ....................................$ .15
3 pieces Black Muslin, new patterns, goods worth 121 to 15c --
Sale price ..................................................
Ladies' Sbirt Waists, colored, nicely made, good style, worth
75c, $1.00, $1.25, on sale at ..................................
Ladies' Fine White Cambric Underskirts,with deep muslin frill,
full width; good value at $1.25, to clear at ..... ............
Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, seamless, fast black, regular price
20c. Sale price ..............................................
Ladies' Sailor Hats, good shapes, black or colored bands, regu-
lar value 50c, to clear ......................................
Ladies' White Muslin Waists, nicely trimmed and tucked,
latest style, good value at $1.25 and $1.35, to clear..........
Ladies' Fine Cambric Nightgowns, full sizes, tucked yokes,
regular value 95c, sale price .............. :.................
Boys' Stockings, 10 doz. good. strong, worsted, ribbed stockings,
fast black, cheap at 25c, they go at .... .....................
A line of colored muslins, good patterns and colors, regular
value 8c and Joe, to clear at ................................
Parasols, with steel rod, fancy handles, good coverings, good
value at $1.25, sale price ................................ ...
Boys' Summer Suits and Blouses at wholesale price.
Men's washable Linen Coats, regular value $1,00, to clear......
Highest Price Paid for Produce
Smith do Pethick's old.stand, after the patient has parsed through eration of my X ray electrical current.
weeks of suffering and perhaps becomes 'I may also add that it supplies another
deformed. By the use of the X rays, the set of currents called Franklinic or
`!t ff f f! / ft }t f ♦ f diagnosis is rendered immediate and Static electricity and among them is one A Great Increasing Army,
Property For Sale certain, as the Surgeon sEEs the existing we call the Static "Spark." If he will
condition by their aid. For example kindly call at my office any time, I will composed of men and women that spend
not lou since a patient called at my lade supply him "gratis" with a few, heart and soul fu the vain effort to over -
few, g P gladly PP Y g come a lack of vigor ffior the body. To Our Summer
w•'•,,,, _
office, to consult me for an apparent and leave him to be the judge -as to replace inertia by vigor, to make good,
+ A. H. Carr effete for sale his property on cold, for which she had been treating whether they "accomplish" anything. red blood that will build up the system,
Minnie Street, consisting of one 2 -story frame with another physician for nearly two These Static currents are now unfver• to have strong nerves, you must eat
more digest more, assimilate more.
cottage, with modern improvements; ,bath months. I examined her with tale sally conceded by educated medical men How can t be done ? By using Ferro• Z: rAom, electric light, stool range stove, carpets, X rays and found the right aide of cheat to be our best Iruowtt treatlneut iu a zone. It invigorates, strengthens,pos suit
! full of fluid. Went out the next day large list of ills -such, for example, as sesses magical health giving powers.
-+e li oleum, oto„ also one barn, and two Lull lots
a„+�--„ -,:.. it Got Ferrozone today and make yourself
,.. and operated, removing nearly a gallon classified by the world celebrated electro-
..,,. with considerable fruit, Everything is in first strong and well. All reliable druggists
_ class cgndition. will sop very thea Inspoo- of pleuritic fluid. She is now as strong therapeutist, Dr. S. H. Monell of New and medicine dealers sell Ferrozone.
-� W e are sole p p and as well as ever. More recently a !York.
.�.+ tion invited ; this is auo of the most desirable
patient consulted me saying he had been i 1 -Lumbago, sciatica, rheumatic and
properties in Wingham. Can be best secured from us
.,� given up to die of consumption by; muscular pains.
_ several physicians. An examination 2 -Neuralgias of every kind and in- INCOME OF THB FAMILY CUT
agents for with the X ray, revealed the facts that somnia. OFF. We have the material ; we guar-
.. ,,,•r ka
the side of the chest was full of pus. 3 -No other agent equals Static vice --
�` r * T �f Operating I removed nearly half agal- tricity in the treatment of hysterical Appeal from Friends on lSohalf of ii
~" f1„s�+H�+ ion of foul stinking matter. He has states, their associated conditions aild Poor Ooustu,tptive. antes Do -
fit workmanship and style;
(MARKET SQUARE) , g f p J l
now fully recovered. Similar cases I nervous diseases. As a means of im- The following letter from an eastern
_ might be multiplied, but space forbids. proving the general nervous tone of town, addressed to the Secretary o the we ask only reasonable prices.
.� STOCK FOOD w National Sanitarium Association, steps
i Money to loan on notes, and notes . Is a power for such usefulness to be patients it is without n rival. to, explains itself :-"tiVhat steps re
-•-o discounted at reasonable rates. Money sneered at, by some one who does not 4-Eularged glands and swellings are quire to be taken to place a consumptive
e advanced on mortgages at 5per cent. know the difference between the X ray, quickly resolved and absorbed. patient in the Free Consumption Hos- Give us a trial -you are sure to
1.0 with privilega of paging at the end of pital? We have a poor man here, who
w any year. ]Votes and accounts collect- the Violet ray or the Finsen ray. In 5 -It surpasses all other remedies in has consumption, He has a wife and
w M ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. dentistry too, the X ray has become one dealing with stiffened, contracted or family of five children. He has been be satisfied. Headquarters for
For Sale only by RosT. MotNDoo. "980 of the greatest aids to diagnosis. Much paralytic mtisoles or in the treatment of sick and off work for four months
more might be said in regard to the rheumatoid arthritis. already. The only soured of income of
the family has been cut off. I think the up-to-date Gents'
ll .b Wingham Cement Works. X ray, as a diagnostic agent, but I must 6 -It has given the most brilliant re- father would be better if he had the
w -., �- not take up too much of your time. sults in the treatment of all forms of proper care, but here in the mids,t.of his
Colin A. Campbe.
--e Beat Prands o (.7emept always on Permit me however to Make a few re- paralysis and loco -motor ataxia. family it is impossible to give him proper
- " hand, fresh and ref liable.troatmont. If we can place him in the
marks in regard to the ray as a theta 7 -TC admittedly holds the highest
-.e .leo cotner_t window sills and Consumption hospital for Dare and treat -
E D uQGIPT Z arches. 1poor sills de to order. or Peutio agent -that is as an agent for place in the treatment of St. Vitus dance.
1 Me , to to thou ilio people Here can a is manage
kpy ether' kipc� of peq}ept work. Lime the treatment and Dura of disease. 8 -Tu epilepsy it produces the most to look after the family until he is To-
fqrsale, Tt will pay you to give us a Some2 or 3 years ago, the leading sur- excelliil)t results. storedtohealth. Heisabletogoaround, Fall'; information clleerfully given. geons and physicians in connection with 9 -It can be made a powerful, painless but is very weak."
Works between O. P. R. and G. T. R.We publish this letter to illustrate how
tracks, Josephine street. the American hospitals and colleges, as .and effective tonic in debilitated condi- great is the need for the Free Hospital
P well as those in England and Europe, "
37-49 F. GUTTERIDGE. g P , tions to weakened muscles -as a mss• for poor Consumptives, established by the
having been so gratified with the X ray sage" it is unequalled. National Sanitarium Association at Mus -
as a diagnostic power, began experi- 10 -Ill diseases of the skill it is a valua• koka. Just one year ago the first patient
For menting with these rays as a curative ble adjunpt to medicinal measures. ^a woman from Napaneo-was admitted
�R en S into the hospital, and since within
Its Hista ' ° -
�rl agency. They were startled to f�nai ai}d 11 -'in convalescence from all acute, patients have found a home «'ithin its
agreeably surprised to learn of its wond- diseases, the tonic and vitalizing action halls. A great ntltllbon of these are 1
�� erful power in during .or alleviating of Static electricity excels any other Yuunte to pay anything towards
man forms of tubercular, malignant tllPir maintenance, whilst the average
y , g agent fu the author's experience, from tllose who pay is less than one-half
and skin affections, over which prev- 12 -No electrical application can be the cost of maintenance. `
iously we had very little or no control, made so gratifying to patients ; no 'There is no endowment, and the Trus -
It is yet however, as a ther4poi4tio agent remedy may be more swift and perma- tees depend solely in ilio making up, of
IN the large deficit each month ou the con,
only in its experimental stage, and no nent in action ; none may easily Y be more Y tributions of kind friends, \Vith the in -
we llibve 400 40 most one has claimed that it will oure all applied in many cases, creasing numbers as,&ing admission to
"����, beautiful and complete stock such affections, It has, however, been So says Dr. Monell of Now York, and the hospital, allould the subscriptions Is made when you Choose our store as the
wkfound particularly in, and icontflo to, run short, as they have boon
. ever put on the �'Vingham y efficacious s he has perhaps the largest experience d�'or the past three months, the place to buy your Furniture. Stocl: Large-
thought to be a specific for that with Static electricity of an man in
��OckS , Y Y 1`rusteos will have no recourse open to
Market in the way of Mens horrible disease called Lupus, which is America. them but to close some of the wards, Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just
Suitings. quite common, more particularly in If there be anything now in the ding- Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt Yim-Presi- et our prices ' It Will COSI OU nothing t0 find
large centres, a disease which has a nostic or therapeutic use of the X ray,dent of the Associa,tiou, on Mr. W. J. g p y g
���e`'r�� g p Y , to which I have above referred that
Gage, , will re wt th@ Escripti o Com. them out, and you may save money. Our
In all the latet?t designs peculiar affinity for the nose and face , {ml�ttpo, will resolve subscriptions for '
and materials at very reason- often eating away a great portion of the your correspondent hesitates to believe, thta much needed work. guarantee goes with every article we sell.
�+�A a $ke-
nose or side of the face, causing the I will be pleased to prove it to hila from «�+ vable prices. You willhave Come and see us. Price our goods, and yellhost unsightly deformity, It has been the works of our most eminent authori.
Znq 4iliiculty }n scleeting a found almost equally useful ill Rodent ties in the world of medicine to -day, Unnecessary to Suffer from Asthma. Will be able to say as others have said-
suit to suit, ulcers, and in chronic ulcera, so often Yours truly, that you wish you had known before, what
fiefl found in the aged, and so difiioult to J. P. XnbiNEDY. This distressing complaint can be per-
Vf\J 1 V" • �n fit and workmanship hoaL Surely an agency whfoh will ao• _ fectly cured by inhaling Catarrhozrono a fine stock we have and what reasonable
a vegetable antiseptic' that destroys the
we take a back seat for no complish this should be within easy Dreadful Spinal Pains. gorms which cause the disease, Catarrh- prices we sell for. Try here next time and
- One, access of all such sufferers. It has boon ozone is inhaled at the mouth from a
p ' pool;et inhaler, and after get a surprise.
found useful noxi in Osteosarcomata, a Woalc bank alas fu the aide, number convenient g p
tumour, heretofore much more deadly Choir ful ind fn thousands. Only very permou inp; tyle rougtest air cells, fs eItSatisfaction guaranteed. than a cancer; hundreds sof such cases Powerful and penetrating co xowodies will 1>ilipcl a�owly through the nostrils. It
reach these distressing complanuta, more stops the cough, makes breathing regu-
lives been cured, many r0feved, thin, thing n as h -,y t0 Cu14 tllelu as Ally- lar and err m the
the Asthma so ever Valker Bros. Button
Jewelry Store Robt. Maxwell lives prolonged and freed from pain, thing in the �Qoricl llb lac euro, One return from rho system that it novo,
but unfortunately, in other cases, it has drop eua}''il} Ita)il.subdning power to returns. Don't suffer from Asthma, use
seemed to accomplish but little; 'Yule dr0`aps of any other. Potent, pone- Catarrhozone, it will speedily cure you.
Crating, porsistont in actfott, these ox- Large outfit, $1.00. Small size, 25 coots. QQ
superficial center about 50' Have been prow the qualities of Norvilino, Drug- D::^uggist or by mail from Polson & Co„ Furniture Dealers OL Undertakers
Macdonald Block Wingham• High Art Tailor 'Wing ham cured, s small percentage of Whom gists everywhere sell it, I�-11.ngston, Ont.
- i