HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 4Readysisto-Wear Goods
A lot of fine white linen Shirt Waists, Em-
broidered fronts, Tucked fronts, trimmed with
Medallions, finest qualities, perfect fitting, and the
latest styles. Prices are reduced away down..
1 Special lots of Beautiful
Applique Collars, Silk
Collars, Wash Collars, etc. A splendid assortment
from 25 cents to 75 cents each,
LININGS Another shipment of Gilbert's cel-
ebrated spun glass or Oriental
Linings in Black and colors.
One lot of Japan Silk, pure Silk, all shades,
specialper yard ......................... 25C
io ends of this season's Muslins, new patterns,
regular 25c per yard --Special .............. 19c
5 doz. Ribbed Cotton Hose, regular 15 to 25c
per pair—Special, 2 pair for ................ 25c
There are some of. those $I.00 Shoes left. Don't
miss this snap.
Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs.
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. McIND00.
ZP! S 0 A
■ -
This Week we Will talk to you
about Soap. It is a staple article
always in demand, and to make it
more popular we are going to give
with every purchase of 20 cents'
worth of Washing Soap, one Bar of
cleansing Soap for polishing and
scouring kitchen utensils.
at Griffin's
the Follow-
ing Lines -0
A large assortment of Prints, American
goods, at all prices. w
Ladies' white Underwear at cost.
Hosiery for all kinds of people in Cotton
and Cashmere. Best value. Ladies'
aHose, guaranteed fast black, 10 cts.
Corsets—Short and long, heavy Jean and
Featherweight, this week a specialty.
Bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, beau-
tiful Black pieces, Prints, Embroideries,
41— etc., etc.
Now Is Your Chance,
411 -
A. 1P
�l��tf l���lti�f iit��tl�tt�ititttiti�tiZl�t�#f Y�itit#>ittl�l�titlillit�
—2n responding to the toast
ttThe Dominion" on July 1st, at a
banquet in London, England, Lord
Strathcona said that in a short time
"Canada would provide all the
breadstuffs required for the old
land." Instead of being regarded
simply as the "Lady of the Snow,"
Canada is now being prized as the
granary of the Empire.
--The Montreal Witness is re-
garded as Liberal in its tendency
and management. But it opposes
the Dominion Government in its
proposed railway policy. Speak-
ing of the government's proposal
to build a general road from Monc-
ton to Winnipeg the Witness says:
"We do not hesitate to describe
this as a deliberate waste of public
money. It practically'means par-
alleling the Intercolonial from
Moncton westward, a line on
which traffic is even now hard to
obtain. On the other hand, it will
be rich pasturage for politicians
and adventurers, and the Quebec
schemers will sell their bridge at a
swinging profit." .
—Three things may be relied on
to show the progress of the West—
land sales, immigration and custom
duties. All these this year show
well. Immigration arrivals for the
year ending June 30, are estimated
at 110,100, as against 55,261 last
year. Winnipeg Customs returns
for June this year totalled $228,-
036.83, and last year $130,802.64.
For the year ending June 30 collec-
tions amounted to $1,933,082.87,
an increase of $433,856.04 over last
year. For the month of June, the
C. P. R.'s sales of land amounted
to $1,222,651, and for the year
ending June 30, $9,693,950, nearly
double last year's sales. All this
is evidence of the filling up of the
the great west.
—A despatch from Bangor,
Maine, dated July 2nd says:—
Within a few days Maine is likely
to be in fact what it is supposed
to be—a prohibition State. Never
until now has constitutional pro-
hibition prohibited the sale of
liquor anywhere in Maine, if a
saloon -keeper was willing to sub-
mit to arrest and fine about twice
In the sale upon commission, If Vile
condition is imposed that the deal-
AD"V"ANCE, July n T903
er cannot handle goods of other
such action, On the sil bject of
_ uirsssarss l _, �� I �
combinations an restraint of trade
Ladies' Sailor Hats reg. so for ...... 35c
Ritchie 6 � �
--The laying of the telegracaphic
it is made an indictable offence for
a manufacturer in any class of
goods to sell on condition that
cable between San Franoisand
the Phillipine islands has been
-the purchaser shall not deal in
goods of a like kind produced by
Macdonald Biotic, Winghalli.
the length of the mountain section,
and for this distance the guarantee
any other manufacturer, or even
Men's and Boys' Hata at reduced
prices, for July.
Readysisto-Wear Goods
A lot of fine white linen Shirt Waists, Em-
broidered fronts, Tucked fronts, trimmed with
Medallions, finest qualities, perfect fitting, and the
latest styles. Prices are reduced away down..
1 Special lots of Beautiful
Applique Collars, Silk
Collars, Wash Collars, etc. A splendid assortment
from 25 cents to 75 cents each,
LININGS Another shipment of Gilbert's cel-
ebrated spun glass or Oriental
Linings in Black and colors.
One lot of Japan Silk, pure Silk, all shades,
specialper yard ......................... 25C
io ends of this season's Muslins, new patterns,
regular 25c per yard --Special .............. 19c
5 doz. Ribbed Cotton Hose, regular 15 to 25c
per pair—Special, 2 pair for ................ 25c
There are some of. those $I.00 Shoes left. Don't
miss this snap.
Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs.
Ritchie & Campbell
successors to M. H. McIND00.
ZP! S 0 A
■ -
This Week we Will talk to you
about Soap. It is a staple article
always in demand, and to make it
more popular we are going to give
with every purchase of 20 cents'
worth of Washing Soap, one Bar of
cleansing Soap for polishing and
scouring kitchen utensils.
at Griffin's
the Follow-
ing Lines -0
A large assortment of Prints, American
goods, at all prices. w
Ladies' white Underwear at cost.
Hosiery for all kinds of people in Cotton
and Cashmere. Best value. Ladies'
aHose, guaranteed fast black, 10 cts.
Corsets—Short and long, heavy Jean and
Featherweight, this week a specialty.
Bargains in Remnants of Dress Goods, beau-
tiful Black pieces, Prints, Embroideries,
41— etc., etc.
Now Is Your Chance,
411 -
A. 1P
�l��tf l���lti�f iit��tl�tt�ititttiti�tiZl�t�#f Y�itit#>ittl�l�titlillit�
—2n responding to the toast
ttThe Dominion" on July 1st, at a
banquet in London, England, Lord
Strathcona said that in a short time
"Canada would provide all the
breadstuffs required for the old
land." Instead of being regarded
simply as the "Lady of the Snow,"
Canada is now being prized as the
granary of the Empire.
--The Montreal Witness is re-
garded as Liberal in its tendency
and management. But it opposes
the Dominion Government in its
proposed railway policy. Speak-
ing of the government's proposal
to build a general road from Monc-
ton to Winnipeg the Witness says:
"We do not hesitate to describe
this as a deliberate waste of public
money. It practically'means par-
alleling the Intercolonial from
Moncton westward, a line on
which traffic is even now hard to
obtain. On the other hand, it will
be rich pasturage for politicians
and adventurers, and the Quebec
schemers will sell their bridge at a
swinging profit." .
—Three things may be relied on
to show the progress of the West—
land sales, immigration and custom
duties. All these this year show
well. Immigration arrivals for the
year ending June 30, are estimated
at 110,100, as against 55,261 last
year. Winnipeg Customs returns
for June this year totalled $228,-
036.83, and last year $130,802.64.
For the year ending June 30 collec-
tions amounted to $1,933,082.87,
an increase of $433,856.04 over last
year. For the month of June, the
C. P. R.'s sales of land amounted
to $1,222,651, and for the year
ending June 30, $9,693,950, nearly
double last year's sales. All this
is evidence of the filling up of the
the great west.
—A despatch from Bangor,
Maine, dated July 2nd says:—
Within a few days Maine is likely
to be in fact what it is supposed
to be—a prohibition State. Never
until now has constitutional pro-
hibition prohibited the sale of
liquor anywhere in Maine, if a
saloon -keeper was willing to sub-
mit to arrest and fine about twice
In the sale upon commission, If Vile
condition is imposed that the deal-
er cannot handle goods of other
This is picnic time and it
Ladies' Sailor Hats reg. so for ...... 35c
— Incidents are still being
brought to public -view regarding
the awful flood at Heppner, Mon-
tana, a few weeps ago, by which
several hundred lives were lost.
Bodies are still being dug from the
wreckage where the floods rolled
fathoms high like a resistless wall.
A. child was found over ten miles
from the parents. The most strik-
ing evidence of the strength of the
flowing stream was its effect upon
the railway tracks. The flood
picked up the heavy steel rails and
bent them as a boy would a pin.
One of the rails was hurled like a
javelin into a bank of earth, and
only two feet of it remained pro-
truding from the ground. Two of
the, dead were recovered in a singu-
lar way, A dog standing on a pile
of debris was barking wildly.
The rescuers wondered why, and
tearing away the heap they dis-
covered the body of the dog's mas-
ter. When the body was removed
the dog would not leave. Con-
tinuing their search the part
found the dog's mistress.
The Toronto World says :—
Manitoba is in the throes of
general election, with the exciting
incidents of a scandal and the re-
appearance of our venerable friend,
the School question. The school
question comes up in the form of a
complaint by Winnipeg Catholics
of the working of the present law,
The law is the result of the settle-
ment between the Laurier govern-
ment and the Greenway govern-
ment in 1896. Premier Roblin has
declared that he cannot disturb
this arrangement. This would
mean that nothing can'be done ex-
cept by negotiation between the
two governments, and that again
is an admission that the Dominion
government has the right to inter-
fere. As a matter of fact, the
agreement itself amounted to such
an admission. But it was repre-
sented as the result of conciliation,
of the moral suasion by the Lau-
rier government and this is the view
to which practical effect will be
given. We may be quite sure that
no political party will ever burn its
fingers with the question again.
I. I :Il , III II In IIII ..I 111141 I di d
• -.>a
.A Group of Bargains for July Read the List
"� over careful)
Here's a grand opportunity for you to save money. The July Sale for this year
must out -distance all previous sales. Our stock is much larger than ever before, and the
quality of the goods has never before been equalled. We want to put emphasis on the fact
that it is our regular lines of goods that we oiler at reductions that range from 25 to 50
per cent. off our regular prices.
Bargains in flats
be 75 per cent. of `the actual cost of
to do so.
Construction, but is not to exceed
This is picnic time and it
Ladies' Sailor Hats reg. so for ...... 35c
$13,000 a mile. The Government
will be interesting for you to
—�'� '
.. •+ ++ " 40 for ...... 30c
'Girls' Hats rrg 50c and 75c for ...... 25c
have arbitrarily fixed 50(' miles as
know that we can supply you
A person to keep cool needs
tuency under the Redistribution
Act, Dufferin so far takes the lead.
the length of the mountain section,
and for this distance the guarantee
with a fine line of—
light weight clothing. We can
supply your wants. Let ns help
Men's and Boys' Hata at reduced
prices, for July.
will also be 75 per cent. of the ac-
Canned Fish and. Meats Pot-
f '
you to look and feel cotnfotable.
A quantity of Men's Straw Hata,
teal cost up to a maximum of $30,-
000 a mile. The rates to be charg-
ted Ham, Beef; Duck, Salad
vVe have a s lendid assort•
ment of White and Colored Mus•
reg. `L5c and 30—reduced to ..... ,15c
ed are* to be subject to the control
Dressing, Mustard Dressing,
gi g,
lins, Basket Cloth, Dimity
Muslin. Dress Ginghams, fancy
Mens Canvas Hats, reg. 40 for .... 30c
Men's New Stylish Straw Hats 25•
of the Governor in Council or the
Railway Commission, but on the
Sauces, Pickles, Catsup, -&c.
Silks &c. Just the goods for
hot weather.
per cent off reg. prices. ,
Government section of the line the
You'll enjoy your picnic
Graduate of Royal 3;
College of Dental �r
ship of Adjala will be annexed to
one of the Simcoes, while the
rates are not to be cut down to
a figure that will prevent the tom-
g P
better if you use BLUE
$1.50 Shirt Waists for......$1.00
Men's Leather Belts, at
pany from paying annual rental.
Construction will be under con-
RIBBON TEA. Nolle bet-
.75 " " " ...... .50
reduced prices. a
trol of a commission appointed by
tel'. Put up ill lead packages
50c Leather Belts for...............Joe
" "
the Government, so far as the
Moncton -Winnipeg section is con-
prices 25e, 40e, 50e a lb.
Summer Vests, all Styyles.
Prices 5c, lOc, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c.
35C • • • • • • . . • • • . .25c
25c " `' " • ..............20c -'
Men's Summer Clothing
New Glassware. Bargains in Shoes
at Bargain Prices.
We have just received a
case of very pretty Glassware
with heavy (!old Decorations.
The kind that does not wash
off. The price is low.
Plates, Bon Bon Dishes,
Vases, Tooth Pick Holders,
Pin Trays, Rose Bowls,
Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers.
Your choice for 15c each.
A better quality of Glass,
same decoration as above.
Water Sets 7 pieces...............$1.75
Table Sets 6 " ............... 1.75
B S t 7 " 1 40
Oxfords are in high favor
this year, and right in face of
this fact we are selling Oxfords,
at reduced prices.
$1. .75 Dongola Kid Oxfords..$1.35
1.50 . " 1.15
1.35 " 661.00
1.75 " " Trilby.,. 1.35
1.35 ' • •' 1.00
Just a fewpail's left of those
light weight, laced Shoes, regu-
lar $1,00, reduced to 75c a pair.
Fine Dongola and Box Calf
Shoes el 50 to $3 50 a air
$1.50 Summer Vests for ..........$1.00
75c .. .. .. .... I..... .50
Fine Cotton Shirts and Drs. each. .25
Fine Balbriggan 11 .25
.. p ,. .50
Fine Silkine is " .75
Fine Natural Wool " is 1,00
We can supply you with
fine ordered clothing on short
notice. We guarantee style,
fit and quality.
Blk. Venetian Worsteds.
Fine Blk. and Navy Serges.
Fine Fancy English Worsteds
Fine Canadian and Scotch
erry e s Tweeds,
a year. Now, however, the � .
Judges of the Supreme Court have I
given notice that the possession of
a United States internal revenue ACROSS THE CONTINENT.
liquor. stamp will subject the
possessor to a jail sentence instead ALEX. FELLY
of a fine, and all over the State, Fall Terms Opens Sept. 1st. WELLINGTON MUTUAL
hotels and restaurants last night The following is the outline CENTRAL Auctioneer for Huron County FIRE INS. CO.
the new railway which is to bea
closed their bars, wholesalers went built through Canada from the I have secured an Auctioneer's license for
Established PH
out of business and within a week g ' Head once GUELPH, oNT.
� Atlantic to the Pacific, and known � _,+ Huron county, and am prepared to conduct
every retailer will have quit STBATFORD, ONT. sales at reasonable rates. Risks taken on all olasses of insurable pro
as the Grand Trunk Pacific. The Sales arranged at the Advance Office.
selling. main features of the Government's Scores of Business Colleges have ap• party on the cash or premium nota system.
I oliC in connection with the ro- plied to ns for our graduates, i sot as ,
policy II teachers in their schoo)s. This is the President. Secretary,
posed transcontinental railway evidence -you are looking for as to the
—Starting Out With September P Y BEST SCHOOL to attend. Thousands JOHN RITCHIE,
sittings the Court of Appeal will line have practically been deter- nes uitfermer Ste fort care now .in busi- T11Os. HOLMES AGENT, WINGHAM ONT
sit in two divisions. This will mined, and it is expected that with t BANKER, ETC.
greatly facilitate the work of this in a few days a contract with the '1, J. Elliott, Principal, Alarriage Licenses issued. No witnesses
court which is far in arrear. Grand TrunkCompany will be required. SAW'
si ned. 'The Government under- Money 4% largo amounts; smaller in pro•WINGRAM
There will not be less than 80 ap- g portion, Easiest terms.
peals on the September list. take to construct a line from Mone- IT'S ALL RIGHT.
There is about that number at the ton to Winnipeg via Quebec, and RICHARD HOLMES McLEAN & sori
beginning of every sittings and it to lease it to the Grand Trunk Pa- and students may enter the BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETC., ETC.
has been found impossible to hear cific Company for fifty years. For%STOWEL office;—next to Holmes Block now building
these and give judgment within the first five years they will pay Ailkindaofronghanddrassed.... It
time acceptable to litigants no rental to the Government. For
and lawyers. This court has fre- the second five years they will pay DR. AGNEW LUMBER LATH SHINGLES
quently had 50 cases standing for the net surplus of receipts over at any time. > >
judgment. By dividing the court working expenses. For the re- SPRING TERM begins March 30. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, APPLE BARRELS.
g y years three judges can hear appeals from
mainin fort the agree to Two Courses—Commercial and shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR,
y g Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald
decisions of a single judge. The Pay 3 per cent. on the cost of con- Send for College Journal. Block. Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
struction. C. A. FLEMING A. L. McINTYRE Night calls answered at office, large quantity of dry hard -
with ,judge of a lower court will TIIE WESTERN SECTION.
wood for sale, delivered.
make up a second division. The The Government will guarantee TOWN PRZOPERTIES WANTED. DRS, CHISHOL� CHISHOI,M
full court will of course, have to the bonds for the stretch of line Telephone Orders Promptly
sit to hear appeals from a court of which the company themselves are PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC. attended to,
two or more 'ud es and all a eals I hale almost dail enquiries for
g PP
in criminal cases.
to construct. In the case of the
prairie section the guarantee will
houses to rent or buy. y Josephine Street -- Win ham
Now is the time to sell if you wish p g
be 75 per cent. of `the actual cost of
to do so.
Construction, but is not to exceed
No charge unless a sale is made.
P, KENNEDY, KID., M. C. P, S.0
—For the number of changes re-
$13,000 a mile. The Government
Abner Cosens, Minnie st.
quired to make one new consti-
have arbitrarily fixed 50(' miles as
(Member of the British Medical
tuency under the Redistribution
Act, Dufferin so far takes the lead.
the length of the mountain section,
and for this distance the guarantee
To form this constituency, one
will also be 75 per cent. of the ac-
Special attention paid to Diseases of women
and children,
must be wiped out—Cardwell, and
five others changed—Peel, Simcoe,
teal cost up to a maximum of $30,-
000 a mile. The rates to be charg-
OssloE Ho1rRs:-1to4p.m,; 7to9p,m,
Grey and the two Wellingtons.
ed are* to be subject to the control
on Town and Farm Property.
W. T. Holloway
The township of Caledon and
Albion and the village of Bolton
of the Governor in Council or the
Railway Commission, but on the
OPPICE.—In the Kent Block.
D.D.S., L,D.S, r
will be attached to Peel, the town-
Government section of the line the
Residence—Catherine St.
Graduate of Royal 3;
College of Dental �r
ship of Adjala will be annexed to
one of the Simcoes, while the
rates are not to be cut down to
a figure that will prevent the tom-
g P
Surgeons of Tori , `• . _ _
onto, and Honor
Graduate of Dent tc
townshi of Mono will form art of
the new county. Mulmur will be
pany from paying annual rental.
Construction will be under con-
- al D%t. of Toron " 4 r
to University.
i esme do
taken from South Simcoe, Shel-
trol of a commission appointed by
Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty.
aEo cls[ otiof
guaranteed, 6rOfftce in Beaver Block,
burne and Melanethon from East
Grey, Amaranth, East Luther and
the Government, so far as the
Moncton -Winnipeg section is con-
Grand Valley from North Welling-
cerned. The most modern appli-
offiee—in Vanstone Block.
open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9.
ton and Orangeville and East
antes will be used, and an effort
D.D.S., L,DA
Garafraxa from Centre Welling-
will be made to complete the lineJ,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the F en.
ton, and all these will, together
within from three to three and a
nsylvania College and Licentiate of
with Mono, form the County of
half years. The Grand Trunk
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Dufferin—they are now the judici-
Pacific Company are to equip the
MoxEtt To Lona.
Office Over Post Office—WINGRAM
al county of Dufferin.
line with rolling stock, and they
undertake that there will be no de-
Office:—Morton BIock, Wingham
ficiencies that regard.
—An amendment to the Crimin.
The company have sixty surveyMjSS
Teacher of Piano and Theory
al Code was introduced last week
parties out at present, of whom ten
in the Commons. It proposes to
are working between Lake Abittibi
A. T. c. ki,
impose a heavy fine on employers
and Quebec. The surveyors re-
Teacher of Piano, Theory, and Fletcher
who discharge their men for the
port the existence of a clay belt
Muslo 1lfethod, Simplot and Kindorgarten,
Pupils for Conservatory
Teacher of Violin
reason that they have absented
north of the north shore of Lake
proparod exam.
and Guitar.
themselves from business, when
Superior. There is similar soil for
Itooms—in Stono Blook, Wingham.
such was necessary for the main-
same distance eastward from Lake
tenance of civil order, It is also
Abittibi towards Quebec. ThereVANSTON
declared unlawful for any associa-
is a little pine, but the timber is
tion or corporation to discriminate
against any person because he is a
mostly spruce and pulpwood. Be -
tween Lake Abiptibi and Wig4ipeg
Mopey to loan at lowest rates, Office
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,
member of the militia force, a
there is pine, spruce and pulpwood.
Office: Meyer Block Wingham,
heavy fine being the penalty for
in abundance.
7.95. "WINGIHAM,
. n, x,, Dieklnaon
Dud1a7 Holmes
McLean & Son
t 50 YEARS' ,
Anyone sending a skoteh and (faserl tion mal
sickly aseertnin our opinion frau w otber, An
�yentigo is probab)p patentable. Communica-
ilnAetriet conildentf'a; $auQpgoiCo PA uta
asp ti!roa, ��dest p enc�fop ipeyirtngph�Atop
latents takon throUl,h Munn 1 Qp, Tpa. TO
special flake, witbout aharge, Ip the
SCie�tifiC .�mer�raa,
A handsomely 111astrate4 weakly. TArsest air•
culation of any scientlaa Journal. Terms, i3 A
F; four months, ;L Sold byeal nowadeAlers,
NN & CO ewroadwllr, Now Ygrk
Branch Olticc. 626 F fit., Washington, D. .
rite for our 'hifereatGg'bpoks t' Inlii6t
Help" and "How you are swindled.
I us a rough sketch or model of your is -
ton oriniprovenient and we will tellyott
our opinion as to whether it is probably
stable. Relected appllcatioeslinveoftea
i successfully prosecuted by us. We
luct fully equipppped offices in Montreal
Washington; thisqualifiesustopronipt-
ispatch work and quicklyq secure Patents
cad as the invention. IIIghoat refcreaces
tents procured through Afarlon tk Ma-
receive special notice without charge in
too newspapers distributed throughout
ecialt ion•ratent busines of bfanufaoa
rs and Xngineers.
Ment \Experts and Solloltors.
�, ,� Nolo Vork Lite B'Id'([,�oM nMcl.