HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 27
I" ent AbMt IWIlat time. Trace bim up ais tile plot, lop nu One IYOU 1W
4 vW4 c;xtj aul x- Nuch A mecrot,
WUM wrt to uto (Lt truoted blut with
ovelitil I too, lasipec-
49 a., "Corta ulv. Roly' upon
he lla%3 tho jV%vto TAWIIN-M, VCQ..t" heor
. , , Queer Doses Prescr*bed kt cje.* an abr�ipt daY." And I'vatch0d 1111A 4000031d the Ot'lill'il
N40. lo, thrim 11to UUV.V Of whilt vl�d it,%$ back to town. kue. as '.)to maid 61lelled the 1106P to
fr Xhkn 0% avid r�k- ill day I cr�11locd 11 kor And It unting t1io undei to
roN 1,0 tile
r �! .3 T.U.11; help to to- My cat,o pair Imm(,,dJ4t0Y d W
By of Old Days V11VI joila %V4111tv, 41111 P;Cked up Quo two men into tile 41:1"111K rooill and
ttl all thellp Nvilich iended to b%) 0jint t1jo 000r. Then erl!Pt (town*
'ILIA %bat , at;, ful. %,t ,s returited to stalri&
I 4'T1%* AVOTT ot tmum ward �Iud found chaliman awalt- I walked to the ow
0 kItIld 10 W11% t1wIr the floct0r, TOn loin -
too Cl -o ii.,- there awalted Ing.
h -r;,;' lie il�o-ated angrily, ate" lie jo,noa me, licam
lZat U; 13 dI'I that DclAutifully",
, VO. for 4
o.#14 to zi2, an evealag I)a-
MG 6,2b. V% fix, tL,L--.0 journalists, I
a to do -
lift% Saki' ankI 0 saill ,It,$ a very fluour frair."
Mh% by awr t�ly- Wi 't. Ilicy k ep darU? thcn, a
aq lmzval .,
-ou lorl"UP, doetor",
hTkauk you; then I'll VvIoll yoll
ain tot haro au at q1- ant r�,ad eagoily an cco-ant otth,� and the Old mail 04"t -
a42 liour later, front
W.,b mari�-cloutily fily-I Off- Half 1 XvIth Ibt rr(,_t� will rac'.I. 44 jw.t!Z44 vT gz-�,ater details and especlaby of Pass` tho
led with a c0fin. Mr. t;tra$ uweit to tr. t4tNl ta,% �n him. it tihoutdava loa
mount the bo -V biwldo tile driver and
iAlkiwkr. it ts t not silent.
the heaoo moved off at a ahairp
tho fttt %It I cricJ4 throw,ug waelied it dLuappear and
141 W*Verloo.11
it t �7o-all anything b;,,
then went bavk to the IlQW10-
filik, tho ssoo b a MA .)4;a *4t�O'V% �14 �S Nv-tAl towa� F,��r W It W"Ins rk,�atjs that he Tile Wald Opened, the door arld I
'I Z f.Ait to guesi we are aft2r him.
"n. N, alkad In unficoltatIP91Y-
awRunnIng up to tlio deceac-.0d W411'a
AIN CA nsz4 to ;zse - H I. it by th3 north- ro-.)MIJ kUrnEXI 1110 handle Of the (10o f
w;,,sz vN the brldge3 toak l. t it st-4o locked unit tie 1111fitcd Salat to ro, Ia filloulder to tmlvos "re ta wh:eh he -is-eat - or, orwar,l. ft
loor throw nYy oit two azd there we arl
I tbc"r on, of hir gam, and I pa6WI 1
.1. The 'key lay on the rloor, Ilaving 0
*ATC -21 4car�,. eh�ap=- exclaim, bef, pu.shef, ungler tile (Igor,
...... T�111 uN to b�� mT or.vn Eon. Try, Imarmurell, 1:
i un thrcad and be * here Oyou foil", your Itintructloils In C
at 9. I am not here the Mpgt exemplary manimr, I won- t
for mip., eor prioa The rlrlcets. t 1% a�J.,d I ��S:j 174C -Z Vtllit a -d t'.-.;- U'Lut night and tLe followltic I cross�d over to the 101110w, ohJilind and U1011 t" i'llc
u ez-.�Ivo tt? o bed.
mian there, anux in b I lay tile
-a-v clws were verr small and -Oil$, atlas fint-90Yn'
bo,3y of Jelin W
4Z lan Me Ub I <O-jjd bays crRxI with deftlit,
Ivells was I*T-
r4ur- "Good!" I 01culftUd, "b"t )to'$
bold, bad man, to at
BurgOTW? at teMItt huoll. u vell, 100. should
da V vi tni a gz�o4 ous�? and In trtnablo at It. NOIV, lot mo thialc,
Pn -1 0 a
2 u 0�t t, t! 3 known powcr of
bous:� with or extensla for only forty -
with a hours. W4A), fOrtY-0191)t
9 will expire ihlff cypning, and
tj Veantime, John Wells,
tba oor was sve E11.411 Ske.
by a :4cvya,3, I arrst You uPOD
to! alias Br2
Z Z�Nz;!xd at horror struick -ind hil sling,
In?" I �kod rant I it,4-1 for UO murder
vr James Sf-theral, a as J
n jr. =srcring tfut I you tilat anything
nul I cuution
-Ing Von may say to in --3 from this time
Cead, sb2 Irlil Ue used as qvidence UZIAInst, You
at your trial."
after that I SrMt the
rm to ]-.P-2r it.
out to fetch I young doctor.
j Vk q*:hil 4F�Z- W!. Va h 2 VAN film the
V.1 who!o lFtor and asked his �dvlce.
I"rlpr t:- --T He as a ractleal man and Int
Lcjv s -t abjut doing hN best to
n, Mr. 7'arg-4yZ3 the bo-ly
tv was repreduce animation In
Jobm Wor-S,
Ab:-uc 7 In the evening It seem-
-C at -s it we Bhoull succeed
k-aw W"o two
ed almes
1V7, Ix an -I I cjogratulat,!d myr,,?Ir UPOIT
Ind my But ths slight indlir
az caiic�n of I:fn fjul?lkly passsd away.
however, Wells'
a.1h. 'V.Z lips
=Ttyr, tqrL'* .1
r e, Ids
VrW, -as mos -Z-1 nnl h,i5 eyelids trembleJ.
s VIjar:,21 tv h's eye3 opened and rested
41 -.Zi 1.mr z1 Maturbance
�'IMT upon the door and tbPn upon
a 1 &4j e. I f-cilc 1-.e S.tarte SUghtly as
n t.7* t:ia� a r 4.� he c3ught sight of me.
a "LeaTe hhn alone, dottor;' I Z maz
H2 rill come rlWht involuntarlly.
IT'iat Is one o'f illi prop?rties of
th� draughL lie has taken."
4c�. tz ;4�r n wi, Z_* '-to b:� I
NT61s thre a sh-Arp gl-Ince at
=10 W; I said this an -1 fixed If"?
lo 17.
Wvk,=g, f2ereNy rpm e in n
loot. Th-�-n sadleu y he
%::jV 4ttl
Fon. thr-it, ou ?** lii�t cried.
r '4 rT Z z,, d - 1, r --I-- r, -plied; -and I'm
pitased Tou're ab'e to reco,
4.... THE MYS-FERY IPINV Ze ma:,
111, strength -nd vit-dit qn-:ckkT
g" a h rE'1ZT3eJ, alil I illought flt to se-
b�� e I
Us wr7sts. _Vt�r p�41n cau-
nm, XrLp
;ReaLng MP
kvk- I ' 4-m ill it antll!ng 11�,
2 would bz usad as evi-
is zj�
1,_ In- cgalwzrt Mai, I sent or a
T. call, nti wh',r Wells was spe
-IF P.,tf,- una�r lac -k and key. After
-e:: 1, trial lie was ro.-
Ai1vi-orl amil paid th, life penalty
"Z1, have;
vrimc,. iii
rha h. . nide(I him In his wild
CaCh rSCejTCj a long term
zirrnm Z)f . < Imprisonment.
Utz. L D: =�F 2'--T 71 9
r: or Good Point
.t:- Zrct- li� W�=-e 1e =M- S 0'.1ell
he Fal. jq lFgjj tIlftj Many of 4
Nil,' kr h.., wo-
are tul, espe-
irm Indi. beautli
but th,%t it Is
A:1 =Zkvz r,=kd ais�� I .. rl In got a sight ot them and
Zo -4 kv, Impossiblo to obtain a t rA 75 RNI A.: 011:4 f thvill, Says ilie r their
npilear to look NvIth
hi, photogralill-
nild vNrli wlien th6 o-
z ZLA r� irf, takzn rwl give
sc,r. ...... .11 A o16, W A :.a nit -
4, kz,_ 110auty the kill
Llark k-noit-gli to givo -,I ts,-
.�nn 'at! :'Wr' pic
9 to tl,, m x -
z -r, 14.1it, R�n tir srulexi I%v
rZ a anti
M art, inall and Opgontiv r
sblot malnwr gpntle, QP ott oriz
b,11 whell it 1.% NNII. IV
'k n,
i=,2 --I--
I, - �
o's altlig till, upper
--,tk !L
T ot zi prin-
Ifigillt" zl�i
1 No tillIt it
t t L
r V. !�Z Cik'
CL I i5-ilqil 4- q A kit r j7
1117 injuy jr1wou
tllli MU", r rollglon"? hero iW
)lappy bonlo 1)rokon uj�'/ the Ility-
gail juisi wito wqwatcli a uroc-
r bulsilieloss 90110 to*1110 119 "ll;
paravrij lif-reft of -their sell=4419
Itrous,,li JIV) IlP1119"-3 travefft;V .0t
I'llgliAll. I
ljow many Ignorant anAl slinple.-
jIjlej(!(j folk ar(� 4)(1i'591:1111 by 1-011-
loliff fronzy In to a 1), lief Lit -it they
I -q 1,Phe vountry re-
IyAd lian intlull, 11) allowfir for. 11U.
frelihiollabl') Peoplo I)f feeble Intel.
jq,i, art, lirolpipil liy exh9ttery to
get rollgion.11 111jicy jfpefik of Jt4iA_.&
r it wi-ro a," elddejule an't catclllflg��
rho, 11(defterty stro irnewell and nivay.
11 nwrely In, the peroorml mapet.
jilil OF 011,1 PIPPAkert). Finally, 11,11114
Amod-curdlIng groano of tho, con�-
"break out'-an-
,togailon, tjl(,.v
Itiler vloidemie terin-w4l declarc:
fley jwyo got It,
ilave (jien th's sort or perforAr--
ni,.() manv a tilao In a country
llstl,cjl, I jjavo of -en tile '#mO)Irjj-
pf,;#1 and littard thq groans, I have
,qf!d t1so flopplogs of the fren-
tell cionver I Pave known
Ilem V) "" from tile malle-
go rol�tjl
nary and I,, and cheat and back-
gto with renewed zeal.
There 10 not all atom, a slired or
1.1l'o 1-11100" In *thtq sort of tiling.
I.,, a -wrPtelted paro.,ly-the jester
ilwng no king-r4litaistle tricks to
mako the angels WeLP,
jffm,q clillat. lVas 4117ays digalflerl
1(5 -,Vjt)jdrV%V for thq r-olemnity of
j)rayep, no derionnes.41 the 0-Stent-4-
tiotla "floPpIngis" of tho Miarlsees.
He wat4 tile advioeato of the V-Trat
mmun!on is -311 God�
,&nd. yet in tbLi enlighteneml agrl
there are fftill foun4 preacbers wl%,-
encourage r8lig'.01V frenzy; eburches
t1lat rtill b;lIttl on spasmo-lic xanc�
A iyoman "floppel" 1; ba -1 jrnoug1j.
Bile ng P boule for the pra-,er
mcetill c's "er 0,11dren 1b. he
in h. n drive? Ab�
ot m g, an4 oftr
her ImblAnd to . drink 0-- s9methlug
W�p5e by ber contIn,!,&d crusadc,
agalact Jilin. I knew, a woman once
who mado her home, an 9110MInatiOn
of OeFolatiol. S�
-le ww3td searcely
permit a Emile; Abe carr;el a face
that woL�jd r -our T�as?gar, and she
wa,g thu uderl ugly rk-Ug'o;is. Her hus-
bandl ran Orr 171th another woman -
a bright, Cheerful, jo'.1.7 Pa -_&11. I
don -t bL=5 111m. L MWI ba& 93± to -P
13avo a little comfort 1.11 life.
But a, man llflopper:" could on -$-
thing be worse? A man Who 6110uld
Inqjj.t upon rising while it Tras Yet
night, to 614-02t n111 P-My-Areadful.
,M-�uy years ago In a little CI)UU-
try I-Illago I knew a man of
tvile. He -was rP1*4OuS--
Pillar In thir2� 31;,Aho1_;t Vharzli. 1113;
exl:ortations wery Thils Of Irratil,
anA hll tpjr!t=I 9XO_An�i s9methaD-Z
FrIghtfitl to 1;,-tez to- His fae-�� wa.i
ru-, bard and coM as a I4eze of gran-
Ete, and no ln;mall b -MX eier eau -
him smile. 11-3 uiieall V) haTO fl)?0`4
01, lising at midnight, ani "wresl1mg
whit Go,,I:" Jis if the AIM�93'tY
a prze figbter.
H--,. waa warri-d to a Z119M. defi-
Cate littla Tromnn of a T.1vasc-Oxg na-4..;
turL av-3
Avarb'lld lubed to 10'rz t-0 90 to
stz jWjs woman, for Eh2 told mf�
suct- wonderPal
and air casile-s- jjjrPwTzr. Lsr ar-
away cooldsS and njyjl-�� Pies wCW.
tblng,5 to r�member. - : I
T,b? poor iona was vuxays te"Iin-
-Z f- � ave wbten.
wh.jiz _b ho,::12 h
sylp cam�?, 5fj_� T-h�r? vras j3nq
tilag site trwc3auy :orgA- 102* an(,
ti.at was to bave .1. poren bullt on
tife e=m sid-2 of ber
fratx* h-o�sl, rvhEr'-1 Shv zn-ght et
ar-1 rcst from labors im �aE= C�,
of tb-z�- da -T_
wi,.�m the woZI,1 tL-n*3T Petition
her i�t vc re lm-pwase far UJIS -013MTOTt, he
, naj b�,
170-.211 IM:m-dZat IT
the. Lord to bave mk�rav 03 111-9 wife-
bo-ause'slie lovej tte la=C1% PC.MP3
an-" luxuri�s '*oT tbl�s h�'V' El'-Iful,
dyin, World.— I lnrt�ed ta Vst-v C�Rla
wi-at wpr:- thSSB lawtal
Mal"T";: and -womdering rai-47., W2)T 3
tPar sto:2� down %!IE, jaI:,d. �,Teivl;I-d
elle-,k =V
d�a,.r- jej� n -� whD ta'd ni�;,
Such Wautift! S!OrPs� al -d Madl- MA
such lovelv carawaT -Z`k:1,m
well, s*.,;- n:,;er gol !--, - 1*r.1h. U37L
C.t last Lmra zb,-:� Tok�z 6,1 tht, 10-V4
Ca"Jing at- H,- walk�d in h --r gaT6.11
in tjj�,- conj aT th-Et daT. Do-abi4---s
M- call -:!d livir ',.a ez,=* 'Mcl --Ttd
forever from hi -r labors, 100311 Sil-
flslmi,ss, from Lnom
crisr _=1 fram eont'n'ael
Mit, luld not b_VZ kM-.,3Pd ==MV
we, -kit iw-fori- calpc�rjt4�75 b?g-an er:
a I-O-Zh on cz5t b.
1=prv1,rn1S,-a-s 17,1=n b5V',Rt% A
'n -S Tia-A,4N,
jw,l�, el,
th�- pjac%:�, I aw 'UY's is�- �j
flonrer" nn'!Ms PorA In
-of i1i'-Z
H,- tc-ok.-tl to V.r,0Xf4_,,F,h Tanvr Me
grrat tend _;;;�Uaierg awi
blicking in ea'r-=n, 'Vasn- AV!3 I
h�axkm �Mnt M_V tlr�i
ti I drZTMIR Lw2 qo=z, t1 -4-r sim, -
at ran4w a grtat Oml =-El
mul 4a uxy 11'.V� I irn't., 11arl grVA
and k4l(cn, -Z-1 I =V r7Z1-
jxitb�,7,.4 qml
ylo Pan�4rllh-.x wlb,-t. o� M�Mnjl M*4
pk. 14,14. 1�aitlh
S,\ ntj;al hl: e. MTSZ. IN-, 4sl 21 7! -.1 IhN,i)
tor��Il t�m- n Tr,'qn
qz, C,
M�k. tnj
Pov clp
i -t