HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-09, Page 1The. II _ __ - _.. 11.1 11 -
30TH YEAR, NO. 45,
At The Target. Passed. Next Sunday.
WMINION BANK. HR Freeborn, S. Elliott and W. H. Miss Ethel hall successfully passed Next Sunday will bring a heavy
4Hole of the Wingham Rifle team her probationary examination at the day's work to Rev, Will. Lowe. In
made a record on Monday evening by Owen Sound Marine Hospital, and is the morning, at eleven o'clock, he will
each making all bull s -eyes at the assured by the Superintendent• that preach to L. O, L. No. 794, who will HULL En June 20, 1903. all arts of the world, but at regent,
range. This is good target practice. the prospects are good for her becom• meet in their Lodge room at 10.30. In ' B" P• P Capital paid up ;2.000,000
Capital aid u - $2,980,040 in a B DEAR AnVANCE—In my last I omit, judging by the freight sheds and idle Reserve 111,700.000
p p p} g first-class nurse. Her Wingham the afternoon, at quarter to four, ted to mention that on the Parisian, a dock Is, there is stagnation; in Tota
Assets $22,000,OW
Reception, friends con ' fact o
Reserve (and
u lyl . $3 334 000 congratulate her on her Mr. Lowe will preach to Court Malt- concert, in aid of the Seamen's Orphan n close inspection there appease Icon. Wm. Gibson President
+ + A reception was tendered Rev, Dr, success, land, No. 25, C. O. F., who meet in Home, Liverpool, was given, the first very little stuff in warehouses for car- oe lin s gond=ten Procorltnthor.B.Lea
Gundy on Friday evening, under the their Court room at 3.15. A full at- cabin passengers making all arrange• Boos Outward, The Wilson Line, one J, Turnbull, endri'res. and o. Ruth Manager
auspices of the Epworth League, as. ford
Installation. tendance Of the members is requested. ""owe, lass,uite ignoring the second or of thelargest
hundred steamers.has a fleetShi s are 11:, S. Steven Asst. Gen, -Manager
Farmers' Notes discounted, The following q lower cissa, but did not forget to sell P
slated by the Ladies Aid. Brief ad- g officers were installed , also built here, In of r H. X. Watson, Inapcctor.
P in Win B The Rector and the Churchwardens of their programmes in our department, p present de.
Drafts sold on all points in Can- dresses of welcome from the different gham Lodge, No. 286• A, F. & St. Paul's always welcome visiting thereby giving us a very cool invites- pression, there Is tally of building still Savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays to to 1
ada, the United States and Europe, departments of the Church were given A. M. on Tuesday:—C. A. Campbell, tion to attend. The Canadians and another dock. The city is being mo- Deposits of ;1 and upwards received. Ink-
And the choir rendered music at inter- fraternal societies. others on board, resenting the treat• dernixed in the spending of millions of
W. M.; Rev. W. Lowe, 7. P. M,; V. g crest allowed and computed on rete November
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. vale. Ice cream and cake were then . Yannorman, S. W.; J. Ritchie, J. W.; Weather Prediction. ment, got up a program themselves, pounds; new streets are being opened' and 31st May each year,andadded to principal
the same covering about two hours of up through the heart of the city, street special Deposits .iso received at current
Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and served, closing an enjoyable evening. J.A. Morton, Sec.; R, Vanstone, Treas.; Uev, Irl. Hicks' predictions for July, excellent music. The proceeds of the railways and other improvements rat Diuits ou Meat Britain and the United
upwards, and added to principal 30t1i Juno _ T. Bell, Chaplain ; P. Tansley, S. D.; much condensed are—About the 10th two concerts made ten pounds in aid going on. States bought and sold.
and 31st December each year, Hotel Changes. W. Campbell, J. D.; H. Jeffrey, I. G,; and ilth there will be warm winds of the Home. Sir Fred Carrington, of Beverley, eight miles, is a lovely old E L. DioxwsoN, Solicitor.
In addition to the changes and im- W, Dear, S. A. fame, was the chairman of the town, famed for its Minster, the finest
B T. with local thunderstorms, but the in Yorkshire, next to York Minster, W. CORBOULD Agent
A. E. QIBSON, Manager up es cruet concert; an old man of
provements being made in the interior Baseball, rains will not be general. They will be 74, dubbed the Duke of Devonshire, founded by John of Beverley, at that Travellers are notified that the Bank of
R. vanstone, Solicitor arrangements of the Queen's hotel, an followed by cooler weather. About was ours and filled the position admir- . time Archbishop of York, about the Hamilton and its Branches issue Circular note,
addition it beiii built in the form of On Friday next, the London Chain- abl Ae far as I could learn, not one year A. D. 710. The present church of the National Provincial Bank of England
g the 15th a great wave or pulsation of y dates from 1108 ; the total length is 334 I'') which can be cashed ,i Ithoat charge or
- . ' a win to the west end. The Bruns- pions will play with Wingham Base- second or steerage passenger attended rouble in any part of the worla
g heat will arise, accompanied by than- the concert in the first cabin. Cana- feet, height 67 feet, breadth of main
wick is also being further improved ball team on the park here. Both derstorms, which, however, may look transept 167, and across the nave, in -
P y dians will not tolerate flunkeyism, or P
° # by the addition of another sample teams are in fine trim and the game fs fierce but will pass over with a bluster "tone as this is an unknown quality eluding aisles, 64 ; height of two was•
E 5•'otal giall room at the rear. The travelling pub- likely to be a good one. Game called and duo but little rain except per. in Canada. tern towers is 18.2 feet ; the beautiful
at 4 p. m. The London team are A. p p p The railway management in Eng- carvings, in wood and stone, are es
lie will have no reason to complain of haps a few localities. On the 18th or land in some respects is better than in wonder. The carving on the choir
accommodation when visitin • our 1 players, and while our boys scarcely p Why Suffer With
See Halsey Parh',+ ndvt, B 20th a Mars periods begins, extending Canada ; accidents are more guarded seats is beautiful. A funny idea pre- Y
town. hope to defeat them, a ratlling good till the end of August, and the weath- against; things run with clock -work vailed in those early days. the. seats . .
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. game is the program. Admission -25 recision ; trains leave on time, con- being so constructed that if a singer
or at this tithe will foreshadow the P should u to sleep and lean ' forward Aching, Sweatiri
For The West. cis ;ladies 15 cls. nectione close, delays few, trains fie- g P g+ g+
4Jeff Musgrove of Howick sold a - two weather the next six weeks. It will uent ; for instance, the line from Hull they would get an unceremonious
A large number availed themselves q
year old colt last week for $180. Very Successful. turn hot, with deceptive storm clouds to Withernsea has ten trains each way dump on the floor. Ding Athelstan in
of the westbound 0. P. R. excursion the 9th centuryave Beverley
John Brooks of the let line of Morris on Saturday last. Agent Deemer Harry Ansley returned home last which pass over and leave but little ever e a but Sunda "Ri ht of Sanctuary" and the "Trid• Feet? ?
and yds actin before 9to clock arriving
g B y y the Swollen
sold a three ,Tear old colt recently for week from attending the Chatham rain. It is to be very hot from about len th departing
is 21 miles, so our stol or Fugitives Seat is still re-
y ticketed the following from Wingham g y pre-
240, —For Estevan—Mrs. J. Henry, Business College. We are pleased to the 20th tp the 25th, which will break readers can ledge of the efficiency of served. I am told this stone seat to
$ y u into thunderstorms about the lat- he service, which prevails nearly all "' years old. Your humble servant « ,+
A $16,50 Black Worsted Suit for tina Wightman, H. J. Wightman, J. note his success, in winning two P t y ". WALK EASY Foot
medals, one for keeping the beat get of ter date or the 27th, followed by a over England, and also is the matter took •sanctuary in it for a short time.
$12.00, at Crowdees. Cochrane, Joe. Casemore, W. F. How- books, and the other for general pro- change to colder weather. Mr. Hicks of fares: One shilling (24 cents) pays The old church is an excellent building Powder gives relief.
uth, Mary Ding, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin. the full fare, or 36 cents return, for and well worth going far to see.
The Wingham Fire Co, intends hold. ficiency. On several of the subjects believes that warmer weather and less same distance as Clinton is from Wing- The Holy Trinity parish church, It relieves that hot
For Moosomin—Misses Maxwell, Miss rainfall will be the rule in Jul over ham, a p Hull, is also an antiquity, I
Ing a Garden Parts on July 17th, he merle full marks. Harry is now in Y. against $1.25 with us. Chea 4 y, tie said to
Cornyn, Jno. Elford, Miss E, Hastings. good shape to accept a situation. We the great grain -producing regions, fares are now advertised all over Eng- be about the finest parish church in all
burning sensation, and
Be on hand. For Calgary—Wm, Robertson, Chas. land, this is one—Bull to Harrogate or England, built A. D. 1'285, and presents r „
congratulate him on his success. than in July, 1902, At the same time manv beautiful features, which our snakes walkingeasy."
S. Allen, a farmer near Shelburne, Barber, J. M. Fisher. For Edmonton B Kuaaboro and return, two shillings y y
sold twelve three-year-old steers and he does not look for general or severe .and nine pence or 06 cents, the total space would not permit of detail. Two
p lOc per bottle. Tr it .
y —Joe. Hodgson, Wm, Bishop, A, M. Cigarettes. drouth, or for an excess of summer distance being about 150 miles. Our or three points, however:—It is built p
six young hogs for $820. Fralick, Wm. Isbister. y are A cigarette clause recently intro• heat. noble G. T. R. think the doing Partly of stone and partly of brick; and be convinced.
B a the latter work is said to be the oldest
Zetland Sunday School will hold a win ham Won. duced in the House of Commons makes wonderful stroke ,5 business for us of its kind in England, dated 13th cen-
g Now LI$TEN 1—We now commence once a year, in a $2.50 rate to London g
garden party on the grounds of the On Friday last, a League game of it an offence punishable with a fine Of a great Olosing-out Sale of all our fair, and usually $2.25 for same die- tury. Cromwell stabled his horses in
Grain Bros. on Friday, July l7th. Lacrosse was played between Wing- from $10 to $50, or imprisonment for Oxfords and Colonial Ties in Ladies', tante, making a difference of $1,59 in this church, and there are evidences of .
ham Lacrosse team, and the Se o s of 30 days for an person who directl or Gents', Misses', Children's. It will favor of England. A regular ticket to vandalism by his soldiers on every FOR SALE ONLY BY
We are clearing Fancy Muslins, P y y y P y pay to see them as we have cut the Leeds would cost about $1; regular hand in the disfigurement of stone-
Gingbams and Gress Goods. Lneknow, on the grounds of the latter indirectly sells or gives to a minor un- prices deep.—W. J. GREER. tort on G. T. R., $1.50 for same dis- work and theft, the brass plates being
GEo. E. KING, team. The Sepoys went down to a der the age of 18 years cigarettes, lance. The baggage system here is taken from the floors off gravestones. AI,TON 1VI KIBBON
The Bruce Herald has entered on sore defeat, by a score of 6-2. They cigars or tobacco in any form. The l "vile." You get a gum ticket at sta- The carving here is unexcelled; on
its 43rd year. The Advance wishes accepted their defeat with the best of section, however, will not apply to THE NEW PASTOR. tion with name of destination printed top of seat ends are grotesque faces,
upon it, stick it on yourself, leave it to two Of which particularly struck me—
its newsy totem. continued success, good feeling. The testimony of the minors with written orders from their Providence and pray that it may get one representing the devil with two DRUGGIST
Timber is away up in price. The Wingham players is—that they never guardians. Rev. Dr, Gutndy's opening sermon of there; it generally does, I roust say, tails, the other showing a serpent pas-
tnet amore gentlemanly lot of players Garden Part his pastorate in Wingham was based but anybody may claim it, for there is sing through the tongue and mouth
L}lideralie council had to pay $100 for y on 1 Corinthians 2: 1-'2—"And I breth- no receipt whatever. I suggested to a and coming out of the eye. I presume Next door to Post Office.
than the Lucknow boys. Though the this indicated that the tongue is an
#our cedar stringers 40 feet in length. A most successful Garden Party was ren, when I came unto you came not gentleman the risk we were running g
game was closely contested, only three held at Johnston's church, Morris, on with excellency of speech or wisdom and the probability of theft, etc. ; he unruly member, full of deadly poison,
The Howick Mutual Insurance Co. men were "sent to the fence" during" declaring unto you the testimony of looked at me without change of coon- also the eye being lustful.
settled the claim of Wm. Montgomery the game. G. L. Allen, of Mt. Forest, Tuesday evening. Of refreshments, God. For I determined not to know teilance, as much as to say—they don't Many things here would be very in- .
. there was an abundant supply; the anything among you, save Jesus Christ steal• baggage here. An Englishman teresting to Winghamites, if they love
for loss .of his barn a few weeks ago, was Referee, and gave excellent saris- people of that neighborhood know how and Him crucified." is wonderfully made—it is hard to the "antique," but old' England in a
'for 1,167. faction, From the first it was evident In introducing his subject Dr. Gund Americanize him and et him out of few years will have passed away; mo- •
$ to provide eatables. Bluevale Orches • B 1 y get dern ideas are fast displacingthe old. We Do N®t Aim
- that work was crit out for Luck- referred to the peculiarities of Method- old customs and ways. Nevertheless,
W. Fryfogle and A. Taylor, have tra rendered some excellent music and ism—the Classmeetin and the Itiner- he is all right and gets there just the The churches in this East -Riding.of
,put in several walks on Patrick street now, for the ball had scarcely been in B B g York are a stud to be sure—for in -
g good program was rendered. Messrs. anc yy By the latter he was now pastor same.
His head is thick and hard to y
from the new sidewalk to the doors of Play one minute, when Alvie Fleming H Douglass of Orangeville and R. G. of Wingham Methodist church. These crack, but there is a lot in it. stance, in Exingtou, the birth -place of
scored first goal for Wingham. Then g B changes were trying on both pastor In about 3J hours we nearly cross in father, I am told they celebrated at showing bow cheaply
citizens houses. Lucknow "home" woke up, but were Gordon of Wingham, kindly gave ac- and people, yet not more so than the the island from Liverpool to Hull— the eight hundredth (1) anniversary of
Gents' Pat. Colt Shoes. McPherson ceptesble additions to the entertain- interregnums that occurred in other truly a potato patch in size to our the church, and I readily believe it; d us can sell Shoes. With
make, regular price $5.00; Crowder's well looked after by Farquharson and ment. The evening was delightfully churches, where pastors were often country, but how full of historic inter- loose it. The mystery is—where did u8, It is the beat shoe
Telford, and any stray shots found fine and the passing hours much en- congregation B B • est. Everfoot almost could speak the stone come from to build them, for
price, $3.95. without a con re anon and con re a possible for the price we
their was into Larry Doyle's stick. P B tions often without a pastor for volumes. 'My first stopping place is it cannot be found in that part of the
AIIOTION SALT.—On the market The second quarter began with a rush Toyed ; proceeds, about $30, months. At the advent of a new pas- Hull—a large seaport city of 280,000, country. Now we go to Leeds, Harro- ask for it. For every
square, on Saturday next, at 2 p.m.; on Wingham goal and after five min- Lost and Found. tor, interrogations would arise in the the third port of England. containing hate, Knaresboro, ,or anywhere where
minds of the people. He asked them several large docks, including dry fancy leads. dollar yell spend here,
household furniture, etc.—W. A. Our-,utes play, McCorvie placed the Dudley and Jack, the bright little to suspend judgment, docks, having an extensive trade with GEO. MASON, you .get the full hun-
rie, auctioneer. sphere in Wingham nets ; for the rest sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Holmes Turning to the text, the speaker de- dred cents in Value.
Palmerston has adopted municipal of the quarter, Lucknow was on the of Wingham gave their parents con- dared the determination of Paul siderable anxiety one evening last expressed in the text, to be his deter -
the by-law to purchase defensive, while Wightman, Moore urination in coming to Wingham, Baron Old Boys. TOWN COUNCIL.
the electric light plant, which was vot- and Pearson took care of Lucknow's week. They, with Mrs. Holmes are Christ, in his Divine and human na- On Saturday last, the Huron Old ----
ed on recently, having been carried speedy home -.players. In the third visiting in Goderich, and one after- tures and the great Atonement were y
quarter, Lucknow came on determin- - referred to. There is a tendency its Boys Association of Toronto held the Council met on Monday evening; This Week Out Bargains in
by 154 majority. noon they started oft! on an exploring these days to get away from the Cross annual excursion to this county. present—the Mayor, Coun's Bell, Me- Odd Lines are :
ed to win, but while Lucknow spec- tour. An they are only aged 5 and 7 of Christ. The pulpit is not for the Indoo, Dulmage, Bennett, VanStone.
Yea, a great, big-hearted contractor tators rushed to their own team's end Some time ago, our Town Council ea -
made another in the same line of years, it was thought best to look discussion of political, social or muni- Minutes of last meeting were read ,
business, the resent of a whole wheel- of the field, Wingham did the scoring, them up. The fire bell was rung, and cipal questions ; the Christian minister tended an invitation to the Association and adopted. WOnten s l90 and high Shoes,
P Ted Elliott landed two in Lucknow must preach Christ. Dr. Gandy closed to visit our town ; this was declined, A communication from the Fishery reg. $1.25 to $2.50 --your
barrow full of "gravel" the other day. a search party of fifty organized. with an appeal for harmony and co- hence no preparation could be made to Inspector was read, requiring the con- choice for ........................$1.00
nets in seven minutes, while Elmer Livery rigs were sent out,and out- operation, that the work might- con- receive them, when last week it was structon of a Fishway in the water-
. Let brotherly love continue. Moore calve from the defence end and going trains notified. After being tinue to prosper, stated that art of the excursion would works dam. It was moved by Conn. Men's Tan, Patent and Plain
Blyth Methodist Ladies' Aid will passed to Elliott, who returned the absent from noon, the little travellers In the evening, an earnest, gospel P Dulmage, seconded by Conn. McIndoo Leathers, $2.00 to $3.50—
serve shot. dinner in the baseurent of ball and the 3rd tally resulted. Luck- sermon was preached from the words have Wingbam for its objective point. —That the communication be referred
were found about 10,30 p.m. asleep —"If we confess our sins, He is faith- Thirteen crowded cars left Parkdale to Waterworks Committee with power your choice for.................$1.50
thoMethodist Church at the Orange now then got in some pretty combi- within the railway track enclosure, ful and just to forgive us our sins, and to act—carried.
demonstration on Monday, July 13th, nation and won their second and last station, and though extra cars were
near Polley's farm. Their absence to cleanse us from all unrighteous- Moved by Conn. McIndoo, seconded
goal, McCorvie doing the trick in less caused considerable excitement in the ness." telegraphed for, none could be ob- by Ooun. Bennett—That the petition
NOTICE.—A satisfactory sale of haat- than a minute, Then Sam Elliott The impressions left by Dr. Gundy's tained. It is thought that there were of T. A. Mills, also of H. 0. Bell and of
nese or property certain if listed with scored No. 5 for Wingham, closing the county town. first services were—that he is an earn- nearly 1200 people on the excursion. Jno. Elder for certain sidewalks be Hanna & C®'
C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. est, faithful preacher of the gospel in At Guelph the train was divided one granted. (These sidewalks have been !d o
3rd quarter. The last quarter• was a July x3th. its simplicity ; that as a pastor he will P completed.)
The excursion from Teeswater to succession of rushes on both goals, but District Passenger Agent J. D. Mc- be kindly, sympathetic and attentive, part going to Goderich, t -he other com• SHOE STORE
The following By-laws passed
y y B B '
Niagara Falls on Tuesday, under the Doyle in Wingham cal was a stone Donald of the Grand Trunk, stated on The Advance extends to Dr. Gundy Ing to Wingbam. As the train came and his estimable family a cordial wel- within the bounds of. Huron passen- By-law No. 485 to provide for tor- 6y"Nest door to Post O81co
auspices of Harriston Epworth League, wall, while Homuth, Coady and Dave Monday •last that they would in his come to our town, and trusts that they rowing a sum not exceeding $mp for
was successful, about 700 availing Dinsley were working the sphere district move from 45,000 to 50,000 may find it a congenial place of rest- Bers dropped off at each station, near current expenditure on Local Improve- __ _ __ ---.-----
___ .—__—_themselves of the opportunity. Sixty- homewards, until five minutes before Orangemen and their friends on July deuce. Of the success of Dr. Gundy's the old home, or that of their friends, meats, until debentures be issued.
rix tickets were sold at Wingham sta- time was tip, Ted Elliott ended the 13. He will require 25 special trains pastorate, the Advance has no doubt. but Wingham received large number By of 486 to amend lotakin 353—fixingnmhi arrivedr —Car sDu homfnt nen uefn t
of visitors. The Town Band met the P y B g
tion and the same number at Tees- victory by scoring No. 6 for Wingham, to accommodate the extra traffic. The Strathroy Age says :— nal increase, largely as a matter of cement soon will do the wise act if
water. The game was almost free from rough The Canadian Pacific Railway pas- Dr. Gundy's removal will occasion excursion, and during the afternoon, convenience. they buy it now, as cement will likely
play. Manager Douglass left Luck- senger department will also have a in the hearts of all our citizens, and played on the Park. Old acquaintance- - By-law 437, appointing Jos. Bowman advance in price before long. We are
The Bobcaygeon Independent writes now, singing "I'll be all unities to• big day. In the county of North especially those of his own congrega- ships were renewed, and reminiscences poundkeeper instead of Duncan Stow -.also agents for Hanover cement.—A.
thus:—The Ontario Legislature was night." The verdict of the Lucknow Huron, Blyth ie 'celebrating point and more nti atwho d acquaie been nt nc brought
him, indulged in. During the afternoon art.
closed on Saturday. Which is the people was—that the game was won a large crowd it expected and being feelings of intense 'regret at the some of the younger of the Old Boys A, Sanderson. streets MONEY To LoAN—At 41 per cent, on
re -
least evil, to have those legislators on its merits. Many ladies accom- prepared for. Wingham will send a thought of severing the pleasant as- played Lacrosse with our boys—but P. Fisher, P. 0, drawer... ..... 32 0000 improved farms. Easy terms I A
sociattons that have been formed payment; expenses light. Apply A.
running loose through the country, or panted Wingham team on the excur• large contingent, A special train will lite visitors were allowed players ga- Firemen's salaries .. ........... 65 00 Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan
have them confined to Toronto? Think while here. His relations with the lore, and of course the game was a tie. Hook & Ladder Co services .... 4 00 Agent, Sent Block.
it over. This great journal has a rush 'sten and witnessed the game. leave Kincardine at 7.30 ahur Ripley church have always been of the most W. G. Gray, hose to fire ...... , . i 00
GRAMOPHONES, — Do you want a 7.4^r, Lucknow 8,05, Whitechurch 8.20, sincere and cordial nature, and it is The secretary of the Association, R. A. R Rankin, ringing town bell.. . 5 67
of job work to attend to. - Gram -o -phone? You can get one on Wingham 8.35, Wingham Junction most gratifying to know that the Walker, son of Mr. M. Walker of John V. Vannorman, salary
church hits noticeably made substanti- """"" 42 00
the instalment plan at•J. Buckiey s. 8.40, Belgrave 9.55, arriving at Blyth street, informed the Advance that the. Jas. Brock, labor, streets........ 14 25 -
. ,$Vasbinder & Rodwell are preparing P at 9.10. Returning, a special train al growth under his guiding hand. Association has 500 members ; he said W. Moore, labor, streets ........ 13 50
to manufacture the new Cutting and Bi P The one great aim and desire of his L++'lac. Light Co ............ . .. . . . 40 02
will leave Blyth at soven p.m. Single heart was the furtherance of the the visitors were delighted at the re- W. Aley, street decoration...... 4 00
Blowing attachment for threshing Mrs. Black (nee Miss Agnes Knox) fare tickets will be sold for the round Master's work in this portion of His ception given them, the music of the P. Morden, " " ......
machines invented by Stewart Bros. vineyard, This was ever manifest in „ 4. 25 --THE--
will appear under the auspices of trip; children half -fare, y Band and the streamers indicating W. Williamson 1 00
of Molesworth; see advt. this week, his earnest and soul•inspiring pulpit Jas. Nelson, labor, hall.......... 250
Vasbinder & Rodwell are good machin- Wingham Lacrosse Ulub, July 21st. discourses, which were sweetly perm- welcome, as they had not expected Walker Bros. framing cemetery
W311 Come Up. eated with a pure gospel message that this, coming as they did. Among the ma . • , • • • • • . • . • • • ..... 6D Corner Drug Store
ists and are working up a good bust- Mr. A. E. Lloyd had a heavy fall The question of waterworks for do• tended to revive the souls of down- visitors were:—J. H. Chisholm, R. W. P r
y y ii hearted humanity. Geo.. Mason, stationery.......... 3 5
ness. from his bicycle on Monde night mestic purposes, and of a system y Groves, L. Sills, Air. and Mrs. R, A. S. L. I-iemuth, for Citizens' Band 20 00
TIIE FAl1ILY SSOE STORE. — WE that left him very sore for a few days, of sewerage for Wingham cannot A year or so ago the two Methodist Walker and Miss 7,elma, IV. Scott, A. A.B.Aylesworth, opinion re Iron
B B congregations in town were united, Works .... ............. I... 2000
ARE IT. It matters not whether you Mrs. Chas. Lloyd received word of be permanently shelved. In a grow- resulting in the closing up of the McGregor, Geo. Scott, Mr. and Airs.
want Footwear for 25 cts. or $5.00— the death of her grand -daughter, Miss B p y R. McGregor, Dir, Iiaakin, J. E. Davis, The report was adopted. 1S the Place t0 get
or any price between—we have it. B B in town these aro live topics, and Frank street church, and to -day the
W. J, OREM. Ethel Dayton, of Portage•la-Prairie, whether citizens wish or not, these congregation is large and flourishing Mrs. N. McGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Mr, Aanna requested the privilege Everything that is
on June 20th, Miss Dayton was in her questions will from time to time force and destined Gundy is notmonly ake great grow with Woodbill, bliss Peel, Dr. J. S. Somers, to puech cemetery lof unused roadway
The Harriston Tribune says :—Dr. 20th year. Her parents were well themselves to the front, Wingham the members of his own chilrch, but is Geo, Deacon, Harry Powley, Mrs, and Moved by Coun. Bell, seconded by Pure and Fresh in
Ball was shot in the foot when he was known in Wingham, has enjoyed remarkable immunity held in the highest regard by the Miss McNab, Horace Hodgson, A. Conn. Bennett—That permisvion be
14 years of age, and all the grains ONE WEEic MORE.—Ten per cent off from epidemics, and for this we are other ministers and their eongrega• Gray, Dir, and Mrs. Peake, Air, and given to John Manna to enclose that
Were not extracted. He began to suf- P tions, in both town and country. En part of the avenue between lots 1 and
regular prices for one week more at thankful. But the adoption of sani- all occasions tending for the uplifting Mrs, Jos. McDonogh, R. E. McKenzie, •2, range 28, on the north, and 1 and 2,
for considerable pain recently and J. Button & Co's new shoe store. This Lary precautiops is the best safe- of the social and spiritual life of H. L. Anderi;on, Miss Lina Anderson, range 29, on the south, in section B of
went to the General Hospital at To- is the buyer's opportunity, guard, and as the old adage says— humanity, Dr. Gundy was ever will" Miss Maggio Anderson, Dr. Alvin, the plan of Winglia ll cemetery, on
ionto last week, where Dr. Teekey ex• Now that the long vacation is on "An ounce of prevention is better ing to lend energetic assistance. Mrs. W. Sloan, Mr, and Mrs. Mason, payment of $7.68. Yeas--•Dulmage,
traded seven Braine of allot, having „ n the pulpit he was an able speaker Bell, Bennett, VanStone ; Nays••-••D1c-
two timely souvenirs have been re- than a pound,of cure. By reference his manner of delivery taking, his Mrs. and Miss Ellison, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Indoo, The Mayor declared the Mo -
located them with the X-ray appara- ceived by the editor from Messrs. to the minutes of Council, it will be sermons practicable au insptring. It McAllister, Mr. Hornell, Dir. Ferguson, tion carried.
tug. Holmes &Holmes, R. R. and S. S. seen that the Council is disposed to do will be a long time before hie ex P. Mr, Lewis, Dr. L. McKibbon, Roy Moved by Conn. Bell, seconded by
urice Park writes from Carberry ticket Offices, etc., containing many its duty in the matter. It remains tional abilities, both as a minister and Inglis, Percy Russell, Mr. and Aires, Coun. Vanstone—That the Western
Qa a citizen, will be forgotten. Fond Foundry Co. Ltd. be granted the right
the Advance, and reports that Robt. fine illustrations and much interesting for the citizens to assist and thus memories of the pleasant times spent Woodley, Mises Proctor, Miss Douglass, of maintaining and using the railway .
Misses F
Droaver, formerly of Wingham, is laid information. Our readers may secure help to perpetuate our Healthy condi- during his pastorate will long cluster Roy Gordon, Eva and Lexie aiding as now constructed across Al- , T
hi with a bad ankle, the result of a one of these attractive folders by call- tions; or else block the way to pro• in their memories, While we regret Dawson, Miss S. Mitchell, Miss Mabel bert street to their property ---carried. A. L. Hamilton
p his early departure, we hope and trust The questioq of Waterworks and
kick from a horse. The animal first Ing at their office, north end Main guess, and in future reap the cad re- that. in his new field, the fruits of his Burkholder, Thos. Moore, Toronto Jct., Sewerage w&s liriefly discussed. Coun's
kicked him, then struck him with its street, where are also represented the sults. It is a question that affects the earnest efforts, for such they are, may Dr, and Mrs, Ball, Dir. and Mrs. Geo. Dulmag o and Bennett moved that the DRUGGIST
front foot, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rdraft 6 a
Items of leading lines of travel, including the health, in many respects, the lives of be as manifest as they are here. Newton, J. A. Timmins of Winchester, By-law be prepared, to be
am called on Maurice on their new Canadian Pacific, Red Star, Inter- the mombers of the fam flies of citizens. Mrs. Gundy and the other members and a host of others, whose na111e5 we considered by the Council at the next
Wingll , of the family have won a large circle Teetfng, providing for the construe. W G A M
way, The Advance is st welcome visf• national, Mercantile Marine and other Let every citizen look at the questions of friends, irrespective of religious did not learn. The exenrsfotiists rn• ' Cion of a system of Waterworks and
tot and Maurice feels lost if the home important lines for All parte of the from a broad, liberal and progressive leaning$, who will sincerely regret turned on Monday evpning, delighted 'Sewerage—carried,
peeper Pails to arrive, world.
standpoint, their removal from Strathroy, with their trig. Council then adjourned. ...+..