HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-02, Page 8s THE V�'TNG fAM ADVANCE j my z, 1 ��', CONNUNICATION. PROMOTION EXAIIIINATIONS. Belgrave. aturwwv Tho admlesiott of aCOJuinuufeation In these columns does not Imply that we endorse the Sr, IIl'to Jr, d. Dept, III to II, Jas, Laidlaw of Blyth Sundayed lgsth Dan Geddes, sent imouts of the writer,--Editer, •~ Pass .... 460 Mrs. D. Ferrier, who has been Ill for Be�r r THE MOLDERS' STRIKE. Ethel Walsh 700 some tune is Improving. i! >�� ,r� Lucy Lang Ileta Davidson 792 778 Mr, and Mrs, Arch. Bryd es spent To The Editor ;-- Herb. Jobb 740 Sunday with McKillop friends. - M T •-•-- - -• - -= Dear Sir.—An article in last week's John Holmes Marguerite Park 740 741 David Geddes and daughter, Mrs. Wilson silent Sunday in Wingham. See our window for 13ar ain8 g edition tried to place the facts before the public, but was rather one -aided Florence Constable • 739 72J Thlrt -seven tickets were sold here y in China, China that has onlyand wrong, so we will with our per- g, y p Mabel Chapman Dia ie McLean T23 for the excursion to the Model farm. , been in the house twelve hours, mission, give our version of the mat- ' Attie Little Fred. Forler 922 721 Mrs. Allison Sen, is at present visit - sig her daughter, Mrs, Baker of Lon• every piece Of it new— ter. All the molders belong to the Iron Molders' Union of North America; the RaY`Grayl 71 don. Cups, saucers and Plates, foundry is a union shop, At a confer- Annie Griffin 710 Crops are ]faking well; towards la, the fall wheat is looking Cake Plates, Salad Bowls, ence between the National Foundry Annie Barber 705 705 fine. etc., in fact anything in Association &the iron Molders Union Charlie Johns Ada Runciivan 703 Mrs. Clark and children of Chicago, the window Saturday, for about the let of June, the molders Willie Gannett 702 are visiting at Wm. Geddes, 3rd line, were granted an increase of 6/, for Edith Whyte 600 Morris, Ontario25c,, and therefore we are entitled to it, and we notified the firm to that Burville Small Mary Monk Edna Diamond 600 084 077 Miss Minnie Russell of Sunshine spent Sunday with Mrs, W. I3 , effect, but in order to give diem cause May Drummond 003 Whale p` No sold out of window until to refuse the 6%;, they claimed their were too high. As we' could Alfred Schaefer Edward Small 054 019 Mr. and Mrs. J. Putland of Ripley spent a few days at Jno. Scandretts goods Saturday morning. First buyers ' be first`? prices not settle the matter, Mr. Cunning- Howard Davidson Louise Paterson 044 040 last week. Mrs. Harold Randsford of Toronto have the p ick. Who'll ham asked us to send for our 2nd Vice- Louis Harold 6.37 is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pres„ Keough, and he would abide by John Hanna 024 S. Vannorman. his decision. When Mr, Keough Dept. IV to III. Jr. III to Sr. III• Rev. A. E, Jones, the new pastor of We have the best assortment came and at a meeting of the firm, Pass .... 38a the Methodist church will preach of Dinner and Toilet Ware in Mr. Keough and the Committee of M. McDonald 571 here next Sunday. town. We invite comparison. the men, when Mr. Keough said that E. Lang 550 Jae. Kelly of Toronto spent a few the firm's prices were not too high, K. Williamson 501 days last week renewing old acquain- TUDHOPE'S and that they were entitled to pay the 5 °;, then the management distinctly T, Patterson B. Bennett T.. Aitchison 485 470 475 tancee around here. Mrs, Frank Wheeler who has been refused to pay it. So the men had a W. Simmons 471 very ill for some time, is improving we are to state. meeting and refused to work without L. henry 463 glad Grocery and Crockery Store the 5%, hence the strike. As far as E. Gannett R, Ackerman 457 445 On Sunday, July 12th, Rev. J. Ed - monds will preach to the Orangemen, Quick Delivery Phone 58 the firm granting the 5at once, if a % guarantee were given, the committee G. Kergus N. Broadway 440 at 2,30; all are invited. made that proposition to the firm, batt H. Runciman 0. Webb 433 427 Pres - The strawberry festival on the Pres - byterian church grounds was very R�* �+�rl+�rl+ j� ESTATE 1 as we could not guarantee it for them, the firm refused it, not the lien. The A. Small G. Britton 427 4211 successful, The Wingham Band did itself credit, Proceeds about $fll. firm has always claimed they would F. Davidson 408 Belgrave Orangemen will look fine My list of exceptionally- fine farms is steadily increasing, and the intending pur- pay Hamilton prices, but when the 5% was granted in Hamilton, they refus• E. Wade Recommended—H. Dore, 808 H, Bar- at the approaching celebration, in their new outfit. They will wear new chaser, (no matter what kind of farm he may desire) would do well to have a Iook at this ed. When the true facts are known, rett, D. Knechtel. belts and sashes, new ties, and new caps with old braid, and the number P g list before buying elsewhere. we are confident the people will not Sr. II to Jr. III. Dept, V to IV. of the Lodge thereon. Just a word about town pro arty—I have excellent investments for tYie man -with think us unfair, but it is a mistaken Pass • • , • 32o On Tuesday of last week Andrew some money, guaranteeing at least 10 per cent• on the amount invested. For further portion• idea that we had a walking delegate here, for our 2nd Vice -Pres. was sent G. Matthews M. Cook 5?8 519 Taylor and John Armstrong each shipped a carload of cattle ; •on Wed - tare. Apply to for at the firm's request. H. Dore AQA 515 nesday, Obas. McClelland shipped a �b CLYME MAGUIKMM. vannorman carload, and on Thursday, J. Clegg. HARRY GOOD, Secretary M. henry 461 shipped a double -decked carload of Real Estate Agent JOS, HILL, Chairman R. Thornton 450 hogs, for which he paid $5,40. Ofdce:—Upstairs in Vanstone Block. NOTE By EDITOR.—The Advance J. Harold 441 - has no desire to be unfair to any per- G. Moffatt 441 The English Church congregation at son, hence we cheerfully insert the E. Tippling 434 Belgrave have decided to improve molder's version of the matter as above E. Sanderson 400 their church. It is a frame building j i e a We misunderstood the situation F, Johnson 392 erected in the time of Rev. Wm. last week regarding the visit of Mr. Recommended—N. Nicholls, H, Ar- Davis, at one time Rector of Wing - Is • Keough, and found later that he came mous, Ilam. A stone foundation has recent - at cl claimthe firm's suggestion. to equalize the en decided From Room V I to Room V, remaining to brick been the whole building, and it uand to WILL RUN in Junior Second class.New Boot and erect a chancel, with vestry on one prices, which they say he did not Promoted at Easter, 1-iOME5ElEKERS' attempt to do. Both sides of the mat• ( ) aide and S. S. library room on the ter have now been before the public. Annie Walker Norman Watson other. The inside of the °church is al - 6o -DAY EXCURSIaNS and we hope to see the difficulty ami- Pearl Auld Stanley Small so to undergo thorough renovation, TO THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST cably adjusted, with justice to both Lillie Montgomery Tommy Hicks the whole to cost in the neighborhood AT RETURN FARES sides,—EDITOR, Hazel Vanalstine Roland Small of $900 or $1,000. The members of the Winnipeg....' Regina......} Robbie Welsh Charlie McLean congregation are to be congratulated Shoe Store 0 Winnipe .... Moosa7aw..�$30 ;(; on their zeal and enterprise. All they Waskan,.... Yorkton.... Sr. Pt, II to Jr. II. Dept, VII to VI. needed was good leadership. Mr. Tulglt,�� Pass .... 125 Rich. Proctor and the Rector, Rev. Mr, Arcola....,.. Pr. Atbort..} NOTE AND COMMENT. Gordon Gannett 201 Edmonds, were around soliciting sub- ..... - � Macleod.... } Earle Hall I81 scriptiona, and succeeded in raising In the Button locku Wawanesa.. Calgary....) Minleta...,.. Marjory Chowen 171 nearly the whole amount needed. It Grand 4 :::: S gthpe$40 —In one evening last week, Rev. Dr. Maggie Williamson 100 is expected that the improvements Swan River.., conn ..� Wilson, of Hamilton, attended his George Schaefer too will be completed in October, when weekly ra re -opening services will be held. Going JUNE 4th, returning until AUG. 4th y P Yes -meeting, and married Alice Bowles 149 P g (all mil or B.S. Athabasca). Going JUNE 18th, six couples, all after six o'clock. Eddie McLennan -146 Rev. A. H. Brown closed a success- J. Button &Co. have opened a Boot and return ing,t until AUG. 18, tall mil or S.S. Atha- - " * Olive Angus 145 fol three pears' pastorate on Belgrave bases]. Going JULY 4, returning until SEPT, Earl Johns 135 circuit last Sunday, and left for his Sthfallratlor8,8.Manttobal. Tiekctsaronot Shoe store in the premises lately vacated by good on' Imperial Limited,' For tie eta, etc., —The Governments defence of the Ernest Bloomfield 131 new field of labor on Wednesday. apply to nearest Agent, or to whitewashing re ort can be summed Lloyd Hewer 129 Before his departure, the congre a - A. H. IQOTMAN up as follows :—Gamey is a bad man, Recommended—Arthir Wilson, Effie tions presented him, and Airs, Brown Thomas' Bazaar (Button Block,) where you will Assistant General Passenger Agent therefore we did not buy him. Gamey Bowers, Ernest Diamond, Freddie ,with two fine upholstered chairs, Sing St. East. Toronto, is a bad man, therefore we did right to Groves, Harry Day. Belgrave circuit prospered under Mr, find a large and varied stock of the latest In buy him. Room VIII to VII. Part 1st to Part Brown's care, Two large closed in 2D +� ahe3s have been built, the parsonage 2nd of First Book, repaired, an organ laced in each of Footwear for men women and children. Igo t s r • ++ • —Now that the Government show se Susan Brown Harold Drummond p p ► R over, the real rulers of Ontario, the the three churches, and all the finar- Marian Allan Leon'd Drummond ccs are on good footing. The her- 7� Sullivans et al. will proceed to the im- Lillie Small John Rodgers g g' For the first Thirty Days We Will have a portant work of "building up Ontario" moray and good feeling that has made Popular Tourist Resorts. Jean Blackhall Lorne Aitcheson this ossibte is very pleasing. We ' p by looking attentively after timber Mamie Tansley Russell Bloomfield P g' Special Sale when goods W�11 be sol at 1e- Muekoka Lakes Lake of Baps limits and "pickings," as Frank ie Tillie Cook Robbie Crowder wish Mr. and Mrs. Brown great sue- Kewartha Lakes Georgian Bay Pleased to designate the free gifts hon- Renetta Showers Aylmer Aitcheson cess o Oil Springs, Mrs. W, C. doted rice. Our stock has been selected from Orillia Magnetawan River ed out to the eelers. Rita Walker Tommy Fixter Proctor made the presentation, and p Jackson's Point Coningwood Mrs. Jas. Clegg read the following ad - Jackson's Jefferson Clarence Raby dress:— the best makers, -and the goods are high-class " . Excellent train service making direct con- Gladys Dear John Angus nection for all ports on Lakes. —The Southampton Beacon remarks Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown. —"The proposed redistribution will We the people of Belgrave and Sun- and up-to—date In every particular. Special Tsxcursions to Canadian North-West. resent some funny features. Take DEATHS• shine appointments have gathered Tickets will be issued at reduced rates, Bruce and Huron, for instance—Brace here this afternoon to express our re- Also a complete line of Trunks, . Valises, goodgoinK July 4th, valid to return up to and will have two members with a popula• Webster.—In Kinloss, on Sunday, gret concerning your removal from including Sapt.8th, 190. tion of 59,020, Huron will have three June 21,1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert our midst as our pastor and his Telescopes Etc. SPECIAL REDUCED RATES ARE IN members with a population of. 53,489." Webster, ason. wife. Yon have gone in and out , EFFECT for C, E. Convention, Denver, Col. Where is the old Liberal principle of Fisher.—In tii%ingham, June 30, the amongst uta with kindly deed and We shall be leased to have a call from all July 0th, 7th and 8th, valid for return arriving Representation by Population ? infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip gracious manner, which betokens the p at destination on or before August 31st, 1303. " " , Fisher, aged 22 days. indwelling of a truly Christian spirit. N. E. A. Convention, Boston, July Gth to You were always found faithful work- parties requiring - anything in our line. We 10th. Ticketsgood going July 2nd to 5th in- clusiveJuly Yor return, leaving Boston on or —Mr. Pettypiece, M. P. P. for Lamb- Mallongh.—In Dungannon, on Sun- ers in the Masters Vineyard, seeking before 12th. ton, said some nasty things in the Le- day, June 21st, 1903. Ann Jane, be- to advance His righteous cause and will use you right. For further information and descriptive gislature about the Toronto News. A loved wife of W. M0,11011911 sr„ endeavoring to promote our spiritual J b literature of Summer Resorts in "Highlands of reporter for that paper retaliated by aged 80 years, 7 months, 9 days. welfare, As a missionary President, Ontario," apply to L. Harold, Agent. writing Mr. Pettypiece his opinion of Mrs, Brown has been a persevering him. Then the Lambton man had the and helpful leader and our pleasant J. D. McDONALD reporter before the bar of the Legisla- Bluevale. meetings will remain a bright soot in Dietriot Passenger Agent, Toronto. sure to apologize to p High Mogul- our memory, As a Sabbath la School �� ship Pettypiece. A petty piece of Rev. Mr. bleat is expected home teacher, the result of her labors will "� business, without doubt. next week. bring forth fruit unto life eternal. * " Rev. W. W. Leech is spending a few Since coming among us you have suf- h weeks with Mr. J. Leech, fered sad afflictions as parents, and in —There was no reference in th3 the lose of a parent, We have and do "(�j Lieutenant -Governor's Speech from Rev. R. Barnby of Milverton visited extend our earnest sympathy to her, Button Block Y�r Ingham. the Throne to the Report of the Com- at the parsonage on Monday. As we are permitted to go on in the 1 = missioners. This is passing strange, Mrs. Kersey Jackson and Cecil are days and years of life's journey, we and can only be' accounted for on one spending a week under the parental more fully realize that partings must or two reasons. Either the Govern -roof at Trowbridge come to us all, Before severing the . - went was ashamed to refer to it, or ties between us we ask you to accept else it was included in the Speech from Mr. Geo. Casemore and daughter, these chairs as a good will token of Salem. NOTICE OF CLOSING. THE MARKETS +• the Throne and the Lieut. -Governor Miss Adelia, leave on Saturday, for a our appreciation of your services, and _ refused to have a complimentary re- trip to the northwest. may God's blessings ever rest upon Don't forget the picnic in Mr. Pal- We, the undersigned lawyers agree to close wINGHAM MARKETS ference to the farce put into his mouth Do not forget the garden arty, to your -lives and labors. Signed in be- mer's bush on July 0th. our offiAugusces follows non months s at ly p m to utter officially. be held on the lawn of Mr. p asman, half of Sunshine and Belgrave, Mrs. W Mr. Runs Harris had a bee on Mon- and on other days at 4 p.m. Flour per 100........... $1 35 to $2 25 on the evening of July 3rd. Jos. Clegg, Mra, W, C. Proctor. da of shingling his barn. Fall wheat per bush new 68 to 70 = Mr, and Mrs. Brown were both y g g J. A. Morton Dickinson Rc Holmes P --The Ontario Legislature prorogued Mrs. (Rev,) Oaten and children are taken entirely by surprise, but briefly David Weir had a bee shingling his R. vanstone R. Holmes Barley per bush..... , .. 0 35 to 040 on Saturday, after sitting for ninety guests at Mr. J. Leech's for a few days and feelingly thanked the con rega- back kitchen on Saturday last. days, 'the longest session on record. ere leaving for their home at Mel- tions for their beautiful gifts enc kind Peas ger bush :.:::::.. 080 to 0 05 The Government carried through its bourne, Ont. wishes, Refreahme d7O $ were then Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ashton of Gor- Jamestown. Bran ..,17 90 to IS 00 �_+.�,A resolutions accepting the Report of Mr. Malan h and family left on served on the lawn, and a ver social rib arena llaher. with Mr. and Mrs. Mr, D. L. Strachan of Gerrie spent Shorts ..................18 00 to 21 00 the Commisioners, censuring Mr. Ga. qq y Albert Gallaher. Sunday under the parental roof. Chop ....... . ....... . . .. . 1 15 to 1 50 Tuesday for Dungannon, Mr. M, in- time was spent. g,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7 00 to 7 50 mey, and thankingthe Commissioners tends to o west, His friends wish Miss Olive Green spent a few days Mr. Reilly has started his contract g Butter per lb...... ..... 0 15 to 0 10 for their work. The vote stood 41 to him success. a few days visiting at the home of Mr. of gravelling the hill in front of his P 37; government majority, four, To and Mrs. Leathorne of Bluevale. farm. Eggs . • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • 0 12 to 0 12 the ordinary observer, it would appear Mr. Piercy, Oolporteur for the Bible Morris. Lard ................. . . . 0 16 to 015 CkIV%Zk'� unnecessary to thank the Commis- and Tract Society, who has spent a Miss McLaughlin of Gorrie spent Mrs, J. Gallaher and Miss Ada of Potatoes per bush....., 0 70 to 0 70 aionera, when they were paid $500 a month in this neighborhood, leaves Township Council lieu on Monday, Sunday last with her cousins, Miss Salem visited at Alex. Bryans on Apples per bag ........ 0 60 to 0 50 day each, making $13,500 each for 27 this week for Wroxeter, minutes next week, Lillie and Leslie McLaughlin of this Monday. $ides per 100 lbs........ 5 00 to 000 days' work. John Wesle 'e birthday was cele. The bricklayers are at work at the Place- Mrs. Geo. Thompson and Mrs. Rich- Lamb skins .,.-........ 0 25 to 0 30 " " " brated in the Methodist S. S. on Sun- new residence of Alex. Clark, 5th line, Mr. Thos. Hoperaft received word ards of Brussels visited Mrs. Innes Dressed hogs.......... , 7 00 to 7 00 y Social at Johnston's Church Morris y youngest ,Live ho s ................ 5 50 to b 60 The North Grey election case is to day afternoon, The evening service on Saturday last that his last week. glb P Mr., and Mrs. McVicker of Detroit. Tallow, per ........... 18 to 6A - go to trial. It will be remembered also was appropriate to the occasion. Bluevale circuit, next Tuesday even`- sister Annie was ill with diphtheria in Wool .......... ..... .... 10 to 1 that a petition was filed against the prior to leaving Ashfield circuit, ing, Admtasian 15c; grand program; Wroxeter, visited the former's cousin, Mrs. Jae, e� �► return of A. G. McKay, but because a Rev. F. J. Oaten was presented with Bluevale orchestra, Miss Langley gave a interesting dis- Strachan, last week. TORONTO STOCK MIARKET. copy was not filed in time with the an elegant gold watch, and Mrs. Oaten Mr, A. Mci�a of Brussels delivered !iV Vii local Registrar, Justice McLennan dis- with a beautiful] embossed silver "fiery little change is noticeable in course last Thursday evening, after y For full and accurate market re- mi��ed the case. Appeal was taken, y the condition of Thos. Miller, 5th title, which was the etectian of officers in an excellent address in the hall last ports see second page. _ rand the decision protest Pthe Court of Ap- apppreciation of their on the Asas tokens h- &hfew weeks ago. a o stroke om paralysis osla the League, Sabbath evening, Jane 21st. peal i blockthe ed tecprote it mutt n dere nerd circuit. Mrs, Oaten was presi- friends will be pleased to hear of his Mrs, A. Longley is expecting to The young people of this vicinity y y' dealt of the Women s Missionary Soci-leave on Saturday next for a three are looking forward to an enjoyable New'Vorl< Weekly Witness. cion should be satisfactory. Mere recovery. , technicalities should not bar action in etq ever since its organization. months visit in Manitoba with her time at their annual picnic u be het a Messrs. Wilson and Love who went two daughters, Mrs. Lamb ,and Mrs, in Mr, Alex. Bryan's grove, Daly let. THE BEST` ALL AROtIIV'Ir w any case wheretlierightsof the people Avery pretty June wedding took uveas this spring, have decided to io- Darling. The service in the hall last Sunday FAMILY IQI±WSPAPI;R. are concerned, place here Tuesday, when Mr, Thos, Cate at Minnoti8, in Swan River total- An exponent of APT lied Chriatianit *, Indo• Pollock of Brantford was married to evening was conducted by Mr. G. F. itq. The latter is expected here to ar• Ben. Stafford had the misfortune on Blair of .Brussels, an unusually large chdent in politles. as aomething o interest _ Miss Sadie Greenaway. The ceremony range for the removal of the other Monday of last week of falling from a y g or every member of the household. Farm and A consignment of cigars to be re- ,was performed by Rev. W. Lowe, in g audience being present, Mrr, Robert Garden "Department; Children's Department; tailed at $4.00 each has just passed , members of the families, barn at Dane's barn raising ; he recety- Shaw of Bluevale will take charge of scie ntiflo Department; Spirit of the Press through the New York Custom House gt. Paula Church, Wingham. The ed several in cries, but at present he to g g bride was prettily dressed in white Rev. A. It, Brown reached his fare- doing as wei as can be expected, themeetin next Sunda evening. Etc. Only $t o0 n Xely The Witness anti to a dealer. There were about fifteen P • g y g' Advnneo combined, only $1,70 a year, hundred cigars in the cons'gnmerit and muslin, and was attended b . Miss Pol• well sermon on this circuit last Sun• We are sorry to learn of the acci• _ the duty is a cents on each. The and lock, sister of the groom, while Frank day. He was a faithful pastor and the dent which befell Peter Gibson, for- SABBATH READING the is sown in the Vuelta he to* Greenaway assisted the groom, May good wishes of many' go with him to I, 4R SALE. mercy of Morris in a railway collision their future be bright. his new home. His successor, Rev. A. near Hamilton; and had he not jump. i'' A x6 -Page Weekly Pa Er. Solei district 6 central Cuba and the plant .. Jones, is expected to preach at Sun- ed he would have been instantly kit• y p y is the result of years of cultivation. shine next Sunday. Less than a mile from Wingliam, a led. Ile is now in the Hospital and is Religious in Character. Perfect leaves only are used, and the CAME E 'T'RA'Y. food farm, with brick house and good getting along nicety. No News: No Iiolitica.. stories; Endeavor cigars are rolled b experts, who make Wm, II, McLeod, of Cypress River, g Sunday School Lcoson; Christian Endeavor only eight a day, by cigars are six. Dian., was renewing old friendships for 1>uildInge , will be Sold with growing Among those who took in the ex. and Epworth Len rte Topiea ; MotherA' Salr- (� s (�%� teen inches Ion g and weigh 00 pounds Strayed on to the premises of the a few days, He was a cousin toJpames crop if desired; possession on short eursion to Guelph last Friday tvero•- bath Afternoon with tiro Chaldron; A11800l- V x.31► COS to the thousand. I+:aeh is wra ed in undersigned, about the 15th of Iune,1 and John Shurrie, 4th line. The slat- node© if arrangements are made. Thin Misses Mand, Alice and Mina hlcKol- T�iooyabz%l%rtoI ca(iiii ranlnd neo coni Pp is a most desirable property tend will ve , Miss Eliza, Joe tend Geo, Combes Japanese paper and put in a little sorrel horse and 1 brown mare, Own- for was here for a carload of horses; be sold on reasonable terms. Enquire y brood, only $1.35 a year. S1JCCd�Sbrs t0 Aleut, los scented wooden box, ,which ib air -tight, ev prove, pay expenses and remove. hence his ata]+ oyes brief, It is 25 years q Dauaald Strachan, Atex, Wright, U. SPECIAL OPPER• �. Tho WituesR, Sab•' TheTried] at $ each,township,I•e of Stokes, Mrs. W. Moses also Misses bath Reading, and Advanta combined, only ggon cigars retail to wealthyNety York JFlO, Lottb18 c b, a Oulroex risMcLeod removed from Mor- Tilt 'WIXGAAM ADVANOR, Rachael and Besete Mosses, 42,00 a year. , 0