HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-02, Page 7a Y weak, to order that a propos analy, Afltciladt l�du,upa yqf, of Upp'C's brow - lite �� � A lite at Ilia unformotl10 �vinaa mays Uo �a� � WON C911111TIZ6 sorand prlck-. 111 Q001imala, of KIM EDWAR S Bti ntado. 11lio ,Wale ref Clic avino •Ivlll bo ll! aria Monlro:so avenues, Ilrook- CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTSKILL a,dmIttod, &lid all 'tile prosecution- syn. �' t Will be hailed upon to a will ube toring �- l g Wiiai 7lhey Ato—l�cfiA,upauf, 40o CTORYo CELEBRAIED I►novo Coto! 'Clio Gratvq Afanufaoturtng r•�1' ui oraLL�s.100 clams, , li�'k pawnds ofOFF41CIALLY Uaxnpany's wined contain too groat �81'dlCt ft)r �5o OQO A sins! beat, 111 1 o,aux and 40 minates; ��"PIIE OILS OF A �� a quantity, of alcohol, main, 10 soft s11ell crabs, 100 clams, JN ��1!!!•••\\\ ���\\\ Mr. Manns Is a trlflo annodyed over f Q I Huron Bank `11-1 pouatds of beef, In I, hour and - - - -_ -_ _ _ - the praaoctatlon. Iso thinks that his 1 40 inlautes. • .. sontomtlmli n, do J. DAVIS have ciao could) walk, but hta—Thio ivinner I In 'North, York Honors and Rcea ile Brilliant r�.ei cyan �� ����� � � N1sBA��ry guldn t walk, Uut his triends.(tieoso �� ` yy 7 I,v THE UEhALCAi.IQN $UIT. ��� Itn gn.�IlualA�tie. Big Lwz "Presents the World With 5►4Q flan laid gagatnat him, The Wines have alyl around the grounds', cheering. Circles in London• been on solo for nearly two years, port Ilaron, Mich., Juno '1v.—The Kdo RFoays--ons hundred and sev Pound Twin Elephants and no complaint, Mr. Manns says, Coal nine little nook clams eaten in llo. -- Bing b)dlva.rd':t voiitrnl w1mlow of the horse Guards was ever made 13yi the inspectors till . (supremo 'lktuG of the 3lwacab.es 90 minutes ('10 1-21 clams a minute) by •London C'al _ ImAdlni;, whl:o all the other vantage t1 few days ago. Tile developments iii has been $Iron a vurdleL for $00,-1ly7}llam Schwa,uner. New York, June 211. --Thomas B. one of alto Coney Island elepilants, birthday was offielally celebrated to Dints t%^ora accupird by 8niartly the case will llkoly be watched with OUO cud. iuterayt Lu its. suit u.gatubt In 2ltouro ,2 hard shell crabs eaten Ifob oy and Samuel Maralt were gave birth to, 'twins yesterday. %lh'e clay In Landon anti at all ills home dressed women, Cabinet Aitnj.tery considerable interest. i I the fort Huron Savlogu Bank. Judgo by Inward Buxbaum. ttltsll burned to -da tv,htlo exi twine weighed Gi:l'0 pounds. One of naval and military stations, members ar ilia Haase "at Lords, Lr�W directed the %verdict,illsMottling Y y It died r,12W p after its birth. Hout�c of Commons and otlxars. that the question inPO1Vt'd •Wild nqq porlmenting With chemicals In their It tt•,eigliad 200 pounds, 1,V'tton the All Cho Gavernlncut Uulldings Wt'ra , tt �� I` �i f� p r� �• of law and not of fact. @� 1 I loather factory In. th'e Williams- twins arrived Henry Madow, ono or AI,Lny Americans !vend Present in- I� �� i t �f i i! �{ i- Q �� •X11to, case hall beou on trial iu the PHISS i9 � �� burg section or Brooklyn. Two em- the Managers or the Coney Island dcoxatcd Wlth !lags, salutes were cl`uding ilia staff of the U. S, embassy U ` 9 !J Ui9' I L THE Ilriil L! U U L U MEN t circuit court far several weoko. In ployoes fought thofr nvAy throe; h resort, where Elizabeth fa on ex - fired, the warships at 'all the ports and ilia •;lmorloan riflo team, who the latter part of 1801 uharlasl D. hibitlon, namod the larger one !bossed ship and , the troops were (x�n� Lord Cthegfida Ce of The Major- ��— Thompsua, Supreme Finance Xoep- •—°'-- - smoke and flanlo and found their Shamrock III., and ,tied little .tel - reviewed. The main function Was the tuba word the uniform of the King, oer of the 811prenw Tent of the Mac- employers. ahVO employees were low Reliance, It was Reliance that the wore Guards, redo on the Nothing for Atlas Loan cabees, was charged with cert• Where the Limits of Criticism ,),too badly burn4d. tied. Elizabeth is 30 Years old. rooping of the colors on the Burse be'zzling $30,000 froln' the Order, On Jumbo II., father of the twine, Ganrde parade rsre, which tiro King ground surrounded by a brilliant Unfoftunates, Ddu, 1, 1900, ho had severoa lila are Fixed, AB$g Pateof Twins. died of blood poisoning imCleveland attended on horseback. This was the staff, Including ilio Prince of Wales, connection with ilia Port Huron New 'York, Jano 25,='13ig Liz," sotlio months ago. the Duke of Connaught, Field Marshal Savings first time he had ridden since ]lis bard ltollo.rts and others of Cho lxdsd_ g ,Bank as ast;IsLant cashier, ------- . . last illness. Tho portals ground pro- quarters Mare, anei an unusually r attar giving C. V. Harrington, WnU - 1,Lx• e A MOST CISASTROIiS WRECK. rano the bank, a draft for $,a- INVENT ION OF t'ACTSACTIONABLE 8ented a highly picturesque scano. g gathering of, foreign military 000 to square itis accounts. The � . �; E I-� S U y M I LE attaches. Aro II18 Majesty halted at Maccabees Said that he Used their Toronto report: An niterestlug queen Alexandra, the Princess of ilia saluting baso ilia massed bands St. Titomaty (Ont.( report.—Sever- Wnies, tjxo Duchess of Albany, the played that National Anthem. After at hundred creditors, including many, money. in paying t1}ls Indobtdduo•ts decision was handed out yestrciay _._ Dtika !tine Duchess-oY Fire, the Duchess tut iu >aetion of the troops the care- to the bank, a.od tiro bank people by Justice Street, at Osgoode Hall, ill 1 women, of the insolvent Atlas Loan asserted that lie was using their or Connaught, princess henry of Bat- many of trooping ilia colors was car- Cons on the question as to how far a �y rico nut. Thain Alttj^sties returned to 1�n'y", responded to 'the tali for money to pay A�aecabeo clutms.Ziar- Bs�iQp ����;�Q+ �/��� ���� �t'�11� With .inti' tonburg and children, and the Khe- Buckingham i'alaco, heartily cheered a meeting In the Council Chamber rington swore that Thompson told newspaper Is privileged In criticising dive of Egypt occupied seats in the by tllo crowds along the route. off the City; II 11 deli evening. Dr, cabIffinthe money' wa.q used for Ddaw a candidata for e14CL10A td, I'arlia- Ritualists' . cabeo purposes. went. The case was that of James Ritnahst Disturbers l� ultau zvas appointed chairman. A. • __ - ---- -- --•- 0. Wallace was not present, having Judge Low held that Harrington he Coninee, M. P. P., agalrist the Lake 11'ac. control of the drafts, that he V Fano to Toronto in the afternoon. eltould have known that Clio $u0,- Superior Printing Company, and the Chicago, Xuno 30.—A legacy of Nothing was heard from him un- KIN6 PETEM �O� A® lata question ul b whether a new 000 clrafL drawn by Tdiompson to dud meat lvas oa an a �" liquid nes on as be appointed was g appeal by the $ 5,000 �breause she was kind to a til a, lawyer wrote to the Burn - liquidator pay, lits shortage to tbo baud was fiiendiless old! man is what Donate 1lumtt that Thomas tiuggtns rues 9 di.cussod at some length. on (.lie Maccabee life fund, and that Plaintiff Irate an order o[ Clic dead, hod that in iiia will he had Rome Smithy the Ilquldator, way wbon he discovered that Thomptaon Alaster In -Cambers dismissing an Burnham', a school girl of Whiting, bequeathed $35,000 to "Bonnie Burn - present', and on ibeing called upon, xnisapprolirlating rnlido Ito application by platutlff to strike ou.t Ind., will recelve to a fete days. item, who was kind to me." SErRYIAN �INISI"'ER said drat !viten he first came here should tate become sus iexous and paragraCha of the amended s•tatc Miss Burnham has sent an agent �lie did not knew the exact position of i p 1 Thd occurrence to place led to her affairs, but had came td Clic cociclu_ assured ixim,solf of the legality of moat at defence of the deFciudattt gams fortune took place While site to recur° file legacy, and will use ncceliting ,tile draft, This places Russell, and the third paragraph of hart or it in gaining a college eda- 8101, that an Advisory. Committee the ease in, a how position; it seems tho statement of tiefence Of defond- wase attending Clio Convent of Mercy cation, should be -appointed to oat with the to ,shift the responsibility, for tint company, or in the alternative ,at Pensacola, Fla. ,NVI111e, walking H p d' truut company,. Ills idea, was to askure one day.with her mother she no- Would l:o1y on fleshy Arm. Erlai Hun a�'e/ Suffers Prom. Four Shocks the Master -Ii -Ordinary, at Toronto prosecuting bank peop from the ofrtile c] fences or artteulars. ticed aold, white-haired man nit- New York, June B0,—Bisliop Henry 9 j 9 [Or authority to houve such a cow- order to the banlc people. Thompson n ting on a bench In the sun. He C. Potter has taken notice of the was charged •with embezzling Mac- The plaintiff had been a member 0f g mittoo Appointed, TRils meeting had cabeo moneys, but according to the Provincial Legislature, and was Looped as If lie were lonosome, and open letter sent to himi by, theRev. of Earthquake. no power, but it gave him- aA oppor- this verdict the order loses ,no again a candidate for re-election ttt aro tho happy girl passed him she It. C. Filligham, vicar of Hextan, tun.ityl to put xlgnit a numlber of dis- money, and ft will be for the bank the thao at the pttblication Of the sn:ilod and asked ltlm if he was on- Hertfordshire, England, and has �� quletin•g rumors. Mr. Smith: briefly to allow now that Thompson em- allogedl libels toying ilio sunshine. sent to the vicar a reply that is Belgrade, June 30, The German subject the Minister said; I Have oaxtllned the ;business o1' the Na- bezzSh ire now t Justice belsStreet's judgment follows: Thu old man was Thomas Dug- vigorous and pointed. furthermore. ' p" " Viae sent Icing Peter a no do}ire to Vivo offence to the tioaal '.Crust Company, and the man- That even a pablio man, engaged gins, a m'an of wealth,, but without ho bas written to the Rev. Dr. G. telegram couched in cordial torma. new regime! by diraussiilg chair mo- her in wLlch it coma to have the In a Parliamentary election, han a relative and with very, few friends{ M. Christian, rector of Clio church 7p10 ;Austrian Minister this morning tires, but I consider that they, are Atlas Loatu Conipany,'a liquidation certain rights, and one of them Is Attracted by, the girl'u sunny dis- of wliieli com!pl.atnt was made, ad - resumed official relations !vitt, the suffieten.tly. R tvious. La hand. There nvauld ire •the questions ������,� ��� � *i that he may bring an action for ilositlon, lie asked her parents to vtaing him to apply, for a detail of, Servian Government. Shake,► by I'}artbquake. Of masking the phareholdere Mable, � Libel in easy statements are published POrsent film, to tier, and boon• be- police, and in easo•the Hextom vicar Olt priority, of claims, etc., ito be set- ITLf'AI<Q (11'? 1\TL+iVQ asserting that lie has been guilty of eam'o a friend of the family,. anal iris followers present them. minister to Britain Quits. I}riau, I3ungar , June 80.— four tied. As to the position of the Atlas ITEMS S l!1 NE 11 J y improper acts unless Chose state-• RTh'en ;Lilo Burnhaxu,s camp noct}i selves and interfere, to direct the London, June 30. — M. Ma.jatovlch, violent Barth snacks tvero felt here Ltra.n Company, Ito could not state monts are true. All acts bf his bear- the girl wrote to him, but never police to throw. the party, Into the the SpXvian Minister -to Great Brit- at 8 o'elock this horning. Several as to what rate on the dollar the F�4} FAB ,SND NFAB Ing upon his public position in any reeelvetd an anower to any letters. street.. , , , ain, Vae resigned. lilts letter, which houses in tho suburbs collapsed, and company, Would pay,. He could wily, or as to his fitness or unfit - was sent to Belgrade on Tuesday, nearly, till the buildings In the town not toll Flo what asn bio assets would rless for it, are public property, and 1. does not state Iris reasons for this were more or loss damaged. The in- g any Atr11W MMiWWAl11iv1luuP1414'iiltnlwiAlllilllillNlR may be commented upon within the jet (� Asleep on the Truck. action•. Whoa ouestioned tin the ligb{tanta •tyro panic stricken. guesses. Ile hadn't looked into any Limits of what Is known as fair coin- �6�I`lT�' 1J 1 �1 � � FIGHT of those questions, itis object zeas Tito Governor of Finland continues mont • but there Is a distinction bo- "0 H S ! eO 1 u'! I asRegina,o N,W.-'i`•' June y accident _ __ to adopt extreme measntres to an was another fatal railway accident .. _ . _ _... ..____.....,_ __ merely to, got hold of �tlut cash and twos!: commenting upon facts which here last night. A mon was run -�Q/�` ( � I I Coco securities to be turned into Carbo Ch° army clocree. lie has actually committed, and ---- over And cut In two about lihif a (� 9 C ED,4' �i f `il S U E ""Y i � A I T Es ca,slt. Evorybady Chat could Uo made SLov. Canon 'Sanson, of Trinity commontIng upon ,acts which he mile from the clellot by, the Moose- llable would be made liable, whetil- Cast Chutclt', Toronto, has declare Is alleg,ed, untruly, to }isvc + t jaw local from Winn{ o*, On __.--.-___.__—_ er Mr. Wallacse or the �sha,reltoidera. oil Itis intention to nasus!!. committed. To invent sta,teu,ents fo 1_ct a Forty of Girls Go by searching the clothing It was found In ans%ver tit• a question by'. kion Mr Stfton was warmlygroob- of facts or to adopt as true brat 1x0 C13 R -11 r g, Rlesul•ts of the Elections 4ii the Gerrnaco Results to tvhero Ilunt as thio money had Air. al by lite colleagues at Ottawa on the untrue statements of facts Them, and members of the . Locomotive gone, Smith said it had been bis return from England. macio by others, and then to coin- Brotherlooa of Canada. On the ��������� Parties. lost by reason bf depreciation in the value of stooks. There was lit., tle Hon. John Costigan teas bane. presented with a purse mont upon theist as. bbing true is 'not fair comment, and is not pro jN E MAN KILLED, SEVERAL HURT m'an's collar is the name McXorch- or, T}dd ac tion o[rc Y -of chance of tale shsrehoaders repquoted money by the Irishmen of Ota y tested. The result is that where t as 8taraes show that deceae��d was .that eco , Sofia, Bulgaria, June 30.—Tlie po- ,-.-.., Tho German Elections. alizing at all. Many proferred elahns had boon set up, but ivh!er taws. an alleged libel upon a public man consists of statement of tact tin:1 P.aLieigh, N. C•., Juana 30.—Back in asleepr between the metals. ! lice last night raided the head- of ilio Macedonian revolu- Berlin, June 80.—With, four Me- tricts not yet heard frotw at about ther they would be so recognized would be for •tire Mastor In•Ordin- F George Bxoiv,n, who sustained serious injuries In a fall at the oommont upon them, it is not per- missiblo to a defendant to plead the 'Carolina mountains the chivalry of iho vin time remains. Proof of I N IOTI � AT WILMINGTON, �T�N, ,.Quarters 3 111 mi, and with two re -ballot- ar to decide, Engine Storks about a as a blanket defence, covering all far tionists south of Sofia, and not tar Ings to -morrow, yesterday's voting X11—Mayor Chant road a eom• month: a ago, died at fila hospital in that he has alleged, that it is all It Dames in a remarkable scene that from 'Vito Turkish frontier. A quern- resulted in, .the two Conservative munioation fronw A. E. Wallace ex- Brantr Brantford, fair comment. He must pleadthat occurred yesterday on the summit • _ • City, bf dynamite was exploded, and parties electing thirty, -two mem- plaining the reason of his absence The, engagement is announced of the facts stated are true, and that of Quaker 'Gap). Mountain. were killed and a largo ebrs of the Reichstag, the Nation- from the meeting, W,lilch was an Ulse Dora Fulford, slaughter of Sen- tine rest is Lair comment. There is In it figure a party, of men deeper- William Sinn 11S is Arrested six men al Liberals forty, -four, t11e Radicals appointment with a Montreal ator Fulford, of Brockville, to Mr. A. no such thing as a defence of prIVI- ately fighting with revolvers and g g number were injured. Turkey, Jane twenty,h, R the Barth, nine, the South German. Radicals party at Toronto in reference to G. Haxdy, of Brantford, eldest son of the laze Hou. S. hardy, loge attaching- to untrue state- knifes, settling an old local. feud, Charged With Murder. Salonlea, European six, Clio Cen- the disposition of certain Atlas set- A. and Mrs. ments ]vith regard to the acts of b. -An attempt was made yoster- ter Parte twelve and the Socialists ourities. Mr. Chant suggestedth'at Eiardy a public man, oven thougle the pub- and another very different party—a aay to destroy with dynamite the twenty-five, 'dile mllnor factions el- ceteci twenty. an Advisory Board, composed of '- t1 The, Adm'rtalty ane. expert Britisli lish�or believes his statements to stage coach load of jetty, rosy- P' junction of. the railroad at Demir -six members. It is posltors, debenture holders, and orltio,sarewaatahi:ng tvltlx keen inter- be true, or has been, as he believes, checked, picnicking ••ir g & .1% mast of MILITIA MAY BE CALLED OUT Heyll. Tato damage was slight. announced that Dr. Barth was de- feated. shareholders, be elected to act in conjunction with the National Trust j Gist' the Canadian Government's plans for. the eptabltsltme,nt of a Canadian .credibly* informed by others that they are true; Davis vs. SIfenstone, them tourists from the north, some Wilmington, Del., June 80o—As re- - -------•---- - Company, reserve for the ocean and Clio App. Cas. 43- Z1, vs. Crow's of thous said to be from Ni York. On ilia summ{t of thetmountain the suit Or riots last night, J. Cramer, __.__.._ _ ___ _ 9IINT R [t [�UNO tt TOCHERLESS LASSES �' Dr, Luton asked how, meet!! of the Atlas Loan securities had been hyi- grenavat great,! ialcgs. c Zion. F. R Latchford has given g de L. ow.-HRus- Glen, � Times L. 12;. d�0; Nest Pass Coal Co. vs. Bell, 4 O. feudal battle took place. There, in a a negrod, .wild was shot during a dis- Ir (C� C J r LT , — pothecated, and to !voltam. a notice of a resolution to grant 7,6 L. R. G�(J9, the presenthve case de- clearing beside which run the moun- titin road, winding through a lane tvrba'nce in the negro district, died in Icily Iuveut a Scheme for the Alr. ,S,mith said that • the groatr oat number wore th'e A. E. 400 aures per mile to a railway from fondants appear Co have adopted p and published, as true, statements of trees, the neighboring forces met. in a haspitul to -day?. Tilers was In' a --- l2:aiein ; oi'DlOney' with Ames Company, The Atlas Loan Co. French Rivor through Suc1-- bury into Hutton Township, not p of fact as to certain transactions, Thera were no words. .Revolver barrels gleamed in an tnstaut, and considerable disorder in the district ' and the rldtkog reached its climax Convicted Convicted o f Enslaving Many I d Juno �0 n ' a 80.—In ItaLly, where marriages are frequent and brides g lead ltypothocatetl all its securities. In Answer to questions,.Mr. �amith to exceed Seventyutiles. In tciticlil plaintiff has duan eon- corned, and to have Introduced almost trolled. were flying. .Tap., 11, a f}Flit among the megraes them - Negrott' q Moor, tin excellent way has ))eon dls- covored of for declined to discuss the Atlas Loan Company's It is announced that Clic marriage of Aithouy Hope Hawkins, the am> them in certain remarks upon a speed! made by plaintiff, to show afelquickly Two moa felt wounded. Then Bing, a dare -devil character among selves. This occurred about midnight. Win. Simms has boomarrested,an the ges, providing ciowerless p g account with A. L''�. t•.h,or, to Altus Elizabeth Sheldon, will the mountaineers, fell with a bullet ma3d4ns. Amos. Air. Sauttlt said h'o had hopes bo celebrrtted' on July I.at St. Bride's that parts of 'lits spoecll were at in his brain. His death -blow, it is charge of murder. the is alleged tq A must be remembered that the of 'making a good deal out df tllet Ctlurch, In F,loet street, of which the variance with the truth. Defend• alleged, was dealt him by John have ,shat Cramer, and is held with - ONE MAN GETS FIVE YEAR... Italians aro passionately devoted to account, bridegroom's fa,tier is the vicar. auto are not entitled to plead, as to that Rhodes. out bail to awailt the action of the gambling. in the State and private lotteries, which are held nearly every Dr. Xilpatxick moved that the National :frust Company be ap- At Bide csterdny theca members Bent they are attempting do, those statements are alleged facts Alen were fighting hand to hand °aidners jury, If wlxiere is atony, fur - t.hter rioting to=night the police ait- Montgomery, Aid., Juno 30.-J. W. Pape, aplantar of Tallapooba county, %vook. v5 the village damsels lilt on pointed Permanent liquidators, and of the team over from the Unit- dd States to compete for Cho palma as well as the comments the make when suddenly the clear nates of a coaching horn soundd;d. Peering tearlties say the Yntlltim will be asked Ala., !tali fouutd alit to -da of hold- g y y ign ndgroes in involuntary !servitude .hu idea Of running a lottery on their Own account to provide themselves p' that the Master, Ln•Ordinary be asked to ailovt the selection of an rropliy made a remarkably good eeaoz•e in a match with the North upon them, aro al fair comment. , Idle paragraph's attached must be througli the mountain Dane, an old gray -bearded inoutita.incer saw the for. All is quiet in flue city to -day. and sentenced to five years is prison liauso.tho wherewithal far starting Advisory Committee. Landon Volunteers. Bach marksman struck out, unless defendants elect to m Cho approach of iho coach' wyth its After a. boating before Afa,glstrate IlollLs, Arthur Corwell dismissed. Mr. Pace, was under eleven indict- mon,ts and was found guilty under bamotimes the swoop is a 19411111 one Squire Hunt seconded the m0 tion, and to doing so saki that made, 103 amt of a possible 10,5: ,Mr, am -and manner pointed out In thrr' last case cited,. by set• burden of pretty girls, bils of pretty ribbons they wore fluttering In the was !tach indictment, but as lie was sem elncQti to his in wit:li big enirsnce fees and a few Lnrixea ; such aro chiefly practised by there never wAs, a bank failure that had xtrecked sa many homes R. J. Yours e, the Secrotar of , g y the Canadian Manufacturers' Asscci" ting out the facts upon which they allege Cho sxtelo complained of breeze. c Boys—all of our side and glue A FEROCIOUS GF.Asr, serve pun[ellment. all roncotfievhihe will °1,l rut- concurrently y idle slaughters of well-to-do trades- or caused such widespread disCreWs dCo.istress °•tion, has writtem to the London Daily Chronicle reference to was a fair comment, and alleging you, otlxor,' shouted the old man, ",Fou all Dr. Gtxailtu's Fight With for the mingle five-year .penalty. This men, alta merely !want a little more trousseau incl pocket money. In Cha p as that of tltm Atlas Lean Tho with s't.ataments msec about the flooding ilia truth, thereof, and by setting tip as Co !Clio expressions of opin stop n your Fhootln •' ; there's ladies " g tin llxlttlellfae Ferocious Gurilta, colicesMon was made because of the advattcec. ago of the defendant and ,!lore, general hind of lottery the motion iv s oxen carried un- anlmouilly and the meeting dis- of the Canadian labor market by Unglis,, aatiztdns, in which ]te points ton that taoy are fair comments coming. Gamin .T,he instant tho heads of the coach Suddenly an Lrninense ad like feeble eaadition, it being refire- tickets tiro cheap and the entries numerous. parsed, 71ho out that the labor market is far from upon such matters of Pact. Appeal aalotvucl with costs Mare anti Ue• horses appeared to the clearing t)t° gorilla - winced out of the wootl straight to- sealtecl that lie !night die before lie reached prison. Whou the cases worn Bach a one was drawn for last•+Sun- • . suggestion th!mt A. E. Wall lace be appointed permanent li ui- p q bolo over-,su,pplied• g lou. N. W, Lowell, K. C., for plain- firing ceased. Thd duellists .aught hastily to conceal their revolvers, ward tit;, and to vent, as he came to it howl of raga, acv Calleld demurrers were filed in all of oat—a national foto day—tit Givita teccltia. • dlator was, not Qntertaitlod for tL moment. COMMI�'TED FOR TRIAL, ,tiffs. C. A. Moss for defendants, „1,p, Choir knives, or whatever weapons they using. Tho two wounded Inch o Say, y •, "I stn tired of be- the casco and overruled. T,he defend- ant then pleaded guilty In all of the There were 077 entries and 19 __ CHARGED THE PORTER were ng. nlon struggled to their feet. Cap." . ting pursued, and w311 face• you.,, rs ed a It tvam a lone male, the kind which eleven oases. An appeal to the Cir- oult Court of Appeals at New; Or- winners, the prizes being exactly L5 5s. each, which is a goal sum for a t FIRED ON TROOPS bmSt Dlissouri Farmer Said to lime King lay silent and grim, but a CIIlmp of bushes concealed his body are ayltva;tls+ the most fero- cions. This fellow the leaps, La., to make a test baso was country girl. The first name to be 4'oisonec. Cattle. „ ,- With Takin_; a Japanese Woman it from ilio girls in i;lte coach. When made woods resound with his roar, which is filed, u on giving bond in the sum of . p g drawn was that of a niitture lady Wile Were Cailetl Oat to Preserve Woodytock, June 30. — William store of Jewels• the co:Lch assetitho fighting was Then Faunal, resembling really au alid " $5.000 in cud of th,a,o colics. Iia was released from custody in the others. %vhD hall already twice been lett to the altar. Pence i„ a Strike. Berry, of Dept Nissouri, was commit- tod for trial to -day on a charge of Cleveland, Ohio, June 80.—Upon the contfuued. when ilia fair oc- 1 I the rollhng onto tuuttering of distant ' cuplante, learned that it was a duel I thunder. He Page was charged with holding In Soveral of the brides were married F Richmond, Va., Juno ' 9. — While poisoning stook belonging to his request of the Buffalo police, George was, about 2'0 yards to the death on the mounitain side i . off when ice first stLW hint. iVe at peonage the following negroes: John Cron- tole, same afternoon, and the dleap- pointed ones, resigning themselves to C raops, who aro under arms hero to- day, in canntction with, a iotrike of nei hbor, Geor a WoodLs, of the ad- g g- joilting townships of West %arra. R'. Bloom, a colored car porter, teas they insisted an returning. This the battle and fair hands ansa gath,eretl together, anal I tvasv to take Davis Cha •los Williams, Doc. A sliaty, Pat. Hill, F.ti. Diood Jim CA y; the liapre of h.it'tor lack next time, street rallway,, employees, were at- Perls green ]lad Uoen scattered in arrQsted when lie arrived ]lege on a :;tapped heilpad to ,liandago up the wounded. about atm and bring F hila !dowm where lie irtood when my most yv411, Rina Scott, Otis Myers, Owens darned quite mrrily p1, the vnrlons tempting to -Flay to move the first Woods paasture field and two snimala wetstUottnd Lake shore train to -clay. t'Il1iSCtscl elan, Malnonen, stopped Green and Ephraim Pope, It is eald that the megroes were treated cruelly %vedding rejoicings. cars from the east and barns a mdb assembled and torpedoed the died in consequence. An envelope ad drowsed to the prisoner was found in Ile Is suspected of havine robbed a %vendthy Japanese woman, who cc- ITS 1 ` 9LL �j RY � j` HOW C, me, saying in A whisper, "Not time yet.' at pace's farm, many being brutally Y FOIZ EIGHT I�IOURS. track. Captain Skip, dvitlr C Co., was Clic field. and it was proved that lie oupied a stateroom on, his car, of § We stood, therefore, in silence, yvhipped. It Is eaid•thAt Owens Green, shat in the lag. Whore was 1,a re- had made threats against hoods on $3,000 worth of diamonds. '.Cho gun in hand. The gorilla lookers at a negro, wtl,s whipped so severely Great Ctunpnfl;n of Strikes to be turn fire. More troops g ps aro Ueln• hurried to the 19coati. , aiecounit of provious trouble. - woman loft the train at Buffalo and u,si fa�9 a n,ilytite or so out of his evil that manly bonds in leis body were broken and that lits pow,or of spoecll ilegu , in Clifeago. Chleago, 30.-•- Having . ----• A Canadian Victiitt• reported Lor loss to the police of that city,, Bloom deciaxes that lie i r W ekaff Weds Girl He �Jlet y gray, eye;, then beat- Isis breast with his gigantic arms—acrd what arms --V,w,as Interfered with, -Tune secured in GET=RICH=QUICK (IANC. London, Juno 30.—a`he Daily Ex- t Innocent., ire hail --then gave another howl of lthen DIF. I'aeo made Itis sta,lemenC the nine -hour day a majority of the .hal)m throughout the 'United -- Prows publi bas a detailed story or � WhenTramping, defiance and advanced upon us. How hw;trri.11o lea looked, I shad tor to. the Judge lie acknowledged that he was gujlty. Ho said: `l. plead RtiiteF, the nittChinisLe, began yvatcr- Proved a Inlain;~ One to 13,000 'T'nri' holy a Lamas}an girl from Halifax, Nova Scotia, was deceived and for- THE BARREL MURDER. never - get It. Again he stopped, not more guilty to the offoncos, and would ritzy the gi: oral fight for an eight- Investment Patrons• saken by Dougal, now under sentence ---• thall 15 yards away. .~till llfala- pike your Honor to be, merciful." The hour worst clay. Twenty members of the union wnl.kerd Out of ilia shop or Bt. Loubs,l, Mo., June 29.—Judge El- or death for marder. allie girl came to -Cndletment lieturmeti Against Thomas t � I IONAIRE'S DAUGHTER SHE SAM LL onen Eald, "Not yet." Goat! gracious. What to to bacoma of us if our Judge thein aisked ltlm'if lie lied any- !ting to say why sentence should not the Inhul:d Sisal Company at Inrlittna mor B. AdminY, of the U. S. District Court, hmv released U. S. Marshal Lngland with Dougal in 1880. Site slays slid was treated like a dot;. On Petro, Accused ofthe Ueinie. Ilet- June 30.—Tomnsso f et- 30.—The of guns fire. or L[ the only wound the be passed upon Lint. and. he replied In the negative. 7}!ho Judge then !lien• fIartior, and will not return to work nnless the are hell the ei ht• -hour y ! g W. L. Monsey as receiver of tlto de- hunet Jobn J. Ryan Turf Investment moral !haat one occasion Dougal threatened to still her anti snake Naw. York, ti� was Indicted to -day on a charge i\cty lark, Julie story "The Workers" ha:d its saquel last great Lf'k1aYt4 - A gait tno gorilla mane an anvance. tgnoed him, 'the 1 !lav without reduction in 1l.•Ly. Company, illi affairs having been away with ilex body. of murder in the first !degree in cans- avenin 1n the marriage of the' I Walter A. Wyckoff arid. Miss Prof. upon us. Nov leo was not 13 yards Mr. Pape is coneldoredl one of wealthiest mon In Tallapoosa county, Officialb Of the union say that thls is ilia ,beginning of a contest that settled. The assets, about !$193,- 000, paid shout 15 per sant. of the `- Birthday Haaarr+. Ing tho dearth of Fonedetto Madonia, Cho BaTtala Italian, whose body,, With or, Lealt Lueile Blirich. Off. I eouidl olan his ferocious face. It !vas distorted with rage; lits hu g Tllo pleading guilty, ar Air. Paco nraae le meansthat the others in- %viii involve every plant Ln ilia coon- tr.y as lost as tile existing !vaso depos5l'ta an l• were clistrilrnidc. among , 1:.,000 elatmante. Aside from local London, June 30'.—The lint• of Icon- numerous stall wounds was Lound , Tie disguised himself as a tabor- g lag man, and started to look for teeth were ground against each h other, iso that we could hear the dieted will likes do the !same, as Ire y agreonent. exttire. At the recent any, patrons Ohio had more than an ars in connection with t.Pe, offtciral celebration of the Iiing s birthday stuffed in a barrol a'1, oast 11th work. Ile w.as by tarn clay laborer, tPottnd: C:ho !akin of the toreheacl was was considered the principal defend- amt, Atter Mr. face made bond lie contention of Machinists hew fn Mli� %vaulreu Clio et hC-hoar movement g otheF State. includos a peerage for Sir Edward street an April 14th last. It is be, hotel porter, farm hand, member of tt logging camp, section hand on the drawn ,(privard and back rapidly, which mado his hair move up anti lett immediately for his homo at %vas taken up and plans made for It , lieceased 1\ its s Niece, Lawson, 1,ropriotar o[ ilia Daily Telegraph; a peerage for Mr. Watson )loved that flit Note, York branch of thb Marla, lead a lls.nd in 'iho tour- Uidon Pacific raliroad, anti a factory- down and gave a truly devilish ex- to his 1lL?eous face. DadeviIle, Ala. Tlno conspiracy easels against him were continued until the on -forcing evrrytv]tere, Sydney, N. S. W., Jn.ne, 30.—Mr, Jinn Armstong, hoard of the famouq Arm - -building -and ordnance der, anti Induced Afadania to Coma ha.nl, Securing a position as miner, Ire pression Once more the most horrible monster ever next term of the court. Alacosi. Ga., Juno 24.—In the United ,. MR. MEiNNS bUMI�JNEFJ: Lloo A. Beckett, of the Melbourne Court, has delivered an Important strong ship at Elswick, and a baronetago 'Mayor from Buffalo In order that it might be eny+x3od out. toiled in ilio Colorado alines. While saw tit that work ho Dna cich. created by Almighty God gave a roar afe Staters Court today Judge Spear till- .— decision In ti. lease on wltleii Ire, had for Sir Marcus Samuel, Lord London. 6110 w, Only 16 Leall fold sdaugbtel" likethunder.couldareally lathe Posed a fine of $100 each on three young men, William Shy, Arthur Charged with a Breach of the reserver. judgment. The decision Is can nullifying the marriage of a of t;ritish Llections. ,years then, and cis the o nton iull- earth trembling under my feet. The gorilla, looking ttd in the eye and u'law,son and R bort Turner, for hold, Ing a negro In involuntary Liquor [,acv. Toronto report. -- Mr. W1111aux ilttLn with ills clocoased tvtfo's nleua that to ece. AN GATING TOMANI .NT. London, .lithe 30.—Nin, ty-lght Unionist members of the Ilonse of of one of m Wealthiest ntii�tacliaiulpliiUaxar4 s beating Til 1tfi breast, advanced' again, Don't fire too is -con, said Mala- servitude. Tlto offeneo was that the young men, Alu11ns, tho .well-known temperance The Judge said tywif siralLt Clio law allatval marriage '- ' The %'Pinner Was Unable to walk Commons held a meeting at West last night and re- do�tecour8t}lutste pl � he appeared to be. All this lie tells 0,11011; "if you don't kill him, ho will kill who are formes, caught a negro who had in debt to them, advocate olid President aT tit Croton advocact Lnd Company,', y', it 785 with a deceased wito s stator, no Afterwards. nilustor passed solutions endorsing iho Governmonit iu his acral. you" . Thta time he cams �v:thln of ht g gotten ova him a whipping and maddo him ,.0 to work for thorn. Judge Speor Yongo street was sununonefl yes- texdtLy to appear in the Police Court provision had boon macio--•prof silly through lin oversight—for the more distant o[ a than with his y Now Yar1t, Juno ' 9.—Tho Journal ILas Clio [adlowiitg; Grand annual , ongniry into Great Britain's fiscal rolaiions with foreign powers. The , When tile, name of Pro Wyckoff was ou every lip, ltd returnatl to springs h° v4rdlq of us before he stopped, I watt breatthing fiat with excitement raid that 'the problem of Cho timcH tlti,a morning, for an alleged breach union meetiu, p'.erlgc'd. itself to support ('•oiorttrt0, .lt' Colorado ncl' I scotched Ctte l�ugd boast. Dfalao- dauld not be solved Uy, harslu mea• of t:ha lltlubr lacy. 'ltluo Cio,Wu Alan- wife a niece. tournautent of trio Beef-etLting A.ssO- of the Twenty-eighth, Ward, Afr. Chambcrlattl's policy. faun. the girl, who had then cls- luta wonrtn of vigor and son only said, y„ 3tdadl , lig the 'lthen sures. and wanted it distinct y under- nfaeturin Company aro wholesalo � g stood that the lawn of Georgia wero dealeru in unfermented wines for elation , hold yesterday afternoon in the 1 altn Bir dl'r,rUart Aiaxtvell, in the roursa of •his speech, macio the atgaiflcant cr•loprti a beauty- There. waw no difrioulty in - gorilla catma �ap. ho ctopp0;l lliatauiten said, • "Now!'' And against smolt treatment, sacramental purposes, and Z,[censn Fort Wiiliam, Juno :)0. — Hernial, Garden, at Hamburg and Greene stnimnant ilt:lt a general elostion obtaining an introduction, .•and 80011 before het could attar the roar for �� In.spector lIhstings , alleges that Sante, a Finn, was badly thotgh fatally stabboti war Cita he art aveinnov, Brooklyn. tttnd.rdcl fu Vic, Contos.ta.ntff--T�vo It might be expected in three months, oho enuFented to become. his bet.le. last they %vbich lite lynx ,opening lits month three ballla •were these wiap8 cantaln an illegal per. The British representative ti.0 I'ek:n crn:tago at alcohol. not tb-clay. IIs) was intoxid.ated at the axunbet•, and GOO pounds a b ref ami and hcnee It was noceaw,try that ilia Unionist .party shoaled prepare for At 7.1,0 o'clock evonlnr, wmltl ntarrIN't n -Ma.rbury hail, No. musket in Ills body. Ile fell dead almost 'without wa,s Informed that a treaty Insuring Mr. Ahtnits stn.tod last night that g thno and cannot give a. clear ac- Inlmsolf, except that coma fourteen Itcgs of beer nxuatgatnatrKd with the association, Cho strttgglcl whist would develop oil idk West tiovrnty-iotnrth street, by •, titrugg)e.-••Addvrntures In r -qua. torial ' 0111110is sovereignty In Manehurfa was being negotiated. ho Woatld ask Maglatra.t0 Renison to -day to adjourn the caro for the count of Italian knifed hint, Tiho Prize -winners -- First prize, the issue of Iiuporlal tariffs, the 1t.eY, Dr. Collyer. Afrlea. . . ,