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The Wingham Advance, 1903-07-02, Page 5
I �k r Jill) 2, 1993 THE MEN'S STORE NEWS, Unprecedented Bargains In Crowder's Tailored Clothing I4ot made to order, but made to fit, No waiting, no dissapoinmente, but ready to wear, made by craftsmen (tailors) and at two thirds the cost of ordered clothing, Will {near as long as the best ordered suit known. BIGGEST BARGAINS IN HURON. $16.50 BLACK WORSTED SUIT $12,00, 21 Men's ,Black Worsted Suits, guaranteed all soft wool, wool, well trim- med, S. 13. Vest high Cit, Punts made neat width with shaped legs; these S tits were made for a Toronto Clothing Store, but being in difficulties were not able to take them, Crowder Co.made an offer for the lot, Sizes 35 to 44, these were made to sell at $10.50 -Your fit, while they last .. . ...... . . .......... ..', . $12.00 20 Flannel Suits, 3 neat stripes, well made, worth $0 and $0,50, sizes 33 to 44 -We guarantee to tit you for ...... I .... I ....... . .. . . . ...... I .... 5.00 12 Only Men's Odd 'Tweed Suits, sizes 35 to 44, worth $0,00, $7.00 and $8.00 each -Your fit while they last.... , .... I ....... . ............ 4,00 Children's Suits -$1.15 to ............ ................ .... ... I .... ,,...... 4.00 Boys' Suits -$1.60 to ..................................... • 4.00 SHOES 1 SHOES 1 -We have all kinds of Boys' and Men's Shoes at Bargain prices. Remember, we are not looking for a profit on Shoes; com- parison of prices is all we ask. SALEM SKIRTS. - All sizes and colors ; hard or soft bosom ; sizes 1211 to 18. Prices................75c to $1,50. Salem Shirt Waists fors Boys, ages 5 to 12 years, 3 colorings, with separate collar, cuffs attached, pocket in front. Prices ........ 75c Straw Hats, Caps, Hard and Soft Felt Hats at away -down prieeg, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, etc., the very latest at lowest prices. The K. II. Crowder Co. rdlemToola SEEDS - Come to R. A. Douglass the Cq' Druggist for all kinds of Flower and Garden Seeds. Over 30 dif- ferent colors and varieties of sweet peas to choose your mixture from. H BULBS CANNA BULBS DAHLIA BULBS We have a large assort - GLADIOLUS BULBS ment of Snaiths, Scythes, TUBER ROSES TUBEROSE BEGONIAS `Turnip Hoes, Hay Forks, - Hay. Rakes, Binder Twine Anything we have not in and Pure Manilla Rope; Pure stock will be procured at Catalo- gue price. _ Paris Green ; Potato Bug A special prize of $5.00 is being Finish, I o lbs. for 25C - given by me at the Wingham Fair for the best collection of roots and Call and examine these vegetables grown from my seed. _ goods before you buy. R. A. MORASS - Chemist &Druggist - Fishleigh's Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. Hardware Store, Wingham. Smith & Pethick's old stand, Property For Sale, A. H. Carr offers for sale his property on �►^^ ^ : Minnie Street, consisting of one 2 -story frame cottage, with modern improvements,'? bath room, electric light, gtepl range stpve, carpets, linoleum, etc., also one barn, and two full lots with considerable fruit. Everything is in first class condition. Will sell very cheap. Ins ec- W e are sole tion invited; this is one of the most desirable �►+- - properties in Wingham. W agents for w As H. Carr DR. HESSE'S (MARKET SQUARE) E S T O C K FOOD Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reasonable rates. Money advanced on mortgages at 5per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of . any year. Notes and accounts collect- ed. Office-Be4ver block, Wingham. _ For Sale only by ROBT. Mc;Nppo. *980 =� Wingham Cement Works.Colin A. Campbell = -- m Best Brands of Cement always on Cry band, fresh and reliable. -o Also cement window sills and THE DRUGGIST arches. Door sills made to order. or _o any other kind of cement work. Lime for sale, ttlitlttltt�itlilttittfiilt�fittt f!411; inform thou cheerfully given. a Works between 0. P. R. and G. T. R. tracks, Josephine street. 37-49 F. GUTTERIDGE. For Bargains -IN- Vatahes C\oe�cs jewelry ate., ate. ...GO T0..+ He Jewelry Store Macdonald Block Wingham,, TRI -A return tabled sholys that Cher( are 1,502 Customs officers employed it ports of the Dominion, and 465 out -port[ and preventive stations, as against 1,42 officers and 434 outports and proventive station, in 1900. -General Superintendent McGuigan is quoted by a Stratford paper as saying that the building of the proposed G. P, T. will mean the expenditure. of proba. bly $1,500,000 in that city in improve• mento and enlargement of the car shops. -According to all official statement issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway authorities the company during the last fiscal year sold 1,539,008 acres of land for $5,227,762, The average price for the first ten months was $3.64 an acre, and for the last four $4.27 an acre. Dundalk, June 27. -The two-year. old child of James Demmans of Melan. othon was poisoned and came near los- ing its life by eating colored crayons such as children use in school. Dr. Martin was hurriedly summoned, and by the use of the stomach pump saved the little sufferer's life. -A reporter of the Kansas City Jour. nal finds that 812 pianos were destroyed in the North Topeka flood. If these in. struments had an average value of $300, the total would amount to $93,600. Their woodwork is swelled, bulged and split. Their internals are warped and twisted out of all semblance to an order. ly machine. Wallaceburg, June 27. -At a meeting of some of the business men held at Wallaceburg, $1,100 was subscribed for the purpose of experimenting on a sup- posed coal bed a short distance outside of the town. It appears that some time ago, when boring for oil, the drill went through a stratum of what the drillers took to be coal some fifteen feet in thickness. London June 28. -Dr. McCarthy of Melbourne asserts that he is able to produce rain by sending up continuous. ly from three centres columns of gas made of certain chemicals. After a maximum of thirty-two hours rain is produced over a range of ninety miles at any altitude, in any sky, with the wind in any quarter. Dr. McCarthy ex- plains that the gas causes, in a different stratum of atmosphere, a vacuum which is the centre of a heat storm, with dense rain clouds, The rain which follows is of a tropical character, slight at first and then very heavy. His experiments have been conducted in an inclosure 12 by 8 feet. -The Dominion Exhibition at Toron. to, Aug. 27 to Sept. 12, will really be on a colossal scale. The exhibits will run in value to many millions of dollars. It is estimated that the Jubilee presents of the late Queen Victoria, which by order of the Icing are to be exhibited at Toronto, are worth upwards of two mil- lions pound sterling, or $10,000,000. In fact their value is inestimable, for many of them could not be replaced. The presents from India alone are worth more than half a million pounds, and the collection includes costly, rare and unique gifts, numbering 613, from al. most every part of the known world. In addition to the priceless presents here will be on view manufactures and minerals worth several millions, to say nothing of the live stock' and horses, poultry, dogs, etc., which will be worth more millions. In short, if the value of the articles on view was placed at fifty million dollars it would not be an excessive estimate. For Sea -Sickness Nausea. and maladies of this type yield quickly to the almost magical power of Nervi. line, and if you suffer periodically from any of these troubles, just keep Nervi - line at hand. A few drops in sweetened water will give almost instant relief and in the course of half an hour the cure fs completed. Your money luck if you do not And it s9, WIN'GHAN AD Clinton. One of Mr. George Menuel'tf obildrel fell out of a hammock the other da; and broke its collar bolls, Mr. Jacob Miller is building a stree sprinkling cart for Blyth and will havi It ready to use in a few days. It wit be a two -horse affair. The special train that brought thl volunteers home Saturday had all i could do to keep the oars together, thel becoming uncoupled no less than threi or more times on the trip up, While a lumber car was being unload• ed at the organ factory switch on Fri• day last it broke loose and started down the steep grade. Midway it struck an ompty boa oar and both left the rails al the end of the switch. On Sunday evening last Mr. Jonathan Mitchell of Ypsilanti, Michigan, joined the great majority at the advanced age of eighsy-two years. He was at one time a farmer near Winthrop in Me- Killop and for a few months lived in Clinton, Mr. John Middleton Jr, of Goderich. Township, who just a few days ago re- turned from a business trip to England, met with an accident on Tuesday which will lay him up for some time. He was trimming a tree when the axe glanced and out a bad gash in his foot, severing an artery. to y. The latest reports from farmers throughout Essex county say the dam- age to hay, oats and particularly corn is not as great as was at first imagined. Indications are that tobacco, grapes, and peaches, three of the staple pro. ducts of the county, will suffer most. The tobacco needs daily attention that the rain has prevented, while the grapes and peaches have not had the warm sun that is necessary to mature them properly. Mr. James McGuire, formerly of the Clarendon hotel but now of the Union House, Toronto, is in hard lack. A year ago he was robbed of $600 and deep mystery surrounds the disappearance on Sunday night of a cash box containing $400 from the Union House. The box was taken from the safe which stands in the sitting room and the theft is be- lieved to have been the work of a clever sneak thief who waited around till he got a favorable opportunity to perpet- rate the robbery. .t. I Why Catarrh is Fatal. Because it pours a flood of poisons in- to the circulation that saps strength and digestion so materially as to render the body incapable of resisting disease, and consumption is the result. Catarrh is quickly cared by Catarrhozone, a fragrant germ destroying vapor that goes to the root of the disease. It sooths and heals the inflamed mucous surfaces, clears the Bead and throat, and positively never fails to perfectly cure Bronchitis„ Asthma or Catarrh. Nothing is so good for disease of the respiratory organs as Catarrhozone. Large outfit $1. Small size 25c. Drug- gists or by mail from Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. ,t SUMMER PRUNING. Summer pruning of grapes and other small fruits will soon need attention, and it is best done with the finger and thumb. In the case of grapes it is simply pinching out laterals that come out above the fruiting spurs, shortening in the ends of the leading canes and pinching off all surplus shoots that start up from the roots. The most popular way of training the grape is on the Ful- ler system, using three wires, one about 12 inches from the ground, one at the top of the trellis, about 4J feet from the ground, and the middle wire half way between the two. The two main arms are tied to the bottom wire, and the canes grow from these to the top of the trellis. When they reach the top, they are stop- ped by pinching off the terminal shoots. VAN'CD. Dark Hair F II 1 I I I I I III I 11141 ,, I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for it great many years, and ai- 1 = though I am past eighty years of age, yet 1 have not a gray hair in my head," 1 Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, - ' dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re- stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and ]ong; and it stops falling of the hair, too. - 9 $1.11 a labile. All Iegttsts. - 1 If your drugiCfat cannot suppiy you, '- send us one dollar and we willI express - yea a bottle, Be sure and ggive the name of your nearost express oftico. Adifress, J. C. Ay R Co., Lowell, mass..= FRBB CONSUMPTION HOS- PITAL.. A Pitiful Appeal from a Poor Consnmp. tive - Money Urgently Needed to Carry on the Work. The following letter is shown as one of many distressing appeals made by appli- cants seeking admission to the Proe Con- sumption Hospital: - "I am anxious to make application'on behalf of my daughter, Pauline, who has contracted the 'dread white plague' while lovingly performing her duty in caring for her dear mother, who eight months ago succumbed to the dread disease. Mine is a sad case. For three long years my wife suffered from consumption, of which she finally died, leaving me alone to raise a family of children, one only five years old. My daughter, Paulina, who nursed her during her long illness, was my only hope, as she took charge of my home, and now the hand of disease has fallen upon her. Her physicians have pronounced it a easeof consumption, and advise an immediate removal to the Sanatorium. I am only a poor man, dependent on my daily wage, and the long and heavy expenses of my wife's illness have so depleted my resources that I cannot possibly pay the expenses in an expensive sanatorium, though L would be glad to do so were it in my power. Can you not receive her into your Free Hospital, and so snatch a young life from the wasting sufferings of so terrible a disease 2 The doctors consider her case a curable one at this stage, but delays would be dangerous. Hoping and trust- ing to hear from you shortly, and to receive the proper application blank forms, I am, yours in trouble and need." Everything possible is being done by the Association to meet the many and urgent calls from consumptives. Seventy-six patients are now being cared for in the Free Hospital, and not a single patient has been refused admittance because of his or her poverty. The great matter of concern with the management is the lack of funds. The question that is facing the Trustees to -day is whether they shall not be compelled to close some of the wards because of this. Readers of this paper who desire to help, can do so by sending contributions, no matter how small the amount, to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Int., Vice -President National Sanitarium Association, 4 Lam- port Ave., 'Toronto, or W. J. Gaffe, Chair. man of the Executive Committee, To- ronto. be pinched when about 2,1/2 to 3 feet LucknoW. high. This stops the upward growth, and instead of a long, sprawling cane, The Sepoy Lacrosse Club won its first you will have a stout, stocky one, with game in the junior 0. L. A, on the Agri• plenty of laterals, and it will carry its cultural park on Friday, June Oth, load of fruit without bending over. If from Listowel. The Sepoys also went the laterals grow too long they should to Kineardine on Friday last and defeat- be pinched back before the end of the ed Kinoardine 4,2. season. This summer pruning can be The Ashfield parsonage was stormed done rapidly and easily. and filled on Tuesday evening by a Where young apple or pear trees are 1 crowd of members and adherents of the being top -worked to some other variety, As1 hfield i crcuit to bid God speed to they shonld be examined often during a �I Two Weeks' Sale Substantial Saving on New Sum" mer Goods for Cash or Trade. Its an ill wind that blows nobody good. We've too much stock and must turn part into hard cash. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Cash, and share in the BIG BARGAINS at He Er ISARD & CO'S, BARMINS BARGAINS STOCKINGS. -10 dozen pairs, Misses' and WAISTS. -A line Ladies' Shirt Waists, odd Women's Hose, ribbed, seamleas, fast .20 sizes to clear, ggood patterns, regular 76o .50 $look, good value at 25c-Bargain price,. and $1,00 -to olcar at.. I . ...... SHOES. -Two lines Ladies' Shoes to clear. GINGHAMS.-6 pos. fine Sootch Ginghams Chocolate and Black, good tyle, regular .9$ and Ohambmys, choice patterns, fast col- .1U Price $1,25 -Bargain price. , ... I ... 11 ..... ors, regular value 16c -to clear at....... SKIRTS, -2 doz.. Women's fine white cam- CORSET COVERS. -Special line to clear. brio Underskirts, with deep muslin frill, 1.00 fine cambric, nicely trimmed, regular 25 od govalue at $1.'25 -Bargain price ..... price 35 cents -Bargain price..... .... COTTONS, -A Bale of mill ends Cotton, PRINTS. -7 pieces fine Print, choice pat - fine make, wide, from 1 to 5 yard ends. terns and colors, regular 7 cent quality Price from 3c up, -our Bargain price .... ...... ...... RAIN COATS. -Ladies' fine quality water. UNDERSKIRTS. -One Dozen Ladies' fine crest Coats, latest styles in blue, fawn or Black Mercerette Underskirts, with 1(ecco black -regular value $3.50 -our Bar. 2.75 frill, wide, nicely made, regular value gain price .... ..... .... $1.25 - Bargain price....... ........ TOP SKIRTS. -Ladies' fine Grey Top SKIRTING. - Ono piece wide Skirting. Skirts, nicely made, regular value $3.00 225 dark color, fancy, pattern, regular value -Bargain price...... • 15 cents - to clear at ........ ........ .10 BOYS' SUITS. -10 Boys' Suits. all wool, 2- WASH SUITS. -Boys' washable Gingham n Piece, well lined, regular price $2.00- 1.69 Suits, two-piece, regular 75 cent line, .5V Bargain price_. 1.69 go now at .... .... ...... DRESS GOODS. -1 piece fine Twill Serge. CARPETS. -One piece of Union Carpet. blue or black, 58 in, wide, regular price .IS 1 yard wide, now pattern, good value 25 $1.00 -Bargain price.... .... at 35 cents -Bargain price...... ..... MATTING. -One piece china Matting, good CURTAINS. -12 prs. fine Nottinabam Lace Pattern. cotton warp, regular 20c quality .15 Curtains, 31J yds. Ion new patterns, 1 -Bargain price.... 00 .... .... .... good value at $1.25 -Bargain price.... • CURTAINS. -8 pairs heavy Lace Curtains, MUSLIMS. -A line of fine colored French wide, taped edges, 31 yds. long, regular 1511 Muslins, nice patterns, regular value .15 value 1.00 -to clear at.... 20 cents -our price to clear. ........ SHIRTS. -Boys' fine pattern Duck Top GOWNS. -2 Dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Shirts. wfth collar attached, regular .39 Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed .%5 price 50 cents -to clear at...,.. ...... -regular value 95c -to clear at.......... osessmesss'pBeuCotton DRAWERS. - g line eaosCHosal, ft Black, rgl bireip reavlu35cet� value 20 cents -Bargain �ne 25 Groceries. Parasols Fresh Salmon ...... 10c I Matches ............ loc One Dozen fine Parasols, nice handles, Kippered Herring..10c Brooms.............20c steel rod, regular $1.25 - Starch, per lb...., 5e. 7 ]be. Figs for......26c Clothes Pins, doz... is 18 lbs. Oatmeal......25c Bargain Price $1.00 3 lbs. Currants ..... 25c 5 lbs. Tea for.....41.00 H, E, ISAj1?t� C®, Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Your Summer • Sint Can be best secured from us. We have the mater-lal ; we guar- antee fit, workmanship and style; we ask only reasonable prices. Give us a trial -you are sure to be satisfied. Headquarters for up-to-date Gents' Furnishings. 1 i 1 i"StaA47e Is made when their pastor who leaves next week for summer, and the suckers or sprouts that ` Before buying " elsewhere, just get our prices ; Melbourne. The evening was pleasant• come out below the grafts rubbed off you may save money. Our guarantee goes ]�/[ � �� `' � ly spent in music. etc. An address was after the grafts get a fair start, ether- will be able to say as others have said - that you wish presented to Rev. F. J. Oaten, accom- wise they will take the sap that should Notice to Creditors. for. Try here next time and get a surprise. panied by the gift of a beautiful gold go to the graft to push it along, y� Sy �.L iti ng s• watch. A meeting of tie citrof Lueknow Where a graft has failed to grow it is well to allow a number of the shoots that Notice is hereby given pursuant to R, S. O. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec, M, that all persons having �,ons 0 claims against the estate of John Powell, late wqs held fn the Council Chamber on come out near the end to grow in of the Township of Turnberry, in the county of Wednesdayevening, to meet a depute. g' p order to keep the limb alive and healthy Huron Farmer, deceased, who died on or nbeat third May, 1903, aro to by • tion from Goderich, representing the and pert & xih ft can be re -grafted b g y required send pest prepaid or deliver to R. Holmes, Solicitor We have 11ow the most West Shore Electric ; Railway. They cutting it off a little farther back; the for oxeoutom, on or before tenth day of July, 1903, tholr names, addresses, and descriptions 'a beautlful and Gorglele stock asked for all expression of opinion from end where the cleft is being covered and protected with wax, a few sprouts andfull statement and particulars, of Choir claims and nature of security (if any) hold by ever put on the Wingham the people of L,ueknow as to the advisf- bility of the road running to this village allowed to grow, will be found quite then[, duly c0rtifled, and that anter said day assets ofttt•he deceasproceed d an o a Market in the way of Men's and what inducement in the way of a healthy and fit for grafting again when partiesbentitled thereto having rogard only to such claims as tufting®, beaus would b0 given. A motion �v48 the time comes t0 do it. they shall then have notice. Dated ninth day of June 1903. finally passed appointing a committee pp g Ii. HOLMF,S, Solicitor for Executors. In all the latest designs of citizens to take into consideration Offices-liohnes Block and materials at very reason- the whole question of electric railways, A True Brain Food. (North Had Main St,) WinAAA). 41-41 «. able prices. You will have and to report at a public meeting of the ratepayers called later on, must replace the feeling of lassitude and + Notice t� Creditors. no difficulty in selecting a Mrs. Mallough, the beloved wife of minduesNotthat it goes df;aclearness and eptln toll the suit to suit. Mr. William Mallough, and mother of brain, that welo foolish. The true - Mr. David Mallough of Lucknow, died. g brain food must lie carried b rich red Y In the matter of the l stnto of Alo �n the Mitchell of the Town of Winrthaill. to the In fit and workmanship at the residence in Dungannon, on Sun; . blgpd. if Mental fatigue worries and County of Huron, Gentleman, ilewased. we take a back seat for no day last at the ripe old ago of ;30 years, alavms you, look not to the brain, but the stomach and assimilative organs. Notice is hereby atvoo pursuant to the R. , S O. Chap, 129, that (%I 11iorsons havinx claims one. 7 months, 0, dtlys. ]Deceased and her No romedy yet discovered, possesses the agatns the estate of the said Alexander aged husband were among the first set- b g B marvellous brain strengthening ower g li p IN3, re who died oo the 14th say 16 hip 1 3 are re. air c on or before 4 C 1 f 0 the 01610111, tiers in the township, and only a few that I errozono has demonstrated in� � � n o � y' f,1lNy 190.'1, to filo with Thoutns Ch[eh0hn, Satisfaction guaranteed thousands of cases. Fo#rowne does not: 11 clan, or Robert Maxwell, Executors, or We have the mater-lal ; we guar- antee fit, workmanship and style; we ask only reasonable prices. Give us a trial -you are sure to be satisfied. Headquarters for up-to-date Gents' Furnishings. 1 i 1 i"StaA47e Is made when you choose our stole as the place to buy your Furniture. Stock Large - Prices Right. Before buying " elsewhere, just get our prices ; it will cost you nothing to find them out, and you may save money. Our guarantee goes with every article we sell. Come and see us. Price our goods, and you will be able to say as others have said - that you wish you had known before, what a tine stock we have and what reasonable prices we sell for. Try here next time and get a surprise. mouths ago celebrated Choir golden simulate the lirp:a into a' fitfal glow iilarundersigned,ttaainist and ne nlitti alseout ty wadding, being the 50th anniversary of blit hy; improving digestion, strengthen- hold by then[ (if any) and that after tlto satd Maxwell a Happy married life; MTs, Mallough ma the nervous g stein, trength to as- [tate, th; said its ainlors will ersoeed toWalker ��®�• ����®� Robt. met ylitIl all uaofdant some weeks since, sfmiltion, giving fico strength to the thereto,thavInit©tregaird only to the el'inislof from the offsets of which she paver re* Heart. It solids a stream of red vitaliz- which they, shall Men have. notice. ing blood to the brain. 'illus it is a true Dated, at Wingham, this lith day of Jule, covered. She waa widely known and brain food, Ferrozono is sold by all A. D.1903. High lit T11101 Wingham tI t e 1 A."i is I11c1trz�soN k IIor;M>Ls. Brea y es a and 1 1 lig s , 142.44 whoitors for hxtoutors, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers