HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-07-02, Page 2„,, I I � I I I I I I I 01""I"11010— . - 11 . . I — — .1 . ­ - _� .. + , I I.. � ... � .. 1. - - . .- I - - , , ': %-.�, . � ., � - 1_� - .1�.�,.�!!!!�!!!Vo!!!!M�,t!t�—�--�—�.-�—'-'—�----.--.-.— -------- ­ - - -- ?--,—.--.--- 1�-­­­ , -,-,-, - � I -1., 1, . - 11_1 - __ .. ­. � � - -­ - --­ 4 I � . � `­;­ ,. , -_; 4. , I - in; +'l 1 �) -ould terid woups In this world too uacroil, to be t . V I - ,U,,)#,,,Ic.w,.at,.O.,",,A#,,,A4,Az 110411r, civer,y.,tlilug thitt u tq mor, tho good time sho hunts for Ntruded upon by anyone., SWQ(tay I 0001. little troublo& It is to valit to trX . 5 ; 11"ICT971hi 111un t ^ft^� r1#%e..1^1~0%^ . r— I ILO , -s turn olielt, ri� Orl'o thoughts to 11 111hore to no use tr In to do Y ,tt: y C u .1 F Coriler - - __ � - _____ , LATE N(.,)'rl%.S Or, FASM. ',',',','t,)r,ti,","',,g,a,,,,'L",g,A,,,ta convince bef it,,, said one Young, mail to attalier. INTt-' .10AWAONATj LU SSON NO- L ” "*4 � � "'O 0 _".'�4'�"'��" ^^'~'� ""' 'I T - � - ­ - - . tatlotis are not ,,wulmius lit li,adkv inarried. I hate to - r,, l000. . I I A BALL GAME I I ___ I-- ­­­ wortIl notteing, for sho Ivt QIWO be,' ea.N, it, but It's sollt juj�,X , `; Ilow do Iroll kilow'?'; ' Coluniontary.-I. Tile lorak"Alltcs de,- *0####4 , I v A - , 1.0N AN1D­._A1__1AE-LANG.E colaos, grieved awl pouts and says - .. 044P I 4 111"t ki, luatt dcx* not have a bit of " By' a talk I have )list had with Biro It king (Vir. 1-5). 1. Samuel was (Norty York Rkiii.) . 40 OF INTERESTING MAT- lk�. Naw do you See who't 1 1111U.41 t - both a prophet Anil it judge In Is - I . � - Allyloln'lliAlit 1)0 y,ou wolider that I Itko ­p(ws .110 vompl4ln?, . rant. Ile wito brought to Clio tab- �Lsjlo baet,Uxll came, lag Suridn, . , X ii.i. TERFORFMININE.F.1"Es illo, Other sort or girl. tile girl lyllo, - No, That's the 1wtIa part of It. orintolo, when very young aud Put t-woon the V co . ln� ies - - ___ !­_- ."-.------ 4 dotw not fusa,rl ITO was telling tile how good natured unticn. tile G,jro of I,,II, Lba 'high . rolAal Yarnifibere, 0%-001--l�--%�r---o,�~v,%,�v%ov,,%r.o%evvNov��%wP---..o-llsol�-,N~ %Ovlv-.� sov UYQS% I Sea exftOtI,T, Wha,t WOU aud elover hts wife is beeauso tills priost. Samuel was tile last and posed of emplOyo0s In 'at a pretzel . I � luettil"llomt,aill tile womall, ',tile girl morning she sbowecl him how to beat of ilia 110brow judges. ")Vital) bakery In RIVIngton Sim , and tho ,#rlr,A*Ttl,eor,or,n-A-,A-,A-,^-,WVA-,.nw�-A-,A-or,A-A-"rr"K-,Ov"A-,4-,A-,$r,olp,^-, I 'ov who k ,� lot filas to -the girl wbQ fastell I . ,is guependor with 4 11411rilln," lie assumed charge of - lirael, tile Cab Boyo, m4do up of drivers in 1100% not Arilild tIlIugS.�&-_PhIIadoIpUI& - � twelve trIbea were In It 10tv 0011dr- 1�opty.socollcl stroot, 'wiflich tcoR 80 111114sh 10 6.1,14L% RbOt%t IOIIJV Q(K%tQ - 1X16tteril, .Ultl divideaky oream In I Washed 11) ortler, to bold 1 1 QOIGV IAQ90r.. . � I Mr. Italdboy (smillng kindly) -Tho Clan both U, rally 41A pallUeally. I --- , itIdliced t lir liell1r. fashlonablo alitt t'o JuAtity Q0101r. I # and tw,turo well had sp, iedtho I . -waves tire using you rudely. )Vill you He am to abauLloll the placc, In a tielil on tile Canamle road, . hind of Alk the s1dris aro Illatio, tiormit me to assist you to the Share. Idolatky, free them froal the Plill. ' 3 uti lit a row In the third tx tile tilviv, or tilt answer it) Swr que I' Miss Waterly-Nover min(], t1sank 13101cl 1011W tw3ato are seen all S, It'll - N illug o%ying to disoatlefactlon wal that tlikk uIlluttlateAl Ul tilt% Mottles LOVELY MORNING GOWNS would havo bevil vasler. 11a W11C NVOME'N latine yoke, naminbstorea justice Clio 11111PIPM WhOrO IVAU9 4 90TIOV41 bital ycu. The waves may be rude, but witit. vigor a a lin liar tLallt,ys pro - an -3 otlwr Jallauoso strIliod and they are not fresh. mated ecluca on and true roLiglan during 10ilch ,the umpire was iltlestioll rilar bli g1voll At ralso lin- 111wo tilmollitelv, dlutillet, st.%It�fl tir voiNled sill's aro liablo to fado lilt- DO T111`1 11 POPPINO.' — . 11169111XII'lly Itandlied. Illo eyes were black, 1%rosslon all to the prolaillur, fvitih� drowu for tho wornint,, are to ho is"n loms, %ho volor IN set bolorti 'tho t (II. Chron. x\xy. 18). united the oned and life clothes torntroin Ills ed Amy-Tou are looking brigh or tribes and raised them IiIgIIOV 10 It'll" or tile sonsoll. XiOnt.' VMtS JIIjV numnit'r. klilt, titYlv% Is vW11 vtashhiz�, Thi-ro tile situtilt, vittlati- lit E'ngland, leap ,Year to ,MVI)os than ever, (Imr. tile scale of civilization." K, back. Nvoril an wraps and tho lour. three- woro Plaborato thart %lit, mortIllil"I' Val'. tO 110 Ii.1%1 a� ill,% tlr�%I". stores W eolifor ItIvall tile fail, Sex tilt) prl' Josc-pliluct (humensoky ploased)-Oh, Tito unfortunate umpire, -who 4c. reov of last year. and tho tither for thin iturpost,. Blue Is sot uith V11017,0 of Chtiostug her lite partner for thank You I L1. Joel -The meaning or th'onameo quartvi- coat with slwrt uldrt are d of sam,14,31,r. sons may be taken as nowledgfNi that It was. Ills first and vertaltily vory stuart atul littluollsely Is twvvroly tilull'I". holuewll4t %ill tit',, e%ilpintill N�tlt. lrlt�� Nhirts should bettor or for worso, but th%' QU-StOW Amy-11ow wondortully you have Aous hape& fliat It ,wJIL 13o his last ax - popular. but, as wat; tho mittitt last tihirt-wal%t Aom.ri Idesir'll, but with : lit, Nt-AJK%XJ in t1w setitur %%�vtvrantf In nuire lion,jrL,ti lit 'the bretiteh than Well preserve), Indications of ilia father's I Od.%$ purlenco In tlja,t capacity ,wclo August it, fow AlliAmeti%so teatore& I lit the obsoryance, Tilt) - W71isl0s, __ fooling&. Joel, "J'6110vall Is 0 J. Qlalatein, president of the (Jlols� whiter. with mall'y of tilt% smart- nfivrv%tirdis rinsoil. Wash lit faltly Abiall, ,ge.frovah is father." Beer- ont gownR autl lit tho Ilowest mod- Tlto tineetiou Of 110W to 1-IT061 Ill ' hot vtotor Into which At littl%- litir- t,.epecially In lilingary enj("Y RAW In tile British Museum.-Uftud- telu FlobIng Club. Tito matcli was els are, to bo Semi Short ettats tit tho mornilin in 1�$ lit) ulvalls eamly n., Itt%,4 livoll q%X,l-,ylI. I:st, t,tintilts inalto it, very ex0lisive, use Of tilt, IT slioba-"Thelr chief Seat was thcl!Q� arranged Several days ago, and as " . city is it that peoplo always say as Samuol's was at RaInall." Glolatoin was ucquainted with tile overy style Ituaglualdo. 'Mcht-titt. .,x%Iytxl. for ill different filtw.%s Q1101 '1_11'.1,11 aud rill) Ughttv With, ill%, , right at ail time"', Ill a0cor',iftIleo that tilt) walst Of tile 'Vellus Of -,A I 10 3. Not In Ills wAys-Samuel's 60110 killir'. Wont%. kill d It U� hands. NoNor tim, a boaril, but with P-11 11111-It"It vUF cab clrlvoi,.j as well 4s the bakers, 31111111t, lilies and %lifforcht x4tvIt, ,toni. Thu,s a mar, Is lierfoetlovit 7 It seems to me th-it . s art, trqairt, (lid not follow In the footsteps Of lils, selection its uinpli . ,a was agree- wout 0allorato Ilikee. untriluilled W01K.13. I4 to sluind tho tiulunv�:, Ill mlnovne tilt, dirt out and 1111111ge rhigcable Isoulli; 9'.\*WY girl In t1l"' the women fit ancient times had their godly father, but were bad trinnued and N%,rr inuvIl o%ortrilu. a part tit ill%% eountry whero th-%rt, Ill .111,1 ,,ut tit ill,% water, ringing 1.1,11tt 1'r U10 NfOgYars, as Soon as her larger walstt. than they have now. lame by ablo to both ninew. The bakers, nine mOd eqlato are open. and. lit f -wt. aro large CQURtry houses- 411d WIWN lightly vaell thu,,� itinst- Ili elear he.lArt is sillittell, takes gpod care man, who disgraced ble A wagg 0111powd exclusively of GeV- Linda-Porliafvs, dear, tile men had dishonest proceedings. After luore, , lit ulany Installeos. tho,y ttre r till) life. whIle 4sulipotw414. f0rattlet. 16 N"Altpr 1111%1 Irtill While Ntill th.."t the slither shall lic,ar of tilt% longer arms, I I m41110, and the Other C011619tGAI Most- I athor da in p .1 R tirree evils here men- I of Irlohmon, who could wiel.ti oil tilt, tantaollt. or%lor. 11,111111 thork, lit Veality wry I'llorlual, sho N\111 rt� 4111lehly as, posoll)jt-, UNIll-'s. a hot. havoe lick has wr6ught and have a oto.-I'The bo, to(> Strongly re- -Y % nro ohort liel,ots not luadt, to quirt, timart I'll., blulitle 1110ell"tig Iron. trho eolor is bronAt ,',,It Ill ehauek,k t*) -t Ocinsollug- 'her. With 'tills tinned cannot (4111telalle an ,$veil as bate. lailtell, tho slilrt", but to likk worn i"Owlle. White lint'll. 'whit", duok, tilt, Irolling Ill At wolitlol,1411 razzli- Itrai6eNvorthy olsPk Ill VULNIN', SlIt'llas, -^ 1% .�ft probataLl in a judge. Clio Before Ulolstaln 'WaS "elected lie u lilt any gown. awl thrso art% and whito piquo ;sl;Jrts ,wlth waists Itsu. A0111t,11111"S 1\11ell tilt, garluent 3 LiVe 1ptt�Nr Indited, places ft Q0111 1. Elders of Israel-Beforo ,,,_ wao questioned as to Ills kiliowledge elatisthl tttt%lvr tho tio,--d of wralls to 1114t0h, tit- With At MIA n nd shIpt- st,ollw bolit'lest-ly fatUxt t lit, bot In At lilt'leo tit doug,b. luikes It, and oxodus Israel possessed an org of, the game. x dur ro to whom MOSOB I Sure, I know, der game," lie frahl. and arts uoru tilt eovil dave Nvith walot. k4mplo muslin froOks Ulat"ll tron will bring :t tmvk. 1,1 von,�Iu� turows tile etlke and blItOt-40ux kitir. zation of olde . ' The Markets. d to deliver Ills message "Von dero ki three strikes, dermanit i-.m\,IIt,i tit either thin or heavr In.%. be lmuntlorvd, Mid 111.00 without t'ell,l& mll� W .11rt�s ,tlL tilt, Ilig the ,light Into tht, bed -chamber was direate ,,j,,Il. rivwr 0). Tile title gradually ac- lerl.tla. lit Latvtb lit-vt,ir beforolilits luiveh. It attv. t1rinitulng, art\ thti 1* -A inuit-dry. Loarn ik, ..It) t1lorn lilt of her bridegrtsont-eleet. Th011 NhQ ­ - - - - - - - - - (Ex. 111. I nilt d0V 91111) Iff ould. Ad der first Q It, r sout Ill .11attellee and - - -ft1.1-%1%0.0_ - %1�w quirea an official oignificQ410" ; '111 bat,o dere to a keg of pper. Yen (lei, yoar luts thk%rcl booll Mlown stleb, f4OXIOns Of all- votirsolf, If nveossary. as seows of lit"Is N'es �' Inted a mail runp up to del, ba,so he dringe � "I �'*� "_�Z�' ' the wilderness Moses 11I)PO But If a woulati IV to spoild tilt, , ,*INN,, Its dt,yeloplilt'llts. Thi) Burmese ale,,,, r: r, . ill% ac,euillulatlon titituttortals.tht,ro workluls, ,,Irl-; an -1 11rt%1"A;qh1n.11 wes- I a ni.rolito 1,1=1.r.e I I,0,4tt ihir . lual,fell beglus her marrin,ge eam- council of seventy to represent tile py himself a glaso of pear. Ach, litsing apparently tit*- fixeil rult, as sunnuor at a fasIdonable wateritlix- mimi Xi` 'tht,tr h1k,u,t,%4. Ir * age 'Tullf) `P7'fnlO Nmt Wezaher pre- � th;Xt OtIll Ill, Tilnevo ,�Iw regidret; At most el-ill0r- , ,I!gn tit a aluelt earlier St. - Ill wholo body. After the 00011,I)MU0111 dot yao easy," to nur two Ulatollals nu% v�. np,,i,:t,., t�,a r. -41 --ah 1%�t 11, 11.� . J,,r%jer tt,k got togothor a goodl;v 9.11-th- volited farmers bringing Ili grain and of Canaan ire find mention of (1) Wht3li it wao known on the East voluldiltxl In tho Smile Vostumo. t"to Rtul.. kill lutwilnig gown -a.; el.\b- lltit�-,I 11mil th, r'-Mv rAwal 0,s,.%,- '-it, -oung me,, from Whoin to othe'r Produ`ct to -day, and prices are elders of cities who acted as Olyll Shia that Glolstelit was to umpire i .z or N and tho rulo holds good as regardo At%�# Ill raet. -L-3 i� iievessarr to wear ing .in I houtz: L.-op'n." vla,;-, �,; wonl,l er . In consequence parely- nowlivil. of tribes, 01' 4t It gardell TKII ty . tho oul'y dictor- * elltsts.se, she plaec's 21, larop In her magistrates (2) elders a ball game a large orowil of gpee. %xilors an well kis materials. li,, ero%%*l,tI wttli lt.lte, it dwro were , 11irtf-Ned liogs ,art, a t e a tly, light ,listricts; (3) tho elders of 151-0,e), tatoris, flocked to tile grounds,wIfth tilt" 1*3 in tit%, inatorml, for na Vot ' , wintlow at IlIght. It Is known as 11the Vtoll Atild Ualvro tlavl,ets It IS not tho"ImIlt -411l.l,rt to wear rotlin cor tit 11% M, lt,:,uv nro tilt, of love -1 --and eutlees'all those selling [it $S to 1,41S.2_5, and lietivy or united body of the elders Of are reacbed by a Canansle car. Thq 11%plicalli�:. T.,-. L-1�1, h01:VV0,1u wkJ_ I." 15 a side, and thifib-, , �beiirtng, howe%er. very littlo rt- 1,111z morull1g, gkl:�vxlN. 'Phis 0aborate inon'.4 %vork aml 'i'li.,n's work are . ",�,""'lls who ilrc, ca,ijklitlatOo for tbc� at $7 to $7.:n, the tribes."-CambrIdge Bible. game ,%t,aa for $3 rviublanv%e to %W Original tits -4109 sty,ltv Of dress IIrovalls at tho f,x,.h- not nosv \,,,,v rittidly dra,wit. Wo- -,ra,�r tit 11011MIC't. lit suntIV. Audit- Polklowing is tile range of quota- 5, Then art old--AlthOugh not SO looarH Ivere expected to Pay for ,I ot that name) are greatly In ,klk- llaltabli% water-plaeov. and Is r ill)- wen wro not 'arr.lid -tit lo-4ust thoir It"' -.1, tilt, p..'asant girl wittiso heart tIOUS; W11041t, WhitO, bushel, WPi to grentl,v advanced In years, Yet half ba-rral of beer, to be place(l 11,.-kild Atild aro tivub, tilt for tile imeod to 1w plit kin br Olt -veil WelaO, , , , h,x,4 beoll stt'vlell ?%v At stalwart young WA, dO., red, 713 to 77; do., goose, Samuel appears to have been worn at the first base. . gratt, nor nre nwil ft­iKul tit losing sniartest Mild of Vear. Aplu%r0lit- lit thO morning. while, .OddIr on- tht,ir k1i!, 1husbandman pri-pares a tasty punip- 0")iRl to w -, mits. bashei, a'sta to 86 ; out, having spent his strength In The Preftel Yarnishors went to tile 'llit.. l,v ,l,s!1l. tv thoir printAtial &:m Is (a disgUleol ongh. At, mueh viniptor rdylo of dr,, a t, V. . t th"ma For . , 2!' -is, busli- tha. cares and burdens Of Public bat f frets and 01olatelp, 6 1,.nl ...I , Wit eal.t. aud eendq It to, Ills holue. it bar'ey, busewl, 42 , to 4 1 ; p& who � .. - . .Al-,%, one lit, etits it___an,l tho, Aridahi.Nlan girls el, 75 to 78 ; li,l.y-. timothy, per tall. business. Uake us a kill- - What t.hought ]to could umpire the game as much ae 1108811140 010 111103 tit the prmails for tilt, afternoon. Allilk-s , I es ,I ft!,�h I.$. 0 UP- - ere,,kl Awuld o,� dono for thoni,br - -1 re to it lilkIlLy $12 to $15) -, do., mixed. per ton, t,413 gh�r tribute of esteem and eon- from a, bench forty feet away, wau figuro. but by It, very elever malli- t1wro I),% �,�oluo entertnIument to ,It- , talto I!IX'Al et , to mal, tit . pul,t6tiou tit ill* Iluva kit tho voAtt- tond.-IlarlsOr'k B4,Mr. lltrsow.q or Uk, opposho so\. -Fre. %,,I:hlt,.��iho Xxilr are forthwith' lit,- to $0; litr-ttw. por ton, ,-'S*, apples, fiden-ce could a people Show their finally. Induced to take Ills position . 11411A. . -;jllt�'I.L ill,,% figurt, In worti tholl sugliteattA ___ I trt -i'olldon 1).,III,V Telegraph. per barrel, $1.50 TA) $2.50; dressed governor than to submit ebtirely bell,Lnd the catelier. The flrgt ball, and a slight 'woulan ean IkXll� Oven liegs, light, $7.7a to $S.215; eggs, to his hands the reorganizatiOn of thrown by Wlnd O'Colinor, thes Chh. 61401tor. whito a Stout Woluall i,q WHITE. AND COLOREQ ]"!,['I i'mill NN*1-1() A lliolieioll-A bvillic. dozen. 13 to 2L'ie; butter, dalry. 16 their government, and the seloc- [joys' star pitcher, lilt Glolstein on able UP tilt, at Nhe I I I ­ , I I ;gulbo thn favtt ill. to ift.; do.. ereurnery. !�O to 23c; tion and appointment of a king? the Shia. He let a howl out of him , , TIL -mon 1'.zz fr.,-.0 I Plastt'in CtWdng eliickens� per pair, 75e to $1.00; 'Eur- it. God,s answer to the request.- and danced all around the Mid. ulay lia%o tovs shtirt a. walst. Ux, LUNE.N GOWN'Si D 0 I i',S N 4 'Ir FUSS s,hooi wagn:n�,": This N \nI, vs. 40-9. 6. Displeased Samuel- Be- 41 higir Ittp.-? antl too larkto .% bust to " Of keys, per )b., 12 to 1-k-,, patatoes, t If 1you do, dot agin," lie shouted aic,et tho reqtxIrmu%1nt%4 ot th-, fast%- JVW(o lition and co-h-sred linen itowns "It 1.� tho'N irlrl titat 0,,x,t; not fuss tilt, auviNt tlel,eloiiN i.W drinks. Grate per bag, -�I..% to $1.40. cause, I. Samuel saw that they ,were o. tile p1tcher, "I Ylll kIg You, by. der loiltiLblo figurt, of to­da,y. 'Uan�y o -f upt, e\ the .yellow rinti from throo lemons, . . . .Qeellingly sliturt thit; *eas%'ka. that a mall I*,,,," sz!'M t4l*e Irian Vm_ - - - about to reJ-,ct the divine Govern- stimmIck." . those short J,vAots ,art, a eromstle- hit-, linve, luxml St., lillit,7Lted Ill elleap, ph"Itleillir. ali'l 'slplccn� ,,lit ilit, ja.i�,� of six. Leadirm Whent Markets. ment of God. -,,. it wao an affront to At the next -throw the batter twooll tilt', Moor", nn\1 ill,% l"toll. qQ.11114vi and luatle with suell qualt- "May I lu,yairix ln-.41, what you Pour vivert th's two tivarts 0-1' bo'll- Following art-. tile closing qaot-L- Samuel, their aged lead, -r, who had knocked a foul towards the rfg).Lt but havo o-ito tir twx's posinta Ili ek-m- i 11 g \'m r, stir Ill IL-'ili spent Ills life In untiring devotion told. v .Itat-: - a'a"'I tilt, W"'Illai. 11 , ate 21 1�oulld of f - � tities, t,.f clit.xil-P eulbrolderies and laeck numn 11. 1'. L at- ar. Irld cover el-cw,- tionsat important wheat eentr,�s to- I to tlle.�, interests. 3. It -was a dis- "What Is tha,:t?" sholited O'Con. intin with 1with Tilt%,, art, not ,111, tI, . .. �41% tht,v it, distine Ive "Wb.y, y.csu know. tho girl who lj�tvt% lkvt tj , t - i,1; Intilt txl stiq parputI'v dltfio�jlt to' atnke, but In _ In,1j.,IdlIA�jiJv t!J..Jt Av.l,k,N I.%.elij tilloll deftw nvs� fu.s., t.A (.'w girl NvIlto does ly- When lu),%�wa rill, ad.1 litalf a d ay ; appointment to Samuel that the n(>r. . aro rather Intr1(,at%% 'rh.,,.v 4% OltzIpm I.. , .� . . siliall �.bko tit vorupres&xl v%xlst Xew Tark . .... ......... --- 855-8 people Should reject C:,od and choose "Vat tr, -vat?" asked Gloistein, rval.tv , 1 79 8-4 ti vkxxr. 1r.le snuart gc1o,wits t,,L,-,. nuad -,�a ng.�." art, li�.%-A,% lalltl�l ,'Lxl,l 11111ilit'Al. in Lire* naki t1t,.N e\l�,11,1v,z tvics ut%vt .,ire, 11YA,%nr -.N\j,-%i..�uaI..os%.i is \\*,Arso ili-all that 'Ans beell dt"olvod bi ollo Cul, Ckleago ..-.. ... .... - - - another leader. '11$ it a foul Or a, Jilt ?" asked 0'- willi. tho thinuo4t I'littl of ludin Nrigln.il ,&Zatoment�­ sald tile ' *4edo 797-9 was displeased 6111Z 1,,L�\\t,ver. e\e%-,s,%Iingtv t,.andsonne. They yk-ur 4L ot Inkewarin water. Cover aml let A ...... I. . . � ...... 60 7. Hearkeu-(*xK1 Connor. - I 'I 3 -c "Veil lie lild id, und it lie hid id, liniag, ,,kr tx1th no l.'alar, at Ml, "Itid ;Jr,\ 111,%.�J nA t\\iL,r night. 'T'h.� following Duluth, NO. LN. 8-1,-4 84-4 with them, but allou -d them to , el..11�,.r.%J, I � J"I desigil and fit %% o;atl 11, 'T*%'alda't .yInl lw- a. little I` Z a I- "rult ' y. ­ciod grants, that Id mudt bei a lild. Id's a lild," an. tx,w.4otiules Ni% mIlall that they roal- . �; I ,P, morning. t,ottlo, ar.-I tit, klawn the Tov*nto I- Markets. have their wa. the ntan"�r in uWell 111%, It",!" I., I!- rlorx\ tuth . � ly Nsetil WK..% the trimIlliur" IuOrO Z,,�V.,p,l , 1, Receipts of strawberries are, beavy . t,,,oul�'g I%-.� XNr1.­-N:..,-i.V �!%,.t , i.,'s t'&.wed hard * " QL'\p1,a1�-.-1­ said ror . rut lit a eo0l I'lace. it Is I n Ills displeasure wbiell. Ile with- ,,(),need Glolatein, who allowed %he VOt i�; \t,r,\; a�,rzw_\e T:q, ,Nklr'.4 .Ilia %ho Inall. ­I.';­-;�'-­,1­ -lion pour- to.dn,y. and the demand only fair. . judg than tim g-Armeot, .-�,!.-,�r-\\11,y tilt, roadv, for us,,,, in a '01.r. %) holds In HIS mercy.11-Clarke, I bat -ter to reach first base in spite , . rejected tbee From tills we 0 The 11olerti, L'ffi,vt m4%,.a,.k tO, I'latt". ar" tr"111.1leA stl* t:!Zir � U'o ga.� \\::,% do,.,tc it'.). let -the small tX1 itito gtass.�S, it k­1"fQrveseO*, z"Id Pric-es ranged from 4: to 6�-.e per that Samuet In life praver had goin- of Clio protests of the Cati Boys and J-�4 Vt\Zuqinl,V r.%s1iW,4II;1Wc.k agaill. alul, 11to IWP, v4' Ir',niniiag nu,z**� at *,;'.(, vi or i: tes. ts� 1;.7Q- woar upon Lop hai; a sparl-ling x,ffeet. I box. Thert, was a goo4 supp',y of Choir frlerffl2. plained that the people had rejected The next three batters Struck out, aftq�r all, t1wro ort, few n,,l,pc% lweolu_ bOlt. and tho narrt,,wem lxvssiblo vorvv--�­ Lhprrle& ftur are worth 75c; him and were dissatisfied with his Glol�teln, under the coaching of one %Vaud -band is Ai"l-s-aff,61,012. 8,7i as to ,,N,. -*\v \,Wre Itogluning to reaell Sweet, -$I.00 to ,,$I.25. Cucumbers ing fashions \ 11vaist trilunli-avelth , ' , 110ii-tehold ,,�,eionice. $t, administration. But ... ... me-Tbey had ot Ills German friends, declared­Ui&4 - I I tto �\tnuall. ­11evelop . 1,olt,ro offeet lit tront ima bo madu itivo ilxi of.'ix- of it lirit'�-,t; frivk. %ltr�, ligal. ' ."Ith - nri- still scarce. and are wolfth not merely rejected Samuel, but wi-� ,lrtl griwoftil lookitig with \ery *r,1ziLirQ art. a groal many mnv weaws tl,al sialoniont a little." p,Nr ,.\1,ZIdOw. lcqu-,el_j-�Ijee and Z,un- a, hmAwt. Ncw potatoes. 75c per they bad rejected God and their ruler. side out with three runs to their i �kt* % ImIt *4 van III tho lillow-'; a %�.-.r',-n, ,.;,-.I IN io ,*N I'A ja.�Z girt. N --,Al illu8tra- s a the begr antidotes. R it b baskets or $21 por baS1W. FlueftliPlea -They failed to see that their mls- credit. .,e diffieulty, al,,,) tilt ,r, sbirt, I. re "Begorra, how long will we7 Stoma u,A\ lilu"a t'lal lo-oks 'Als lltoattll In- It,,, -.,,,"",,i tho'. g'K ,.\.,It) does not ruiss. tht-% 1,�Aut�;u ein ti -O 1,Wts and place the firwer, at ,�3.*_*-v to $3,75 W- r erate. forturies came not from lack of f v - ave ' - 1z' . 'I, It artlel, care on the part of Jehovah, but , W r .'aINI or %1naro. 11. "%", tcvnded for ial,'o Wien mud ' na:i rnne.'i "INN11 .V,*.Il 31 t;ce cxa�m.ly NN 1 -'it I Mean. or t1iis?" asked Mike La-anigam, the tx,,J.-;te,I rr�*411t,4� �%r Ix, quito t,',,ort, *i � ,% lit direct sunlight. Tkaimnas, buneh, .$I 50 to 8�2.50. ar I ­ h . -: - . captain of the Cab Boys. . tINN szauw d. aa�%", Im"'ern. T:,- --ald tho ratin. "Oa,� ka-, unat ltooi�- Lemons, box. $2.73 to $323- 000se- lim-luse of their own sins. "WhIst, don't 'say, a. word yet," ad. with rc�xem and %,oj'ap. t -Ar �-olttirl,,-zs , xwwt-Ner. m me,N,1.v, a 1xiss';n-g fad. to, tho t.-.0alre slws.led th�, Ont're play n -, A o o -, (­', �;,Zkl tt; ,,.v u vv�so ftl$�N.,Nil I,,-* ad,1114. ,'klr In,\ lbc�wu,e 8-0 frette'l s'; 've-, For obstivate tes, states mix to- berrie& basket, 50,.,. Muskme"ins, 8, 0. HaTo, lorsaken me ­A11 the s'ns _n%i Nvilthont �lnv rovers, Th, vised one of Ills friends. "The Dootely U-Nl,% 1X\ &.1%lu'd au'l show ls,.-,� fa'l livlu% 0%i -nor niaierlai,,, �aro lit-st with ,"!,% il.�"igremlb',%, bre,at'a of a man gx-1,er equal quall-tifies 01' Tolk of etlso. .�3.00 to $3.5t). Aspuragns, a they had committed since they left have got the field packed wid thelil 6,.k,ove ,of tho walst wora 114,61NItIl. 'C'g- id giwerine. plact, 'on tilt' (104'.011 tunehe��, 7.5e to $1.00. �roma­ Egypt were agalrh5t God. Unto thee ,or ,in tlzemso.-.cs mi,v Ix, 1.irgo be- At Ut,.1-c- etahr,%.dery, pr,whiod It I-., v%lw, .;tl.*, l:�xir h�r. Ni'-sw that slunds , ,.- , a I I to dr.r Were wasil- tees, $1.75 to ;';-2.03 per case. --&,imuel was faring no worse than friends. We will ha-ve to break up the woli d, ­x,. ,'.,i� ..'� filp 114,.U�r I!tnn Nt�r,y i i*litar. ba.; �*, *, a faez. It"Atead $­Ii2s and allotv God himself. This lie speaks for the game pretty.' soon so as ter Saxe * , ' ther money, Thot Dootch uniptra �ow- tl.,V, ellst)w ;illkl alloNo %ho elbow iruant7­04�� qLVI r.UW'1,*e-'%NV`srk- R,Ir- o-', rx­,u,!rki,.,:t ovn ,,'w, fNitur,s ot tlw� 2119- British Lire,_;4oeX Nlars:ec,�. posr� of comfortin and vindi- tht. fn�iress held %1%:kW1.1. iu lwmplatts per-,; r,"� I ,,�I.JN-. -�­ d. m --d 11or ,�*11.;re atten- __ "'Is' pUr -q , 9 has sowld us out." " � 41 r. ''I I . -t ow It iy 0* Lomlon, Sune, I. -Ure cattle tkrm cqti - -amuel. -emnly-If � I T,i ktx,p, lonions, 1. n a flat _-Jr- - _, ,, Pro0st Lro' . , I. -I bqV.,wt,-.I 1!w ae'-s to t4 I at Ile to 1144e. Wr Aw. for Amer- they perelsted. in their rebellia 'kip tN:alo e.stift. . co tla­ � us Lannigan was the first man at the T, -.o JV�iitt-.l .�u�t<l. rn;ld,o wath th-0 UNEN (IONVNIS. Iv#rO, ,z!x,, d�."ere*.It N% ZIN-9 4:1 IN blell faeo, ar.3 Iturn a glass tunlblwr Over .' , T! ,_,; excludc's the 4a'x and Ithe fe'" steers. dressed weight,. Cana- course they mue. do so with their bat for thes Cab Boys and he made - � lirm-t".1i 1-,-.,.3;i-11 hc�r. eae L ' I ist a fllte�l s1,%.1l*,1er .%,*;� ot %1&t �ea-,-,ehn. aw., .4 I dian steers% 10 1-2 to 3.1 I-44cL per py,e,; wide often to the cousequences. a folal till that lilt ('10 ei Plump .I. %� .1, , ­ -; -,CL� 1 4, 1 nk.1 h ., t. rnaltt,r..11 I' M I'A' OZ4ZOItt'­ ­ A­j� �, us ilg,-zitl fae�.,ionab*('I ui'i�. a ,:-�,ursi,. ..%-_.._.�,,­ , , lenuv.,; ,,V.11 keep for we Xt K� it -.NA%*1:L n4m �,r Iv, I, . - 1,b. ,. refrigerator be,ef, S 1.-!2 to 9c a (vol stlill warns sinners, bat the -y 0 _ ., � �� %, - ... ..x,r gir.l one;� look 4 -ii%. -.v' t.',. -e __ ' n the nose. -Gloistein grabbed -4 -;� r, ffieat�on V" U'mt , " Z, I ' -Q .rp. 101-2 to 13e. -.r to persist G bat and chased Laticilgan all around , _ok� 4t 4IM-1 UtIt r,,-,',r,,,l T.,M, i.z ­ ,."', _:i. -:tj,�_ tKt\i,ar-o .. � ci �r,�'Ia.xy r'.10 bcewa-,�e I I., . V ear's I . vab�'t I'. ­. - -p.ts .-p:.n.,ze �b. ; shr . have, It fit their pow( 'O,A. �10Z�� a Lis, . jae'Wt MakUl twr�t 1.,�,"gn riatt.r.al'. Al­vLl its -;-,t-,.11v-.;,, t% -1-- "'­ X . . ,_ _inc, Iih- ,�,wi,otc,-' T,t r,�n:�w ecilor. in ,,h .-- enz - their wIckwdilee,s and go to destrue- the field. He was finally. semd bN1 � ft\,4�. ,.'-.iA, a,n,v,7,er oT 1_-X, L,-- wIll' a so�"',Uvll Of 0 , rt or _ 11 - Miconto Live 15toek. ANVM ,r:l(� �".I,q slum.1-OWT 6,1�1111 ..,na',.­t,Z ar�, e\,�%`,Ikn-;�. Ill qs� I, rt-,% 1'.X�I 1) 4 pa ga tion. seyeral of his friends and pacified. * I 1,01w I*t,*, maci� ta ulaklag tt (."S", tl�zjt �." ."k.I;lt�p a'.1 "N,4 j. -W ,,,�-.-,:J� ,N- �N��, ­I,�­ �� . .e M�si.r.:,.- ,,,, .,v cv- �,t I ­,:i parts el w4ttlr. Da 11.0t Make ,Expoft c4kttze, chelze -tvrt.. $ A .1q.) .1,3 so 11.1. The e1glita of a king. -Ts, 10-18. n differ4nil.. for oat, ol pr,-.%:� aa-.�Ig­s. 'Ytmr w'ger ;t,�zir I' .. I 4 I. ­ ­ _,� I do mel�mm .. � .......... Aw %a A -,3 10. Words of the Loril-Sqmnel (lid home run and proceeded to run M014kIts IINVIZ . .:�, or,y p,art'.wr .-:!,,L, b�ad at a dazee ix,_ Alex ,xrfa,oe very wet. ImnledLIT&Y - rub wl. 1 d"+aws. per cut ........ 333 10 103 lui� ra\%�rito f�uls is U, hmv.., tlw, ,z*mx- 1,l*,1,o--.-.-z np,,v-ar. nu,l s,-.-.,., e'A ,0,;1"-k. �S,V.-,ac, pr_-%_�.,., e.u=,,�y W.rt..cr I .1i 101o' -M eluvth& tr.fir.orcows ................ 12 :5 to 3 Z tiot speak his own words or give his around the bases. Glolstein follow- C'.1'ealder Nt,ci -no long b�y utear's or ti:t-.1.1 ,Aril A"".411'.11" ,I,.%,, J,r�,11.-%, !,.,*. ;n "aa :�,�,mpv�,! ,%�� ter arcss .u'A t"Nrn . 8-.11&_"-, 7kk-ea ............ 162 10 I Sa lovvm api ?a He told the people ed him as far as first base, and then ot jrtv.-.% Z%11 *,'-.4�� ,-...,N e a V.1t:-.e.- , , 4Y I.. 0.1 V�Vzrsk,. �� uzls .­�I:--.ral ft -r 4�-.er� V -1 -hen- 1r%Nn"mg: ,naraerel,l.els, the plainj� 1. me e,ljx, %'TI.,e0t th.�i at Tirst Axt."o 4'....Ir I da czed to z1_0'aa ........ ( 13 14 A 5-3 _111�fal-,10=0L."U= ....... I 1.1 to I ws .a� they itilght. expect if stopped dt the half barrel of beer. il �Zeer.-,N p,�,?'A,A,1,y innPI%rx,nr4;iZ%% to �Ntlhle­ N, k1-'v,`t,­,-w, tn ".�,.-,..�, wn.'. \%'nt�, I,** U-ftV.,_,s- Z.,;L, aozol�,,_,, to 11.��r - ,,0;_-,tM $L: -,v r3ste " . ,lid 4�1%v&rz, b,p Iraned ilrst. G a ;s they d In their detsrulina- When the batter reachetf home Glol� -;k'# A� 'k , . *1�"on lmw­ 'C.:!ows 1-1.4, .'.i -.-;."1 -.Ar U,rn g,N,.\ *... , If ".,A CA . wa C*ws ............ _. 2 ts to I t- , � I ­,�rx�, IN.11 ;wi rZ_.,Z,Z..a W: -..v ,are 11_,;N_11eA first this ,113rvaah . . ............ 25,1 to 303 tion to have a king Similar to the _ bat .. , %�40.r'. IJ 4L-,'W�'At. "t,Ir.ZI.M 1.1 --0: I , . ... 419e�s stein was asked for a deelsion. . �ft -JZ,:% ,:.k. %:3.r, Sa':,� im-.ort hmv - a mat!onA around them. "'Veil lie c1humped On tree bases f'\%-�OI,10 �Ir*.% r4any of t'-.(-0 eltooto. *T'My. T'. -.o e&Ir'. .S S;--.e­g��.io.4� 1,'�,,: -`�A' $'. "'12'a %IVO '_�"��"!:-J "4':':'_'-' It. " �' L,-, - ' `$ - _ , - - - to swcll. and *V�e r ....... 3.3 1 4 Z �- I. , " 02 11 - .=-a I .81 . , W. Tha r,�ply of the people (vv. 19- undt dot vas tree runs," announced 4znd ,tot An$ o. r"'.'p.m. %!. ,.I.- t=�tk�-. 1,1.0, Ore..:�,g- W'.�V. d'4 -_,'I St. ..ZkeI .� 4Z,Ugh: ......... ...... 11 75 to 3 iD .,%,V ..Jr�, A*Z,N­'. .r­.IUN1:s .�; I"'g 1."r'n, ".�,%�: 1'y .1 =a-ke:: ;',�.J- ,,-,-- % . . .1101'.q W; , ;eOiL be S=0oU,' Z -, ed . .... ......... I �, io 353 t - " ` 1;,V, tor t�x'z�* ght, .ad-tati,,�;la* br,xl�llth ,1=q,I.a.I11,,4 u.. a 1�.%nt 1- � ro nt 7 .�e "I , ,#.. tes. ,VI � 11'.� , .: Feedon, zb=-keer ......... I tz� to 4 W 211-1.i. The p­aplo, refused to listen to Gloisteln. "I didn't see id, but Chu - I . � " " .. , , ". " -do -medr= ........... _ I oc to I 0 tile volee of ftinuel. They were de- key Schmidt says it vas all rfghd_'l lo I-%- &'.,,A-,-,�&-rS. ac"I. T11M11,,4�'Vq,Iqn.1t'y. b.1X4, ,."I,- a.- In., 0.-.�X, i.a ­ am, ,�.f-.N- , lx.'ra ,Y.!, -.,_,.-�Z, ;a Z-....c�,-L,Ing :...Iowa,.- I entirely , - sy be , z. "c'-'amns ox 1,�din� m_'. d.) !�� ......... ..... ­. 363 It A W ln.��,:,,-%� r'�14: ,-4' t".�' �­A.­ Z-4�-,.13 I"'. A% ,-_3�1,' '.M. . , zsw 'a S`nl'�,Nv ... ,a . . . termined to be like the nations At this juncture there was a hawk A'a, �,,�-,4t ,,�,��1-1: s.=.� �k,x- Ila'. it i ­ iy ., tz .v,v-, 1; '.*.'.'..... ., -.q 65 .0 4"13 la , rv-=-zoin�a irem W-11te ,m-1141ea -or linen . sta--he-ri, tha!,V. ' �wn' iz�­.-�- V��,\)­, -i-i- -'-I.. t�Vt�ln:� �:",%-=._�� I .&.,a:;1 1.%;.2 Z*Z-ZI: ,A- 1 ' - I :5 around ,tile=. and were willing to from the Preatzel Varnishera. l', -a;'.' 'e,a � by -,�,Iz,,,,�_-.c dAimp zarbiv..au, aN1, sods, ' do atim-an .......... ­ 2 to Soo � . . -- -- zan a 1141.11 - _ , . U) 03 to &�) 0 submit to the demands which a In tilt% next intlin � Q �J Z'�J:4LN .I,Q.Z"k r.jerl:' k'*-"C'1�4 �q W- �,,.sl �,'� - " �� .1 - -.' '�l �'...I...."o" �- � 'ong'...g -.IN , '-,N 11,-, ,�, V, "Z I` , 'o " , �, " �,,�� .,-.e-,%..- ­ I t,,%1,o*,% t"k, .. , 'di:��t'c�zr.- c'Lb .......... . I k1n ,�Onrt,�,.',. -.1 wil.l t."�� .� , ;,.t,* -I -o. 1:��,-ks. Il-.�,J -,�ag*.`XZ ba cold I g, when the vat- s�­I­kxl =�'a.�­...,)n ,0� --%�­o, Ia,c;- *"., ,�.Iims �V-4xl ,1,%.:Z L�.­ 13126:E, wr cwz, � .. _ ... . , 2"75 *a S zw) Ulng =Igilt mako upon them. Sam- ch�r of the Pretzels caught a. foul -1 , . " , . - , . ,�NN$ - __ I � - , ucl_V,�zn took the trattar again to Giolsteln declared that both Innings 'U'r -�0;C.;Ks.1U1C,Zv av* I ia­ 'r�.�X It1% , ,10­,'..t�l 'Wit" '.,..,.�'. '.'z ;P,�., .-n u,x,r., ­'W,,�:;. I�4L,r4i, il ,,-�4- -,�­­.=­ W,:,) ;Z' -,or- -.;:1 rc =,-vel. eoem�s .......... ...... 3 M to : w i., T-�,.,N.Jt X7,_ -Ma. ftZh ............ _ .. 21 .10 t. -I n.20 ,. �!,Z itla, tr�,.,Jni.`%1*M t1l, <1.$,1 -.!-.,% Vwr­ 1-.:.�­ -X";�-,, - — I .s a zk%n ,_ g"%va- "X\­N:s,'., ,,':f� rz,w=; .,.,, S'.le :-S jkss- Sw ng'.si=bi, � ............... 3.51 13 9 .1) the Lord. after which "he eorraw- were over and the score was 3 -to � ,; �otb. - %,�Z �:"�, �,,Jr,o %nzJ1u,;rt.1-,. Cor 11,�, 'C' 'g . IX-,:-.-t,NjA N'Ik"� '.:'.--� , 1��e ',I.,,, .1,:�,! t 7 �, -..-.N�. ,vr .�r,�,%_';,%I, v�o talk., ':.ar Or. T,% :k,=,NT,e- paIat �-I-L-Z_ TrOm C' &ZwL,,O�acb . � ......... :1 05 to 10 vi I ;, ,,%- , I.- . , fulIv dismissed them to theirliontes, a In favor of t1be, Pretzel Tarills'llers. ,Xxt ,-,.% ,.Z ,n .= * -x 1C., -, a ,oar , ,�apex.b_ ...... 10 ,4;i to 0 �6 that he might have time to .4_t.� ja ftv,,,�A pre, C�^, ',`.A� t,$:u-' , . t n't _,__:'k-,7- �Z*.Z,.-.`. `��-A: --.,,,�� .1,:�,-..I: I: t, i 'Pa':', .4n, '.4 - ' :77. r - r,.,.i v,`.!�,,� :�,.11 wet in ,,.-,,m cr fold Er.,:,-. _�C:ez;I'L'tr ewt::: ...... 15-5 to 003 take no was alleered to tile echo by the 'A.�jz C;11. .�s i2l vror.�,- �1-.-1 rmi"k, to -vt,xy te, t%k. No, .,I i;1. 7:�i, -',-..imo ", or %V*!,. .sp�k,? -,,N .-.zr anl =ag_-_1."C 't, 1X14 I Z 1.1 la �, �)O the nee-ese measures Tor of %tors. I . ^�'K. V-0 -,'._.4�rl n,Thl 'Stlat. T:",:, ,�,-,-tg t-.wk,�! C-1\ �-ONN.Q �!�--. p 14:vnn '4' " - 1 8 ,d Il:e zsame r_,,1Zcr`a% 41tld tL ,h,. da far. rEr ew ... ....... p. -ary - sp,�et, ... 4 1::g.l: 1:1,o ��) ln�_".I:. martN 'C�an ,�%�,,-. ,4j:s.L1p,:p&nr. -S�*­,a Zry n�aint do:isehl L, vl�- Cwt ........ 5.5.1 to 000 fecting thisgreat chango," D,T this time the half barrelof beerA I I " " - .. &I aows. ptr CW .......... 4 W ­ ,&,r Ampts. U11-1 ,�:�'N Uat sZ,�'O ,O-A"Z.":�:,, ,v,', " �n�:", ­ a pin -w.1 ,mll -.�- _,,� I _,Iavt� --,�I.Z11-Z%,J 'xit to gIT,, a Z�-.,J,­s J,V TZ""b-Ing, W�Z.) P2�,ra�cum 1- 1 �25 Te-nehIngs.-The most godly par- at first lm.se was emptied arld GfinisX, . ,,_��a' ,� t -, - - . � p;i-,�,�'s ;,I :^,�;)L Aro ,�­.A- .C�,, Vx, 'ea- "k,v: X% t�l 'er'-, , ...�, 'izlt�, 7.i,N, 14 a g.r,4 t.I.L.- tli,.�-, "s'! ,g'N�kd *.-.=ZS ,x,Zy '140 V_,,!,,�r �I se Lirerpml Markets. _nts c�aunot transmit t hel r . - . *'�Cn "."le 0111. 1-0 _Iriz 901111- Will ordprNl another one Wmeed - _ ,I. 1 �6",l7,:;C-.4 ,�,.,.? 1'.,�,s :�1s'-.."­. ka 'A It �'-a:,t i�*,A�, V: -N1""- �C-,' Z":, ­*X ,%.,1Ve* -,-.:-,-, ?"', 1k, t_',,War:��.,l z�,,;. �_,Or P:,Z,�-, 1'011j.-.Z­�,­.-_& , -� !2 7_U7i�-at, opizit li�'vlq to their obildren. - , , , %N It., 'N"=1ne Liverpool. J -+.in,, Men gen- there. Unth it was _,xvared from :6;�.,ir'-4 kwlks,'. :-,4 ..71Zf1.! na_, w6o'.., P � .4,-.,. , -fI :,`,*�'. u A..,� .1:1 t,:":,N- e-.-, 11 Orally prefer iliz visible to the In- -.,,, nenpin. hotell lie Ordered a ces-RI.- , , ­�. I, - i _f ,Vs'�Or I !;LN 1`n`.,_� C.", -_.zgs. il�,r :Z�� - 'exidv. No, 2 re -3 wzsxern winter, .� . . �. _� eq; �a­l ^1 .N4X I mv,th*ra sprinir, � . . vt , -;4--:,-,.-g it wil.*� tbjp st.�,�o of � .%:'Z�­�.7�4-!%,-- 1AIN's-1. " ��I, ,-:!,�, lxtr,l cnco. I I .s� I Z: I 1 1�11W;.= -g'l. 1!x __ T165ble-11te materfat to the spirit- tion of Iihe game. ,N11V I�nx`l slw';�, ,Z.ZZ1','0-,'0�4 , ___ 4 __1'1**'%V U-�JS 4J f�11'�aTQ' "�Z-Z�J=,-_�"a W,- NIV.", G�r and 01 Nvoulen. -zo ebevx­ No, 1 Cal�lern4a, Os "S','d. tial, and tbuv .are easily led to for- When the new barrel was placetl in ,. " . , .� ,_��% i�40. -.,,n 'Ir' -.11, za!�Ig..C,A . - . . I Z4et � �ran _ God. ,Z�'. . , , . . A Z,,4­.-;-.1w=a::i W�Za kl,ee.,vwri�d 1,12-.1, ratt-nDe, Ul= July, Ss 3 1 -1 -Rd ; Sz pt., - 2, ,�-.-u, am, x4ain, *V'w�h. n't"l, T01 NY VSIH IS I 1'. K INN '.Z'-J"F� $-!* itas -X*-.,Qr Q.114.appy _� %%,IJ9 ,J,-J;1hrA__- �oil 3 1,'14T's traM C,s 4,& � . . . PTZACrICIAT. Sr.RNM, Y. pos-191on lit, ortlered another iv-ee.:Ls ,-a Nn -. `�*Z,..;Z 't" '. -.,_ -I g V�rn.� . r120'M at 1-C, �,�i,; ­Iz� 111" , for fiftm,ln nilnutes� and pinyers an -1. � z J,Z; J.,�4t Is 'C' I IZVa.�,.s" :-r QZ,r-T:3 Vr . I. -_,aze ai rimma to ri�ralaelz ; - Wlu,n God called �%.bralulm and spoelators wk,re 4n.3owiNi to lielp ��- 'Cin-ja- t4rx4% r.­,1V1.Na,149 jJ* W4Z' I � 4 . * i I FG . -EE. 1,171HIR 1, - .1, ,,,.-_1s4-:% ��2,1 -:��e ZZI�'e.d *.'.I`3', jz�'t 0'rer ---Z.;..%;j4;:,, 1 ta�-jv :.,�: �1,av,, x,',.:, 1'fk-�v.�r - vald to him, '*Gst thee out of thy 4,1 IQ -,,�, IN I Vi Ils,'-, " ':�,�,.,,_,k W .,!;L n 4.-;s i thonli�p'ves. When tht, Cab PA-sys 4", 1 t!kl ra:t 1'�Zlt s�-!D T�wt ViC�1Ti.:�;,Zr.N1:.'S - �', 47 I, a�.�Z,--1 li,,�= I" -!U,L­.�, I coulatry, and from illy kindred, " �Z��w ; .1 . I .. , ,� - !az, _,�� �,- tx�,.=_�-.g ,4 s �­,Z:­��- t L' �, 1?e, ,.�,I:,�'S!�,z.2"Z-_��. -�,,`.," ;�.S%,ol wll,�- 'V_N�ot,,: w.N.'^.,1 g') 174".1ei WA,I _1% - - . * p ;;x -S ,C­�, 1-1 t -'e loai�-.,:- -.L& y went to the 1kit In the third lnuin- � v.- = k- 1. .� . n g 1 . 'k, rt S. : K ,4., 'e� I ;W ,&h1 ­,:S ,,'._­.,.ik:+ tv ., . *,� � ,.*S_ , nZA I V ,1,nT�.11.1.t I ­ ,; ,�,'-��J-s ,;Z�=� will the secire Nvas stIA tied, aecordin; _� , n. I "'�.a,a .Zh, _7. .� _ � ip 't ,Q4�-. Iln-1 1�:�,Zc, ;-`� g ..-;I. /1", a 1.1nd that I show thee' and 4­j��, $%,�,, a�_,4 g:�-..­�.-� .,I,X"�,'. ,� � - . I will MaRe of th,v a great nation," to G,01steill. - _�.�k'r�� - '_ *4N" ", "' 'vs lilt th U: .' I .'.:'A'A , ',Q "a i, ," �'�4. V .A., I 1* TC,** _ a 1��,� It il evident that his design was � , ..r�: =.L" ­ 4% 1��' - Tilt, Cab Mi, . e ba"I easil.., � __"kil I I ��, �' C%' , -, - ? .0 , t, _I` to '1-atv.� lily a "Peenliftr peOp'e," a alld In ;L " .� , ,I :,,- ". �� , '. - 4, -, , �-_� , �� Z 71 Zz. -,T-,Z) :2.Aa !F"'M , � - ,,, few minutes bad tbr;�es .,2 -_N-, t--- n .� � ,_�,-, I . ,-, *Z: r-_ . �1- c�.;,:E.-. o" ta a --A. -. _� - . I . _;��o q-7 4�1 �,.: , .. ,_ ___­�.. " *U��,� I", i I . - with k:s�_Izg Z;:.- C4 -, _;� . . , , 11 Z. -,I -,g C.'.*,- ,:-: , V I - �* � '. - M'Qrlo to W, ',Ills pecullar trea- men on baspiz. The next buter- ,.C�-_..�i�z;�A I,."-,1 . 'I R� 19 1�.11X:11ZA1 .Z. . . tmrf�.", kroelted the 1xill Over tile opnt-o '' a swtl- & -,7 I ,� ­ - I � - 2 IL, 4. , - I - � 11 . V : z ,1,.N� .,� � _:1 . �! �� , � i.. 0 .'It: I % ­Y� Ung = �7!, -ZZ", IZI -, �'_� - I I , , .I . N ­,�, .. -1 . .a,--, 'VA ­ -, "I I I � .11 �." _., ._7.111 'K, -3F. � ��. I I � i .."..* ZA I _az 4.-nI+.:, Y_�_".. ­Z� � .S--- : ­ ., 1_� - Q -IT, 'ret surely 111,4 woudrnus a d. .,� :�'%.,%:, 1�.,% ,^��'; 1­:�".'(, �.�..� Z! '­� I � . . Z' az 1� � I -N. - -`,�', - 1. fio'dt,t's hN , ,I_-. .�-:. .I ,�Iv, tx��V,;.,..:.g. p' -;-Z I V I I/ ��� - -:� - - -, gr S�- -., --* w, Z .'A -a *::�,T-k , � . 1� 7, "', '%- .1, ll�ln Avas enrrir�.i out. IT,, htid th- WN"L, tile batter and tile three mea .Z , ... �; . -%:) C., " - '. . I 1� r��y�, � i ... ­,� " , ­ � __-"�_ . .4 ___.I.�, I., ri: Narej tO Atiraham. "Thy s*%,d %;Ilall 'N - �,,, " . 1 �; . I j./. 1� I , ­ ­�:� - V6 �1 I, , --a :t ,1..:_%- �'.., C,:�,` "...., - -11;1: ;T ;e.1, s �*:, 2 , ��k:-j t-'-.- st'�� -- � , . wt�re �unnlng art:iund the 1-fas--a G�oi!;_ , 11 ---d - �, - " , - - , �. I ­,.,..�I, t�,-,, -.-,v��­.-_, ,,'--, :F-e:n c.- P In e . . +� I . _-4:�� '11)(I 111ttt w'as t(ill made a min for the be r . rr 1, , -'? , :,.%,.,&I7, - 4 ` ��-,' fl, , , � , I- �-� -�- \ L" I N' An �tracix-:�r Ili 41 I- , ,�'A .1)W1 , - � _ i 'i I , .. ) %, , - i � 1 —41 � - a ,&�rvo 1b,om . -tek on the p".,;% -.%Pr. -7 �., ::,I -.4 ar" �.,.woZ, ��^- 4:,:, Z:.0*��, ,%� ...O I I � i �:,_. �!��:, 'VZZ lz,a7:1 ;:z', I_Z2��_--9' — ,/- � It T, n0t theirs, and �bnll -nrd turaed . . �_ I I . ,� .. , I ,'- , - ,I 'AIIJ life 1), '. -��','k_- ,ZVOU I :. C, �� , ; ... I ­ i 4 I. 1. , ­ _,�� - - tW�T 41.11V Afflict MuNm fcoir 11*111,, 110 � , , 4tl :'I*. , , I I .. 11 I I . . . . . � � - I . . i I 1 .41-- V I I 1iu-,-,',r,NI .Nearr.:, U .t poilred himself out a .� 11 I .V, ,.,�.,,'-`t.,,7_` I � . 11�� I _trl yet 'ur"liz lhes-e c ,P%,�,,'!'�'_*..�Z '. , �^ � ,'� , . I I — __t ;:�., N � I'T Wass of beer. The crowd ,yelled to . i , I -9, - - 'tt� ZVOzIrs - in ;111 (Ile!r iffliettalls lit"was ,,I'll to watell tile W..I,V, but he pald I . , , , . . 141§1 it , �i,z r, A. -I. S'. , =-arr �,-� !;:-5. * Z i .A-V - 1 ,,.-.3 ,Z' ::, .*,­Ci4 " .�,� Z":; ,� �� iz­ ., k � �_#, . �, � , -1 Ill . . I . Z, . trn�­ . .1 , .- .1,"f1;11t1J. an. -I th-:- nugx,l Cit IlLs prPA- ' t::*k m7,.:i�r ZPeretzr." ; I . - Z, -A el no attention to it. 11:!�A , "� - , IcT s41% t*4 Illi,ni ; itt 7ills Itay., ind lit ,I :1., "i , .% '� 11 ' ; "Tc -s" ­-�.,:L *4,1 �Ij , - ­ 'V;a�v- did .vou see those four runf�?'* ,.�Q;: ,�'Z,p:,!-.:-_:...%- 1:-_,'A', 's ".-'�%­.,.- :� iz. i ;� )PU .7 I 11 ,7- , 1.1 ,,_:T�, I- --�Z!a ?�, .-.-. - "t I. 1, k, ;1, n;I � :, 1. , a I a I , ; ' 1- — _.'-t� - :*'_,­�, - -1 ' __ ,�_ -_ - -. -­:rm i Ill , , 54F "_'kA%. . 1-.,.2_, *a;-, Zs�isz'z ,`-Z =y mzre�l ,,i,,� ,�t Ift, ri-41tvilukd thOul." IT%% 410- � � ; r� .% '. , I -;, :,., 1. '.'-,:-,:., "SZ, _'_Z_' .:�- ": ^ ;� . _'�,` I -r-- -­ ­ I , A)a 'till : "Vt'sr lkoa nrl till lml,v 3r,) Lannignut 4w, lie - hb�-jt Cil%,)J." � I", I , I �� ��.: :��-!: , yitl' _ra � 4,V:T ,�7 V:, %%,,,��* I 7:..1,. g,%,- a 1, ,f, t V� ix. Xk E_ � ,-.rz,:! T , 4-)� - .. -, �,t _- Z, e,,,�.,.,*� Z . -...; , ., r .-, *� ': %- I I J. , "R, 11-1 - . '*-I*, _-*:_!'Z',. t.=r; Z�.�,. "ta'. T,ZLJ.. --'!-:, � :;I; ��_'--­:x fW-4,11--li, lant1% ill.,% Laixi Illy (I'M - tll%N hin I%v the' sihou;der. ' 'I I 'Z I �_ 4 1 - - . , - e I : — - � ,:4+ - ,i% ... �, � 1,41ni Iby t -"m 11;1,�: eho,A�,l 'thot\ to lic, ­Vht four ranl.­�" w;kea G*oisteln. 6 ,�', .N. :._-: Z � � I ,,,, 9� "! " , � !'�, I - S " �', , . .�.-Z-t�4 ,e'_1_ -,;A -,r -Uz,z, =�';.- S41-; � . Z���_- - I . - I ; � i;=-.,, Z, ": I -_ I I i I z - I . I .1 sileolml. p,'1'p*o linio Iflillself, abox-tv "Jut. -It In now," rmll I�innlgaii. - -4�.: ,��% ---1 ,-,� !:�.-, - :_!-�,,, '..: r.f. ..x -, 4 11 1Z 1� 1-4 � elk- �; I =.S." 41� I " I � ,,..: � .. - � - .�--W- j - I 0 � I I , � *.� ­ . Al 1100IN10 11hat aro upon flit, Tilve Vat I doWt ,,c*e dan't eownt.' re- - '! �' N, Z.-,�.:-'s "'.- : : . -I' .1 - I I . -.-o 0 . I ; . ....... + I....z. -11 I �k_) " 'j�:­. I I . ? 11 . I ­, ivt INN varth.", it'* 41 ^4 9 _,__"._ ,.� . w1l'i'Al 01 ist0n. ­T�v xyt.10*1, .Vkra niens, I - k __ I., — � 0 I; . - -, . �'. 't � I It -%:a �* h .=k vras snr=s7­o�­ . " i ,�, r: ­P ,',�',; � 1 N, . :1., 11 I I . . a 7 . I �; I - Vn-Y � I . . . �t ), 0 0 " � � 1. I il­ -�-�,,� I It ­i;1,N' bo askt,ti Avily tilil t1ji.1 s.­q� Isalt undi., I drsilk me, dis pter'! Is's � ., " % (, 4 i �,.­�__C-,4 '.,- SZ-� "g.am :ast =�C� � I , - ; icT _, ,-:n. _Zs4lt � V a - _, � I- , � .,:� I .1 �+ �,�_ 4 . 0, �., �.- I Tk'� Mo -.4'.1, ."hi'll ghlilit tht, ,,411fitteN, N00 M fo-`*IeZ Und I halzffigab ,yon. I 11 - . 'I .4. , � I j M,� - . I I I � � ; -1, -�' i. ., a � 11 . � I t I ; , � Ir ,; _� _S�Iui2_ :1 .-%r !_ 1�7: _ � VA -I -� a =,l P .'� �, �.� - _. � U - .1 �-­ I I . 41 �. %i �' ; , �J . , I . )tt �14`lrimalm .Iea�s� ol,%iflulnees, 'Ke.. ilistill��l!ifie.ztti-ilt,,,V,Lt,t. TgAderg.Imp I -, kL 41 q -'�tz 7I,.� -Z�_ ,.::a--. n- 4_' .!-�-? .- . . ­ - I .1% � ; "�v I IN' I 11�111 111('sll art eoxw lilitt) tho Ull-d to der Vlrv,U4�1 Varnislt.ers by fiftfea - 'r, k. �, i . a IM i , , I i � "Il"C'11 Ihe' L%li-,1 111,V 10WK1 glNeth tI1A(\" to ,.Jre%,�' , I - 11 - 1, r.� It\ � , . 4.. - .�. Pt'11�1.1 � � . ­ . -,- y , , i I - I " 11, I _ , z, I . , , % . 1 . '= -, %, . - �. kt� .=.T ,�, 1. , zt� ,_ - - -.� 11 " '..) -- W �� I ­�,: --l'- - I - ,r -:,Z= ,,:- :,-,A � I-, - n I 'Az _.�', � 1, '. d � . - A .r.Z. i� -7 -sc-ar � � .11 : , I " , .�s ­,% It alitl 'NlInIt dw(Ill , "!" i I ; ��,!.�'. an-.� :yz Z sat'*�a-:' ,,, Z_)_-1.:*_- ba -1h, , ., lhilx,'11. till'I I'llalt ,�il,\ " `�� - - , ::-.� S �;j. 41,C I'_' �,:_, 4r, .�,--_�.,:: , ,� - _'�. klol ., ,,, . I , � 6 ;in\ . \ - I I , - 114 sluilt JXX. is., I . � /1 '. ;: i , ,�, I , '1410 C'IMX�t vaine ,W.�wn .f.­,)-stel-i tvkwz,_�� - -- ., ,:_ ­­ � ,.- - 11 ,�.e g_1 *14, W -Z , I � I � � 1., ..;_ , I . �_;�,:�I, ���, . L I ; 11 . �, IV, - 1%4 1 -Z %� "a:, 2�__V'. 7%ai;Q� U4-. �_V': I I nill $*t ,it 411111101111ced 11M,,4 dr.M,-I.�u. T.22:�' ,C.1 h Ili a 1, � � . 1% ? \ UC4��t3 � ��-;) t - I- �Z-. �-tQtK.Z 1 4�� � -�� C., i , �tj .e.. - -:, �T_ I . . � I " 7 "Li" �Z�r . : I rLiZ11 Ovor nw, liko till Z110 U.1110119 11,,v%�T 11141"I"t I, r�,%s,�*J ,-,�r th'zn Z�,:- - ��.,-_,�.-_�� .'r-1 1_1,�c 1'i.lil , - , I � , rik-z,�C .Vza =:.`_�*,. , i Il a J)'. � 1'� I I 1,:,� I . *,g , � J I ,,+Q1t!ZV,/ . : -1 � 11 , I I � Ig , ' � - I -6. 1121�7 DID __741E ME AN, ". vil ari, aix)-lit Ill,%; thou AmV lit r,lst '1:49't"t frie.- .".I 4 �--: . , I A , L 4'$ �,s ,,� y . I , % . I -T, I * -1 ?-- ,,, ,ing _Jg, r . . , , ") � la.�� 1._,% Ic_k�_-�* ,�_, '. , :" '. .'�a.�. 4 .11 "I - I =_Z, P . . .Z.. .�­ _..t-!l--;,1N:,Z elt- 1 Ns rcs;z"Ie. ; - .< I . /' . -t V Ir r -.-I vs a::1. tz bat a tog. -111Y V.Se set Irm 1, tl\,,r theo, T,A-erp tv,�,,q Al rklagb a-;,3 tumb�e Lght �w , _ 11 1� ... 'f 'Z� 7 n,: ,_V. ,�� -I I, %L=k I 11AT'� 'C": nx , . ­'?. , . ­ . . .. J --I. ,; � - 1,I4 .1. Z't lizM:. �� ullo-1 ,N."_�5 lic, , "', '. 71" , I ___. %, .4 . the rx-ril 11I.N. X,vtX1 sh,111 wItlell V..­,ZC,JJJWft1 ti L�,dbatl rns"I. g,- Z� �,. - , It I - - I 1-s:� %ham Z's, Z i,�zl _Iv� �--s - 1,--, -q- I ­ i'IINNsil" � 11wil v4L)"I'leltill thoul NVh1%lI T.Nore, wcro 1,,ki VV.j�,e a. - --d , .1 I I I iD I r� ,� n 1 L :\- , k t, , n., �,,_ IL � - -, . - - I *1 ,ZZr.::_Z '­­- . - tour hnu4r%,,,1 -,,A%1�,�z It-itttr tj�t,y x, i_ -.- . �p � : .::. . I , I _1'rg !�'T V!Z. tl:zy StL2 r0a � . � I ­ Z,n 4ZZZ,!�ay.11 -,n,.,k t. -1,C-1-piols.i...- ,tN1 ,&=r " .:� . 0 -�Z �:._Z�Z­­ _� 1Z , �. 1 ly, I a I , l tt I � S:,, 71 �. , n 11"). _- TL\ I t1le ft, �j ,"Igjj, ,,,.. 'CZ . ,�, � Z It;:-. I tZ �, .n. :_!�S4 ! .1 - D��. I. ,it 4�sltxl alx,rlt tt,-1 -M,In�;itcF. " , I -,:"" tt!" Z I 1� If I ; . , �) kL wl, tti, All.1k,N 41 J,:ur, tN%t,r 6�_:_,Q ..-':��n to lt, =-:�:,z ­T--�; " i " - � i / %-I I � 1�%-_:, pa;�Zuz:­V�tat iL1.3 il--v ,a2r *.1 Am =pctZ,,,a'.,1y .2r�ssza V�;Ztlfmaii :, xbi r.) ! I ,,,,Jl�v% %Nr, cj,',�,,�,, f%,r,Nk%%*NNTJ. 11*vd,�V,ln w,isz It nall,y ie,arlm-A* o,l Air I t 1, V N V 41- i , . ,Z a. ,*, V_a%�,o %IT I-Woty. T, -.e . - --:Tbt,V 1, ) !_,� ZII_,,�r a, T. w'"fm WA12;%4n,; ai,mg Wjgx, 11ki nat 1),N,ess,lr�ky toroorq-1:11itl Z,_-,�, .Q�g�­T,_,fi, ZL7,�,'; V, :.1 _- .. .:lim, . - � � . " % i *Z-, :, 7.._:1. -* tte par-s'n t %,e%\,wtkNl to "14 r t- ", 'it, I �_n: tt-zs: 1,!_�zz:r- ltt�x -)Z:pb,. 7:t %,-Za _r AE . Vat' Th\vo wort wunq,a�s'.N3 a-1 tlhe.--01 o:,' r,�:,Z"i$. ,�,t,:. S., aL,-,k1 W.­� ^Z , ,'4�, Zt-�- z"!-41 1' i :!�_ � . T � I � . i -, L". , , I : t a CZ.)Xi-=-. zt ill Lis Ili's rd,�Ii.-sn "i" M,� Mog-0ail-s, ',�,10,1 � 17� ;_­ " ! . - �, ,� 7, . " ." ^ -. -- a, �1, �'�' ; . 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