The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-25, Page 7I I I I I I I , . . . 'I . . . I I . .,. , , , . 1. '. .. I . , .1 . ,I I I . 2. - _"."."M*-*..0Wq . 1 ,, 11 , ­­ _ _ . I .1 . - . I 1. . I ... "I.- . .. I I I . . 1. , 1. - I - I I . , , _ , . , ,. - - . . . - ., . - , . I , ,'. ' ,'- ";: - .;jj '7 - ... 11. . , '. , . " .1- ,I .11 . I . - . - . - 1. ­ .1 . 1. 1. . 1. - .. I . I : I , 1 , - ­ I ­_ 11 ­ .- __11.111111--l- I I - - I , - .;, I I V , ; ii. ;. . ' QIRI. DRANK LAUDANUM, 11HO IN A HIBBEN. CITL AS TO.SOMALILAND, `F ECTIVE S I 1111111cho Uoyal's A 0 Pooltlonor nrltl 1­51orces Iteg NO ATTEMPT MADF - (lenlilt to UIAIC . 'ArdecIDE , — - , METY LAMP Awity With Ilteravelf. — ' Ake 6041011e. Tovouto, Juno 2.0.-Dlan, I 'a , I 11h aolnefm . 17 ,o Jill old 0 in cy, U tea In. reforenco to the' P. ar. girl, ulptea t' R sslan Explorer Has Return. alre0a.udi'yonno"no 23'-j 'a line "PLOSION. oor ill ( toldo, oil, o4t,"',caM atter. British expedition In Somaliland has AOAINST. CZAR'S LIFE9 noola xt tbo V rlqollorsl ,kid Society" ed From J_Wso. boon Increased by, anuouncomouts . CAUSES MINE uA I Ilomo , quoott street east. Mo bard ' * . boon vory' despon,acil, during "'! that part of bo Indian coat -Input, - ------- - - - ----- __ ' ay, a ,a ,ja u 'Yee ,aturd . pp r in which has D09A preparing to *take wol,!, 41111allaluoil, IIIS getting worse. In tile - WENT IN WITH A CARAVAN part In t1io oxiiedittre4., hall boon or. A I ) v,As autrori!i!.I a - London,, June # s 0=i 7. ,,8. , mod1v ny, and that ad tb . _XbQ 1 uhi$jaa ex. dered to talt Im. ,tv Story Arose from Accidental. avcl'n y" n,;Ble v . - . 0M -ava Uout.­Gon. Charles Elgortoxt, who has Fourteen Men "urt, Six of Thein suspecting poisoZ`lron',,'h'e'd the sirl's PiQror zybiwit luko Just r(Aut I I room. She round it balt-cuiptI64 lau- rrQ,)u rrutupt, where hu rwldecl [or a, -iiad long exporlonce, In Indian fron- danuin bottle, and inimedlatoly mum- yoo"r In vile capital, J.Oltcuwa. He do- tlet, fighting will go fr,o,m India to Discharge of a Revolver. moned Dr. F raser, rillie dotor bad the tivered a lcoturo before the Russilill Bomn,111a"(1, 148 .be IF; tile senior to Probably Fatally,, I taken, to ilia General Hospital Luiperlml 00091-40110111 N0010tY, in k3t* Gen. Mauning, ilia present commander 91,11' , I of the expedition, It to evident that . . 11 ore sale to now recovering, --", tor isoaxg ?yblh*otf is really a Bur - *1 - , 'goi W Pit . -DY - - grOd' ,an - I Kt. llvtorr burg, June 22 -Officials , possiblo. an(I 6iily lasted abouL I ) A111"ll a month, ago 'wlille 041a; I ig and 1311 14111-st All Iall - guagO and in the iF War Office intends Gen. E -ton TAWAqllt -, Julio Q ', . all OX .17`19 trouble bet., . Mr. Nor 'Y"of both. ilia court amd ilia iulnist,ry milluttiN. All tile Cardinale of the alown DIVII on a Wage street car lislon, and can Waroely ba diotla- t o riju Ion ,!) r,oe(lo him, Vils stop 'is ro. Plagion ,of gas Ill tile NO. 4, M1111f) ton Is very careful I'll ilia selection 't to last night, . and usually employs Curia lv,oro Invited to tilt) vaticall the girl declared she had poisoned gulebed from, Vito 141116otana them- ga indicative a( a revised plan of the Lehigh Co., In, of blig clerks . of tile Interior sa-y, the reporto, that half an lifour boforn ilia Popole at). horself, She was taken to 'tile 1,;mor- salves, Ile ponetra,ted, Mhlbot Me a Of canipaign, probabLy- on, an extend- no who are identified with an, attempt Wlas pocoutly made -oil imarance, and they uosomblod In goncy RospUal, 'but no signs were - Liania w1th it cavavall at pilgrilliu, ed ficalo. The vagueness of the offl fourteen men were badly 'burned, six =11 work anti whose, moral and tile life of the Cz,i,,r are untrue. 4 the oonulstory lf.til in ordor of apparent. Her mind Ili believed tol be w1io wart) going to IMY VOAOrat'1011 to clal and other dos patohea concorning of them probably fatally, Daniel religious sitanding to above re precedence, the th'ree groups of affected, Saie orIgInallX came from U a rL t to um 04 1 1 1)4kial, or U it OU6.4n Llama, tile the expedition cro ies tile belloftbat LOW111, a minor, si a b to I roach. Some who work for him are . I its story was Circulated a molith ago ,,,dinals (cardinal bishops, Cardin- POt"03 110rOugl", where she was son- flope or tho. Buddhist world. Ili Ills its position ld somewhat sorlous. IaAirleo to -day, 111Jio exploulan ItIo =cono, and no one if). exilplayed 'r , .. who drink.9 or uses tobacco Ill any that the Czar bad boon fired upon kil tirlostt, and clirdinal, ,Icacono) tonced to tile Mercer Reformator, tepturo, he Mid 041t; tile estimate of I 1. - bclloved wa.9 duo to a detective w)dIo driving In the paxk of 1.11sars- rollinIng it striking plicturo. The for vagrancy. 1:, 010 population of Mnibot L'y undoubt- forin. lio It came about that Mr. too, but it wAs explained tivat It or. entrance or tile Popol Wall in wifito cdly, exaggoratE4, In Tdilbot proper unfety. lamp. I I : Nortonlo corps, of assletantswas vostruclits anti surroundod by Ills More are not more than DO CONICTS MOTININ A Judge Ilk Disgrace. %tborea fron) various walkolof life. Ighlatod in the accidental dlBobargo people,, and the population ­ ­­ ___ Washington, June 12".-Prouldent '2J'119 sCOn came to the attention of trusted companions, Ili theft'A reif MEHL OE 'UH. HER Ing.owlng'tQ the inivagep of oinallpox ltoo,.40velt, after a ' Conference organized labor Ili Hartford City,, of a, revolver wAtch wito curoloBaly robes, gave it fftilshU4 h and tho,4.rge number of priests who , I . and Mr. Norton -was approached dropped by 4 detective as ilis ma- tile wne. After receiving tile 'Lom- . — are, plodged to cullbitoy, 111be Chine,ee witA Attortivy-Ucuoral Knox to- with , the proposition of unionizing ago of those present, tho pontiff - Capture Warden's Wife and day- "'gued all order removingJudge his force. .He imbabItauts are almost all mor . not only refused to losty's carriage Vassed. recited a prayor and thou proceed- 1). L. Mcmillall, of the Supreme entertain such a Droposition, but Against the Combine. oil to ilia nomination of tile new Many Friends Honor Memory chantu, Mile ga,ldlers only remain a tiourt of Now, Mexico, on Charges of declared tbat he ivotxld have nothing . raw XCAM and are thou relieved. Carr y Her Off, general Immorality. Judge Udmilw London, ,Tune 22. --Lord Chief aus- Cardinals. of Methodist DiVirle. IDuring thch- ,Btay they take native tan originally waij appointoa tattle whatever to do with union clorkif, ilea Alverstone to -day delivered Tile traditional secrecy was giris as convublueo.. IsIale children are Talell war was declared and all,,,good juftmont In a, toot case arising from maintained, though, now, it to largely Considered as Chinese and female po rition frola Buffalo, N. Y, Judge union men -wore instructed by their a matter of forni. Thc Pope Pro- chIldrep ap Tbibetago. .. L'11 M-Unt 0. 8111311, Of 11'a-Alngs, utch., the agreement made by. Ogdo,nfj I , GUARDS, KIL L TWO OF 7HEM I " . several organizations to .boycott Posed oach. now Cardinal, tl1b MRM- A lati been appointed to - succeed the otore run "as Christ would." (Limited), tt t tile time of the tobacco PUBLIC SERvICE HELD Many skilful woTknicu from Ncpaul , Illin. . NVAr to distribute to retailers $1,- bars of ilia sacred college signify- " axe einfiloyed a4s sculptors and jewel- Canon City, Col., Jane W. -011e, con- Utopian Store Driven Out. The owner of the'V61),,ding Ili wbleb 000,000 annually for four years. CapM I e Mr. Norton's estalillabul-out was 10- . Ing their assent by ra, . isling Weir 11N>xOliU), ,Tune _'.*1,-Jtuprosel)tat1Ya ers ITi the temij,'Los. Almost t1iO WJ1010 vlat ,van shot ajul killed and anotli r 11artford City, Ind., June 1-111, cated, W. B. Cooley, was drawn In -to Ogdono attlimt time represented the ' I I I ason of every. class in the commurlItY, of Central T,hwet belongs to ilia was fatally wounded by guards at ' The following were crmte(l car- Itunning a ,%tore "as Christ would," tho fight. He to engaged Ili the gruln Aiporlea,ii Tobacco Company. The ttinq.L,;: Monsignor Fischer, Arch- and Including rolativek; and .friends DWal Llama, -who is eXtLinaing ]As . Lord Chief Justice found that Og- blMiop of Cologne; 11lonsignov Tal- from Hamilton and other places, all- propriatork-hip iuora and more overy the 1W1,90111 tO-0,V.- Ig iio'L without Its difficulties, and awl flour buidness, and while Ile som-bled oil Suturday aftornoon lit day. Mlilbamn cookingIs not Very ap- A number or convicts overpowered &1fred F, Norton, Originator of came only Ill olight competition doull -vvag not relieved ol those Lon- an], papal nquelo lit Vienna; Man- . 1111- store Ili fits ro- trccets by tile sale of its business tilgoor Cavlocliloni, .Secretary of th tale funeral of t1to late Rev. Dr, E. H, _pettizing. Tile pri ' nolpal dishes axe tile gu&rij"l at tile w't'rkholiffo' On tile thil uhitluL anti hitherto succewsful with tho, Christian 0 cooked mout, ourded milk, vegetable I and its Incorporatlon into the congregation or the Council; Men- Do,wart. Aft6r a simple service at Ell pi,oj.!ct Ili the commercial field, bao gular line of trade, pressure 'was Anglo,-Amorican combine. algivar, Ajiltl, papal nunclo at Lls- the home, 515 SherbOurne street, biLtter, scope ma4o of barley, meal way. to the front gato ilia convictm ,,,,Ot his first defeat in jilts city, brought to bear upon him by the 14c tile remains were coinveyod to Sher- an -i F,oundcd bonQu. A aph-It oRtrakst- baptla-ed Mr$. Clegliorn, wire of thelthougli he claim,U that It Is but unlon,ipeople, and he,wao threatened To-daylg consistory. boii; Momstguor Nocella, , -cretary .bourne Street Church, where the full- cd from wheat oo its less than half a Wavdcn, ana placed her in front of temporary and that lie wlir yet tri- with 1joycott iinleso he ordered Mr. of tho cowds-tral congregation: M )n- Norton the premises. Dome, June -1212.--Zio Cousintory eignor Kalaclitbaloo, Archbishop of 'ral service was held, t1lonce to the penny a pin.t. I th exa. ,11hL-y (jy.namitod tile front lincph. Organized labor hao accoul- Cooley beid, air for a timch but .it L to -clay was specially important a Neer service at the home lc ig the Thlbotans . gute &nicl got outside, taking Mrs. plimw,d tile., downfall or the "Uhrls- W' Salabarg, Austria; Most Rev. Her- '2 10, low. Poly -y last gave In. He ordered Norton to , Ing stence of tile ru O`po'ld"it, ' o byJ Rev. S. Cleaver, Megliorn. with thom. tian grocery" here, for the time be- -, to tile porsl In' rero, Arelibishop of Vaknicia. The wa,o ,Oa t;'u ,andi and polygamy give him pobisession, by Ja 7-1; Ory regarding the Popelff ill licalth Pope tram9forred Cardinal Berafilio Rev. 1. Torvell b.ad Rev. Dr. Parker. f1clu"Isli, 111a6 people 6pon(j their Tdic,,War4len lastructad tile guards lc,ast, and Mr. Norton is now no I lb. I , Lsdily on fine, clothes, The to pick tile convicts off, taking (-are Ing' lit --- and ilia previous postponements. V1,1l1lu t(,Ili frou, ill() 136,110pric of At the church Rev. Dr. 1.3riggs con- 1110110y 11VI 11ZL-1.9 lilv, stock preparatory to I Naturally, a ,coreintiny In which Fraseall. io that of Porto Santa ducted the service, allslated by., Rev. wealthy I rosidents resemble walking not to shoot ,his wife. 'WhOdl fifty inking libi dopartu o. Millibi, Suite 221-Irbe charges that the Pope, Itair waaen in precious RuIllin, w1doli 1.9 of lll llor I..%Dk. 8, Cleaver and Rev. J. A. 11iinkla. - J2'i-" I'Orld 0.iops. La4bor Is paid,,% little ya,vd,; froin the pi-Igoli Mrs. Cleghorn Nortou cam,.) to Harl,ford City I.-'01110 &moriciill oiffice1w loot ett publ to build - Dr -BilFgs spoko briefly, and Ivas fol- more than a penny a day. A priest fainted anti the Convicts releascd hor. tIlr;c. a.go with it flourish of trum- 111.1p; in M..inlin, artor the surrender I vestment&, is borne on it Chair ana (,&l.alual S11to,111 wa,s, transferred 101 8 at ,; best prayers a wliole day One of the privollors, Kuykei as Is continually assisted, lis not the from the Titular 131ohopi-lo of Santa greater leng6li by Rev. Dr. will Buy h I. itlail, w 11, ts, purel,ased tile stock of U, L. Ili 1808 nave been revived, and may . . best opportunity to juftc Of Ills Marl,% In Araociell. to the (Ilocese of Withrow, caltar or tile Church pub- In youx behalf for olxpance. instantly killord. Talc ringleader ,was Wiuov anti announced that lie would poosibly lead to a formal Investig- it ilea Mile popuUttioli of Lhe4wa is 10,000, shot 11nd Will ale. T0,111 Fl,sllex -was aliply Illil pecullar methocIN ppearance -Or tile state Of his Frascati, near Romp, ilia oninmer re- tions, and by.., Rev. Dr. Ross, a . of tion. Recently ilia authorities on- beri.1th'; but a ban capable or un- haaenco oir tile Roinau aristocracy. close friend of tho deceased. are wore tnt 1.1 gAut-, marcliamts ancl, workers captured, 11)wo, other inall, reported butdrices to tho sale of general mer- douvored to locate certain ple- (tergoing the strain of such! a func- The honorary. pall -bear are ooni&tantly pa,4o*ng through the captured, Amino dIstt4ncc from the pri- obandiso, The Christian merchant, tures and art objects belonging to tlon link; plenty of Yltallty. .Afterwards the Polic announced the 11011. Goo, W. Rose, savator Geo. A. town, wli!ell lut,s a circumference of son. 111wo oth-cays, one wounded, stop- however, placed all doubts at rest tile municipal museum, and the on - TUC nomillatiollo of several Archbishops about seven mllw. in the Contra pad a wagoll), out tile horses lOOBC, pontiff's foatures seemed r,liglltl.y who had been appointed by brief. a" ' W. J. Gage, Rev, Dr. Parker, . anti Ills fresh wares, low pricesand clulry allowed they had been given ­ inore clear., out and his lillands trom- The pontiff appointed Cardinal Ag- R.6*. Dr. ToVell, Dr. James Mills' of damds, a Celebrated temple contain- lllolliltL; J and. qslcapod. fair treatment drav a large trade to a F iliplao to take care of after bled perceptibly; but Ills volcow,as lia,rdi, who Ims been rePlaced as pre- Guelpli, H. 11. Fudger, and Rev, Dr. Ing a gigantle bronze otatue, bf to the Christian store, in a short the surrender. The Filipino offers to plainly heard, though It had lost feet of Economy of the propaganda, 11'ar0- Buddha, with agold or -own decorated rpooc--%ac--*.D.tzc-..ac-- .2$ct$4 time. Other merchants saw their prove that some officers received something or its powpr. TUC core- to be Vice Chancellor of the Chleaa. Active pall-bearoz%-1-1. H. DeIvart, with precious stones. Round tile a# bas b customers slipping away tile pictures and it is claimed that many wAs shortened as much! as t1ol la Volpe, . K. C., E. R. Dowpurt, Dr. B, H Rob- statue lamp-% red with melted butter rom them and were powerless to a former isitaff officer, abstracted a filson, Gen. L. Robinson, Rev.' J. G. aro always burning. Near the temple top the rush to their competitor, silver service from the Wilacan _. ts a Taxgo c(nirtyarcl, in wIllch thou- whose prices they could no:E mi ,,et.. Palace, The Government may ask - ------- ____-_1.- 1. - ­­_ ... . I ­­.- ­ 1. Lewis, Rev. H. T. Lewis. I NEWS IN BNEF I '- or mournore were; H. H. Bands or llamas assemble twice a &I 'th"t the Christianto have an Investigation. ;H U Dowart, K. C., 1-1. R. Deivaxt, Dr. year to pTay for the Dalat Llama cbuw%.Xc-...)Oj.#-...De...pt.-o-&2 Th , it W- I E. 1-1. Robinson, 10oo. L. flobinson, and tile Rnivort)`r of China. ' r I t U N Rev. J, G. Lewis, Rev. H. Mile Dalat's palakae Is on. a hill t1i[r'oe- I "'Er"ER ORDUS A CR`W """" ell! T, Lewis, CANADIAN, , f 11 a W. W. Robinson, Albert H. Robla- quarters of & mile from Lbaosa. Close Dowart (Rochester), by are the Mrcv4sury, the High School Scattlo block at Arthur was de, 8A F . . N I Rev. J. S. Ross'(Walkerton), W. A, of Mheviogy and Medicine, and the re- strayed by fire,. , . . - i , , z S H 0 C'E'L I N fi REVELA"10A Oid, I Robinson, E. J. Moore, Chas. Black, sidence ar 1,200 court functionaries Milo Guelph. CLty Council ha-ve 110- I , I , r R, E. A. Land. alad 500 manks. Mho State prison offl- -1 "0 COS` 509000 "RANCS, "a"' Robert aided to take over the atreet railway. I I Vic pulpit and. altar were taste- cials are corrupt to the last degree, 9 I s also The a,rm;v 1,9 wortliljr - . l is armed A branch or thu -.Holgons Bank will _" fully; draped In, black, " wa r Dr. w1th ald-faablonCd 111-U.SkOtS and tv,VS be opened in St. Ma;vyl,o immediately. ALABAMA PECONflEe the chair habitually.! Occupied by Mile new, oteamer, W. D. Matthew$ . 1, .. Dowart. The serv-lc -was sImpIZ'and a,nd arrow,::% . wais successfully. launched at Coiling - Impressive. one of the hymno sung, '?,01-91--b ' "Art Talon Weary?" Rev. . :Dr. BrIgge . wood.,., ( )1 ; < i % lJoth Britain and Holland [Break announced *was Ge last read byJ Dr. The incorporation of Regina as & Dowart, and dile at'lilis favorites. city wais colobrateA In the Terri- HHT ff UHN-USING, torlol capital with a great dem . ' at i 4__ * .I 11, , a large congregatioint . i a'- Men V n1T n S , n, attendance. The Mytholdlot Min- otra,tiow. and Wc-men klade to Toil uly Die--lomatic Rel V loterial Affsobbiticilli, attended in a Mr. W. W. Bucliaman announces IW; P . body-. Tli D Irlah Protestant Berno- 11 rc4ireipent as Prohibition candidate e , for the LeglAa ture ror Winnipeg - voloat Socletyl ,was represented by ).erious Accident on Farm , in Nudity and in Chains. Parla, ,Tune 23 1(; seems that Bar- - consul of Great Britain, W. G. Thesl- Its chief officers: E. T. Malone, X. NoTl,tb I ( . 1, : I . via does not possess 'a Crown. King ger, will take chargo br pritish in- C., ) . MoVro, T. A. LyItle, R. 0. Ham- Near New Hamburg. ,Tile houise of Mr. Ban. Weber, a fax - Milan and King Alexander were con- terests. Iltan, R. O'Hara, E. F . Clarice, M. P., inew of Mweed, caugAt fire while lie It - The .now Ser lan constitution, was aiva, Thonfa,s Houston. The officers - . - was out milking. Mr. Fisher had a Montgomery, Ala., June 28. -Thus - in Tallapoosa county. by London - lustrates how the traffic was car - tent to dispense with [the emblem at gazettecl to -day, together ,with a of Sherbourao Street Church attend- hard time to Mye Ills children, who tar autliontle cases of peonage- thefi respectiv'o corouct.tions, but dec,reo abo-licbing ilia constitution of od in a belay, alsotbe employ.,ees of TFURTEEN MEN WERE INJURED -ore In bed, ried on. The -girl was trtivoillng ordinances Metholdist Book Room. ncierato,ad that the slavery! is a, bet'ter word-huve been King Peter Intends to be crowned April, Oth, 1901, and all the I It is gelnerally U - . through Goodwafer with an itineralit. contrave,aing tho new constitaktion. r *ere Chancellor Now Rainburg, Oirt., June 21. -Sat- coniWgbonons will include tile names round in three counties or Alab-finin., photographer. She ,was acting as actually as well as symbolically. Holland Too ! Burwash, Aid. Ramadan, Rev. Peter fore five Coos d Lown'des, The Cook for the photographer's outfit. A.ddisolit, -Robert Ja;fray urday afternoon, shortly be of I.I. Ucii,ftagne Allan, President Of Tallapoo8a, a an ALcordingly, he has otdored a crown , Robert 'M. Franklin, a Constable, Tim II.tgac, Juno 28 -The Dut,ch ., Rev. Dr. ocur- the Mcrolt.amttV Bank of Canada and last named coVlfty,18 still under scru- t hpan a to -be made by, M. Falizo, a Paris go!d- Blackstock, A. ,& Kemp, 11. P., Rev. delock, a vory.- serious accident e Sir Hugil. Al- litaced her under arres . representative at Belgrade I tiny'. The %heriff is aceus0d Of main- c-harge, of living' In improper rol&r licen illutructed to assume tile Clifambers, br. Gilmour, Hoin. E. J. Weber in the TO(wus,hip of Wilmott, rix 'cdmtte, Can-ada's national poet.. tailling peons in addition to con- tions Nvith her employer. She was siulth, tX3yalatlng thait the price shall 'a's Dr. Gerid-an Rev. R. Buras, Rev. Dr. red on. tile farm of ex -Councilor Jolim lax, of Ravenscraig, and Dr. Louis not* excz2d 60,000 francs. It 10 IMIkI Bantu attitudo an ,Great BriLain to- Davis, Dr. J. E. Elliott, Rev. J. V. convicted, and sold to Turner, of that Bodijar Karageorgovit'ch. a wards tile Provhjlonal Government situated about two miles east of I)repsuro of other work has cOlu- trolling the regularly. convicted . SniLttb Rev. Mr. Bee, Dr. Cotton, -Ion. Edward Blake to give up countg prisoners. Ills name is Dixon Tallapoosit. county. Turner kept her of 103oryla. Biggs, tails village, whereby.' alimit thirteen pc4lod I in peonage or slavery. for twelve cousin Gi King Peter, will design the Rey, Dr. Speer, Ron. S. C. . Ills brief In tile spaola,l case regard- 110 is (gas of five brothers ,who crown arid supervistj Its Construe- Turkey Denies Ettianors. E>rIncIpal Scott, J. M. Tro'ble. Johu persons were more or less seriously Ing the Lor,fl!,& Day act, which. will be and munths. During that period she wa,i tion. , . . I Vienna, June 23, -The Turklodi Lrin- HoMillam., Judge Winchester, Prin- hurt. . aj-gued before the Privy Council next dominate tile politics a' LowndeS repeatedly beaten. On one ocoasion . bavvy here, through the Semi-offlatal 0 at I % ,Wa , , terling, I. Mr. Weber was building an add!- mon,th by Mcissrs. J. A. Paterson, X. countV. I I her hands were tied under lier Incas Uncle Sim Interested. Fronideriblatt, declares that the urno ra p$ Hales, Rev. Goo. Web- tion to his larg 'barns, and had in- C., for -che province, and A. E. 0110 llegro named Dillard Freeman, and a buggy trace laid across her bare back twenty times with Lill tile Washingtom, June 23 -The newo of rumor of tbo Sultall'u,intentlon to bar, 1-1 M. owati K. C., Staff In- vited ab-oftit forty, or fIfty of Ills 011%faa,rs for the A11141'ace. whoul three of the Dixons are said to force that a. burly white mail could the announcement In the House of Ub-Ileate is it ,-mapelous invention.,, spectur robilb d, A13Lmus1kfaVMUrCh1yP rrl0adB to assist Iiiiii to ralse"Llio ad- t - Commons by Lord Lansdowne 'that . I a. P. Dwight,. an. Rose, J. .k. Prdc- . Mhe Senate of the UnIverAitY Of 0 havo licarly killed I)OWL1180 110 left T)ut iD10 the blows- * Great Britain has withdrawn its rep- - 10orty Wo-unded; Soldiers. tor, F. G. Cox, Mr. Justice Maclaron, dition Ili position. twwt. haa co,nfe.rred up -on Mr. Henry tale sherifrs place at ilay-novillo and Every person wboull lie took into Ills -When oine of the heavy,, timbers was J. ',N orgajj, the -moll-known litterar empiq7, wbether a u a, peon or .to a rosontatIves from Servia, caused a Berlin, June 23 -Apparently re- Joalin King,. K. C., Rev. Armstrong Wing placed in posltJ& the cement tod Ills mother seven iniles away. I big sensation in diplomatic circles forr1r.g to ilia same rumors which Black, I. H.' Cameron, Dr. Joalnoton, tour, thedegree of vA Ioctor of laNVO. VIS! LAit permission, was pursued fTLIO la,boror, be fGiced to o'ga a con- , wall, which had onil, been built a lIr. been engaged Ili hn- %vith, tile United tract which empowered Plioe to here. % were tyublishod by, tile magablattre- Dr. R. A. Reeve, Prolf. Squair, In- few days ago, and whieli had ap- por.t aotrgll`14. la""yg. work for -upwards of right to tilo entrance Of or as a convict. Paeo - - .Iffhat attitude tile United States cently, anti which were OUbdo- spactoir Ch'apman, Rev. Prof. Badgloy, paroatly not set, ,gave IVav, and ,,,air , "g and his numerous 6tatos e(yurtll'Ouse ill Blontgomory, by troat the labor .t.g. -Iliy.-o who were 11a,nd- pubEcatla.up are to be found in many tile brothers, and. warliLd that if he IVIU finally take c6inot be LIV,111 cliteitly donled, a letter from' 0011- David Bdyilo, T. 0, Robinette, 1CO., roolplta4ted i reserved the right to look 111m. up at guessed at; the secret is only known fitalitinciple, published by the Col- G. R. Rdborts, S. T. Bastedo, J. J. ling the timber to tile lower per- librax Ing. told tho truth to tile grand jurY. 111911t, to 011MIK10 him in the fields, . . vf clothing, and to bring OT ogno (4azotte, mentions reportethat Copland, W. H. Nix, Lad. K. Clamoron, tioll of the gi,,01 ,us. , , upon tile return to cl prlvo him c . to Secretary Hay. ,The action . b only, four o -it of ilia fourteen lie would be killed lCh. bloodhoundd if he 1111- , . . Great Britain, It Is thought, wI11 not fol-ty. Ivouitied. ivere re- Dr, W. H, B. Atkins, Dr. AdanvWrIghit, A messenger was hurriedly sent to Iron fouildriou In Tloronto IL'iyo Lowildes County'. I . . him back w )k New Rhmburg to summon mcclica c -hour day, Nearly aeaten to Death. derbook to q,_)-_apc. Corporal pnilloll- lonuence this country. ' '_ nybi,ed, to tile pala,ce in one night. Satiln Ba;stbdo, David Blain, Prof. MC- I I . not yet conceded tile riln inant ar tile mmit violent character The Belgrade Und Troops Nvore used to suppress dis- Gregor Youxg, n'. G. KIngsitone, assistance, and Dr. Walter, at once namely., Bertrain Engine Workri, In- Mal- ivaig a more Incident Of tile daily Belgrade, Sime*23-Gron.t Britain turbalices at Certain schools. re- R-obt. Mobn, Rev. W. F. Wilson, T. hurried to the scene of LIM accident, 115 Vrigino Work% Ontario Wind- Vito boyl had been foaxfullY him 'to rOV11110 Or ht. Men at I a Sultilli; in a number -of students be- D. D61a-more, X. C., Prof. Robertson, Tolopholle messages were also sent da Foan- treated. rZie DIX0138 pursued' tv,rid women Avero beaten upon ' tile has'practleally broken off diplom, Oil and Ptimp CO., and Cann, Ills mother's cabin oil tile Occasi011 relatiolis with Servia. Tho T,*rILIHb llig wounded, and asaerto timt Bul- Rev. J. J. Hill, Chief Justice Aloss, to Da,don, Platteville', and New Dan- ct 1, Y, Ica. Irdleso riraH, which V ille. r * F. Booliam, leaves 6-ArD1111 vOq3cls are being eloslAy r1rosident Laudern, . F. F. Marter, P. a . ,lie modical men in- of Ills flight from HaYllov .rhey sniaalc t pretext. ( W. Blits, R. X. Scoro, Rev. Prof. Clark, 'Do, summa"'Lug t lilo - . took Nilulater, l3ir G. . alLdgether 75 or SO nioulderv, , atelled. ages , (gitcred ilia cab)ln by force, 111ade All %N'ork Naked. here on Monday for Euglaad. Tile IV, from these YLII, - arci 1101V the only, once In whiell Freeman out, of doorff,' and in this 11noo weln;t a hLep farther Ili M-4 - . ____ :I---.-- .- I I-'. isf. Beii-SmIth, J. Herbert Mason, Tile following are -tale lianies of L116 lu .cn, n,re on ,strike. I Tabu Haryle. I . Ygo seriously, , hurt: I preBelice of Ills mother beat him brutalltlqa than any of lit.,; neighbors. Rev. Dr. 31rlgg,9 said lie blad known tll ' ) BRITISH AND POREIGN. the head wIth pistols. 13cwtiles encouraging violent whIP- d'h Rudy Gbigerich chest- crushed and gavagely over 900n9n00 ATTACHMENT. Dr. Dowart from his (thle spoakor's) eye picreod. T111ou a "O"pt) lwas tied .%round his neck lil.ligs by his guards and indulging ill $ 5V V 0 ad oned to first year in ilia ministry. Ila h' Aarcql Strantz, IDJUrod Internally. No lower than "00 Canadianulialve and the, olther end of It fast tlAs form of brutality oil J-181'OWD - _._._.__­_ been side by side with lAni in tile jobn Steiner, Injured Internally.'. registered at the High Commic- a borBo. Two of the Dixons took a accoun,t, he, forced lA.4 n(groes to . . Book-rboni for sixteen years, and t4toller's office since tile Ist Of poAtion in tile roar of the negro ". " 0 I, had alwaya been gladdened by see- Jacob Birikle, thumb out off. ,q order they proceeded work In thu fl(.Id ,tark nak.,d. No (118 - Allan Scilledel, one arm crushed. June. boy'. In 1113 tinction W41X made, betwc-ell ilia Hexes A,1 Get -Rich -Quick, '9 Swind ed, Uvb§ it 9 M,. Ing lihn. His convorsation had. been lidwarid Kkropf, shoulder crushed. !r,he German (lovernment rccelvpd back to 1111,Y110vilic, a distance Of In carrying otit hb; plans. V.. a quickener of thougUt. The star- Jos. Stelirmamn, ankle broken. it furthor paynilcut Of ZT60,000 on I sovon miles. Tbo rpoyj bad 'to keep p. co'.-ay., in extenuation of ]its con - ling Integrity of the man was Solomon Shantz, Internally. Injured. ac,v,ount of tho clalm!s against Vane- Ills feet regardless of tile speed tit a . . straight thiLough. He WAS one of which t 10 harse travelled or be duct til .u&, rospect that 110 desired self Up to Justice. strong will, but ilia-'; will had boon Noah Shautz, serickisly hurt. * zuela. f I to prevent ilia negroes from escap- - tralo aovcinlrentl of 111ollan(I anti gtranglod. Ing. One negro, 1W. Moody by name, qMaiton, ,Tune 23, An attaolllllplit - Lumpkiii A, Gill, willo innna,9011 tile consecrated by GO(]. in the pulpit COWS WEREVOISONED.' the United StUtev have followed After be reached Hay'neville, lie Nvws rescued front a ditalt In front of for $50,000,000 hap baciiii filed Ill it](,, ba, Illlms berri, got ilia bulk ot the lie Ifad bcon strong with Instruct- — nrlialilla lead Ili breaking off re- wag merallessly, beaten with a gIn Paco's house by a 'United States deP- , bore firm's tuqso,ts, wick Arnold was Lett to ive tPuth. He had been stronger still i. Essex Woman Was Arresued On LIAL10119 with tile Servian Govern- strap across 06 bare baok and logs. aty ma,ralial. ffe did Mart have a rag N United States Circuit court hold tho ling. Arpold has liot the In pouring out the feelings of 11,Js At lie does not know how ma,nyl blows of clotliklig upon him, against tile General li'lleo,trio Q0111- tl;glltc.,I,ti,,I,o.i,ivitcro(ililigno,w. Sinco heart and thoughts of Ills mind In Charge oC Administering it. molit. wore %triiek, because lie 10.4t 00-11 title Arnold has beautiful arid Inspiring verse, but ivi8t,an of Dcalvark has A Sh6oking System. th(Iso charges woro in Windsor, olit., June 21 -Eva St. Xing 0 . , sclounnoss after the fifteenth, but pa,py by caunget, for S. 1,1. Van Choatfl, been to Cincinnati, Chicago, New twrliape strongest and greatest as - Laui, daughter of josoph. St. Louis, IsHitud a (learee declaring tile Ltd- there is testitually 'to prove that tile Wh at] a lic-gro"s torm. of Imprison - of thts city, who all(gw infiingeniont , 110 was a a " lierence of Denjuark to the Berne In- total nuinber was tiot less than a, ment Is running out tile 'white #Aa,Ye York New Orlean$, in fact, every- an editorial writer. ra,rmer re,olding on the Meournsch of a nurAbo,r of invention:9. Tile at- wli _rlo that rachig goes oll. I-10 novel, great man, with. a wide and exalted road, a fa;w, milog from tile city, was torbational -copyright convenVon 11rurldrod. T.11ag )yore blows struck by driver contrive,,; to parmit ilia unfor- . tachment to flied Ili connection wiLli onco tried to conceal Ili,.; Identity." I outlook, A true and tender- 4presteit la,st hight on a charge of - of 1686, to became OPierativa Xulyin, nlan orver 1 ix feet in hielght and tunato to run away. 311s act .there- ) , "Dia Ila Como back becati,so John J. hearted friend and it good mail ill having caused tile death or several Ist. Iv,L%Igl,lng 2ZO potands and they. were ' 11110[a bccoluQga clear violation or tile . a suit for damageo entered by Coull- R,Van, al.,o one of tile Irleft-qulok' the best sense of ilia WOrd., valuable Ca.ttI0 by administering Major James B Par,(], ilia well- blows,, moreover, that warc iidmin- contract labor law, which provides ael for Air. Van Choatte,, I I men, wau r000ntly acquitted.?" Rov. Dr. Withrow. said Dr. Dow- Ilarls green to them. It Is charge(i knolvii manager of lecturers and lste,rcd with all the strength lie that & laborer who falls 'to fulfil I I Get-Ilicic- quick" Surrender. 44,NLO, s1r, 11i.s,wifo brought him back. art had boon one of Callada's great th,at bad blo,od hw long (.'XiSft'd b0' qiugoro, Ziled yesterday, at 1114 could put Into them. Tile only '%Von- c'nall a contract is guilty of a mISd1*- .. par sonto time she has been, living editors. Under- lilm Tifu Guardian tw4ae,n the fam1y, of James W. lln.w- home ill Jersysv City, agod (371 7.011V9, der lz that tile bOY'survivedthe pull- ineancir. it to only necessary to put St. Lout% go., ,Tune 23-11 J' kr- very quietly in a, vILY not far fro"' had boon ti, trumpot thlat had at- kili1q,.another f&F uor reAding In thd s,u tbO result of an. operation on ighl-dont. I tile dogs;.011 his track, ro'low the (logs X01d, Proprietor of the rno*ld ' ' I I with horses, and take tile fugitive T ar on tile nc,iLfliborhood, and tho at. Louis J17 -no 17, In which ILE) 109 Ivas carry on J.t­gular Slave Trat e. .11 rk Chiongo. 9110 )1a,s bpoll anxiou.s for ways; sounaod lend anti clo. fati- (*tilt of tho tree IvIdeli lie Is aawaT8 . Investment Company, one of the ex- ll(:I- hu sba.ndls surrender and stmedy side of the people's righits. It rialght Ily. Hawkins 1,4 a milk paddler, rind amputated. The nlost ,s1)ocfcIng disclosuro-s or forced to climb to oase himself from J)Iodod Vgot-rlpll quiok" otmeorliv, fillr- acquittal. Ma tht..-) cald she has labored truilifully be sald Or Jill,,, *all of several or Ilia Oustomerg Nv,ho live Ili &rrallgointlits liave been made for tlgation thus far Centro in being toin to pteco.s. roMderect himself In court yesterday. aj ;otduously-" John XAox, that lie had never W41korville, wete taken -violently ill 56 jar * ,,ia(, tlo students to make it talc) InVe' Tailla- Tfic,so main hunt6 constitute one of Spooking for Arnold, Mr. Rowe, kniCt Lumpkbi A. Gill Is now. thei only reared tile face Of man. At his aftcr partaking of tile milk oupplied I I Eii _" ilia countles or coosa and tour of tile Urltb ll C0101111 p(.-Ov..t, Tile process was compara- the principal amusements of tile "Arnold hao never bean out of flin one of ilia firm. at large. Tile firm house tho flrs't steps towardo un- them. . 1), I r e. They will leave Toldo in . tiv(%I,V billiple. A strango negro, IM111 planters of that part of Tallapooss . country. He hap no money, Ili fact, w1l,q considered the pioneer In tile lou at the Methodist Chur6bes 133 . Tile arrQstod IVOM411 was I1um0d1,,' tilo, middlo of JuIV., and will prti- ,n.in would appear In ltwktord, I country lying around Sandy creek. lie got all tho wtorst of tile clual. turr Inverstinent 1-4home. Canada had been taken, and be had atv:ty relea,sed Con ball. The case will aced direct to Australia aild Now ("r wo 0,01,71s or Good- I The negro 14 brought back in Chains, .. I I . . I been one oE 'the first advociates of - coma lip to -morrow,. . . I Zealand, where they will Ispand the County Beat, or [a In Coosa I beat -p -ti lialf to death, and in order to . I - _ - ----. __.. - __ tinivorsity federation, though, lie - waicr, both Of them towll . throo wontliv. Tilence they. will constable would take ilv'lu oave, iiis, are is forced to sign a con- n had not himself crijoytia the advan- go to Canada, .and return to In- County. A D custo.dy and arraign thetu be- tract to serve ]its brutal master fell CARDINAL "Y'A U G H A EAU tage of bigWor education. in Ills uIE NM STAMPS. din, and Japan by, way of South 'lit 0 fore a Justice of tho peace named anoth,or twelve monthst. He may seek - . civil ,early days lie bad heard tile — Africa. L(11.1111011 upon Ili trumped-up charge. , to cisclape, but the re.sult Is alwayig i - I . 1_­__­_­­_1­.­_ . .. .—.-. -_-._.____1_ wolves howl by night, and had 1(in tjl Countenance to Adorn Letters Alblic has been s It to TI,o Argentina Rer _ I . ,Ila case -or n, ,girl about 16.ycal'S the ."ame. . This Is peonage, A ­WAM +1- .V. .,AA -IM-1 +1,+. I I - .. ---,.-- .__ - - .,I-- .T .- . . . . - . Did Not Lon," Enjoy U bishop of V London Cable.-Vio Very Rev. Horbort Vaughan, Cardinal alrd t-krebbisdid,p of WZinluster, (lied at _ia;A VK-ulldnight. Cal4dinal Vaughan was born, April Itth :18a_". 110 beeame Aftllb,18110P of ; Ntlulll,ster In ISO -2. Ito hiad been, Ill ntoo iliall three indiltlis. Lalo In March, It was thought 110 could not s0vive more than & few day' Iff. The, Cardtaul, who had been s1likilig (or soma, weeks from heart disease the Office of Arch. invugu uy uay. ,Liu a"u rtiULI MA Jlu bookO within tile r0ftcll, and had Ottawa, ,Tune 23. -The, King's head areas migration propagancta, in Great Britain as a result of til -13 -- ­_ . . 1. ____ _­ . I walked VAI miles to, attend the IsBuo of 'Canadian postage stamps , I Successful emigration methods Of BUILDINO COLLAPSHS 1).v contact with the ,third rail, Tito Normal School. He had become a will make Its appearance, oil Dentin- Canada. A fleputatio-A is Oil the Iwomotive had to be jacked up, to estminster. friend of the greatest education- Iste, though, liberally on theologI, Ion Day. The stamps bear tile like- ,1688 of tile King, cc -pled from the way to B.11gland. . — And Thirty YoUna Women are Dloro remove thO b0d,v- I a.ti'(1 dropsy, died peacefully. nis . death waFi itot expeettd so so6n. Yes- cal gnbJ00ta, but later bad writ- ton ably In defenco of tile funda- latest portrait of His Majesty, being one painted since his accession to tile Now V,ealandla postmaster-cLot,al. Sil, 1. G, Wards announces that, its t1lo taxpayers of Now Zealeuki tire Or 1,ess Injured. C ,$a,_TIlC third Now, ,'Yark, Xan - , Tito I,ww May Step is,. torday Cardinal Vaugh-elal waf; wheel- , , mental doctrines of falth. 1-10 had. been one of tile most virile and throne, avid representing lilyu Ill &&I ormine, liable to ,qharo any deficlon.-,y, floor of a building at No. 80 13 iowery, I Windsor, June 21:1-r-romi pre- . ed in, a bath chair about ilia corri- Ito royal robes of scarlet ill() every Now Veal [itliflor ,should Moths ocouple4d as a box factory, collapsed sent Indications It Is not Clear doro of St. Xcisepal's College, will ell lie fouliftd. Oil tile provlouR day., lie vitat of Canadian 1100to. had beell one Of the strongest off,arae, wn of In each of the upper corns Hiamp Is a Tudor brOwn, and Ill il o . racifle cable route, particularly ao. I to -da -y, buryiniv, thirty YOUTIF&, WOMOn tit work oil the floor belOw. s,alling aba4d for tile promoters of appeared Ili tile College 1511apoi it, *ruji robdo, and fiiado u fare- ters, oue or -tile most liot;ont forces for righteonaliess thb Clhu eli anti . Ir"wor eo.rnoj! 116 mapior lear, with a nuincral indicating the denomincttion luicknot. it 19 tile ( -Ingliall. walli Tho ,through rtgular r uho were Aovpraj of thoglrlf4 %,Pre sortattrily Ilia proposed boxing ,allows at the Curling rInk. Chlef Wills yaYa tli-It eardival'o and w4%II addroso to hin bishops -0 thn country baA known. Of the Rtftluli- ThO pOrtrC-lt'4 of illo eervloo to cidna vl.% the Tr,%nq-SI-!Il1JUrcd- bOrlan RallwaY. In CoullyetItIonj All unknown ileg ro fell litAwoon it I,; in direct violation of tho I&W to liold rights in Canada, and priests. Ills reniftins will lie In stAt _ otuilnste,)r In. tho Cat-lie&al at W( I I11.011. Dr. Ross RpOkfl Ill It 11101,o porsonal, reminiscent stralix Oftho rzing Is it striking and ftillulMI)IO til.fmosl; Df 11IR Mnjast,v. Tho cienoul. with, %-he Callidian Pacific, will be a. lGeo-Inotivo and ill(%, Station plilt- form at ill(, T."Ast NOW York 100.1) prize that It tiny attempt Is mader to anotbot, imonninput to Cardinal I Vallgrhan,F; mnd will bo, I)uticd ! J tlldlln('RRI ill(,' WisdOnlo 041 fr,reat- noso And the goodilona of Dr. Dow-- Inutimis i,%[Ll be tho sftlll( aN at IWO. pont, ,with tile adaltlou probably of t tho beginnine: Or 1903), I workillp; a King's Colility clevnted road to- I N,vium, the line vound tiako nalkal Of was sLoWlY roasted to dcatb hold ono Ili Windsor the violatorg of tile IMW will be rwo$eoUtedt work, a't St. Jo jopll!s college. . . ftrt - - & four -cont staulp, *111 bQ r(Ady, for ,trafflet . day, and . I