The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-25, Page 5Julie ;Z5► t903 THE WINGRAM ADVA OR
S zxsxlTvT>a,
Ling Snap In Travellers' 6)0 410,as woMnxr
The annual meeting of the East Gray •� Two Weeks' l
Sample Sy y.lits Huron Woman' s Instituto was bald at
�s s s s Wallrortou, Juno 20. --Tho oil drliors rho holnq of the Seorotary, yrs, Jas,
have reached a depth of about 1,400 Armstrong of Gorrie, on Wednesday, �� My hair was falling out y n4 • p
feet, and are still pegging away. They 10th just, About seventy, women were turnip gra veryfast. But our �+ �+
' -FOR are still in a sort of white Clay forma- present and each of the five branches Halr �igor atopped: the falling and Substantial Saving on New Summ
tion and are praying for a change, wore represented; Fordwigh, Ethel, restored the natural color,"• -Mrs.
Friday,S��urda� aid MondayiE. Z. Benomme, Coboes, N. Y.It is rumored that Hon. J. M, Gibson,Bluevale, Wroxeter and Molesworth,All re Cited the Institute to be in aship It s im ossible far ou12IeC GUods fol' C✓a�h Off' T]I•ade
Division of the High Court ofthe new xTudica- has ichequer ncreased condition,shing
ncreased frm77 last year to not to look old, with the
AnoGeneral f Justiceship gas been offered the P , •
7 only Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 30 to 44, some light and some dark effects, ture of Ontario, and is considering the Receipts during the year, including color of seventy years in ,
these suite were made to sell at $7.00 and $8.00-prowder's price.... , , $5.50 offer, balance on baud from last year,Gfl.51 your hair I Perhaps ou • i Its an ill wind that blows nobody good. We've loo much
11 only Dien's Tweed Salta, sizes 35 to 44, made to sell at 10,00-Crowdeen expenditure $46.01, leaving balance of
$ -A train composed of 7a empty cars ;are seventy and you Ike I stock and must turn art into hard cash, Bring aloe Cllr
price ................................... ............................... 7.50 eased through phesle on Wednesday $18,00 in the hands of the treasurer, y p g g y
P g y y The following officers were elected for ' your graylaIT1 If not, Butter Eggs Cash and share in the BIG BARGAINS at
11 only Youths Long Pant Suits, sizes 82 to 35. light and dark colors, last week, It extended from, 30th side- ' ' gg ' fl
(travellers samples,) worth per Suit $5.00, $5,50 and $0.00 -Choice..... 4.00 the coming year: president, Mrs. W, - use Ayers Hair Vigor.
road to Shonidico's crossing. It was G Strong; Vice Pros., Mrs, J. J. Wil- - In less than a month o
12 only Boys' two-piece Sults, ages 3 to 7 years, worth $2,00, $2,50 and the longest train that ever went through �j R CO'So
$8,00-Crowder s price .................. . ....... . ....................... 1.75 son; SeoyTreas., Mrs. Jae. Armstrong; e gray hair will have al the' �, ISARDon that litte,Directors: Mrs. Wm, Wilson, Wroxe. ,�+14 only children s Brownie Suits for ages 2 to 0 wears, Six different styles, :dark, rich color of youth. Hi s
all made to sell at $5.00 and $0.00 -Crowder a price ....... . . . ........ . 3,50 -A Bruce County Councillor, Alexan- ter; Mrs. Geo. McKee Fordwich; Mrs. a U." a bottle, All druids,
20 airs Ode Pans worth • $1.50, $1,75 and $1.85, sizes 32 to 40 waist. 1,25 i et weer ekald blood opoisoniug. died
worth;olMrs Ethel;
hWmJ Maxwe11zB1neMvalo; = If your - "
price drug lit cannot enpply yon,
had a small sore on his lipand scratch- and Mrs. Aoli, Laird Gorrie. Some t send us one dour and we wnl express C
Gents' Summer coat has Suits in three different styles, Pants have belt you your
nee , t e sure s oflIc .the name BARGAINS I� I GI N V
attachment, coat has patch pockets, etc. -Choice per Suit ............. 5,75 edit, with the result that he died from excellent music was interspersed with of your nosiest express omce. Address,
,. J. C. APER CO., Lowell, Mus.
We have a nice stock of Men's Shoes, right up-to-date, prices $1.00 to $5.00 blood poisoning. the business. The following ladies gave
-we have no old stock, but carry these goods as a trade winner; profit inexcellent addresses on "How our Inti -
shoes is no object to us. Prices right. -Mr. Wm, Nichol, of Atwood, while tutes may be improved," Mrs. Wilson,
engaged in apreuding gravel in front of
SALEM SHIRTS. -Made to fit men not prices, colors guaranteed; come "lie Bank of Hamilton oP that place Wroxeter, Mrs. Maxwell, Bluevale,
and see our assortment in soft or plaited fronts, each $1.00 to........ 2.00 Mrs. Menzies, Molesworth, Mrs. G.
on Wednesday of last week, dropped
The latest in Hard and Soft kelt Hats, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Dobson, Ethel, Mrs, Geo. McKee, Ford-
Cufl'.s, Handkerchiefs, etc., can be got at dead wish heart failure. He was an
, W. G. Sttroro
aged man and lead been a resident of MrsMrs. Robinson, Wroxeter,
Mrs, Gorrie, Mrs. Jno
Elms township Poi years.
Co. McKee, Mrs, Geo, Johnston, Mrs.
-On Tuesday morning as an empty Spinks, Fordwich. After the business
Ke • excursion train was returning from the tea was served on the lawn and a plea -
north, it ran into some horses, which sant social hour was spent.
bad got out of a field on Isaac Jarrett's
Y�i Ll� farm near Kippen killing a mare and I :
- _ also a fine colt belonging to Owen Gei- Valuable Advice to Rheumatics.
= ,4 ger, which was pasturing on the Jarrott
�IT,I t �1� farm, Eat meat sparingly also very little
`�' sugar avoid damp feet, drink abundant-
(< • -The tobacco oro in Essex couht ly, and always rely on Nerviline as an
SEEDS a Sil• e_rp r�'epyabsolute reliever of pain. Five times
V is an almost total failure, according to stronger than any other, its power over
Mayor Breauit of Amherstburg. The pain is simply beyond belief. Get a
1 V mayor who is an extensive dealer in the bottle to -day at your druggist, test it
Come to R. A. Douglass the Known every g quality, where as hi hest home grown product, says that the cold and see if it is not so. Medicine dealers
Druggist for all kinds of Flowersell it everywhere.
and Garden Seeds. Over 80 dif- Especially suitable for gifts. niglits have killed the newly transplant- r
ferentandcolors and varieties of sweet ed plants. One farmer lost 200,000 1 I
peas to choose your mixture from, Trade Mark ona
For sale b Plants.Salad Dishes,leadia dealer FARMERS' INSTITUTE.Water Pitchers, g -Charles Sohrceder, of DashwoodBULBS Tea Sets, &c.everywhere while teaming in the swamp a few days
CANNA BULBS ago had his waggon and harness des• The annual meeting of the West
Trade Huron farmers' Institute was held at
DAHLIA BULBS Mark Rogers troyed by fire. He had unharnessed his
on Forks, horses to allow them to eat grass while the beautiful home of Mr. R. M. Young
GLADIOLUS BULBS s pons, near Carlow, on Friday last. There
TUBER ROSES i nivel, Bros. he was at dinner and a burning stump y
TUBEROSE BEGONIAS « Rogers." .. 47r. ignited the waggon on which he had was a very large attendance and the
There are other Ro ers. IS marks deposited the harness. days proceedings passed off pleasantly.
theold original quality, famous the world over, A well prepared lunch was served by I
Anythingwe have not in '• Remember, any Knives, Forks or -By the new provincial health regu- the ladies on the lawn.
>poons Stamped lation scarlet fever is placed on the
stock will be procured at Catalo- President R. M. Young occupied the
1847 Rogers Bros. same list as small -pox, and if medical
gas price. chair.
health officers permit persons having a
A special prize of $5.00 is being R it G $NII 1 N>Et R O G $ R S G o o D 9 Secretary F. C. Elford presented the
kiven by me at the Wingham Fair contagious disease to remain in their secretary's report.
for the boat collection of roots and = own houses the whole household must M Ch1 01'.y' resented the
of cheap and medium
'priced Bed -room Suites
and Side Boards. Suites
j at $11.50, $15.50 and
$24.00 are considered ex-
tra good value. Some
1 specials in Mattresses and
Wire Springs.
vegetables grown from my seed. .LUNE WEDDINGS
be quarantined. The minimum period
r. ar es n p
auditor' s report. The,receipts for the
2 Covered Dishes
of isolation is six weeks.
year were $252.50, and the expenditure
Walkerton, nue rick. strange rink-
is reported from Carrick, While drink-
$162.Girvi 0, leavingabalance a $89,8c Mr.
Girvin also omplimented Secretary
Notice to Creditors.
s -
has just what you want in the above mention..
Ing some chicken broth for dinner, Ben-
Treasurer Elford on his well kept books.
1 Cream Jug
ed Silverware. We are giving a special des•
Chemist Druggist
Jamin McKay, son of Alexander McKay
The following directors were elected:
Ashfield Styles, James Hayden, 1897,
Notice is hereby gwon pursuant to R. S. O.
Chap. 129, Sac. 38, that all persona having
ere count of 10% for two weeks, Ever? article ie
of 14th o1 Carrick, began to gag and
-John olaiifis
against the estate of John Powell, late
guaranteed. Inspect our stock. No trouble
strangle and fell over dead. He was 28
John Long; West Wawanosh-Joseph of
the Township of Turnberry, in the county of
Farmer, deceased, who died on or
Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. to show goods.
Don't forget, we have just received a ship-
years of age, and had been suffering for
a fewdays from quinsy.
Mallough, James Ramage, George about
Howitt; East Wawanosh- Andrew p
third May, 1903, are required to send by
ost prepaid or deliver to R. Holmes, Solicitor
ment of Blue Flame Wickless Coal Oil and
Gasoline Stoves, to sell at right prices.
Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 20. -The
Currie, J. C. Stoltz, R. G. Haines; Col- 1903,
executors, on or before tenth day of July,
their names, addresses, and deserIptiow
a full statement and of them
Toronto and Niagara Power Company
borne, R. M. Young, Henry Morris, N. claims
J• Keraighan; Hullet-James Snell, them,
and nature of security (if any) hold b5
duly certified, and that after said da3
to -day called for bids on what will be
executors will proceed to distribute th(
����`���+�Property For Sales the largest ower wheel it in the world. Wm. Jackson, James Cornish; Turn- assets of the g regard among parties entitled
g P P thereto having regard only to such claims as
It is to be 480 feet lou 180 feet dee berry -Gavin Wilson; Goderich Town- they shall then have notice.
,.. ship -F. C. Elford, John W. Salkeld, J. Dated ninth day of June, 1903.
and 27 feet wide, cut through the solid J. Colwill • Goderich-W. J. Morrow, Solleflorr or Executors.
rock. The work will cost $1,2"00,000 '
and will develop 225 000 horsepower.Colin Campbell, Wm. Warniek; Clinton Offices -Holmes Block,
a+ " A. H. Carr offers for sale his property on p , (North End Main St,) Wingham. 41-41
..-. - -Joseph Wheatley, Wm. Routledge,
:Minnie Street, consisting of one 2 -story- frame Macy, Ind., June 19. -Record prices James Fair; Wingham- Wm. Robin -
cottage, with modern improvements,lbath were paid at the Poland China swine son, W. Grierson, J. A. Morton; Blyth
ie room, etectrto light, steel range stove, carpets, eels here. The aggregate sales of the -Frank Metcalf, A. H. Jacobs, A. E. Strawbrrs.
linoleum, etc., also one barn, and two full lots two days were more than $60,000 for the Bradwin.
w -tea. with considerable fruit. Everything is in first ninety-six head that were offered. The The directors met and elected the fol -
class e are sole ~- class condition. Will sell very cheap. Inspec- highest price for one hog was for Ideal lowing officers: -President Mr. M.
.� tion invited ; this is one of the most desirable Sunrise, which approximated $17,957. Young; vice president, Mr. Henry Mor -
.1.0 properties in Wingham. A.half-interest in Majestic Perfection ris; secretary -treasurer, Mr. F. C. El -
was sold for $4400 to Wilkinson Bros. of ford, auditors, Messrs. Charles Girvin Leave your Order for
-- agents for Cynthiana. and Jno. Dnstow. The officers' salaries
As He Carr -Mr. David Smith, of Atwood, had a will be the same as last year. FRESH HOME GROWN
DR. ������M () a narrow escape from death on Friday It was decided to hold meetings dur-
DR* MARKET SQUARE last. He had been up at Mr. P. Davis' Ing the present year as follows: Regu• BERRIES with
-.. lar-Kmtail, Auburn; supplemtlntary
..o visiting and while going through a field
., . - •+ -Bel rave, Loecial, ro St. Helens and �T
^^� was overtaken and attacked b a vicious g YiIY Webster,
STOCK FOOD Money to loan on notes, and notes bull, and had some of his r bs broken Homesville; special, Porter's Hill, Lee -discounted at reasonable rates. Money and was otherwise badly shaken up. burn, Dungannon and Goderich. Aa tl
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. Had the brute not been dehorned, Mr. The Huron meeting voted $10 to the
with privilege of paying at the end of Smith would certainly have been killed. West Huron Woman's Institute and $5
,. any year. Notes and accounts collect- to the Yat stook show at Guelph.
•�- ed. Office -Beaver block, Wingham. -W. W. Hubbard of St. John N. B.
ROBT. MCINDOO. *980 agricultural agent at the 0.P.R�, is in i Big sweet Berries for table
For Sale only by
Ontario on a cattle -buying expedition. -Near Harrowsmith, Hastings Co.,
use, and good firm Berries for
Colin A Campbell GEMENT WORKS. The people of New Brunswick are de, a strange thing Happened last week.
preserving, will be delivered
SOPEj s voted to dairy stock. The aim of the A farmer named Pixley started for the fresh from the garden to the
I am nbw prepared to properly exe- C.P.R. is to get them to go into the fat- town with a load of hay. On the road he customer.
cute all orders for Cement work of cattle trade, and, to this end Mr. Hub- met another man named Ward, also
THE DRUGGIST o every description - including Silos, bard is in Ontario to buy urs -bred
sidewalks, foundations, stable floors, y P driving, who noticed that Pixley's Tray
•� etc. I have every facilty necessary, Shorthorn cattle to start the industry in
was burning and drew his attention to To
711�i1t1i 1ttlitllti�ltltlltjitttlll�
and can do the work ria Vit. All work New Brunswick. it, Soon the whole load was ablaze, orders early. beingEn' is PCPASH ed leave
STOCKINGS, -10 dozen pairs, Misses' and WAISTS. -A line Ladies' Shirt Waists, odd
Women's Hose, ribbed, seamless, fast sizes to clear, good patterne, regular 750
Black, good value at 250 -Bargain price.. •20 and $1.00 -to clear at .... ......
SHOES. -Two lines Ladies' Shoes to clear, GINGHAMS.-6 pts, fine Scotch Ginghams
Chocolate and Black, good style, regular •(�$ and Cbapibrays, choice patterns, fast col-
ol• •10
p ice $1.25 -Bargain price . . .............. ors, regular value 15c- o clear at.......
SKrRTS. 2 doz. Women's fine white cam- CORSET COVERS. -Special line to clear.
brio Underskirts, with deep muslin frill, 1 flne cambric nicely trimmed, regular ZS
good value at $1.25 Bargain price ,.... • price 35 cents -Bargain price..... ....
COTTONS, -A Bale of mill ends Cotton, PRINTS. -7 pieces line Print choice pat.
fine make, wide, from 1 to 5 yard ends, terns and colors, regular 7 cent quality
Price from 3o up. -our Bargain price .... ...... ......
RAIN COATS. -Ladies' fine quality water- UNDERSKIRTS. -Ono Dozen Ladies' fine
ECoats, latest styles in blue, fawn or Black Mercerette Underskirts, with deep
blank - regular value $3.50 -our Bar•2 75 frill, wide, nicely made, regular value 1.00
gain price .... ..... .... .... • $1.25 - Bargain price....... ........
TOP SKIRTS. -Ladies' fine Grey Ton SKIRTING. - One piece wide Skirting.
Skirts, nicely made, regular value $3.00 2.25 dark color, fancy pattern, regular value IU
-Bargain price...... ...... 15 cents - to clear at ........ ........
BOYS' SUITS, -10 Boys' Suite, all wool, 2n. WASH SUITS. -Boys' washable Gingham
pisco, well lined, regular price $2,00- 167 Suits, two-piece, regular 75 Cent If.., 50
Bargain price .... .... .... .... -they go now at .... .... ......
DRESS GOODS. -1 piece fine Twill Serge, CARPETS. -One piece of Union Carpet.
blue or black, 58 in, wide, regular price 75 1 yard wide, new pattern, good value X25
$1,00 -Bargain price .... .... ...... • at 35 cents - Bargain price,..... .....
MATTING. -One piece china Matting, good CURTAINS. -12 prs. fine Nottingham Lace
pattern, cotton warp, regular 20e quality 15 Curtains, 3} yds, long, new patterns, 1
-Bargain price .... .... .... .... • good value at $1,25 -Bargain price .... '
CURTAINS. -8 pairs heavy Lace Curtains. MUSLINS.-A lana of fine colored French
wide, toped edges, 37J yds. long, regular 15Q' Muslins, nice patterns, regular value 15
value $1.90 -to clear at.... .... .... • 20 cents -our price to clear. ........
SHIRTS. -Boys' flne pattern Duck ToR GOWNS. -2 Dozen Ladies' line Cambric
Shirts. with collar attached, regular 3Y Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed 75
price 50 cents -to clear at.,.... ...... -regular value 95c -to clear at..........
HOSE -5 doz. Ladies' Fine Black Cotton DRAWERS. -A line of Ladies' fine Cam -
Hose, seamlesa, fast Black, regular 15 brio Drawers, regular value 35 cents- 25
value 20 cents -Bargain price........... • Bargain price ....... ........ .......
Groceries. Parasols
Fresh Salmon ...... 10oMatches............ 100 One Dozen fine Parasols, nice handles,
Kippered Herring„loo I Brooms.............20c steel rod, regular $1.25 -
Starch, per lb.... , 5.18 lbs. Figs for......25c
Clothes Tins, daz... la 8 lbs. Ontmeal......25o Price Qp
3 lbs, Currants..... 250 5 lbs. Tea for..... $1.00 Bargain $1,C0
H, Ef HARD et c®,
Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce
Something Choice in
Dinner Sets.
This week we open out a crate of
Enamelled Ware, Mayfield pattern,
consisting of -
guaranteed. Prices an erms reason- the horses became frightened and ran
able, Cement for sale. Winnipeg, June 19, - The North. g
CHAS, BARBER, Wingham. west Grain Dealers' Association issued away, colliding with Ward's team, and
the following bulletin under to -day's upsetting the blazing load which fell
date. Estimated area under 'crop in over both teams and Mr. Ward's vehicle.
ForManitoba and Northwest Territories, Pixley's team liberated itself but the
Men's 's 1903, wheat, 8,123,663 acres; oats, 1,101,- other team was severely burnt
i T i 11 333 acres; barley 881,185 acres, flax, 64,- and both rigs were destroyed. The
639 acres. Area under crop in 1902 fire was caused by the friction of one of
Bargains U l� l n s� wheat 2,624,928 acres; oats, 1,001,212 the rear wheels of the hay cart rubbing CORN
Sacres; barley, 856,562 acres; flax, 46,550 against the side of the rig, igniting it.
acres. The condition of the growing
IN crops is good. 4,.
Woodstock, June 20 -William Berry, Speaker's Sore Throat.
We have now the most Public speakers and singers know how
1 d 1 to stlaborer, to ock I East a . ri, was Arrested useless and sickening are cough mix -
3 Platters
2 Covered Dishes
1 Gravy Bowl
Bread & Butter Plates
1 Teapot
Tea Plates
1 Sugar Bowl
Dinner Plates
1 Cream Jug
Soup Plates
1 Hot water jug
Sauce Dishes
1 Bowl.
Salad Bowl
at Griffin's
a�Cehes beautlfu an Comp a in that township by Chief Zoats and tures, sprays, lozenges, etc„ for irritable
over put on the Wingham High County Constable Tisdale on a or sore throat and atate that the most T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties
Market in the way of Men's warrant sworn out by Geo. Woods, satisfactory remedy Is Oatarrhozone, for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been
the advantage of which is that it acta
Opp{�,.i farmer, near Holiday, Charging him uickl and is convenient to use in pub. `
V�1ac? Suitings. with destroying a number of animals q y P specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat,
Y leo pluses. Catarihazone relieves con -
Tri all the latest designs belonging to.Woods. It is alleged that gestion, allays inflammation, and is pro. Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder, Marigolds, Sugar
�mek'�ns � Berry put paris green in the pasture tection to the membrane. As a safe
and materials at very reason- field where Woods' horses and cows noard againstal colds ndIia arch it as Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with
C'�C• ��e• able prices. You will have were grazing, and that as a result of it says Catarrhozone is an excellent remo- Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas, and Vegetable Seeds. Dutch Set
G no difficulty in selecting a Woods lost two horses and two cows, dy for throat irritation. physicians, Onions, English Multiplier, Potato Onions.
1 ministers, and singers recommend Cato.
suit to suit. zone, druggists sell it for $1, small sine PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. -Sow about Loth to 24th of May and escape
y, GO �O Your Nerves are Weak. sto, Ey marl from palscu &Co, zing- the Bug. My prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality.
• • • • • • 1n fit and workmanship You sleep badly, appetite variable. Ston, brit,
we take a back seat for no You eat but gain no strength Morn- - - Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN.
ing tiredness makes you wish it were Wingham Cement Works. POTATOES. -- I have a limited quantity of Red River Triumph
night; when night comes refreshing sleep �- q y
PARKSy vara to obtain, You're run sown, Best Brands of Cement always on Potatoes the earliest and best in the market,
your blood is thin and watery your Y ►
Satisfaction guaranteed. nerves have grown weak, the thought band, fresh and reliable.
of effort wearies you. Yon need Ferro• Also cement window sills and
zone; it makes blood -rod strong blood. arches. Door sills made to order, or
Jewelry Store Robt Maxwell An appetite? You'll oat everything and any other kind of cement work. Lime
00001 me -
digest it, too, Strength? That's what for sale. It will pay you to give us a
call; • information cheerfully given,
plenty of food gives. Ferrozone gives
hope and vigor, vim, enduraneea. Use Works between C. P. R. and G. T. R. As
Macdonald Block Wingham- High Art Tailor Tinghilm Ferrozone and got strong. Sold by all tracks, Josephine street,
!I g druggists. $7.49 b".4UTTEitIDC#7w