The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-25, Page 3)IF
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,%"w,"P-**,q*-4w"w-qk-�,%efto"%~k-'41�t'%,**4br'%"w'w'%~low� Win .9 lnstant:-,�ind WOULD AVOID CHURCtis tw~ -------- � O - ,
140og-winded anii-Voolferou* 11liolhop
� 11014r.a No 141&yor With 4 obild. Growing Forage Crops,
" ' � There 110 v, cortil,bi (bliibo.pi whose ' - ' '
B7AGNES MARCHBANK IrT T1,11C SCOTTII,o-f Amr,RICAN, I WITIr A,LL JAPAN Tr!,& DRINXINIS. ; , ; I I , , ; , ; plot7 Is unquestAoi)cd, but s0iot ,has Feedors - of Live ftoo* Should Preparo for tbo
1111111111111, an unfortuvate habit of preachinif Summer Droughts.
.4,10.� .W�Iqwlw 1*11%,,%-,Wleelqt�"%elft'.40eft�l,qkrl%elwlqb� 1% I% 1% � 1% I , = - ma very long si�rmona. lie lia4g, Dosides,
' � . � Li I
Tile' Magn of ,Scotlaxid very Ire. oolor�d slik hanollcerch,let with Arlell it 11 . � I I 1111 OXCPedingly WnOr0uH Voice, 'and
oillontly resided at tile Abbey of bardorll I I . - Aff N im,tiple Itylus; anywhern wittila a D %Va% i,teen to,o I 1.# g r le u I 1, u r a 0 drills three pecicli of Need will be
INVO are tolld that tile Mug, do, leav- .. �- 111f;V'k of Ills ellurch ou'li hear birol a u fiAll 110 � Bravoll, atuplo for all *,are. but if
- . ,
Plolyrood,.but up to tile reign, of tng 114olyrood� all the following day, . L n Ivahi,ut h to o,ctes �Q�tawag Juno -;I. UO3. .ad, more sylli Aw reqn1rod. It Is sloW
__ . I ,
James IV. there Was Ito Palace. wbere lie had goRia to Ilispect Queen SA_ thp fulletuary, A row '.4undays ago Nea.rly every i,umwer We bear tile I ill starting, but 4ftia, It hos attaill-
Jaiges IV. foundeLL tile first palitoo Miarylo rooms, rewarded the house- . I I )to wail li,anounced to preach at t� Sa,me, Old story of lu�`illiuuitqeri ad a Atelgia Q11 4 low hiches growtU
or-1101yrood, and 1119 marri'alki) to keeper WWI itim soyDreigns. I . ... A, =�ff I_&111 p(ppular church, anti tile family wbtA drouglitu a,nd conscquantly Scanty Is, vary raplol mul Vie crop heavy.
tile R�agllsh Prineow 143.rgarot took 'When tile king honored the theatre, f-titt-irtain(.�d him had a litti(i daugh.. fraotures. Many of our best favalers I It Is greedily, exton by oLook. but
pla.00 at 11101yrood, and was Cole, lie columanded "Rob Roy" to be per- Ceylon (1J!,(,,U,.1N TE& 19 Iyure, deliclouti and healthful. It Ill as far ahead itor who was vory fand or attendin.rt havo learpod: tQ Volard agn,luld lotio like Corn It is earboatceouo in its
forlitud. 111bore wav a terrMe ortish, of ,Tap�%n- Tom as 1,14ALADA11 black ill alwad of all othor black tam. Lead I'Orvice. Whon the family Vot reftily by having a Buppil of sucoulent feed nature,, and some additional feed
he st Danbar, In his Thie king iwaa very attentive. At )Itt!e 1"Ifflo flatly refused to go wi,tij ,to faill back ulion in vaiw i1to pasture I such as cluver or ollcae, should be
fine allegory, " The Thistle and the ., ReAl N . - Pat ,tv only. 415c and 400 por 11). By till grocerv. COD
ROSO." 1101yrOO . oral of Battle toot Jarvie?S JOkoff -'k i thom. falls. A sniall silo. filled especially ad(lool to I)alaacil,tlie ratl .
d titan became tile , ,,,a SmIled, but when the Rallin Said, - -1. . I . . ,, I ojog,t want to go to churell,,, for sunitner uSe, will go & long 'way Hoj:i, or soy beans are aliso likelp
. .
Chief residence of atinles IV. up tQ, "Yoll no'er w.allt 111glilanderr, Elie ifleclared. . to meet tile turfloulty, am($ % partial to provo valuable tit the southeriv
tho fatal IttIttlo of Flodclen In wboll there Inc.,) wV purses In their + ed l4i mea,ulng. A blank took waa 1, Wilut's tile ralztter", 'asked the a of tio.1ing bas also found districts. They produce a, largq
1518. During tile minority of Xamso pockets, and breeks oil their hinder I observed to creep over tile fae(�s of mOtbor, much surprised -, "are y0if 1111141y"O"1111 =0111jw prograw-ve Stockmen. I allionfit of forage of 0.veellont che.r.q
V., tile Regent or Scotlandt ilia Qn,da,,? &lid 41so where the Baille says ILS all thc Mullin. "Can none of you, ill ? 'i . 111110 "vo Sto�.-k Cojunitselonor, Mr. 11. I a(Aer If sown on land prepared aq
Duke of Albany residda cut Holyrood,' . I CABMAN 'rE 11 answer?" ag�da aelcel tile Inlilloter. -awn at- I for Corn at tho ratLe of two to fouill
to the Uoy "Than't , I
.1 yo, my braw " I tilon't like tlie bishop,11 confesset:1 W. Hois oil. han frequently ill
. .
and tile yotrill; king must have fellow, .yloulll Ila a wait ,aforo ycu� : A little follow, crackwl his fingor anti tile 01111ol. tention to the 94visability of grow -1 P"Un por acre. The )tell6w FSW, Is the
. watched olttlines tile additions and lauther,', I -Ila Af�ijeoty.,, -Ivan coliv,10", 1 1 OF FAMOUS DUEL ! thumb with an much anlmmtloll as 4 It Oil, Ji4slo, that's a Wicked tliliig Ing kioine, vgmlen crope for eumirwr best varlety far Cautilla, and Ill
improvemetita being laade, as much with laughter, und 'on those ocoa- 1 flcf,-rO IIIIIINtr0l dOc0 tile 01APPOr.9- to my"' gasped tM mother, raoitilig, and 11649 ircoolumendell a num- Worthy,; of trial, L
vilbrilly Wmu spent In 41 now work." alone it -wao delightful to observe ##*###40000*44 �_`11' "Wall, illy Way, What 1.4 tile Inean. 11 I hate the blshca)," InNioted tho b0T Or 6u011 CYOPR As sultmble for Rein- _
. James V. took for a. brIde * daugh, the Joy which aillma�tee the audience John 1111glieu, a K4111 1�1.11114-icu Cub- Ing?" "PcId drun% r' wao the utie.\-. little olip. I cral growth, but Only lx�rsoilal ex- '
ter of the Kling, of ,ltrixtica, au.fl, at seellig tile king amused with *Lit() mall, to Q110 of the few living Men pvetetl rVply. "Tell mother why," said the hos. 1wrlence will en4blo a farmer to Ise- Totagr4ph Not Up olt �Qlftsslcs,
, - -1 ,a .. lent tile varleties Of totiolor plaote
thOtIgh. Magdalene Was "selklte," silo, "a 11144 language and Sentiments Whioll. xvbo aaw 1,4,� duc botweau Judg .. . . . . .,�.;..... teas, A well-Iroowa literary woman went
� waa very much jul love, for It Is said haitt so often made t1tamselvee- laugh.11 Das,ld *. Terry and Senator Dayid . - - " Well," said 1-1,1sle, contl4ently, "the best suited to his requirements. It, over to Michtgan last week -to pro.
- -
-" 1,1rae the tyme she Saw, the It IR said that the king was spee- U. Broderick, on, Sept. 13, 18k';D, at . huhop preaches so.tong that I can't will be necepoaxy to Consider tile 'I pare her .summer Cottage for men -
'Kin -C of Scotland, and spak With tally, charmed with tile Scottish Lako Marced. Ha drove two men In ' I koep awako anti ha proachas so Loud moirt Sal LuMl, crops to grqw, ailid tb t� pancy during tile Summer. Before
, time to "I'll gang Illip cub to the duelling Ithat Ican't, go to sleep.11 As -tile periods during wi.W.It eaoh. will ,
11141, elloo 10voll-Illin so well, that tunes, &lid D601 ground ant, I I il /I \,- . divine teLls the story on hill , . be golog kdie made arrangem ants with
she w1old have go mmn Wive to liar, n4w nialr to Ton toon.P1 got $75 for tho Job. Ifere Is tile story, . . I aself, it -S available, Rye, Clover, rape, ppal; and, hot, husband to have a lot of house -
hu -b -nil ],at 1ho -11-n-Ole" Queen Vietarla, on liar first Ylisit lie tolio to the Ban Francl-3co (,,)Iran!- I . 1�\\, .
- * probably true. oatiff, votolies, millet, Sorghum, an -1 I)ol,j goods paciced and forwarded by
They were married in France, and
to 800tland, went to palkoith Pal-
ace. and said or It, "a large houue.
cle: . I , ( ) /t
"'Wheii I arrived at the. scene of It i
came home to Ilolyrood. Forty clay"
niter her arrival, the young queen
Constructed OF reddish stone, 'Lite
- V\1
the duel, there the principal% were - 4 k) �
. ....
I wao littried In the Abbey Church of
greater part built by the Duchiess
oil Monmouth." Oil going into Fd- :
efandl*ng, goveral yards aiNirt, sur- .
rUUIldeU by thoir rpopuctive group'i - I
* Illolyrood, mlild all Sootkind lament�
Inburgh . t1f4a Queen Passed IIH61y- :
of fA lande, of which each had about a .. ..
ad the untimely death ot the pretty
rood Palace, a. royal looking did 'dozen-
present. Everybody looked -- This plan is rdow and not very sure, .
and oweet-faCed bride. .
awfully so'emn, nobody wag conyerll� -
The second queen of Talues V. was
]Wa.ry of Guise, re.olded but sel.
But 11olyroad Palace Was nerpr
Ing. and tho, only wordo you Ileard -1 d�% I" �
the forpral _. WHS0.111
dom at 11olyrood, preferrInn; the
Palace of .Linlithgow, .
years after tile marriage,
much In favor with, Queen Y10toela.
it lie& low. anti is eltut In by streets
and litiblic, works, vxuupt -srhero are
the royal parks. Tiverefore, w,han
were retuarks lit connoc- ,5
tlon with the proceedings. When I
got there the calls of P113tols wa ;
a �
already opened and tile gun -i lay 1, Fly vr"'a&�
. tile Earl of Hertford's army Came,
royfilty comes to r!x1luburgh, it is .gloaming
in the bright sun. It wall -_
north.- and 11 bront the a.bbey oAlleo.l
not the royal Holyrolod that is tile
about 5 Welock, and -you know how � Will kill millious and do it quickly,
Mlyrood Hoiliciii, wid. the pmllice . ad-
headquarters. .
Ptrong the suit comes tip here on 10 cents 11
Joining tile same." - .'
The glory Seems to Ifavo depart-
a clear summer morning. � 111M.-
I— _46"4-.114W�'&,'�W,90,PA�,941 Ill 14
Holyrood. Palace Wn.q jully re-
ad, when. Bunple Prince oii�aviie redo
" "Presently Tom Hayes Steps up
Stared when. the daughter of thle
South, for since Men is ,anti
c,tily out: 'No1jr, g;-Ilticulon, youp I ..
Mary -of Guise .came from France
(to Mary, Queen, of Scots, and unlike
110 10111901? tile home of our kings
4,!rkd queens. Vory little itioney is
,time has, come.' Ila was Merry's Sec, '
end and qvau an experienced tluell1st, The Correspondent's Revenge.
her mother, She made Volyrood'her
spent bn It by government, only
having himself killed a man or two When Alfred Henry Litwis, the
home. I-tere she - l4ligbed at the
anough to keep It froin falling
outbefleld, oflionor InTiaxast from( author, was a correspondent at
lovers who came wooirig, received
print letters from Queen ri,llzmbeth,
Into a ruin. Mae Scottiolvitatioll
are coritent to look dii, It to a mu-
which Rtal;o hi, camn to C.C.11fornia.
He wag tho man who owna.d Haves Wamhtng;ton for a Missouri paper,
debated wit)) Xohn- Knox,
scum. And your, by year, tim nar-
VaRoy and gave It Its name. Tile he had a difficulty wAll Governor
mild wept. , begause he,'"who. never
row streets Could closer to It, and
principaIR were, se,arch6tl. for arm -3, Dockery, Who was than a, mem-
feared the face of mun," Would not
the anioke, and dlist, and Steam, :
fail ou the gray, grim relic of thb
and Tom -H-Iiyc�q amitotinc�,d that nott- bar of the house at representat1w-o.
ther had any weripons, on him. Tben
yield to a beautiful weralan and a .
in, tblq Elolyrood sliQ
brave days of old. .
Tom pacecl off fifty pace%s_t,ltat was Lewis. cast about for a suitable
queen. ,Here, . ,
w,as married tin Lord Darnre�r, and In
INHOTCOUNTRIES Painkiller fludsmanytioes
the number, It I recollect right. revenge. After thinking about the
Evorything wag donp ollitokly, N -y �s matter for some da.ys lie wrote an
the tiny log of a. supper room Ricolo,
. hold her $pouu and cried for merc;l�,
Colic, cralaps,diarrhoen and all such troubles
readily givemay to Its uso. Dose. one tea-
and McCune, who was Broderick'n Innocent Paragraph for his paper
seeond, now tossed up for choice of which said that Mr. Dockpry, who
my lite, madam, save my
life Ill In the little papsa,ge at ills
of,00nful in hot sweetened water. Avoid sub.
Perur,yeD8, There is but one ,111a,lukiller'l—
V oliltion, and. McCune, Won. He chose, IS J4 rich mail, bad decided to give, a
heag of the narrow, Stair there is
avili'. .
* -----..----.-- ___� __ ".....- _. -, � �
Shown. & dark atialh on the Wood,
and there he WAS Plareed by flfty�
: _ . , - - , � . .._....._...._. .. I ..
six desperate wounds, while ]Ile
queen listened to Ills cries, and
. —
Singular Malforrination Which Apt
" A
: - " JIVOk, IftS, VA I L. ,or C> 14 1
"I shall study. ')rovengli." A 'few
pears to be HereditAry.
"Down 'Aaxap,"
� .- . � . - I � � __ .... I ...... . :
� months later -she came here -after a
In Zhuble, ,county,
sal I d a vialtor frout the Lane Star'
. *
# 'Sumamr Carni'val and �
visit paid to Darnley, who Was ly-
Ing Sick tip at Kirk In the, Field, and
Stultev "is a remarkable BIX-tGed faui-
. Elio I I I V
that night ilia king was slain.
l3omring of Ilia �amt i the queen went
11y. about Who in, as far as 'I know,
no.tlilng ItAis over been told In print,
Old 80%ys REW n o A
to tile castle for security, and the
Is the tam-
king's body..71as brought to Holy'
rood. � I r
Tilielp naine, IliggIns, and
lly. 18composed a,� preisRat of 9. grand-
. 10
August 17, 16, 199 20, 1903 . 0
A. , Short time after,. Queen-
father, who lnu:st be over 00, fouv
ntiddle-aged eons, and a drove of
Mary did tile ino9t foolish
graindcliadreu, inunbaring twenty-
r 0
aoUan - or her wayward lif0d
live or thirty., - �, I
for a,t four in tho. morning
"Old man 1-4,gina, who, is called
of tile 10bl' Of BUY, 0110 Ivail mArrled
to BdthwelI,'whom* evor3l one bellev-
"Mexicap BiX io-e Boule, reason lkwas
to li-as toes
, *
- Reception Welcome to Old Boys :
.ad to be the; mardeter Of Darnley�
never mble learn, six on
0a,all foot a,nd ills wife, who 16 now
. and all and Visitors. Amateur Athletic
Sports. Taclit and Bldif Races. Grand .Rvening Promenade, �Iassotd Baud *
Then came evil (lays, when Hha wept
dead, wA,s eilually lveli provided. Miley
ConcertsatDundarn-Itarvey Park and Drill Hall, Grand Military Parade and .. 0
more bitterly because of
terful Bolthwell than She lir6d tit ilia
r sells 1) vo
.were oolt.,sitis, and all thel a
aIx toi4s e.xcepL cup, ,whose fact turn-
Deinonstrr6tlouofVlsittiigaii(ILoeLtIRegImenti3. Fireworks at Dundurn and : ,4,
Harvey P�arlos- Bands at Parks. Illumination and Decoration of Hamilton , 0
plain sppaklog Of Master J04111 li:.11OX.
Queen'Mary.'s Sale, Smines VI., jaAdo
(,d lit notice&Ily &t tile ankle, but are All the gilandelill-
Beach, Parade al Ilintoduate I Bo6ts. 1PLoral, Harollgras,'kutomobile, Bicycle, ' *
Ills first public .�enitry Inito, Lldin-
. dTe,d have, at l0ah-t Sl. tOOS , (I SeV-
� x an.
Veteran Fire Brigade, rudustrial Trades and Work-Horso Parades. Gymkballa -
i -a.ToekoyClub. Kninufaeturors Day,all.Paetorles Open toTioltord. Gr :
burgh. when.*ihe was irk I its fourteentl 1
Or -41, Of them 1111YO 'seven, the extra
�& Midway and Street Fair. ' *
,year, imud went at on ce to Rolyrood.
one lit aftlah caigo being, more or logo
* . 4
Later ap he Urought Ills Queen, Anne
or Denmark, to RO-1yrood, ii,nd made
rudimentaxy and not deyelopo�d like
the. otllar,s. I Oda votichl for this per-
. I I
6 . Reduced Rates on All Railroad and Steamboat Lines - :
it Ilds how South tO
claim tbe crown of England, Zia
so.nally, as I have seen'the whiolle
tribe bn a number of tifferent occar
Fix your vacation for above dates and coule to Harallton for a good time. ' :
I - ,
Caronalhoin of C4varles took place at
sluns, and In Summer time they gan-
. 0
For further Intormation address 40. A%6. M U M �r 4t> IM *
Rioryrood. After Ithe buttle of Dan-
-b"; Cromwell quartered a part of
aro,ily ru.n around bareSooted. ITI
Six -too, Higglases' is the romme ti":
I .% f
b4a foirceu,- In the palace, and then,
. .eftiar ,byj accident al- desIgn, the
family is known by among. all th-e
neighbors. Old Mexican bill has told
* 'r
. .1 . . 1. ..... . I .. . .. . I -.1 or Ir
palace werit ton fire, and the great-
me that ME; parento were both si.k-
Into tbo hoit-ve, and took his bed and
died from the effects mbout 80 hours
or parct deatrayled. The paltace-wali "a-
bui-it In t1io re r Ign aI Charle§ II., and
tood, ot;uoi that sania pocullarity
existed .altiong Ills relailvois C68 fax,
I tile Cast poBiLion and Lite fitut wag large Portion of his Wealth to, tile
in 1079, the Duke of York, a-fter-
back as lie knew anything about."—
tit iowrt Straight into Tiorry's face. varlous churches of Missouri, . and
wArds .Tames TI., - ocompled t,he pal-
New Orleavis T:mes-Demoorat.
`Next they'to,*,,,ed for choibe Of had bogun by sending cheques for
. , , � " ,
I . ace.,' , - � ;
., .
plytols, and again Broderick's sec- $500 to cliui�elios in 6t. Joseph and
ond wait T�ia Senator walked over Kallgas
T.he Dtike,9 WN was the name
Education wid. 111usiness.
one of the roVa prw" got at that
oollego training doesn't teach it man
to tho case and picked 'LIP Then lie &at back ,and walteil.
, the fl.not gun that came . to ]land. Dockery Was begging for in
a �
PrInce Charles arrived at the pal-
,to keep books! or to Holt goods. What
education alms to do Is to eductate,
He upent 110, time in elamilling It, less than a. Weak. Every church
ace on this, 3.7th September, 1745, and
oince more. Holytood. Pulace wds gay,
_tri develop the mr4n, to widen his
Morry used more care ill tile HelaC-
tlon of & -weapon, but no tinie wma In tile State, almost had wrltten for
Its Share. Lewis printed. another
Mnq I t, Boinxile Prince Charlie,
I ,I-rq4'.'-'19!ng6re;1 Tatater I . tl 'a 'a
, 'RE 9,
I iorizon. There Is no danger that
not enough r4ttentlou slimll be given
loot In tile prozeAture. You never saw paragraph saying that Mr.Dockery$s
a more uolenin crowd than that not be for
. ,111 -
and A I-a6t went 6ff y,6pbr. I of Vic-
to commercial development. Bilit
-nessal the duel. contributions would made
which ivlt some years, and since that time
tory,, only to, Und defeat and dasas-
ter. �. . .
there 1R a. possibility that, the bust-
neviq timai ma,y become narrowed to
"After t1teoe pTellininaries, were ar-
I rangeti Iva all withdrew to tile t;1de, Dockery lilt$ been scrupulously Ila -
5 '
From tblat time to 17%5 the palace
-was alleatt Und deserted. Then tit()
his task alid fall to take an Inter-
, eat In the world of idea,s MbOut him.
about tile klistance, or hall a block, lite.
and. stood oil little knolls outside, the All is not cold that- glistens.
ex1ted roylal family from France came
Mllication ought not ta prevaut a,
rajigo of tho bullets. It was the so -
there foir refuge. " k
ninn from acquiring tile necessary
, barest, queereet-lookial; oromij I ever
But.ln -1822, tile palace Was as gay
(letalliq of business. And it ought
: Saw, ag4 I guost; the most R them 11
as In the 145. George IV. came t6
to milk(' 111111 11. more voluable citi-
i fcit " I d!d-tbat they w1alied they �
Scotland -to Dalkettli. Palace. When
zclle Tiliat most Successful business
hadn't come. I have driven at many I 1. .
I 1. hic v161ted E41nburgh the people gave
men believe title Is shown. by the
I ftiuiwal-s tn my. da,y, but I havo iiever ; .
Min a roy�ml welcome, One small boy
fact that they are sending their song;
soon the like for Aolentrilty. I . . . . . �
"Tpin Hayes had, told them to take � �.,
wenit abokit whtdt heather sticking
to collago..-Kallsas City Star.
, -
OUt all over his. hat, and pushing
I the places um.rked off for them, and . I I
., said :
pUt an old dignified dartd�r
In rcispanse to his question each an-
swexed pj�oniptly that he was raiLdy.
rk" -
�,"Rolot, man, dialia'be mngi�,.,
fty.!, we are a' ma,01, . I
.. —
To Tboso Who Suffer front Headaches
Thm*o wain it wait at a tow geconds,
V, � �
� AT
No, *one, wme madder tlVan Sir Wal-
tor SoGtt. On tile roval
13acknolies and AiiniLents Peculiar
and then Tani began ca,iling, one,
two, three. 111hero we atood, like cow -
to the� Castle Sir Walter WAR dre8a-
. to tho Sex. �
arl3le, bran, tble a, tretabRug, and over-
ad In NVIndear uniform, thut Is, a
Every woulan needs plenty or
tvho.,inied alt the mardbroue spectacle.
blue OOD4, scarlet Dollar and etifts
purc, rich, rcd blood and sound
i Tlarry was the Coolest mag tn the . .
' 6.1id'a boUked hat. An Old -account
t.ervou to carry her sately through
- Crowd- Ila Stood With his Coat earL .
11 -
1 le'sRIT 11-ul) ttolned and Ills hat thrOwn
or It says. Mlyrood Ivas
6vory description of costume, n.%-
her times OF pain arld sickness. Dr.
111111anis' Pink Pills aro good Ln it
baick Jaitntiky on life liemo!. Broderick, ' -
tional, millt'ary and official, of tho
specl,,%V w,my for woluen. Tlhay ac-
On 00 Other hand, had pulled Ilia hat
gatregti-dolora,' and of the most var-
loue slimpoa. Plumes iv,,erc waving
tually make now ficalth-givitigl(lo%vnovArliis(,yc.o,"dliadbuttoiied
give Claw, strength and
blood� Tbieiy .
JiLs coax Closely. Ill.% appeared to be
An Mroryc-direction, and VIA vot
, -or. T�io� stinittlate all thle,or-
vig .
otruggling to control himself, while
Torry ,&emued perfectly at ease. I Mrs. F. Wriglift, of Oelwei ,
traina Wbrioi sweeping the .ground.
At tilt .64stle, tli:o king, on seeing
gane to perform their functions re -
gul.rly and woll. Tlicy,-baillshl all
III oball never target tile 111,rp, ; Iowa, is another one of the
rising, tono of Tiont Hayes' voice 'Is
the view, trom thine lofty situation,
lial", and - depression, all head-
lie o:t,llod Out the three numbers. At 1 million women who have been
exelalinad, Is wnriderru I?,' Wet
its the 44y was lie relused all unt-
achea and backaeleias,' and all
secret distress that only a wDman
the sound of 'three' both Broderick 1
amd Teirry fired, but I think Broiler- I restored to health by Lydia E.
brella ancl, even uncovered lite Ifead
Dr. Williamial Pink Pulla bring the
I Ick waiv first. 1116 bullet ,struck tile 1 PinkhatWs Veiretable Compound.
and waved lite Mat,
A,t Via levee thlord wote eight
hundred Imilles-inany of ilft%ni most
p to (lull e7es and the ros.y
v of hoalth to checks once pale
grOurld about balt-way between C`-_
them. and I saw tile little cloud of A Yellin% Wevv York Lady Tells
ollitst It- ralsed, ills platol Went off be- of a Vonderful Cure:-
. boaut1ful-and X118 Majoaty' was
Said to have especially noted the
They bring Ifealth and f1trongth
whan all else falls. Here Is a bit
tore, lie bad brougixt it to a level or 11 My trouble was with. the ovaries;
dauglitera of a Highland.ablef--ivre-
or strong proof from 11ra. John
olghtod It. Ire ]tail a lialrArIgger gun, I am tall, and the doctor said. I grow
and be wa,sn't aocufftomed to It. too fast for my strength. I suffered
bo,nAla of ilia Islas.- . T11w people
were quite Charnied With King
ixtaXorr, ChIckywy, N. W. T,, Ivilo
saye: "V,or soma yeara I was
Terry alined dellbermtely, but quick -dreadfully from Inflammation and
ly, and Senator Droderick sank to
George TV., and lite dovotional
greatly afflicted vvitit t1ro allitients
doctored continually, but got no help.
tile ground, first renting on Ills right I from terl , ible dragging sen-
majinev at churc4- pleauled .,tho
otrIetest seat of tile Pitesbyteriang.
that make tho lives of so many of
ray so,, miserable. I tried. many
llaA<j arld then rolling over on Ills suffered
sations with the most awful pai�s low
jig entered with a pliallti-book In
ilia hand, open at tho JWLII I)SMIll.
madicines, but found nothing to re.
IleVe ran until I began the ii. so of
I !11.hpaxil Marry r,ay to Tom 1107P(i: down in the side and iptLins In the back,
. ,i-fiiff iffliftwo Incline too far to tile and the mosb agonizing, headaches.
1)1-. Lilmontt tho minister, preach-
04 for tile text, "For ye are
11r. Williams' Pink Pills. 21,010
I)III& haVo made ilia .feel like a new
140 one known what I endurod.
right., Tile doctor,I)ronotinced It a I was sick to tile stomach, and every
fatal Wound, anti tlio dIIPI will; lie-
-dead. and your lite IS hill With
ilerson; tile allnost continuous Not.
clarctl a,t till end. Store enough, tile little while I would be too Sick to 9.0
to for three or lour days -, I Work
V,brist in ao;d,,, Tfie Sermon had pleas-
(.,d tll,o, iv,, good sense,
forinji,-� I entbrro(l lina passed amty,
and life 110 longer sicinq Cut bill,-
dootor eald thot bullet hall p.,tegpil work,
to ille rIg11t of thn heart ill a large store, and I suppose attind-
two 1.11,v 0
tant-0, alld right religious
'doll It ottee, did. I know, other wtv-
Mprry,jf rp.111.11-k it) 141)owe jug oil my feet all (lay made me worse.
4 ..0 I I .1
I t .. % I .., 1, 1I..i 1i ...
R,11(1 & 1, 1 4. 4 4. ,,At the suirgestion of a friend of
, feelings collro'.110 0 In - I - ,.- 111011 W &V I'l. ( . - J I
#)i.. j; ,i-1-,-evC,rl'0 attenipL at misplaced fitod. and I think th'a I)IIIs are.
110%V Lite aut:90 f Ila W it 11 01 11
kill, Tarry aii4 hin friendl; at once,
my Tnother*a I began to t9te Lydia
. Jeilit
as , V -nallst of the day'.
worth 1:4101r, 'WeIght Ill gol(l. to all
left Wit,;
I I plfw,o, amil'711roderiek
s Vegetable COM -
E. plinkhmial.
e . I
,,,, r6 %
r "
-am 0o .Wailplainto
who stiffer tj fem,
I earritmi to lik carriamo and
pound, and it is simply Wonderful.
I'The �Illg sa t liloffist attentively 1
or goveral prostration." .
f , , to t,ll.(, hatiFe of bN friend,
- I felt better after tile Arst two or tliveA.
durknil; -Lite 1wholo time the Refinon. 1
,%till are suftPring.
All ovim, the 1.
ll� �l
t1io watillvii ninnufa,
";,C(� i�trircr,
doses; it seemcil as though a Weight
was dollverhig; lie RtOtlid Ill tile at- '
W(ylrlelt Who c..,.Ln obtain llnw Iro,alth
%vil"o ;in Moil tivo weeks later."
was taken off my shoulders; 10011-
titude of deep devati011 during tile '
w a evillontly
alld 84011ftill tit'rough ill(' tlqt! 0i, . .1
those Pills. Only U10 9011111110
jinueol its use until now I Can, truth -
fully Nay I am entirely cured. Young
time at prayerg; aiml
affected bolth with till n1tiltimell'i'
alld tile singing of tlIc pgrtllus anti ,
The Hoyle Answer.
phould ba taken, anti tirene bear Lit(.. 1% ilgo tho Rov, Mr. Itit-
flill uftIII0,,q)r, , , VII)Intual Pink ViAls ',%I,) 11", yell
girls Wile, are always paying doctors
bills without getting RUY help 118 I did,
paraphrasta; lie wepnied to Onter
tot, 11ale People" 'on UIA wroillptiv i0tio, of Tarbolton, aild. tile Itev. t1r.
ought to take your medicine. It
s0th all hto Soul Illitty tile 11111sle, &lid
Ills head to tile time of the
around overy box. 1,401d by all ,it"t). �Vleldnlny, of Voyltoll, were ex,nal.
pi's (it 154 Comte it box or al-, boxon: ll:illgr tho parish sellool of 'killibank
costs go muell less, and it Is sure to
tmre them.-Youv,4 truly ADIML.&IDIT
difforelit tati0s dild cadatift-as' Of tile
'tot $1 2.00, Or sont by mall by Writ- i In r(ligious knowledge. In tile NXINO
, I'mor.
PnAlm, 114 St, Ann's Ave.: Now Yorle
jtifi4�6. Ile t6ok tivo Snuffs tile
Ing to tho Dr. williaills' 'UP41101110, of ilia n.coltIlail.tion the word
C-ty.11--$60ooforfen if oill"al ejobovelettep
t#* 01 tilo,00rvloo, &yW used & btown
Coq W0,AvIllej 011t. tal" OctUrted, and the al&ss WAS QW -t
X'r'Wh# agnminemoss trannot be produceo,
Course, me they learn how iomake
bouillon "for twe' and parevege-
tables, extract meat juices, Chop
and Pound.
Those girls are supposed to eat
at least a portion of w�lat th,ev
preparo and tile 1(y o'clock hinelf-
cons which they serve are marvels.
Tile first course may consist of
cranberry tarts, then follows war-'
flog, "whiah, must, be eaten while
I hot" and cannot wait for thlo Soup,
which consequently comes third.
Lucky, Inde%41, lil�o the maidens It
some Successful cook turns oat
an natable, bntdii oT bread which
counteracts the effect of somuch
Sweet, Cake In sandwiched lit be-
tween all Sorts of dishes and oc-
casloilally the entire repast Is
topped off by a cup, of tea or cof-
fee. I
'Vori Will Lilke This Dessert.
Put tile yolko of five frealt ep;gs In
At lx)wl, adil to t1lein five healAng
tah1copnonhils of grailulatml sugar,
take an egg beatex, and. grato in a.
(plartor of a goo(I-Slad nutmeg and
ptir It well Into the mixtu", add
alto quart of croatri, and with the
ogg beater whip it Into .it foanit with
tilt% other ingrefliente. Vour this
mixture, Into small 0.1illia. Clips, stand
t1in,in lit a otallow pall of cola wa-
tei-, s,taud tile pan (in tile range,
(Intl When th"'! %valter has boilo(I gently
for toll minutes, ttkke tile cups exit
find stand the,in whern they will get
!,eo, eold, but -will not froo,re. Just,
bef-oro wrving them Sprinkle over
the top, of each$ cup m thick layer, of
gr4tN1 nia4carOon9.
ThIal dessert IS ortally mado and
Is dainity an(l deliclouo. It one does
nat like the flavor of nutmeg, V&n-
111�4 may be uqe4 Inotead. , . : ;
--------- _._________________ ___.
Painor- in thf-E-; Back
Hips and Spine
.. � � - .____1_ _.
Cicat Suffering and LOE,s of Weight— Doctors Could Not -
Help Him --A Splendid Tribute to
- When yon read Such lottetH ,,is the
cot,A wIll afford a oatistactory still.
A Notice to llurglars.
ply of green foad all through ilia
],'or- rmnic reason the shipment w�s
The following quaintly worded no- I
fruatimer If sowings are maile at nuit-
able Interyala.
delved, anti she wr ute Jnquiring the
tien to posted outside the offices of
one of the street car Companies of
Rye SOWAN In the 1"All
cause of tile delay.
" Please, wire me when the gooda
1141-1s; "We beg to Inform bur,
Will turnitth tho earliest feed In the
have licen, shippEdill blie Said Ju con -4
glare that we do'not leave money
or valuables tn any at our depots
opring. but me grass Is usually abun�
dumt Mt that time, this Crop Is not
elusion. .
The husband Went hmrd to worlii
during tile lilghi, You are requeet.
Illicly 10 be needed unle9a a complete
and personally saw the books, halig-
Itign and other property pakked for
ad to make known this fact amon 9
sy8tosui of aolliam be prantlse4. Tho
clovers where th.2y grow well conm
the trip. Than lie went down to the
tile confraternity, so as to avold
unneceesdry trouble and lose of
next on the Ast, and will provIde all
dock and Saw them Safely on boardl
the boat.
time." T1 is newspaper which pub-
abuindauce, Of good feed during ill(!
Latter half of June. Where it Is poi.-
. .
ComIng back from the river he
lislies the above, adds; "Prudence
hilblo to grow, lucerve or alfalfa, It
stopped at a telegraph office
and preyentloil are the two motli-i
will be foumd tho best of all soiling
Sent the message as requested.
era of safety." I
crops. It can be out In the spring mi.
" Lares and Penates on -bolizil
111068t as early as rye� mod yields at
boat," lie said. "Will arrive to -mor -
seed should be rown to the acre;
row morning.11
And this was the way tho. t�le
__ .
.Every mother Is anxious for thp
If sown broadcast, doublo th.)
amount, Dwarf Zsit(ax Is the bvRt-
gram re'ad when the boy brought It
to the Waiting woman in the little
bealth and welfare of her little ones,
vaiiety. Rap� produces large ,J.uall.
el [tn Own: -
till(] Baby's Own Tablets Is the best
medicine to make baby weLl and
LILios of green Ived, and it Is tine
of the bait foods for keeping p1g4,
arid peanuts on board boat.
ketip It well. Th&usands of mothers
vileeP and calve'i tn good condition.
NVIII arrive to-Wpi-row mpritiog,11-
Vhlcago Tribune. Z
keep the tablets constanitly tn the
It Is not zatififactory 10r 111-11011, cOWN,
. _ .
house -they say they woulil not be
owing to iLS t0l)(IC112Y to inJUVOth-3
What the Coroner Discovered.
without them, As proof of this Mrs.
flavor of the milk.
Goo* Kilgore, WoliVood, Man., Says:
Oats and Peat
I picked Up a P4Ps1' tile Other day
11 Having used Baby's Own, ,Tablets
maki one of tile very best 80111,19
itaid found the, following In it , Ifto
for some time, I can truthfully say
h medicine I,
01093 for general growth, partiCu-
followitig waa recently rendered In
tyun of tile countles of Indian&: "Af-
have ever used for little ones. 'I
larly for feeding dairy cow.g. They
'slAOuia bo sown As. early as posisMe .
ter IIavhW carefully examined the
think so highly of ilia TAblots tha�
in the anti at Intervals there-
body. .seen, heard and Inapeeted the
t always keep them In the house.,'
after, at the rate of about three
ovidence adduced In the promises, I
A medicine Ilko Baby's Own Tab-
Lots, wh',ch so many mothers praise,
buslielti -par more (equal parts, or
do find that tile true mad lawful
notime, of amid. person IS as above
Is the right one for your Little ones.
two bu,ilioN oath; to one of paas),.
Oven. to wit: Andraw Mitz. that his
They are guaranteed to contain
Vetches; or tares are now grown
In Canada to a Considerable extent,
age at the time of his death, WAS 53
neither oplateu nor other harntrui
drugs, arid can be .given to the
particularl,irfor dalryinion. They are
years, five feet and ten Inches hIgU,
black halr and dark complexion,,and
yGungest Infant with perfect safcty.
likely to prove or value lit ne.arly
that he came to Me demth as fol -
Good for teathIng troubles, const�,134�
all tile Provinces. TAie common 4pring
lows: After having the Proper wit -
tion, diarrhoea, simple fevers, worms
vetch hav been most genevallY
Ceases, which was a son of ilia de -
and all the minor ailments of clill.
grown, but recent experimente'llave
caimed, I find that on tile 14th, day.
dren. r3o,ld by druggists, or may be
vilown that the halry YeLch -will
of February. A. D. 3.903, =4 about
had by mall at 25 cents a box by
yj,__It1 a muell larger amount o"green
three season �[ rich
3 o'clock p, in., 'Mr. Blitz, 'ba,vin
writing ilia Dr. Williams Me&lne
le"t crops per
oleegii soinewater In bis cellar thazut
Co., Brockville, Oni. ,
feed. It is readily eaten by all kinds
lie would"walk out to the and of the
of live atock, but like, other CloVers,
callax dremn, whlbll. was perhaps a
it Ls apt to cause bloating If Care-
In Southern Ontario
- lium(Ired ,yards away. After seeing
lelosly pastured.
the water Corning out of the tile ap-
It uA;ualLy stands the Winter well,
r.aremtly'alright, upon looking around
aind Im,5ts for years without reseed-
lie Saw'& rabbit sitting and went to
imig. It sliouId be sown in the spwing,
the house after We gun. when lie re -
There has recently been establish-
either alanc or with a light nurse
crop of barley, wheat ol- oats, mild
tar.nedo tile Ria,bblt had gone. So he
waint 'back and Just before entering
ad in Philadelph,ia in connection
mt ica,st twenty I:onnds of fresh, good
the houise, thought he would take the
%Vltll the People's Church a school
seed p4i, acre. It Is a little Slow to
loaded. aliell, front tile gun, when by
of a somewhuC unusual ebaracter.
t;ai," a foath,ultl, and aliould not be
p`aOtur ad the first year, but after
va-me, means the gun went off. it
k!Cked back and the otock of the gun
Those Who compose It are drawn
front the paril,liloners and consist
tilat is very tena ious of life, anti
Mt him, near the groin causing a se -
exclusively of brid,es and prospect-
with'stmuds drou,glits particul%rly
ve.-re merorage. He mm-naged to get
Iva brides. Old marrled couples
Rape muy be sown about the fir'it
Into tbo hoit-ve, and took his bed and
died from the effects mbout 80 hours
are admitted oil certain olvenings,
but it Is only 'w1th the newly mar-
of ay for early feeding, and
X all-
* imter. TJie accideirit was peculiar but
ried or those about to enter mat-
ditional aOwiiI99 may be made at
Interv-Cls as dosirod. It is ailvisablo
riuta,L" I I -
r1mony that thro real woerk ofthe,
school If -as to do.
to 8Z rape, in driliq about two
Only One May.
Cooking and dressmaking, house-
feet apart, oil rich, well prepared
land, and to cultivate as for turnlpq.
"In theee, (lays," lie sighed, "it Is
Cleaning anti home -furnishing are
If drilled in, on(, to two I_Vunds of
difficult to Convince a girl of your
tbo brancUas taught and tha even-
redder per acre in Ontario. The
s1nceT,e admirialan." i
ings of every Tuesolay and "Ratur-
day find a Score. or,. more of Maids
latter Is very de,ilrablo far aching
so ?" olia asked,
"Wliv, If you. tell her L -he Is pretty,
and very young matrons trooping
aspect -ally In diy distriAs. and ap.-
pears to be -rellalied by all clafnes
isfto thinks you mean to Inter that
to the 96hoolrolums at 2,017
(;armantown aventle, all bent on
of farm ,3tock. Owing to tile high
she IS stupid; ir you tell liar She In
Clever ene assumes that you mean
learning how, to become ul,dal
lipic(I of tile seed, It will Probably
bs found bavt to sow vetchav along
she la disagreeable, and If you. tell
As a result the eligible
witit Penis, Lit the rate of one bushel
ber -site Is amiable she cancludes that
you do not think heir pretty.".
mail of ilia neighborhood flotak �to
votches, one bushel Peas, anti two
bugheig oats acre. Tbts
"Still," sho ,sk'ffil, thOUghtfUlly.
tile Sunday services to cast friend-
IV glances at the pretty maidens
of ppr
mixture will produce an *excellent
11there, Is a wa�y to convince her on
all points. Ono Is romisonably certain
ready to become members of the
cron, .for Xuly and Auguqt feeding,
It cut early Will afford good
whe1t a mam thinks- -whon be--"
school waicra "hoW to ma,ke a man
happy" is so successfully taught.
patturo afterwardg.
yes, of Course'" lie interruryt-
M, as be took liar hmud and put to
"How to live in peace wiLh thb
Miller a Uood Crop.
har the monionton3 question. "But,"
man, who is supposed to make you
Millet to another plmnt that par-
lie added, after a very bu, Inter -
va3, "if tbat's tho anly Way a giving
happy one of the young ladles
1-11V;11�1'1`91Y Suggested as an famend-
ticularly'excels as a catch Crop. it
cftft sometlines be somn afte
a girl a compilmant that hasn't a
merit to tho Jormer InotLa.
age crop of parts and oats hasbcon
, -
Sting to It, a fellow has got to be
Fn0mc, uitigraclous and Illiberal to
A great many ot tho dishes ,the
Voting ladles Compound without as-
taken off tile ground, and If there is
mIDIgture enough to Start It, will
keep out of frouble."-Clileago 'Post,
slatance Whatever, but whon at-
tempting "the bread like imotimr
yield a fair crolp. If Rown early Ill
June, at thp rate of about il)lrt,V
. Ifer New Minister,
makes" and father eats with, such
pounds per acre, It will furnish �
T110 late Rev. Dr. John Park, min.
, koon relish they appeal to the one
largo crop of good foddoi by tile
Ister' of the first charge, St. An,
experlonced member of the school,
middle of August. The JaP11-11-0110
dr(,wa. used to tell tile followingwittit
the ifead chef.
barnyard mnd Japanese Pan-
grvat gusto; Whan he first visit-
* Mally and laughable, to the out-
icl,D 'are the bet4t valilettolff, tile
vol "Caulin Epplet" m character, he
vider-it Is a serious business to
farmer preferring a molst soll.
found her engdged in m very me�
tibo students -are thic mistakes
Corn ir, In most Inenlitioll, tile
cet-sary duty, ftnd ap3logised for In -
which those beginners fall into.bnt
great otantl-I)y for fall reading. An-
tinding; but Epple, nowise diseon.
where IS tb�ore now a famous cook
otber ,very,
corted, sald, "Jist stap In bye aill
who did not early tit hor career
sugar the potatoes, salt th'a strawr
I Valuable Fall Foolder Plant
tell wha yo are ,an' what, ye want."
berries or fall to put In the bakDog
for the Smithern pRrtn of Canada.
"Well," replied the doctor, "I'm your
is sarglium.. Tile Barly Amber in tile
new minister, Mr. Park." "Tak$ a
Althouglf these queens of the kit-
varloty ' best Suited to our latitude.
solat tfi(m, 81r, an' gl'ea a 'look a'
clien are wolt aware thiat they can
It Should not be sown until the wea-
vO." .%.nd having Satisfied herself
procure front the grocer for 10
ther has become sottled and warm
OD tilat k;Core Ale 0.tme away witti,
emits, SIX Omtes Of soup, they
on land %liht lins Won prepared In
"Dped, sir, Ve may be guld, but
desire to be able to handle every
f,lta game way as for Corti. If Sown tn
wcel-a-wat, ye are no' bonnie."
Course, me they learn how iomake
bouillon "for twe' and parevege-
tables, extract meat juices, Chop
and Pound.
Those girls are supposed to eat
at least a portion of w�lat th,ev
preparo and tile 1(y o'clock hinelf-
cons which they serve are marvels.
Tile first course may consist of
cranberry tarts, then follows war-'
flog, "whiah, must, be eaten while
I hot" and cannot wait for thlo Soup,
which consequently comes third.
Lucky, Inde%41, lil�o the maidens It
some Successful cook turns oat
an natable, bntdii oT bread which
counteracts the effect of somuch
Sweet, Cake In sandwiched lit be-
tween all Sorts of dishes and oc-
casloilally the entire repast Is
topped off by a cup, of tea or cof-
fee. I
'Vori Will Lilke This Dessert.
Put tile yolko of five frealt ep;gs In
At lx)wl, adil to t1lein five healAng
tah1copnonhils of grailulatml sugar,
take an egg beatex, and. grato in a.
(plartor of a goo(I-Slad nutmeg and
ptir It well Into the mixtu", add
alto quart of croatri, and with the
ogg beater whip it Into .it foanit with
tilt% other ingrefliente. Vour this
mixture, Into small 0.1illia. Clips, stand
t1in,in lit a otallow pall of cola wa-
tei-, s,taud tile pan (in tile range,
(Intl When th"'! %valter has boilo(I gently
for toll minutes, ttkke tile cups exit
find stand the,in whern they will get
!,eo, eold, but -will not froo,re. Just,
bef-oro wrving them Sprinkle over
the top, of each$ cup m thick layer, of
gr4tN1 nia4carOon9.
ThIal dessert IS ortally mado and
Is dainity an(l deliclouo. It one does
nat like the flavor of nutmeg, V&n-
111�4 may be uqe4 Inotead. , . : ;
--------- _._________________ ___.
Painor- in thf-E-; Back
Hips and Spine
.. � � - .____1_ _.
Cicat Suffering and LOE,s of Weight— Doctors Could Not -
Help Him --A Splendid Tribute to
- When yon read Such lottetH ,,is the
tc!d mo to try Dr. Chases Xl,lneyw
following from well-known ,Intl nigh-
Live r 11111s, .Intl salt] lie knPw they
ly rospected people In all parts of
W.'ri"d cure me. I Secured 0, box. ' and
T;I,( was illy Surprise whell I be -
the Country you noed no longer Nvon.
gall to foel )letter after using only
der why the s.-tle of Dr. ChaRe's Kl,.I-
Lit(,. pile ba.\. I contliltiml their use
noy Liver Mile is at) far In advance
until I It.141 taken abilit four boxes%
of :lily shilliar remedy. When tile
which nmdo tile a f4)"Ild In -an, nndt I
IIN) regallINI my 11.911,11 Weight, 190
ppop!(, flild out tile virtuo of this
p .... lld";. I cannot al'y too much In
grent ineillchie tlivy tell tlicIP IlAigh-
favor ill Dr. Chaso*R Xldae.�,V.Llver -
burs about it, aiv.1 so the good news
11111P, willell 11:1--c (Io.'Ic' sO Inuell for
not,. I have rpeominended them to a
number of iny frlend% and have nevo
Mr. 1aince Clark, Consecon, Prince
er met 'With, one car* where they (lid
&I,ward Co., Ont., states; "Eleven
tif,)t nipet with good success. W
years ago I w4IR takoll With W1,1114 In
(191119"t"I 'Mrs' C"llarles ')""lips , hai
my back, settling tit u*' 111P. -I ft"d
tilso licen cured of & �spvore stoiniaelt
I troub'tt by tho use of these J)HIS.",
a\tendlag Alp Illy spine. The pain
Was vt.�ry Severe, atill at t111109 al-
I I)r. ('hA$0'N IUdaV,V-TAVer P1116, 0111%
most unendurable, and m!.IIIY (layp
I pill it dow, I—") cents �a. box, 5 boxet
I waig not able to itio,in hourIq work.
f for $1.00. At all doalcirs. or -rAt
Vy ,%"Ight was litAnced from 190
; liginFiton, A-itoe & Co.. Toronto. To
to 160 pounds. and thong,li I bad
i protect .veil impalm(A Imittil.tiono 06
conelilted niatty first-class ph3�slii&
I portralt -tild shvinturo (it Dr. A. W. -
lans and trletl so,votral advertised mo-
I chase. tile, fallitplia iot�,vjpt back -.tutllo i
dielnes a eould get Ito relier.
1 or, tire on overy lvi 4 oZ bli roniti.q
"At Lille thn.. illy fathert4li-Iluv,
I dies. *