The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-25, Page 2'�v S411day ' WIU'62' , 1OW1401 S00-4).1.4 wild 04-M." I Bud INTUUNATION&L 1ANKSdri NO. xul - Or .1 JUNNA 'Uti, jQ03. daul __ Iteview. --Rcad Itore, 1-.1-7. w to. 'urove 4�UWAMU­L MOU I. ToL)Iv - P-1,111% wjlat millistry lit Uphosus. Till,, td ilca� the know , 01OK0 of Pau,'s first tulaslouar., ,,--. I great Day. Uter the riot at tqillehus 110) him. � % ISIted Xacedonla. a city About 33 4rales south of F.Pillisue. If(% sent for - - thO ClIlOrS Anti. liatle. thpul an. mf(CL- tionater farewell. . I 11. Topic. Tile Change that will talge 143=0 lit th-) botly at 'tile rek4r- "I reetion. Chris -L's resuirectioll Is fully Fr Pstablis,340, and 111h reburrection __ ."'. 'in Important, vemsou for holleving that all thad.,ad will Ile raised, Tills Jun mortal body cannot Inherit tile king- stroo dom of God, but must be chang,ed. than III. Tople. Purity or lite. I'Llul easle wrote to tha Roulaus frout Corinth. at 7S Christians pa,y theiv debts except winto the debt ot Vivo, which Is a perpetual or ,go Obligation. Tile one who loves Ills at ;14 neighbor as himseEr will 'bot.,tres- ,,O,qe pass In any way. 35M,C. IV. Witjft: lllau;'s com:ug aft-let:ons C.Ou -11'aul reach a Tvre; meots wit" 11 ducts 0 , cordial reception; contlilu"s Uts jour- price (), Vaesarea; enters, tili house butte. Day t , . angelist, out-, of the ot rh lit). tile cy. veverl; tarried ih�,re many days, tile "998 propliet Agttus arrives; tak?is 11'aul*s lla,y girdle and binds h',s hands anti feet - 8te.ad hs Nut will be bound &�10.154 at Jerusal.orn and will be delivered -'�") f 0 to the Gerrtil�-s. When the diselp'xis V-'Ilh] heard the propliecy of Agabus they Dre besought Paul not to go to Jerusa- Ing a tem. 'but bi, told them that lie was -it $7 r be, bound at Jeru- 11all vatem, but also to glva his life fer tion tile truth. TM2; V� Tople. Paul mobbed and res- 6 1) i.,� t cued. As soon as PAUL reachM jeru- 1-kgjrlc milem ha conferred wAh tire eliders bustle t4 the church, Ile th-n entered Into ton, the temP10 -"]'I PueiMxt himself, me- to n, cording to th-a coremonlat law. Jews to $8 , from Epbesuj saw Win Ill the WO- A""50 wait's court vr;th strangers and sup- ,g ,- ,.,Z� pasod ba )lad taken a Gentile Into .8 . butte the temple and thus pa3utF_\1 Lt. T I ,N� cry, stirred up, a mob again.4t Paul for a purpose of tak*.ng his Cie. Paul Air 8 T5"0 t rescued by Roman solliurs, it 1.4c; 1 afterwards wh1c standing oil lie ,:L.,20 Stairs delivered an address to, the ass,embled throng. MI V1. Topia. Paul del:v*red from th. .'a o t o�, Jews. At the close of the address ,aicQ,- delivered on'the stairs thp mob was Lou ag; , ain EtIrred agahist Pad. Ly,slas, falo t the Roman capta, T, was about to 200 ecourge li'm, when h,% Oarned that jV&j Paul iras a Roman (A.Len. After this thou n - conspiracy, was made against. PaW largo, by the Jews, forty of them Wilding 3mall themselves together Under a curse Bell that they would ne:tlier cat nor box drink Until thr-y had 1;!J�,d him. The w.b!t plat was discovered and Ly,4as sent kimr. 5 Paut with a strong military escort Nfagr. to Caesarea. 107-1 VII. Topic. Paul's good confes- 111 Stan. Pairl at Caesarea; a Roman Lon pLisoner; Is tried before Faft, the 5te'ad goN ernor, Jews come from Jerusalem far .1 Accusing him ; the charges were Seat- uapa( tion, heresy, sacrilege; Paul's de- rafrig fense was clear and unanswerable; their charges could not be proved; Tra Paul COnfeRsed that lie was aCbrist- t,ba f ran. After certain days Paul spoke �errl before Felix and his wife Drusilla; ng w reasoned of righteousness, temper- gfoad - ance, and judgment to come-, Felix 3,ycra trembled; hoped that money would 3, to be given him that he might release ;rad Paul. -Mvill VIII. Topic; Paul's defense. Af. 1 1-2c ter Paul ]lad been in prison two fruit , years lie was called before Festus, LbLl P the new Governor of Judea, and King 'Lgripp, . m to make Ills defense. Pitir, The had appealed to Rome, a s kptA nd Featu, desired to frame a obarge against jje, 10 111m. Paul's address deeply Impress- Livar , Pd Festus and Agrippa, and they de- .a hj� cided that it be, bad not Appealed gemu to Rome, he might have been re- �hr,t leased. will I IX. Topic; Life through the 11herl Spirl t. The law has no power to th a, d deliver from sin; it Is weak through cry till, flesh, Christ, who calue In, the men t likeness of sinful flesh, has power Ill, Ls k to save from sin. Tile Christian a,t Qu Is not carnally mfuded. but spirit- PeTte unJIN, minded; he ivalks not after ILES01 tile flesh, 'but after the Spirit. V.uc "K. , Topic, Paul's voyage to Mal- Oe"I ta. Paut set sail from Caesara& to fall to, bl- Rome. August 21, A.D. GO. They tmt.0 landed at Fair Havens on the Is- la nd of Crete during the stormy se -1- is the son. Paul advised them I the c a winter I here, but Julius, the centurlax, who nao. 61 Tjlo had charge, decided to sail for Phil- &t.tpi vice, a more commodious port of 'ount C1 eic. gales : X1. Topic; Paul preaching to tali � t Lite Jews at Rome, Paul performed eoll,,ji ninny miracles on the Island of Mai- �,T�jd,E to, and the people of the island hou- rig;x,,g oxed him and his companions with stori many honors. In -the spring Ilan) lia-st and the others with him were taken more to Putowl, near Naples. Theepostle coiral, then wont to Rome, called, the jews prov together; explained why lie � xy.1LS MIMI therp a prisoner, and preache-1 IMTO CIII.Lqt. andor XII. Topic,, The duties of the Prl0a� Christian minister. Paul wrote tifts d0'red letter to Timothy from Rome. These were among Ills last words. Tim- 'Win othy had learned 'much concerning ,11row- ' the Scripturos when a child. Pali) gault rharges him be be faithful ,%a a min- torie,s li,ter . and to preach the word. ricult Pr""CTICAL STJRVEY. U,c; nc Tile stoky of the quarter Is very m%t c� interesting and way be briefly told :�o P.. . with profit. Whell Paul bade fare- and t well to the elders at Miletus lie 1IMA, , was returning on Ili$ third mission- E.';�Iol a ney. Before lie reached Jer- ymr. , Zv'lllmoar T important stops were made at Tyre and Saesaroa. Through the Ejw prophet Agabn% and the premoni- I t ii� tions of the Spirit Paul was appris- xvhrat ed of trouble ahead at the capital '..; liki city. Ills arrest at Jerusalem, came i!'Vel, soon atter Ills arrival there, -end to cooll;F. preserve Ills lite Paul -was hastlkV .,_,Ivaj: f*ut to Caesarea, tire Roman capital, I I w,r, to Felix the governor. Here Paul's nr.%,t accusers tact I . ilm, and although he tilxv� � showed their chargeff to be false,,yet rvlwat lie was rompelled to remain a pri- but It sollrr for tvvo ye.,trs- Two InvInorable, wbteth addresses are ,referred to. one doll,v- will �-1 ored before Felix and Drusilla ud ovrr . the other before Fe0tus And Agrlp_ total pa. At last Paul Saw that lie could wheat not obtain justice at the jiand of bmshvI tho petty ruler whO governed Pales- crop line, and he accordingly appealed to ab!.V VaepAr, the 'Rom&n emperor. A few, points should be noted. 1. V( Paill had an affectionate nature. Ho T>,jt loved lutensolv'. Ilia greetings and a hom farewells shW'9re,&t warmth and ardor. '21. Ilia was sympathetic. no 1ta%1k1!c Wept Wttll these that WOO and quart carried the burdens of the church gtip I upon . . Ile was an Indefat. Igable worker. Men; do not often die (lie of overwork. Worry kills more peo. to 19, 09 0 t1lan . 4. Paul had a parse- mixtu vering Spirit. When Ills ca -arse of ac- them tioll its on decided Upon, notiling tax-, S wag allowed to hinder him. ne liver- and,%*) c4me difficillilles tll4t WOUld halko-for to discouraged ordinary men .%lid press- anti si oil 0"n to vletory� i5. Paul wast a mail ,lee P0 of prayi�r. Soule of )its J)psl: writ- bproro Inga aft prayers for the thnreb. Eph. thri to M. 14-21; Col. 1. 10, 11 l%re eXaDjpjcf;. gritmi 6. 114o was an eXCeedth9ly' humble' Tid,.4 Mall, Pllttln�g himmelf AS It -as than'tbe IS daln least Of all efaluts. 11. lie wd# -�%Iao litit Ilk Wit and mrageous. Whether Ile Ilia In ,--11- I 1.1, I.., -111- 1-1 ..".,...��...'',�,�.,��1.11�'ll''..,.,�.�'""',...,.I ... -_1-..___ _.". ___ I... 11-1111-1 . � ­.­ I- ­­ -1 1.11111- ­­ q;.- ��­111 1-1 I" 1- - -1 I I ...'' ... ­­ � 111. 111. . - -1 I _­., I I - I . 111- - —, __. 1. ­­ . 111.1-1-1-.... - I 1. . - -,- ­ ;__-'1"."1M . I I .., . ­­_�_.v­ __ _,=="_,­!nT�!1 T_Z7=,_!:::=, MI- ­=�. 77 - -._­__­_­­­ ­ - . __ ­ , 7, , �1­ ,TT7777 7.1�77�=-T;!,=t=l ��,�tV=t*�'-"��=!:t::M.r�,17;w�=M� n7=041 __!?.7r =:== =�===r-"—^r!"�,_-*"_,f,?*"—"""'—,--- - , - %%hig Myluse as 1106pholl, or the I . . . . .1 __'_____ ��_ . . a 10,ystra And Jer'laftlem, or .. I'll " I there has boon a. sort of revolution. The clerk turned: to, a boy who bad ROR Or- NILE 01ANTS, , ii,er _�,[ ..'.y's ad oit " 9, A,— )Mato at Wmeans, or goverliore. , r , 4 �,, � � , �_�v JDA;ter boing worn flat And a5varea behind tile counter. I"- ��", � � I � - . I � I 11 I "Did you Soo a Alan .wIth a light I Ingo at Caesarea, or the empor. N . ­ -1 -1 . . ­ I I ' straight on tho )lead, many Shapes Men 7 1%. 0 Ill. ViscoTwod at Supposc!xj I l" " Rome, to waa tile eanixt ull- I k "1'0m,_,,,e , ; hVem to have received v Overcoat, and -l' a spasm P.alifie'd hour(v f,fthe Site. , I t Z � aeo Ilia In 1119 ,oura4cons man. S. Paul - C , "". �/ �, - - which tilts I)augctl them flat on one over, IN f. -�, And, a aim I od. 1, -.�" -;,!;, ;, V Side and sent them up Into 04) Or ebill? Vill lie leave any message here'?$' er-Igned to Goilla will. Ulm Ills Ij 11' , ,, No,tos fn the olarX of Lieutenant ,., N,� r. / �-� � oil tile.0ther, tile uplifted lying being Mrs. 011bbone felt hotly that he Iva$ I � � , i V at It although 1.10 lookea 'S'elitolifer, who 11,10 just returned to , �r, lie could oa,y, ,*Not Uhl 1will, ,� ,�4 , " ", � Ak I accontufutod with a how, a laughing or a thou wilt." There was no con. I , I /'/, , Z� � � � bird, or a 15' - � 1�1/111 v 0. ,111,opo, VoIll.aill - I , I'll __ � ; close cluster or flowers. Oa one olde Impagol Intorestbig dotalitj , ,� ,_ ,,/,'�, -Nair," sAld, the boy, ,'Ile didn't (It tile (116covery of tho actual sollrou rey between him %rill God, but I J� !'�, lid Is quite exposed to vlow, , It. �� .., ever Unit dict was at once ap. % gi 11 . " ,?;�,, . j the lie. � .. AZI � I . . ttva 110 meff0agO with Wo.rHo added, lodged am right. 0. Valli bad :t . I� . ,.� I while the hat protrudes out over IN no of tho Nile, by Dr. Xalix1t, last ajjjjj� , � '.. 1� . , faith In God. 0-od, was real to "%� f . . the rorohead In front, It has a drole 014 r"fleCtIOD, "I ,ain't $con DO 0 . I 4. . � ,��-,_,N � 4" , .� I ,ft effect, and dooldedIX original, but I'Angilig ,rountl but a chunky faller jr&r. *11101fier. l0to bau flnecessfull,v, I - �T, � 11. �C,p 1. , / With A D14CR 140116-tag]10," . ' arors cart -y I �N � I- the style demands a, young or pretty lod all army of 5,800 bot .. - I.------- ­ , " I I I It, Q1, ­ �� I ..; '" ;6 . face to., prevent, Its looking ,a trifle ,'Ile hasn't oeon anyone bat a scour, - Ing it dissected Stemmer to, 14ake Tan. I - I I I '0%e-0-^ � i lit"" I 1.__�_ I - . I- _ _.- I- - - . I �� I I k Y,f 1. �//,_"�/, man with a black moustache" re- t, �,-o 7 /I .. Y.,�, too bizarre I I ! " , lillyl4a, - I . . . . . . t �11 , Anotlier now and coquottIsh Mo- I -.� �1 t . I . � �_ X 9 portoa. tile clork officially, while two g. W11101`0 It Wati put 1,01g0thott . - I , � , . � I 11 � ��, ,I 401 Is ,'to petit Nopolooll", It) white palm of eyes stared at liev In a aild floated, fell In, On 111F) return .. ,-- 7 ..I 1#11, (14500111COrtIng manner. -From "A loU,rjl,.N.y, with 1,�allxjt, Ivito Iva;$ llujll,� :�� ­ ' , i ,: , , ; ed�up ,: �,� L": ,: ,: I , , ,� , I 'L I 1. $f.;-. ", I �� , I L straw, lined black, It has, turn The flarkets ,I), "� , .t " I I I I "'. , , , , , I - , � . I . 141ttla surprJR0,11 by Mary Stewart I . .. - I `� 4, � ij, % . I , at eltbor side, trimmed w1tjI n o or the Nile. , , - Y'. 4il, "i ------ ­ I., 71j ,�. 1� , .0. ..;,C '/_-.�.� '11, i Utittlog, Ili McClures. � I .1 I "------,- -_,-_. , p " F 4 . , a wreaths of groort laurel tied I � ^e%rW%^A : ,,� � 2 1111"11'r T110 dbicui`037 was finally made by : 0 A . � �^~Wo% , I .�,-, -, � C . f; ',�Upl I , : Torwito karaxcrt; lllar.kets N I , I Palo clot sn.tla bows. A largo 11ousellold selellvct- it parLy- or uIx, couiprI,S1ng'tjir0o 116- ,�w tk ;, it., � "'I 1-11 black yedde, Straw was lined on Its tivoo, Xnaft, f3e.liloffor mud tile wife U4, "I I il 0 1.112-Reveipts of gralin Oil tile � " - " i, i�,� 4 i. �\ j I. . I as call Orton be ,� , ,;� ; - ". . banged up brim, with gathered blue OtAID9 Oil light (11'elis E till) I(VtUr, NOW bad accompanied , , � harpgre. and lind Its brim plorced by reir. journoyin'g. t to Y were Small, with little 1-Y N I 01n� �� oved by rubbing with a little o 11�.Z -,!,,- 4 M 1, -,f � _ � ,�� ­ "I lig vAilto Aniavon plume. ,,a lit prices. Wheat a trifle _ !�,N � �r V �,'�N , -, clay. They shoul I -da� , . , " * d after. hor husband In (tit Ilia if, �;., �? 6,_ dry There Iv ROM1119 Very, striking about , , 11, 2W blullells of AvIllte selling 111.�jy '. ,!.171��N L IN., .�.!?�, I I a lovely to, WMI'(11111 brushed off with a clean. ilio isouroe of tile Nlic-a little pool I , , lfi4�111­'­o 11 ,!,!,�, - For surnmer motoring I saw a . ,or .*, � _ V . I � green yedda straw with Its trim- Soft brush. I ,j to 70!�% 1-100 busliels of red , 11�i. 1*1 ._Kn� � -_ ,� InIng 1111 In StV41Y tO Stand brushing, in a sn.arrny Imsin-b4t tllo native*) r a,t 70 to 77c, aat% J�OL) bushels I i!�'.):t,j:-,C:I,st -T,7N-,-Z'1(----,W � t, � - (If Ittlanda, tho watu6sl* are Ace. use tut GD14 to 70e. Dx,rle,y, sold I _ ___ - %�, . . .— __. a useful Idea, as was the pretty It ig 'jald that windowe washea In orlbod by, ,'�-chloltur as 4 very Itit . er. e, a, buellel for one lita(l,,, Oats London vabk,: 'I*Ilx(, last ,.ve,,U has wontlarrut latrnt -,vlivers, por. Cream Mae volt to go round It, which water to which tt littlo blilots'; 19 e8tIog and ronlarkablo irlbo, , ng tappet ends addod )vlll sholv a fine biTlIando and Tiboy aro giall-ts of scroll feet �lx r, 500 bushels selling 'At 33 to has b(Tu more or tosd rep�eto Irith blips by the Autumn I Tbo big French wal; SlImPOd with 10 '1�flell wa-l� 1114 to twist round tho throat and tle In keep fresh longer than I ,ill bands find rpot. colt wao loudly cho3rad by, - . ItIvItell, wit I sljjz - ntry produce and dairy pro. "$tartilug events," both grave anti country. men (and there was a good. a 01110 boir. To go with dainty- or- ed tit tile usual manner. prou'.1 and solf-oollfidallt lumilliarl we ' with 9' I o muslIns a eke of that ilk, ,re it, good Happ,,y, aY. In tile first category alas I,r show of Vrepollmon present, but gaud, .ud froq - longstraight hair b rush ad Stiffly up. a generally sti-ady. The best Comos the Sail flaale of the lorig- lie exicins to have taken an Incom- Caroline Reboux, of irlodistio re- Da-n't use bollax a7w rose water to ivavd, anit European or IIa,njItic*fpa. I . - unch�-tl a Sweet little remove tan And freck.los without r.brought 18 to 20cs and fresh looked for 11p,ris-Madrid motor ra prolicosIble, line at %etlon-anaauy", nolvIl, 11,10 lit turv�;, with W) 11091'0 chara4terio, a$ way ll� vras the horse 'ItIlat falled"t, watteau Insplrator or fine white Putting Oil it little Cold crOmIlt at- tlo�; I.elticy wore ttrined, with Inintorlao 19 to L10P par dozen. xi ,rivard, for borax makes the skin lit moderate aupp�y, wlth, prl,�ea w0ch proved a vorlL%blo holoo-ill'st Tho fair box was In "great good Italian strawo bout about Into. the to spe�irfi and Smoked black clay p1pas - y; 1.1Z; leads sold at $12 to of tragedies. The official arr-11190- lookv," &,i the fashion papers always most b000ming curves, w)tll a pinch, dry. ___ . Incessantly, A jonaug nian of'tivell. fk)r timothy, nud at $0 to wants, it As generally conceded, were sav�--so it must bo the correct ex- i he d f liar fairy fingers, ty, ivith weak eyes, wae proselitort pr 4 r mixed. 6traw, (lull, four loads far from being complete or busl� or'slon ! the gowns ' were more and wreathed with ptlik nntl jvhIte When Ironing a shirt begin at the as their Ring, uEd Fran , olljokfer, liko As2ot triumphs, so exquisitely hollyboots, of all flowers, It 10 quite front, than do tile collar, then tile thtirike to Dr. Kandt'a populax-Ity ' it) g at $7 ib $S.50 a. ton. I r.,ess-like; had even ordinary prud- charming, ana goes a mervoille with sleeves, mud lastly tile back, A small that; 1-(-gl was receivefl by, . itiseil hL)gs are stP.jd,-., light sell- fresh mail bright, In cowilliment to � on' , tile nti heavy once And caution b",n observed In tho loydr, but almost,dospalrod-of tile Marta Antoinette ricarvee and, board on a Similar plan to that re- King'K two wives -an honor iiever to ST.t,Z. tile regulations. or the race Nv'llo 8111111111-1v weather. Over tile muiling: r1onnaod frocks people are wear-' commanded for the qklrtj3 of dresses b0fOj,O accorded to A 4111-opeall. ly. ,lot And g,iuzk,-s nvarly overyone woze a I Ing, will be found vei-y U%oful to slip 11,bo vIsItor was coll0ticLed througll Owing is tile range, 6f Allilit'lli- knows holy many casualties 72), straw A pretty blue yrdila straw drop- I under tile frovito of shirts. -Wheat, white, bushel, 75m Y m,trabotat stale, just a socp- I nine grant courts, enclosed with mi-. to Ilavc been averted! It Seem$ likeQue con or a wraly, In car ' ed %A ,a of -Itli blue tullp, hall clumps of I -_ . tNtIcally woven sliraw wattlem, to do., red, 76 to 77e; do.; goose, irstips, yellow, black and gray, To restore scorched Illicit take two tile royil,I hilts, Where She found tire ) 70c; oa,ts. busht,l, ,11:n to 35,lic; of fr4o's Ironies, that lit two Cases cruorgimey. The Queen was graceful CO queollo sitting like graven imageg vis � y, ImAtel, 4::." tn, 44c; pens, till, danger flags i and elegant Ili pale silver gloy, with _--_-__­__�_____­__._.____, ,_.______ -----.,-- _ _.___________ i roses at 3wr wal4t anti in ll(w toqw%. Illa;ts, jyltb ilwir tiacks agalust tile 1. 75 to TRe, Irvy, timothy, per turnings Ili the race course word call- $112WO to 515.50; tit)., mixod,ppr 6piculous by their Absence, but iirbeq alrnf�.st more s:rnp*y dress til than any- wall and their logs stuck straight '�6 to $9, sti�tiv, Ix,r ton, A7.00 one is told the reason, "that the one. . . I I out Ili front of thoin. Thk-y had Prot- , The 1",rIncess or NVal.,�!s has greatly ty and Intelligent Xace% small haudri .50; opp:cs, per hbl., $1..-io to 51 had Calmly, gone to their blossomed out In tile way of dresn. wid feet, tall, oloader figures. r,vilpy . ; ilrossed Logo, light, $7.75 to alN, .�11111xilr,18,1111 one tacit; full of right- I darevay Nhe brou.-lit back some Nat wo0obleam ,with doirneast eyvs, ; ems, per dozen, 14 to 20c; cone indignation, It Is little use Ideas Wt. the rui)j:�Ot from liar so- � I for a tiulo, t1loll loOkell UP, at 'the ylt;. A, r, dalrN-, 16 to 19e* do,, creaixl� pFi Limps, to " shut tile stable (1001' " Jqurns Ili other lands, (Canada esper- -_ I I.A" I I 'VtDV With OVIdOut wonder. 20 to 23e; chic,)�.Pn,i, per pair, oto., but it is rather a consolatiod 1!O lallyl) At the Darliy she ivoro n, . They i-werrind 014jicllrj�d for a(>,)- . $1.00; turk(-ys. p(,r lb., 12t to know that extra precautions are [)a- cli�o little French paletot of whito . .. 11 verKation, and the only (111c.itioll Potatoog, per 1)-I--, $1.:45 to 1119 dommilfled in tire arrangements silk- over liar mignonette gown, and I I th,cy at,ked wafi whether the (�pr_ . of the programme for tile QOrdQII a becoming flurry bon. London Is � I artil lady tll%,6"%Yg , wore lilt t1jokin The Cheese blarkets. Bennett contest. In any case. tall -Ly bristling with balls anti routes, vlothes, or riolliatinive 'aj)pearod ae [burne, Juno 410.-T,.�-�,�iy throo that will ba such a different af- there are 60 -mally debutantes to be I - I they difl. Their coatunic Is deseplb- ie& boarde� , 1 4.-0 boxes colole'l (air; comparatively few racers and .1. "shown" 'thi's season, none perhaps I . 11 . i ed 'as consisting entirely of orna� e, for which 10* a - was after well licaged-in course, Instead ota str'kingly ,Imautlful, but a great 0 nr�nts, though ILI publio the watujisf . mi. p ,,tact throng or motors and tli(:Ir many iv:ll Improve, no doubt, and 4 I&Vi4 very fully clutiled Tot, Africaim. don Jun -v :.O­TD-�I�lv fOUVte0110 . . ries offered L1,113 boxes cheese; l9ing 170 , 11 intent on tearing aloog " following, Learn to make moro of themselves I � old a,t 101-2,,% the high road, to which the public later On, as th-.Ar mothers have done � crtow.u. June _10,-T4D-da,y �- had naturally tree access. I hear bolore them I L-ld.,� Warivick's "bud" 4 I , ,Ix ,and clicese sold at 1034o for that the I<illg is in a perfL,et Ish vinga"E P - I a -urceg'fou." ,13,1i Is small ,.�. mad at 101-4 to lt)3-8�,, for `quake," lest all should not go well and dainty, much more simple in style . 1. . . Dy In Ireland, and has been unusual than liar mother ever was, even wIlen . �11 I'll, I 19 . eville. ,Time 120 -Ta -lay .!�,'T-�O . - antocrailo in lite oicImmunications to she was Dalsy Maynard; at A recent ­ % I ,�� 0 V I of cheese lvere offered, ,S,120 the automobiling powers that be. rancy ,ball her dress, representing I a white "carty" tutterfly, exactly .... I , k \ k -, balamte Colored. ,ftlts- Wat- 90, Ilo,':g onS 0, Alr�xandoal 78% Keen Sportsman as lie Is, lie sees no pleasure in risking lite And Ilnib suited her, As she flitted about bar ... th 1 8 1, Braoton 50. All kold- at unneceissarIly in the pursuit of Ills gauzy wings got a little crushed ,Ind broken, Und one only hopod It was 01 &. . . riti.ill, bive Stock 31arkets. hobby, though no one in the land has greater sympathy wit" tile I e little girl's future, but all a "make-believe" to- . I- don, June 2 ' -M. -Live, cattle victims wlion an unlucky accident a(;- gethor I Lady Granby dresses liar � , .- __ . at 10 I -2 to 11 1-2o per lb. '�11 ours, which could not, part laps, have , "Jeuno flVe" In the A quaint garb Ili , , I I morloiln Ftern-,,drcesed Iva It ; been foreseen or averted. About tile . . ' wh.ch she loves to pose liar models; I 1 Ilan .steere, lo to lie W. 11 ; Gordon-Rennott race public opinion so me alGw her portraits all manage � 0 . I . era,tor beef, 81-!!o per lb. is distinctly at variance. The gen.-. to bear a. strange resemblance to 11 � . I Toronto IN -vim 31arkets. eral. "Voice of the People" Is- up- ,�, each other, which must, on.- Imagines, . � do in otrawberries was brisk at lifted to clamor for its being car)- I . be due to some freak In the painter's I d 4L . rult maxicet to -day. The run: of iis offering wa,s large, and bay- colleet altogetbar, but the coininu n- Ity interested* pecuniarily and oth- eye Lo.o; All bar women and children � weird, and dreamy -eyed', and I ,I 1 __N1_1 .W fairly kvetri. Pric-ce ran about erwise, in auto -lug, And they fluffy-halred; one and all liava, it ji y with tlioz�e of yesterday. Ule are a, mighty throng, are deter- Sort Of ,early-salat Savor about ;�\ Id __1 � a rum of berr'es were c;,old at . mined the programme Shall be them� with the Inevitable wide-eyed C , 7C Per .box. A few lots Of famey carried out, though with expression and halo of bair. All the . li� ( , . 1 �s brought as 11191i as 8�, and some modifications. The Irish same, she is one of the most fashion- / A I - or poor stook sold 8 li,gh. as Mom here In the ale portralt Painters of ilia day. � I �111 . Al"Al - , f"Al . The general qua Ay Or the ivas rather better an that of of course to saeut a fresh cause of grievance for !be Emerald Isle, and Opern Popular. I � i , ­ fit .-- 11 / 1�,,'�I]Ax reviou,s day's war e . who See, Ili the motor race a pros- T114D opera Is �boing tremendously . , V� 7, / 7 Bradstreet's on Trade. - pact or' s!iek;.,Is being poured In bag- patronized, and of concerts there are 11 1 continued advances in tile mar- ruls, on its shares, also lift their dulcet 0) voices to protest agalbst enough and to spare, so many would- . �� be stars ivaiting to bu "boomail," : .. I ��, I for KtaW.e goods has stimulated ma.ud at Montreal for fa.1 tic- its postponement, and I or and beseeching an andionce. Qua Is - . IN -V r. 'nio line outlook for the croly,j once, I licar, they have the Prime fairly inundated with tickets (11 a 4 - * _ - NA I � ;-- - ,—....N trado in all lines, and tile Minister, -who is such a keen wor- t1tre graclaux) in 'th3 Season, and _r ..1. !11. . . al opinion in trade ciri-12S Is tile turil-over tile shippor or "Ie Tour Toni" (as they call it In Party*, oil their side. BU t SGMe of the concerts bave, to be sand- ; - ." , 11 /\ wl. a IV ...... �- I ,%I in some how, or one gives . I . conling tall before tills is In print, -.N,o,,-L ivill know - I.- - OffetMe to ilia patron or, . , . I , 1 4, 0 much larger thau ever bar ere. has been it, oteady hicrease ' ill all rCbout It, and tile anxiety will* .patronoss � .4 it I of the musician or son ­ . % S-blrd. The ...". � ,,\ 1,fl - . , i&, , , - Ct � ", ."ig-'. emand for goods for fa.1 dolt V_ one tru-sts, be at An end. - ---, , 11 new "Emplre club" rooms were g 1-11,-,e - - .1 . ,,�,,, "I , 11, \", *, X Toronto this weak. The move- I 'a The Dtrby. ,Ov�ule­ 1'� I., � - '. " hz;uae warmed ' tile other day " Y 9" __ ill I .- .,,A,.. - I r. -1 w,th great eclat, and I was - % ; .1 . I N'-, , z , 'w", 1-1 "I . 4 , �­ in sea,soua,bl goods Is quite In isomer llnef.z. 'Wholosale trade Next in the sporting calendar came � I - I told that your countrywoman, Mrs. i, 4-1 ht� ­-%:,,�\, __�\ ��,,_'j N� .�, 4 I I X c:7$, 1 f " k vp"A ,�� f4k,��ts - I t�,�fy­ ebein dur;ug the pw%t week is re- the Dervy, and after all the tricks I , . .� 11. Chamlierimin, flitted about like a , -_ I.. ft/j-A ­�.:, , .,. ,,, Mw __ ,\.. . I AJ41;41.,-Vl,��. . I - 1,1VAY `-)ee." here, there, and C<t. N � ,,,s ,!.,aat A 1� 1� , - - I -0. r -j-11-W .� � N\�,I.VRX " ,�, %\ . ", _ �� i.)_". * il sa,tlafactory merchan- and Is moving freeiv. At victor, la, .r. fha,x; 'Ems, merr'y Mantt" ;; s2sn fit every- I it ,� ,.� � . -L IM � %,�,L , "w1lora. 1�, was partly due to liar Inde _" 11.1 , I - 0 - I., - ,C,tw .a - �!�J, - 1, � , 'T, , . 1 .""! ': .". �, M Y�, ouver and other coast tradu to play on us, it is a pleasure tj re- cord. that the -weatbor lial; beer ideal, " .". . ,;; fatigable, energy and love -of organiz- - 1� . Ing, Or cou"e, that the "t Qublt .11 . " I . . ". � .. . . . . ... I --- .1 �­_.., N � - . .� , .. V. - es there L5 a goaa demand for aplex. T,rado gemerally appeal's warm -and eunni with blue skies Y, ,mpire .� 0. ever rmiir daylight, though Mrs. At �, ,�-_./�-- -2 - %�i �'i , x. , �, ��,, 'P_Z�_­ . ,­­� _-� �nzr­rN, . azelillzzl"�L I !_ - Z k: ... , - "'. � �,� . . I , I , ,,.--Z:� - - In th bralthy eondition. Tile a of the e,tuatlon Winnirog overhead, and soft, freall, young greenery and flowere everywhere. , - _� , �i­ -Tz�, z - �-��-, frod Lyttleton was a good Second in . I % � r- atta . - ;_� - �.'� command. The "ibey. Chamberlains" ,-=_ . _�.w _. - . - � . at steney progress bi,ing made by r D p,,;. Buis-lies5 at Hamilton The motors, ware more an ovidenee ELt Epsom thau ever before, of cos- lookNI ill, du Aa=�Ir, ring the afternoon, Ma- dame very. eimply bat prettily gown- white Chiffon Gown Trinillied With Black lowil St(a:ly progrcss tit a week. tora and their asinine companions there 'were comparatively f0W, a<] In grey. Lady Howe and the Duch. -Chantilly 'have Uce firm too(- of the markets for a ' goods "as had agoca effect on though for a -pialsanterle" some dozen -witty young mail drove down C.S9 or Davonsillre, who both been "41ning" the King and �.Iuccn . . � . .-1 1. - - .. I . . . ry orders for the, fall, and the in the most spick and span new do -a- this week, Nvere also playing hostess, for currnint rcilulrements of re- radt, are very ewouragln,!�. The key carts with gaily caparleoned. lit- and looked haliftome and genial as 6oneath. the brim, alid a Yxillow, u,sual, Be-sidea all the dinners, balls, onions, pool them, Mixic tlidm and ex� tions; of trad-, m.; reportcd to tle Ileuddles," who got Aght nimbly over the ground. The gyp.des, too, straw had a drapery of green,red and other frivoling aort of entertain- mud blue, plaid velvet, with para-! tract ilia Juice by squeezing at, pound - "' * "'it f An ounce of white rct-0Q, ar-- vxceed' gly oivoar- � In Lon, 'on tlicT�rhas boon a were few and far between compared mants, there have been others of a keet's Plumage laid across the top. More serious "genre", , "Inter , Eao-ji,_t inpolbac'eq of Fullors' earth. 7 an fall stapd.�s tile with formor 'vears, when tile Stuart - ast of the en;��rt set did not disdain .ilia,*' an Interesting lecture at tile Chin-The Newest 1)rcEg Goods. L . ,IV wl ill thom ilia onlon juice and half a plat of vinegar. Boll well ant] irfick. Retail t rade is shawin- activity, D.wa it l'i cxpcetcd that to cross the dusk,,, r-aws of Mesdames T,00 or Cooper, �wl � th. silver in ex- Ma, Club on Canada, by Mr. Pulling, The Dew silk -surfaced linens are Illuctrated by wonderlul 811deL *; ,, Ho fascinating for dresses, tile ,rcani , , 'spread 11 ,When, old over tit(, Carol," ` ulitt, will el in- ry rc auce.4; .low 1. change for game hon-yed wor,lz of 9, 'l.V0 a far more cheerful impression ones looking really Ilko faille silk, ad part of the liner) hrid lot It dry, -Afterward wash out till, linen, and ment soon. TJit, movenients, In %ale trade At Ottawa I'll,; w(I ek givoctuess and cheernix prognosti- 0 ilian Kipling did f Our Lady of the equally rich and supple. Some are Siloivz, and cracked it up tremen" It ivill be found tiv t -11 ecorch a t C been quite Large, the retallero, - ,.ations, at good luck in love or life. Tile Romanyu hayn ])eon so trimmed with applique diamonds, In d4DU-qy, �Vr. IPletebor, ,Who - * -fertile rly pale blue or rose, worked In I has ontire ,ly arrid. - T-110 � disapvc, * the letimul us of ittIvanclug poor ,snubbed latvl.v and bounfled from soft ci�itcd the allrerdele, wa,s In th:,- chair, Shades of the same or In white, "went Laundress. of sta.plo goods, having or- freely for tile fall. their faTorite'nook,.f and crannies in and ho one better," and Spoke others have tile Inevitable exit -out 1110 I rapturously or Canaft's being 'ed - - - Itceord Wheat Cron. tile woods (theirs by long years or possession which they took for nine ,,, work, mix with thickly ambrol- coming country."'as It were, with dared "pole." Other litiens are cog- Dilliple-chasers. . ulpeg, June, 2I.-Stati3ticijin points� oll the, Im%rj), that they are Immense pozalbl.1.1-s of tutree ppos- ad with deep button-Ilole 1 parity. d Pointe, "I AVOIldor why none of there Alc. - Gal,bloton han or Chicago, who Is ton. r1n., oba and the Northwest Torrr- feeling rather E -ore with the land of their adoption, though they do which are filled In wttli embrold- Refeirring to the groat success of ertd discs, or transparent motives. ga-18 married T1 "I kUPPOISO It'd far 'tile samo rea, with an excur*Jon party a,, ag- not give Ili to the police anthorl- Lortl 2finto's Governorship, FO!"One There is also a new ribbed linen Ill told me that Lord 111my Pori that you didli't attend the Van- flarbilt wedding,,, urbsts, rvportg crop con-'jilons ar perfect as Possible. He esti- ties without a desperate struggle, in which the Lady Romany takes ,Nortlicoto delicious pastol tints, ,which mlg'hlt ovenutally be -,your Xlng's reprewnp- easily pass for Irlsh. poplin, andis - . Litila, Vic vpring vrli(at a2reaga at, 1. ccnt. larger th-ail ln,st -vear,. generally .is active a part .'is her lord and master. I have alway 0 had ativ,-. That seeinu as it it m*-ght IyOrIc more useful from its capital width, well'. Lord and Lady Nortlicoto Are 45 Inches. flCorgo, While IrWkjlAW at Ills � picture book, clinic acrogs picture lie wneal; &OP tit 81,C00"_0 tile greatest intere�st in gypsli� Since about A groat many charming In India, and the latter rinang are bedecked with tile now ,it of A tl9dr ("I' Ing a man. Under it 'e, comirtu d with the official - ( wz�.v told a grwt deal about tli<,m Would X981 ' ' ' ! � flax fringes in cream, o3oru, Or col- . woro 11iO lvordEz, "Man-oathig Uger.11 110 looked ato of 68.000,t 0) bueh(l,; last by their friew! and ally, Charles Q'Iste at Home in Canada, ors. They are made vvAth netted at It a moment and then � The Crop Ptospect. T,eiand (better known to, some of you as "Hans Breltmar," who where, a,; Lord and Lady -Moxintste, headings,'and look like tha richest phoril,s adopted daughter, sh-3 lived so notted silic fringe. You also get said : " That Isn't a, man-vailng tiger, -0 0. Hreman, Cbllcago� zaya: ltild as it tile T Ills memorable "barty!" 94 0 I breathod a real sigh wilpti I long and_i;arp:Iy. , , Thc-v hAvO no clIll- tile Uttle TOM Ponce fringe, (Ian- dren, which they keenly regret, I be- gles �nd netted buttons, . It's 1), tiger-oating iiiji.ii,11 - ,se,oin price of for tile twelve montlis to COU30 heard of his death a few months all of 1111- 111i.ve. 1 think pt,ople here 4r. -Ill be glad en or flax persuasion, go far, those - Tile Ill stres.4-Builvilat made you 10MVP ,ly to rwigo at a very high or he was the most interest- % f men, it brilliant convPr9-TVOn- I Eo �o 1, ' wheil y0a can "Iend" Lady BIWen El- have not been acclaimed by the flitit to London 804�ioty, as I ,,Voice Mrs. Smythe tso Nuadenly, - Mat -lit ? rathor o-er tbari undpr 8) The quesCon I,z, irlien will tile 't t�,St, lip In all tile art of the day. rrmarked or th V 0 vooill ," and con"o- there I� a dmided. dearth of real)y quent1v are worn by, "log vrates Lie- ; Tile INIald-011, rile ,Ili' '(,r busbartil co to Over that figure take 1 1 brlirve It iviil bn witlil-.i the in fact no one has boon a more aractical friend to all helpful and 1, pretty debutante,; tthouWa so many gantes", Instead of laoil collars. Are "above thp avera-le"j, vo thUt Shm I there are collars of Inatedal edged oCjIl!.jU,t agrao, 'so I thouglit it bost i 0 � C, , ,nd lit Illy resIgnatIoD a,t allot. Telir wm&-�. Indicationg, some the minor art lndu!�trlos, lite taste lvill be a weleonIt widition to the In-; with decl) fringe, which alst) all- It eonle to lit() point whore oil(, of 'all .90, favored .1 crop of winter of al-tuo,-t M bnah(Ps and touch wore perfect in over.v- thing lie undertook, and lip, launolied not- circle. There are riot nearly Fo III, f .xvy ,jmer,,cans as usuat In town, pearo oil the skirts. But-iny "ba - I ,,on!.-, us to to. I __ �-,50.0J(1.0 lins, earunken until I doubt no end of schools And cla-sses for I Many ,seem to Prefer Petrie so far Vardago4t has gono on t�)t) j,.0 I must at one 'a 1013"I an, r0- . " Sq, to put It st,kljg ly, you think I that ez theaext Governmi-lit repart tile development Of artg And Craft% tills I Season, and, "on dIV tllftt .jvj8I , volr! ianteclair, Mrs. lionpi equo v"Vonrr; ille tron- fair tila-1, the yfuld will h,� Illuell alliong the rich and Poor, th,� culti- I thoi.,gh tht. King and Queen are Aim I - 80;'R Ili the farnily?o ,# 03 T� 15%00J,0.�() bnui�ril,:, nn,l 'tit vroll of winter nwl t,priag VrAed. and the untrained. ,He ball travelled much Among the Romanles- , waya charming to really nice Amer- * "'an the royal "cordon" Is less clas- DID YOU EVER Well, no, I wouldn't put it ill"t i ntrong. I would ,say that she hangs mA,.V mot be over 650,0jo,O)o and Idi glp,gy'-stories were simply G t"hati it, thrAr "Prince and PrIn- liar skirts ill) witil it irollsors . This w Ill bc� smaller tIja,-i the enchantln_-, anti faselmated me ct- tircly- He had too case of Wales (lays," hnd con- DESCRIBE Ii U R PxY ? tretclipr," ".4 ralsed last year, and conplih,r.- a great weak- for RoqxxxOntly, fewer enterprising Spirits Ig —_ bm-o, MAWr than thO1901 crop- rlo"9 for Vanadlaxis-or rather 19, from the other iside will be a($ young man,- s;n,ja the � I Canadlenne cao tills Ifs for a Wo- received in the Inner sanctuary mt The man at the now's staild might minister, ,,.you ll(,vp,,, pald mo that )AX I'Vill Like This DeS84FVt. man's Vage,I1 I shall not bethought court. It will take -very keon-witted � Invidiong If I sav, that?) Ire said and deterwiDed Yankeeil to know-, Mro. Gibbons ilovorea Ullepr- tainly around the pictorial exhibit, too for niArrying you'." "You're mighty lucky the yolke of five fresh -eggs In 1, adil to them five heaping bb could Slip at. tbet� ub.der Or through the ropes, trying to scroir 'tip & suddenly wan- 8110d you. fOr (lainagoix.11 I haven't �Onfuls Of granulated sugar, Always PlivkOut a Canadienno now-a-dayA Williont Special IDA- tationsl Of covitse, tills does not, by try,-, courage, and then found voice to say engagingly., __ "rharbly, dear, tli(,r(, aren,t ally ,D egg beater .Ind grate In A umeg And it lie Came Into a room full of peo- I pie over litre, and than lie went on' any means mpply� to the tralleatlan-- - . " Iam looking for my husband." . "What (lid latly?" r4cos in town, are III(q.n 71, i " NO t '%volt Into the mixture, Add to 411trow them bouquotso" as tile Itc. "ames d' allies," wbu are Over welcome as flowers In Ifay,, and you, say, T110 man sto'ppod In his work of sorting What voinhided you of ilia ' I . tact F I 1111"'t Of Cream, and with the �fbt,err 'WhIP it In to 4 f Oam with , French say, enough to make ai monke.r blush (for which ,strong ex- ! , 'whose brightnesa and p1quancy are SO, highly appreciated. A new,title, papors. ,, I'm lopkIrig for my husband. nc?4 � " TGO haven't said nilything 'about ilia necossity of econowhing for I I I g r a 4 I a n t.q. Pour till# . lilt , 0 SM411 China c0pa, stand pfrrs�ioa Octave Poulliet to resporl- � qblo !) But, though the gipsles have � by the w.V, has jast been carkled off � , been. Waiting for me here for a long tinto-with a partY-Init lip.lo sovu Oral wbeks," In a. Shallow pan of cold wa. talld wandered Away from, the Derby, I t 1. by Americalno, (anotber golden ap- pie dropped into her lgil) for Lord gone TIOW'. I thought Porbaps tic had left -j-- - One Biblo trUt-11 tilore IS 11, tile Pall On tile range, I(In tile Water hiv; bolleil gently did not mean to go away so tap, un- til I had to!d yoviz how keenly dls� � Eomb message here with youx Monson. who belonga to our Paris ..W114t kirillot a looking mail wa,; Embasayi.htw to Turn- i wIllell 011,19 have abldill!� trust , Tho wly ON Of,IXTIally n minutes, take tire calls out It t lit] them where they will gjD,t appointed All the p, -,Op 10 sewait%d that t-MO&d,, jilp , ving's "gow, did proposed Ales, '1107" W murc. whiu7e father is a geni,ral In Nked tile 11tWO) clerk. Ile leancti t bellove H V of dtist..) Thai 'ImAll I Illuil. Id, but, will not frcnv2i,. Jimt serving them �Trinlde OVev , not toinn in a "winne0, One mati, And by no mt-ans, a, rorivaril eompirtnionably. the Tj. 8. Artily. 110, Iford Itonson. � "Tit-hola tall, And clean sh, IR quite young, a keen, 01PIODMto find 11 , "navon H(- -I lalow Zv(lur ram!ly flopall't P of Each, Cap a, thick layet, ot multi-million-Ilre is Ile, rc)DIArke.d that lie 11 worlid With 41 light overcoat, And a riogular boulevarillor, or clubtuan., I 11,111.0 ON, i __A11d-0 ".41,110 groili'd aroul it for voz 'lilt- like mt- lilt will "vou. ho Illy wIfO7 11ollp'-W1,11" I (411allid rjay IjOt I MataroollS. dessert Is easily made And cheerfully Wive given 150 to go.o tile 11those World of Fa;ihion, . distinguishing character to (,11cit a ITO (tVIC011 alkill'i�) ._WIjj,,w illat, t.7 And (1011,10'u. It Ong! dops horse a victor." Dut latf�r ,on, who know't Assure its Mena will as* And n6w a final note concerning r.leam Of ret.,ponste-11.1 uae faslijone freph froul Parls, which Are with a (11111ple 11, It.,, Site folt her .t ftler, i0lort. 0 Alle-1 riVvtf, Ij 0 U113- 1`131`01' Of nutrileg, Nau� Ly be 11904 1110t(i3d, tonisli tbriz ciportitig World by hloj rpringIng dflily Illm I'lowera, waiting own tmtuowqneSs. "You-yoli,d know r"Imut'l fiav not, but, po a FAIrl. lit lows dop8lrt ftlwa� Ii R;ty 6XIlloitt, 1101vaslov AeVol6per, bitt to be Culled. Firat ihojT, to hatm Illm It �� ft. ftmv 111M." what 010 Ishoul'i, 'Vil t4a.y 'Fus.1v THE GERMAN MAHD SERVANT ,She Alust Have T -Pas -8- book Derore Site, Unix serr(... Tho ,young _rwrsoD %-"-, 'Ills Be im- porrant A place in our dc,inestlo ar- rangements as housemaid, parlor. maid or 9,goljoral" often enough takes a pride in her appearance, wlild', though entirely natural, IR sorrotimes Irritating to tile less roa- sonablo type of mistress, says the St. James' Gazette, What . would site think If It were necessary., for � ber, as it apparentlyle to Germany, before taking a place as domestic servant, to provide herself lvIth a special passbook, in which a full des- crJPtIon of her appearance must be entered ? Tljlsw description of the -%W German mald-servant is entered by the police of liar native dlid,rict, and is somotijAes dieta.ted more by. call, dor than by., chivalry. Tile color of tho eyes &lid limit, and tile Bbapo of the nose are all duly chronicled, and It the constable Is Of tile opinion that ally of these features are.ugly, lie has no hesitation In saying so. What possibilities Such a system suggest I Imagine the young' per- son, about to Start a career as cook presenting herself before the local constablo to await his verdict on. her nose and lipal - . � Overcoming til-00ostac-1 . e. _._ 11 " Yet;," said ilia yGung Inall Whip WaR takIng ths young womall formy auto rklo, "tit:- auto bag its allvan- ClIgOff; IAlt still there is a groat dif- Terence bativeall it Any d tile gooil olq horse.,, �." Oh, yes; I supp6se there Is," an- Ilwarea tho young womarl. " Fol. histnnee", went on lh,� young Man, "With tile ho -rap, li-lien oil(, waK driving irith tile pretty girt, ht� cauhl holl tile flneu Ill onc, bond, or wrap'. them about ilia wIi!pj and-aud-and liug the girt." " 011-11-11-11 " ""Oil airful. thing "', ox- r1almed tha blu-illill-g- young Nvunlalj� -U'hey Eq)�d niolit, ill 4'.ence for ser- . " Pral Milos. At last th-� timid -,voting thing said: . , " I' . ut I ,lbould think ihat airriouity.. CGUILI be oasliy overvoine," 44 "What difficult,).?, usked - the _ Young mail. I " Why, that -what Nraii Sri!,] about the thnos virlitti thn 'mon took -tile girls di-ji-in- bpjjljj�j 11. harsp, .in(' - When tll(,,v 'Wrapp,�-d ilin linvs nbrmt tho vVIIII), 41111 whol flIvy--tIir,y-TA1, when they (u. -I what y"ll f;:Iy thry dkl." " I (101"t Fc',� ho%v it colit-I 1);N ovor- COMP," Said 1.1jo ,vauth, -if yoo. stop tile nutO it't3 liable to r,Lart lip of ItSKf and up -Ret you Ill th'i dit(-ft, and a fc-1101v s'llll%l,y has to kerp both liandn busy willic It Is Ill motimi.0 '� I know", faltore-I th-2F girl ;'Ibui- ,In It Seems to me t1w 11, way", 're woul,41 Ile "I'd like iq know what it is?" " N1701.1, Couldn't tile girl -couldn't sho hug -hug tile man ?11 - I TTJRX-D- D AROUND. Urs. Oldivoil-Bofore we ,were mar- rlod you said You would iove tile too woll t . 0ever 066 rile make a fire, .Mr. Oldvvod�Well, I &1n,t looking at ym. A I � I I . � — I � 11 I . .. # I Itoliesty t1le Best Polloy. _�* ., Cleveluxul Pixiln Denj(% I It ,%ou pIN-we, mt., BillIngs, call Wit (10-aftornoorl off? 'Me grand. Mothor-1, "TOO thin. my boy, 111.�?t died, luun't allcor, "AN'llo? MO grawlmotiv,r? Not much, pjlo� Alust. She promlowd to tAlc(% DW to Ile , I)all came dt'l prter- nooll, It I 4�411 got bit.,, "WOU (All 90, my bo,v,'-