HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-25, Page 1The 30TH YEAR, NO, 4,3, Wingham W INGRAM. • ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1903, $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADYANGE Removed,, LatillOptional. ,. Forbidden,�._..,�..A••�._..�._......:...a�.�-.Mou1 ders' Strike. Officers Elect. n BANK. The supply store of the Wingham .fhe committee nDUMINI0N ppoznted by rho $nthtng ttnd boating are strictly t1 strike is in force amotag the maul- Wingham Catancil, R, T, o£ T. Na, !!JJ! jjj Flour mill has been removed across Ontario Educational .Association to forbidden In the very picturesque (?) ders at the Western Foundry, In 114, met on Tuesday evening. The fol- BANK OF RAMILTON the street to the shop adjoining Mr, consider the new Public and High lakes at the corner of Josephine and order that the public may be able to lowing are the officers for the ensuing Watt's residence, school curriculum, on Saturday decid- Patrick streets, unless written per- draw their conclusions as to where the term :-.Select Councillor. -Jho, herr; W N HA M Capital (paid up) $2,9$0,000 Promotion. ed to make Latin in future an optional mission is obtained from the Street blame should lie, the Advance has en- Vice --Florence Park; Chaplain --W. '----'— instead of a compulsory subject at the and Sidewalks committee of the Town deavored to get the facts, and present Hall, Herald -Frank Kennedy; Asst. cap` �patd up i2,0oo,000, Reserve, 41,5o0,0o Reserve land undivld „ $3 330 000 I'ro his ion examinations are being Junior Leaving examination, The Council. them to its readers. Most of the maul, Herald• -Cora Brandon; Rec.-Sec.-N. •T• TURNBULL, Goneral :Kanager, ed profits) ► ► held this week in our Public School ; pupil may have choice of Latin dere belong to the Union, and the iirandan ; I�'in,•Sec.-Ma ie Tibbs ; President Jphn Stuart the results will be ubiished noxi Wedding, g ' Maggie Yice•Preeident-.A. G. Ramsay week. The School closes far vacation French, Greek or German, but mush g, strike is in obedience to the orders of Treas.-Walter Rase; Guard--Rdith Caahier-J, Turybu Farmers' Notes discounted, on Friday of this week, scorn at feast 50% in the subject eho• A quiet matrimonial event trans- the official of that organization ,�known Walker ; Sentinel -W, W C. Thompson ; Geo. Dirt 9 A ��'�VirppProctor ,ea To Gibson, sen, It was considered that in the pired on Wednesday, at the residence as the Walking Delegate, The Auditors --H, Hicks, W. Thompson, (Toronto) to) Drafts sold on all points in Can Nothing too good for Baby's feet, junior leaving course special promin. of Mrs. H. Gibson, Shuter street, when moulders work on the system known savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to 1 oda, the United States and Europe. We can please any mother with shoes encs be given to English, mathematies her daughter, Miss Sarah, became the as "piece work' -tire more good work ( Deposits of $1 and upwardstoo0ved. Int - for Baby 25 cents to $1,25,--W. J. erect allowed and computed on 30th November Greer's. and science, It was also decided to bride of Mr, John Helm. At noon the a roan turns out, the more he earns, and 31st May each year. and added to principal SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. recommend that the scope o£ examin. contracting parties resented them- Bence the wages differ accordin to special Deposits also received at �urrenp Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and C. O. C. F. P g p p $ �jTZ��°i1 q�I rates of igterest upwards, and added to principal 80th Juno anon for the commercial diploma be selves before Rev, R. Hobbs for the the ability of the workmen, and aver+ G G U Drafts on Great Britain and the United and 31st December each year. Next Monday evening is the date of enlarged to include business practice, ceremony that "makes the twain one." age from $2,75 to $4.00 a day for moral• states bought and sold• the regular meeting of Wingbam commercial law, commercial arithnte• The magic words having been spoken, ders, while apprentices from six Rev. Mr. Sparling of Palmerston has L• Auarctrrsox, Salieitor, A. E. GIBSON, Manager Council of Chosen Friends. A full At. tic and geography, The resolutions and congratulations dffered, the hap- months to a year at tine tirade earn been appointed by Bishop DuMoulin, W CORBOULD Agent tendance is desired. Organizer Finch will be sent to the Minister of Educe- r company sat down to a tasty wed- from $1,25 to 1.50 Bail The peculiar rector of St, James Church, Guelph, Travellers are notified that the Bank of R. Vanstone, Solicitor g ; y P y $ y, p Hamilton and its Branches issue Circular noteq has some candidates ready for initia- tion, ding luncheon. The bride was dressed phase of the matter is that the men In the absence of Rev. Win. Lowe, at of the National Provincial Bank of England t%on, in nav blue with waist of white silk, were a Synod Rev. Mr. Webb of Brussels "td-) which can be.%shed without charge or Foy SALE -1 -louse and lot, on corner y pparently satiefled with their preached in St. Paul's olluroh on Sun -rouble in any part of the worla FOR SALE. To Advertisers. of Victoria and Leopold streets; also She is well and favorably known, and wages until recently. Last week, day last. house and lot on Victoria street, lot the groom is a most worthy, industri- Walking Delegate Kelloe came along As Wednesday next is Dominion extending to the river. - JOHN A. ous mechanic; both are faithful chuFch and notified the Western Foundry Co, . The new R.O, church atOhepstowwill have a seating capacity of 800. The Less than a mile from Wingham, a Day, copy for change of ads in the Ad- MOWAT ; enquire at residence, workers. The guests left behind them that their prices were too low. The cost will be about $18,000. The collec- g g y Lacrosse. manHelm left on the afternoon train for per cent. The Western Foundry amounted to $800.A Stiffer With buildings. tfwill h, -old d house growing short t made. Advertifor sers a in ase ars riot A fine exhibition game of Lacrosse y tokens of esteem. Mr. and Mrs. men then demanded an increa se y fiivoe tion at the lam pf the corner stone by 5u notice if arrangements are tirade, This P was played on the Park on Friday their wedding tour. Congratulations, refused to grant the increase, and Next Sunday, Rev. F. Smith, of Iain- is a most desirable property and will forget. evening b Olinton and Win most of the moulders went out. The cardine will preach in the Methodist Aching, Sweating, be sold on reasonable terms. Enquire g y sham Get Electrical. teams. At first, the game was rather your feet ready for the Hot Co.claim that their prices for some; church, It is the day chosen as the of g Weather. Oxfords and Colonial Ties, celebration of the Iii -centenary of the THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. Government Inspector Nash is here one-sided, and the visitors scored two are the comfortable Shoes. -$1,25 to work have been too high, and they birth of John Wesley, Swollen Feet ? , this week inspecting the Electric goals in quick succession. '.Chen $3.()O. -At W. J. Greer's, offered to have a comparison made on At the Methodist Conference at St. light metres, of which there are Wingharn boys woke up and began to Will Drill Again. all the castings, and if some were too j John, N. B., Rev. Dr. Carman made about 125 in town. Mr. Green is mak- play, the result was that Clinton scor- g low, to raise these, provided that those ' another stirring appeal for political "WALK. EASY" Foot °i �e1n: �I ing some further improvements in the ed no more, 'The visitors were on the weeks of toil and heavy expense which were too high were reduced;. purity, pointing to Ontario and British line, and has others•in view. whole a heavier team, and several of are results of the unfortunate accident or, they would grant the 5% at once, Columbia as horrible illustrations of Powder gives relief. Etheir players certainly played well, which plugged the Salt well near if a guarantee were given that over' rottenness, I. O• F. town. Mr. Sparling is having not rice It relieves that hot - See Halsey Park's advt. � � Wingham boyo put up a good game, P g g P paid on those pieces now too Ordination. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Court Wingbam, Independent Order especially after "half time" when for only delay in filling orders, but heavy high would be refunded. These offers At the call of Wingham Baptist burning sensation, and of Foresters, attended service in the the rest of the game, the contest raged outlay. A hundred dollars' worth of were not 'accepted, and so the men Church, a Council, will convene with is 17 y g chiefly around Clinton them for the purpose of ordaining to the hakes walking easy." Wroxeter find Teeswater will cele- Methodist church on Sunda mornin y goal and tools are lost in the old well, and a quit work, The Co, claim that it !a Gospel ministry, their pastor elect, Rev, g brate Dominion Day. last, Rev. R. Hobbs preached a prat- Wingham scored three times, The new well will have to be drilled. The unjust for the Union to place them on J. N. McLean. The Council will meet 1Oe per bottle. Try it The annual excursion to the Madel tical sermon to them from Isaiah game was well played, and was com- spot chosen is about three hundred the same basis as Troy, New York, or on Tuesday, June 30th, at 2,30 p.m. to g P y and be conYineed. Farm takes place on Friday, 28th 410 0, 7 -'•'They helped every one his feet from the old well; drilling will be- Hamilton, • Oat., where board and examine the candidate. A public cr- y parativety free from intentional dination service will be held in the neighbor, and every one said to his roughness, Quite an improvement was gin at once, and will probably be con- other living expenses are so much lust. brother, be of good courage," There noticeable in the la of Wingbam tinued until a depth of 1100 feet is higher, and when, in Wingham, addi- evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. o , B. Th. - The volunteers under command of play g tie, B.A., Rev. net0. Cameron, de om,, was a good turnout of the brethren, y game with Kincar- reached, when it is thought the vein tional freight must be paid on mate- and other prominent men of the donom- FOR SALE ONLY By boys since their Capt. Buckley returned from camp on and in addition to practical lessons of dine, not only in their speed but in will be struck, The failure of the Tial, incoming and outgoing, above !nation, are expected to take part. Saturday last. -helpfulness deduced from the text, the combination. The game closed with a effort to find salt near the works two that paid in the manufacturing can- Farewell. ( T WANTED. -Servant -girl wanted at speaker emphasized the good being score of 3-2 in favor of Wingham, years ago, and now the necessity for a ties. In the meantime, enough moul- On Sunday eve'g. every available seat WALTON McKIBBON once. Apply to Mrs. R, M. Robinson, done by the fraternal Societies, and new well, are heavy expenses, besides ders are at work to complete a large in the auditorium and gallery of the ,� among the many, the I, 0. I+', in par- Died. delay and interruptions in business. number of stoves now on the shelf, Methodist church was required to so- y c tops are looking much better since ' i commodate the lar q lT�+ T Y recent rains; warm weather world ticutar. After several months of failing We hop. Mr. Sparling will meet no and as the Co. is making improve. _ large congregation, that DRUf'I�'iYST now be acceptable. y a number of cod health Mr. Jas. Maxwell of the Blue- further mishaps, and that the drilling ments, that will require several weeks, gathered to hear the closing discourse WANTED.—To buy g of Rev. Hobbs pastorate in Wingham. Ngg}, door I o Post Office. stock farms, within 3 iniles of Win vale road passed away on Wednesday will be successful. Mr. Sparling has the strike could not have occurred at a Wing- Besides Query spat bolus occupied, 200 We have passed the longest day of ham. Apply to 0. J. Maguire, Real of this week. Deceased was a sou of shipped in a car of salt to supply his more convenient time. The floor of chairs were brought up from the lecture • 1003, but where, oh where, has the Estate Agent. Mr. Robt. Maxwell, Sen., and brother customers in the meantime, the moulding shop is being raised over room and used. The pastor chose as his summer weather gone? Disappointment. of Robt. Maxwell, Jr., of Wingham. two feet ; a cupola house will be erect. text, I Corinthians, 15:58 -°'Therefore, There are a number of cod ve eE- of was forty-five years of age, and Convention, ed and the cupola removed. When my beloved brethren, be ye .steadfast, g g Quite a number went to Kincardine The Huron count annual conven- unmovable, always abounding in the able gardens in Wingham, and some last week to take the excursion to De- was born in Princeton, Ont. When y they are ready for full staff, the Co. work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye his parents carte to this section of tion of Christian Endeavor and Sun- think they will have no difficulty get- know that your labor is not in vain in o very neatly -kept lawns. troit on steamer Greyhound, When day School workers was helot in Blyth tin the Lord," The speaker noted the ex- ®� country, nearly forty-three years ago, g men, To the ordinary observer, The sidewalk on the west side of near .Kincardine, the weather was so on Thursda and Friday last, Thure- y liortation to "steadfastness," and to Edward St. is being continued south- rough, that the Captain refused to deceased was but two years of age. da was devoted ri Sunday School it seems unfair that !lir, Walking "abounding" in christian work, and g g He leaves a widow and three young y Delegate, drawing a big salary, should drew from the context the grounds ofp, risk entering Kincardine harbor, and sons, One sad feature of the Occur- paper y have authority to come along and sus- the apostle's exhortations viz. -the i®' ward to Victoria street. work. The a er read b D. E. Mun- E was obliged to return to Goderich with- to of Auburn was ver hi hl cpm- ' WANTED. -A girl for general house- Dirt taking on the waiting, would-be r�ence is the fact that his father, who y highly pend business relations that should be atonement, the resurrection of Christ, work. Apply to Mrs. Corbould, Bank is attending the General Assembly, mended and a resolution passed ask- the general resurrection, and the ,Coal of Hamilton, Win ham, passengers, Those on the boat, who, g y' in that it be published in tate Sunda° controlled only by employer and offers reward, closing with a brief reference g cannot reach home in time For the g P y ployee. The wages paid and the offers to past four years and kindly words re - were to have landed at Kincardine, funeral. In a familySchool Times. Mr, Jackson, the From Wingham, to Niagara and were taken back to Goderich, and their of eight, this is the made by the Co. appear to have been yarding Dr. Gundy, the newly appointed � return on July 7th by excursion on way first breach by death. Deceased was Provincial Sea y. of Sunday Schools very fair. pastor. On invitation five ladies came p paid to their destinations by train a member of the Presbyterian Church conducted an interesting Conference, forward as candidates for church mem- C, P. R., for $2.50; see bills, or liver b the steamboat company. y and also discussed • Normal Training" g P y p y p` y' and enjoyed the respect of all who ` g SANDALS.—Handsome is not a strong bershi and were welcomed b the r Mrs, L. Perrin has sold her house in A number from Wingham were a- enough word to do our Ladies Sandals pastor and several of the officials. The had known him from his earl bo with great interest. The evening se Valley, now occupied by mong those who missed their trip by y y slon was especially interesting; justice, See them at W. J. Greer's, hymns were well chosen, and the con - boat to Detroit, hood. The funeral takes place on Fri- P y g; Mr, gregation joined heartily in the service J. J, Mitchell, to Martin Waugh. day, Jackson and Rev, Dr, Daniel of God- NOTICE. -A satisfactory sale of busi- of song. A most successful term of The corner stone of the new Debate. erich, were the speakers, Dr. Towler's ness or property certain if listed with four years was closed by the excellent House of Refuge for Grey County, to Notwithstanding the Darin rain Fox. SAtS.-On account of the death invitation to the Convention to meet 0, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent, discourse of Sunday night. g 9 Y g pouring of the proprietor, the Soda Water manufacturing be erected in Markdale, has been laid. on Monday evening, there was a full business in Wingbam next year in Wingham was accepted, , lett r t th E h L is offered for 1 F t' 1 Dr Towler a el t d 0 d' Th Sh X'r See posters about the excursion to u e room a e pwort eague sale P debate on the question as to whether e. or par icu ars, apply to Percy Hill, Wingbam, w s ec a atrespon ing secretary. On Friday the Christian Toronto and Niagara Falls, on Tues- Men or Women exercise the greater Endeavor workers convened. Rev, N. day, July 7th, and do not miss the ex- cursion, influence. For the Women's side- M• H' N "`�^""""^ D, McCamus of Sarnia., Mrs. John Robb of Brussel Mi St f W, oe, of the Foot. Its the shoe that decides beauty, not the foot. If your shoes look weII, your feet look well, but the handsome foot ise iggius, orman Braudon and �1 s, ssevens o counts for nothing in the unshapely To RENT, -A comfortable, brick Walter Hail, while John Park, Ben- 10NALJ Clinton, W. C. Thompson of Wing- This important suburb of Upper and house pleasant and attractive within shoe. There is one shoe that is doing 'house on Centre street: hard and soft son Cruickshank and Miss BrockL"� Liam, Rev, M, J. Wilson of Nile and Greater Wingham used to be repro- and without, wonders toward making handsome feet water, furnace and five bedrooms.sented in the columns of the Advance, Talk about Wingham, but what -that shoe is championed the cause of the Men. The others took part in the program. The would Apply to Wm. Moore, Shutes street. Rev, F. J. Oaten, of Ashfield was in and why not now ? you do without ovlz electric Men's side were declared winners by town on Frida evening session was full of interest, y light manufactory ? Why, if ova. The Queen Quality Shoe for 'Women. The neat, freshly -painted cottage an four points, so that there need be lin y' Rev. Mr. Sawers of Brucefield and Well, once we were THE town of wheels at power house stop for ten Shuter street has been patiently wait- doubt about the Mrs. Mason of Drayton, visited at Rev, N. D. McOawns gave inspiring Wingham ; once we boasted a flour minutes, there goes upfrotn yourtown question in future, Mr, Slemin's last week. mill that could turn out over a hull- load wails of dissatisfaction -why, Sir, !ng occupancy, and will now be coca rnha Judges were -Mrs. Hogg, Dr, addresses. It was decided to hold the dred barrels of flour a dap; once the we run Wingham (that is, the electricHanna ' Co 's. and the blinds be drawn up. Towler and Rev. R. Robbs, Mr, John Dr, Agnew, of Crestline, Ohio, is 1004 meeting in Winglsam. The officers busy spindles of our woolen -mill kept light part of it), Oh yes, we are of • visiting his parents here, electare: fres.-A.T. Coo 20 air of h0,nds ver bimportance. Patlaad been reading about %Liquid- Kerr was chairman. per Clinton p u usv; once the some'torg$�O) , STOR� %tor being appointed for a St. Thomas Miss Etta Mulvey of Minneapolis is lst Vice -Miss Anderson, Clinton ; 2nd travelling public found ecce ringingda- Don't your forget our fishing inclus- lrxam. visiting her parents in town. Lion in our three hotels ; the ringing - I I If we can't furnish much fish, we Loan Co., and said. -'I know fwat a Vice -W. C. Thompson, Wingham; of the anvils from four blacksmiths' have given to the world some fish- Sole Agents for Wingham. liquid drinker is ; but fwat's a liquid- The Entrance examinations are now Bliss Whittaker of Minneapolis is ,Executive --Walter Hall, Wingham; shops reminded us that Wingham, stories (the next best thing) -just ask q q in progress, In Wingham as a centre, visiting at Air. Jas. Mulvey s, Rev. C, Datim, Crediton ; Miss M. E. even as then known was a bus Nest doer to Post office %ter ?" y place, Mr. Sletnin, Mr. Snell or lir. Sparling. there are 60 candidates writing, 14Ir. James and Robt. McGee visited Ross, Brussels Mr. Mustard Auburn Alas, much of our fame has vanished. In gardens the excel. You must not - friends in Blanchester on Sunda last. + Our mills are seen no more, Even cid forget that of loft. Wells, tvhero by CEMENT -Car Durbam cement just The Bruce Herald saps John Tolmie, Watters of Fordwicb is in charge, and y and bliss Copeland, Auburn. Maitland does not run with its old- dint of industry and Lact, the vegeta" arrived. Parties who intend trsin M.P., will be sent to the Senate, and is assisted by Mr. Bailey of Blyth. Mrs. R. Mclndoo is on a visit to time vigor. We cannot now write of bles and berries are made to row so g that Editor Robb of the Walkerton Miss Brock of Wingbam is presiding friends in Woodstock, Brantford and Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. 0. S. L. our hotels and business blocks, .Much well, g cement soon will do the wise act if Ingersoll, R. 0. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and of our for has de departed, ++ they buy it now, as cement will likely Telescope, is to be the candidate for at Blyth. The results of the Entrance Throat, will be in �VTn ham, at Cam „ glory P ted, and Icha- Then we have an Academy of Learn- advance in price before long. We are We aro ]eased to report that Iviiss g P- bocl may be written on our early aspir- Ing, where Miss Beckett resides so the new riding of South Bruce, examinations may be expected about P p bells drug store, Monday, June 20th. tions, The star of empire has on P also Agents for Hanover cement, -A, B. Reynolds is recovering from her Glasses t P gone successfully. We have no Hi 1z A meeting of the Women's Institute July 20th. The Junior Leaving exam- recent illness. properly fitted, eastward (not westward) and newer School yet, g Young &Son, will be held in Chisholm's hall on ination will commence here on Thurs- __ _ __� Wingham has cast us in the shade- From the hills of our burg are visible MONEY TO LOAN—At 4 Miss Lily Denholm of Blyth was the now we are only known as "Lower the chimneys of your factories, and to per cent. on Friday, July 3rd, commencing at dap, July 2nd, at $.45 a.m. J, H, guest of Miss Maude Fleuty for a few Wingham," the north that busy spot, the Western improved farms. Easy terms of re - 2,30 p.m. All ladies interested in the Cameron of Brussels is presiding ex- days this week, But don't fancy we are of no imVor- Foundry. Payment; expenses light. Apply A. work of the home are cordial] invited %miner. 'Cher. are sixteen candidates Bliss Eolith Mitchell and brother Lance, or thab Lower Wingbam is a Nor are we in itn rovements, Dulmage, Real Estate and Loan y TOWN FALL g p' Agent, Kent Block. to attend, to write on this examination, all from Simon returned last Friday from a place where llobo:iy lives. Why, here Two fine concrete abntmenta have Wingham School, Principal Mus- visit to Ilensall friends. we have gentlemen -retired gentle- been built at the river sides, and soon FIIIiNITiiliE Bx PRIVATE SALE, -At rove will reside at the Junior Leav- Miss Ida Holmes !s back at the Ione m R 1Idy men-desiring to end their days in a second fine new iron bridge will span g p g SATURDAY URDAY Bi VBI eats, a few minutes' walk froth the the river here. the residence 33 J. Orr Rose, Minnie P Street, from June 22 until July 1st. ing examinations in Brussels. factory, after spending a few weeks in noise of manufacturing establish- Mr. Ii. Smith has purchased his '. Come and examine. Dundas with her parents. ments, free from the heavy burdens of son's residence, and has removed there A few more men can be started on A. Strom Reeve of Howick, was mercantile life and the still heavier from your town ; now don't be jealous, the road to fortune and independence. Strong, 2?th Ripley Express says :=14lcOreight P in town on Monde on munci al bust.- demands of the las collector. Among Mr, Editor, if your townspeople prefer ----THE--- Don tdelay, Write to -day to G. blot- y P these gentlemen we may mention- our town to yours, and Grant, artesian well drillers, shall & Co., Teas, London, Ont, Hees and gave the Advance a call. Mr. Agnew, whose family is taking so Nor must we forget our gassy park struck a flotw.of oil on John Finlay- Mrs. Reading and young daughter, creditable a stand in the professional on Maitland's sunny bMxv, the de son's farm at Lochalsh. This means a who have been visiting at D. M. Gor• The Great Now England Comworld, furnishingph sicians, dentists, light of ionic parties and parties of' f n gold mine for the owner of the proper- Rev. Dr, Henderson, who delighted don's, are spending a few weeks in. To- nurses, etc. AHigh Bank Orchard gygpsieF),p P ( P Corner Drug Store ty if the flow proves to be large the audiences here at the recent Con- roil to. Mr, Agnew takes a well-earned rest When passing by, Mr. Editor, just Yerence, was severel in ured since b Mrs, F, G. S arlin Dr, S arlin `� after years of toil on the farm, respec- look in at Geo. Phippen s, our painter - enough. y j y P g� P g Joshua Simpkinsted by all. artists snug and tasty home ---not ►a, kick from a horse. He was visiting and child, have gone to St. Dlaryys to y large A Tennessee contemporary records his brother in the west at the time, spend some finis with Dr. Sparliug's Then there is Father Flack, whose or palatial it is true, but tidy without Is the Place t0 et birth of a girl bah with three bands p friends there. tannery was Once one a our iather and tidy within, A row of pretty g g• y Itis note probable that the Canadian MOST ALL FUN tries. The tannery is gone --but Father shade trees, a 'Wtvotl•kepE garden, heaps everything that is and arms, Fortunate infant. When Pacific Railway will extend the Guelph Miss Mabel Orr of the Brunswick Flack goes on (perhaps not forever), of domestic animals. Somehow, I like she attains the age of long dresses she Junction Railway to Goderich. It is be. house, attended the wedding, in Tor- respected by ail, faithful in every line to see men and boys fond of pets ; it Kure and Fresh In will be obis to carry an umbrella in lieved that should the different intuni- onto last week, of Miss Katio Morrow of life -for forty odd years a good indicates a love of animals that is none one hand, le td u Iter skirts with the ses give sles ufficient encouragement,h ad pas -the to Mr. H. Cross, Near the splendid Orchestra. er'Th n tizen of our anotber burg. Englishman lives to Attr actionoo s of A heart open to the PMrs, Denholm of Blyth intends Leav- g pets cannot be alto - second, and keep the wind from blow- extension will be built witin A. year. ing on Monday for a three montlis' Seo the Thrilling Saw Mill scene, tine westward still, a good citizen, not gether closed to nature's best impulses Ing her hat off with the third, The holiday trip ; she will visit at Chicago, perhaps so vigorous as in da3•s past, and influences. Geo. has some paint - St. ' The Post ofYice Department will is- "Joshua, Simpkiroug ns," accompanied tiriD►ednb' Paul's, Winnipeg and other points. Watch for the Comedy hand at but the ail tike Mr. Hill, who Lives oil ings that are very creditable. Though p• p P• y4 p, nl, tiro hill, not an art, critic, we fancy that there Fine new postage stamps oil Dominion a fine band and An excellent orchestra W. J. Greer returned on Wednesday Then Then we must not fot,get Griend is in Gear''e aoille genius, that had it will he seen at the Town Hall, Sator- from a trip through Manitoba. Ile Reserved Seats at Douglass Drug Nernighan, another sterh i citizen, hats the uTivantage of early and skilful jorugs Day. The stamps bear the likeness of clay Eve'g., June •L7, It is a rural play attended the Grand Lodge of the Or- Store, who has done good good service on the training, might have developed even the Ding, copied from a picture paint- in four acts, bound together by an In. ange Order in Winnipeg while in the Board of Directors in the Agricultural in Lower Wingham an artist, whose ed on his accession to the throne, rep- teresting plot anti produced with spec- west, Society,- and Mr. Ansley, the faithful productions rnight have graced the art ial scenery carried by the company. , County L+'ngineer and Minister of Pub- Alloy of a city, One large painting resenting him. ni royal robes, A Rev. bit. I sitar and wife were -•---�•---•-•x�.�- q _ In the third act a realistic Saw Milt lie Works for Huron count i Tudor crown is on each corner of the scene is introduced, when a real Buzz guests of W. J. Chapman during their $tRTSs county, whose s and good in its cern etign stay here. Mr. Priest was formerly _ une 2 sons are tel worleditahlo places in the and few defects tail be found in design , stamp. _ wt t rriflaw is e speed ►upgo n which it bun5ah a real n tiastor of the Baptist church here, but G Mrs.Thos, Glroves, a dau hte . �2' tonna has world, ll yes! citizens- Lower or coins, r- neat little home is that of L p far the past eight eg town has sone exon Rei citizens our e i re sortlst. � Ham-ilton Corbota d,iiar k of Hamilton, � `Yin s, being has been helplessly hound by his missionary ill Igitdia� ars, has been a11iARIr;1AgBS, !hero is Father Adair Reid, %grand ��e aro carry to report that one of Wing. enemies and left to an evident death, man, and others -lint I must stop, or our vesidrnts, Mr. Will. Netterfreld, is ham. There is Ali abundance of comedy in Dr, and Mrs. Towler and. W. 0. 11olmw--Gibson, .In Wingliam, June the editor will consign this whole sorely alltieted with that painful dis- DM IGGIST }--- - - the play, while there are many fine Thompson, Attended the Christian Z'•1, b Rev.'R, Robbs, Mr, Jno, helm sheet to the waste basket. ease, cancer, that we fear is gradually onigul And dancing aUpecialties inti• Endouvor and Sunday School Couveti- to Miss Sarah Gibson, both of Did you 'know that this is A suburb undermining his strength. Te X. ray� � Niaw 1 N1i'iv I N)AVI dentally introduced. Reserved seats taon in Blyth last Friday: "t'V. 0. Wingham. to which your business inen retire have boon tried, but have not accom• ry I N G II A, N Every thing In Mens Shoos that's are on sale tit, Douglass Drug atore. Thompson gave an address on Mission- b>t t7ftYs• after the toils of the clay. Yes, air; plished a +cure. DIV. Notteriield has new tight from the Foot•weax• fashion Their band will parade in burlesque ary work. Mr. aticl 11Irs, Park also Maxwell-It1 Morris, Jun `210, ,lames for lnstiznce, see T. T. Field in his cora- for many long years been a respected ca►rtbra- at Vii. J, Greor'a, coatume8, let 4 p,m, attended the convention, Maxwell, aged 46 years, fortable home llear the river side, a. resident of this iocail#;p. w u