HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 8THF W INGHAM ADVANCE June i g, i q,3
Bluevale. Belgrave. .Morris.
Frolot Week
A1iss IIoed visited friends iTl Chesley ofj nothe �1sonn i$ thli prUll({ 11098eQa0r 'Ile Help nesliedc u ch. is a ttel� at last !Peek, the Sunshine church. It is a tip tap
Thea, Miller, 5th line, is improving building on cement foundation,
Miss Bertha these
pal is visiting g Thursday o last week Jno. Clegg
-,-�•-� ���� friends in Blyth these past few weeks, nicely,. Ivo are bald to state, y f
Mr. D. Wheeler is attending the and Jaen OloaCoast. left fora trip to of
Mr, and DSra• `Phos, Paton of Tgron• g the Pacific Coast. They will visit at
The home grown Berries are to are visiting relatives in this vicin- Synod in London this week, Various points along the route and
now in and they are excellent, ity. Mr. F. Wheeler was delegate to the will be away a month or six weeks,
Thomas Patton from near fort High Court of the C. C. F, In Hamel- A garden party was held on the
This store, as usual, is had- Hoke is visiting his brothers David ton last week, lawn of Wm. Clark, Township Clerk, On account Of too heavy a stock of Shoes we have decided to clear the whole lot
an 'William. Mr, Hugh McLean has purchased 8th line, under the auspices of the Sab• 3 �
the McCort farm on the loth con• bath School and choir of Jackson's out at a tremendous sacrifice. "Profit" will not be taken into consideration. Every
Mrs. Redmond of Winnipeg is re- •
carters for the est of everything,
g P East Wawrnosh. church, on J.uesday� evening. The
Hewing old acquaintances to this pair must be sold in next oda 's. You m,, as well save move as our neighbors,
nei hbexhood at resent, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilkinson and Brussels Baud furnished good music. 3 ) y �' y
luite a large load of members of the Cargill, A Garden art l so come with the crowds on Saturday, da when the rest Sale of Shoes starts.
In Fresh Fruits We have ( child, of Cat ill aro visiting at W. �pl� y vii! be hid an the y y g
Woman's Institute drove over to Gor- K. Whaley's at present, grounds of Mr. G, Turvey, 2nd lin, on
--STRAWBERRIES rie to attend the district meeting last About 15 tickets were sold here for Band is epectedto pr vd oMus'ic.
—PINEAPPLES ANAs hS Wednesday. It is said that the $very the excursion to Detroit last Saturday, Revs, McKelvey of Wroxeter, and C. � * r �� � Y.�� ��
—BANANAS vale delegation presented some very the boys report a good time. P. Wells of Ethel, will Kilo addresses, +�-1, .�L-.•If i '
weighty arguments.
—ORANGES AND We are pleased to report the steady and a good program is being prepared. •
—LEMONS The many friends of Mrs. Robb, improvement in the health of Mr. W., Council met on Monday, June 8tb,
Musgrove will regret to hear that Lawrence since his return home. His for the purpose of holding Court of Are OU looking IOC a snap in Clothing ? If you are we have the snaps that will
at Lowest Prices - when arriving at Montreal, she was friends have good hope nolo that he Revision on the Lamont drain by-law y g p y ' p
advised by a physician that she bad will soon be enjoying his former good and for the transaction of otherybusi- please you, We have a big stock of Ready-made Clothing, well selected, splendidly
better not attempt the trip across the health. made, , ever garment a fitter, and at such tempting rices that it will be hard to resist
In Green Vegetables we have As Mrs. Musgrove hoped the David Agar appealed against being
ocean, y air 1? g p
ocean trip would be beneficial, it is dis- Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Brown were the tem tation of buying.
eppointin to have to return without suddenly called to attend the funeral assessed for said drain unless he is p
,loying ii of Mrs. Brown's mother at Browns• guaranteed an outlet through N J lot
—WAX BEANS ville. They have the deep sympathy 10, con. 8, as the owner of said lot
—CUCUMBERS Another of the early settlers of of their many friends in their sad be. holds a lease giving him the right to
Turnberry has passed away, in the reavement. back the water oil his land, making
—ONIONS person of Robert Duncan, who died on The following has reference to the the drain of no benefit to him. ��� I �-1 S
—ASPARAGUS, ETC. Wednesday, June 10th. He had been g Code—Taylor—That this Oouncil do E to
in failing health for some years, and late Mrs. Livingston, mother of Mrs, not consider that they have power to
at Market Prices , for the last six months had been al- (Rev.) A. H. Brown of this place. S511irmed,
o such a guarantee, and that the Are you looking for a dainty"Waist, nice! made tastilytrimmed and right -up -to -
most helpless. Mr. Duncan was born A LIFE WELL SPENT, eneer's report and assesamnts h 'y ' 'in Glasgow.Scotland, on May 10, 1829• Auotber of the pioneers of Oxford and that By-law No. 4,1903, date in every particular ; we have these stylish Waists, and you Can buy them from
He was a son of the late Alexander county has been taken away by the known as the Lamoynt Drain By-law, I.00 t0 2 according t0 the unlit trimming and finish.
' Dnncaphoberwhot (thewith hs abjecis t of Margaret
Livingston. whoson June e homeof rs Edward r asOrd nary Counow read be ncil !bus business was n g 3' s g quality, ,
TUDHOPE, Hoed, Our rest sale of Whitewear will be continued for another week—you may as
sketch), and the other members of the mires neat of Tillsonburg. She was proceeded with as felons:— well take advantage of the great snaps we are offering.
family, in 1813 left the land of the born in the county of Peel in the year On motion of Jackson and Oode, Mr.
heather and came to Canada, settling 1828 and so was in her seventy-fifth Wm. Bryans was granted 20 cents per Have you seen the dainty washing Ties and Collars in a dozen different styles
Phone 68 Prompt Delivery' first on the Plains near Brantford. On year, She remembered with grati• rod for erecting 80 rods of wire fence
December 15tb, 1852, Mr. Duncan was tude the home of her childhood, where on east boundary at lot 30, con. 6. that We sell at 25 cents. They are beauties.
united in marriage to Elizabeth Mc- a large'familyOu grow up beneath the On motion of Shaw and Taylor, Mr. Our great cut price sale of Dress Goods is in full swing. Are looking for a
Kenzie of Rogfmt Sutherlandshire, sunshine of good parentage. She in- Jackson was instructed to expend $20 g y g
REAL (ESTATE Scotland. In
1805 they moved to hetited the buoyancy of her father in gravelling lot 30, on 9th con. line, stylish Dress at a bargain. If you are, we have it. Come t0 the busiest store in �.
Turnberry, then called the Queen's and the patience of her mother. also have bridge and two culverts in Wingham for good goods at reasonable rices.
Flush, and have been continuous resi- Deceased was married more than same locality put in a proper state of g g p
M list of exeoptionally fine farms is dents ever since. Mr. Duncan was a fifty-three years, having celebrated repair.
steadily increasing,
reasinmattewhand the at kind of farm ho may charter member of the L. O, L. here, her golden wedding three years ago. On motion of Shaw and Taylor, the '
Max -
desire) would do well to have a look at this and was a staunch Presbyterian. He She and her husband lived all the Reeve was instructed to have Maa-
eara w their married life on the one
list before buying boutelsewhere. was one of the number who partook e y well's bridge on 3rd con. line floored
lace, which is something remarkable
Just a word about town property -i have he first Communion in Bluevale. We tplace
this age of chane and failure. and repaired. G ORDON
some excellent investments for the man with might mention that there are only two g g. Accounts were ordered to be paid as Do Me
money, guaranteeing at least 10 per cent on of those first communicants now liv- such a record is rare in the country follows -John Oasemore, repairing
the amount invested. For further partiou• ing, viz—Mrs, Robert Duncan, wife of to -day, bridge at stone school -house, $1; John Big Prices for Trade {
tars. Apply to deceased, and Mrs. Jessie Messer. Mr. There were nine children given to Hopper, gravelling on sidelins, $24; G, . DIRECT IMPORTER
CLYME MAGUIRE Duncan leaves to mourn the loss of a this home, seven surviving, all Of.
McCallum, repairing culvert, 59c; Geo.
kind husband and father, besides Mrs. whom are married and settled. There Christopher. wire for fence on east
Real Estate Agent Duncan, six daughters, viz—Mrs. Pbi- are two sons, Rev. S. G. Livin Ston, boundary, $14.30•
Office: -Upstairs in Vanstone Block. lip Thomas of Bluevale, Mrs. Charles of Alvinston, and Mr. George � Liv- Council then adjourned, to meet
Mann of Lumsden, Assa., Mrs. Fred. ingston of Ingersoll, and five dat'gh- again June 9th, for Court of Revision
Marsh of Woodstock, Mrs. Jacob Har- ters, Mrs. Baker, Tillsonburg, Mrs. and other business.
per of Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. Frank (Rev.) Couzens, Talbotville, Mrs. Tay- W. CLARK, Clerk.
o Gannett of Ohio, and Mrs. Tom West tor, Chatham ; Mrs. Rev. Brown, Bel -
now at home; another daughter, Mrs. grave, and Mrs. Hatch at home. l
r William McIntosh died at Regina last There are fifteen grandchildren and
water. Mr. Duncan was a good two great grandchildren. Both Mr. West Wawanosh. New.
neighbor, and will be much missed es- and Mrs. Livingston belonged to fame- The corner stones of the new Metho-
DO�iINION DAY ostially by the older neighbors, thea noted for longevity. v his aide dist church at Nile were laid on Tues -
there are six living whose average age
FOR 19 3 �: is about eighty, and on her side there d.&y, 16th inst.—one for the congrega-
are nine yet alive. tion by W. 0. Myers of Saginaw, Michi- a
Will Issue Return Tickets at Salem. The pioneers of this country were a gan, one of the Trustee Board by W.
noble class of people who deserve the Doherty of Clinton, a third for the
SINGiL�. FIRST �+Ap ❑ Sundayr. nd Mrs. last at hibert e home alofher spent Mr. Ed- highest honor for the service they She fourth for theSchool yECworth League by Shoe
SINGLE r 1� 1=r have rendered to the cause of civiliza- p g y
MASS ward Bryans of Grey. tion, The hardships they endured are John Joynt, Lucknow.
Mr. and Miss Jordine of Gorrie spent almost byond belief. The men cut On Wednesday, June 10th, a most
Going June 30th and July 1st, return- P down the forests and the women lived pleasing ceremony was celebrated at
Sunday last at the home of Mr. and p g y
ing until July 2nd, 1903, between all Mrs. Robt. McIntosh of this place. alone in log shanties, sometimes with the shrine of Hymen, when Miss Laura I� ��s� Button Blocks
in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault lneither windows or doors, hearing the Carr, daughter of Alfred Carr, of East
We are eased to have with us
Ste. Marie Mich.,.Detroit, Mich., and P wolves bowl and in constant dread. Wawanosh, was united in the holy
another year Rev. Mr. McKelvey, and Such courage, when seen on the battle bonds of matrimony to Robert Wight -
East, and TO but NOT FROM Buf- trust that God may bless his work on field, is called heroism, but there were man, a prosperous farmer of the same
810, N. Y. the Wroxeter circuit, many women, of whom the world was township. The silken knot was tied
For rates, tickets and full particulars We are pleased to learn that Mrs. not worthy, who endured days of toil by Rev. T. B. Oou landof Auburn, in
apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Robt. Mitchell is still improving in the and nights of terror for the sake of the presence of about eighty guests,, J . Button & Co. 'have opened a Boot and
London Hospital and hope she may their duty to their husbands•and love mostly near relatives of the contract- p
Agent. soon be able to return home. to their children. ing parties.
Few women have been more beauti• Shoe store in the premises lately vacated by
A. H. NOTMAN We are sorry to report that Mrs. fel examples of this supreme devotion •BARNS BURNED.—During the heavy 7
AsststantGeneralPassengerAgent Thomas Mil had the misfortune of than Mrs, Livingston, but trial never thunder storm that prevailed on sun- Thomas Bazaar (Button Block) where you will
King St. East, Toronto, falling and hurting herself very badly, broke her spirit nor caused her to lose day afternoon last, the barns of Thos. 7_7
but we hope the old lady will soon hope. She was always cheerful and Anderson, jiiat north of this village, find a large and varied stock Of the latest In
recover. were struck b lightning, tried to encourage others. Neighbors y g, g, anti totally
: • `'' The Salem Sabbath School purpose were precious in those days when the destroyed. ne end buildings were in the peaai- Footwear for men women and children.
i 1 holding their annual picnic on July nearest house was a mile or two away whole county, having been overhauled 7
0th, in Mr. Palmer's grove. A good through the woods. Women aid not and remodelled ust a few o time is looked forward to; ever make fashionable calls then, but when ] nears a g For or the first Thirty Days we will have a
Dominion Day. will be made welcome. everybody with home -sick hearts khey met and About 15W bushels of grain were in 7��
told each other of their trials, the the barn, all of which was lost, togeth- S eeial Sale whgoods will be sold at a re -
Return tickets will be issued at Death has again visited this part in learned to love each other as sisters er with a number of implements. Mr. p 7 en
claiming the little daughter of Mr. and this love never died, as was shown Andersons loss will be pretty heavv,
SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE and Mrs. Dan McTavish. She was a by the large number of aged people notwithstanding that the barn and duced price. Our stock has been selected from
between all stations in Canada, also to Buf- bright little girl of some three years. who came to pay their last respects to contents were insured. the best makers and the goods are high-class
Pato, SuMsiension Bridge x. Y. Detroit, Pt. She died on Tuesday night, and was the subject of our sketch. Old women INDIIOTION.—On Tuesday, the 2nd
Huron, ch., etc, buried on Wednesda afternoon. . 7
(food going JUNE loth and JULY let, 3' wept beside her grave saying "She lust., i❑ the afternoon, a meeting of ,
The disease was Scarlet fever. Mr.
Valid returning from destination on orbeiore was good to me, many years ago. the Maitland Presbytery was held in an up-to-date In ever particular.
JULY 2nd 1903. and Mrs. McTavish have the svmpatby Strong men moved with emotion, con- Erskine church, Dungannon, for the ; p Y. p
oof f the whole community in their hour fessed that her loving words had been pnrpose of inducting Rev. Mr. Ruther- A1SO a complete line of Trunks Valises,'
the means of helping them back to the ford. Rev. Mr. Smith preached, Rev. 7 7
Excursions to Canadian Nortn West :�' path of virtue. She tried to be a McKay addressed the minister, Mr Telescopes Etc.
Good going June 18th, valid for return until friend to everybody, the aged, the Maxwell addressed the congregation 7
August 18th. Good going July 4th, valid for Jamestown. poor, the weak and even the fallen, and Mr. Hstie occupied the chair. We shall be pleased to have a call from all
return until September 8th. She loved everybody and that love There was a large attendance present,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fear of Blytb was returned by all who came within Pott Albert and St. Helens congrega-
spent Sunday at William Moses.' the circle of her influence. tions well represented. After the in- parties requiring anything In our line. We t
Quite a number from this vicinity She was a cbristian of the humble duction there was an entertainment,
Lake Nipissing, Muskoka
a wnsthaeLakes, and the attended the barn raising of Peter type. While others might speak with consisting of refreshments,which were will use you right.
Magnetewan River are reached only by the Scott last week, assurance of their righteous 'lives, she bountifully served by the ladies of the
Grand Trunk Railway. Excelle"+ Hotel ac- felt conscious of unworthiness, but if congregation in the basement, and a
commodation, healthy climate, fishing, etc. Messrs. James Innes, Dougald the greatest of the ehristian graces is program given in the body of the -
Literature, information, etc., from Agents. Strachan and Will, Moses took in the 'Love" she will stand in the front church, composed of practical addres-
J. D. McDONALD excursion to Owen Sound last Friday. rank in heaven. ses, interspersed with excellent selec-
g But it was in the home where are tions of music b the choir of the ON & COM
District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Miss Ina Bryans who has been stay- ywe in is wri in for he past couple is was dnsiof her fe faithfult. ly with her hus- Mre the bur- essyodist Taylor, ofrBrussels,0w'honsangweeks ha ofth her exam. in music band, and always tried to help her some solos with good appreciation by BU
on Friday of thin week, children by precept and example to the audience.
Mr. McAllister took the service in become virtuous and kind, at home
Victoria Hall last Sunday evening. and in every walk of life. l•
RButton Block, Winghalll
Rest While i
'Rev. Mr. Ross will take charge of the The funeral service was conducted .
prayer meeting on Friday evening. by D. E. Martin assisted by Rev. J. B. Howick.
Quite a number from Brussels drove Freeman, M.A., S.U. A large cortege
each warm day in one of a out to the residence of Mr. Duncan proceeded to the Bayham cemetery, black mares dam Ridtold Miafternoon an of
Taylor one evening last week. All re- where the body was laid to rest. a seaforth man for Thursday
our comfortable Hammocks. If port having spent a very pleasant All returned to their homes feeling delivered in Gorrie onOFridarymorn THE MARKETS
you have not already Secured time, that the world was poorer, but one y
y y more had been added to the number ing•
one we shall be pleased to sup- = in heaven. Joseph Wood of the 16th sold his WING UAM MARKETS
DEATHS. s an of chestnut mares to a Mr. Jack-
_ ply you. You Can get a nice _ Gray—In Howick, on Monday, Juno 1 son, near Harriston the other da for Flour per 1per00 b , h new
$1 85 to $2 25
one full color, fall Size Com- • 15th, Stephen Gray, aged 78 ears, y Fall wheat per bush new 68 to t0E
, , , P y g y Blyth. $360. They air a fine team and well Oats per bush........... 0 28 to 0 29
matched. June
piste With pillow and Stretcher Alex. McKenzie of Hensall was in Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 040
for $2; better ones at 112.60 New York Weekly Witness. our burg on Tuesday. Mesara, Stanley -and Heber Mahood, Peas per bush.......... 0 80 to 065 � .}..
> > _ y students of Toronto Medical School Bran .... ....... .....17 90 to 18 00
$3 and 4.50. Mr, Levack of London made a busi-
w THE BEST ALL AROUND ness trip to our village this week. and University respectfully, are roma shorts ..................18 00 to 20 00 -91
FAMILY NEWSPAPER. , for their holidays and assisting their Ohop............ ...... „ 1 15 to 1 2.7 E
The new additions to the Queens brother Fred on the farm. Ha ......... 7 00 to 7 60 •
An exponent of ArVied Christ.iantty. Inde- and Commercial hotels are nearing r
pP g Bu ter per lb...... ..... 0 la to 0 16
pendent in politics. Ilene something of interest Mr. P. Brplvu is selling oft h 9 lug P
for every member of the household. Farm and completion, her and expects to rave ever thin C' Kgs • • • • • • • • • • .. 0 12 t0 0 ] 2E
Keel Cook _ (lienee Department; Children's Department; Mr, and Mrs. Milne, and Jaynes Me- cleared out before snow flies• We Lard .................... 0 15 to 0 15 Bargains.
Scientific $1.00 a Year
Spirit of the Pleas Murchie and wife, attended the Rin Potatoes per bush...... 0 70 to 0 70
Ise. only $L00 a Year. The Witness ansa g- hear he intends to locate somewhere
Advance combined, only $1.70 a year• lin Bros, circus at London on Mon- near Wiarton, and stay with his fav- A ples per ba 0 60 to 0 50
g p p g ........ ,
by using the breezy fans - --- day last, orite work, milling. Hrdea per 100 lbs........ 6 00 to 6 00
A friend! game of football was A ver pretty but quiet, wed( Lamb skins ............ 0 25 to 0 30 BIG BARGAINS in JEWELRY at '
Such as we sell. Palm leaves SABBATH READING. y g y P Y 9 g Dressed hosts........... 7 0o to 700
played on the park grounds, Mnday took place at the residence of Mrs, Livehogs................ 5 50 to 6 60 PATTERSON'S JEWELRY STORE
at 5C, and 2 for 5e. Dainty A x6 -Page Weekly Paper. Solely evening, between Westfield and.Blyth; Campbell Hyndmau, con, 4, flowick, Tallow, per Ib........... 05 to 5} i •l+
little fans for house use at 6C, = Religious in Character. result, a tie -1-1, on Tuesday, June 9th, when her young- 8
g wool ................ 10 to I for the month of June. We have a large
Fans No News: No Politica, Stories; Poetry; A large humber of delegates are ex- est danghter, Miss Matilda, was joined '
100, 15e, 250; Sick Gauze fans Sunday -School Lesson Christian Endeavor petted to attend the Sunday School in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr, stock of new goods for wedding presents,
at 5OC 75C and $1.25. and I; worth League Topics; Mothers' Sab• and Christian Endeavor Convention to Robert Dunn of Clifford. TORONTO STOCK MARKET.
bath Afternoon with the Children ; Miscel- be held in the Presbyterian church on + special for June. You should see our nice
laneous Roligions Matter. Only 60o a Year, y I. For full and accurate market re-
M,�„ Tho Sabbath Reading and Advance com• Thurgday and Friday of this week. 1
bined, only 81.35 a year• porta deo second page. stock of lucky wedding Rings. Our Watch
A very pleasant event transpired In GCe �
5PBCIAL OPF6R.-The Wltnom Sab• Hullett on Wednesday, I7th, when y' - ---- xi line is complete in gents' and ladies'. A 4+
�-ts i' �* bath a ya ing, and Advance combined, only Sarah, youngest daughter of. the late Two new municipal drains are on F
■ or. Summer James Mains was united in marriage the program in Grey, one on the 17th Tenders Wanted. t ' big snap in Ladies' Gold Filled Watches
---•- --- - - --- • con, an the other on the 13th con.
e with rile. Roland Gook. A large num• �;.
Rea fan ber of friends of the bride and groom A. Morrison, cheesemaker, Silver For cuttinfq, saving and putting in barn, + ($800.00 worth) will be sold for $4,00 each
g Notice to Creditors. were present ; he ceremony was per• Corners, who was seriously hurt a ton aeras of Iiay near the WDatern Fou . }
formed b Rev. Mr, Stewart of Olin- Or -offers will be accepted for the hay as It less than the regular rice for June only.
y few weeks ago in Atwood b a as ex- , r +
g y 8 stands and atter-grass of tha Reason, Send 1?i p J y
we have the latest works ton. The young couple take up house• plosion, is near! well again. tenders to
I1, the
nl ttnrof t'+of Town state fh me in the keeping in favorable circumstances; P y g B. GERItY, Brussels. _4
of fiction in paper and cloth County of Iiuron, Gentleman, deceased. we extend congratulations. Iiev. W. A. Smith, B. D., son of We
bindin crWee MCGfre OI'° Notice is hereby given pursuant to the R, S. Trueman Smith, who has bean eta-Go
g gO. Chap. 129, that all ppursuenavo tclaimstioned at Oil Springa, Lambton Co„
costs but 25c in paper, 50c in against the catato of the Pala Alpxandpr Win am Cement Works. will move t0 Aarfield circuit dna will FOR SALE. '
Mitchell, who died on the 14th day of Ma make his home in Lucknow, where the +
Cloth. 1903, Lire re(Inired on or before the Hleventh
day of July 1903. to file with Thomas Chisholm, But Brands of dement always On Parsonage is located. /�,
Physician, or Robert Maxwell, Executors, or hand, fresh and reliable, Robert Pearson is receiving the Less than a mile from Wingham, a The 'Great Watch Doctor
the undersigned,
nd Lcir , M 13taat m of all the fulceonr eq. Also cement window Bills and hearty congratulations of his large good farm, with brick house and good
v hold b them (if any) and that after the said arches, Door sills made to Order. or circle of friends over his success in buildings ; will be sold with growing
t date, the said Executors will proceed to dis- any other kind 0f cement work. Lime p_rising his 2nd year's exam, at the crop if desired; possession on short
DOPER � C06 tramto the assets among the persons ontitied for sale, It will pay you to give us a Universit at Toronto in his Arts notice if arrangements are made. This + Q Eh W ING HAM 4+
thoreto, haven{f� regard only to the claims of call; information cheerfully given. is a most desirable property and will
which they shalt then have notice. cgoarse, Ie is Inteending to enter gthe P P y
'CCSS01°i t0 Alex. 17053 AITi itsoa t 1DWRI loot oro f1101 teFyuwrs,m, this 11th day of er >17.49ra ks; Joaep> n street.
l Tit DGIER, lines al t Methodist a' qr along t is educatsecuriional of be aTEiNold r'WiNt; HA14I reasonable terms, Enquire or
`� " + + +
1. T �f •